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1|Literature Review

Government College University Lahore

Department of Political Science

Statecraft & Politics

Submitted by: Mr. Anas Khanzada

Roll no. 1646-BH(E)-PS-20

Submitted to: Respected Sir Tauseef

2|Literature Review

Review of Chapter 1 (Assigned reading from page 1 to 15)

Author’s ruling idea is confined to Andrew korybko article “Pakistan: The Global Pivot State”. He
supports his idea by determining some factors which force and inhibit Pakistan’s significance.
These factors were based on demography, location, monumental displacement, extremism and
its geostrategic capabilities.
Andrew Korybko article composed of geostrategical capabilities which evaluate Pakistan as a
pivot state in 21st Century. After it, Pakistan is hailed as vital player in Global politics by
international media. Author’s insight was although Pakistan has capabilities and has strategic
depth in location, but unfortunately not have good relation with neighbors. You can change
your destiny not your neighbor. Later, Pulwama attack happened which act as antidote to
positive image of Pakistan. Burki describe it as a false flag operation. International community
as well as their watch dog FATF levelled charges against Pakistan. Although, Pulwama was
done by non-state actors, but revenge made India to get involve state actor directly. They
arrange retaliatory air force operation but they failed. As a result, there pilot captured, Pakistan
return back their pilot for the sake of good relation. Fire does not stop there. Darkening cloud
was still there, Pakistan’s positive image remain vanished.
Moreover, along with general perspective Burki claims Pakistan can also made their destiny by
utilizing its demography. He proposed two supported argument, first beside Pakistan population
is desperately increase since independence but its poverty rate decrease inversely. Because,
favorable economic setup within and outside of Pakistan i.e. creating diaspora in west,
vocational diplomas. Second, the foremost significant factor of demography is demographic
dividend; Youth. According to UN report, Pakistan demography composed of 63% of youth,
which can be used as in effective as well as in destructive way. Beside this, Maliha Lodhi put the
youth as Time ticking bomb. Author support it by comparing with Arab spring 2011, youth can
bring revolution as well as evolution.
Furthermore, Pakistan got exceptional location which made it so important. According to
Andrew Korybko, Pakistan has power to change world order, it shares border with world largest
economy holding state e.g. India and China. So, if Pakistan is proved as zipper of Eurasia it will
change fate of global order. For Example; OBOR (one belt, one road), CPEC and reviving of Silk
road can change the destiny of Pakistan. Despite all of this, writer argue Pakistan need a
Political leader which utilize these opportunities to make Pakistan get benefit rather than
interest of few. The geographical location also got positive and negative impact e.g. access to
Monumental displacement of one state shaped state social, economical and political factors.
Burki put Vazira Zamindar reference to make clear the significance of monumental
displacement “The movements influenced dealing with foreign affair as well as domestic
policies”. These movements can be in term of refugees and diaspora. Refugees are those which
displaced from homeland to other due to uncomfortable environment i.e. catastrophic event,
3|Literature Review

natural disaster etc. Diaspora is displacing one state to other for self-interest, it is carried by pull
factor of migration. Both have fruitful and bitter consequences. Author also analyze if relation
between Pakistan & India countries remain entangled, Pakistan can also expect large flow of
refugees from Kashmir.
Author justify monumental displacement effect by implementing it on Pakistan. In term of
refugees, Pakistan possessed two stream lines; 1). At time of partition and 2) Arrival of Afghan
refugees. At first, Author describe brutish behavior of colonial master which made Pakistan
moth eaten have several consequences after their departure. Confined to the topic, between
Pakistan and India one of largest refugee’s flow occur with massacre on large scale. It has
several long-term consequences, number of people who came from India was well educated and
become economical elites. Political system hijacked by them i.e. first PM of Pakistan. Socially,
migrated people are filled with antagonistic emotional sentiment. If it is taken as more critically,
this flow of people made Pakistan pro Muslim state. Actually, it can be identified as an act of
Ethnic cleansing, which destruct diversity in Pakistan. Due to this flow Pakistan join Islamic bloc.
Afghan arrival can be seen into two stream line, first at the time of USSR intervention, second at
the time of war on terror. Due to uncomfortable circumstances in Afghanistan, a large number
of refugees travelled to Pakistan, which make Pakistan world largest Afghan populated country.
The major consequences were the extremism and foreign relation with USA. Due to it, many
terrorist organizations came in Pakistan. Drone attack causes death of thousand civilian of
Pakistan. Pakistan got foreign aid; it was the fruitful result of this flow.
Monumental displacement also occurs in term of diaspora. This act was majorly done due to
windfall gains and mostly worker exporting countries. Pakistan diaspora mainly forecast in west
and middle east. In middle east, mostly community there for sake of windfall gains i.e. labor,
exchange of valuable currency. Result of middle east diaspora is mainly poverty of Pakistan is
decreased due to labor opportunities in middle east. It also gives benefit in term of remittance.
But when the diaspora came back, they bring conservative Islam with them which make
Pakistan more theological state. Pakistan also attributed diaspora in west, unlike to middle east
they are professionals as well. In west, diaspora of Pakistan exists due to comfortable
environment and also windfall gains. Professional e.g. intellectual, engineer, doctors as well as
students and labor caused diaspora. They induced chain migration due to favorable
circumstances. It helps in developing immigrants’ literature i.e. professionals identify and utilize
in their writing’s difficulties faced by immigrants. They also payback in term of remittances,
investment and brain gain phenomenon.

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