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What is your research proposal used for and why is it important?
 It is used to establish whether there is expertise to support your proposed area of research
 It forms part of the assessment of your application
 The research proposal you submit as part of your application is just the starting point, as your ideas evolve
your proposed research is likely to change

How long should my research proposal be?

It should be 2,000–3,500 words (4-7 pages) long.
What should be included in my research proposal?
Your proposal should include the following:
 your title should give a clear indication of your proposed research approach or key question
You should include:
 the background and issues of your proposed research
 identify your discipline
 a short literature review
 a summary of key debates and developments in the field
You should formulate these clearly, giving an explanation as to what problems and issues are to be explored
and why they are worth exploring
You should provide an outline of:
 the theoretical resources to be drawn on
 the research approach (theoretical framework)
 the research methods appropriate for the proposed research
 a discussion of advantages as well as limits of particular approaches and methods
You should include an outline of the various stages and corresponding time lines for developing and
implementing the research, including writing up your thesis.
For full-time study your research should be completed within three years, with writing up completed in the
fourth year of registration.
For part-time study your research should be completed within six years, with writing up completed by the
eighth year.
You should include:
 a list of references to key articles and texts discussed within your research proposal
 a selection of sources appropriate to the proposed research

Science communication
Science communication describes a variety of practices that transmit
scientific ideas, methods, knowledge and research to non-expert audiences
in an accessible, understandable or useful way.
One goal of science communication is simply to share the findings and
excitement of science. A second goal may be to increase appreciation for
science as a useful way of understanding and navigating the modern world.
Academic journals, textbooks, newspapers and infographics are examples of
scientific communication.
Modes of scientific communication
1. Making a scientific or technical presentation (or poster)
2. Writing technical reports
3. Writing scientific papers
4. Writing research or project proposals
5. Data and information from the Web
These diverse communication activities require skills
Computer and technical proficiency
Organized thinking and ability to abstract ideas
Good mastery of language, and in the global context often in English
Differentiating and understanding the objectives of each communication
mode (audience, clients, goals)
The Scientific communication path
1. Define the question
2. Gather information and resources
3. Formulate hypothesis
4. Perform experiment & collect data
5. Analyze data
6. Interpret and draw conclusions for new hypotheses
7. Publish/communicate results
Types of Science Communication
Science communication aims to successfully share, present, and explain sciencerelated
topics to the general public, to enhance their scientific knowledge, which is
important and tightly linked to their daily life.
There are two types of defined science communication:
1. Science Outreach: This is led by scientists and addressed to non-expert
audiences; it includes information, dialogue, and involvement with the
Inputs for successful science outreach are:
Leadership programs;
Institutional support for scientists and publics;
Strategy of communication.
Activities should include:
Public dialogue approaches;
Knowledge co-production approaches.
2. Science Inreach/Scholarly Communication: This is an expert-to-expert
communication, either with the same scientific background or different ones.
This approach would support successful scientific collaboration in several
ways, including:
Help groups identify and articulate shared interests;
Set models for working together;
Ensure that all members of a community could participate and have their
How to Write a Literature Review
First of all, don’t forget that writing a literature review is a great responsibility. It’s a
document that is expected to be highly reliable, especially concerning its sources
and findings. You have to feel intellectually comfortable in the area of study and
highly proficient in the target language; misconceptions and errors do not have a
place in a document as important as a literature review. In fact, you might want to
consider text editing services, like those offered at Elsevier, to make sure your
literature is following the highest standards of text quality. You want to make sure
your literature review is memorable by its novelty and quality rather than language
Writing a literature review requires expertise but also organization. We cannot teach
you about your topic of research, but we can provide a few steps to guide you
through conducting a literature review:
1. Choose your topic or research question:
It should not be too comprehensive or too limited. You have to complete your
task within a feasible time frame.
2. Set the scope:
Define boundaries concerning the number of sources, time frame to be
covered, geographical area, etc.
3. Decide which databases you will use for your searches:
In order to search the best viable sources for your literature review, use highly
regarded, comprehensive databases to get a big picture of the literature
related to your topic.
4. Search, search, and search: Now you’ll start to investigate the research on
your topic. It’s critical that you keep track of all the sources.
Start by looking at research abstracts in detail to see if their respective studies
relate to or are useful for your own work. Next, search for bibliographies and
references that can help you broaden your list of resources. Choose the most
relevant literature and remember to keep notes of their bibliographic
references to be used later on.
5. Review all the literature, appraising carefully it’s content:
After reading the study’s abstract, pay attention to the rest of the content of
the articles you deem the “most relevant.” Identify methodologies, the most
important questions they address, if they are well-designed and executed, and
if they are cited enough, etc.
If it’s the first time you’ve published a literature review, note that it is important to
follow a special structure. Just like in a thesis, for example, it is expected that you
have an introduction – giving the general idea of the central topic and
organizational pattern – a body – which contains the actual discussion of the sources
– and finally the conclusion or recommendations – where you bring forward
whatever you have drawn from the reviewed literature. The conclusion may even
suggest there are no agreeable findings and that the discussion should be
Why are literature reviews important?
Literature reviews constantly feed new research, that constantly feeds literature
reviews…and we could go on and on. The fact is, one acts like a force over the other
and this is what makes science, as a global discipline, constantly develop and evolve.
As a scientist, writing a literature review can be very beneficial to your career, and set
you apart from the expert elite in your field of interest. But it also can be an
overwhelming task, so don’t hesitate in contacting Elsevier for text editing services,
either for profound edition or just a last revision. We guarantee the very highest
standards. You can also save time by letting us suggest and make the necessary
amendments to your manuscript, so that it fits the structural pattern of a literature
review. Who knows how many worldwide researchers you will impact with your next
perfectly written literature review.

What is plagiarism?
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the verb to plagiarize means:
“to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own : use (another’s
production) without crediting the source”
The inclusion of the word “steal” in this definition, includes instances when another’s
ideas or words are intentionally used without crediting the source. Even accidentally
using another’s ideas or words without proper citation, due to carelessness, falls under
this definition since your work tries to “pass off” another’s work as your own.
In our tech-forward culture, the simple act of copy-and-paste can seem harmless, but it
has serious consequences in academic and professional settings.

5 ways to avoid plagiarism in your writing

Fortunately, it’s not all scary. Avoiding plagiarism is actually easy to do now that you
have a foundational understanding of what it is. To help you steer clear of this taboo,
here’s how to avoid plagiarism in your writing.
1 Cite your source
When alluding to an idea or wording that’s not your own, add a citation in your writing
that identifies the full name of the source, the date it was published, and any other
citation element that’s required by the style guide you’re adhering to.
2 Include quotations
If you insert a source’s words into your writing, verbatim, one of the most simple yet
obvious ways to avoid plagiarism is by using quotation marks around the text to denote
that the words aren’t your own. A direct quote should also cite the source so that
readers know who the quote is from.
3 Paraphrase
Paraphrasing is rewriting a source’s ideas or information into your own words, without
changing its meaning. But be careful—paraphrasing can slip into plagiarism if done
Successfully paraphrasing without plagiarizing involves a bit of a dance. Reword and
format your writing in an original way, and try to avoid using too many similar words or
phrases from the source. The key is to do so without altering the meaning of the idea
itself. Remember, you’re still using another’s idea so you’ll need to include a citation to
the source.
4 Present your own idea
Instead of parroting the source’s ideas or words, explore what you have to say about it.
Ask yourself what unique perspective or point you can contribute in your writing that’s
entirely your own. Keep in mind that if you’re alluding to a source’s ideas or words to
frame your own point, you’ll still need to apply the guidelines above to avoid
If you’re writing on the same topic for multiple assignments, it can be tempting to
recycle some of your previous words—this is called “self-plagiarism”. The risk involved
with self-plagiarism is just as high if the publisher or your instructor didn’t give you
permission to reuse your old work.
5 Use a plagiarism checker
While conducting your research on a topic, some phrases or sentences might stick with
you so well that you inadvertently include them in your writing without a citation. When
in doubt, using an online plagiarism checking tool can help you catch these issues
before submitting your work.
Grammarly also offers a plagiarism checker that scans your text for borrowed content
for free. These tools let you know whether or not parts of your writing are plagiarized—
and some even highlight the specific words or sentences of concern and identify where
the text originated from.
These suggestions can be helpful in avoiding plagiarism in your work and is worth the
effort. In addition to being more aware of what constitutes plagiarism, figuring out how
to avoid plagiarism ultimately takes daily practice.

What is active voice, what is passive voice, and what are
their different functions?
Active voice
As we’ve learned, in the active voice, the sentence’s subject performs the action. Here
are two examples of sentences in the active voice:
Shira likes birdwatching.
She loves twilight.
No matter what verb you use, structuring your sentence so the subject performs the
verb is writing in the active voice.
The active voice has a direct, clear tone. Use it when you want the reader to focus on
the subject of your sentence and the action it is doing rather than on the action’s target.
Passive voice
In the passive voice, the action’s target is the focus, and the verb acts upon the subject.
Or, to put it in the passive voice, the subject is acted upon by the verb. Every sentence
in the passive voice contains two verbs:
 A conjugated form of “to be”
 The main verb’s past participle
Take a look at the previous examples, now written in passive voice:
Birdwatching is liked by Shira.
Twilight is loved by her.
What is peer review?
Peer review is a process that research articles go through before being published. Research articles
that undergo a peer review process are more trustworthy than research that is published without peer
Simplified outline of the publication process:
1. A researcher--someone like your professors--completes a research study or experiment.
2. The researcher wants to share their findings with other researchers, so they select an
academic journal where they'd like to publish their research, write a research paper, and
submit the manuscript to the journal.
3. If the journal editor believes the research paper might be worth publishing, they send it to
2-3 peer reviewers, omitting the name of the author. These peer reviewers are usually
researchers in the same general field as the author or the research paper.
4. The 2-3 peer reviewers check the methods of the study to ensure they are sound, logical,
and detailed enough for another researcher to perform.
5. The peer reviewers write anonymous comments that are sent back to the author.
Sometimes the research paper is approved for publication, but often times, the peer
reviewers will recommend corrections and ask the author to make these improvements
before submitting again.
6. At the end of the review process, which may involve multiple revisions, the research paper
will either be rejected or approved for publication.
How to tell if an article is peer reviewed?
In most cases, an article is peer-reviewed if:
1. You found the article through the library website
2. The article has a references list at the end (usually 5 references or more).
If you really want to be sure if an article was peer-reviewed, check to see if it was published in a
peer-reviewed journal. The website of the journal where the article was published should indicate
whether their research articles go through a peer review process.
Example 1: Peer Reviewed
Article: Coffee Intake and Obesity: A Meta-Analysis
This article was found through the TWU Library website using the database called PubMed.
Scroll to the end of the article to view the large number of citations.
Example 2: NOT Peer Reviewed
Article: Epigenetic Hints for the Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee [TWU log-in required]
This article was found in a library database, but it doesn't have any references/citations listed.
This article is from a magazine and therefore is NOT peer reviewed.
Test Yourself!
If you'd like to chseck if you understand what peer review is and how to tell if an article is
peer-reviewed, take this optional, ungraded quiz.

how to add in text reference apa and how to make reference list apa?

 The reference list starts on a new page, after your assignment and before any appendices.
Place the word "References", centered, in bold, at the top of the page. APA does not
require other formatting for the title of your reference page (like underlining), but check with
your lecturer.
 Each entry in the reference list has a hanging indent, so that the first line of the entry is
flush with the left margin, but all other lines are indented (this is the opposite of the
paragraph structure in the body of your essay).
Tip: You can do this easily by selecting your references, and pressing Ctrl + T on a PC,
or Command (⌘) + T on a Mac. (For Word Online, see the instructions for creating a
hanging indent here:
Order of references:

 For APA the reference list is arranged in alphabetical order of authors' surnames.
 Arrange by first author's name, then by second author if you have the same first author, etc.
(check the page on Authors for how to lay out the reference if you have more than
one author).
 If a reference has no author, list it alphabetically according to the title. Ignore the words 'A',
'An' and 'The' at the beginning of a corporate author or title for deciding where it fits
 If there are two references by the same author, list them in order of publication date with
the older one first.
For example:
Bloggs, J. S. (n.d.)...
Bloggs, J. S. (2016)...
Bloggs, J. S. (2018a)....
Bloggs, J. S. (2018b, September)...
Bloggs, J. S. (in press)...
o N.B. A year without a date is considered to be "older" than a year with a date
("nothing comes before something"), so 2018 will go before 2018, September - and a
month without a day will go before a month with a day, so 2018, September will go
before 2018, September 12. Please note that the year only is required in-text, so you
will need to follow the advice below whenever you have multiple citations in the
same year.
 If references by the same author have been published in the same year, list them
alphabetically by title. Letters 'a', 'b', etc. are placed after the year, e.g. (2019a), (2019b).
o N.B. If you have a full date, only use the title to order the references if the date is
identical. Always use 'a', 'b', etc after the year, if more than one work has been
published by the same author in the same year, as this is used in the in-text
referencing, e.g. (2019a, April 12), (2019b, March 23).
For example:
Queensland Health. (2017a, April 9). Managing your asthma
Queensland Health. (2017b, August 23). Five things you might not know about
Format of titles:

 APA uses sentence case for all titles except for journal titles.
 Begin each title and subtitle with a capital letter, but only names should be capitalised for all
titles other than journal titles.
how to edit research paper after receiving the journals peer review
First, make sure you understand what the reviewer is asking you to do. If there is a question
in your mind, contact the editor for clarification. The last thing you want to do is guess at a
major revision of your work. Second, be methodical so that you clearly incorporate all the
edits requested. It is a good idea to go through your piece and highlight each area to be
altered. Failure to attend to all editing requests will result in a second round of editing in the
very least and most likely in an ultimate rejection. Finally, make sure that you have returned
the article to the editor no later than the established deadline.
You may choose to attack the edits in any way you wish such that they are all attended to.
However, whatever method you choose, make sure you have attended to all suggested
changes no matter how minor.
When you resubmit your edited piece, you will want to include a cover letter where you
plainly document how you dealt with each of the criticisms and editing suggestions you were
given. If you choose to ignore any of the suggestions you received from the editor and
reviewers, be sure that you provide a clear explanation as to why you made this decision.
You will want to make sure that your cover letter addresses each change that you were asked
to make to your original paper whether you chose to incorporate the change or not. Your
cover letter is an opportunity to build a positive working relationship with the journal. By
providing thoughtful response to criticism in a professional way, you are showing your
editorial team that you are someone they can work with. Resist being defensive or taking a
superior tone in your letter.
Providing a clear map to the changes you made, makes it easier for the editor to see how
much work you have put into your revision and to see you as an author who is willing to be a
team player. When discussing each critique that required a change in your piece you will
want to make sure that you present the following information. You will want to provide a
summary of the critique, provide information about how you responded to the comment with
information on where the change occurs, and how your change resolves the concern voiced
in the initial critique. Again, make sure that you discuss each critique that requested a change
in your piece, even if you chose not to make the change. If you chose not to make a
requested change, be clear about the reason why. Make sure that you have chosen your
battles with the journal’s editorial staff for justifiable reasons.
Read more articles here .
Suggestions for further reading:
Silvia, P (2007). How to Write a Lot. Washington, DC. APA Life Tools

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