381441437 Cash Stash v2 6 Advanced

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By: Expels

​ ​tash
C​ash S

As you may know before purchasing this, Cash Stash has been
around for awhile, giving legitimacy to it’s name. Some might
think with time it would get saturated. However with constant
updates, and reworks the eBook just gets better and better as
time goes by. Hence why the book has such a good name. After
reading this you will understand why this eBook generates
income for many people with minimal effort.
Legal Disclaimer
This report has been researched and compiled with the intent to provide information
for persons wishing to learn about making a profit using various online resources.
Throughout the making of this consumer report, every effort has been made to ensure
the highest amount of accuracy and effectiveness for the techniques suggested by
the author.
The report may contain contextual as well as typographical mistakes. None of the
information provided in this report does not constitute a warranty of any kind nor shall
readers of this report rely solely on any such information or advice. All content,
products, and services are not to be considered as legal, financial, or professional
advice and are to be used for personal use and information purposes only. This report
makes no warranties or guarantees express or implied, as to the results provided by the
strategies, techniques, and advice presented in this report. The publishers of this
report expressly disclaim any liability arising from any strategies, techniques, and
advice presented in this report. The purpose of this report is to educate and guide.
Neither the publisher nor the author warrant that the information contained within this
report is free of omissions or errors and is fully complete. Furthermore, neither the
publisher nor the author shall have responsibility or liability to any entity or person as a
result of any loss or damage alleged to be caused or caused indirectly or directly by
this report. Income results may vary. The author makes no promises to achieve the
same success.

No part of this report may be reproduced in any shape or form without the written
permission of the author.

Terms of Service:
1. Unauthorized refunds will result in a scam report.

2. Any attempts to leak, chargeback, or slander my product will result in no refunds at


3. Refund will only be given to Advanced users (read #4), Basic & Premium are

ineligible for a refund as stated in the thread.

4. Refunds will only be give to Advanced users who have attempted and used the

methods for 60 days and have proof of no earnings.

5. Updates are not included with any package.

6. I hold the right to deny refunds as I see fit.

7. I have the right to change my Terms of Service as I see fit.

8. By purchasing this product you agree to my Terms of Service.

Method #1 - eBaying
(works very well to set up with method #5 from Advanced)

With this method you will be earning money via eBay. The following are
required before starting this method:
- An eBay Account
- A Verified Paypal

With this method we will be selling an iPhone 5s user manual. This is

completely whitehat as it states throughout the ENTIRE auction that this is a
guide. You state it in the title AND description, so in the chance of a
chargeback, simply state that to win.

1. Start a new auction on eBay by clicking “sell”.

2. Place the 5s Guide in:
3. ​‘Cell Phones & Accessories > Cell Phone Accessories > Manuals
& Guides’
4. Set the title to:
iPhone 5s - Guide - Great Deal - FREE SHIPPING!

5. Upload the picture of the 5s from the .rar and attach it.
6. In the description look at your package and put the following:
a. (Basic & Premium) In a very small text (preferably grey)
make sure to add the following somewhere (recommended toward the
bottom) ‘This product is an iPhone 5s User Manual, just like stated in the
title, by reading and buying this you agree that you won’t chargeback or
dispute because you knowingly acknowledge this is a guide. By
purchasing you automatically agree’. Then go down a line and in large
text put: ‘No refunds, PayPal accepted’. When that‘s all done make sure
to add free shipping to your listing. Once purchased be sure to print off a
shipping label, download the iPhone 5s User Manual onto a USB stick
(small size, cheapest) and ship it off!

b. (Advanced) Message me on Skype asking for the HTML

document which comes with a premade HQ description.
Method #2 - Craigslist
(This method is related to the eBaying method)

With this method you will get local transactions through Paypal and ship
them off. This method is extremely easy because if there is a chargeback,
you can attach a tracking # and explain it in the description, OR completely
avoid it by only accepting payments as ‘Family & Friends’

With this method we will ALSO be selling an iPhone 5s user manual.

However this is even more whitehat, because you will be having the
discussion in an email, and it’s more proof to win any chance of a dispute.

Before starting this method the following are required:

- A Paypal Account
- An Email Address
- (Recommended) Text Free Account

1. Go to your local craigslist website. [Should be (yourcity).craigslist.org]

2. Click on ‘Cell Phones’ under the ‘For Sale’ tab.
3. Click post in the top right corner.
4. Choose for sale by owner
5. Then choose Cell Phones by Owner
6. Fill out the listing your own way, be unique. An example is below.
7. Once they email you, start a conversation, ask them if they are interested in paying
via Paypal. if they aren’t, just ignore them. If they ARE, when they are going to send
the payment make sure you put “By sending this payment, you acknowledge that
this is a manual, and automatically agree not to chargeback” if you’re using Gmail
you can easily set the font size small and change the color of the text.
8. Once they pay, print out a shipping label, and send out an iPhone 5s user manual on
a USB stick ASAP.
Method #3 - Advertisement
(These methods should help bring some attention to your
advertisement, and even help you find new clients)
This method is about advertising your eBay listing through sites like
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Omegle and any other social media site you
can think of.

Before starting this method the following are required:

- Your finished eBay listing
- Skype
- Twitter
- Instagram
- Facebook
- Friends to advertise to

This method works well with a skype account with a large number of contacts. Use clownfish
to send out a message personalized to your liking, something along the lines of: “Hey, since
you know me on Skype, and I’m trying to get rid of this relatively quickly I’ll give you a $30
discount on this iPhone 5s. (eBay link)” If you get replies like “I’m definitely interested” or
someone genuinely wanting to purchase, continue talking to them and get an easy sale.

This is another easy way to promote sales, don’t show this to family or close friends unless
you dislike them. Just post on Facebook something like “Trying to get rid of this iPhone 5s,
check out my eBay auction (eBay listing link)” the only people seeing this should be friends
of friends or people you dislike. Make sure the person who sees it isn’t someone who knows
who you are, or would cause physical violence over the listing.

This method can easily be done fully autopilot. There are plenty of omegle bots and chat
spreaders that can you assist you with this method. A simple google search should assist
you. Just have this send a pre-made message to everyone you get matched with similar to
the examples above, this is mass spreading and should get your listing some views to
increase sales. Maybe some watchers as well.

With this, you will just send out tweets similar to Facebook, containing your eBay link.
Include many hashtags to get popularity and views. This should boost your eBay listings
popularity, and attract some buyers.
Method #4 - iOffer
(This method includes listing products from iOffer on eBay)

What is iOffer?
iOffer is a website full of fake products / replica’s for all kind of known
brands. These are all A++ replicas and you can barely see the
difference with the real products.
It is very unlikely that the buyer will notice the difference.

This method works well with beats / sunglasses / anything else with value
that sells well and can be replicated.

Before starting this method, the following are required:

- An eBay account with ~20 rep (Can use method #5 to acquire rep)
- A Verified Paypal
- An iOffer Account

1. Make an account on iOffer

2. Find an item and user and contact them letting them know you need
the item to your address as quick as possible. (this method doesn’t
include dropshipping)
3. After getting set up to have the item shipped to your house, you need
to make your eBay listing
4. While making your listing, don’t mention anywhere that the item is
fake, take pictures of the item that look legit and post them on eBay
as the main image.

Tip:​ There are plenty of people you can exchange eBay rep with plenty of
people on HF.

5. If you are using beats, I recommend that you check the average price
of other beats and make yours ~$10 cheaper. There is no reason to
add a bidding process, as it wastes time and you don’t receive
payment after they purchase.
6. Make sure to make it so buyers have to buy the item when they click
buy it now, and cannot hold it in their cart.
Method #5 - eCig Starter Kits
(This method works EXTREMELY well with method #1, #3 & #4)

With this method you will be earning money with eBay, the following are
required before starting:
-An eBay Account
-A Verified Paypal
-A Debit Card, Credit Card, or Prepaid Visa

With this method you will be buying eGo-T starter kits and selling them on
eBay for almost double or more. This is 100% whitehat, legal, nothing
against eBay’s ToS, and works great in collaboration with method #1 and

1. Make an account on vapingwalrus.com

this website sells starter kits for $7.50 / kit, they are 1100mAh and
come with a charger and CE4 clearomizer
2. Purchase kits as you see fit, as many as you want to sell.

Tip:​ I’d recommend you purchase multiple kits as they sell quickly on eBay, you will
make a LOT of profit doing this.

3. Once you get your kits, make sure you take them out of the packaging
as they have the brand name on it. Just put them in a plastic baggy or
something similar to hold them safely
4. Make a listing on eBay and title it ‘eGo T 1100 mAh Starter Kit’
5. Lay the kit out on a flat surface and take a picture of it to use for the listing
6. In the description add:
By purchasing this product you agree to the following:
You are at least 18 years of age.
You agree that any vaporizing supplies purchased will be used for lawful purposes.
It is legal in your state to purchase related products.
You will use this product entirely at your own risk and discretion and the seller will
not be responsible for any use or misuse of the products
Paypal Accepted, No Refunds
7. Feel free to add free shipping, it makes the listing a bit more
8. As soon as someone purchases print the shipping label out
IMMEDIATELY and ship out the vape kit in a baggy
Method #6 - Translation
(Doesn’t require eBay, easy and 100% whitehat)

Before starting this method, make sure you have the following (required)
-iOS Device / Android Device / ​Bluestacks

Approval Time: ~2 days

This app will allow you to earn money for speaking English to Chinese users.
You will set your own pricing, including a first time price for people just
coming to you. The rate can be set as you please, however it’s
recommended to be set between 1 - 5 CNY / minute.

You will need feedback, so it’s recommended that you start low and work
your way up as you get more positive feedback from successful translations.
You can speak about what you please, and start lessons about certain topics,
for certain periods of time for your preferred amount of money.

Payout is through Paypal, no threshold, and no minimum.

To increase money earned, you may recruit people through an affiliate

system. Only a new referral will give you a bonus. Your student that you
recruit will need to make a call for a minimum of 5 minutes, and you will be
paid. If you refer a teacher, you will be paid more than a call made by a
Method #7 - Applike
(Mobile / Bluestacks method to earn large weekly profits)

Before starting this method, make sure you have the following (required)
-iOS Device / Android Device / ​Bluestacks

The basic idea behind this is that you will be testing and running apps and
being paid for it. The best way to use this is with a PC in the background all

This method is even more profitable depending on the amount of devices

you have. If you have more than one PC, you can run more than one
instance per PC, basically quadrupling your income.

Referrals can increase the profit from this method, adding 25% of their
profits to you, also it’s beneficial for them so it shouldn’t be too hard to
convince them.

Payouts for this are in Paypal, and there is a $.50 cashout minimum. You
should be making large weekly profit using this method if initiated right,
even with just one device.
Method #8 - Roblox RAP Trading
[Mobile, PC, Tablet (Small Investment)]

Earnings made with this method:

Before starting this method, know you will need a small investment (~$10),
a ​ROBLOX​ account, builder club ($5.95), and to sign up as a seller on ​roblox

The technique behind this method is that you will be basically trading up
items to take upgrades and make money. You can cashout through roblox at
high values, or you can use small websites to do small exchanges. The value
through the websites is higher than through ROBLOX.
You will begin by setting up with the prerequisites, then purchase a starting
investment item from rbx.exchange, of your choice. Recommended items
would include things with high demand, in any combination
-Perfectly Legit
-Virtual Commando
-Green Banded Top Hat
-Any Form of Neon Green Hair

After purchase, when you receive your new item, head to ​Trade Hangout

Join the most populated server to start with, until you have something
specific you’re hunting for.

Here’s where you start to flip your investment. You will be taking op
downgrades for the limiteds you purchased because they have high value /
high demand. Keep in mind if you need any assistance for this method, I will
be available over teamviewer. The goal is not to take the first deal you get,
but the best deal you get. Once you’ve taken the op downgrade, your goal is
to upgrade to something better than the demanded limited you had, for
another high valued limited.

You can view people’s inventories by clicking on them, and if you wish you
can purchase an item notifier to find specific items you’re looking for

You will continue to rinse and repeat, with higher and higher value items,
until you’re making large amounts of money just by downgrading one item.

Be careful of scams or projected items. A project item is an item that says it

has a lot of value, but actually has no demand with a fake value.
Have any questions? Need support?
Skype: Mikemh1
HF Username: Expels
HF UID: 2045862

This eBook was made by Expels:


Any payment proof you make would be greatly appreciated on the thread, in
no way am I asking you to vouch, however it’s always nice to see customers
making good profits.

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