The Role of District Learning Support Officials in the Application of Concessions to Learners with Learning Disabilities

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The Role of District Learning Support Officials in the

Application of Concessions to Learners with
Learning Disabilities
Mokwena Morelle Sindisa Bila
Doctor in Psychology of Education (PhD) Inclusive Doctor in Psychology of Education (PhD) Inclusive
Education, University of the Free State, Free State Province, Education, University of Johannesburg, Gauteng Province,
SES in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District, North-West Province SES in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District, North-West Province
ORCID: http://0003-0673-2686org/0000

Abstract:- The dawn of democratic South Africa should be supported which includes the procedure on
witnessed transformation in the education system where process for accommodations and concessions applications in
policy were developed to ensure education that cater all assisting to reaching out to the needs of all learners (Msane,
learners irrespective of their diverse abilities. Through Hlongwane & Kent, 2023).
the constitution post-1994 education policies ensures
equitable access to education for all learners irrespective Therefore, educational landscape post-1994
of their differences.The study intends to explore the role experienced significant transformation redressing the
played by district based support team (DBST) in the injustices of the past (Brown & Buthelezi, 2020). After
application of learners identified with learning barriers democratic system education policies embraced the
in inclusive schools. The study was conducted in principles of inclusion, accommodating diversity in the
Matlosana local education office (MLEO), where schooling spaces, where diversity and recognition of unique
qualitative study approach was employed. Participants needs of all learners is embraced (Francis, 2023). Therefore
were selected as personnel in the district office, teachers the establishment of inclusive education required more
as people responsible for the implementation of inclusive support personal to ensure support and monitoring for the
education in inclusive schools, school based support implementation of policies to ensure access to education for
team, departmental heads as people managing the all leaners. Morelle (2023) states that inclusive education
implementation of inclusive education in schools. All has progressively been implemented in conjunction with
participants were selected from four inclusive schools in several that include White Paper 5, White paper 6 and SIAS
Matlosana local education office. In this study data was policy South African Schools Act (SASA). Subsequently,
collected through the use of semi structured interviews the instruction of inclusive education required require
and video recorded. specialised support to engage with educational content that
cater for all learners irrespective of their disabilities
Keywords:- Concessions, District Based Support Team, (Engelbrecht, 2020). As a results more learning support
Learning Disabilities, Learners with Learning Barriers. official were introduced to support a range of learning
disabilities within the educational context (Dreyer, 2013).
Some forms of support encompass variety of
South African education system come from historically concessions and accommodations playing a critical role for
background where learners with learning disabilities support and inclusion of learners with learning disabilities.
marginalised where they were overlooked in traditional The concessions and accommodations bring about Varies
educational spaces. However, democratic South Africa forms of alternative assessments which may include
witnessed significant transformation in the Constitution assistive devices to meet the diverse needs of learners. These
calling for equal education (Engelbrecht, 2006). As a results concessions and accommodations aimed at minimising
there has been a paradigm shift towards ensure inclusive barriers and facilitate meaningful participation and academic
educational practices and providing many forms of support success for all learners.
which include accommodations and concessions to support
learners experiencing learning disabilities (Purcell, Davis, & II. LITERATURE REVIEW
Gioia, 2018). As a results Department of Basic Education
(DoE) introduced White Paper 6 policy aiming to support Democratic South Africa aim to ensure equal education
equal education for all learners within the setting (DoE, to all learners, including those with learning disabilities to
2001), ensuring that all leaners are accommodated. achieve their academic success. One critical aspect of
Furthermore the policy on screening and support inclusive education is through the provision of concessions
management structure known as Screening, Identification, support learning needs for all learners including those with
Assessment, and Support (SIAS) (DBE, 2014) was learning disabilities to support their learning needs. District
introduces. SIAS provides procedures on how learners learning support officials play a critical role in facilitating

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

the implementation inclusive education through the sampled. District officials were sampled because they are
implementation of concessions. However, previous Studies mandated to monitor and support schools for the
show that learning support officials play critical role to implementation of concession for learners in need.
ensure the implementation of inclusive education and
ensuring that learner who need alternative form of C. Data Collection
assessment are provided through concessions (Engelbrecht, Semi structured interviews; observation and document
2020). Literature reveals that, district officials should be in analysis were used for data collection. The selected data
the forefront in enhancing and capacitating teachers to collection technique is significant because participants use
effectively serve the diverse needs of all learners, thereby the interviews in telling the stories in a microcosm of their
fostering inclusive through the use of concessions (Aiello & consciousness (Mwita, Kelvin. (2022), interview is also
Sharma, 2018). necessary when we cannot observe behaviour or feelings, or
how people interpret the world around them (Merriam,
However, Msane, Hlongwane and Kent (2023) indicate 1998). The semi-structured interviews were conducted for
that most of the District officials in education who should be the duration of thirty minutes per participant. By making use
at the forefront in ensuring the implementation of inclusive of the semi-structured interviews, participants provide the
education are often lack knowledge on inclusive education. researcher with rich qualitative data with regard to their life
As a results the policy of Screaming Identification experiences (Smit, & Onwuegbuzie, (2018). Permission to
Assessment and Support (SIAS) is often not implemented, use the audio-recording was sought from the participants for
as a results educators are unable to apply for concessions data transcripts.
(Msane et al., 2023). Engelbrecht (2020) is of the view that
teachers are not prepared enough in terms of skills and Semi-structured interviews employed in this study are
confidence in working with learners with learning problems, regarded as face to face interviews and are characterised by
hence the difficult for concession applications. Mpu and synchronous communication in time and place. Due to this,
Adu (2021) argues that most educators were previously not interviews can take advantage of social cues, such as voice,
adequately trained and supported for the implementation the tone and body language of the interviewee. The
inclusive education as a results, it is challenging for the interviewer can get much information from the value added
District officials to support and guide teachers for by the interviewee’s verbal answer. The observation method
implementation of concession in schools. will be used to enhance the information collected during
interviews. Observation is a purposeful, systematic and
A. Methodological Approach selective way of watching and listening to an interaction or
Qualitative research approach is employed in this phenomenon as it takes place. Observation implies seeing as
study. Utilisation of quantitative research approach allows well as observing with other senses, Smit, & Onwuegbuzie,
the researcher to obtain rich data with detailed insights (2018).
based on the complexities of human experiences and social
contexts to understand the phenomenon under investigation III. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
(Ningi, 2022). Therefore, qualitative research is suitable for
this study due to the purpose of the study exploring the roles Theoretical framework is based on the existing theories
of learners support District official in ensuring serving as a roadmap and the structure that provides a
implementation of concessions. In this study qualitative foundation for understanding and analysing phenomena
research approach enables researchers to explore deeper into within a particular field of study (Creswell, 2014). The
unexpected areas of interest and diverse viewpoints of the identified theoretical framework for a study enables the
participants (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). Therefore, researchers organise their thoughts and make sense of the
qualitative research approach enable the researcher to existing knowledge (Kivunja, 2018). Therefore, for the
explore complex social phenomena while capturing diverse purpose of this study the Theory of Planned Behaviour
perspectives, and generating rich knowledge that has a (TPB) is utilised. The model suggests that attitudes toward
potential to inform theory, practice, and policy (Ningi, behaviour may be influenced by past experiences, previous
2022). knowledge and newly acquired knowledge.

B. Sample and Sampling A. Theory of Planned Behaviour

Creswell (2014) describes purpose of sampling as the The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) seeks to
way of gathering data for the proposed study from a portion understand and human behaviour based on a particular
of the population to be used to make generalisations about context (Ajzen, 1985). The TPB is often utilised for the
the entire population. Sampling is one of critical aspect of a purpose of determining behaviour/s arising from ones’
study to be conducted, it allows the researchers to gather attitude towards those with disabilities (Mncube & Lebopa,
efficiently data and draw conclusions about phenomenon to 2019). This theory aims at understanding the behaviour
be studied within a particular populations (Creswell & behind ones’ attitude by focusing on the relationships
Creswell, 2017). Therefore, this study was conducted in the between attitudes, subjective norms and behavioural
North and one District was sampled to explore the intentions (Mncube & Lebopa, 2019). Individual’s attitude
implementation of SIAS looking at the role of District may often influenced by many factors such as past
officials in applications for concessions. Official six officials experiences, previous knowledge and newly acquired
from the inclusive education unit in the District were knowledge based on a particular context (Azjen, 1991).

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Therefore, the attitude of educators or district official has the The study concluded by articulating lack of teacher
potential to affect the implementation of inclusive education training as the main challenge hampering the application for
in particular the implementation of concession for learners concession and accommodation to learners with learning
who re in need of alternative forms of assessments. This barriers. The district based support team as the cornerstone
study aimed at investigating the roles of District official in the applications for concession and accommodation there
towards provision of support through accommodations and must be continuous interaction with school based support
concessions for learners experiencing learning barriers. team, thus enhance successful identification of learners with
Therefore, it was critical to employ TPB to investigate the learning barriers.
impact of District officials towards supporting learners
experiencing learning disabilities during the process of REFERENCES
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