Tutorial 2

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CT042-3-1-Introduction to Databases ERD

Tutorial 2

1) Using Chen’s notation and Crow’s Foot notation, draw entity relationship model for the
following scenario.

a) A lecturer can teach many classes, each class is taught by one lecturer.
b) A manager manages one branch; each branch is managed by one manager.
c) An employee handle many projects, each project is handled by many employees.
d) An artist produce many songs, song is produced by one artist.

2) Base on the tables given below; draw the corresponding entity relationship diagram using
chen’s and crow’s foot notations.

a) Employee and Project

EmpID Name Position
E01 Alan Programmer
E02 Jane Web Designer
E03 Alex System Analyst
E04 John Database Admin

ProID Name EmpID
P01 ABC E02
P02 XYZ E01
P03 PQR E01
P04 KLM E01
P05 TUV E02
P06 OPQ E02

b) Customer and Order

CusID Name Address Contact
C01 Helen KL 47686549
C02 Kelly KL 23456340
C03 Neil KL 43567545

OrderID Date Total CusID
O01 1/2/17 RM100 C01
O02 2/3/17 RM200 C02
O03 12/2/17 RM300 C03
O04 23/2/17 RM300 C01

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