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7ST JANUARY, 2024.


TEXT: JOHN 1:1-14

Everything has a beginning except God. That was why He introduced Himself to Moses as “I
AM THAT I AM” (Exod. 3:14). This name describes God’s eternal power and unchangeable
character. In a world where values, morals, and laws change constantly, we can find stability
and security in our unchanging God. The God who appeared to Moses at the beginning of his
calling is still the same God who can live in us today.
Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever”. Because God’s
nature is stable and trustworthy, we are free to follow and enjoy him rather than spend our time
trying to figure Him out.
The simplest statement that God created the heavens and the earth is the one of the most
challenging concepts confronting the modern mind.
There are several lessons to be received from the creation story about God and ourselves.
i. God is creative.
Creativity comes from God because He is the creator. Whether you are a painter,
seamstress, designer, musician or something else, we all have some level of creativity
since we all are made in the image of God. Your gift and abilities are unique to you; and
reflect a God just as extraordinary (Rom. 1:20; Ps. 104:24; Eph. 2:10; Ps. 139:13-14;
Exod. 35:31-33).
ii. As a creator, God is distinct from His creation.
God is not constrained by it and does not exist within it. He needs nothing from it, even
as He is intimately involved in it. God is above and beyond all the finite things He has
iii. God is eternal and controls the world (Exod. 20:11).
iv. Since He created us, we are valuable in His sight.
v. We are more important than animals. (More scriptural considerations: Ps. 33:6,9;
102:25; Jer. 10:12; Acts 14:15; Rom. 4:17, Col. 1:15-17; Ps. 148:3-6).
When we accept the absolute power of God to create, we accept His power to create and
destroy as stated in scriptures, there are many concepts one may not understand with our finite
mind. The believer must accept them by faith. The psalmist summarized the whole Genesis
chapter one in Ps. 33:6-9; God is not just the co-ordinator of natural forces; He is the Lord of
Paul the apostle wrote in Acts 14:15-18 in response to the family of Lystra and reminded them
that God never leaves. Himself without evidence of Himself and goodness. Rain and good
crops for example are evidence of the goodness of God.
Man is inexcusable. When in doubt about God, just look around you and see the abundant
evidence that He is at work in the world. (Rom. 1:20; Job 12:7-9; Ps. 19:1).
Nature shows us God of might, intelligence and intricate details; a God of beauty, a God who
controls powerful forces. This is called general revelation. There is also the special revelation
which is received from the Bible and the coming of Jesus Christ.
As we summarize for today, the subject matter of how God created the earth is still of great
debate. Some said that it is with a sudden explosion the universe appeared. Others say God
started the process and the universe evolved over billions of years. Almost all scientists have
one opinion of the origin of the universe and various religions. But only the Bible shows one
supreme God who created the earth out of His great love and giving all people a special
method for the creation process. The Bible has the final say.
(To be continued)

14TH JANUARY, 2024.

TEXT: JOHN 1:1-14

We concluded the last lesson by saying that the Bible has the final say about God and his
creation. Today we are going to focus on Jesus Christ who is the revelation of God to mankind.
What Jesus Christ taught and did are inseparably to who He is. From our text John shows
Jesus as fully man and fully God. Although Jesus took up Himself full humanity and lived as a
man, he never ceased to be the eternal God who has always existed, the creator and sustainer
of all things, and the source of eternal life. This is the truth about Jesus and the foundation of all
truth. If we cannot believe this basic truth we will not have enough faith to trust our eternal
destiny to Him.
God spoke and the galaxies whirled into space, stars adorned the heavens, the planets began
orbiting their suns. This is contrary to the belief of many scientists as we saw in the last lesson.
He spoke again and the waters and the lands were filled with plants and creatures, running and
swimming, growing and multiplying, words of animating breathing and pulsing life. Again, He
spoke, men and women were created thinking and speaking and loving.
Consider Prov. 8:22-23; John 17:5 and Eph. 1:4.
This same God came in the flesh in the person of Jesus Christ to a speck called the earth. The
Mighty Creator became part of the creation.
In Hebrew scripture, “The Word” was an agent of creation (Ps. 33:6). The source of God’s
message to His people through the prophets (Hosea 4:1) and God’s law and standard of
holiness (Ps. 119:11).
In Greek philosophy, “The Word” is the principle of reason that governed the world, or thought,
“the Word” was another expression of God (Phil. 2:6; John 5:2).
Jesus is the word and totality of God’s message to man. The incarnation (putting on of the
flesh) was God’s ultimate communication of His Word to man concerning His plan to save all
Jesus is the revelation and also the expression of God to man for the purpose of revealing His
grace. (John 14:9; Col. 2:9; Heb. 1:1-3). “For by Him all things were created that are in heaven
and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or
powers. All things were created trough Him and for Him (Col. 1:16).
When John spoke about the Word, it was obvious that he was speaking about Jesus (John
1:14). Paul the apostle created a picture of God’s holiness and call Him the One who holds all
things together (Col. 1:17). This Word has been with God from the very beginning. The pre-
existent Word was identified with Elohim. Moses wrote also in Gen. 1:1 and alluded the creation
of men through the Word (Gen. 1:26-27). There is power in the Word.
Nothing works without the Word. We need to give every attention to the Word this year because
everything we need is contained there.
The world is full of choices. Many do not know that what they are presently is as a result of
choice made long ago consciously or unconsciously. Joshua told the people of Israel, “But if
you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve …….” (Josh. 24:15).
Joshua was determined to set an example of living by that decision. The way we live shows
others the strength of our commitment to serving God.
Miracles come through the living Word of God. Any miracle, vision, prophecy e.t.c. which is
contrary to the written Word of God cannot come from Him. God Does not contract Himself
(Col. 1:15-18; Heb. 1:3; 1 John 5:11).
The condition of walking and working with Jesus were spelt out in John 1:12, “For you are all
sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you were baptized into Christ have
put on Christ (Gal. 3:26-27; See also Acts 2:38; 1 Pet. 3:21).
God has made available everything we need for a successful life. Let us embrace the Living
Word and give earnest attention to reading and studying. May God release more grace. Amen.
21ST JANUARY, 2024.
TEXT: MARK 16: 15-19

Definition: Evangelism may be defined as the brining of the gospel of Jesus Christ to bear in
saving power upon the lives of people. Its purpose is to put men, women, and children in touch
with the living God who came in Jesus to seek and to save that which is lost:
Evangelism also means preaching, announcing, otherwise communicating the gospel of our
salvation. Its delivering the message that Jesus Christ is not only the Son of God but also gave
His life as a sacrifice for our sins. In doing this, He ensured eternal life for everyone who
believes (John 3:16). Jesus wants everyone to know the truth so they too can be part of God’s
holy kingdom. His directives to evangelize are spread all through scripture.
Consider Matt. 28:19-20; 7:37-38; 10:7-14; 12:30, Luke 19:10.
i. It is the best cure of sadness and depression because joy follows:
“In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when even one
sinner repents”(Luke 15:10).
“When the seventy two disciples returned, they joyfully reported to Him, “Lord
even the demons obey us when we use your name” (Luke 10:17).
ii. Give access to the long awaited miracles (Matt. 6:33; Ps. 138:2)
“Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give
you everything that you need”.
To “Seek the kingdom of God above all else” is to put God first in your life, fill
your thoughts with his desires (evangelism) to take His character for your
pattern, and to serve and obey Him in everything”.
We must learn to live by obeying divine instructions.
iii. Evangelism attracts God’s presence to your life
“Teach these new disciples to obey all commands I have given you. And be sure
of this; I am with you always, even at the end of the age”.
The miracle power of God is also displayed during evangelism. Jesus’ brethren
despised Him and He used miracles to attract people to Himself.
iv. Evangelism increases persecution. Don’t be surprised when people misunderstand,
criticize and even try to hurt you because of what you believe and in attempt to share
the gospel of Christ. Don’t give up. (2 Tim. 3:11-12; 2 Thess. 1:5-9)
At the end this preaching of the gospel with persecution will lead to your spiritual
growth. We were asked to preach in season and out of season (2 Tim. 4:2).
v. Evangelism motivates our growth and love for God and neighbours. (Mark 12:28-31).
Love is the compelling force for evangelism
We are called to evangelize. An effective and successful evangelism begins with fervent prayer
and fullness of the word.
Prayer is very essential because there are powers to confront and conquer before success is
guaranteed (Matt. 12:29, 2 Cor. 10:4-6).
The devil always opposes God’s work but Jesus has already conquered him. Jesus conquered
the devil in the wilderness through the Word and gave him the final blow at the cross. Jesus
has the complete power and authority over Satan and all his forces.
The devil fights the study of the Word through distractions and wandering mind. Shut down the
wandering mind and speak the Word.
The devil is employing the print and electronic media to spread negative evangelism.
Nakedness, terrorism, corruption are available avenues through which the devil spreads his
reign of terror but his time is limited.
“Then the devil who has deceived the world, was thrown into the fiery lake of burning
sulphur, joining the beast and the false prophets. There they will be tortured day and
night forever and ever. (Rev. 20:10).
Jesus ascended into heaven physically and promised to return in the future (Acts 1:11) but
presently He is here through the Holy Spirit. Therefore we should not be afraid to go out and

28TH JANUARY, 2024

TEXT: MARK 16:15-19

We concluded the last lesson by observing that Satan the devil is also involved in evangelism
but his method is negative. There is need to confront the powers that hinder evangelism.
Paul the apostle pictured the gospel of Jesus Christ that we are called in evangelism as a
sandal. This implies that we need to carry this gospel wherever we go. The gospel of Jesus
Christ is called the Good News.
Isaiah had earlier said, “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those bearing the
good tidings of salvation” (Isa. 52:7).
We said before now that the kingdom of darkness is carrying out spiritual assault against the
kingdom of God. We fight spiritual warfare in order to bring sanity, order and control in our life
and environment where the gospel will be shared. Until we take full charge, we cannot enforce
the will of God through evangelism. Therefore, every evangelist is called to war a good warfare.
(1 Tim. 1:18).
Paul the apostle advices that we should put on the whole armour of God so that we can stand
the wiles of the devil (Eph. 6:11). Put all of them.
But for the purpose of this study, I am concentrating on verses 15-18 of Ephesians chapter six.
The gospel is the weapon that pushes up, giving you a position, higher than the people around
you. The preaching of the gospel keeps you sober and vigilant (1 Pet. 5:9-10). As we carry the
gospel to the unbelievers, it also helps you as an individual to live above besetting sins and
compromise because you will not want to be found guilty of the things you have condemned in
their lives through your message.
When your feet are covered with the beautiful sandal of the gospel of peace, you become an
effective heavenly agent plundering hell and populating heaven.
We observed in the last lesson that persecution could follow the preaching of the gospel,
therefore you need to persevere in faith.
Paul said, “Beside all these things, taking the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the
flaming darts of the evil one” (Eph. 6:16).
The shield of faith will help us overcome doubts, fear, unbelief that hinders us from pushing the
gospel far. Your mind is the battle ground. When your mind is defeated, you are completely
defeated. It is what you believe that would be established (Mark 9:24).
If your mind is made up to win soul for Christ, the attacks of the enemy won’t deter you. Paul
the apostle faced the challenge of death daily and fought the powers of darkness whom he
called the beasts of Ephesus (1 Cor. 15:32; 2 Cor. 1:8-10).
When we realize our own powerlessness without God and our need for constant help in our
lives, we come to depend on him more and more. God is our source of power for evangelism
and we receive help by keeping in touch with him.
In our first study, we considered the benefits of evangelism.
“Those who are wise will shine as bright as sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will
shine like the stars forever” (Dan. 12:3).
God has given us the formular to shine as eternal stars- that is soul winning; that is leading
many to God’s righteousness. (Consider James 5:20; 1 Cor. 9:22; 1 Tim 4:16).
Jesus declared emphatically, ”Preach the gospel to every creature”. This is one statement
that designates what is to be done (preach), what is to be preached (the gospel) and to whom
the preaching must be directed (every creature). The gospel is the Good News of Jesus death
for our sins and resurrection for our hope (1 Cor. 15:1-4).
TEXT: GEN. 39:1-6

Strong leaders perceive the presence of God in their lives. The power of their leadership is in
their confidence that God is leading them in their destiny to fulfill His will in their lives.
Joseph was a born leader. The promise of God to Abraham that he would be a blessing to
others was here confirmed through him. Potipher’s house was greatly blessed by the presence
of Joseph in Egypt, the work of God in the life of the righteous is clearly evident. Because of his
great faith, Joseph remained positive in life, and thus did not mourn his predicament or
Let us therefore consider six things that God’s presence will bring in your life using Joseph as a
case study.
Joseph was a slave and has no locus standi. He was sold twice as a slave yet he
prospered and succeeded. Everything has season.
God’s presence brings prosperity. We prosper with the Word of God. Speak the Word to
every prevailing situation. (Mk. 11:23-24). Prosperity stands in the spiritual realm before
manifesting physically. Enter the Holy of holies and speak the Word of God in faith to
every situation. We can control the heavenlies through the power of the spoken word.
Spiritual prosperity matters more than physical or financial prosperity. Decree and
declare the Word in authority and power (Gen. 39:2). This goes with prayer. Your
ministry can only do well when you prosper spiritually. It ushers in stability. Destiny
hijackers saw Joseph ahead and attempted to hijack his destiny but he was focused.
Spiritual authority always comes with battle. Always look up to Jesus for victory. See
Isa. 51:2.
God’s presence magnifies a man. (Job. 7:17; 2 Chron. 1:1). It is God that makes Kings.
All we need is to be fully loaded in the spirit. (Isa. 61:1-3).
Consider also Ps. 92:10; 1Pet. 5:6.
Since God will resist those who are proud, it is imperative that men submit themselves
to the will of God (James 4:10). When one submits to God’s will, he will be exalted.
However, we must first recognize the sovereignty of God over all things before we will
submit to His will (Exod. 7:5; Deut. 3:24; 5:15; Dan. 9:15).
Look at 2 Chron. 1:8 and see how God showed great mercy upon David and he
reigned. David failed but God showed him mercy and restored him. (See also Exod.
33:19; 34:7; 1 Chron. 16:34, 41; Jer. 33:11; Rom. 9:15-16).


Mary Magdalene was a woman who was shown great mercy. She recognized this and
refused to leave even when others have left. (John 20:11-16). If others leave you,
remember always that God will not leave you. He says “I will neither leave you nor
forsake you”.
When others have given up, Mary remained and Jesus appeared. When you don’t give
up easily, Jesus will show up for your sake.

The night is the time of loneliness. Friends will go by night. Everything looks hopeless (2
Chron. 1:7).
In the night everything becomes dark and even your best friend will turn you down.
Disgrace, shame, failure, depression will show up.
But on that night when Solomon was alone, God showed up and gave him a blank
check to fill. David had earlier prayed for Solomon for wisdom and understanding (1
Chron. 29:10-20).


Some people are imprisoned physically while some are imprisoned spiritually with
heavy yokes. Whether physical or not physical, God’s presence set every captive free.
(Ps. 24:7-10; Acts 16:2-28; Acts 5:17-21).
Attract God’s presence through your faith, prayer and praises.
The presence of God carries all that makes Him God, His Sovereignty, Superiority and
Excellency. If you forsake Him, He will forsake you but if you remain with Him, His presence will
make the difference. Make all effort to carry His presence at all times.

11TH FEBRUARY, 2024.

TEXT: HEBREW 4: 14-16
The Law of Moses decreed that a High priest preside over worship, both in the tabernacle and
in the temple that superseded it. Aaron was the first high priest and all the members of Israel’s
priesthood were required to descend from (Exod. 28:1; 29:9; 40: 12-15). Israel’s high priest was
one of the many priests who offered sacrifices of various kinds on the sacred altar. But once a
year, on the Day of Atonement, only the high priest officiated at the special sacrifices. This was
a day set aside to offer sacrifice that would cover for the sins of Israel.
The high priest will offer a bullock that would take the punishment for the sins of Israel. He does
a few things to make a choice of the animal to be offered (Lev. 16:2-15).
The essence of the Day of Atonement therefore was that of substitutionary sacrifice; the lives of
animals were given on the place of the lives of human sinners. But equally important was the
ordaining the high priest to this ministry. Jesus’ death is the fulfillment of Israel’s system of
The above is just the background to this study.
“Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heaven, Jesus the Son of
God, let us hold fast our profession” (Heb. 4:14).
The writer of the Hebrew begins the description of Jesus as not just an eligible high priest but “a
great high priest (Heb. 3:1; 6:20; 7:26; 8:1; 9:11). Unlike others, he has gone into the most holy
place of the heavens, the true presence of God. Therefore, we must hold fast our confession,
continuing faithfully to confess that Jesus is God’s promised one. (Heb. 10:23).
“For we have not an high priest which, cannot be trounced with the feeling of our infirmities; He
was in all point tempted like as we are yet without sin. (Heb. 4:15).
Jesus supreme magnitude as the divine Son of God may seem to imply that He is distant and
unapproachable. But that is not so. He was in all point tempted like as we are”. This was part
of the humiliation brought by the incarnation.
We recall His temptation in the wilderness (Matt. 4:1-11), which echoes Israel’s wilderness
experience. We also recall his agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. There He expressed His
desire not to die, but He ultimately submitted to the will of the Father (Matt. 26:36-42). He went
on to the cross (Matt. 27:26-50).
These experience show that Jesus humanity was just as lowly as ours, just as tested as ours, if
not more. In His exaltation, He is not distant. He has suffered what we suffer. Yet in His testing
as a human, Jesus remained without sin (John 8:46; 2 Cor. 5:21); 1 Pet. 1:19; 2:22; 1 Jn. 3:5).
Unlike Aaron and the high priest after him, Jesus had no need to make sacrifice for His own
sins because he had none.
“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find
grace to help in time of need” (Heb. 4:16).
Jesus the high priest who entered the heavenly most holy place is also Jesus the king who is
enthroned in Heaven at God’s right hand (Heb. 1:3; 8:1; 10:12; 12:2).
His people know him, as high priest and king who has made atonement for their sins and rules
the world
Approaching an earthly king to seek mercy may be dangerous (Esther 4:11; 1 Kings 12:13-14).
But the king in view is also a high priest who has experienced in His lowliness what we need,
just when we need it. We approach him confidently, able to speak whatever our need may be
(Heb. 10:19-22).
Today’s text and others in Hebrews address a legal right that was purchased when God’s Son
died in our place; His death furnishes the proper grounds for us to have eternal life (Heb. 9:15).
But let us be quick to add that the entitlement created is God’s not ours. He is entitled to us, not
we to Him. Jesus is the one who holds the keys of hell and death (Rev. 1:18) not us.
Even so God’s entitlement yields astonishing benefits. One is his invitation “Come boldly to the
throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need”.
(To be contd.)

11TH FEBRUARY, 2024.

In continuation of our study on the high priest hood of Jesus Christ, let us consider two
important issues; the human high priest and appointed high priest.
Ia. “For every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to
God” (Heb. 5:1a)
Developing Jesus’ priestly identity, the author of Hebrew lays out what every high priest
is and does. First among these is that the high priest comes from the people for whom
he ministers. He is taken from humanity to serve on behalf of humanity. Fully human,
Jesus fulfills that role.
The high priest’s ministry for people is directed to God. As God’s eternal son, ordained
and sent by the Father for this role, Christ fulfills it like on other.
Ib. “That he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins” (Heb. 5:1b).
The works of the high priest is to make offerings at the altar to atone for the sins of the
people. Jesus stands supreme in that role, having offered himself – not an animal but
human being innocent of sin – for sins of others.
Again, he fulfills the priesthood as no other can.
II. ”Who can have compassion on the ignorant, and on them that are out of the way; for
that he himself also is compassed with infirmity” (Heb. 5:2-3).
A high priest must have empathy, able to understand the experiences of other people
who do not know God (the ignorant) or who have been deceived into abandoning the
(they that went out of the way). That is, the true high priest must minister not out of
strength but weakness (infirmity).
III. “And by reason thereof, he ought as for the people, so also for himself, to offer for sin”.
One similarity between Jesus as high priest and the high priest who came before Him,
is the fact that they offered sacrifices for the people. (Jesus offered Himself, once and
for all).
A crucial difference however is that every high priest who came before Jesus was required to
make a sacrifice for himself, for his own sins. But the sinless Jesus approached God without
the need first to be purified; being without sin, Jesus himself was a suitable offering – the
atoning sacrifice – for the sins of other. There is no sacrifice greater or more filling.
“And no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God as was Aaron” (Heb.
There was another objection to high priesthood. Even of Jesus is fitting in all the ways already
noted, the high priest must be appointed by God Himself to be valid. Clearly God had
authorized Aaron and his descendants of the tribe of Levi to hold the priesthood (Exod. 28:1,
40: 12-15; Num.. 26:58-59).
But how can Jesus, standing outside the ancient line as He does (Matt. 1:1-16; Heb. 7:13-14)
have any claim to divine appointment to priesthood?
“So also Christ glorified not Himself to be made an high priest; but he that said unto Him, thou
art my Son, today have I begotten thee”.
The writer of the Hebrews offers Ps. 2:7 quoted in Heb. 1:5. This Psalm celebrates God’s role
over His people through the king whom He has appointed. God addresses the king as “My Son”
indicating the Son’s special, unique place in God’s plan.
While Israel used this psalm for generations to celebrate its kings, the faithful knew that none of
those kings was what the psalm ideally described. So they looked forward with hope to the
fulfillment of God’s promise to send a greater king, a Son of David, who would build God’s
house and whose throne God would establish forever (1Chorn. 17:11-14).
Jesus is the promised king. This was confirmed at Baptism and transfiguration (Matt. 3:17;
17:5). Jesus priesthood was unfolded as the writer introduces Melchizedec.
”As he saith also in another place, thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedec. (Heb.
This was a direct quotation from Ps. 110:4.
This psalm like psalm two, celebrates and expresses hope for Israel’s king. See Heb. 1:13 for
God’s invitation to His appointed king to sit at God’s right hand while God subdues His
Prior to this, kings did not serve as priest in Israel (2 Chron. 19:11; 26:18). Even though there
were rare occasions when kings performs priestly functions (2 Sam. 6:16-18; 1 Kings 8:62-64),
the two offices were distinct.
The two roles of priest and king came together in Melchizedec. (Gen. 14:18). He was a king
and priest so great that Abraham paid tithes to him. (Heb. 7:1-4).
For the ministry of the promised messiah to be “after the order of Melchizedec” therefore
announces that the promised king of fulfilled prophecy will also be a priest. Two offices will also
be a priest. Two offices will come together in one person. Jesus as forshadowed by the ancient

18TH FEBRUARY, 2024.

TEXT: HEB. 5:7-10
We concluded the last lesson by looking at the High priesthood of Jesus as it is likened to that
of Melchizedec. Melchizedec was a priest and king of Salem. He lived in the days of Abraham
before the levitical priesthood. The two offices of priest and king will come together in one
person Jesus as foreshadowed by the ancient Melchizedec.
Today we are considering Jesus as the Obedient High Priest.
“Who in the days of His flesh, when He had offered prayers and supplications, with strong
crying and tears unto Him that was able to save Him from death, and was heard in that He
feared”. (Heb. 5:7).
Having established Christ’s divine appointment as a great high priest, the writer of the Hebrews
now returns to Jesus lowly position in that regard. The lowliness was seen “in the days of his
flesh” an expression that emphasized how He shared the weakness and vulnerability of
physical existence with the rest of humanity during his life on earth.
“Jesus prayer and supplications with strong crying and tears” certainly suggest His struggle
when He prayed that God would let the “cup” of death pass from Him. How then was Jesus
“heard in that he feared” since He went to His death anyway? A vital part of His prayer is
“nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt” followed by “thy will be done” (Matt. 26:39, 42).
Exalted though He was, Jesus experienced every aspect of human weakness. It was in that
weakness He submitted utterly to the will of God the father.
There are things we can learn from Christ’s prayer in Gethsemane.
 Regarding the prayers form (frankness, sincerity and humility).
 Regarding the prayer’s content (addressee, focus).
 Regarding the prayers context (presence or absence of other people, location).
“Though he was a son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered” (Heb. 5:8).
We may wonder how the divine Son of God learned anything. After all God already knows
everything. And as the divine Son of God, eternal with the Father and sharing in creation, Christ
enjoyed the most exalted position: the very position of God (John 1:1-3).
Yet the scripture affirms that Jesus increased in wisdom (Luke 2:52) and that the Father had
some knowledge that the Son did not have (Matt. 24:26; Mk. 13:32). Therefore what the Son
was able to learn seems to be tied closely to His experience in becoming human (Jn. 1:14).
In becoming one with humanity, Jesus established no boundaries to His submission to the
Father (Phil. 2:6-8). This included accepting the limitations of the flesh. As a result, He suffered
in the worst that humanity can suffer.
Something’s can be learned only by experience. Solomon was “wiser than all men” (1 Kings
4:31), but it took personal experience of disobedience for him to learn to obey (1Kings 11:4-6;
Eccl. 4:13). Jesus was never disobedient to the Father, nut he too learned by personal
It will be error for anyone to think that God is not aware of what we are going through. He has
never been as absentee God. In Jesus, we see clearly what has always been reality: that is,
God’s willingness to suffer alongside of, and on behalf of, those created in his image. Jesus
never sinned, but He certainly felt the stress of every temptation.
“And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obeyed
Him, called of God an high priest after the order of Melchizedec (Heb. 9:10).
Christ’s humble obedience fulfills God’s eternal purpose. By His obedience, suffering, He can
exalt forever those who suffer for their own obedience to God. For sinners (all have sinned) He
makes God’s mercy possible by taking the sinner’s punishment on Himself. For God’s suffering
people (everyone suffers) He dignifies and exalts their suffering, providing the model for their
The” eternal salvation” he brings refers not only to blessed life beyond death but also to God’s
blessings in the present. Fulfilling every divine promise of the past, Christ brings God’s
victorious Salvation.
These observations help us understand what it means for Christ to be “made perfect”. This
expression in this context means not the correcting of an imperfection by attaining of a goal or it
echoes Jesus word on the cross, “It is finished” (John 19:30). God’s plan from the beginning,
even before the time of Melchizedec some 2000 years before Christ, was for the Son to bring
salvation as He would learn obedience by submitting to the father.,
People often ask, “Where is God when I am going through difficult times? Why does He seem
to be silent?
The Bible does not answer “Why” with the clarity we crave. But it provides something more
powerful: Christ says He understands what we are going through. He understands it personally.
He invites us to trust Him again. When we do, the answer comes.
May we learn from every suffering and negative experience that come our way.
25TH FEBRUARY, 2024.
TEXT: HEBREW 12: 1-13
Those who have virtuously endured serve suffering display a certain seriousness of character
that sets them apart. Yet such suffering also enables them better to understand and relate to
others. Foremost among such individuals is Jesus, of who it was said. “Though He were a Son,
yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered. (Heb. 5:8). See also Heb. 2:18, 4:15.
It was not that Jesus moved from disobedience to obedience, rather He learned obedience in
the sense of living out experientially the capacity for complete obedience that was at all time
part of His character.
The center of Jesus character is love. He is an embodiment of love (1 Jn. 4:11). Our ability to
love is the outcome of our development in the basic virtues. If we want to love well, we seek the
virtues of humility, integrity, wisdom, and holiness, because these virtues are grounded in who
God is. They lead us to become like him and enable us to love more as He loves.
We do this intentionally as a discipline of physical exercise strengthens the body, so too the
discipline of spiritual exercise strengthens the soul (sanctification) God wants Christ to be
formed in us. (Gal. 4:19). Discipline through suffering develops and refines our hearts as we
venture in Christ-like holiness. (See Isa. 48:10-11).
There were several people in the Bible (Hebrew 11) often called the Heroes of faith who
experienced various levels of sufferings without actually receiving the promise but Jesus is
superior and better than all of them. (See also Hebrew 11:39-40).
Let us consider the main issues in this scripture.
“So great a cloud of witness” who are they?
They are witness first by their own testimony of faith – some by what they suffered. They are
also witness as they in some way observe those of us in later generations of believers who are
running “the race set before us”.
An important part of running to win is to “lay aside” anything that hinders us in the race (1 Cor.
9:24; Phil. 3:14; 2 Tim. 4:7). Hindrances once set aside may have ways of reattaching
themselves to us over the years of our race. The Old Testament heroes of faith became sad
examples of this at various times. Thus we “run with patience” as we are ever alert in this
regard. Christians throughout the centuries have practiced their faith with an eye towards the
cast off as a hindrance and what must be retained as necessary for renewing faithful in the race
of life. We can look at their successes and failures in that regard for help in keeping our focus to
the end, on Jesus. He is out ultimate example.
Our faith is the Christian faith which replaces the faith we have left behind. By His sinless life
and atoning death, Jesus is the author or founder of the Christian faith. He is also the one who
will bring faith to its complete and perfect fulfillment when He returns as “Finisher”.
By mentioning Christ’s endurance of “the cross”, we see Jesus’ willingness to suffer human
brutality and divine wrath which makes Him the ideal example of faith as we trust in the
promises of God. In the midst of suffering, Jesus held fast to the everlasting “joy that was set
before Him”.
The promise of heaven fortified His resolve to endure even so shall it strengthen us to pursue
righteousness in whatever temptation, injustice, and suffering that comes our way.
In “despising the shame” of an undeserved public crucifixion, Jesus saw the injustice in its right
measure. For Him it was of such little weight and brief duration as “not worthy to be compared
with the glory” that was to follow (Rom. 8:18; 2 Cor. 4:17; Col. 3:4). What Jesus endured
brought Him to be seated “at the right hand of the throne of God”. When trails and temptations
come let us look up to Jesus who had once suffered.
Consider verses 3 and 4; we see that there is the danger of losing the will to continue against
them. We must contemplate not just the end-result of what Jesus accomplished but also the
process as He accomplished it. There is no cheap success. There is always a price to pay in
every great achievement. If you are expecting great accomplishment in life, be ready also to
pay a great price. Jesus is our model and example. He looked towards the end result and
dedicated Himself to accomplish that purpose.
When we are hard pressed to the point of personal harm, can we trust Jesus enough who had
experienced such to help us. The journey to eternal life is not smooth. Thus we are called to
“consider” Him lest we cease “striving against sin and come to pressure as our blessings of
grace with the cost or discipline of discipleship.

3RD MARCH, 2024.

TEXT: HEBREW 12: 5-13


As we consider verses 5-11, there are things to remember and what to expect.
There is a spiritual danger if we forget who we are in Christ. We are children of God, the
quotation of Prov. 3:11-12 reminds us life of wisdom grounded in trust in, fear of, and honour
towards the Lord. This is a mild rebuke and exhortation. We are reminded that the chastening
of the Lord is the evidence of believer’s status and value as children of God. Prov. 3:11-12;
Lam. 3:40 and Ps. 94:12 always go together whenever we discuss the discipline of the Lord.
It is expected that as believers we musty discern the Lord’s discipline, faithfulness, and helps in
the hardship of life. His chastening/discipline springs from the love that seeks our highest good.
The purpose is to lead us to be like His Son in our virtues. Jesus was made perfect by
remaining faithful throughout the course of His sinless life and especially by His sacrificial
suffering and death on the cross. If Jesus was made perfect through His sacrificial suffering, we
cannot be made better through any short cut. Consider again Heb. 2:10; Heb. 12:5-6.
As we consider verses 7-11 of our text, it becomes very obvious that discipline is part of a
father’s responsibility towards and relationship with his children. The child that is not disciplined
is not loved. When God disciplines us, it shows that we are legitimate children and therefore it
must be endured and welcomed. (Duet. 8:5; 2 Sam. 7:14).
We must be ready to take responsibility for our actions as free moral agents (consider 1 Cor.
We live in a morally ordered world. The moral order of creation is grounded in the moral
character of God Himself. We may at times be tempted to complain that our punishment is
greater than we can bear (Gen. 4:13). But the reality that God grants us the power to make
decisions (some with eternal consequences) means that we must accept our responsibility for
those decisions. This is not only for Christians but for humanity as a whole.
We who are children of God are called to endure sufferings and resist temptation, and prove
ourselves in testing. We can do so, when we recall our status in Christ, God’s love as it desires
our highest good, and his faithfulness towards us in every situation in life.
The Bible talks about parental discipline in several places (Proverbs 13:24; 22:6; 23:13-14;
29:5,17, Eph. 6:4). If we respectfully received the training by which our human parents sought
to prepare us to live effective and responsible lives, then so much more we should respectively
receive the training for life from the Father of Spirits. God’s discipline is rooted in love. He
desires that we live holy lives that point other to Him.
In verse 10, we see that the objective of our chastening (discipline) is “that we might be
partakers of His holiness” (1Pet. 1:15-16).
To refuse to subject ourselves to His discipline is to demonstrate prideful distrust in his
character and wisdom. We are called to trust His character and promises (Heb. 11), to humble
ourselves before Him (James 4:7-10) and to obey His Word (John 14:23).
In verse 11, we realize that no discipline or chastening is pleasant as one undergoes it. The
way it confronts the presumptions of our hearts can create intensely difficult internal conflicts. If
we “the peaceable fruit of righteousness. The goal of God’s discipline is the purity of a self-
discipline heart.
The Lord is more interested in character than comfort, as we align our priorities with His.
Consider verses 12 and 13 and see that we are admonished that to succumb to
discouragement is to weaken in faith. We must stand firm and not to get sick spiritually. If we
commit ourselves to the discipline of following Christ we will find our souls healed. The promise
of Jesus will then be fulfilled once again, “Come unto me all you that labour and are heavy
laden, and I will give you rest, take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am meek and
lowly in heart; and you shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is
light (Matt. 11:28-30). This is the promise of discipleship.
We live in a fallen world, and we ourselves are not without sin. The hardships and sufferings of
life can bring intense discouragement, even times of despair. But there is a truth that lift us
beyond discouragement and draw us ever closer to Jesus. That truth is that God can and does
work through hardships of life in a fallen world. He also works directly in the ministry of
discipline to lead us to maturity. The maturity which is Christ-like holiness, is for our highest
good and for His greatest glory.
If God is disciplining you, then something is wrong. Watch out!

10TH MARCH, 2024.

TEXT: PHIL. 4:4-8
Our attitudes towards availability and no availability of resources is very important before God.
The inner heart attitude plays a major role if we must receive from God.
Our joy must always be in the person of the Lord Himself and not in the things He gives us.
Material things are temporal but the Lord lives forever. Our joy must not be because of the
material provisions.
Paul rejoiced in the Lord always even in the prison. He did not lament, rather he lifts up his
voice and sang praises to the Lord. Rejoicing in the midst of adversity causes heaven to
respond with miraculous power.
Delight yourself in the Lord and make melody in your situation.
See the admonition of Jesus to the disciples in Luke 10:17-21.
Casting out demons should not be the source of your joy rather that your names are written in
the Book of life.
Paul said, “I rejoiced greatly in the Lord” not in people, projects, programmes or provisions. This
attitude of joy is very significant in tapping God’s resources for your life and His work in your
hands. Read our memory verse again.
Read Philippians 4:6 again. See that you must do away with every form of worry. Worry is a
killer, Worry does not change the situation, it compounds it. It wearies the heart and destroys
you physically and spiritually. It makes us look up to men instead of Jesus. (Heb. 12:2).
You need to know that worry is useless and takes you to the realm of imagination instead of
faith. Prayer is the means given by God to access the throne of grace and get all that we need
from the divine store. Pray about everything. There is no need to go about telling every one of
your problems, table it before God. Wait for the Lord and do not act out of anxiety. Rest in the
Read Philippians 4: 10-13. Contentment is a sterling attitude of a child of God towards meeting
his needs from God. Look at the verse again.
Paul had needs, yet he chose to be content with every condition he found himself. What does it
mean to be content?
Answer: It means to be satisfied with what you have, it is to be without inner agitation.
The Webster dictionary defines thus: “To satisfy the mind; to make quiet, so as to stop
complaint or opposition, to appease; to make easy in any situation; used chiefly with the
reciprocal pronoun”.
It is to have inner rest or quietness in the present condition, no matter what it is. A contented
person does not compare and contrast himself/herself with another. He is not agitated at seeing
what others have that which he does not have. His mind is at peace. Discontentment is what
fuels complaints and criticism against fellow men. It is a veiled opposition against them because
of what they have, which you do not have. While a contented person is not stagnant in term of
progress, he does not seek advancement by struggling with others. He is willing to grow at
his/her own pace. Contentment is one crucial thing that you must ask God to help you with. It is
a priority lesson you must learn. It will deliver you from several things in life. The whole world
system is built around ambition and lack of contentment. Don’t allow the world system to
capture you. Read 1 John 2:15-17.
Contentment is a voluntary, joyful acceptance of whatever a man is in. It is not that he hates
promotion, but he is not bound by it. Sometimes people may think that contentment is a
message to the poor people alone. No, it is not so. If a rich man is not contented, he will die of
Read Phil.4:12 from different translations. One parameter with which to know a man who lacks
contentment is addiction. Such a person gets agitated whenever he cannot get his desires.
Such a person has limited the leadership of the Holy Spirit in his life. Look at what Paul says in
1 Cor. 6:12-13.
You must not allow anything to bind you. Don’t allow yourself to be put under the power of
anything. When God provides in abundance you will be able to handle it and when the supplies
seem lacking, you are also able to cope.
Read 1 Tim. 4:18-19, and see that faith and good conscience is an attitude that attracts God’s
resources when you have faith (belief in God’s promises) there is need for a good conscience
as well. If you have faith without good conscience, you can do anything to get solution, like
witchcraft, manipulations, hypnotism, and other forms of evil.
One may ask, “What is good conscience?” a conscience is consciousness of what is right or
wrong. It is sensitivity to the standard of God over a matter. Conscience is inside you.
After you have repented from sin, God cleans you from the quilt of sin. Then your conscience
becomes enlightened to point to you God’s own sense, wisdom, and standard, in case you miss
it at any point.
Faith and good conscience always go together. Your good conscience will help you to keep
away from men of corrupt minds. Stand away and keep safe from corrupting influences (1 Tim.
Read 1 Tim. 6:9-11 from different translations.
To flee means to run and fly at the same time. You are expected to pursue righteousness, faith,
love, patience and meekness. Don’t fight dirty.
Good attitude is not formed overnight. You must keep it, retain it, and persevere with it. You
must not allow pressure and immediate demands to choke it up.

17TH MARCH, 2024.

TEXT: EPH. 2:1-10
The Book of Ephesians is considered one of the prisons epistles because it was believed that
Paul wrote from a certain confinement most probably in Rome. The Jews had a long history of
despising the Gentiles but the Ephesians had a different problem altogether. Paul however
made the Jews realize that the middle wall of partition between Jews and Gentiles had been
removed, resulting in single body of the people of God. (Eph. 2:12-18; 3:6; 4:3-6). Salvation for
the Jew and Gentiles was never earned through keeping Jewish law but was found only in the
grace of God.
Humanity was dead in sin but Christ has brought us back to life by God. He has given us
resurrection from the dead. (See Col. 2:13).
The immediate result of this is not immunity from physical death rather a new life which is
spiritual in nature. Spiritual death is a consequence of our trespasses and sin. While many may
not admit it, but we commit spiritual suicide when we sin.
The Ephesians initially believed that they were free. Before Christ all men were in bondage.
Firstly, they were living in carnality and under the evil influence of the power of the air which
attacks them.
Paul believes as we also believe today that Jesus has authority over these forces. These
spiritual beings are in rebellion against God. Identifying with this rebellious force is a direct
affront against God.
Another element that promotes sin lies within us. That is, lust of our flesh. People have
indulged in evil because it feels good and their body desires it.
So people are battling with the world, the devil and desires of the sinful flesh. Some have
become slaves to passion and lust. Every unbeliever is considered child of wrath (Eph. 5:6).
Without Christ, everyone deserves God’s wrath. Our nature is tended towards evil. (Rom. 3:10).
Our former life was infatuated by the sinful world, beset by temptations from the evil one and
controlled by lustful passions.
Our future hope must begin with God’s mercy and love. Even while deserving God’s wrath,
people still bear His image and likeness (Gen. 1:26-27). God has invested so much to save the
image bearers. God is rich in mercy. His mercy endures forever. Its inexhaustible (see also
Rom. 2:4; Eph. 2:7; Ps. 118; 136).
We are enjoying God’s grace. This grace has been best described in the acronym. Grace is
God’s Riches at Christ expense.
Our scriptural resurrection from the death of sin is followed by ascension. Christ ascended to
heaven after His resurrection (Luke 24:50-51; Acts 1:1-9), and following our resurrection from
spiritual death, we are positioned in Christ Jesus in the heavenly places (Col. 3:13).
In verse 7, Paul gives an external reason for God’s rescue of sinners from spiritual death; that
we might serve as a demonstration of His marvelous grace forever. The grace of God is
inexhaustible described as exceeding riches. God’s grace in kindness is not God’s responses
to anything meritorious we have done, rather it is an offer that should draw a response from.
The concept of salvation by grace was introduced in verses and re-echoed in verse 8. The
salvation God offers is of no effect unless accepted through faith. God has done what He has
done (John 3:16; Acts 10:43; 16:31 etc). We do not take credit for anything at all. Salvation is a
gift and cannot be earned.
If salvation resulted from our own efforts, we could be justifiably proud. We have no excuse for
sin and the best of us still have lapses and failures. We have no room for boasting only for
Look at verse ten again.
In the spiritual world of righteousness, there is no such thing as self made man or woman. Our
spiritual resurrection is God’s “workmanship”. According to Jeremiah, God is the potter and we
are the clay (Jer. 18:6).
Our new life has a purpose, and this is part of God’s design. We have been rescued from
spiritual destruction so that we might be instruments of “good works”. Good works are not a
condition of salvation; they are the result.
Sin causes us to be spiritually dead. God’s merciful grace gives us spiritual life in order that we
might properly serve Him in good works. If we submit to His will, He will use us in mighty ways,
and our purpose in life will be clear.
24TH MARCH, 2024.
TEXT: ISA. 40: 25-31
The Book of Job opens with a lamentation on the troubles we face. Life is short and full of
trouble. Sickness, loneliness, disappointment and death caused Job to say that life is not fair.
Even the strongest people get tired times but God’s power and strength never diminish. He is
never tired or too busy to listen. We receive strength through His own strength which is
inexhaustible. Trusting in the Lord with the patient expectation that God will fulfill His promises
will strengthen the believer to go through the difficult moments of life. God’s ever willing to
renew the strength of those who are fainting or under the heavy burden.
The devil works hard to bring people to the point of discouragement and frustration. Little
wonder God repeatedly told Joshua to be strong and very courageous. Discouragement comes
when we look ourselves or others, or at the difficulty itself, hoping that things will improve, but
nothing changes at the end despite all efforts or patient waiting.
We must look at the right person which is God. When we are discouraged, our strength is gone.
See the following scriptures Deut. 1:21; Josh. 1:9; 8:1; 10:25, 1 Chron. 28:20; 2 Chron. 20:15-
Discouragement comes when we are afraid of the unknown. The devil uses this twin weapon –
fear and discouragement to fight the believers. When nobody, encourages you, then encourage
yourself in the Lord. (1 Sam. 30:6; Acts 9:31).
But there is a great secret not only to be encouraged in difficult times but to have renewed
strength to go on in the peace and joy of the Lord. God requires us to “wait upon Him”.
Sometime God allows certain situations to make us realize that He is still in control and that
every details of our life is in His hand. Consider 2 Chron. 20:12-15 and see how Jehoshaphat
entrusted everything into the hands of the Lord in the day of adversity.
Consider Paul’s admonition to the Philippians church in Phil. 4:6-7 and see that we can bring
our request to God in prayer and trust in Him to intervene instead of looking at the difficulties,
we choose to look unto the Lord. He uses all situations to perfect His plans (Rom. 8:28).
Praying with the word of God is the most powerful form of prayer. Remind God what He said in
His word. Consider some of these scriptures Isa. 54:17; Zeph. 3:15-19; 2 Chron. 32:7-8; Ps.
62:21-2; Rom. 8:38-39; Micah 7:8; Lam. 3:21-23; Ps. 23:6; 31:20. Etc.
The word of God in you makes you a potential threat to the kingdom of darkness. When the
devil confronted Jesus in the wilderness before His public ministry, Jesus defeated him with the
word. Victory is still possible through the word. When you are under emotional stress or faced
with difficult decision, then go back to the Bible.
The writer of Prov. 24:10 said something which is very challenging. Times of trouble can help
us know who we really are. Troubles help us to show our true character and bring the best in
us. Jeremiah faced big troubles but God did not just remove the troubles but rather asked him
serious question (Jer. 12:5).
Your problems or challenges will also help you to identify the real friends and fakes ones. Don’t
complain about problems rather face them and conquer them. The problem or challenge you
overcome today becomes a stepping for your greatness tomorrow. Consider Heb. 10:32-37;
Heb. 12:3.
Nothing lasts forever including your present challenges. You will one day realize that they are
no more if only you make up your mind not to go down or surrender. Always remember to
speak the word of faith and trust God always.

31ST MARCH, 2024.

TEXT: JOHN 19:28-30
The death of Christ on the cross was a tragedy that changed the whole course of human
history. Those who crucified Him never knew that they were fulfilling prophecy. It is another
tragedy to allow yourselves be to used to fulfill a negative prophecy. The good news is that
Jesus did not only die on the cross, but He rose from the dead. Before Jesus died, he made an
everlasting message that will last unto eternity. We want to consider certain benefits of his
What was lost in the Garden of Eden was recovered on the Garden of Gethsemane. The
ultimate defeat of Satan was prophetic. This and many other prophecies were fulfilled when
Jesus moved from Gethsemane and found Himself on the cross. Consider John 12:31-32; Col.
2:14-17; Heb. 2:14-15.
Man lost the battle in the Garden of Eden and came under the power and dominion of sin.
There was nothing else capable of changing the situation than the death of God’s son who is
also God Himself in human form. Jesus’ death destroyed the fear of death brought by the fall. It
had been impossible to obey the laws of Moses. Jesus came and not only fulfilling the law but
put it aside and called us into grace. The power has been defeated and there is hope beyond
the grave. (Rom. 8:2; 1 Cor. 15: 54-58)
Since no man could fulfill the law, he was denied access to God until Jesus’ death on the cross.
Man was hopeless until Jesus opened the way when he spoke in John 14:6, many did not
understand or believe. See Eph. 2:13-18, Heb. 10:19-38.
Christians can now approach God boldly free from guilty conscience and full of assurance
because all the requirements of such transaction were met in Christ.
The old system of animal sacrifice was not capable of obtaining salvation. The blood of animals
could only make a temporary covering. When Jesus died on the cross, the full price for sin was
paid and man became debt free. The death on the cross brought redemption and forgiveness.
Without shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin. Jesus died as the final sacrifice for sin.
Jesus died as the final sacrifice for sin (Rom. 5:9, Eph. 2:13; Col. 1:143; Heb. 9: 15-22; Rev.
1:5; 5:9-10).
There was a need for a new covenant because the old one had certain encumbrances that
were too difficult to handle. But the death of Jesus ushered in a new covenant.
Our evil desire died with Him. Our bondage and love for sin also died with Him. Through the
new resurrection life, we may have unbroken fellowship with God and freedom of sin.
Our debt had been paid in full, our sins were washed away and forever forgotten by God. There
is a possibility of entirely new and clean life. A new relationship with God has been made
possible (Eph. 2:14-18; Col. 2:14-17; Gal. 3:13-25; 4:21-31; Matt. 26:28.
The old system of animal sacrifice was never able to deliver man from the consequences of sin
which is eternal death. But the death of Jesus on the cross brought an end to the sacrificial
system and ushered us into a new realm.

7TH APRIL, 2024.

TEXT: MATT. 28:1-7
Christianity is anchored on three key points stated as follows:
i. Christ died for our sins, just as the scripture said. Without the truth of this message,
Christ death was worthless, and those who believe are still in their sins and without
hope. However, Christ as the sinless Son of God took the punishment for sin so that
those who believe can have their sins removed.
Christ death on the cross was not an afterthought of God but part of God’s eternal plan
in order to bring about salvation of all who believe.
ii. Jesus death and burial had factual evidence and could not be denied even by his worst
enemies. Many have tried to discredit the death and burial of Jesus but failed.
iii. The resurrection from the dead on the third day according to his promise dealt the final
blow on the devil and his cronies. Christ has been raised permanently forever to fulfill
the prophecy of Jonah quoted in Matt. 12:40. There is no apology to the enemies of the
The resurrection of the body is distinctly biblical idea. The limited philosophical ideas of the
Greeks could not conceptualize the resurrection. It was beyond their reasoning. Their limited
mind claimed that there is no immortality of the body but the soul which entered eternal state.
Christianity, by contrast, affirms that the body and soul will be united after the resurrection. This
is too deep for a rational mind.
The doctrine of resurrection is clearly taught in the Book of Job (14:13-15; 19:23-27), the
Psalms (16:9-11; 49:1), Isaiah 26:19 and Daniel 12:2.
The conscious existence of the soul between death and resurrection is clearly stated. The fact
that more is said of the condition of the wicked man than the righteous in the intermediate stage
does not detract from the fact that the dead remains conscious, even if their bodies sleep in the
graves (Isa. 14:9-20); Eze. 32:17-32.
The New Testament clearly teaches an order or series in the resurrection. Paul reveals in 1
Cor. 15:20-24 that it is so be “every man in his own order, Christ the first fruit, afterwards they
that are in Christ at his coming. Then comes’ the end. This agrees with what Christ Himself said
in John 5:28.
Revelation 20:4-6, speaks of a first resurrection of the saints as district from a second of “the
rest of the dead”, the unsaved and says the second is separated from the first by a thousand
years. In 1 Thess. 4: 16-17, it is only the dead in Christ who are raised at His coming, and these
are immediately raptured to heaven (Matt. 24:40-44; Mk 13:28-29).
Paul, revealed that the believers shall be like his Lord (Phil. 3:21) and John also affirms this
(1John 3:2), having a tangible body like his glorious body.
Christ arose in the body with which he suffered, leaving an empty tomb. His new body had flesh
and bones and yet though he was absolutely recognizable, its qualities were gloriously
The believers new body will be like angels (Matt. 22: 29-30).
At this time, mortality would have put on immortality.
As we celebrate the resurrection, we joyfully wait for the day when we shall see him face to
face. He has gone to prepare a place for us and will definitely return for us.
14TH APRIL, 2024.
TEXT: LUKE 24: 1-12
The validity of the resurrection of Christ rests upon the certainty of Jesus death and burial and
sealing of the tomb, the undisplaced stone , and empty tomb, the undisturbed conditions of the
grave cloth and on the record of ten different physical appearances of the risen Jesus. He did
not rise secretly and disappeared into the thin air. The appearances are attested in six
accounts. We can see the account in the four gospels. Acts and first Corinthians.
These was variable evidence of the resurrection as the people he appeared to were known
men and women of the time.
i. To Mary Magdalene (John 20:11-18).
ii. To the other women (Matt. 28:9-10).
iii. Privately to Peter (Luke 24:34; 1 Cor. 15:5).
iv. To Cleopas and his companion on the way to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35).
v. To ten apostles at a time in a locked room (Luke 24:36-43; John 20:19-25).
vi. To Thomas and other a week later (John 20:26-29).
vii. To over 500 disciples on one occasion (1 Cor. 15:6) presumably this was in Galilee in
fulfillment of Matt. 28:7-8; Mk. 16:7.
There are the appearances mentioned in Acts 1:3. Christ’s resurrection is historically attested
by the fact of the sudden change in the lives of the apostles. The eleven cowards at the
crucifixion were transformed to men ready to give their very lives fifty days later at Pentecost.
The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is the best attested event in ancient history. The event is
fixed in history; the dynamic is potent for eternity.
It was after the Sabbath that the women preceded to the tomb. This was early Sunday morning
(Mk. 16:2, Luke 24:1, John 20:1). It was early on this Sunday morning that Jesus rose from the
dead. (Mk. 16:9). An earthquake happened most likely when the angel rolled away the stone
from the entrance of the tomb. This made it possible for the witnesses to enter and see that
Jesus has actually risen as He said.
The witnesses were afraid. The happenings here emphasize the great power that was at Jesus’
disposal (Rom. 8:11).
God raised the body of Jesus from the dead through the work of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 6:4; Acts
2:24). This same Holy Spirit now dwells in us and will raise us at the final coming of Jesus
(Rom. 1:4; John 5:28-29; 2 Cor. 5:1-8).
Often we run into people who are looking for God among the dead. They study the Bible as a
mere historical document and go to church as if going to a memorial service. But Jesus is not
among the dead.
He lives!! He reigns in the heart of those who believe and accepted Him as Lord and savior. Are
you among those looking for Jesus in the midst of dead people?

21ST APRIL, 2024.

TEXT: JONAH 1:1-17; PS. 139:1-12
We will undertake a journey through the Book of Jonah to understand God’s sustaining love for
a disobedient prophet whose experience toughened and shaped him for his mission.
Jonah’s ministry described in the book is difficult to date but the book bears his name which
means “dove”. The closest we can recognize is that the events occurred during the reign of
Jeroboam 11 (2 Kings 14:25). That king ruled from 793 to 753Bc. The word of the Lord came to
Jonah to go and preach against the city of Nineveh but he refused because the people were
wicked. He decided to disobey God.
In their time, institutions like this casting lots was an acceptable means of finding out the truth.
(See also 1 Sam. 14:41-45). Prov. 16:33 gives the view that it is the Lord who controls the
Jonah was indicted and he spoke the truth forthrightly. Jonah’s affirmation that he serves the
Lord, the God of heaven is followed with a job at the fictitious gods of the sailors.
You cannot seek God’s love and run from Him at the same time. Jonah soon realized that no
one can run away from God’s presence without being discovered. If you want more of God’s
love and power, you must carry out the responsibilities he gives you before the storms over
take you. (See 1 John 2:3-6).
Look at verse 10 and see the fear upon the sailors. They cannot comprehend any type of sin
that could provoke the God of Jonah to send a storm of such magnitude. The concerns of the
sailors made them to identify the real cause of the storms. There are many storms we face in
life which are indisputably the result of our actions. (Nub. 32:23; Ps. 66:18; Jer. 31:30).
Even the ungodly sailors knew that once sin is indentified, it should be dealt with. Don’t cover
sin. Expose it and deal with it.
Read verse 12-17 again and see first that Jonah’s response can be broken into four parts.
i. Take me up.
ii. Cast me into the sea.
iii. There was calm.
iv. The problem is solved through Jonah’s honesty.
Jonah was willing to give his life and save the sailors, although he refused to do the same for
the people of Nineveh. Jonah’s hatred for the Assyrian’s had affected his perspective (John
The sailors showed more compassion than Jonah because Jonah did not warn the people of
Nineveh of the coming judgement to fall upon people simply out of hatred.
It is better to surrender to God when he calls you than to run away from him. Jonah knew that
God was merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and filled with unfailing love. (Joh. 4:2).
Why do you always want death sentence to be passed on people who you considered as
wicked or evil?
When we admit our errors and confess to God, it could help someone come back to God. (See
vs. 14-16). Before we conclude today, I want you to answer one or two questions. “How can
you help the church prepare itself to be God’s “great fish” in rescuing those whom he may send
your way?
Consider Dan. 12:1-3; 11:33; Acts 1:8; Acts 8:1-25.
Some years ago, a certain man called into the ministry preached everywhere and at a point
considered himself a failure. He decided to quit. A lady heard about his decision and
approached him and called him “Jonah”.
This word became a challenge that the man needed to hear. He referred to his original
assignment and became an effective minister and won several souls. Sometimes what we need
to succeed is a challenge.
Many today still repeat Jonah’s error. They are suffering from self-inflicted “Jonah syndrome”
they know full well what God expects from them but decided to go the opposite direction. Which
way are you facing now? Oh God deliver us from Jonah Syndrome.

28TH APRIL, 2024.

TEXT: JONAH 2:1-10; PS. 116:1-14
The question confronting us this morning is “Why was Jonah so determined to disobey God by
not going to Nineveh”.
The answer might be found in Jonah 4:2. Some other scholars have also suggested that Jonah
did not want to associate with idol worshippers while other said that Israel and Assyria had
been in violent military conflict in the past. The memories of this terrible past might have
affected his present decision. (See 2 Kings 14).
Considering the event recorded in 2 Kings 14, it is quite possible that Jonah and his fellow
Israelites had a great disdain, even hatred for Assyria. How do you feel when you remember
the wrong done to you by other people in the past- with a forgiving heart or that off vengeance?
We shall consider this chapter under three subtopics, Description, Despair and Declarations.
Jonah had been invited to the sailor’s prayer meeting (Jonah 1:5) but he did not attend or even
prayed for himself. There’s no record that he prayed before going to Joppa. All major decisions
in life must be preceded by prayer. (Prov. 16:3; Ps. 37:5-6; Prov. 3:5-6).
Jonah prayed by reason of his affliction right inside the belly of “hell”. He was like a dead man
buried inside the grave.
Look at how Jonah described his ordeal:
“Into the deep in the midst of the seas floods  billows  waves compassed me about 
passed over me”.
He acknowledged it was the Lord. It is important you discover the source of your problem. It
could be “the Lord”. To acknowledge God is the first step towards repentance. (Ps. 51:3-9).
Jonah is fully aware that his own rebellion has caused him to be “cast out of (God’s) sight. (Ps.
18:6-7). God can decide to get our attention through ungodly people and unholy circumstances.
He also uses godly people and holy circumstances. Jonah’s condition was hopeless (Ps. 69: 1-
2). Jonah’s condition was such that has never been seen before.
As Jonah looks back on his recent experience, it seemed at that time that there was no
solution. But in every impossible situation, there is God of all possibilities. (Matt.17:20;
Matt. 19:26; Gen.18:14). Miracles are no big deal before God. He is the Alpha and Omega.


God rescued Jonah in a way that is beyond human imagination, since he believed that he was
met the end when the fish swallowed him. Some skeptics had doubted the story of Jonah as it
is impossible for such to happen. Nevertheless, that’s why it is considered a miracle. A miracle
is an occurrence beyond human reason or scientific explanation.
Given the decisive evidence of the bodily resurrection of Jesus, it is very minor matter for God
to have a fish swallow a man. Jesus even connects the two events (Matt. 12:38-40). We also
note a connection with Psalm 103:4.
Your thoughts at all times matters a lot. For Jonah, his thoughts had been a form of prayer that
ascended into God’s holy temple (Ps. 77:11-12; 2 Chron. 30:27). This was a desperate prayer
(vs. 7) and God responded without hesitation.
We experience moments when it seems the whole world is conspiring against us, times when
there is no relief in sight. Often we are the enemy of ourselves and not the whole world.
Jonah realized that he has hit the rock bottom. His method to flee from God has failed. At this
point, it’s only that same God that could help him.
When God taps you on the shoulder for a task, turn to Him for help right then and there. Don’t
flee first and ask for help when things seem hopeless (1 Cor. 10:11-12).
Jonah has received a great act of mercy from God. In the midst of such deliverance, the
thoughts of the prophet turn to others. He has learned a great lesson. Don’t wait until God
teaches you a hard lesson. Let your heart go also to the calamites of other people. Do not wait
for idol worshippers to be used to preach to you. Be wise.
Those who worship idols forfeit God’s grace and abandon any hope of mercy from the Lord.
Idols are lying vanities. Jonah had no place to bargain with God. Instead, he simply thanked
God for saving his life. Our troubles should cause us to cling to God not to bargain our way out
of pain. Jonah’s story began with a tragedy, but a greater tragedy would have happened if God
had allowed him to keep running. Anyone who has experienced Physical storm recalls the great
relief when reaching land safely. Jonah offered a sacrifice of thanks giving. Our deliverance
should always be followed by thanksgiving.
When we see sequence in the life of Jonah, it can cause us to reflect on which of the four
states we are in right now.
 Running from God.
 Running to God.
 Running with God
 Running ahead of God.
Let us in wisdom learn from Jonah’s error or do we want the same experience?

5TH MAY, 2024.

TEXT: JONAH 3:1-10, ACTS 11:11-18
Sin and wickedness often produce feelings of guilt. When a city experience a tragedy,
conscientious people may wonder whether their sin is the cause.
In this period, there is famines in Assyria because of wars and drought. In their superstition the
Assyrians believed that their sufferings were as a result of solar eclipse which occurred on June
15, 763BC. Jonah’s message would have made great impact because of some of these
astronomical, economic and political events.
In Jonah 1:2, he was instructed to ”cry against” the city but this time he must “preach” what God
tells him to preach. Jonah has no opportunity to come up with his own set of sermons but those
provided by God. What are you preaching? Your own sermon or those provided by God? You
must not allow social pressures or fear of people dictate your message. We are called to
preach God’s message and His truth, no matter how unpopular it may be. (Jer. 1:17; Ezek. 2:7).
Some people think that Jonah was official prophet of King Jeroboam 11 (2 King. 14:23-25).
The three days journey is possibly a figure of speech describing official visit to a major city. The
first day is for exchange of greetings and getting settled. The purpose of the visit is carried out o
the second day and the guest depart on the third day.
It is amazing to see the people of Nineveh repent from the greatest to the lowest when Jonah
preached. Despite the wickedness of the Ninevites, they were open to the word of God. We
must not write anyone off or conclude that they cannot repent. If we simply proclaim God’s
message of salvation, we may be surprised how people will listen.
Jonah did not perform any miracle yet he won many souls to the Lord. Jesus referred to this
Jonah’s message (Matt. 12:4). Don’t wait to be a miracle worker before you obey.
Jonah’s message attracted an immediate proclamation by the people of Nineveh. The fasting
which could be seen as a sign of deep sorrow (Judges 20:26). See also 2 Kings 9:1; Ps. 35:13.
The Ninevites had no assurance that their demonstration of repentance will result in the
prophesied disaster being averted. But they desperately want to do whatever it takes to
preserve themselves.
If Jonah could be persuasive to the King and commons despite his own unwillingness, how
effective might modern preachers be, were they to embrace God’s calling with greater
The actions of fasting decreed are unusual in that they apply to livestock also. Thus adherence
to this provision will further show that the repentance is genuine.
The king strengthens the impact of fast by further requiring that the people turn to God and
away from wickedness. The Ninevites were afraid, even the king. The ultimate purpose in all
the self depriving actions is that “we perish not”. It was fear that motivated their repentances.
An important lesson in verse 10 is that some prophesies are absolute (they will be fulfilled, no
matter what example 2 Kgs. 24:1-4) while other are conditional. Jonah’s prophecy came into
this category. The actions taken by the King, nobles and the people of Nineveh combined to
demonstrate sincerity. God canceled His plan to visit judgement destruction on the city.
Can you recall the opportunity which God granted you to repent. How did you use that to affect
your family and friends? (Isa. 30:15; Luke 3:8; 2 Cor. 7:10; 2 Pet. 3:9).
Repentance is demonstrated in its fruits. When you repent, be ready to make restitution by
returning all that you have wrongly acquired. Seek for reconciliation with all that you have
treated wrongly. God’s forgiving love leads us to eternity with Christ.
12TH MAY, 2024.
TEXT: JONAH 4: 1-11; PS.86:8-13
The Bible has much to say about anger (Prov. 29:22; Eph. 4:31; Col. 3:8; James 1:19-20 etc).
Jonah had a problem with anger just like Moses. As God worked through him to bring the
Ninevites to repentance, the Lord also worked with Jonah to help him overcome this problem.
There are two sides to anger. Anger may not be sinful in and of itself (Mk. 3:5), but irritational
anger needs corrective action, and that’s what God provides Jonah in today’s lesson.
The compassionate decision of God in Jonah 3:10 is not what the prophet wants to hear. He is
angry at the result of his preaching – how God wants to spare them from His wrath. How do you
feel when good things happen to people contrary to your expectations?
Jonah shows his anger in his prayer (see 4:2). He wanted to make God feel guilty for sending
him to Nineveh. Jonah mirrors Exod. Jonah wanted to be saved when he was in the belly of the
fish but wouldn’t want the Nineveh to experience the same forgiving love. You pray for God’s
mercy and want your neighbor to “fall and die” (see also Ps. 86:5’ Jdg. 2:13). God doesn’t want
an outward display of penitence without true inward repentance (1 Sam. 16:7; Matt. 23:1-36).
As with Job, the Lord responds with a question (Job 38:2). God wants Jonah to adjust from his
angry disposition. We must learn to put other people in our own shoes. We notice that the Lord
did not ask the question because He needed an answer but for Jonah to think.
If circumstance work against a person’s desires in some way, he or she may not take it well.
What Jonah saw as the worst case (the repentance of the Ninevites) was actually the best case
from God’s point of view. Does your thought align with God’s thought? Jonah’s sinful attitude
blinded him from the positive result of the preaching from God’s perspective. (See also Matt.
Jonah is certainly concerned for himself. But love for perceived enemies is still lacking. See
Matt. 5:44. This principle has been stated even before the days of Jonah. (Exd. 23:4-5; Prov.
God used both the whale and the worm to teach Jonah some lessons, don’t learn the hard way.
Another big challenge in the life of Jonah was “self”. (Rom. 2:8; Prov. 18:1; Phil. 2:3;
James 3:13-16). God used a storm and a whale to encourage Jonah to go to Nineveh. Now
God uses a worm and east wind to move Jonah to where he should be in his attitudes towards
those who are different. Always look around and see what is trying to teach you with
God tried to reset Jonah’s mindset by asking him vital questions in verse 10. Jonah’s answer is
petty defensive, and almost defiant. He attempts to bolster his position by asserting once again
his preference for death. Some of us are like Jonah. He could not see what he has done wrong.
Emotional people who learnt to control their emotions can do well in telling others about the
love of God. Jonah has not reached this point; he lacks compassion. God’s second question
(verse 9b) is designed to soften Jonahs attitude. But he was still far from reality. The facts
presented by God should compel Prophet Jonah to realize how absurbs and small his
defensive statements really are.
The Lords final question demands that Jonah contrast his thoughts regarding Nineveh. Jonah
should feel embarrassed, for its obvious that the population of a city is more important than a
single solitary plant. Jonah’s self centeredness is now obvious that even him should see it.
The reference to much cattle is a reminder that God is concerned for animals as well as people.
In general, there are two mistakes we can make in our relationship with God. First, we can lag
behind Him, failing to move fast as He wants us to (Example Hag. 1:1-8). The other mistake is
to run ahead of Him. This may involve making plans that are not His (Example 2 Sam. 7:1-13).
It is so easy to run ahead of God and presume that He must do such and such. Don’t run ahead
of God.

19TH MAY, 2024.

TEXT: PSALMS 85: 4-7
There is one proverb among Christians which is not completely true both points to the truth, that
is, Revival are born after midnight.
If we understand the saying to mean that God does not hear our prayers for revival made in the
day time, it is of course not true. If we take it to mean that prayer offered when we are tired and
worn-out has greater power than prayer made when we are rested and fresh, again it is not
true. Yet there is considerable truth in the ideal that revivals are born after mid night, for revival
comes only to those who want them badly enough.
There is no special merit for late hour prayers, but it requires a serious mind and a determined
heart to past the ordinary to the unusual.
Each generation of Christians is a seed to the next, and a degenerate seed is sure to produce a
degenerate harvest not little better than the original seed.
How do we improve the seed? How so we carry on with evangelism, missions scripturally?
We must walk in fullness of power, separated, purified and ready at any moment to give up
everything, even life itself for the greater glory of Christ.
Consider Hosea 6:1-3 and see the call to return to the Lord. This repentance is presumptuous
and not true repentance. Israel did not turn from their idols or truly repent from their evil ways.
They thought that God’s anger will just last a moment and disappear or only a few days. They
did not realize the eternal benefits of worshiping God. How do you treat your relationship and
service to God?
What do you understand by “dwelling in the secret place of God” (Ps. 91:1, Ps. 23:6; 61:4; Col.
Consider Isa. 42:8 and see that God is sovereign and cannot share His glory. He decided and
not us. We want to get power for revival into our hands. We want to be in charge and God will
follow us. We are calling on God to send fire on our altars, completely ignoring the fact that the
altar is built for God (Gen. 8:20; 12:7; 13:18; 26:25; Exod. 17:15).
You can build an altar, but it is greater than you if you actually built it in the name of the Lord. It
is a place where sacrifices are made to God and therefore must be respected. (2 Sam. 24:24-
25; Judges 6:24; Ezra 3:2-5). When the altar is properly built and with proper sacrifice, God will
appear. King Uzziah desecrated the altar when he had to offer sacrifice and receive leprosy (2
Chron. 26:16-23). God promised His presence to those who seek Him earnestly (Exod. 33:14-
15). Revival and blessing come to the church when we stop looking at a picture of God and
look at God Himself. Revival comes when no longer satisfied just to know about God in history,
we meet His conditions of finding Him in living, personal experience. Those who have a longing
in their heart for intimate personal encounter will get Him.
Someone may ask how much does it cost to have revival take place. The answer is simple; “It
will cost not a dime; and it will cost everything we have”. Revival does not come by bringing
preachers from everywhere but by having God in our midst. “And I will set my tabernacle
among you; and my soul shall not abhor you; and I will walk among you, and will be your God,
and ye shall be my people. (Lev. 26:11-12).
See also Jer., 29:12-22; Ps. 145:18; Isaiah 65:24; Rom. 10:12.
It is a time of agonizing and groaning in God’s presence. You can start today.
Time is running out for us. The enemies are close by and pushing very hard. What must be
done must be done quickly. The fire must be restored in the tabernacle and must not be
allowed to go out. (Lev. 6:12).

26TH MAY, 2024.

TEXT: JER. 31:31-34
This is God’s arrangement by which He established a new relationship of responsibility
between Himself and His people. This is another name for the New Testament and thus refers
to the 27 books of the New Testament (New Covenant).
We have dealt briefly with the New Covenant in a previous study, but in this study we are
dealing with that covenantal relationship between God and His people which Jeremiah the
prophet mentioned.
It has always been contrasted with the Mosaic covenant even by the writer of the Hebrews
(Heb. 8:6-13).
i. The New Covenant provides an unconditional grace relationship between God and the
house of Israel and the house of Judah. We must remember that those who are the real
Israel are those who have entered a relationship with God through Jesus. (Gal. 3:26-
ii. It provides regeneration in the impartation of a renewed mind and heart (Ezek. 36:26).
God really promised Israel a new covenant (Ezek. 16:16-63, 34:23-25) but this will
ultimately be fulfilled in Christ. No matter how impure your life is right where you are
now, God offers a fresh start. You can have your sins washed away and receive a new
heart from God.
iii. It provides for restoration to the favour and blessings of God (Hosea 2:19-20). Through
no merit of our own God forgives us and makes us right with Him. We cannot reach
God’s standard by our personal efforts, but he graciously accepts us, forgives us and
draws us into a relationship with Himself.
iv. The new covenant involves total forgiveness from sins. (Jer. 31:34b). His compassion
towards us opens the door for forgiveness. When he forgives, He also forgets. Don’t
keep carrying the guilt of sin. Forgive yourself as well.
v. The new covenant ushers in the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit (Jer. 31:33;
Ezek. 36:27). When the Holy Spirit indwells us, He teaches us all things. (Luke. 12:12;
John 14:26).
The teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit ensures the validity of the New Testament. The
disciples were eye witnesses of Jesus life and teachings, and the Holy Spirit helped
them remember without taking away their individual perspective. We can be confident
that the gospels are accurate records of what Jesus taught and did (1 Cor. 2:10-14).
The Holy Spirit can help us in the same way if we allow Him to indwell us.
vi. It provides for the exaltation of Israel as the head of the nations (Jer. 31:38-40; Deut.
28:13). We have the opportunity of exhalation when we become part of the new
The foundation of all the covenant blessing is the blood of Christ. In the upper room the night
before His death, the Lord stated that the cup symbolized “The blood of the new covenant”
(Matt. 26:28; 1 Cor. 11:23-26).
The new covenant completes, rather than replace the old covenant, fulfilling everything the old
covenant looked forward to (Jer. 31:31-34). Eating the bread and drinking the cup shows that
we are remembering Christ’s death for us and renewing our commitment to serve Him. We
remember Christ’s death back again. When we appreciate what Christ has done and anticipate
what He will do when He returns, the Lord’s supper takes in a profound sense of purpose.
Whatever relationship the church may have to the new covenant, it seems clear from the new
testament that it will be fulfilled in its original provision to Israel at the second coming of Christ.
(Rom. 1:26-27).
Jesus continued to offer salvation to all freely. Are you saved? Are you satisfied? Are you
expecting the return of the Lord Jesus Christ?
You need to answer the above questions personally to yourself.

2ND JUNE, 2024.

TEXT: ROM. 8:12-17
Paul uses adoption to illustrate the believer’s new relationship with God. In Roman culture, the
adopted person lost all rights in his old family and gains all rights in the new family as a
legitimate child. He becomes new heir of the father’s estate. Likewise when a person becomes
a Christian, he or she gains all the privileges and responsibilities of a child in God’s family. One
of the outstanding privileges in being led by the Spirit (see Gal. 4:5-6).
Sometimes, we feel that we have no part in God but the Holy Spirit gives us the witness that we
are part of God’s large family. His inward presence reminds us of who we are and encourages
us with God’s love (Rom. 5:5).
This is living and walking by the leading of the Holy Spirit. It means total obedience to the voice
of the Holy Spirit when sometimes it sounds unrealistic. Read John 15:1-17 and see a good
illustration by Jesus using the Vine and its branches.
This illustration shows how much our life depends on the flow of grace and strength issuing
from the Spirit of grace. (See John 15:4-5).
The Spirit controlled believers, does not move by selfish impulse and presumption, he waits
until there is proper signals and clear direction from God.
The life and times of Jesus on earth is a clear illustration of Spirit controlled life. Prophet Isaiah
saw ahead the kind of life he was going to live and declared it. (Isa. 11:1-3).
i. The Spirit controlled life is a life of sweet romance with seven Spirit of God. Under this
glorious atmosphere of bliss, you lack nothing God. You cannot live under this kind of
life without the fear of God. (Ps. 34:9-10, Ps. 23:1; 84:11).
ii. There is inner voice of witness that assures us of our salvation, forgiveness of sin and
deliverance from guilt when we live under the control of the Holy Spirit. So many people
live under the heavy yoke of guilt and condemnation even when the scripture says
otherwise (Rom. 8:1-2). The devil keeps reminding them of their ugly past. Remind the
devil of his future in the lake of fire. (Rev. 19:20).
When the Holy Spirit takes over the total control of your spirit man, He drives away fear
associated with dread of retribution.
The assurance of Salvation, releases the peace of God into our soul thereby bringing stability of
faith. It also quickens the heart towards more commitment to Christ our Lord and His course on
earth. The witness of the Spirit in our lives that we are the children of God is what gives us the
boldness in the place of prayer to place our demand on destiny baking on the merit of Christ ‘s
sacrifice on the cross (Heb. 4:16; 7:19).
We are encouraged to persevere in faith while facing challenges. Instead of running from pillar
to post, we have to focus on Jesus knowing that the price for our sonship was fully paid. During
times of stress, we may feel God’s presence more clearly and find help from Christian we never
thought would come. Consider Heb. 10:32-38 carefully. Focus on what Jesus has done. See
also Gal. 3:10-13.
Our boldness in the place of prayer does not depend on our merits or demerits but on privilege
of sonship which we receive in Him.
The Holy Spirit is the life giving Spirit. He is the power behind the rebirth of every Christian. He
gives the power we need to live the Christian life. We can trust and depend on Him to lead and
control our lives.

9TH JUNE, 2024.

TEXT: PS. 91:1-16
Ps. 91 deals with the tension of safety versus turbulence. The Psalm launches with this
powerful assurance, “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the
shadow of the Almighty”. One may be tempted to think that “Nothing can touch me”, but the
Psalm seems to contradict that thought. Verse 3 speaks of being caught by perilous pestilence.
(The fact that God delivers us from those things does not negate the reality of pain we
experience when we are initially caught in their grips). The Psalm also describes terrors by
night, arrows that fly by day, pestilence that walks in darkness and destruction that lays waste
at noon day.
Verse 15 points to personal trouble. The comfort being that the Lord will be present in the time
of trouble and will bring deliverance. But waiting upon God until deliverance comes can be
agonizing at times.
Some Christians become offended by the increased warfare they encounter when they devote
themselves to the secret place. It is this offence that may be referred to in Psalm 91:7.
Those at your side are follow warriors. They get offended that God would allow calamity to hit
their lives after they have been so faithful. Even if a thousand of fellow warriors fall to calamity
and never uncover God’s resurrection power – but take God’s promise to the grave- it shall not
be so with you. Even if ten thousand of your fellow believers are not delivered, He shall be your
deliverer. Psalm 91 must be seen as directed, not to all believers, but at a very specific kind of
believers: the one who abides in the secret place of the Almighty.
The closer we draw to the Lord in intimacy, the more real the warfare will be encountered.
Someone described it, “New levels, new devils”. As the attacks increase our cry only intensifies,
“Hide me”. While the body and soul may be afflicted with increasing harassment and abuse, the
spirit is finding a place of greater protection, rest and intimacy under the shadow of the Almighty
(See 2 Cor. 4:8-11). The Spirit thus draws us into a place of greater spiritual peace and comfort
which only inflames the soul with a greater passion for Jesus.
There is a place of refuge from storms of life. Storms will unavoidably assault us on this earthly
plane but there is a place to hide. That is the secret place. Consider these two scriptures again
Ps. 27:5; 31:20. God hides us in the sanctuary or His presence.
Webster dictionary defines sanctuary as, “A place of refuge, asylum, hence immunity. God’s
abode is a sanctuary for the war weary soldier, a place of immunity from the onslaught of the
enemy (see Ps. 63:1).
The secret place is like the eye of a storm. While all is storming about us, we find an inner
sanctuary of rest and peace. When we retreat to the secret place the storm doesn’t stop. Infact,
sometimes it seems that when we return to the Lord for help the storm escalates in intensity.
While the place of prayer is a place of immunity, it is also one of Satan’s favourite places to
attack the devout.
Satan directed his attacked to Daniel’s prayer life (Dan 6:5-13).
Judas knew that the easiest place to get Jesus was in his place of prayer (Matt. 26:36-49).
So the secret place is both a place of sanctuary and also of the enemies’ strategic attacks. The
assurance to the believer is that when he is attacked in the place of prayer the Father is
exercising jurisdiction over the entire affair.
(To be continued)
16TH JUNE, 2024.
TEXT: PS. 91:1-16
The first thing Jesus taught about prayer was the privacy of the secret place. He taught about
how to pray and where to pray.
Look at the memory verse again and see a big secret on where to pray. The guaranteed way to
God’s presence is to shut the door. Jesus Himself gave this key. He said, ‘Your Father who is in
the secret place’. He is saying, your Father is in the secret place. He has gone ahead of you.
The moment you make up your mind to pray and enter the room and shut the door, be rest
assured that God is already waiting for you there. He repeated what he said in verse 6 in verse
18 for emphasis (See Matt. 6:18).
The secret is your portal to the throne, the place where you taste of heaven itself. When you
know that you are in the immediate presence of your Father, your spirit and soul will respond to
that knowledge with heartfelt connectedness. The knowledge of this will set your spirit free to
This is called building upon the rock (See Matt. 7:24-27). Storm will definitely come but the
foundation will uphold the building.
One of the most essential elements of the foundation is to have an intact secret life with God.
Always remember to shut the door.
When you have shut the door, the next thing is to listen for His voice. God had always designed
that the secret place be a place where He answered us and speak to us. Sometimes He
apprehends us by thundering to with His awesome voice. It’s glorious to hear his voice. (See
Ps. 81:7).
“We shut the door to our secret place so that we might shut out all distracting voices and tune
our hearts to the voice which we long to hear”. Nothing can replace the confidence and
authority that comes from hearing God.
It’s a great delight to talk to God in prayer but more awesome when He talks to us. Things often
don’t change when we talk to God but things change automatically when He talks to us. So, the
power of prayer is found not convincing God of my agenda, but in waiting upon Him to hear His
My role in the secret place is to listen for anything God might want to speak. If He doesn’t
speak to me, my time spent in silence is not futile or vain.
See 95:7; “Today if you will hear His voice”. We must choose to hear Him. Set aside time to
wait for His voice. Most people want God to hear our prayer but are not patient to wait and hear
Him. (See Zech. 7:13).
It is very important to hear the voice of God in the secret place but much more important to
obey the voice. (James 1:22).
Implicit obedience starts for every one of us, not in doing good works but in sitting at His feet
and hearing His word. Hear what Jesus said in Mark 3:33-35.
The true fulfillment of serving Jesus is discovered when we get first things first. First we sit and
listen, and then we go and do.
In the same Mark 3:14-15; Jesus called the disciples to come be with Him first before going to
preach and teach.
Creative thinking is good but it is better to listen to the Holy Spirit and know what God is saying
(Ps. 33:10-11). It is better to be obedient than creative.
Note the following:
i. Obedience unlocks eternally abundant life (Jn. 12:50).
ii. Obedience incurs the gaze of God. (Isa. 66:2)
iii. Obedience produces greater intimacy (Jn. 14:21).
iv. Obedience builds unshakable foundation (Mk. 7:24-27).
The closer you get to God in the secret place, the more obedient you must be. Be a Christian of
the secret place, learn to shut the door, listen to him and be ready to obey. Be obedient!

23RD JUNE, 2024.

TEXT: 2 KINGS 13:18-19
Elisha had given Jehoash, the king of Israel, a plan from God for not only defeating his enemy
but eliminating him permanently as a future threat. But the plan depended on two important
i. Being fully obedient (we discussed obedience extensively in our last lesson).
ii. Being passionate. We will concentrate on this.
Jehoash passed the first test but failed the second one. He was obedient to what God told him
to do but he did not go far enough and he did put his heart and soul into it. How far do you go in
handling divine instructions?
Jehoash settled for less than God had planned for him. It could have been as a result of
distractions or tiredness. There are several things that can distract us from achieving our full
potentials, yet the key is in our hands.
God speaks to us but we are often encumbered with many activities that deny us getting divine
instructions or not doing exactly what God says. Jehoash forfeited God’s best because he was
not passionate enough.
It is not enough to say, “I am obedient to God” Obedience must be wholeheartedly, otherwise,
you can end up compromising your future and failing to experience the fullness of what God
has in mind for you.
Passion is like fire, unless you feed it and stoke it, it will die. See the words of David in Ps. 39:3-
4. God demands your all and can never accept a part time service. He searches our hearts to
know our devotion to Him. (Consider the following scriptures Deut. 6:5; Ps. 119:2; Prov. 3:5;
Jer. 29:13; 2 Tim. 1:6; Col. 1:29; Phi. 3:13-14).
The enemy of passion is indifference. You go through the motions, but your focus is broken by
other things. You have not said “NO” to God, it’s that your “YES” is not enough.
See 2 Chron. 25:2. The King did what was right in the eyes of the Lord but not wholeheartedly.
When you become negligent of your duties or responsibilities you attract the wrath of God. (Jer.
48:10 NIV). When your heart becomes calloused you will hardly hear God properly. (Acts 28:27
NIV). The word “calloused” depicts a steady build up of hard, dead skin on the soles of your
feet until you can’t walk right or without pain.
A calloused heart is a dead heart. Jesus warned the churches in the Book of Revelation very
strongly (Rev. 2:4-5; 3:15-16 NIV).
Passion is a driving force for the fulfillment of destiny. A person without passion will almost
always be a failure. You cannot get to your destination. Passion is needed in everything we do
in life to be successful. Think about your ministry, business, marriage, or career. Put in
everything wholeheartedly and success is sure.

30TH JULY, 2024.

TEXT: PROV. 6:6-11
Many people live their lives without remembering the raining days. You must realize that you
will not remain strong the rest of your life. Time will come when your strength will not allow you
to do the kind of strenuous works you do today. Therefore take a lesson from the ants.
There are major decisions we must make over our life time. It’s great to take decision about
marriage, career, but much more important is how and where you spend your later years before
facing eternity.
Someone wrote, we make choices based on what feels best, what’s easiest, fastest or makes
us happy. Wise choices aren’t usually guide fixes, selfish or short term, they involve planning
and hardwork, sacrifice and resilience. But the rewards are huge. Consider James 1:5. The
wisdom of God is available to us. When we develop the patience and maturity to make the wise
choice instead of the easy one, you never have to live in fear or dread of the outcome.
John Mason says, “growing in wisdom means fearing God, pleasing Him, hearing from Him,
looking to Him, choosing His way, staying humble before Him, taking His advice, receiving His
correction, maintaining a prayer connection with Him, and knowing His Son personally (Ps.
111:10; Eccl. 2:26; Prov. 2:6; 3:13; 8:10-11; 11:2; 13:10; 29:15; Eph. 116-17; 1 Cor. 1:30).
It is dangerous to meet old age or retirement without savings. Any fool can spend money but it
takes a wise person to save as well. The key to getting ahead in life is to spend less, save more
and avoid being greedy to invest in get-rich-quick schemes.
No matter how little your income might be, try to save at least twenty percent after removing
your tithe before spending what is left over. You cannot save what is left over. When you
discipline yourself financially, you are becoming a disciple because discipleship involves a lot a
The Book of Proverbs warns against laziness, of sleeping and procrastination. This does not
mean we should never rest, but we should never rest when we are expected to be working. The
ant is used as an example because it utilizes its energy and resources economically. If laziness
turns your from your responsibilities, poverty will soon bar you from legitimate rest.
The book of Proverbs makes it clear that diligence or handwork is a vital part of wise living. We
work hard not to become famous, rich or admired (although those may be products) but to
serve God with our very best during our life time (se Prov. 10:4-5, 26; 12:11, 14, 24’ 13:4;
14:23; 15:19; 18:9; 19:24 etc). If you sleep when you are supposed to be working, be ready to
work while others are sleeping. Life is full of choices. Be wise. Say no to laziness.
Everyday has 24 hours filled with opportunities to grow, serve and be productive. Yet it is easy
to waste time, letting life slip from our grasp. Refuse to be lazy and embrace divine wisdom
which is given liberally.
7TH JULY, 2024.
TEXT: GEN. 22:1-18
One may wonder, how can the Almighty God be in need? There are certain things that God can
no longer do by Himself but needs someone to go on His behalf. God needs friends and
partners. He found a friend in Abraham (2 Chron. 20:7; Isa. 41:8; James 2:23).
The question before us this morning is, “Who is willing to become God’s friend?. Who can
become “extension of God? Can God trust you with His resources? Answer the questions
personally after considering them meditatively.
Look at the text again and see that God’s request is often big but not bigger than what He
wants to do in return. The fact and truth is that He won’t ask for what you don’t have. He often
asks for that thing which you cherish so much to see if there is anything you value or depend on
more than Him. Abraham was tested and he passed. He became God’s friend and was blessed
more than anyone else. The more the test, the more the blessing. Take a look at Gen. 22:2 and
see how “easy” it is to become God’s friend. (James 2:23) and a father of all the believers
(Rom. 4:11).
The pronouncement of the blessing did not come until after the test.
What is God asking from you? Are you wrestling with it? Are you withholding what he wants?
Sowing Isaac was the hardest seed that Abraham could sow. But that seed produced a harvest
of blessing greater than anything Abraham ever dreamed or thought possible. What is God
asking you to do today? Think well before saying yes or no.
A friend told me a heartbreaking story, how he visited Lagos State University Teaching
Hospital, Ikeja in government entourage for inspection. As they moved along the male ward, a
sick man called his attention and begged for money so that the hospital authorities could give
him drugs, but he ignored the man and left. At the middle of the third Lagos mainland bridge he
repented because he knew he had a lot of cash with him. He drove back to LASUTH to give the
man money only to find out that he died a few minutes before his arrival.
i. Don’t withhold help from a needy person. God might be testing you.
ii. Do it cheerfully. It attracts divine love.
iii. Avoid that regret now.
iv. Someone’s live might be dependent on that money with you.
v. You might need help one day.
Even joyful givers will look back on their lives and wish they had done more. There are also
others who gave less than they could have given or who never gave at all. Can you imagine
their thoughts as they stand before God, giving account on how they used their resources and
be rewarded accordingly. There’s still opportunity now. Don’t die while leaving millions of
unspent money in the bank.
God’s desire is that all may be saved without anyone perishing (Jn. 3:16; 2 Pet. 3:9). Jesus is
waiting so that more sinners will repent and turn to Him. We must not sit and wait for Christ to
return, but we should realize that time is short and we have to do the important work of soul
winning. Can you go on behalf of God? Be ready to meet Christ any time, even today.
Isaiah saw his powerlessness and the need to depend on God. He said, “Send me”. When God
sends you, success is sure. God knows that some people have made up their mind to resist
Him. (See also Isa. 6:9-10; Matt. 13:15).
Intercede for someone’s salvation. It could be all that God needs from you today. Consider the
following scriptures: Col. 4:12; 1 Sam. 7:5, 10; 1 Tim. 2:1-4).
When you meet God’s need, be sure that your own needs are guaranteed. Think about
Abraham, the little boy that donated his lunch to feed Jesus followers, Daniel and the other
Hebrew children who stood for God.

14TH JULY, 2024.

TEXT: MATT. 28:20
This topic is the topic of a song that has always given me divine assurance of the Lords
presence and his unshakable promise of soon return. I will share the first two stanzas:
1) Ho, my comrade see the signal wav-ing in the sky.
Reinforce-ments now appearing victory is high.
Chorus: Hold the forth, for I am coming
Jesus sig-nal still
Wave the an-swer back to heaven
By the grace we will
2) See the might-y host ad-van-cing Satan led-ing on
Mighty men a-round us fall-ing
Cour-age almost gone.
The time is almost up and the devil knows this. As the battle waged by the powers of darkness
is intensified, the human race is consistency plagued with indescribable hardship. Hearts are
getting faint, even believers are becoming pranky. Although nothing seems certain, do not be
afraid, the Lord has promised to be with us always according to the last part of our text. This is
how we flow now.
i. Look unto Jesus (Heb. 12:2)
Jesus consistently warned his followers of the time like this and the fact that the world
cannot give us peace despite all the peace in Him (Jn. 1633). He has fought and won
the battle on our behalf, therefore we look unto Him.
ii. Stand on the word of God (2 Thess. 2:15) God’s word has power over every puzzling
question of man. Every challenge already has a scriptural provision. You may not hear
another answer to your too many questions because the answer is already provided in
the word of God. All you need to do is to search the scriptures and hold on to what God
has already said. Your head, heart, mind, emotion, mouth be filled and controlled by the
word of God, and not by the challenges of life. Confess positively always, based on the
word of God.
iii. Pray without fainting (Luke 18:1; Ps.50: 15). Many are overwhelmed by problems
created by Satan and their zeal for prayer is gradually dying. This was meant to fill you
with anxiety and hopelessness. You can overcome by being saturated by the Spirit of
prayer. Prayer changes situations. It tunes your mind strength and gives you assurance
of God’s faithfulness. Be deliberate in your prayer. Take your burdens to the Lord. This
should be your first and last resort (Eph. 5:18-19).
iv. Take the shield of faith (Eph. 5:16). Faith in God is believing that He is able and willing
to do all things to change your unpleasant situation. Even death sentence is cancelled
when we pray (Isa. 38:1-6). Even when the doctors have concluded on your case but
God still has the final say. Pray without fainting and trust God to reverse every negative
story. Your faith tells God how much trust you repose on Him and that moves His hand
to change your situation.
v. Remain at your duty post. (Neh. 4:11-18; 6:11) many believers vacate their duty post in
trying times. This is very dangerous and will give the devil advantage over you. He
wants to weaken your faith and destroy your life. It has been said that quitters don’t win
and winners don’t quit. Spread the good news of the gospel and learn to intercede for
others at such times. Learn to help others at such times. Learn to help others in trying
vi. Learn the intended lessons. There are pertinent lessons to learn from every difficult
situation. Meditate, observe and listen to God and be ready to do what he says. (James
1:19-22). God is still speaking and showing the way out of difficulties.

vii. Be thankful (1Thess. 5:18; Ps. 100: 1-5). Many people still wonder why they should be
thankful despite their difficult conditions. This is God’s standard to be thankful in all
circumstances. Yet no matter how bad, it might look, you are still better than some
people. Remember what he did for you in the past and compare with the present
The last stanza of the song says “Fierce and long the battle rages, but our help is near. Onward
comes our great commander. Cheer my comrade, cheer.
21ST JULY, 2024.
Divine healing is the healing attributed to the direct agency of God usually in response of faith.
Divine healing involves a supernatural act which resolves physical, emotional and spiritual
Let us consider seven purposes for divine healing:
1. Jesus heals because he is full of compassion (Mark 1:40-41). It was compassion
that led to the healing of this man. Jesus heals people today because of the same
reason, so that the “goodness” of God leadeth thee to repentance (Rom. 2:4). See also
Lam. 3:22; Mark 9:22-29.

2. Jesus heals because healing belongs to his children (Mark 7:27-28). Become a
child of God by putting your faith in Jesus Christ and the finished work of Calvary; then
healing will be yours.
3. Jesus heals to bring glory to the father (Matt. 15:30-31; Matt. 9:8). Healing builds
our faith in God and returns all the glory to Him.
4. Jesus heals to fulfill god’s promises (Matt. 8:16-17). Healing is a fulfilling of divine
prophesies according to our text. Jesus took all sickness and diseases and nailed them
to the cross.
5. Jesus heals to confirm his own word (Jn. 10:37-38). Jesus was focused on fulfilling
the purpose of His coming. He came to perform the works of God. Miracles authenticate
the words of Jesus. Trust God for your healing today.
6. Jesus heals to show the power in his Blood (Isa. 53:4-5). Isaiah prophesied about
seven hundred years earlier and when Jesus came, the prophecy was confirmed. The
Blood of Jesus was shed to forgive and provide healing. There is actual healing in the
7. Jesus heals to further expose the devils defeat at the Cross (1Jn. 3:8; Acts 10:37-
38). The victory at the cross is complete and must be mentioned through the healing
The Bible is full of promises and fulfillment of divine healing. God does not have pleasure in
seeing us carrying sickness around. Sickness cannot be part of your cross. He promised divine
healing to Israel right from Egypt and maintained His promises (Exod. 15:26, Ps. 105:37). David
acknowledged this promise when he wrote Ps. 103: 1-3. God’s will for us is to walk in divine
health and right relationship with Him. You can reach God by faith and claim your healing which
was completely paid for at the cross of Calvary.
There are several reasons some people are not healed, but for the purpose of this study we
shall consider only three.
1. Unforgiveness (Mark 11:24-25).
It was sin that brought sickness into the world. The first man and his wife were healthy
untill sin entered. When you refuse to forgive others, then you close the door against
your forgiveness and healing.
2. Ignorance of God’s word (Hos. 4:6).
What you don’t know cannot benefit you. What did God say in His word concerning your
healing? Say it back to Him. His will is in His word. Don’t depend on anybody’s
knowledge about healing. Get to know God and His word personally. (Jn. 8:31-32).

3. Unbelief (Mark 6:5).

How can you receive the miracle of healing if you doubt God’s word on divine healing?
Believe God and hold steadfast until your healing is perfected. (Mark 11:22-24’ James
Are you sick, physically or emotionally? God is willing and able to heal even now. Trust Him
and pray continually. You are healed in Jesus name.

28TH JULY, 2024.

TEXT: JOHN 14:15-21
The Greek source of the word “Comforter” is “Paralcletos” which means one who comes
alongside to strengthen, encourage, and advice you. When you feel discouraged, confused,
and powerless, you have access to wise compassionate, complete helper who will show up to
support you and supply what you need. So instead of struggling to go it alone, lean on Him,
draw His power, and trust Him to do His mighty work in you (Gal. 5:6).
There is a continuous battle between the flesh and the spirit. Your human nature or the flesh
can never be subdued by human thinking that produces defeat and discouragement. You must
turn to the Holy Spirit who dwells in you for strength (1 Cor. 6:19). Christians who must
overcome depend on the Holy Spirit for direction (Rom. 8:14). Life lived by guess work often
end with disaster but those who depend on the wisdom of God (the Holy Spirit) will receive
divine guidance.
A good communication will eliminate suspicion and create room for intimacy. The time we
spend alone with God on daily basis is very important. Read Mark 1:35 and see how Jesus
maintained His intimacy with the Father. Being alone with God requires self discipline to
eliminate noise and distractions. When you learn to follow the method of separation practiced
by Jesus, you discover a heart satisfying intimacy and fellowship with God. (See John 16:5-15).
Peace and comfort comes from the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. The world lacks
peace because it has rejected the Prince of Peace – who promised then Holy Spirit. The
understanding that the Holy Spirit indwells the Christian should gladden the heart. The
comforter was promised by the Son, sent by the Father and He is ours by faith (Luke 24: 49;
Acts 1:8; Acts 2:1-4).
The Holy Spirit has chosen us as His permanent dwelling place. The understanding of this will
help to draw strength from within when we are felling weary, stressed or irritated (Lev. 11:45;
Rm. 15:16; 1 Cor. 1:30; Eph. 2:21; 1 Pet. 1:16).
God is our source and reason for our personal relationship with Christ. Our union and
identification with Christ results in our having God’s wisdom (Col. 2:3), being acceptable to God
(2 Cor. 5:21), being pure (1 Thess. 4:3-7) and having the penalty for our sins paid by Jesus
(Mark 16:45).
The Holy Spirit helps our weakness which affects our intimacy with God. We must draw daily
strength from prayer and the scripture. Sometimes we notice that prayer is very difficult. We
may feel weary, fagged out, distracted or even too frustrated. We may not even know what or
how to pray again. God knows all this and therefore provides us help in the form of the Holy
Spirit. Learn to depend on the Holy Spirit at such a time. Even when you think that your prayer
is not powerful enough, the Holy Spirit transforms it to powerful appeal to the Father.
We must also discover the secret of going to the word with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He
will do three things:
i. He guides us as we study the word of God and seek to understand it.
ii. He takes what Jesus wants us to know and reveal it to us.
iii. He opens our understanding about things that are still to come.
It is important to develop your hearing skills as you listen to God for direction by the Holy Spirit.
Good books, teachers and other references materials are good but hearing direct from the Holy
Spirit is awesome.
Ask the Holy Spirit to intercede for you in intimacy with God’s will. Then your requests will
receive guaranteed answers (C.f John 14:12-16).
Great intimacy with God is possible when we lean on the leading of the Holy Spirit, embrace
Him, trust His power, experience His peace, and overcome weakness at the altar of prayer.
Studying and praying will keep us connected to Jesus through the Holy Spirit and the Father
will be glorified.
4TH AUGUST, 2024.


Paul’s admonition in Phil. 2:3-5 goes against our natural instincts, but Jesus shows us how to
do it. Even on the cross, Jesus passed this all important message when He took time for the
condemned criminal next to Him (Luke 23:39-43). Selfishness can ruin church but genuine
humility can build it. Being humble involves having a true perspective of ourselves (Rom. 12:3).
It does not mean we should put ourselves down. Before we are sinners, saved only by God’s
grace (Eph. 2:8-10), but now we are saved and therefore have worth in God’s kingdom. We are
to lay aside selfishness and treat others with respect and common courtesy.
Stephen prayed for those who were trying to kill him, asking God not to lay the sin to their
charge (Acts 7:60). He knew their end and interceded on their behalf despite the wrong being
done to him. He spoke word very similar to Jesus words on the cross (Luke 23:24). We must
learn to speak like our Master and handle others Jesus’ way.
Paul and Silas did not just escape when the prison opened but ministered to their jailer. They
had opportunity of escape but stayed for the sole purpose of ministering to their captor. The
natural man would have escaped with the slighted opportunity to demonstrate that they have
conquered selfishness and replaced it with love. This single act moved the jailer to seek
salvation. He become saved together with the entire household (Acts 16:25-34).
You cannot overcome selfishness without God’s help. It will become glaring when you
overcome because it will show in your new nature. (2 Cor. 5:16-19). Christians are brand new
persons on the inside and it will manifest through the attitude. The Holy Spirit gives them new
life and they are not the same anymore. We are not reformed, rehabilitated but recreated (new
creation), living in vital union with Christ (Col. 2:6-7). Our new attitude of selfishness can draw
our friends and relatives to God.
When Christ is in you, then you will definitely respond to situation like Him. Consider our
memory verse again and see how He exercised self control and never respond or retaliated. Do
you allow people to control your emotions by responding to their upsetting actions? Read Rom.
12:21 and see that Christians don’t retaliate when evil is done to them. To retaliate is to react.
But to forgive is to act. Forgiveness is an act of maturity. Maturity is when you learn to forgive in
advance by not allowing yourself to be controlled by actions of people. “Better be patient than
powerful; better to have self control than conquer a city (Prov. 16:32NLT). The person who can
control their moods and reactions is stronger than a walled city; but a person who cannot
control his own spirit is defenseless, like a city without walls. Such a person is defenseless and
at the mercy of others. Strength is found in gentleness and gentleness has the ability to handle
hurt without retaliating (Matt.5:39).
Self control is a fruit of the Spirit otherwise called the Christian character. (Gal. 5:22-23). We
shall have a more detailed study on godly character in consequent lessons.
We have considered self control and still need to throw more light on that (See 2 Cor. 10:5).
So many thoughts fly into minds on daily basis but you must decide to arrest them. When you
allow a thought, you empower it and it will overcome you. Most of these flying thoughts are
released by the devil, therefore submit yourself to God and resist the devil. (James 4:7). On
your own, you don’t have power to resist Satan. It takes the indwelling presence of the Holy
Spirit to do it. (Col. 1:27). You have to decide who controls your mind. “The mind controlled by
the flesh is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace. (Rom. 8:6). When a
thought keeps turning over and over in your mind, ask yourself which direction is the thought
leading me? Is it towards spiritual death or towards life and peace? Think about when you
discover that you cannot help yourself, then rely on the Holy Spirit that dwells within you.
There is a natural mindset and there is a spiritual mind set. To live victoriously, you must
develop a spiritual mind set (1 Cor. 2:14-16; Isa. 26:3).
As you program your mind in accordance with God’s word and consciously submit yourself to
do His will every day, He will place His thoughts in your mind.
Instead of focusing on your critics, focus on God and what Jesus stands for in your life. When
Jesus takes the centre stage of your life, everything falls in line with God’s plan and purpose for
our life. No more selfishness and no more retaliation but love. It’s better to say “back to Satan
than back to sender”.

11TH AUGUST, 2024.

We keep on revisiting this same topic over and over because of the present realities. We have
defined “betrayal” but for emphasis, the word betrayal means “delivered up” or “handed over”.
There are many cases of betrayal in the Bible but most understanding was the one by Judas
Iscariot against Jesus Christ his Master. In this Christian journey, betrayal is one of the greatest
offence because it portrays the “spirit” of Judas Iscariot in action.
A secular definition of betrayal is a violation or breaking of trust, contact or confidence between
an individual, group or organization that someone or others place in a person, group or
organization which is a total break from what was agreed upon earlier by both parties. It is the
highest treachery against someone or a group that seems in direct conflict with what was first
agreed upon.
A look at our text shows the rottenness in the society of Prophet Micah’s time. The situation has
not changed.
Rulers demanded gifts, judges accepted bribes, corruption was universal. Even today,
uprightness, honesty, integrity is difficult to find. Society rationalizes sin and even believers
sometimes compromise Christian principles in order to do what they want. But the standard for
honesty come from God and not the society (Prov. 4:16-17).
Scripture records a number of occasions on which a person or group was betrayed. The
tragedies caused by these violations of trust are strong lesson about the importance of keeping
The betrayal of Jesus Christ was prophesied several years back and Judas made
himself available to be used as an instrument. (Ps. 22:7-8, 16-18; Isa. 53:8-9’ 1 Pet.
1:10-11). Judas’ work of betrayal was coming from himself who was a close companion
of Jesus throughout the ministry. Betrayers are often those who are so close. In case of
Judas, he fulfilled a negative prophecy.
Betrayers cause deep pain because they were once considered trusted companion or
friend. May you never fulfill a negative prophecy.
Delilah used seduction to get the secret of his strength and betrayed him to his captors
who led him away in chains to Gaza. He became a victim and could not smother his
burning lust and see Delilah for who she was. Today the spirit of seduction is doing
devastation even in the church. Have you seduced anyone?
Delilah was very persuasive and nagging untill Sampson gave himself away. The same
method of persuasion and nagging is still being employed to destroy victims.
When people become so inquisitive or persuasive about your privacy then you must be
careful. The information could be used to betray you.
The story of Delilah teaches just like that of Judas Iscariot that betrayers value money
more than relationship. She was persistent and daring because of money. The love of
money is the root of all kinds of evil (1 Tim. 6:10).
A father’s mistake is often reflected in the lives of his children. In Absalom, David saw a
bitter replay and ‘amplification of many of his own past sins. God had predicted that
David family would suffer because of his sins against Bathseba and Uriah. David heart
was broken as he realized God’s predictions were coming true. God forgave David but
He did not take away or cancel the consequences of his sin. David’s sin took him away
from God but repentance brought him back. In contrast, Absalom sinned, and kept
sinning. Absalom’s reliance on the counsel of others was a betrayal to his father. He
was not wise enough to evaluate the counsel he received (2Sam 15:10). Always
consider the source of your counsel and its consequences.
Joash began to worship idols, killed the prophet Zechariah and was conquered by the
Arameans (2 Chron. 24:17-20). He lost control of his kingdom and the officials
conspired and killed him. Do not betray someone who put you in a privileged position.
Be careful.
The hideousness of betrayal is made more poignant by the Lord’s quotation from Isaiah 41:9;
“He which did eat of my bread had lifted up his heel against me”.
The circumstances of Judas treachery and awful results for himself have forever stamped him
as a devil (John, 6:70) and the son of perdition (John 17:12).
Judas’ motivation for the act of treachery has been traced to ambition, covetousness and
jealousy. Baffled ambition turned him to treachery when he did not find in Christ the worldly
advantages he desired. Covetousness and jealousy were manifest and subsequent rebuke he
received from the Lord when he hypocritically lamented “waste” (John 12:1-8).
Betrayal is very painful because it is often done by trusted friends or companion. Don’t make
yourself an instrument in the hand of the devil. Value trust and relationship more than anything

18TH AUGUST, 2024.

Discipleship is the most important part of the great commission. If we have ploughed the
ground, cleared the bush and removed all thorns with fear and trembling in our hearts (Phil.
2:12), the next thing is to cast the seed. The Lord Jesus Christ spoke about the power of the
seed in labouring for the kingdom of God with several parables He used. It is the seed inside
the fruit that really matters that is why great emphasis is placed in it.
Read Luke 8:11, and see the explanation made by the master. The disciples came privately to
ask for the meaning of the parable of the sower. He explained vividly to them.
The word of God is the seed for any and indeed for every aspect of the kingdom life to grow in
a man. No seed, no Life. But when you cast the seed ,it may be little but you are sure
,something of God, something eternal will grow in that person.(Read Matthew 13:31-32).
The Word of God is like a mustard seed, the smallest of all the seed in the whole world but
when it is sown into the ground it grows into a large tree that is greater than all the herbs in the
field. It becomes a tree, shooting forth large branches.
The seed (God’s word) that we sow into the hearts of people has the capacity to become a
large tree of righteousness, bringing forth its fruit in its season. There is no other way of
growing the kingdom lifestyle in anyone’s heart except by sowing the seed of the word of God
therein. It’s a great responsibility to preach and teach God’s word. Be deliberates in sowing the
word of God in the heart of people. It will not only benefit the immediate recipient but all those
around both now and in the future. (See also Mark 4:26-29).
Here again the seed is the word of God. There is a miracle about the word of God, once it is
faithfully sown, you may go and sleep and it will sprout and grow and bring forth fruit. When we
sow the seed in prepared people’s heart, we will nurture it with tears as we travail in prayers
and pruned continually to rid it of weeds.(see also 2 Timothy 3:16-17).
Preach the word, teach the word, and be instant in season and out of season. Do not make
any proposition that you cannot support with the scripture. Paul the apostle said;” see to it that
no one carries you off or makes you yourselves captive by his so-called philosophy and
intellectualism and vain deceit (idle fancies and plain nonsense) following human tradition
(men’s ideas of the material rather than spiritual world), just crude notion following the
rudimentary and elemental teachings of the universe and disregarding (the teaching of) Christ
(the messiah) Col 2:8. (AMPC)
The word of God has the final authority for life and action. Jesus gave us instructions about the
word of God and how to handle it. (Matt 5:18-19; Rev 22:18-19; Jude 1:3).
You cannot be an effective Christian without giving adequate time to Bible study. (2 Tim 2:15
KJV).Dividing the word of God correctly comes only through diligent study. The word of God is
bottomless and inexhaustible.
Ezra demonstrated how we can use diligent study of the word of God to move God’s people
forward. He was effective because, he was well versed in the law of the Lord and was
determined to obey it.(Ezra 7:6-10)
Solomon was blessed with divine wisdom nevertheless, he spent time studying the word of God
(Ecc. 1:12-13). Study to get an understanding and not like the religious leaders of Israel (John
5:39-40) who studied and were blind. The religious leaders knew what the Bible said but failed
to apply it's words in their lives. They knew the teachings of the scriptures but failed to see the
messiah to whom the scripture pointed .They knew the rules but missed the Saviour. They
refused to let the son of God change their lives (Luke 24:27-44, Acts 13:27, Romans 2:17-20).
God will examine us individually to know the kind of workers that we are. We should build our
lives on his word and build his word into our lives. The word of God is what tells us how to live
and serve the Lord. Consistent and diligent study of the word is vital; otherwise we will be
tricked into neglecting God and our true purpose of living.
Every farmer takes particular care of the quality of the seed that he sows and the type of the
ground in which the seed is sowed. This is because; you will reap what you sow. Therefore
make sure your heart is prepared by removing the weeds of bitterness, unforgiveness, anger
and all forms of unrighteous that may choke the seed and affect the harvest.
25TH AUGUST, 2024.


TEXT: ROM 5:1-5 (NLT)
There are several paradoxes in the scripture which are sometimes very difficult to understand
including those in our text today. It’s difficult to accept that we should rejoice when we fall into
problems and trial even though we know that they will help us develop endurance and
endurance develops strength, and our confident hope of salvation. We feel both the presence
of Christ and the presence of sin. We enjoy peace that comes from being made right with God
but we still face problems that often help us to grow .But we truly know that God is using life’s
difficulties and Satan’s attack to build our character.
DEFINITION: Character can be defined as a collection of personality traits within our behaviour
that shows who we are. This is seen in our integrity, attitudes, moral fiber, dispositions and how
we treat those around us. Although this is true, character has a much deeper implication.
Character for a Christian is who we are because of our relationship with Christ. It is something
that can be built or learned. Paul consistently told Timothy to allow what he learned from him to
guide his Christian journey. (2 Tim.2:1-7)Character is influenced by environment. Character
can be defined as a collection of personality traits within our behaviour that shows who we are.
This is seen in our integrity, attitudes, moral fibber, dispositions and how we treat those around
us. Although this is true, character has a much deeper implication.
Furthermore, genuine Christian character is not just about our personality or our disposition of
who we are as a Christians but what we are called to be in our entirety. The fruit of the spirit is
called the Christian character (Gal 5:22-23). The fruit of the spirit is the spontaneous work of
the Holy Spirit in us. The spirit produces these character, traits found in the nature of
Christ.(Phil. 2:5-10). They are by products of Christ control. The fruits of the Spirit cannot grow
until we join our life with His(John 15:4-5).We must know Him, Love Him, remember him and
imitate Him, As a result we will fulfilled the intended purpose of the law.
Our character summarises the essence of our work with Christ which is exhibited back to Him
and then to others (Phil.3:7-15). Our character and our faith can grow as they are applied in our
daily lives. Therefore, character is the display of Christ and shows others our entire lives as
Christians. When your character is not built on Christ, it becomes repulsive and unattractive (1
Cor.2:2-5,9-14)read Colossians 1:28(NLT)
Therefore building a Christian character involves the choice of accepting Jesus. Your character
is influenced by the choices you make. God builds our character in the circumstances of life. He
does this as we experience situations in which we are tempted to do the exact opposite of what
character looks like (Dan 1:8;11:13a, 10:9a). Character development will always involve
choice. When we make the right a choice, our character grows and becomes more like Christ.
The gift of the Spirit is like the flower that attracts bees but the real thing is inside the fruit. It is
the fruit that sustains and not the gifts. We must realize that fruit bearing depends on the kind of
seed planted. What kind of seed do you plant in your heart? Fruit bearing depends on the type
of soil (Luke 8:5-15).
Whenever we respond to situations in God’s way, instead of following our natural direction, we
develop character. Life brings all kinds of opportunities, conflicts, disappointments, challenges,
and delays and so on. As we are faced with challenges on daily basis and decide how to act,
our actions become habits, and our habits become character.
As we conclude today, there are certain self evaluation questions you must answer by yourself:
1. Is my Christian service motivated by love?
2. Do I exhibit an unshakeable joy regardless of circumstances?
3. Do other Christians see my inward peace and take courage?
4. Do I wait patiently for results to develop?
5. Am I caring and understanding towards everyone I meet?
6. Do I want the best for others?
7. Have I kept my commitment to the church?
8. Is my strength under control?
9. Am I disciplined?
(To be continued)


TEXT: ROM 5:1-5 (NLT)
I believe that we have all answered the self evaluation test questions from the last study. Let
us therefore consider in more details what God desire from us.
i. ALL HUMILITY: (James 4:6-10).
James says that when we humble ourselves God will exalt us. The cure for evil desire is
humility,(Proverb 16:18-19,1 Peter 5:5-6). Pride makes you self centred and leads us to
conclude that we can see, touch or imagine. We can be released from our self centred
desire by humbling ourselves before God, realizing that all we need is approval. When
we bow in humility before God, it means recognizing that our worth comes from Him
alone. To be humble involves leaning on His power and His guidance and not our
independent way.

ii. GENTLENESS (COL. 3:12)

This is an attitude of meekness and mildness in contrast to dealing with others hastily.
This is a willing submission to God and others without being rebellious as when we
were unbelievers. Gentleness is power under control. It doesn’t retaliate or react or
seek vengeance for anything. If we are to have unity in the Church, we must put on
gentleness, offending a gentle Christian is almost impossible, unless against God.
Where there is humility, there is gentleness and there will be amazing unity. Humility is
the key to unity.

iii. PATIENCE : (ROMANS 5:3)

Patience is also called longsuffering in some translations. If you are patient, you don’t
over react no matter the provocation.
a) Patient people don’t give into negative circumstances.
b) It is an attitude that can take anything dished out.
c) It accepts God’s plan for everything.
d) When you put on humility, it produces gentleness, and when we live in this
manner it produces patience.

Tolerance is the product of patience, which is a product of gentleness, and a product of
humility. A tolerant Christian throws a blanket over evil and forgets it. Paul talks about
walking worthy of Christ and it begins with commitment that will be empowered by the
Holy Spirit to clothe yourself with such qualities (Eph. 4:1; Col 1:10; 1 Thess.2:12).

When we put on these virtues, which are not optional, we will experience divine peace.
We are called to be peace makers so that we lift the name of Jesus the Prince of
Peace. (Rom.5:1; Heb.12:14; James 3:17-18; Phil.4:7)


By now many would be asking how we can develop Godly character in our lives. We can do it
i. Controlling our thoughts (Phip.4:8): our mind is like a computer, what you feed into it will
determine what comes out in our words and actions. Paul tells us to program our minds
with thought that are true, honourable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and
worthy of praise (Phil.4:8). Bad thoughts enter our minds through the television set,
Social media, books, movies, conversations, magazines etc. Replace them today with
ii. Practice Christian virtues (2 Peter 1:5-6): Learn to endure offences for Christ sake; be
self sacrificing with expectation that bad times will not last forever.
iii. Guard your hearts: God searches and judges the heart (Pro.4:23; Matthew 15:18-30;1
Sam 16:7).
iv. Keep good company (1 Cor.15:33; 2 Chron. 18:1-8).
v. Let the word of God dwell richly in you.(Col.3:16,2 Tim.3:16)
vi. Do not be a lazy Christian (Pro.6:6-11, Phi.2:5; John 9:4; 5:17).
vii. Renew your mind. (Rom. 12:2)
God examines our minds and searches our hearts regularly (Jer.17:10) with the intention of a
reward. The psalmist was very mindful of His character and asked God to examine his
mind.(PS. 26:2) so that he could make adjustments. As we conclude let us see Romans 1:28-
TEXT: MATT 9:35-38
a) The harvest season can be defined as a period of gathering crops from the field.
b) It is a season when ripened crops are gathered.
c) It is also the completion of the end of the farming season.
Wycliffe Bible dictionary defines it as: “The gathering of things planted, a natural time of reaping
in joy what has been produced during the year in an agricultural community.
Jesus preached the Good News of the kingdom and the disciples did the same (Acts 8:4; 11:1-
18). If we are truly the followers of Christ, we must preach the Good News of the kingdom. To
some people it will be a bad news before it becomes a Good News.
The content and intent of the message remained the Good news of the coming kingdom.
Paul an apostle cried,” But how can they call on Him unless they believe? And how can they
believe in Him, if they never heard about Him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone
tell them without being sent? That is why the scriptures said, ”How beautiful are the feet of the
messengers who bring the Good news about Christ”(Rom 10:14-15 NLT).
The content of your message reveals the intent of your heart and this is very important to God.
God is looking for one (Jer. 5:1) whose heart is in agreement with His heart to tell the Good
news. He found David a man after his heart (1 Sam 13:14; Acts 13:22). Can God count on you?
A day of accountability is coming when everyone will face God to give account of their
stewardship (Ezek. 3:16-27; Matt. 12:36; Rom.14:12; Heb.4:13).
Use your privileged position to warn people that heaven is still real and hell fire is still very hot.
There is no cheap Christianity; the price is still very high. It cost Jesus Christ his blood and this
must not be treated as an easy thing.(Heb.10:26-32). It is the good news that we must preach
but God is still most merciful and loving yet a consuming fire. (Heb.12:29; 2 Pet.3:10; Rev.
Are all the members of your family saved? What about your kinsmen and community?.There is
no more time and many are still on the broad way to hell. (matt.7:13-14).
God told Moses” The fire on the altar must be kept burning; it must not go out. Every morning
the priest is to add firewood and arrange the burnt offering on the fire and burn the fat of the
fellowship offering. The fire must be kept burning on the altar continuously, it must not go out”
(Lev 6:12-13 NLT). This is a great challenge to all of us as members of the royal priest hood.
It’s not enough to claim chosen generation and royal priest hood without doing the duties
prescribed for the priests. (1 Pet.2:9). We must study the prayer life of Jesus our High Priest
and follow Him step by step. (Mark 1:35). The disciples did not understand immediately why
Jesus must leave very early to a solitary place to pray. He maintained a continuous communion
with the father through His prayer life. Elijah repaired the altar and prayed and fire came down
and consumed the sacrifice. (1 Kings 18:30-38). Repair your prayer altar now.
Ezra proclaimed a fast for both young and old. God answered their prayer. It has been said
that, ”If there is someone to pray; there is a God to answer. (Ezra 8:21-23).
The Hebrew boys in the book of Daniel were a people of prayer and that’s why
Nebuchadnezzar’s fire could not harm them. (Dan. 3:16-28).
There are modern Nebuchadnezzar’s who are igniting fire everywhere and throwing people into
lion’s den of destruction. The kingdom of darkness is using such people to unleash mayhem
because the devil knows that his time is short.
(To be continued)


TEXT: MATTHEW 9:35-38.
We have considered the meaning of harvest and observed that God’s harvest season is around
the corner. We must not be docile but proactive in preaching the Good news of the kingdom.
The king who owns the harvest field is coming soon and many labourers will be taken
unawares like the five foolish virgins.(Matt.25:1-13),be among the wise.
There is no more time to waste. The time of prosperity and cheap grace is gone.
Consider Romans 13:11-13; 1 Cor.9:24-27. The wisdom of God demands that we must read
the scripture to understand and apply what we have read.(James 1:19-27).
The harvest time is here and the owner of the farm is very near. If you want to enlist among the
harvesters (Matt.7:21-23), then condemn sin, flee from every manner of unrighteousness’.
There is danger, the Lord is near (1 Cor.7:29-31). The world is passing away and the signs are
everywhere.(Jer. 4:35-38). Jesus spoke with many illustrations and parables in Matthew 24 and
25 about His soon return. Open your eyes and see that the harvest is ripe and the harvesters
are near enough. The Lord is right at the door.(Rev.3:20;14:14-16).
It is the time for deeper life of sanctification and commitment. Do not cry had I known. The
matter is very urgent.
Are you among the few labourers (matt 7:21-23) or the workers of iniquity.(1cor 3:10-13).
The Lord’s judgement is just and there is no bribery there. When your work is tested. What shall
be left of it, there is a fire test for every service to reveal the quality and not the quantity. Real
labourers are taking people to heaven like Paul (2tim 4:7-8).
Are you sure that you are not giving up because of the present pressures from every side. The
economy is biting hard and temptations are increasing on daily basis. Paul was confident that
he was going to meet with the Lord face to face. He encouraged Timothy to fight on despite the
challenging times and persecutions. Let us hold on and fight on because He that promised is
faithful and will definitely come with His great and exceeding reward. (Matt. 24:36-51, 25:31-
The richness of your message depends on the amount of the scriptures in it. No wonder Paul
continuously made references of the scriptures to Timothy (2 Tim.15:26; 3:14-17, 1 Tim. 4:11-
When he wrote to the Hebrew audience, Paul emphasize the centrality and importance of the
word of God (Heb 4:12-13 ). The word of God is not simply of words from God, a vehicle of
communicating ideas. It is living, life changing and dynamic as it works in us. With the
incisiveness of a surgeon’s knife, God’s word reveals who we are and what we are not. It
penetrates the core of our moral and spiritual life. It discerns what is within us, both good and
evil. The demands of God’s word require decisions. We must not only listen to the word; we
must also let it shape our lives (Ps.19:8-12, Ps. 119:103-104).
Every preacher or teacher of the word of God must be mindful of his content and intent
because the day of accountability and reward is fast approaching. Prayer and study remain
very vital as we wait for the arrival of the Lord Jesus Christ.


TEXT: DEUT. 28:1-14
We have touched obedience briefly before now. Lets go deeper.
Obedience expresses an action which can exist in ordinary human relationships.(such as
servants and masters) or children to parents).Its most significant reference is to a relationship
that should exist between God and man. God reveals Himself to man by His voice and words.
Words are intended to be heard. This obviously involves physical reception of the words with
presumed mental apprehension of the meaning.
But in terms of man’s reception of God’s revelation, this in itself is not true hearing. True
hearing is faith which receives the divine word and translates it into action; it is faith response. It
is positive, active response, not merely passive listening and consideration. To hear is to act in
other words, to really hear God’s word is to obey God’s word.
Many passages referring to hearing and obedience obviously have this matter of positive active
response in view. ”He who has ear, let him hear” (Matt. 11:15; Rev. 2:7,11,17,29; 3:6, 13, 22;
In the Old Testament, because Abraham believed God and obeyed His voice, all the nations of
the earth are blessed (Gen 15:6; 22:18; 26:4-6). Obeying God’s voice is equivalent to keeping
his covenant ( Exod.19:5; 23::20-22) therefore the Israelites promised to be obedient when the
book of the covenant was rectified with the sprinkling of the blood (Exod. 24:24-27). The
rededication of the people to obey the law was a basic part of the covenant renewal
ceremonies (Deut. 27:1-10; 30:2,8,20; Josh.24:24-27).
If we consider our text carefully, we will notice that God first focuses on the blessings on any
covenant. However if the conditions were broken, the curses would be severe. In our text,
obedience is the key to the blessings we have seen the meaning of obedience. God said if
Israel is obedient, they would be blessed in victory over all her enemies. She would enjoy the
fullness of store houses. She would be established as God’s holy people among the nations.
God would take ownership of this nation that submitted to His laws. The principle that is taught
here is that this covenanted nation would expect blessings when she conducted herself
according to the moral principles of God. (Lev. 26:3-13).
God spoke severally in the Bible that obedience is better than sacrifice. (Ps. 40:6-8; 51:16-17;
Prov. 21:3; Isa. 1:11-17; Jer. 7:21-25; Hosea 6:6; Micah 6:6-8; Matt. 12:7; Mark 12:33;
Heb. 10:8-9)
A sacrifice was a ritual transaction between a person and God that physically demonstrates a
relationship between them. But if a person’s heart was not truly repentant or if he did not truly
love God, the sacrifice was a hollow ritual. Religious ceremonies or rituals are empty unless
they are performed with an attitude of love and obedience. “Being religious” (going to church
regularly, working in various departments, giving of alms) is not enough if we do not act out of
devotion and obedience to God.
God has set up a system of sacrifice to encourage the people to joyfully obey Him as recorded
in the book of Leviticus. He required them to make these sacrifices, not because the sacrifice
themselves pleased Him but because they caused the people to recognise their sins and
refocus on live for God. The faithfully made the sacrifice but forgot the reason they were
offering them and thus they disobeyed God.(cf. Jer. 7:21-23). Jeremiah reminded them that
unless they were prepared to obey God in all areas of life, acting out of religious ritual were
(To be continued)
TEXT: DEUT. 28:1-14
We ended the last section by considering the fact that obedience is better than sacrifice. We
saw from the scripture that any form of sacrifice is hollow or empty without the decision to obey
God completely. God does not necessary need sacrifice but uses it to draw our attention to
obey Him. We saw several blessing promised in Deut.28:1-14 about obedience to God’s voice
and His word. Today we will consider more of the positive things that happens through
1. Obedience is the way to true freedom (Gen.3:5).
Adam and Eve got what they wanted; an intimate knowledge of good and evil. But they
got it by doing evil and the results were disastrous. Sometimes, we have the illusion that
freedom is doing whatever we want. But God said that true freedom comes from
obedience and knowing what not to do. The restrictions He gives are good helping us to
avoid evil.
2. Obedience opens doors to God’s care (Exod. 15:26).
God promised that if the people obeyed Him, they would not suffer from the diseases
that plagued the Egyptians. God’s law for us are often designed to keep us from harm If
we want God to care for us, we need to submit to His directions for living.
3. Obedience to God leads to glory. (Lev.9:22-23)
In Lev. 9:6, Moses said to the people “This is what the Lord has commanded you to do
so that the glory of the Lord may appear to you”. Moses, Aaron and the people then got
to work and follow God’s instructions. Soon, after the glory of the Lord appeared often
we look for God’s glorious act without concern for instructions. You must be willing to
obey God if you desire to see God’s glorious act in your life.
4. Obedience helps us accomplish more (Num.2:34).
The people were obedient at the beginning of the journey to the promise land but soon
began to complain. As long as they obeyed the Lord and Moses, all things were working
well, but when they travelled through the wilderness they began to grumble and
murmur. Simple obedience will always help us accomplish more in life.
5. Success comes through obedience (Josh. 1:6-8).
Many people think that prosperity and success come from having power, influential
contacts and relentless desire to get ahead. But the strategy for gaining prosperity that
God taught Joshua goes against such criteria. He said that to succeed, Joshua must:
a) Be strong and courageous because the task ahead would not be easy.
b) Obey God’s law.
c) Constantly read the word of God,
You must obey and follow God’s instruction if you want to succeed God’s way.
6. Obedience can lead to miracles (1 Kings. 17:13-16).
When the widow of Zeraphath met Elijah, she taught she was eating her last meal. But
a simple act of faith and obedience to the instruction of the prophet produced a miracle.
Faith is the step between promise and assurance. Every miracle, big or small begins
with an act of obedience.
7. Obedience leads to peace (2 Chron.14:1-6)
Asa’s reign was marked with peace because he did what was pleasing and good in the
sight of Lord his God. Obedience to God leads to peace with God and others. In the
case of kings of Judah, obedience lead to natural peace, just as God had promised
them centuries earlier. In our case, obedience may not always bring peace with our
enemies but it will always bring peace with God and complete peace in His future
kingdom. Obeying God is the first step on the path of peace.
In the new testament, Paul speaks of “Obedience to the faith” on the path of Christian (Roms.
1:5, Acts 6:7 KJV). He was speaking in terms of receiving the gospel by faith and trusting in it
terms. Let us therefore obey the voice of the word of God.

6TH OCTOBER, 2024.

TEXT: PS.40:6-8
Obedience of Christ includes His willing acceptance of incarnation when God the father spoke
with the son in eternity past as recorded in our text and repeated in Heb. 10:5-10.
His life of perfect obedience to the father is shown in that He was “made of a woman, made
under the law” (Gal. 4:4) and kept the law perfectly.
He fulfilled the will of God in His birth (Luke 2:21-22, 39), His boyhood (Luke 2:52), His baptism
(Matt. 3:15) His temptation in which he triumphed over Satan in contrast to Adam who fell (Matt.
4:1-11) and giving through His entire life (John 4:34; 6:38; 8:29, 46, Acts 3:14; Heb. 4:15).
Though he struggled with the awfulness of His coming condemnation when he was made sin
for us and bore our sins on His own body on the tree (2Cor. 5:21; 1Pet. 2:24) still he submitted
Himself in obedience to death on the cross (Phil. 2:8).
It is customary to divide Christ obedience into two phases:
i. His life of active obedience.
ii. His suffering and death or His passive obedience.
His active obedience then becomes the basis on the righteousness imputed to us, and His
passive obedience, the atonement for our sins and our forgiveness. The division is not entirely
satisfactory, however since His suffering occurred even before the cross and the merit of His
sacrificial death rests on His sinless, holy life (1 Pet. 1:18-19). Christ and Adam stand in
antithesis (Rom. 5:12-17). Through the first Adam, sin and death entered the world; through the
last Adam, righteousness and life (verse 12 & 17). By the disobedience of one all became
sinners and died spiritually; through the obedience of the other, all who are in Christ are made
righteous and alive (1Cor. 15:22).
Jesus knew what death by crucifixion entails and willfully and obediently accepted it. It was the
most terrible form of capital punishment that the Romans used for notorious criminals. It was
excruciatingly painful and humiliating but He submitted Himself in obedience to the Father’s will.
Death might not come for several days and it usually come by suffocation when the weight of
the weakened body made breathing more and more difficult. Jesus died as one who was
cursed (Gal. 3:13).
His obedience was perfect obedience and stood as an example for us (Heb.12:1-2; 1 Pet 2:21).
God often demands extraordinary obedience (Hosea 1:2-3) and this can sometimes be very
When the message of the immaculate conception was delivered to Mary (Luke 1:28-38) as a
young virgin betrothed to a man, she accepted it in obedience to God’s will without minding the
cost which might include death by stoning. She simply responded to the angel, “may everything
you said about me come true”. She only knew that God was asking her to serve Him and she
willingly obeyed.
It was obedience that actually led Jesus to suffering (Heb. 5:8).
Jesus’ human life was continuous process of making the will of God the Father His own. Jesus
chose to obey even though obedience led to suffering and death. Because Jesus obeyed
perfectly, even under the great trial, he can help us obey, no matter how difficult obedience
seems to be.
The obedience of Christ brought Him a great reward from the Father. Therefore, God elevated
Him in place of highest honour and gave Him the name above all other names, that at the name
of Jesus every knew should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every
tongue confess that Jesus Christ knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of the Father.
If we are true followers of Christ we should be ready to obey God no matter the cost. It might be
expensive but it’s worth it.

13TH OCTOBER, 2024.

TEXT: GEN. 3:1-25.
When God created man, He knew that man would disappoint Him. Even before you became
born-again, God also knew that one day you will disappoint Him and fall into sin. Man has been
left to make choices. He has the privilege to choose obedience or disobedience. But the issue
there is that whichever choice that man makes has its own consequences. In the case of Adam
and his wife, they choose to disobey God by believing the lies and deception of the devil
instead of the word of God. We blame our first parents for the present woes but we are faced
with choices on only basis either to obey God or believe the lies of the devil. Unfortunately
many chose to believe the devil on regular basis instead of God.
In verse 8/9 we see God’s desire to have fellowship with us. One of the things that keep people
away from divine fellowship is sin. When sin entered, Adam and his wife avoided fellowship
with God, who will never absent Himself from divine fellowship. Sin makes you to lose boldness
and go into hiding. Sin had broken their close relationship with God, just as it has broken ours.
But Jesus Christ has opened another door for fellowship as He offers us unconditional love.
(John 3:16). Man’s natural response is fear but when we understand what Jesus did, we can
approach God again for fellowship Eph. 3:12; 2:18; Heb. 4:16.
Whenever sin enters, the next thing is to shift lames or responsibility to others. Adam blamed
Eve and Eve blamed serpent. How easy it is to excuse our sins by blaming someone else or
circumstances. But God knows the truth and He holds each of us responsible for what we do
(Vs. 13-14) (See Deut. 28:15).
Adam and Eve decided to disobey but God as a Holy God responded only in a way consistent
with His perfect moral nature. He could not allow sin go unchecked; He had to punish it. We
inherited the nature of Adam’s sin (only Jesus was born without this sin nature. (Rom. 5:12-21).
Adam and Eve’s punishment reflects how seriously God views sin of any kind.
Another obvious effect of sin the enmity between livestock and man. Adam and Eve lived with
all kinds of animals in the garden prior to the sin. Sin brought hostility.
The woman had to experience the pain of child birth. It was not in God’s original plan (Gen.
3:16). Many women have also died during child birth even after experiencing terrible child pain.
The earth began to produce some useless weeds and consequently natural death.
Life in the Garden of Eden was devoid of shame or reproach. Man was completely innocent
before the entrance of sin. He went about naked without feeling ashamed. Our quest for
knowledge today has opened the door of shame and reproaches. This is the era of nakedness
without shame. But shame will soon cover them. (Dan. 12:2; Titus 2:5; 1 Tim. 5:14-15; Heb.
There was hope of a posterity through Eve (life) since she through child bearing would be the
one through whom humanity would be preserved. The cost of sin meant that some animals had
to die in order to rectify the nakedness of man. And from this time on we would assume that
animals were commissioned to die in sacrifices for the sins of men until the final death for all sin
on the cross of Calvary (Rom. 3:25; Heb. 10:1-4).
1) It is impossible for God to have fellowship with sin and willful sinners. Therefore
we must understand that sin automatically means breaking fellowship with
2) Even though God knew that man would fall, He gave man the freedom of
choice. It is a choice to yield to temptation or escape from it. (1Cor. 10:13).
Man is inexcusable when he falls into temptation because God made him a
free moral agent.
3) God has already made provisions having knowing the trials and temptations
are not meant to destroy a child of God.
4) Everyone is responsible for his sins. You can say NO to sin and YES to
Satan can never tell the truth (Jn. 8:44) and therefore trying to listen to his lies could be
dangerous. He is very crafty and subtle. Satan appealed to Eve’s lust of the flesh, lust of the
eyes and pride of life (1 Jn. 2:16). The temptation resulted in her action to commit sin (James
1:15). Be wise!!.

20TH OCTOBER, 2024.

TEXT: ACTS 12:1-25
The New Testament church advanced through storms. Immediately after the birth at the Upper
Room there was wide spread outrage against the church. The apostolic leaders, Peter and
John were the first to be summoned before the Sanhedrin (Acts 4:1-22). This was followed by
the killing of Stephen (Acts 6:8-8:1). Paul was instrumental to these persecutions before his
conversion (Acts 9:1). The missionary journeys were filled with different levels of persecution.
Paul the persecutor became persecuted.
Satan has deceived the world with lies and false hope so that it rejected and persecuted the
Saviour. Jesus warned His disciples ahead of time that the world would reject and persecute
them because it hated the Saviour. (John 7:7; 1 Jn. 3:13).
Jesus prepared their mind about what was coming. We should also prepare our minds that the
world will not just accept us and our gospel. All the hate and fury that the world unleashed
against Jesus, which at this time was taking Him to the cross, would be unleashed to them.
Persecution starts with hatred and rejection.
The apostles were chosen by Jesus (Luke 6:13) and they voluntarily obeyed His
commandments. Since they chose to be different from the world, they were hated by those who
loved to walk in darkness (Jn. 17:14; 1 Jn. 4:5). They claimed to know God but were actually
enemies of God. In times of great persecution, Christ followers must realize that the world first
hated their Master, Jesus and persecuted Him. Their message would pick the heart of evil
doers who will in turn rise up to persecute them. The persecution was meant to shut their
All the persecutions, scourging and mocking inflicted on Jesus by the world would be heaped
on the apostles throughout their ministry. (Matt. 10:22; 24:9; Acts 13:42-45; 1 Thess. 2:2, 14).
Paul told his spiritual son, Timothy that “all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer
persecution”. This has become a pattern for the Christians faith. All those who will take stand
with Jesus will suffer as Jesus (Matt. 10:22, 38, 39,; Jn. 15:19).
The intensity by which one lives his commitment for Jesus is often manifested by the intensity
of persecution. Since the disciples of Jesus have committed themselves to serve the Lord, they
would not consider it strange that the world would launch attack against them. Godly life
attracts persecution.
Don’t give up when people misunderstand, criticize and mistreat you because of what you
believe and how you live. Be aware that most of the persecution of a godly Christian could
come from right inside the church. Don’t give up or consider coming down to their level.
In Acts 14:21-25; Paul and Barnabas returned to visit believers in all the cities where they had
recently been threatened and physically attacked. These men knew the danger they faced, yet
they believed that they had the responsibility to encourage the new believers.
Sometimes, it’s not convenient to preach to new converts but we must endeavour to encourage
(To be continued)

27TH OCTOBER, 2024.

TEXT: 1 PETER 1: 6-7
One man may ask, why are Christians always object of persecution? The answer is not far-
 True Christians refuse all forms of idolatry and compromise.
 The true Christian will not do business the way of the world. Often, they are seen as
spoilers and therefore persecuted
 They often speak against self, power and subjugation of others. They are seen as
 They expose the evils going on in the society and the devil with his agents are not
All believers face trials and sufferings several times when they let their lights shine into the
darkness. Peter wrote to the Hebrew Christians because of the impending trials on the way. He
wrote to prepare their minds. (see also 1pet 3: 13-17, 4: 12-19; 5:9)
We must accept trials, and persecution as part of the refining process that burns away
impurities and prepares us to meet Christ. As gold is heated, impurities float to the top and can
be skimmed off. Likewise, our trials, struggles and persecutions refine and strength our faith,
making us useful to God. Don’t ask why me? We should rather change our mindset and
respond with:
 Confidence that God knows, plans and directs our lives for good. It’s hard to calculate
sometimes, but god always provides his love and strength for us.
 Perseverance when facing grief, anger, sorrow and pain. We express but don’t give in
to bitterness or despair.
 Courage because with Jesus in charge we need not be afraid. He has once suffered for
us and can never abandon us.
Jesus never promised us that obeying him would be easy. But with hard work and self-
discipline, serving Christ is not a burden to those who love him. When the burden of
persecution becomes too heavy, we must turn to Jesus. (Matt 11: 28-38).
When we talk about living in the light, we are talking about what is good, pure, holy and reliable.
Darkness represents what is sinful and evil. In the dark good and evil will look alike but when
the light shines, the deeds of darkness would be exposed. The natural tendency is to react
adversely through persecution.
We must shun all the deeds of darkness and be ready to face their persecutions but victory is
assured. (1 John 1:5-7)
There are several implications of persecution. Let us consider a few for the purpose of this
1. Persecution removes hypocritical and nominal believers, reveal and confirms the
genuine ones, spread the church and glorify God. Christ defined a disciple indeed as
one who continued in His word. (John 8:31), one who endured to the end (Matt 24:13).
It’s amazing that until one moves from being a believer to being a disciple of Christ, he
is not yet a candidate of heaven. Those who because of persecution deny Christ will be
denied before the father in heaven. (Luke 12: 8-9; Matt 10: 32-33)
2. Persecution glorifies God. An evil world relentlessly and perpetually attacks a
defenseless little flock. The result is that the world would destroy itself and increase the
If the source of Christian persecution is hatred of God, it’s aim is to destroy him. Someone once
said, “if men were able to kill God, His life would not be safe for a moment. Not being able to
reach God, they did by wicked hands crucify and slay his son. (Acts 2:23). In killing Christ, they
shed “the blood of God” (Acts 20:28).
The church is suffering now more than ever in her history. And if Christ does not return soon, it
appears that worse persecution is yet to come. The true Christian may be revealed as what he
is spirit- the martyr. (John 8:31; 2 John 1:9)
Persecution has been with the church from the onset. The Lord Jesus Christ was hated,
rejected and persecuted. The followers should not expect a better treatment. Are you being
persecuted presently? Don’t ever consider going back. Hold on, persevere; there is hope in


TEXT: ISAIAH 35: 1-2
The power of God is not subjected to times and seasons and it is not affected by location. (for
the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof). Ps 24:1. When the children of Israel left Egypt
for the promise land, God proved his faithfulness even in the wilderness. They never lacked
food even though they were not going to farm. He fed them with manna and when they were
thirsty, he provided water from the rock (Exod, 17:6)
They were never sick because God granted them divine health. Even before they left Egypt,
God granted them favor before the Egyptians so much of what they needed on the way was
provided beforehand. (Exod. 12: 34-36)
In chapters 1-34, Isaiah has delivered a message of judgement to all nations, including Israel
and Judah, for rejecting God. Although there has been glimpses of relief and restoration for the
remnant of faithful believers, the climate of wrath, fury, judgement and destruction has
prevailed. Now in our text Isaiah breaks through with a vision of beauty and encouragement.
God is just as thorough in his mercy as he is severe in his judgement. God’s moral perfection is
revealed by his hatred for all sins, and this leads to judgement. The same moral perfection is
revealed in his love for all he has created. This leads to mercy for those who have sinned but
have sincerely loved Jesus and put their trust in him. (Isa 41: 18-19; 51:3; 55: 12-13).
In Gen 26: 1-15, Isaac sowed in a drought infected land, even in the midst of severe famine. He
sowed in the land of the philistines and reaped a hundred-fold harvest that same year because
God blesses his own anywhere, time and season notwithstanding.(See also Gen.12:10;20:1-2).
Your fruitfulness does not depend on your physical placing but on your place in God and His
purpose for your life. It is possible that right now you are being called a wilderness because of
the dryness around your life but God is able to turn this around. (Ps 126: 1-5).
The wealth of Isaac intimidated Abimelech. God blessed Isaac so much in the midst of famine
that he actually became stronger in wealth and manpower than Abimelech.
What we need is God in our desert or wilderness experience. Look at Isa 41:18 again and see
that the land will go from wasteland wherein they suffered drought and famine, to a fertile land
of rejoicing. Palestine would again become the land of milk and honey for the people of God.
When they considered the transformation of lives and land, they would understand that it’s the
work of God who accomplished this awesome deed.
In the midst of wilderness, Moses reminded the people of Israel that God can do the impossible
but they must love and obey Him. (Deut 10: 12-13; 11: 1-15).
Wilderness, drought or famine is not a threat to what God can do. What he expects is confident
trust in Him and obedience to His percepts. Even if you are in the midst of wilderness now, God
can set a table there. Trust Him.

10TH NOVEMBER, 2024.

TEXT: MATT 15: 1-20
We work hard to keep our outward appearance attractive, but what is deep down in our heart is
more important to God. We keep making references to the heart because that is where God
looks at. What is your inside like? When people become Christians, God makes them different
on the inside. He will continue the process of change inside them if they only ask. (2 Cor. 5:17).
The new creation experience is an inward thing which will eventually reflect in our dressing,
attitude and even speech. God wants us to have healthy thoughts and motives, not just healthy
Purity of heart includes freedom from evil in words, thoughts and deeds. One of the early
church fathers, Clement equates thoughts with impulses of the passions.
From our text, we can learn that Jesus is concerned with our hearts. It is not enough to clean
up our act on the outside. He spoke about the purity of heart during the sermon on the mount.
The character of our inner person determines our worship. When one is full of mercy and
forgiveness, then he can identify with the one he seeks to worship. (See Ps 24:4; James 4:8)
James places a demand that the Christian should cleanse his hands and purify his heart. Those
who have made their hands dirty by becoming friends with the world must repent. Those who
have allowed their lives to be directed by the world in order to create religious behavior
according to their love for the world must repent. (Job 17:9; Isa 1:15-17; 1 Tim 2:8).
Those who are materialist must remove their minds from the things of the world and repent. He
must become pure with wisdom from above in order to remain in the grace by which he is
saved. (James 3:17; 1 Pet 1:22; 1 John 3:3).
God expects us to be morally pure. We must keep morally straight, free from the corruption of
sin. God also purifies us, but there is action we must take to remain morally fit. (1 Tim 5:22;
James 4:8)
To be pure in heart is to be single in purpose, to have a single goal of accomplishing God’s will
for God’s glory (1 Cor. 10:31). This is for the kingdom of the heavens. Our spirit is the organ by
which we receive Christ (John 1:12; 3:6) whereas our heart is the ground where Christ as the
seed of life grows (Matt 13:19). For the kingdom of heavens, we need to be poor in spirit, that
we may receive Christ. Also, we need to be pure, single in our heart that Christ may grow in us
without frustration.
How pure is your heart? Do you really want to see God one day? Then maintain a pure heart
and you will be blessed. Do not be like the Pharisees who are clean outside but stinking and
dirty inside.

17TH NOVEMBER, 2024.

TEXT: HEB 6: 4-10
We have studied so much on Christian character which is the main crux of Christianity. We said
that character development occurs when we yield to the spirit of Christ who produces in and
through us qualities that mark us directly different from the rest of humanity. This is what the
bible called “Christ likeness”. Jesus stated clearly that he must do the work of the father when
there is still time.
Jesus is a hard worker or a diligent son of God. Peter an apostle added, “Giving all diligence,
add to your faith virtue…….” (2 Pet 1:5). It might be difficult to define diligence but we can
describe it as hard work or industry. In our context, without hard work, there can be no real
sustained spiritual growth (Isa 26:9; 1 Pet 2:2). Hard work is the ingredient that makes the
Christian what he ought to be. It turns intention to reality; otherwise they may just remain mere
dreams. (Prov. 13:4). Diligence makes the will into action, to purpose like Jesus. (John 4:34)
and labor like Paul (Col. 1:29). As for Peter, he knew that it was only through possessing
diligence and other spiritual qualities that he could be a productive witness, be a partaker of
divine nature and gain entrance into God’s kingdom. (2 Pet 1:10-11).
Unfortunately, many Christians are not like Christ in terms of hard work or diligence. They are
simply lazy, inactive and procrastinators (Rev 3:4; Heb 5:12; John 4:35). Many people give
excuses for failure and procrastinate even when they know there is no more time. You hinder
the Holy Spirit when you don’t cooperate through active involvement. (Ps 74:9; Luke 4:46; Rev.
Jesus used parables to denounce such negative attitudes (Matt 25: 24-30; Luke 12:47). It is
impossible to make progress without hard work. Spiritual progress produces spiritual men.
Apparently only spiritual men can do spiritual work. There are several hypocrites who cannot do
real spiritual work because of laziness. God’s kingdom work does not have room for lazy
bones. (Phil. 1:11; Col. 1:10). You can be disqualified because of lazy attitude like the
unprofitable servant (Matt 25: 24-30).
Jesus continuously made references to hard work (John 4:34; 9:4). He said “I must work the
work of Him that sent me”. He was aware that the one who sent Him expects hard work to
achieve purpose. He was bent on finishing his assignment before the time allotted expired. “My
meat is to do the will of Him that sent me and finish His work”.
Hard work for Jesus was to search the scriptures, be about the Father’s business and never
procrastinate. Paul was no different. He encouraged and enjoined the Hebrew Christians to go
beyond the elementary principles of the doctrine of Christ and strive for perfection. (Heb. 6:1).
Paul demonstrated the same drive in his letter to the church at Philippi (Phil. 3:13). You cannot
dwell on born again experience which is just the starting point of the Christian journey.
Shun laziness and work hard in carefulness. Compare Prov. 6: 6-11 and see the lessons from
the ants who have no leaders but they are hard workers.
We must be diligent in prayer, study, teaching and admonition. We must be diligent in
evangelism to bring the lost to Christ. These are the great needs of the church today.
It’s no news that we are living in the last days and the devil is working around the clock to
overcome the church. My worry is that the church is ignorant and many are not ready to work
hard and stop the devil. God needs men and women who will overcome the barriers of the
flesh, become mature and facilitate the coming kingdom.

24TH NOVEMBER, 2024.

TEXT: 2 PET 1:5-7
In the last lesson, we considered diligence/hard work as one necessary quality to be possessed
if we must be like Jesus. One very vital issue to be considered this morning is faith. Faith
connects the Christian to the provisions of the supernatural. No one has actually seen God but
we relate with Him by faith. Prophet Habakkuk declared emphatically “the just shall live by faith”
(Heb 2:4). Paul an apostle quoted this same scripture over and again in his epistles. The faith
of the believer is what grounds him securely in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is
what radiates from his being in adversities and protects him in prosperity. Faith continues to
stimulate our interest in God, and consistently brings us victories. Finally, faith will take us to
heaven. Whatever is not of faith is sin declares the Holy Scriptures. (Rom 14:23).
Everyone has a measure of faith (Rom 12:3) as given by the Almighty God. Therefore,
everyone has the ability to trust God. Man is without excuse. There are various levels of faith
but the initial faith secures salvation (Rom 10:6). It’s not God’s fault if anyone fails to trust Him
for salvation. We must overcome doubt and fear with faith in God. (Heb 2:4; James 1:6-7). With
faith we incapacitate the devil and fiery darts which he continuously fires at us. (Eph 6:16). The
scripture stated clearly that without faith, it’s impossible to receive from God. We relate with
God on the realms of faith since we cannot see or feel Him but we know He exists.
A faith that is true must grow progressively (Luke 17:5; 2 Thess. 1:3). It is a choice to request
God to increase your faith if you want to grow. Growing faith could be seen both in words and
actions as with the Thessalonian church. You cannot remain in a weak faith without striving to
move forward and then expect to achieve much. (Mark 8:26). There is a weak faith as well as a
great faith (Matt 8:10; John 14:12)
The word of God is the “manure” that makes faith to grow (Rom 10:17). You cannot claim to
have true faith without acts of righteousness (James 2:17). Your faith will move God into action
on your behalf. (Mark 9:23). The book of Hebrews chapter 11 makes it clear that men have
subdued nations, overcame hurdles and paralyzed the power of the enemy forces by faith. In
fact, faith is a weapon of offense and defense. Men and women of faith are honored in God’s
presence. This is absolute trust in God. We can overcome every kind of obstacles and
hindrances by faith (1 John 5:4). Every form of blessing is possible through faith (2 Chron.
20:20; Matt 8:13).
In summary, we neither overestimate the power nor over emphasize the efficacy of faith (Mark
9:23). When we believe God and His word (faith) we become established.
This is the question on many minds. When we understand properly the meaning of faith the
steps to increasing faith becomes clear. The world says “seeing is believing” but faith says
“believing is seeing”. Jesus said, if you “believe” you will “see” the glory of the Lord (Jn. 11:40).
God has not left us in doubt. He has laid down some spiritual principles through which we can
bring spiritual realities into manifestation. We can trust God and follow these steps tenaciously
and consistently.
Step 1: Know God’s character and faithfulness (Mal. 3:6; Heb.13:8, Deut 7:9).
Step 2: Be persuaded about His promises (Heb. 11:11, 17, 19; 2 Tim. 1:12; Rom. 4:19-20)|.
Step 3: Embrace His promises (Claim them).
Step 4: Confess them (speak them out anywhere and anytime) Joshua 4:12; Acts 27:25;
Mark 11:22)
This period is too small to give an exhaustive teaching on faith but believe that if we follow this
lesson, great progress would be made in our journey of faith. Faith is not the final bus stop. We
need to add virtue to faith.
TEXT: 2 PET 1:5-7
We live in the last days and the devil has taken his battle right inside the church. He uses both
the priests and the laity to do his last battle against the church. There are certain virtues that
distinguish the true Christian from the world filled with all manner of vices. Corruption is
celebrated in high places even in the church. The so-called Christians have joined to loot
the government treasury. Right inside the church, there is corruption. We must work hard to
distinguish ourselves to the world.
By divine inspiration, Peter admonishes us to exercise our faith to develop virtue (2 Pet 1:5).
The question that easily comes to mind is “What is virtue?” In a very simple language, “virtue” is
another word for “goodness”. It refers to moral uprightness and integrity, good actions, excellent
behavior. Paul challenged the Philippians church to center their minds on commendable actions
and practicalize them. The world needs people of integrity and moral uprightness today.
In addition, virtue stands for that courage, that resolution and energy that enables the
Christians to overcome every hazard of life. It is often said that “cardinal virtues are theological
virtues are faith, hope and love. For the Christians, virtue is virtue. He must live the principled
life embracing all the admonitions of the scriptures for Christ to be formed in him.
We have emphasized that the Christian is totally without excuse surrendering to the flesh or
Satan (Rom 6:14; Col 1:13). But sin brought alienation and depravity to man. Humanity became
dominated and governed by fallen angels (2 Tim 2:26, 1 Jn. 5:18-19). But the Christian has
experienced emancipation from sin, self and Satan. Through spiritual advancement, the Holy
Spirit patterns His life after Christ (2 Cor. 3:18). Again, through the same advancement ought
the Christians to portray the Christ life to the world (Gal 2:20). The world around us is waiting to
see Christian virtues manifest through us. We must stop giving excuses.
Steps to developing virtues include:
1. Submit to God and the Holy Spirit (Rom 6:13; Gal 5:22).
2. Submit to the brethren in love (Phil 2:3-4; 1 Pet 5:5).
3. Submit to the word which regulates our behavior towards these outside the church.
(Rom 15:2-3; Heb 12:14).
We are the aroma of Christ this Christ virtue is not an option but a must for every believer. We
can’t fail. The whole world is waiting for us. We must manifest and show them the resurrected
TEXT: PS 100:1-5

The song writer says. “Count your blessings and name them one by one and it will surprise you
what the Lord has done”.
We are often encumbered with everyday challenges that we seem to forget so easily all that the
Lord did for us through the year. We must be thankful to God for the journey so far. We are
expected to maintain a joyful heart which will ultimately result to a healthy heart.
ADORATION: Worship of God therefore, is primarily the extolling of His person, character,
attributes and perfection. It is the adoration of the object of God for who and what He his rather
than anything (Ps 29:2).
CONFESSION: We are expected to confess our sins and confess the goodness and
faithfulness of God. It has been said that confession brings possession. (Ezra 10:1; Dan 9:20,
Rom 10:10; 1 Jn. 1:9; Ezra 10:11, Ezra 10:9-14).
THANKSGIVING: Praise is primarily the expression of admiration and approval. In the fullest
sense, it also includes the expression of gratitude for favours received. Thus, Praise and
Thanksgiving are frequently linked together.
In Luke 17:11-20, Jesus healed ten lepers but only one of them came back for thanksgiving.
Jesus did not reject the lepers even though the society rejected them. He healed and restored
them to their families yet they did not consider it necessary to come back and appreciate the
gesture. Such are some of us. Remember that you are once a leper (sinner) healed (saved)
and restored (reconciled) by Jesus Christ. What have you done to appreciate Jesus for your
salvation, healing, deliverance and numerous provisions? Only empty testimony.

 Enter His gate with thanksgiving (Ps 116:17; 50:4)

 Enter His courts with praise.
 Bless the name of the Lord.
 Remember that God is faithful.

Testify about God’s goodness and give thanks to God with your substance. Dedicate your life to
Jesus and appear before God with an offering in your hands. Remember to share with those
who preached and taught you the word of God.
15TH DECEMBER, 2024.
TEXT: LUKE 2:25-35
Simeon prophesied that Jesus would have a paradoxical effect on Israel. Some would fall
because of him (Isa 8:14-15), while others would rise (mal 4:2). With Jesus, there would be no
neutral ground. People would either joyfully accept Him or totally reject Him. As Jesus’ mother,
Mary would be grieved by the widespread rejection He would face.
Jesus Christ was to be born as one that his coming would bring joy to some people and
sorrows to others. His own life would be filled with rejection and full of sorrows. His life would
also end sorrowfully. Some predictions about what would happen to Jesus came several
centuries before His birth. He would be betrayed (Ps 41:9; 22:16-18) and finally crucified (Isa
53:4-7). All the prophesies about his birth, death and resurrection were fulfilled to the letter.
His life was threatened by Herod as an infant and parents travelled all the way to Egypt to hide
him from the wicked plots of evil men. Those who wanted to eliminate Him without fulfilling His
ministry died. They could not stop Him. (Matt. 2:7-23; Hosea 11:1; Jer. 31:15).
Jesus was called to come and die. He knew in advance what manner of death that He would
die. (See Rom 8:26-30).
Paul, an apostle bore sorrow for the nation of Israel (Rom 9:2-3). Paul was willing to sacrifice
so others would be saved just like Jesus. Are you willing to sacrifice your time, money, energy,
comfort and safety to get others saved?
In 1 Chron. 4:9-10, we see a man who was born sorrow personified but God changed his
sorrow to joy when he prayed. When our motives are right, God will definitely turn things
around. What kind of motives do you have? Don’t hold yourself down with wrong motives.
Jesus Christ came into the world but the world rejected and crucified him. (John 1:10-13). Even
the people appointed by God to receive the Messiah rejected him. However, their rejection of
the Messiah opened the door for the Gentiles. We have been accepted. (Consider Rom 8:15-
16, 29; 1 John 3:1, 23)
Jesus Christ experienced sorrow so that we can experience joy. We can comfortably say “thank
you Jesus Christ” for the price you paid. His coming brought joy to the world while some
ignorantly rejected light and walked in darkness. Have you experienced the light brought by
Jesus or still walking in darkness of sin? Receive Jesus Christ and experience light. (Jon. 3:16-
22ND DECEMBER, 2024.
TEXT: LUKE 2:1-7
Jesus Christ was born in an unusual environment against all expectations of the Jews
concerning the birth place of the Messiah. The surroundings were dark and dirty. The Jews
expected that the promised messiah would be born in a royal environment. We should not limit
God by our human expectations and calculations. God is at work wherever He is needed in our
darkened and dirty world.
Prophet Micah was the only prophet who predicted accurately the birthplace of the Messiah
according to Micah 5:2. The promised eternal king in David’s line, who would come to live as
men, had been alive forever. Christ entered the world (human history) as the man, Jesus of
The expectations of King Herod to receive an information to help him eliminate the Messiah
king failed (Luke 2:16-18). He has planned evil but God outwitted him.
Those who expected that the messiah would be born in the royal surroundings so that only the
privileged few would have access to Him were also disappointed. They were expecting a
warlord or an eloquent politician but God’s plan was different (Matt. 12:17-21). This is how God
continuously disappoint and frustrates the expectations of our enemies.
Right from the message of the angel to Mary, the prophecy of Elizabeth and that of Simeon at
the temple, it was restoration of hope to the hopeless nation of Israel and by extension the
whole mankind. Luke 1:26-37; 42-45; Luke 2:28-32
Simeon’s song which was a prophecy is often called “Nunc Dimittis”. The light has shined to a
nation in darkness the “manger boy” will eventually die that the whole world might be saved.
There is hope in hopelessness. God does what pleases him and all those who are expecting
the appearing of the messiah like Simeon and Anna will see him again. He has promised to
return not as manger boy again but “The Lord of Lords and King of Kings”. (Rev. 22:1-20).
As we celebrate the birth of the messiah, let us remember that He will definitely come for his
own to be with him in eternity. Your journey to eternity begins now if you have not started
moving. Tomorrow might be too late.
Merry Christmas!!
29TH DECEMBER, 2024.
TEXT: ROMANS 16:1-6; 22-27
Paul explained that it is wonderful to be alive when the plan, God’s secret-His way of saving the
Gentiles- is becoming known throughout the world. He travelled with Timothy who though very
young was also instrumental to the establishment and strengthening of the early church. No
wonder, Paul wrote him a second letter when he finished his ministry and then ready to die in
the hands of the enemies of the gospel. (2 Tim 4:6-8).
Paul opened the books of records which he kept for all those who made one kind of impact or
the other in his ministry. It was a time of stock taking. When we read carefully, we would notice
what Paul said about the individuals and the church in their location.
Jesus spoke through John the Beloved Apostle that books would be opened including the book
of life. God keeps records of our deeds and one day this record will be brought up for rewards.
(Rev. 20:11-12).
When the book of this passing year is opened, what will be your record? What have you
contributed to the church and the life of others? Take stock of your life and make all necessary
reconciliation and correct all errors before the dawn of the New Year.
We have embarked on a long journey through the scriptures. What have you gained through
this study? Remember that this word is true and faithful.
Happy New Year in advance!!!

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