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Solution HOLIDAY HOME WORK Class 12 - Mathematics (@atat=any! Explanation: 1 3]y1 4)_[7 19 ae-[) ile sloLi as] 7 19]_[7 10 a car =[iy al Lie ol stare[! 2] [E27 _[7 19) sgt a si{s 4} lio 28 @ Explanation: 1 3-201 ofa yal con tt_op.(¥2 12 Explanation: 44 a= (" } 325 2BLA (3 ; 5) i ora sa=(% -12 y+(4 2 i) -s 4 2)*\ aa 7 -( 1% 10 5 ) - 5-5 Dividing each elemenis ofthe matix by 5 a-[2 2 ‘| 201-1 8-20 |} 3 | Explanation: A= |" | sa-aB-2c=| 15 0 i 7 and A? =A jon: AB= A.) «i From equation (i) Bx (AB)=B From equation (i) B’A=BA From equation (i) Ax (BA)=A 1/16 © scanned wth onENScmner 10, aL AXB= A From equation (i) B= AB AMSA Hence, A?= A & B?=B (@) Skew symmetric matrix Explanation: Given A and B are symmetric matrix of same order AUB - BIA’. (from eqn (i) and (i) (BAY - (AB)... (2 (ABY = BIA) (-1) (AB) - (BAY) .. 20= (n+ 1) => 0=(2n+ 1 Explanation: Given that Ele Es del Pre-multiplying A“! both sides we get, ATAX=A7B IX=A"'BC-ATA=D, X=ATBSIX=X)...0) lal= x fel U3 Xs. 3 ong ts wees xy 2-1. xg = and x3=3. wouar 14855 Explanation: If A is a nonsingular matixof order 3, then |adj(A°) = (A%)2 = (AAD? = (AI Al [AD? = (APY? = [AI (2) (2d) B) (adj A) Explanation: We Know that (AB)"" = “4% adj (AB) = (ABYJAB] ‘We also know that (AB)"?= Bt A*t |ABI=[ALB) Putting them in (3) adj (AB) = B"TA"™ALB) iB IB)AT, IAD (dB) (2d) adj (AB) adj (AB) 4/16 © scanned wt onEN Samer a. 2 23, 24, (AB =BA=I Explanat Beal ‘We know that AA TSI Given B = A“) AB=T..(0) ‘We know that BBt=1 (Given A = B") BA=I., From (i) and (ii) AB ba wf} 4] Explanation: The matrix on the RLS of the given matrix is of order 2 2 and the one given on left side is 2 x 2. Therefore Aas tobe a2 x 2 matrix, (a) ed a b\(3 2) (41 (2G A)-G 3) 3a+b Yad) _ (4 1 (sett ana)" (2 3) 3atb=4..() 2a-b=1 fll) 3e4d=2 (ii) 2e-d=3.liv) ‘Using (i) and (i) Let A. Using (ii) and (iv) (None of these Explanation: If det (A+B) = 0 implies that A+B a Singular matrix. @x=1, (2 v(t Psntnon: (5, ‘) (2) = (pest) By x iter? 2+2y ~ (by 4 20 Comparing with R.HLS 2xt dy -2x+3y=6-5. ysl 5/16 © scanned wt onEN Samer 25. 26. 2, 28. 29. Putting y in (i) x#2(I)=3 xel (42 Explanation: +2 = -a | ‘| 5 x| |-3 2 22415 = 2043 2x? = 23-18 [8 27757 [40-40] [0]. aap moves | ST | [2s] ~ [Svz) = [o] 08-8 Since, |A|=0 and (adjA)B=0 So, the patr of equation have infinitely many solutions (36 Explanation: 36 lap @-20 1 3-2 Explanation: Given that, A=|4 5 6 35 2 Also, My, = -40, My) = -10 and Mya = 35 “An = (DET My = -40 Aqp = (-1)!*? Mp = 10 and Ay3 = (-1)3 My3 = 35, 1 A= ayAntapAnt apa = 1x (40) + 3040) + (2) (5) 40+ 30-70-80 7 Explanation: Since the matrix is of order 3 so 3 will be taken common from each row or column, So, k= 27 6/16 © scanned wt onEN Samer a 2. 35. @IA\=0 1 Since, A is a skew-symmetric matrix A] = IA'1= CD" IAI [2 IRAL= k® Ab iF Ais order n} (-1)"|4| fe |Al= 14°11 \AI [nis odd] Given, f(x) = Joos x - sin x|, Wie know that, 4 cosx 00sx-sinx-<0 Lee. (x) = (cos x- sin x) £09) x-cos x] (# mE Explanation: Given that xPy= (x+y)? *4 ‘Taking log both sides, we obtain logexty = (P + g) logs (+ 9) (Gince log,b®= € log, b) Since log, be = log, b+ logy, we get logex® + logey® = (p + 4) loge (x + ¥) plogex * qlogy = (p +4) loge (x # y) Differentiating with respect tox, we obtain COMIC Explanation: Let y= £(@*), then yates) et yo=t" ete +H et Ape eget (a function of y only Explanation: y = ax? + bx + Dar +b 7/16 © scanned witronen seamer 7. 39. scosy=23?-1 = y= cos (2x?- 1) Put x = cos 8 we get = y =c0s"! cos? 8-1) = y=cos"! (cos 26) y=20 But = cos x. we get dy _ dows) an = fle) lim, so = f(z) = lim, 0 =" x > Fle) = lime se (882)" xo? >) ok Explanation: Given that y = cos"! (4x? - 3x) Letx = cos 0 Then, y= cos" (Acos? @~ e088) Using cos30 = 40s" 0 — 30050, we obtain y=cos™"(cos30) = 30 = Sos Differentiating wit respect tox, we obtain (@) continuous at x = = and not differentiable at x = Explanation: continuous at x = and not differentiable at @> Explanation: Given thaty = tan" y/F=SS= Using 1 cos x= 2 sin? $ and 1+ cos x= tan Man(2) Differentiating with respect t0 x, we n (aes+ Qe? + Sate” + dzke* + 5zte Explanation: Let y =e +67 +... + On deren both sides wrt we gt Lod=dfere te tette'} “Herrele)- ele) -4(@) Reet bate Led tL (at) +e -(e*) fusing chain rule} 8/16 © scanned witronen seamer sek +e" (20) +e" (82") + e* (de) + e* (524) N+ Drei + Sate + dake + Sater @ a Explanati Given ty = lon (SE ) Differentiating with respect to x, we obtain aes pox +f are ra a Hence, = 25 oT | x|.x Ris differentiable. ifz>0 ife<0 x?20- x2, x <0 ifx 0, then the function is quadratic so is differentiable “The only point to consider is 0. But since both x? and ~x* have the same derivative at 0, then it follows that Fis differentiable ato, (b)-1 Explanation: sin(x + y) = log(x+ y) Differentiating with respect tox, cos(z +n(t eh 2) log(r + y) (i + 2) cos + y) + cos( + y) St = log(x + y) + log(x + y) 2 cos(z + y)% — log(e + y)H = logtx + y)- cos(x + y) Lcostx + y) -log(x + y)1$t = logtx + y) -costx + y) a _ loaleva)-eosier9) We have, = f(x) = 725 iscontinuous at x= 0. = fle) = lim... = fle)= lim 12 — SH =-4 sk=-4 (a) (1+ sin29) 91 Explanation: y yy = sec2 x etn => cos? xy = e™ Again differentiating wart. x we get 0s? (x) ya 2008 x sin ayy = see xen = cos (x) y2 = yp sin 2x +4, (2) fis differentiable at x = 0 but not at We observe that, Him A212 9/16 © scanned wt onEN Samer a7, ‘An oscillating number between -1 and 1 +) isnot differentiable atx = 1. and im, sin 1+ cos 1 [+ cos(—6) = cos 6] 1G) is differentiable atx = 0. (a) sec? x Explanation: Let y= tanx and t= siax > Masel xamd # = cos Now, derivative of tan x wire. sin = = 4 = S24 = sec? + me f Onn _ Explanation: Given that y = log. = Differentiating with respect to x, we obtain ee este eae a Ox Explanation: + = ‘ 10/16 © scanned wt onEN Samer SL. (@a=2,b=—4 Explanation: Let {(x) = alogx + bx? + x S'(@)=a4+2be+1 For maximum and minimum value of f(x) we have F(x) = 0 “Therefore, atx =-1 and x= 2 we have 2bx? + x+a=0 a+ 2b= L..(i) anda + 8b = 2.. (i) gives b= 5 Now, from (i) we get a= (o always increases Explanation: We have, f(x) = tan x-x 2.2) = sects 1 Sf) 2OVKER So. f(x) always increases. 0 (-20,1)U2,3) Explanation: Given that; log(x = 2)-32 + 4x +1 wate Critical points are; 1,2and3 + 1 2 3 F(x) Is increasing in (—o0, 1) U@, 3) OF Explanation: Here,it is given function ff(x) = (x - 2) (x - 3) f(x) = (X- 2) (7 - 6x +9) f(x) = x8 - 8x? + 21x +18 £() = 3x? - 16x +21 F(x) = 6x- 16 For maximum or minimum value f(x) = 0 3x2 9x- 7842150 BKC =3)- 70e- x= 3orx roa oP Q=2 £°(x) > it is decreasing and has minimum value atx = 3 atx FO (8) < Dit is increasing and has maximum value at ating, x= 5 in x) we obain, 11/16 © scanned wt onEN Samer 55, 57. 5. @2 @ (2) => f(%) = log x-1 = substitute F(x) =0 We getx=e Feet ‘Substitute x = e in f(x) 2 is point of maxima +. The max value (a) cos x Explanati 4g(x) = tan x is increasing function in each quadrant (x)= sin, increases from'0' 10" in (0, f(x) = cos x, decreases from 'I't0'0 in (0, 8) g(x) = cos 3x, decreases if 32 € (0,4) ore € (0 a (@) either maximum nor minimum Explanation: We have, f(x) =2sindx + 3 cosix £,P(4) = 6 cos3x- 9 sind sf! (B) = 6e08(3- 2) —9sin(s- 2) = 000 — eine = 0-940 So, 2 = & cannot be point of maxima or minima (€)Inereasing (-00,-1) Decreasing (-1, 00) Explanation: (x) =x! «2x + 15 (9) =-2x-2=-2K4+1)>0 itx<-Lie, in (00,-1) (9) - Tie, in (1,00) Hence f(s is increasing in (00, -1) and decreasing in (1,00). (2-20, 0) Explanati We have {(9) = a(x -cos x) # (=00, 0) 12/16 © scanned wt onEN Samer 61, 62. 65. ‘Strictly decreasing in R ie. £(x) <0 So, f(x) = a(14sin x) ‘We know that “AS sinxF(9) = 204-2) + 204-b) +2K-9) to find minima or maxima ie 2(x-a) + 2(x-b) +2x-c) =0 x= itis £@)=6>0 function has minima at x (©) increasing on (0, 4) Explanation: increasing on (0, #) (@xeR Explanation: x ¢ R @2=2 Explanation: Consider f(x) = y =x* Then, log = '(z) =2*(1 + logz) (1+ logit) = Oinnn(.ra* £0) loge =-12= ws 13/16 © scanned wt onEN Samer 7, 70. Explanation: Feasible region is shaded region with comer points (0,0), (2, 0} and (0, 2). 20, Z.,0)=4 — maximum 200,2)=+2 Zenax (@) convex polygon Explanation: Feasible region for an LPP is always a convex polygon. 4 and obtained at (2, 0) (4 Minimum 2 = 300 at (60,0) Explanation: Objective function is Z=5x-* 10y .. (0). “The given constraints are : x + 2y < 120, x +y2 60, x 2y > 0, y=0 ‘The corner points are obtained by drawing the lines x+2y =120, x+y = 60 and x-2y = 0. The points so obtained are (60,30), (£20,0), (60,0) and (40,20) ‘Comer points Z=5x+ 10y (60,30) 600 A(120,0) 600 (60,0) 300. er) (40,20) 400 Here, Z = 300 is minimum at (60, 0). (0 infinite Explanation: In a LPP, if the objective {" Z = ax + by has the maximum value on two corner point of the feasible region then every point on the line segment joining these two points gives the same maximum value. hhence, Zax OCCUFS at infinite no of times, @40 Explanation: 14/16 © scanned witronen seamer 71. n. 73. 74, Feasible region is shaded region shown in figure with comer points 0(0, 0), A(10, 0), B(O, 10), 20, 0) = 0, Z (10, 0) = 40 —+ ‘maximum Z (0, 10) = 30, (a=2b Explanation: The maximum value of 2’ occurs at (2, 4) and (4, 0) Value of z at (2, 4 = value of z at (4, 0) a(2) + b(4) = a(4) + b(O) 2a db=4a+0 b= 4a-20 b= 2a =2b @o.4 Explanation: Points z= 2x + 3y (0,0) o+o=0 (4,0) a+0-8 (0,4) 0+ 12= 12 — Maximum (&) bounded in first quadrant Explanati : Converting the given inequations into equations, we obtain x= 0 and y =O, y = 6 is the line passing through (0, 6) and parallel tothe X axis.The region below the line y = 6 will satisfy the given inequation, meets the coordinate axis at A(3, 0) and B(0, 3). Join these points to obtain the line x + y= 3 Clearly, (0, 0) satisfies the inequation x + y <3 . So, the region in x y -plane that contains the origin represents the solution set ofthe given equation. ‘The region represented by x > Oand y > 0: Since every point in the frst quadrant satisfies these inequations. So, the first quadrant is the regi {nequations. “The line x + (9x1 = 2, 12=6,2=36 Explanat First, we will convert the given inequations into equations, we obtain the following equations: 3x, + 2x9 = 18, x, = 4, x2= 6, x1=Oandx=0 Region represented by 3x, + 2x2 < 18 2 We need to mas ze the function 2 = 3x, +5 x2 ‘The line 3x; + 2x2 = 18 meets the coordinate axes at A(6, 0) and BO, 9) respectively. By joining these points we obtain the line 15/16 © scanned witronen seamer 78. axi+ 2x)218 Cleary (0, 0) satisfies the inequation 3xy + 2x) = 18. So, the region inthe plane which contain the origin represents the Solution st ofthe inequation 3x + 2xp = 18 Region represented by xj < 4: isthe line that passes trough C(4, 0) and is parallel to the Y axis. The region tothe lef ofthe line x = 4 will satisty the inequaton x1 < 4 Region zepresened by xy < 6'The line x= isthe line that passes through D(0, 6} and is parallel tothe x axis. The region ‘The line x below the line xp = 6 will satisfy the inequation x2 < 6. Region represented by x > Oand x2 > 0 since, every point inthe first quadrant satisfies these inequations. So, the first quadrant isthe region represented by the {mequations x; > oand x2 2 0 ‘The feasible region determined by the system of constraints, 3x; + 2x) < 18, xy <4, xp <6, xy > 0, and xy > 0, areas follows: Corner points are (0,0), DCO, 6), F2, 6) E(4, 3) and Cl 0). ‘The values of the objective function at these points are given inthe following table Points: Value of Z (0(0, 0) : (0) + 5(0) = 0 (0, 6): 3(0) + 5(6) = 30 FQ, 6) :3(2) + 5(6)= 36 (4, 3): 34) +5) = 27 (4, 0) :3¢4) + 5(0) = 32 ‘We see that the maximum value ofthe objective function Z, is 36 which is at F(2 6) () 0.3) Explanation: (0, 3) satisfy the equation 2x + 3y < 12 2x043x3<12 g<2 But (3, 3), (4, 3), (0, 5) does not satisfy 2x + 3y < 12. 16/16 © scanned witronen seamer

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