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Information form

Thank you for your loan simulation request.

1. KBC Home Loan simulation

This is a simulation of a KBC Home Loan. The amounts and interest rates stated on this information form, such as the rate are for information purposes only and are not binding. This means
that this simulation does not commit KBC Bank to grant you a KBC Home Loan.

Simulation 1 for a loan totalling 63 000,00 euros

worst case scenario
term Debit rate first total amount to amount to be
loan amount repayment schedule formula (months) (per year) instalment be repaid instalment repaid

001 63 000,00 equal repayments fixed 240 3,63% 367,69 88 243,41 367,69 88 243,41
63 000,00 367,69 88 243,41 367,69 88 243,41

For partial loan 001, the borrower is entitled to an (additional) energy discount if the EPC value specified on a valid EPC has been reduced on account of renovation work. However, the total
amount of the energy discount, including the energy discount already granted when the contract was concluded, may not exceed 0,10% per year.

The energy discount is set based on the EPC value specified on the submitted EPC, where an EPC value:
that is equal to or less than 200 kWh/(m² per annum) gives entitlement to an energy discount on the home loan's interest rate of 0,05% per year;
that is equal to or less than 100 kWh/(m² per annum) gives entitlement to an energy discount on the home loan's interest rate of 0,05% per year;

Your contact
Telephone + 32 16 31 40 00
Fax 016 31 40 30
KBC Bank NV - Havenlaan 2 - 1080 Brussels - Belgium - VAT BE 0462.920.226 - RLP Brussels
Member of the KBC group 1/5

002305 / 0003/002305/ /18-05*740518121741664158* / KC5154

Annual percentage rate of charge (APR)
The annual percentage rate of charge (APRC) represents the total cost of a home loan, expressed as an annual percentage. The APRC is calculated separately for each home loan based on the
loan terms specified.

Total amount
loan loan balance home current
total amount to total cost origination notary insurance insurance account
loan amount repayment schedule APR be repaid of the loan fees public fees premiums premiums charges

001 63 000,00 equal repayments 4,22% 91 280,01 88 243,41 350,00 2 686,60 0,00 0,00 0,00

Our calculation of the APRC for a home loan is based on the following assumptions:
The loan amount is drawn down immediately and in full
A month is made up of 30,4167 days
The debit interest rate is invariable throughout the term of the loan
loan origination fee payable once upon signing of the loan offer, prorated according to the ratio of the loan amount to the loan application amount of 63 000,00 euros, subject to a
maximum of 500,00 euros.

The total to be repaid includes the full amount of the loan.

2. Minimum required information for your home loan application

If you decide to apply for a loan at KBC Bank you need to give us accurate and full details that enable us to assess your financial situation, your repayment options and your project. We will
look for the most suitable loan based on the information you give us.

Details we need from you:

identity details for the borrowers
purpose of the loan including buying, renovating or building a home
your income including that from employment and/or replacement income and other recurrent earnings such as rental income
When you apply for a bridging loan or a loan where interest is paid monthly and principal repaid on the date the loan is due, the means by which you will repay the principal of the loan on
the due date, e.g., the proceeds from the sale of a property, group insurance benefit, etc.
your outgoings including monthly payments for things like rent or a mortgage

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number of, and outstanding balance on, existing loans with us and/or other lenders (at KBC Bank/KBC Brussels and/or other credit lenders)
number of dependants
the EPC of the buildings for which we are establishing new security (mortgage or power of attorney to create a mortgage) or re-using existing security.
the EPC of the financed building.

We also need a copy of any required supporting documents (non-exhaustive):

payslips/balance sheets
leases showing rental income
invoices proving investments: sales contract, contractor's/architect's work specifications, ...
EPC certificate
documents showing that funds are available to you for repaying the principal of the loan on the due date

Only after receiving this information and supporting documents KBC Bank can examine your credit application and decide whether or not your credit will be granted. After your loan
application has been approved, we make you a loan offer with the final rate (the contractual debit interest rate) as a prospective borrower. The offer remains valid for 14 days from the time of
receipt. Within this 14-day period, you can accept the offer at any time by signing it. The credit agreement is concluded only if all borrowers have signed the offer within this period. During
the credit investigation we will run a credit check through the Central Individual Credit Register and non-regulated entries databases in deciding on your loan application.

Learn more about our home loans and associated charges in our home loan prospectus and
schedule of rates and charges, available on our website or from your

3. Use of your personal data (privacy)

At KBC Bank and KBC Insurance, we set great store by protecting your privacy. We use your personal data in accordance with the applicable data protection laws, our data protection
statement and the provisions of the contracts you have entered into with us. More detailed information on the use of your personal data and on your rights and how to exercise them can be
found in Articles I.13 and I.14 of the General Banking Terms & Conditions and in the data protection statement of KBC, which is available at or can be obtained at
your branch.

If you are granted a KBC Home Loan, the personal home loan and loan balance insurance rates we offer you are based on the customer relationship you have with KBC Bank and KBC
Insurance. The nature of the customer relationship with KBC may lead to a discount. To calculate this, we use your objective personal characteristics, the KBC products you have and use, your

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history as a customer with KBC in the broad sense (including your relationships with legal entities), and your profitability profile in comparison with historical data for other customers and with
your individual risk profile. A heightened risk profile may lead to an increase in the rate.

If you opt to simulate your loan balance insurance, its rate will also be calculated automatically. If you also want to work out loan balance insurance for your partner, they must agree to you
giving us their personal data. By entering your partner's personal data, you confirm that you have their consent to do so.

Your eligibility for a home loan is decided on the basis of several criteria: the specific project for which you want to borrow, the desired duration and other characteristics of the loan, and your
repayment capacity. To estimate your repayment capacity, KBC Bank looks at your income, the loans you already have running and your family situation, among other things. The Central
Individual Credit Register (CKP) is also consulted. When deciding on debt balance insurance, KBC Insurance also takes your age, occupation and smoking habits into account. More
information about why we need your personal data, what data we use and what we do with it in the context of outstanding balance insurance can be found in the Privacy policy (see
"General privacy statement for customers in the broad sense - KBC Insurance NV" on and the Segmentation Policy (see

Whether you are eligible for a home loan, and at what rate, can be determined fully automatically. In that case, the decision on your loan application is made immediately and you instantly
get the outcome of the credit decision. If you don't agree with the calculated rate, please contact your branch or KBC Live. If you have objected to profiling in the past, we do not take
account of your customer relationship with KBC Bank when calculating the price. You can read more about the data used and your rights as a customer in our data protection statement at

4. Additional legal information

As mentioned above, this information document serves only as a simulation of a KBC Home Loan and does not constitute a loan offer that is binding on KBC Bank.

If you are granted a KBC Home Loan:

The following documents of security (not exhaustive) are available: the mortgage and the power of attorney to create a mortgage.The mortgage gives KBC Bank the right to sell the
mortgaged immovable property if you no longer fulfil your commitments arising from your KBC Home Loan and your relationship with the bank in general. A power of attorney to create a
mortgage gives KBC Bank the right to convert this power of attorney into a mortgage at any time
KBC Bank charges a loan origination fee for the compilation and examination of your loan application after you have signed the KBC Home Loan offer
KBC Bank may ask for an estimate, the associated costs of which are at your expense.
If KBC Bank conducts its own valuation of the secured premises, KBC Bank may collect additional info through external sources. More details can be found in the data protection statement
of KBC Bank.
And you do not draw down the loan amount in full within a period of five months from the start of the KBC Home Loan, KBC Bank charges a monthly commitment fee on the undrawn part
of the loan amount starting from the sixth month
You can find all costs on our schedule of rates and charges, which is available on our website and can be obtained at every KBC branch

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You can repay all or part of the KBC Home Loan early at any time. Early repayment is subject to a reinvestment fee equal to three months' interest calculated on the amount repaid early and
at the agreed interest rate
And you fail to meet your payment obligations, the loan will be called in, at which time KBC Bank has the right to terminate your KBC Home Loan and demand immediate payment of the
full balance owed and finally sell the immovable property mortgaged by you to clear the balance owed on your KBC Home Loan

Under a variable loan plan, the variable term means you can extend or shorten it without charge at every interest-rate review. The original term of the home loan may never be extended or
shortened by more than one-fifth.

Any questions or like to know more?

Feel free to contact KBC Live via KBC Mobile. That way our experts know who you are right away and help you even faster.
Not KBC Mobile yet? Then you can also contact our experts at KBC Live on 078 353 137 and at your KBC branch or insurance agency.
Our digital assistant Kate can also help you. Tap KBC Mobile in the search bar at the top and ask your question.

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