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Methods of

All* Sampling
a n d Analysis
Methods of
A i r Sampling
a n d Analysis


Taylor & Francis

Taylor & Francis Group
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L i b r a r y of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Methods of air sampling and analysis.-3rd ed. / James P. Lodge, Jr., editor
p. cm.
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-87371-141-6
1. Air-Pollution-Measurement-Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. A i r -
Analysis-Handbooks, manuals, etc. I . Lodge, James P. I I . Intersociety Committee.
TD890.M488 1988
628.5'3—dcl9 8 8-11462

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International Standard Book Number 0-87371-141-6
Library of Congress Card Number 88-11462
16 17 18 19 20
This is the third edition of the manual of driven by economic concern for EPA ac­
methods adopted by the Intersociety Com­ ceptance o f commercial instruments, or
mittee for a Manual on Methods o f A i r conducted to resolve dispute. New, more
Sampling and Analysis according to its es­ powerful methods have emerged and be­
tablished procedures. The Intersociety come widely accepted, and previous con­
Committee, which was founded in 1960, cerns have disappeared. Plans to prepublish
with its subcommittees consists o f several all methods i n "Health Laboratory Science"
scores o f experts currently representing for comment have not been implemented
eight major national professional societies since the second edition.
concerned with environmental measure­ While the American Public Health Asso­
ments. These experts have volunteered their ciation had previously given valuable sup­
time and services to evaluate, codify, and port to the Committee by serving as the
publish hundreds o f test methods for mea­ contracting and administrating society, we
surement of air contaminants affecting the are now an independent organization. Nev­
health and welfare of industrial workers, as ertheless, there still appears to be a great
well as of the general public. need for a manual such as the present one.
While many methods have been pub­ While instruments for routine air monitor­
lished by various agencies, for hundreds o f ing are today uniquely qualified or disqual­
materials agreed-upon methods o f ade­ ified by the Environmental Protection
quate accuracy remain to be established. Agency, many local agencies are justifiably
The Committee and subcommittees have reluctant to buy expensive monitoring
served as a workshop and forum for inter­ equipment prior to preliminary tests to as­
action and coordination of professionals sess the nature of their problems. Such tests
from different governmental agencies, aca- are generally made with available equip­
demia, and industry, each with knowledge ment and manual methods o f measure­
of the methods i n use by his organization. ment. For a large number of chemical spe­
In the decade that has passed since the sec­ cies there are as yet no approved methods;
ond edition, many changes have occurred nevertheless, it is o f considerable impor­
in the status o f the Committee, its proce­ tance to characterize their concentration in
dures, and the field o f atmospheric the environment. I n the workplace, moni­
chemistry. toring instruments are still less common
Financial support from the Environmen­ than individual chemical tests on integrated
tal Protection Agency and the National I n ­ samples spanning a significant portion o f
stitute for Occupational Safety and Health the workday. The likelihood that all these
has ceased, and with it the ability of the methods will be subjected to rigorous inter­
Committee to meet frequently, and to con­ laboratory comparison is probably declin­
vene the subcommittees. Consequently, ing rather than increasing.
most o f the procedures previously carried Accordingly, a number o f changes have
out face-to-face have been consigned to been made i n the present manual. The sta­
mail and, on occasion, telephone. There tus o f methods as "tentative" or "recom­
have been changes in personnel, as noted mended" has been removed throughout.
below. The grand plan for a major program Every method carries statements of preci­
of interlaboratory testing o f methods has sion, accuracy, and interferences from
been replaced by occasional round-robin which the reader can quickly learn how
testing where it was specifically needed, much is known about the dependability o f

that method. I n the absence o f sponsor­ lowed by the principal reviewers, i f any,
ship, the requirement to list method num­ and then the balance of the subcommittee is
bers according to the several agencies has listed in alphabetical order. Where changes
also ceased. The given methods are ad­ are minor, the listing o f the previous sub­
vanced by the subcommittees and, where committee, presumably responsible for the
they are knowledgeable, by members o f the original writing, has been preserved.
parent Committee. They are among the The original 12 subcommittees have been
best available, whatever their formal status, reduced in number to 9, in effect, by the
and those needing EPA and/or N I O S H merger of Subcommittees 4 and 5, and the
method numbers are undoubtedly in posi­ termination of Committees 7 and 12. The
tion to ascertain them. founding chairman of the Intersociety
For further simplification, certain ubiq­ Committee was Dr. Leonard Greenburg.
uitous references have been omitted from He was succeeded by Dr. E. R. Hendrick-
the bibliographies. For example, virtually son, Professor A . C. Stern, Dr. B . E. Saltz-
every method requires the use of reagent man, M r . R. F. Toro, Dr. W. T. Ingram,
water o f some type or other, as that is de­ Dr. R. J. Thompson, and Dr. R. S. Saltz-
fined by the American Society for Testing man, the present chairman. Successive edi­
and Materials, and the use o f reagent chem­ tors have been Dr. M . D . Thomas, Dr.
icals, as these are defined by the American Morris Katz, and Dr. James P. Lodge, Jr.,
Chemical Society. Few analysts are un­ the editor for this edition. Over the entire
aware of these requirements, and it seems history o f the Committee, Dr. George J.
redundant to enter the appropriate refer­ Kupchik has been Executive Secretary. A l l
ences in every bibliography. correspondence concerning these methods
should be directed to him at the School of
We have kept the previously assigned
Health Sciences, BC 612, Hunter College,
method numbers within the book, and as­
425 East 25th Street, New York, N Y
signed new numbers to added methods.
Thus, some numbers are missing due to the
The Intersociety Committee gratefully
judgment of subcommittees that the old
acknowledges the past support of the U.S.
methods were no longer in use, or should
Public H e a l t h Service under Grant
not be in use. The previous text, where it is
AP-00256; o f the Environmental Protec­
retained, has been carefully edited to re­
t i o n Agency under Contract Grant
move grammatical and typographical er­ 68-02-0004, and of the National Institute
rors. Even in cases where old methods are for Occupational Safety and Health under
largely retained, they have been carefully Contract number H S M 99-73-89. Ac­
checked to be certain that they were clear knowledgments of permission to reprint,
and easy to follow; the overall result is that with editorial modifications, methods from
few pages o f the second edition have sur­ other societies and agencies are duly noted
vived without at least minor change. A below.
number o f new sections have been added to
Part I , on general techniques, with the Robert S. Saltzman, ISA
emergence of new laboratory tools. Chairman
In a number o f situations it has been nec­ Willard A . Crandall, A S M E
essary to go outside the primary member­ Andrew P. H u l l , HPS
ship to reach truly knowledgeable scientists William T. Ingram, A P W A
in the use o f particular techniques. To give Theodore J. Kneip, A P C A
appropriate credit in these cases, a new con­ Bernard E. Saltzman, A O A C
vention has been adopted. The actual au­ Richard J. Thompson, ACS
thors o f the technique are listed first, fol­ Richard F. Toro, A I C h E
Other books have been written about air work daily to understand and solve the
sampling and analysis, but there are none problems o f both indoor and outdoor air
like this one. pollution.
To do any job well, you must use the Our hat is o f f to the experts who labored
proper tools, and this book, as with its two long and hard —with intelligence and
predecessor editions, gives you the know- integrity—to make this book a reality.
how you need to sample and analyze air. (These pioneers are noted i n the front pages
Updated, with new methods added and i n a of this book and i n the committee rosters
streamlined form for ease o f reading and appended to each method.) We are ex­
understanding, this new Third Edition is in tremely pleased to be associated with the
itself a tool for today's use. people who created this worthwhile and
Though full o f changes from the edition useful venture.
of 11 years ago, this all-new work leans Methods of Air Sampling and Analysis,
heavily on the two previous editions. W i t h ­ Third Edition is both a timely volume and a
out the farsightedness of the leaders who book destined for a long life. I t describes
gave us the first and second books through and evaluates new methods along with the
the Intersociety Committee for a Manual classic. I t is a current and up-to-date refer­
on Methods o f A i r Sampling and Analysis ence to be regarded as a principal tool i n the
(beginning in 1960) this new work could continuing, expanding battle to help solve
have been created only by starting from the never-ending problem o f maintaining
"scratch." Even so, it was no mean task for clean air and keeping our environment
the scores o f committees and their editor to workably pure.
come forth with this matchless volume
that will guide today's professionals who - T h e Publisher
Representatives of Participating Societies

Organization* Representative Dates o f Service

ACS Henry Freiser 1971-80
Richard J. Thompson 1982-
AIChE Robert Coughlin 1972-74
Richard F. Toro 1974-
APWA James V. Fitzpatrick 1972-79
William T. Ingram 1981-
ASME Arthur C. Stern 1963-74
Wesley C. L . Hemeon 1976-79
Willard A . Crandall 1982-
AOAC Bernard E. Saltzman 1966-
AWMA E. R. Hendrickson 1963-86
Theo J. Kneip 1987-
HPS Lysle C. Schwendiman 1972-83
Andrew H u l l 1984-
ISA Robert L . Chapman 1972-74
Robert S. Saltzman 1974-

*Participating Organizations
ACS —American Chemical Society
A I C h E —American Institute o f Chemical Engineers
APWA—American Public Works Association
A S M E —American Society o f Mechanical Engineers
A O A C —Association o f Official Analytical Chemists
A W M A — A i r and Waste Management Association
H P S - H e a l t h Physics Society
ISA— Instrument Society o f America


Name Dates o f Service

Chairman Leonard Greenburg 1963-66
E. R. Hendrickson 1966-69
Arthur C. Stern 1969-72
Bernard E. Saltzman 1972-76
Richard F. Toro 1976-80
William T. Ingram 1980-83
Richard J. Thompson 1983-88
Robert S. Saltzman 1988-
Editor Moyer Thomas 1963-69
Morris Katz 1969-83
James P. Lodge 1983-
Executive George J. Kupchik 1963-

Name Dates of Service

#1 (Sulfur Compounds)
Donald F. Adams 1966-83
Purnendu K . Dasgupta 1983-

#2 (Halogen Compounds)
Lester V. Cralley 1966-70
C. Ray Thompson 1970-81
Richard A . Mandl 1981-

#3 (Oxidants and Nitrogen Compounds)

Paul M . Giever 1966-67
Bernard E. Saltzman 1967-71
Evaldo L . Kothny 1971-74, 1976-79
Basil Dimitriades 1974-75
Dario Levaggi 1980-

#4 (Carbon Compounds)*
Ralph Smith 1966-79
M i l t o n Feldstein 1979-80

#5 (Hydrocarbon Compounds)*
Eugene Sawicki 1966-79

#4/5 (Carbon and Hydrocarbon Compounds)

M i l t o n Feldstein 1981-

#6 (Metals I)
William G. Fredrick 1966-70
Theo J. Kneip 1971-79
Richard Thompson 1980-82
Michael Kleinman 1983-

* Terminated 1980

#7 (Metals II)*
Elbert C. Tabor 1966-70
Robert E. Kupel 1970-72

#8 (Radioactive Compounds)
Bernard Shleien 1966-72
Andrew P. H u l l 1972-83, 1987-
Donald C. Bogen 1984-87

#9 (General Precautions)
Morris Katz 1967-69
A . L . Linch 1969-79
A l v i n L . Vander Kolk 1980-85
John N . Harman I I I 1986-

#10 (Particulate Matter)

Robert S. Sholtes 1968-71
Robert A . Herrick 1971 -74
Edward Stein 1975-79
Dale A . Lundgren 1980-83
John Watson 1984-

#11 (Stationary Source Sampling)

John S. Nader 1971-73
M . Dean High 1974-80
Knowlton Caplan 1981-83
Walter S. Smith 1984-

#12 (Standardization Coordination)**

William D . Kelley 1971-72
Robert W. Garber 1972-74
Robert Spinas 1975-80

* Terminated 1972
** Terminated 1980

The Intersociety Committee expresses its sociation Journal, Volume 32, 412, June
appreciation for permission to use data as 1971.
indicated from the following: The American Public Health Associa­
Academic Press, O r l a n d o , F l o r i d a tion, 1015 15th Street, N . W . , Washington,
32887, for use in Part I , Section 14, o f data D . C . 20005 for use in Part I , Section 19, o f
from "Detection of Volatile Organic Com­ text from Part 11, Section 104A o f Stan­
pounds and Toxic Gases i n Humans by dard Methods for the Examination of Wa­
Rapid Infrared Techniques," by R. D . ter and Waste Water, 14th ed., 1976.
Stewart and D . S. Erley, i n Progress in The American Society for Testing and
Chemical Toxicology, A . Stolman, E d . , Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia,
Volume 2, 1965, pages 183-200. Pennsylvania 19103 for use i n Part I , Sec­
The American Conference o f Govern­ tion 11, o f text from E:131; for use i n Part
mental Industrial Hygienists ( A C G I H ) , I , Section 12, o f text A S T M E60; and for
6500 Glenway Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio use on Part V o f a table from A S T M E380.
45211 for use i n Part I , Section 27, of text Preston Publications, a Division o f Pres­
from "Detector Tubes, Direct Reading Pas­ ton Industries, Inc., 7800 Merrimar Ave­
sive Badges and Dosimeter Tubes," by B. E. nue, Niles, Illinois 60048 for use i n Part I I ,
Saltzman and P. E. Caplan; and for use i n Method 101, o f "Adsorption Chromatogra­
Part I , Section 29, of text from "Filter Me­ phy on P L O T Columns: A New Look at
dia for A i r Sampling," by M o r t o n Lipp- the Future of Capillary GC," by J. de
mann in Air Sampling Instruments for Zeeuw, R. C. M . de Nijs and L . T.
Evaluation of Atmosphere Contaminants, Henrich, in Journal of Chromatographic
7th ed., American Conference o f Govern­ Science, Volume 25, 76, 1987, Figure 6.
mental Industrial Hygienists, Cincinnati, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave­
1988, in press. nue, New York, New York 10158, for per­
The American Industrial Hygiene Asso­ mission to use material i n Part I , Section
ciation, 475 W o l f Ledges Parkway, A k r o n , 20, from "Safety i n the Analytical Labora­
Ohio 44311-1087 for data i n Part I , Section tory," by R. F. Stalzer, J. R. M a r t i n , and
13, from " U - V Absorptivity Curves"; and W. E. Railing, in I . M . Kolthoff, P. J. Elv-
of material from A I H A Analytical A b ­ ing, and E. B. Sandell, eds., Treatise on
stracts, 1965 (UV) for use i n Part I , Section Analytical Chemistry, Part I , Volume 11,
14, in the American Industrial Hygiene As­ pp. 6743-6752, 1975.
James P. Lodge, Jr. attended the University Chemical Society report, "Cleaning Our
of Illinois, with his undergraduate training Environment: The Chemical Basis for
there interrupted by two years o f service i n Action," for which the Board o f Directors
the U.S. Navy during World War I I . After of ACS awarded him a Special Certificate.
graduation, he studied at the University o f He held the same position for the revision,
Rochester with Professor V. Boeckelheide, "Cleaning Our Environment, A Chemical
receiving his doctorate i n 1951. He was Perspective." Dr. Lodge has also received
Assistant Professor o f Chemistry at Keuka the Distinguished Service Award o f the D i ­
College i n New York from 1950 to 1952. vision of Environmental Chemistry, ACS,
During the summer o f 1952, he joined the and the Frank A . Chambers Award o f the
Meteorology Department at the University A i r Pollution Control Association.
of Chicago, and has worked i n the field o f As Chairman o f the Colorado State A i r
Atmospheric Chemistry ever since. From Pollution Control Commission for six
1955 to 1961, he was Section Head i n years, Dr. Lodge received several local
Chemistry i n the Community A i r Pollution awards. He has contributed to the fields o f
Program, U.S. Public Health Service, i n air pollution analysis, atmospheric kinetics
Cincinnati; this was one o f the predecessors and photochemistry, atmospheric electric­
of the present U.S. Environmental Protec­ ity, and theory o f filtration, publishing over
tion Agency. 200 papers. I n addition to serving as West­
From 1961 to 1974, Dr. Lodge was a Pro­ ern Hemisphere Editor o f Atmospheric En­
gram Scientist at the National Center for vironment, he is its principal book re­
Atmospheric Research i n Boulder, Colo­ viewer. Dr. Lodge has also had several
rado, and since then, has been a Consultant papers published in the field o f his hobby,
in Atmospheric Chemistry. He was chair­ the study o f theology.
man o f the section on air i n the American
Preface v
Publisher's Preface vii
Committees ix
Permissions , xii


1. Physical Precautions 3
2. Calibration Procedures 15
3. Dynamic Calibration o f A i r Analysis Systems with Permeation Tubes . . . 18
4. Sampling and Storage o f Particles 27
5. Sampling and Storage o f Gases and Vapors 37
6. Use and Care of Volumetric Glassware 42
7. Reagent Water 47
8. Common Acid, A l k a l i , and Other Standard Solutions 48
9. Recovery and Internal Standard Procedures 55
10. Interferences 56
11. Terms and Symbols Relating to Molecular Spectroscopy 59
12. Photometric Methods for Chemical Analysis 67
13. Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopy 76
14. Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy 78
15. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy 83
16. Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy 89
17. Gas Chromatography 93
18. Radioactivity Analysis 103
19. Precision and Accuracy 106
20. General Safety Practices 110
21. A i r Purification 120
22. Liquid Chromatography 127
23. Thin-Layer Chromatography 131
24. Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis o f Atmospheric Particulate
Matter 143
25. Use of Selective Ion Electrodes to Determine A i r Pollutant Species
(Ambient and Source Level) 150
26. Quality Control for Sampling and Analysis 156
27. Direct Reading Colorimetric Indicators 171
28. Fluorescence Spectrophotometry 187
29. Sampling Aerosols by Filtration 190
30. X-Ray Powder Diffraction 214
31. X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis 218
32. Chemiluminescent Analyzers 223
33. Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (ASV) 226
34. Ion Chromatography 230



100 Carbon Compounds

A . Hydrocarbons
101 Determination o f C Through C Atmospheric Hydrocarbons . .
x 5 243
102 Separation and Determination o f Polynuclear Aromatic
Hydrocarbons and Benzo[a]pyrene 249
102A Extraction and Cleanup Procedures for Polynuclear Aromatic
Hydrocarbons i n Atmospheric Particulate Matter 249
102B Separation and Microanalysis of Airborne Particulate Matter
for Benzo[a]pyrene Using Thin Layer Chromatography and
Spectrofluorimetry 251
102C Measurement o f Benzo[a]pyrene and Benzo[k]fluoranthene by
Spectrofluorimetry 253
102D Measurement o f Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons Using
Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection 257
108 Continuous Determination o f Total Hydrocarbons i n the
Atmosphere (Flame Ionization Method) 262
109 Flame Ionization Detector 265

B. Related Organic Compounds

114 Determination o f Acrolein Content o f the Atmosphere
(Colorimetric) 271
116 Determination o f Formaldehyde Content o f the Atmosphere
(Colorimetric Method) 274
117 Determination of Formaldehyde Content of the Atmosphere
( M B T H Colorimetric Method —Application to Other
Aldehydes) 279
118 Determination o f Mercaptan Content o f the Atmosphere 285
121 Determination o f Phenols i n the Atmosphere (Gas
Chromatographic Method) 290
122 Determination o f C -C Aldehydes i n Ambient A i r and Source
x 5

Emissions as 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazones by H P L C 293

C. Carbon Monoxide, Gas Analysis

128 Determination of Continuous Carbon Monoxide Content o f the
Atmosphere (Nondispersive Infrared Method) 296
133 Determination o f 0 , N , CO, C 0 , and C H (Gas
2 2 2 4

Chromatographic Method) 303

134 Constant Pressure Volumetric Gas Analysis for Oxygen,
Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, and Nitrogen (Orsat) 307
135 Determination o f Volatile Organic Compounds i n Architectural
and Industrial Surface Coatings 308

200 Halogen and Halogen Compounds

201 Chloride Content o f the Atmosphere 312
202 Determination o f Free Chlorine Content o f the Atmosphere
(Methyl Orange Method) 313
203 Determination o f Fluoride Content o f the Atmosphere and
Plant Tissues (Manual Methods) 316
204 Determination o f Fluoride Content o f the Atmosphere and
Plant Tissues (Semiautomated Method) 332
205 Determination o f Fluoride Content o f Plant Tissues
(Potentiometric Method) 344
206 Determination o f Gaseous and Particulate Fluorides i n the
Atmosphere (Separation and Collection with Sodium
Bicarbonate Coated Glass Tube and Particulate Filter) 347
207 Determination o f Gaseous and Particulate Fluorides i n the
Atmosphere (Separation and Collection with a Double Paper
Tape Sampler) 352

300 Metals
301 Determination of Particulate Antimony Content of the
Atmosphere 357
302 Determination o f Arsenic Content of Atmospheric Particulate
Matter 361
303A General Method for the Preparation o f Non-Tissue
Environmental Samples for Trace Metal Analysis 365
311-322 Determination o f a Number of Metals i n Atmospheric
Particulate Matter 370
317 Determination o f Elemental Mercury i n Ambient and
Workroom A i r by Collection on Silver Wool and Atomic
Absorption Spectroscopy 371
319 Determination o f Molybdenum Content o f Atmospheric
Particulate Matter by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry . . 376

400 Inorganic Nitrogen Compounds and Oxidants

401 Determination o f Ammonia i n the Atmosphere (Indophenol
Method) 379
404 Determination o f Nitrate i n Atmospheric Particulate Matter
(Brucine Method) 382
405 Determination o f Nitric Oxide Content o f the Atmosphere 385
406 Determination o f Nitrogen Dioxide Content o f the Atmosphere
(Griess-Saltzman Reaction) 389
407 Determination o f Total Nitrogen Oxides as Nitrate
(Phenoldisulphonic Acid Method) 395
408 Analysis for Atmospheric Nitrogen Dioxide (24-H Average) 399
411 Determination o f Oxidizing Substances i n the Atmosphere 403
413 Determination o f Ozone i n the Atmosphere by Gas-Phase
Chemiluminescence Instruments 407
415 Determination o f Atmospheric Nitric Acid 412
416 Continuous Monitoring o f Atmospheric Nitric Oxide and
Nitrogen Dioxide by Chemiluminescence 415
417 Continuous Monitoring of Ozone i n the Atmosphere by
Ultraviolet Photometric Instruments 422

500 Particulate Matter

501 High Volume Measurement of Size Classified Particulate
Matter 427

502 Particle Fallout Container Measurement o f Dustfall from the

Atmosphere 440
503 Continuous Tape Sampling o f Coefficient of Haze 446
507 Integrating Nephelometer Measurement o f Scattering
Coefficient and Fine Particle Concentrations 450

600 Radioactivity
601 Determination o f Gross Alpha Radioactivity Content o f the
Atmosphere 458
602 Determination o f Gross Beta Radioactivity Content o f the
Atmosphere 461
603 Determination o f the Iodine-131 Content o f the Atmosphere
(Particulate Filter Charcoal Gamma) 464
606 Determination of Radon-222 Content of the Atmosphere 469
609A Determination o f Tritium Content o f Water Vapor in the
Atmosphere 479
609B Determination of Elemental Tritium Content of the
Atmosphere 483

700 Sulfur Compounds

701 Determination o f Hydrogen Sulfide Content o f the Atmosphere 486
704A Determination o f Sulfur Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere
(Tetrachloromercurate Absorber/Pararosaniline Method) 493
704B Determination o f Sulfur Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere
(Formaldehyde Absorber/Pararosaniline Method) 499
704C Determination of Sulfur Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere
(Hydrogen Peroxide Method) 503
707 Continuous Monitoring o f Atmospheric Sulfur Dioxide with
Amperometric Instruments 506
708 Determination o f Mercaptan Content o f the Atmosphere 511
709 Determination o f Sulfur-Containing Gases i n the Atmosphere
(Continuous Method with Flame Photometric Detector) 512
709A Determination o f Sulfur-Containing Gases in the Atmosphere
(Following Chromatographic Separation, with the FPD) 512
709B Determination o f Sulfur-Containing Gases in the Atmosphere
(Total Gaseous Sulfur with the FPD) 512
711 Determination of Gaseous Sulfuric Acid and Sulfur Dioxide i n
Stack Gases 523
713 Semi-Continuous Determination o f Atmospheric Particulate
Sulfur, Sulfuric Acid and Ammonium Sulfates 529
714 Determination o f Sulfur Dioxide Emissions i n Stack Gases by
Pulsed Fluorescence 533
720A Suppressed A n i o n Chromatography 538
720B Nonsuppressed Anion Chromatography 543
720C Flow Injection Determination o f Aqueous Sulfate
(Methylthymol Blue Method) 548
720D Barium Sulfate Turbidimetry 556
720E Barium Perchlorate Microtitration 559
720F Barium Chloranilate Spectrophotometry 563
730 Determination o f Sulfur i n Particulate Material by X-Ray
Fluorescence 566



800 Methods for Chemicals in Air of the Workplace and in Biological Samples
801 Determination o f Ammonia in A i r 571
804 As, Se, and Sb in Urine and A i r by Hydride Generation and
Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 572
805 Determination o f Chloride i n A i r 579
806 Determination o f Free Chlorine in A i r 581
807 Determination o f Chromic Acid Mist i n A i r 582
808 Determination o f Cyanide i n A i r 586
809 Determination o f Fluorides and Hydrogen Fluoride i n A i r 589
810 Determination o f Gaseous and Particulate Fluorides in A i r 590
811 Determination o f Fluoride in Urine 594
812 Determination o f Hydrogen Sulfide in A i r 595
815 Determination o f Mercury i n Urine 596
816 Determination o f Nitric Oxide i n A i r 599
817 Determination o f Nitrogen Dioxide in A i r 600
818 Determination o f Nitrogen Dioxide in A i r 601
819 Determination o f Ozone i n A i r 605
821 Determination o f Phosgene i n A i r 606
822 General Atomic Absorption Procedure for Trace Metals i n
Airborne Material Collected on Filters 608
822A General Method for Preparation o f Tissue Samples for
Analysis for Trace Metals 619
822B X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry for Multielement Analysis o f
Airborne Particulate and Biological Material 623
824 Determination o f Airborne Sulfates 639
825 Determination o f Acrolein in A i r 645
826 Determination of Acrolein i n A i r 646
827 Determination o f Aromatic Amines i n A i r 649
828 Determination o f Bis-(Chloromethyl) Ether (Bis-CME) i n A i r . . 654
829 Determination o f Chloromethyl Methyl Ether ( C M M E ) and
Bis-Chloromethyl Ether (Bis-CME) in A i r 658
830 Determination o f 3,3'-Dichloro-4,4'-Diaminodiphenylmethane
(MOCA) in A i r 662
831 Determination o f p,p-Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate ( M D I ) in
Air 665
832 Determination o f Nitroglycerin and Ethylene Glycol Dinitrate
(Nitroglycol) i n A i r 669
833 Determination o f N-Nitrosodimethylamine in Ambient A i r 673
834 Determination o f Organic Solvent Vapors in A i r 678
835 Determination of E P N , Malathion and Parathion i n A i r 686
836 Determination o f Total Particulate Aromatic Hydrocarbons
( T p A H ) i n A i r : Ultrasonic Extraction Method 690
837 Determination o f 2,4-Toluenediisocyanate ( T D I ) in A i r 697


1. The Measurement o f Strong Acids in Atmospheric Samples 703
2. Determination and Speciation of Ambient Particulate Sulfur
Compounds 715
3. Source Sampling for Regulated A i r Pollutants from Stationary Sources . 731


1. Physical Precautions sufficient to maintain a normal atmosphere
containing approximately 2 1 % oxygen.
1.1 HOMOGENEITY OF THE SAMPLE. N O The location of sampling sites whether
analytical result regardless o f the accuracy on a temporary or "grab" sample basis or
and precision o f the procedure can be any on a fixed station basis for continuous
better than the quality o f the sample sub­ monitoring over long periods of time is of­
mitted for analysis. Therefore, the primary ten critical and will determine the validity
concern o f the investigator must be directed of the conclusions drawn from the results
to the collection o f representative samples (1,2,3,7,46). I n the vicinity of industrial at­
and the homogeneity o f the air mixtures mospheres the variability may be suffi­
employed to calibrate both the collection ciently extreme to vitiate the results from
and analytical systems. Human sensory fixed station monitors regardless o f the
perceptions cannot guide the uninitiated care taken i n locating the samplers. I n an
with respect to variations o f contaminant alkyl lead manufacturing facility, for exam­
concentrations i n either space or time. A l ­ ple, no relationship could be established be­
most without exception gaseous compo­ tween exposure as indicated by urinary lead
nents are either colorless or are present at excretion and numerous fixed station sam­
such low concentrations as to be effectively plers. I n this case, correlation was not es­
colorless. The human sense o f smell is noto­ tablished until the monitors i n the form of a
riously deceptive with respect to concentra­ small filter-microimpinger assembly were
tions of even highly odoriferous compo­ actually worn during the entire 8-h shift by
nents, and therefore cannot be relied upon the workmen assigned to these areas (1).
for estimating relative quality or uniformity Several excellent treatises have been pub­
of the ambient atmosphere (2,4-Part lished on planning the air pollution survey
3,7,43,44). and the effects of meteorological and geo­
The source o f the contaminant, air flow graphical conditions on the validity o f the
direction and velocity whether due to wind results. This subject is outside o f the field
or thermal gradients, density of the con­ of General Techniques and Precautions;
taminant, intensity o f sunlight, time o f day, therefore, the reader is advised to consult
presence o f obstructions such as trees, one or more o f these publications for full
buildings, partitions, machinery, etc., details (2,3,6,7,32,33,34,47).
which act as baffles to produce turbulence, On a smaller scale, even greater care is
humidity, and half-life o f the contaminant required to establish uniform mixtures o f
together determine the concentration at any pollutants i n air for use as calibration mix­
given location. That the concentration can tures whether the system be dynamic or
vary by several orders o f magnitude within static i n principle (9). Passage through
a relatively short radius from the point o f lengths o f small-diameter tubing to ensure
reference has been amply confirmed by turbulent mixing is one relatively simple ex­
many investigators. A i r may flow either in pedient for dynamic mixing (3). Other sys­
a stream line or turbulent flow and this fac­ tems employ some form o f baffled cham­
tor alone can determine the dispersal pat­ ber inserted between the mixing ports and
tern o f the pollutant (2,3,5,7,46). the delivery point (10). Rotating paddles or
The density o f the pollutant i n many even loose pieces o f sheet metal or inert
cases will counteract diffusion processes to plastic to be activated by shaking have been
an extent which will establish stratification. inserted i n containers for static mixtures for
This phenomenon prevails i n the case o f mixing by turbulence (11). Probably a more
many highly toxic and irritant gases such as effective alternative is to evacuate the con­
phosgene, mustard gas, lewisite, chlorine, tainer, then mix the contaminant with the
etc. (5). Natural convective circulation and air at a uniform rate as it is released into the
diffusion in confined spaces such as silos, void (11). (Inject from a hypodermic sy­
coal mines, wells, caves, tanks, etc., is not ringe through a needle inserted through a


septum.) Diffusion alone cannot be relied Nitrogen oxides are so tenaciously ad­
upon to produce a homogeneous mixture in sorbed on glass surfaces that rinsing with
most cases. Saltzman's reagent has been found neces­
Other effects such as container wall ab­ sary to obtain reliable results. Adsorption
sorption, humidity, volumetric errors, etc., of isocyanates on glass, metal or plastic sur­
discussed elsewhere in this section must be faces occurs to such a degree as to preclude
recognized and appropriate precautions preparation of static calibration mixtures
taken to avoid concentration errors derived even under strictly anhydrous conditions
from these seemingly extraneous sources (8).
when attempts are made to produce homo­ Positive errors can be included when
geneous, known concentrations for calibra­ evacuated double entry gas sampling tubes
tion purposes. (fitted with 2 stopcocks) are used for sam­
1.2 A B S O R P T I O N E F F E C T S O N C O N T A I N E R ple collection (7,16). I n this case, after re­
W A L L S AND CONNECTING TUBES. Failure lease o f the vacuum, additional sample is
to recognize absorption effects can lead to drawn through the tube for 3 min before
serious errors both i n collection o f samples closing the stopcocks. Recovery of xylidine
and in preparation o f calibration mixtures, increased to 120% in the 50 to 70 ppm
especially i n static systems. Losses o f ana- range under these conditions. This error
lyte can occur either by primary adsorp­ was increased to 40% by adding glass beads
tion, which may be reversible i n response to to the sampling flask to increase the surface
pressure or temperature changes, or by sec­ area (31). These conditions can be avoided
ondary adsorption, which may involve by collection o f the pollutant i n an i m -
chemical reaction with another material pinger assembly (Greenburg-Smith, midget
previously adsorbed (2,4,7). Long-term sta­
or micro).
bility and accuracy o f calibration blends
I n dynamic systems, prolonged equilibra­
have been studied as a function o f the con­
tion is required before dependable calibra­
tainer material by several investigators.
tion can be assured. Calibration o f toluene
(48,49,50,51,52). The affinity o f glass for
water, nitrogen dioxide, benzene, aniline, diisocyanate ( T D I ) in the T L V range re­
the isocyanates, etc., has been recognized quired passage o f the air-TDI vapor mix­
(8,12,13,31). The interior surface of a 5- ture through a mixing chamber composed
gallon (19-L) borosilicate glass carboy can of a 6' (1.8 m) length o f V4" (6 mm) copper
adsorb as much as 50% o f the benzene in tubing under strictly anhydrous conditions
the 100 to 200 ppm range from a calibration for 60 to 72 h to reach equilibrium. This
mixture in air within 30 min after prepara­ phenomenon was not entirely caused by the
tion. These losses can be reduced to some film o f water normally adsorbed on the i n ­
extent by preconditioning at a concentra­ ner walls o f the tubing, as the system had
tion higher than the working level but de- been carefully heated under vacuum to re­
sorption may contribute positive errors move volatile impurities before use (8).
(Table 1:1). Losses by adsorption of poly- Adsorption is a critical factor i n making
nuclear aromatic compounds on glass have up standard mixtures for phosgene calibra­
also been reported (14). tion at concentrations below 1 ppm even
This adsorption effect can be minimized after meticulous removal of the adsorbed
in the case of collection of air samples i n water film. The use o f metal cylinders espe­
evacuated glass flasks (Shepherd flasks) or cially must be avoided. I n the development
sampling tubes by the introduction of a of a continuous monitor for phosgene con­
suitable solvent for the vapor, such as iso- centrations below 5 ppm, decomposition i n
octane for benzene and xylidine, directly metal (steel, stainless steel, copper, alumi­
into the container with thorough rinsing o f num, etc.) or glass tubing was found to be
the inner surfaces (31). I n some cases, such so extensive that their use i n the sampling
as the analysis for nitrogen dioxide, the sol­ system could not be considered. I n this case
vent or reagent is introduced before the polyethylene tubing was acceptable. Water
sample is taken; e.g., 100 m L sample drawn adsorbed to the contact surfaces was proba­
into a syringe containing 10 m L o f Saltz- bly responsible for the losses as HC1 was
man's reagent (15). observed to be a by-product. Catalytic de-

Table 1:1 Static Calibration Mixture

Benzene Loss by Absorption on Container Walls
Borosilicate Glass Temperature 73 ± 5°F (24 ± 3°C)
Time Conditioned Remarks
Elapsed Benzene PPM Percent Time Benzene Inside Surface
Hours Added Found Loss Hours PPM Approx. 800 Sq. In. (0.52 m2)
0.5 100 56 44 0 none
0.5 100 67 33 0 none
16 200 100 50 0 none
0.5 100 84 16 16 100
1 — 78 22 — —
0.5 100 87 13 16 200
0.5 100 107 -7 — — Swept, 2nd 100 ppm added
0.5 200 128 36 — — 3rd 100 ppm added
0.5 50 56 -12 Swept, 50 ppm added
- -
0.1 100 75 25 0 none Idle 30 days
0.25 — 72 28 — —
0.5 — 55 45 — —
1.0 — 55 45 — —
4.5 — 48 52 — —
24 — 42 58 — —
192 — 0 100 — —
Note: Five-gallon (19-L) borosilicate glass carboy jacketed with a canvas cover. Calculated quantity
of benzene was added and mixed by rotating a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) paddle and sampled at
the indicated time after addition. In two cases indicated by 16 h (column 5), equilibrated by standing
overnight, then refilled.

composition on anhydrous surfaces cannot system. These effects are eliminated by use
be ruled out, however (17). of all-glass systems connected by standard
I n a study o f the efficiency o f midget and taper, ball joints, " O " ring seals or polytet-
micro-impingers by collection o f aniline rafluoroethylene (Teflon) compression
from air, loss by adsorption i n the glass connectors. Chemical transformation oc­
batch-type generator (5 to 15% i n the 100 curred when sampling oxides o f nitrogen
fig range) was encountered unless the sys­ through sampling probes from a simulated
tem was heated to 60°C i n a hot water bath. combustion source. The species inter con­
Even greater were losses due to absorption version or loss was a function o f tempera­
by gum rubber tubing. Even 3-inch (8-cm) ture and sample probe material and was
connections introduced significant errors found to be a function of the air-fuel ratio
(10% loss) but the losses were not entirely of the input sample. Glass sampling probes
proportioned to hose length. These losses were found to be inert, while the stainless
increased as the age and number o f uses steel probes were found to be reactive (53).
increased; e.g., recoveries decreased from The adsorption o f traces o f analytes
83 to 57% over a period of 8 days (18). from liquid solution onto container walls is
Failure to recognize the effect o f adsorp­ probably somewhat more widely recog­
tion on container walls delayed the determi­ nized but certainly requires review to reem-
nation o f the half-life o f S 0 during a study
2 phasize the importance o f this source o f er­
of the fate o f S 0 i n the atmosphere at Syr­
2 rors. Heavy metal ions, especially lead,
acuse University. The half-life was found to mercury (22), silver (20,21), cadmium, and
be unexpectedly short even after correction antimony, are readily adsorbed by glass and
for adsorption effects (19). in some cases by plastic surfaces. Lead i n
Tubing through which high concentra­ urine specimens, for example, is adsorbed
tions o f tetraethyl lead vapor have been to an extent sufficient to introduce signifi­
drawn will become a source o f contamina­ cant errors after storage for more than 3
tion when "clean" air is passed through the days i n borosilicate glass specimen bottles

(23). This effect probably is produced by from UV-absorbing materials leached from
bacterial fermentation which elevates the the filters and light scattering from sus­
p H by ammonia release, and coprecipitates pended particles must be taken into account
lead with calcium and magnesium phos­ (23). A base-line technique for correction is
phates on the glass. I n the early stages the often required as the solute often alters the
precipitate is invisible but nevertheless may light scattering and sedimentation proper­
contain a significant fraction o f the total ties with the result that the reference blank
lead i n the sample. I n many cases these and the sample are no longer exactly com­
losses can be held within tolerable limits by parable. I f removal o f sediment is neces­
reducing the p H to 2 or less with nitric acid. sary, filtration through polytetrafluoroeth-
This adsorption loss can be a critical factor ylene (PTFE) mat or decantation after
in the storage o f standard reference solu­ centrifugation will minimize losses. I n any
tions and must be taken into account when case, potential losses at each step must be
collaborative testing programs are set up. recognized and determined.
Efforts to prepare stable aqueous standard­ Rust, scale and other metallic corrosion
izing solutions of metallic mercury met with products can introduce serious errors
failure unless excess mercury was main­ through adsorption o f air pollution compo­
tained i n contact with the liquid phase. Fur­ nents and should be meticulously scoured
thermore, centrifugation is necessary to re­ out o f systems used for air sampling, stor­
move dispersed microdroplets (or HgO) i f age or analysis. Many o f these oxidation
shaking is employed to accelerate satura­ and corrosion products are highly catalytic,
tion, and a relatively large temperature co­ as illustrated by the rate at which allkyl lead
efficient o f solubility must be taken into compounds are oxidized by hydrated iron
account. I n spite o f these limitations, this and bismuth oxides (25). Pipe dope used on
saturated aqueous mercury solution can be threaded connections and oils used i n cut­
employed as a convenient source of mer­ ting threads or lubricating moving parts
cury for calibration by comparing recovery also can present significant reversible ab­
from a collecting system with direct analy­ sorption effect. Polytetrafluoroethylene
sis o f the standard (22). (PTFE) ribbon thread sealant, which has a
Filtration of samples collected i n a liquid very low absorption coefficient, is recom­
medium should in all cases be avoided i f the mended for threaded joints that require l u ­
desired contaminant is to be recovered brication. Moving parts machined from
quantitatively i n the liquid phase. N o t only PTFE are self-lubricating and can be sealed
will the contact surfaces o f the filter funnel with modified PTFE " O " rings.
and the filtrate receiver adsorb trace mate­ The reverse effect has been encountered
rials, but the filter medium (paper, mem­ also. The diffusion o f H F i n Conway dishes
brane, asbestos mat, glass fiber, micro me­ is enhanced ten-fold when silicone grease is
tallic, etc.) may be highly adsorbent (14). used as a sealant for the dual concentric
Also, the insoluble fraction removed may chambered dish cover. Fluoride can be re­
retain the analyte as i n the case when cal­ moved quantitatively from aqueous H C 1
cium phosphate is separated from a mixture by gentle boiling i n the presence o f silicone
containing traces o f soluble lead com­ fluid (26).
pounds (24). Adsorption of a secondary layer on con­
The problem of adsorption on glass sur­ tainer walls may completely alter the charac­
faces previously discussed requires re- ter o f the surface presented to the collection
emphasis i n the case o f porous glass used and analytical system. Soaps and synthetic
either as a filter for particulate matter or as detergents are especially troublesome i n this
a diffuser for collection i n liquid absorp­ respect. The film o f soap on glass is not re­
tion systems. Filtration o f aqueous solu­ moved by 5% trisodium phosphate, chromic
tions o f phenanthrene, naphthalene, pyrene acid cleaning mixture, or concentrated nitric
or anthracene through a porous glass plate acid. Only by baking out in an annealing
reduced the hydrocarbon concentration as furnace can "chemical sterility" be achieved.
much as 40% (14). When ultraviolet (UV) In the colorimetric determination of aro­
absorption is employed for analysis, errors matic nitro and amino compounds in air,
from background absorption produced this soap f i l m reacts with the color-

generating reagents. These adsorbed layers analyzer can be a particularly vexing prob­
appear to retain nitrous acid or nitrogen ox­ lem. Fungus within an S 0 analyzer that

ides in a state that does not react with starch- uses liquid reagents results in an indicated
iodide indicator or sulfamic acid but does concentration lower than that actually
react with the coupling agent (1-naphthyl present. Fungus effect can be minimized i n
ethylenediamine or Chicago Acid) to pro­ an analyzer by: (a) Keeping the instrument
duce a deep orange color. This spurious running continually, (b) cleaning periodi­
color reaction produces high results, which cally, and (c) using a small amount o f fun­
may be sufficiently uniform to produce false gicide i n the reagent. A fungus problem will
calibration curves (zero intercept at some usually be found on dynamic calibration.
light transmittance value below 100%). To 1.3 SOLID ADSORBENT C O L L E C T I N G SYS­
avoid this nitrite-absorbing contamination TEMS. Extended surface adsorbents such as
and remove residual azo dyes which may be activated silica gels, alumina gels, charcoals
adsorbed on the coupling flasks and spectro­ and carbons, glass beads, and spheres offer
photometer cuettes, soak all glassware in 5% a very attractive solution to the collection
aqueous trisodium phosphate for several and concentration o f gas phase pollutants
hours and rinse thoroughly with distilled wa­ from atmospheric samples. However, the
ter. Soak Corex cuvettes only in 37% nitric tenacity o f the forces that provide quantita­
acid wash (27). tive extraction o f the components sought
The nonabsorption o f heavy metal ions may prove to be self-defeating when quan­
on hydrophobic surfaces o f PTFE and titative removal o f these same components
polyethylene (PE) may be reversed by the for analysis is attempted (54). Failure to
presence o f certain organic anions. I n trace recognize and equate these factors may,
quantities, cesium is adsorbed on glass sur­ and has, produced serious errors. Mercury,
faces by interaction with the layer o f ad­ either as metallic vapor or as volatile or­
sorbed hydroxyl ions that account for the ganic derivatives, is not removed quantita­
hydrophilic character o f glass surfaces. A d ­ tively either by heating or elution with liq­
dition o f a salt o f high ionic activity such as uid reagents from silica gel. The same
sodium nitrate reduces this adsorption ef­ deficiency has been encountered in at­
fect. The ion exchange capacity o f the glass tempts to use activated charcoal for collec­
surface can also become a significant factor tion o f alkyl lead compounds.
at very low concentrations. The overall ef­ Since the polarity o f the adsorbed ele­
fect is orders o f magnitude less (adsorption ment or compound determines the binding
coefficient increases in the order PTFE-PE- strength on silica and alumina gels, compo­
glass) for the nonionic hydrophobic plastic nents o f high polarity will displace compo­
surfaces. However, the absorption coeffi­ nents o f lesser polarity —the principle o f
cients reverse when the tetraphenyl borate chromatography. Therefore, i n attempting
(TPB) ion is introduced. This reversal is to collect relatively nonpolar compounds
due to adsorption o f TPB ions by van der such as benzene, the presence o f coexisting
Waals forces on the hydrophobic PTFE polar compounds such as phenol, acetic
and PE which then sequester cesium ions. acid or ammonium chloride must be recog­
On the hydrophilic glass surface the ad­ nized as a source of interference i n the use
sorption is ionic i n character, which reduces of solid adsorbents for sample collection.
the binding sites for the cesium ions (28). Under high humidity conditions the ab­
Lubricants i n stopcocks and ground glass sorbent may be deactivated by saturation
joints must be avoided as these materials with water vapor (23). Activated charcoal
are a source o f contamination and/or ab­ exhibits this effect only to a minor degree.
sorb those constituents o f interest either di­ Aromatic hydrocarbons are not removed
rectly from the air sample or from the liq­ quantitatively from charcoal (32).
uid reagent system after collection. Teflon Selective displacement may be taken ad­
plug cocks for stopcocks and sleeves for vantage o f in eluting the sample from the
joints provide seals that require no lubrica­ adsorbent. A n inert carrier gas with or
tion or liquid-phase sealant for air-tight without heat, for example, may be used to
joints. separate a mixture o f aromatic hydrocar­
Fungus growth within an atmospheric bons from a silica gel column. Proper

choice o f eluting solvent may well serve to troduce serious errors (23,35). Silica based
separate components by liquid extraction and anhydrous CaS0 granules may parti­

also. A n example would be separation o f ally or completely adsorb the subject ele­
nitrobenzene from aromatic hydrocarbons ment or compound as well as eliminate the
for analysis by U V spectrophotometry. interference in the air sample. Careful cali­
Liquid eluents must be chosen and used bration o f the collection system under use
with care however as decrepitation o f the conditions is critical when interferences
gel may occur. The finely dispersed frag­ must be eliminated from the air sample by
ments can produce difficulties i n the deter­ pretreatment before collection o f the de­
mination o f optical density in the final step sired component.
of the analysis. This problem is especially 1.4 DIFFUSION EFFECTS OF PLASTICS.
acute in U V spectroscopy. Usually this ef­ Diffusion outward from the air sample,
fect is caused by the heat generated when a into, or through plastic containers or tub­
polar solvent such as ethanol is introduced. ing probably is one o f the most frequent
Dilution with a nonpolar solvent such as sources o f error encountered in air analysis.
isooctane will usually avoid this difficulty These irreversible losses are in addition to
(23). Elution from charcoal is dependent on the reversible surface adsorption effects
molecular size rather than polarity (CS , 2 noted under Section 1.2. Elastomeric mate­
C C 1 , etc.)
4 rials, which include natural rubber, neo-
Change in air flow resistance due to ei­ prene and plasticized polyvinyl chloride
ther swelling, shrinking or channeling o f (PVC) are especially troublesome. (See sec­
the adsorbent is sometimes encountered. tion 3.1 on Permeation Tubes — Dynamic
Collection o f alkyl lead vapor in crystals o f Calibration.)
iodine was plagued with channeling and The plasticizers employed in the manu­
shrinkage due to iodine sublimation. A d d i ­ facture o f flexible tubing from PVC type
tion o f a head o f fine inert sea sand elimi­ polymers may act as cosolvents to remove
nated the problem by providing enough organic components from air samples by
pressure to keep the iodine crystals com­ absorption. This mechanism is often tem­
pacted without appreciably altering the perature sensitive and to some extent may
pressure drop across the column (29). be reversible in a fashion resembling gas
Many dusts are highly adsorbent and of­ chromatography column packings. I n a
ten carry a significant gaseous component study o f the recovery o f aniline vapor from
present in trace amounts such as S 0 at 2 air, losses as high as 1.7%/cm o f exposed
concentrations below 0.5 ppm. I f a prefil- gum rubber tubing were encountered (18).
ter is installed in the collection o f trace con­ Similar experience has been obtained with
taminants, particles collected on the filter alkyl lead and mercury compounds, aro­
must be analyzed also i f a quantitative ac­ matic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene,
counting for the total contaminant present etc.), chlorinated hydrocarbons, and aro­
is desired (30). I n some cases such as in the matic nitro compounds. A n all-glass system
analysis for lead i n air, the filter would be with joints and connections fitted with
analyzed separately from the fraction col­ PTFE gaskets and the shortest possible
lected in the liquid reagent to provide a dif­ path between air sample intake and the col­
ferential analysis for organic and inorganic lecting medium to a great extent eliminates
lead. This is especially important in cases these losses. However, adsorption effects
where the TLVs for the two forms are dif­ must not be neglected even in all-glass sys­
ferent and coefficients must be used for tems.
hazard evaluation (1). The permeability o f even the inert plas­
The use o f pretreatment or guard systems tics exemplified by PTFE has been em­
such as solid dehydrating agents to remove ployed for the constant rate generation o f
moisture, soda lime to remove C 0 , or sul­
2 calibration mixtures o f certain trace com­
furic acid on silica gel to remove N H inter­3 ponents such as S 0 , H F , C O C l , aromatic
2 2

ference, and liquid scrubbers such as an ox­ hydrocarbons, etc. Although this property
idizing solution to remove reducing would be undesirable in the collection o f air
interferences such as S 0 and H S before
2 2 samples, the magnitude o f loss by diffusion
adsorption o f the desired pollutant can i n ­ through short inert plastic sampling lines

(PTFE, polyethylene, polypropylene) can to the diffusion problem and are conven­
be neglected. However, when samples are ient for preparation o f calibration mix­
stored i n plastic bottles or bags, diffusion tures. (See Static Calibration, section 2.1.)
may become a controlling factor. Indica­ Inward diffusion also may be encoun­
tion o f contamination from fluoropolymer tered and may create problems i n shipment
bags used i n air pollution studies has also or i n prolonged storage. Samples taken i n a
been noted (45). Plastic containers must be low humidity environment may be altered
used to facilitate collection or transporta­ by inward diffusion o f water vapor when
tion; then the diffusion rate factor must be the plastic container is stored i n a high-
determined for each component sought humidity climate. Solvent vapors, gasoline
over the concentration and temperature vapors, and gasoline and jet engine exhaust
range to be encountered and a correction components may contaminate the sample i n
factor applied to correct for the time inter­ shipment and show up as unexplained
val between collection and analysis. A l u m i ­ peaks i n gas chromatographic analysis, or
num foil-lined polyester bags (Mylar), introduce interferences i n wet chemical pro­
which materially reduce diffusion losses, cedures. Shipment i n air-tight containers
are available for C 0 , CO, water vapor and
2 would be a reasonable precaution to avoid
some other gases but are not recommended contamination from this source.
for the highly polar gases ( S 0 , N 0 and
2 2
Although obvious, the testing o f all plas­
O3) (36). Polyester film in 2-mil (50 fim) tic containers, especially thin film bags, for
thickness is considered the best all-around gross leaks before use must be emphasized.
material for sample-bag fabrication. How­ The absence o f pin holes, gaps i n the seams,
ever, polyvinylidene chloride (Saran) film and leakage around the sampling port and
(1-mil [25 fim] thickness) which has been in the retaining valve or septum assembly
pre-aged to reduce outgassing o f com­ must be verified before each use. This ex­
pounds from the plastic into the contents o f amination may consist o f full inflation un­
the bag has been widely accepted on the der slight positive pressure (2 to 3" water,
basis o f inertness to many common gases 0.5-0.8 kPa) under water or i n a rigid
and vapors, typical high tensile strength sealed container with the air line introduced
and heat scalability. Data relative to gas through a bulkhead fitting and connected
transmission is summarized i n the follow­ to a water manometer. Soap solution stabi­
ing table. lized with glycerol may be painted or
sprayed on for leak detection to pinpoint
Gas Transmission: c m V m fim d atm at

"micro" leaks.
1.5 M E C H A N I C A L D E F E C T S O F S A M P L I N G
E Q U I P M E N T . A S well recognized as this
0 32-43
source o f error has become, leaks and

C0 150-236
faulty seals remain one o f the major con­

N 4.8-6.3
tributors to unreliable results. A n y system

Air 8.3-17.3
used to collect air samples, to remove con­
tamination components by absorption, or
Water Vapor Transmission: g / m d 2

to calibrate such systems must be checked

for leakage, either inward or outward de­
at 2 4 ° C - 0 . 3 1
pending upon whether the air stream is
at 3 8 ° C - 3 . 0 5
pushed or pulled. Perhaps the most expedi­
For ultimate chemical inertness fluoroplas- ent procedure involves either an increase or
tic film bags are available. Laminated decrease o f the pressure i n the system
plastics — polyethylene on polyester, poly­ within limits o f the maximum operational
ethylene on cellulose acetate and polypro­ range o f the system, by closing o f f tightly
pylene on either base —used i n packaging and measuring the rate o f loss o f either
foods offer interesting alternatives for gas- pressure or vacuum with a water manome­
impervious containers and a choice o f sur­ ter. Pinholes i n glass seals, especially ring
face for contact with the air sample. Semi- seals; plastic or metal tubing; joints that do
flexible 10-L polyethylene bottles with not seal perfectly or are insufficiently gas-
greater wall thickness also offer a solution keted; " O " rings that may be cracked, loose

or hardened or lack a sealing lubricant; reduce the response o f the instrument.

loose glass-to-rubber or plastic tubing con­ Chlorides and lead are especially destruc­
nections; dirt i n glass-to-glass joints; glass tive. The volumetric meter and the pump or
plugcocks that do not perfectly mate with aspirator sub-assembly o f any air sampling
the stopcock barrels; poor valve stem pack­ system should be adequately protected by
ing or insufficient sealing pressure; and appropriate traps that are renewed fre­
poorly sealed threaded fittings provide the quently. Activated charcoal granules (5 to
most frequent leak sources. Pinholes i n 10 mesh) probably offer the most efficient
stainless steel valves, reducing valve dia­ protection for all but a few destructive
phragms, and two stage regulators also gases and vapors. Cellulose acetate mem­
have contributed their share o f difficulties brane filters (0.8 /mi pore size) will effec­
(10). A review o f the requirements for gases tively remove over 99% o f the dust particles
to be used with gas chromatographic sys­ that might affect instrument performance
tems and the overall gas sampling require­ without introducing prohibitive pressure
ments is valuable i n determining how pollu­ drop (37).
tant standards should be handled (55). The orifice i n impinger-type collecting
Fouling o f rate meters and total volume devices, and the interstices i n porous glass
meters by particulate matter or corrosion diffusers are also vulnerable to partial or
products often is not so obvious and re­ complete closure by particulate matter and
quires eternal vigilance to minimize. Orifice should be protected by a filter when the
type and positive displacement meters and solid fraction is not an integral part o f the
rotameters should be protected by an effi­ sample. Porous glass diff users may accu­
cient filter to prevent reduction i n orifice mulate particles that are not removed by
opening, erosion o f moving parts, or com­ conventional cleaning procedures after re­
plete plugging. Rotameter calibration can peated use (10). Also irreversible retention
be shifted significantly by dust accumula­ of analyte sometimes occurs. I n the collec­
tion, and plastic tube models require pro­ tion o f alkyl lead vapors from 5 to 10% o f
tection from solvents which soften or ren­ known quantities added to calibration mix­
der the bore tacky. Operating tures were retained i n a pencil-type diff user
characteristics o f flow meters were dis­ substituted for the impinger tube i n the
cussed (56). Metal floats are attacked by standard midget impinger sampler (31).
corrosive gases and some reagents such as The increase i n pressure drop produced by
iodine may in time render the tube body the decrease i n free cross-sectional area will
opaque. Corrosive gases and aerosols must contribute to volumetric sampling errors,
be rigidly excluded from total volume and and may significantly reduce the collection
positive displacement meters to maintain efficiency. I n dust collection by impinge­
calibration validity and integrity of moving ment, this factor becomes critical.
vanes or pistons. Liquid aerosols may be Pressure drop must be taken into account
especially troublesome by forming a liquid when a sampling system is calibrated volu-
film that by surface tension and capillary metrically. Rotameters and orifice type me­
effects reduces air flow i n small orifice ters should be calibrated with the pressure
throats, interferes with the movement of reducing or elevating components i n place
rotameter floats, and increases the resist­ or volume correction made to compensate
ance to movement o f critical components i n for the deviations from ambient conditions
positive displacement meters. Galvanic cor­ (38). I n systems based on filter collection,
rosion from airborne electrolytes under the pressure drop across the system may
high-humidity conditions can be a problem steadily increase as the filter medium loads
with metal components. up with retained particles. Under these con­
Flow meters based on thermal conductiv­ ditions an averaged correction may be
ity (hot filament type) also are affected by within tolerable limits o f volumetric error.
dust and reactive gases, but i n a different Changes i n barometric pressure usually in­
fashion. Corrosion will alter the electrical troduce only marginal error i f ignored. (De­
conductivity and leads ultimately to failure viation o f 2 from 101.3 kPa will introduce a
of the element, and coating by inert mate­ 2% volumetric error).
rial will reduce heat transfer and ultimately In the use of cold traps to collect contami-

nated air components (freeze-out technique), 1.7 SOLUBILITY EFFECTS. Limitation

consideration must be given to the possible may occur in cases where chemical reaction
accumulation of ice crystals in the delivery should but actually does not occur readily.
tube. This possibility can be minimized by The classical example is the failure for S 0 3

introducing the sample through a side arm to be absorbed in pure water. The collection
into the chamber and exhausting through the of aniline vapor in dilute aqueous H C 1 is
inner tube, i.e., reverse flow (11). not quantitative; therefore, chilled alcohol
is the medium of choice (13). Until the reac­
In collection systems that depend exclu­ tion is initiated by a catalyst, fluorine gas
sively upon solubility o f the component will bubble through distilled water without
reacting (to produce F 0 and H F ) although
sought in a nonreactive solvent rather than 2

once initiated, the reaction may be violent.

retention by chemical reaction to a nonvol­
Other examples that can be cited are failure
atile derivative, the amount absorbable is
to obtain absorption of alkyl mercury va­
determined by the partial pressure of ab-
por in acid permanganate, and the less-
sorbate. The ratio of the air sample volume
than-quantitative absorption of alkyl mer­
to the volume of absorbant is a critical fac­
cury and lead compounds in aqueous iodine
tor in collection efficiency and there is a
reagent (22). The assumption that a given
limiting value of the ratio for any system contaminant will be collected based on its
that cannot be exceeded i f a given degree of reactivity with the reagents can be disas­
efficiency is to be attained. I n the case o f trous i f calibration o f the system under use
acetone in water the limit would be approx­ conditions is omitted.
imately 5 L of air through 20 m L of water
I f the product from the reaction of the
aliquoted between two bubblers (39). I n the
analyte with the collecting reagent has a
case of mesityl oxide, which has poor solu­
very low solubility product, losses are to be
bility in water to begin with, absorption ef­ expected unless care is exercised to avoid
ficiency would be very poor although rela­ the saturation region. The precipitate may
tive volatility is low. This is especially adsorb to the container walls, orifice tube,
critical where a low T L V is involved, as or diffuser surfaces or fail to react in subse­
large volumes of air would be required. The quent color development. I f the solid phase
formation of lower-boiling binary and ter­ is finely dispersed and has a refractive in­
nary mixtures also can limit absorption. dex approximately the same as the liquid
Failure to collect benzene vapor in ethanol system, the losses may not be observed;
even when chilled undoubtedly can be at­ e.g., silica in chloroform.
tributed to revaporization of the higher Conversely, i f the collecting train does
vapor-pressure ternary alcohol-benzene- not include a prefilter, particulate fractions
water mixture. may go into solution and produce false pos­
In general, the vapor pressure of the vol­ itive results or interferences; e.g., lead dust
atile analyte should be reduced to the low­ or fume in the collection of tetra-alkyl lead
est practical limit by refrigeration to pro­ vapor (30).
mote efficient collection. I n many cases a 1.8 T E M P E R A T U R E E F F E C T S . The physi­
freeze-out trap, without solvent, in solid cal effects of heat on the collection system
carbon dioxide, liquid air, or a mixture o f under normal operating conditions is usu­
liquid air and ethanol proves to be a more ally ignored without introducing apprecia­
effective procedure (11). ble difficulties. However, at the design and
Sampling in the region at or close to the development stages, attention must be
vapor saturation limit can produce serious given to the upper and lower temperature
errors by condensation in sampling lines. limits to be anticipated. A t low tempera­
This condition is most likely to be encoun­ tures components of the liquid reagent may
tered when collecting samples of air at tem­ crystallize out or the solvent may freeze.
peratures above ambient and may involve Frequently, a change of solvent will solve
condensation of water vapor which in turn this problem; e.g., aqueous K I versus me­ 3

will entrain or dissolve a significant portion thanols iodine reagent (22,29). Close atten­
of the components present in the sample tion must be given to possible formation o f
under high humidity conditions. ice or reagent crystals in orifices and po-

rous glass diffusion beds when operating cannot be employed for air analysis unless
near the freezing range. dehydration can be employed before the
On the other end o f the temperature sample enters the collecting system without
scale, excessive evaporation may limit the loss o f the analyte; e.g., CO by infrared.
choice o f reagents, or sampling time may be Although temperature extremes suffi­
reduced below practical limits (again alco­ cient to alter the mechanical performance
holic versus aqueous iodine reagents). Re­ of collecting systems are not often encoun­
frigeration usually can be applied i n fixed tered, this factor cannot be ignored when
station or mobile systems t o alleviate this arctic or tropical desert conditions are en­
problem. A portable assembly that derives countered. Batteries for power supplies
its sampling suction from the expansion o f must be chosen with these conditions i n
difluorodichloromethane vapor through an mind. Piston-type pumps may bind or blow
aspirator also provides useful refrigeration by; check valves may become inoperable;
by forming the vaporizer coil into a cavity volumetric factors will require recalibra-
which will receive a midget impinger (11). tion; metering valve and plug cock toler­
In some cases a colorimetric system can be ances may shift significantly; elastomeric
adapted to a nonvolatile solvent, as illus­ components lose elasticity beyond tolerable
trated by the use o f diethyl phthalate as a limits (tubing, "0"-ring seals, check valves,
solvent for the detection o f phosgene i n gaskets, etc.); and diffusion through plastic
trace ranges over extended periods o f containers, especially sample collection and
t i m e - 4 to 6 h (40). storage bags may become excessive.
As noted i n section 1.6 (Partial Vapor Instruments that require electrical cir­
Pressure Effects) the temperature coeffi­ cuitry or electronic components for gener­
cient may be quite large and preclude col­ ating analytical data will be affected by
lection by solution i n a solvent above a crit­ temperature extremes and must either be
ical temperature, above which no collection provided with thermal insulation or com­
will be obtained, and which may be only pensated for altered performance. Extrapo­
slightly above room temperature (39). I n lation o f response obtained i n the range o f
general, the adsorption capacity o f solid normal ambient temperature is not a reli­
adsorbents is decreased exponentially with able substitute for actual testing under use
rising temperature, which may limit the conditions.
thermal operating range. Temperature co­ 1.9 V O L U M E T R I C E R R O R S . Rate meters
efficients should be determined before sam­ of all types require frequent calibration to
pling is attempted (23). detect and correct drift or shifts i n refer­
Excessive evaporation at elevated tem­ ence points, (see Section 1.5). Portable i n ­
perature aggravates the scavenging problem struments should be checked every 40 to
for the metering devices and pump down­ 50 h o f operation with at least a secondary
stream from the collecting unit. Larger acti­ standard (wet or dry test meter or glass ro­
vated charcoal cartridges and more fre­ tameter) which i n turn is compared fre­
quent replacement must be provided. quently with a primary standard o f the pos­
Generation o f volatile components from itive displacement total volume type
the reagent will create an even greater prob­ (spirometer).
lems, e.g., H C 1 from aqueous iodine In volumetric calibration procedures, the
monochloride solution (1). pressure drop across the instrument being
A word o f caution with respect to liquid- calibrated and across the system i n which it
air cooled freeze-out traps —liquid oxygen will operate must be determined and appro­
from the air sample may condense and cre­ priate corrections applied (see Section 1.5
ate an explosion hazard that may not arise for effects o f fouling). When filter systems
until the trap is removed from the cold are used, the increasing pressure drop and
bath. I n other subambient systems, mois­ decreasing sampling rate that develop as the
ture may be a mixed blessing. Condensa­ filter loads must also receive consideration.
tion o f water vapor often assists with the Unnecessary restrictions to free sample
retention o f contaminants, but i n the end flow also produce undesirable pressure
interferes with the final analysis. Analytical drop increments that may limit the range of
systems that require anhydrous conditions the sampling system.

Temperature effects do alter volumetric and are recognized by those familiar with
calibration significantly i f the system is op­ analytical laboratory techniques. Such
erated under ambient conditions more than items as "to deliver" versus "to contain,"
± 2 0 ° C from the original calibration tem­ delivery time for pipets, whether or not to
perature conditions. A high degree o f volu­ "touch o f f " or "blow out" the drop retained
metric accuracy requires determination o f in the pipet tip, capillary effects i n miniscus
the instrumental temperature coefficient as reading, error introduced by a water-
well as correction o f the sample volume to repellant film on the glass, and chipped bu­
standard temperature and pressure (25 °C ret and pipet tips should be too well recog­
and 101.3 kPa). nized to require further elaboration. The
Variability i n certain types o f pumping relative accuracy of the original glassware
systems, both between units o f the same calibration may be overlooked. Most
model or within any given unit, may pre­ laboratory-ware manufacturers adhere to
vent constant rate sampling within tolerable two standards: precision-grade (within NBS
limits over extended time intervals. Direct tolerances) and laboratory grade (twice
current motors are especially vulnerable to precision-grade tolerances). The choice o f
rate fluctuations unless effective control buret, volumetric or Mohr pipet or gradu­
circuits are incorporated i n the design. ated cylinder will be determined by the rela­
Manually operated squeeze-bulb devices tive accuracy required in the measurement.
seldom deliver reproducible volumes and That is, volumetric pipets or a buret would
should be avoided i f better than semi­ be used to measure out standardizing solu­
quantitative accuracy is required. Positive tions whereas a graduated cylinder is suit­
displacement syringe-type hand pumps are
able for making up most reagents.
capable o f a high degree o f volumetric ac­
Reading instruments that indicate by me­
curacy and are to be preferred (41).
chanical movement, such as a rotameter
1.10 O B S E R V A T I O N A L E R R O R S . The opti­
float, voltmeter needles, etc., involves criti­
cal judgment o f color shade and optical cal judgment also. Whether or not to read
density is one, i f not the most, variable fac­ the top, bottom, or center o f a rotameter
tor to be considered i n air analysis. Reason­
float, parallax effects i n observing meter
ably accurate results can be attained i f the
needles (some o f the better precision meters
individual using a color comparator is will­
provide a mirror background to eliminate
ing to calibrate the instrument for his own
this problem), capillary effects on the me­
personal use, but he must take into account
niscus o f liquid-filled manometers, and
the quality and intensity o f the light avail­
scale units, illustrate several o f the more
able for illumination o f the comparator,
common observational errors. The increas­
day-to-day variations i n his own optical
acuity, shade changes introduced by inter­ ing relative error inherent i n any instrument
ferences, and stability o f the color stan­ as either the minimum or maximum range
dards. Field kits based on optical color limits are approached may introduce seri­
standards provide a definite, valuable ser­ ous observational error. The upper and
vice not available by any other means, but lower 10% o f any instrument's range
the unavoidable sacrifice o f accuracy and should be avoided, and i f possible the ca­
precision must be carefully weighed when pacity should be so chosen as to permit
planning and evaluating investigations operating only i n the center 50% o f the
based on such equipment (17,29,42). overall range.
Optical acuity and judgment also enters as 1.11 OPTIMUM SAMPLING RATE. Cali­
a factor in the detection o f air contaminants bration o f any sample collection device
with the length-of-stain type o f detector should include a sufficient range o f rates to
tubes. Diffusion, migration and trailing may delineate the optimum range consistent
so obscure the stain front as to render accu­ with the efficiency demanded o f the system
rate reading very questionable. Again indi­ and to establish the penalty incurred when
vidual calibration with knowns can be quite the rate exceeds or falls below these limits.
helpful in providing a basis for judgment. Failure to include this factor has contrib­
Errors i n the application o f volumetric uted serious errors (dust collection by i m -
glassware are not unique to air sampling pinger) which are inexcusable. Collection

efficiency cannot be assumed; it must be 10. SALTZMAN, B.E., 1961. Preparation and Analysis
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Gases. Anal. Chem. 33:1100.
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turization. Amer. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J . 26:601.
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of analyte, excessive frothing and foaming, 1956. Encyclopedia of Instrumentation for Indus­
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a lecture bottle by either o f the methods
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Sci. &Technol. 15:99-103. shown i n Figure 2 : 1 . The first technique i n ­
46. M E Y E R , B., 1983. Indoor Air Quality. Addison volves attaching a lecture bottle septum d i ­
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47. L U D W I G , F.A., 1978. Air Monitoring. Environ. enough gas to purge the system is bled
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through the pressure relief valve. The sam­
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bient Concentrations of Sulfur Dioxide, Nitric Ox­ pling chamber can then be maintained at
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gas is then obtained through the septum us­
49. K E B B E K U S , E . A N D F. C O R N A V A C C A , 1977. Fac­
tors in the Selection of Calibration Gas Standards. ing a gas-tight syringe.
American Laboratory, 9(7):51-57. In the second method, the pure gas is
50. HUGHES, E . E . , AND W.D. DROKO, 1977. Long passed slowly through a T with a septum
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over one arm. The gas then flows from a
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51. C A D O F F , B.C., 1977. Standard Reference Materials i n L o f water. The pure gas is then with-

injected directly into the vessel through the

rubber septum. The gases and vapors are
evaporated and mixed by an externally
driven stirrer or magnetic stirrer or by agi­
tating with internally placed aluminum or
Teflon strips. The gas mixture is then with­
drawn after opening both valves. Place­
ment o f two or three o f these vessels i n se­
ries as shown i n Figure 2:3 greatly reduces
the dilution effect o f the air as the sample
gas mixture is removed (1).
Sometimes it is desirable to sample from
Figure 2:1 —Two methods for removing small a rigid container without suffering makeup
amounts of contaminant gas from a lecture gas dilution or a significant internal pres­
bottle. sure decrease. This can be done by attach­
ing a deflated plastic bag to the dilution-gas
drawn through the septum after the gas inlet as shown i n Figure 2:4. As the mixture
lines have been purged. is sampled, dilution air fills the plastic bag
2.1.3 Rigid Chambers. Generally glass rather than diluting the mixture. A bag
bottles and flasks make the best containers. which does not absorb appreciable quanti­
However, plastic and metal chambers may ties o f the contaminant gas or vapor must
be used i f wall interactions with the con­ be selected for this purpose.
taminant gases are negligible. 2.1.4 Piston Type Chambers. Fig­
The volume o f the container is obtained ure 2:5 illustrates a piston type container
by direct measurement o f the chamber (3). A calibration mixture is prepared by
boundaries or volumetrically by filling with introducing the contaminant through the
water. The usual size is on the order o f 20 to inlet as the piston is raised. The inlet is then
40 L , which allows the removal o f enough closed and 15 min are allowed for mixing.
useful gas without causing excessive dilu­
tion by the replacement gas.
A typical static calibration system is GAS rNONREACTIVE, NONABSORBING TUBING
shown i n Figure 2:2. The vessel is first 4
' 4
'-^ t>TEST GAS

purged with fresh air to remove any resid­

ual contamination, then the contaminant is / f ^ /-fS r f S


•RUBBER SEPTUM Figure 2:3 —Rigid chambers connected in series.


Figure 2:2 —Diagram of a typical state calibra­ Figure 2:4 —Removing a test gas from a rigid
tion system. chamber without causing a sample dilution.

2.1.5 Nonrigid Chambers. Mixtures

may be prepared i n plastic bags, generally
made from Teflon, Mylar and aluminized
Mylar. The bag is alternately filled and de­
flated with air to remove residual contami­
nation and final purge is accomplished by
applying a vacuum to the system. The con­
tainer is connected to a flow meter or wet
or dry gas meter. As the bag fills, the con­
taminant is introduced by one o f the meth­
ods shown i n Figure 2:6.
The test mixture should be used as soon
as possible because the initial concentration
often decays with time. Such decay can be
lessened i f the container is first precondi­
tioned to the test substance however.
Figure 2:6—Four methods of introducing a sam­
2.2 C A L C U L A T I O N S . The concentration
ple into a nonrigid chamber.
by volume o f a contaminant gas or vapor
can be calculated either i n per cent or i n
parts per million from the following equa­ where V and V are the contaminant and

tions. system volumes respectively. I f a liquid is

For gas mixtures: added to a closed system, the resulting con­
centration is

C p p m =2 4 . 4 5 x l 0 ^ ( g i ) ( ^ ) ( ^ ) (3)

where p is liquid density ( g / m L ) , V is the L

volume o f liquid (mL), T is the temperature

(K), P is the pressure (kPa), M is the molec­
ular weight (g/mol) and V is the system vol­
ume (L).
2.3 SOURCES O F E R R O R . Lubricant
greases and sealants should be avoided
since they tend to absorb the trace contami­
nants. The use o f rubber and plastic tubing,
other than Teflon, should be avoided i f
possible. The compressed air should be o f
the highest quality available and a purifica­
tion train should be used to remove un­
wanted contaminants.
For additional sources o f error consult
principles stated in the chapter on "Physical
Precautions" which precedes this section.

1. NELSON, G . O . 1971. Controlled Test
Atmospheres—Principles and Techniques. Ann Ar­
bor Science Publishers. Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich.
2. HAMILTON C O . , P.O. Box 10030, Reno, Nevada
3. HOUSTON A T L A S C O . , P.O. Box 40052, Houston,
Texas 77041.
Approved with Modifications
from 2nd edition
Subcommittee 9
Figure 2:5 —A piston-type container. J.N. H A R M AN, Chairman

3. Dynamic Calibration of Air resists are listed i n Table 3:1 (2). I n most
Analysis Systems With cases the tests included the boiling range.
Permeation Tubes Nearly all plastics absorb small quantities
of certain materials on contact. Since no
3.1 P E R M E A T I O N T U B E S . The use o f per­ chemical reaction or solubility occurs i n
meation tubes as primary standards for Teflon, the absorption detectable by weight
trace gas analysis was first documented by increase is a result o f the material filling
O'Keeffe and Ortman i n 1966 (1). The prin­ submicroscopic voids between the polymer
molecules (Table 3:11). The amount is pro­
ciple o f this device is based on diffusion o f
portional to contact time, pressure and
gas or vapor through a plastic membrane at
temperature and the effect is reversible. I f
very slow rates. A liquefied gas or volatile
temperature or pressure cycling includes the
liquid sealed i n a section o f Teflon FEP
boiling range, liquid inclusions within the
tubing placed i n a metered air stream can be
submicroscopic pores will vaporize and
used as a dynamic calibration standard.
thereby create internal pressure which may
The diffusion rate is a nonlinear function
enlarge the pores and eventually mechani­
of temperature; therefore, constant temper­ cally damage the plastic. Surface blisters
ature conditions must be maintained for the containing liquid provide visible evidence
permeation tube during gravimetric stan­ of this phenomenon. The absorption o f
dardization and use as a calibration source. aqueous solutions is minimal due i n part to
Also, the diffusion rate is influenced by the the low degree o f wettability exhibited by
molecular weight o f the carrier gas em­ fluorocarbon resins (3). Teflon is wetted by
ployed for dilution. The difference between most organic solvents.
air and nitrogen is negligible; but i f a lighter
Gases and vapors permeate through fluo­
gas such as helium or a heavier gas such as
rocarbon resins at a considerably lower rate
argon is used, corrections or recalibration
than through most other plastics. I n gen­
would be required. eral, permeation increases with tempera­
Certain compounds react with oxygen or ture, pressure and surface contact area, and
water vapor at the surface o f the plastic decreases with increased film thickness and
tubing; e.g., sulfur dioxide and hydrogen polymer density (Figure 3:1, 2, 3). The per­
sulfide. However, such compounds can be meability coefficient P is expressed as:
used i f air is excluded from contact with the
loaded tube by storage and standardization p _ Wt x Th
in a dry nitrogen atmosphere. A relatively ~ A x Tc x AP
high concentration i n dry nitrogen carrier
gas then is diluted stepwise with air to pro­
Wt = Weight o f permeant.
vide calibration mixtures.
Th = Film thickness.
In general, Teflon fluorocarbon resins
A = Area o f film.
are chemically inert. However, certain qual­
Tc = Contact time.
ifications that govern their application to
AP = Pressure difference.
ambient air analysis problems must be con­
sidered. A clear distinction between chemi­ Film thickness and AP can be combined
cal compatibility and purely physical prop­ into pressure gradient, G = A P / T h = at­
erties will best serve to delineate the mospheres per m i l (0.001 in.)
application limits. Very few chemicals pro­
duce chemical degradation o f fluorocarbon
resins under normal conditions. Reaction
will occur with molten alkali metals, fluo­ Gases and liquids permeate plastics by
rine, strong fluorinating agents, and so­ molecular vibrations and motion between
dium hydroxide above 300°C. I f ignition is the plastic molecules. Therefore, an in­
provided finely divided fluorocarbon resins crease i n plastic density for a well-molded
also will react with 100% oxygen, alumi­ resin will reduce the diffusion process due
num or magnesium dust. Otherwise, Teflon to reduced intermolecular spacing (Fig­
fluorocarbons may be considered nonreac- ure 3:1). Since Teflon FEP resins are proc­
tive. Examples o f chemicals which Teflon essed by melt extrusion, voids larger than

Table 3:1 Typical Chemicals with Which Teflon Resins are Compatible
Abietic acid Cyclohexanone Hydrogen peroxide Phthalic acid
Acetic acid Dibutyl phthalate Lead Pinene
Acetic anhydride Dibutyl sebacate Magnesium chloride Piperidine
Acetone Diethyl carbonate Mercury Polyacrylonitrile
Acetophenone Diethyl ether Methyl ethyl ketone Potassium acetate
Acrylic anhydride Dimethyl formamide Methacrylic acid Potassium hydroxide
Allyl acetate Di-isobutyl adipate Methanol Potassium permanganate
Allyl methacrylate Dimethylformamide Methyl methacrylate Pyridine
Aluminum chloride Dimethyl hydrazine Naphthalene Soap and detergents
Ammonia, liquid unsymmetrical Naphthols Sodium hydroxide
Ammonium chloride Dioxane Nitric acid Sodium hypochlorite
Aniline Ethyl acetate Nitrobenzene Sodium peroxide
Benzonitrile Ethyl alcohol 2-Nitro-butanol Solvents, aliphatic and
Benzoyl chloride Ethyl ether Nitromethane aromatic*
Benzyl alcohol Ethyl hexanoate Nitrogen tetroxide Stannous chloride
Borax Ethylene bromide 2-nitro-2-methyl Sulfur
Boric acid Ethylene glycol propanol Sulfuric acid
Bromine Ferric chloride n-Octadecyl alcohol Tetrabromoethane
n-Butylamine Ferric phosphate Oils animal and Tetrachloroethylene
Butyl acetate Fluoronaphthalene vegetable Trichloroacetic acid
Butyl methacrylate Fluoronitrobenzene Ozone Trichloroethylene
Calcium chloride Formaldehyde Pentachlorobenzamide Tricresyl phosphate
Carbon disulfide Formic acid Perfluoroxylene Triethanolamine
Cetane Furan Phenol Vinyl methacrylate
Chlorine Gasoline Phosphoric acid Water
Chloroform Hexachloroethane Phosphorus Xylene
Chlorosulfonic acid Hexane pentachloride Zinc chloride
Chromic acid Hydrazine
Cyclohexane Hydrochloric acid
Based on experiments conducted up to the boiling points of the liquids listed. Teflon resins have
normal service temperatures up to 500°F, (260°C) for TFE resins, 400°F (205°C) for FEP resins.
*Some halogenated solvents may cause moderate swelling.

intermolecular are not normally present creased vapor pressure. Since the perme­
and permeation is basically molecular dif­ ation rate is temperature dependent (as
fusion only (2). See Figure 3:2 and Tab­ much as 10% per degree C) precise temper­
le 3:111. ature control is critical.
Surface attractive forces between per- Permeation tubes are available from sev­
meant and plastic barrier influence both eral commercial sources and a wide range
absorption quantity and permeability coef­ of permeant gas choices is available. Tab­
ficient P. Gases or vapors chemically re­ le 3 :IV illustrates a representative selection
lated to the plastic normally show a higher of the currently available permeation tubes.
permeation rate than dissimilar materials. The vendors o f permeation tubes also offer
High solubility o f a material i n a plastic is custom-built permeation tubes, with the
indicative o f high permeation rate (molecu­ material designated by the customer, as spe­
lar size and vapor pressure are also influen­ cial items. Also available are alternative
tial). Swelling produced by liquid absorp­ permeation-based sources such as those em­
tion which increases molecular spacing o f ploying a wafer o f a diffusion-limiting plas­
the plastic, and permeation is not a prob­ tic which may be connected to a lecture bot­
lem with fluorocarbon resins (2). tle o f the desired permeant to afford a very
Increased temperature produces higher long-life source.
molecular activity o f the diffusing material Perhaps the most important parameter i n
and hence permeation (Figure 3:2). This i n ­ the standardization o f permeation tubes is
crease i n not only due to increased solvent the time factor required for diffusion equi­
molecule activity but also due to the i n ­ librium to be reached. Two to 5 days should

Table 3:11 Absorption of Common Solvents in Teflon Resins

Exposure Temp* Exposure Weight
Solvent °C (°F) Time Increase °/o
Acetone 25 (77) 12 mo 0.3
50 (122) 12 mo 0.4
70 (158) 2 wk 0
Benzene 78 (172) 96 hr 0.5
100 (212) 8 hr 0.6
200 (392) 8 hr 1.0
Carbon 25 (77) 12 mo 0.6
tetrachloride 50 (122) 12 mo 1.6
70 (158) 2 wk 1.9
100 (212) 8 hr 2.5
200 (392) 8 hr 3.7
Ethyl 25 (77) 12 mo 0
alcohol (95%) 50 (122) 12 mo 0
70 (158) 2 wk 0
100 (212) 8 hr 0.1
200 (392) 8 hr 0.3
Ethylacetate 25 (77) 12 mo 0.5
50 (122) 12 mo 0.70
70 (158) 2 wk 0.7
Toluene 25 (77) 12 mo 0.3
50 (122) 12 mo 0.6
70 (158) 2 wk 0.6
•Exposure at over the boiling point o f the solvent are at its vapor pressure.
Note: Values are averages only and not for specification purposes.

be allowed in a constant temperature oven

(30°C ± 0.02°C) under a flowing dry air 3.2 CALCULATION OF LENGTH R E ­
stream for accurate standardization. The Q U I R E D . To a very good approximation,
time is dependent upon diffusion rate and the output of a permeation tube is propor­
accuracy of weighing. I n use, constant tem­ tional to its active length (the length o f tube
perature should be maintained to ± 0.1 °C in contact with the contained fluid). I f the
for precision within ± 1% ( 3 ) . Gas chro­ output of any given tube is known, then a
matography ovens are ideal for this pur­ rate per unit length can be calculated.
pose and internal standards for calibration Table 3:V shows rates for a particular size
of field gas chromatography apparatus can and material. To achieve any desired out­
be conveniently installed inside the calibra­ put, the length is then
tion assembly (4). 1) Pr
Care must be taken to assure tight seals R
at the tube ends; this is most important with where L = length (cm) of permeation
low-boiling compounds. It is doubtful i f tube required.
tubes can be fabricated using materials that Pr = output required (ng/min).
exert pressures of greater than 50 psig at R = permeation rate in ng/min
normal temperatures. The method used is cm.
that described by O'Keeffe and Ortman (1).
Thus, i f an output of 4 5 0 0 ng/min o f S 0 is
Others are: 2

needed, using the tubes considered in

a. Swagelok-type plugs at each end (may Table 3 : V , then the required length is 4 5 0 0 /
be cumbersome). 290 = 15.5 cm.
b. Tight fitting caps sealed with Apiezon 3 . 3 C O N V E R S I O N O F N G / M I N TO PPMV A T
W—for low pressure applications. 3 0 ° C . Because many instruments are cali-

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 THICKNESS mils
TFl DENSITY grams/ml

Notes: V a l u e s are a v e r a g e s only a n d not for specification Notes: V a l u e s are a v e r a g e s only and not for specification
purposes. To convert the permeation v a l u e s for 100 s q . in. to purposes. To convert the permeation v a l u e s for 100 s q . in. to
those for 1 s q . c m . multiply by 0 . 0 0 1 5 5 . O n e mil = 25.4 those for 1 s q . c m . multiply by 0.00155. O n e mil = 25.4 n.

Figure 3:1-Effect of density of "Teflon" TFE Figure 3:3 —Water vapor transmission rate of
resins on their permeability to gases at 30°C "Teflon" FEP resins at 40°C (104°F).

brated i n ppmv and outputs are given in

n g / m i n , a conversion formula is required.
To convert from n g / m i n to ppm the re­
quired formula is:

2) Pr • K
C =

where C concentration i n ppm (vol),

Pr output in n g / m i n .
F flow rate i n c m V m i n .
K ratio o f molar volume ( L /
mol) to molecular weight
(Table 3:VI).

Example: A permeation tube containing

propane and having an output o f 950 n g /
min is to be used at 30°C and a flow rate o f
500 c m V m i n . What is the concentration o f
propane (in ppm) i n the gas mixture?

950 x 0.565
= 1.07
0 20 40 60 80
TEMPERATURE °C (Reciprocal Absolute S a l e )
3.4 Permeation tubes that contain lique­
Notes: V a l u e s a r e a v e r a g e s only a n d not for specification
purposes. To convert the permeation v a l u e s for 100 s q . in. to fied gases or volatile liquids are calibrated
those for 1 s q . c m . multiply by 0 . 0 0 1 5 5 . O n e mil = 2 5 . 4 n.
gravimetrically and used to prepare stan­
dard concentrations of pollutants i n air as
Figure 3:2-Permeability of "Teflon" FEP resins follows (1,3,4,5). Analyses o f these known
to gases, at various temperatures. concentrations give calibration curves

Table 3:111 Permeability of Teflon Fluorocarbon Resins to Vapors (g/100 in? 24 h)*
23°C. 30°C. 23°C. 35°C. 50°C.
(73 °F.) (86°F.) (73 °F.) (95 °F.) (122°F.)
Acetic acid — — — 0.42 —
Acetone — — 0.13 0.95 3.29
Acetophenone 0.56 0.47
Benzene 0.36
0.80 0.15
0.64 —
n-Butyl ether — — 0.08 — 0.65
tetrachloride 0.06 — 0.11 0.31 —
Decane — — 0.72 — 1.03
Dipentene 0.17 — 0.35
- - 0.06 0.77 2.9
Ethyl alcohol
-— 0.11 0.69 —
Hexane — — — 0.57 —
HC1. 20% <0.01 — <0.01 — —
Methanol — — — — 5.61
Piperidine 0.07 0.04 — —
hydraulic fluid 0.06 — 0.05 — —
NaOH. 50% 5 x 10 -5
— 4 X 10 — -5

H S 0 . 98%
2 4 1.8 x 10" — 5
8 x 10 — —

Toluene — — 0.37 — 2.93

Water 0.35 0.09 0.45 0.89
•Test Method: ASTM E-96-53T (at vapor pressure; for 0.001" film thickness; one mil = 0.001" =
25.4 fim).
Notes: Values are averages only and not for specification purposes. To convert the permeation
values for 100 sq cm, multiply by 0.00155.

which simulate all o f the operational condi­ constant-temperature water bath main­
tions performed during the sampling and tained at the desired temperature; cylinder
chemical procedure. The calibration curves containing pure, dry air with appropriate
include the important corrections for col­ pressure regulators; needle valves and flow
lection efficiency at various concentrations meters for the nitrogen, i f necessary; and
of pollutants. dry air, diluent gas streams. The diluent
Prepare or obtain (3,8) a Teflon FEP gases are brought to temperature by pas­
permeation tube that emits gas or vapor at sage through a 2-m-long copper coil i m ­
a rate consistent with the desired concentra­ mersed i n the water bath. Insert a cali­
tion level. A permeation tube with an effec­ brated permeation tube (7) into the central
tive length o f 1 to 2 cm and a wall thickness tube o f the condenser (maintained at the
of 0.76 m m . (0.030") will usually yield the desired temperature by circulating water
desired permeation rate i f held at a constant from the constant-temperature bath) and
temperature o f 20°C for S 0 . 2 pass a stream o f nitrogen or air over the
Permeation tubes are calibrated under a tube at a fixed rate o f approximately 50 c m 3

stream o f dry nitrogen when reactions oc­ min. Dilute this gas stream to the desired
cur with atmospheric oxygen or moisture concentration by varying the flow rate o f
on or within the walls o f the permeation the clean, dry air. Clean, dry air may also
tube ( H S , S 0 , etc.).
2 2 be prepared by passing ambient air from a
3.5 To prepare standard concentrations relatively uncontaminated outside source
of pollutant, select either a system designed first through absorption tubes packed with
for laboratory use or one for field use. (Fig­ activated carbon and soda-lime, then
ure 3:4 and 3:5, respectively). Assemble the through an efficient fiber glass filter in se­
apparatus as shown i n one o f these systems, ries. This flow rate can normally be varied
consisting o f a water-cooled condenser; from 0.2 to 15 L / m i n u t e . The flow rate o f

Table 3:1 V Commercially Available Permeation Tubes

Chemical Permeant Chemical Permeant
Material Gas Formula Material Gas Formula

Acetaldehyde CH CHO 3 Heptane (n) 7 16


Acetic acid CH3COOH Hexane (n) 6 14


Acetone CH3COCH3 Hydrazine NH NH -H 0 2 2 2

Acetonitrile CH3CN Hydrogen chloride HC1

Acrylonitrile CH CHCN 2 Hydrogen cyanide HCN
Ammonia NH 3 Hydrogen fluoride HF
Benzaldehyde C H CHO 6 5
Hydrogen sulfide HS 2

Benzene C H 6 6
Iodine h
Bromine Br 2
Isobutylene (CH ) CCH 3 2 2

Butane C H 4 1 0 Isopropyl alcohol (CH ) CHOH 3 2

Butanol C H OH 4 9 Isopropylbenzene C
9 12 H

Butene (1) C H 4 8 Isopropyl mercaptan (CH ) CHSH 3 2

Butyl acetate CH COOC H 3 4 9 Mercury Hg

Butyl mercaptan (n) C Ho,SH
4 Methanol CH3OH
Butyl mercaptan (Tert) C H SH 4 9
Methyl acetate CH C0 CH 3 2 3

Carbon disulfide cs 2
Methyl amine CH NH 3 2

Carbon tetrachloride CC1 4 Methyl bromide CH Br 3

Carbonyl sulfide COS Methyl ethyl ketone CH COC H 3 2 5

Chlorine Cl 2 Methyl ethyl sulfide CH3SC H^ 2

Chlorobenzene C H C1
6 5 Methyl iodide CH I 3

Chloroethane C H C1
2 5 Methyl isocyanate CH3NCO
Chloroform CHCI3 Methyl isopropyl sulfide CH SCH(CH ) 3 3 2

Chloromethane CH3CI Methyl mercaptan CH SH 3

Chlorotoluene (o) CH C H C1 3 6 4 Napthalene C

10 8 H

Cyclohexane C
6 12 H
Nitric acid HNO3
Cyclopropane CH CH CH 2 2 2
Nitrobenzene C H N0 6 5 2

Decane C
10 22 H Nitrogen dioxide N0 2

Dichlorobenzene (p) C H C1
6 4 2 Nonane (n) C
9 20 H

Dichloroethane (1,1) C1 CHCH 2 3 Octane (n) C

8 18H

Dichloroethane (1,2) C1CH CH C1 2 2 Octanethiol (n) C H SH

8 1 7

Dichloromethane CH C1 2 2 Pentane (n) C

5 12 H

Diethyl disulfide (C H ) S 2 5 2 2 Phenol C H OH

6 5

Diethyl sulfide (C H ) S 2 5 2 Phosgene COCl 2

Dimethyl amine (CH ) NH 3 2 Propane C H 3 8

Dimethyl disulfide (CH ) S 3 2 2 Propyl mercaptan (n) C H SH

3 7

Dimethyl ether CH OCH 3 3 Propylene C H 3 6

Dimethyl mercury Hg(CH ) 3 2 Propylene oxide C H 0 3 6

Dimethyl sulfide (CH ) S 3 2 Pyridine C H N

5 5

Dimethyl sulfoxide (CH ) SO 3 2 Pyrrole C H N

4 5

Dinitrotoluene (2,4) C H (N0 )

7 6 2 2 Sulfur dioxide so 2

Dipropyl sulfide (C H ) S 3 7 2 Sulfur hexafluoride SF 6

Epichlorohydrin C H OCl
3 5 Tetrachloroethylene C C12 4

Ethanol C H OH
2 5 Thionyl chloride SOCl 2

Ethyl acetate CH C0 C H 3 2 2 5 Thiophane C H S

4 8

Ethyl amine C H NH
2 5 2 Toluene C H CH
6 5 3

Ethyl benzene C
6 5 2 5 H C H Toluene diisocyanate H CC H (NCO)
3 6 3 2

Ethyl mercaptan C H SH
2 5
Trichloroethane (1,1,1) CH CC1 3 3

Ethylene dibromide C H Br
2 4 2
Trichloroethylene CHC1CC1 2

Ethylene oxide (CH ) 0 2 2 Trimethylamine (CH ) N 3 3

Formaldehyde CH 0 2 Trioxane (CH 0) 2 3

Formic acid HCOOH Vinyl acetate CH COOC H 3 2 3

Freon-11 CCI3F Water H 0 2

Freon-113 C C1 F
2 3 3 Xylene (m) C H (CH )
6 4 3 2

Freon-12 CC1 F 2 2 Xylene ( 0 ) QH (CH3) 4 2

Freon-21 CHC1 F 2 Xylene (p) C H (CH )

6 4 3 2

Freon-22 CHC1F 2

Table 3:V Typical Permeation Rates sampling time. This fixing of sampling time
Permeation Rate is desirable also from a practical stand­
Chemical (ng/min cm) at 3 0 ° C * point. I n this case, select a sampling time o f
30 min. Then to obtain a 30-L sample o f air
requires a flow rate o f 1 L / m i n . A 22-

N0 2 1200
2 250 gauge hypodermic needle operating as a
Propane 80 critical orifice will control air flow at this
n-Butane 2 approximate desired rate (10). The concen­
Chlorine 1500 tration in air is computed as follows:
Ammonia 170
Methyl Mercaptan 30 Pr x K
C =
• M i n i m u m Tube Length is 2.5 cm. ri + r,
Where C = Concentration in ppm.
the sampling system determines the lower Pr = Output of tube in /xg/min.
limit for the flow rate of the diluent gases. K = Constant from Table 3 : V I .
The flow rates of the nitrogen and the di­ v { = Flow rate of diluent air,
luent air must be measured to an accuracy liter/min.
of 1 to 2 % . W i t h a tube emitting S 0 at a 2
r 2 = Flow rate of diluent nitro­
rate of 0.26 /-ig/min, the range o f concen­ gen, liter/min.
tration will be between 0.007 to 0.5 ppm (17
Data for a typical calibration curve are
to 1300 fig m ) , a generally satisfactory

listed in Table 3 : V I I .
range for ambient air conditions. When
A plot of the concentration of sulfur di­
higher concentrations are desired, calibrate
oxide in ppm (x-axis) against absorbance of
and use longer permeation tubes.
the final solution (y-axis) i U yield aw

3.6 P R O C E D U R E F O R P R E P A R I N G S I M U ­
straight line, the slope o f which is the factor
L A T E D C A L I B R A T I O N C U R V E S . Obviously
for conversion o f absorbance to ppm. This
one can prepare a multitude of curves by
factor includes the correction for collection
selecting different combinations of sam­
efficiency. A n y deviation from linearity at
pling rate and sampling time. The following
the lower concentration range indicates a
description for S 0 represents a typical pro­
change in collection efficiency of the sam­

cedure for ambient air sampling of short

pling system. Actually, the standard con­
duration with a brief mention of a modifi­
centration o f 0.01 ppm and below o f sulfur
cation for 24-h sampling. The system is de­
dioxide is slightly below the dynamic range
signed to provide an accurate measure in
of the method. I f this is the range o f inter­
the 0.01 to 0.5 ppm range. It can be easily
est, the total volume of air collected should
modified to meet special needs.
be increased to obtain sufficient color
The dynamic range o f the colorimetric
within the dynamic range of the colorimet­
procedure fixes the total volume of the
ric procedure. Also, once the calibration
sample at 30 L ; then, to obtain linearity be­
factor has been established under simulated
tween the absorbance o f the solution and
conditions the conditions can be modified
the concentration in ppm, select a constant
so that the concentration of S 0 is a simple

multiple of the absorbance of the colored

Table 3:VI K Values. For long-term sampling of 24-h duration
*K Values at 3 0 ° C the conditions can be fixed to collect 300 L
of sample in a larger volume o f tetrachloro-
so 0.389
mercurate. For example, for 24 h at 0.2 L /
N0 0.541
min, approximately 288 L of air are col­

Propane 0.565 lected. A n aliquot representing 0.1 of the
N-Butane 0.429 entire amount o f sample is taken for the
Chlorine 0.351 analysis.
Ammonia 1.463 3.7 E Q U I L I B R I U M . Each tube's perme­
Methyl Mercaptan 0.518 ation rate changes with its temperature.
•Diverse density, L / g . Hence, time must always be allowed for the




Figure 3:4 —Gas dilution system for preparation of standard concentrations of sulfur dioxide for
laboratory use by the permeation tube method.

tube to reach an equilibrium condition. by a permeation rate vs. air temperature

This is particularly true for tubes stored in a calculation (9).
cool place and then inserted i n a warm 3.8 V E N T I L A T I O N . Each tube permeates
chamber for gas generation control. In such continuously. Thus i f a tube is enclosed in a
cases the tube will accurately provide a gas chamber without ventilation, concentration
source based on its actual temperature, buildup will occur. This is particularly true
rather than the temperature o f the warm air for tubes stored i n a warm, closed chamber
flowing through the chamber. Output con­ environment. I n such cases the actual con­
centration will be lower than that predicted centration coming out o f the chamber upon
the first flush o f ventilation air will be
Table 3:VII Typical Calibration Data higher than that predicted by a permeation
rate vs air temperature calculation. Often,
Amount of S 0 2
considerable time must be allowed to "de­
Concentrations in fiL for Absorbance
gas" a saturated system (9). A n attractive
of S 0 ppm 30 L of sample
alternative is to maintain a slow purge on
0.005 0.15 0.01 the tube during periods o f storage so that
0.001 0.30 0.02
evolution o f a high concentration plug o f
0.05 1.50 0.117
3.00 0.234
sample is avoided when the permeation de­
0.20 6.00 0.468 vice is first connected.
0.30 9.00 0.703 3.9 CONDITIONING. When working with
0.40 12.00 0.937 low concentrations o f gas (i.e., concentra-






Figure 3:5 —Gas dilution system for preparation of standard concentrations of sulfur dioxide for field
use by the permeation tube method.

tions near nominal ambient levels) it is i m ­ Analytical Chemistry Committee Standard­

portant to condition the system by allowing ization Subcommittee.
the gas to pass through the system for a
period o f day(s) before conducting any ex­ REFERENCES
periments. Conditioning is necessary even
1. O'KEEFFE, A . E . , AND G.C. ORTMAN, 1966. Pri­
i f nominally inactive materials such as glass
mary Standards for Trace Gas Analysis. Anal.
or stainless steel are used. Active materials Chem. 38:760.
such as rubber should, o f course, be 2. DIGEL, W.A., (ed.), 1970. The Journal of
avoided (9). "Teflon," Reprint No. 41. E . I . Dupont de Nemours
permeation tubes can be used for testing INC., 250 S. Franklin Street, West Chester, Pa.,
atmospheric analyzers without temperature 19380.
4. PATTY, F.A., 1963. Industrial Hygiene and Toxi­
control. However, the existing temperature
cology. 2nd Edition, Vol. II. Interscience Pub­
needs to be measured and taken into ac­ lishers. New York.
count i n calculating the approximate per­ 5. SCARINGELLI, F.P., A.A. FREY, AND B . E . SALTZ­
meation rate. Testing is considered to be an MAN, 1967. Evaluation of Teflon Permeation
operation to establish whether an analyzer Tubes for Use with Sulfur Dioxide. Amer. Ind.
Hyg. Assoc. J . 28:260.
is operating "about right." I t should be per­ 6. THOMAS, M.D., AND R.E. AMTOWER, 1966. Gas
formed frequently. Testing, on the other Dilution Apparatus for Preparing Reproducible
hand, is not a substitute for less frequent, Dynamic Gas Mixtures in any Desired Concentra­
periodic calibrations i n which known con­ tion and Complexity. J . Air Pollut. Contr. Assoc.
centrations o f gas are delivered to the ana­ 7. SCARINGELLI, F.P., A . E . O'KEEFFE, E . ROSEN­
lyzer with precision (9). BERG, AND J.P. BELL, 1970. Preparation of
Known Concentrations of Gases and Vapors with
Acknowledgment. M r . Arthur Johnston as­ Permeation Devices Calibrated Gravimetrically.
sisted with this section as Chairman o f the Anal. Chem. 42:871.

8. VICI METRONICS, 2991 Corvin Drive, Santa air some particles 10 fim or smaller may
Clara, Calif. 95061.
9. M E T R O N I C S A S S O C I A T E S , 3201 Porter Drive,
Stanford Industrial Park, Palo Alto, California. b. Suspended Particles—particles that
10. L O D G E , J.P., J R . , J . B . P A T E , B.E. AMMONS, A N D tend to remain suspended i n the atmos­
G.A. SWANSON, 1966. The Use of Hypodermic phere for long periods o f time. These are
Needles as Critical Orifices in Air Sampling. J . Air
generally smaller than 30 fim i n diameter.
Pollut. Control Assoc. 16:197.
Commonly, the material collected by a
Approved with modifications High Volume Sampler (Hi-Vol) is limited
from the 2nd edition by the shelter design and filter to particles
Subcommittee 9 less than 40 fim.
J . N. H A R M A N , Chairman
c. Condensation Nuclei— sometimes
called Aitken nuclei, are small particles that
act as condensation sites for super­
4. Sampling and Storage of saturated vapors i n the atmosphere. They
Particles are predominantly 0.01 to 0.1 fim diam­
4.1 I N T R O D U C T I O N . The collection o f a d. Agglomerates—particles that are com­
particle sample that is not too different posed o f several smaller particles that are
from the population o f interest is often dif­ attracted to a large particle or to each other
ficult and requires attention to details. This and travel together i n the atmosphere as a
section deals with general information con­ single particle.
cerning the collection of such samples. Spe­ e. Modes—the distribution o f particle
cific methods o f analysis are covered i n sizes i n the atmosphere is usually bimodal
other sections. or trimodal. The size range defined above
Particles are sampled for many reasons as condensation nuclei are now termed the
such as: nuclei mode. Particles 0.1-2.5 fim are called
the accumulation mode, being most persist­
a. to determine whether there are hazard­
ent i n the atmosphere. These two classes are
ous concentrations o f pollutants i n the at­
collectively called fine particles. Particles
mosphere or i f ambient air standards have
larger than 2.5 fim are called coarse parti­
been exceeded;
b. to determine the effectiveness o f con­
trol programs in reducing ambient concen­ It should be kept i n mind that there are
trations o f pollutants; no sharp cutoffs between classifications
c. to determine the emission levels from a and the particle sizes i n each class overlap
source; the neighboring classes. This may be due to
d. to determine the effectiveness o f con­ several factors that tend to make the proper
trol equipment; collection and classification of particles dif­
e. to determine the sources contributing ficult and somewhat inexact. These include
to pollution at a receptor; or the shape o f the particles (which affects
f. to identify pollutants i n the atmos­ their aerodynamic properties), their density
phere. and velocity (which affects their inertia),
and electrical charge. These will be dis­
Aerosols are defined here to mean dis­ cussed in more detail later in this section.
persions of any material in the solid or liq­
There is a great variety of methods avail­
uid phase i n a gas stream or the atmos­
able for the collection o f particles, and the
phere. Dusts, smoke, soot, mist, fumes,
method selected will often depend on the
and fog are terms used on occasion to de­
purpose for which the sample is being
scribe certain types o f aerosols. Some o f the
taken. For instance, i f information on indi­
more useful terms may be defined as fol­
vidual particles is desired, a few hundred
particles may be collected for microscopic
a. Settleable Particles—larger particles examination. This can determine particle
that settle out of the air fairly fast, such as shape and size distribution but does not tell
those caught i n an open jar. They are usu­ all about aerodynamic properties, weight,
ally larger than 30 fim diameter, but in still or chemical composition. A larger amount

may be collected i n an inertial collector in b. the point sampled may not be repre­
which the particle size distribution can be sentative o f the whole stream;
determined. This does not provide separate c. i f the flow is turbulent at the point o f
particles that can be examined nor does it sampling there is no way to get a truly iso­
usually provide enough samples for chemi­ kinetic sample; the sample will contain
cal analysis. For chemical analysis, a H i - smaller portions o f the larger particles; or
Vol sampler is usually employed. The aver­ d. sample may be lost by deposition or
age composition o f all o f the particles can changed by agglomeration or deagglomera-
be determined, but this does not provide tion i n the sample line after it enters the
information on the composition o f individ­ probe and before it enters the main sam­
ual particles or their sizes or shapes, or on pling device.
the compounds present. Sometimes optical Fortunately, it is not always necessary to
properties such as visibility reductions are use isokinetic sampling to obtain a reasona­
of interest and none o f the above methods bly good sample. Figure 4:2 shows the col­
is entirely suitable.
lection efficiency for particles o f various
4.2 P R E C A U T I O N S I N C O L L E C T I N G A E R O ­ sizes as a function o f stream velocity. Fig­
SOL S A M P L E S . ure 4:3 shows the effect o f not aligning the
4.2.1 The Problem. The most bother­ sample tube in the same direction as the
some aspect of aerosol sampling is a result stream flow.
of the momentum o f the particles, which is These data show that:
a product o f its mass times its velocity
(MV). Thus, this problem becomes more a. Sample velocity and alignment are
severe with larger particles or fast moving both important conditions o f isokinetic
streams. Since particles are much larger sampling;
than gas molecules, each time the flow di­ b. under isokinetic conditions all particle
rection o f the gas stream changes, as at a sizes are collected efficiently;
bend i n a pipe or i n flow around an object, c. small particles (under about 3
the larger particles tend to continue on their diameter) do not require isokinetic sam­
original line and are displaced somewhat pling for efficient collection—their small
from the original part o f the gas stream mass minimizes inertial effects;
they were with, as illustrated i n Figure 4 : 1 . d. stagnant gases, such as calm ambient
This often leads to deposition on a nearby air, do not require isokinetic conditions for
efficient sampling o f all particle sizes be­
surface or unevenly dispersed streams
cause slow moving particles have little or no
where more particles will be found in one
side of a pipe than another. Different sized
particles will be displaced by different 4.2.3 Gravitational Effect. I n the case
amounts. This makes it necessary for all of quiescent air masses, as discussed imme­
parts o f the stream to be sampled and prop­ diately above, there will be a small effect
erly weighted to be representative of the because o f gravitational settling of the par­
ticles. I f the probe points up, the concentra­
whole stream.
tion of particles collected will be increased
4.2.2 Isokinetic sampling refers to by a factor o f (1 + V / U ) where V is the
s s
taking a sample under such conditions that settling velocity o f a particle and U is the
there is no change i n momentum, so that sampling velocity. I f the probe aims down
the sample will be representative o f the (such as the shed opening o f a Hi-Vol), the
gases and aerosols i n that portion o f the sample will contain less particles by the fac­
stream being sampled. This is accomplished tor ( l - V / U ) . Here again, small particles
by using a thin-walled tube aligned with the are not much o f a problem. The correction
stream flow and drawing sample into it at factor would predict a reduction o f about
the same linear velocity as the stream flow 1 °7o for 11 fim particles entering a H i - V o l
at that point. Even when these precautions (assuming 645 c m of opening and 1.42 m V

are taken, there can be several reasons why min) but for 36 fim particles there would be
the sample is not truly representative: 10% less, for 85/i particles about 50% less,
a. The probe always has a finite wall and no particles larger than 135fim would
thickness that disturbs the flow; enter. O f course, turbulent winds could


of ajj[sizes
the same here
as here

O C) () ()

(a) I L L U S T R A T I O N OF I S O K I N E T I C (b) S A M P L E - T U B E N O T I N L I N E
T o o f e w large particles are c o l l e c t e d


O CI o
o c o
S t r e a m lines
b e n t at
sample p o i n t


° o 0 ,
° b <
V o; o; °
o o
o o
o o

(c) SAMPLE V E L O C I T Y T O O LOW (d) S A M P L E V E L O C I T Y T O O H I G H

T o o m a n y large particles c o l l e c t e d T o o f e w large particles c o l l e c t e d

Figure 4:1 —Schematic illustration of isokinetic and non-isokinetic sampling.

help a few larger particles to reach the f i l ­ lectors such as cascade impactors, Ander­
ter. (Obviously in the real system other fac­ son samplers, Rotorods, and jars with
tors enter, since experimentally the Hi-Vol sticky paper all are dependent on the Stokes
sampler collects 50% of particles of diam­ number. For impactors,
eters 30-45 fim depending on wind speed.)
4.2.4 Sampling Rate. The linear sam­
pling rate can have an effect on several
other types of aerosol collectors. For in­ R 9fiR
stance, the efficiency o f impingement col­

where I is the stopping distance, R is the


radius o f the impingement orifice, r the

radius o f the particle, V the velocity o f

the stream as it leaves the orifice, p the

density o f the particle, and the viscos­
ity o f the medium.

The mass o f the particle, its linear velocity

and the size o f the jet or object are impor­
tant factors.
Other types o f collectors such as electro­
static precipitators and filters also depend
on velocity, but to a much smaller extent.
4.2.5 Miscellaneous Factors. Previous
mention was made o f particles being lost
from a sample by impingement on surfaces
or bends i n the sampling line, which can
cause errors even after a good sample has
been taken at the probe. I n addition to this,
Large particles can settle out i n tubes or other
components o f the sampler or can be lost
by electrostatic attraction to various sur­
faces i n the sampler—especially noncon­
ducting surfaces such as glass or plastics.
Figure 4:l(e)-Illustration of particle segregation Particles can also be lost due to adhesion on
at a pipe bend. wet, oily, or sticky surfaces. As shown i n
Figure 4:4 and Table 4:1 this can vary with
relative humidity and surface roughness.

Ratio of wind speed to inlet air speed (\J <>/ U )

Figure 4:2—Diagram showing change in ratio of observed concentration to true concentration with
departure from isokinetic conditions.
(Watson, H . 1954, Amer. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. Quart. 15:21.)


x 4 M Spores
& 32>x Spores

30° 60° 90° 180°

Angle between inlet tube and stream direction
Figure 4:3 — Variation of the ratio of observed concentration to true concentration with angle of yaw
of inlet tube for 4,12 and 37 micrometer mass median diameter diethyl phthalate droplets and for 4
and 32 micrometer spores.
(Watson. H . 1954. Amer. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. Quart. 15:21)

Several factors can result i n changes i n tured to smaller particles when they strike
size o f particles, which may change the col­ the collector. Some o f these smaller parti­
lection efficiency as discussed above. Dur­ cles may then be redispersed and either col­
ing periods o f high relative humidity some lected as smaller particles or lost from the
particles such as sulfuric acid can absorb collector.
water vapor and get larger as illustrated i n The following precautions should be
Figure 4:5. Most particles will adsorb water mentioned as possibilities but seldom create
or other vapors; therefore, collected sam­ a serious problem. Collected particles may
ples are generally equilibrated to a standard react after collection so that the material
relative humidity, such as 40%, before analyzed may not represent the composi­
weighing. Water adsorption is generally tion o f the original aerosol. For instance,
minimal up to about 50% R . H . but can sulfuric acid particles may react with ce­
cause considerable variation and error ment kiln dust (CaO) to form calcium sul­
above this value. fate. Particles may also react with the col­
There is generally a tendency for small lection media such as Millipore filters, or i n
particles to agglomerate to larger particles. wet collectors they may react with the sol­
This can occur i n the sampling system but is vent or partially dissolve i n i t . Gases may
not fast enough to be o f concern for parti­ adsorb on solid or liquid aerosols. Col­
cles larger than about 0.2^m. Even for this lected aerosols may also sublime or evapo­
size, particles only agglomerate at a rate o f rate after collection. I t is not uncommon
about 1%/h. I n impingement collection for the concentration o f pollutants to vary
methods, particles that are normally ag­ throughout the day or for the temperature
glomerated i n the atmosphere may be frac­ to vary so that a pollutant collected at night

Saturation (G/G)
O 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005
100 I l i ' 1

Water vapor /
adsorption curve /
80 for quartz /

70 7 4 1 m m Hg < P < 7 5 6 m m Hg / o( _
24°C < T < 27° C J /
• - 2 1 fim particle / uL
O - 5 1 /im particle / j ,r
A - 9 0 /*m particle 1/
40 - -
30 -
20 -
10 -
t i l l I I 1 |
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Full adhesion (%)
Figure 4:4—Adhesion variation with relative humidity (quartz particles to pyrex flat). (Corn, M.
1961. J . Air Poll. Control Assoc. 11:566.)

or in the morning may be lost from the sam­ pressures and evaporative loss is small. For
pler after a warm afternoon. Although it is many purposes, particulate samples tend to
common for aerosol sampling to extend for keep well for long periods of time.
24 h or more, most solids have low vapor 4.3 F A C T O R S A F F E C T I N G S E L E C T I O N O F
S P H E R E . Site selection is important i n any
Table 4:1 Effect of Surface Irregularities on
the Adhesion of Quartz Particles air sampling but especially so for particles
to Pyrex Glass because they are much less uniformly dis­
persed i n the ambient air as well as i n pro­
Root-mean- cess equipment. (Factors involved i n select­
Range of square
profilometer surface Adhe- ing source sampling locations are discussed
reading irregularity sion in the next section, 4.4). Special consider­
Surface (nm) (nm) (%)* ation must be given to sources, obstacles,
Pyrex flat 1 203.2-228.6 215.9±12.7 100 meteorology, and time. Particles o f all sizes
Pyrex flat 2 203.2-381.0 292.1 ±12.7 67 are being continually emitted into the atmo­
Pyrex sphere. The larger particles fall out rapidly
microscope and moderate sized ones more slowly, as
slide 304.8-381.0 342.9±12.7 59 listed i n Table 4:11. A t the same time the
Pyrex flat 3 457.2-508.0 482.6 ± 12.7 45 very small particles (Aitken nuclei) tend to
*As percentage of adhesion to pyrex flat 1. become attached to larger particles. This
(Corn, M. 1961. J . Air Poll. Control Assoc. process is fastest for the very small particles
11:566) (80%/min. for 0.02 fim particles) becoming

1x 10"

1x 10 5

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Particle Size,

Figure 4:5 —Calculated number of droplets per m3 in various size intervals at different relative
humidities in a sulfuric acid mist sample having a concentration of 39 [ig/m*.
(National Air Pollution Control Administration, 1969. U.S. Dept. Health, Education and Welfare,
Air Quality Criteria for Sulfur Oxides. AP-50, pp. 1-22.)

Table 4:11 Settling Velocity of Unit Density tides) becoming attached to larger parti­
Spheres in Still Air cles, and much slower for larger particles
Settling Velocity, V ,
(14%/day for 0.2^m size). These two pro­
Particle Diameter, fim cm/s cesses then tend to produce an equilibrium
particle size distribution in the atmosphere,
1000 385
500 200 but because of the variable speeds of these
220 76 processes there will be significant gradients
100 25.1 near major sources, especially i f they emit
50 7.2 large particles. The height of the source, the
40 4.8 wind velocity and turbulence, and particle
30 2.7 size distribution will determine how fast the
10 0.30 particles settle out.
1 0.0035
Point sources do not generally distribute

their particles evenly i n all directions. The (1) not be directly downwind from a ma­
particles travel with the wind which is quite j o r point source;
variable. A sampler located directly i n the (2) locate the sampler about 1.5 m above
path o f a plume may show 10 or 100 times ground level;
as much aerosol as one located a few meters (3) locate downwind from major obsta­
away. I n the lee o f buildings, trees, hills or cles a distance o f about 10 times their
other obstacles, the air is often quiescent height;
and will contain fewer particles. Strong gra­ (4) take several such samples at different
dients usually exist i n the vertical direction locations i n the area o f interest;
also. Because most sources are near the
(5) sample the time o f day o f greatest
ground and vertical mixing is frequently
interest but do not consider this representa­
limited, particle loading usually decreases
tive o f all day or o f any small part o f the
with height.
sampling period.
Time is also an important variable. I n
most cities the mixing height varies greatly
throughout the day. Often there is an over­
night inversion which keeps all o f the pollu­ 4.4.1 General Considerations. Source
tion close to the ground and produces rela­ sampling refers to the collection o f pollu­
tively high concentrations. When the sun tants at their source as they are being re­
comes up the inversion gradually lifts and leased into, and before they are diluted by
generally breaks i n the morning or early the ambient atmosphere, or for design pur­
afternoon, at which time there is good dis­ poses at a point where controls may be i n ­
stalled. The objective is to collect a sample
persion. Particle concentrations at a given
that is representative o f the material that is
location can easily vary by a factor o f 10 or
emitted or to be controlled. The material
more during a 24-h period. Thus, a sample
may not always be confined i n a stack or
taken i n the afternoon may give very little
duct, and the composition and amount may
information on the air pollution problem.
vary with times, as i n batch processes. I t
On the other hand, a 24-h sample might
may be coming out o f vents, windows, etc.
average a few hours o f critically severe pol­
Collection o f such samples is usually d i f f i ­
lution over a 24-h period and cause little cult and costly and requires advanced plan­
alarm although a serious problem may ex­ ning. Because o f this, source testing is sel­
ist. I n spite o f this, 24-h samples have be­ dom done unless there is reason to suspect
come a standard practice, and samplers are pollution or to determine the efficiency o f
generally started at midnight by an auto­ control equipment or to get data for design
matic timer and run until the following purposes.
midnight. From the point o f view o f
record-keeping this keeps the entire sample 4.4.2 Planning and Preparation for the
on the same date, but from an air pollution Test. The specific points o f sampling are
point o f view it produces a sample that has generally determined by examination o f
one day plus parts o f two different nights. drawings or flow diagrams, and discussions
It would be preferable to include a single with plant engineers or others who under­
night by starting 24-h samples at 6.00 P . M . stand the process or source o f emissions
or 6.00 A . M . or to sample for a shorter and its variation with time. A site visit is
generally required to make the final selec­
period, or for the critical period only.
tion. Criteria for selection o f the sampling
To summarize: location are:

a. A sample should be taken at the point a. A t the point o f greatest interest (such
of major interest, i f possible, but care as stack outlet);
should be exercised i n extrapolating its rele­ b. i n a straight section o f pipe 5 or more
vance to the ambient air o f a whole city or diameters downstream and 3 or more diam­
even a nearby part o f i t ; and eters upstream from any bends or flow dis­
b. i f it is desired to get a general measure turbances;
of atmospheric aerosol as it affects man, c. accessible to sampling personnel and
plants and animals, one should: equipment;

d. utilities such as electricity, water, and

air available i f needed; and
e. the point o f sampling is a safe location
for testing.
Often an ideal site cannot be found and a
compromise must be reached.
Generally the selected site must then be SPACED F R E E FROM BURRS

prepared for testing by making access holes

(confined source) or a collection system
(unconfined source). A hole to which a 3"
(8 cm) pipe coupling can be welded is gen­
erally about the right size but the particular
sampling probes that are to be inserted
must be considered before this decision is
reached. A scaffold accessible to these
holes may have to be constructed and utili­
ties supplied. Some estimate o f flow rate,
temperature, pressure, dew point, particle
size and gas composition must be made i n
advance to plan the sample collection. A f ­
ter the detailed procedure for collection has
been worked out, the sampling and analysis Figure 4:6 —Standard pitot tube.
equipment must be assembled and prepared
for transportation to the site. The process
P = absolute pressure o f gas i n duct,
variables must be considered i n determining
inches o f H g .
the proper time or times for sampling. The
T = absolute temperature of gas in
management or persons responsible for the
duct, ° R.
source must be contacted and arrangements
made to have access at the desired times. I f measurements are made i n SI units (ve­
The sampling crew must be organized and locity i n m/s, pressures in kPa, temperature
briefed and the analysts alerted. in K ) , the constant i n the above equation
4.4.3 Sampling. The equipment and becomes 23.9. The specific gravity is the
crew are transported to the site. Source ratio o f mean molecular weight o f the gas
flow conditions must first be measured. A l ­ in the stream to that o f air, 28.95. From this
though a number o f methods are available, point onward, this discussion will use En­
pitot tubes are generally preferred. I n es­ glish units; operation in SI units is reasona­
sence a pitot tube consists o f two concentric bly obvious.
tubes (Figure 4:6) one o f which has an A number o f measurements must be
opening facing upstream and the other has made at various points in the stream. The
openings perpendicular to the flow. The cross-section should be divided into equal
pressure difference between these is called areas o f about one square foot. I n a rectan­
the velocity head and may be used to deter­ gular duct, a measurement should be made
mine the flow rate from handbook tables or in the center o f such rectangle with a mini­
the following equation: mum o f nine measurements.



where V = flow velocity i n feet per min­ X X X

ute at measured conditions.
P = velocity head i n inches o f water.
v I n the case o f a circular duct, annular rings
S = specific gravity o f the gas stream of equal area (about 1 f t . ) should be visu­

compared to air. alized and measurements should be made at


the center o f each such ring on each o f two can be correspondingly varied to maintain
diameters which are 90° from each other isokinetic conditions.
(with a minimum o f 8) as shown below i n Lack o f equipment and personnel gener­
Figure 4:7. ally dictates that the points are sampled
After calculating velocities, each velocity successively rather than simultaneously.
is multiplied by the area it represents and However, i n determining the efficiency o f
these flow rates may be added to obtain the control equipment, it is highly desirable to
total flow rate. Samples should be taken at take simultaneous samples before and after
each o f the flow measuring points and the the control. Greater variability ( < ± 50%)
amounts collected and weighted together i n for flow rate or sample concentration from
proportion to the individual flow rates point to point or time to time make it advis­
found at the corresponding points. able to increase the number o f samples rec­
Particulate sampling should be carried ommended above and place more emphasis
out with probes inserted i n the duct at each on simultaneous sampling, whereas a some­
of the points o f flow measurement. The what smaller number can be taken i f the
probes must be pointed directly upstream stream is more consistent ( < ± 20%).
and the sampling rate adjusted to provide Sample concentrations determined at vari­
isokinetic conditions at each point. ous cross-sectional points at a given loca­
It is often more convenient to make flow tion should be weighted together i n propor­
measurements at the same time as the sam­ tion to the flow rates found at each point
ple is collected by using a combined probe. and the areas represented as follows:
This is especially useful i n cases where the
flow rate is varying and the sampling rate M = 60(C V A + C V A + . . . C V A )
1 1 1 2 2 2 n n n

Where M = the mass o f pollutant i n

pounds per hour,
Ci» C ,
C n = the concentration o f the
pollutant found at sam­
ple points 1, 2, . . . n,
respectively. I n pounds
per cubic foot at mea­
sured conditions,
v„ v , . . . v
2 n the flow velocity at sam­
ple points 1, 2, . . . n
respectively i n feet per
R E G U L A R DUCT minute at the same con­
ditions used for values
of C.
Aj, A ,
2 the square feet o f cross-
sectional areas repre­
sented by sample points
1,2, . . . n respectively.

Separate calculations will need to be made

for each pollutant analyzed.
Diffuse emissions such as wafts out
doors or windows, or dust from an open
quarry, or construction site, generally re­
quire individual ingenuity i n sampling. A
useful technique applicable to some o f
these is referred to as variable dilution sam­
pling. I n this method a blower is operated
at the site and ducted so that all o f the emis­
Figure 4:7 —Location of pitot traverse points. sions from the location o f interest enter this
Note: • Indicates points of locations of Pitot duct. Although the emissions rate may vary
Tube. considerably, the fan mass-flow rate is kept
G A S E S AND V A P O R S 37

constant at a value exceeding the emission Persons Involved i n Sampling

rate. A tight seal is not made so that when
the effluent rate is below the blower rate, Approved with modifications from
2nd edition
ambient air can enter freely to make up the
difference so the total flow remains con­ Subcommittee 9
stant. This approach prevents creation of J . N . H A R M A N , Chairman
any appreciable unnatural suction at the
source that might cause excessive emis­
sions. A t the output o f the blower or some
other point where the emissions and 5. Sampling and Storage of Gases
makeup air are thoroughly mixed, a sample and Vapors
can be taken for analysis. The sample con­
centration (C) times the total fan rate (V) Gases and vapors follow the normal laws
will give the emission rate. I f a constant fan of diffusion and mix freely with the sur­
mass-flow rate isused, a sample can be col­ rounding atmosphere. They are not af­
lected at any smaller constant mass-flow- fected by inertial or electrostatic forces
rate and combined over any desired period which may disturb particles. These charac­
of time and the combined sample concen­ teristics make gases and vapors easier to
tration will be a true measure o f the sample than dusts or fumes.
weighted pollution concentration over that 5.1 G E N E R A L CONSIDERATIONS. In the
period. This can be multiplied by the total selection o f an appropriate sampling proce­
blower flow over that period to obtain the dure, some important factors should be
mass o f emissions for the period. considered:
Care must be exercised to make sure that
a. The integrity o f the stored gases or
particles do not settle out i n the duct prior
vapors collected; is it maintained prior to
to the sample point and that the sample
analysis, i.e. will degradation or reactions
point is operated isokinetically, i f neces­
take place in the sample probes or collec­
sary. Another precaution of importance is
tion media?
to separate the particulate sample at the
b. The sampling procedure; is it optimal
temperature of interest. I f the temperature
for the analytical procedure to be used?
is too hot, liquid aerosols o f interest may be
c. The stability o f the gas or vapor o f
vaporized and not be collected, whereas i f
interest; is it capable o f being stored with­
the temperature is too low, water or other
out wall losses i n the container chosen for
condensable vapors may form mists or
aerosols which will collect with the solids
d. That all precautions to prevent leaks
and plug up the filter or give unrealistic
and sample contamination have been ad­
results. The variable dilution technique
dressed by appropriate quality control
tends to minimize condensation o f vapors,
which may be beneficial or undesirable de­
pending on the particular case. In general, one should always attempt to
While the sample is being taken, the fol­ reduce time intervals between sample col­
lowing data should generally be taken si­ lection and analysis —good technique calls
multaneously: for protection o f collected samples against
sunlight and temperature extremes during
Time and Date transport.
Sample Location 5.2 G A S P U M P S ( A I R M O V E R S ) . Appropri­
Sample Flow Rate ate gas pumps are available in several dif­
Sample Pressure ferent types and sizes. They should have
Sample Temperature adequate capacity and perform uniformly.
Dew Point Mechanical pumps, nearly always driven
Plant Operating Conditions with electric motors, are necessary for pro­
Flow Rates and Variability longed periods o f operation. Induction mo­
Production Rates and Variability tors are preferred, since this type operates
Pressures uniformly in spite o f variations in line
Temperatures load.

Pumps that are Teflon* or stainless steel

lined are available from many commercial
sources. These pumps with inert surfaces
are necessary when i t is required to have a
sample stream pass through the pump prior
to the sample collector. This type o f pump
is essential when sampling for reactive gases
such as ozone, or collecting trace quantities
of hydrocarbons and halocarbons.
Other air movers such as hand pumps,
Figure 5:1 — Use of critical orifices for sample
air aspirators or siphons are rarely, i f ever, collections
used. Use o f these devices as air movers is
not recommended, as they are not able to
control flow rates accurately or be used for 5.4 S A M P L E P R O B E S . I t is essential that
prolonged sampling periods. an air sample stream be able to reach the
5 . 3 G A S M E T E R I N G D E V I C E S . I t is usually collection device i n an unaltered state. Sam­
necessary to measure the total volume o f air pling probes used for sample transport are
sampled i n an experiment. For this purpose sometimes o f substantial length; e.g., sam­
two types o f meters are available, volume pling the outside air from within a building.
meters and rate meters. Volume meters re­ To insure no losses o f gases or vapors the
cord the total volume o f sample which is sampling probe must be constructed o f i n ­
passed through the sampling train. Rate ert materials such as glass or Teflon ( 2 ) .
meters indicate the flow rate, and this rate Use o f materials such as rubber or nylon is
multiplied by the sampling time gives the not advised even when sampling for rela­
total volume sampled. tively inert gases such as carbon monoxide
Rate meters consist o f rotameters, elec­ or nitric oxide. Sampling probes should be
tronic flow controllers, and critical orifices. kept to the shortest possible length, and
Rotameters are made to cover a large range never allowed to accumulate particulate
of flow rate, from cubic centimeters per matter or moisture.
minute to hundred o f liters per minute, and 5.5 SAMPLING TECHNIQUES FOR C O L L E C ­
are made o f glass or plastic. Glass rotame­ TION O F T H E W H O L E SAMPLE WITHOUT
ters are preferred when sampling for reac­ CONCENTRATION O F GASES AND VAPORS.
tive gases or vapors. These techniques include the use o f plastic
Electronic mass flow meters are a recent bags, glass containers and metal containers.
development that are read out electroni­ For many low-boiling compounds such as
cally. These units are considered more accu­ methane, ethane, propane, and the fixed
rate than rotameters, as dependable, but gases ( N , 0 and C 0 ) , this type o f sam­
2 2 2

are more expensive. pling is the preferred and/or sole method o f

Use o f critical orifices offers a conven­ collection.
ient and inexpensive way to produce con­ 5.5.1 Plastic Bags. The typical materi­
stant flow rates i n sampling trains. Use o f als used i n plastic bags are Aluminized
hypodermic needles is particularly advanta­ Scotch-pak*; Scotch-pak, Mylar**, Sa-
geous ( 1 ) . To maintain constant flow i t is ran***, and Tedlar****. Entry into the
necessary that the pressure drop across the bags is by a fitting seated i n and connected
critical orifice be equal to or greater than to the bag to form an integral part o f the
0.55 times the upstream pressure. A sam­
pling pump o f sufficient capability to main­ *Scotch-pak is a registered trademark of Minnesota
tain this pressure drop must be used. The Minning and Manufacturing Co., St. Paul, Minne­
critical orifice must also be kept free o f sota
**Mylar is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont
dust to prevent plugging. A typical sam­
de Nemours Co. Inc., Wilmingon, Delaware
pling train containing a critical orifice for ***Saran is a registered trademark of Dow Chemi­
flow control is shown i n Figure 5:1. cal, USA, Midland, Michigan
****Tedlar is a registered trademark of E.I.
•Teflon is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont DuPont de Nemours Co. Inc., Wilmingon, Dela­
de Nemours Co., Inc., Wilmington, Delaware ware
G A S E S AND V A P O R S 39

bag. Some bags have two fittings to facili­

tate sample taking by simply passing sam­
ple air through the bag. These plastics are
appropriate for inert gas collection and
storage. Bags are particularly well suited SCREW CLAMP AND TUBING
for integrated air sampling. A n integrated
bag sampling train is depicted i n Figure 5:2.
Tedlar bags are especially resistant to wall
losses for many reactive gases, and have
been i n use i n a large toxics air monitoring
network (3).
Whether a substance can be sampled and TYPE B

stored i n a plastic bag should be determined WITH STOPCOCKS

in the laboratory prior to field use. Litera­

ture references may also be used to deter­ Figure 5:3—Gas sample tubes for collection of
mine proper usage o f bag sampling. Bags sample by displacement or vacuum
can be reused after purging with clean air
and checking for any residual gaseous com­
ponents. Even "inert" plastics display out- collecting samples directly i n a chemical ab­
gassing properties (4). sorbent i n which they are later analyzed.
5.5.2 Glass Containers. Glass contain­ When used i n this manner, rather than sam­
ers can be used both i n an evacuated or ple tubes, 1-3 L flasks are better suited,
pass-through displacement mode. I n the with only one stopcock used for both evac­
displacement mode gas sample tubes such uation and later sample entry. This is a
as those i n Figure 5:3 are opened on both proven and frequently used technique
ends. A pump is attached to one end and a (5,6).
sampling probe is attached on the other I n general, glass containers are excellent
end, i f needed. The pump is activated and for inert gases such as oxygen, nitrogen,
approximately 10 times the sampling tube methane, carbon monoxide and carbon d i ­
volume is passed through the system. The oxide. Reactive gases such as hydrogen sul­
stopcocks are immediately shut and the fide, oxides o f nitrogen and sulfur dioxide
sample is then secured. Alternatively, the are not recommended for direct collection
tubes may be evacuated using a vacuum and storage. The reactive gases are, how­
pump, then the sample collected by simply ever, amenable to the chemical absorbent
opening one o f the stopcocks. Glass con­ technique referred to earlier, which fixes
tainers, by nature o f their small volumes, and stabilizes the reactive gas prior to
provide basically instantaneous "grab" analysis.
samples. 5.5.3 Metal Containers. Stainless steel
Glass containers are also convenient for containers are also widely used for the col­
lection o f the inert gases mentioned i n Sec­
tion 5.5.2. They are not suitable for a ma­
jority o f the reactive gases commonly
encountered. I n metal containers, wall
losses are extremely rapid for the reactive
gases. Metal containers come i n a variety o f
sizes from 1 to 34 L . A n advantage o f using
the large sizes is that a longer, more inte­
grated, sampling time is possible when
compared to the glass containers.
A n important improvement i n stainless
steel containers has recently taken place. A
treatment process for the containers has
been introduced which reduces the surface
adsorption o f gases by reduction o f the i n ­
Figure 5:2—Integrated bag sampling train ternal exposed metal surface area. This pro-

prietary process o f S U M M A * polishing is

available i n various container sizes up to 6
L from two manufacturers (7,8). Extensive
studies have shown excellent stability, i n the
order o f weeks, for hydrocarbons and vari­
ous halocarbons even i n the low and sub
parts per billion (9). Extensive studies on
inorganic reactive compounds have not
been performed to date. Figure 5.4 depicts
a typical sampling setup for long term (up
to 24 h) sampling for ambient hydrocar­
bons and halocarbons. This technique is
considered state-of-the-art for the sampling
of low level toxics i n air.
5.6 SAMPLING TECHNIQUES W H I C H E X ­ Figure 5:5A—Bubbler absorbers with diffusers
5.6.2 Dry Collection Systems. A n y gas
5.6.1 Wet Collection Systems. Sam­
or vapor w i l l , to some degree, adhere to any
pling techniques employing simple bubblers
solid surface at ordinary or low tempera­
or bubblers with diffusers are widely used,
and a large diversity o f applications may be tures. This phenomenon is called adsorp­
found. Bubblers, depending on design and tion. Porous solids expose not only their
use, may contain from 5 to 200 m L o f ab­ exterior surface, but their interior surfaces
sorbent. Bubblers with diffusers to provide as well, and some such solids indeed possess
more efficient air-to-absorbent contact are a vast network o f extremely minute chan­
especially needed for acceptable collection nels and submicroscopic pores within their
of gases that are difficult to absorb; e.g., bodies. Such materials have practical value
nitrogen dioxide (5). Figure 5:5 shows the as adsorbents. These solids include acti-
basic design differences among bubbler
Specific use o f a bubbler sampling train
must be based on prior knowledge that a
bubbler-absorbent-flow rate combination
will result i n an acceptable collection effi­
ciency, usually 90% or greater. A typical
complete sampling train using bubblers is
shown i n Figure 5:6.


Figure 5:5B —Simple bubble absorbers


J * M

Figure 5:4—Use of stainless steel canisters for
integrated air samples


*SUMMA—Proprietary process of Molectrics, Figure 5:6 —Typical sampling train for bubbler
Inc., Carson, California absorption of gases
G A S E S AND V A P O R S 41

vated carbon, silica gel, activated alumina, Table 5:1 Retention Volume Estimates for
and various active earths. Synthetic poly­ Compounds on Tenax
meric materials have also been used for ad­ Estimated Retention
sorption o f gases, particularly volatile or­ Volume at 100° F
ganic gases. Among the most commonly Compound (38° C), L / g .
utilized of the synthetics has been Tenax*. Benzene 19
A l l these differ widely in the number and Toluene 97
kinds o f substances they absorb, as well as Ethyl Benzene 200
in the amount of sorbed substances they Xylene(s) 200
will retain. Cumene 440
Silica gel, charcoal and Tenax are the n-Heptane 20
1-Heptene 40
most widely used adsorbents, and will be
individually addressed as to their sampling Chloroform 8
characteristics. These materials adsorb a Carbon Tetrachloride 8
1,2-Dichloroethane 10
variety of volatile organic gases, and have
1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 6
excellent storage properties prior to analy­ 80
sis. Rarely are the materials used for the Trichloroethylene 20
quantitative collection and analysis o f inor­ 1,2-Dichloropropane 30
ganic gases. I n the use o f the materials it is 1,3-Dichloropropane 90
important after the sampling is completed Chlorobenzene 150
that the adsorbent tubes be immediately Bromoform 100
sealed and properly stored. Storage in a Ethylene Dibromide 60
sealed plastic or glass vial is most Bromobenzene 300
Silica gel is a highly polar substance, and
therefore will preferentially adsorb water
more strongly than organic gases and va­ per billion gas concentrations. Charcoal has
pors. Caution must be exercised when sam­ been used for a wide spectrum of volatile or­
pling high relative humidity gas streams to ganic gases and vapors. Solvent extraction,
insure high collection efficiency for gases usually with carbon disulfide, prepares the
of interest. Silica gel is an excellent adsorb­ samples for GC or IR analysis. When using
ent for a variety o f organic substances in charcoal for specific applications, refer to the
the part per million concentration range. literature to ascertain the quantity of charcoal
The adsorbed gases must be solvent ex­ to use, mesh size, and the sampling parame­
tracted, for subsequent GC or IR analysis. ters; i.e., flow rate and volume. This is essen­
Extractants are usually polar substances tial to insure acceptable collection efficiencies
such as alcohols or dimethylsulfoxide or for a particular gas or vapor.
water in combination with carbon disulfide Tenax, a polymeric material (poly-2,6-
(10). Experimental data show excellent re­ diphenyl phenylene oxide) is used for air
coveries from standard gas streams for a sampling at part per billion and lower levels
large variety of gases (10). of volatile organic compounds (11). Tenax
Activated charcoal is the most widely is nonpolar, and water vapor does not af­
used adsorbent for the concentration and fect sampling in any way. Unlike silica gel
storage of organic vapors from air streams. and activated charcoal, the adsorbed gases
Many N I O S H / O S H A and A C G I H meth­ are not solvent extracted after collection,
ods are based on the use of activated char­ but are thermally desorbed. The thermal
coal. Since charcoal is nonpolar, sample desorption takes place over 10-15 seconds
streams of high relative humidity do not at a temperature of approximately 240° C.
present the difficulties mentioned for silica This rapid desorption is accomplished by
gel. Larger sample volumes may be taken, heating to 240° C while purging the absorb­
resulting in procedures which can provide ent with helium gas, allowing all the col­
sensitivity capabilities for analysis of subpart lected gases to be introduced into a gas
chromatograph as a single injection. This
T e n a x — Developed by A K Z O Research Labora­ accounts for the extreme sensitivities possi­
tories, marketed by Enka N . V . , the Netherlands. ble when using Tenax. Table 5:1 shows the

6. SALTZMAN B . E . 1954. Colorimetric Determination

of Nitrogen Dioxide in the Atmosphere. Anal.
Chem. 26:1949-1955.
1122 Latah Street, Pullman, Washington 99163.
8. B I O S P H E R I C RESEARCH CORP., 1121 N.W.
Donelson Road, Hillsboro, OR 97123.
9. O L I V E R K.D., J.D. P L E I L AND W.A. M C C L E N N Y .
1986. Sample Integrity of Trace Level Volatile Or­
ganic Compounds in Ambient Air Stored in
SUMMA Polished Cannisters. Atmos. Environ
Figure 5:7 —Multiple and variable flow setup for 10. F E L D S T E I N M., S. BALESTRIERI A N D D.A.
Tenax sampling L E V A G G I . 1967. The Use of Silica Gel in Source
Testing. Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 28:381-385.
11. RIGGIN R.M. 1984. Compendium of Methods for
the determination of toxic organic compounds in
ambient air. EPA-600/4-84-041. April 1984,
USEPA, Research Triangle Park, N. C.
sampling limitations o f specific com­ 12. W A L L I N G J . F . 1984. The Utility of Distributed Air
pounds, expressed as retention volumes. It Volume Sets When Sampling Ambient Air Using
is recommended that, prior to using Tenax Solid Absorbents. Atmos. Environ. 18:855-859.
for sampling, Reference 10 be reviewed. As
Subcommittee 9
with any methodology dealing with parts-
D.A. L E V A G G I
per-billion detections, stringent quality J.N. H A R M A N , Chairman
control procedures must be followed. Fig­
ure 5:7 depicts a multiple and variable sam­
pling system recommended when using
Tenax absorbers (12). Flow rates normally
used are in the 5 to 5 0 L / m i n range. The 6. Use and Care of Volumetric
flow rate and time of sampling are deter­ Glassware
mined primarily by the retention volume o f
the compound(s) o f interest (see Table 5:1).
6.1 G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S . The Na­
Multiple parallel sampling using variable
flow rates allows specific indications o f tional Bureau o f Standards has specified
data quality. This sampling approach adds certain minimum requirements which must
an analytical burden, but provides impor­ be adhered to in the manufacture o f volu­
tant data regarding adequate retention, ar­ metric glassware.
tifact formation, and hence, applicability 6.1.1 The instrument must bear, i n
to specific compounds. legible characters, the capacity, the temper­
ature at which it is to be used, and whether
REFERENCES it is to contain or to deliver the specified
SWANSON. 1966. The Use of Hypodermic Needles 6.1.2 The instrument must bear the
as Critical Orifices in Air Sampling. J . Air Pollu­ name or trade-mark o f the manufacturer
tion Control Assoc. 16:197-200 and an identification number. I f the instru­
2. FEDERAL REGISTER. Vol. 44 No. 92, Thursday,
ment has detachable parts, such as stoppers
May 10, 1979 p 27.
3. OSLUND W.E. 1986. Implementing a Quality As­ or stopcocks, such parts must also bear the
surance Program for Sampling and Analysis of same numbers.
Ambient Air Toxics Compounds. Proceedings of
the 1986 EPA/APCA Symposium on Measurement 6.1.3 The inscription and capacity
of Toxic Air Pollutants, pp 364-374. mark must be etched or engraved but not
4. LONNEMAN W.A., J . J . BUFALINI, R.L. KUNTZ scratched on the instrument.
AND S.A. MEEKS. 1981. Contamination from Fluo­
rocarbon Films. Anal. Chem. 15:99-103. 6.2 VOLUMETRIC FLASKS. Volumetric
5. ASTM COMMITTEE D-22. 1977. Method of Test for flasks most generally employed are those
Oxides of Nitrogen in Gaseous Combustion Prod­ which are calibrated to "contain" a definite
ucts (Phenoldisulfonic Acid Procedures) ASTM
Designation D 1608-77 (Reapproved 1985). Book volume and have only one mark etched on
of ASTM Standards, Vol. 11.03. the neck o f the flask. There are also flasks

available which have two etched marks. Volumetric flasks calibrated to "deliver,"
The lower mark indicates the volume o f so­ should be emptied by inclining them gradu­
lution the instrument "contains," while the ally until they are almost in a vertical posi­
upper mark indicates the volume of solu­ tion. Allow to drain in this position for
tion the instrument will "deliver." The flask about 30 s and then bring the mouth o f the
may be provided with a ground glass or flask in contact with the receiving vessel so
plastic stopper to prevent any spillage when that the last adhering drop is removed from
inverted for mixing solutions. the flask.
The sizes o f volumetric flasks generally 6.3.2 Calibration of Volumetric
employed in the laboratory "to contain" Flasks. Calibrated volumetric flasks pur­
(TC) are 1000-mL, 500-mL, 250-mL, 100¬ chased from reliable manufacturers are suf­
m L , 50-mL, 25-mL, and 10-mL. Flasks cal­ ficiently accurate. However, volumetric
ibrated "to deliver" (TD) are not suffi­ flasks should be calibrated when the accu­
ciently accurate since the amount o f liquid racy o f the capacity o f the flask is in doubt.
adhering to the sides o f the flask after emp­ Circular N o . 602 o f the National Bureau
tying can only be approximated. of Standards gives capacity tolerances for
6.3 T H E U S E O F V O L U M E T R I C F L A S K S . flasks. Determine from the weight o f the
6.3.1 Preparation of a Solution of Def­ water contained the capacity o f the flask at
inite Volume. Transfer the solution, which 20°C using Table 6:1. For example, i f the
has been previously prepared i n a beaker, weight o f water contained in a 50-mL volu­
by means o f a funnel, to the volumetric metric flask at 23°C is 49.8310 g, the ca­
flask. Pour the solution with the aid o f a pacity o f the flask calculated from the table
glass rod held across the lip o f the beaker. is 49.8310 x 1.0034 or 50.000 m L .
Wash the beaker, when empty, thoroughly 6.4 B U R E T S . The most common size bu­
into the flask by means o f a wash bottle, ret employed i n the laboratory is the 50-mL
holding the beaker with its lip in the funnel capacity buret, graduated to 0.2 m L in its
and then directing a stream o f distilled wa­ smallest subdivision. The buret has a capil­
ter from the wash bottle around the inside lary tip o f definite size so that the free out­
walls of the beaker. Do not use an excessive flow time of a liquid does not exceed 3 min
amount o f wash water, so that the capacity nor is it less than 90 s. The optimum out­
of the flask is not exceeded. Rinse the fun­ flow time for a 50-mL buret is about 100 s.
nel into the flask and then remove. Stopper Other sizes of burets are o f 10-, 25-, and
the flask and mix the solution by shaking 100-mL capacity.
and inverting the flask several times. Re­ The Friedman and La Mer weighing bu­
turn the flask to the upright position and ret o f somewhat different construction al­
add water until the level of the liquid is lows increased accuracy in titration. The
slightly below the graduation mark. Repeat amount o f liquid necessary for a titration is
the mixing procedure. Return again the weighed rather than measured by volume.
flask to the upright position. W i t h the eye The buret is short, of light weight, and
on the level o f the graduation mark, add equipped with lugs so that it can be sus­
water slowly by means o f a pipet until the pended from hooks on the stirrups o f a bal­
level o f the liquid reaches exactly the gradu­ ance. It is also provided with a glass stop­
ation mark. Stopper and shake well by i n ­ per, and a cap that fits over the delivery tip
verting many times, so that the contents are to prevent evaporation.
completely mixed. There are also microburets available
It should be kept in mind that the solu­ which have a capacity o f 5 m L or less, with
tion and the diluting water must both be at the error o f delivery not exceeding 0 . 1 % .
room temperature. The 5-mL microburet is graduated to 0.01
A t times, it is necessary to use a portion m L in its smallest subdivision.
of an "aliquot" of a prepared solution of The microburet is provided with a deliv­
definite volume. The "aliquot" portion, ery tip drawn out to a fine point. Thus, the
taken from the volumetric flask, is mea­ liquid is delivered in minute drops and the
sured out by means of a pipet, buret, or a amount adhering to the tip is negligible.
smaller volumetric flask calibrated to "de­ These burets are available with a variety of
liver." detachable tips that are attached to the bu-

Table 6:1 Apparent Weights and Volumes of Water Weighed in Air for Calibration of Volumetric
Glass Apparatus, Coefficient of Cubical Expansion, 0.000025 per °C
Temperature Weight of Volume of Temperature Weight of Volume of
°C 1 ml, g lg, mL °C 1 mL, g lg, mL
15 0.9979 1.0021 23 0.9966 1.0034
16 0.9978 1.0022 24 0.9964 1.0036
17 0.9977 1.0023 25 0.9961 1.0039
18 0.9975 1.0025 26 0.9959 1.0041
19 0.9973 1.0027 27 0.9956 1.0044
20 0.9972 1.0028 28 0.9954 1.0046
21 0.9970 1.0030 29 0.9951 1.0049
22 0.9968 1.0032 30 0.9948 1.0052

ret by means o f an adapter and can be eas­ 6 . 4 . 2 Calibration of Burets. Burets are
ily removed for cleaning. generally purchased from reliable firms
There are available microburets which that guarantee their burets to meet the tol­
discharge very small volumes o f liquids erances specified by the National Bureau o f
with high precision and reproducibility. Standards. Burets are also available certi­
The Rehberg microburet does not have a fied for accuracy by the National Bureau o f
stopcock but uses a mechanical device Standards, with a Certificate o f Accuracy.
which discharges very small volumes o f liq­ Circular N o . 602 o f the National Bureau
uid by means o f a micrometer screw push­ of Standards gives capacity tolerances for
ing against a column of mercury which, i n burets. The capacities of burets (even the
turn, is in contact with the solution to be certified ones) may change after a period o f
measured. The Rehberg microburet is o f use, especially i f caustic solutions are used.
0.125- or 0.225-mL capacity and, when Therefore, burets should be calibrated
used, the tip is dipped below the surface o f when the need arises.
the solution to be titrated. 6 . 4 . 3 Titrating with a Buret. Titration
6.4.1 Use of the Buret. The buret is is a method by which the quantity o f a sam­
thoroughly cleaned before use. I f the buret ple dissolved i n a liquid is determined by
has a glass stopcock, it should be greased adding a volume or weight o f a reagent so­
with stopcock grease, not petrolatum, so lution that just neutralizes or completely re­
that it is well lubricated and the capillary tip acts with this sample.
allows the liquid to flow freely. The tem­ A standard solution is one o f definite
perature o f the solution withdrawn from and accurately known concentration, usu­
the buret should be near 2 0 ° C . ally expressed i n terms o f normality.
When measuring liquids by means o f a The standard solution is prepared by dis­
buret, the readings are taken at the lowest solving a definite weight o f a pure sub­
part o f the meniscus since this area is most stance (primary standard) i n a specific vol­
clearly defined. Exceptions are made for ume o f liquid. The standard solution may
dark liquids, such as permanganate and io­ also be prepared by dissolving a definite
dine solutions, where the bottom o f the me­ weight of a known substance (secondary
niscus cannot be seen. I n this case, the top standard) i n a specific volume o f liquid and
of the meniscus is taken as the reading. I t is then standardizing i t , i.e., determining its
essential that the point chosen for reading concentration by titrating against a primary
the meniscus should be the same for all standard.
readings. The stoichiometric point is defined as the
I n observing the bottom o f the meniscus, point at which the addition o f a definite
the eye should be i n the same plane as the amount of substance is exactly equivalent
meniscus as otherwise there will be an error to the dissolved substance being titrated.
due to parallax. After recording the buret Actually, this is the theoretical end point
reading, allow about 30 s for drainage be­ which is determined from the equation of
fore taking the final reading. the reacting substances. However, the stoi-

chiometric point will not always coincide buret), nevertheless, it is important, when
with the end point o f the titration. employing volumetric apparatus or titrat­
The end point is the stage i n a titration ing, that the temperature o f the solutions
where the reaction is complete. This point is used is as close as possible to the standard
determined by means o f indicators or other temperature o f 2 0 ° C .
devices and should coincide with or be as 6.6 P I P E T S . Pipets o f different types and
close as possible to the stoichiometric capacities are available. The transfer p i ­
point. pets, calibrated "to deliver" at 2 0 ° C , are
6.5 V A R I A T I O N S O F V O L U M E S W I T H T E M ­ generally used to measure a single fixed vol­
PERATURES. The National Bureau o f Stan­ ume.
dards has designated 20°C as the standard The orifice o f the tip o f the pipet is o f
temperature at which volumetric apparatus definite size so that the free outflow time
will "contain" or "deliver" the stated vol­ should not be more than 1 min nor less than
ume. 15 s for a 5-mL pipet; 20 s for a 10-mL
Errors, although very slight, will occur i f pipet; 30 s for a 50-mL pipet; 40 s for a
the volumetric apparatus is employed at 100-mL pipet and 50 s for a 200-mL pipet.
other temperatures. Glass will expand Pipets o f a capacity o f 0.1 m L or less are
slightly above 20°C and contract slightly at calibrated to contain a definite volume.
lower temperatures. The average coeffi­ When a liquid has been delivered from this
cient o f cubical expansion o f soft glass is pipet into a receiving vessel, the pipet must
0.000025 and o f borosilicate glass, be rinsed with water at least three times.
0.00001/°C. These rinsings are added to the receiving
The variation i n volume, due to the ex­ vessel.
pansion o f glass, over a small temperature Measuring or M o h r pipets are narrow
range from the standard 20°C is very slight straight tubes which are graduated to de­
and may be disregarded for ordinary work. liver variable amounts o f liquids. They are
For example, for a 50-mL buret, a variation not ordinarily used for precise work.
in volume due to a decrease or increase i n 6.6.1 Calibration of Transfer Pipets.
temperature o f 5 ° C from the standard The accuracy o f a transfer pipet may be
20°C will be only plus or minus 0.007 m L . checked when necessary. The maximum tol­
For accurate work, however, the volume o f erances allowed for pipets by the National
the vessel may be corrected to 20°C by the Bureau o f Standards are listed i n Table
following formula: 6:11.
The procedure used i n calibrating the p i ­
V 2 0 = V [ l + a(20 - t)]
pet should be the same as that employed i n
where V = volume at 20°C the subsequent use o f the pipet. A glass-
2 0

V = recorded volume at ob­ stoppered weighing bottle o f a capacity o f


served temperature about five times the volume o f water to be

t = observed temperature received is employed as the receiving vessel.
a = coefficient o f cubical ex­ The bottle should be twice as tall as wide so
that the evaporation o f the water during
pansion o f the material o f
delivery will be negligible.
the apparatus (for soft glass

The volume o f a liquid is also affected by Table 6:11 Capacity Tolerances for Transfer
temperature. Liquids generally expand at Pipets
higher temperatures. The more concen­ Capacity (mL) Less
trated the solution, the greater will be the Than and Including Limit of Error (mL)
variation. Fortunately, most standard solu­ 2 0.006
tions are not too concentrated and usually 5 0.01
vary from 0.5 normal to less than 0.1 nor­ 10 0.02
mal. Although the error involved i n the var­ 30 0.03
iation i n the volume o f a 0.5 normal solu­ 50 0.05
tion due to a 5 ° C change i n temperature is 100 0.08
small (about 0.05 m L for a 50-mL soft glass 200 0.10

The bottle is weighed to the nearest milli­ tion until it turns green, indicating that the
gram by substitution i f a two-pan balance is solution is spent. The color change is
used. caused by the chromium being reduced to
6.7 G R A D U A T E D C Y L I N D E R S . Graduated the chromic state.
cylinders are calibrated "to deliver" or "to Use this solution with the greatest care.
contain" their stated volumes at 2 0 ° C . Never allow it to come into contact with
These cylinders are not as accurate as bu­ clothing or skin since sulfuric acid is very
rets, pipets, or volumetric flasks since they corrosive and bad burns will result. I f some
are graduated to a tolerance o f 1 °7o. of the solution does spill, wash o f f immedi­
Graduated cylinders are generally used to ately with running water. Never store or use
deliver approximate volumes and where ex­ this solution in metal or enameled contain­
act volumes are not essential. Therefore, ers. Finally, do not allow the solution to
for accurate measurements, use the other spill on floors or desks.
volumetric apparatus described. 6.8.2 The Use of the Cleaning Solu­
When using a graduated cylinder, select a tion. Rinse the glass vessel with the clean­
size which will be nearly filled by the vol­ ing solution or immerse it i n this solution.
ume of liquid to be measured. The immersion time is dependent on the
6.8 C L E A N I N G G L A S S W A R E . Keeping lab­ stubbornness o f the dirt, and may vary
oratory glassware clean is a necessary but from a few minutes to 2 4 h. A hot cleaning
tedious chore. Much o f the glassware may solution is more effective than a cold one.
be cleaned by rinsing with distilled water i f After cleaning, rinse the glass vessel thor­
the rinsed glassware shows satisfactory oughly with tap water until all traces o f the
drainage of water without the appearance solution are removed. Finally, rinse with
of droplets adhering to its walls. distilled water and allow to drain and dry.
Glassware can be cleaned satisfactorily A good test for cleanliness o f a glass vessel
by soaking directly after use i n a hot soapy is to fill it with water and then empty. A n
solution and then scrubbing with a brush. unbroken film o f water indicates that the
The glassware is then rinsed thoroughly i n vessel is clean.
hot tap water and, finally, in distilled water. 6.8.3 Alcoholic Sodium Hydroxide.
I f the glassware is greasy and dirty and A n alcoholic solution o f sodium hydroxide
resists ordinary cleaning procedures, the is very effective for removing greasy films
following general chemical methods may be from glassware.
used. Prepare a solution by dissolving 120 g o f
6.8.1 Sulfuric Acid-Sodium Bichro­ sodium hydroxide i n 120 m L of water. A l ­
mate Mixture. A solution of sodium d i - low to cool and add sufficient isopropyl al­
chromate i n concentrated sulfuric acid cohol to make 1 L .
(cleaning solution) is widely used i n labora­ Immerse the glassware in this solution
tories to clean volumetric glassware thor­ for not more than 3 0 min since the caustic
oughly. The oxidizing potential o f this mix­ may attack the glass. Remove from the so­
ture, when hot, will cut most greases lution and scrub with a stiff brush. Rinse
adhering to glass walls and remove them thoroughly with tap water and finally with
completely. The cleaning solution is very distilled water. Allow to drain and dry.
corrosive and must be used with great care. 6.8.4 Synthetic Detergents. Anionic or
To prepare the solution, moisten about nonionic synthetic detergents are available
2 0 g o f powdered sodium or potassium d i - under proprietary names. Their cleaning
chrornate with water to form a thick paste properties are due to their ability to reduce
in a glass container. A d d about 500 m L o f surface tension and, at the same time, to
concentrated sulfuric acid to this paste and wet objects thoroughly. Synthetic deter­
stir. Store the mixture i n a glass-stoppered gents are compounded with alkaline salts to
bottle. Some o f the salt may be left undis­ increase their detergency. They are efficient
solved in the solution. Do not remove this in that they do not form scum on glassware
excess salt but use the supernatant liquid. when used i n hard water as soaps do. Dilute
The solution can be repeatedly used by solutions o f about 0 . 5 % concentration are
pouring back the unused portions into the sufficient to clean glassware.
stock bottle. Continue using this red solu­ Immerse the glassware i n a hot or cold

solution for about 30 min, remove from the 7. Reagent Water

solution, and scrub with a stiff brush.
Rinse thoroughly with tap water and finally Wet chemical analysis implies that water
with distilled water. A l l o w to drain and dry. is used in the procedure. The water used i n
6.8.5 Cleaning Burets. Fill the buret the reagents and for effecting solubiliza­
with the "cleaning solution" and allow to tion, dilution, and transfer is called reagent
remain overnight. Drain the solution into a water. Assumption that the reagent water
beaker and return to the stock bottles. contributes insignificantly to the bias o f a
Rinse the buret thoroughly with tap water determination is warranted only when the
and finally with distilled water. Grease the method o f test is not sensitive to the impu­
stopcock with stopcock grease, i f necessary. rity level i n the water.
Invert the buret and allow to drain. A test 7.1 P R E P A R A T I O N . Preferred practice is
for the cleanliness o f a buret is to fill it with to minimize the probability of error by pre­
water and then allow to drain. A n unbro­ paring and storing high purity water. The
ken film o f water, without droplets, should preparation frequently begins with single
remain on the walls o f the buret. distillation from conventional apparatus.
6.8.6 Cleaning Pipets. Condensate from a conventional steam
a. Routine Procedure — Secure the pipet boiler is suitable i f the conductivity o f this
in a clamp i n a vertical position with its tip condensed steam is no greater than 20 ptS/
inserted into a beaker containing water or a cm. A condensate o f adequate quality can
detergent. Attach, by means o f rubber tub­ almost always be obtained by partial con­
ing, the mouth o f the pipet to a safety bot­ densation. The condensing train for this
tle which, in turn, is connected to a vacuum purpose is arranged in steps, to (a) effect
source. Draw up the solution by suction un­ partial condensation i n the steam pipe, (b)
til it almost fills the pipet. Release the suc­ dry the steam i n a separator (retains the
tion and allow the solution to drain. Repeat bulk o f the more soluble gases and the en­
this procedure several times. Change the trained boiler water), (c) effect additional
beaker resting under the tip o f the pipet and partial condensation o f the steam, and (d)
repeat the procedure with tap water and f i ­ separate and store this condensate (the bulk
nally with distilled water. Remove the pipet of the less soluble gases like carbon dioxide
from the clamp and allow to drain and dry. remains i n the uncondensed steam).
b. Cleaning Greasy Pipets — Secure the 7.2 D E M I N E R A L I Z A T I O N . Additional pro­
pipet i n a clamp i n a vertical position with cessing o f the distillate or condensate is
its tip inserted i n a beaker containing warm now usually accomplished by demineraliza­
sodium dichromate-sulfuric acid cleaning tion, the water being passed through a com­
solution. Draw up the warm solution until mercially available mixture of anion and
it fills the pipet within an inch from the top, cation exchange materials. Assumption o f
using the procedure described earlier. adequate upgrading by this process is un­
Pinch the rubber tubing with a clamp and warranted, especially as ion exchange mate­
allow the solution to remain i n the pipet for rials vary from lot to lot, and the effluent i n
about 10 min. Then remove the pinch- each instance should be discarded until the
clamp and discharge the cleaning solution. desired quality is obtained.
Rinse the pipet thoroughly with tap water The successive steps o f distillation and
to remove any trace o f the solution and f i ­ demineralization are both important. The
nally rinse with distilled water. A l l o w the former removes nonvolatile electrolytes
pipet to drain and dry. To dry the pipet and colloidal material, and the latter re­
quickly, rinse it several times with ethyl al­ moves ionizable volatiles such as carbon di­
cohol, after draining the distilled water, oxide and ammonia (which together impart
and then rinse once with ether. Draw dry air the greater part o f the 20 /iS/cm conductiv­
through the pipet until dry. ity o f the initial condensate).
Approved with modifications from 2nd edition 7.3 F I L T R A T I O N . High purity water pre­
pared in this way is usually satisfactory for
Subcommittee 9
J . N . H A R M A N , Chairman the preparation o f reagents, for the labora­
tory preparation and dilution o f samples,
and for the final rinsing o f glassware and

the other apparatus. It may not be ade­ tice is to run a "blank" to disclose whether
quate, however, for the determination of or not the water contains a detectable quan­
trace concentrations o f some o f the materi­ tity o f the material for which the analysis is
als extracted from air samples. Organic to be made. This "blank" is often designed
contaminants, in a range from 1 to 5 ppb, to include the reactive impurities in the re­
are usually imparted to the water by its con­ agents as well as those in the water.
tact with the ion-exchange materials. For Occasionally, the analyst will purposely
some determinations, such as tests for air­ contaminate "pure" reagent water before it
borne micro-organisms, the "pure" water is is used. For example, water for the prepara­
further purified by special low porosity f i l ­ tion of the reagents used to calibrate con­
tration. Examples of special purpose "puri­ ductivity cells is deliberately equilibrated
fiers" are the sized Gelman or Millipore with the atmosphere in which the calibra­
membrane filters and the Barnstead Or­ tion will be made. This tends to stabilize the
ganic Removal Cartridge. content of dissolved gases, such as carbon
7.4 P R O T E C T I O N A G A I N S T CONTAMINA­ dioxide, that affect conductivity.
TION. Reagent water should at all times be When the analyst is seeking especially
protected from atmospheric contamina­ small concentrations of material in samples
tion. Replacement air should be passed of air, he must necessarily be especially cau­
through a vent guard which removes unde- tious in determining and correcting for any
sired species such as carbon dioxide and ox­ bias introduced because the water is not
idant or reductant species from the makeup perfectly pure. He will be concerned, for
air (for example, a drying tube filled with example, with the magnitude of the "blank"
equal parts o f 8- to 20-mesh soda lime, ox­ in relation to the lower limit of detection o f
alic acid, and 4- to 8-mesh calcium chlo­ the method. He will determine the range o f
ride, each product being separated from the deviation i n the "blank" to be expected
other by a glass wool plug). Sample con­ from random error, and design his analysis
tainers and tubing should be made o f mate­ so that the "blank" is a proper correction on
rial that has been proven to be resistant to the quantity he finds in the air sample.
even minor solvation by, or reaction with, Above all, he will start with reagent water
the water. Such materials usually are TFE- that is o f a purity consistent with the pro­
f l u o r o c a r b o n , block t i n , quartz, or jected testing and with its practical utility.*
polyethylene —in that order of preference.
Approved with modifications from 2nd edition
It is general practice to filter the output o f a
reagent water source with a 10-/im filter to Subcommittee 9
J . N . H A R M A N , Chairman
remove particulate contamination. For spe­
cific grades o f reagent water, finer filters
are required.
The stored water is usually considered 8. Common Acid, Alkali, and
suitable until it fails to pass the maximum Other Standard Solutions
electrical conductivity test (0.1 /*S/cm at
25 ° C ) . I t may also be checked occasionally 8.1 I N T R O D U C T I O N . Reagent grade
for its consumption of potassium perman­ chemicals shall be used in preparing and
ganate, the requirement being that the per­ standardizing all solutions. Reagents shall
manganate color must persist for at least conform to the current specifications of the
one hour after 0.20 m L o f K M n 0 solution 4
Committee on Analytical Reagents o f the
(0.316 g / L ) is added to a mixture o f 500 m L American Chemical Society, where such
of the reagent water and 1 m L o f reagent specifications are available.** Other grades
grade sulfuric acid (cone) in a stoppered may be used, provided it is first ascertained
bottle of chemically resistant glass. that the reagent is of sufficiently high pu-
7.5 B L A N K D E T E R M I N A T I O N S . Despite all
of these preparations and precautions, min­ *For a detailed discussion of the various
ute concentrations o f impurities in reagent grades o f reagent water, see A S T M D-1193.
water may still affect the precision and ac­ **"Reagent Chemicals. American Chemical
curacy of some determinations. Pretesting Society Specifications," Amer. Chemical Soc,
is a reasonable precaution. The usual prac­ Washington, D . C .

rity to permit its use without lessening the specified is desirable when a laboratory
accuracy o f the determination. runs a large number o f determinations with
The National Bureau o f Standards offers one standard solution, since this simplified
for sale certified standard samples o f arse­ the final calculation.
nic trioxide, benzoic acid, potassium hy­ As long as the normality o f a standard
drogen phthalate, potassium dichrornate, solution does not result i n a titration vol­
and sodium oxalate. These samples o f com­ ume so small as to preclude accurate mea­
mercially available primary standards are surement or so large as to cause abnormal
to be used i n standardizing the volumetric dilution o f the reaction mixture, and as
solutions. long as the solution is properly standard­
Directions are given for the preparation ized and the calculations are properly
of the most commonly used concentrations made, the determinations can be considered
of the standard volumetric solutions. to be i n accord with the instructions i n this
Stronger or weaker solutions are prepared manual.
and standardized i n the same general man­ I f a solution o f exact normality is to be
ner as described, using proportionate prepared by dissolving a weighed amount
amounts o f the reagents. Similarly, i f quan­ of a primary standard or by dilution o f a
tities larger than 1 liter are to be prepared, stronger solution, it is necessary that the
proportionate amounts o f the reagents solution be brought to exact volume i n a
should be used. volumetric flask.
When quantities o f solution larger than 1 The stock and standard solutions pre­
or 2 liters are prepared, special problems scribed for the colorimetric determinations
are encountered i n being sure that they are in the chemical sections o f this manual
well mixed before being standardized. should also be accurately prepared i n volu­
While blade stirrers with glass or metal metric flasks. Where the concentration
shafts are suitable for many solutions, they does not need to be exact, it is often easier
are not suitable i n every case. I n those cases to mix the concentrated solution or the
where contact of a glass or metal stirrer solid with measured amounts o f water, us­
with the solution would be undesirable it ing graduated cylinders for these measure­
may be possible to use a sealed polyolefin ments. There is usually a significant change
coated stirrer. I n those cases where only of volume when strong solutions are mixed,
contact o f the solution with metal must be so that the total volume is less than the sum
avoided, the solution can be mixed by i n ­ of the volumes used. For approximate dilu­
serting a fritted glass gas dispersion tube to tions, the volume changes are negligible
the bottom o f the container and bubbling when concentrations o f 6 N or less are d i ­
nitrogen through the solution for 1 or 2 h . luted.
I n order to make a solution o f exact nor­ Very thorough and complete mixing is es­
mality from a chemical that cannot be mea­ sential when making dilutions. One o f the
sured as a primary standard, a relatively commonest sources o f error i n analyses us­
concentrated stock solution may first be ing standard solutions diluted i n volumetric
prepared and standardized, and then an ex­ flasks is failure to attain complete mixing.
act dilution o f this may be made to the de­ Glass containers are suitable for the stor­
sired strength. Another method is to make age o f most o f the standard solutions, al­
a solution o f slightly higher concentration though the use o f polyolefin containers is
than desired, standardize, and then make recommended for alkali solutions.
suitable adjustments i n the concentration. When large quantities o f solutions are
Alternatively, the solution may be used as prepared and standardized, it is necessary
first standardized, with appropriate modi­ to provide protection against changes i n
fication o f the factor used i n the calcula­ normality due to absorption o f gases or wa­
tion. This alternative procedure is espe­ ter vapor from the laboratory air. As vol­
cially useful i n the case o f a solution that umes o f solution are withdrawn from the
slowly changes strength—for example, container, the replacement air should be
thiosulfate solution, which must be restan- passed through a drying tube filled with
dardized at frequent intervals. Often, how­ equal parts o f 8 to 20-mesh soda lime, ox­
ever, adjustment to the exact normality alic acid, and 4 to 8-mesh anhydrous cal-

cium chloride, each product being sepa­ The weights o f dried K H C H 0 suitable
8 4 4

rated from the other by a glass wool plug. for other normalities o f N a O H solution are
8.2 S O D I U M H Y D R O X I D E , 0.02 T O 1.0 N . given in Table 8:11.
8.2.1 Preparation of 50% NaOH Solu­ 8.2.3 Calculation. Calculate the nor­
tion and of other Standard NaOH Solu­ mality o f the N a O H solution, as follows:
tions. Dissolve 162 g o f sodium hydroxide
(NaOH) in 150 m L o f carbon dioxide-free
water. Cool the solution to 25 °C and filter 0.20423 x C
through a Gooch crucible, hardened filter where A = normality o f the N a O H solu­
paper, or other suitable medium. Alterna­ tion,
tively, commercial 50% N a O H solution B = weight o f K H C H 0 used, g,
8 4 4

may be used. and,

To prepare a 0.1 N solution, dilute 5.45 C = volume o f N a O H solution
m L o f the clear solution to 1 L with carbon consumed, m L .
dioxide-free water, mix well, and store in a
tight polyolefin container. 8.2.4 Stability. The use o f polyolefin
For other normalities o f N a O H solution, containers eliminates some o f the difficul­
use the requirements given in Table 8:1. ties attendant upon the use o f glass contain­
8.2.2 Standardization. Crush 10 to ers, and their use is recommended. Should
20 g o f primary standard potassium hydro­ glass containers be used, the solution must
gen phthalatet ( K H C H 0 ) to 100-mesh be standardized frequently i f there is evi­
8 4 4

fineness, and dry i n an open glass container dence o f action on the glass container, or i f
at 120°C for 2 h. Stopper the container and insoluble matter appears in the solution.
cool in a desiccator. 8.3 HYDROCHLORIC ACID. 0.02 TO
To standardize a 0.1 N solution, weigh 1.0 N .
accurately 0.95 ± 0.05 g o f the dried 8.3.1 Preparation. To prepare a 0.1 N
K H C H 0 , and transfer to a 500-mL coni­ solution, measure 8.3 m L of concentrated
8 4 4

cal flask. A d d 100 m L o f carbon dioxide- hydrochloric acid (HC1, sp gr 1.19) into a
free water, stir gently to dissolve the sam­ graduated cylinder and transfer it to a 1-L
ple, add 3 drops o f a 1.0% solution o f volumetric flask. Dilute to the mark with
phenolphthalein in 95% ethanol and titrate water, mix well, and store in a tightly closed
with N a O H solution to the appearance o f a glass container.
very faint pink color that persists. For other normalities o f HC1 solution,
use the requirements given in Table 8:111.
Table 8:1 Sodium Hydroxide Dilution 8.3.2 Standardization. Transfer 2 to
Requirements 4 g o f anhydrous sodium carbonate
( N a C 0 ) to a platinum dish or crucible,
2 3

Volume o f 50% and dry at 250 C for 4 h. Cool in a desicca­

N a O H Solu-
Grams o f tion (25°C)
N a O H required required per L
To standardize a 0.1 N solution, weigh
Desired per L of Solu­ accurately 0.22 ± 0.01 g o f the dried
normality of solution tion, m L
0.02 0.8 1.09 Table 8:11 Weights of Dried Potassium
0.04 1.6 2.18 Hydrogen Phthalte
0.05 2.0 2.73
Weight o f dried
0.1 4.0 5.45
Normality KHC H 0
0.2 8.0 10.90 8 4 4

of Solution to be used, g*
0.25 10.0 13.63
0.5 20.0 27.25 0.02 0.19 ±0.005
1.0 40.0 54.54 0.04 0.38 ±0.005
0.05 0.47 ±0.005
fA primary standard grade o f potassium 0.1 0.95 ±0.005
hydrogen phthalate ( K H C H 0 ) is available 0.2 1.90 ±0.05
8 4 4

from the Office o f Standard Reference Materi­ 0.25 2.35 ±0.05

als, National Bureau o f Standards, Washington, 0.5 4.75 ±0.05
D . C . 20234. 1.0 9.00 ±0.05

Table 8:111 Hydrochloric Acid Dilution C = volume of HC1 solution con­

Requirements sumed, m L .
Volume o f HC1
Desired to be diluted 8.3.4 Stability. Restandardize
normality to 1 L , m L monthly.
0.02 1.66 8.4 S U L F U R I C A C I D . 0.02 T O 1.0 N.
0.04 3.32 8.4.1 Preparation. To prepare a 0.1 N
0.1 8.3 solution, measure 3.0 m L o f concentrated
0.2 16.6 sulfuric acid ( H S 0 , sp gr 1.84) into a
2 4

0.5 41.5 graduated cylinder and slowly add it to one

1.0 83.0 half the desired volume o f water in a 600¬
m L beaker. Rinse the cylinder into the
beaker with water. M i x the acid-water mix­
N a C 0 , and transfer to a 500-mL conical
2 3
ture, allow it to cool, and transfer to a 1-L
flask. A d d 50 m L o f water, swirl to dis­ volumetric flask. Dilute to the mark with
solve the carbonate, and add 2 drops o f a water, mix well, and store in a tightly closed
0 . 1 % solution o f methyl red i n 95% etha- glass container.
nol. Titrate with the HC1 solution to the For other normalities o f the H S 0 solu­ 2 4
first appearance o f a red color, and boil the t i o n , use the requirements given i n
solution carefully, to avoid loss, until the Table 8:V.
color is discharged. Cool to room tempera­
8.4.2 Standardization. Transfer 2 to 4 g
ture, and continue the titration, alternating
of anhydrous sodium carbonate ( N a C 0 )
the addition o f HC1 solution and the boil­
2 3

to a platinum dish or crucible, and dry at

ing and cooling to the first appearance o f a
250° C for 4 h . Cool in a desiccator.
faint red color that is not discharged on
For standardization o f a 0.1 N solution,
further heating.
weigh accurately 0.22 ± 0.01 g of the dried
The weights o f dried N a C 0 suitable for
2 3
N a C 0 and transfer to a 500-mL conical
2 3
other normalities o f HC1 solution are given flask. A d d 50 m L o f water, swirl to dis­
in Table 8: IV. solve the N a C 0 , and add 2 drops o f a
2 3

8.3.3 Calculation. Calculate the nor­ 0 . 1 % solution o f methyl red in 95% etha-
mality o f the HC1 solution, as follows: nol. Titrate with the H S 0 solution to the
2 4

first appearance o f a red color, and boil the

solution carefully, to avoid loss, until the
0.0530 x C
color is discharged. Cool to room tempera­
where A = normality o f the HC1 solu­ ture and continue the titration, alternating
tion, the addition o f H S 0 solution and the
2 4

B = weight o f N a C 0 used, g,
2 3
boiling and cooling, to the first appearance
and of a faint red color that is not discharged on
further heating.
The weights o f dried N a C 0 suitable for
Table 8:IV Weights of Dried Sodium 2 3

Carbonate other normalities o f H S 0 solution are 2 4

given in Table 8:IV.

Weight o f dried
Normality N a C 0 to be
2 3

of Solution used, g
0.02 0.088 ± 0 . 0 0 1 *
0.04 0.176 ± 0 . 0 0 1 * Table 8:V Sulfuric Acid Dilution Requirements
0.1 0.22 ± 0 . 0 1 f
0.2 0.44 ± 0 . 0 1 f Volume o f H S 0 2 4

0.5 Desired to be diluted

1.10 ± 0 . 0 1 f
1.0 normality to 1 L , m L
2.20 ± 0 . 0 1 f
* A 100-mL buret should be used for this stan­ 0.02 0.60
dardization. 0.1 3.0
fThe listed weights are for use when a 50-mL 0.2 6.0
buret is used. I f a 100-mL buret is to be used, the 0.5 15.0
weights should be doubled. 1.0 30.0

8.4.3 Calculation. Calculate the nor­ 8.6 S O D I U M T H I O S U L F A T E (0.1 N).

mality o f the H S 0 solution, as follows:
2 4 8.6.1 Preparation. Dissolve 25 g o f
sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate ( N a S 0 • 2 2 3

5H 0) in 500 m L o f freshly boiled and

0.0530 x C cooled water, and add 0.11 g of sodium
where A = normality o f the H S 0 solu­ 2 4
carbonate ( N a C 0 ) . Dilute to 1 L with
2 3

tion, freshly boiled and cooled water, and let

B = weight o f N a C 0 , g, and
2 3
stand for 24 h . Store the solution in a
C = volume of H S 0 solution
2 4
tightly-closed glass bottle.
consumed, m L . 8.6.2 Standardization. Pulverize 2 g
of potassium dichromate ( K C r 0 ) , trans­
8.4.4 Stability. Restandardize
2 2 7

fer to a platinum dish, and dry at 120°C for

4 h . Cool i n a desiccator. Weigh accurately
8.5 I O D I N E (0.1 N).
0.21 ± 0.01 g o f the dried K C r 0 , and
8.5.1 Preparation. Transfer 12.7 g of
2 2 7

transfer to a 500-mL glass-stoppered coni­

iodine and 60 g o f potassium iodide ( K I ) to
cal flask. A d d 100 m L o f water, swirl to
an 800-mL beaker, add 30 m L o f water,
dissolve, remove the stopper, and quickly
and stir until solution is complete. Dilute
add 3 g o f potassium iodide ( K I ) , 2 g o f
with water to 500 m L , and filter through a
sodium bicarbonate ( N a H C 0 ) , and 5 m L
sintered-glass filter. Wash the filter with 3

of hydrochloric acid (HC1). Stopper the

about 15 m L o f water, transfer the com­
flask quickly, swirl to ensure mixing, and
bined filtrate and washing to a 1-L volu­
let stand in the dark for 10 min. Rinse the
metric flask, dilute to the mark with water,
stopper and inner walls o f the flask with
and mix. Store the solution in a glass-
water and titrate with the N a S 0 solution
stoppered, amber-glass bottle in a cool 2 2 3

place. until the solution has only a faint yellow

color. A d d 2 m L o f starch solution (10 g /
8.5.2 Standardization. Transfer 1 g of
L ) , and continue the titration to the disap­
arsenic trioxide ( A s 0 ) to a platinum dish,
2 3
pearance o f the blue color.
and dry at 105°C for 1 h. Cool i n a desicca­
8.6.3 Calculation. Calculate the nor­
tor. Weigh accurately 0.20 ± 0.01 g o f the
mality o f the N a S 0 solution, as follows:
dried A s 0 and transfer to a 500-mL coni­
2 3
2 2 3

cal flask. A d d 10 m L o f sodium hydroxide

solution ( N a O H , 40 g / L ) , and swirl to dis­ 0.04904 x C
solve. When solution is complete, add 100
m L o f water and 10 m L o f sulfuric acid where A = normality of the N a S 0 so­ 2 2 3

( H S 0 , 1:35), and mix. Slowly add sodium

2 4 lution,
bicarbonate ( N a H C 0 ) until effervescence
3 B = weight o f K C r 0 used, g,
2 2 7

ceases, add 2 g o f N a H C 0 in excess, and

3 and
stir until dissolved. A d d 2 m L of starch so­ C = volume of N a S 0 solution 2 2 3

lution (10 g / L ) and titrate with the iodine required for titration o f the
solution to the first permanent blue color. solution, m L .
8.5.3 Calculation. Calculate the nor­
8.6.4 Stability. Restandardize weekly.
mality o f the iodine solution, as follows:
8.7 A M M O N I U M T H I O C Y A N A T E (0.1 N).
8.7.1 Preparation. Transfer 7.8 g o f
0.040455 x C ammonium thiocyanate (NH SCN) to a 4

flask, add 100 m L o f water, and swirl to

where A = normality o f the iodine solu­ dissolve the N H S C N . When solution is
tion, complete, filter through a Cooch crucible,
B = weight o f A s 0 used, g, and
2 3
hardened filter paper, or other suitable me­
C = volume o f iodine solution re­ dium. Dilute the clear filtrate to 1 L with
quired for titration o f the so­ water and mix. Store the solution in a
lution, m L . tightly-stoppered glass bottle.
8.5.4 Stability. Restandardize sealed bot­ 8.7.2 Standardization. Measure accu­
tles monthly. Restandardize open bottles rately about 40 m L o f freshly standardized
weekly. 0.1 N silver nitrate ( A g N 0 ) , and transfer

to a 250-mL conical flask. A d d 50 m L of B x C

water, swirl to mix the solution, and add
2 m L o f nitric acid ( H N 0 ) and 1 m L of 3
A =
ferric ammonium sulfate solution ( F e N H 4
where A = normality of the K C r 0 so­ 2 2 7

( S 0 y i 2 H 0 , 80 g / L ) . Titrate the A g N 0
4 2 3
solution with the N H S C N solution until 4
B = volume of N a S 0 solution2 2 3

the first permanent reddish-brown color required for titration o f the

appears and persists after vigorous shaking solution, m L
for 1 min. C = normality of the N a S 0 so­ 2 2 3

8.7.3 Calculation. Calculate the nor­ lution, and

mality of the N H S C N solution, as follows:
D = volume o f K C r 0 solution
2 2 7

used, m L .
B x C
8.8.4 Stability. Restandardize
where A = normality o f the N H S C N so­ 4
8.9 S I L V E R N I T R A T E (0.1 N ) .
lution, 8.9.1 Preparation. Dry 17.5 g of silver
B = volume of A g N 0 solution 3
nitrate ( A g N 0 ) at 105°C for 1 h. Cool in a

used, m L desiccator. Transfer 16.99 g o f the dried

C = normality o f the A g N 0 solu­ 3
A g N 0 to a 1-L volumetric flask. A d d

tion, and 500 m L o f water, swirl to dissolve the

D = volume of N H S C N solution 4
A g N 0 , dilute to the mark with water, and

required for titration o f the mix. Store the solution in a tightly-

solution, m L . stoppered amber-glass bottle.
8.9.2 Standardization. Transfer 0.3 g
8.7.4 Stability. Restandardize of sodium chloride (NaCl) to a platinum
monthly. dish and dry at 105°C for 2 h. Cool in a
8.8 P O T A S S I U M D I C H R O M A T E (0.1 N). desiccator. Weigh accurately 0.28 ± 0.01 g
8.8.1 Preparation. Transfer 6 g o f po­ of the dried NaCl and transfer to a 250-mL
tassium dichromate ( K C r 0 ) to a plati­ 2 2 7 glass-stoppered conical flask. A d d 25 m L
num dish and dry at 120°C for 4 h. Cool in of water, swirl to dissolve the NaCl, and
a desiccator. Place 4.9 g o f the dried add 2 m L o f nitric acid ( H N 0 ) . A d d , from

K C r 0 in a 1-L volumetric flask, and add

2 2 7 a volumetric pipet, 50 m L of the A g N 0 3

100 m L o f water. Swirl to dissolve and solution, mix, and add 1 m L o f ferric am­
when solution is complete, dilute to the monium sulfate solution ( F e N H ( S 0 ) 4 4 2

mark with water and mix. Store the solu­ • 1 2 H 0 , 80 g / L ) and 5 m L of nitrobenzene

tion in a glass-stoppered bottle. (CAUTIONX). Stopper the flask and shake

8.8.2 Standardization. Place 40 m L of vigorously to coagulate the precipitate.
water in a 250-mL glass-stoppered conical Rinse the stopper into the flask with a few
flask, and add 40 m L , accurately mea­ milliliters o f water and titrate the excess o f
sured, of the K C r 0 solution. Stopper the
2 2 7 A g N 0 with ammonium thiocyanate solu­

flask, swirl to mix, remove the stopper, and tion ( N H S C N ) until the first permanent

add 3 g o f potassium iodide ( K I ) , 2 g o f reddish-brown color appears and persists

sodium bicarbonate ( N a H C 0 ) and 5 m L 3 after vigorous shaking for 1 min. Designate
of concentrated hydrochloric acid (HC1). the volume o f N H S C N solution required

Stopper the flask quickly, swirl to ensure for the titration as Volume I .
mixing, and let stand in the dark for 10
min. Rinse the stopper and inner walls o f
the flask with water and titrate with freshly
standardized sodium thiosulfate solution J Caution —nitrobenzene, used in this section,
is extremely hazardous when absorbed through
( N a S 0 ) until the solution has only a faint
2 2 3
the skin or when its vapor is inhaled and is cur­
yellow color. A d d 2 m L o f starch solution
rently considered a carcinogen. Such exposure
(10 g / L ) , and continue the titration to the may cause cyanosis; prolonged exposure may
disappearance o f the blue color. cause anemia. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on
8.8.3 Calculation. Calculate the nor­ clothing. A v o i d breathing vapor. Use only with
mality o f the K C r 0 solution, as follows:
2 2 7 adequate ventilation.

Transfer 50 m L of the A g N 0 solution 3 8.10 POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE (0.1

to a clean, dry, 250-mL glass-stoppered N).
conical flask. A d d 25 m L o f water, 2 m L 8.10.1 Preparation. Dissolve 3.2 g o f
of H N 0 , 1 m L o f F e N H ( S 0 ) . 1 2 H 0
3 4 4 2 2
potassium permanganate ( K M n 0 ) i n 4

solution (80g/L), stopper the flask, and 100 m L o f water, and dilute the solution
shake vigorously. Rinse the stopper into the with water to 1 L . A l l o w the solution to
flask with a few milliliters o f water and t i ­ stand in the dark for two weeks and then
trate the A g N 0 solution with N H S C N so­
3 4
filter through a fine-porosity sintered-glass
lution until the first permanent reddish- crucible. Do not wash the filter. Store the
brown color appears and persists after solution in glass-stoppered, amber-colored
vigorous shaking for 1 min. Designate the glass bottles.
volume o f N H S C N solution consumed as

Volume I I . N O T E 1. Do not permit the filtered solu­

Measure accurately, from either a buret tion to come into contact with paper, rub­
or a volumetric pipet, 2.0 m L of the ber, or other organic material.
A g N 0 solution, designate the exact vol­
3 8.10.2 Standardization. Transfer 2 g
ume as Volume I I I , and transfer to a 100¬ of sodium oxalate ( N a C 0 ) to a platinum 2 2 4

m L glass-stoppered conical flask. A d d dish and dry at 105°C for 1 h . Cool in a

25 m L o f water, 2 m L o f N H 0 , 1 m L o f 3 desiccator. Weigh accurately 0.30 ± 0.01 g
F e N H ( S 0 ) .12 H 0 solution (80 g / L ) ,
4 4 2 2 of the dried N a C 0 and transfer to a 500-
2 2 4

and 5 m L o f nitrobenzene, stopper the m L glass container. A d d 250 m L of sulfuric

flask, and shake vigorously. Rinse the stop­ acid ( H S 0 , 1:19) that was previously
2 4

per into the flask with a few milliliters o f boiled for 10 to 15 min and then cooled to
water and titrate the A g N 0 solution with 3 27 ± 3 ° C , and stir until the sample is dis­
N H S C N solution until the first permanent
4 solved. A d d 39 m L o f the K M n 0 solution 4

reddish-brown color appears and persists at a rate o f 30 ± 5 m L per min. while stir­
after vigorous shaking for 1 m i n . Designate ring slowly, and let stand for about 45 s
the volume of N H S C N solution consumed
4 until the pink color disappears. Heat the
as Volume IV. § solution to 6 0 ° C , and complete the titration
8.9.3 Calculation. Calculate the nor­ by adding K M n 0 solution until a faint

mality of the A g N 0 solution, as follows:

3 pink color persists for 30 s. A d d the final
0.5 to 1.0 m L dropwise, and give the solu­
tion time to decolorize before adding the
0.05845 x (C - D) next drop.
where A = normality o f the A g N 0 solu­ 3
Carry out a blank determination on a
tion, second 250-mL portion o f the H S 0 2 4

B = weight o f NaCl used, (1:19), and make sure that the pink color at
C = volume o f A g N 0 solution 3
the end point matches that o f the standard­
consumed by the total chlo­ ization solution. Correct the sample titra­
ride, m L = 50 - (Volume I x tion volume as shown to be necessary.
50/Volume I I ) , and N O T E 2. The specified 0.30 g sample of
D = volume o f A g N 0 solution 3
N a C 0 should consume about 44.8 m L o f
2 2 4

consumed by any chloride 0.1 N K M n 0 . 4

ion in the nitrobenzene, m L

= Volume I I I - (Volume I V NOTE 3. I f the pink color o f the solution
x 50/Volume I I ) persists more than 45 s after the addition o f
the first 39 m L of K M n 0 solution is com­ 4

8.9.4 Stability. Restandardize plete, discard the solution and start over
monthly. with a fresh solution o f the N a C 0 , but 2 2 4

add less o f the K M n 0 solution. 4

§The ammonium thiocyanate titrant used i n N O T E 4. The blank correction usually

the three titrations must be from the same, well-
amounts to 0.03 to 0.05 m L .
mixed solution. The nitrobenzene used in each
titration must also be from the same, well-mixed 8.10.3 Calculation. Calculate the nor­
container. mality of the K M n 0 solution as follows: 4

other determined values. The resulting

0.06701 x C known standards are then graphically rep­
resented. From this graph the amount o f
where A = normality o f the K M n 0 so­ 4 sought substance in the sample alone is de­
lution, termined. This value is then subtracted
B = weight o f N a C 0 used, g,
2 2 4 from each o f the determinations consisting
and of sample plus known added substance.
C = volume o f K M n 0 solution 4 The resulting amount o f substance divided
required for titration o f the by the known amount originally added and
solution, m L . multiplied by 100 gives the percentage re­
8.10.4 Stability. Restandardize
The procedure outlined above may be ap­
plied to a colorimetric, flame photometric,
Approved with modifications from 2nd edition or fluorimetric analysis. It may also be ap­
Subcommittee 9 plied in a little more simple form to titri-
J . N . HARM AN, Chairman metric, gravimetric, and other types o f
Rigid rules concerning the percentage re­
9. Recovery and Internal Standard coveries required for acceptance o f results
Procedures of analyses for a given sample and method
cannot be stipulated. Recoveries o f sub­
9.1 R E C O V E R Y P R O C E D U R E . A recovery stances in the range o f the sensitivity o f the
procedure does not enable the analyst to method may, o f course, be very high or
apply any correction factor to the results o f very low and approach a value nearer to
an analysis; however, it does give him some 100 per cent recovery as the error o f the
basis for judging the applicability o f a par­ method becomes small with respect to the
ticular method o f analysis to a particular magnitude o f the amount o f substance
sample. added. I n general, intricate and exacting
A recovery determination may be per­ procedures for trace substances that have
formed at the same time as the determina­ inherent errors due to their complexity may
tion itself. O f course, recoveries would not give recoveries that would be considered
be run on a routine basis with samples very poor and yet, from the practical view­
whose general composition is known or point o f usefulness o f the result, may be
when using a method whose applicability to quite acceptable. Poor results may reflect
the sample is well established. Recovery either interferences present in the sample or
methods are to be regarded as tools to re­ real inadequacy o f the method o f analysis
move doubt about the applicability o f a in the range in which it is being used.
method to a sample. It must be stressed, however, that the j u ­
In brief, the recovery procedure involves dicious use o f recovery determinations for
applying the analytical method to a reagent the evaluation o f analytical procedures and
blank, to a series o f known standards cov­ their applicability to particular samples is
ering the expected range o f concentration an invaluable aid to the analyst in both rou­
of the sample, to the sample itself, in at tine and research investigations.
least duplicate, and to the recovery sam­ 9.2 INTERNAL STANDARD PROCEDURE.
ples, prepared by adding known quantities The internal standard technique is used pri­
of the substance sought to separate por­ marily for emission spectrograph and po-
tions o f the sample itself, each portion larographic procedures. This procedure
equal to the size o f sample taken for the enables the analyst to compensate for elec­
run. The substance sought should be added tronic and mechanical fluctuations within
in sufficient quantity to overcome the limits the instrument.
of error o f the analytical method, but with­ In brief, the internal standard method i n ­
out causing the total in the sample to exceed volves the addition to the sample o f known
the range o f the known standards used. amounts o f a substance that will respond to
The results are first corrected by sub­ the instrument in a manner similar to the
tracting the reagent blank from each o f the contaminant being analyzed. The ratio o f

the measurement o f the internal standard to the analyst must repeat the entire test pro­
the measurement o f the contaminant is the cedure with a smaller initial aliquot.
value used to determine concentration o f 10.2 INTERFERENCE REACTIONS. Essen­
contaminant present in the sample. A n y tially, three reactions may occur to produce
changes in conditions during analyses will an interference:
affect the internal standard and the con­
a. A n interfering substance may react
taminant the same and so will compensate
with the reagents i n the same manner as the
for such changes. The internal standard
element being sought. (Positive interfer­
should be o f similar chemical reactivity to
the contaminant, approximately the same
b. an interfering substance may react
concentration as anticipated for the con­
with the element being sought to prevent
taminant, and as pure a substance as possi­
complete isolation. (Negative interference);
Approved with modifications from 2nd edition c. an interfering substance may combine
with the reagents to prevent further reac­
Subcommittee 9
J . N . H A R M AN, Chairman
tion with the element being sought. (Nega­
tive interference).
These reactions will produce either high
10. Interferences or low results. A n estimate o f the magni­
tude o f an interference may be obtained by
10.1 INTRODUCTION. The term interfer­ the internal standard procedure. After es­
ence covers various effects o f dissolved or tablishing a calibration graph for the ap­
suspended substances upon analytical pro­ propriate range and performing an initial
cedures. The known interferences and re­ analysis o f the sample, this procedure may
lated information have been included i n the be employed.
specific methods o f analysis. Many o f the 10.3 I N T E R N A L S T A N D A R D P R O C E D U R E .
methods in this manual have been devel­ 10.3.1 Select a standard which, when
oped specifically to minimize common i n ­ added to the unknown sample, will produce
terferences. The purpose o f this section is a final result approximately midrange o f
to offer guidelines for detecting the pres­ the standard calibration graph. Example:
ence o f interfering substances and over­ Calibration graph: 0 to 100 ppb.
coming their effects when encountered. Sample analysis: 10 ppb.
In analytical chemistry, one must be pre­ Select a standard concentration, which
pared to use an alternate procedure i f one when added to 10 ppb, will produce a
method would be less affected than another total concentration o f 50 ppb; i.e., 40
due to the presence o f the interfering sub­ ppb.
stance. The most expedient method, how­ 10.3.2 Analyze the prepared solution
ever, for overcoming a suspected interfer­ (sample + standard) and read the result
ence is often the use o f a smaller initial from the graph.
aliquot. Thus, the effect o f the interfering 10.3.3 Subtract from this result the
element is diminished or eliminated original sample analysis.
through dilution o f the original sample. 10.3.4 The difference divided by the
The level o f the parameter being measured amount originally added and multiplied by
is likewise reduced, so care must be taken to 100 gives the percentage recovery. Exam­
insure an aliquot containing more than the ple:
minimum detectable concentration. I f the
data display a consistently increasing or de­ Sample: 10 ppb
creasing pattern with dilution, interference
is indicated. Dilution o f final reaction vol­ Sample + Standard:
ume must never be used i n overcoming i n ­
10 ppb + 40 ppb = 50 ppb
terferences. Certain reagents are prepared
to react with a limited amount o f the test Sample + Standard as determined:
element. I f this limit is exceeded, a portion
of the test element goes undetected. Then 56 ppb

Subtract original determination: These four source situations may normally

be avoided in applying proper sampling and
56 - 10 = 46 ppb
laboratory techniques. These techniques
Recovery equals: are discussed i n this section.
The sources may be a result of physical,
chemical, or biological phenomena. The
— x 100 = 115 percent
possibility of interaction (physical upon
Thus, a positive interference is present. I f chemical, etc.) should not be overlooked.
the result is below 100%, a negative inter­ These three classifications o f sources o f er­
ference is indicated. By establishing the di­ rors are further subdivided to assist the an­
rection of interference, the nature of the alyst i n search of the action producing the
reaction taking place may be determined effect.
and appropriate steps taken for eliminating 10.6 PHYSICAL SOURCES.
the effect. A positive error indicates the in­ 10.6.1 Heat.
terference is reacting like the test element,
a. Effect on chemical equilibria.
and the possibility of isolation by a p H ad­
b. Promote side reactions at elevated
justment should be considered. This proce­
temperatures — decomposition.
dure should be applied i n triplicate to both
c. Affect rate o f reaction — temperature
the sample and the sample plus standard
coefficient correction. Serious errors may
and must include a reagent blank.
be encountered at low temperatures.
10.4 R E M O V A L O F I N T E R F E R E N C E . I f fur­
ther treatment o f the sample for removal o f 10.6.2 Light.
the interfering substance is necessary, sev­ a. Effect o f visible spectrum — accelerate
eral approaches are available to the analyst. photooxidation.
These may be physical or chemical or a b. Effect o f U V - y e l l o w i n g o f K I
combination o f both, such as: reagent — positive error.
a. Distillation o f the sample leaving the c. Fading of detector reagent colors
interference behind; (lead and mercury dithizonates) — negative
b. removal of the interference by ion ex­ error.
change resins; 10.6.3 Humidity.
c. addition o f complexing agents;
d. extraction into organic solvents; a. Reaction of H 0 with contaminant —

e. ashing; toluene diisocyanate, phosgene.

f. p H adjustment; b. Reaction of H 0 with the collecting

g. different reaction rate; substrate.

h. different temperature. c. Dilution o f the collecting substrate.
These treatment methods serve as exam­ 10.6.4 Time.
ples only, since a thorough review o f the a. Deterioration rate after sample collec­
literature must be undertaken before pro­
tion: half-life must be determined.
ceeding to undertake a change i n an estab­
b. Fading of the developed color after
lished method.
maximum density attainment.
10.5 SOURCES OF I N T E R F E R E N C E . In the
c. Reagents often deteriorate with time.
preceding discussion, the analyst was given
instructions in detecting an interference i n 10.6.5 Chemical Contamination.
quantitative analysis. The question of the a. Contamination o f sampling equipment
source of the interference must be identi­ during use.
fied and corrected, i f possible. The origin (1) Collection in high concentration
of an interference may be found in the fol­ locations — tetraethyl lead.
low situations: (2) Extraneous dust and dirt.
a. Present at the sampling site; (3) Failure to keep collection equip­
b. imparted during sample collection; ment and reagents stoppered.
c. developed in sample storage; or (4) Cross contamination in recharging
d. imparted or developed in laboratory collector or changing filters, especially in
analysis. the field.

10.7 C H E M I C A L S O U R C E S . c. Failure to react in absence of catalyst.

10.7.1 pH Control in Aqueous Sys­ d. Surface reactions — porous glass bub­
tems. blers.
a. p H sensitive collection. e. Inhibition o f reactions.
b. p H sensitive color responses.
c. Buffered versus unbuffered solutions. 10.7.6 Half-life in the Ambient Atmos­
10.7.2 Chemical Contamination.
a. Effect o f light, H 0 vapor, and coex­
a. Impure reagents — Sulfates in gum ara­ 2

isting contaminants.
ble used to stabilize B a S 0 colloid.4

b. Failure to run blanks and controls. (1) tetraethyl lead

(2) toluene diisocyanate
10.7.3 Interferences.
(3) C O C l , phosgene

a. Negative — N H in H g detector tube —

3 (4) Nitrogen Oxides
redox cancellations. (5) Carcinogenic Hydrocarbons*
b. Positive
(6) Polymerization
(1) Different shade or color
(7) Carbon Monoxide
produced — Dithizone + oxidizing agents.
(2) Reaction the same, increased by 10.8 B I O L O G I C A L S O U R C E S .
interference —Ozone —nitrogen oxides sys­
10.8.1 Algal Growth.
(3) Electrolytes in conductivity and p H 10.8.2 Insects.
meters. 10.8.3 Waste Products (Animal and
10.7.4 Sensitivity. Insects).
a. Concentration effects. 10.9 Procedures used herein are usually
(1) Adjust to obtain m a x i m u m well established and, when applied to the
effect —maximum color density. Reactant selected sample, give predictable results. I f
ratios often nonstoichiometric. a result is suspected to be in error, samples
(2) Beer's law may not be followed at of known composition should be analyzed
low concentrations. by the method in use and an alternate
(3) Background "noise" in electrolytic method. I f a method fails on the unknown
instruments. sample while giving correct results on a
known, an interference is indicated. The
(4) Effect of reagent concentrations on
best way to solve a problem o f this kind is
reaction rate.
by reviewing the literature. Many hours
(5) Effect of reagent concentrations on
may be saved through a few hours o f dili­
reaction equilibrium — C H 0 + fuchsin re­
gent library searching. Solving such prob­

lems depends on the skill and ingenuity of
(6) Attempting to operate outside the
the investigator.
optimum range for which the method was
Approved with modifications from 2nd edition
b. Color former structure versus extinc­
tion coefficient —Phenanthroline series for Subcommittee 9
iron detection. J . N . H A R M AN, Chairman
c. Length-of-stain tubes.
(1) Attempts to increase sensitivity by
repeated sample aliquots —benzene tube re­
quires recalibration.
(2) Change in sampling rate without
recalibration may produce serious errors.
10.7.5 Catalytic Effects.
a. Decomposition on contact with tubes
and containers — ozone on metals — H 0 + 2 2

heavy metal. •Anthracene and naphthalene (polynuclear

b. Promotion o f side reactions. aromatic hydrocarbons), benzene, nitrobenzene.

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