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Advertising And Promotion An

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Advertising and Promotion An Integrated Marketing

Communications Perspective 11th Edition Belch Test Bank

Advertising and Promotion An Integrated Marketing

Communications Perspective 10th Edition Belch Test Bank

Advertising And Promotion An Integrated Marketing

Communications Perspective 9th Edition Belch Test Bank

Advertising and Promotion An Integrated Marketing

Communications Perspective 11th Edition Belch Solutions
Advertising and Promotion An Integrated Marketing
Communications Perspective 10th Edition Belch Solutions

Advertising and Promotion An Integrated Marketing 6th

Edition Belch Test Bank

Advertising and Promotion An Integrated Marketing 4th

Edition Belch Test Bank

Advertising and Promotion An Integrated Marketing 5th

Edition Belch Test Bank

Advertising and Promotion An Integrated Marketing 5th

Edition Belch Solutions Manual
Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

Chapter 09
Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

Multiple Choice Questions

1. (p. 283) Marketers of Hyundai automobiles recognized they needed a brand image:
A. similar to other inexpensive automobile manufacturers
B. that would allow the firm to avoid having to pay for television advertising
C. in order to win creative advertising awards
D. to support their premium positioning
E. that promoted safety over security

See opening vignette.

2. (p. 283) One of the reasons Hyundai utilized an integrated marketing communications
campaign was research indicated:
A. that product features were less important than promotional expenditures
B. a high percentage of buyers do most of their comparison shopping on the Internet
C. competing automobile manufacturers were reducing their Internet presence allowing
Hyundai an opportunity to create an electronic comparative advantage
D. situational creative appeals are easier to convey using integrated marketing
E. all of the above

See opening vignette.

3. (p. 283) The agency that developed the Jack-in-the-Box fast-food restaurants ads used an
irreverent return of a brand image that was remembered by customers from previous years,
thereby creating:
A. advertising appeal
B. creative plan
C. marketing plan
D. sales approach
E. sales presentation

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

4. (p. 267) A(n) _____ refers to the approach used in an advertisement to elicit some consumer
response or influence feeling. The way this approach is turned into an advertising message is
the _____.
A. advertising appeal; advertising campaign
B. creative execution style; advertising appeal
C. creative execution style; advertising campaign
D. advertising appeal; creative execution style
E. brand image; positioning

5. (p. 283) The _____ is the manner in which an advertising idea is turned into a message and
presented to consumers.
A. advertising appeal
B. creative execution style
C. rational appeal
D. emotional appeal
E. big idea

6. (p. 283) An ad for Enbrel, a prescription medicine for people who have rheumatoid arthritis,
tells the reader that this drug has proven to work for people who have had little or no pain
relief from other drugs. The factual, news like nature of the ad indicates it is using a(n) _____
A. informational/rational
B. product popularity
C. emotional
D. fear
E. refutational

7. (p. 283) Advertising appeals that focus on functional or utilitarian needs and emphasize
product features and benefits are known as _____ appeals.
A. informational/rational
B. emotional
C. price
D. inherent drama
E. image

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

8. (p. 283) Purchase motives, such as convenience, comfort, economy and performance are used
as a basis for _____ appeals.
A. informational/rational
B. emotional
C. price
D. inherent drama
E. refutational

9. (p. 283) The content of advertising with _____ emphasizes facts, learning and the logic of
A. emotional appeals
B. informational/rational appeals
C. transformational appeals
D. subliminal appeals
E. irrational appeals

10. (p. 283) Which of the following statements about informational/rational advertising appeals
is true?
A. The particular features, benefits, or attributes that serve as the basis for these appeals are
constant across product categories.
B. These types of appeals work well for products but not for services.
C. The particular features, benefits, or attributes that serve as the basis for these appeals vary
from one product or service category to another as well as by market segment.
D. The particular features, benefits, or attributes that serve as a basis for these appeals
generally do not vary by market segment.
E. Informational/rational ads create feelings, images, beliefs, and meanings about the product
or service.

11. (p. 284) An ad for Calloway Gardens Resort stresses the different forms of recreation
available to visitors to the resort. This is an example of a(n) _____ appeal.
A. news
B. favorable price
C. feature
D. popularity
E. emotional

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

12. (p. 284) Which of the following statements about feature appeals is true?
A. Feature appeals tend to be very informative and present a number of attributes that can be
used as the basis for a rational purchase decision.
B. Feature appeals are never used for technical and high-involvement products.
C. Feature appeals can be used for advertising a product but not a service.
D. Feature appeals never focus on attributes or benefits that are important to consumers.
E. All of the above statements about feature appeals are true.

13. (p. 284) To announce sales, special offers, or everyday low prices retailers often use a _____
A. functional
B. popularity
C. favorable price
D. transformational
E. productive

14. (p. 284) Which of the following is an example of a favorable price appeal?
A. Dillard's department store announces a 24-hour sale.
B. Kroger supermarkets advertise their everyday low prices.
C. Denny's restaurant promotes its $2.99 Grand Slam Breakfast.
D. Nissan advertises the latest model of the Altima as the lowest priced car in its class.
E. All of the above use a favorable price appeal.

15. (p. 284) Imagine a personal computer manufacturer has developed a significant technological
breakthrough that will make its computers easier to use for novices. The computer
manufacturer will probably use which of the following types of appeals to announce the
A. favorable price appeal
B. emotional appeal
C. news appeal
D. popularity appeal
E. transformational appeal

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

16. (p. 284) Aleve ran a series of ads showing everyday people having to deal with minor
arthritic pains. In each instance, the individual was pleased to learn that two Aleve were just
as effective as taking eight of his or her old pain reliever. This ad campaign is using a(n)
_____ appeal.
A. emotional
B. competitive advantage
C. fear
D. favorable price
E. transformational

17. (p. 284) The Glad trash bag campaign, which used the slogan "Don't get mad. Get Glad,"
tells the reader Glad trash bags are twice as thick as the leading volume bag. Glad uses a(n)
_____ appeal.
A. emotional
B. competitive advantage
C. fear
D. favorable price
E. transformational

18. (p. 284) The ad for TDAmeritrade investment company states the company is "Ranked #1 by
SmartMoney Magazine for the Do-It-Yourself Investor." The ad is using a(n) _____ appeal.
A. emotional
B. competitive advantage
C. popularity
D. favorable price
E. transformational

19. (p. 284) Advertisements that focus on the dominant attributes or characteristics of a product
or service are known as _____ appeals.
A. feature
B. news
C. price
D. product popularity
E. generic

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

20. (p. 285) McDonald's creates commercials designed to make parents feel good when they take
their children to McDonald's restaurants. This is an example of:
A. how rational appeals are used
B. how product popularity appeals are used
C. transformational advertising
D. reminder advertising
E. teaser advertising

21. (p. 285) Toyota ran an advertisement proclaiming their Camry has been the best selling
model in the United States for two straight years. This is an example of a _____ appeal.
A. feature
B. favorable price
C. news
D. product popularity
E. generic

22. (p. 285) The computer software company Intuit runs an advertising campaign for Quicken
that emphasizes the fact it is the most preferred and best selling brand of financial software.
This is an example of what type of advertising appeal?
A. emotional
B. teaser
C. product popularity
D. transformational
E. favorable price

23. (p. 270) Advertising appeals that relate to consumers' social and/or psychological needs for
purchasing a product or service are known as _____ appeals.
A. informational
B. rational
C. irrational
D. emotional
E. feature

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

24. (p. 285) Which of the following statements provides a reason for why marketers may use
emotional appeals?
A. The favorable feeling created by the appeal may transfer to the brand.
B. Emotional appeals can create favorable mood states, which make consumers more
receptive to an advertising message.
C. Research has proven that emotional messages are better remembered than non-emotional
D. Emotional appeals can create feelings or images that are activated when consumers use the
E. All of the above are reasons why a marketer may use an emotional appeal.

25. (p. 285) Advertisers frequently use emotional appeals to advertise their products and services
rather than rational appeals because:
A. consumers' motives for purchase decisions are often rational in nature
B. consumers' feelings about a brand can be more important than their knowledge of its
features or attributes
C. emotional appeals to consumers often are less effective when brands are similar
D. emotional appeals are often less exciting and interesting than rational appeals
E. emotional appeals cannot help differentiate brands that consumers view as somewhat

26. (p. 285) Advertisers create emotional advertising appeals by:

A. using humorous advertisements
B. using sexual appeals
C. using transformational advertising
D. creating favorable mood states
E. doing all of the above

27. (p. 285) Advertising appeals that portray people in an advertisement as experiencing an
arousing, upbeat and/or exciting benefit or outcome from using a product or service are
relying on:
A. informational integration
B. rational integration
C. mood transfer
D. emotional integration
E. outcome integration

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

28. (p. 285) An advertisement for the State of Alabama shows a family with two teens arriving in
the state alienated from each other. The fun they experience in the state brings the family back
together again. The commercial ends with all four running down the beach holding hands.
This ad uses _____ for its appeal.
A. informational integration
B. rational integration
C. mood transfer
D. emotional integration
E. outcome integration

29. (p. 286) Advertisements that create feelings, meanings, images or beliefs about a product or
service that can be activated when consumers use it are known as _____ ads.
A. rational
B. transformational
C. nostalgic
D. affective
E. informational

30. (p. 286) _____ advertising attempts to make the experience of using a product or service
richer, warmer or more exciting.
A. Informational
B. Competitive advantage
C. Transformational
D. Image
E. Rational

31. (p. 286) Transformational advertising can differentiate a product or service by:
A. convincing a consumer of the superior performance of a brand
B. making the consumption experience more meaningful, exciting and enjoyable
C. making a consumption experience last longer
D. showing performance superiority of one brand over another
E. proving brand superiority

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

32. (p. 286) The Oscar Mayer ad touched the child in all of us when it showed Andy on the pier
singing the "My bologna has a first name" jingle. This example of _____ advertising won
America's heart and stomach.
A. competitive advantage
B. refutational
C. transformational
D. transactional
E. image

33. (p. 286) Skyy Vodka's use of cinematic-inspired cocktail moments created marketing success
A. image advertising
B. television infomercials
C. CEO spokesperson press releases
D. banner advertising
E. all of the above

See Exhibit 9-6

34. (p. 287) Rational and emotional advertising appeals:

A. represent two distinctive approaches which should never be combined because they divide
the focus of consumers' attention
B. are essentially the same
C. can be combined since consumers' purchase decisions are often made on the basis of
rational and emotional motives
D. are used together only for low-involvement products
E. are accurately described by none of the above

35. (p. 287) The proprietary research technique developed by the McCann-Erickson Worldwide
agency that helps evaluate how consumers feel about brands and the nature of their
relationship with them is known as:
A. focus group research
B. transformational research
C. emotional bonding
D. psychographics
E. ethnographics

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

36. (p. 287) According to McCann-Erickson's concept of emotional bonding, the most basic
relationship a consumer has with a brand is how he or she thinks about the:
A. emotional ties he or she has with the product and/or brand
B. brand personality
C. product benefits
D. self-actualization motives for purchasing
E. self-esteem motives that will be affected by the purchase

37. (p. 288) Haggar used a humorous integrated marketing campaign to:
A. compete for product rank among upscale clothing manufacturers
B. reposition their brand as an anti-fashion product for middle-aged men
C. eliminate the for product feature specifications
D. reinforce their unique selling proposition as an industrial supplier for government clothing
purchasing agents
E. all of the above

38. (p. 289) Research shows consumers perceive Miller beer as strong, bold, and adventurous.
This is an example of how consumers assign a _____ to a brand.
A. product rank
B. personality
C. product features
D. unique selling proposition
E. market rank

39. (p. 289) Consumers perceive Maytag appliance as dependable. Consumers have assigned a
_____ to the brand.
A. product benefit
B. personality
C. product features
D. unique selling proposition
E. market rank

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

40. (p. 289) According to McCann-Erickson's concept of emotional bonding, the strongest
relationship that develops between a brand and a consumer is based on:
A. product benefits
B. brand personality
C. feelings or emotional attachments to the brand
D. rational motives
E. competitive advantage over similar products in the market

41. (p. 289) Well-known brands and market leaders often run ads that do not use any specific
types of appeals but rather focus primarily on keeping their brand name in front of consumers.
This type of advertising is known as _____ advertising.
A. teaser
B. reminder
C. repetitive
D. popularity
E. brandstanding

42. (p. 289) Hershey's advertises heavily around Christmas with ads that show only a picture of
red, green and silver wrapped Hershey Kisses chocolate. Hershey's is using _____
A. transformational
B. reminder
C. curiosity
D. emotional integration
E. teaser

43. (p. 289) Ads for Oneida flatware show a piece of Oneida flatware, the headline, "ONEIDA,"
and the slogan "Your table is ready" in small print. This type of ad is intended as _____
A. transformational
B. reminder
C. curiosity
D. emotional integration
E. favorable price appeal

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

44. (p. 289) _____ advertising is sometimes used to create curiosity and build interest and
excitement in a new product or brand by talking about it but not showing it.
A. Reminder
B. Teaser
C. Curiosity
D. New product
E. Rational appeal

45. (p. 289) Taco Bell launched the advertising campaign for its Double Decker taco by running
anonymous full-page ads featuring basketball stars issuing vague challenges to one another.
This is an example of _____ advertising.
A. reminder
B. teaser
C. transformational
D. favorable price appeal
E. news appeal

46. (p. 290) When the Ford Motor Company was preparing to introduce a new model, ads were
run for several weeks that talked about the new car but never showed it. This is an example of
_____ advertising.
A. reminder
B. transformational
C. teaser
D. emotional
E. cognitive

47. (p. 290) Which of the following statements about the use of teaser advertising is true?
A. Teaser ads cannot be used to draw attention to and generate publicity for an upcoming
advertising campaign.
B. Teaser ads do not work well because consumers really do not pay much attention to
C. Teaser ads can be effective but marketers must be careful not to use them too long.
D. Teaser ads usually offend consumers.
E. None of the above statements about the use of teaser advertising is true.

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

48. (p. 290) The argument by famous advertising copywriter David Ogilvy that "what you say in
advertising is more important than how you say it" suggests:
A. advertising appeal is more important than the way it is executed
B. advertising execution is more important than the appeal
C. advertising appeals and executions are equally important
D. advertising execution is more important than message content
E. the product is more important than the creative appeal

49. (p. 290) An advertising execution technique that relies on a straightforward presentation of
information concerning the product or service is called a(n):
A. straight-sell or factual message
B. demonstration
C. testimonial
D. dramatization
E. animation of key benefits approach

50. (p. 290) Straight-sell message executions are commonly used with _____ advertising
A. informational/rational
B. emotional
C. teaser
D. transformational
E. emotional integration

51. (p. 290) A print ad for flood insurance lists twenty good reasons why every homeowner
should have flood insurance. This is an example of _____ advertising.
A. straight-sell
B. transformational
C. testimonial
D. teaser
E. refutational

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

52. (p. 291) The ad for TDAmeritrade investment company opens with the statement, "You can't
plan for tomorrow if you don't know where your money is today." This statement indicates
the entire ad is an example of _____ advertising.
A. straight-sell
B. transformational
C. testimonial
D. teaser
E. refutational

53. (p. 291) When an advertiser cites technical information such as the results of laboratory
studies in an advertisement, a(n) _____ execution is being used.
A. dramatization
B. slice-of-life
C. scientific/technical evidence
D. testimonial
E. animation

54. (p. 291) In a Neutrogena moisturizer with superior sun protection ad, a dermatologist's report
stated, "A year of incidental sun equals baking for a week at the beach!" This is an example of
a(n) _____ execution.
A. dramatization
B. slice-of-life
C. scientific/technical evidence
D. testimonial
E. animation

55. (p. 291) An ad for Lipton tea states that according to laboratory research, "a serving of tea
has more antioxidants than a serving of carrots or broccoli." Which type of ad execution is
being used in this example?
A. a dramatization
B. testimonial
C. scientific/technical evidence
D. slice-of-life
E. comparison

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

56. (p. 293) Which of the following is an advertising execution approach designed to illustrate
key advantages or features of a product by showing it in actual use?
A. comparison
B. demonstration
C. scientific evidence
D. straight-sell
E. animation

57. (p. 293) An ad for Toyota vans shows how easily a child, who needs to use a bathroom, can
get out of the vehicle. Which ad execution technique is being used in this ad?
A. comparison
B. demonstration
C. scientific evidence
D. straight-sell
E. animation

58. (p. 293) When a person speaks on the behalf of a product or service based on his or her
personal use of and/or experiences with it, a(n) _____ execution is being used.
A. dramatization
B. slice-of-life
C. animation
D. demonstration
E. testimonial

59. (p. 293) Tiger Woods appears in ads for Nike in which he notes how the company's golf
clubs helped him win so many major championships. This is an example of which type of
advertising execution?
A. slice-of-life
B. testimonial
C. demonstration
D. scientific evidence
E. dramatization

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

60. (p. 293) In a television ad, actress and noted animal lover Betty White praised a flea and tick
treatment called Frontline for the way it protects both her dogs and cats. These ads are an
example of the use of what type of execution?
A. comparisons
B. slice-of-life
C. humor
D. testimonial
E. demonstration

61. (p. 293) Professional golfer Arnold Palmer appeared in ads advocating the engine protection
cars get from Pennzoil motor oil. This is an example of a(an):
A. comparison
B. endorsement
C. demonstration
D. straight sell
E. slice-of-life

62. (p. 293) A widely used advertising execution style for packaged goods products which
attempts to portray situations consumers might face in their daily lives is known as:
A. dramatization
B. slice-of-life
C. theater style
D. a testimonial
E. a demonstration

63. (p. 293) A Tide detergent ad showed a high school team manager easily removed all the
grass and dirt stains from two dozen baseball uniforms by simply throwing them in a washer
and adding Tide. The ad creator used which execution style?
A. dramatization
B. slice-of-life
C. slice-of-death
D. testimonial
E. demonstration

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

64. (p. 293) An ad in a golfing magazine for a vacation resort in Virginia begins by stating that
the resort has "Dozens of sporting diversions for the entire family." Then under that statement
it reads, "Translation: guilt-free golf." The ad creator used which execution style with this
A. dramatization
B. slice-of-life
C. slice-of-death
D. testimonial
E. demonstration

65. (p. 293) Which of the following statements about slice-of-life executions is true?
A. Slice-of-life executions are sometimes criticized for being unrealistic and irritating.
B. Slice-of-life executions often present a problem consumers encounter and suggest a
C. Slice-of-life executions can be used effectively by business-to-business marketers.
D. Procter & Gamble has traditionally been a frequent user of slice-of-life executions.
E. All of the above statements about slice-of-life executions are true.

66. (p. 293) Which of the following statements about the use of slice-of-life executions is true?
A. Slice-of-life executions are very inefficient in business-to-business advertising.
B. To be effective, a slice-of-live execution should avoid mimicking real life because its
primary purpose is to rise above the clutter.
C. Slice-of-life executions only work well for advertising for consumer products with
perceived homogeneous qualities.
D. Many advertisers like slice-of-life executions because they feel they are an effective way to
present a situation to which consumers can relate.
E. All of the above statements about the use of slice-of-life executions are true.

67. (p. 294) An advertising execution technique used by business-to-business marketers

depicting the negative consequences of making incorrect purchase decisions is referred to as:
A. a problem-solution execution
B. slice-of-death advertising
C. slice-of-life advertising
D. a response-stimuli execution
E. informational advertising

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

68. (p. 294) An ad for Novell solutions targeted to businesspeople was headlined, "ERP: Sound
made by CIO when people see data they shouldn't." The executive in the ad has a distressed,
almost fearful look on his face. Which execution technique used to create this ad?
A. a problem-solution execution
B. slice-of-death advertising
C. slice-of-life advertising
D. a response-stimuli execution
E. informational advertising

69. (p. 294) An advertising execution technique that is particularly popular for creating
commercials targeted at children is:
A. slice-of-life
B. demonstration
C. testimonial
D. scientific evidence
E. animation

70. (p. 294) A commercial for Honey-Flavored Wheat Chex cereal mix shows a bear made out of
Wheat Chex cereal climbing a tree made out of Wheat Chex to reach a beehive made of
Wheat Chex. Which type of creative execution does this commercial use?
A. dramatization
B. testimonial
C. animation
D. straight-sell
E. slice-of-death

71. (p. 295) Which of the following is an example of an advertising personality symbol?
A. Michael Jordan
B. Betty Crocker
C. Tiger Woods
D. Shaquille O'Neal
E. all of the above

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

72. (p. 295) Mr. Peanut from the Planters Nut Company's ads is an example of advertising that
uses which of the following advertising execution techniques?
A. informational/rational
B. demonstration
C. fantasy
D. personality symbol
E. a behavioral appeal

73. (p. 295) _____ is a type of advertising execution style that involves creating a central
character who can deliver the advertising message and with whom the product or service can
be identified.
A. Demonstration
B. Testimonial
C. Personality symbol
D. Fantasy
E. Slice-of-life

74. (p. 295) The Marlboro cowboy used to advertise Marlboro cigarettes for a number of years is
an example of what type of advertising execution technique?
A. testimonial
B. demonstration
C. personality symbol
D. slice-of-death
E. imagery

75. (p. 295) _____ is an advertising execution technique often used for emotional appeals. It
offers a viewer a form of mental escape and/or an opportunity to envision themselves in a
certain situation.
A. Image advertising
B. Demonstration
C. Slice-of-life
D. Animation
E. Competitive advantage

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

76. (p. 296) Timberland Co. sells all-weather gear. For its advertising, it has developed an
imaginary place called Timber Land, which is a utopian setting of extraordinary landscapes
and crystal-clear water. Its ads use a _____ execution style to get the audience to envision
themselves in Timber Land.
A. imagery
B. demonstration
C. slice-of-life
D. animation
E. competitive advantage

77. (p. 296) Imagery executions are particularly well suited for which type of medium?
A. television
B. newspapers
C. radio
D. magazines
E. direct mail

78. (p. 298) _____ is an advertising execution technique whereby the focus is on using
excitement and suspense to tell a short story with the product as the star of the ad.
A. Slice-of-life
B. Animation
C. Dramatization
D. Testimonial
E. Imagery

79. (p. 298) Which of the following statements about the dramatization execution technique is
A. The dramatization execution technique is particularly well suited to television.
B. The dramatization execution technique often relies on the problem/solution approach.
C. The dramatization execution technique is similar to a slice-of-life execution but uses more
excitement and suspense.
D. The goal of the dramatization execution technique is to use drama to get the audience
involved in the advertising story.
E. All of the above statements about the dramatization execution technique are true.

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

80. (p. 298) The state of Colorado runs an ad in which it shows an obviously scared third grader
getting ready to go on stage for his first public stage appearance. He is dressed to look like a
carrot. The ad tells the reader that being a third grader is much more stressful than we
remember and causes us to have great sympathy for the young man dressed in the ridiculous
costume. The tag line at the end of the ad reads, "Your kids need a carefree Colorado vacation
as much as you do." This is an example of which type of execution technique?
A. dramatization
B. testimonial
C. fear
D. animation
E. scientific evidence

81. (p. 298) An ad for the Ford Focus shows four college-aged students hunting for a parking
place in a large nearly full parking garage. When they finally find one and put the car into the
place, they discover it is such a tight fit that they can't open the car doors to get out. A
moment of concern is followed by a moment of enlightenment when one of them remembers
the hatchback. The commercial ends with them all leaving the parked car through the
hatchback. This commercial is a(n):
A. dramatization with a humorous appeal
B. animation with the intent of creating a personality brand
C. slice-of-life with a fear appeal
D. demonstration with an emotional appeal
E. straight sell with a humorous appeal

82. (p. 298) The combination of rational and emotional advertising appeals:
A. should never be done
B. can be used for a variety of products since consumers make purchases on the basis of both
rational and emotional motives
C. would not be an effective way to advertise a high tech product such as a personal computer
D. has limited applicability since most purchases are made entirely for rational reasons
E. does not occur if an agency is used to prepare the advertising campaign

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

83. (p. 299) Which of the following is a basic component of a print advertisement?
A. deadline
B. testimonial
C. trademarks and service marks
D. logo
E. layout

84. (p. 300) _____ is the words in the leading position of a print advertisement that are likely to
be read first.
A. A headline
B. Body copy
C. Subheads
D. Layout
E. Primary copy

85. (p. 300) Research has shown that the first thing people look at in a print ad is the:
A. illustration
B. visuals
C. body copy
D. subheads
E. headline

86. (p. 300) Many advertising experts consider the most important part of a print ad to be the:
A. headline
B. subheads
C. layout
D. body copy
E. disclosures

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

87. (p. 300) The function of a headline in a print ad is to:

A. attract readers' attention
B. make readers interested in reading the body copy of a print message
C. perform a segmentation function by attracting the attention and interest of consumers who
are the best prospects for a product or service
D. put forth the main theme, appeal, or proposition of the ad in a few words
E. do all of the above

88. (p. 300) Headlines that are very straightforward and informative in the message they are
presenting are known as _____ headlines.
A. direct
B. indirect
C. straight-sell
D. subhead
E. rational

89. (p. 300) When an advertiser has something important or new to announce to a target
audience. A(n) _____ headline will be used.
A. direct
B. indirect
C. subhead
D. visual
E. affective

90. (p. 300) The headline reads, "Introducing new Crayola Washable Crayons for the youngest
artist in your gallery." This is an example of a(n) _____ headline.
A. direct
B. indirect
C. straight-sell
D. subhead
E. rational

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

91. (p. 300) Which of the following statements about the use of indirect headlines is true?
A. Indirect headlines are often effective in attracting a reader's attention or interest.
B. Indirect headlines can provoke curiosity and encourage a reader to read the body copy of
an ad.
C. Indirect headlines may include questions, provocations, or challenges.
D. Indirect headlines rely on their ability to generate reader interest and involvement and thus
get readers to read more of the message.
E. All of the above statements about the use of indirect headlines are true.

92. (p. 300) Which of the following statements describes a potential problem associated with the
use of indirect headlines in a print ad?
A. Indirect headlines rarely generate interest or curiosity and thus motivate the reader to
become involved with the remainder of the ad.
B. Indirect headlines may not be provocative enough to get the readers' attention and offer a
reason for reading the remainder of the message.
C. Indirect headlines must always be accompanied by an engaging visual appeal in order to be
D. Indirect headlines only work when readers are already interested in the category of the
good or service being advertised.
E. All of the above statements describe potential problems associated with the use of indirect

93. (p. 300) A print ad for the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet used the headline, "Maybe Eve was on
to something." This is an example of a(n):
A. direct headline
B. indirect headline
C. subhead
D. jingle
E. subhead

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

94. (p. 301) A print ad for Wilson Ultra golf balls used the headline "Do you ever wonder why
John Daly can hit a golf ball so far?" This is an example of a(n):
A. direct headline
B. indirect headline
C. subhead
D. jingle
E. subhead

95. (p. 301) Under the _____ "Send in the Reinforcements!" at the top of the ad page was printed
in a smaller typeface the command "Boost your immune system with Kyolic Aged Garlic
Extract," which is an example of a(n) _____.
A. direct headline; indirect headline
B. prohead; indirect headline
C. indirect headline; direct headline
D. indirect headline; subhead
E. prohead; body copy

96. (p. 301) Underneath the headline, "Fully Loaded," in the ad for Browning shotguns was "Our
most comprehensive line of autoloading shotguns ever." The second statement was printed in
a typeface larger than the body copy but smaller than the headline. The second statement in
the ad is an example of a:
A. story line
B. subhead
C. demonstrative appeal
D. physiological appeal
E. psychological appeal

97. (p. 301) _____ are secondary headlines that usually appear in a type size smaller than the
main headline but larger than the body copy of a print ad.
A. Direct headlines
B. Indirect headlines
C. Body copy
D. Voice-overs
E. Subheads

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

98. (p. 301) _____ are the print ad components used to break up large amounts of copy and
highlight key selling points.
A. Headlines
B. Subheads
C. Illustrations
D. Layouts
E. Voice-overs

99. (p. 301) What is the main text portion of a print ad called?
A. the headline
B. subheads
C. body copy
D. the visual
E. the layout

100. (p. 301) _____ is considered the heart of a print ad but is often difficult to get readers to
attend to.
A. The headline
B. The subhead
C. Body copy
D. The visual
E. The logo

101. (p. 301) When deciding on the visual portion of an ad, an advertiser must determine:
A. what identification marks should be included
B. whether to use photos or other types of illustrations
C. what the focus of the visual portion of the ad should be
D. how long the ad copy should be
E. whether to present the ad in color or black and white

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

102. (p. 301) The physical arrangement of the various parts of an ad including headlines,
subheads, illustrations, body copy and identifying marks is known as:
A. the narrative style
B. visualization
C. copy writing
D. art direction
E. a layout

103. (p. 302) A copywriter can determine how much space he or she has to work with and how
much copy to write after seeing the print ad's:
A. headline
B. subheads
C. body copy
D. layout
E. illustration

104. (p. 302) The audio portion of a commercial is often presented through the use of a(n):
A. layout
B. voice-over
C. illustration
D. headline
E. jingle

105. (p. 303) A recent trend among major advertisers is to have _____ do the voice-overs for
their commercials.
A. singing groups
B. celebrities with distinctive voices
C. everyday people
D. children
E. people with rare and unusual accents

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

106. (p. 303) _____ is an occupational term in the advertising and music industries that refers to
prefabricated, multipurpose music that is often used as the background audio portion of a
A. A jingle
B. A voice-over
C. Needledrop
D. Stock photo
E. Beat music

107. (p. 303) The function of music in a commercial is to:

A. provide a pleasant background for the message
B. create a mood state that will make consumers more receptive to the message
C. help establish or communicate a key selling point
D. attract and hold
E. do all of the above

108. (p. 303) The use of actor James Garner's voice reading poetry in a series of automobile
commercials is an example of a:
A. needledrop
B. talking jingle
C. voice-over
D. tagline
E. subtextual message

109. (p. 303) _____ are catchy songs about a product or service that usually carry the advertising
theme and a simple message.
A. Headlines
B. Taglines
C. Voice-overs
D. Jingles
E. Needledrops

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

110. (p. 303) A marketer of a low-involvement product that is advertised heavily on television
might want to focus a great deal of attention on _____ when creating its advertising.
A. body copy
B. needledrop
C. catchy jingles
D. subheads
E. voice-overs

111. (p. 305) Which of the following statements describes a reason why companies such as Nike,
Microsoft, and Mercedes-Benz are willing to pay large sums of money for the right to
incorporate popular songs into their commercials?
A. These songs may help their commercials break through the advertising clutter on television
and attract consumers' attention.
B. These songs may activate a sense of nostalgia among consumers and create a positive
mood that makes them more receptive to these companies' commercials.
C. These classic songs may be very relevant to the image or position the advertiser is trying to
create for their company or brands.
D. These songs can create positive feelings that make consumers more receptive to the
advertising message.
E. All of the above statements are reasons why companies pay large sums for the right to use
popular songs in their commercials.

See also IMC Perspective 9-3.

112. (p. 305) The playing of the song "Like a Rock" in the broadcast ads for Chevrolet trucks is:
A. used primarily to get attention
B. used primarily as background music
C. a central part of the advertising message
D. unrelated to any market segmentation strategy
E. accurately described by all of the above

See also IMC Perspective 9-3.

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

113. (p. 307) A written version of a television commercial that provides a detailed description of
its video and audio content is known as a:
A. layout
B. jingle
C. voice-over
D. script
E. storyboard

114. (p. 307) Once the basic script for a television commercial has been conceived, the writer
and the art director get together to produce a _____, a series of drawings used to present the
visual plan or layout of the commercial.
A. transparency board
B. storyboard
C. visual layout
D. layout synopsis
E. thumbnail sketch

115. (p. 307) During which stage of commercial production process do activities such as editing,
recording of sound effects, audio/video mixing, and agency approval occur?
A. preproduction
B. production
C. postproduction
D. preparation
E. incubation

116. (p. 307) The creative work of an advertising agency may be reviewed and evaluated by:
A. brand managers
B. advertising managers
C. legal departments
D. board of directors
E. all of the above

Chapter 09 - Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation

117. (p. 308) During the 1999 Super Bowl many people saw and remembered the ad that showed
former Superman star and then wheelchair-bound Christopher Reeves walking to a podium to
receive an award. Few people remember the product being advertised because:
A. the creative execution overwhelmed the ad message
B. the creative approach was intended to support a market aggregation strategy
C. the creative message was absent from the ad
D. the informational appeal of the ad was missing
E. of all of the above reasons

118. (p. 309) Which of the following questions should be used as a criterion when evaluating
creative output?
A. Does the creative approach communicate a clear and convincing message to the customer?
B. Is the creative approach consistent with the creative strategy and creative objectives?
C. Is the creative approach appropriate for the target audience?
D. Is the creative approach consistent with the brand's marketing and advertising objectives?
E. All of the above questions should be used as criteria when evaluating creative output.

119. (p. 309) Which of the following questions should be used as a criterion when evaluating
creative output?
A. Does the creative approach create a segmentation base?
B. Is the creative approach consistent with that used by the competition?
C. Is the creative approach appropriate for the target audience?
D. Does the creative approach support a market aggregation strategy?
E. All of the above questions should be used as criteria when evaluating creative output.

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Cottages of standard type 500

Villagio Regina Elena.

Cottages of semidetached type, each 16×20 75
Hospital Elizabeth Griscom, equivalent in material used to
30 houses; plumbing, lighting, and furnishing done by
Her Majesty’s staff 30

Palmi and District.

Cottage of special smaller type built, 13×16×10, as a model,
complete, and frame for a second built 1
Material sent to this district for other such houses 500

Ali and Surrounding District.

Portable houses erected 49
Houses of Palmi type built as models 5
Roccalumera 3, Santa Teresa Riva 2, Nizza-Sicilia 2
(models of Palmi type built) 7
Material sent to this district for houses of this type 300
Total built by American construction party 1,898
Total number of houses furnished 3,097

Captain Belknap, on the 10th instant, consigned the completed

work at Messina to the Ministry of Public Works, who then assumed
Ensign Robert W. Spofford, U. S. N., remained to direct the work
in general until it had become well organized under the new
direction. He will also supervise the completion of certain work being
done by contract not yet completed.

Commander Belknap’s Work.

Mr. Griscom says: “The report of Captain Belknap is worthy of
careful study. Its only fault is that it does not do justice to his work. I
feel that it is incumbent upon me to endeavor to express to you the
admiration I have for the manner in which Lieutenant-Commander
Belknap has performed his duty. The magnitude of the task could
only be appreciated by one who has been on the spot and seen the
difficulties as they arose and witnessed the courageous and adroit
manner in which he overcame all obstacles and carried to successful
conclusion a work which is truly remarkable. The departure of
Lieutenant-Commander Belknap from Messina was a veritable
personal triumph. All the highest military and civil authorities were
present at the steamship landing, together with a military band, and
he was given full military honors and received a remarkable and
spontaneous public demonstration of admiration. He and several of
his assistants were formally made citizens of Messina. To-day he
has been formally received by their majesties, the King and Queen
of Italy, and had extended to him their majesties’ personal
expressions of gratitude.”

Commander Belknap’s Tributes to His

Before closing this report, I beg to mention those who have
labored so energetically and faithfully to bring about results which
have been kindly commended by all who have visited the camps.
The special prominence of the services rendered by Tonente di
Vascello Alfredo Brofferio stand apart from all else. He worked
unremittingly in the closest association with us, his duties touching
every feature of the work, and it would be impossible to place too
high a value upon his far-seeing, conscientious, and self-sacrificing
devotion to our success.
The Italian authorities’ cordial attitude toward us and hospitable
care made away with innumerable difficulties. To their magnanimity
and their earnest devotion to their own duties was due their sincere
appreciation of our efforts and their frank and grateful
acknowledgment of our gift to their cities.
Commander Harry P. Huse, U. S. N., commanding the U. S. S.
Celtic, established us on a living and working basis in our camp at
Messina, the Celtic serving as our base until the first group of
houses were ready for us, and he was most felicitous in all that he
did to promote a genuine feeling of cordiality in our relations with the
Lieutenant-Commander George Wood Logan, commanding the U.
S. S. Scorpion, gave his most cordial support and interest in the
undertaking from the first, and placed every facility at our disposal.
Lieutenant Allen Buchanan, U. S. N., was the mainstay in the
executive work, and I was always able to rely on his good judgment
on the frequent occasions when taking counsel was necessary. He
discharged his duty with unremitting industry and exemplary zeal,
and he left behind him in Messina and among the members of our
organization a feeling of the most uniform good will and admiration
for his character and ability as an officer.
Ensign John W. Wilcox was in charge of the Reggio division of the
work, which he managed with exceptional skill. He had many
difficulties to contend against, but solved them with an ease and
discernment that an officer of long experience might envy.

Ensign Robert W. Spofford, U. S. N., had charge of the unloading

of steamers. He has done excellent work and is left in charge of the
work being completed at Messina. To Assistant Surgeon Donelson,
U. S. N., for medical supervision of the camp, and to Pay Inspector
J. A. Mudd, U. S. N., for the care taken in the shipment of the
building materials from America, Captain Belknap gives high praise.
The enlisted men of the Navy performed their work most faithfully,
and Captain Belknap mentions many of them by name. This country
may well be proud of the splendid work of the officers and men of
our Navy so far outside their regular duties. Captain Belknap says
also that thanks are due to Mr. John Elliott, who was a most devoted
worker, and left his beautifying touch on every part of the work. Mr.
H. W. C. Bowdoin and Mr. Charles King Wood were among the other
tireless and efficient volunteer workers to whom our thanks are due.
And finally, many of the master carpenters sent from America gave
most satisfactory and valuable service under difficult conditions.

Committee on American Offerings.

Of this committee Mr. Griscom says: “As you already know, after
consultation with his excellency, the Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Signor Tittoni, I placed the sum of 256,250 lire (the equivalent of
$50,000) in the hands of a committee appointed by Mr. Tittoni, of
which his wife, Donna Bice Tittoni, was Chairman. This committee
has to-day handed to me its report and accompanying vouchers,
which are transmitted to you herewith under separate cover. I am
satisfied that this committee carried out some of the best
rehabilitation work which has been done since the earthquake. It was
done in a rapid and businesslike way.”

The American Red Cross Orphanage.

Signor Bruno Chimirri, Chairman of the Committee on Orphans,
called the “Patronato Regina Elena,” reports: “Being desirous of
expediting the plant of the colony before the departure of the
Ambassador from Rome, and not wishing to touch one single lire of
the American capital, the Patronato voted 200,000 lire (about
$40,000) for the building of the colony. This depended upon us, and
it has been done. As to the choice of a site upon which it will be
erected, it is not a question of choosing any piece of land, but a
ground within the jurisdiction of the Itinerant Chair of Agriculture, in
order to secure not only gratuitous teaching but also the very best
obtainable. With this end in view, two months ago I addressed myself
to the Minister of Agriculture, upon whom depends the Itinerant Chair
that has to choose a suitable locality. I have finally brought the
matter before the House of Deputies. Nor is this all. In order to
facilitate the negotiations for the purchase of the land, since the
Ministry would not consider the price of the proprietor, I have induced
the municipality of Nicastro to contribute to the expense by paying
the difference, as you will see by a copy of their decision appended
hereto. As soon as we receive an answer we shall send the
Professor of the Itinerant Chair to visit the proffered land, and, if his
report is favorable, we shall hasten to secure possession and lay the
cornerstone before Mr. Griscom’s departure.”
The Italian government consented to pay $4,800 for the land, and
the District of Nicastro voted to contribute the balance of the $6,000
which was asked.
In regard to this Orphanage there is given an open letter to the
American Red Cross from Mr. Anthony Matre, Secretary of the
American Federation of Catholic Societies. This letter was published
in some of the prominent Roman Catholic papers before it even
reached the hands of the officers of the American Red Cross, an act
that can hardly be considered courteous. It was referred by the
Chairman of the Executive Committee of the American Red Cross to
our Ambassador at Rome, and his reply is embodied in an answer to
Mr. Matre. As the Roman Catholic Church made appeals for the
Italian sufferers, and the offerings it received in reply were sent to the
Pope, it is probable that but a very small percentage of the
contributions received by the Red Cross, possibly 5 or 10 per cent,
came from members of the Roman Catholic Church. The receipts
show many contributions from Protestant Churches and Sunday
Schools, but none from any Roman Catholic institution, and yet,
according to Mr. Matre’s figures, some 97 per cent, and, according to
Mr. Griscom’s letter, 99 per cent, of these contributions must have
been expended in Italy for the people of this faith. Of the funds sent
to our Ambassador, a generous contribution was made to the Pope
for the relief work in which he was interested, and other moneys
were placed in the hands of bishops and priests in the stricken
district to aid them in their work for the earthquake sufferers. The
Red Cross considers neither race nor creed; its mission is to
mitigate, as far as lies within its power, the sufferings of the sick and
wounded in the misfortune of war or of the victims of fire, flood,
famine, earthquake, pestilence, and other great disasters.
The following copies of correspondence will be of interest:
St. Louis, Mo., March 22, 1909.
To the President, Secretary, and Officers of the American Red Cross
Gentlemen: The American Federation of Catholic Societies,
representing millions of American Catholics, desire official
information regarding the dispatch published in the papers of the
United States on February 8th, and referring to an appropriation
made by your society. The dispatch reads:

“Rome, Feb. 7.—It is officially declared that the American

Red Cross, through Ambassador Griscom, has put $250,000
at the disposal of the committee organized by Queen Helena,
which has undertaken the establishment of an orphanage to
be devoted to the care of children left homeless and without
parents by the earthquake disaster.”


Under date of February 6, 1909, the Civilta Cattolica, published at

Rome, states that a national patronage of orphans, under the name
of “Queen Helena,” has been erected by decree of the 14th of
January, and to it has been granted all legal rights for the protection
of orphans who have suffered by the recent calamity or who will
need protection on account of any future disaster; that the direct
administration of this orphanage is committed to a council, half of
whose membership shall be appointed by royal authority and the
other half by election or choice of those contributing annually to its
In the same paper, the Civilta Cattolica, of February 20, 1909,
appears the following: “There has been appointed to the Presidency
of the National Committee the Mayor of the first city of Italy, Erneste
Nathan, a Hebrew, a very bitter enemy of Catholicism.” The same
issue states that the National Committee has appointed three
women to take charge of “Patronato Nazionale Regina Elene,”
namely, Turin, an unknown woman, a Socialist and Freemason;
Labriola, a Protestant woman (a Valdensian Protestant), and Levi, a
Jewess. To them was confided the care of all orphans brought to
Naples from the scene of the disaster. This charge was taken from
the Nepolitan authorities because they were good Catholics.
The Civilta Cattolica states: “It is evident from the entire policy of
the National Committee that the Pope was refused all voice in the
disposition of the orphans. He never entered into the committee’s
consideration, except that it is trying and succeeding in hampering
his efforts everywhere, for instance:

1. The government, i. e., the National Committee, refused

to send any of the wounded to the hospital of Santa Marta in
Rome, so that the Knights of Malta have to make up a train
themselves to go to Naples in order to get the wounded.
2. The Catholic officers of the Spanish ship Cataluna were
hampered in the gathering of the wounded and orphans at
Messina to take them to Rome for disposition of the Pope.
This ship has been placed under direct control of the Pope by
the Count of Comillas, the owner.
3. The Pope was interfered with in placing orphans in the
care of the French priest, Santol. (The Pope has offered to
care for 2,000 earthquake orphans, one-half of whom were to
be put in charge of Father Santol.)”

From the above it appears that part of the money contributed by

our fellow-citizens, irrespective of creed and nationality, is being
used by missionary societies and others against Catholicity. Some of
our Catholic fellow-citizens feared that such would likely be the case,
but they nevertheless contributed liberally, thinking that in such a
crisis and such distress haste was necessary and bigotry would not
be allowed to have part. But from the above statements it is evident
that their fears were well founded, and if it turns out that the
statements are true, the Red Cross Society, though splendid in its
aims, will never be trusted again by the 15,000,000 of Catholics in
this country, nor by the 270,000,000 Catholics the world over.
Your organization is no doubt aware that all civilized countries now
acknowledge the right of the child to be educated in the religion of its
parents, and though the Red Cross Society of America may not have
anything to do with the education of these children without religion, it
has the right and duty to protest against funds sent from America
being used in such a way as to outrage justice.
It will not be amiss to show you how few Protestants there are in
Last summer at the International Congress of Religious Liberals,
held in Boston, Rev. Tony Andre, of Italy, gave these statistics: “Italy
is essentially a Catholic country. Out of the 32,475,253 inhabitants
enumerated in the census of 1901, 31,539,863 declared themselves
Catholics; that is, 97.12 per cent of the population. All told there were
65,595 Protestants, 20,538 of whom were foreigners. At the same
time, 795,276 were unwilling to say to what religion they belonged,
and 36,092 declared they were of no religion.” This will show that
practically all the children to be cared for are Catholics.
We address this open letter to your society and expect that you
will give the matter referred to therein immediate investigation and
Very respectfully, yours,
ANTHONY MATRE, National Secretary.
July 9, 1909.
Mr. Anthony Matre,
Secretary, American Federation of Catholic Societies, St. Louis,
Dear Sir: The American Red Cross is in receipt of the expected
reply from the American Ambassador at Rome to an inquiry of the
Embassy adverted to in my letter to you dated April 12, 1909.
Mr. Griscom states that there was no true basis for the statement
published in the Catholic Transcript in Rome and quoted by you in
the open letter, whereby you charged the American Red Cross with
grave wrong to the Italian children made orphans by the earthquake
of December 28, 1908, the offense consisting in the assignment of
the control of the American Red Cross Italian Orphanage, and the
instruction and rearing of these orphans to non-Catholics, such as
Hebrews, Masons, and Socialists.


Mr. Griscom, to whom I sent a copy of your attack upon the Red
Cross, brought the matter to the attention of Countess Spalletti
Rasponi, the President of the Queen’s Orphanage, who, as such,
has general supervision over the branch of the same known as the
American Red Cross Orphanage, and for which latter Mr. Bruno
Chimerri is Chairman of the Executive Committee.
The following is a translation of a quotation from a letter from the
Countess Spalletti to Mr. Griscom, the American Ambassador, dated
Rome, April 19, 1909:
“After reading the article published in the Catholic Transcript of
March 25, 1909, I consider myself, as the President of the Queen’s
Orphanage, bound to reassure your excellency, and send you some
information regarding the system pursued by those placed in control
of the orphans in choosing a place for the orphans and abandoned
minors, with the tutelage of whom we have been charged by the
royal decree, dated January 14, 1909.
“The number of wretched creatures left destitute of any support
and guidance being considerable, we have undertaken to take the
place, as far as possible, of the parents in their education and start in
life. We have proceeded in accordance with this principle, and have
decided that the minors should be, as far as possible, brought up in
the religion of their parents, and educated in conformity with the
conditions in which their families were, with the only tendency to
ameliorate those conditions. We consider it to be our duty to bring up
these children in the religion of their parents.
“Referring to the article published in the Catholic Transcript, I have
to point out that the Mayor of Rome, Mr. Nathan, is not the President
of the Queen’s Orphanage. He has no connection with it whatever,
but is President of the Executive Board of the Central Relief
Committee for the earthquake sufferers, of which committee his royal
highness, the Duke of Aosta, is the President....
“It is, moreover, to be noted that the President of the Palmi
Subcommittee is the Bishop of Milito, Monsignor Morabito. Our
representative in Messina has been another most worthy Catholic
Priest, the Rev. Luigi Orione.
“I am confident that this summary will be sufficient to remove from
the souls of American Catholics all apprehensions.”
In forwarding this letter, Mr. Griscom, our Ambassador to Rome,
remarks in substance:
“You will observe that the governing body of the Queen’s
Orphanage have exercised the greatest care to place Protestant
orphans in Protestant hands and Catholic orphans in Catholic hands.
I am satisfied that this wise policy has been consistently carried out.
American Protestant Missions have received the tutelage of the
children of the members of their missions in cases where there were
no surviving relatives to assume the burden. I am satisfied the
Catholic Transcript would not have published such an article had
they been in possession of the full facts....
“You will be interested in knowing that long before I heard from
you on this subject the head of one of our American Protestant
Missions in Rome stated to me that he understood our orphanage
was to be governed and managed by Catholic priests, and that the
Protestant contributors of money in America would never tolerate
such a thing. When I explained to him the policy of those in charge of
the Queen’s Orphanage in regard to orphans, he seemed thoroughly
satisfied. It is interesting that we should have received a protest from
the Protestant Church that the Catholics are being favored, and then
that the leading Catholic papers in America should publish an article
implying that the Catholics are receiving unfair treatment.
“The very nature of the organization and the legal status of the
orphanage work under the Queen’s patronage makes it impossible
that it should be governed in the interest of one denomination....
“In my opinion, the Queen’s Orphanage is entitled to our
admiration and respect for the very just and liberal policy adopted to
solve the very delicate questions raised by the different religious
denominations of the orphans. During the whole of this trying period I
have not received a single complaint from any of the American
Protestant Missions with regard to the disposition of the orphans
belonging to their denomination; nor has any complaint from a
Catholic source been brought to my knowledge until you forwarded
me the clipping from the Catholic Transcript. I am extremely
disappointed that such a fair-minded paper should have failed to do
justice to the perfectly correct course of the Italian authorities with
regard to the religion of the earthquake orphans.
“It goes without saying that a great part of the moneys which came
from America through the American Red Cross and otherwise went
to the assistance of Catholics. The money received by Protestant
Italians would be a minute fraction of 1 per cent. It seems strange
that there should be any expression of discontent from any Catholic



“On the other hand, I am most happy to say that we have the most
gratifying expressions of appreciation from such persons as
Archbishop Ireland, the Archbishop of Messina, the Bishop of Milito,
and other distinguished prelates of the Catholic Church.”
The Red Cross has no method of knowing how much or what part
of the amounts received for Italian earthquake relief (about
$1,000,000) was contributed by Catholics. Assuming that the
proportion this part bore to the whole was the same as the ratio of
the Catholic population of the United States to the whole population,
then the funds of Catholic origin, so to speak, received by the Red
Cross must have been one-seventh or one-sixth of the whole.
It seems to be established as a fact that there was no sufficient
basis for your charge that the American Red Cross had adopted a
course that would or did result in the perversion of faith of the
Catholic orphans. Those appointed by the King to the solemn trust of
rearing these orphans are discharging their duty conscientiously. The
prelates of the Catholic Church on the spot are thoroughly familiar
with what was ordered to be done and with what is being done in this
regard, and they will be careful to note and call attention to any
deviation from conditions imposed by royal warrant and by justice.
Your letter to me of March 22, 1909, was given to the press before
it reached me, and before you had taken pains to inquire into the
proofs relied on to support the assertions which were the basis for
your arraignment of the Red Cross.
I have sent copies of this letter to the Catholic press of the United
States, in the belief that the readers of the original charge are
entitled to know what are the actual facts respecting the measures
taken by those applying the generous contributions of American
Catholics and non-Catholics to insure the rearing and instruction of
the earthquake orphans in the faith of their fathers.
The American Ambassador in Rome is a member of the
permanent Executive Committee of the American Red Cross Italian
Yours, very sincerely,
Chairman, Central Committee.

Disposal of Balance of Italian Fund.

As the American Red Cross was desirous of bringing to an end its
Italian relief work, an inquiry was made of our Embassy in Rome as
to the best use to be made of a small balance of funds still in hand. It
was advised to contribute this amount to the Queen of Italy for the
benefit of her relief work in the model village of Regina Helena, built
for the refugees near Messina, and in which her majesty is deeply
interested. In acknowledgement of this gift of $5,000 the following
letter was sent to the American Ambassador:

Court of Her Majesty, the Queen, Rome, July 3, 1909.

Excellency: Her majesty, the Queen, has charged me to
request you to thank the American Red Cross for the relief it
has so generously given to the refugees of the Sicilian

Testimonials of Gratitude.
On June 19 the American Red Cross received from the Italian Red
Cross a beautiful gold medal and diploma as tokens of appreciation
of the assistance rendered by America after the earthquake in Sicily
and Calabria.
Cuts of the medal are shown herewith, and below are printed the
letter of the President of the Italian Red Cross transmitting the medal
and diploma, and the letter of the President of the American Red
Cross in acknowledgment.

Rome, Italy, April 19, 1909.

Illustrious Sir: In the never-to-be-forgotten calamity by
which she was overcome Italy has found but one solace. It
was to feel, to know, that the sorrow was universal, and that
the heart of the world throbbed in unison with hers.
Touching evidence of human solidarity came to us from
every part of your glorious Republic, but every burst of charity
was outdone by the Red Cross, over which you preside, sir,
and which assisted her Italian sister with a supreme
munificence of relief.
May you find the medal and diploma we now send you as
tokens of our gratitude, of which, however, they are but a
modest outward sign, acceptable. More durably than in the
metal is our gratefulness engraved in the hearts of the
Italians, whose mindful blessings will stand as the sacred
heritage of the generations to come.
President, Italian Red Cross.
To the President of the American Red Cross,
Washington, D. C.

Washington, D. C., June 22, 1909.

Sir: I have received your courteous communication of April
19 last, with which you transmit a gold medal and diploma,
presented by the Italian National Red Cross to the American
National Red Cross, as testimonials of gratitude for the
contributions furnished by the latter for the sufferers from the
earthquakes in Calabria and Sicily.
As President of the American National Red Cross it affords
me great pleasure to accept these testimonials in behalf of
the association, not only because of their beauty and intrinsic
worth, but as tokens of the humanitarian spirit which joins the
world in fraternal kinship in times of great distress.
Not less valued that they are the sentiments of generous
appreciation on the part of the Italian Red Cross, to which you
give expression in your communication.
I beg you to be so good as to convey to the Italian Red
Cross the thanks and appreciation of the American Red Cross
for their considerate action, and am,
Very cordially, yours,
President, American National Red Cross.
Count R. Taverna,
President, Italian Red Cross.

Translation of Inscription on Medal Received

from the Italian Red Cross.

Inscription of the circle around the medal: To the well deserving of

the Italian Red Cross.
Inscription on medal: To the American National Red Cross: most
generous cooperation in the relief of the sufferers of the earthquake
in Calabria, Sicily, 1908.

Translation of Inscription on Diploma Received

from the Italian Red Cross Society.


Under the high patronage of their Majesties, the King and
the Queen, and of her Majesty, the Queen Mother.
Association incorporated by law of May 30, 1882. No. 768,
Side Series.
Under Articles 115 and 116 of the Organic By-Laws, upon
the motion of the Honorable President of the Association of
the Central Committee, in its deliberations of the 3d of April,
1909, has been awarded the Diploma of Honor to the
American National Red Cross. Rome, April 3, 1909.
President of the Association.
A Token of Gratitude from the Italian Government.

On May 17 Miss Boardman received a letter from Baron Mayor

des Planches, the Italian Ambassador at Washington, of which a
translation is given below, with Miss Boardman’s reply:

Washington, D. C., May 17, 1909.

Dear Miss Boardman: Have you seen the Literary Digest
of the 15th, which betrays an official secret? The Minister of
Foreign Affairs, M. Tittoni, has written me that the government
of the King desired to send you a decoration, but
unfortunately the statutes of our chivalresque orders do not
permit the decoration of women. Our gratitude toward you will
be testified by an artistic gift, which we hope you will accept
as a souvenir of the benefits you have rendered.
Believe me, dear Miss Boardman, very sincerely,

Washington, D. C., May 17, 1909.

Dear Mr. Ambassador: I have not seen the Literary
Digest to which you refer. Permit me to express my deep
appreciation of the intention of his majesty’s government to
present to me some testimonial in recognition of the American
Red Cross work in Italy.
It has been for some time the intention of our society to
take under consideration the question of permitting members

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