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1. All of the following statements are true about the organizational learning theory EXCEPT A. in agreement with the concepts of organizational learning theory, an increasing number of companies are realizing they must shift from a vertically organized, top- down type of organization to a more horizontally managed, interactive organization B. all organizations adjust defensively to a changing environment C. organizations use information offensively to improve the fit between itself and its environment E. the organizational learning theory expands the strategic choice perspective to include people at all levels becoming involved in providing input into strategic decisions 2. In which of the eight-step strategic decision-making process would managers observe feedback systems and the control of activities to ensure they minimize deviation from plans? A. Step 7: Implement Selected Strategies C. Step 5: Analyze Strategie Factors D. Step 4: Scan and Assess the Internal Corporate Environment E. Step 6: Generate, Evaluate, and Select the Best Alternative Strateg 3. Which of the following terms is used by managers in the workplace today to describe a business's sustainability? A. Globalization B. Triple bottom line C. Innovation D. Strategic management E. Learning organization 4, Managers that implement strategic plans in the global oil industry tend to cover to years; and, the planning horizon for oil exploration is up to years. A. fifteen to twenty: 30 C. ten to fifteen; 25 D. one to two; 5 E. five to ten; 20 5 Learning organizations are skilled at cach of the following main activities EXCEPT A. solving problems systematically B. leaming from their own experienc. D. transferring knowledge quickly and efficiently within the organization E. experimenting with new approaches 6. The planning phase emphasizes time horizons of one year; whereas the planning phase focuses on time horizons of three-to-five years with no help from consultants. A. strategic management; basic financial B. forecast-based; strategic management D. forecast-based; basic financial E. basic financial; externally oriented 7.Al] of the following are components of strategy formulation EXCEPT B. defining the competitive advantages of the business strategy C. setting policy guidelines D. specifying specific objectives E. crafting the corporate mission 8.Which of the following is NOT true about strategic audits? - A. A strategic audit is used as a diagnostic tool to scan and asses environment. B, Managers use strategic audits to evaluate current performance results C, Strategic audits are all inclusive lists. D. A strategic audit is used to analyze problem areas in the organization. E. Managers use strategic audits to implement selected strategies. the external 9.Which strategy is developed to pull together the various a and competencies of each department so that corporate and business unit performance improves and resource productivity is maximized? A) business strategy B) competitive strategy C) generic strategy D) enterprise strategy 10) The pricing, selling, and distributing ofa product is referred to as a(n) strategy. A) functional C) operations D) financial E) human resource management 11) The type of marketing strategy in which a company captures a larger share of an existing market for current products through market saturation or market penetration or develops new markets for current products is called B) push strategy. C) product development. D) pull strategy. E) skimming the cream. 12) When Smith & Wesson puts its name on others products, like men's cologne, it is using which marketing strategy? A) demand pricing B) brand pricing C) brand extension D) penetration extension E) demand extension 13) A company may use which of the following trade promotions to "pull" their products through the distribution system? 7 A) discounts B) in-store special offers C) advertising allowances D) coupons 14) When a company spends a large amount of money on trade promotion in order to gain or hold shelf space in retail outlets, a company is using a strategy. A) pull C) financial D) dedicated line E) dynamic pricing 15) Which type of pricing takes advantage of the demand curve while the product is still novel and competitors are few to increase profits? A) demand pricing C) competitive pricing D) penetration pricing E) loss-leader pricing 16) Which type of pricing attempts to hasten market development and offers the pioneer the opportunity to utilize the experience curve to gain market share with a low price and dominate the industry? A) demand pricing B) competitive pricing C) skim pricing E) loss-leader pricing 17) Which of the following is not a goal of financial strategies? A) Examine the financial implication of corporate and business-level strategic options and identify the best financial course of action. B) Provide the corporation with the appropriate financial structure and funds to achieve its overall objectives. D) Provide competitive advantage through a lower cost of funds and a flexible ability to raise capital to support a business strategy. E) Attempt to maximize the financial value of the firm. 18) Alll of the following are benefits for a company to raising its debt levels EXCEPT A) deter takeover attempts by other firms B) improve productivity. C) improve cash flows. D) force management to focus on core businesses. 19) A popular financial strategy in which a company is acquired in a transaction financed largely by debt and eventually paid with money generated from the acquired company's opérations or by sale of its assets is A) illegal in most countries. B) a good way to build a core competency. C) an application of the capital asset pricing model. E) an example of internal financing 20) Leveraged buyouts are alo sometimes referred to as A) leveraged bargains C) management bargains. D) coordinated buyouts. 21) When a company exchanges 200 shares of stock worth $20 each for 100 shares worth $40 each, they are using . A) tracking stock B) holding stock. C)a leveraged buyout. E) split stock, 22) The strategy that deals with product and process innovation and improvement isknownasa(n)____ strategy. A) marketing B)R&D C) operations D) financial E) human resource management 23) A company that pioneers an innovation is called a A) technological follower. B) technological opportunist. D) technological manufacturer. E) technological entreprencur. 24) A company that imitates the products of competitors is referred to as a B) technological opportunist. C) technological leader. D) technological manufacturer. E) technological entrepreneur. 25) When Intel opened four small-scale research facilities adjacent to universities to promote the cross-pollination of ideas, they were using which approach to R&D? A) open innovation B) differentiation C) technology scouting D) continuous improvement E) technology leadership 26) P&G decreed that the company would search outside their organization for new ideas. To achieve this, the company used A) technology scouts. B)a technological follower strategy. C) open sourcing D) outsourcing. E) offshoring. 27) The reconfiguring of people, processes, units, and technology to give customers exactly what they want and when they want it is known as A) mass customization. B) modular manufacturing C)a connected line batch flow. D) open innovation. E) a push marketing strategy. 28) If a company wishes to be a technological leader and also maintain a cost advantage, the appropriate R&D strategy would be to A) increase the cost of the product. B) lower the cost of the product or value activities by learning from the leader's experience. C) avoid R&D costs through imitation. E) innovate in other activities to increase buyer value. 29) If a company wishes to be a technological follower and also pursue a differentiation strategy, the appropriate R&D strategy would be to B) value activities by learning from the leader's experience. C) avoid R&D costs through imitation. D) create low-cost ways of performing value activities. E) innovate in other activities to increase buyer value. 30) When a company determines how and where a product or service i manufactured, the level of vertical integration in the production process, the deployment of physical resources, and relationships with suppliers, the company is developing its strategy. A) marketing “B) operations CRED * D) financial E) human resource management 31) A flexible manufacturing system is A) one-of-a-kind production using skilled labor. B) highly automated assembly lines making one mass-produced product using little human labor. D)a process utilizing the just-in-time (JIT) method of manufacturing, E) standardization of components with each machine functioning like a job shop, but is positioned in the same order as the parts are processed. 32) When components are standardized and each machine functions like a job shop - but is positioned:in the same order as the parts are processed, this setup is known as A) mass customization. C) connected job flow. D) mass batch flow. E) mass job flow. 33) When there are highly automated assembly lines making one ma product.using little human labor; this setup is called B) connected line batch flow. C) connected job flow. D) mass batch lines. E) mass job flow. 34) As it relates to operations, AMT stands for A) Automated Manufacturing Technology. C) Asymptotic Manufacturing Technology. D) Advanced Monotone Technology. E) Automated Manufacturing Technician. 35) Continuous improvement is an operations concept developed by Deming and perfected by firms in A) the United States. B) Sweden, D) Germany. E) Canada. 36) The use of 3-D printing demonstrates which manufacturing strategy’? A) continuous improvement B) mass production C) job shop E) just-in-time 37) When a company deals with obtaining raw materials, parts, and supplies needed to perform the operations function, the company is developing its strategy. A) operations C)R&D D) financial E) human resource management 38) The purchasing strategy used by an automobile manufacturer when it orders seats for a specific car model from several vendors is A) sole sourcing B) multiple sourcing C) just-in-time sourcing. D) backup sourcing. E) parallel sourcing. 39) The concept of was taken one step further in JIT II, in which vendor sales representatives usually have desks next to the purchasing company's factory floor, attend production status meetings, visit the R&D lab, and analyze the purchasing company's sales forecasts. A) multiple sourcing B) outsourcing C) sole sourcing D) parallel sourcing E) all of the above 40) The purchasing strategy in which two suppliers are the sole suppliers of different parts, but are also the backup suppliers for each other's parts is _ A) sole sourcing. B) multiple sourcing. C) just-in-time sourcing. D) backup sourcing. 41) Three trends are evident in logistics: outsourcing! the use of the Intemnet, and B) downsizing C) logistical partnerships. D) computerization. E) containerized shipping, 42) The flow of products into and out of the manufacturing process is a factor when developing a(n) strategy. A) marketing C) operations D) financial E) human resource management 43) Companies such as Georgia-Pacific, Marriott, and Union Carbide view the as an important way to differentiate themselves from the competition, to add value, and to reduce costs. A) R&D function C) finance funetion D) engineering function E) purchasing function 44) Avon is an example of a company that demonstrated having a diverse workforce A) can be a competitive advantage. B) can lower productivity C) can be an effective logistics strategy. D) can hinder quality. E) hinders growth. 45) A recent trend in information systems strategy used by multi-national corporations is A) computerizing accounting. B) automating customer service. C) practicing follow-the-sun management. D) replacing Fortran with Cobol in order to boost productivity. E) replacing mainframe computers with robots. 46) When Dell Computer's customers use the Internet to design their own computers, this demonstrates which manufacturing strategy? A) continuous improvement B) mass production C) job shop E) just-in-time 47) Church & Dwight uses the line extension strategy when they put the Arm & Hammer name on various new food products. Answer: TRUE 48) The importance of sole sourcing was supported by Deming to obtain high supplier quality. Answer: TRUE 49) The orientation of the functional strategy is dictated by its parent business unit's strategy. Answer: TRUE 50) Each business unit has its own set of departments, each with its own functional strategy. Answer: TRUE 51) A product development strategy deals with pricing, selling, and distributing a product. Answer: FALSE 52) Using a market development strategy, a company can capture a larger share of an existing market for current products or develop new markets for current products. : Answer: TRUE 53) When Colgate-Palmolive and Unilever take a successful product that they marketed in one part of the world and market it elsewhere, they are following a market development strategy. Answer: TRUE 54) A company, such as Church & Dwight, follows the market development strategy of developing new uses and/or markets for current products such as for its successful product: Arm & Hammer brand baking soda, Answer: TRUE 55) When the Kellogg Company changed to a push strategy, they spent more money on consumer advertising designed to build brand awareness so that shoppers will ask for the products. Answer: FALSE 56) Penetration pricing attempts heReMiarket developmeh¢ and offers the pioneer the opportunity to use the experience curve to gain market share with a bw. SS \d daminate the industyy————— 51) a ia Use of the Internet to mdtket goods directly tp the customer allows a company to use dyiatite pricing fnatnic pric ee TRUE 58) A financial strategy examines the financial implications of corporate and AnswerCTROE D> =\ 59) ’ fihahcing ts preferred fMKsirelated Viversification while debt financing is preferréd for related diversification. i Ano EASE) 60) Ina leveraged dimou the Squired company, in effect, acquisition. Answer: [RUE 61) An example of the use of the adeF R&D functional strategy to achieve a differentiation competitiye advantage 18 Nike Inc. Gu TRY IE 62) An operation strategy sac how and where a product or service is to be manufacured ie Tvet oF ere near) in the production process, the deployment of physical resources, and relationships with suppliers. Answer: (RUE 63) The continuous mapravemens system wasGeveloped by Deming, Answer: aa 64) The auto industry is currently experimenting with the straregyof anys custog assembled sub-assemblies are delivered as they are needed toa company's assembly Tine workers. oe Bee cece Answer: SE 65) W. Edwards Deming, a well-known management consultant, strongly recommended sole sourcing as the only manageable way to obtain high supplier Goer ere era eee tee qualit 66) Two suppliers are the sole suppliers of two different parts, but they are also backup suppliers for each other's parts in parallel sourcing. ae peavcnaabaduncsieess ——— AnswatTRUES, 67) Logistics strategy de SADIE AO). of products iro dnd outofshe— manufacturing process. pee ee Answer: TRUE 68) Research indicates that the use of work teams leads to d&¢reasedqquality“and)— productivity as well as lower employee satisfaction and commitment as a result of less secoutailiec Answer: FALSE 69) Multi-national corporations use sophisticated intranets to allow employees to practice fegfew-the-serr management, in which project team members living in one country can pass their wor embers in another country im which the workday is just beginning, Answe TRUE 70) Purchasing a product or service from ontractor that had been previously provided internally is called eee A) Veticatintegration, = -— B) horizontal integration. C) transaction costing. E) geographic integration. — t 71) The toff factoryin asuecessfull seemed to be a se of partnership, a wetiesianed anes agreement, joint governance, and consistent coi : A) IT relationship ip B) iS relationship “ie J D) logistics relationship E) accounting relationship, | 2 C7 72) According a recent Sirvey by Desitte Consulting, the most popular activity Was A) marketing. B) sales. ©) finance Bie Cunt 73) Which of the following is the major out sourcing eon} that should be avoided? en} A) failure to keep core activities in-house B) selecting the wrong vendor C) writing a poor contract overlooking personnel issues outsourcing is to pufchade from the outsidd only those activities tia ‘are very expensive. C) provide the company competitive advantage. D) are provided by an important supplier. E) are not very expensive. wet el? 75) Outsourcing is the vertical integration. Answer FRUE ) ‘ ; GF 76) Outsoureing is CoS itkegration. itsoureh eee eee Answer: TRUE : 71) The key too ‘ase from outside only those activities that are ihe comp Stinctiv fenchys. E Answer: 78) An important consideratign in the selection of a strategy is the ability of each It ive to SaTSty aarect-Lpon objectives with the least resourcesand the i neaives-Fhe competitive advantages developed earlier @ isan 120) According to fooota and Campbell }) when companies coordinate the flow of products or services of one unit with that of finother unit to reduce inventory, the synergistic effect is known as vo A) pooled negotiating power. “ey B) shared know-how. C) coordinated strategies. FT Que wwe oLov! E) new business creation. old and Campbell) which of the following{s not the mOW-how Poe eae cence gape @ coordinated strategies D) pooled negotiating power E) economies of scale or scope 7 122) When inroduco ugg sna Rapers fees Procter & Gamble's market leading Pampers, they were using the offensive tactic known as a(n) A) flanking maneuver. ir af) — D) bypass attack. E) guerilla attack. 123) When pha entered the market with a broader range of and other mus} struments, it was using which offen: fic Pee A) flanking maneuver ; B) frontal assault Qu Lyi) Ae Vay D) anes rack Yous : E) guerilla attack 124) Which of the following is of defefisive woes? ry - ny” A) Defensive tactics aim to lower the probability of attack. B) Defensive tactics divert attacks to less threatening avenues. C) Defensive tactics lessen the intensity of an attack. D) Defensive tactics reduce short-term profitability to ensure long-term guerilla warfare encirclement D) raise structural barriers E) increase expected retaliation 125) Which of the following OR A) frontal assault B) flanking maneuver Cc Sing warfare Fs E) encirclement 126) Which market location tactic is being used when a company attempts Yg cut the market out from under the established defender by offering a new type of product that makes the coi A) flanking maneuver é encirclement D) guerrilla warfare E) frontal assault head with its competitor matching in every category fro! ‘Gistribution channel? A) flanking maneuver B) bypass attack C) encirclement 2 a warfare have 128) Which market locat ai direct competition with developing teft medical devices, and ‘x imer electronics rather than computer: B) bypass «{tatk C) encirclement D) guerrilla warfare ae E) frontg 129) Which defensive tactic dil P&G )\se when they test marketed their liquid bleach product in an attempt to seare foroxyinto retreating from their detergent market? EPrpeeeeeeeeree A) lower the inducement for attack B) bypass attack 5 ; iu va 130) What is the last fim has om te fe the feasibifigyoFits selected Chi NN a B) standard cnet ie Kar Ay C) exit strategy development D) program development and execution E) tactic developments lanking maneuver E) raise structural barriers 13 1) The first company to manufacture and sella new product or Avicois referred to asa pioneer. feow(e TROY ad Sf 132) The panpose of a program or tactic is to make the strategy action-oriented. Answer: TR} 133) After programs have been developed, tHCbudger prOpess begins. Answer: 134) Standard operating procedures typically detail non aie be carried out to complete a corporation's programs. aried out to complete a corporation's program Answer: TRUE 135) Once in place, procedures seldom have to be“pdated)o reflect changes in technology or strategy. V 7 ON, must oO 136) One of the goals to bE achieved in strategy implementatigp is synergy between and among functions and business units, Answer TROE 137) Successful late movers tend to be large firm} with considerable resources and related experience. Se Answer: TRUE — 138) Microbreweries that make beer for sale for local eke: vee on bregerefike Anheuser-Busch, Answet , b enlargement is the movement of (orkers ough several jobs to if riety LsE> Answer: 140) An offensive tactic usually takes place in the firm's own current market position. Decsaszazezai See Answer: FALSE 141) Alfred Chandled known for his styfy of large American corporations, A) organic structure is best for firms in a changing environment. B) mechanistic structure is best for firms in a changing environment. E) strategic business units are the key to effective decentralization. 142) According to Gttaidttes and others, hich BERS USD be closely signed to avoid the ee eee Poor orginizational perforinace A) management, workforce, and customers B) operations, marketing, and finance wae goals, and tasks E) hierarchy, contacts, and integrators D) matrix structure E) functional structure 201) The geographic-area svar the company to introduce and manage a similar line OT PROGUCTS around the Wor Answer: FALSE Rave i Ge 202) As industries move from being multi-domestic to more globally integrated, multi-national corporations are increasingly switching from the geographic-area to the product-group structure. Answer: TRUE 203) In order to implement reengineering, Hammer suggests that those who use the output of the process perform the reengineering process. Answer: TRUE 204) Studies of the performance of reengineering programs show clear, consistent, and overwhelming evidence of success and improved productivity. Answer: FALSE 205) Lean Six Sigma incorporates the statistical approach of Six Sigma with the Jean manufacturing program originally developed by Toyota. Answer: TRUE 206) Rather than attempting to fix existing problems through minor adjustments and the fine-tuning of existing processes, the key to reengineering is to ask, "If this were a new company, how would we run this place?” Answer: TRUE 207) Reengineering appears to be most useful to changing an entire organization. Answer: FALSE 208) Téaditionally doen by the eSiemmen} and represents potential future opportun ae (defen sonsto5 Sa curs. the outer space market oe 0 peu aces pal ae 209) Which strategy specifies the firm's oo direction in terms o fits general orientation toward growth, the industries or markets tirwhich jt compel@snand the ——_ manner in which it coordinates, Eivitis and transfers resources among business units? 210) Which kind of corporate strategy cals wiDA the firm's overall orientation toward growth? aay gD hy 210) Which kind of corporate strategy deals with the manner in which the firrh_? coordinates activities and bfildy porate synergies through resource sharing and devetopmemnt?——" 211) Which one of the following diGgetional strategies most frequently used in corporations? ecg Sie involves two or more corporations joining in eet asstock ae aOR Which only one corporation survives? 213) Which of the iio ing strategies.was being used when Allied Corporation & ee and Signal Companies formed 214)Whieltemal growth swaleaV Wes demonstrated when Procter & Gamble a bet-G 215)Which of the hl eh rd owih strategy) is so desirable? 216) The most logical/growth strategy for a corporation with current product lines with/feal growih potentialyn a growing industry is at 217) Ford Motor Company's use eats to build its River Rouge Plant outside Of Betroit-so that ifomege could enter into one end of the plant and a finished automobile could exit out of the other end is called 218) The purpose of vertical growth is to 219) The purchase of the supplier Carroll's Food for its hog-gr0 facilities by Smithfield Foods, the world’s Targest pork processor-isan example 9 v ~ 220) The ability foi to manufacture its own shoes and then build stores for distribution is an example of 211) A disadvantage of vertical integration is that it 212) An attempt to a] that vertical integration is more efficient than ~ contrasting for goods and'services in the marketplace when the transaction ¢ ane OF buying goods on theSpen marke}+hecomes too great has been proposed by 213) In many cases, integration is more profitable than ; pa — integration. , >. backward Torward $C, 214) When a firm internally ay, key supplies and completely controls itS distributors, this is kno eee FB, 215) When Bristol-Mt ({7%4 DKImClone' common stock to gain acces integratio 216) A firm's expansion intd other geographid locations and/or increasing the range of prodietsamtrvervices offered to-cugrent maFKeIs called 217) Which strategy did Iftighhoose when it acquired Northwest AinlineTo) obtain decess 46 Northwest's Asian markets? horizontal integration strategy |.) _ 218) When C6ga 05m contracted with CépgeDaini to provide Gnancial ser¥ices, which strategy was Coca Cola using? 219) Adding a related or ioe product to a corporation's business units dding a re ier orporation’s business unit \ YN “a 220) Growth thi ersification out of an industr ees is call A ot 221) Which strategy might be the most likely when management realizes that the current infdustry istmattractive and that te firm lacks outstanding skills that it A could casi clated products oF & 6 hefYndustries? 222) With conglomerate diversification, the focus is on send investmenvand value-oriented management AW taTémational study WEBaip\& Company, Joncluded that the kelihoot ata successful acquisition is increased with 223) Studies reveal that over one-half to two-thirds of acquisitions are failures primarily because fe premidins paid were Gohigbyor the firm to eam 224) Which family of corporate spends as a lack of strategy? (saeinppeaegis Sueur 225) Which strategy is considered agineou?) Smee 2a ee 27 whch ase of Grrr dc the i tenet sp "he Meng wh» trocar | ent tai 224) Wen PRG abet and deel ta at jal wc Gres Kc vine [ é sori nila La 220 Ree ic in eesti ccs an cso Sacre se 21 Tiree emmds cal is 272) The sayy appoint Sr all the feng cumin oy the 253) Which tte smo pers yt ole crprion eshte aus af REST oh heme 2S) NEF i wens nc ha Ena was te ae _ ae reel Sora a re) aon {hut Sena xen pone ened a8 = ee oe ea Seeman gates te Grae a cag wares tte SD 256) esr the BCG Gotha Mai, ve pr Eocene ee aera 2a 25 Accing othe BCG Growth Mati, i hg/ EES is Shr Mat 229 nate BOG Gre Mac s BR he one ig Ges Coy Icey 21) cect ey GED) ee = aphink Son “4 14 omy somnta i oor o x Bh 218) Wich oe lloving nt ans fp aa Fi eon KO 24 ul pel i ol peoerebetes iy a te ans snes a = tes corperte sey eco ae 7 fe Fhe re leer omit ee ~— iol sacs — Sects co te ‘snne conto crt gen roi he re io cng en ee Prretnren gil tear ee tenes trinaty Siiscp teres iomerar, icone fp eek ae teeming ‘Bho ene Dy produc shag Ey soqtone ag man ey chp ety igh rele Thaey A ner nt ST be erat ce = = 272) One beret US, ep cng lt vee ha rained fit ‘pomater sep aang te coun tale he eg ‘pcos oper sk he ops “jt vere ‘© rer etd develope bot 2 Wie mene of om veme Bacquca rer id development Mh obey + ee a ay ‘nt ete bor Sr cans ign ome by SEH th wes eso Sooper poking (in rd marl oer rome cong ee MN B)a way in whchan MNC anneal col of open vying Sem elated thea: iecipememnianiras NCI aerate oon sonnel asi fi nab cy for asp oad pea tine conc fr consti feet fies inenhange era fe 1M Rc wes which tan stn fo eigen ack by (Geoky ips naSlnttchsing le eae ‘ene ero Hen? “lesnine — Phscistons 2 a i IY we A) ayn wch an MNC a ri hacen ptemmet ot sl Gs ynrchsn MMC cn a snl open by sith ing sibbeceats ernie teeny onlin inca ‘Sinhen scopes hee tad soley fem aa along te Aeclomo dag e pat chore apt an bes orc. ‘Disha an maaan a i 7) Magee sunac ed err els ‘Ajeot Way ech en ENC ma ool wih gr prem e Sion rd onal ee rare tng eh MN ema epernsty ie ‘any "Chen cryin choc idiom arch allovingithe (clot ig te pr recs edi Tena UNC ppl cnc eens of operating sia cchngs or 20) ithe invevense rougow te Ro pi ve i BE ‘eee making weld ‘ini caer See gc, otal expan Sage 1 coerton 218) A meni ecraion ‘seperate Wi on wheel onan. seta eas cece 200 Wi i lw ei ae Sr SS ea ssa Eel gem encaeinrnana Ginecawerettccloytyaeens Paes cont ey ep peter amps. & sib ote winger Sioa igre D)aloal cen ‘tbe plsea cmrnment ef he aty "agpia ale Byars oh coc aca mpraaascpa aa wi a rs yt vin ES eee ae Di naleeeh ieee a= 2g DY eo EH 1A) Theainn mtb mora bot pine 1) Paes st ema epee fr acc car an esi Pao pte coe comptes 290 Wate ya os i nil deepen? "Ti capa sce Re yet 8) Mecompany expert bate ior andy et pum {C) The company esis is om ep vison wit ales offs in ater seveininibel cy 291 Wit ithe vy ian sais som er ison wit ales ofBes in ater 1) The company pens ins bl indy edb wedi haan roses RAD nd Ping Sp, ro a ae Si ann ind) a ee mee ee beet Cosine Dsabes om 2 eS . wes inn “ “ at Ser? Sics Bout -)Comperion oping ronal nde cave ough recommen sas 1B) Sg nemo ‘pining? efiterason decopment the Sree company ih snsxpn division E) InSite develope ll mange ae espns fe cing etn mel nese he (Geren ep rte pee of tp Dims camels tae he evcpeen sce 29) Oncol tig Seon mks by eprom eg ACN oe At sing te sls iain eran or he eu enone. wie ids ono gy win y ‘Avke crane kimbo ‘ito forthe MIN to met gers weve ceive ithe sik cumin td overdone coil Diana i ea rr orm eso kad soprslenenopeming ns pba ndesry 1) EPI! US-based crostrite manages Sha ule acs ta bost Diba Asterten pea 20 Wap stg TD ne tape We Se OSa0 10 tease ttn Gage “A ale athe languge an ilo espns. "Cinemas (taken muds pson ‘yatta neat ime 2 Te ee er LS snot ca ianenang ts Gout oee s pel Po a al OER ey ak a 1) ms ik ts iin rece (ike anil oun rot araie Dytbetine no ed een ng he derek the ‘signe Sob spe of SEERA one siamo —_— Bash a sapaaiaate AySh wir FT Fenner iit ne Tomar oh hha han Ge ei dpe ate Stith io semnaeaaa ‘Dike enna acing ‘Chan ay sea engage Dinca cfc wih hs eouey employe. ‘Binal waht esta ll th 312) Which fie ling aa TaRERTTIN improve the eet Cie eeetieme, he out pth scot ADS of mange Rep commen Hot } Design ph fr epi, 1 Deelp an apa ors tetra epee vi he the expat ee oe Dye mt fora ane 1314) Wan dining bin fo reat, Ayaan cn te mares ‘sito ves mse nie of no mera igre D) ite ste expe shad be sb inthe sgn gee aaa ike prea corp fing his oe emer Dytblaed siiay Boge yal eptes Ey tene ofthe MNC nein wore betes. 217 Using tint nny tie A)elmintes suse with el eaplyers bm cafes ovr theater pr comp geo esol een 31) scene ents ae ep dat mores ae (C)Searghsng tn el or nes experince Dystnnaing sah expe pros 3 spac cnet tel eye 219 nin OT mone isron proms that "aise compen re coming ely one oe rm Bytes snc ose exing wset te {itp nineteen ee mreeg amcor sci ae 32) Tanfering pfs ors og ssi th pret copra ‘ot wats scale “acl Wa By acy bed eosin. Satie SX oe Cheap i ct orm ngs yal pent ing Si ot coyote ceh us na ew {Sap Noa we aot mis nai *) Mauss pa sla as en ost erento Managemen shld smi ste sling so itty DD) tages sb weston! pyro aang tic on spete responses each partment tought he MN: 52) Wht mere nacido met prt ee frien Bp he, {Coosa cass DyROE 325) Th re ot idly dec rats perme (OURO. sec price nde om agrees peter stem SS 325) Which oy cn hn fi for MNCS oon tt sper an ta 12 co me isan 329) Wh ote avin i Ye np ARE tS ‘spar poe oma ch 9S Lopate as IE Rant B) Deeente now w nese Gj Easbh sande operons. 331 prtoman ia anda meta i he orf dit clans ez manger mde ipraeecninan ae. Seder Oban ete 334 Te iia wis cap fl Gyre bac oe 61 Wich ype of wont gee how oct into bene fF. id gen ete, ankles ope Bystrica Sens tess A) tactical control B) strategic control AH 5 mae VR functional control 337) The ISO 9000 and 14000 Standards Series as a way to objectively document a company's highTevel of quality operations are examples of A) tactical control. B) strategic control. C) output control. D) functional control. 338) All of the following are examples of havior cont EXCEPT A) monitoring employees' phone calls. B) monitoring employees’ PCs. C) monitoring employees’ Internet usage. using ISO 14000 Standards Series. 330) AINE the following are examples opt eonval)EXCEPT A) sales quotas. B) specific cost reduction objectives. C) profit objectives 340y What percent of U.S. employers use some form of electronic monitoring in the workplace as reported in a 2015 study? fT cs empha uot controls when they are following a strategy of A) concentric diversification. an wut, input, and ') retrenchment. 342) Corporatio behavioryWI .) conglomerate diversification 5 SEN ichment. y i A ings a method of accounting which is making outsourti Shs by doing A) total quality management. feengincering. D) MBO. 344)_isacompors te, iGfgrated proceds to manage the esiy-or fasitive Mi that could negatively iniluenge The achievement of the corporations ter ‘A) ISO 14000 Series B) Input controls C) Activity-based costing 345) Which is the MOST commonly used measure of c pert perforin terms of profit)? A) EPS B) ROE c) pps 346) ROL is A) Repatriation of investments. B) Retum on interest. C) Repatriation of interest. 347) An advantage ori} measure of performance i A) itis sensitive to book value ines = aap time span of concem is short snes D) the business cycle strongly affects ROI performance often despite managerial performance, 348) The result of dividing Et incom Gere by the total amoun( invested} result of dividing = the company is B) EPS. specialists look at the amount of money a nei ovr can take out of the firm the business. This is known as A) leveraged buyout. B) operating cash flow. D) dividends. E) shareholder measure. ;-based numbers such as ROI, ROE, and 350) Because of the Pett accounti EPS atsnct eabe35 pyaar os economic value, which method of corporate performance is asic earning power C) price/earnings ratio D) profit margin on sales 351) The péGent valid of the anticipated future stream ofash tos) from the business plus the value of the company if tga efewed to as “AYTETTTOn assets. B) ROVA. C) earnings per share. 352) The difference between the pretrategy and p6st-strategy values for the —— business is 353) Which of the following is a tor which mafiagg}s can improve their J company's or b a — B) using more capital, Aes C) investing capital in multiple low-return projects 354) Which of the following is xot consider geradequate measure by itself o corporate performance? A) ROI B) EPS C) ROE D) operating cash flow 355) Which of the following i should be developed for uy in A) customer B) innovation and learning C) financial 356) The balanced scorecard approach (@ evaluation and Ged sien to each goal/objective in an area one or mare measures, that are each Essential for achieving FUesired strateyid option, These lngasiTgparefalled) a A) critical success factors. 7 B) strate; ‘tors. si D) behavioral measures, 357) Which of the following is not cher ae nsibili 3? A) They are used to the extent that they can isolate specific functional units such as R&D. B) Each responsibility center has its own budget and is evaluated on its use of ed resources. jot oné of the area> ch goals or objectives the balg D) The center uses resources to produce a service or a product. E) A responsibility center is headed by the manager responsible for the center's performance. 358) The ca opt the &Apectedsost of production against the actual cost of production typi occurs in'the A) investment center. revenue center. n Coprantara ance, yet 359) What responsibility center is judged for effectiv ther tl n Goan) A) investment cent ey MIReRe oP < C) standard cost center 360) A responsibility center which'measures resourses in dollars wi(hOut 7 consideration of service oF product costs is called a(n) A) investmenit center B) revenue center. D) profit center. Ara 361) A responsibility center which measu difference between revenues (which measure measure resources) is a(n) A) investment center. B) revenue center. 4 bh ore center. J 2S 362) A type of responsibility center which is typically eeblished Whenever an organizational Una control over its resources and 1S products or services ae is a(n) A) investment center. B) revenue center. C) expense amt) 363) Return on jrcsiment 1) is the most widely used measure of performance in what respons A) revenue center B) expense center in terms of the ion) and expenditures (which Profit center 364) A multidivisional corporation like ould tend to use what type of responsibility center? — 365) The continual process of mesurng pms, services, and practices against the toughest competitors or thosé Companies recognized as industry Teaders is ee A) total quality management. C) action planning. 366) Which of the following is noone of he ser toy in the benchmarking process? A) Develop tactical programs for closing performance gaps. B) Implement tactical programs, measure the results, and compare the results with those of the best-in-class company. Bolen the area or — be examined. 367) What smn a concept of benfimarkin the United States? A) Walmat B) Boeing C) PepsiCo 368) An odd twist £6 benchmarkipg in the arena of ingerational te is repatriation of profits. dys pas Wan a C) freakonomics. 369) The concept that sugg€Spit makes no sense to reinvent something that someone elsé is already using is (0) The worldwide cost ofsoffwarepiraeyyin 2016 was estimated to be approximately A) $3 million. B) $30 million. C) $3 billion. 371) A study by Bain & Company revealed what percentage of companies using benchmarking in some manner? A) 10% B) 30% C) 50% (os 372) An electronic tagging technology used in a number of companies to irfffove) Tr with contactless communication between devices is 373) WhStis becomipd the business information syifmis plobal standard? A) ERP Sree 374) The German company SQP AG Dyjginated the concept of ERP with its A) activity-based costing B) transfer pricing. C) spreadsheet software. 375) The union of all of a company's major business activities from order processing to production/Within p single family of software m is known as (erprise strategic planning. C) information system planning. 376) Which of the following is not a reasfa ERB could fail? A) insufficient tailoring of the software to fit the company B) inadequate training D) ee op fementation support 377) RFID replaces cell phones. 378) Which of the following is not one of the, many executives do not conduet long samperformanee-gvaluaions, prefer o focus primarily on short- run perform: sae A) They do not realize their importance B) They are not personally evaluated on a long-term basis. C) They believe short-run results are the most important. @ ae do not have the time to make a long-run analysis. 379) What term describes when activitigs originally) intended to help managers attain corporate objectives become ends in themselves or are adapted to meet ends pee aera See AE ray, 2) eva sR en ‘Aveda Patel iol ome ity a eo opt witht dvb or uns one to hp peromans ess ise ‘BY hrs iret pdce to efile a 3) Tog US, Noy up, "What yo ie (ore hs at rt is sabpieton Couto. 112) Wich cmp experienc ted epi sa em flr “peneacn ber sation emplpes ae bear oe [Rhvetiihe ona yen BIC eeney GyNeima cae Ay Ru So. 1) thee reo pace str near al pci: {india pt no postin se othe bs nese othe which me 3) acing tins i uaa deepens f ing pation cn fre unig rn oad mies fin ¢ ) esa W mia ee Wa) peed eemma Beene agp "RS state ge, Hm Sea ee operate eee ioe 310) Anata on een Sev ting ih mol rte Daa ‘hae sora a {ogee wh mh oo foe cto Deseret Byrn na TTT Wt seat oft pel CEO pay pactage "4 10% 3 9) Which etd of ming ronan he scent of sige a gr nn ee eer a eye iene 1) seamen coe Gleegiom evan td ytd etesie etd STs ea ht compet progam abe ee Wee mt gS “Aub sai. Byrontiet tg. {Cenperatve ste. gerbera ftp Si ase Tees “Arsene ‘yearend ee 2g 492) The _epeurgeeecetieo nk atdvlopmet xen oe aes req eee pao, eeprom cnet 593 wh ta rig eee mee {ete ee gn aap seo “site aid —— se evo etd 3) Wit of math endo he acomplia fe jects cg ook a esol gees Bag se eetrecmtco ie pear ee Tatyeebe sessed acorns nen cera tm rene rman ent ig be posed meates ch ‘Acompay eu cree nlite SS rt spon vig sep aj ‘Caninget pon te eng’ pod develo ces 398) Which ft wing i NOT desi oh hy fusing company semper. HO) Whi caviar wes esl pied by bis pecpletoBaies| {Otero empneck nt opetewt Mio bed nthe eka coms yn sare Wht POTS os sis ehh set (TS prerment =_— 13 Which of «4 415 An ral ofan conser in i ei nine ic ais = i ga trem 7) tl ay amt Bey er = +2) Te ela vgs emai ous a mantic en oie nc apes ea © OBIE tennis ‘ene imgrvetirsomns oon 123) ny brs aa Ba 2tzast 9 reo "TAY sty dinwtby ew ag fs wich ge wih emg re eee mr snes gee Bonnin : =i 40) Which fe allovng i eve inc compete niga? a ate came nmin gah i 442) One ofthe demos Yarbe inthe nc came ite casing Tree site pt bee pec smc op ce ptm uit em aby anther steelers emis ch {The coxpetie Tenet 45) Ang Mabe Poe ope econ ee mas pois nln i aT ae ae - "HR crpntin se evita singe veil ai pie = {Fi ney mayan GSD quo FL 42) ae eee gS ohne msis9 ii emt sete ope opto 3 ee uate eet mee Besse SDSS etme terme 4) Erion oe nS ath dl ny pee mad hangs sty nti ttn TS geal 7S) Wh epiemet wan eral pried by baie pple tobe agen el he 08 I vee nen] agin? Lidar: ear coun eu —< ‘aust {otek an Dh eel ta 49) Wi beavis NOT enn of ees ea =n eyes wth TARTS hp wh cing ie fa ge a ears, 4 Aint ine en ee me lows wi us’ 10) A yf nly 30 sw eg oreo ind which af eso ee ne wel Pate fom ores 480 A the bing eG ee an ei eo {2) he US. asprhomeapplancs inks, nti te emai Maes, ‘Wisp Goal sind stain an eager ‘at was once ygmened but wow iscamslidaed — ADD va se ce een ep Sema Sg {5m wer pe chr - 1) nti he mi 8 Wick te aowiag NOT alee of ie TD 489) An industry scenario is a forgéaste? description of a particular industry's likely future-tris developed by analyZing the probable impact of future societal oo forces on key groups in a particular‘indust 490) According to Porter, th€Corporation is most concerned with factors within a oo. industry —_——— ‘@ matrix summarizes the k et 492) The transferring of profits from Noreign Subsidiary to a corporation's headquarters is known as repatriation of Prefi —_ true Hee 493) Those variablet tH can affect significantly the overall competitive positions of compariies within any particular industry are kriown as 494) Which ofthe following iLO? descriptive of "hiCat oT SIBSTNE POINT: services?" iA G@ijng subsites rlatively casy sing they look slat 495) Assimilation involves the relatively balanced giye-and-take of culture and managerial practices between the merger practices. i 496) If'a planned strategy is not compatible with the company’s current culture, and management is not willing to make major organizational changes required to manage around the culture-whatshroukdtht organization do? 497) According to the text, a complete package for an executive working in another country costs 498) When searches for executive leadership, all of the following represent its broad competency of achieving results EXCEPT ——eeeEeeee 499) When Admiral was acquired by Maytag Corporation, the Admiral employees were willing to accept the dominance of Maytag's strong quality-oriented culture. This demonstrates Which approach to managing culture? a ci Ve 500) Execiitive suecéssion is the provess of replacing a key top manager. ee ei SZ, 501) Strategic goals can be accomplished through defining an action plan. Which one of the following is of the components which makeupmtrnetion plan? preter cet 502) The hiring of new people with new skills, firing of people with inappropriate or substandard skills, and/or training existing employees to learn new skills are included the process of 503) bute witha particulars 3 skills and experiences may be classified as an executive type and paired witht > a 504) =a iat pursue related diversification strategies ‘hroveh internal development make greater use of interdivisional transfers oF peop! companies that grow throug}rtnrelated acquisitions. 505) The percentage of European and Japanese-based expatriate managers who fail to adjust to a host countrys social and business environment is— 506) Chandler proposed that the most appropriate ce for afen remains constant) as the company proceeds through its life cycle. 507) When AT&T acquired NCR Corporation, which amanagefnent stateny 9 efron strategy ‘as employed in terms of culture’? > \ sammin) 27408 \/ 509) According to the text, ssment snipe been subsequent 6 <—s~ F rch suggests that Tas of eros tend to look Ee nop) for the next CEO under which following eircumstance? 512) Whid NOT one of TQM's objectives? 513) ee Tefers to the 7 mination of positions or jobs. 514) TQM links organizational objectives and the behavior of individuals. 313) Which of the following practices was not identified by(BFick and Greg, Rp in companies that do a good job-Of managing foreign assignment ee eee eee 516) A dynamic industry expert is someone with an analytical mind who is highly knowledgeable in other industries and can manage diverse product lines.

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