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咬岱Jl I∵

]:lo哂 哕 ⒌ 3-δ ′′ i奔 Ι
l廴型 肛露圳 《△:丿 岫 芗 :

。郧 虍・ L冖 LJ=。 恫 助
un浞 ed Arab Emir宙"丙
tes-sha刂 唇h¢ overnment


Date∶ 2017/0I/24
ReΙ 11/146/2017


弘 侧 洫 ˇh血 cⅡ al” (s⒆ has rC说 CwCd the tcchnical subm妣 甜 from JINLUO WATER.Thcy
havc patcntcd a tecthnology(sPRAs)sludge PrOGess Reduction Act~atcd sludge Whch reduces
thc wastc sludgc quanti饣 蚯gn亚 Galltly&rcduccs thc impact load of加 Π“沮t pollutants.

sM rcprcscn扬 Ⅱves has visitcd a numbcr ofbig&s111aller package sTPs of肌 1JO WATER
to assess the pcrfor111a11ce of犰 c田 judged that a11伍 e opcratonal scwagc饣catments
plants were perfoIIIlhg wcll,producing饨 h qu破 i饣 of trCatcd cmucnt c。 nf-魄 the
standard rcqurcmcnt for Lriga住 on d℃ othcr potable uses。

JINLUO WATER sewagc Trea扭 ncnt systeIll was fomd cncrgy cⅢ cicnt,steady in opcration,
lea哎 bot prnlt,and1ow opemton cost wi伍 rcduced total trcatmcnt cxpcnscs。 Thc w∝ 魄
sTPs w⒒h sPRAs tcchnology arc producmg extrcmcly low waste ac位 vated sludge【 WAs)in
Goη parc to o1t丨 l]1(:;r GOnventional proccss.

It is asscssCd 伍at 伍cir sPRAs tcchnology can bc GasⅡ y combhed 、vith activatcd sludgc
prOGess&⒒ s mo由 丘cd proccsscs(sBR,Ao AAO)to get consⅡ erable shdge re山 £to弘 In
combkntion of diffcrcnt JINLUO WATER sTPs Inodule the Biological mtrogcn(殳 chcmical
phosphorus rcmova1can be a0hieved.

Based on the abovc1nen伍 oncd fcatures&adv勿 ⒒ages⒒ is evaluated让 ntJINLUO WATER

propomd technology ls su血沌lc for uggcr&smallcr pa诎 刭夕 STPs eXeGuton.
△⒛rcforc sh眄 rah Mw山 Φali″ hCre by approves J小 LUO WATER锱 an approved con饣 Ⅱωr
to undcrtakc sewage treatment p1ant p岣 e姚 wi伍 h the Em△哎es of s⒒ 妁洫 .

irector GeⅡ eraI

City MuⅡ icipality


起 蛤 少 i屮邛 钿 “¨… △ Jc扎 。‘刂 抄 o|戈 。 夂匀ˉ u鸟 咆∪


吗 1△ J丫 丫 屮 ‘+`V、 0o{尸 ‘+′ V、 VVVY L± Jh

ft!‘ 沪
`0`ˇ `Ⅱ `0`丫
Tc⒈ +97165623333-Fa灯 +97165貌 6犸 5-PO BoⅪ 夕 shal丿 ah uA E
WWW shlmun gov ae e~mai卜 info@shJmun gov ae

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