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Global Health Journal 6 (2022) 19–29

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Assessment of health impacts of noise pollution in the Tarkwa Mining

Community of Ghana using noise mapping techniques
Peter Ekow Baffoe a,∗, Alfred Allan Duker b, Efiba Vidda Senkyire-Kwarteng b
Department of Geomatic Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Resources and Technology, University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa, Western Region, Ghana
Department of Geomatic Engineering, College of Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ashanti Region, Ghana

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Background: Noise pollution is increasing across the world due to the increase in human activities in the urban
Received 7 August 2021 areas. The main causes of noise pollution are man-made and environmental noise. However, long exposure to
Received in revised form 6 January 2022
noise pollution could lead to dire health consequences like cardiovascular diseases, hearing impairment, sleep
Accepted 17 January 2022
disturbances, and adverse social behavior etc., which is rarely documented in the study area.
Available online 19 January 2022
Objective: Communities in the developing countries such as Ghana have little knowledge of effects of noise
Keywords: pollution on human health, which is demonstrated by their attitude towards this menace. This study assessed the
Health impacts health impacts of noise pollution and its spatial distribution in the Tarkwa Mining Community (TMC) of Ghana.
Methods: To achieve the study objective, questionnaires were administered; as well as collation of health data from
Noise pollution
major health centers in the study area. Noise levels were measured and noise map produced using geographic
Noise mapping
information system (GIS) techniques. Overlay maps of some diseases were done using overlay techniques in
GIS. The noise exposure and corresponding noise doses for churches, working sites and social centers were also
calculated using the respective formulae.
Results: The noise levels were found to be high above the prescribed Ghana Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) standards, with traffic noise levels ranging from 65.00 dBA to 98 dBA, while that of churches ranged from
73.10 dBA to 107.00 dBA and that of working sites from 74.4 dBA to 115.2 dBA. The calculated noise exposure
and corresponding noise dose for churches ranged from 75.1 dBA to 104.6 dBA (i.e., 10%‒8 000%), while that
for workers’ sites were from 75.8 dBA to 115 dBA (i.e., 12%‒90 000%). Statistical regression and correlation
analyses were done for diseases such as hypertension, ear problems and sleep disturbances.
Conclusion: The study has therefore revealed that the noise levels in the study area are very high and correspond-
ing health impacts are prominent. Stakeholders and authorities should devise mitigating measures to combat
this rising menace. The results revealed a strong positive correlation between noise and corresponding health
impacts. Despite the positive correlation there are other causes and effects to the mentioned diseases.

1. Introduction and annoyance reactions.3 These aforementioned health impact asser-

tions have been confirmed by other scholars.1-5
Studies show that noise level of over 60 dBA can affect the physical Noise mapping is viewed as an important tool when assessing the
and psychological health of humans.1 Moreover, some studies also pre- level of noise pollution for planning purposes, policy making and miti-
dict that noise levels in some areas, especially in the developing coun- gating.6-8 Noise maps are generally used to locate areas of higher noise
tries, could go as high as 90 dBA and even to 110 dBA.1-2 Therefore, levels and can be linked to population data to estimate the number of
Health and Safety regulations are becoming more stringent worldwide people that are affected. These maps can also be used to produce noise
to prevent noise pollution and damage to health. This is because long action plans to manage noise and reduce noise levels where appropriate
exposure to excessive noise influences the environment and the quality as well as graphically represent changes over time. Studies associated to
of life or the health of human beings. The adverse health effects of exces- noise mapping have been conducted by several researchers in different
sive noise include hearing impairment, sleep disturbances, interference parts of the world.9-10
with spoken communication, cardiovascular problems, disturbances in Some of the applications aimed at curbing the harmful effect of
mental health, impaired work performance, negative social behavior, this menace are technical planning, behavioral studies, and educational

Corresponding author:
2414-6447/Copyright © 2022 People’s Medical Publishing House Co. Ltd. Publishing service by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Baffoe PE, Duker AA and Senkyire-Kwarteng EV Global Health Journal 6 (2022) 19–29

strategies.11 The educational strategies are some of the most important turn lead to an increase in per capita income of people in the munici-
since they raise awareness of the citizenry to the effect and impacts of pality. Fig. 1 shows a map of the TMC.
noise pollution in the communities. It also helps to reduce noise emis-
sion in all circumstances in the society. 2.2. Materials
Health effects of noise pollution cannot be over-emphasized in ur-
ban communities; therefore, many researchers have worked studiously The materials used to quantify the ambient noise levels in the TMC
on that. However, majority of the authors worked on the clinical point include a calibrated Larson Davis’ SoundTrack LxT Sound Level Meter, a
of view and most of the time not connected to the mining communities Garmin 60CSx handheld GPS receiver and a surveyor’s measuring tape.
which have their own peculiar characteristics.1-5 , 12-14 Besides, the con- Easy GPS software, was used to download field data from the handheld
trol of noise pollution and its impacts on mining communities, especially GPS receiver and the DNRGarmin was also used for converting the data
areas similar to the study area, are fraught with insufficient knowledge into the local grid coordinates system. The ESRI’s ArcGIS 10.1 software
of noise levels and its health consequences. This study was carried out was used for the plotting of the data and mapping of the various posi-
to evaluate the ambient noise levels and its potential health impacts in tions and noise levels as determined in the research.
the Tarkwa Mining Community (TMC) of Ghana. Digital map (vector data) of the study area was obtained from the
Remote Sensing and GIS Section of Geomatic Engineering Department of
University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa, Ghana. The digital map
2. Materials and methods data was then validated using the handheld Garmin GPS. Population
census and population density data were obtained from the Statistical
2.1. Study area Department (Takoradi, Western Region of Ghana) and the number of
vehicles in the community was obtained from the Drivers and Vehicle
TMC is an area on the south-western part of Ghana and is the ad- Licensing Authority Section of the Tarkwa Nsuaem Municipal Assembly.
ministrative stretch of Tarkwa Nsuaem Municipality. It is an old mining The average vehicles per hour were obtained by street counting and the
town and is well noted for the mining of minerals such as gold and average speed was measured using vehicular speedometer.
manganese. There are prominent mining and allied companies in the
study area including Gold Fields Ghana Ltd., AngloGold Ashanti Ltd. 2.3. Methods
and Ghana Manganese Company Ltd. It is noteworthy that several small-
scale mining activities are carried out within the TMC. In terms of in- 2.3.1. Selection of churches and working sites
frastructural development, Tarkwa in recent years has seen an increas- The study was carried out in suburbs uniformly distributed in the
ing trend in areas such as roads, health, education, industry, banking, TMC where the density of places of worship is high. The criteria of se-
hospitality services and private business development.15 lection were based on density of places of worship, human density and
The location of TMC makes transportation of goods and services to distribution and location. The churches for example, were selected by
and fro within Tarkwa easily and encourages inter districts trade. The purposive sampling technique and it was based on three main criteria.
features of the study location help boost economic activities which in Firstly, the church should be either Orthodox, Pentecostal or Charis-

Fig. 1. Tarkwa Mining Community.

Baffoe PE, Duker AA and Senkyire-Kwarteng EV Global Health Journal 6 (2022) 19–29

matic; secondly, the physical structure should be standard and perma- working area. These brought about insights into health consequences of
nent not temporal, this will help for future reference; and thirdly, should excessive noise levels in the study area as well as its implications.
be registered and be operating for more than five years. To understand the impacts of noise pollution, a study was con-
The selection of the small-scale mining sites was of similar criteria. ducted into the main noise generation sources. This was done essen-
The sites selected were based on the fact that they were legally registered tially to bring up some suggestions to mitigate the adverse noise effects.
and have permanent working sites. Other factors include their locations, To achieve the said objective, questionnaires were administered in the
distribution and total number of working in the sites. study area, to the members of the community, for which the respon-
dents were grouped from 1 to 7. That is, Groups 1‒3 were members
2.3.2. Collection and processing of data from the University of Mines and Technology community. These three
The spatial coordinates of all monitoring stations and selected fa- groups were from three different Halls of Residence located at different
cilities in the study area were measured using handheld Garmin GPS parts of the community who are mostly youths. Group 4 were randomly
receiver. The validation of the digital map (vector data) obtained for chosen people across the study area whereas Group 5 were gathered
this study, was done using the data captured with the handheld GPS. from the health in the study area. Group 6 and Group 7 were members
Here, positions of features found on the map were then compared to the of churches and selected working sites in the TMC. Respondents were
ground truth data. A total of 23 ground truth locations were observed. sub divided into two categories: males and females. The males were
The measurements of the outdoor noise levels were done using the further grouped into two: one group ranging from the ages of 18‒35
calibrated Larson Davis’s SoundTrack LxT Sound Level Meter. Measure- and the other ranging from 36 to 70. This was replicated for the female
ments were taken at street level (at major street junctions, round-about, group. The average participant in a group was 200 participants.
and passenger loading stations). Workplaces such as small-scale min- Different types of sampling techniques exist for data collection; how-
ing sites, sawmills, and workshops as well as social gatherings (e.g., ever, the cluster sampling method was adopted for this research work.
churches, restaurants and bars) were selected for the noise monitoring. This was done because the statistical distribution of the stations was
The noise level measurements in this study were carried out in the morn- relatively heterogeneous in groupings. The typical inclusion criteria
ing (6:00 to 10:00 am), afternoon (12:00 to 2:00 pm) and evening (6:00 adopted includes demography and geographical characteristics.
to 11:00 pm). The mapping of the noise levels was done using the uni- A geodatabase was created for storage and management of the data
versal krigging techniques as applied in ArcGIS. from the major health facilities. The geodatabase created of medical
Health and Safety Regulations (e.g., Environmental Protection Agency records of patients included patient ID, location, sex, age, principal di-
ACT, 1994 (ACT 490)), require that the noise exposure be reported for agnoses, date admitted, projected grid coordinates (northings and east-
all staff exposed to noise levels exceeding the standard noise level for ings). Since GIS allows interactive queries for extracting information
workers. Therefore, the noise exposure and noise dose were calculated contained in the database, queries were performed. Queries performed
for the time of exposure and the dose associated with them using the across the geodatabase accessing information on the clinical details of
proceeding equations. The equivalent sound exposure level (Lex ) is the patients were to obtain certain specific details. This helped in quan-
energy-averaged noise exposure level over 8 h. It is closely related to the tifying all reported cases of diseases used for the analysis. The noise
equivalent continuous sound pressure level (Leq) which was measured pollution maps were created using ArcGIS software suite.
in the field. Correlation and regression analysis were also performed to estab-
Noise dose is another measure of noise exposure given in terms of lish statistical relationship between noise pollution and various health
a value relative to unity or 100% of the noise exposure. It is another related diseases reported at the health posts. For the regression, a poly-
single descriptor for noise exposure. However, noise exposure Lex , of nomial regression model was found to be the most plausible method to
noise level of 85 dBA for 8 h is equal to 100% noise dose. The formulae fit the data adequately. The generic form of the polynomial regression
for calculating the noise exposure and noise dose are presented in the is expressed in Eq. (5).19
Eqs. (1) to (4).16-17
𝑌 = 𝜃0 + 𝜃1 𝑋 + 𝜃2 𝑋 2 + ... + 𝜃𝑚 𝑋 𝑚 (5)
2.3.3. Formulae for Leq , Lex , time and noise dose
Where Y is dependent variable; 𝜃0 is bias; 𝜃 1 is weight in the equation
( ) of a polynomial regression; X is independent variable; m is degree of
𝐷𝑜𝑠𝑒 = 100 × 𝑇 ∕8 × 10 𝐿𝑒𝑞 − 85 ∕10% (1)
𝐿𝑒𝑞 = 10log10 {(𝐷𝑜𝑠𝑒∕100) × (8∕𝑇 )} + 85𝑑𝐵𝐴 (2) The correlation is generally expressed in Eq. (6) 20 as:

𝐿𝑒𝑥 = 10log10 {𝐷𝑜𝑠𝑒∕100} + 85𝑑𝐵𝐴 ∑∑

(3) ⎛ (𝑥 − 𝑥)(𝑦 − 𝑦) ⎞
1 ⎜ 𝑥 𝑦 ⎟
𝑛 − 1 ⎜⎜ ⎟ (6)
𝐿𝑒𝑥 = 10log10 {𝑇 ∕8} + 85𝑑𝐵𝐴 (4) 𝑠𝑥 𝑠𝑦 ⎟
⎝ ⎠
Where Dose is a noise exposure dose (in%, acquired in T hours); Leq
is A-weighted, sound level linearly energy averaged over T hours; Lex is
Where 𝑥 is mean of first variable; 𝑦 is mean of second variable; Sx is
sound exposure level, A-weighted, sound level linearly energy averaged
standard deviation of the first variable; Sy is standard deviation of the
over 8 hours; T is the sampling time (in hours, of the measurement).
second variable; n is number of pairs of data;
In the UK and the USA, the standard noise level in a working en-
Hypothesis testing was employed to further confirm the degree of
vironment is 85 dBA.18 If the noise limit is 85 dBA and a person is
correlation between the noise levels and the diseases. Null Hypothesis:
exposed to a constant or equivalent sound pressure level of 85 dBA for
statistical statement that shows no relationship between the noise level
8 hours, then the result is a 100% noise dose. International Organization
and the related diseases. H0 : 𝜌 = 0. Alternative Hypothesis: statistical
for Standardization (ISO) uses an energy-based average for noise dose
statement that shows there is a relationship between the noise level and
calculation, basing on 3 dB exchange rate. This means that a noise level
the related diseases. H1√: 𝜌 ≠ 0. Significance level: 𝛼 = 0.05.
of 88 dBA has twice energy as much as a level of 85 dBA. Therefore, 𝑟 𝑛−2
if 85 dBA = 100% dose for 8 hours’ exposure, then 88 dBA = 200% Test statistic: |𝑡| = √
dose exposure, so only a maximum of 4 hours is allowed per shift. This Where r is correlation coefficient; n represents the number of obser-
principle was adopted in this study since there is none applied in the vations. The decision rule is to reject H0 if |t| > t( 𝛼/2, n −2) .

Baffoe PE, Duker AA and Senkyire-Kwarteng EV Global Health Journal 6 (2022) 19–29

Table 1 Table 2
Noise exposure and noise dose of some churches in the TMC. Noise exposure and noise dose of some working sites
Church Leq (dBA) Lex (dBA) Noise dose (%)
Working site Leq (dBA) Lex (dBA) Noise dose (%)
Church of Pentecost 1 95.2 92.2 500
Church of Christ 1 101.2 98.8 2 500 Sawmill 1 101.3 101.5 4 500
Anglican Church 82.2 79.2 25 Sawmill 2 102.2 102.5 5 500
Church of Pentecost 2 102.4 99.4 2 750 Sawmill 3 104.0 104.0 8 000
Methodist Church 1 99.5 96.8 1 490 Sawmill 4 106.4 106.0 14 000
Living Word Ministry 98.3 95.7 1 250 Corn mill 1 108.4 108.2 21 000
Church of Christ 2 83.7 81.0 80 Corn mill 2 110.3 110.4 34 000
Church of Pentecost 3 94.8 92.5 500 Corn mill 3 115.2 115.0 90 000
Winners Glory 90.5 87.8 190 Corn mill 4 109.5 109.5 28 000
Church of Christ 3 78.1 75.1 10 SSM 1 91.7 92.0 500
Church of Pentecost 4 87.2 84.5 90 SSM 2 79.3 79.3 30
Methodist Church 2 89.3 86.5 140 SSM 3 88.6 88.5 240
Seventh Day Adventist 78.1 76.1 14 SSM 4 89.1 89.2 260
Methodist Church 3 93.5 90.8 375 SSM 5 83.8 83.4 75
Catholic Church 75.3 72.8 6 SSM 6 84.5 85 100
Christ Within Church 91.4 88.5 225 SSM 7 85.3 85.4 150
Spring Word Church 96.9 94.4 780 SSM 8 81.4 81.7 45
Brotherhood Church 82.2 79.2 28 SSM 9 86.9 86.8 156
Christian Faith Church 94.2 91.5 425 Workshop 1 82.2 82.5 55
Christian Divine Church 98.5 94.5 900 Workshop 2 84.2 84.3 85
Divine Healers Church 107.6 104.6 8 000 Workshop 3 78.5 78.4 26
Presbyterian Church 98.6 91.6 1 200 Workshop 4 77.0 75.8 12
Church of Pentecost 5 104.4 101.5 4 200 Workshop 5 78.6 78.5 25
Workshop 6 74.4 77.9 19
Ghana Environmental Protection Agency standard noise level for
entertainment centers and churches is 65 dBA. TMC: Tarkwa Mining Ghana Environmental Protection Agency standard noise
Community; Leq : equivalent continuous sound pressure level; Lex : level for working sites (i.e., corn mill, small scale min-
equivalent sound exposure level. ing, mechanical workshops and other industrial environ-
ments) is 70 dBA. Leq : equivalent continuous sound pres-
sure level; Lex : equivalent sound exposure level. SSM:
3. Results small scale mining.

3.1. Measured noise level results

Table 3
The equivalent noise levels measured at some of the churches in the Equivalent noise levels for some social gatherings.
TMC of different religious bodies are presented in Table 1 including
noise levels of locations at 50 meters from the source. In Table 1, the Leq at source Leq at 50 m from source
Social Gathering
(dBA) (dBA)
EPA Ghana Standard noise level for entertainment centers and churches
are also presented for comparison. Rash City Restaurant 85.6 57.1
Blues Lodge 83.3 65.6
The impact of noise pollution on the health of people in churches,
Chandis Bar 99.3 73.4
restaurants, entertainment centers, working sites and other areas (where Golden Restaurant 95.1 77.6
people are exposed to higher noise levels for long times) are of great Royal Base Restaurant 87.5 68.4
concern. This is because the ill effect of noise pollution depends on the Efuanta Bar 78.9 63.2
exposure (length of time in the noise area) and dose (measure of noise
Ghana Environmental Protection Agency standard noise level for entertain-
exposure) of the noise pollution to which the people are exposed to. Us- ment centers and churches is 65 dBA. Leq : equivalent continuous sound pres-
ing Leq measured in the field and the Nomograph, the noise exposure sure level.
and the noise doses were calculated for churches, working sites and en-
tertainment centers.
The measured Lex and the doses (%) of noise pollution to which
workers are exposed to, are presented in the Table 1 and Table 2.
3.3. Impacts of noise pollution on the TMC
The equivalent noise levels measured from other social activities
such as some entertainment centers and some restaurants are also pre-
The results of the impacts of noise pollution in the TMC are pre-
sented in Table 3. The measurements shown in Table 3 were taken when
sented in this section. Table 4 shows results obtained by administering
activities were on-going.
the questionnaires to the various groups.
From Table 4 it infers that 78% (172/220) of members in Group
3.2. Noise maps for the study area 1 asserted that sources of noise pollution in the study area are from
traffic; 83% from religious activities, 86% (192/220) from loud speak-
The spatial distribution of the measured noise levels in the study area ers, 63% (138/220) from other social activities etc. The same applies
are presented in Fig. 2. Detailed noise maps presented in a larger scale of to members of Group 2, where 65% (208/320) believe that source of
certain selected locations of the study area, showing spatial distribution noise pollution is from road traffic, 83% (264/320) from religious ac-
of Leq , are also presented in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. tivities, 85% (272/320) from loud speakers, 65% (208/320) from other
The detailed spatial distribution of noise levels in the communities, social activities, 55% (176/320) from neighbors and 61% (195/320)
from the noise generation source, relative to the surrounding residential form the industry. The same pattern runs through to Group 7. The re-
buildings as extracted from the general noise map are presented for two spondents were sub divided into two categories: males and females. The
social centers and a church in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. In addition, the extracts males were further grouped into two: one group ranging from the ages
of noise maps showing spatial distribution of Leq of the churches and of 18‒35 and the other ranging from 36 to 70. This was replicated for
the other social gatherings are also presented (Fig. 3 and Fig. 4). the female group.

Baffoe PE, Duker AA and Senkyire-Kwarteng EV Global Health Journal 6 (2022) 19–29

Fig. 2. Noise map for the study area.

Table 4
Sources of noise pollution [n (%)].

Group n Road traffic Religious activities Loud speakers Other social activities Neighbours Industry

Group 1 220 172 (78) 182 (83) 192 (86) 138 (63) 99 (45) 119 (54)
Group 2 320 208 (65) 264 (83) 272 (85) 208 (65) 176 (55) 195 (61)
Group 3 250 163 (65) 163 (78) 218 (87) 155 (62) 132 (5) 157 (63)
Group 4 212 163 (77) 180 (85) 180 (85) 127 (60) 129 (61) 123 (58)
Group 5 201 144 (72) 152 (76) 152 (76) 126 (63) 120 (60) 112 (56)
Group 6 205 143 (70) 161 (79) 180 (88) 131 (64) 127 (62) 123 (60)
Group 7 202 151 (75) 161 (80) 165 (82) 131 (65) 127 (63) 153 (76)

Groups 1‒3 are members of the university community residing in three different halls of residence located at three
different separate sites in the study area; Group 4 are people residing within the study area selected randomly; Group
5 shows information gathered from health posts in the study area; Group 6 and Group 7 shows information gathered
from selected churches and working sites in the study area respectively.

Baffoe PE, Duker AA and Senkyire-Kwarteng EV Global Health Journal 6 (2022) 19–29

Fig. 3. Noise map at royal base restaurant, Tarkwa.

Fig. 4. Noise map at Chandis bar, Tarkwa.

3.3.1. The health effects of noise pollution is effect on sleep, 84% (184/220) is effect of hearing, 76% (167/220) is
Some of the results from the questionnaires illustrated the opinions lack of concentration, and 79% (173/220) is related to cardiovascular
of some of the members of the TMC regarding health effects of noise effects. The pattern runs through to Group 7.
pollution. These results were analyzed and presented in Table 5. The result from (Table 4 and Table 5) were further analyzed based on
From Table 5, it infers that 73% (160/220) of members in Group 1 gender and reported in Table 6. From Table 6, it could be observed that
believe that one of the health effects of noise pollution in the study area the youth in the category (i.e., male, 18‒35 years of age) asserted to the
is annoyance; 58% (127/220) is effects on mental stress, 62% (136/220) fact that, 62% (93/150) of effect of noise pollution is from annoyance;

Baffoe PE, Duker AA and Senkyire-Kwarteng EV Global Health Journal 6 (2022) 19–29

Table 5
Health effects of noise pollution on the community [n (%)].

Group n Annoyance Effect on mental stress Effect on sleep Effect on hearing Lack of concentration Cardiovascular effects

Group 1 220 160 (73) 127 (58) 136 (62) 184 (84) 167 (76) 173 (79)
Group 2 320 230 (72) 201 (63) 204 (64) 275 (86) 233 (73) 265 (83)
Group 3 250 170 (68) 150 (60) 162 (65) 202 (81) 180 (72) 205 (82)
Group 4 212 127 (60) 133 (63) 161 (76) 137 (65) 131 (62) 112 (53)
Group 5 201 148 (74) 157 (78) 150 (75) 156 (78) 138 (69) 176 (88)
Group 6 205 123 (60) 127 (62) 143 (70) 125 (61) 127 (62) 114 (56)
Group 7 202 131 (65) 133 (66) 125 (62) 117 (58) 111 (55) 109 (54)

Groups 1‒3 are members of the university community residing in three different halls of residence located at three different separate sites
in the study area; Group 4 are people residing within the study area selected randomly; Group 5 shows information gathered from health
posts in the study area; Group 6 and Group 7 shows information gathered from selected churches and working sites in the study area

Table 6
Health effects of noise pollution on male and female respondents [n (%)].

Gender n Annoyance Effect on mental stress Effect on sleep Effect on hearing Lack of concentration Cardiovascular effects

18‒35 (years) 150 93 (62) 79 (53) 114 (76) 100 (67) 103 (69) 54 (36)
36‒70 (years) 150 114 (76) 132 (88) 67 (45) 124 (83) 139 (93) 58 (39)
18‒35 (years) 150 75 (50) 63 (42) 90 (60) 76 (51) 78 (52) 39 (26)
36‒70 (years) 150 97 (65) 99 (66) 48 (32) 102 (68) 112 (75) 48 (32)

Table 7
Noise associated diseases cases and their locations in the TMC.

Ear Sleep
Location Cardiovascular Hypertension
problems disturbances

Akoon 10 293 285 23

Bankyim 17 261 5 32
Boboobo 13 145 256 30
Cyanide 21 352 230 46
Efuanta 15 203 180 21
Low Cost 21 28 125 34
Tamso 32 380 310 55
Kamponase 16 233 50 20
Nzema Line 22 60 71 32
New Atuabo 32 116 339 14
Brofoyedur 22 85 78 11
Samanhu 17 320 201 14
Aboso 87 445 390 19
Damang 29 50 45 22
Layout 27 10 9 13
Fig. 5. Negative health impacts of noise pollution.
Nsuta 12 12 26 24

TMC: Tarkwa Mining Community.

53% (79/150) from mental stress, 76% (114/150) from effect on sleep,
67% (100/150) from effect on hearing, 69% (103/150) from lack of
concentration and 36% (54/150) from cardiovascular effects. On the
other hand, the female group of the same age category, had different
opinion which are far lower than the male group. About 50% (75/150)
think the effect is annoyance, whiles 42% (63/150) is mental stress, 60% 3.4. Noise pollution and associated diseases
(90/150) is effects on sleep, 51% (76/150) is effect on hearing, 52%
From the noise maps (Figs. 2–4), it could be observed that the noise
(78/150) lack of concentration, and 26% (39/150) on cardiovascular
levels in most parts of the study area are very high when compared with
effects. Similar trend is observed in the pattern for older respondents
the prescribed noise levels provided by EPA (Tables 1–3). Besides, it is
who were aged between 36 and 70.
highlighted in the literature,1-5 that higher noise levels are associated
with some diseases including cardiovascular diseases, hearing impair-
ment, sleep disturbances, and adverse social behavior among others.
3.3.2. Awareness of the health hazard caused by impacts of noise pollution Therefore, data of patients with similar diseases mentioned above were
Part of the questionnaire and the interviews were designed to ascer- acquired from some of the major health facilities within the study area.
tain the awareness of members of the community on the health impli- The data obtained from the health facilities were processed and the re-
cations of noise levels in the TMC. The response of the interviewees to sults presented in Table 7.
the awareness of negative health impacts of noise pollution is shown Using the data presented in Table 7, locations of the areas with the
in Fig. 5. 63% (1 007/1 610) of respondents agreed that they were not corresponding diseases in the study area were plotted. The locations of
aware of any negative health hazards caused by the impacts of noise pol- patients and the health records collected were processed and imported
lution, whiles 22% (361/1 610) claimed they were aware of the negative into ArcGIS environment for analysis. Of all the diseases associated with
impacts. The remaining 15% (242/1 610) of respondents felt indifferent noise pollution, an overlay health impact map was plotted for hyperten-
about any noise pollution in the communities. sion cases in the study area and this is shown in Fig. 6.

Baffoe PE, Duker AA and Senkyire-Kwarteng EV Global Health Journal 6 (2022) 19–29

Fig. 6. Overlay map of hypertension cases in the study area.

3.5. Statistical correlation between noise pollution and health indicators Table 8
Correlation analysis results of noise level and associated diseases.
When the datasets were analysed with correlation and linear regres- Item R2 r
sion, it was noticed that the relationship between the independent vari-
Cardiovascular against Noise level 0.3696 0.6079
able (health conditions) and dependent variable (noise level) could be
Ear problem against Noise level 0.8074 0.8986
modelled as an mth degree polynomial than the usual linear regres- Sleep disturbances against Noise level 0.4538 0.6736
sion. Hence, the polynomial regression was used as the most plausible Hypertension against Noise level 0.1254 0.3541
method to fit the data (Figs. 7–9). It is important to admit that health
R2 : coefficient of determination; r: correlation coefficient.
outcomes vary largely from different situations like age, gender, occupa-
tion, lifestyles among others which might bias the association between Table 9
noise and outcomes. However, there is also the need to assess in holistic Computed t-test values for correlation coefficients of noise level and associated
terms to know the extent at which noise could contribute to the health diseases.
status of a person living in an exposed environment. Hence performing Item |t|
such correlation analysis is a key determinant to understand the associ-
Cardiovascular against Noise level 3.4765
ation of noise to the diseases under study. Table 8 shows the reported
Ear problem against Noise level 7.3841
correlation coefficients and coefficient of determination from the regres- Sleep disturbances against Noise level 3.2860
sion analysis. Hypertension against Noise level 1.3651

Baffoe PE, Duker AA and Senkyire-Kwarteng EV Global Health Journal 6 (2022) 19–29

Fig. 7. Correlation graph of noise level and hypertension.

Fig. 8. Correlation graph of noise level and ear problem.

Fig. 9. Correlation graph of noise level and sleep disturbance.

Baffoe PE, Duker AA and Senkyire-Kwarteng EV Global Health Journal 6 (2022) 19–29

3.6. Correlation confirmatory test the Southern part of the study area, respectively. These are mostly areas
involved in small scale mining and where churches are spreading spo-
To further confirm the degree of correlation existing between noise radically. The trend shows similar pattern for cases of ear problems for
and cardiovascular, ear problem, sleep disturbances and hypertension, the same areas. A careful study of Fig. 6 shows that areas with low noise
a test of hypotheses (t-test statistic) at 5% significance level was con- exposures as well as high noise exposures have hypertension reported
ducted on the correlation coefficients determined. From the student cases. This may be attributed to the variability of health outcomes based
t-distribution tables, t(0.025, 13) = 2.160, being the critical value. The on different situations like age, gender, occupation, lifestyles among oth-
computed t-test |t| values for correlation coefficients are presented in ers. Besides, the pattern displayed on the thematic maps may not reflect
Table 9. on the persons domiciling in the area. This is because someone might be
living at a low exposure zone as shown on the map but may be working
3.7. Discussion far away from home and receiving the long exposure of noise dosage at
Results of the assessment of noise pollution levels, spatial distribu-
tion of noise levels, and the impacts of noise pollution on the health of 3.7.2. Statistical analysis of noise pollution and health
the people of TMC are discussed in the following subsections. The values of coefficient of determination (R2 , Table 8) helped to
interpret the relationships existing between the dependent (noise level)
3.7.1. Noise pollution and health effects and independent (cardiovascular, ear problem, sleep disturbances and
It is confirmed in literature that excessive noise brings about some hypertension) variables in terms of variations. From the Table 8, the
health problems to the members of the community such as cardiovascu- R2 values indicate that noise exposure could account for 36.96% of
lar, hypertension, ear problems, sleep disorders among others.1-5 the variability in cardiovascular reported cases. In addition, 80.74%,
In their epidemiological studies to prove (the hypothesis) that noise 45.38% and 12.54% of noise exposure could account for the changes
pollution is a threat to the public health, Passchier-Vermeer and Pass- in ear problem, sleep disturbances and hypertension, respectively. It is
chier published a table in the year 2000 in which observation thresholds however revealed from the R2 results that there is little effect of noise
for hypertension and ischemic heart diseases were considered.5 It was on the causes of hypertension and cardiovascular as compared to ear
observed that noise pollution levels above the prescribed thresholds are problem and sleep disturbances.
sufficient enough to cause hearing impairment, hypertension, ischemic The correlation coefficient (r) was used as a criterion to determine
heart diseases, sleep disturbance and others. It was also observed that the strength and nature of the linear relationship existing between noise
noise pollution levels above the prescribed thresholds are not enough to level against cardiovascular, ear problem, sleep disturbances and hyper-
cause biochemical effects, immune effects, impact birth weight, psychi- tension. The results in Table 8 revealed a very high positive correlation
atric disorders, absentee rate at work and school, and others. (𝑟 = 0.8986) between noise level and ear problem. It was also noticed
In the light of this, data collected from some of the major health fa- that the strength of the relationship of the noise level against cardio-
cilities in the TMC were analysed to confirm the results or otherwise of vascular and sleep disturbances in the polynomial regression analysis
the effect of noise pollution on public health as reported in literature. carried out were stronger than that of hypertension.
Table 7 shows reported cases of some of the related diseases in the study The computed |𝑡| values (Table 9) have further confirmed that the
area. Although it is clear from the study that excessive noise levels bring relationship existing between noise and the variables (cardiovascular,
about risk on public health, there are other factors that ought to be con- ear problem, and sleep disturbance) are statistically significant. It was
sidered as well. However, there is bound to be a relationship with it. For also observed that in the case of noise and hypertension there is no re-
example, someone in an industrial environment exposed to eight-hour lationship existing between them. This assertion was made based on the
occupational noise could come home to face heavy noise pollution in the computed |𝑡| value (1.3651) being less than the critical value (2.160).
area of residence in the night. Such a person is bound to be adversely
impacted in relation to health.
4. Conclusion
Further review of the results showed that the cases of sleep distur-
bances, adverse behavior, cardiovascular diseases and others were very
The study has evaluated the influence of noise levels on four dif-
low in TMC. The geodatabase created helped in the analyses of the data
ferent diseases (cardiovascular, hypertension, ear problem, and sleep
from the health posts, since queries performed from it were used to sort
disturbance) in the TMC. The noise pollution levels were positively cor-
out and analyze the data.
related with cardiovascular, ear problem, and sleep disturbance. Pro-
The spatial distribution of some of the noise pollution related dis-
cessed data from the major health facilities in the area confirmed the
eases were also developed in ArcGIS environment. Some areas have
hypothesis that cardiovascular, ear problem, and sleep disturbance are
large distribution of certain diseases than others. For example, major-
statistically significant and positively correlated with noise. This con-
ity of the members of the southern part of the study area were very
firms that excessive exposure to noise could be one of the major causal
much annoyed by noise pollution since they see it as a threat yet could
factors of most of the diseases considered in the study area. Furthermore,
do nothing to abate its effect. This assertion confirms a research work
the statistical results revealed that noise pollution has very little impact
conducted by,21 where the results of the study hinted that urban noise
on hypertension in the study area. This was known from the correlation
was found to increase by 6.7 dB with 10-fold increase in street traffic
confirmatory test, where the relationship between noise and hyperten-
and thus those living along these streets increased risk of annoyance by
sion was statistically insignificant. The limited number of causal factors
40%. The results showed that the risk of annoyance is on the increase
considered in this study is the limitation of this study of which future
with increase in population density in urban areas. Seto et al. estimated
studies will consider.
that 17% of urban population were at risk of high annoyance from noise
Thematic maps of reported cases like hypertension and ear prob- CRediT author statement
lems were also produced for the community. These were prepared by
the overlay techniques in ArcGIS and the results of disease distribution Peter Ekow Baffoea: Conceptualization, Data curation, Writ-
are shown in Fig. 6. As seen in Fig. 6, hypertension cases are predom- ing—Original draft; Alfred Allan Dukerb: Supervision, Writ-
inant in areas like Aboso, Samanhu, Cyanide, and Tamso. These towns ing—Review & Editing; Efiba Vidda Senkyire-Kwarteng: Methodol-
are found in the Northern part (the two bigger circles), middle part and ogy, Formal analysis.

Baffoe PE, Duker AA and Senkyire-Kwarteng EV Global Health Journal 6 (2022) 19–29

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