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Resolution : Adopting DOH national program of ZERO OPEN DEFECATION PROGRAM (ZODP ) for all

Barangays and Tasking Kalibo MUnicipal Health Office to help implement this health program.

Whereas, Our world leaders lately has made a new set of goals after MDGs ( Millennium Development
Goals) called SDGs ( Sustainable Development Goals ).This global movement aims to stop poverty and
hunger by 2030. Goal number six in SDGs is clean water and sanitation for all. This hopes to end open
defecation and achieve access by all to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene by 2030.

Whereas, In 2015 , the Philippines according to Joint Monitoring Program of WHO and UNICEF has
achieve its MDG goal of 92 %. access to potable water. However in terms of sanitation,74 % only has
sanitary toilets , with 26 % of our population do not own toilet facilities ,of which 7 % are still practicing
open defecation.

Because of this health , social and economic issues, the Department of Health, with support from the
World Bank’s Water and Sanitation Program and the United Nation Children’s Fund, launched a
campaign which even started in 2013 , to convince all households not having sanitary toilets to acquire
and use hygienic toilets.

Whereas, Kalibo HMO (Environmental 2015 )records dated Jan -Dec 2015 showed that 271 households
has no sanitary toilets and mostly practices open defecation. Latest Environmental Sanitation Report of
our MHO (Jan -March 2016 ) , 234 households have no sanitary toilets.

Whereas, Open Defecation is an unsanitary practice of defecating in areas not designated as toilet , like
in the rivers, fields , parks and open trenches.

Whereas, Open Defecation may lead to public health problems like diarrhea, undernutrition, parasitism,
cholera, typhoid, hepatitis and others. According to WHO in 2014, this practice is also related to high
child mortality, and high levels of poverty where 2,000 under five

(5) years children die everyday due to diarrhea.

Whereas, our RHU unit ( doctors ,nurses, midwives and health workers ) is tasked to help implement this
DOH health program and crafting our own implementing guidelines and use local strategies and
technical knowledge . We are also requesting Kalibo MHO to give quarterly report to SB Committee On
Health regarding progress of this project.
Whereas , among the strategies being used by some towns are : defecation mapping and posting,use of
celebrity endorser, training on simple carpentry and masonry, shock, shame and guilt awareness
campaign, positive reenforcement, walk through inspection,prizes and awarding and providing
materials, etc

Whereas , The following according to J. Ahmad (How to eliminate open defecation, oct 30,2016) were
noted to trigger the success of this program: political will, behavior change, better value sanitation
solution,strong local public delivery system and right incentive programs.

Whereas , in three years after its launching 11 municipalities have achieve ZOD ( Zero Open Defecation )
status. This year, DOH announces the first eleven municipalities that achieved Zero Open Defecation
(ZOD) status under its Zero Open Defecation Program (ZODP). These municipalities are: (1) Malungon,
Sarangani; (2) Buenavista, Quezon Province; (3) President Roxas, North Cotabato; (4) Arakan, North
Cotabato; (5) Agdangan, Quezon Province; (6) Monreal, Masbate; (7) Mercedes, Eastern Samar; (😎
Mayorga, Leyte; (9) La Paz, Leyte; (10) Tunga, Leyte; and (11) Pastrana, Leyte.

Whereas, According to former Secretary of Health who started this program in 2013 ,Dr Janette P.
Loreto-Garin " this advocacy can be strengthened through an aggressive campaign by the national
government, local government units and with the support of our developmental partners and private
sectors, to create demand for sanitation, strengthen the supply and market for sanitation products and
services, and capacitate institutions for improved governance and accountability in water, sanitation and
hygiene (WASH) service delivery.

Whereas, barangay council as strong local government unit can spearhead this campaign with the
technical supervision of our MHO personnel. Each Barangay is encouraged to join and be certified with
Zero Open Defecation status. LGU is also encouraged to ask the support of some NGOs in this program.

Whereas, Adopting this ZODP( Zero Open Defecation Program) in every Barangay, we aim to encourage
households who practice open defecation to adopt this sanitary practices to avoid sickness, improve
their quality of life and well being ,and improve our community.

Now therefore ,I move to approve this resolution "Adopting DOH national program of ZERO OPEN
DEFECATION for all barangays and Tasking Kalibo HMO to help implement this health program".

sponsor: SB Doc Cynthia Dela Cruz

Approved: July 28, 2016 See less

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