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Harrow School

Class IX

Summer Holiday Home work (2024-25)

Subject- Hindi

प्रिय प्रिद्यार्थियो

आपको *ह द
िं ी* परियोजना तैयाि किने के लिए ननम्न पाठों का सािािंश एििं मुख्य पात्रों की
प्रिशेषताएिं सिंद
ु ि एििं स्पष्ट शब्दों में लिखें
पाठ आपके मन पि क्या िभाि छोड़कि गया औि मुख्य पात्र आिंपको क्या लसखाकि गया
य भी अपने शब्दों में लिखें।

इस जि ििय में (फणीश्ििनाथ िे णु)

मेिे सिंग की औितें (मद

ृ ि
ु ा गगि)

िीढ़ की ड्डी (जगदीश चिंद्र माथिु )

*नोट: िोजेक्ट में कम से कम 25 पेज ोने चाह ए।*.

*(कक्षा में हदए गए सभी ननदे शों का पािन किें )*

Make an integrated project covering the following topics :-
1.Livestock management
2.Poultry farming
8.Mashroom culture.
Subject- *Chemistry*
Make a project on Bohr’s atomic model.
*Consider all the instructions given in the class room for biology and chemistry*

You must submit your projects (Bio. + Chem.) to me by O7th July 2024.

Subject- Physics
1. Write all the formulas of Chapter -01 (Motion) and Chapter-02 (Force and
laws of motion) with the help of NCERT book.
2. Solve all exercise question of chapter-motion (NCERT book)

Subject- Mathematics
Sure! Here’s a structured approach for completing your holiday homework for
Mathematics Class IX, using a separate notebook for examples and MCQs from RS

1.Prepare a lab manual as per the instructions given in the classroom.

2.(i) Prepare the Notebook:

Cover Page: Write “Mathematics Holiday Homework – Class lX” along with your
name, class, and roll number.

Index Page: Create an index with columns for Chapter Number, Chapter Name,
and Page Numbers.

. (ii)Chapter 1, 2, 3 and 4 – Examples:

- Allocate a section in the notebook for each chapter.

- Number the pages accordingly in the index.

. (iii)Examples:

- Title the section with “Chapter 1: Examples.

- Write down 30 examples, clearly numbering each example.

- Ensure each example has the problem statement, solution steps, and final

.(iv) Repeat for Chapter 2,3 and Chapter 4 :

- Follow the same structure for “Chapter 2,3: Examples” and “Chapter 4:

.(v) MCQs:

- After completing the examples, create a new section titled “Chapter 1: MCQs.

- Write all the MCQs from RS Aggarwal for Chapter 1, including the question,
options, and the correct answer.

- Repeat for Chapter 2,3 and Chapter 4.

.(vi) Presentation Tips:

- Use a pen with consistent ink color (blue or black) for writing.

- Use a ruler to draw margins and underline headings.

- Maintain neat handwriting and proper spacing to ensure readability.

Subject- Social studies

Prepare Social Studies project on the topic
*Disaster Management.*

Subject – IT(402)
1. Write short notes in your notebook and learn it.
• Types of communication with examples
• Self-management
• What is IT
2. Draw communication cycle on charts paper.
3. Draw software types on chart paper.
4. Write about IPO and its working.
5. Draw block diagram of Computer System.

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