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BIM Fundamentals

Bassam Alaa
Electrical Engineer
What is Bim: BIM stands for Building Information Modeling. It enhances 2D drafting with 3D
models and additional data, enabling better coordination and collaboration.
What is Bim: BIM stands for Building Information Modeling. It enhances 2D drafting with 3D
models and additional data, enabling better coordination and collaboration.
Usage of Bim:
BIM uses 3D models to simulate buildings, reacting to changes just like the real structure. The software
designs and demonstrates the physical and functional characteristics throughout the building's lifecycle,
from conception to demolition. The process involves creating, combining, and sharing 3D sub-models
with structured data.
CAD vs Bim:

CAD: Difficult to edit and requires constant updates to keep drawings synchronized. It is prone to
errors and lacks intelligent data. Although it offers a faster start, it leads to more problems and
slower documentation later.
CAD vs Bim:

BIM: Utilizes 3D models with intelligent data. It manages relationships between building components,
automatically updating related elements. This automated documentation saves time and reduces errors.
Providing real-time coordination and accurate as-built drawings.
Advantages of BIM:
Bim Software:
Revit vs Bim:
Level of development (LOD):

Consists of level of detail and

level of information
Defines the level of detail, the
amount of information, and
the development of the model
BIM Dimensions:

The extended use of 3D intelligent design models has led to reference to terms such as 4D (adding
time to the model) and 5D (adding quantities and cost of materials), and so on.
Instead of adding more dimensions, these applications are often collectively referred to as XD.
However, models are still categorized as 3D, 4D, and 5D.
BIM Dimensions Usage:
● Model Walkthroughs: Visualize and resolve design issues before construction
● Clash Detection: Early identification and resolution of design clashes
● Virtual Mock-Ups: Cost-efficient testing of project aesthetics and functionality
● Prefabrication: Ensures accurate fit of prefabricated components, optimizing
offsite construction.
● Construction Planning - Management: BIM models verify site logistics and
operations by visualizing space utilization, incorporating temporary
components like cranes and lorries, and planning traffic access routes. They
enhance health and safety measures
● Schedule Visualization: Real-time schedule visualization in BIM models aids
decision-making with accurate data. They highlight critical paths and
dependencies, automatically identifying design changes impacting project
BIM Dimensions Usage:

● Quantity Take-offs: BIM models enable accurate and rapid generation of

construction cost estimates, material quantities, size estimates, and productivity
projections. Changes automatically update estimating information, enhancing
contractor productivity
● Real-time Cost Estimating: Cost data integrated into BIM models allows for
automatic calculation of material costs, supporting value engineering efforts and
informed decision-making during design
● Whole-life Cost and Life-cycle Cost: BIM facilitates evaluating whole-life costs
(economic considerations over the asset's life) and life-cycle costs (costs from
construction to operation). It helps analyze different scenarios to assess cost
implications effectively
BIM Dimensions Usage:

● Improved Space Management: BIM provides detailed insights into space

usage, helping reduce vacancy and lower property expenses
● Streamlined Maintenance: BIM models store essential information about
building equipment, simplifying the creation of preventive maintenance programs
and reducing data entry time
● Efficient Energy Use: BIM facilitates analysis of energy alternatives, enabling
facility managers to cut down on environmental impacts and operational costs
● Economical Renovations: Dynamic BIM models accurately represent building
conditions in 3D, reducing costs and complexity in renovation projects
● Life-cycle Management: BIM includes data on life expectancy and replacement
costs, aiding owners in choosing materials and systems with better long-term
economic benefits
BIM Dimensions Usage:
● Energy Efficiency: Traditional building models often lack sufficient data for
7D performance analysis. Parametric BIM models capture detailed design data
early, enabling designers to conduct routine energy analyses and receive
immediate feedback on design alternatives
● Life-cycle Analysis: BIM facilitates life-cycle analysis by focusing on key
building elements and assessing environmental impacts. This allows project
teams to evaluate material choices based on their environmental and economic
impacts, ensuring optimal selections for energy, waste, and water savings
BIM Maturity Levels:
Common Data Environment (CDE):
Centralized platform for managing and sharing project data within a
construction project

Open BIM:
Collaborative approach using open standards like IFC, enabling different
software tools to collaborate effectively
BIM Stages of Adoption:
BIM Fields: Refer to all topics, activities, and actors across the BIM domain
Bim Roles:
Eastman, Charles M. "BIM handbook"
Peter Barnes and Nigel Davies. "BIM in Principle and in Practice"
Huskić, Ermin, et al. "Bim Modeling in Mechanical Engineering"
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, and
includes icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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