Design-of-Clear-Water-Reservoir 1

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1 Sizing of Under Ground Clear Water Reservoir
Volume of water including 10 % loss = 262 M3 per day.
For 8 (eight) hours operation in a day, volume of water
required for two and half hour’s
storage, = x 2.5 = 81.875 M3 , Say 82 M3 82.00
Inner diameter of dry sump for installation of 2 (two) number
of Centrifugal Pumps
= 4.0 meters. Assuming thickness of inner circular partition
wall = 150 mm and
inner diameter of Wet Sump for storage of water = 7.3 meters 7.30
Thickness of outer circular wall is 200 mm at top and 325mm
325.00 200.00
at bottom
Cross sectional area of annular space for storage of water
= = 27.33 M2 27.33
\ Depth of water = = 3.0 meters. Provide 3.70 meters
depth of water.
Storage capacity of the wet sump(excluding dead storage) =
27.33 x (3.7-0.65) = 83.36 M3 > 82 M3 (O.K)
Overall depth of well including 0.5 meter free board = 3.70 +
0.50 = 4.20 meters
1.1 Load Calculations
Dead Load:
Wt. Roof Slab (125 mm thick) = 7.85 = 196.25KN 196.25
Wt. Roof Treatment = = 78.5 KN (40 mm thick roof treatment
& 10 mm ceiling plaster etc.)
Wt. of Roof Beam and 250 mm RSJ = 2×.25×25×7.24×
(0.375-.125)+ 2×.25×25×7.1× (0.375-.125)+2×.25×25×7.24× 101.29
(0.425-.125)+ 2×.25×25×7.1× (0.425-.125) +2.7=102 KN
Wt. Brick Wall = 2 × (7.24 + 7.1)× (3.85 - 0.25)×0.25×20 =
517 KN
Wt. Floor Slab(less opening) = ( ) – (3= 210 KN 210.00
Wt. of chhajas =3 × 1.2×.09×.75×25 + 1 × 2×.09×1×25=11 KN 11.00
Wt. of floor beams = 2×.25×25×7.24× (0.4-.15)+
2×.25×25×7.1× (0.41-.15)+2×.25×25×7.24× (0.45-.15)= 72 72.00
Wt. of RCC outer wall of CWR = = 616KN 616.00
Wt. of RCC inner wall of Pump Sump = = 206 KN 206.00
Self wt. of foundation slab = = 900 KN 900.00
Floor finish, plaster, door, windows, pumps, motors, piping,
valves etc. = 10.00 KN
Wt. of 8no.RCC Columns of Pump House = 8+8 92.4 KN 92.40
Live load @ 5 KN/M on Electrical floor = – (3
= 208 KN 208.00
(Less opening)
Live load @ 1 KN/M2 on Roof slab = = 94 KN 94.00
(Less opening)
Wt. of soil over the extended part of base slab = = 1218.3
Wt of parapet wall on roof = 24.00
Total vertical Load = 4555 KN 4,553.98
Check against floatation (considering total submergence of soil
up to EGL)
Uplift pressure = (3.7 + 0.55) × 10 = 42.5 KN/M2 42.50
Total uplift force = = 2887 KN 3,217.82
Factor of safety = = = 1.58 > 1.2 (Hence safe) 1.42 safe
1.2 Design of outer wall of Collector Well
Grade of concrete = M-30 and Grade of steel = Fe- 415
Characteristic Strength, fck = 30 MPa 30.00
Characteristic Strength, fy = 415 MPa 415.00
Case 1: Tank is empty and outside saturated soil (assuming
total submergence of soil)
H = Depth of saturated soil = 3.70 M 3.70
Intensity of saturated soil pressure at the base of the tank wall,
Assuming phi=30 degree
p = [Yw H + Ka (Ys- Yw) H] = (10× 3.7) + 1/3 × (18-10) × 3.7
= 35 + 9.33 = 46.8 KN/M2
Thickness of outer circular wall, t = (30H +50) = (30 × 3.7 +
50) = 161 mm
Provided thickness of outer wall = 325 mm at bottom and
325.00 200.00 0.590
200mm at top
since max hoop tension occurs at 0.6H, take t at 0.6H for hoop, 275.00 6.00 0.514
max BM occurs at the base take t at the base 325.00 6.82 0.539
H2/Dt 6.82 8.00 0.575
For this range of ,maximum hooptension occurs at 0.6H from
From the table of IS : 3370 (Part IV)- 1967(reaffirmed 1999)
Max. Hoop tension in cylindrical walls fixed at base and free at
top for = 6.7 at a depth of 0.6 H from top is given by for = 8 ,
K1= (+) 0.575 and for = 6, K1 = (+) 0.514
∴ Maximum hoop tension at 0.6 x H ie. at 0.6 x 3.7 = 2.22
meters from top of water surface
So, Tmax = K1× p × = 0.535 × 46.8 × = 91.45 KN/M 92.20
Area of steel (for un cracked section) = ( 91.45 × 1000 )/130 =
709.25 0.230
703 mm2
Provide 10 mm dia circular hoop reinforcement @ 200 mm c/c
at both face of the wall.
10.00 5.00 0.00590
110.74 5.77 0.00528
Provide 10 mm dia circular hoop reinforcement @ 200 mm c/c
at both face of the wall.
10.00 110.00 6.00 0.00510
Area of steel provided = 786 mm2 > 725 mm2 (OK)
Now, fct = Tmax / (b × t + (m - 1) × Ast ) = ( 91.45×1000
)/(1000 x t + (10 -1) × 786 )
= 1.5 (permissible tensile stress for M-30 grade concrete)
∴ t= 68 mm < 280 mm (OK)
Maximum hoop tension at 0.4 x H ie. at 0.4 x 3.7 = 1.48
meters from top of water surface
So, Tmax = K1× p × = 0.441 × 46.8 × = 75 KN/M
Area of steel (for un cracked section) = ( 75 × 1000 )/130 =
576 mm2
Provide 10 mm dia circular hoop reinforcement @ 250 mm c/c
at both face of the wall.
Area of steel provided = 628 mm2 > 576 mm2 (OK), Ast min
required =312mm2 on both faces
Now, fct = Tmax / (b × t + (m - 1) × Ast ) = ( 91.45×1000
)/(1000 x t + (10 -1) × 786 )
= 1.5 (permissible tensile stress for M-30 grade concrete)
∴ t= 68 mm < 280 mm (OK)
Maximum BM ( which is – ve i.e. tension on the inner face
of the wall ) occurs at the base.
Moment coefficient in cylindrical walls fixed at base and free at
top from the table of
I.S Code 3370 (Part IV) –1967 reaffirmed 1999
for = 5.77,
for H^2/Dt=5, K2=-0.0222, 0.00528
for H^2/Dt=6, K2=-0.0187 -0.01950
By interpolation, Moment coefficient, K = (-) 0.0195
∴ Maximum B.M = K × p × H2 = (-) 0.0195 × 46.8 × 3.72 = (-) -12.51
12.5 KNM/M
Now, maximum S. F = Vmax = K3 p H
= 6, K3 = (-) 0.197
For = 5, K2 = (-) 0.213
By interpolation, Shear coefficient for = 5.77, from table of
I.S code is K3 = 0.2
Maximum S.F, Vmax = K3 pH = 0.2 × 46.8 × 3.7 = 34.75 KN 34.80
Weight of the wall per meter of periphery = 1 × 0.25 × 4.2 × 25
= 26.25 KN/Metre
Bending moment consideration
(6 x Mmax)/( b×t2) - W/(b×t) = (6 × 12.5 × 106)/(1000 × t2 )-
(26.25 × 1000)/(1000 × t) ≤ 2
or, t = 187 mm < 325 mm ( O.K)
Considering cracked section :
consider clear cover 40.00
Effective depth, d = = 93 mm 93.00
Over all depth = t = 93 + 40 =133 mm < 300 133.00
take tprov= 325.00
therefore dprov= 285.00
m 9.33
scbc 10.00
fs 130.00
Now Vertical reinforcement = = 385 mm 2
Effective depth = (d = 325 – 40 = 285 mm)
Minimum steel = Ast(min) = 0.24/100 ×1000 × 325/2 = 390

Provide 10 mm dia vertical bars @ 200 mm c/c at soil face

Ast provided = 392.75 mm2 > 390umm2 (OK)
Shear consideration:
Max. S.F. at the junction of vertical wall with base slab at the
edge = Vmax = 33.62 KN
Nominal Shear stress = (33.62 × 1000)/(1000 × 300) = 0.11
N/mm2 < 0.28 N/mm2 (O.K)
Hence, shear reinforcement is not required.
Check for adequacy of the section
For a shallow water tank with large diameter, the forces carried
by cantilever action is much
For upto 12, cantilever action at or 1 (one) meter whichever is
higher will occur.
Here, = = 1.233 M or 1 M whichever is higher
Hence, cantilever action will take place at 1.233 meters from
bottom of vertical wall
Maximum ring tension at that level, T = p x (H -1.233) ×
Here, saturated soil pressure at (H-1.233) Metre depth from
bottom of the wall, considering
complete submergence of the surrounding soil up to the level
of the EGL.
p' = 10 × (2.7 – 1.233) + (18 – 10) × (3.7 – 1.233) = 13.33 +
6.22 = 21.24 KN/M2
Max. Hoop Tension , T = 21.24 × = 77.53 KN/M
Max. B.M. at (H – 1.233) Metre depth =
= 21.54 KNM/M
Provide overall thickness of outer wall the C.W.R = 325 mm
at bottom and 200 mm at top inside face being tapered.
Thickness of outer wall at 1.233 M above floor level = 283
Effective cover = 40 mm
Effective depth of outer wall at 1.233 M above floor level =
283 – 40 = 243 mm
Weight of the wall per meter of periphery = 1 × 0.25 × 4.2 × 25
= 26.25 KN/Metre
Now, = Stress in concrete due to Bending Tension
= = 1.52 N/mm2 < 2.0 N/mm2 for M-30
grade of concrete (OK)
= Tensile stress in concrete due to hoop tension
= = 0.274 N/mm2 < 1.5 N/mm2 (OK)
\ = = 0.94 < 1 (Hence safe)
Ast for ring Tension at (H- 1.233) M depth = = = 596.4
Provide 10 mm f horizontal rings @ 250 mm c/c upto 1.20 M
from bottom on both face
Ast provided = 628 mm2 > 596.4 mm2
Vertical reinforcement Ast =
\ Ast = []
= 792 mm2
Provide 12 mm f @ 140 mm c/c vertically up to 1.20 M from
Ast provided = 808 mm2 > 792 mm2 (OK)
Case 2 : Tank is full of water and outside there is no soil
= = 6.7
From table, the maximum hoop tension occurs at 0.6 H meter
height of the tank wall
For = 6.7, K1 = Coeff. of Hoop tension = (+)0.535
Maximum hoop tension = 70.84 KN/M
Coefficient of maximum Bending Moment at base of the
Collector Well
For = 5.77, K2 = Coeff. of B.M. = (-)0.0192
Maximum B.M = (-) 9.52 KNM/M
Coefficient of maximum shear at the base of the wall
For = 5.77, K3 = Coefficient of SF = 0.199
Maximum shear = Vmax = K3 w H^2 = 26.78 KN/M
Hoop tension consideration:
Maximum Hoop Tension = 70.84 KN/M as per above
Hoop reinforcement = Ash = = 544 mm2
Minimum reinforcement = (0.24/100)×1000×280/2 = 336 mm2

Provide 10 mm dia @ 280mm c/c hoop steel circular bars at

both face of wall
As provided = 561 mm2 > 544 mm2 (OK)
Bending moment consideration:
Max. BM = 9.52 KNM/M
Ast = (9.52× 10^6)/(130 × 0.861 ×285) = 298 mm2
Minimum reinforcement = (0.24/100)×1000×325/2 = 390 mm2

Provide 10 mm dia vertical reinforcement @ 200 mm c/c at the

inner face of the wall
Area of steel provided = 392.7 mm2 > 390 mm2 (OK)
Shear consideration:
Maximum Shear Force = 26.78 KN
Nominal shear stress, Tv = (26.78 × 1000)/(1000 × 325) = 0.08
N/mm2 < 0.28 N/mm2 (OK)
Shear reinforcement is not required.
-0.02220 0.213
-0.01950 0.20068

-0.01870 0.197

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