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Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis:

clinical management, MRI, and therapeutic avenues
Ralph H B Benedict, Maria Pia Amato, John DeLuca, Jeroen J G Geurts

Lancet Neurol 2020; 19: 860–71 Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, demyelinating disease of the CNS. Cognitive impairment is a sometimes neglected,
See In Context page 810 yet common, sign and symptom with a profound effect on instrumental activities of daily living. The prevalence of
Department of Neurology and cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis varies across the lifespan and might be difficult to distinguish from other
Jacobs School of Medicine and causes in older age. MRI studies show that widespread changes to brain networks contribute to cognitive dysfunction,
Biomedical Sciences, University and grey matter atrophy is an early sign of potential future cognitive decline. Neuropsychological research suggests
at Buffalo, State University of
New York, Buffalo, NY, USA
that cognitive processing speed and episodic memory are the most frequently affected cognitive domains. Narrowing
(Prof R H B Benedict PhD); evaluation to these core areas permits brief, routine assessment in the clinical setting. Owing to its brevity, reliability,
Department of Neurology, and sensitivity, the Symbol Digit Modalities Test, or its computer-based analogues, can be used to monitor episodes of
University of Florence,
acute disease activity. The Symbol Digit Modalities Test can also be used in clinical trials, and data increasingly show
IRCCS Fondazione
Don Carlo Gnocchi, Florence, that cognitive processing speed and memory are amenable to cognitive training interventions.
Italy (Prof M P Amato MD);
Kessler Foundation, West Introduction Prevalence, cognitive profile, and phenotypes
Orange, NJ, USA
Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory, demyelinating Cognitive deficits can occur in the early stages of multiple
(Prof J DeLuca PhD); and
Department of Anatomy disease of the CNS, with neurodegeneration being sclerosis, even in the absence of other neurological
and Neurosciences, Section most prominent in progressive phenotypes. The course deficits.1,2 The convention in neuropsychology is to ascribe
Clinical Neuroscience, of mul­tiple sclerosis varies widely. Some patients have cognitive impairment to a score where performance falls
Amsterdam UMC, Location
a single episode or attack, called a clinically isolated less than 1·5 SD below normative expectation, after
VUmc, Vrije Universiteit,
Amsterdam, Netherlands syndrome or a radiologically isolated syndrome, depend­ accounting for demo­graphics such as age and education.
(Prof J J G Geurts) ing on whether the disease manifests clinically or on In diagnosing cognitive impair­ment, clinicians should
Correspondence to: MRI. Patients with multiple CNS lesions or neurological account for psychiatric comorbidities, medication side-
Prof Ralph H B Benedict, signs that are separated in time are diagnosed with effects, and multiple sclerosis symptoms that might
Department of Neurology,
relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. A progressive adversely affect cognitive performance. In two large
University at Buffalo, State
University of New York, Buffalo, course refers to accumulating or worsening of neuro­ seminal studies, patients were categorised as having
NY 14203 , USA logical disability, inde­ pendent of relapses. Cognitive cogni­tive impairment if their performance was impaired impairment can develop insidiously and progress gradu­ on four of 31 tests3 or two of 11 tests4 in a multidomain
ally, or decline abruptly during relapses, although this neuropsychological test battery. By these, or similar,
rapid decline has been documented only in the past standards for designating impairment, the prevalence of
few years. cog­nitive impairment in adults with multiple sclerosis
In this Review, we endeavour to provide a concise and ranges from 34% to 65%, varying by research setting and
up-to-date perspective of multiple sclerosis-associated disease course.5–8
cognitive impairment. We point out that cognitive def­ Like all symptoms of multiple sclerosis, cognitive
icits can arise in isolation from other neurological signs impairment is characterised by high variability between
and, when present, are associated with increased risk of patients. When results are taken together for a group
future neurological disability. We aim to garner apprecia­ of people with multiple sclerosis,3,4 CPS, learning, and
tion of how cognitive impairment presents throughout memory are most frequently involved. Deficits in executive
the life­span, posing unique challenges to the clinical function and visuospatial processing are also reported,
manage­ ment of paediatric (ie, <18 years) and older but less frequently.3,4 In particular, in a representative
patients (ie, >50 years). Easily administered and sensitive sample of 291 adult patients with any type of multiple
tests of cognitive processing speed (CPS) and memory sclerosis,4 the fre­quencies of impairments (varying by
are now available to neurologists. The results of these test) were as follows: 27–51% in CPS, 54–56% in visual
tests are associated with multiple MRI indices of cere­­ memory, 29–34% in verbal memory, 15–28% in executive
bral disease, including chronic white matter demye­ function, and 22% in visuospatial processing. Basic
lination, acute inflammatory changes, and grey matter language, semantic memory, and attention span are rarely
atrophy. These tests can be applied routinely to screen impaired (in about 10% of patients with multiple scler­
for cognitive impairment, monitor disease activity, osis).3,4 However, some studies suggest that semantic
and assess the effects of treatment. Some restorative and fluency is more often com­promised than was previously
com­­ pensatory interventions for cognitive rehabilita­ thought, especially in patients older than 50 years.9,10
tion seem to be beneficial. Additional randomised Cognitive impairment occurs in all multiple sclerosis
controlled trials with cognition as the primary endpoint phenotypes:5,11 estimates are 20–25% of patients with
are needed to investigate the effects of disease-modifying clinically isolated syndrome and radiologically isolated
therapies on cognition. syndrome, 30–45% of patients with relapsing-remitting

860 Vol 19 October 2020


multiple sclerosis, and 50–75% of patients with secondary

progressive multiple sclerosis. Prevalence in primary Panel 1: Paediatric-onset multiple sclerosis: dissociation
progressive disease varies greatly, as this phenotype between physical and cognitive impairment
comprises less than 10% of the overall disease population A 15-year-old white girl, with 9 years of education, was
and study samples are small. In patients with radiologically diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at age 13 years. Symptoms
isolated syndrome, in which MRI findings sugges­ tive at onset were dysaesthesias in the territory of the right
of multiple sclerosis are incidentally found in an asymp­ trigeminal nerve. The patient was treated with intramuscular
tomatic individual,12 cognitive defects can pre-date the interferon beta 1a but clinical symptoms and activity on MRI
appearance of other neurological symptoms and signs persisted, so she was switched to natalizumab at age 18 years,
and are associated with CNS lesions seen on MRI.6 In a which resulted in complete clinical and MRI stability
prospective study based on the Norwegian Conscript Service (Expanded Disability Status Scale score of 1·5).
database, male participants who later developed multiple
6 months after diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, and during
sclerosis showed significantly lower intelligence quotients
treatment with interferon beta 1a, psychiatric interview
than did healthy controls at ages 18–19 years, several years
showed that the patient had low self-esteem and difficulties
before their first symptoms.13 Patients with clinically iso­
with social integration. School attendance varied because of
lated syndrome or relapsing-remitting mul­tiple sclerosis
the fluctuating multiple sclerosis symptoms, and school
show similar neuropsychological pro­files with prominent
performance was poor. The patient had no physical disability
involvement of CPS, whereas in pro­ gressive forms of
at this time.
the disease, impaired memory and executive function are
more common.5,14 At first presentation with symptoms of multiple sclerosis at
The so-called benign form of multiple sclerosis merits age 13 years, neuropsychological testing showed impaired
discussion. Patients with benign multiple sclerosis, which processing speed on the Symbol Digit Modalities Test, impaired
is defined by an Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) memory, and impaired linguistic skills in terms of verbal
score of less than 3·0 after at least 15 years since disease fluency. After 1 year on natalizumab, repeat neuropsychological
onset, can present with cognitive impairment despite testing was stable with some improvement on the Symbol
preservation of motor and other neurological functions. Digit Modalities Test. Neuropsychological test results were
In a longitudinal study, patients with benign multiple used to obtain accommodations and psychological support
sclerosis and cognitive impairment were more likely to at school.
have clinical progression on the basis of EDSS scores (ie, This case shows the dissociation between physical and
no longer benign status) at follow-up after 5 years15 and cognitive impairments in paediatric patients with multiple
12 years16 than were patients with multiple sclerosis who sclerosis, as cognitive impairment can occur in the absence of
had preserved cognition. These results reinforce the physical disability. This patient’s decreased linguistic abilities,
notion that cognitive impairment can be an early which are seldom seen in adult patients, were a major
manifestation of the disease, leading to the recom­ impediment to school progress. The association of cognitive
mendation that preserved cognitive functioning is an changes with scholastic difficulties and behavioural problems
additional requisite for disease course type.17 is well known, but gains can be made with appropriate
Paediatric-onset (ie, younger than 18 years at onset) management strategies.
multiple sclerosis represents 2–10% of the disease popula­
tion, and not only CPS and memory but also verbal
intelligence can be affected.18 Decreased intelli­ gence sclerosis compared with patients with adult onset. Notably,
quotient and academic skills in comparison with healthy patients with paediatric-onset multiple sclerosis tend to
controls have been noted in several studies,19 suggest­ing accrue physical disability more slowly than their counter­
the need for neuropsychological evalua­ tion, special parts with adult onset, despite physical disability com­
education, or other remedial interventions (panel 1). The mencing at a younger age.23 Therefore, patients with
few longitudinal studies of cognition in people with paediatric-onset multiple sclerosis might have cognitive
paediatric-onset multiple sclerosis have yielded incon­ problems that are out of proportion to physical disability.
sistent results because of varying study lengths, time Taken as a whole, these results emphasise the chal­
between assessments, and outcome measures. Some lenging diagnostic dilemmas and deleterious long-term
studies have shown little change in cogni­tion,20 whereas consequences of early onset of multiple sclerosis. Cerebral
other studies have shown that up to 56% of tested patients damage during the formative years not only might deprive
declined on a general cognitive composite score.21 In patients of educational and vocational opportunities,
a 1-year Canadian study of 28 patients,22 relative to but also can disrupt normal neuronal maturation and
26 age-matched healthy controls, patients with paediatric- accrual of cognitive reserve that might buffer the effects of
onset multiple sclerosis showed reduced age-expected demyelination and atrophy later in life.
gains. In a population-based longitudinal cohort of At the other end of the lifespan, clinicians can be con­
5704 adults with multiple sclerosis in Sweden,7 CPS fronted with a differential diagnosis of multiple sclerosis-
declined faster in patients with paediatric-onset multiple associated cognitive impairment versus age-associated Vol 19 October 2020 861


patients (ie, older than 50 years) with multiple sclerosis

Panel 2: An older patient: ruling out comorbidities (panel 2). Vascular cognitive impairment is characterised
associated with ageing by lacunes and widespread ischaemic white matter lesions,
A white woman with 14 years of education was diagnosed affecting CPS and executive function.26 This char­acterisa­
with primary progressive multiple sclerosis at age 45 years tion is particularly relevant considering that vascu­ lar
and presented for cognitive evaluation at age 84 years. comor­bidities such as diabetes, hypertension, and hyper­
Primary neurological signs at the time of this assessment lipi­
daemia have been increasingly reported in people
were bilateral lower extremity weakness, poor balance, and with multiple sclerosis.27 In sum, for older patients, the
recurrent falls. Chart review showed slowly progressive differential diagnosis of cognitive impairment due to
clinical decline including cognitive problems and bladder multiple sclerosis from that of Alzheimer’s disease,
symptoms. She was not receiving a disease-modifying vascular dementia, and related disorder requires a compre­
therapy but was receiving baclofen for spasticity. hensive analysis of cognitive profile and advanced imaging.
Expanded Disability Status Scale score was 6·5.
MRI assessment
Neuropsychology testing at age 84 years showed decline
Early MRI studies showed that the extent of white matter
from 3 years earlier in memory and visuospatial processing.
abnormalities visible on T2-weighted MRI did not fully
This evaluation coincided with neurobehavioural
explain the severity of cognitive impairment in patients
consultation in the dementia centre and the patient was
with multiple sclerosis.28 Subsequent attempts to visual­
diagnosed with amnestic mild cognitive impairment because
ise more subtle damage, by use of more advanced MRI
of marked forgetfulness, word finding difficulty, and inability
techniques, such as magnetisation transfer, diffu­ sion
for self-care. At age 85 years, re-examination to assess for
tensor imaging, and T1 relaxometry, indicated wide­
Alzheimer’s disease showed sustained deficits in memory,
spread damage to brain tissue that appeared normal on
processing speed (Symbol Digit Modalities Test), and story
conventional T1-weighted or T2-weighted MRI.29–32 Other
memory. Testing also showed deficits in verbal fluency.
improvements in MRI technology included double
Amyloid PET imaging with ¹⁸F-florbetapir showed increased
inversion recovery, providing visualisation of cortical
focal uptake within the right occipital grey matter compared
lesions,33 which were robustly correlated with cognitive
with normal uptake by clinical read of the radiologist. Over
the 5-year follow-up period (aged 84–89 years), MRI showed
Of volumetric measures, grey matter volume correlated
5% whole brain volume loss, 25% increase in lateral ventricle
with cognitive performance in several studies focusing
volume, and 10% decrease in hippocampal volume.
on the deep grey matter,35 mesial temporal cortex,36 and
This case shows the increasingly common problem of ruling neocortex.37 The clinical significance of damage to deep
out Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias in older grey matter structures was further established by studying
patients with multiple sclerosis (>65 years). Here, the atrophy38 and diffusivity changes of the thalamus,39 which
diagnosis is uncertain, but the patient is being followed up were both independently correlated with cognitive impair­
closely for more evidence of early Alzheimer’s disease. ment. Besides the thalamus and the cortical grey matter,
The prognosis for Alzheimer’s disease is of course very hippocampal volume40 and function41 are altered in
different to that for multiple sclerosis, necessitating an patients with multiple sclerosis, and the hippocampus is a
intense life-care plan and with donepezil indicated as therapy pre­dilection site for demyelinated lesions.42
in the early stages. In addition to structural damage, studies have increas­
ingly focused on the functional connectivity of grey matter
structures, such as the thalamus, hippocampus, and
mild cognitive impairment. The diagnosis is particularly cerebral cortex, by use of resting state functional MRI.
important because some treatments, such as acetyl­ These studies noted altered connectivity patterns in
cholinesterase inhibitors, are indicated for people with patients with multiple sclerosis who had cognitive impair­
Alzheimer’s disease,24 but not for those with multiple ment.43,44 Although the dynamics found in patients with
sclerosis.25 Some evidence suggests that the cognitive multiple sclerosis who have cognitive impairment differ
profile of patients with multiple sclerosis older than from those of healthy controls without multiple sclerosis,
50 years does not differ from that of the general popula­ the direction of the relationship is inconsistent: increased
tion with multiple sclerosis, although Jakimovski and functional connectivity is noted in some studies,45 and
colleagues9 reported that patients older than 50 years decreased connectivity in others.46 Early in the disease,
(mean age 62·1 years [SD 6·3]) had impairments on a increased connectivity can signify that neuronal resources
semantic fluency test, as frequently observed in patients are compensating for demyelina­tion and neuronal loss.
with Alzheimer’s disease. Neuropsychological testing that Later, once these reserve resources are exhausted, con­
includes comprehensive language assessment and radio­ nectivity diminishes, and cognitive impairment is more
logical testing that is more specific to other causes apparent. Overall, these network functional MRI studies
of cognitive impairment other than multiple sclerosis indicate that cognitive decline is explained by an accruing
(eg, amyloid PET) might be needed in evaluating older destabilisation of the brain network physiology. Whether

862 Vol 19 October 2020


or not this destabilisation can be halted is a topic of

Benedict et al (2014)84 Meli et al (2020)87 Morrow et al (2011)83
active research. Benedict et al (2020)85 Pardini et al (2014)86 Giedraitiene et al (2018)89
The MRI techniques described here have greatly helped 3

SDMT score difference from stable control group

to provide clues to what underlies cognitive impairment in 1
patients with multiple sclerosis, and all of these metrics –0·4 0·0
–1 –0·8
correlate with cognitive impairment. The white matter –2·3 –2·3
lesions and diffuse damage, as well as the grey matter
–4·8 –5·0
lesions and atrophy, together lead to the variable symp­ –5 –5·0
toms of cognitive impairment in patients with multiple –7
sclerosis. Combined structural and functional imaging –8·6
measures provide an explana­tion for the observed clini­ –9·5
cal heterogeneity.47 At this point, prediction of cognitive –11

decline in individual patients is difficult on the basis –13

of MRI alone. Of the MRI measures that have been investi­ –15
gated, grey matter atrophy seems to be the most reliable Baseline Relapse 1 month 2 months 3 months 6 months 12 months
marker and patients with more severe structural damage Timepoints
Time varied by study
at baseline are at greatest risk for future cognitive impair­
ment.48 When such atrophy is readily apparent, this could Figure 1: SDMT decline and recovery curves in patients with cognitive relapse
alert clinicians to the need for further investigation of a Change from baseline in the difference between relapsing (defined by clinical diagnosis of gadolinium
patient’s cognitive status, to identify people at risk for enhancement on MRI) patients and stable patients in raw SDMT score. For each study, the mean of the stable
control group is subtracted from the mean SDMT score of the relapsing group. The relapsing and stable groups are
employment loss or in need of cognitive rehabilitation. generally well matched at baseline with the difference in scores ranging from –0·7 to 0·6. In each study, the
relapsing group recovers after the relapse timepoint, to varying degrees, seldom returning to a difference score
Cognitive assessment of 0. SDMT=Symbol Digit Modalities Test.
Clinical neuropsychologists have abandoned lengthy,
comprehensive test batteries for patients with multiple another exposure to the word list. Another frequently used
sclerosis, in favour of more targeted, sensitive tests, such verbal memory test, the California Verbal Learning Test
as the Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT).49 The SDMT (CVLT),56 also discriminates cognitive impairment in
presents a symbol–digit pairing key at the top of a page patients with multiple sclerosis from otherwise healthy
and a series of symbols below, each with a blank space controls. A visual memory test called the Brief Visuospatial
underneath. For 90 s, the examinee orally indicates the Memory Test Revised (BVMTR)57 presents a 2 × 3 matrix
matching number associated with a random array of of six figures for 10 s. Visual learning is assessed by
symbols, as rapidly as possible. Originally administered in the rendering of the figures after exposure and, as in the
a written response format, followed by an oral response, RAVLT or CVLT, patients are asked to retain the same
Rao50 abandoned the written format to avoid the potential information over 20–30 min. These memory tests
confounders of upper extremity weakness and ataxia. The (ie, RAVLT, CVLT, and BVMTR) are nearly as effective as
oral response SDMT has since become the gold standard the SDMT at distinguishing cognitive impairment in
for assessing cognition in patients with multiple scler­ patients with multiple sclerosis from otherwise healthy
osis.51,52 Benedict and colleagues53 further developed the individuals. In a syste­ matic review, effect size for dis­
test by establishing equivalent, alternate forms to mitigate tinguishing cognitive impairment in people with multiple
the effects of associative memory. As noted previously,51,54 sclerosis from otherwise healthy controls (Cohen’s d) was
the SDMT is sensitive but non-specific. The test empha­ reported as 1·1 for SDMT, 1·0 for BVMTR, and 0·9 for
sises processing speed, but a patient’s performance also CVLT.51 Patients with multiple sclerosis rarely show
depends to some extent on other functions, such as evidence of rapid forgetting on these memory tests, unlike
working memory, paired-associate learning, and visual patients with Alzheimer’s disease, in whom rapid for­
scanning. The more complex a task, the more likely it is to getting of learned information is a hallmark. Rather, in
be sensitive to change and cerebral pathology, and this mul­ tiple sclerosis, the initial learning most clearly
sensitivity might partly explain the importance of the discriminates patients from healthy controls.58 Conse­
SDMT in clinical and research applications (for a historical quently, only the learning trials of the CVLT and BVMTR
perspective see Benedict and colleagues).51 were recommended for routine use in mul­tiple sclerosis
Episodic memory tests emphasising learning over clinics.52 Importantly, neuropsycho­ logical test batteries
successive trials, followed by a measure of retention or emphasising CPS and memory correlate with employ­
delayed recall after 20–30 min, are a mainstay of clinical ability59 and other activities of daily living.60
neuropsychology. On the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Two consensus conference initiatives recommended
Test (RAVLT),55 the examiner reads a list of 15 words and optimal brief assessment batteries for multiple sclerosis:
asks the patient to recall as many words as possible. There the Multiple Sclerosis Outcomes Assessment Consortium
are five learning trials followed by a delayed recall task, in (MSOAC)61 and the Brief International Cognitive
which the patient recalls the same information without Assessment for Multiple Sclerosis (BICAMS).52 The Vol 19 October 2020 863


digital interface that could allow a more automated assess­

See Online for appendix
Panel 3: A middle-aged patient: cognitive relapse ment of these key cognitive functions (appendix pp 1–5),
A 53-year-old white man, with 12 years of education, had and the validity of some computer-assisted tests has been
been diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis established in patients with multiple sclerosis.67 Computer-
27 years previously. The patient had been stable for several mediated tests can offer metrics that are missing from
years in his 50s without a disease-modifying therapy, with an traditional psychometric tests. The automation could
Expanded Disability Status Scale score of 2·5. ease administration and minimise the need for trained
professionals. Some of these tests yield data that are
When evaluated by neuropsychologists, he had been
similar whether or not a technician is present.68
diagnosed with a new clinical relapse, his Expanded Disability
Status Scale score increasing to 4·0. Psychiatric interview
Monitoring cognitive function in the clinical
showed marked dysphoria and apathy. Brain MRI showed
13 gadolinium enhancing lesions (figure 2; not all of which
Many patients with multiple sclerosis have progressive
are visible here). Work status monitoring showed criticism
cognitive decline due to neurodegeneration.69 Gradual
from his employers for errors and formal discipline for
slowing on CPS tests such as the SDMT70 is related to a
poor performance.
loss of grey matter volume (eg, thalamic atrophy)71 and is
Earlier baseline assessment at age 49 years showed normal partly mitigated by the effects of cognitive reserve.72,73
Timed 25 Foot Walk, mild impairment on the Symbol Digit Monitoring for progressing cognitive dysfunction is,
Modalities Test, and slowed Nine-Hole Peg Test in the therefore, one goal for screening in clinical settings.
non-dominant hand. At relapse, aged 53 years, Symbol Digit Cognitive deficits are also a sign of acute disease activity.
Modalities Test score dropped 6 points to 43 points, but all Relapses are defined as new or worsening neurological
other performance metrics (ie, Timed 25 Foot Walk and signs or symptoms lasting longer than 24 h, in the absence
Nine-Hole Peg Test) were stable. Symbol Digit Modalities Test of fever or infection.74,75 Relapses are commonly treated
was still impaired at recovery, despite resolution of enhancing by use of a short course of corticosteroid therapy at a
lesions on MRI at 6 months, when the patient reported high dose, oral or intravenous methylprednisolone,76
improvement in fatigue and ambulation, and his Expanded prednisone, or adrenocorticotropic hormone.77,78 Relapses
Disability Status Scale score had partly recovered to 3·5. are typically diagnosed by sensory signs and physical
Following this cognitive relapse, the patient was placed on a manifestations via neuro­logi­cal examination. Early case
high-efficacy medication, fingolimod. reports and uncontrolled observational studies79–82 sug­
This case shows the role of cognitive testing in identifying gested that acute changes in cognition could signify a
and managing acute multiple sclerosis disease activity. relapse. However, these studies either did not control for
The relapse was primarily diagnosed via cognitive decline, cognitive level before the relapse or did not include a
evidenced by patient and caregiver report and employer comparison group to control for practice effects.
complaints. Symptoms and work performance stabilised, Morrow and colleagues83 evaluated monthly SDMT
with resolution of gadolinium enhancement on MRI, but the values used to screen for progressive multifocal leuko­
Symbol Digit Modalities Test score remained impaired, encephalopathy in the STRATA study of patients receiving
probably reflecting incomplete recovery of cognitive relapse. natalizumab for multiple sclerosis. The analysis showed
a transient decline during relapses, followed by partial
recov­ery. However, the specific neurological deficits
MSOAC included the SDMT51 as the sole cognitive shown by the patients who relapsed were not described,
measure in an attempt to replace the Paced Auditory Serial and it is certainly possible that impairments that could
Addition Test (PASAT)50 as the gold standard for clinical affect cogni­tive performance, such as optic neuritis, severe
trials, and to facilitate inclusion of cognitive measures in ataxia, upper extremity paresis, or other signs, might have
clinical trial design by promoting their acceptance by affected the results. Benedict and colleagues84 studied
regulatory agencies. The other MSOAC tests are the patients who were having a relapse and who had symp­
Timed 25 Foot Walk,62 the Nine-Hole Peg Test,63 and the toms and signs of cognitive impairment by self-report,
Low Contrast Letter Acuity,64 to encompass a range of informant-report, or clinician impression. Patients with
functions related to neurological disability. By contrast, optic neuritis, upper extremity paresis, severe ataxia, or
the BICAMS was an attempt to translate and validate spinal cord signs that might compromise cognitive testing
cognitive tests that are simple to administer for the clinical were excluded. Compared with non-relapsing patients,
care of patients with multiple sclerosis. Devoted only to SDMT scores declined from baseline, and subse­quently
cognition, BICAMS includes the SDMT, the BVMTR, and normalised, or nearly so, after corticosteroid treatment.
either the RAVLT or CVLT. Progress continues in the These results were replicated in patients with multiple
international validation of these test batteries.65,66 sclerosis who were treated with a 5-day course of
All of these tests necessitate extra time in a clinical adrenocorticotropic hormone gel (5 mL),85 which is a less
setting as they are administered by clinical personnel. common treatment of acute disease activity in multiple
Naturally, there is interest in the use of a computer or sclerosis.78

864 Vol 19 October 2020


Acute disease activity can be identified by gadolinium

Relapse Recovery
enhancement on MRI and can be deemed clinically silent,
especially if the patient’s cognitive status is not assessed.
Pardini and colleagues86 retrospectively studied patients
undergoing the SDMT and MRI at 6-month intervals.
Isolated cognitive relapse was defined as SDMT decline
and stable EDSS. Patients had gadolinium enhancement
on MRI and partly recovered on the SDMT at 6-month
follow-up, suggesting that the SDMT decline is a mean­
ingful marker of active disease. These results were
replicated by the same research group and the SDMT
decline was associated with observer-reported difficulty
in day-to-day living activities,87 reported by use of the
informant-report Multiple Sclerosis Neuropsychological
Screening Questionnaire.88
Figure 1 shows decline and recovery curves in patients
with some form of cognitive relapse; only SDMT data are
displayed, as it is the only test that provides results that are
consistently associated with relapses. The growing litera­
ture on cognitive relapses covers both conventionally
defined relapses during which the patient also has cogni­
tive impairment, and isolated cognitive relapses, in which
the only other indicator of active disease is gadolinium
enhancement on MRI. Multiple sclerosis relapses with
cognitive manifesta­ tions or isolated cognitive relapses
can markedly affect daily function, especially where Figure 2: Brain MRI of a 53-year-old man with relapsing-remitting
employ­ment is concerned (panel 3; figure 2). Recovery multiple sclerosis
is often incomplete, as improvement lags behind the Contrast axial brain MRI scan images obtained from the patient (described in
panel 3) during and after relapse with documented cognitive impairment.
performance of stable (no relapse activity) control patients MRI was obtained on a 3·0T GE Signa Excite HD 12 Twin-Speed scanner
at months 1,83 3,84 and 6 of follow-up.86,87 The extent to (GE, Milwaukee, WI, USA). At both timepoints, T1-weighted images
which incomplete recovery rather than neurodegenera­ were acquired with a single-dose intravenous bolus of 0·1 mmol/kg
tion accounts for progressive cognitive decline requires gadolinium-pentetic acid 5 min after injection. The lesions that appear by use of
this method represent a breakdown of the blood–brain barrier, allowing
further scrutiny. Also, the scope of impairment is myelin-reactive T cells to enter the CNS and cause a cascade of inflammatory
unknown. Some research suggests that memory declines changes that lead to oedema, demyelination, and axonal loss. During the relapse
during relapse,89,90 although only SDMT, which measures timepoint, several gadolinium-enhancing MRI brain lesions of 0·8 cm³ or greater
CPS, reliably shows impairment associated with relapse volume were present (arrows). In total, 13 lesions were identified but not all are
visible in these sections. The gadolinium-enhancing lesions were no longer
in all studies. observable at the recovery timepoint, indicating a recovery of the blood–brain
barrier, although some tissue damage (not shown) might persist.
Treatment of cognitive impairment
The mission of the MSOAC was to improve outcome improvement in patients given daclizumab com­ pared
measures in phase 3 clinical trials, which are typically with patients given inter­feron beta 1a, although daclizumab
annualised relapse rate or sustained progression of is no longer being pursued as a possible therapy for
neurological disability, as defined by the EDSS. Generally multiple sclerosis owing to side-effects. Although other
speaking, first-line disease-modifying therapies (eg, inter­ SDMT analyses are yet to be published, research in this
feron beta or glatiramer acetate) show benefit over placebo area is ongoing, as is evident from conference abstracts
for the traditional outcomes of annualised relapse rate over the past 2 years.94–96 It would seem, at least so far, that
and disability progression, and newer escalation disease- although the differences in SDMT between first-line and
modifying therapies (eg, fingolimod, ocrelizumab, or escalation therapies are significant, they represent small
ozanimod) are more efficacious than the older thera­pies.91 effects and are not recom­mended as a factor for clinical
In a meta-analysis that included any study exam­ in­
ing decision making.92
change in cognitive performance, which encom­ passed There are no approved medications for the treatment
55 cohorts from 44 studies, disease-modifying therapies of cognitive symptoms in patients with multiple scler­
showed gains in either SDMT or PASAT with a small to osis, although the literature is beset by methodological
medium effect size.92 Only in the past 5 years has SDMT limitations. A systematic review97 found insuffici­ent evi­
become a frequent tertiary or exploratory outcome in dence for drugs focusing on the relief of cognitive impair­
phase 3 trials.92 Post-hoc analysis of SDMT results from ment in patients with multiple sclerosis. The best evidence
the DECIDE study93 showed significantly greater mean was noted for fampridine (with SDMT being the primary Vol 19 October 2020 865


Description RCT characteristics Treatment duration Test used Effect size*

Restorative approaches
RehaCom100 Computer programme with training 23 patients with RRMS; RehaCom (n=12) vs active 6 weeks, two Paced Visual Serial Large
modules for various cognitive functions; placebo (n=11); clinic-based training in attention and sessions per week, Addition Test
available in 27 languages; easy to information processing; therapist supervised 1 h per session
administer; requires a therapist
RehaCom101 Computer programme with training 58 patients with RRMS; RehaCom (n=32) vs usual 10 weeks, CNS Vital Signs Medium
modules for various cognitive functions; clinical care (n=26); training in attention and two sessions per
available in 27 languages; easy to information processing in clinic-based or community week, 1 h per session
administer; requires a therapist samples; therapist supervised
RehaCom102 Computer programme with training 36 patients with SPMS; RehaCom (n=19) vs active 10 weeks, Brief International Large
modules for various cognitive functions; sham placebo (n=17); training was multimodal and two sessions per Cognitive Assessment for
available in 27 languages; easy to home based but supervised by a therapist week, 1 h per session Multiple Sclerosis
administer; requires a therapist
BrainHQ103 Adaptive computer programme providing 89 patients with RRMS, 35 with SPMS, and 12 weeks, Neuropsychological Small to
exercises targeting speed, attention, seven with PPMS; adaptive training (n=74) vs active five sessions per composite score medium
working memory, and executive functions placebo (n=61); home based, remotely supervised; week, 1 h per session
results unavailable for four patients
Attention Process Adaptive programme of tasks and exercises 88 patients with RRMS; Attention Process Training 12 weeks, Paced Auditory Serial Medium
Training104 targeting focused, sustained, selective, (n=55) vs active placebo (n=33); home based but two sessions per Addition Test
alternating, and divided attention with supervision week, 1 h per session
Speed of Processing Computerised drill and practice designed 21 patients with RRMS; speed of processing training 5 weeks, 10 sessions, Digit Symbol Coding Large
Training105 specifically to improve processing speed (n=12) vs no treatment control (n=9); community 30–45 min per
based session
Compensatory approaches
Modified Story Participants trained to use context and 86 patients with impaired learning, of which 5 weeks, California Verbal Learning Medium to
Memory Technique106 imagery to improve learning and memory; 55 patients had RRMS; modified Story Memory two sessions per Test-II large
computer-assisted administration Technique (n=41) vs active placebo (n=45); week, 45–60 min per
community based and therapist delivered session
Mental Visual Six 2 h individual sessions of visual 20 patients with RRMS; visual imagery training 3–6 weeks, Adapted autobiographical Large
Imagery107 imagery training group (n=10) vs active placebo (n=10); clinic based one or two sessions interview
with supervision per week,
six 2 h sessions
General Training in compensatory strategies, 60 patients with multiple sclerosis; memory 8 weeks, one session Brief Repeatable Battery Large
compensatory explanations on different kinds of internal treatment (n=20) vs placebo (n=20; relaxation) vs per week, of Neuropsychological
strategies108 and external aids, mnemonics, mental control (n=20; information only); group intervention 1 h per session Tests
reviews, and error-free learning with four people per group; clinic based with
Self-generated Behavioural sessions training in the use of 24 patients with RRMS, four with SPMS, Six 1 h sessions Contextual Memory Test Large
learning109 self-generated learning techniques seven with PPMS; treatment group (n=19) vs active
placebo (n=16); community based with supervision
Approaches to cognitive rehabilitation for patients with multiple sclerosis based on current knowledge.6,13,14 Articles were selected to show the breadth of available intervention techniques. RCT=randomised
controlled trial. RRMS=relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. SPMS=secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. PPMS=primary progressive multiple sclerosis. *The effects vary by intervention type and cognitive tests
administered. Effect size was calculated by use of a web calculator,110 with Cohen’s d as the measure of standardised effect size. We defined Cohen’s d 0·2–0·4 as small, 0·5–0·7 as medium, and 0·8 or greater as large.

Table: Suggested approaches to cognitive retraining in patients with multiple sclerosis

outcome), with a single class I study showing a transient for CPS, executive function, and memory. However,
effect,98 although lower class trials of fampridine yielded effects waned after training, suggesting the need for
incon­sistent results.99 Adequately powered and controlled booster sessions. Although several computerised pro­
For more on RehaCom see studies, with cogni­tion as a primary outcome, are needed grammes are available, RehaCom has emerged as the to properly examine the effects of pharmacologi­cal agents programme most studied for people with multiple
on cogni­tive function. sclerosis. In several randomised controlled studies in
Stronger evidence exists on cognitive training in patients patients with multiple sclerosis, benefits were observed
with multiple sclerosis (table). Restorative approaches rely in the areas of attention, CPS, memory, and executive
on repetitive training for targeted cogni­ tive functions function.101 Effects were observed immediately following
(eg, processing speed and working memory), often via treatment and up to 2 years post-treatment.112 Restora­
computerised tasks in clinic settings or at home via tive app­roaches have shown that improved cognition
remotely guided training (telerehabilition).103 A meta- (eg, atten­tion and executive function) is associated with
analysis covering 20 randomised controlled trials and changes in brain activation and connectivity.113 This
982 participants found a moderate effect size among association raises the question of whether a patient’s
treated patients.111 Small to moderate effects were reported response to restorative cognitive rehabilitation is related

866 Vol 19 October 2020


to their baseline reserve capabilities, as indicated by controlled trials in patients with multiple sclerosis that
behavioural proxy measures or functional MRI indices of adopt the same interventions that were shown to be
connec­ tivity. Preliminary work has suggested that this successful in the gerontology literature. Although there is
relationship might well exist. Brain HQ showed greater some pre­ liminary evidence that aerobic, resistance, For more on Brain HQ see
benefit on SDMT in patients with multiple sclerosis balance, and other modes of exercise training might
who had a high cognitive reserve, low disruption of improve cognition, in multiple sclerosis, this conclusion
white matter tracts, and functional MRI profiles of con­ seems premature. A 2011 system­atic review by Motl and
nectivity that appeared closest to those of people without colleagues121 examined cognitive outcomes and noted
multiple sclerois.114 conflicting evidence and metho­dological concerns, such
Strategy-based compensatory approaches emphasise as studies were not designed specifically to improve
manualised behavioural therapy that is administered by a cognition, inadequate statistical power, and an absence of
therapist for individuals or groups. The modified Story transferability to quality of life outcomes. Notably, studies
Memory Technique was the first compensatory approach that did include cognition as a primary outcome often
to be published, providing class I evidence for efficacy.106 showed a beneficial effect on cognition, whereas those
The modified Story Memory Technique trains patients that did not include cognition as a primary outcome often
to use context and imagery as strategies to improve reported negative or no effects. A 2016 update to this
the retention of information, up to 6 months post- review reported mostly positive findings.120 However, none
treatment.106 After 5 weeks of training, relative to placebo, of the 21 new studies in the update recruited patients with
patients with memory impairment (n=86) recalled signi­ cognitive impairment a priori. Yet 16 of 21 (76%) studies
ficantly more words over five learning trials on the CVLT were randomised controlled trials, most of which used
(ie, a moderate to large effect), which was the primary neuropsychological tests as the primary outcome. Taken
endpoint in the study. Self-reported and family-reported together, these findings suggest that claims that exercise
everyday functioning, the secondary endpoint, also training can be used to treat cognitive impairment in
showed improvements. This treatment effect was patients with multiple sclerosis are premature.
associated with increased brain activation and functional Future directions for research into exercise and cogni­
connectivity in areas associated with learning and tion should include examining the effects of interventions
memory.115,116 that might improve cognition on brain activity via neuro­
Examples of other strategy-based approaches include imaging. For example, in a pilot investigation of the
mental imagery, musical mnemonics, goal attainment effects of 12 weeks of supervised, progressive exercise
training, and general compensatory strategies (table). training for walking on a treadmill, the investigators
Despite the increased degree and breadth of cognitive assessed verbal learning and memory in eight ambulatory
impairment in patients with progressive forms of mul­tiple patients with multiple sclerosis and investigated the
sclerosis, most rehabilitation studies have focused on treatment’s effect on the hippocampus by use of advanced
relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Studies suggest neuro­imaging (eg, mag­netic resonance elastography).122
that both restorative102 and com­pensatory117 approaches are Results showed that exercise training improved learning
also useful in treating cognitive impair­ment in people with and memory, and that this improvement was strongly
a progressive course, although these studies are scarce and associated with hippocampal activity.
there are exceptions.118 As patients with progressive disease
have less cognitive reserve and grey matter volume, they Conclusions and future directions
might be less able to benefit from a restorative approach Cognitive impairment is no longer regarded as a rare or
than patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. poorly measured sign in patients with multiple sclerosis.
The promis­ing results of cognitive retraining in patients Easily applied and sensitive tests, such as the SDMT, make
with mul­ tiple sclerosis provide an opportunity for an cognitive appraisal accessible in neurology clinics and
improved understanding of the underlying mechanisms phase 3 trials. Defective CPS and impaired learning and
associated with treatment response, which should be memory are associated with the core pathological elements
investigated further in future research. of multiple sclerosis on MRI. Most closely tied to cognitive
Some investigators are combining cognitive rehabi­ impair­ ment are regional grey matter atrophy, neural
litation with other interventions to maximise effects, such network disruption, and poor reserve-based compensatory
as cognitive behavioural therapy,118 transcranial direct cur­ mech­ anisms, as shown by functional MRI. Although
rent stimulation,119 and aerobic exercise.120 These combined slowed processing is the hallmark of cognitive impairment
approaches, although promising, require further research in all pheno­types, patients with paediatric-onset multiple
before they are ready for clinical practice. scler­osis also struggle to develop linguistic skills and
As a single-modality intervention, exercise training cognitive reserve, affecting academic performance and
would seem a viable approach in patients with multiple resilience later in life (panel 1). At the other end of the
scler­osis, considering the cognitive benefits of aerobic lifespan, older patients (>50 years) with multiple sclerosis
fitness, physical activity, and exercise in healthy older are increasingly brought to the neuro­ psychol­
ogy clinic
adults. Motl and colleagues121 have called for randomised with what might be age-associated memory complaints. In Vol 19 October 2020 867


another clinical sign of acute or subacute disease activity.

Search strategy and selection criteria Administration of the SDMT or a similar task is recom­
We searched PubMed, MEDLINE, PsycInfo, and Embase mended by consensus for baseline testing soon after
databases for papers published between Jan 1, 2014, and diagnosis, annually, or as indicated for clinical purposes.126
May 1, 2020, using the search terms “multiple sclerosis” We concur with this opinion. The SDMT is the neuro­
AND ([“cognition” or “neuropsychological test” or “cognitive psychological test that is most widely recommended
function” or “cognitive impairment” or “memory” or because of its sensitivity, reliability, and predictive validity
“processing speed” or “executive function”] or [“MRI” or in patients with multiple sclerosis. To avoid overexposure
“rehabilitation”]). There were no language restrictions. We also to the same test, different versions of the SDMT
identified articles through citations and reference lists, review (eg, adaptations for computerised neuro­ psychological
articles, and the authors’ own published research. The final assessment devices) should be used to screen for cognitive
reference list was generated on the basis of the relevance of relapse, assess the effects of treat­ ments, or for other
papers to the topics that are discussed in this Review. purposes. The SDMT is increasingly applied in phase 3
clinical trials and efforts are underway to adjust the EDSS
to account for cognition.127
some cases, the patient’s cognitive impairment can be We suggest that the SDMT is a biomarker of disease
difficult to distin­guish from that of early Alzheimer’s disease activity. Early cognitive impairment is a harbinger of future
or related demen­tias (panel 2). Therefore, although simple neurological disability and employment loss. Account­ing
neuro­psychological tests are useful for routine care for for cognitive relapse could enhance statistical power in
patients with multiple sclerosis, a need exists for more clinical trials in which the annualised relapse rate is the
compre­ hensive assessment in these multiple sclerosis primary outcome. In the clinic, ignoring or missing cogni­
subpopulations. tive changes could delay offering rehabilitative therapies.
The course of cognitive decline needs further study. We If cognitive impairment is missed, patients might be
know that cognitive impairment occurs in patients with deprived of effective treatment. Debate continues about
radio­logically isolated syndrome, clinically isolated syn­ symptomatic pharmacological therapies, although some
drome, or even the so-called benign form of multiple studies are encouraging.98 There is a growing literature
sclerosis. Clinicians should bear in mind that cognitive supporting the effects of cognitive training and these
impairment can present in patients with multiple treatments should be made available to patients with
sclerosis in the absence of other neurological signs or multiple sclerosis (table). Considering research findings
symptoms. Cognitive impairment is a common cause of indicating that atrophy of key grey matter hubs and
work problems123 and job loss124 and bodes poorly for the network disruption occur early in multiple sclerosis,
risk of future disability worsening. How much of this interventions for cognitive impairment should also be
impairment reflects neuro­degeneration that might occur applied early in the disease course.
in otherwise stable patients is unknown, as is the degree In conclusion, the literature emboldens us to recom­
to which worsen­ ing cognition reflects incomplete mend the routine appraisal of cognitive function in
recovery from acute, demyelinating lesions. In reviewing patients with multiple sclerosis for both clinical and
the litera­ture regard­ing relapses, we have distinguished research purposes. Such evaluation will broaden the
between relapses in which cognitive manifestations are under­stan­ding of situations in which no other evidence
in addition to other relapse signs, and in which cognition of dis­ease activity is reported, identify patients in need of
is the only deficit—in both cases, patients might not early intervention, and enhance the appreciation of the
fully recover and would require follow-up. Well designed clinical relevance of disease-modifying therapies. Tests
longitudinal studies that account for the effects of measuring CPS, such as the SDMT, are reproducible,
cognitive relapses from early in the course of the dis­ sensitive, and easily applied, and testing will most certainly
ease, with healthy demographically matched controls, are become more accessible with technological developments.
sorely needed. Contributors
The accessibility of neuropsychological testing has RHBB was the lead writer and originated the concept, design, table, and
increased substantially over the past decade, as shown by figures for the paper. MPA, JD, and JJGG contributed equally to writing,
table format, and concepts throughout the paper.
the MSOAC61 and BICAMS52 initiatives. Additionally, the
range of platforms is rapidly expanding for the appraisal Declaration of interests
RHBB received honoraria, speaking, or consulting fees from Biogen,
of cognition, including telemedicine125 and computer­ Celgene, EMD Serono, Genentech, Medday, Novartis, and Roche;
ised neuropsychological assessment devices.67 Although research support from Biogen, Genentech, and Novartis; and royalties
more research is needed to establish the validity of many from Psychological Assessment Resources. MPA received honoraria,
computerised neuropsychological assessment devices, in speaking, or consulting fees and research grants from Merck, Biogen,
Roche, Novartis, and Sanofi Genzyme. JD received honoraria, speaking,
our opinion, the time has clearly come for CPS tests to be or consulting fees from Biogen, Celgene, Novartis, Sanofi, and
used in clinical routine for varying purposes. As test­ing MedRhythm; and grant funding from Biogen and EMD Serono.
becomes more commonplace, documented cognitive JJGG has received research grants from Biogen, Celgene, Merck,
deficits will be increasingly appreciated by clinicians as Medday, and Novartis.

868 Vol 19 October 2020


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