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NAME :________________ REVISION WORKSHEET ES- 1A ROLL NO.:________
A. Choose the correct answer.
1. What do we wear in the winter season?
a) woollen clothes b) cotton clothes c) silk clothes d) none of these
2. Name the process of making thread from cotton.
a) weaving b) shearing c) spinning d) knitting
3. When do we wear a raincoat?
a) Summer b) rainy c) winter d) both a and b
4. Clothes protect us from_________.
a) wild animals b) birds c) trees d) heat
5. Which of the following help us to fight diseases?
a) energy-giving food b) protective food c) junk food d) body-building food
6. Mountains, rivers and lakes are__________.
a) man-made things b) living things c) both a and b d) natural things
7. People who eat fish, meat and eggs are known as-
a) non-vegetarians b) unhealthy c) vegetarians d) vegans
8. What is the first meal of the day?
a) lunch b) dinner c) breakfast d) supper
9. Identify the kutcha house.
a) b) c) d)

10. Which of the following houses are built on the branches of tree?
a) tents b) tree houses c) houseboats d) huts
11. Where is the world’s tallest multi-storeyed building located?
a) America b) China c) India d) Dubai
12. Where do we take bath?
a) bathroom b) kitchen c) dining room d) bed room
13. Who wears uniform?
a) cobbler b) shopkeeper c) farmer d) doctor
14. Tick the correct feature of living things.
a) do not have emotions b) cannot move c) can breathe d) none of these
15 How would you feel when your father gives you an ice cream?
a) b) c) d
B. Fill in the blanks with the words given in the help box.

Water, man-made things, stilt houses, sapling, tents, uniform, junk food, caravans, leaves, silk

1. Mountaineers sleep in ______________.

2. Houses on wheels are called ______________.

3. _____________ is used to make saree.

4. A special dress people wear to work is called a _____________.

5. We should not eat too much of ______________ .

6. A plant breathe through their ______________.

7. A ______________ grows and becomes a plant.

8. Places with heavy rainfall have ___________ houses.

9. _____________ helps us to digest the food we eat.

10. Non-living things which are built by man are called _______________.

C. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False.

1. Living things cannot move.

2. We can see houseboats in Kashmir and Kerala.

3. We eat in the bedroom.

4. We wear light cotton clothes in summer season.

5. Houses need fresh air and sunlight.

6. We get silk from sheep.

7. People around the world wear same types of clothes.

8. Non-living things produce their young ones.

9. We cook pulses and cereals before eating.

10. People who don't eat meat, eggs and dairy products are called vegans.
D. Write five differences between living and non-living things.

No. Living things Non-living things

1. breathe
2. Cannot move.
3. grow
4. Cannot reproduce
5. eg: eg:

E. Match the following.

1. raw food

2. pucca house

3. body-building food

4. astronaut

5. balanced diet

6. kimono

7. igloo

8. policeman
F. Choose the correct name of the food items and write them in to the correct columns.

milk, wheat, eggs, cucumber, rice, cabbage, sugar, pulses, mango, jaggery, apple, meat

Energy-giving food Body-building food Protective food

G. Learn the answers of the following questions.

1.What are kutcha houses?

2. What are pucca houses?

3.Why clothes are important for us?

4. Name two clothes that we wear in the winter season.

5. Name two clothes made from silk.

6. Give two examples of man-made things.

7. Give two examples of natural things.

8. Write the three main meals we eat in a day.

9. What is a balanced diet?

10. Why do we need food?

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