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30, No 109 (2023), 126-132
Originalni naučni rad
UDC: 33:502.131.1

Sustainability and Green Economy Frameworks

Održivost i okviri zelene ekonomije

Ivana Luknar1*, Ilija Životić2, Magdalena Nikolić3

1Institute for Political Studies, Belgrade, Serbia /
Institut za političke studije, Beograd, Srbija
2,3UniversityUnion - Nikola Tesla, School of Engineering Management, Belgrade, Serbia /
Univerzitet Union - Nikola Tesla, Fakultet za inženjerski menadžment, Beograd, Srbija
* Corresponding author / Autor za prepisku
Received / Rad primljen: 08.01.2023, Accepted / Rad prihvaćen: 23.02.2023.

Abstract: According to international experience, implementing conceptually novel management tools based on
integrated approaches to the notion of sustainable development can increase the level of environmental safety of
the national economy. The goal of the study is to generalize and systematize existing conceptual approaches to the
definition of this notion in order to clarify the meaning and content of the phrase “green economy”. The research was
carried out using general scientific methods, including classifications to systematize theoretical approaches to the
definition of “green economy”, which are proposed by various scientific schools. Furthermore, structural and logical
generalization to clarify the terminology, analysis and synthesis to summarize the existing conceptual approaches
and green economy frameworks was conducted. The paper gives an insight into how the green economy develops,
as well as the conditions necessary for its construction and the difficulties it faces. The various scientific definitions
of the “green economy” are analysed and summarized. Based on findings, this paper gives recommendations for
the “green” transformation.

Keywords: green transformation, integrated strategy, integrated logistics system, green growth.

Sažetak: Prema međunarodnom iskustvu, primenom konceptualno novih upravljačkih alata zasnovanih na
integrisanim pristupima pojmu održivog razvoja može se povećati nivo ekološke bezbednosti nacionalne privrede.
Cilj studije je da se uopšte i sistematizuju postojeći konceptualni okviri i pristupi zelene ekonomije kako bi se
razjasnilo značenje i sadržaj te sintagme. Istraživanje je sprovedeno korišćenjem opštih naučnih metoda, uključujući
klasifikaciju za sistematizaciju teorijskih pristupa definiciji „zelene ekonomije“, koje predlažu različite naučne škole.
Dalje, izvršena je strukturna i logička generalizacija radi pojašnjenja terminologije, te analiza i sinteza kako bi se
sumirali postojeći konceptualni okviri i pristupi zelene ekonomije. U radu se daje uvid u to kako se razvija zelena
ekonomija, uslovi neophodni za njenu izgradnju i teškoće sa kojima se suočava. Analiziraju se i sumiraju različite
naučne definicije „zelene ekonomije“. Na osnovu nalaza, ovaj rad daje preporuke za „zelenu“ transformaciju.

Ključne reči: zelena transformacija, integrisana strategija, integrisani logistički sistem, zeleni rast., e-mail:, e-mail:, e-mail:



The development of fundamentally new econ- FRAMEWORK
omic models is required due to the volatility of global 1.1. Sustainable development within the green
development trends, the turbulence of the global economy framework
economy, and the imbalance of economic, social, In the late 1980s of the twentieth century, the
and environmental trends, which is escalating. The principles of sustainable development set the gro-
concept of sustainable development, which has undwork for the development of the idea of a green
come to represent humanity in the twenty-first cent- economy. There are numerous definitions of sust-
ury, should guide its formation. There are frequently ainable development, but the one offered in 1987 by
discrepancies in scientific viewpoints on the concept the UN Commission led by G.H. Brundtland (Lea et
of “Sustainable Development” among the global al., 1989) is the most popular and widely accepted
community. Numerous scholars, teachers, and bus- which defines Sustainable development as a devel-
inesspeople consider sustainability in the persp- opment that meets the needs of the present gener-
ective of GDP-based economic growth. For the ation without compromising the vital needs of future
global community, sustainability is primarily the generations.
growth of three processes - economic, social, and The highest level of the international community
environmental - in a manner that is harmonious and endorsed the “Agenda for the 20th Century” in 1992
balanced. Long-term sustainable economic devel- at the UN Conference in Rio de Janeiro, which
opment is unachievable without consideration of outlines a worldwide partnership for sustainable
social and environmental considerations. New ec- development. Economic, social, and environmental
onomic models that consider environmental factors considerations all play a role in sustainable devel-
have proliferated in the context of sustainable opment. Only by fulfilling the sustainability requir-
development, both in theory and in practice: the ements for each of these measurements can
Green Economy (Lew et al., 2018; Seroka-Stolka & sustainable development be accomplished. Today,
Ociepa-Kubicka, 2019; Löschel, 2020; Chiţimiea et it is becoming more and more obvious that sust-
al., 2021; Jefimovaitė & Vienažindienė, 2021; Ying- ainable development is the key idea for the twenty-
fei et al., 2022; Cheba et al., 2022; Mealy & Teyt- first century. Based on the idea of sustainable
elboym, 2022), the Green Growth Economy, the development, which should be based on the green
Low-Carbon Economy, the Circular Economy (Win- economy, the Paris Climate Agreement establishes
ans et al., 2017; García-Barragán et al., 2019; Grdic priorities for addressing the global climate threat
et al., 2020), the Bioeconomy, the Blue Economy, until 2030-2050, which is crucial for the shift to
etc. Emerging economic development models are sustainable development. The 2030 Agenda for
becoming more “hybrid”, like the Circular Bioeco- Sustainable Development (2015) also includes the
nomy. The world community established the United UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2015-2030.
Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as The conceptual priorities and the precise goals
objectives for humanity and all nations for the years and objectives that countries must pursue are succ-
2016 through 2030, expanding the United Nations essfully merged in these UN Commission public-
Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015). The ations. The application of the measurements and
SDGs put into practice the sustainability tenets quantitative indicators contained in the documents
outlined by the 2012 UN Conference in Rio de enables the individual governments to plan their
Janeiro. This paper complies with international law actions targeted at putting the developed manag-
and takes into account regional and national opp- ement decisions into practice. So, in general, we can
ortunities. The transition to a new economic model, discuss the global agreement on development in the
called the green economy, should be made easier twenty-first century, which is connected to the shift
by the objectives of sustainable development. The to sustainable development.
economic, social, and environmental aims have Development based on deteriorating the env-
been somewhat balanced by the SDGs system, ironment and using up natural resources cannot be
which is pretty balanced itself. In light of this, the sustained over the long term. A green economy, an
goal of this research is to examine the historical em- economy based on green growth, a low-carbon
ergence and evolutionary development of the notion economy, a circular economy, a bioeconomy, a blue
of the “green economy”, as well as the general- economy, and others are among the qualitatively
ization and organization of pre-existing scientific new economic models that the world is searching for
theories to create this category. in this regard. These new economic theories will

ECOLOGICA, Vol. 30, No 109 (2023) 127


largely be seen as various forms of a green econ- The Paris Climate Agreement intends to transition
omy. In many nations, research and development as most nations to a low-carbon economy. The sign-
well as practical business activities of the private ificance of fulfilling sustainable development goals
sector have prioritized the creation and development has grown in non-financial, social, and environm-
of new economic models. As a result, the European ental reporting of businesses. In the concept papers
Community has approved plans for the 2030-2050 of numerous international organizations, the new
period to establish a green, circular, bioeconomy. economic perspective is especially evident.

Figure 1. The green economy as an integrating framework for policies on material use (EEA, 2020)

1.2. Green Economy maturing ers to the environment and its deterioration (Morrow,
The green economy (Figure 1) was established 2014). The idea of a green economy does not
by the UN as the economic cornerstone of its plan supplant the idea of sustainable development, as is
for the twenty-first century. In its papers, the Org- stressed in the UN Concept Paper “The Future We
anization for Economic Co-operation and Devel- Want”. However, it is now more widely acknowledg-
opment (OECD), which brings together industrial- ed that establishing a “proper” economy is a key
ized nations from around the world, frequently uses component of attaining sustainable development.
the phrase “green growth”. Although it details the The green economy is thus the cornerstone of sust-
economic aspects of green growth, such as support ainable development and is founded on its tenets.
for investment, innovation, and competitiveness, Important characteristics of such an economic
this economic category is associated with the UN model include (Morrow, 2014) the following, per UN
green economy. The phrase “low-carbon economy” documents: effective use of natural resources,
is frequently used around the globe, particularly in protection and expansion of natural capital, pollution
relation to battling climate change and cutting green- reduction, carbon emission reduction, preservation
house gas emissions. At the UN climate conference of biodiversity and ecosystem services, and income
in Paris in 2015, this concept in particular was used and employment growth.
to describe the new economy and its potential future 1.3. Principles of green economy development
models. To decrease the consumption of convent- At the same time, fundamental guidelines for the
ional hydrocarbons, affluent nations are undergoing successful growth of the green economy have been
fundamental transformations, structural adjustments, formed based on the generalization of international
and technological advancements. The proportion of research on this topic (Jenkins, 2022). The green
renewable energy sources is also rapidly rising, economy is one way to achieve sustainable devel-
supported by a variety of economic tools like taxes, opment (Bobylev, 2017); it is also an efficient use of
loans, subsidies, and others. A green economy is resources and energy; it promotes equality and
said to enhances human well-being and ensures justice between nations and generations; it does not
social justice while considerably decreasing dang-

128 ECOLOGICA, Vol. 30, No 109 (2023)


violate environmental restrictions; it uses an integr- connection between “green economy” and “sustain-
ated approach to decision-making; it measures able development” is highlighted in this document.
progress not only through GDP but also through Sustainable development is not supplanted by the
indicators and assessments that take into account idea of a green economy. Today, however, there is
sustainable development (World Bank, 2020); it saf- a growing understanding that creating the “right”
eguards biodiversity and ecosystems; and it should economy is the single most important factor in att-
be promoted (external effects). aining sustainable development. The brown econ-
It is crucial to reiterate that the notion of sust- omy model has produced new wealth for decades,
ainable development is not replaced by the ideas of yet throughout that time, societal issues including
the green economy. Kasztelan added additional key resource depletion and social marginalization have
elements that, in their opinion, should be ingrained remained unresolved. Because of this, we have not
in the new model to the aforementioned character- yet met the Millennium Development Goals. Sust-
istics of the green economy that were highlighted by ainable development is still a top priority, but realiz-
international organizations: Maximum structural and ing it calls for a green economy (Morrow, 2014). The
territorial coverage, social orientation, raising the “green” economy was one of the main subjects of
value of natural resources, resistance to knowledge, the Rio 2012 Conference when it came to reducing
lowering development risks, especially environm- poverty and promoting sustainable development.
ental ones, innovation, energy efficiency/low carb- The idea of “green growth” places a focus on the
on, and a new method of assessing progress are all significance of fusing environmental and economic
important factors (Kasztelan, 2017). policy in a manner that identifies new potential so-
urces of economic growth without placing an “un-
sustainable” load on the quantity and quality of
natural resources (Sukhdev et al., 2010). Economic
2.1. Conceptual methods for establishing the “green tools (taxes, subsidies, and carbon trading schem-
economy's” meaning and essence es), state regulation tools (establishing standards),
The phrase “green economy” originally emerged and non-economic tools are all necessary for the
in the scientific literature in the Pearce’s, Mark- transition to a green economy (voluntary initiatives
andya’s, and Barbier's “Plan for a green economy” and information provision). One may also think of a
(Pearce, Markandya & Barbier, 2013), which argued green economy as a set of guiding principles, object-
for the necessity of financial support for environm- ives, and benchmarks. The idea of sustainable and
ental policies. For proponents of this scientific field efficient resource usage, consumption, and prod-
that focuses on the economics of sustainable devel- uction has the effect of making resource efficiency
opment, this work serves as a program text. These important. In this regard, the European Environment
concepts were created in 1991 and 1994, at a time Agency (EEA) report “The European Environment:
when concerns about global resource depletion, State and Prospects” from 2010 makes the argum-
climate change, ozone depletion, and vast tropical ent that the development of methods that reduce the
deforestation had already been expressed. How- use of resources in production and consumption as
ever, up until the middle of the 2000s, this concept's well as reduce the environmental impact are two
development received little attention. The number of tasks that are equally important for the transition to
definitions has significantly increased since 2008 as a green economy (resource efficiency) (Jenkins,
a result of the UN Green Economy Initiative (GEI), 2022). Resource efficiency specifically refers to ach-
one of the nine cooperative crisis efforts. A few add- ieving the needed increase in production while using
itional phrases, including “green growth” or “green- less natural, financial, and human resources. This is
ing the economy”, have also gained popularity. In a prerequisite for the shift to a “green” economy, but
the context of an expanding number of economic it is not always adequate because even with greater
sectors, such as the management of energy or water resource efficiency, consumers' absolute consumpt-
resources, transportation mobility or consumption, ion levels may rise (Sukhdev et al., 2010). Estimat-
the polluter pays principle, or life cycle assessments, ing the amount of resource efficiency is simpler than
these economic categories are employed as inter- doing so for the green economy (Morrow, 2014).
connected and interchangeable terms. According to Indicators that show the link between resource cons-
UNEP, the green economy is one that promotes long- umption and production, such as gross domestic
term prosperity, lessens inequality, and enables fut- product (GDP) per unit of resource consumed, can
ure generations to avoid substantial environmental be employed in particular at the macroeconomic
dangers and environmental depletion. This definit- level. There are still various interpretations, though.
ion is the most reliable and frequently used one. The It should be emphasized that the term “resource

ECOLOGICA, Vol. 30, No 109 (2023) 129


efficiency” does not currently have a clear definition GDP invested in a “green” growth scenario has the
or accepted understanding (Jenkins, 2022). In gen- potential to offset short-term losses in economic
eral, the green economy is frequently viewed as a output with long-term gains (Sukhdev, Stone &
brand-new economic paradigm that aids in resolving Nuttall, 2010). Even though adding more environm-
urgent global difficulties that have evolved into a ental regulations would initially cost businesses
new crisis. Many industrialized nations have already more money, doing so can give them a long-term
embraced the idea of a green economy in one form competitive advantage. Third, the green industry has
or another, and efforts to realize it are considered as already had consistent positive growth in Europe,
a way to fight the current global recession (de Serres which has been accompanied by the appearance of
et al., 2010; Morrow, 2014; Barbier, 2015; Jenkins, favourable externalities on the social, economic, and
2022). environmental fronts. For instance, in all three
regions in Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic,
2.2. The definition of the term “green economy” by
Germany, etc., investments in the transportation ind-
the authors
ustry have generated high returns (Pansera et al.,
The authors' approach to the formulation of the 2021). The green economy has a number of draw-
term “green economy” is given, and it entails think- backs despite its many positives (Latinović, 2019;
ing about this concept from the standpoint of susta- Latinović et al., 2020). The concept's primary “fail-
inable development, green transformation, and own ures” are around its first premise, which treats the
research. This approach is based on the theoretical entire planet as one region but has only limited
analysis of scientific publications, information mater- practical relevance. Many recommendations and
ials, and reports of international organizations, as findings regarding the application of the green
well as a result of own research. In other words, the economy's guiding principles are universal in scope
green economy refers to the modern concept of bal- and do not take into consideration the diversity of
anced sustainable development of logistics syst- nations, their interests, aims, or ambitions (Latinović
ems, a tool for the green transformation of logistics & Tomašević, 2022). Second, although some estim-
systems, and a model of economic development ates point to the potential for worldwide investment
based on the implementation of “green” solutions in in the transition of the global economy to one that is
various economic activity areas to preserve the env- “green”, some academics doubt the frequently cited
ironment, increase environmental security, and a estimate of 2% of global GDP, which is already quite
resource-efficient business model, the implement- a large percentage. Benefits may be overstated and
ation of which is based on the adoption of the United costs may be understated (Büchs & Koch, 2019).
Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. Generally speaking, long-term investments in the
2.3. Finding the green economy's advantages and green economy can bring about sizable financial
disadvantages through a SWOT analysis rewards (Stevis & Felli, 2015), while it is possible
that growth may be slowed in some regions of the
According to a critical analysis based on Jen-
world due to inadequate development of pertinent
kins’ research (Jenkins, 2022), the idea of a green
processes (Mealy & Teytelboym, 2022). Because
economy offers both benefits and drawbacks. The
there is always a trade-off between environmental
concept's potential benefits in terms of raising inc-
and economic benefits, it is still challenging to get a
omes, adding jobs, safeguarding the environment,
favorable economic outcome from compliance with
and maintaining a high degree of sustainable devel-
environmental regulations (Latinović, 2019). This
opment of the global economy can thus be seen as
involves a commercial issue like the discrepancy
one of its main strengths. Secondly, based on the
between consumer demands and their actual beh-
estimations of experts that are now available, the
avior. Yes, consumers express interest in and a re-
annual investment needed for the worldwide trans-
adiness to purchase environmentally friendly items,
ition to a green economy is equivalent to roughly 2%
but in reality, this is not always the case, which
of global GDP (Jenkins, 2022). The volume here
places businesses in a challenging situation. Addit-
exceeds the value here. These funding for the
ionally, some researchers (Cavicchia, 2017) dis-
growth of the green economy can therefore be distr-
agree with the suggested change agents. Particul-
ibuted at the national and international levels for an
arly criticized is the subsidization of electricity prod-
effective public policy. It is significant to note that
uction in renewable energy firms; some findings
only the elimination of subsidies in sectors (energy,
suggest that this sort of support redistributes money
water supply, fisheries, and agriculture) that support
(a transfer to the consumer) and worsens the fin-
the life of natural capital can release 1% to 2% of the
ancial standing of the majority of firms in the sector.
global GDP annually. At the same time, 2% of global

130 ECOLOGICA, Vol. 30, No 109 (2023)


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