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An evolutionary theory of
schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity,
metarepresentation, and the
social brain
Jonathan Kenneth Burns
Department of Psychiatry, Nelson Mandela School of Medicine,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 4000, South Africa

Abstract: Schizophrenia is a worldwide, prevalent disorder with a multifactorial but highly genetic aetiology. A constant prevalence rate
in the face of reduced fecundity has caused some to argue that an evolutionary advantage exists in unaffected relatives. Here, I critique
this adaptationist approach, and review – and find wanting – Crow’s “speciation” hypothesis. In keeping with available biological and
psychological evidence, I propose an alternative theory of the origins of this disorder. Schizophrenia is a disorder of the social brain, and
it exists as a costly trade-off in the evolution of complex social cognition. Paleoanthropological and comparative primate research sug-
gests that hominids evolved complex cortical interconnectivity (in particular, frontotemporal and frontoparietal circuits) to regulate so-
cial cognition and the intellectual demands of group living. I suggest that the ontogenetic mechanism underlying this cerebral adapta-
tion was sequential hypermorphosis and that it rendered the hominid brain vulnerable to genetic and environmental insults. I argue that
changes in genes regulating the timing of neurodevelopment occurred prior to the migration of Homo sapiens out of Africa 100,000–
150,000 years ago, giving rise to the schizotypal spectrum. While some individuals within this spectrum may have exhibited unusual cre-
ativity and iconoclasm, this phenotype was not necessarily adaptive in reproductive terms. However, because the disorder shared a com-
mon genetic basis with the evolving circuitry of the social brain, it persisted. Thus schizophrenia emerged as a costly trade-off in the evo-
lution of complex social cognition.

Keywords: cortical connectivity; evolution; heterochrony; metarepresentation; primates; psychiatry; schizophrenia; social brain; social

Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable

people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress,
therefore, depends on unreasonable people.
—George Bernard Shaw
Jonathan Kenneth Burns is a Consultant Psychia-
trist at the Department of Psychiatry of Nelson Man-
dela School of Medicine of the University of KwaZulu
1. Introduction in Natal, South Africa, and is in private practice part
time. He was trained in Medicine and Psychiatry at the
Schizophrenia is a complex and widespread disorder, giving University of Cape Town, South Africa, and is a Fellow
rise to a great burden of suffering and impairment in both of the College of Psychiatry of South Africa. From 2001
patients and their families. It is human nature to seek mean- to 2003, he was a Research Fellow in the Department
ing behind experiences, and indeed patients with schizo- of Psychiatry at the University of Edinburgh in Scot-
phrenia seek meaning in the bizarre and perplexing phe- land. Burns has done research on brain imaging in schiz-
nomena of their psychoses. So too, in our scientific ophrenia under the auspices of Professor Eve Johnstone
endeavour to understand this complex disorder, it is im- and, in 2003, obtained an M.Sc. degree at the Univer-
portant to undertake a search for the meaning of the exis- sity of Edinburgh for this research. He is the co-author
tence of schizophrenia in the human species. (with David Semple, Roger Smyth, Rajan Darjee, and
Andrew McIntosh) of The Oxford Handbook of Psychi-
In recent years, a number of researchers have sought to
atry, to be published in January 2005 by Oxford Uni-
adopt an evolutionary perspective to explain the continued versity Press. He is currently writing The Descent of
persistence of clearly maladaptive psychiatric disorders. In Madness: Evolutionary Origins of Psychosis and the So-
the field of schizophrenia research, Crow and others have cial Brain, which will be published by Brunner-Rout-
pioneered an evolutionary approach to understanding the ledge. Burns is the winner of the 2002 Aaron Beck
meaning of this distressing illness. They have asked ques- Award of the Across Species Comparisons of Psycho-
tions about the evolutionary origins of schizophrenia and pathology Society.
about why it is maintained in the human genome.

© 2005 Cambridge University Press 0140-525X/04 $12.50 831

Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

This paper critically assesses these models drawing on points to a significant genetic component in the transmis-
evidence from various fields including psychiatry, psychol- sion of schizophrenia (Jablensky 1988; Sartorius et al.
ogy, paleoanthropology, and primatology; finds them want- 1986). Other evidence suggests that this is a polygenetic
ing; and proposes an alternative and more integrated the- disorder (Kendler et al. 2000). Second, it is widely accepted
ory of the origins of schizophrenia that is in keeping with all that schizophrenia is associated with lower fecundity (Lar-
the available evidence. The central argument I propose son & Nyman 1973) and increased early mortality (Brown
here is that schizophrenia reflects the severe end of a spec- 1997). Third, as many authors have noted, there is evidence
trum of disordered frontotemporal (FT) and frontoparietal that some highly gifted and creative individuals either man-
(FP) connectivity, which is related to the evolution of ifest schizotypal traits themselves or have a first-degree rel-
metarepresentation and the “social brain” in the human ative with schizophrenia (Karlsson 2001; Post 1994).
line. I argue that schizophrenia exists as a costly trade-off at
two stages of cognitive evolution.
2.1. A critique of the case for heterozygous advantage
I suggest that the first trade-off occurred between 16 and
2 million years ago (mya), when human ancestors evolved These observations have led some writers to speculate on
complex cerebral interconnectivity and specialised neural why a clearly maladaptive disorder such as schizophrenia
circuits to regulate social cognition and the intellectual de- should have remained in the human genome at a constant
mands of group living. Owing to anatomical constraints on prevalence rate (Allen & Sarich 1988; Crow 1995c; Farley
foetal brain size, these changes evolved by a heterochronic 1976; Stevens & Price 2000). Importantly, such specula-
process that prolonged brain maturation. This meant that tions assume the prevalence of schizophrenia has remained
the human brain, with its complex and recently evolved cir- constant for millennia. According to a strict interpretation
cuitry, became increasingly susceptible to complex gene in- of Darwin’s theory of natural selection (Darwin 1859), a
teractions and/or genetic insults. This susceptibility was the phenotype that exhibits reduced fertility and earlier mor-
trade-off for the advantages gained in social cognition. tality should be subject to negative selection and disappear
The second trade-off occurred approximately 100,000– over a number of generations. That it persists has caused
150,000 years ago, when genetic changes in some individu- some to suggest that the disorder must have some inherent
als resulted in aberrant connectivity in these cortical cir- adaptive value to survive the process of natural selection.
cuits. The exact mechanisms responsible at both the geno- Furthermore, the well-founded notion of a spectrum in the
typic and phenotypic level is debateable and will be expression of the genotype has provided a suitable model
discussed in this paper. I argue that the expression of this for considering just where the adaptive value might reside.
genetic change is variable in different individuals and that, Crow has proposed that psychotic illness should be viewed
in some cases, milder expression may have manifested as as lying on a “continuum of variation” (Crow 1995b; 1998a).
extraordinary creativity and iconoclastic thinking. While It seems that there may be at least two dimensions to this
this milder phenotype may have featured significantly in spectrum – one stretching from schizophrenia to the affec-
the emergence of human culture, there is little evidence tive psychoses and the other from disorder to trait to “nor-
that it conferred a reproductive advantage. Therefore, in mality.” Evidence from neuroimaging and neuropsychology
contrast to authors who argue for a heterozygous or schizo- studies suggests that schizotypal people have milder but
typal advantage, I suggest a different genetic mechanism similar deficits to patients with schizophrenia (Buchsbaum
that may account for the persistence of schizophrenia. If et al. 1997a; 1997b; Cadenhead et al. 1999; Dickey et al.
the genes for schizophrenia were in some way intimately as- 2002a; 2002b). That these deficits are also found in relatives
sociated with genes regulating the development of complex of patients with schizophrenia suggests a genetic cause
cortical connectivity, and if these regulatory genes were ad- (Byrne et al. 1999; Lawrie et al. 2001). This supports the
vantageous during hominid evolution, then the genes for idea of a genetic continuum. So, instead of vainly attempt-
the disorder would persist by virtue of their association with ing to conjure up some aspect of this disabling disorder that
the adaptive genes. Thus, schizophrenia would represent a might be considered “adaptive,” it is legitimate to focus on
trade-off in the evolution of the highly organised brain of individuals in the schizotypal spectrum and seek to identify
modern Homo sapiens. adaptive traits in this population that may compensate for
the former group’s lack of fitness. Therefore, a popular as-
sumption among evolutionary psychiatrists is that unaf-
2. Evolutionary origins of the schizophrenic fected individuals in the schizotypal spectrum may be at
genotype some kind of reproductive advantage, thus compensating
for the apparent disadvantage of the schizophrenic pheno-
There is a need to integrate recent biological findings from type.
schizophrenia research into an evolutionary framework This argument has resulted in links being drawn between
based on current insights into the evolution of the human schizotypy and genius, and between divergent thinking and
brain. The rationale for using evolutionary theory as an ex- creativity, as if these associations automatically imply that
planatory paradigm for the schizophrenic spectrum of dis- these individuals have a selective advantage. And herein
orders comes from attempts to reconcile several seemingly may lie the error. The evidence is not convincing that
contradictory epidemiological observations. First, from the schizotypal individuals have a reproductive advantage. In
International Pilot Study of Schizophrenia conducted in fact, the studies of relative fertility in schizotypal disorder
nine countries (World Health Organization 1973), it ap- are contradictory and most fail to demonstrate an advantage
pears that globally, schizophrenia has an incidence of ap- (Avila et al. 2001; Haukka et al. 2003; Kendler et al. 1998).
proximately 1% and there is remarkable consistency cross- The recent study by Haukka and colleagues is large enough
culturally in the core symptoms of the disorder. One of the and has sufficient power to confirm this position (Haukka
“first-rank” findings of this study was that the evidence et al. 2003). An exception is a study by Avila and colleagues


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

that demonstrates an increased number of children in first- scribes the process of discriminating between phenotypes,
degree relatives of people with schizophrenia (Avila et al. but this process is not entirely “clean,” and linked traits that
2001) and thereby supports the notion of enhanced fitness do not necessarily increase fitness may be “dragged” along
in carriers. However, most authors who favour this concept in the inheritance process (i.e., selection of a trait). There-
of enhanced fitness in unaffected individuals typically rely fore, while there may be selection for the social brain, there
on anecdotes regarding a handful of historical figures. For may in conjunction be selection of schizophrenia. A second
example, Stevens and Price cite case histories of paranoid possibility is that schizotypal genes are defective alleles of
and almost certainly schizotypal “gurus” such as David Ko- the adaptive genes, but the problem with this scenario is
resh and Jim Jones as examples of reproductively success- that one would expect defective alleles to have been se-
ful individuals within the spectrum (Stevens & Price 2000). lected against during evolution. A third possibility is that
They propose that these individuals performed an essential genes (subsequently responsible for schizophrenia) were
function in ancestral groups, splitting populations as they already embedded in the genome before the social brain
outgrew resources. This particular “group selection” model evolved in all its complexity in modern humans. In this
is problematic, not least because group-splitting has been scenario, the emergence of novel neural architecture may
observed in wild chimpanzees (Goodall 1990), suggesting have served to activate the schizotypal genes. In other
that this is by no means a human-specific phenomenon. words, the genes responsible for schizophrenia existed
Similarly, Karlsson has demonstrated an increased inci- prior to modern Homo sapiens (perhaps with neutral or
dence of psychotic illnesses, including schizophrenia, in a even adaptive functions). With the emergence of a novel
cohort of particularly gifted artists, philosophers, and politi- brain environment, characterised by a host of novel gene
cians, and while it is not explicitly stated, Karlsson implies functions, the previously benign schizotypal genes changed
that this association might explain the persistence of schiz- (either through mutation or altered expression or gene in-
ophrenia (Karlsson 1973; 2001). While these data are in- teraction) and became the malignant genes responsible for
triguing, the assumption that social, political, or creative schizophrenia.
advantage automatically translates into reproductive ad- For want of a better term, I will call this model (in which
vantage is erroneous. The constant prevalence of schizo- maladaptive genes are associated with adaptive genes) the
phrenia does not necessarily imply that the schizotypal “pleiotropic model” of selection and will draw on it in con-
genotype is adaptive; there are other mechanisms that structing an evolutionary theory of schizophrenia. But first
could account for this. It is worth noting that several other I should briefly consider two other possibilities.
brain disorders, for example learning disability and idio- It is possible that the genes for schizophrenia represent
pathic epilepsy, also exhibit constant prevalence rates. random mutations or “neutral genes” and are not subject to
natural selection. In 1968, Kimura put forward a revolu-
tionary thesis that shook the biological community, for he
2.2. Evolutionary modes of selection
suggested that most mutations responsible for molecular
Dubrovsky has critiqued the “adaptationist programme” of variability in populations are neutral (rather than advanta-
many contemporary evolutionary psychologists and psychi- geous) and became fixed as a result of random genetic drift
atrists (Dubrovsky 2002). He observes that too often there (Kimura 1968). Given that human ancestors experienced
is a focus on explaining variants in human behaviour and several significant “bottlenecks” during evolution, with dra-
experience in terms of their potential adaptive qualities in matic reductions in population size, it is possible that the
the ancestral environment. In some cases this has resulted mutations responsible for the schizotypal spectrum were
in the construction of so-called Just So stories as substitutes neutral and were fixed in the human genome by random ge-
for objective scientific theories on the origins of behaviour. netic drift.
There may be more plausible evolutionary genetic mod- It is also possible that care-giving behaviour by a family
els for schizophrenia (Bailey 2000). For example, genes for or group may have allowed individuals with less adaptive
the disorder may be expressed phenotypically as a spec- schizotypal traits to survive. There is some evidence that
trum, and some in the spectrum may have special cognitive Neanderthals and early Homo sapiens cared for those with
abilities, but the schizotypal genotype does not, in itself, disabilities. For example, burial sites have been discovered
confer a reproductive advantage. However, if schizotypal where individuals have lived to a fair age with deformities,
genes are associated in some way with genes that code for with which they could not have survived without care
some faculty essential to the human condition, then the dis- (Stringer & Gamble 1993; Trinkaus & Shipman 1993). Fur-
order may persist by virtue of this association. In other thermore, observations of caring behaviour by chim-
words, maladaptive traits survive into the next generation panzees towards sick or disabled group members (Aureli &
because they are associated, at a genetic level, with traits de Waal 2000; Goodall 1990) suggest that care-giving be-
that are highly adaptive and which confer a reproductive haviour has ancient origins.
advantage on the individual. I will argue that these “adap- As I have said, in terms of schizophrenia, I prefer the no-
tive genes” are genes that are involved in regulating the evo- tion of the pleiotropy model. It follows, therefore, that we
lution and development of the social brain in humans. need to ask: Are there unique human faculties that might
There are several mechanisms that can be considered to be associated with the origins and persistence of schizo-
explain this association between maladaptive and adaptive phrenia in Homo sapiens? Crow has suggested that there
genes. The first is that the loci for schizotypal genes may be are – language and laterality (Crow 1995b; 1997a). He has
close on the chromosome(s) to the loci for the adaptive suggested that a speciation event gave rise to the human ca-
genes, and that they are “dragged” in selection. Sober pacity for language, and that this evolutionary change in the
makes the distinction between selection for a trait and se- brain provided the neural and cognitive substrate for a dis-
lection of a trait (Sober 1993), and the distinction may be order such as schizophrenia. He suggests that this specia-
useful in clarifying this mechanism. Selection for a trait de- tion event occurred approximately 100,000–150,000 years


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

ago, prior to the migration of Homo sapiens out of Africa phrenia. A sound evolutionary theory of schizophrenia must
(Stringer & Andrews 1988; Stringer & McKie 1996). Crow integrate current biological evidence about the disorder with
links the origins of schizophrenia to the evolution of cere- insights from contemporary primate research, evolutionary
bral asymmetry and specialisation of the language area on genomics, and palaeontology. Across-species comparisons
the left side. The proposed schizophrenia gene (protocad- are the only way one can determine what is truly different
herin) is said to be XY-linked and propagated by sexual se- about the human brain, and what the unique cognitive struc-
lection (Crow 2002). I disagree with Crow on several points ture is that allows an illness such as schizophrenia to exist.
that I will address in the course of this paper, but before Schizophrenia is primarily a disorder of consciousness
proceeding I think it is important to address the important and in particular of the social brain. I suggest that schizo-
question of speciation, since it bears heavily on this topic. phrenia exists in our species as a costly trade-off in the evo-
lution of the prefrontal cortex and its connectivity with tem-
poral and parietal cortices – these regions constituting the
2.3. Speciation or gradualism in hominid evolution?
social brain. Under the selective pressures of increasingly
In making his case, Crow is continuing a long tradition of complex social living, these interregional systems began to
sometimes heated debate over the exact nature of our de- evolve gradually in the common ancestors of apes and hu-
scent. Darwinists, faithful to the principle of gradualist mans 16–5 mya (Dunbar 2001). Subsequently, ontogenetic
change by natural selection, have, for more than a century, changes in the hominid brain, facilitating their further
come up against sceptics (from Alfred Russel Wallace – the development, rendered these neural systems particularly
codiscoverer of the theory – to Stephen Jay Gould) who cite vulnerable to insult. Specifically, the recently evolved neu-
the discontinuities in the fossil and archaeological record, rodevelopmental processes, giving rise to cortical connec-
as well as the emergence of complex symbolic art and hu- tivity, exhibited the greatest vulnerability. With respect to
man-specific language, as evidence for saltational or sud- the origins of schizophrenia, it is not clear whether gene
den change (Gould 1982; Schwartz 1999; Wallace 1858). changes giving rise to the disorder affected neurogenesis,
I do not find it necessary to invoke a saltational explana- neuronal migration, arborisation, synaptogenesis, or apop-
tion for the emergence of psychosis in humans. Crow’s the- tosis. We know that schizophrenia is a neurodevelopmental
ory depends on two assumptions for which I believe there disorder and that all these stages have been implicated.
is insufficient evidence thus far. The first is that other Given the heterogeneous nature of molecular and patho-
species do not have a capacity for psychosis – to date, this logical findings in schizophrenia, it is likely that a number
is neither proven nor disproven. Secondly, he relies on dis- of these stages were subject to genetic change in the gene-
continuity in evolution to explain the emergence of lan- sis of the notoriously amorphic schizophrenic phenotype.
guage. While speech itself is unique to humans, there is in- As Crow argues, the origins of the schizotypal genotype,
creasing evidence (Deacon 1998; Pinker 1994) supporting must predate the emergence of Homo sapiens out of Africa,
a gradualist model of language development within a num- approximately 100,000–150,000 years ago (as determined
ber of higher mammalian species, for example, anthropoid from mitochondrial DNA analyses [Cann et al. 1987]). This
primates and cetaceans (whales and dolphins). In The De- is the only feasible explanation (barring a random mutation
scent of Man, Darwin committed himself to a gradualist explanation) for constant worldwide prevalence rates. A
theory of language evolution and a century later, this idea less parsimonious theory would have to argue that there was
retains wide support: parallel evolution in geographically separate populations.
Nor, as we have seen, does the faculty of articulate speech in it- This is unlikely. There are at least some historical references
self offer any insuperable objection to the belief that man has to schizophrenia-like illnesses in early Islamic, Ayurvedic,
been developed from some lower form. . . . The lower animals and Classic societies (Gottesman 1991; Youssef & Youssef
differ from man solely in his almost infinitely larger power of 1996) but these obviously postdate the development of
associating together the most diversified sounds and ideas; and written records.
this obviously depends on the high development of his mental While agreeing with Crow that an evolutionary perspec-
powers. (Darwin 1871) tive is essential in trying to understand this most human of
Thus, articulate speech emerges from a gradual process of disorders, I would suggest that the phenotypic outcome of
evolving communication in higher mammals and, as Darwin this genetic change was that neurodevelopmental processes
predicted, the unique properties of human thought and lan- giving rise to frontal circuits were disturbed, resulting in
guage relate not to a speciation event but to increasing cog- aberrant connectivity in these systems. Since these circuits
nitive complexity and specialisation of phylogenetically old contribute significantly to the regulation of normal social
neural networks for communication. I suggest that the so- behaviour and therefore constitute a large part of what is
cial brain, as represented by prefrontal cortical connectivity, termed the social brain (Brothers 1990; Brüne 2001), I be-
became highly developed within the human line, providing lieve that it is appropriate to conceptualise schizophrenia as
a substrate for consciousness and articulate speech, but that a disorder of the social brain. In the next section, I will re-
this reflected a continuation of a phylogenetically ancient view evidence in support of this statement, drawing on both
process, as evidenced by immature forms of social cognition psychological and biological research in both healthy indi-
and communication in some extant primates (Baron-Cohen viduals and patients with schizophrenia.
1999; Byrne 2001) and cetaceans (Marino 2002).

3. Schizophrenia is a disorder of the social brain

2.4. A neuroevolutionary theory of schizophrenia
3.1. Definition of terms
With respect for Crow’s ongoing work on the “Speciation Hy-
pothesis” (Crow 2002), I propose an alternative – but not Brothers described the social brain as the higher cognitive
necessarily incompatible – evolutionary model of schizo- and affective systems in the brain that evolved as a result of


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

increasingly complex social selective pressures (Brothers nition; and, in referring to the neural systems that regulate
1990; Brothers et al. 1990). These systems underlie our this faculty, I will use the term social brain.
ability to function as highly social animals and provide the
substrate for intact social cognition, social behaviour, and
3.2. Schizophrenia and theory of mind (ToM)
affective responsiveness. Brothers defines social cognition
as “information processing that contributes to the correct Functional imaging has demonstrated the neural basis of
perception of dispositions and intentions of other individu- ToM ability. When healthy subjects perform a variety of
als” (Brothers 1990). Therefore, to “mindread” (Whiten ToM paradigms (including mental state attribution, eye
1991) successfully (i.e., to infer the mental states of others), gaze detection, and attribution of intentions), scans reveal
an individual requires both an evolved perceptual system in that a number of cortical regions are activated. These most
order to detect social signals, as well as an information pro- commonly include the left medial prefrontal cortex (PFC),
cessing “module” that draws on stored emotions and mem- the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and the left temporal cortex
ories in interpreting the mental state of conspecifics. Grady (Baron-Cohen et al. 1994; Fletcher et al. 1995; Goel et al.
and Keightley include the following functions within social 1995; Levine et al. 1999; Vogeley et al. 2001). Of these
cognition: face perception, emotional processing (including anatomical regions, the medial PFC (and specifically the
both perception of emotional information in the environ- anterior cingulate cortex) has been most commonly identi-
ment and regulation of mood), “theory of mind” (see below), fied in subsequent studies of this nature (Brunet et al. 2000;
self-reference, and working memory (Grady & Keightley Calder et al. 2002; Castelli et al. 2000; Gallagher et al. 2000;
2002). It is important to recognise these functionally sepa- Gusnard et al. 2001). Other structures that have only occa-
rate aspects of social cognition, for most terms used in rela- sionally shown activation during similar experiments in-
tion to it encompass all aspects as an integrated unit. Indeed, clude the paracingulate sulcus, the posterior cingulate, the
I would argue that, when social cognition is described in temporoparietal junction and the PFC (Fletcher et al.
modular terms, there is the risk of viewing the social brain 1995; Gallagher et al. 2000; McCabe et al. 2001). The only
as a single anatomical region, rather than as a distributed experiment that showed PFC activation was an fMRI (func-
network of interconnected systems that include both corti- tional magnetic resonance imaging) study using coopera-
cal and subcortical structures. tion games in a “prisoners’ dilemma”-type paradigm (Mc-
As is common in the behavioural sciences, a vast nosol- Cabe et al. 2001).
ogy has emerged in relation to the concept of social cogni- Within psychiatry, the concept of ToM or metarepresen-
tion. For example, in relation to apes’ capacity to recognise tation is most commonly associated with autism. The sem-
or infer mental states in other individuals, Byrne and inal study was conducted by Baron-Cohen and colleagues
Whiten have used the term metarepresentation (Byrne & in 1985; they demonstrated a specific difficulty with ac-
Whiten 1991). As Brüne puts it, one has “metarepresenta- knowledging false belief in autistic children (Baron-Cohen
tions about the social world” and this in turn indicates the et al. 1985). Numerous subsequent studies employing a va-
possession of social metacognition. And drawing on the so- riety of novel tasks have confirmed this finding (Frith 1989;
cial machinations of Machiavelli’s The Prince, de Waal in- Leekam & Perner 1991; Leslie & Thaiss 1992; Perner et al.
troduced the term Machiavellian Intelligence to describe 1989). Baron-Cohen has examined the neural basis of
the social and political behaviour of chimpanzees (de Waal autism and describes a circuit including the amygdala,
1982). Others have referred to “mentalizing” (Morton OFC, and superior temporal sulcus (STS) that mediates
1980), “folk psychology” (Wellman 1991), and “the inten- ToM ability and is dysfunctional in the disorder (Baron-Co-
tional stance” (Dennett 1987). Finally, within the psychi- hen 1995; Baron-Cohen et al. 2000). Frith argues that im-
atric literature at least, theory of mind (ToM) is the concept paired mentalising in autism probably relates to the failure
most familiar to clinicians and researchers alike. of medial prefrontal–parietal attentional networks to effec-
The term theory of mind was coined by Premack and tively modulate connectivity in regions such as the extras-
Woodruff in 1978 in relation to chimpanzees’ capacity for triate visual cortex and temporal lobes (Frith 2002).
deception (Premack & Woodruff 1978) and has become in- It is interesting to note that the cardinal features of
creasingly popular in attempting to describe the cognitive autism, (autistic aloneness, poor communication, and lack
deficits in schizophrenia. In essence it refers to the as- of pretend play [Wing & Gould 1979]), parallel some of the
sumption one makes during communication that another negative symptoms of schizophrenia, namely social with-
individual possesses a mind just like one’s own. It is the abil- drawal (or “autism,” as termed by Bleuler), poverty of
ity to attribute mental states to others and thus forms the speech, and stereotyped rather than spontaneous behav-
very basis of social interaction and communication. This is iour. In addition, the language difficulties are similar in the
because it is critical to understand the beliefs and intentions two disorders, with pragmatic rather than syntactic or se-
of others in social discourse. Having ToM ability enables in- mantic aspects impaired (Frith & Allen 1988). Frith and
dividuals to engage cognitively in the social arena. It is Frith have argued that autism and schizophrenia may rep-
therefore a core aspect of social cognition. In healthy chil- resent early and late acquired variations of a similar under-
dren it is generally accepted that ToM ability is achieved by lying process. They cite evidence presented by Murray and
4 years of age (Perner 1991; Wimmer & Perner 1983). Avis Lewis (1987) that there is a “neurodevelopmental” sub-
and Harris studied Baka pygmy children in Cameroon and group of schizophrenics who exhibit features that closely
concluded that this is reliable cross-culturally (Avis & Har- resemble childhood autism, namely: early onset illness;
ris 1991). However, Lillard argues that in terms of the ac- male predominance; and defects in premorbid IQ, behav-
tual manifestation of ToM, cultural variations do exist (Lil- iour and sociability. They suggest that there may be greater
lard 1998). comorbidity between the two conditions than is acknowl-
In this discussion I will restrict myself to the use of the edged.
terms theory of mind, metarepresentation, and social cog- In terms of ToM impairment and the specific sympto-


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

matology of schizophrenia, Frith has proposed several evaluation, and interpretation of material; and “social be-
mechanisms within a cognitive framework (Frith 1994). haviour,” which is the effecting of the individual’s response.
Negative symptoms such as flattening of affect and impov- In terms of social perception, Adolphs identifies the sen-
erishment of will are attributed to the individual’s lack of sory and association cortices (including the fusiform gyrus
awareness of his own mental and emotional states and a cor- and the superior temporal sulcus [STS]) as the primary sites
responding unawareness of personal goals and intentions. involved. The central processes include the amygdala, the
Incoherence of speech and language, Frith argues, is at- OFC, the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the right so-
tributable to a failure to take account of the listener’s lack matosensory cortex. Finally, the areas implicated in social
of knowledge. Therefore, the ToM-impaired individual behaviour include the motor cortex, the basal ganglia, the
uses speech that lacks referents (Rochester & Martin 1979) hypothalamus, and the brain stem. Importantly, the central
and assumes the listener shares an understanding of his processes operate at multiple levels – cognitive, emotional,
“logical” train of thought. Similarly, there is a failure in dis- and motivational – and draw on memory systems for the
course planning, with the omission of explicit links between recognition and evaluation of stimuli and the preparation of
different topics in the discourse. Positive symptoms in the organism’s response. Adolphs’ selection of brain struc-
schizophrenia, argues Frith (1994), result from attempts to tures involved in the central component is very similar to
infer the mental states of others, because, unlike the autis- that of Brothers, who identifies the STS, the amygdala, and
tic patient, the person with schizophrenia has had an expe- the OFC (Brothers 1990), while Brüne adds the dorsolat-
rience of using ToM abilities prior to onset of illness and eral PFC (DLPFC) and the ACC (Brüne 2001). Drawing
knows that one must attempt to interpret the mental con- on Adolphs’ model, is there evidence that supports these
tents of others. However the illness impairs mind-reading regions as comprising the social brain?
ability, and errors result – this is the basis of some positive Adolphs attributes “social perception” to the fusiform
symptoms. False inferences about the intentions of others gyrus and the STS. This attribution is derived from both pri-
therefore lead to paranoid delusions, while referential delu- mate and human studies that have focussed on neuronal re-
sions are a consequence of falsely inferring that others are sponses to socially important visual stimuli. Emery argues
communicating with one. that eye gaze plays an important signalling role in convey-
ToM abnormalities have been demonstrated in people ing emotional and mental states between individuals
with schizophrenia by using a range of experiments that (Emery 2000). In higher primates, the following and inter-
seek to test their ability to attribute mental states and to de- pretation of gaze is an essential part of social cognition. In
tect deception and false beliefs. Using “hinting” and “false- primates, a number of studies have identified neurones in
belief” tasks, Corcoran and Frith have shown that patients the OFC, the amygdala, and the STS that respond selec-
with schizophrenia who have negative, disorganised, or tively to facial expression, eye gaze, and intended action
paranoid symptoms struggle to infer intentions behind in- (Emery 2000; Perrett et al. 1985; 1992). Other primate
direct speech (Corcoran et al. 1995; Frith & Corcoran studies have identified neurones responsive to eye gaze in
1996). Doody and colleagues have shown that, within the the amygdala (Brothers et al 1990; Brothers & Ring 1993).
functional psychoses, ToM impairment is specific to schiz- Human studies have largely corroborated these findings.
ophrenia (Doody et al. 1998). Subsequent studies have sub- For example, electrophysiological studies in epileptic pa-
stantiated the specificity of ToM impairment to behav- tients have found regions of the STS that respond to socially
iourally disorganised patients with schizophrenia and have salient visual stimuli (especially facial motion) (Allison et al.
argued that it reflects disturbance of a particular cognitive 2000), while functional imaging studies have identified a
module rather than general cognitive impairment (Mazza “fusiform face area” on the lateral fusiform gyrus that is
et al. 2001; Pickup & Frith 2001; Sarfati et al. 1999; Sarfati “specialized for face perception” (Haxby et al. 1994; Kan-
& Hardy-Baylé 1999). Pickup and Frith also reiterate ear- wisher et al. 1997; McCarthy et al. 1997). The STS has also
lier observations (Pilowsky et al. 2000) that ToM impair- been implicated, using functional imaging, in face percep-
ments in schizophrenia are less severe than in autism, prob- tion (Haxby et al. 2001; Puce et al. 1998). Haxby and col-
ably as a result of earlier age of onset in the latter and some leagues argue that “face perception is mediated by a distrib-
residual mind-reading skills in the former. The single func- uted neural system in humans that consists of multiple
tional imaging study to date examining ToM in schizophre- bilateral regions” (Haxby et al. 2002). They describe a “core
nia correlated poor mentational ability with abnormal ac- system,” consisting of the fusiform gyrus and STS, that me-
tivity in the PFC and the temporal lobes (Russell et al. diates the visual analysis of faces. The former, they argue, is
2000). responsive to invariant aspects of faces (i.e., identity), while
the latter is responsive to changeable aspects (i.e., expres-
sion). The “core system” connects with a number of regions
3.3. The neural basis of social cognition
from other neural systems involved in other cognitive func-
As stated earlier, there are functions besides ToM that con- tions (e.g., amygdala) forming the so-called extended sys-
tribute to social cognition. Grady and Keightley include tem. This interaction between core and extended systems
face perception, emotional processing, self-reference, and allows for the extraction of meaning from faces. Of the
working memory (Grady & Keightley 2002). I would add amygdala, Haxby and colleagues say “it plays a central role
eye-gaze detection and interpretation, social decision-mak- in processing the social relevance of information gleaned
ing, conflict-monitoring, and affiliative behaviour. from faces” (Haxby et al. 2002).
Adolphs has proposed a simple model that describes the In terms of “central social cognition,” which regulates
various component processes of social cognition (Adolphs recognition, evaluation, and interpretation of socially re-
2001). He describes three major stages in social cognition: lated material, Adolphs identifies a network of structures
“social perception,” which is the detection of social stimuli; including the amygdala, the OFC, the ACC, and the right
“central social cognition,” which entails the recognition, somatosensory cortex. Clearly these stimuli are presented


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

to the individual in predominantly the visual and auditory have been attributed a major role in establishing and main-
modalities, and the central processing entails integration of taining social bonds. Studies in rodents have shown how
these stimuli with emotional, memory, and higher cognitive oxytocin and vasopressin, two key peptides involved in af-
systems. According to Haxby, visual material from the per- filiative behaviour, effect their action by modulating the
ception of faces is distributed from the core system to a amygdala and parts of the ventral striatum (Young 2002).
number of regions in the extended system where it is in- Monkeys with lesions placed in the amygdala, the anterior
vested with meaning (Haxby et al. 2002). Specifically, in- temporal pole, or the OFC show varying degrees of social
formation such as gaze direction and head position is isolation and marked reductions in affiliative behaviours
processed within the neural systems for spatial attention (Kling & Steklis 1976). Having said this, it is important to
and perception in the intraparietal sulcus and the frontal note that Amaral reports relatively normal affiliative be-
eye fields (Hoffman & Haxby 2000). Phonemic information haviour (except for a loss of the fear response) in young
from speech-related lip movements is processed within the monkeys following lesioning of bilateral amygdalae, sug-
neural system for auditory verbal comprehension in the su- gesting that an intact OFC may be more important than in-
perior temporal gyrus (STG) and STS (Calvert et al. 1997; tact amygdalae in mediating affiliative behaviour (Amaral
Puce et al. 1998). Perception of identity and retrieval of se- 2002).
mantic knowledge about a person recruits neural systems in The classic case of Phineas Gage illustrates the central
the anterior temporal lobes (Gorno-Tempini et al. 1998; role of the OFC in regulating socially appropriate behav-
Nakamura et al. 2000). Finally, the emotional content of ex- iour. This unfortunate railway construction foreman was
pression is processed in the amygdala, insula, and other blasting rock in the Vermont mountains in 1848 when an ac-
parts of the limbic system (Breiter et al. 1990; Streit et al. cidental explosion blew his tamping iron through his head,
1999). specifically his OFC. He was transformed from a socially re-
The amygdala forms an interface between the informa- sponsible and polite man to an irreverent and grossly pro-
tion processing activities of the neocortex and the autonomic fane individual, so much so that his friends are recorded to
and endocrine functions of subcortical structures such as the have stated that he was “no longer Gage”! If Gage’s case is
hypothalamus and brain stem. It is therefore well placed to deemed unreliable because of the diffuse frontal injury he
perform its function as the brain’s emotion-regulation sys- sustained, then there are a number of case reports of surgi-
tem, integrating emotional, motivational, and cognitive cally placed lesions in the OFC that confirm the selective
processes (Le Doux 1994). The important array of connec- social impairments resulting from OFC damage (Eslinger
tions the amygdala has with cortical and subcortical regions & Damasio 1985). In humans, damage to the OFC is no-
is critical to its task. In particular, two connections that are table for a diminished capacity to respond to punishment,
known to play a central role in processing social material are stereotyped and sometimes inappropriate social manners,
between the lateral nucleus of the amygdala, and the STS and an apparent lack of concern for other individuals, all in
and OFC, respectively (Amaral et al. 1992). the face of otherwise normal intellectual functioning
Evidence from primate studies (Leonard et al. 1985; (Damasio 1994).
Nakamura et al. 1992), from human studies on patients with In primates, Perrett and colleagues have identified neu-
amygdala lesions (Adolphs et al. 1994; Jacobson 1986; rons sensitive to facial expression, not just in the amygdala
Young et al. 1995; 1996), and from autism research (Baron- and STS, but also in the OFC (Perrett et al. 1985; 1992).
Cohen et al. 2000) supports the central role played by the The human OFC appears to have cells similarly sensitive to
amygdala in recognition and interpretation of facial expres- socially and emotionally aversive visual stimuli (Kawasaki et
sions of emotion. In particular, the amygdala seems to play al. 2001).
a role in detecting and responding to threat and danger and The OFC (as well as the ventral PFC) is implicated in
mediating the fear response. Amygdala lesions in macaques Damasio’s “somatic marker hypothesis,” an adaptive mech-
result in a loss of fear responses to threatening objects anism by which we acquire, represent, and retrieve the val-
(Amaral 2002), while functional imaging in normal subjects ues of our actions (Damasio 1994). These structures gener-
has demonstrated amygdala activation when viewing facial ate representations (or somatic markers) of emotional or
expressions of fear (Morris et al. 1996). It appears that this somatic states that correspond to the anticipated future
structure is critical for vigilance and recognition or evalua- outcome of decisions, thus steering the decision-making
tion of potential threat and therefore, in evolutionary terms, process towards those social outcomes that are advanta-
the amygdala plays a vital adaptive role for the organism, geous for the individual (Adolphs 1999). Studies using a
and one can speculate that its origins are extremely ancient. gambling task have shown that subjects with damage to the
In addition to fear responses, there is a wealth of evi- OFC are unable to represent choice bias in the form of an
dence for the key involvement of the amygdala and its an- emotional hunch or “gut feeling” (Bechara et al. 1997).
terior connections in more general affective and social re- Therefore, impairment of the OFC and its circuits may re-
sponsiveness (Barbas 2000; Davis 1992; Le Doux 1994). sult in ambivalence and impulsivity rather than carefully
Work with autism links the well-described abnormalities of considered decision-making in social situations. These dif-
this structure to a broad array of emotional and social ficulties are commonly observed in patients with schizo-
deficits (Baron-Cohen et al. 2000). Its role in emotional phrenia and are likely to originate, in part at least, from the
memory is supported by functional imaging of normal indi- abnormalities I have described in the OFC.
viduals, where emotionally charged information is remem- As mentioned in the previous section on the amygdala,
bered better than neutral information, and this correlates the OFC is ascribed an important role in affiliative be-
with activation in the amygdala (Cahill et al. 1996; Hamann haviour. Lesions placed in the OFC in monkeys result in
et al. 1999). In patients with amygdala lesions, this function dramatic reductions in sociability as well as shifts in social
is also impaired (Adolphs et al. 1997). ranking (Butter & Snyder 1972; Kling & Steklis 1976). Fur-
Finally, the amygdala and its connections with the OFC thermore, the density of certain serotonin receptors in the


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

OFC correlates with a monkey’s social status, and pharma- affect. As these are crucial components of social cognition
cological manipulation of serotonergic neurotransmission and behaviour, it is useful to consider the evidence from
results in changes in its social status and rank (Raleigh et al. imaging experiments involving these particular patients.
1996; Panksepp 1998). Other neuromodulatory com- The DLPFC has classically been implicated, with evidence
pounds known to have an important role in maternal be- of both structural (Chua et al. 1997; Sanfilipo et al. 2000)
haviour, such as oxytocin, oestrogen and prolactin, have and functional abnormalities (Frith et al. 1991; Liddle et al.
high numbers of receptors in the OFC (Leckman & Her- 1992; Tamminga et al. 1992) reported in the literature. In
man 2002). Affiliative behaviour (the making and main- addition, the OFC and its connections have similarly been
taining of social bonds) is vital for the individual’s survival implicated in negative symptoms with various studies show-
and sanity. Two components of affiliative behaviour, the ing structural (Baare et al. 1999; Gur et al. 2000; Sig-
ability to empathise and the ability to forgive others have mundsson et al. 2001) and functional abnormalities (Tam-
been studied with fMRI in normal individuals. Farrow and minga et al. 1992). Other regions that may be involved in
colleagues used fMRI to demonstrate the role of the OFC the generation of negative symptoms include the temporal
and the anterior temporal lobe in the social phenomena of lobes (especially left-side and limbic structures) (Sanfilipo
empathy and forgiveness (Farrow et al. 2001). et al. 2000; Sigmundsson et al. 2001), the ACC, and the in-
The ACC plays a key role in emotion and social behav- ferior parietal cortex (IPC) (Kirkpatrick et al. 1999; Ross &
iour (Devinsky et al. 1995; Maddock 1999). Damage to the Pearlson 1996; Sigmundsson et al. 2001).
ACC can result in a gross loss of motivation (akinetic When patients with schizophrenia are asked to induce
mutism), and this region is activated in normal subjects by sad moods during fMRI scanning, the amygdala fails to ac-
emotional versions of the Stroop task (Bush et al. 2000) sup- tivate compared with controls (Schneider et al. 1998), im-
porting the idea that it helps to monitor errors and re- plying a functional abnormality of this structure in addition
sponse-conflicts (Adolphs 2001). An fMRI study by Mac- to the structural abnormalities that have been observed
Donald and colleagues identified the ACC as playing a (Lawrie & Abukmeil 1998). Finally, deficits in response and
central role in the monitoring of performance and conflict conflict-monitoring (Mathalon et al. 2002; Yucel et al.
monitoring (in other words, the evaluating and selecting of 2002), decision-making (Paulus et al. 2002), and affiliative
choices and reactions to stimuli) (MacDonald et al. 2000). behaviour (Kirkpatrick 1997) have been observed in schiz-
Allman has attributed to the ACC a role in adaptive re- ophrenia. Neuroanatomical regions implicated include the
sponse to changing conditions (Allman et al. 2001). Fur- ACC and DLPFC during response and conflict monitoring
thermore, the ACC, together with other connected regions, (Mathalon et al. 2002; Yucel et al. 2002) and the PFC and
plays a prominent role in attention and working memory, IPC during decision-making (Paulus et al. 2002).
and it goes without saying that these are centrally important In summarising this section on schizophrenia and the so-
cognitive processes in social cognition and behaviour. cial brain, I think it is fair to state: (a) that Homo sapiens is
As for the amygdala and OFC, the ACC has a role in af- characterised by a highly developed cognitive and emo-
filiative behaviour. A neuroethological study using fMRI tional processing ability that enables individuals to engage
linked parental and infant separation to the ACC (Lorber- successfully in social interaction – a faculty we term social
baum et al 1999). Mothers were scanned while listening to cognition; (b) that the components of social cognition, in-
recorded infant cries, and the activity demonstrated in the cluding theory of mind, are based anatomically in a distrib-
ACC suggests that this structure plays a role in attachment uted network of neural circuits and regions we might call
and bonding, arguably the ontogenetic precursors to hu- the social brain, and that this network includes the DLPFC,
man sociability. the OFC, the ACC, the superior-medial temporal cortex,
the amygdala, the parietal association cortex and the visual
association cortex (and both cortical-cortical and cortical-
3.4. Schizophrenia and the social brain
subcortical connections between/with these regions); (c)
In addition to the impairments of ToM ability described in that people with schizophrenia exhibit deficits in several as-
section 3.2, patients with schizophrenia demonstrate a pects of social cognition, and specifically in ToM ability, as
range of other impairments of social cognition. For exam- evidenced by both psychological and neuroimaging exper-
ple, judgement of the direction of eye gaze has been shown iments; and (d) that schizophrenia may therefore be con-
to be impaired in schizophrenia (Phillips & David 1997; sidered a disorder of the social brain.
Rosse et al. 1994). Furthermore, there is ample evidence
that face processing is altered in the condition, both in the
processing of neutral faces (Williams et al. 1999) and in the 4. A cognitive model of schizophrenia
perception of emotional expressions on faces (Archer et al.
1994; Borod et al. 1993; Gaebel & Wölwer 1992; Kohler et If schizophrenia is a disorder of the social brain, then the
al. 2000). Imaging experiments, using emotional faces as obvious question that begs an answer is: How is social cog-
stimuli, have demonstrated reduced activity in the ventral nition disrupted in this disorder? At a psychological level,
lateral PFC for angry faces (Phillips et al. 1999) and re- can we explain these impairments of mental state attribu-
duced activity in the amygdala in response to fearful, happy, tion, “mind-reading,” and affective responsiveness in in-
and sad faces (Phillips et al. 1999; Schneider et al. 1998), in formation-processing terms? And if we can, then would a
patients compared with healthy controls. A recent fMRI cognitive model of schizophrenia serve to inform our
study of facial emotion processing in schizophrenia demon- understanding of what is happening at a neural level? In this
strated significantly reduced activation in the left amygdala section, I will draw upon the work of several authors in con-
and bilateral hippocampi (Gur et al. 2002). structing a cognitive model of schizophrenia, and then, in
Patients who are said to have prominent “negative symp- section 5, I will attempt to integrate this with contemporary
toms” classically exhibit deficits in volition, motivation, and evidence regarding the brain in schizophrenia.


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

In my discussion of theory of mind in schizophrenia, I re- ing systems (Cleghorn & Albert 1990). They suggest that
ferred to Frith’s model of impaired mental state attribution neural networks subserving cognitive and emotional mod-
and faulty self-monitoring (Frith 1994). Frith conceptu- ules are desynchronised in their activation and inactivation
alises positive symptoms in terms of misattribution of in- – a problem they term cognitive disjunction – and that this
tentions and beliefs of others, while negative symptoms re- causes the symptoms of the disorder. They attribute both
sult from a lack of awareness of one’s own mental state. At positive and negative symptoms to “desynchronisation of
the cognitive level, he has argued that this failure in men- widely distributed neurocognitive systems.”
tal state attribution results from a deficiency in the “central In terms of specific symptoms, a number of authors have
monitoring of action” (Mlakar et al. 1994). Therefore, suggested that the specific cognitive error that underlies
symptoms such as delusions of control and thought inser- hallucinations is the misattribution of internal cognitive
tion arise when “the monitor fails to receive information events to an external source (Bentall 1990; Hemsley 1987;
about intended actions generated by the patient on his own Hoffman et al 1999; Morrison & Haddock 1997). For ex-
initiative. As a result, these actions are perceived as ema- ample, Bentall has argued that this misattribution may re-
nating from ‘outside’ or from an alien force” (Frith 1987). flect a bias, rather than a primary deficit, in the monitoring
In a later elaboration of this model, Frith suggests that cen- of internal events and that this bias may be influenced by
tral monitoring deficiency results from the patient’s inabil- “top-down” processes such as a patient’s beliefs and expec-
ity to reflect on his own mental activity (Frith 1992). Sub- tations about what events are likely to occur (Bentall 1990).
sequently, Frith has explored the neural basis of these And Morrison and Haddock have proposed that “metacog-
impairments in a number of imaging studies that will be dis- nitive beliefs inconsistent with intrusive thoughts lead to
cussed in Section 5. It is important though, at this point, to their external attribution as auditory hallucinations” (Mor-
refer to his conclusions of that work in terms of a cognitive rison & Haddock 1997).
model of schizophrenia. Frith (and others) have shown that The work of Paul Gilbert is helpful with respect to posi-
the cognitive deficiencies exhibited by patients with schiz- tive symptoms in schizophrenia. Gilbert has highlighted the
ophrenia can be linked to a breakdown in the functional in- importance of dialogical reasoning – the way in which peo-
tegration of the PFC with the temporal and parietal cortices ple create dialogues within their own heads (Gilbert 2000).
(Fletcher et al. 1998; Frith et al. 1995). This has led to the For some authors, he says, this inner dialogue is at the cen-
so-called dysconnectivity hypothesis of schizophrenia (see tre of the development and construction of the self and is
below). based on the internalisation of social roles. For example,
It is useful to consider briefly a novel proposal by ar- Mead eloquently explains, “There is a field, a sort of inner
chaeologist, Steven Mithen, outlined in his book The Pre- forum, in which we are the only spectators and the only ac-
history of the Mind, regarding the cognitive architecture of tors. In that field each one of us confers with himself. We
the modern mind (Mithen 1996). Mithen has critiqued the carry on something of a drama” (Mead 1913). Gilbert de-
popular modular model of the mind (Fodor 1983) or “Swiss scribes how various “selves” such as the aggressive, domi-
Army knife” model of evolutionary psychologists such as nant, forgiving, and blaming “evolved to enact a plurality of
Cosmides and Tooby (Cosmides & Tooby 1992), in which social roles,” and, at the cognitive level, he locates them in
the mind is conceived as a collection of independently specialised modules for information-processing. With re-
evolved and independently used modules, each hardwired spect to schizophrenia, symptoms such as hostile, shaming
and adapted to the environment of the Pleistocene. Draw- voices represent the misinterpretation of signals from one’s
ing on his impressive grasp of the archaeological record, own dominant, blaming “self,” such that these signals are
Mithen suggests that, much like extant apes such as chim- experienced as external. Gilbert presents supporting em-
panzees, early hominids possessed a brain that was organ- pirical evidence (Gilbert et al. 2001) and attributes such
ised around a number of module-like processing systems. symptoms to “problems in the integration of the modular
Similar to Gardner’s “multiple intelligences” (Gardner processes underpinning self-other cognitions.”
1983), Mithen includes modules for “social intelligence,” Finally, returning to ToM, it would be an omission not to
“technical intelligence,” and so on. However, he argues that cite Bering, who has questioned the suitability of domain-
humans became the creative and imaginary species they are specific accounts of mind-reading (Bering 2002). As with
because of a gradual breakdown in this modularisation, pro- Mithen, Bering has stressed the importance of emerging
ducing increasing connections between modules and re- “cognitive fluidity,” or integrated cognitive functions, in the
sulting in a “cognitive fluidity” that first became apparent genesis of what he calls the “existential ToM (EToM).”
in the symbolic and religious art of early Homo sapiens Bering defines EToM as “a biologically based, generic ex-
60,000–30,000 years ago. I shall return to Mithen later, but planatory system that allows individuals to perceive mean-
what is extremely useful at this stage, I believe, is his con- ing in certain life events.” A meaningful life event is one
ceptualisation of the modern mind as a fluid and connected that implies purpose or intention as the causal force. There-
entity that allows for integration of specialised information fore, natural events are interpreted as “symbolic of the
in the formation of abstract and symbolic thought. With re- communicative attempts of some nondescript or culturally
spect to schizophrenia, one might surmise that intact men- elaborated (e.g., God) psychological agency.” As he himself
tational ability and self-monitoring relies on healthy con- admits, Bering is not the first to suggest a link between
nections and “cognitive fluidity,” while impaired social ToM and theism (see Barrett & Keil 1996; Boyer 1994).
cognition implies a breakdown in the normal integration of Neither is he the first to propose that ToM becomes gen-
knowledge as a result of cognitive mal-integration. eralized to other domains (see Barrett & Keil 1996; Boyer
Indeed, this is by no means a novel concept in the schiz- 1994). However, his suggestion that EToM occupies a do-
ophrenia literature. Cleghorn and Albert argue that psy- main different from the one occupied by the “domain-spe-
chosis, and schizophrenia in particular, may be a problem cific” module of ToM proposed by these authors, is novel.
in the integrated functioning of internal modular process- He states:


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain
The notion of domain specificity crumbles, and the very idea in the integration of information related to social behaviour,
that theory of mind is modular suffers a serious blow, when one metarepresentation, and the attribution of intentionality.
considers that intentional explanations can be evoked by en- On the basis of the evidence I have presented thus far, I be-
tirely different classes of input: behaviour and experience. lieve there are three hypotheses we can make regarding
(Bering 2002) schizophrenia:
Bering is arguing that the case of flexible EToM shows us 1. The origins of this disorder are closely related to the
that a modular concept of ToM is inappropriate, in that this breakdown of the modular mind and the subsequent emer-
highly evolved aspect of mentational ability (EToM) is re- gence of sophisticated social cognition in modern Homo
lated to experiential rather than purely behavioural stimuli. sapiens.
Instead, he proposes that ToM ability as a whole has a cog- 2. The evidence regarding hominid brain evolution
nitive architecture that is based on the integration of sepa- should tell a story of gradually increasing neural connectiv-
rate cognitive faculties related to intentionality. He goes on ity, specifically in the areas composing the social brain.
to suggest that ToM and EToM evolved in modern Homo 3. In studies of the brain in schizophrenia, the primary
sapiens, not as “exaptations” (Gould 1991) or useless by- finding should be that of impairment in the function and
products of a large brain, but rather as adaptive systems in possibly the structure of neural circuits comprising the so-
their own right. Furthermore, he envisages a separate evo- cial brain. Since I have argued that the cortical component
lutionary history for EToM specifically, arguing that some- of the social brain comprises FT and FP circuits, it is in
time after the human lineage split from the African apes, these interconnected regions that these impairments
“the intentionality framework expanded to include those should be sought.
ambient life experiences that humans had little or no con-
trol over.” EToM has thus been “co-opted from a broad in-
tentional stance taken by our ancestors, the primary adap- 5. The “dysconnectivity hypothesis”
tation of which was to explain and predict behaviour” of schizophrenia
(Bering 2002). 5.1. Background and definition of terms
This analysis is helpful, both in terms of understanding
the concept of perceived intentionality as a part of ToM There is a host of evidence from structural and functional
competency, and because it echoes Mithen’s proposal that imaging studies supporting the notion that schizophrenia is
the modern conceptual mind represents a breakdown of a disorder of cortical connectivity. This has given rise to the
phylogenetically older modularisation, allowing for integra- so-called dysconnectivity hypothesis (Friston & Frith
tion of information. I certainly agree with Bering that ToM 1995). This reflects a shift from the previously popular hy-
is the product of a gradual breakdown in cognitive modu- pofrontality hypothesis (Weinberger & Berman 1988). Be-
larity. As for an evolutionary time frame, it seems intuitively fore elaborating on this recent change in thinking, I think it
correct that EToM should have evolved later than ToM, is important to draw attention to the fact that the concept
given Bering’s argument that chimpanzees may be capable of “dysconnectivity” is not new to psychiatry but merely re-
of “secondary representation” (Suddendorf & Whiten suscitated. The term refers to a disruption of interconnect-
2001) (an immature aspect of ToM), whereas there is no ing fibres that link spatially distributed regions in the brain.
convincing evidence that they are capable of representing This idea has been variously entertained for more than 100
intentionality (Heyes 1998). I shall return to phylogenetic years, and by some very illustrious figures in the history of
aspects of ToM and EToM later. Finally and importantly, neuroscience.
Bering’s analysis is useful in terms of understanding the role Carl Wernicke (1848–1905) attributed psychiatric dis-
of misattribution of agency in the genesis of symptoms in eases to disturbances of associative systems in the brain –
schizophrenia. As I stated in the opening paragraph of this these disruptions of continuity he termed sejunctions (Wer-
paper, patients with schizophrenia seek meaning in the nicke 1906). Likewise, Goltz argued that higher brain
bizarre phenomena of their psychoses. Theistic and philo- function involves cooperative interactions between anato-
sophical phenomena populate their hallucinations, while mically separate brain regions (Goltz 1881). Eugen Bleuler,
the frantic search for, and misattribution of, intentionality adopting a psychological view of psychiatric disorders,
must lie at the heart of symptoms such as thought insertion, described schizophrenia in terms of a splitting of psychic
ideas of reference, and paranoid delusions. functions (Bleuler 1911/1950). Finally, Camillo Golgi, in
The unifying theme, therefore, in all of these accounts of his Nobel Prize acceptance speech said:
normal social cognition, and of ToM specifically, is one of If one halts, to consider these connections, one becomes con-
integration of functionally distributed cognitive systems. vinced that one single nerve fibre may have connections with
Within the period between the divergence of hominid and an infinite number of nerve cells, as well as with completely dif-
chimpanzee lineages 5–6 mya and the emergence of mod- ferent parts of nerve centres which may be a long way from each
ern Homo sapiens 60,000–30,000 years ago, a process has other. (Golgi 1906)
occurred involving the gradual breakdown in the modular In recent years, largely as a result of PET studies of neural
construction of the mind. There is evidence that this activity during verbal fluency tasks, researchers in the field
process may have commenced prior to the last common an- have begun to think in terms of “functional dysconnectiv-
cestor, but if so, it was still in its infancy. In hominids, I ar- ity” in schizophrenia. Friston defines normal functional
gue, evolving changes in the brain provided a substrate for connectivity as “the temporal correlation between spatially
integration of previously modularised components of cog- remote neurophysiological events” (Friston et al. 1993). As
nition, leading to “cognitive fluidity” and a capacity for in- I have discussed, this is in contrast to the classic theoretical
creasingly complex social cognition. A cognitive model of framework informing concepts of higher brain function,
schizophrenia must take this process into account. What we namely “functional segregation.” Functional segregation
see in schizophrenia, in cognitive terms, is multiple deficits emphasises a modular system in which different cognitive


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

functions are localized to discrete anatomical regions. This in terms of its own discrete functions as well as its role in
classic framework has dominated much of neurology and modulating neural circuits. In Cambridge, researchers have
also the early decades of brain imaging in psychiatry. How- demonstrated both a segregated abnormality of ACC func-
ever, with the recent re-emergence of interest in network tion in that there was a relative failure of activation in the
models of the brain, functional connectivity is once again in ACC with a verbal fluency task, and an integrative abnor-
vogue. Friston and colleagues have described two ap- mality in that there was a relative failure of corresponding
proaches to measuring connectivity in the brain. The first deactivation in the left STG and inferior parietal lobe (IPL)
is, as I have described, termed functional connectivity. The (Dolan et al. 1995; Fletcher et al. 1999). They have argued
second is effective connectivity, which is mechanistic and that schizophrenia is associated with a disruption of normal
harder to measure, and refers to the effect on a brain region ACC modulation of FT integration. Abnormal ACC func-
of one or more extrinsic inputs to that region (Friston et al. tion has also been shown in schizophrenia in the resting
1995). To date, the vast majority of research into connec- state (Tamminga et al. 1992), during attentional tasks (Yu-
tivity in schizophrenia has relied on measures of functional cel et al. 2002), during self-monitoring tasks (Carter et al.
connectivity. 2001; Nordahl et al. 2001), and during working memory
tasks (Artiges et al. 2000; Meyer-Lindenberg et al. 2001).
With respect to the OFC in schizophrenia, the majority
5.2. FT and FP dysconnectivity
of structural MRI studies correlate reduced OFC volume
Recent studies demonstrate abnormal FT activations on with negative symptoms (Baare et al. 1999; Gur et al. 2000)
verbal fluency and verbal memory tasks, especially in the and some specifically correlate orbitofrontal white matter
presence of auditory hallucinations, lending support to the reductions with negative symptoms (Sanfilipo et al. 2000;
hypothesis that the core feature of schizophrenia is a dis- Sigmundsson et al. 2001). Although the functional imaging
ruption of normal FT integration (Frith et al. 1995; Hoff- literature on OFC function in schizophrenia is scarce, there
man & McGlashan 1998; Lawrie et al. 2002; McGuire & are a few studies and they tend to show reduced metabo-
Frith 1996; McGuire et al. 1995; Yurgelun-Todd et al. lism in the OFC (Andreasen et al. 1997; Clark et al. 1989;
1996a). In normal subjects, Frith and colleagues demon- Kawasaki et al. 1996). For example, Kawasaki and col-
strated DLPFC activation during a verbal fluency task on leagues used SPECT and correlated reduced cerebral
PET scan (Frith et al. 1991). This activation is accompanied blood flow (rCBF) in the left OFC with increased rCBF in
by a reduction of activity in the STG, with an inverse cor- the right temporal lobe in schizophrenics with delusions
relation between the prefrontal and temporal responses and hallucinations, suggesting that functional dysconnec-
(Friston et al. 1991). Friston and colleagues concluded that tivity between these regions may account in part for posi-
the DLPFC modulates the responsivity of a neural system tive symptoms of the disorder.
in the STG relating to willed action and intentional states. As for the ACC and the OFC, the IPC and its connec-
When the same analysis was applied to patients with tions have been relatively neglected in the dysconnectivity
chronic schizophrenia, it was found that this correlation be- hypothesis of schizophrenia. This is surprising, considering
tween prefrontal and temporal activation was disturbed the prominent role of the parietal cortex, and the IPC in
(Frith et al. 1995). Patients demonstrated the same DLPFC particular, in a variety of important cognitive functions; for
activation during the verbal fluency task, but failed to show example, attentional processes (Kastner & Ungerleider
the normal decrease in blood flow in the left superior tem- 2000; Mesulam & Geschwind 1978; Morecraft et al. 1993),
poral cortex. In a review of their findings, these authors ar- working memory (McCarthy et al. 1997b), language pro-
gue that this loss of correlation represents “a profound dis- cessing (Aboitiz & Garcia 1997a), and the attribution of
ruption of large-scale prefrontotemporal interactions in agency (Farrer & Frith 2002; Ruby & Decety 2001). Both
schizophrenia” (Friston & Frith 1995). In other words, it re- structural abnormalities (Bilder et al. 1994; Frederikse et
flects abnormal functional connectivity between frontal and al. 2000; Schlaepfer et al. 1994; Tien et al. 1996) and func-
temporal cortices. Of interest, this initial study also demon- tional abnormalities (Cleghorn et al. 1989a; 1989b; Honey
strated these findings across three groups of patients with et al. 2002; Paulus et al. 2002) of the IPC have been demon-
different symptoms, leading the authors to suggest that it strated in schizophrenia. For example, Cleghorn and col-
might be a marker of the illness per se. Subsequently there leagues reported results from a resting PET study in which
have been many replications of these findings (Dolan et al. they found significantly reduced glucose metabolism in the
1999; Lawrie et al. 2002; Yurgelun-Todd et al. 1996b). IPC that correlated with increased metabolism in frontal
Novel methods of analysis, including electrophysiological lobes in schizophrenia (Cleghorn et al. 1989a; 1989b). They
techniques (Peled et al. 2001; Lee et al. 2003), have also state that this suggests “that the relation of frontal and pari-
provided confirmation (Sigmundsson et al. 2001; Woodruff etal regions is altered in drug-naïve schizophrenics in
et al. 1997; Wright et al. 1999). episode” and suggest “that they may be reciprocally re-
Although the focus has undoubtedly been on connected lated.” It is surprising then, in the light of these early find-
DLPFC and temporal systems in schizophrenia, there is ings, that the dysconnectivity hypothesis of schizophrenia
also evidence that other prefrontal and parietal circuits ex- focussed almost exclusively on FT interactions until very re-
hibit similar deficits. In particular, the ACC, the OFC, and cently.
the IPC and their interconnections are implicated. For ex- In summary, then, it appears that certain regions and
ample, in normal subjects, McIntosh used fMRI to demon- structures in the brain are functionally interconnected, and
strate strong right hemisphere interactions between the that impairment of the functional relationship between
ACC and the hippocampus during a working memory task, these regions may well be the primary pathology in schizo-
suggesting functional connectivity between these two re- phrenia. These regions include: the DLPFC, OFC, ACC,
gions (McIntosh 1999). A number of studies have high- amygdala, hippocampus, STG, anterior temporal pole, and
lighted the role played by the ACC in schizophrenia, both the IPC.


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

5.3. Structural correlates of functional dysconnectivity Human anatomical studies confirm that these connec-
tions in nonhuman primates are paralleled in the human
Given that there is evidence for abnormal functional con-
brain (Dejérine 1895; Makris et al. 1999) (see Figure 1). In
nectivity between these regions in schizophrenia, it is logi-
particular, the UF in humans is the most substantial of the
cal to consider whether there might be a structural basis for
FT tracts, forming a tight bundle as it hooks around the
this finding.
temporal stem and fanning out at either end into the frontal
FT white matter tracts have been studied in nonhuman
and temporal lobes. In the temporal lobes some of its fibres
primates (using horseradish peroxidase or radioactively la-
become continuous with the fibres of the inferior longitu-
belled compounds injected into tracts and then analysed
dinal fasciculus.
autoradiographically) and inform our understanding of the
There are a number of FP white matter tracts, but for the
likely comparable anatomy in humans. The OFC and ACC
sake of brevity and relevance to this discussion, I will focus
(Brodmann’s area 24) have robust reciprocal connections
on the two major tracts. The arcuate fasciculus (AF), re-
with the medial and anterior temporal lobes via the unci-
ferred to above, is a highly connected structure, regarded
nate fasciculus (UF), which constitutes much of the white
as the principal association tract linking the DLPFC to cor-
matter of the anterior temporal stem. The UF carries recip-
tical regions of the parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes.
rocal fibres from the OFC and the ACC via the anterior
In particular, after tracking posteriorly as a well defined
temporal stem to the rostral STG, the anterior temporal
bundle parallel to the cingulum, it fans out with fibres con-
pole, the entorhinal cortex and the amygdala (Morris et al.
necting to the parietal association cortex in the region of the
1999; Pandya & Yeterian 1996; Petrides & Pandya 1988;
temporoparietal junction (Dejérine 1895; Makris et al.
Seltzer & Pandya 1989).
1999). It also forms the main cortical connection between
In addition, the anterior cingulum bundle (AC) runs
the language areas of Wernicke and Broca.
within the anterior cingulate gyrus and connects the
The anterior cingulum, also discussed in relation to FT
DLPFC and the ACC with the parahippocampal gyrus
tracts, connects the DLPFC and the ACC to parietal, tem-
(PHG) and hippocampal formation (Pandya et al. 1981;
poral and occipital cortex. In particular, its parietal connec-
Petrides & Pandya 1999; Morris et al. 1999).
tions include the medial aspect of the parietal cortex (De-
There are also connections via the arcuate fasciculus
jérine 1895; Makris et al. 1999).
(AF) (or superior longitudinal fasciculus) between the
I have established that functional abnormalities of FT
DLPFC and the STG and temporal association cortex (Ban
and FP neural networks underlie many of the predominant
et al. 1991; Petrides & Pandya 1988; 1999).
features of schizophrenia. I have also raised the question of
Other smaller tracts that carry FT fibres include the ex-
whether “functional dysconnectivity” implies “structural
treme capsule and the external capsule (Petrides & Pandya
dysconnectivity” in the disorder. In order to address this
question I have argued that, in the first instance, white mat-
ter tracts that constitute these FT and FP connections need
to be identified. Here, several such tracts have been iden-
tified. In terms of the pathology of schizophrenia, I believe
that the following white matter tracts may be implicated in
DLPFC PAC the disorder: the uncinate fasciculus, the anterior cingulum
and the arcuate fasciculus. If there are indeed structural
abnormalities in these tracts that correlate with functional
dysconnectivity, is there a method for investigating their
structural integrity?

5.4. Structural dysconnectivity of FT and FP tracts

in schizophrenia
Examining the structure of human white matter tracts in
vivo is a challenging task. This is because on standard struc-
tural brain imaging with MRI the resolution of white mat-
OFC ter is poor and analysis is difficult. However, new MRI
AHC methodologies, such as diffusion tensor magnetic reso-
nance imaging (DT-MRI), may have the potential to iden-
TP tify structural correlates of impaired FT and FP functional
connectivity in schizophrenia. DT-MRI is a relatively new
structural MRI technique that to date has been used mostly
within the neurological and neurosurgical disciplines, with
a fair degree of success. DT-MRI measures the mobility of
Key: 1 Arcuate fasciculus, 2 Inferior longitudinal fasciculus, 3 Fronto- brain water molecules in vivo (Basser et al. 1994; Jones et
occipital fasciculus, 4 Uncinate fasciculus. al. 1999). Most MR visible water is enclosed within axons.
Structures such as myelin sheaths, axonal membranes, and
Figure 1 (Burns). Left hemisphere dissected to reveal major as-
sociation tracts including those implicated in the social brain. Rel- micro-filaments cause the water diffusion to be slower per-
evant cortical regions are also labelled: dorsolateral prefrontal cor- pendicular to axons than parallel to them. Within tissue
tex (DLPFC); orbitofrontal cortex (OFC); parietal association with an orientated structure (such as white matter) the dif-
cortex (PAC); amygdalo-hippocampal complex (AHC); temporal fusion of water is therefore higher in the direction of the fi-
pole (TP). bre tracts. This directional dependence of water diffusion


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

is called diffusion anisotropy. In this technique, the devia- end of the embryonic neural tube balloons outwards, form-
tion from pure isotropic diffusion along axons is measured ing the telencephalon, the precursor of the cerebral hemi-
and described in terms of the fractional anisotropy (FA). spheres. Progenitors of cortical neurons are confined to the
This parameter is thought to provide a useful marker of ventricular zone (VZ) where they divide symmetrically dur-
white matter fibre integrity, with high levels of FA indicat- ing the process of neurogenesis (Rakic & Kornack 2001).
ing healthy neurons (O’Sullivan et al. 2001). Early pattern formation and neurogenesis are under the ge-
In Edinburgh, we conducted a DT-MRI study to investi- netic control of homeobox genes such as POU (e.g., Brn,
gate the structural integrity of FT and FP white matter con- Oct-6 and SCIP), Dlx, Emx, BF-1 and -2, and MADS box
nections in a group of 30 schizophrenics and 30 matched con- (e.g., MEF2 class genes) (Allman 2000). Asymmetric divi-
trols (Burns et al. 2003). Using voxel-based morphometry sion occurs in cells originating in the VZ with migration in
with a small volume correction tool we compared FA values radial columns or units towards the pial surface. Postmitotic
between groups in the UF, the AF, and the AC bilaterally. cells settle in an inside-out temporospatial gradient such
The results showed significantly reduced FA in the left UF that later “born” cells settle in more superficial layers. Ra-
(as it became continuous with the inferior longitudinal fasci- dial migration is facilitated by glial cells that span the em-
culus) and left AF, suggesting that there are indeed structural bryonic cerebral wall, and it is therefore gliophilic (Rakic
correlates for functional dysconnectivity in schizophrenia 2000). Other cells are neurophilic and migrate tangentially
and that these changes affect specifically FT and FP tracts. along axons; for example, GABA interneurons from the
Furthermore, the fact that structural changes were lateral- basal ganglia. Migration is regulated by a host of cell adhe-
ized to the left hemisphere, suggests that future work on con- sion molecules (CAMs, e.g. NCAM), cadherins, Reelin, and
nectivity must somehow incorporate Crow’s cerebral asym- various chemoattractant molecules. Axonal arborisation fol-
metry hypothesis into a cohesive theory that accounts for lows with the outgrowth of axonal cones along pathways,
both the FT and FP and the asymmetry findings. mediated by molecules such as limbic associated membrane
Two schizophrenia studies merit consideration in terms protein (LAMP), GAP 43, and ephrins (e.g., Eph-A5)
of our findings, and indeed in terms of the asymmetry hy- (Rubenstein et al. 1999). Synaptogenesis involves the in-
pothesis. The first is a DT-MRI study by Kubicki and col- teraction of dendritic filipodia and axonal spinous processes
leagues (Kubicki et al. 2002) where the authors looked at in the formation of connections (Cohen-Cory 2002). A va-
diffusion anisotropy in the UF and found a group-by-side riety of CAMs and tyrosine kinases are involved in synap-
interaction in the patient group with reduced FA on the left togenesis and maintenance including synaptophysin, cad-
side, supporting our finding. The second is a post-mortem herins, and neurotrophins (e.g., BDNF, NGF, and NT-3).
study of the UF (Highley et al. 2002) where right-greater- Both synapse formation and myelination continue well into
than-left asymmetry was demonstrated in both patients and adolescence in highly interconnected regions such as the
controls, with no significant differences in asymmetry be- association cortices. Simultaneously there is a normal
tween the two groups. A possible interpretation, in terms of process of pruning or apoptosis that results in fine-tuning
our findings, is that the different techniques are examining of connections. This fine-tuning is necessary for specialisa-
different aspects of uncinate morphology. Highley and col- tion of cognitive skills (Bock & Braun 1999; Casey 1999;
leagues’ study may yield information about fibre number Changeux & Danchin 1976; Chechik et al. 1998). Apopto-
and density, while our study is detecting differences in neu- sis involves a number of molecules including Caspases 3
ronal integrity as the uncinate tracts disperse near their ter- and 9, Jnk1 and 2, and BCL-2 gene family (Kuan et al. 2000;
mination in the temporal lobe. Kuida et al. 1998).
In summary then, both functional and structural dyscon-
nectivity has been demonstrated in white matter tracts link-
6.2. Neuropathology of schizophrenia
ing the PFC to the temporal and parietal association cortices
respectively. Schizophrenia is indeed a disorder of the neural Regarding schizophrenia, one may speculate at which
circuits comprising the social brain. In Section 6, I will pré- phase(s) of ontogeny the genetic defect becomes manifest.
cis the well-supported evidence regarding the neuropatho- Does the schizophrenic genotype disturb normal neuroge-
logical basis for cortical dysconnectivity in schizophrenia. nesis, cell migration, arborisation, synaptogenesis, myelina-
tion (Randall 1983; 1998), or pruning (Feinberg 1983), or a
combination of several phases? It is also possible that the
6. Schizophrenia and neurodevelopment
disturbance involves either an increase or decrease in one
What pathological process underlies the findings of abnor- or more of these processes. Therefore, abnormal connec-
mal connectivity in schizophrenia? And if we are arguing tivity may, for example, reflect either reduced pruning of
that schizophrenia lies on a genetic continuum with schizo- abnormal connections or increased pruning of healthy con-
typy and schizotaxia (an historical term describing the “pre- nections or reduced dendritic arborisation in the “right”
schizophrenic” phenotype which may include so-called places or increased arborisation in the “wrong” places, and
schizophrenic-spectrum disorders) and entails a variation so on. There are numerous possibilities, and different
in normal white matter connectivity, how could this schizo- processes may be implicated to varying extents in particu-
phrenic genetic spectrum translate into altered anatomy? lar subpopulations of schizophrenics.
Research indicates that schizophrenia is primarily a disor- Harrison has reviewed the evidence regarding the neu-
der of neurodevelopment (Weinberger 1987). ropathology of schizophrenia (Harrison 1999), and the ab-
normalities for which he finds strong evidence are tabu-
lated in Table 1.
6.1. Normal ontogeny
Harrison concludes that the evidence points towards
First, we need to briefly consider the normal ontogeny of later processes in ontogeny, namely arborisation, synapto-
the brain. During the fifth week of gestation, the anterior genesis, and pruning. Conversely, the evidence for migra-


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

Table 1. Neuropathology of schizophrenia

Hippocampus/DLPFC Hippocampus DLPFC ACC

Normal number neurons ↓ synaptophysin ↓ synaptophysin ↑ synaptophysin

↓ size of neurons ↓↓ SNAP 25 ↓ dendritic spines on layer ↑ glutamatergic axons
↑ packing density ↓↓ complexin II III pyramidal neurons ↑ axospinous synapses
↓ neuropil ↓↓ GAP 43 mRNA ↓ inhibitory (GABA) neurons
↓ pre/postsynaptic ↓/aberrant expression
markers of MAP 2 (in dendrites)
↓ arborisation
↓ inhibitory neurons
↑ synaptic pruning
no gliosis

tory processes (such as neuronal disarray, maldistribution, togenesis, leading to a similar array of neuropathological
and dysplasia) is inconclusive and unsubstantiated (Harri- findings. Regardless of the exact mechanisms, it seems that
son 1999). Abnormalities in Reelin protein and Reelin these disturbances predominate in regions composing the
mRNA have been demonstrated in the PFC, temporal cor- social brain and result in functional and structural abnor-
tex, and hippocampi (Impagnatiello et al. 1998); however, malities of neuronal connectivity.
this may relate more to Reelin’s role in synaptic function Finally, in terms of the pathological basis for the notion
than in migration (Weeber et al. 2002). In terms of the tim- of a schizotypal spectrum, McGlashan and Hoffman have
ing of insults, Harrison argues that the evidence points to used computer-simulated pruning to demonstrate en-
the second trimester. First trimester insults affecting neu- hanced cognition by means of pruning and refinement
rogenesis are unlikely, as gross structural defects (such as (Hoffman & McGlashan 1997; McGlashan & Hoffman
schizencephaly and polymicrogyria) would be expected. 2000). They hypothesise that with excess pruning (beyond
However, the increased findings of abnormal dermato- normal apoptosis), certain cognitive skills might be further
glyphics, craniofacial dysplasias, and abnormal septum pel- refined, giving rise to creative genius in, for example, the
lucida in people with schizophrenia do suggest early insults, schizotypal individual – and to possible select genius in the
and therefore the first trimester cannot be ignored. autistic savant – and that schizophrenia may represent an
A perennial problem for the neurodevelopmental hy- overshoot of the pruning process, resulting in severely ab-
pothesis is the adolescent or early adult onset of the disor- normal connectivity. This is certainly a useful model, since
der. If schizophrenia is a disorder of neurodevelopment, one might envisage a mild degree of dysconnectivity in the
why does the disorder typically not manifest earlier on? And schizotype and more severe dysconnectivity in the person
how do we account for the obvious role played by psy- with schizophrenia, relating to the respective “dose” of the
chosocial factors in its onset? The explanation favoured by genotype.
most schizophrenia researchers is that genetic (and possi- Having described a theory of the genotype and anatom-
bly foetal and perinatal) insults disturb neurodevelopmen- ical phenotype of the schizotypal/schizophrenic contin-
tal processes resulting in abnormal cortical circuitry. This uum, I believe it is instructive to consider the evolution of
may manifest clinically as a spectrum of minor behavioural the human brain. By examining both phylogenetic and on-
and psychological problems in childhood. However, with togenetic aspects of brain evolution, I propose to provide
the hormonal and neurodevelopmental changes of adoles- further important evidence for the central argument of this
cence (including late synaptogenesis and myelination in as- paper – that schizophrenia is a disorder of primarily FT and
sociation cortices as well as the onset of pruning) and the FP connectivity, and that it constitutes a trade-off in the
possibility of multiple “hits,” vulnerability to psychosis in- evolution of a highly complex social brain in our species.
creases and, in some cases, the disorder manifests.
As we have seen, there is pathological evidence for dis-
turbances of neurogenesis, arborisation, synaptogenesis, 7. Evolution of metarepresentation
and pruning in schizophrenia. One scenario that integrates
these findings is the following: Abnormal neurogenesis re- Does current theory about how the brain evolved in Homo
sults in small cortical neurons with reduced axospinous sapiens and his ancestors lend any support to the hypothe-
processes and arborisation; abnormal synapses result; fi- sis that schizophrenia is a disorder of predominantly corti-
nally, pruning in adolescence results in mass loss of cal connectivity? We have evidence from neuropathology,
synapses, loss of neuropil, denser packing of neurons, and neuroimaging, and neuropsychology. But does evidence
a decrease in synaptic marker proteins. Reduced and dys- from paleoanthropology, paleoanatomy, and primatology
functional synapses would also account for the disturbed add any supporting evidence? And does this evidence sup-
neurotransmitter levels described in schizophrenia. Of port Crow’s hypothesis of cerebral asymmetry and lan-
course, it is also possible that neurogenesis is normal and guage?
that the primary gene effects disrupt arborisation or synap- Humans are genetically very close to the African apes


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

(98.5% of the genome is identical (Allen & Sarich 1988)) loway 1993), while Byrne has pointed out that apes do not
and especially close to the two species of chimpanzees have an increase in NR relative to monkeys, yet apes show
(Waddell & Penny 1996). Therefore, human cognitive ad- increased cognitive abilities (Byrne 2001). He also notes the
vances are only 5–6 million years old, the date of our last smaller group size in some apes (e.g., single or mother-child
common ancestor, which is very young by evolutionary stan- pair in orangutans) and argues against the extrapolation of
dards. Mesulam argues that increased brain size alone Dunbar’s hypothesis to the hominoid superfamily.
could not accommodate and explain adequately the enor- Various authors have argued for the existence of a ToM
mous cognitive advances that occurred during this short pe- or elements of ToM in the great apes (Premack & Woodruff
riod (Mesulam 2000). He argues that it was the evolution of 1978; Russon 1999; van Schaik et al. 1996). Byrne argues
cerebral connectivity that allowed for the huge leaps for- that apes demonstrate the ability to represent “thoughts” in
ward. mind in the absence of a direct stimulus, an ability not
An increase in brain size commenced in the common an- found in other primates (Byrne 1999). He terms this rep-
cestor of Old and New World monkeys and hominoids ap- resentational intelligence and cites complex tool use by
proximately 35–40 mya (Fig. 2). Cladistic analysis suggests chimps (McGrew 1992) and orangutans (van Schaik & Van
that this volume increase occurred under the selective pres- Hoof 1996), their ability to perform false belief tasks (Byrne
sures of increased social complexity as a result of group liv- & Whiten 1991), their complex political dynamics (de Waal
ing (Byrne & Whiten 1988; Chance & Mead 1953). Jerison 1982; 2000), and their ability to attribute causality (Limon-
used the encephalization quotient (EQ) as a measure of gelli et al. 1995) as examples of representational intelli-
progressive encephalization, but this does not correlate gence. He estimates that the origin of this further step in
with group size or increased intelligence (Jerison 1973). the evolution of mind dates from approximately 16–13 mya
Dunbar showed a constant relationship between neocortex when orangutan ancestors (such as Sivapithecus) split off
ratio (NR) (i.e., neocortex:rest of the brain) and group size from the African apes, and was complete by 5 mya when hu-
– the former representing the selective increase in neocor- man ancestors split from those of the chimpanzees. He sug-
tex size that marked the clade and the latter being a crude gests that the biological basis for this cognitive step was an
measure of social complexity (i.e., the number of relation- organizational change in the brain, allowing for increased
ships the animal has to keep track of) (Dunbar 2001). Mon- flexibility. He also suggests that the selective pressure for
keys share social skills and increased memory (especially vi- such change in the apes was the need to evolve complex
suospatial) for finding fruit and remembering allies new strategies for food acquisition to compete with mon-
(Mackinnon 1978). The first stage in the evolution of intel- keys, which were better adapted for tree climbing. These
ligence therefore commenced approximately 35–40 mya, new strategies include use of tools to extract embedded
with an increase in brain size (Byrne 1999). foods (Parker 1996; Parker & Gibson 1977) and novel ways
However, it is not just brain size that determines cogni- of manipulating nutritious plant foods, for example, nut
tive ability. Holloway has critiqued Dunbar’s model (Hol- cracking (Byrne & Russon 1998).

Figure 2 (Burns). Simplified model of primate evolution (reproduced from Mithen [1996]
with kind permission).


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

Baron-Cohen argues that our last common ancestor with nectivity such as schizophrenia was possible. Conversely,
chimps, 5 mya, could have possessed only immature ele- the lack of evidence, to my knowledge, of psychotic disor-
ments of a ToM (Baron-Cohen 1999). His evidence comes ders in other animals – including our nearest relatives, the
from ToM tests in apes that showed only a limited ability to chimps – implies that it is precisely what sets us apart from
attribute mental states and intentionality to others (Povin- them in terms of brain structure and psychology, that also
elli & Eddy 1996; Premack 1988). He suggests that our underlies our capacity for this specifically human malady. It
common ancestor may have possessed an “intentionality is our possession of complex cerebral connectivity that al-
detector module” and an “eye detector module,” both of lows for full metarepresentation.
which are apparent in chimps. He puts the time frame for
the evolution of a full ToM at approx. 150,000–40,000 years
ago, supported by archaeological records which show the 8. Evidence from comparative primate anatomy
earliest fictional art and symbolic adornments dating from
that period (Henshilwood et al. 2002; Mithen 1996). Recent comparative studies of primate brain anatomy add
Suddendorf agrees, putting the emergence of the “met- further support to the thesis of this paper – that schizo-
amind,” which is first evident during a child’s fourth year, at phrenia represents a disorder of cortical connectivity that
approximately 2 million to 100,000 years ago, as evidenced evolved late in hominid ancestry. I would also argue that
by the complex Acheulian tool culture of Homo ergaster/ these new findings conflict with Crow’s cerebral asymme-
Homo erectus (Suddendorf 1999; Suddendorf & Corballis try hypothesis. Like Crow, I would argue that schizophre-
1997). Unlike the Oldowan tradition of Homo habilis, nia is indeed “the price we have paid for being fully human”
which predated this epoch and was within the scope of (Crow 1997a), but for different reasons.
modern chimpanzee tool culture, the Acheulian tools re-
quired planning, precision, and a concept of the future;
8.1. Evolution of brain size
they implied cultural learning.
Whiten (1999) argues that hominids evolved a “deep so- Semendeferi has analysed data from in vivo MRI scans of
cial mind” as a “cognitive niche” (Tooby & de Vore 1987) to the primate brain (collected by James K. Rilling and
compete for food with better-adapted monkeys in the trees Thomas R. Insel at Yerkes Regional Primate Centre) and
and carnivores on the savannah during the Pleistocene pe- has demonstrated that, with increasing brain size, the
riod. This cognitive advance, which is probably synonymous frontal lobe does not increase relative to total hemispheric
with Byrne’s ToM and Suddendorf’s metamind, resulted size in hominoids (Semendeferi 2001; Semendeferi et al.
from social interdependence and involved the refinement 1997; 2002) (see Fig. 3 below). Likewise, the parieto-oc-
of cooperative behaviour, cultural and social learning and cipital lobes enlarge consistently relative to total hemi-
transmission, and mind-reading ability. spheric size. However, the relative temporal lobe size (rel-
In summary, all commentators argue for: (a) an initial in- ative to whole brain size) is greater in humans than in apes
crease in brain and neocortex size under pressures of social (Rilling & Seligman 2002). Interestingly, the size of the
living, roughly 40–16 mya; and (b) an acceleration of evolv- cerebellum is progressively reduced (with significance) as
ing cerebral reorganization and connectivity from approx- one moves from the phylogenetically older apes to humans
imately 16 mya onwards (Table 2). This subserved the (Rilling & Insel 1998; Semendeferi & Damasio 2000).
beginnings of the evolution of metarepresentation in homi- The observation that the frontal lobes are not relatively
noid ancestors between 16 and 5 mya, and the later further larger in humans is not new. Von Bonin first described this
acceleration leading to a full ToM in the human line be- in 1948 (Von Bonin 1948; 1950), and it was later pointed out
tween 150,000 and 40,000 years ago. by Holloway in a number of papers (Holloway 1966; 1968;
I would argue that it was only with the recent evolution 1975). Holloway has challenged the popular supposition
of cerebral connectivity and a capacity for a full ToM and that size alone correlates with cognitive ability. He cites as
complex social cognition, that a disorder of cortical con- evidence the case of microcephalics who do obtain some

Table 2. Table illustrating the stages in the evolution of brain and cognition. IBNS  increasing brain and neocortex size;
ToM  theory of mind; FT  frontotemporal; FP  frontoparietal

Years ago Species Anatomical changes Cognitive changes Evidence

100,000 H. sapiens IBNS  complex FT and Full ToM - Complex social cognition
FP connectivity - Culture, religion, etc.
2 million H. erectus/ ergaster IBNS  evolving connectivity “Metamind” - Acheulian tool culture
- Symbolic art
5 million H. habilis IBNS  evolving connectivity - Oldowan tool culture
15 million Great apes IBNS  evolving connectivity “Representational Intelligence” - Complex tool use
and early ToM - Attribute causality
- ToM tasks
30 million Old and New World IBNS Increasing memory and - Group relations
monkeys social skills - Finding fruit
40 million


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

Figure 3 (Burns). Allometric relationship between the frontal lobe and the cerebral hemi-
spheres (reproduced from Semendeferi [2001] with kind permission).

language ability, as well as the extensive variation in brain terconnected regions I have identified as constituting both
volume (without variation in cognition) noted in both fossil the social brain and the primary sites of pathology in schiz-
hominids and modern humans. More recently, Aboitiz has ophrenia. From the last study cited above (Rilling & Insel
proposed that increasing brain size produces increases in 1999a) one might anticipate that these major intrahemi-
processing capacity only if accompanied by significant con- spheric circuits have been subject to significant evolutionary
nectional rearrangements (Aboitiz 1996). Clearly, size is change in the hominid line. I am encouraged in this task by
important, as a number of authors have argued (Falk 1985; the findings of Rilling and Seligman regarding temporal
Gibson et al. 2001; Jerison 1973), but in the tradition of lobe evolution in primates (Rilling & Seligman 2002). They
Holloway, I would maintain that size increase alone is in- scanned 11 species of anthropoid primates using MRI and
sufficient to account for the cognitive advances during hu- found that the human temporal lobes were larger than ex-
man descent. pected for brain size, and that the departure from allometry
was most pronounced for the white matter of the temporal
lobes. This is particularly noteworthy, as it implies selection
8.2. Cortical reorganization and connectivity
for deviation from typical rules of brain growth in anthro-
in evolution
poids. The authors note that each of the four main functional
Holloway first raised the argument that evolutionary subdivisions of the primate temporal lobe projects heavily to
changes in cognition reflect reorganization of systems in- the PFC, and they suggest that a possible interpretation of
ternal to the brain (Holloway 1966; 1967; 1975; 1995), their finding of “the disproportionate size of the human tem-
rather than increased brain size as championed by Jerison poral lobe white matter” is that this “reflects an augmented
(1973). Drawing on both endocast analyses and archaeo- number of connections linking temporal and prefrontal cor-
logical evidence of complex cognitive skills in Australop- tex”. They further speculate that this augmentation may re-
ithecines, Holloway suggested that reorganization dates to late to the evolution of language. With the advent of new
at least 2.5–3 mya and, in his 1973 James Arthur Lecture, imaging techniques such as DT-MRI, it is feasible that these
tied the role of social behaviour into a theory of human connections might be examined in greater detail in homi-
brain evolution (Holloway 1975). Hofman has shown that noids, giving us a clearer understanding of the evolution of
in hominoids, it is white matter that increases substantially structures such as the UF, the AF, and the AC.
(relative to brain size) rather than grey matter (Hofman
1989), and this has been confirmed using MRI (Rilling & 8.2.1. ACC circuits. The first region of the social brain I
Insel 1999b; Semendeferi et al. 1994). Furthermore, it is wish to consider, then, is the ACC and its connections.
specifically intrahemisheric connectivity that increases dis- There is recent evidence from a comparative primate study
proportionate to increasing brain size and neocortical sur- that the ACC evolved a unique type of projection neuron in
face area. Conversely, interhemispheric connectivity, as ex- the hominoid clade (Hof et al. 2001; Nimchinsky et al.
pressed by the cross-sectional area of the corpus callosum, 1999). This large spindle-shaped cell which is characterised
decreases with increasing brain size (Rilling & Insel 1999a), by immunoreactivity to the calcium-binding protein, calre-
suggesting that Crow’s reliance on the corpus callosum in tinin, is unique to hominoids and increases in density as one
his cerebral asymmetry hypothesis (Crow 1995c) is flawed. compares the ACC of the orangutan with that of the gorilla
This leads me to consider comparative primate data, as and with that of the chimpanzee, and finally is greatest in
well as fossil evidence, regarding the specific FT and FP in- humans. Nimchinsky and colleagues argue that this indi-


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

cates that the ACC experienced strong adaptive pressure subject to social selective pressures. The CBL has been
related to communication during the past 16 million years shown to have far more widespread cortical connections in
of primate evolution. They conclude that the ACC plays a monkeys than in cats (Young et al. 1994) and has extensive
significant role in recently evolved cognitive processes in- reciprocal connections with the OFC (via the uncinate fas-
cluding self-awareness, attention, emotional control, and ciculus) and the STG. Barton and Aggleton conclude that
communication. this amygdaloid nucleus has experienced disproportionate
enlargement and connectedness in higher primates as part
8.2.2. OFC circuits. Second, a comparison of the macro- of a recently evolved network regulating social cognition.
scopic and microscopic morphology of the OFC in great
apes supports both the notion that this region is implicated 8.2.4. IPC circuits. Preuss has pointed out that the frontal,
in social cognition and my argument that it has been sub- temporal, and parietal association cortices account for most
ject to reorganisation in hominoids. Semendeferi compared of the increased brain area in humans compared with apes
Brodmann’s areas 10 and 13 across hominoids and demon- (Preuss 2000; 2001). In humans the primary visual cortex
strated that area 13 is significantly smaller in orangutans (V1, BA 17) is displaced posteriorly, being approximately
than in gorillas and chimpanzees (and humans) (Semende- 121% less than its allometrically expected size, thus allow-
feri 1994; Semendeferi et al. 2001). Area 13 lies posteriorly ing for the greater expansion of the parietal association cor-
and medially in the OFC and is considered to be part of a tex (PAC) (Holloway 1995). According to Holloway, endo-
circuit connecting to the limbic temporal lobe that is rele- casts from two Australopithecine fossils (the Taung
vant to emotion, particularly related to social stimuli. As specimen and Hadar AL 162–28) reveal an intermediate
mentioned previously, ablation of this area in wild monkeys position of the lunate sulcus, between that of the human
results in significant reductions and losses of behaviours and that of the chimpanzee, suggesting that the PAC was
that are considered important for the maintenance of social significantly enlarged and reorganized as early as 3 mya
bonds (Kling & Steklis 1976). Furthermore, in terms of the (Holloway 1972; 1975; 1983a; 1984; 1985; 1996). The lu-
cytoarchitecture of area 13, Semendeferi has demonstrated nate sulcus separates the primary visual cortex from the
a marked decrease in cortical cell density in the orangutan PAC and is notoriously difficult to identify on endocasts;
relative to the African hominoids, especially in infragranu- therefore, its position in these specimens is a point of con-
lar layers V and VI (which have connections with subcorti- troversy in physical anthropology (see Falk 1980; 1985; for
cal limbic structures). It therefore appears that there is de- opposing viewpoint). Controversy aside, it is clear that the
creased representation of the “limbic” OFC in the PAC has enlarged and reorganized significantly during ho-
orangutan, a phylogenetically more distant species. She minid descent. Comparative primate studies support this as
suggests that this region is important for the survival of well. For example, functional imaging suggests that the hu-
members of complex social groups and speculates that the man intraparietal cortex contains visuospatial processing ar-
relative immaturity of the frontal limbic cortex in orang- eas that are not present in monkeys (Vanduffel et al. 2002).
utans may relate to the more solitary lifestyle and less com- Regarding the IPC specifically, Gilissen has scanned
plex social organization of this primate compared with its chimps using MRI and shown that this structure is more
African cousins (Semendeferi 1999; van Schaik & Van Hoof symmetrical in chimps than in humans (Gilissen 2001).
1996). Further speculation might suggest that the OFC, While there is some right-greater-than-left asymmetry of
like the ACC, has experienced strong adaptive pressures re- the IPC in chimps, it does not compare with the marked
lated to social living during the course of hominoid evolu- asymmetry in humans, suggesting that the human right IPC
tion. – a notable component of the social brain – has enlarged
disproportionately in the human line.
8.2.3. Amygdala circuits. As discussed earlier, the primate In summary therefore: There is good evidence that the
amygdala contains neurones that respond selectively to fa- social brain has evolved markedly in hominids through a
cial expression and eye gaze, and when surgical lesions are process of brain reorganization and increasing intrahemi-
placed in this structure, the animal fails to evaluate new spheric white matter connections linking the PFC to the
stimuli and puts itself at risk. This is a clear example of a temporal and parietal association cortices. Since these are
brain structure that has evolved in relation to social de- the same regions and connections that are abnormal in
mands on the individual. Obviously the fear response is a schizophrenia, I believe this supports my argument that
very primitive adaptation, and comparative studies have schizophrenia represents a trade-off in the evolution of the
confirmed that the amygdala is present in most vertebrate social brain. Conversely, interhemispheric connectivity has
species. However, when the amygdala is divided into its diminished during hominoid phylogeny, posing a serious
component nuclei, there is evidence of extensive variation problem for Crow’s asymmetry hypothesis.
in mammals including primates. Barton and Aggleton have
compared amygdaloid nuclei across 43 species of primates
8.3. Cerebral asymmetry and language
and shown that the relative size of the corticobasolateral
(CBL) nucleus is significantly greater in primates than in The study of cerebral asymmetry and the evolution of lan-
insectivores, and among primates is significantly greater in guage has old origins, and the literature and controversies
apes and monkeys than in prosimians (Barton & Aggleton are manifold and certainly beyond the scope of this paper.
2000). This is complemented by histological evidence for Of relevance to my thesis, however, are two issues: First,
increasing organisation of this nucleus during phylogeny Crow has founded his evolutionary hypothesis of schizo-
(Pitkanen et al. 2002). Barton and Aggleton also found that phrenia on the premise that both asymmetry and language
CBL size correlates with neocortex size as well as social have recent origins and are associated with a speciation
group size in monkeys and apes, suggesting that this nu- event in modern Homo sapiens (Crow 2002); and second,
cleus and its connections with higher cortical regions were in the study of schizophrenia, abnormalities of both cere-


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

bral asymmetry and language are well recognised (Crow

1990; De Lisi 2001; Luchins et al. 1979). In terms of my
thesis, I would argue that human cerebral asymmetry has
ancient origins within the hominoid lineage and that it rep-
resents an aspect of brain reorganisation, as suggested by
Holloway (Holloway 1983b; Holloway & de la Coste-Larey-
mondie 1982). Several authors have argued that leftward
brain asymmetries may have evolved as a consequence of
reduced interhemispheric connectivity and the increase in
more efficient localised networks in each hemisphere
(Hopkins & Rilling 2000; Rilling & Insel 1999a). Laterality
was thus an emergent property of increasing brain size and
reorganisation in primates.
LeMay’s work on cortical petalias (petalia describes the
extension of one cerebral hemisphere beyond the other)
(LeMay 1976; LeMay et al. 1982) boosted the study of cere-
bral asymmetry in primates and linked it to handedness.
This author (LeMay et al. 1982) and others (Geshwind &
Galaburda 1984) have found petalia asymmetries similar to
the human pattern in pongids, while Holloway and de la
Coste-Lareymondie argue, on the basis of their examina-
tion of 190 hominoid endocasts, that the human petalia pat-
tern is specific to both modern and fossil hominids (Homo
habilis and Homo erectus) (Holloway & de la Coste-Larey-
mondie 1982).
However, when it comes to specific structures within the
language networks, the evidence for very early origins of
lateralisation/asymmetry is quite convincing. While the fos-
sil record has yielded up only one specimen that shows ev- Figure 4 (Burns). Left and right hemispheres of an adult, fe-
idence of a modern, humanlike Broca’s speech area (the male chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). Abbreviations: STG  supe-
KNM-ER 1470 habiline) (Holloway 1976), comparative rior temporal gyrus; SFh, Sfa, and SFd  horizontal, ascending,
data in extant primates offers more clarity. For example, and descending limbs of the Sylvian fissure; PT  planum tem-
Gannon and colleagues reported in Science their discovery porale; HG  Heschl’s gyrus (reproduced from Gannon et al.
of marked asymmetry in the chimpanzee planum tempo- [2001] with kind permission).
rale (PT) – a key site in Wernicke’s posterior language area
(Gannon et al. 1998) (Fig. 4). They found that the left PT
was significantly larger in 94% (17 of 18) of chimpanzee and related association areas constitute a region underlying
brains examined post-mortem, and they state: communicative skills in great apes and humans. Gannon
The evolutionary origin of human language may have been cites the following findings in support of his argument:
founded on this basal anatomic substrate, which was already lat- 1. The complex communicative skills of great apes, in-
eralized to the left hemisphere in the common ancestor of cluding both referential and intentional gesturing and vo-
chimpanzees and humans 8 million years ago. calisation (Corballis 1992) and their use of sign language
Three further studies, one post-mortem (Gannon et al. (Savage-Rumbaugh 1990; Savage-Rumbaugh et al. 1978;
1998) and two using MRI to image the brains of a variety of Shapiro 1982; Shapiro & Galdikas 1999).
sedated primates (Hopkins & Marino 2000; Hopkins et al. 2. Evidence from functional imaging of deaf-from-birth
1998), demonstrate asymmetry of both the PT and Heschl’s humans that signing activates classic left hemisphere lan-
gyrus as well as the insular region of the sylvian fissure in guage areas (Neville et al. 1998).
the great apes, but not in monkeys. Another recent study by 3. Auditory hallucinations in psychotic individuals acti-
Cantalupo and colleagues, reported in Nature, demon- vate language areas without discernible motor or audible
strates left-greater-than-right asymmetry of Broca’s area components (Suzuki et al. 1993).
(Brodmann’s area 44) in three great ape species, Pan There are strong arguments from “neural network theory”
troglodytes, Pan paniscus, and Gorilla gorilla (Cantalupo & against Chomsky’s idea of a domain-specific, innate “human
Hopkins 2001). It should be noted that at least one histo- language organ” (Chomsky 1972) and in favour of “broadly
logical study (Buxhoeveden et al. 2001) has confirmed that distributed, domain-general neural systems” that subserve
there are some human specific features of PT asymmetry complex communication in humans and great apes (Bates
architecture. & Elman 2000).
Gannon argues that these findings set the date for the So my conclusions regarding language are: that cerebral
origins of a lateralised “proto-linguistic” area in great apes asymmetry and language areas began to evolve 18 to16 mya
and humans, at approximately 18 to 16 mya, just after the as a part of emerging cortical reorganisation and are found
gibbon ancestor diverged from that of the other hominoids in all extant great ape species; that these areas are diffuse
(Gannon et al. 2001). Furthermore, he argues for a poly- and involve connectivity rather than localised domains; that
modal role for the PT in a connectionist model of “lan- they represent regions involved in complex communication
guage” perception. In other words, a diffuse network of lat- rather than pure language; and finally, that these findings
eralised neuronal connections corresponding to the left PT do not support Crow’s hypothesis that asymmetry and lan-


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

guage evolved recently and provide the substrate for psy- ited notion of recapitulation originally suggested by Haeckel.
chosis. The phrase “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny” was popu-
lar during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
and refers to the idea that the stages of phylogenetic evo-
9. Evolutionary ontogeny of the brain lution are repeated during the stages of individual devel-
opment. While most authors would reject the idea that
Any discussion of the evolution of cerebral connectivity recapitulation occurs as an all-encompassing process in hu-
must include an analysis of how neurodevelopmental man evolution, the increasing recognition of mosaic evolu-
processes have changed during evolution. This will illus- tion – that is the evolution of different components of a
trate the mechanism by which the hominoid brain might phenotype at highly unequal rates (Lock & Peters 1999) –
have become larger and more connected. It will also allow has helped to rehabilitate the scientific community’s per-
us to speculate about abnormal ontogenic processes in the ception of recapitulation as a possible phenomenon. Mosaic
genesis of the schizophrenic brain. evolution implies that some aspects of the phenotype may
have evolved through developmental retardation while
others have been accelerated. There is thus room for ac-
9.1. Heterochrony in brain evolution
cepting both neotenic and hypermorphotic processes in hu-
The term heterochrony was coined by Ernst Haeckel in his man evolution (Chaline 1998).
“biogenic law” at the end of the nineteenth century to de- Regarding the evolution of the social brain in particular,
scribe the evolution of differences in the timing of devel- I would tentatively suggest that it resulted from a process
opment – in other words, the acceleration or deceleration of sequential hypermorphotic development (sequential to a
of maturation of an organ relative to its developmental tim- neotenous delay of maturation) (Fig. 5). Brüne has previ-
ing in an ancestor (McKinney & McNamara 1991). Several ously suggested that hypermorphosis may have played a
authors argue that this change in timing is the key evolu- role in the evolution of the social brain (Brüne 2000). Mc-
tionary mechanism driving the enlargement of the brain. Kinney (2000) states:
Louis Bolk popularised the notion of neoteny, whereby a Many of our mental abilities are largely attributable to ex-
delay in the plateau of brain growth resulted in a prolonga- tension of brain development to produce a proportionately
tion into adult life of some features of infant ancestors (Bolk scaled-up version of the ancestral ape brain. Sequential hyper-
1926). Gould has argued that “human beings are ‘essen- morphosis of behavioural and cognitive development is accom-
tially’ neotenous” (Gould 1977). However, more recent au- panied by prolonged stages of neurogenesis, dendritogenesis
thors have raised doubts about these claims (McKinney & (and dendritic pruning), synaptogenesis and myelination.
McNamara 1991; Shea 1989), arguing that “there is no sin- Ontogeny may, therefore, recapitulate phylogeny as far as
gle heterochronic process that accounts for all of human the social brain is concerned. From the discussion of brain
evolutionary change” (McKinney & McNamara 1991). evolution so far, it appears that the trend towards increas-
However, these authors go on to suggest that “there is one ingly complex connectivity in subsequently more sophisti-
process that accounts for much of it . . . it is hypermorpho- cated regions of the cortex during development reflects
sis.” Hypermorphosis is the “phyletic extension of ontogeny the trend during our evolutionary history towards increas-
beyond its ancestral termination, such that adult ancestral ingly complex cortical connectivity, social cognition, and
stages become preadult stages of descendants” (Lock & Pe- metarepresentation (Brüne 2000; Deacon 1990; Finlay &
ters 1999). McKinney and McNamara argue that it is a mis- Darlington 1995; Gibson 1991). McKinney stresses that it
conception that human development is generally retarded is “terminal extension” (of connectivity and cognitive func-
or slow across the life span. As Lock and Peters put it, “hu- tion) that occurs, rather than “terminal addition” (McKin-
mans do not grow more slowly than other primates but grow ney 2000). Furthermore, he traces the prolonged stages of
for a longer time in each phase of growth.” neurodevelopment back to “our originally larger endow-
These arguments have resuscitated the largely discred- ment of embryonic neurons.” Finlay and Darlington have

Figure 5 (Burns). Sequential hypermorphosis in evolution of the social brain.


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

argued that it is developmentally easier to generate a larger in gene frequencies in populations of individuals. If, as
brain by extending prenatal brain growth than by altering these authors argue, the benefits accrued by the individual
the rate of growth. McKinney suggests that this delay in in terms of synaptic reorganisation can lead to adaptive ge-
foetal brain growth in humans (25 days longer than in ex- netic changes in descendants, then one could hypothesise
tant monkeys) “seems to have cascading effects on neuronal that heterochronic prolongation of brain maturation has
complexity by prolonging the development of individual served to escalate the potential for epigenetic change in
neurons, allowing more complex dendritic and synaptic brain evolution. In other words: A longer period of synap-
outgrowths and connections.” togenesis and remodelling allows for increasing plasticity of
If delaying foetal brain growth is the basis of increasing networks; and this in turn increases the degree to which
brain complexity, then what mechanism causes this prolon- epigenetic effects can play a role. This might explain how
gation? According to Deacon and others, it is the timing and the social environment became the driving force in the evo-
duration of neuronal generation that determines adult lution of cortical connectivity and the social brain. One
brain size and complexity (Deacon 2000; Finlay & Darling- might speculate that such a process might have latterly
ton 1995). The later the onset of neurogenesis and the been responsible for the explosion in neural, cognitive, and
longer its duration, therefore, the larger and more complex cultural complexity during the last 60,000–100,000 years.
the resulting structure. This is because the longer period of Finally, a note of caution. It may be that heterochronic
time before neuron production commences allows more mechanisms are too blunt an instrument to explain the
mitotic cycles for the production of stem cells to occur. evolution of cortical connectivity and the social brain. It
Moreover, the later a neuron’s birth date, the further it mi- may be that sequential hypermorphosis can account for the
grates, the higher the laminar position it finally occupies, increase in primate brain size and cortical surface area
and the more complex its connectivity (McKinney 2000). as demonstrated by Finlay and Darlington (1995), but
Changes in the expression of regulatory genes such as that the evolution of connectivity involved more complex
homeobox genes may therefore alter the proportion of late- |mechanisms. Grove and others have shown that there is a
maturing embryonic stem neurones (Chaline 1998). In this morphogenic gradient of growth factors across the cortex
case, “the ultimate heterochronic event underlying human that is translated into distinct fields of gene expression
brain evolution would be traceable to mutations in (or al- (Fukuchi-Shimogori & Grove 2001). These “patterning”
tered expression of) homeotic genes” (McKinney 2000). genes may include Emx and Pax6 (Mallamaci et al. 2000).
In addition, it is well recognised that within primates the One of the referees on this paper, Jack Price of the Institute
period of postnatal brain growth relative to prenatal is pro- of Psychiatry (London, UK), has suggested that evolution-
gressively lengthened, with humans having the most pro- ary changes in the extent of cortico-cortical connectivity
longed postnatal period of continued maturation (Finlay & may have resulted from changes in the sequential nature of
Darlington 1995; Deacon 2000). Bogin has even argued cortical wiring. He points out that in mammalian nonpri-
that childhood and adolescence are developmental stages mates, cortical areas develop and connect more or less syn-
unique to humans (Bogin 1999). Importantly, this delay in chronously (e.g., in the rodent embryo, the hippocampus
brain maturation results in both a larger brain (Finlay & and the neocortex and their connections develop almost
Darlington 1995), and in the extension of dendritic and synchronously), while in primates – and in humans in par-
synaptic growth, so that the human brain has more inter- ticular – developmental events become asynchronous (e.g.,
connections among neurons than the brains of other pri- in the 19 week human embryo, the hippocampus is highly
mates (Gibson 1991). Langer points out that, relative to differentiated in contrast to the neocortex, which is still
other primates, humans, as well as having prolonged and ac- undifferentiated [Hevner & Kinney 1996]). Thus, he ar-
celerated cognitive and intellectual development (hyper- gues, within the primate lineage the development of some
morphosis), have retarded physical and physiological de- cortico-cortical connections could become contingent
velopment (except of course, of the brain) (neoteny), upon others. Finally, Price stresses the point that the emer-
allowing for a longer period of dependency and cognitive gence of asynchrony and contingent events in neurodevel-
and social learning and maturation (Langer 2000). Deacon opment pre-dated the first humans, appearing first in ear-
argues that both of these changes could result from a hete- lier primate ancestors. Asynchrony and contingent events
rochronic shift in the time course of the expression of seg- were therefore not unique to hominid ancestors and cannot
mental genes. alone account for the massive advances that characterised
Is this model compatible with epigenetic theories of evo- human cognitive descent.
lution? These theories emphasise the continuous interac- In terms of the evolution of cortical connectivity, one
tion of the environment with the biology of the individual. might speculate whether heterochronic mechanisms may
Epigenetic theories view a developing organism’s response have played a role (at a molecular level) in the timing of ex-
to environmental changes as a mechanism for phylogenetic pression of individual developmental genes, thereby alter-
change (Bjorklund & Pellegrini 2002). This is important ing the sequencing of cortical wiring. Is it possible, for ex-
both in terms of the social brain hypothesis and the argu- ample, that a relative delay in the expression of genes
ment for evolving cortical connectivity upon which it is determining neocortical development might account for
based. Synaptic plasticity is an inherent feature of the mod- the differences in differentiation between the neocortex
ern human brain, and increasingly, research is suggesting and hippocampus in the 19 week embryo? If so, then the
that behavioural novelty may influence brain evolution emergence of asynchrony and contingent events within the
(Bateson 1988; Gottlieb 1987; 2000; see Bjorklund & Pel- primate ancestry may have depended upon heterochronic
legrini 2002 for a review). Advocates of epigenetic theory mechanisms. And that these features pre-dated the first ho-
are at pains to point out that the mechanisms they propose minids is consistent with the hypothesis that the social brain
are not Lamarckian, but are in keeping with the “modern began to evolve earlier during primate descent.
synthesis,” in that evolution is still conceived of as changes Finally, one might speculate that the emergence of asyn-


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

chrony and contingent events during primate cortical evo- If genes regulating neurogenesis were implicated in
lution was associated with increasing degrees of vulnerabil- schizophrenia, one would anticipate that the disorder might
ity and increasing potential for insult. Since these mecha- be characterised by an altered trajectory of neurodevelop-
nisms of change were most radically manifest in the human ment. Is there evidence for this? A number of authors have
line, it was in the hominid brain that insults were most likely suggested that there is delayed brain maturation in schizo-
to occur. phrenia (James et al. 1999; Saugstad 1994; 1998). Delayed
motor and language development (Cannon et al. 2002a;
Isohanni et al. 2001), earlier male onset, and preponder-
9.2. Evolutionary ontogeny of schizophrenia
ance of pathomorphological changes (in accordance with
How does this discussion of the evolutionary ontogeny of the male slower rate of maturation) (Flaum et al. 1995;
the brain inform our understanding of schizophrenia? Can Saugstad 1999) and high levels of fluctuating asymmetry
concepts such as heterochrony and sequential hypermor- (Gruzelier 1999; Mellor 1992) all suggest a relative delay in
phosis enhance our understanding of this disorder? And are neurodevelopment. Later milestones increase risk for
they useful concepts in terms of an evolutionary theory of schizophrenia (Isohanni et al. 2001), while late maturing
schizophrenia? These are important questions given that male adolescents have been shown to score higher than
schizophrenia is widely accepted as a disorder of neurode- early maturers on measures of schizotypy (Gruzelier &
velopment. Kaiser 1996). Several authors have shown that the average
First, to recap the pathological findings that are well sup- age of puberty has been declining over the last few cen-
ported in schizophrenia. In section 6.2, I cited Harrison’s turies (Bogin 1999; Kaplan et al. 2000) and Saugstad relates
review (Harrison 1999) arguing that the main findings of this to the reduction in “the most malignant non-paranoid
smaller cortical neurons, reduced axospinous processes and forms (of schizophrenia)” (Saugstad 1998). He argues that
arborisation, reduced neuropil, denser packing of neurons, this relationship is to be expected if schizophrenia is con-
and decreased synaptic marker proteins, all pointed towards ceptualised as a disorder of delayed brain development.
later ontogenic processes such as arborisation, synaptogen- Several authors have responded to these observations
esis, and apoptosis. I also argued that the high occurrence (about delayed brain development in schizophrenia) by at-
of morphological defects such as abnormal dermatoglyph- tempting to invoke heterochrony in the genesis of the dis-
ics and craniofacial dysplasias suggest that neurogenesis order (Bemporad 1991; Crow 1995b; Feierman 1994). In
may be disturbed. I proposed a scenario where abnormal particular, they have suggested that schizophrenia may be
neurogenesis led to a cascade of disturbances in subsequent related to a failure of neoteny. There are models for the role
ontogenic phases. Speculations about the molecular basis of heterochrony in other neurodevelopmental disorders
of abnormal neurogenesis are premature as we have little (Wilson 1988). Brüne has examined the evidence for and
idea of potential candidates. For example, we cannot ex- against heterochronic mechanisms in schizophrenia and
clude the Emx-1 and Emx-2 homeobox genes on the concludes that neither neoteny nor sequential hypermor-
grounds that mutations result in gross structural defects phosis alone sufficiently explains the aetiology of schizo-
such as agenesis of the corpus callosum and schizencephaly. phrenic disorders (Brüne 2000). However, I think there is
This is because schizophrenia may be a consequence of some worth in considering certain morphological observa-
gene sequence variants that result in changes in gene ex- tions in schizophrenia which may, I would argue, suggest a
pression (rather than mutations). There are others such as disturbance of heterochronic mechanisms during cortical
BF-1, Caspases-3 and -9, and POU 111 gene family (in- evolution. Specifically, data on head and brain size across
cluding Brn-1 and -2, SCIP, and Oct-6 genes) that could the developmental life cycle are intriguing.
also be implicated. Indeed, Oct-6 gene, usually expressed A meta-analysis of brain and cranial size in adults with
in embryonic stem cells, has shown increased expression in schizophrenia found that there is a small but significant re-
the temporal lobes and hippocampi in patients with schiz- duction in brain size compared with controls, while ex-
ophrenia (Ilia et al. 2002). Weickert and Weinberger have tracranial size is nonsignificantly increased (Ward et al.
identified POU 111 class genes as candidate molecules 1996). In another study, Bassett and colleagues found
(Weickert & Weinberger 1998). I would also consider Cas- significantly increased head circumference (HC) in male
pase-1 and -3, both involved in founder cell apoptosis and patients and, as one possible explanation, they state “head
thus influential in neurogenesis (Haydar 1999; Kuida size increases may be due to overgrowth, secondary to
1998). Interestingly, certain caspases map to chromosome pleiotropic expression of a developmental gene” (Bassett et
11q22, which is adjacent to a known schizophrenia gene lo- al. 1996). While reduced brain size is likely to reflect the ef-
cus, 11q23. In the event that neurogenesis is the “site” of fects of excessive pruning of abnormal synapses, increased
initial insult, it would seem intuitive that pathologies of the HC reflects the limit of brain growth during development
synapse and neuropil represent secondary effects of the pri- (and prior to onset of pruning). In terms of earlier devel-
mary disturbance. However, it is just as likely that a num- opment, the only data on cranial and brain size in schizo-
ber of genes regulating different phases of development phrenia are those from measures of HC at birth (Cantor-
might be implicated in different individuals, given the Graae et al. 1998; Kunugi et al. 1996; McNeil et al. 1993).
extraordinary heterogeneity of pathological, morphologi- These studies show significantly reduced HC at birth in
cal, and clinical findings in this disorder. New methods, those who subsequently develop schizophrenia. In the
such as microarray technology, are providing powerful re- study by Cantor-Graae and colleagues, the patient group
search strategies for identifying genes involved in synaptic showed smaller HC at birth, but increased HC in adulthood
processing in schizophrenia (Bunney et al. 2003; Mirnics et compared with controls. Most authors conclude that these
al. 2001). It is likely we shall arrive at a better understand- findings point towards delayed cerebral development in
ing of the molecular basis of this disorder in the not too dis- utero. Taken in conjunction with findings of craniofacial
tant future. dysmorphogenesis and abnormal dermatoglyphics, Wad-


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

dington and colleagues identify foetal weeks 9 to 15 as the that the neurodevelopmental pattern that characterises
likely timing of insult (Waddington et al. 1999). Impor- schizophrenia represents a disturbance of normal hete-
tantly, if HC is smaller at birth but bigger in adulthood com- rochronic processes; and that therefore it seems likely that
pared with controls, and if maximal brain size determines the genetic basis of the disorder involves a disturbance of
HC, we can surmise that sometime prior to the onset of regulatory genes governing the timing of neurodevelop-
pruning, the schizophrenic brain was larger than normal. ment. Clearly, this disturbance results in a cascade of ab-
Of course, larger size does not imply normal architecture. normal developmental events that interact with epigenetic
In this light, the finding in the Edinburgh High Risk Study factors, leading to abnormal synapses and gross pruning
of relatively increased brain size premorbidly in male high- during adolescence. The circuits most severely affected are
risk subjects who later developed psychosis is not surpris- those that evolved most recently, and they comprise the
ing ( Johnstone et al. 2002). connected regions of the social brain. Finally, I think it is
Figure 6 attempts to graphically illustrate the hypothe- sobering to consider that the mechanism “employed” by
sised neurodevelopmental trajectory, based on these data, evolution to allow for the expansion and reorganisation of
in schizophrenia compared with normal. I would argue that the social brain, which itself was demanded by an increas-
this trajectory is reminiscent of the pattern that charac- ingly complex social environment, also rendered the or-
terises sequential hypermorphosis. Is this merely coinci- ganism extremely vulnerable to both genetic and environ-
dence, or is it feasible that the disorder represents a distur- mental insult and subsequent disorder.
bance of heterochronic processes implicated in the
evolution of the social brain? If the answer is yes, then, in
the light of comments made at the end of section 9.1, it 10. Concluding comments and outlook
would seem logical that these disturbances served to alter
the pattern of expression of individual developmental genes I have argued that schizophrenia reflects the severe end of
across the cortical plate. This may be possible to test if fu- a spectrum of abnormal cortical connectivity that appeared
ture methods of research allow us to map the sequence of in our hominid ancestors approximately 150,000–100,000
gene expression in the developing cortex of individuals des- years ago. The disorder can be seen as a costly trade-off at
tined to have schizophrenia compared with normal individ- two separate stages in our descent:
uals. First, the significant advantages conferred by the evolu-
I would therefore speculate that, some time prior to the tion of complex circuitry as a substrate for metarepresenta-
migration of Homo sapiens out of Africa 150,000–100,000 tion and social cognition rendered the early hominid brain
years ago, one or more genetic events gave rise to a pheno- vulnerable to genetic and environmental insults (which
type characterised by disturbances in the sequencing of have yet to be fully understood). Evidence of an early “met-
expression of cortical developmental genes. These “schizo- amind,” as well as a trend towards increasing specialisation
phrenic genes” were perhaps not regulatory genes them- of FT and FP circuits in our nearest relatives, the apes, sug-
selves, but rather were closely associated with regulatory gests that these changes evolved during the period 18–5
genes directly involved in heterochronic processes and re- mya. The ontogenetic mechanism that facilitated this ad-
sponsible for the evolution of the social brain. Thus, the vance in intrahemispheric connectivity was sequential hy-
maladaptive “schizophrenic genes” may have survived in permorphosis. Thus, under selective pressure to evolve a
the genome because of their association with adaptive so- brain well adapted to the complex social environment in
cial brain genes. which they lived, our ancestors experienced progressive
In summary, then, I would argue that the hominid social prolongation of brain maturation. For some reason, these
brain evolved in part through heterochronic processes in- changes were accompanied by a particular sensitivity or vul-
cluding sequential hypermorphosis. I would also speculate nerability in the developmental processes of these cortical

Figure 6 (Burns). Graphic illustration of hypothesised trajectory of brain development (size)

from fetus to adult in schizophrenia compared with healthy individuals. (Adapted from Lemire et
al. 1975). (B  birth).


Burns: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

circuits. This process occurred in the apes as well, but to a some people with schizophrenia – the phenotypic hetero-
much lesser degree, leaving their ancestors’ brains less vul- geneity suggests that multiple factors, both genetic and en-
nerable to insult. This could account for the apparent ab- vironmental, may disturb neurodevelopmental processes,
sence of psychosis in other primates. thus giving rise to psychosis.
The second trade-off that gave rise to the schizophrenic 2. More speculatively, since I have argued that the social
genotype and is responsible for its persistence in the human brain and schizophrenia emerged gradually from an evolu-
genome, occurred during the period 150,000–100,000 tionary process already present in hominoid ancestors, I
years ago, prior to the migration of Homo sapiens out of would anticipate that both human-specific cognition (e.g.,
Africa. Importantly, this change or series of changes oc- language) and schizophrenia have a molecular basis in
curred gradually (and against a background of similar evo- genes we already share with extant apes. I would predict
lutionary change in hominids) and therefore did not repre- that what separates us cognitively is differences in gene ex-
sent a speciation event. In some individuals, changes in the pression rather than differences in gene composition. For
morphology or expression of regulatory genes involved in this reason, the search for both the genes that make us hu-
the timing of neurodevelopment may have altered the de- man and for those that cause schizophrenia is likely to be
velopmental trajectory of vulnerable FT and FP cortical cir- far more complicated than a mere contrasting of human
cuits, resulting in aberrant connectivity in the social brain. and chimpanzee genomes in the not too distant future (see
This was or is expressed phenotypically as schizophrenia Gagneux & Varki [2001] for a review).
and related disorders. It is likely that those individuals with 3. In terms of future imaging in schizophrenia, more
the greatest expression of the genotype perished quickly in studies are needed of the social brain and the exact nature
the ancestral environment. The presence of a continuum of of its impairment in the disorder. Techniques such as DT-
variation in the expression of the genotype meant that some MRI and fMRI may help us to identify both structural and
individuals (with perhaps a milder degree of dysconnectiv- functional deficits within the FT and FP circuitry. fMRI
ity and subsequent pruning that actually enhanced cogni- studies using paradigms that activate different components
tion) manifested special cognitive abilities, while others of social cognition should be a priority. For example, fur-
manifested schizophrenia. The genotype itself is unlikely to ther studies examining the neural basis of self-recognition
confer a reproductive advantage on the schizotype, but be- may help increase our understanding of the neurology of
cause of its association with genes that code for the devel- social cognition. Also, specific cortical connections (such as
opment of the social brain in the species, the disorder has the UF and AF) merit further attention, and new methods
persisted in the human genome. of scanning and data processing may help unravel the core
Psychosis is therefore one, and maybe the greatest, of the pathologies that characterise the brain in schizophrenia.
prices paid by humans for evolving complex cognitive and 4. New imaging techniques could also be used effec-
social abilities. It is precisely because we have the capacity tively in comparative primate studies to further our under-
to have a ToM and to function in a socially appropriate man- standing of brain evolution, and specifically the changes I
ner, that we also have the capacity for aberrant cortical con- have hypothesised in the social brain. In this endeavour, I
nectivity and an illness such as schizophrenia. One benefit would suggest that DTI studies of extant apes might be par-
of harbouring this potentially disastrous genotype in our ticularly informative, providing critical data on white mat-
human gene pool is that in some cases individuals, occupy- ter connectivity, hitherto inaccessible with standard MRI
ing a tamer position in the spectrum, may exhibit unusual methods. In terms of the “social brain hypothesis,” I would
creativity, brilliance, and iconoclasm. It is quite likely that predict such data would show a progressive phylogenetic
these individuals are among those responsible for pioneer- increase in the density of FT and FP tracts in primates.
ing and creating the great artistic, technological, and cul- 5. And lest we forget that all meaningful research should
tural advances of human history. have direct clinical implications for those whom we find in-
Henry Maudsley, one of the fathers of British psychia- tellectually interesting, I would suggest that this model can
try, toyed briefly with eugenic principles (Crow 1995c), but inform our management of patients in two important ways.
later admitted: First, if the pathologies we see in the brain have their ori-
To forbid the marriage of a person sprung from an insanely dis- gins as early as midgestation, and if subsequent ontogenic
posed family might be to deprive the world of a singular genius events constitute a cascade of aberrant developmental
or talent, and so be an irreparable injury to the race of men. . . . processes all sensitive to epigenetic factors, then surely, as
If, then, one man of genius were produced at the cost of one many authors have suggested, prevention is the main av-
thousand or fifty thousand insane persons, the result might be enue for intervention. We cannot hope to prevent early ge-
a compensation for the terrible cost.” (Maudsley 1908) netic effects (unless genes can be identified in utero), but
Finally, I wish to propose a number of ways in which this later, damaging developmental events could be retarded
evolutionary hypothesis might inform future schizophrenia and the trajectory of aberrant neurodevelopment corrected
research and clinical practice: by means of early detection and intervention. These inter-
1. In terms of molecular research, regulatory genes that ventions might include dietary, pharmacological, and psy-
control the timing of neurodevelopment, and in particular chosocial measures, and may serve to reduce or even abol-
the timing of neurogenesis and stem cell differentiation, ish vulnerability to subsequent disorder. And second, this
should be considered as candidates in schizophrenia. So too model highlights the importance of social deficits in schiz-
should genes known to interact with and modulate these ophrenia, and consequently a large part of our clinical and
regulatory genes. Furthermore, it may transpire that the research effort should be dedicated to understanding and
disorder is caused by altered expression rather than muta- confronting the social, cultural, economic, and political ob-
tion of genes. Therefore, the search for the genes for schiz- stacles that face our patients. If these vulnerable individu-
ophrenia is sure to be a Herculean task. It is also likely that als, who have particular difficulties with comprehending
if such a genotype is identified, it will be implicated in only and responding to the social world, are isolated, stigma-


Commentary/Burns: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

tised, and subjected to societal prejudices, then they have et al. 1998; Langdon et al. 1997). Moreover, we question the need
no hope of averting a lifelong struggle with incapacitating of invoking ill-defined concepts such as “existential ToM” and
mental illness. “cognitive fluidity.” In addition, the conceptualization of the hu-
man mind as “a fluid and connected entity that allows for integra-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS tion of specialised information in the formation of abstract and
I am grateful to the following individuals for their helpful comments and symbolic thought” (target article, sect. 4, para. 3) might not be a
suggestions in the preparation of this target article and author’s response: novel proposal as suggested by the author, but can be found al-
Eliza Getman, David Semple, Andrew McIntosh, Steve Lawrie, Eve John- ready in the writings of Karl Lashley and Donald Hebb.
stone, Martin Brüne, Tim Crow, Richard Byrne, and John Price. I would Intact cortical connectivity is central to the adequate function-
also like to acknowledge the wise counsel and welcome encouragement of- ing of the social brain. Indeed, cortical activation is intimately tied
fered by the late Professor Jeffrey Gray, past editor of BBS, during the with the neuronal connectivity, and more than 99% of the axons
early stages of preparation of this target article. His personal warmth and in the white matter serve corticocortical and transcallosal com-
intellectual acuity are sorely missed. munication. However, the latter aspect of cortical connectivity,
that is, transcallosal communication, remains largely neglected in
the target article, but might yield important clues to the patho-
physiology of schizophrenia. A recent study observed focal white
matter density changes in 159 patients with schizophrenia who
Open Peer Commentary were compared with 158 matched control subjects, reflecting re-
duced interhemispherc connectivity (Hulshoff Pol et al. 2004).
Abnormalities in lateralization have consistently been docu-
mented in schizophrenia (Sommer et al. 2001) and have been hy-
pothesized to arise from a reduced inhibitory influence of one
hemisphere over the other. Reduced hemispheric asymmetry has
Genes can disconnect the social brain in not only been reported for typical “left-hemisphere” tasks, such as
more than one way language production, but also for typical “right hemisphere” tasks,
such as perception of emotional chimeric faces (David & Cutting
André Aleman and René S. Kahn 1990). Deficits in functions typically mediated by the right hemi-
Rudolf Magnus Institute for Neurosciences, Department of Psychiatry, sphere, such as processing of emotional prosody, have also been
A01.126 University Medical Center, 3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands. reported in schizophrenia (Ross et al. 2001). Research should
a.aleman@azu.nl r.kahn@azu.nl
therefore also be aimed at investigating the genetic basis of hemi-
spheric connectivity and its role in dysfunctional social cognition
Abstract: Burns proposes an intriguing hypothesis by suggesting that the in schizophrenia. In addition, localized structural lesions can also
“schizophrenia genes” might not be regulatory genes themselves, but
rather closely associated with regulatory genes directly involved in the
affect functional connectivity, as is the case with the amygdala. For
proper growth of the social brain. We point out that this account would ben- example, Grossberg (2000) proposed a model in which emotional
efit from incorporating the effects of localized lesions and aberrant hemi- centers of the brain, in particular the amygdala, interact with sen-
spheric asymmetry on cortical connectivity underlying the social brain. In sory and prefrontal cortices to generate affective states and elicit
addition, we argue that the evolutionary framework is superfluous. motivated behaviors. In this model, a defective amygdala can even
lead to hypofrontality.
Although several authors have maintained that schizophrenia is Finally, the evolutionary framework in which Burns’ hypothesis
primarily a cognitive disorder (Elvevag & Gold 2000), there is an is embedded might be superfluous. Indeed, the same five impli-
increasing awareness that abnormalities in the processing of social cations of his hypothesis for schizophrenia research, which are for-
(including emotional) information are at the core of the syndrome mulated at the end of the target article, can be deduced from his
(Pinkham et al. 2003). Indeed, evidence that brain systems un- social neuroscience approach when it is stripped away from the
derlying social cognition are compromised in schizophrenia is ac- highly speculative evolutionary scenario. Lewontin (1998) has
cumulating at a high rate. For example, structural and functional questioned the possibility of a scientific theory regarding the evo-
abnormalities of the amygdala have been reported (Gur et al. lution of higher human cognitive abilities. One of the major seri-
2002; Hulshoff Pol et al. 2001) and deficits in emotion processing ous problems Lewontin notes in the reconstruction of human cog-
have been shown to relate to social dysfunction (Hooker & Park nitive evolution is that we do not have any close relatives, nor do
2002). In addition, we recently observed abnormal trustworthi- we know who our ancestors are. He points out that the chim-
ness evaluation in patients with schizophrenia (Baas et al. 2004), panzee is estimated by evolutionary theorists to be separated by
showing the same pattern as has been described in patients with 20 million years of evolution from humans, and that we are not
bilateral amygdala lesions and in patients with autism (Adolphs et even sure that Neanderthal man, classified together with us in the
al. 2001). Trustworthiness evaluation on the basis of facial ap- species Homo sapiens, is a direct ancestor rather than a parallel
pearance of others plays a significant role in social interaction. line that died out without issue. With regard to the target article,
Furthermore, ventromedial prefrontal volume reductions have the evolutionary theorist must convince us that there was a heri-
been shown to relate to social dysfunction in schizophrenia table variation for social cognition in our remote ancestors, when
(Chemerinski et al. 2002). the human species was still evolving into its present form, and that
Taking this into account, we welcome Burns’ hypothesis on the those who possessed this ability in the remote past left more off-
role of dysfunctional genes that are closely associated with regu- spring by virtue of that ability. Furthermore, any imaginative re-
latory genes directly involved in development of the social brain construction of that advantage must show that individuals or
in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Indeed, this hypothesis will family groups, rather than the species as a whole, had such an
be a potentially useful heuristic in planning studies regarding the advantage. The putative mechanism of natural selection operates
genetic basis of neuronal processing deficiencies in schizophrenia. within populations to increase the frequency of some types and
However, research should take a broader approach than that out- decrease others through differences in reproductive rates of indi-
lined in the target paper. The target article devotes much atten- viduals.
tion to theory of mind (ToM) problems in schizophrenia and to the The fact that psychosis seems to be a de novo state, with no ho-
role of cortical connectivity in social information processing. How- mologies in other known organisms, questions the relevance of an
ever, with regard to ToM dysfunction, it is important to note that evolutionary approach. We should not confuse plausible stories
several studies have failed to find a relation between ToM dys- with scientific theories or evidence. Or, as Lewontin (1998) puts
function and symptoms of schizophrenia, such as delusions (Drury it: “There is no end to plausible storytelling.”


Commentary/Burns: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

Schizophrenia is a disease of general large-scale networks) and is associated with a variety of perceptual
connectivity more than a specifically and cognitive processes, including attentional tasks and working
“social brain” network memory (Fries et al. 2001; Tallon-Baudry et al. 1998; Varela et al.
2001). Moreover, the impairment of large-scale, high-frequency
Conrado Bosman, Enzo Brunetti, and Francisco Aboitiz rhythmic neuronal synchrony has been related to perceptual and
Departamento de Psiquiatría and Centro de Investigaciones Médicas,
cognitive deficits observed in schizophrenic patients (Kissler et al.
Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Marcoleta 2000; Spencer et al. 2003). Although the anatomical localization
N 387, 2 Piso, Santiago 1, Chile. cbosman@med.puc.cl of this large-scale neuronal synchronic activity has to be precisely
ebrunett@med.puc.cl faboitiz@puc.cl www.neuro.cl determined, fMRI studies based on the measure of effective con-
nectivity between different areas of the brain in normal subjects
Abstract: Dysfunctions of the neural circuits that implement social be- (Büchel & Friston 1997) and in schizophrenic patients (Schlosser
havior are necessary but not a sufficient condition to develop schizophre- et al. 2003) point to the activation of fronto-temporoparietal cor-
nia. We propose that schizophrenia represents a disease of general con- tical networks during cognitive and perceptual tasks.
nectivity that impairs not only the “social brain” networks, but also Could the development of these networks be an important
different neural circuits related with higher cognitive and perceptual func- evolutionary step to the appearance of schizophrenia? Probably
tions. We discuss possible mechanisms and evolutionary considerations. yes, because these networks provide a high degree of behavioral
plasticity and the possibility of generating different strategies to
In his target article, Burns provides an excellent opportunity to resolve conflicts (Miller & Cohen 2001). Therefore, a selective
evaluate the evolutionary aspects of schizophrenia. The idea of pressure for the optimization of these primitive networks is con-
schizophrenia as a costly trade-off for the acquisition of a high de- ceivable. This optimization could be partly achieved by means of
gree of connectivity and social abilities gives a probable explana- the establishment of highly connected and myelinated networks
tion for the origins and maintenance of this disease, despite the between the anterior and posterior brain (Aboitiz et al. 2003). In
fact that it is associated with lower fecundity. In addition, Burns hominid evolution, the elaboration of these networks, associated
places the development of a specialized network regulating social with an increasing brain size, led to the development of sophisti-
behavior as one of the most important evolutionary steps in the ac- cated social behavior and language (Aboitiz & García 1997a;
quisition of schizophrenia by hominids. However, besides the im- 1997b). The implementation of most top-down processes by these
pairment of the “social brain,” alterations in other cognitive and networks, plus the protracted neural development necessary to
perceptual functions are well demonstrated and not explained make up these networks, may have placed hominids in a vulnera-
merely by the dysfunction of the neural circuits implicated in so- ble position to suffer destabilizing insults leading to a disorganized
cial abilities. Moreover, many of the cognitive functions that are connectivity. The diverse symptoms of schizophrenia, including
impaired in schizophrenia are implemented by large-scale net- perceptual, cognitive, and social impairments, may have arisen as
works in the brain. For that reason, we consider that schizophre- a consequence of the developmental fragility of these complex
nia may represent, more than the dysfunction of a specific net- networks. Perhaps this explanation describes best the high het-
work, a disease of general connectivity that involves different erogeneity of symptoms observed in this disease.
networks supporting several cognitive and perceptual processes. Summarizing, we agree with Burns in that schizophrenia is
There is a growing corpus of evidence in concordance with the probably a costly trade-off of increasing brain size and complexity.
concept of schizophrenia as a network disease. For example, two We also propose that the development of anterior-posterior net-
recent microarray studies demonstrated a decreased expression of works regulating top-down and bottom-up processes was very im-
genes related to regulation and maintenance of the presynaptic portant in the development of high behavioral plasticity. This is
secretory machinery (Mirnics et al. 2000) and myelination (Hakak not to exclude the importance of corticosubcortical, especially
et al. 2001) in the prefrontal cortex, suggesting that large-scale corticolimbic networks. High-frequency neuronal synchrony may
cortical and subcortical networks may be impaired in two ways: On operate as a binding mechanism for establishing and maintaining
the one hand, there may be a deficient synaptic connectivity be- the large-scale coordinated activity that is essential for several as-
tween neurons, and on the other hand, there may be deficits in ax- pects of perception, cognition, and social behavior. A disruption of
onal transmission in these large-scale networks. Moreover, abnor- mechanisms related to the establishment of these networks might
malities in different types of inhibitory GABAergic interneurons be at the basis of schizophrenia, promoting instability of these dy-
in different areas of the brain (e.g., corticolimbic circuitry) have namic ensembles. In our view, more than a disease of the social
been described (Benes & Berretta 2001). These neurons may be brain, schizophrenia is a disease of general connectivity, which is
critical for the maintenance of reverberatory circuits in large-scale reflected in an impairment of integrative processes in perception,
networks (Freund 2003), which would support the concept of a cognition, and social behavior.
general disconnection syndrome in schizophrenia. As a conse-
quence, a failure in the implementation of large-scale networks in- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
volving corticocortical and corticosubcortical circuits might pro- Part of the work referred to in this commentary was financed by the Mil-
vide a general mechanism that impairs not only circuits related to lenium Nucleus for Integrative Neuroscience. Conrado Bosman is sup-
social behavior but also circuits involved in other higher cognitive ported by MECESUP PUC0005 and PG 31-03 (School of Medicine,
functions. Catholic University of Chile).
In this context, the question arises of how the connectivity of
these large-scale networks works in the generation of higher cog-
nitive functions. Phillips and Silverstein (2003) raise an interest-
ing possibility. They define this process as “cognitive coordination”
and point to the idea of a regulation of perceptual mechanisms by
cognitive functions such as working memory and attention, which
permits the integration and contextualization of perceptual infor-
mation. These processes may be integrated by the action of neu-
rons belonging to anteroposterior large-scale corticocortical net-
works. The exact nature of this regulatory mechanism is under
discussion, but there is growing evidence supporting the hypoth-
esis of integration by means of neuronal synchrony (Engel et al.
2001). Synchronic, oscillatory neural activity is observed at multi-
ple spatial scales (from neuron-to-neuron communication to


Commentary/Burns: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

Understanding the symptoms of echopraxia, echolalia, and automatic obedience, as well as mitge-
“schizophrenia” in evolutionary terms hen and mitmachen (Brüne 2004a). To my knowledge this hy-
pothesis has not yet been empirically tested.
Martin Brüne Third, there is a more serious problem with evolutionary hy-
Centre for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Bochum, 44791 potheses of schizophrenia in general. It follows from what I have
Bochum, Germany. martin.bruene@ruhr-uni-bochum.de outlined above – in line with Burns’ proposal – that a symptom or
syndrome-based approach to psychosis in evolutionary perspec-
Abstract: An evolutionary theory of schizophrenia needs to address all tive is crucial to the understanding of schizophrenia. According to
symptoms associated with the condition. Burns’ framework could be ex- Bentall et al. (1988), however, not a single one sign or symptom
tended in a way embracing behavioural signs such as catatonia. Burns’ the- exists that is specific or pathognomonic to schizophrenia. Al-
ory is, however, not specific to schizophrenia. Since no one single symp- though it has been suggested that the prevalence rate of “core
tom exists that is pathognomonic for “schizophrenia,” an evolutionary schizophrenia” is cross-culturally similar (Jablensky 2000) and
proposal of psychiatric disorders raises the question whether our anachro- thus relatively independent of environmental influences (which
nistic psychiatric nosology warrants revision. would support a common origin of the disorder), we simply do not
know whether schizophrenia or its subtypes represent true “dis-
Burns’ “social brain” hypothesis of schizophrenia sets up new stan- ease entities,” or, as Burton-Bradley (1990) once put it, whether
dards of evolutionary thinking in psychiatry by integrating evolu- our diagnostic system is too narrow for a valid cross-cultural com-
tionary ontogeny, cerebral connectivity, psychopathology, and parison. The assertion of cross-culturally similar prevalence rates
molecular genetics. A couple of additional issues relating to a pos- of schizophrenia is, however, vital for every evolutionary hypoth-
sible evolutionary background of schizophrenia are worth men- esis that argues for compensatory advantages in heterozygous
tioning. gene carriers, regardless whether favouring a pleiotropy model, as
Firstly, referring to Burns’ pleiotropy model of schizophrenia, Burns does, or a single mutation model like Crow’s (1995b).
it is by no means clear that the alleged adaptive advantage of het- Burns’ social brain theory of schizophrenia implicitly assumes that
erozygous carriers of genes predisposing to schizophrenia would schizophrenia is a useful concept in cross-cultural perspective. On
lie within the realm of the nervous system (i.e., cognition, emo- the other hand, I am wondering whether it is specific enough to
tion, behaviour). Huxley et al.’s (1964) proposal, for example, orig- schizophrenia. Functional impairments of social brain connectiv-
inally suggested that such an advantage could also be unrelated to ity have similarly been described in bipolar affective disorder and
the CNS. This possibility has been discussed in relation to other in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Brain imaging studies in
genetically transmitted diseases that primarily affect the nervous OCD, for example, have revealed an increased metabolism or re-
system, such as Tay-Sachs disease and Huntington’s disease (Poli- gional blood flow in the orbitofrontal cortex, the anterior cingu-
meni & Reiss 2003). With respect to schizophrenia, Yovel et al. late, the basal ganglia, and the thalamus (Saxena & Rauch 2000).
(2000) have shown a greater activity of natural killer cells in pa- Furthermore, in a functional brain imaging study using a symp-
tients with schizophrenia, a finding that could buttress earlier hy- tom provocation paradigm in patients with OCD, Breiter et al.
potheses of a greater resistance in schizophrenic patients and their (1996) found a significant bilateral activation of the anterior and
relatives against infectious diseases, and therefore deserves fur- posterior orbital gyri, the superior, middle, and inferior frontal
ther consideration. gyri, the anterior cingulate cortices, the temporal cortices, the
Secondly, an evolutionary theory of schizophrenia ought to ac- right caudate and left lenticulate, as well as in the left insula and
count for all possible symptoms associated with the condition. bilateral amygdala – precisely those brain structures which Burns
Whereas most evolutionary hypotheses, including Burns’ theory, identifies as being involved in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia.
focus on Schneiderian first-rank symptoms such as thought inser- I am tempted to say that virtually all psychiatric disorders fall
tion, thought withdrawal, or delusions of mind-reading, they rel- into the category of “social brain disorders.” If we as clinicians
atively neglect psychomotor symptoms – for example, catatonia. would dare abandon the anachronistic psychiatric nosology (this is
Burns rightly highlights the putative role of so-called spindle cells what we already do in clinical practice, e.g., regarding psy-
located in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) that only recently chopharmacological treatment), Burns’ framework of social brain
emerged in the great apes and humans but have been found ab- evolution could be a significant contribution to an empirically
sent in lesser monkeys (Nimchinsky et al. 1999). Although the ex- testable evolutionary conceptualisation of the dimensions of psy-
act function of spindle cells is not known, they are probably in- chiatric disorders.
volved in complex tasks of motor control and control of cognitive
impulsivity. Bilateral lesions of the ACC, on the other hand, lead
to akinetic mutism and insufficient suppression of automatic sub-
routines (Paus 2001). These pathologies strikingly resemble cata-
tonic symptoms such as stupor, mutism, and stereotypies (Brüne
Language and asymmetry versus the social
2004a). In extension to Burns’ theory, a second cell type found in brain – where are the testable predictions?
the prefrontal and temporal cortex in primates’ brain areas that
constitute parts of the social brain may shed further light on the T. J. Crow
origin of catatonic symptoms. Rizzolatti and coworkers (Rizzolatti SANE POWIC, Warneford Hospital, Oxford OX3 7JX, England.
& Arbib 1998; Rizzolatti et al. 2002) have described what they
have called “mirror neurons” located in the ventral premotor cor-
tex of monkeys. These cells have also been found in Broca’s area
Abstract: I agree with Burns that an evolutionary theory is required, but
and the superior temporal sulcus in humans. Their functional sig- I question his multifactorial premise. The arguments for an evolutionary
nificance clearly lies within the social domain: they are selectively theory are stronger, and one that is more precise than that presented by
active when observing hand and mouth movements in con- Burns has already been formulated. This theory, that schizophrenia is “the
specifics and when imitating the observed behaviour (Rizzolatti & price that Homo sapiens pays for language,” (Crow 1997a; 2000b, 2004c),
Arbib 1998). The existence of mirror neurons in Broca’s area of generates testable predictions absent from Burns’ presentation.
the human brain has fuelled the hypothesis that human language
evolved in the first place from gestural communication, and that I concluded that an evolutionary explanation was necessary when
the human Brodmann area 44 is also involved in action under- I convinced myself (Crow 1984) that the theory that schizophre-
standing and imitation (Rizzolatti et al. 2002). I have specu- nia is due to the spread of a slow virus between genetically pre-
lated elsewhere that a disinhibition of mirror neuron activity could disposed individuals (Crow 1983) was wrong (for data and argu-
be involved in a subset of catatonic echo phenomena, namely ment see Crow & Done [1986]. Not only is there no evidence for


Commentary/Burns: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

an exogenous virus as an aetiological agent, but there is no sub- change eg an undated paracentric inversion. Within the region a
stantive evidence for any other environmental precipitant (e.g., gene pair (Protocadherin X and Y – PCDHX and PCDHY) is ex-
Crow 1995a; 2000a). Only when this is apparent is one forced to pressed in both forms in the human brain, including (at least for
consider an evolutionary explanation. But Burns does not exclude PCDHX) the germinal cell layer of the cerebral cortex (Priddle et
an environmental influence. In his abstract he refers to schizo- al. 2002). The gene pair codes for cell surface adhesion (trans-
phrenia as “multifactorial but highly genetic” and writes “sequen- membrane) molecules that may act as axonal guidance signals. In
tial hypermorphosis . . . rendered the hominid brain vulnerable to comparisons with the sequence of the X linked gene (Pcdhx) in
genetic and environmental insults.” He nowhere tells us what the great apes, the ectodomain of PCDHX and the cytodomain of
these “multifactors,” other than genetic, or “environmental in- PCDHY have been shown to be under positive selection – that is,
sults,” are, and he thereby fails to constrain his thinking about the selection for change – in hominid evolution (Crow & Williams
nature of the brain changes and their genetic basis. 2004). These genes are in a new situation with respect to protec-
I missed reference to Huxley et al. (1964), who drew attention tion from X inactivation, and thus, gene expression (Crow 2002a).
to the paradox that schizophrenia is apparently genetic but asso- The PCDHX/Y gene pair is a candidate mechanism for the evo-
ciated with a fecundity disadvantage. The first two authors, lution of cerebral dominance and the origins of language, itself a
Huxley and Mayr, are distinguished “architects of the modern evo- problem for the classical gradualist account of speciation (Crow
lutionary synthesis.” But the answer they gave – that the disad- 2002b; Maynard-Smith & Szathmary 1995). My argument, there-
vantage of schizophrenia is balanced by an advantage to the af- fore, is that the language/asymmetry theory of the origins of
fected individual of resistance to wound shock or stress – is psychosis raises questions for evolutionary theory and generates
obviously in error, as Kuttner et al. (1967) were quick to point out. predictions testable in brain structure and function, and their re-
It makes more sense to suppose that the advantage of the gene, lationship to chromosomal and genetic changes that are known to
whether to close relatives or to the population as a whole, relates have taken place in the hominid lineage. Unless it is more pre-
to a human psychological characteristic. Kuttner et al. listed three cisely formulated, the theory that schizophrenia is a disorder of
– intelligence, the capacity for complex social interactions, and the social brain leads to no such predictions.
language – and opted for the second, as does Burns in his use of
the theory of mind concept.
I have discussed the concepts of “Machiavellian intelligence”
and the “social brain” as precursors in primate evolution relevant
to psychosis (Crow 1991; 1993b) but particularly since 1995 I have Threat, safeness, and schizophrenia: Hidden
believed that Kuttner et al.’s third option – that the balancing ad- issues in an evolutionary story
vantage is language – generates a more precise and heuristic evo-
lutionary theory (Crow 1993a; 1995d; 1996a). From this perspec- Paul Gilbert
tive I see Burns’ theory as deficient in three areas: Mental Health Research Unit, Kingsway Hospital, Derby DE22 3LZ, United
1. It provides no explanation of the cortical changes. Accord- Kingdom. p.gilbert@derby.ac.uk
ing to the language/asymmetry concept these are anomalies of de-
velopment of the sapiens-specific “torque” from right frontal to Abstract: There is evidence that people with schizophrenia have difficul-
left occipital (Crow 1990a; 1997b; 2004d; Crow et al. 1989; Esiri ties in some (recently evolved) competencies for processing social infor-
mation. However, a case can be made that vulnerabilities can also lie in
& Crow 2002). Burns writes of “dysconnectivity”; but dysconnec- (previously evolved) threat and safeness processing systems. Evolutionary
tivity of what, and why? His Table 1 lists 19 putative neuropatho- models may need to consider interactions between genetic sensitivities,
logical features of schizophrenia. I suspect that many are not ro- early experiences of threat/safeness, and later cognitive vulnerabilities.
bust (for a review of post-mortem findings see Esiri & Crow 2002). Psychological treatments must address issues of experienced threat and
Which does Burns regard as primary? safeness before working on more cognitive competencies.
2. It provides no explanation of the nuclear symptoms. Ac-
cording to the language/asymmetry hypothesis, thoughts spoken Burns has provided a breathtaking overview of a vast literature.
aloud and running commentary voices are activated neural en- He attempts to identify the evolved origins and phenotypes for
grams misidentified as the phonemes of perceived speech (i.e., re- dispositions to schizophrenia, and their linkage to specific func-
lating to Wernicke’s area and its nondominant homologue), while tional brain circuits and psychological symptoms. There are, of
thought insertion, withdrawal, and broadcast are anomalies of the course, concerns with the concept itself, being highly heteroge-
transition from thought to speech production (relating to neural neous in presentation, course, and treatment response (Bental
transmission from right to left frontal, including Broca’s area 2003). Linking genes to phenotypic outcomes is also difficult and
[Crow 1997a; 1998b; 2004c]). many researchers hold to some model of stress-vulnerability or
3. It generates no genetic predictions. In section 9.2, Burns protection interaction. For example, monkeys with the short ver-
lists ten genes that either “cannot be excluded” or “might be im- sion of the 5-HT transport gene are highly reactive to early stresses
plicated” (para. 2), but nowhere discusses how abnormal structure and vulnerable to anxiety, depression, and aggression. However,
or function of any one of these genes follows from his theory, or Suomi (1997; 1999) has shown that if “at risk” infants are cross-
how any such prediction (were it to be made) is to be tested. fostered to highly responsive mothers, their developmental out-
By contrast, the language/asymmetry theory is based on the comes can be significantly altered; these monkeys can do excep-
premise that the torque is the characteristic that defines the hu- tionally well in their groups. Early developed phenotypes can
man brain (the Broca-Annett axiom – for a critique of the evi- influence a variety of processes, such as sensitivity to specific
dence for directional asymmetry in other primates which Burns stressors, creating social stressors, (e.g., relational breakup due to
relies on, see Crow 1998c; 2003; 2004a; 2004b) and predicts that poor bonding skills), symptom formation, coping responses, and
the genetic variation relating to psychosis accounts for the varia- treatment response. Burns navigates around these difficulties and
tions in cortical structure. From evidence relating to sex chromo- focuses on evolved, genetically mediated processes (such as
some aneuploidies, I predicted (Crow 1994) a gene for asymme- changes in neuronal interconnectivity, the emergence of the
try in a region of homology between the X and Y chromosomes, frontal cortex, and the organisation/interaction of cortical and lim-
and an association within families between sex and handedness bic systems) that have given rise to our complex abilities for “self
(Corballis et al. 1996). The Xq21.3/Yp region of homology created and other” cognitions.
by a duplicative transposition at 3mya (a candidate for the Aus- While Burns does a good job in illuminating how these (top-
tralopithecus-Homo transition) from the long arm of the X to the down) social-cognitive competencies may be involved in schizo-
short arm of the Y generated genetic change relevant to human phrenia, it may also be useful to consider bottom-up processes
characteristics, and this region has been subject to subsequent that can have multiple effects on the subsequent development of


Commentary/Burns: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

cognitive-affective competencies. There is now good evidence Schizophrenia: A benign trait

that humans process information through at least two pathways;
one is the route that Burns focuses on. It is relatively slow and cor- Valerie Gray Hardcastle
tically focused, and it involves symbolic processing. The other Department of Science and Technology in Society, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg,
route is far older. It operates through thalamic and amygdala tracts VA 24061-0247. valerie@vt.edu http://mind.phil.vt.edu
(LeDoux 1998), is preconscious and is the basis for automatic pro-
cessing (Bargh & Chartland 1999) and emotional reasoning (Haidt Abstract: While schizophrenia may be genetically determined up to a
2001). This limbic-based system is key to rapid judgments of point, neither it nor its nearest relatives offer any sort of reproductive ad-
threat versus safeness, and can then recruit cognitive processes “to vantage to its sufferers. Instead, from an evolutionary point of view, schiz-
fit” and explain an emotion (Gilbert 1989; 1992; Haidt 2001). One ophrenia is benign – it neither promotes nor inhibits survival to repro-
cannot rule out the possibility therefore that (gene-linked) prob- duction. Because it is benign, its rate of occurrence should remain fairly
lems in these systems (e.g., people are shifted to threat- rather constant over time.
than safeness-processing in early life and have difficulties in feel-
ing safe when with others) have effects on subsequent maturation Let us assume that everything Burns said about the evolution of
of frontal cortical processing systems. There is increasing evidence the human brain being one of progressive demodularization is cor-
that early experience does influence cortical maturation and the rect. Further, let us assume that demodularization coupled with
regulating pathways between cortex and limbic system (Saplosky increased neural complexity and connectivity produces an organ
2000; Schore 2001), with genes also influencing the specific, more vulnerable to insult, injury, and disease. Finally, let us as-
emergent choreographies of experience with neuronal network- sume that developmental diseases can have a cascading effect
ing. Early vulnerability may emerge from a lack of felt safeness, across the human brain, so that one rather minor glitch has the
marked by low positive affect, poor sooth-ability, and social disen- potential to wreak devastation across many regions. All of these
gagement; and later, low social confidence and fear of others. are points that Burns skillfully and persuasively argues for in the
Threat processing systems (rather than safeness creation and af- text. The question I want to examine is whether these claims are
filiation) seem to dominate signal interpretation and role forma- enough to support the conclusion that schizophrenia is a heritable
tion (Gilbert 1993). This is supported in Burns’ review on the link trait that has been maintained at a relatively constant level in our
between amygdala processing and frontal cortex regulation. Phe- population for centuries because it is linked to other genes that of-
notypic variations in threat sensitivity (related partly to sensitivi- fer a selective advantage. I believe that they are not.
ties in the amydala), may exist within the general population, but I am willing to concede that schizophrenia has a genetic com-
such sensitivities may become more extreme because of the fur- ponent, though environment certainly plays a large role in its eti-
ther impact of traum, threat, and lack of safeness. Our abilities to ology. How are we to explain the fact that approximately 1% of the
learn about others, mature a theory of mind, and be able to ex- human population, across cultures and time, is schizophrenic? If
plore our own minds, may depend on at least some modicum of schizophrenia were just an overwhelming and ruinous mental dis-
safeness, that allows (affiliative) interactions for learning. order, than surely it would have been weeded out over evolution-
There is increasing evidence that a sizable subgroup of people ary history, for many schizophrenics are incapable of caring for
suffering from this disorder have been traumatised in various ways themselves, much less reproducing successfully. The conclusion
and suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder (Neria et al. 2002; that Burns draws is that there must be something about schizo-
Resnick et al. 2003). While major traumas, including various forms phrenia – or something about what schizophrenia is tied to – that
of abuse, may interact with genetic vulnerabilities, there are a host confers an evolutionary advantage.
of other ways that children can grow up in a climate of high threat Burns argues that (1) our social brain is advantageous; (2) genes
and low safeness. Birchwood and Chadwick (1997) have shown for schizophrenia predate our evolution into hominids (though
that voice-hearers usually experience their voices as omnipotent, they likely weren’t expressed as such before our cortex developed
powerful, and dominating. Moreover, the more subordinate a per- such complexity); and (3) genes for schizophrenia are closely tied
son feels to others in general in their every day lives, the more sub- to the neuroregulatory genes that facilitate our brain develop-
ordinate does the person feel to their voice(s) (Birchwood et al. ment. Therefore, he concludes, genes for schizophrenia piggy-
2000), and of course malevolent voices are also repetitive threat back on the neuroregulatory genes such that if both are present,
signals (Gilbert et al. 2001). then both are inherited.
People may generate hostile voices using similar processing sys- Let me suggest that there is a problem with this argument, even
tems for simulating and predicting the social behaviour of others, if we agree to all of Burns’ premises. Consider two obvious facts.
and for simulating, thinking about, and understanding self-gener- First, not everyone has genes for schizophrenia – or even some
ated thoughts and intentions (Gilbert 2000). Thus, for example, sort of schizotypal trait. Second, according to Burns, those with
when people feel ashamed, they are self-critical and engage in the schizophrenia are less likely to reproduce than those without. If
same type of self-talk (e.g., I am useless, ugly, a pervert) as would these premises are true, and Burns seems to believe that they are,
another person who sought to shame them might (e.g., you are then, over time, the carriers of the schizophrenia genes would re-
useless, ugly, a pervert). They may cue emotional memories of produce less than those who don’t carry the gene. Hence, over
others who have shamed them and where they have internalised time, the incidence of schizophrenia should decrease and ulti-
these judgements of the self (e.g., “they think I am useless there- mately disappear altogether.
fore I am useless”; Gilbert 2003). The only way that rates of schizophrenia could remain constant
Many forms of cognitive therapy focus on threat-filled cogni- is if schizophrenia or one of its neighboring traits offered some sort
tions related to evaluations of other people’s intentions, or the of evolutionary advantage that offsets the reproductive disadvan-
source, power, and origins of internal voices (Byrne et al. 2003; tage of full-blown schizophrenia. In this case, schizophrenia would
Morrison 2002). Helping people with feelings of shame or stigma be something like sickle-cell anemia: carriers of the partial disease
for this disorder itself, fear of the disorder, and grief, can be ma- would be fitter than normals, which could compensate for the de-
jor interventions. Any coherent model of psychosis and psychotic creased fitness of those with the disease proper.
phenomena must therefore direct attention not only to various so- But, as Burns points out, we have no way of making that argu-
cial cognitive processing difficulties but also to the origins and or- ment, for there doesn’t seem to be any reproductive advantage
ganisation of threat and safeness processing located in old brain given to schizoptypal individuals.
systems. Trying to build relationships in which a person can feel So, then, how are we to explain schizophrenia’s constancy across
safe may be one of the most salient of interventions for people with time and cultures? If it does not convey a reproductive advantage,
this distressing disorder. then why didn’t natural selection weed it out long ago? Let me
suggest an alternative analogy in explanation. Schizophrenia is not


Commentary/Burns: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

like sickle-cell anemia. Rather, it is like Huntington’s Chorea, an- other speakers. That persons with schizophrenia often attribute
other genetic disease; but this one kills its victims after destroying language events with these features to other speakers therefore
their brains. Huntington’s Chorea has managed to survive over suggests the intactness of at least some experience-based infer-
evolutionary history because its symptoms don’t present them- ences that differentiate self versus nonself agency.
selves until the victim is middle-aged, long after he or she has al- On the other hand, the neurobiological basis for schizophrenia
ready reproduced. proposed by Burns (namely, disrupted functional connectivity in
I submit that schizophrenia is very similar. Although its symp- the brain) is consistent with our research on auditory hallucina-
toms are often visible earlier, the average age of the psychotic tions. Computer simulations of parallel-processing neural net-
break associated with schizophrenia is early twenties. For most of works have demonstrated that eliminating connections based on
our history, we would have already reproduced by then. Hence, “Darwinian” principles (pruning connections that are functionally
like Huntington’s Chorea, schizophrenia strikes after it could the weakest) produces attractor states that intrude into informa-
make any evolutionary difference at all. From the perspective of tion processing (Hoffman & Dobscha 1989; Hoffman & Mc-
evolutionary history, schizophrenia would then be a benign trait, Glashan 1997). Complexity and flexibility of neural responses un-
neither enhancing nor curtailing survival to reproduction. It is der these conditions are reduced, and spurious outputs are
only from the perspective of recent modern times, in which we re- produced in the any absence of sensory inputs, thus simulating
produce so much later than we ever have before, that schizophre- hallucinated voices (Hoffman & McGlashan 1997). Such outputs,
nia decreases fitness. For most of our history, it hasn’t. Hence, for if generated by actual human speech perception networks, could
most of our history, its rate of occurrence has remained constant. be cast in the speaking voices of other speakers and experienced
as alien and unintended. A model of auditory hallucinations con-
sidered as autonomous outputs of speech perception neurocir-
cuitry does not require postulation of specific breakdown of the-
ory of mind capacities.
Auditory hallucinations, network connectivity, Consistent with a speech perception neurocircuitry activation
and schizophrenia model of voices is recent fMRI work by our group. These data
demonstrate activation of subregions of the superior temporal
Ralph E. Hoffman,a Michelle Hampson,b Maxine Varanko,a gyrus (STG) and Broca’s area during auditory hallucination peri-
and Thomas H. McGlashana ods that overlaps with activation elicited by listening to external
aDepartment of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, Yale-New speech in the same patients (Hoffman et al., in preparation; see
Haven Psychiatric Hospital, New Haven, CT 06519; bDepartment of also Dierks et al. 1999). We also have detected activation unique
Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven CT to hallucination periods in the anterior cingulate and prefrontal
06520-8043. ralph.hoffman@yale.edu michelle.hampson@yale.edu cortex that involve neurocircuitry implicated in theory of mind
maxine.varnako@yale.edu thomas.mcglashan@yale.edu processes, per Burns’ discussion. Therefore, our fMRI data do
suggest involvement of higher-order neurocognitive processes.
Abstract: Multidisciplinary studies indicate that auditory hallucinations However, direction of causality is unclear. Cingulate activation
may arise from speech perception neurocircuitry without disrupted the- could, for example, arise from attentional/arousal shifts due to in-
ory of mind capacities. Computer simulations of excessive pruning in
speech perception neural networks provide a model for these hallucina-
trusion of hallucinated speech percepts.
tions and demonstrate that connectivity reductions just below a “psy- The aforementioned computer simulation studies demon-
chotogenic threshold” enhance information processing. These data sug- strated a second unexpected finding that led us to evolutionary
gest a process whereby vulnerability to schizophrenia is maintained in the speculations relevant to the model described by Burns. Darwin-
human population despite reproductive disadvantages of this illness. ian pruning of networks to levels just below the “psychotogenic
threshold” actually enhanced network performance in detecting
Burns proposes an evolutionary model of schizophrenia based on linguistic meaning (Hoffman & McGlashan 1997). Burns asserts
impaired theory of mind abilities that provides an interesting that the basic mechanisms causing schizophrenia are not in them-
framework in which to consider this disorder. Below we consider selves adaptive. Instead, the persistence of this disorder, which is
one prominent manifestation of schizophrenia that does not read- known to produce distinct reproductive disadvantages, is due to
ily fit Burns’ explanatory model of schizophrenia: auditory hallu- linkage between vulnerability loci (presumably generating con-
cinations, or voices. nectivity loss) and other adaptive loci that enhance function of the
Auditory hallucinations reflect the misidentification of self-gen- social brain. In contrast, our neural network findings highlight in-
erated language as spoken speech arising from some nonself formation-processing enhancements due to connectivity reduc-
agency. Burns argues that if our brains hadn’t evolved a capacity tions themselves and suggest that schizophrenia is an extension of
to infer intentions of others, there would be no vulnerability for this ubiquitous neurodevelopmental process. Consequently, we
hallucinated voices, because there could be no attribution of alien, have hypothesized that there has been and may continue to be an
nonself willfulness. He therefore posits that disruptions in theory adaptive advantage to robust network pruning which enhances
of mind cause these hallucinations. Our research challenges this cognitive functioning until it pushes up against a psychotogenic
view. threshold (McGlashan & Hoffman 2000). In this model, higher
We are conducting a phenomenological study to determine levels of pruning are selected over generations, with only the small
what factors prompt individual patients to differentiate their number of individuals at the highest end of the “pruning” curve
voices from their ordinary verbal thoughts. Most commonly, pa- suffering from frank breakdowns in cortical integration, induction
tients rely on three factors: (1) the voice actually sounds like an- of spurious attractors, and perceptual impairments.
other speaker with distinct, recognizable acoustic characteristics Burns rejects such ideas, because they seem to force the view
(e.g., low pitched, growling male voice); (2) the verbal content of that schizotypal individuals (who carry genes for schizophrenia
the hallucination – which is often vulgar, aggressive, or self-criti- but do not suffer from overt illness) should demonstrate some re-
cal – is not characteristic of their ordinary verbal thoughts; and (3) productive advantage. We concur with Burns that there is little ev-
voices are experienced as occurring outside of their own willful idence that individuals with attenuated forms of the schizophrenic
control. These preliminary data suggest that the otherness attri- phenotype are more fertile. However, there is good statistical ev-
bution of voices arise from inferences about the mind that are ac- idence to suggest that schizophrenia arises primarily from 2–3
tually reasonable. Unintended speech percepts sounding like an- gene epistasis, where multiple distinct susceptibility alleles inter-
other speaker saying things that one ordinarily does not say to act to produce illness risk (Risch 1990). If so, schizotypal individ-
one’s self are common occurrences for all of us – they occur gen- uals in the population could be those who carry “at-risk” combi-
erally when we perceive ordinary utterances produced by actual nations of susceptibility alleles but who have not converted to


Commentary/Burns: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

overt schizophrenia – such cases must occur, since monozygotic at fixation in the population along with the adaptive alleles, which
twin concordance of overt schizophrenia is often observed to be offers no explanation for genetic differences predisposing to schiz-
less than 50%. In these cases reproductive fitness may be normal ophrenia.
or somewhat subnormal. In contrast, carriers of single suscepti- The more likely (allelic) interpretation of Burns’ pleiotropic
bility alleles – which could be relatively numerous and benign in model is that alleles that today predispose to schizophrenia were
the general population (to produce rates of gene-gene combina- at high frequencies prior to modern Homo sapiens and became
tions high enough to sustain population rates of schizophrenia on malignant only in the context of novel brain changes that occurred
the order of 1%) could still demonstrate modest levels of en- around 100,000 years ago. However, this explanation also fails to
hanced reproductive fitness sufficient to sustain vulnerability for account for the persistence of susceptibility alleles into the pre-
schizophrenia in the general population). In short, the absence of sent day. If the susceptibility alleles reduced fitness following
a reproductive advantage for schizotypal individuals is not defini- these changes, as Burns suggests, they should have long since gone
tive evidence of the absence of some reproductive advantage for extinct. For example, assume that one particularly common sus-
other non-ill carriers of susceptibility alleles for schizophrenia. ceptibility allele was at a frequency of 50% 100,000 years (~5,000
generations) ago, which caused a 1% reduction in fitness among
carriers after the putative brain changes. A simple recursive equa-
tion2 shows that selection will have reduced the frequencies of
Evolutionary theories of schizophrenia such a susceptibility allele to very low levels (105) by the pre-
sent day. Thus, Burns’ pleiotropic model of selection does not
must ultimately explain the genes that seem to offer insight into the existence of susceptibility alleles.
predispose to it There is another alternative, one that Burns considers briefly
but then dismisses, that might help explain the existence of schiz-
Matthew C. Keller ophrenia susceptibility alleles: mutation-selection balance. Al-
Center for Society and Genetics, University of California – Los Angeles, Los though at times dismissed as a minor factor in maintaining genetic
Angeles, CA, 90095-1405. matthew.c.keller@gmail.com
variation in traits important to fitness, mutation-selection has en-
joyed a resurgence among evolutionary geneticists in the past 20
years (Charlesworth 1987; Houle 1992; Houle et al. 1996; Hughes
Abstract: If alleles that predispose to schizophrenia have reduced Dar-
winian fitness, their persistence in modern times is puzzling. Burns iden-
& Burleson 2000). In mutation-selection models, maladaptive al-
tifies the evolutionary genetics of schizophrenia as a central issue, but his leles are maintained at an equilibrium that results from their in-
treatment of it is not clear. Recent advances in evolutionary genetics can troduction via mutation and their eventual removal (usually many
help explain the persistence of alleles that predispose to debilitating dis- generations later) via selection. Given that mutation rates per lo-
orders such as schizophrenia, and can buttress Burns’ core argument. cus are very low (~105), mutation-selection might seem to play
a commensurately minor role in maintaining genetic variation, but
Burns provides an evolutionary account for schizophrenia that in- recent empirical evidence suggests otherwise (e.g., Houle et al.
tegrates advances in cognitive neuroscience with theories of hu- 1996). The key insight, championed by Houle, is that “downstream
man psychological evolution. In support of his theory that selec- traits,” those that are affected by many biological processes, have
tion for increased social reasoning ability has placed humans at very high trait-level mutation rates, because downstream traits
risk for schizophrenia, Burns presents data suggesting that abnor- subsume a large number of loci. To the degree that many loci
mal development in social brain networks plays a role in schizo- are involved in schizophrenia, mutation-selection balance may
phrenia. While Burns’ theory is commendable for its scope and in- provide an explanation for a substantial portion of susceptibility al-
novation, its treatment of the evolution of the genetic basis of leles. Burns’ explanation for schizophrenia – that neural connec-
schizophrenia is unsatisfactory for many reasons. This commen- tivity associated with the evolution of the social brain placed hu-
tary focuses on this central issue, critiquing Burns’ views and for- mans at risk for schizophrenia – can be seen as consistent with a
warding alternatives that are better grounded in modern evolu- mutation-selection model: Because social cognition requires the
tionary genetics. These alternatives might actually strengthen interrelationship of many different processes, it is vulnerable to
Burns’ core hypothesis. genetic perturbations arising from recurrent mutations in a large
Schizophrenia is highly heritable (h2 ~ .80; National Institute of number of loci.
Mental Health 1999), meaning that genetic differences (differ- A second common explanation for genetic variation is balanc-
ences in alleles1) between people are responsible for most of the ing selection, such as antagonistic pleiotropy, overdominance, or
risk of developing the disorder. The lack of progress in identifying frequency-dependent selection. In balancing selection models,
alleles that predispose to schizophrenia (hereafter referred to as two or more alternative alleles are maintained at relatively high
susceptibility alleles) make it clear that schizophrenia is under- frequencies at equilibrium because their marginal fitness effects
scored by many loci and numerous alleles of small effect, although are equal to each other. Applied to schizophrenia, this would im-
their exact numbers remain unknown. An evolutionary account of ply that susceptibility alleles have the same fitness, on average, as
schizophrenia must explain this genetic variation. Why do suscep- no-susceptibility alleles, which seems unlikely given that schizo-
tibility alleles persist? phrenia shows reduced fitness in modern populations (Markow &
Burns’ preferred explanation for the genetics of schizophrenia, Gottesman 1994). Such evidence does not necessarily preclude
the “pleiotropic model of selection,” in which “maladaptive genes balancing selection as an explanation of schizophrenia, however.
are associated with adaptive genes,” can be interpreted in one of First, modern fitness effects can differ from ancestral ones. And
two ways. This ambiguity stems from the unclear usage of “genes” second, a small number of susceptibility alleles may be beneficial
in the paper, which can be interpreted to mean either “loci” or “al- (perhaps improving creativity, as mentioned in Burns’ article),
leles.” If “loci” was the intended meaning, the model suggests that while too many may be maladaptive. Models have shown that this
loci shared by all humans (or equivalently, all the alleles at these latter possibility, which is a form of antagonistic pleiotropy, is un-
loci) became malignant in the context of novel brain changes. This likely to account for much genetic variation (Hedrick 1999; Prout
explanation fails to explain genetic variation in schizophrenia sus- 1999). Nevertheless, balancing selection cannot be ruled out in
ceptibility, however. Given that all people share the same loci, all general as an explanation for the existence of some proportion of
people should be at equal risk for developing schizophrenia, which susceptibility alleles.
tells us nothing about the origins of genetic differences in schizo- In summary, Burns’ theory does not explain one of the central
phrenia susceptibility between people. Similarly, if susceptibility paradoxes of schizophrenia: its genetic variation. However, the
alleles “hitchhiked” alongside adaptive alleles due to physical core of his argument – that the evolution of social cognition has
proximity on the chromosome, the susceptibility alleles would be placed the human brain at risk for schizophrenia – is not incon-


Commentary/Burns: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

sistent with modern accounts explaining genetic variation. I sug- for complex polygenic traits may clarify these ambiguities and pro-
gest that Burns’ theory could be substantially strengthened by in- vide a crucial piece of the puzzle. For most traits with some vari-
tegrating his insights with recent advances from evolutionary ge- ation, such as height or kidney size, fitness falls off in something
netics. like a normal distribution on either side of the optimum level for
the trait, which is usually near the actual mean. For other traits,
however, fitness increases as the trait increases up to a “cliff-edge”
NOTES beyond which fitness falls off precipitously (see Fig. 1). This was
1. “Allele” is used broadly here to include not only genetic variants in first described as a possible explanation for the tendency of some
the protein-coding regions within loci, but also genetic variants in the reg-
ulatory regions that surround loci.
birds to lay fewer than the apparently optimal number of eggs,
2. In a large, randomly breeding population, the expected frequency perhaps to avoid the risk of all the offspring dying if food supplies
(q) for the susceptibility allele after one generation of selection is given proved insufficient (Mountford 1968). Race horses are another ex-
by the recursive equation ample: Breeding has resulted in longer and thinner leg bones that
increase running speed but are vulnerable to catastrophic failure,
q 2 w2 + pqw1 as is tragically obvious to race fans who see a champion put down
q′ = after breaking a leg. We humans have uric acid levels much higher
p + 2 pqw1 + q 2 w2
than those of other primates, probably because it protects against
oxidative tissue damage. This is a great boon for most members of
where q is the frequency of the susceptibility allele before selection, p is
the frequency of all other alleles at that locus before selection, and w1 and
a long-lived species, but the levels are so high that crystals of uric
w2 are the fitnesses of those carrying one or two susceptibility alleles, re- acid precipitate in the joints and cause gout in a few unfortunate
spectively, relative to those carrying no susceptibility alleles. (MATLAB individuals (Nesse & Williams 1994). Both of these examples are
script iterating this equation available from the author on request.) specific trade-offs that result in vulnerability to disease; speed ver-
sus fragile bones for horses and slower aging versus the risk of gout
for humans. Such trade-offs seem very close to those Burns sug-
Cliff-edged fitness functions and the A fitness cliff model could potentially explain the core dilemma
of psychiatric genetics. The high heritability of the serious mental
persistence of schizophrenia disorders and their severe effects on fitness initially spurred hopes
that we would find the causes in a few defective genes, or perhaps
Randolph M. Nesse
specific genes with pleiotropic benefits. However, there is little
Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology, The University of Michigan, Ann
evidence for reproductive benefits associated with having genes
Arbor, MI 48104. nesse@umich.edu
for major mental disorders (with the possible exception of mania)
and growing evidence suggests that these disorders result from the
Abstract: Strong recent selection for social cognition may well explain the
effects of many genes, none of which explains even 5% of the vari-
persistence of genes that predispose to schizophrenia. The specific mech- ance. These findings, although somewhat unwelcome, are exactly
anism responsible may be a skewed fitness function in which selection what a fitness cliff model predicts.
pushes the mean for advantageous mental traits perilously close to a “fit- What kind of mental trait would give a major benefit with in-
ness cliff” where the system fails catastrophically in some individuals. creasing levels and would, at the extreme, increase the risk of cat-
astrophic cognitive breakdown? The target article emphasizes the
The target article addresses the excellent question of why genes benefits and complexity of social cognition. That seems like a likely
that predispose to schizophrenia persist, given the dramatic neg- candidate. But fitness might well increase with increased tenden-
ative effect of psychosis on Darwinian fitness. Simply asking this cies to make meaningful theories out of experience in general.
question straightforwardly is a wonderful contribution, and the re- Moving towards the social, a capacity for theory of mind (ToM)
view of most previous suggestions is unparalleled. As we approach provides an intentional context that can make sense out of am-
an age of genomic engineering, such questions will become pro- biguous words in a way unavailable to any computerized voice
foundly practical for many diseases, but especially for schizophre- recognition system. Sexual selection could also account for elabo-
nia where, as Burns notes, the answer may also help us to under- rate human mental traits that leave us vulnerable to schizophre-
stand more about what it means to be human. nia (Shaner et al. 2004). Finally, strong tendencies to use metarep-
The broad thesis of the target article is that schizophrenia re- resentation and ToM increase the ability to predict other people’s
sults from the effects of strong recent selection for sophisticated behaviors, how they might be influenced, and how they might be
social cognition. This seems plausible in general and is similar to trying to manipulate you. It is only one step further, over the cliff’s
a notion I have entertained (Ridley 2003, pp. 122–23), but the ex- edge of psychotic cognition, as it were, to finding secret meanings
act mechanism thought to account for persistence of the respon- and evidence for conspiracies in other people’s most casual ges-
sible genes remains somewhat unclear. Early in the article, dele- tures, to believing idiosyncratic grand theories and religions, and
terious genes are posited to persist because they are “associated to thinking that others are controlling your thoughts. Those who
with” beneficial genes. If this means genetic linkage, that can have worked with schizophrenics know the eerie feeling of being
sometimes explain the presence of deleterious traits. However, as with someone whose intuitions are acutely tuned to the subtlest
Burns notes, the uniformity of schizophrenia prevalence rates in unintentional cues, even while the person is incapable of accurate
different populations means that the responsible genes have been empathic understanding.
with us for at least 100,000 years. Even if linkage were at its max- This formulation may itself, however, attribute excess meaning
imum of D  0.25 at time zero, after only 320 generations with a to the situation. There may be no single characteristic whose ex-
recombination rate (R) of only 1%, linkage would decrease to 0.01 treme leads to schizophrenia; and, as many have suggested, there
and by 540 generations it would be at the inconsequential level of may be many schizophrenias. Also, it may be an error to portray
D  0.001 [Dn  D0 (1  R)n]. Linkage persisting for 5,000 gen- the extreme as a recognizable phenotype. What is pushed to an ex-
erations is not a viable explanation by itself. The argument is also treme may well be, as Burns suggests, a mechanism that prunes
said to be based on a kind of pleiotropy. While this does not seem neurons to a finely tuned but delicate network, or, more broadly,
to refer exactly to multiple effects of single genes, antagonistic an excess of interconnectivity. Defining exactly what traits and
pleiotropic effects of many genes may well be involved. The term mechanisms are involved is a very good goal, one that may well be
trade-offs, used later in the article, may be more accurate, but ex- accomplished best by our growing knowledge about the functions
actly what the trade-offs are among is not clear. of nerve pathways that are influenced by genes whose variations
Consideration of the effects of asymmetrical fitness functions predispose to schizophrenia.


Commentary/Burns: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

mammals (Panksepp et al. 2002) will be considerably easier than

clarification of neocortical aspects unique to humans. But Burns
believes schizophrenic genotypes and phenotypes are restricted to
our own species. Early comparative literature was replete with de-
scriptions of psychotic animals (Lindsay 1879), and productive
modern models for specific symptoms exist abundantly (e.g.,
Gainetdinov et al. 2001; Kilts 2001). Also, let us not forget that
among domestic animals there surely has been enforced culling of
those that seemed to exhibit troublesome symptoms of insanity.
With similar core deficits, simpler brains may not be as func-
tionally impaired as humans’. For example, rearrangement of cor-
tical layering in animals with heterozygous reelin deficits – a ge-
netic model of schizophrenia (Costa et al. 2002) – may impair
mice less than men. Because of our ultracomplex corticocognitive
apparatus, many schizophrenic symptoms may reflect the costs of
complexity rather than genetically dictated social features.
Figure 1 (Nesse). A cliff-edged fitness function: As the trait in- Burns’ proposal hinges on dubious genetic and neuronal as-
creases, fitness increases increasingly rapidly, then crashes. sumptions, as do most “modular” views of evolutionary psychol-
ogy. Much of heteromodal cortex in humans is capable of non-
specialized information processing which becomes specialized
only epigenetically. How would Burns defuse the following major
This perspective makes it unnecessary to seek specific adaptive concern? That the higher social brain of humans, which readily
benefits for schizophrenia or schizotypy, even while it suggests elaborates theories of mind and complex sociocognitive strategies,
that both conditions may nonetheless offer clues about beneficial reflects epigenetic programming within general-purpose compu-
characteristics that may select for mental characteristics related to tational spaces, guided by limbic socioemotional functions rather
the disorders. It suggests looking for traits and mechanisms that than by genetic sociocortical connections unique to humans
give such a substantial advantage that selection would have quickly (Panksepp & Panksepp 2000)?
pushed the mean to an extreme where the system fails in some in- We also wish guidance on linkages with established neuro-
dividuals. Such cliff-edge fitness functions are especially likely chemical vectors of schizophrenia – dopamine hyperactivity and
when selection has recently been strong for a particular trait, as it glutamate/GABA hypoactivity perspectives. These chemistries
has for horses’ legs or uric acid levels in humans, and as it pre- are not uniquely devoted to elaboration of social processes.
sumably has been for social cognition. After another few thousand Dopamine-generated appetitive seeking urges (Panksepp &
generations, modifier genes may well reduce the risk. Since we Moskal 2004) and glutamatergic general information processing
don’t want to wait, intense pursuit of the questions addressed by (Riedel et al. 2003) provide abundant opportunities to modulate
this target article will be most worthwhile. social thoughts and emotions independently of any genetic pre-
scriptions. Dopamine facilitation of core symptoms of schizo-
phrenia (e.g., paranoid delusions, also modeled in animals; Lipska
& Weinberger 2000) makes sense from the ability of hyper-
dopaminergic states to promote causal inferences from correlative
Schizophrenia: The elusive disease relationships (Panksepp 1998, Ch. 8). Social wiring problems are
not a prerequisite for such symptoms. Likewise, glutamatergic
Jaak Panksepp and Joseph Moskal
mediation of all memory and cognitive processes in all mammals,
Falk Center for Molecular Therapeutics, Department of Biomedical
makes “higher social brain” assumptions unparsimonious. Al-
Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60201.
jpankse@bgnet.bgsu.edu j-moskal@northwestern.edu
though modern brain imaging is well positioned to evaluate the
abundant correlative changes in schizophrenic brains (Kubicki et
al. 2003; Winterer et al. 2003), animal models allow causal analy-
sis. Can Burns’ many inferential possibilities be winnowed for spe-
Abstract: All mammals have social brains, and there is presently no evi-
dence that humans have relatively more genetically dictated social brain
cific sociocausal influences?
circuitry than other species. The postulation that schizophrenia arises from Burns’ analysis ignores much data from molecular genetics. In
disruption of brains systems uniquely devoted to social traits is obviated which of the 15 already demonstrated susceptibility loci (see
not only by the large number of anatomical and biochemical brain differ- Pesold et al. 2004) would he search for “social genes”? Would
ences, but also by nonsocial symptoms of schizophrenic disorders. Burns share new molecular biology predictions concerning ho-
minid-specific “evolved complex cortical interconnectivities”?
Ever since Kraepelin and coworkers started to examine demented Don’t general deficits, such as those related to myelin, cytoarchi-
brains anatomically a century ago (Panksepp 2004), the neurosci- tectural, and synaptic activity regulation (Pesold et al. 2004) cast
entific study of schizophrenia, as the quip goes, has been the doubt on his disrupted socioanatomical pathway hypothesis and
graveyard of neuroanatomists. With so many brain changes, but potentially also explain lower fecundity and increased early mor-
few of general etiological significance, no discrete neural theory of tality associated with schizophrenia?
schizophrenia has survived the test of time. Enter Burns, with his It seems more likely that schizophrenia is not actively main-
vision of the unique cortical interconnectivities of the human “so- tained in the genome, but that certain genes predispose or make
cial brain.” Anyone interested in schizophrenia should read this one vulnerable to epigenetic and environmental factors that pro-
article. It is erudite, novel, and weaves abundant information into mote schizophrenic phenotypes (Kato et al. 2002). DNA methy-
a fascinating hypothesis. However, the central idea – that schizo- lation can alter gene expression during development and alter cel-
phrenia reflects genetically promoted derangement of the higher lular function, with major impact on behavior and cognition.
humanoid “social brain” connectivities – remains dubious. Genetic anticipation, chromatin rearrangements, viral integration
Cognitive/evolutionary psychological views commonly ignore into the genome, and epigenetic modulation of neurochemical
too many of the foundational social circuits of the cross-mam- systems may all play a role in schizophrenia (Jones & Cannon
malian limbic brain, including systems for sexuality, maternal care, 1998; Petronis et al. 1999).
separation distress, social bonding, and play (Panksepp 1998). The Considering what we already know about schizophrenia, we
genetic analysis of the limbic “lower social brain” shared by all think Burns’ alternative has much to explain before it can be


Commentary/Burns: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

deemed a major title contender. Although psychiatric genetics is tion (Rotenberg 1979; 1982; 1985; 1993; 2004; Rotenberg & Ar-
in a state of crisis (DeLisi 2000), with little reproducible data (ex- shavsky 1979). Left-hemisphere frontal pole so organizes any sign
cept for childhood disorders; Peterson & Panksepp 2004), mole- material (whether symbolic or iconic) as to create a strictly or-
cular biology in conjunction with functional neuroscience will dered and unambiguously understood monosemantic context.
nevertheless eventually tell us what actually is contained in the The formation of this context requires an active choice from the
neural ground-plan of the genome. Evolutionary theorists need to many real and potential connections between the multiform ob-
be quite clear on how they might facilitate the molecular and neu- jects and phenomena of a few definite connections that would fa-
ropsychological search. cilitate an ordered analysis, building a pragmatically convenient
Since evolutionary speculation is such fun, let us also consider but simplified and restricted model of reality based on probabil-
how real-life social processes may affect the genetic survivability ity forecasting and cause-and-effect relations.
of schizophrenia with no costly genetic trade-off with the evolu- In contrast, the function of the symmetrical structure of the
tion of complex social cognition. Schizophrenic genotypes may right hemisphere is a simultaneous capture of an infinite number
subsist in human populations if high background incidence, cou- of connections and the formation of an integral, but ambiguous,
pled with comparatively low penetrance, offer some benefits – for polysemantic context. In such a context, the whole is determined
example, the capacity to enthrall others around the endless social by the interconnections between its elements that interact with
“campfires” of our ancestral past and entertainment-obsessed each other on many semantic planes simultaneously, like images
modernity. Humans enjoy stimulating story-telling, ranging from in dreams. Understanding of metaphors and sense of humor are
slapstick to mystical. Our fascination with human quirks may have dependent on the right hemisphere (Wapner et al. 1981; Winner
created cultural spandrels for the survival and propagation of in- & Gardner 1977).
dividuals who survived less well without such cultural supports. These two types of context complete each other and have sense
Consider the classic “stress-diathesis” model: Schizophrenic phe- only in comparison with one another. For the right hemisphere
notypes may diminish as supportive cultural practices allow af- disconnected from the left one, the world is holistic but not poly-
flicted individuals to keep their symptoms in check or socially use- semantic. However, these types of context are not equal, because
ful. Also, with the insistent sexuality of mature males, genetic the polysemantic view on the world, although being opposite to
dispositions for schizophrenia could be sustained if borderline the monosemantic one, actually includes the latter as a compo-
women, partly through helplessness, are more likely recipients of nent, while the converse is not true. Polysemantic thinking is the
male lust than non-schizophrenic ones. highest human mental function, responsible for creativity and in-
We hope Burns’ fascinating proposal will have a better shelf life tegration of past, present, and future experience (Wheeler et al.
than past neuroantomical hypotheses, but at present, the distance 1997). Great apes lack even the initial precursors of polysemantic
between fact and theory remains vast. We need concrete hy- thinking.
potheses to enable this intriguing theory to be tested robustly, and The advantage of the right frontal brain corresponds to the
potentially falsified. more prominent arborization of the neural net (Saugstad 1998)
and to the activation of a much broader net of associations in com-
parison to the left hemisphere (Beeman et al. 1994; Chiarello
1998; Coney & Evans 1999).
Brain maturation starts with faster overall growth of the right
The ontogeny and asymmetry of the hemisphere in the first years after birth, interrupted by the left
hemisphere maturation gradient, followed by another shift to a
highest brain skills and the pathogenesis leading role of the right hemisphere in early adolescence. The
of schizophrenia frontal lobes and particularly the right frontal lobe structures and
connections are the last regions to mature (Thatcher et al. 1987;
Vadim S. Rotenberg Saugstad 1998).
Abarbanel Mental Health Center, Bat-Yam 59100, Israel. In the frame of the theory of contexts, this schedule of matura-
vadir@post.tau.ac.il http://rjews.net/v_rotenberg/book4.html
tion has a following explanation: The main functions of the right
hemisphere that precede the development of the polysemantic
Abstract: The most developed and the latest-to-mature mental skills rep- way of thinking (the ability to grasp the reality as a whole; the emo-
resented in the creation of mono- versus polysemantic contexts are related
respectively to the left and right frontal lobe. A polysemantic way of think-
tional attachment to the mother [Schore 2003]; the regulation of
ing is responsible for the subject’s successful integration in the polydi- the withdrawal behavior in the inappropriate conditions [David-
mensional world. The functional insufficiency of this right-hemispheric son 1992]; the integration of affect, behavior and autonomic ac-
way of thinking displays a predisposition toward the development of men- tivity [Schore 2003]) are the basic functions of survival (Saugstad
tal disorders, including schizophrenia. 1998), and for this reason they are the first to appear. In the next
crucial stage of the development, a process of differentiation of
I agree with the main messages of the target article, that schizo- the elements of reality appears: a distinguishing of self from the
phrenia is a disorder of the social brain, that the development of environment, the ability to analyze cause-and-effect relationships,
this disease is related to the disturbed frontoparietal and fron- the orientation in the time vector, and finally the creation of the
totemporal connectivity, and that some peculiar features of human conscious model of the reality and of self-concept. This process of
ontogenesis predispose subjects to these disturbances of connec- differentiation requires the expertise of the left hemisphere and
tivity. However, one important point is missed, related to the on- its ability to form a monosemantic context.
togeny and function of the orbitofrontal asymmetry. However, to be comfortably integrated in the polydimensional
The disturbance of this area does not cause definite and well- world and to cope with all contradictions, a subject has to over-
traceable single signs, like apraxia, spatial hemineglect, and so on. come, on a new level, the restrictions of the monosemantic model
In contrast to these relatively local disorders, right anterior insult that is included in the more broad polysemantic picture.
has interfered with the ability to explore an image in an organized Females are characterized by earlier brain maturation (i.e.,
fashion and with the more global functions like empathy, theory achieving the final point of maturation sooner) than males. In gen-
of mind, sense of self (Craik et al. 1999; Devinsky 2000; Keenan eral, the longer the process of maturation, the higher the level of
et al. 2001; Schore 2003; Shamay-Tsoory et al. 2003). brain structure development achieved. This may be a reason why
I suggest that in the most general form, the difference between males more often display outstanding creativity (Saugstad 1998).
two strategies of thinking related to the frontal functions of the However, the increased duration of maturation in males makes the
left- and right hemispheres is reduced to opposite modes of orga- right hemisphere more sensitive and vulnerable to any alterative
nizing the contextual connection between elements of informa- influences and may cause its functional insufficiency that displays


Commentary/Burns: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

a predisposition to different forms of pathology, including schizo- removed by natural selection. Burns’ very brief rationale is that
phrenia (Rotenberg 1979; 1982; 1995; Schore 2003). such genes “may have survived in the genome because of their as-
Cutting (1992) proposed that schizophrenic patients with a pre- sociation with adaptive social genes” (target article, sect. 9.2, para.
ponderance of negative symptoms display right-hemisphere dys- 6) and that they represent part of a “costly trade-off” related to
function. In schizophrenic patients, the right hemisphere is no “evolving complex cognitive and social abilities” in humans (sect.
more dominant in the functions it usually controls in normal sub- 10, para. 4). Burns’ “costly trade-off” argument follows similar
jects: perception of facial emotions (Borod et al. 1993), visuospa- perspectives set forth by Book (1953), Gottesman and Shields
tial task performance (Gabrovska-Johnson et al. 2003), attention (1982) and Crow (1990b) that we will gloss for the sake of brevity
(Kucharska-Pietura et al. 2002), and ability to grasp global forms as “genetic load” arguments. Costly trade-off and genetic load
(Ferman et al. 1999). models do not appear to be very amenable to testing or falsifica-
The basic initial symptoms of schizophrenia not responsible to tion, and it is thus unclear how they advance our understanding of
the modern neuroleptics (peculiarity of nonverbal behavior; defi- schizophrenia. While not assuming that evolution operates with-
ciency of self-image; difficulty in grasping information to form a out constraints, or results in optimality, we find it particularly
polydimensional picture of the complex situation and picture of problematic to argue that social functioning has been highly con-
the world; affective blunting; lack of empathy) can be explained served in social primates, but that genes with a profoundly asocial
by the inability to create and process the polysemantic context expression have escaped the action of natural selection.
(Rotenberg 1994). Taking natural selection seriously requires specifying how
On the other hand, patients with dominating positive symptoms schizophrenic alleles are maintained in populations at frequencies
are characterized by the increased physiological and metabolic ac- higher than mutation rates would allow, given that individuals who
tivity of the dysfunctional left hemisphere (Flor-Henry 1976; are overtly schizophrenic suffer substantially reduced fitness
1983; Friedman et al. 2001; Galderisi et al. 1999; Gur 1978; Gur (Allen & Sarich 1988). We believe that the most robust model ac-
& Chin 1999; Romney et al. 2000). counting for the action of natural selection on such alleles remains
I have made an attempt to explain the relationship between the some manifestation of balanced polymorphism, as originally pro-
right and left hemisphere dysfunctions in schizophrenia (Roten- posed by Huxley et al. (1964). However, there is little evidence
berg 1994). Integration with the world by means of the polyse- supporting the notion advanced by Huxley and others that the
mantic way of thinking is the most important feature of a subject’s polymorphism is maintained by a “physiological advantage”
mental health. Without such integration, the subject finds himself (Carter & Watts 1971; Erlenmeyer-Kimling & Paradowski 1966;
in front of a very complicated reality full of inner contradictions, Huxley et al. 1964), nor do the genetic data support a simple het-
and can use as an option an attempt to resolve difficult task by cre- erozygous advantage model to maintain that polymorphism. We
ating a simplified “left-hemispheric” model of reality. It does not support the notion that schizophrenic alleles are maintained via
fit. And then, in subjects predisposed to schizophrenic disorders, selection of behaviors in the relatives of individuals with schizo-
the left hemisphere creates an artificial explanatory system, in the phrenia that confer higher than average reproductive success
form of delusions, paranoid ideas, and verbal hallucinations. (Allen & Sarich 1988). As Burns points out, research results sup-
According to this proposition, functional right hemisphere de- porting the balanced polymorphism hypothesis are mixed. Such
ficiency is not unique to schizophrenia. Depression is character- ambiguity is predictable given that an absolute selective advantage
ized by disrupted functional connections between anterior cingu- in the relatives of individuals with overt schizophrenia of ~5%
late cortex and right orbitofrontal and prefrontal cortex regions would be adequate for the maintenance of the polymorphism and
(Pizzagalli et al. 2003) – very similar to what Burns suggest for the yet be difficult to demonstrate (Allen & Sarich 1988; Kidd 1975).
mechanism of schizophrenia. This means that the next problem The main issue is not to confuse ambiguity in results supporting
we have to solve is what brain (and genetic) mechanisms predis- the balanced polymorphism hypothesis with its viability as a
pose a subject who suffers from right hemisphere insufficiency to testable genetic model.
the development of the concrete forms of mental disorders. In the A related problem is how Burns’ description of a universal
case of schizophrenia, what is it, for example, about the dopamin- schizophrenic genotype can account for population and intersex
ergic system that leads to a greater release of dopamine? (Zipursky variability in the expression of schizophrenia. The often reported
& Kapur 1998). generalization of a 1% global prevalence of schizophrenia should
be thought of as a global average, not the uniform distribution im-
plied in Burns’ “constant prevalence of schizophrenia” (sect. 2.1,
last para.). Micronesia, where we have been conducting cross-cul-
tural research of the expression of schizophrenia for several years
Natural selection and schizophrenia (Sullivan et al. 2000), is a good example, with point prevalence
ranging from a low in eastern Micronesia of ~0.04% to a high of
Roger J. Sullivana and John S. Allenb ~2.0% in the islands of western Micronesia (Allen & Laycock
aDepartment of Anthropology, California State University, Sacramento,
1997; Hezel & Wylie 1992). In regard to sex differences in the ex-
Sacramento, CA 95819-6106; bDepartment of Neurology, The University of pression of schizophrenia, the lifetime morbid risk of “strictly de-
Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, IA 52242. sullivar@csus.edu fined” schizophrenia in the Micronesian nation of Palau is 2.8%
jsallen38@aol.com www.csus.edu/indiv/s/sullivanr
for males and 1.2% for females – a greater than 2:1 male to female
risk ratio (Myles-Worsley et al. 1999). Not only is the expression
Abstract: Evolutionary theories of schizophrenia must account for the of schizophrenia widely recognized to vary profoundly between
maintenance of putative alleles in past and present populations despite re-
duced fitness among the affected. Such models must also account for ex-
males and females, but much of this variation occurs in the crucial
tant intersex and population-level variability in the expression of schizo- domain of social functioning, with females tending to retain sig-
phrenia. We argue that genetic balanced-polymorphism hypotheses nificantly more social functioning than males (Childers & Hard-
remain the most robust in terms of modeling and testing these processes ing 1990, Sullivan & Allen 1999). The need to account for inter-
in populations. sex variability in evolutionary models of schizophrenia has been
acknowledged by Crow (1993b; 1996b), who has proposed that
Although we applaud Burns’ comprehensive review of several lit- sex-differences in the expression of schizophrenia may reflect dif-
eratures exploring the biology and natural history of schizophre- ferences in male and female reproductive strategies during the
nia, we have several problems with his developmental “costly course of human evolution.
trade-off” scenario of the evolution of schizophrenia. Our main The Palauan context is also a good example of reduced repro-
criticism is that the model does not adequately address why alle- ductive fitness among people with schizophrenia, particularly
les expressing as social dysfunction in schizophrenia have not been males. Fertility in a cohort of 49 males (mean age 38.5 years, SD


Commentary/Burns: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

7.0) and 21 females (mean age 40.8 years, SD 10.1) with chronic a polymorphism on the short arm of chromosome 6 has recently
schizophrenia was 0.5 (1.1) and 2.3 (1.7) offspring on average for been shown and replicated (Arolt et al. 1996; Holzman 2001).
the males and females respectively (unpublished data), compared There is evidence that the SPEM-deficit is associated with nega-
to a total Palauan fertility of 2.8 at the time of the 1993 census tive symptoms in schizophrenic patients (Ross et al. 1996), as well
(Levin et al. 1993). as with traits for “sensitivity” and “suspiciousness” in relatives
We believe that an evolutionary account of schizophrenia must (Lencer et al. 2003) and in individuals with schizotypal personal-
necessarily uncouple the selection events that led to the conser- ity (O’Driscoll et al. 1998). Note that this latter syndrome is mainly
vation of traits for social functioning in the environments of the characterized by formal thought disorders, a syndrome that also
past, and the environments of the present which may interact with could be explained by the disconnectivity hypothesis. The impor-
behavioral phenotypes in ways that are entirely novel in evolu- tant point in relating this research to Burns’ conception is that
tionary terms. For example, based on the assumption that the se- these disturbances of schizophrenic patients in moving their eyes
lective environment of schizophrenic alleles comprised small, may underlie their false perception of the environment, resulting
face-to-face social groups, we have hypothesized (1) that negative in their misinterpreting social situations. In view of the notorious
selection against schizophrenic genes in small-scale societies with variability of schizophrenic patients in any study, it might prove
unavoidable social-competence demands was more profound useful to use these SPEM disturbances as a phenotypic marker
than in the comparative anonymity of modern urban environ- which, being easily quantifiable and probably genetically deter-
ments (Allen 1997); and (2) that social dysfunction among people mined, may be used to define more specific subgroups of patients
with schizophrenia today will be maximized in face-to-face con- to investigate more closely the hypothesis that specific psy-
texts (Sullivan & Allen 1999). chopathological symptoms or neuropsychological signs are caused
In summary, an evolutionary model of pathology must specify by disconnections within specified neuronal networks (see also
plausible selection pressures affecting the putative alleles in both Lee et al. 2001), using the DTI technique.
the past and present contexts and must be able to account for pop- However, with regard to those neuroanatomical DTI results
ulation variability in the expression of the pathology in the present that form the central piece of evidence in the well-assembled mo-
(Sullivan & Hagen 2002). Burns’ developmental model is weak in saic presented by the target article, there appears to be a major
addressing either of these criteria. Genetic balanced-polymor- problem: These results do not seem to fit well Burns’ general
phism models of schizophrenia remain robust in that they can ac- framework, conceiving schizophrenia as the genetic price to be
commodate population-level variation in the expression of schiz- paid for human social life, as highlighted by his introductory cita-
ophrenia and the maintenance of alleles in extant populations tion of George Bernard Shaw saying that progress is thanks to un-
despite reduced fertility in overt schizophrenics. In contrast, reasonable people who attempt to adapt the world to themselves.
Burns’ “costly trade-off ” model does not adequately address these Elaborating on this notion, Burns argues as follows: Cognitive
processes and will be difficult to test or falsify. abilities in primates consist of modules only loosely intercon-
nected. Human development is largely related to how those mod-
ules formed a network, mutually transforming each other and
leading to a hypermorphosis of especially the frontal brain due to
increasing fiber tracts connecting frontal cortex with parietal and
Are the DTI results positive evidence for with temporal cortex. The principal psychological correlate of this
George Bernard Shaw’s view? networking process is to attribute causality and sense to external
events and to refine cognitive skills, but this process may also give
Rolf Verlegera and Rebekka Lencerb rise to creative genius. Therefore, according to Burns, the hall-
of Neurology, University of Lübeck, D 23538 Lübeck, Germany; mark of schizophrenia, precisely as suggested by Shaw’s bon mot,
of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Lübeck, is the overuse of this attribution, leading to delusional ideas and
D 23538 Lübeck, Germany. rolf.verleger@neuro.uni-luebeck.de
other main symptoms.
lencer.r@psychiatry.uni-luebeck.de www.neuro.uni-Luebeck.de
How can this conception be tested by neuroanatomical data?
According to Burns, there is evidence from his recently published
Abstract: We discuss how Burns’ conception may be further extended to
DTI data that these interconnecting fibers were less clearly
integrate research on eye movement abnormalities, but then point to a marked in schizophrenic patients, forming evidence for weaker
contradiction between Burns’ conception of schizophrenia as the genetic cortical connections (Burns et al. 2003). But is this DTI result a
price for human social life and the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data, proof for Burns’ argument? Would the target article have been less
which constitute his central piece of evidence. convincing if DTI had rendered the opposite finding – that is, if
fibers had been more developed in schizophrenic patients?
Burns’ target article fascinates by its integrative approach, con- Clearly not! On the contrary, such a finding would have been of
ceiving schizophrenia as biologically determined pathology of advantage for the general thesis: If schizophrenia is conceived of
those abilities that underlie social relations and behavior. This lat- as over-networking, as a disease of the creative, synthetic, imagi-
ter aspect, though certainly important from a clinical point of view, native mind, then fiber tracts should indeed be more marked in
has often been neglected in studies that were conducted under the these patients, not less. Reduced DTI signals were also found in
information-processing paradigm and that measured physiologi- studying the interhemispheric connections of schizophrenic pa-
cal variables (e.g., our own; Verleger & Cohen 1978), not suffi- tients’ visual cortex (Agartz et al. 2001) which finding underlines
ciently reflecting on the difference between schizophrenia and the question about how specific the DTI results reported by Burns
neurological diseases. et al. (2003) in fact are. But as these results now stand, they might
The target article thus offers a framework for integrating vari- lead to the conclusion that George Bernard Shaw was wrong.
ous fields of research. One aspect, unmentioned by Burns, is the
ongoing research on eye-movement abnormalities in schizo-
phrenic patients. Indeed, “disconnections” within frontopari-
etotemporal networks, as postulated by Burns, may also underlie
the disturbances of eye movements leading to failures in initiating
and maintaining smooth pursuit, higher error rates in antisaccade
tasks, and disrupted exploratory eye movements. All of these can
be observed in schizophrenic patients as well as their relatives
(e.g., Crawford et al. 1998; Lencer et al. 2000; Kojima et al. 2001).
For smooth pursuit eye movements (SPEM) a genetic linkage to


Commentary/Burns: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

Some ethological perspectives on the fitness lection acts most directly on behavioral outputs that serve fitness
consequences and social emotional needs. These theorists view learning and cognition as merely pro-
symptoms of schizophrenia moting efficient fulfillment of these basic needs of nutrition, de-
fense, reproduction, and so on. Emotion is said to be primary be-
Glenn E. Weisfeld cause even relatively simple organisms with limited cognitive
capacities possess the panoply of specific motivational tendencies
Department of Psychology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202.
necessary for survival and reproduction. Ethologists and others
are seeking to identify and understand our basic emotions, the hu-
man ethogram (Panksepp 1998), to serve as a model for inter-
Abstract: Schizophrenia may not have reduced reproductive success in
ancestral times as much as it does today, so explaining how genes for it
preting pathologies.
evolved is more understandable given this prehistoric perspective. Etho- Often there is a failure to recognize the specificity of these
logical analysis of schizophrenia – understanding how basic emotional be- evolved emotions, especially the social emotions. For example,
haviors, such as dominance striving, are affected by the condition – might humans possess numerous distinct affiliative motives – parental,
prove useful for comprehending and treating its social emotional symp- filial, amorous, friendship, and general kinship affinities. Although
toms. sharing some properties and mechanisms, these bonds exhibit dis-
tinctive hormonal and neural mediators, elicitors, functions, de-
I believe the target article is an excellent, even magisterial, inter- velopmental patterns, and phylogenetic histories. Likewise, ag-
disciplinary analysis of a puzzling illness. Most of my comments gressive behavior is best broken down into its functional subtypes,
merely address ancillary issues. including defensive aggression, play fighting, angry aggression,
First, I do not see the reduced fitness of schizophrenics to be a and dominance aggression (Moyer 1976). Each type is activated
formidable theoretical problem. The lifetime incidence of about by a particular affect and possesses a distinctive behavioral form
1% is high for a clearly pathological trait, but the condition typi- and neural mediation.
cally begins several years after reproduction would have com- Analysis of dominance aggression may illustrate how apprecia-
menced in prehistoric times. We usually think of ancestral popu- tion of a basic social emotion might enhance understanding of be-
lations as having reached reproductive maturity rather late. havioral pathologies. Dominance aggression functions to prompt
Menarche occurs in !Kung women at about age 16 and the first the individual to compete for scarce resources. Children initially
birth at about 19. However, most contemporary hunter gatherers, fight for dominance, but later they resort to various other means
such as the !Kung, live in harsh environments, having been rele- of establishing supremacy. This distinct emotional mechanism for
gated there by more economically efficient populations. In ances- seeking social success, which can be characterized affectively as
tral times, these foragers may well have lived under better condi- pride and shame, is homologous to dominance striving in other
tions and begun to reproduce in their mid-teens. The acceleration primates (Weisfeld 2002). Participation in social hierarchies
of both sexes’ reproductive maturity in recent times attests to our seems to involve the amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex. As Burns
species’ potential to mature early under propitious conditions. points out, lesions of these interconnected limbic structures can
Furthermore, forager men may have married when comparatively cause a monkey to fail to compete with peers or to comprehend
young, since men’s eligibility to marry depends heavily on eco- its rank. Similarly, orbitofrontal patients such as Phineas Gage ex-
nomic prowess. Hunting can be successfully pursued by an older hibit a specific decrement in concern with the opinions of others,
adolescent. Moreover, a schizophrenic parent in prehistory would in social competition – not a general failure of social cognition, in-
have been assisted in child rearing by the extended family, lend- creased impulsiveness, personality change, or lessened respon-
ing the children fair if reduced prospects for survival. It is also pos- siveness to punishment. This primary deficit can lead to sequelae.
sible that ancestral humans with genes for schizophrenia under- A monkey with a lesion to the amygdala or orbitofrontal cortex of-
went less stress than modern people, resulting in less frequent or ten falls to the bottom of the hierarchy and withdraws socially. In-
severe symptomatology. Then too, if schizophrenia comprises a set tact animals and people who are low ranking likewise withdraw
of similar disease entities, the incidence of each may be well be- from these aversive social contacts. The reduction in affiliation
low 1%, placing it within the limits of plausible pathology. (See that characterizes these individuals seems to be secondary to their
evidence reviewed by McGuire and Troisi [1998]). One study, low rank and not a separate pathological manifestation. Likewise,
showing 92% concordance for schizophrenia between pairs of depression often arises from social failure and leads to social anx-
right-handed monozygotic twins, suggests that at least one form is iety and adaptive withdrawal (Sloman & Gilbert 2000). A schizo-
highly heritable and distinct from others (Boklage 1977). phrenic may withdraw socially because of rejection by others or
Burns seems to be correct in characterizing schizophrenia as re- preoccupation with his hallucinations, delusions, or other symp-
sulting from incomplete differentiation of late-developing, late- toms.
evolving cortical structures and their connections. Schizophrenia Ethologically oriented research on schizophrenia would seek to
entails general deficits in higher-order reasoning, involving as it explain how particular social emotions are disrupted by the cog-
does the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, association areas, and in- nitive changes of the disease. These manifestations then might be
trahemispheric tracts. Involvement of the hippocampus is consis- palliated psychotherapeutically, with the more basic cognitive ab-
tent with Burns’ emphasis on social cognition, since this structure normalities being addressed pharmacologically.
mediates episodic memory consolidation and retrieval, and re-
ceives input from higher sensory processing areas. Deficits in var-
ious social behaviors and even evidence of abnormalities in other
limbic structures would be expected, given the importance of cog-
nition to the fulfillment of these social emotional needs and the
interdependence of different brain areas during brain develop-
ment. Yet one common symptom, hallucinations, is relatively aso-
cial and seems to derive from anterior temporal lobe abnormali-
One challenge to those who study schizophrenia will be to in-
tegrate understanding of these cognitive abnormalities with etho-
logical interpretations of mental illness. Ethologists assert that be-
havioral abnormalities are best understood as perturbations of
normal behavior (McGuire & Troisi 1998). They emphasize overt,
observable behavior – motives or emotions – because natural se-


Response/Burns: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

Author’s Response that it is probably impossible to achieve such a theory if one

relies solely on a narrow empirical method derived from re-
ductionist physics. The construction of a sound evidence
base for evolutionary hypotheses is not always easy. How
does one generate data about the behaviour and mental
Elaborating the social brain hypothesis state of our ancestors? Relationship dynamics, emotional
of schizophrenia states, and cognitive processes do not readily fossilise like
Jonathan Kenneth Burns bones, to be examined and analysed and presented as data.
Department of Psychiatry, Nelson Mandela School of Medicine, University of
This is a problem that several authors have addressed.
KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 4000, South Africa. jonny.eliza@3i.co.za Lewis-Williams, a South African cognitive archaeologist
and expert on the rock art of the San, recently published an
Abstract: I defend the case for an evolutionary theory of schizo-
intriguing book entitled The Mind in the Cave, in which he
phrenia and the social brain, arguing that such an exercise neces-
sitates a broader methodology than that familiar to neuroscience. interprets the Palaeolithic art of Western Europe in terms
I propose a reworked evolutionary genetic model of schizophre- of emerging consciousness in early humans (Lewis-
nia, drawing on insights from commentators, buttressing my claim Williams 2002). His task is similar to mine in that he faces
that psychosis is a costly consequence of sophisticated social cog- the same constraints when assembling evidence for his hy-
nition in humans. Expanded models of social brain anatomy and pothesis. He explains that there are too many gaps in the ar-
the spectrum of psychopathologies are presented in terms of up- chaeological record to establish a clear line of argument and
per and lower social brain and top-down and bottom-up this prevents the scientifically reified formal, sequential
processes. Finally, I argue that cerebral asymmetry evolved as an testing of hypotheses. His solution to this problem is to
emergent property of primary intrahemispheric reorganisation in draw on the work of Alison Wylie, a philosopher of science.
Wylie describes a methodology that incorporates important
During the two years that have elapsed since I first sub- scientific principles of hypothesis testing and that is well
mitted my target article “An evolutionary theory of schizo- suited to the challenge of theorising about archaeological
phrenia: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the matters. This method she terms cabling. Unlike some ar-
social brain” to BBS, I have examined and re-examined guments that form a logical “chain” of sequential links, the
many aspects of the hypothesis. My ongoing research as cabling method entails the intertwining of numerous
well as the critiques of academic colleagues, not least the 14 strands of evidence. Wylie explains that very often, archae-
commentaries submitted in this journal, has caused me to ologists construct an argument by drawing in a number of
broaden my thinking and grapple with a number of trou- different strands of evidence from varied scientific sources.
blesome questions. For example, the enigma that lies at the For example, the utility of an excavated structure might be
heart of schizophrenia research and which initially elucidated by drawing upon ecological, ethnographic, and
prompted me to write this paper: Why does a disorder such anthropological facts that have a bearing on the site. Lewis-
as schizophrenia, associated with reduced evolutionary fit- Williams makes use of this method in his enquiry, drawing
ness, survive in the human genome? This is the curiosity on evidence from extant hunter-gatherer traditions, from
that has perplexed those engaged in study of the disorder psychology and from neuroscience, in his construction of a
for nearly a century. I am grateful to Crow, himself a pio- hypothesis. He argues that the cabling method is sound in
neer in schizophrenia research, for reminding us of Huxley that it is both sustaining (a strand may compensate for a gap
and Mayr’s early attempts to solve this problem (cf. Huxley in another strand) and constraining (it “restricts wild hy-
et al. 1964). The current debate has a long history, and many potheses that may take a researcher far from the archaeo-
of the ideas raised in both the target article and the com- logical record”).
mentaries are by no means novel. However, I maintain my In response to Aleman & Kahn’s scepticism regarding
view that biomedicine is knee-deep in quicksand when it the possibilities of reconstructing human cognitive evolu-
comes to unravelling the complexities of mental disorder, tion, I would argue that such a cabling methodology is
and that a comprehensive understanding of psychosis ne- valid and indeed appropriate within evolutionary biology.
cessitates a broad sociobiological and evolutionary ap- These authors request evidence for “a heritable variation
proach. Delbrück (1949) has said, “The animal or plant or for social cognition in our remote ancestors, . . . and that
micro-organism . . . [a mature physicist] . . . is working with those who possessed this ability in the remote past left
is but a link in an evolutionary chain of changing forms, more offspring by virtue of that ability.” They are asking
none of which has any permanent validity.” Mayr (1988) the impossible, because social behaviour does not fossilise.
adds, “There is hardly any structure or function in an or- We need to approach this problem with a broader per-
ganism that can be fully understood unless it is studied spective than that derived from physical science. Byrne
against this historical background.” This is why I reject Ale- has listed the establishing of a reliable pattern of descent
man & Kahn’s position that “the evolutionary framework as one part of a methodology for inferring the history of
in which Burns’ hypothesis is embedded might be super- primate cognition (Byrne 2000). Many authors have con-
fluous.” firmed the close evolutionary relationship between simian
and ape species and modern Homo sapiens, with strong
data from comparative psychology, molecular biology, and
R1. A methodology borrowed from archaeology physical anthropology. Thus, cladistic analysis provides us
with living relative species with which we can test the hy-
Aleman & Kahn quote Lewontin, underlining their scep- pothesis that there is a heritable variation for social cogni-
ticism regarding the possibility of a scientific theory of hu- tion that increases fitness. Very recently Silk et al. pub-
man cognitive evolution. I would agree with these authors lished such a study in Science (Silk et al. 2003). They


Response/Burns: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

analysed a huge database documenting social behaviours ing ideas regarding the evolutionary genetics of schizo-
in 108 female baboons over 16 years. The results showed phrenia that help to clarify and strengthen my hypothesis.
that a composite index of sociality was highly correlated While I agree with the criticism raised by some commenta-
with infant survival. This study provides the first direct ev- tors – that my genetic argument is vague and ambiguous –
idence of the selective advantage of sociality in primates. I am not prepared to abandon my thesis that the genes for
I hope more studies of this nature will follow in other pri- schizophrenia have survived natural selection owing to
mate species, because this clearly is a research strategy their association with genes responsible for the evolution of
that is feasible and that has the potential to verify the so- the social brain in our species. On the contrary, the insights
cial brain hypothesis. of these authors now provide me with material with which
I can formulate a more specific and robust model. Although
their positions may differ, there appears to be some overlap
R2. The evolutionary genetics of schizophrenia and the model that follows attempts to integrate this com-
mon ground.
Several commentators have drawn attention to the vague- Keller rightly asks for clarity regarding my use of the
ness of the model I proposed to explain the “survival” of this word “genes” in the target article and in reply I confirm that
maladaptive disorder. Hardcastle and Weisfeld take the my intended meaning was “allele” (rather than “locus”). I
extreme view that schizophrenia is a benign trait not sub- am grateful to this commentator for updating me on recent
ject to natural selection, because reproduction occurred at advances in evolutionary genetics, in particular his clear ex-
an earlier age than onset of the disorder in ancestral times. position on the concepts of mutation-selection balance and
I cannot agree with Weisfeld’s somewhat romantic image of balancing selection. I agree that a simple pleiotropic model
the Palaeolithic environment, with abundant food, nurtur- is inappropriate with regard to schizophrenia and that these
ing families, and limited stress on predisposed individuals. two mechanisms may better explain the persistence of sus-
This harkens to a past era where anthropologists idealised ceptibility alleles. While a mutation-selection model may
the “noble savage” and is in contradiction to most evidence well be suitable, especially in the light of Houle et al.’s
that supports a harsher and more stressful ancestral lifestyle (1996) work on “downstream traits,” Keller’s suggested an-
(Bogin 1999): A more severe world where drought, disease, tagonistic pleiotropy model seems to find common ground
and threat of predation was the norm would have pushed with Nesse’s concept of cliff-edged fitness and Hoffman et
the reproductive age into or beyond the usual age of onset al.’s pruning model. Nesse also considers antagonistic
of schizophrenia, thus rendering the disorder subject to pleiotropy a viable model. Consider the following attempt
natural selection. to integrate these ideas into a single model:
Panksepp & Moskal suggest that schizophrenia “is not 1. All humans have at least one susceptibility allele (SA)
actively maintained in the genome,” and that certain genes for schizophrenia because these alleles have been selected
make one vulnerable to “epigenetic and environmental fac- for their pleiotropic contribution to the evolution and de-
tors that promote schizophrenic phenotypes.” I certainly velopment of the social brain.
agree that the genetic basis of schizophrenia should best be 2. There is variation between individuals in the number
conceptualised as conferring a vulnerability to disorder of SAs, and the presence of increasing numbers of SAs en-
rather than a disorder itself. Twin studies have shown that hances reproductive fitness up to a threshold.
genes contribute no more than 50% to aetiology, leaving a 3. An increasing number of SAs corresponds with an in-
major role for developmental and environmental factors crease in the magnitude of the phenotypic trait. In this
(although Crow would apparently disagree here). How- model the trait is increasing cortical connectivity with asso-
ever, this is not sufficient reason to exclude an evolutionary ciated neural pruning at the histological level and increas-
scenario, since one would still expect genes that confer a ingly sophisticated social cognition at the behavioural/psy-
50% risk of vulnerability to an “unfit” phenotype to be sub- chological level.
ject to negative selection and therefore removed from the 4. At a certain threshold (or cliff-edge), the presence of
human genome. The enigma remains, and a putative mech- increasing numbers of SAs results in a sharp decrease in the
anism for the survival of these genes is still required. In my fitness effects of the phenotype. This phenotype constitutes
view, to attribute both past and present survival of schizo- the schizotypal-schizophrenic spectrum. As suggested by
phrenic phenotypes to “cultural spandrels” is to avoid this Hoffman et al., both the schizotypal and schizophrenic
central challenge. phenotype exhibit reduced fitness. Since an increasing
Sullivan & Allen favour a balanced polymorphism number of SAs corresponds with an increase in synaptic
model with some advantageous behavioural trait exhib- connections (both normal and abnormal) and increased
ited in relatives. Likewise, Brüne is prepared to consider peri-adolescent pruning, the schizotypal-schizophrenic
a heterozygous advantage and cites new evidence that brain is characterised by reduced final cortical connectivity.
might support the advantage being located outside the Thus, the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) findings of re-
CNS, thus resuscitating Huxley et al.’s original theory duced FT and FP connectivity are predicted by this model
(Huxley et al. 1964). If, as Sullivan & Allen state, the 5% (and not a problem finding, as alleged by Verleger &
advantage required to maintain the polymorphism is dif- Lencer).
ficult to demonstrate, then advocates of this model con- 5. As suggested by Hoffman et al., the at-risk carrier
front the same problem pointed out by Crow in respect (the schizotype) exhibits normal or reduced fitness, thus
of my model, namely, that it is difficult to test and vali- negating the need for a balanced polymorphism model. Ad-
date. ditional SAs, environmental factors, and epigenetic effects
Keller, Nesse, and Hoffman, Hampson, Varanko, & convert some of these at-risk individuals to full-blown dis-
McGlashan (Hoffman et al.) have offered some fascinat- order.


Response/Burns: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

Figure R1 (Burns). Evolutionary genetic model for the “survival” of schizophrenia susceptibility

This model is depicted in Figure 1 and incorporates Nesse’s mapped entirely and compared against the human genome,
concept of “cliff-edged fitness” effects as well as Hoffman we will not be in a position to predict the genes responsible
et al.’s proposal that both “at-risk” schizotypes and those for human cortical dysconnectivity. Furthermore, as I
with schizophrenia fall beyond the threshold and therefore stated in my target article, a simple comparison of human
exhibit reduced fitness effects. It also acknowledges the and chimpanzee genomes will not necessarily yield these
role of environmental and epigenetic effects in the conver- answers either, because the cognitive differences between
sion of the at-risk phenotype to the disorder phenotype, as us may well be a result of altered gene expression rather
stressed by Panksepp & Moskal. Finally, the model is con- than gene mutation.
sistent with Keller’s account of antagonistic pleiotropy. Furthermore, the chimp is derived from a common an-
cestor and therefore has undergone its own mutations, so
differing loci identified in a side-by-side comparison of
R3. Linking genes to phenotypes genomes may be hominid-specific or chimp-specific. In
terms of predicting genes responsible for cortical dyscon-
Crow and Panksepp & Moskal ask for predictions re- nectivity, then, I think it is premature to speculate beyond
garding which genes could be responsible for hominid-spe- proposing that susceptibility alleles (SAs) for schizophrenia
cific dysconnectivity in schizophrenia and how in fact these are likely to be among those that have a role in cortical gen-
gene effects disturb the structure or function of the cortex. eration. There are likely to be multiple SAs that regulate
Gilbert highlights the difficulty encountered within schiz- neurogenesis, differentiation, arborisation, synaptogenesis,
ophrenia research in linking specific genes to specific phe- myelination, and possibly apoptosis (see my discussion in
notypes. The clinical heterogeneity of the disorder, the the target article, sect. 6.2). Of interest is a recent study of
variability in neuropathological findings, and the lack of caspases (apoptotic proteins) in schizophrenia, which
progress in identifying specific gene mutations means that showed that temporal cortical cells are vulnerable to apop-
we are dealing with a complex multidimensional syndrome tosis in the disorder (Jarskog et al. 2004). This might sug-
(rather than a specific disease entity) that probably breaks gest that there is disordered circuitry prior to adolescent
down into a number of disease processes with variable ae- pruning, as suggested in the target article.
tiologies. Crow has become an advocate for a single gene
mutation model of schizophrenia – a bold and lonely stand
in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. This R4. The anatomy of the social brain
seems to contradict his earlier significant and well-sup-
ported concept of a spectrum of psychosis. It is true that A number of commentators critique the cognitive bias of
protocadherin X and Y have been subject to positive selec- my model of the social brain and its dysfunction in schizo-
tion in the hominid line, making this an attractive candidate phrenia. Panksepp & Moskal make a case for greater fo-
for human-specific traits. However, there must be many cus on the role of the “foundational social circuits of the
other hominid-specific mutations as yet unidentified that mammalian brain,” whereas Gilbert feels I have stressed
could equally likely have played a role in the evolution of “top-down” processes to the exclusion of “bottom-up” ef-
human cognition. Until the chimpanzee genome has been fects on social cognition. Weisfeld argues for a greater in-


Response/Burns: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

tegration of the ethological perspective in constructing a the social brain. In the target article, I acknowledged the
model of the social brain, and he joins Panksepp & Moskal role of these generalised cortical functions in social cogni-
in advocating an analysis of basic limbic-driven social emo- tion, theory of mind, and the psychopathology of schizo-
tions and motives in order to understand hominid-specific phrenia. Furthermore, I believe that Bosman et al.’s dis-
social cognition. While I fully acknowledge the bias in my cussion of neural synchrony and their work on
target article toward cognitive aspects of social behaviour “anterior-posterior networks regulating top-down and bot-
and cognition, I disagree with the assertion that, like other tom-up processes” does not conflict with a broader view of
“cognitive/evolutionary psychological views,” I have “ig- the social brain. It may be that “high-frequency neuronal
nored too many of the foundational social circuits of the synchrony” operates as “a binding mechanism” in a bidi-
cross-mammalian limbic brain” (Panksepp & Moskal). In rectional manner between the upper and lower social brain.
section 3.3 of the target article, I included extensive dis- Neural synchrony, according to these commentators, may
cussion of the amygdala and OFC, structures generally ac- be responsible for the integration process termed “cogni-
cepted as limbic and of major evolutionary significance. tive coordination” by Phillips & Silverstein (2003). These
Furthermore, I have acknowledged the role of basic social concepts seem identical to concepts discussed in section 4
functions such as affiliative bonding, emotion regulation, of the target article.
and the representation of choice bias. It seems Panksepp & Likewise, the well-documented, generalised neuro-
Moskal have misunderstood my conceptualisation of the so- chemical abnormalities in schizophrenia are no longer a
cial brain as an integrated, connected system and this may problem for the social brain hypothesis if one conceptu-
account for their comments. They group my approach to- alises the social brain in broader terms. Bosman et al. cite
gether with “most modular views of evolutionary psychol- the role of inhibitory GABA interneurons in “the mainte-
ogy,” and this is unfair in my opinion, for I have explicitly nance of reverberatory circuits in large scale networks,” and
attempted to move away from the modular/evolutionary both GABA hypofunction and dopamine hyperfunction in
psychology paradigm as espoused by Fodor (1983), Cos- schizophrenia have been correlated with functional dyscon-
mides & Tooby (1992) and others. In section 4 of the target nectivity in the disorder (Carlsson et al. 2001; Dolan et al.
article I have formulated (vis à vis Mithen 1996) a model 1999; Heinz et al. 2003). Abnormal neuronal connectivity
characterised by a “breakdown in this modularisation,” in both cortical and subcortical components of the social
“cognitive fluidity,” and the “integration of specialised in- brain in schizophrenia is likely to correlate with neuro-
formation” (target article). Perhaps a little clarification is re- transmitter receptor abnormalities in these circuits,
quired, because it was not my intention to ignore the de- thereby accounting for the “established neurochemical vec-
rived limbic contributions to the social brain. tors” of the disorder (Panksepp & Moskal).
It may be useful to consider the social brain a system of I agree with Panksepp & Moskal that the upper social
integrated circuits, including both limbic and cortical struc- brain (USB) is in part epigenetically derived and is in part
tures and functionally operating in terms of both “top- “guided by limbic socioemotional functions.” But the con-
down” and “bottom-up” processes. Within such a system verse is likely to be true also: The lower social brain (LSB)
one could, anatomically, identify both an upper social brain is unlikely to be wholly exempt from epigenetic modulation
and a lower social brain, the former being the cortical as- (given its long evolutionary history) and since we know that
pects and the latter the subcortical aspects. In terms of my frontotemporal and frontoparietal cortical systems have an-
model this distinction is artificial; I do not support a modu- cient origins within the primate line, it seems likely that the
lar view but rather an integrated, “fluid” view. However, this LSB has been subject to “guidance” by these cortical sys-
may be a useful model, because it acknowledges both prim- tems during hominid descent. To limit the role of genes to
itive and newer aspects in the system. Furthermore, it may the LSB and attribute USB components of the social brain
coincide with a dimensional approach to psychopathology solely to “epigenetic programming” is, in my view, reduc-
(see discussion below). Top-down processes include the tionist and erroneous. Furthermore, Panksepp & Moskal
function of the heteromodal cortex “elaborat[ing] theories are incorrect in stating that I have considered the “socio-
of mind and complex sociocognitive strategies” as sug- cortical connections unique to humans.” In fact, in section
gested by Panksepp & Moskal and involve attentional, 8 of the target article I extensively detailed a continuum of
working memory, and executive functions. Bottom-up evolved connectivity in both ancestral and extant homi-
processes originate in the primitive subcortical regions and noids.
regulate basic emotions, motives, and drives (as discussed Likewise, in response to these commentators’ comments
by Gilbert and Weisfeld). So, in schizophrenia, for exam- on the evidence for psychosis in animals, I would draw their
ple, Gilbert’s “threat and safety systems,” which are limbic- attention to section 2.3 of the target article, where I discuss
based, might interact in a bottom-up fashion with higher Crow’s theory and his assumption that “other species do
cognitive processes to give rise to malevolent voices and not have a capacity for psychosis”; this sentence continues:
paranoid ideation. “to date, this is neither proven nor disproven” (cf. target ar-
This more generalised model of the social brain would ticle). In a sense Panksepp & Moskal are correct – I do
also go some way to addressing the concerns of Bosman, believe “schizophrenic genotypes and phenotypes are re-
Brunetti, & Aboitiz (Bosman et al.) who argue that stricted to our own species”; schizophrenia, as we know it
schizophrenia is a disorder of generalised (rather than lo- and currently understand it, is a complex polygenic disor-
calised) connectivity. If the social brain is conceptualised in der with multiple aetiologies, including environmental and
broader terms as an integrated system of both primitive epigenetic processes uniquely evolved in Homo sapiens.
(subcortical) and recently evolved (neocortical) compo- Schizophrenia is the result of having highly evolved social
nents, then the deficits in attentional, perceptual, and brain circuitry. I certainly do not believe, however, that
higher functions that characterise the disorder are compat- other species do not have the capacity for psychosis. The
ible with the hypothesis that schizophrenia is a disorder of fact that I have elaborated the continuum of connectivity


Response/Burns: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

that exists in primates implies that I would support responsible for dysfunctional social cognition may vary ac-
Panksepp & Moskal’s thesis that cortical derangement cording to specific expressions of psychopathology (see dis-
would “impair mice less than men” and would give rise to a cussion in Brüne et al. 2003), but I would suggest that the
vulnerability to psychosis-like behaviour. But I don’t think anatomical and functional location of specific disorders
one can call the syndrome of stereotypic disorganised be- within the structure of the social brain may also vary. Since
haviour induced by amphetamines and other psychoto- the social brain is a broad system of interconnected cortical
genic substances an animal form of schizophrenia. In our and subcortical structures, it is feasible that social brain dis-
psychiatric nomenclature, schizophrenia is a functional dis- orders manifest differently from one another according to
order, and we are hesitant to diagnose the disorder in the where in the system their focal point of pathology lies. For
presence of acute drug intoxication. To my knowledge, example, anxiety and depression are likely to be an expres-
there is very slim and mostly anecdotal evidence for “spon- sion of predominant lower social brain (LSB) dysfunction,
taneous” psychosis in other species. And even if there were, based in a primary limbic and brain stem pathology with
the absence of language and complex social cognition out- bottom-up processes leading to secondary cognitive distur-
side our species means such a syndrome would only ap- bance. On the other hand, psychotic illness might be un-
proximate the disorder we recognise in humans. derstood in terms of both lower and upper social brain
(USB) pathology with bottom-up and top-down processes
giving rise to a range of primitive (e.g., threat vs. safety
R5. Psychopathology and the social brain judgements) and recently evolved (e.g., paranoid delusion)
symptoms. This model would accommodate and possibly
Brüne quite rightly points out that an evolutionary theory help explain the subgroup of schizophrenia sufferers re-
of schizophrenia must account for all possible symptoms, ferred to by Gilbert where post traumatic stress disorder is
and his discussion of mirror neurons and catatonia is a use- aetiological. Within the spectrum of schizophrenias, one
ful addition. Brüne goes on to address the problems posed might surmise that those individuals with prominent posi-
by the clinical heterogeneity of mental disorders for an evo- tive and affective symptoms (whose symptomatology may
lutionary theory of schizophrenia. He stresses the need for overlap with bipolar and unipolar mood disorders) have
cross-culturally similar prevalence rates of the disorder if an predominant LSB dysfunction, while those with negative
evolutionary perspective is to have relevance and then high- schizophrenia have predominant USB dysfunction. See
lights the problems we have with identifying a core “disease Figure 2.
entity.” In their fascinating report of their work in Mi-
cronesia, Sullivan & Allen tell us of great variability in
both prevalence rates and clinical presentation in their R6. Auditory hallucinations and theory of mind
study population. Does this mean that an evolutionary per-
spective is rendered meaningless (as argued by Aleman & Hoffman et al. argue that the major psychotic symptom of
Kahn) and that Hardcastle is correct in suggesting that auditory hallucinations is not accommodated by my social
schizophrenia is “a benign trait”? I do not think so, but I do brain hypothesis of schizophrenia. These authors have
think Brüne gives us cause to reconsider what we mean by modeled auditory hallucinations using intriguing computer
the term schizophrenia. In section 2.1 of the target article, pruning experiments that produce “attractor states that in-
I refer to the notion of “continua of variation” between trude into information processing.” While I agree with their
schizophrenia and the affective psychoses and between notion that pruning of developing circuits contributes to
“disorder” and “normality.” Clearly, as Bentall (2003), structural and functional dysconnectivity in social brain cir-
Brüne (2004; and see Brüne’s commentary in this issue) and cuits in schizophrenia (see sect. 6.2 of the target article) and
others have maintained, all of the symptoms we attribute to that this is the basis of psychotic symptoms, I must convey
schizophrenia manifest in other psychiatric disorders as my scepticism regarding the use of computer technology as
well. And, of all of these symptoms, impaired social cogni- an accurate model of brain function. Conrad (1989) was a
tion is probably the most protean and widely found, as pioneer in investigating biological information processing
Brüne (2004; Brüne et al. 2003; and present commentary) and strongly supported what he termed the brain-machine
has observed. What are the consequences of these trouble- disanalogy; that is, that computer modeling cannot be ab-
some facts for the social brain hypothesis of schizophrenia? solute in replicating complex brain function. Despite rapid
I believe that an expanded model of the social brain (as sophistication in this field, most of his views have been con-
detailed above), with both upper and lower components firmed in the decade since he published his major thesis
and top-down and bottom-up processes, provides us with a (Ziegler 2002). Hoffman et al. maintain that since patients
framework within which to explain most mental disorders with schizophrenia attribute auditory hallucinations to an
in terms of a spectrum of social brain dysfunction. Brüne “other,” it follows that they must have intact theory of mind
tentatively suggests that “virtually all psychiatric disorders (ToM), because they can distinguish “self” from “other.”
fall into the category of ‘social brain disorders,’” and he ad- But in my model of schizophrenia, I explicitly stated that
vocates a nosological shift from syndrome- to symptom- this disorder is characterised by the development of a ToM
based diagnosis: two potentially bold statements, both of that later becomes disrupted as the psychosis ensues. So,
which I support. There is good evidence for social brain yes, people with schizophrenia can differentiate self from
dysfunction in autism (Baron-Cohen et al. 1985), bipolar other (because this ability developed during childhood),
disorder (Kinderman 2003), psychopathy (Mealey & Kin- but with the emergence of neural dysconnectivity and cog-
ner 2003), and dementia (Snowden et al. 2003), and in time nitive malintegration (or disjunction [Cleghorn & Albert
further research may well demonstrate similar problems in 1990]), the relationship between self and other is misinter-
other psychiatric disorders. Clearly, the aetiological factors preted, giving rise to positive and negative symptoms.


Response/Burns: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

Figure R2 (Burns). Model of the social brain showing different components, processes, and the
predominant location of pathology for a continuum of “social brain pathology.”

R7. The question of cerebral laterality nia must acknowledge and account for the findings of both
interhemispheric and intrahemispheric dysconnectivity. In
Several issues arise from the commentaries regarding the my discussion of the evolution of cerebral asymmetry in
question of cerebral laterality, interhemispheric connectiv- section 8.3, I argue that asymmetry has ancient roots within
ity, and the ontogeny of orbitofrontal asymmetry (Crow, the hominoid lineage and that it emerged as a result of de-
Aleman & Kahn, and Rotenberg). Crow dismisses the so- creasing interhemispheric connectivity and increasingly
cial brain hypothesis of schizophrenia in favour of the lan- lateralised specialisation of functions. Therefore, there
guage/asymmetry theory he developed; yet he offers no seems to have been a reciprocal relationship between inter-
reasons other than that the latter is “a more precise and and intrahemispheric connectivity. If, as I have suggested,
heuristic evolutionary theory.” The three areas of deficiency the elaboration of intrahemispheric tracts was associated
he identifies in my theory are in my opinion redundant; all with an increase in developmental vulnerability of these
are addressed in the target article. He states: “It provides emerging networks, then it is no surprise that interhemi-
no explanation of the cortical changes,” and “dysconnectiv- spheric tracts would be similarly vulnerable to develop-
ity of what, and why?” I protest! In section 9.2, I suggest mental insults. In schizophrenia where we find abnormal
that sequential hypermorphosis may “alter the pattern of FT and FP connectivity, it follows logically, therefore, that
expression of individual developmental genes across the there should also be some differences in transcallosal white
cortical plate.” This hypothesised mechanism might ac- matter. I would suggest that FT and FP abnormalities are
count for the abnormalities of cortical connectivity in fron- primary and are genetically determined and that transcal-
totemporal and frontoparietal white matter systems associ- losal abnormalities are a secondary developmental conse-
ated with the schizophrenic brain. And surely the detailed quence of faulty wiring within the hemispheres. This rela-
discussion of cognitive malintegration in section 4 consti- tionship between inter- and intrahemispheric connectivity
tutes a thorough explanation of nuclear symptoms? Crow’s accounts too for the findings of reduced asymmetry in the
third point is addressed, both in the target article and in sec- disorder, since aberrant wiring within the hemispheres
tion R3 above; perhaps he and I must agree to differ since means that discrete functions are inadequately lateralised
the gap that separates us is based upon a fundamental the- during development. In summary, therefore, I am suggest-
oretical divergence. He believes in a speciation event dur- ing that intrahemispheric dysconnectivity is primary in
ing the evolution of Homo sapiens, and this necessitates his schizophrenia and that the findings of both interhemi-
adherence to a single gene mutation model. I believe in the spheric dysconnectivity and reduced asymmetry are a sec-
gradual emergence of modern human cognition, and this ondary developmental consequence.
necessitates my adherence to a multiple gene effect model. Crow does not respond in his commentary to the recent
Therefore, I cannot predict how any one gene might give demonstration of directional asymmetries in extant ape
rise to structural dysconnectivity. Crow is asking me to de- species, but he has responded previously to this potential
fend something I don’t believe in! problem for the language/asymmetry hypothesis of schizo-
Aleman & Kahn complain that I have ignored the ab- phrenia (Crow 1998c; 2003; 2004a). Crow questions the va-
normalities of transcallosal white matter connectivity lidity of the methodology employed in studies showing di-
demonstrated in some studies of schizophrenia. Their com- rectional asymmetry in apes. He argues that accurate
plaint is justified and I agree that any theory of schizophre- measurement of, for example, the planum temporale, is dif-


References/Burns: Cortical connectivity, metarepresentation, and the social brain

ficult and that “the apparent asymmetries of function in the R8. Conclusion
above studies (may be) secondary to differences in lesion
topography that relate to asymmetries of the cerebral vascu- I am grateful to the commentators for forcing me to address
lature extrinsic to the brain rather than to asymmetries of the certain issues that were either vaguely or inexpertly han-
brain itself” (Crow 1998c). He may be right, and as he sug- dled in the target article. Likewise, I appreciate the insights
gests, “systematic studies are clearly required.” As is the case and suggestions offered by those closer to the rock-face of
with all groundbreaking discoveries that force us to rethink brain research than I. These insights (for example, on cur-
accepted “truths,” only replication of these findings will con- rent thinking in evolutionary genetics) have, I believe, en-
clude the matter. Personally, I believe that directional asym- riched and strengthened my original thesis. Clearly, there
metry has early origins in hominoid descent and the discov- are a host of unresolved and controversial viewpoints, and
eries of Gannon et al. (1998) and others will be vindicated. I make no claim to be nearer the truth than anyone else.
Finally, we must address the issue, highlighted by Sulli- However, it remains a fact that the concept of an evolved
van & Allen, of variability between the sexes in terms of social brain in our species is gaining support from innova-
prevalence and age of onset of schizophrenia. Why do tive research methods and the growing acceptance of social
males in general have earlier onset of the disorder and why, processes as a driving force in human descent. The social
in Micronesia, does schizophrenia predominate in males deficits that characterise most psychopathologies illustrate
and have greater social dysfunction than in females? Crow the unambiguous importance of mature social cognition for
argues that the psychosis gene is subject to sexual selection healthy individual and interpersonal functioning. Even if I
and that this accounts for these gender differences. How- am wrong in some of my speculations regarding the origins
ever, I think that the contribution from Rotenberg in this of schizophrenia, I hope that this dialogical process printed
volume is instructive on this issue and may help to resolve in the pages of this journal has helped to focus attention on
this question without resorting to sexual selection. He the devastating social dysfunction suffered by individuals
refers to the specific ontology of the OFC, differentiating living with mental disorders such as schizophrenia.
right and left hemispheres in terms of their respective func-
tions and development. He maintains that right OFC mat-
uration commences earlier, progresses faster, and continues
longer than left OFC maturation, and he identifies the right References
frontal hemisphere as responsible for full integration in the
“polysemantic context.” Furthermore, he states that males Letters “a” and “r” appearing before authors’ initials refer to target article
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