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Journal of Integrative

JIPB Plant Biology

Abscisic acid dynamics, signaling, and functions in

plants FA

Kong Chen1,2, Guo‐Jun Li1,2, Ray A. Bressan3, Chun‐Peng Song4, Jian‐Kang Zhu1,3 and Yang Zhao1,4*

Invited Expert Review

1. Shanghai Center for Plant Stress Biology and CAS Center of Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai
200032, China
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3. Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA
4. State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Adaptation and Improvement, School of Life Sciences, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China
doi: 10.1111/jipb.12899

accumulation, leaf senescence, bud dormancy, seed ger-

mination, osmotic regulation, and growth inhibition among
many others. Abscisic acid controls downstream responses
to abiotic and biotic environmental changes through both
transcriptional and posttranscriptional mechanisms. During
the past 20 years, ABA biosynthesis and many of its sig-
*Yang Zhao
Correspondence: naling pathways have been well characterized. Here we review the dynamics of ABA metabolic pools and signaling
that affects many of its physiological functions.

Abstract Abscisic acid (ABA) is an important phyto-

Edited by: Zhizhong Gong, China Agricultural University, China
hormone regulating plant growth, development, and stress
Received Dec. 3, 2019; Accepted Dec. 16, 2019; Online on Dec.
responses. It has an essential role in multiple physiological 18, 2019
processes of plants, such as stomatal closure, cuticular wax FA: Free Access

INTRODUCTION chemical compound and named abscisic acid (Cornforth

et al. 1965; Addicott et al. 1968). Although the
Abscisic acid (ABA) is the hormone that is usually asso- abscission‐promotion role of ABA was considered by

Free Access
ciated with major plant responses to stress. Pioneering many to be an indirect effect of the elevated level of
studies by Hemberg found a water and ether soluble ethylene (Cracker and Abeles 1969), recent studies have
growth‐inhibiting substance that is critical for the demonstrated that ABA promotes leaf senescence and
maintenance of bud dormancy in potato and Fraxinus abscission independent of ethylene (Ogawa et al. 2009;
(Hemberg 1949a, 1949b). This growth inhibitor was Zhao et al. 2016).
isolated in buds of Acer pseudoplatanus by Philip Over the past 40 years, the core components of ABA
Wareing in 1963, and named dormin (Eagles and biosynthesis and signaling have been identified through
Wareing 1963). During the same period, a substance that molecular‐genetic, biochemical, and pharmacological
controlled the abscission of cotton fruits was discovered approaches. Genetic screens for viviparous mutants in
by Frederick Addicott and named abscisin II (Ohkuma maize and Arabidopsis, and for mutants that are in-
et al. 1963). The Addicott lab found that abscisin II also sensitive to sugar, salt, and ABA during germination lead
promotes leaf abscission in cotton seedlings and inhibits to the identification of numerous components involved
indoleacetic acid‐induced growth of Avena coleoptiles. in ABA biosynthesis and signaling. Some of the first
Later, dormin and abscisin II were found to be the same identified were the clade A PP2Cs such as ABA

© 2019 Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences January 2020 | Volume 62 | Issue 1 | 25–54

26 Chen et al.

Insensitive (ABI) 1 and ABI2, and the key transcription phytopathogenic fungi using two distinct pathways.
factors ABI3, ABI4, and ABI5 (Koornneef et al. 1984; Phytopathogenic fungi synthesize ABA through the
Giraudat et al. 1992; Finkelstein 1994; Leung et al. mevalonate pathway with intermediates containing no
1994,1997; Meyer et al. 1994; McCarty 1995; Rodriguez more than 15 carbon atoms, which is also called the
et al. 1998; Finkelstein and Lynch 2000; Laby et al. 2000; “direct pathway” (Hirai et al. 2000; Izquierdo‐Bueno
Gonzalez‐Guzman et al. 2002). Biochemical studies of et al. 2018; Takino et al. 2018). Plants synthesize ABA
the ABA activation of protein kinases resulted in the using the carotenoid pathway, which is also known as
identification of AAPK, which is a homolog of the the “indirect pathway.” This is initiated from the
Arabidopsis core protein kinases, SnRK2s, in Vicia faba cleavage of a C40 precursor known as β‐carotene
(Li and Assmann 1996). Due to its high functional (Nambara and Marion‐Poll 2005; Arc et al. 2013). It
redundancy, the ABA receptor Pyrabactin resistance 1 should be noted that β‐carotene precursors including
(PYR1) and PYR1‐like (PYL) proteins (hereafter referred isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP), farnesyl diphosphate
to as PYLs) were not revealed until 2009 by Sean Cutler (C15), geranylgeranyl diphosphate (C20) are also pre-
and co‐workers through chemical genetic screens for cursors of the phytohormones cytokinins (CK), brassi-
mutants that are insensitive to the ABA analog pyr- nosteroids (BR), and gibberellins (GA), respectively.
abactin (Park et al. 2009). In the meantime, regulatory Genetic screens of viviparous mutants in maize have
components of the ABA receptors (RCARs) were iso- identified several ABA auxotrophic mutants, named
lated through yeast two‐hybrid screens in the Erwin Grill vp2, vp5, vp7, and vp9, which are defective in zeax-
lab (Ma et al. 2009). The function of the proteins of PYL/ anthin synthesis (Reid 1990). The conversion of zeax-
RCAR family was also demonstrated by in vitro recon- anthin (C40) to xanthoxin (C15) is carried out in plastids
stitution of the core ABA signaling pathway (Fujii et al. (Figure 1). The Arabidopsis loss‐of‐function mutant,
2009), and later further confirmed by substantial genetic aba1, is defective in the gene for zeaxanthin epoxidase
and structural evidence (Melcher et al. 2009; Miyazono (ZEP) which catalyzes the conversion of zeaxanthin to
et al. 2009; Nishimura et al. 2009; Yin et al. 2009; all‐trans‐violaxanthin via antheraxanthin (Audran et al.
Santiago et al. 2009a, 2009b; Gonzalez‐Guzman et al. 2001). This pathway then bifurcates into two pathways.
2012; Zhang et al. 2015; Miao et al. 2018; Zhao et al. 2018). One pathway requires neoxanthin synthase (NSY) en-
Here, we will summarize the latest updates on the dy- coded by the Arabidopsis ABA4 gene and an unknown
namics of ABA level, ABA signaling and its stringent isomerase, which convert all‐trans‐violaxanthin to 9′‐cis‐
regulation as well as versatile functions in physiological neoxanthin through all‐trans‐neoxanthin; in another
processes. possible pathway an unknown isomerase catalyzes all‐
trans‐violaxanthin to 9′‐cis‐violaxanthin directly (North
et al. 2007). Then, 9′‐cis‐neoxanthin and 9′‐cis‐
METABOLIC CONTROL OF ABA LEVELS violaxanthin both can be oxidatively cleaved by the
9‐cis‐epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED) encoded by
Plants quickly accumulate ABA which in turn activates VIVIPAROUS14 (VP14) in maize, resulting in the pro-
several stress responses when subjected to abiotic duction of the C15 xanthoxin, which can also act as a
stresses such as drought and salt. When the envi- growth inhibitor (Anstis et al. 1975; Schwartz et al.
ronment is optimal, ABA is reduced to basal levels 1997). In Arabidopsis, based on analysis of the sequence
which promote optimal growth. Modulation of ABA and function of homologous genes of VP14, NCED2,
levels in tissues and cells is critical for balancing de- NCED3, NCED5, NCED6, and NCED9 have been identified
fense and growth processes when plants experience as participants in a rate‐limiting step in ABA biosyn-
non‐optimal environments. Abscisic acid levels are thesis, where NCED3 is the critical enzyme for ABA
controlled by synthesis and degradation, metabolism, synthesis at this point (Iuchi et al. 2001; Tan et al. 2003).
(de)conjugation, and transport. These processes all take place in plastids, and in
the cytoplasm, a short‐chain alcohol dehydrogenase
Abscisic acid biosynthesis encoded by AtABA2/AtGIN1 then converts xanthoxin
Abscisic acid is a sesquiterpenoid containing 15 carbon into abscisic aldehyde which is eventually oxidized
atoms. It is synthesized in plants and some to ABA by AtABA3, which is an abscisic aldehyde

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Multiple functions of abscisic acid in plants 27

Figure 1. Abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis, catabolism, and (de)conjugation in plants

Plants synthesize ABA using the carotenoid pathway initiated from β‐carotene (C40). Processes that convert C40
to xanthoxin (C15) all take place in plastids, and in the cytoplasm, ABA2 and AAO3 convert xanthoxin into ABA.
Among these processes, conversion of 9′‐cis‐neoxanthin and 9′‐cis‐violaxanthin to xanthoxin by NCEDs is a
rate‐limiting step in ABA biosynthesis. ABA catabolism is controlled by both ABA conjugation and catalytic
hydroxylation. Abscisic acid can be glucosylated into ABA‐GE by UGT71C5, whereas AtBG1 and AtBG2 can
transform ABA‐GE to active ABA. ABA can be catalyzed to phaseic acid (PA) by CYP707As, which in turn is
catalyzed to dihydrophaseic acid (DPA) by PA reductase (PAR).

oxidase (AAO3) (Bittner et al. 2001; Cheng et al. a direct one based on C15 isoprenoid synthesis as is
2002). The first mutants identified as defective in in fungi (Nambara and Marion‐Poll 2005).
ABA synthesis were in tomato and called flacca and
sitiens, which are impaired in the oxidation of ABA Abscisic acid metabolism and (de)conjugation
aldehyde to ABA (Tal 1966; Taylor et al. 1988). These Plants accumulate ABA rapidly when exposed to many
data not only revealed an intact biosynthesis different environmental conditions. The maintenance
pathway of ABA, but also showed that ABA syn- of a basal level of free ABA consistent with different
thesis is via an indirect pathway in plants rather than tissues in different environments is paramount to the January 2020 | Volume 62 | Issue 1 | 25–54

28 Chen et al.

appropriate growth and development states of the which were originally identified in rice (Kuromori et al.
whole plant. Therefore, the catabolism of ABA is also 2010, 2011; Kanno et al. 2012; Zhang et al. 2014; Kang
strictly controlled by both ABA conjugation and cat- et al. 2015; Yao et al. 2018).
alytic hydroxylation. ABA can be glucosylated by a In eukaryotes, there are eight subfamilies of ABC
UDP‐glucosyltransferase (UGT) encoded by UGT71C5. transporters, namely ABCA to ABCH. Of the ABCG
The ABA‐glucose ester, ABA‐GE is an inactive form of subfamily, several members have been identified in
ABA (Liu et al. 2015b). In contrast, AtBG1 and AtBG2 Arabidopsis and Medicago truncatula, including both
encode β‐glucosidases that rapidly transform ABA‐GE ABA exporters such as AtABCG25, AtABCG31, and
to active ABA which is released from the endoplasmic MtABCG20, and ABA importers such as AtABCG30 and
reticulum and vacuole, when the environment AtABCG40 (Kuromori et al. 2010; Kang et al. 2011, 2015
changes (Lee et al. 2006; Xu et al. 2012). The con- Kuromori et al. 2011; Pawela et al. 2019). Among these
jugation cycle established by glucosyltransferase and transporters, AtABCG25 functions in exporting ABA
β‐glucosidase allows plants to phenotypically adapt to from vascular tissues to multiple sites such as guard
their environment through ABA‐mediated responses cells. This transporter together with AtABCG31 also
by activating and inactivating ABA rapidly. exports ABA from the endosperm, whereas AtABCG30
Catabolism of ABA occurs by the conversion from and AtABCG40 import ABA into the embryo (Kuromori
ABA to phaseic acid (PA) which is catalyzed by a cyto- et al. 2010; Kang et al. 2015). Besides ABCG trans-
chrome P450 monooxygenase (P450) encoded by porters, AtDTX50 also acts as an exporter of ABA, and
CYP707As (Kushiro et al. 2004). PA is then catalyzed to both AtNPF4.6 and OsPM1 control ABA influx (Kanno
dihydrophaseic acid (DPA) and DPA‐4‐O‐β‐D‐glucoside et al. 2012; Zhang et al. 2014; Yao et al. 2018). The gene
(DPAG) by PA reductase (PAR) ABH2 and glycosyl- encoding AtABCG22 is similar in sequence to
transferase (GT), respectively (Weng et al. 2016). Inter- AtABCG25. However, AtABCG22 may not transport
estingly, PA has been reported to selectively activate a ABA directly, although it is possibly involved in ABA
subset of ABA receptor PYLs (Figure 1) (Weng et al. 2016). efflux (Kuromori et al. 2011). Functionally, ABA trans-
porters have been increasingly shown to be involved
Abscisic acid transport in transpiration, root morphology, seed germination
In addition to ABA metabolism and (de)conjugation, the and other processes important to stress.
transport of ABA among cells and organs has global ef-
fects on plants. Ikegami et al. (2009) found that isotope‐ Stress‐mediated changes in ABA
labeled ABA moves from leaves to roots during water Imaging is an important functional approach in studying
deficits and ABA can accumulate only in leaves when ABA. With the introduction of FRET (fluorescence reso-
leaves and roots are separately exposed to limiting nance energy transfer) marker/sensors, ABACUS and
water. Other studies have confirmed that ABA is syn- ABAleon, detection of ABA at a cell level has become
thesized in leaves and then transported to other organs attainable (Jones et al. 2014; Waadt et al. 2014). Changes
(Zhang et al. 2018a). Thus, transport of ABA among cells, in ABA levels in individual guard cells and roots were
tissues, and organs is an important part of ABA function detected after exposure to altered amounts of humidity
in systemic stress responses of the whole plant. and salinity (Waadt et al. 2014). The root‐derived
Abscisic acid exists naturally in plants as both an CLAVATA3/EMBRYO‐SURROUNDING REGION‐RELATED
anionic form (ABA−) and a protonated form (ABAH). 25 (CLE25) peptide, perceived by BARELY ANY MER-
ABAH can diffuse passively through the plasma ISTEM (BAM) receptors, promotes ABA biosynthesis in
membrane, and the diffusion of ABA largely declines leaves, in response to dehydration by upregulating NCED3
with alkalization of the cytoplasm which increases expression (Takahashi et al. 2018). The flowering
during osmotic stresses (Wilkinson and Davies 1997; repressor SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE (SVP), a central
Karuppanapandian et al. 2017). The active transport of regulator of ABA catabolism, is able to decrease ex-
ABA relies on: (i) ATP‐binding cassette (ABCG) trans- pression of CYP707A1/3 while enhancing expression of
porters; (ii) NRT1/PTR (NPF); (iii) multidrug and toxic AtBG1 simultaneously in response to water deficits (Wang
compound extrusion (MATE)‐type/DTX transporters et al. 2018c). Also, NGATHA proteins (NGAs) upregulate
(DTX50); and (iv) AWPM‐19 family proteins (OsPM1), the expression of NCED3 via direct binding to its promoter

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Multiple functions of abscisic acid in plants 29

(Sato et al. 2018). The HD‐ZIP transcription factor HAT1, a release of the inhibition of SnRK2 protein kinases by
negative regulator in ABA biosynthesis, which suppresses PP2Cs (Fujii et al. 2009; Ma et al. 2009; Park et al. 2009;
the expression of both ABA3 and NCED3, can be phos- Rubio et al. 2009). SnRK2s are then activated through
phorylated and inactivated by SnRK2.3 (Tan et al. 2018). autophosphorylation, or they can be activated by other
The subsequent transcriptional changes lead to the rapid protein kinases such as Raf‐like MAPKKKs (Lee et al.
release and increased synthesis of ABA, while 2015; Saruhashi et al. 2015; Nguyen et al. 2019). SnRK2s
reducing ABA catabolism under drought stress, allowing regulate multiple physiological responses through
the initiation of several ABA‐mediated responses that phosphorylating target substrates including ion chan-
affect the growth and survival of plants. nels, transcription factors and transporters among
Biotic stresses such as pathogen infection can also others (Umezawa et al. 2013; Wang et al. 2013). In the
modulate ABA homeostasis in host plants. Some absence of ABA, PP2Cs interact with and repress
biotrophic pathogens such as wheat rust fungi can SnRK2s to block ABA signaling.
promote increases in ABA that lead to elevated The discovery of PYL/PP2C co‐receptors has led to
cytoplasmic sugar accumulation by enhancing TaSTP6 a substantial effort to unravel the complex signaling
expression (Huai et al. 2019). Upon infection by the system that controls plant responses to ABA. We re-
necrotrophic pathogen Botrytis cinereal, the tran- view here recent studies on the crosstalk and regu-
scription factor WRKY33 promotes ABA biosynthesis lation of core ABA signaling components including
by upregulating the transcription of NCED3 and NCED5 PYLs, PP2Cs, and SnRK2s. Regulation of these com-
in Arabidopsis (Liu et al. 2015a). The tomato NAC ponents is critical to managing excessive and
transcription factor LeJA2 (for jasmonic acid 2) upre- detrimental defense responses under abiotic stress
gulates expression of LeNCED1 that also promotes the conditions. They make up the core signaling system
biosynthesis of ABA that can limit pathogen entry that maintains growth in non‐optimal growth envi-
through stomata (Du et al. 2014). ronments.
Hormone crosstalk also participates in the homeo-
stasis of ABA. For example, auxin and GA coordinate Abscisic acid receptors
fruit growth and ripening via affecting the regulatory In Arabidopsis, the PYL ABA receptor family consists of
loops of FveCYP707As and FveNCEDs to control endoge- 13 ABA receptors, and one non‐responsive PP2C reg-
nous ABA levels in woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) ulator PYL13 (Fujii et al. 2009; Li et al. 2013; Zhao et al.
(Liao et al. 2018). In addition, JA accumulation is required 2013). PYLs have differing binding properties with
for ABA accumulation in roots of Arabidopsis after de- ABA, and selectively interact with PP2Cs (Szostkiewicz
hydration treatment (de Ollas et al. 2015). et al. 2010; Hao et al. 2011; Antoni et al. 2012; Li et al.
Future efforts would shed light on linking the 2013; Zhao et al. 2013; Tischer et al. 2017). PYLs bind
global modulation of ABA content to multiple bio- with PP2Cs in both ABA‐dependent and ABA‐enhanced
logical processes. Collectively, all these processes fine‐ manners. Generally, monomeric PYLs such as AtPYL4‐
tunes the level of ABA during different developmental 6 and AtPYL8‐10 have higher ABA binding affinity and
stages and in response to various environmental interact with PP2Cs in an ABA‐enhanced manner;
changes. More signaling elements acting upstream of while dimeric PYLs such as AtPYR1 and AtPYL1‐2 have
ABA accumulation and the processes that coordinate lower ABA binding affinity and interact with PP2Cs in
the dynamic modulation of ABA content and its bio- an ABA‐dependent manner (Hao et al. 2011). In con-
logical activity remain to be discovered. trast, AtPYL13 and OsPYL12 interact with and inhibit
several PP2Cs in an ABA‐independent manner (Li et al.
2013; Zhao et al. 2013; He et al. 2014; Nemoto et al.
2018), indicating that they are not ABA receptors.
Orthologs of PYLs have been identified in subaerial
Abscisic acid functions in plants through cellular rec- algae Zygnematophyceae (de Vries et al. 2018; Cheng
ognition by the intracellular receptor, PYLs (Ma et al. et al. 2019). Emergence of PYL receptors apparently
2009; Park et al. 2009). The ABA bound PYLs form occured before terrestrial occupation. The ancient
complexes with the clade A PP2Cs, allowing the ZcPYL8 encoded in Zygnema circumcarinatum cannot January 2020 | Volume 62 | Issue 1 | 25–54

30 Chen et al.

bind with ABA and possesses ABA‐independent in- strong preharvest sprouting phenotype in field conditions
hibition of PP2Cs (Sun et al. 2019). The PYL canonical (Miao et al. 2018). In contrast to the severe growth de-
ABA receptors have been reported only in land plants, fects of PYL mutants in Arabidopsis, mutations of group I
suggesting that ABA signaling was critical for plants OsPYLs promote rice growth in the field (Miao et al. 2018;
during the transition from an aquatic to a terrestrial Zhao et al. 2018). Overexpression of PYL ABA receptors
environment (Lind et al. 2015; Wang et al. 2015a; enhances ABA responses including water use efficiency
Bowman et al. 2017; Jahan et al. 2019). that impact abiotic stress tolerance in model plants such
Although the PYLs function redundantly in their as liverwort, Arabidopsis and poplar, in addition to major
regulation of ABA coreceptor PP2Cs, some of them crops such as rice and wheat (Santiago et al. 2009b;
function separately in regulating distinct downstream Saavedra et al. 2010; Kim et al. 2012, 2014; Pizzio et al.
factors. For example, AtPYL6 interacts with and reg- 2013; Tian et al. 2015; Yang et al. 2016; Zhao et al. 2016;
ulates the central JA signaling regulator MYC2 in an Han et al. 2017; Mega et al. 2019).
ABA‐enhanced manner, which may control the syner-
gistic effects of ABA and JA on the inhibition of seed Regulation of ABA receptors
germination (Aleman et al. 2016). AtPYL8 and AtPYL9 PYLs undergo posttranscriptional modifications such as
interact with the auxin response regulator AtMYB77, phosphorylation, tyrosine nitration, and ubiquitination in
which promotes lateral root growth recovery from plants. These decorations control the fine regulation of
inhibition by core ABA signaling (Zhao et al. 2014; Xing responses to environmental changes (Figure 2). PYLs are
et al. 2016). PYLs are differentially expressed in mul- phosphorylated by multiple protein kinases including
tiple organs, cells, and during different growth stages TOR, Arabidopsis Early flowering 1 (EL1)‐like casein kinase
(Gonzalez‐Guzman et al. 2012; Antoni et al. 2013). For (AEL), C‐terminally encoded peptide receptor 2 (CEPR2),
example, AtPYL8 is specifically expressed in the root and cytosolic ABA receptor kinase 1 (CARK1). The TOR
epidermis and in the lateral root cap, which is con- kinase phosphorylates PYLs at a conserved site corre-
sistent with its functions in regulating the growth of sponding to PYL4 Ser114 that inactivates PYLs (Wang
primary and lateral roots (Antoni et al. 2013; Zhao et al. 2018b). The AEL casein kinases phosphorylate PYLs
et al. 2014). AtPYL9 is highly expressed in senescent at partially conserved sites corresponding to PYR1 Ser109
leaves, and promotes ABA‐induced leaf senescence. and PYR1 Ser152 and promote ubiquitination and deg-
Among the six PYLs expressed in guard cells, PYL2 radation of PYLs (Chen et al. 2018). The plasma
mainly contributes to ABA‐induced stomatal closure, membrane‐localized leucine‐rich receptor‐like kinase
whereas PYL4 and PYL5 are essential for stomatal CEPR2 phosphorylates PYLs at a conserved site corre-
responses to CO2 (Dittrich et al. 2019). sponding to PYL4 Ser54 and promotes degradation of
The PYL ABA receptors are redundant but essential PYLs (Yu et al. 2019). A putative receptor‐like cytoplasmic
for ABA perception, signal transduction and response to kinase (RLCK) VIII subfamily kinase CARK1 phosphor-
stress in plants. This is demonstrated by the traits of ylates PYR1 and PYL1/2/3/8 at a less conserved site
“stratospheric” order PYL mutants, including the pyl corresponding to PYR1 Thr78 which enhances ABA re-
quattuordecuple mutant in Arabidopsis, and the ospyl sponses, and the cark1 mutant is less sensitive to ABA
septuple mutant in rice (Miao et al. 2018; Tena 2018; Zhao (Zhang et al. 2018b; Li et al. 2019b). CARK1 is activated by
et al. 2018). The growth of the pyl quattuordecuple mu- ABA, but whether CARK1 be activated by environmental
tant is severely impaired in soil and it fails to produce changes or other hormones is still unknown (Zhang et al.
seeds. Another high order pyl duodecuple mutant, with 2018b). The degradation of PYLs is regulated by both the
all PYL ABA receptors mutated except AtPYL6, is ex- ubiquitin ligase substrate adaptor DDA1 and RING‐type
tremely insensitive to ABA with respect to several phys- E3 ligase RSL1 via the ubiquitin‐proteasome system, and
iological processes including seed germination, seedling by the ESCRT‐I components VPS23A and ALIX through
growth, stomatal movement, leaf senescence and gene the endosomal‐vacuole pathways (Bueso et al. 2014;
expression response (Zhao et al. 2018). The ospyl sep- Irigoyen et al. 2014; Yu et al. 2016; García‐León et al.
tuple mutant in rice, with all group I (OsPYL1‐6 and 2019). Consistent with their known functions, the triple
OsPYL12) PYLs mutated, is insensitive to ABA during seed knockout mutant of CEPR2 and its homologs Phloem in-
germination and stomatal movement, and shows a tercalated with xylem (PXY) and PXY‐Like 2 (PXL2) are

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Multiple functions of abscisic acid in plants 31

Figure 2. Regulations of core abscisic acid (ABA) signaling components

In the absence of ABA, clade A PP2Cs interact with and inhibit SnRK2s. In the presence of ABA, pyrabactin
resistance 1‐like (PYLs) form complexes with the PP2Cs, allowing the activation of SnRK2s and downstream
responses. The core ABA signaling components are tightly regulated by multiple factors. PYLs are phosphory-
lated by several protein kinases including TOR, AEL, CEPR2, and CARK1. TOR phosphorylates and inactivates PYLs,
while AEL and CEPR2 phosphorylate PYLs and promote their degradation. CARK1 phosphorylates PYLs and may
enhances their activity, whereas NO inactivates PYLs by tyrosine nitration. The degradation of PYLs is regulated
both by DDA1 and RSL1 via the ubiquitin‐proteasome system, and by the ESCRT‐I components VPS23A and ALIX
through the endosomal‐vacuole pathways. Activities of PP2Cs can be enhanced by EAR1 and the receptor‐like
kinase PR5K2, and can be reduced by RDK1. PP2Cs are degraded by the 26S proteasome pathway through the
PUB12/13 U‐box, RGLG1/5 RING‐type and CUL3‐RING‐based E3 ligases by interacting with BPMs. SnRK2s can be
activated by several other kinases including RAF10 and BIN2. Besides clade A PP2Cs, the clade E PP2C EGR2 also
inhibits SnRK2s. Although PYLs are essential for ABA‐mediated activation of SnRK2s, they are also involved in an
antagonistic regulation of SnRK2 activation during osmotic stress.

hypersensitive to ABA. This is similar to the mutants of prevent ABA‐mediated suppression of growth (Wang
TORC, including tor and raptor1b, triple mutants of AELs, et al. 2018b; Yu et al. 2019).
and mutants of members of ESCRT‐I Component, such as
vps23a, alix‐1, and fyve (Yu et al. 2016, 2019; Chen et al. Regulators of ABA co‐receptors
2018; Wang et al. 2018b; García‐León et al. 2019; Li et al. Protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are
2019a). Besides the posttranscriptional regulation of crucial for maintaining the appropriate balance of ABA‐
PYLs, the transcripts of PYR1, PYL1‐6, and PYL8 are also mediated growth regulation depending on the environ-
down‐regulated by osmotic stress (Bhaskara et al. 2012), mental status of the plant (Zhu 2016; Shi et al. 2018; Yang
which could be important in the establishment of ho- and Guo 2018). Protein phosphatases can interact with
meostatic ABA responses. and inhibit SnRK2s, SnRK1s, SnRK3s, and even mammalian
Signaling crosstalk between ABA receptors and AMPKs, which are also core components in abiotic stress,
growth‐promoting signaling networks is crucial to the ABA and energy signaling (Sanders et al. 2007; Zhu 2016).
balance between growth and ABA‐dependent stress Among the 80 PP2Cs in Arabidopsis, nine clade A PP2Cs
responses which generally inhibit growth. It is well including ABI1/2, HYPERSENSITIVE TO ABA (HAB) 1/2, ABA‐
known that TOR is activated by glucose and other HYPERSENSITIVE GERMINATION1 (AHG1), AHG3/PP2CA,
components that participate in energy homeostasis HIGHLY ABA‐INDUCED (HAI) 1/2/3, and 3 clade E PP2Cs
(Xiong and Sheen 2012). Besides energy signaling com- E‐Growth‐Regulating PP2C (EGR) 1/2/3 function as neg-
ponents, nitric oxide (NO) also inactivates PYLs by ative regulators of stress responses. Clade A PP2Cs are
tyrosine nitration (Castillo et al. 2015). Although it is still core negative regulators of ABA signaling, and have
not clear how CEPR2 and AEL respond to environmental important functions in suppressing stress signaling and
changes or other hormones, phosphorylation of PYLs by allowing the appropriate degree of plant growth sup-
CEPR2 and TOR is diminished after ABA treatment, pression, especially under unstressed or mild stress con-
suggesting that the activity and abundance of PYLs are ditions (Fujii et al. 2009; Rubio et al. 2009; Umezawa et al.
tightly controlled under unstressed conditions, to 2009; Komatsu et al. 2013). Under stressed conditions, the January 2020 | Volume 62 | Issue 1 | 25–54

32 Chen et al.

ABA‐bound PYLs interact with the conserved C‐terminal based E3 ligases by interacting with the adaptor BTB/POZ
catalytic domains of clade A PP2Cs, which in turn releases AND MATH DOMAIN proteins (BPMs), which is promoted
the inhibition of SnRK2s by the PP2Cs and allows activa- by ABA (Figure 2) (Kong et al. 2015; Wu et al. 2016; Belda‐
tion of stress responses (Ma et al. 2009; Park et al. 2009). Palazon et al. 2019; Julian et al. 2019).
Besides clade A PP2Cs, EGR1/2/3 suppress plant
growth partially through dephosphorylating microtubule‐ Regulators of core protein kinases
associated protein MASP1 at Ser670 and destabilizing Abiotic stresses and ABA induce the activation of sev-
microtubules which are required for appropriate levels of eral protein kinases including SnRK2s, CPK3, SOS2/
growth under osmotic stress (Bhaskara et al. 2017). They CIPK24/SnRK3.11, and CIPK23 in Arabidopsis and
also inhibit proline accumulation and suppress resistance MdCIPK22 in apple, which affects phosphorylation
responses to drought and cold stresses through sup- changes of multiple downstream regulators (Guo et al.
pressing SnRK2 activation (Bhaskara et al. 2017; Ding et al. 2001; Boudsocq et al. 2007; Ho et al. 2009; Lin et al.
2019). Ancient PYL without ABA binding affinity has been 2009; Mehlmer et al. 2010; Umezawa et al. 2013; Wang
reported in algae, while PP2Cs and SnRK2s from algae et al. 2013; Ding et al. 2015, 2018; Ma et al. 2018).
have conserved functions compared with those from Among these, the SnRK2.2/3/6 protein kinases are ac-
higher plants (Lind et al. 2015; de Vries et al. 2018; Cheng tivated by osmotic, salt, cold, and ABA treatment. It is
et al. 2019; Sun et al. 2019). well known that ABA‐bound PYLs interact with clade A
Plant growth and stress responses are carefully PP2Cs, which in turn release SnRK2.2/3/6 from in-
controlled by both activity and abundance of PP2Cs. hibition. SnRK2s may then be activated by autophos-
Although ABA and abiotic stresses inactivate PP2Cs to phorylation and/or transphosphorylation by several
induce stress responses, the expression levels of PP2Cs other kinases, such as the Raf‐like MAKKKs, RAF10, and
are actually upregulated by abiotic stresses and ABA ARK (for ABA and abiotic stress‐responsive Raf‐like
through ABRE‐BINDING FACTORS (ABFs), creating a kinases) (Figure 2). These kinases appear to be critical
feedback control loop to maintain new homeostatic for the activation of SnRK2s and subsequent responses
levels (Bhaskara et al. 2012, 2017; Wang et al. 2019). Also, to ABA and abiotic stresses in Arabidopsis and Phys-
under unstressed conditions or transition from stressed comitrella patens (Huang et al. 2014; Lee et al. 2015;
to unstressed conditions, ABA and abiotic stress sig- Saruhashi et al. 2015; Stevenson et al. 2016; Hwang
naling needs to be suppressed to appropriately promote et al. 2018; Nguyen et al. 2019; Shinozawa et al. 2019).
plant growth. Indeed, several studies have indicated that BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 2 (BIN2), the Glycogen
activities of PP2Cs can be enhanced by several PP2C synthase kinase 3s (GSK3s)/Shaggy‐like kinases (ASKs)
binding proteins. For example, ENHANCER OF ABA CO‐ repress brassinosteroid (BR) signaling, whereas they
RECEPTOR1 (EAR1) interacts with the non‐conserved enhance ABA signaling through specifical phosphor-
N‐terminal regulatory domains of PP2Cs, including ABI1/2, ylation of SnRK2.2/3 at Thr180 on SnRK2.3, but not
HAB1/2, AHG1/3, to enhance their activities (Wang et al. SnRK2.6 (Cai et al. 2014). Moreover, NO also represses
2018a). The PR5 receptor‐like kinase 2 (PR5K2) may also ABA signaling through S‐nitrosylation of SnRK2.6 at
repress ABA and stress signaling through phosphor- Cys137 that inactivates SnRK2s (Wang et al. 2015b).
ylating ABI1/2 and enhancing their protein phosphatase Although PYLs are essential for ABA‐mediated activa-
activities (Baek et al. 2019). Moreover, function of the tion of SnRK2s, they are also involved in an antago-
clade E PP2C, EGR2 requires myristoylation by NMT1, nistic regulation of activation of SnRK2s by osmotic
which is suppressed by cold stress (Ding et al. 2019). stress (Zhao et al. 2018). Overall, SnRK2s can be acti-
In contrast, under stressed conditions or ABA treat- vated by abiotic stresses and repressed by growth‐
ment, activities of PP2Cs can be reduced by ABA receptor promoting signals such as NO and BR.
PYLs and several other regulators, such as the putative
that can promote ABA responses by interacting with ABI1
(Kumar et al. 2017). PP2Cs are also degraded by the 26S
proteasome pathway through the PUB12/13 U‐box, Stomata are pivotal for gas exchange and transpiration
RGLG1/5 RING‐type and multimeric cullinc3 (CUL3)‐RING‐ of plants, and the closure of stomata can be induced by

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Multiple functions of abscisic acid in plants 33

numerous environmental factors such as drought, et al. 2000; Murata et al. 2001; Mustilli et al. 2002). Ca2+
pathogen attack, darkness, low humidity, high CO2 mediated signals could be decoded by several Ca2+ sen-
concentrations and so on (Bauer et al. 2013; Assmann sors, including calcium dependent protein kinase (CPK) 3/
and Jegla 2016; Martin‐StPaul et al. 2017; Su et al. 2017). 4/6/10/11, which may phosphorylate and activate the Slow‐
Abscisic acid plays an important role in the closure of type (S‐type) anion efflux channels including SLOW
stomata by regulating guard cell ion fluxes. Stomatal ANION CHANNEL‐ASSOCIATED 1 (SLAC1) and SLAC1 HO-
closure is the major process controlling the transpira- MOLOG 3 (SLAH3) that are involved in stomatal closure
tional water loss of plant. ABA affects stomatal pore size and reduction of leaf water loss (Mori et al. 2006; Zhu
by both Ca2+‐dependent and Ca2+‐independent path- et al. 2007; Zou et al. 2010; Brandt et al. 2012). Although
ways (Figure 3). CPK21 and CPK23 also phosphorylate and activate SLAC1
and SLAH3, cpk21 and cpk23 knockout mutants have en-
Ca2+‐dependent pathways hanced drought tolerance, which is inconsistent with the
Abscisic acid can induce the opening of Ca2+ channels general role of CPK21/23 and other CPKs in regulating
which allows calcium ions to mediate the closure of anion channels (Ma and Wu 2007; Geiger et al. 2010, 2011;
stomata pores (Mcainsh et al. 1990, 1992; Hamilton et al. Franz et al. 2011; Brandt et al. 2012; Demir et al. 2013).
2000; Pei et al. 2000). The increase in cytosolic Ca2+ in CPK8 was also reported to regulate stomatal closure that
guard cells in response to ABA likely involves the in- is induced by ABA, ROS, and Ca2+ through the direct
duction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and inositol‐1‐4‐ phosphorylation of CATALASE3 (CAT3) (Zou et al. 2015).
5‐triphosphate (IP3) (Gilroy et al. 1990; Lee et al. 1996; Pei The CPK11‐Di19‐PR1/2/5 pathway also contributes to

Figure 3. Modulation of abscisic acid (ABA)‐induced stomatal closure

ABA induces stomatal closure by both Ca2+‐dependent and Ca2+‐independent pathways. ABA‐induced Ca2+ signal
involves the induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and inositol‐1‐4‐5‐triphosphate (IP3), and may be decoded
by CPK3/4/6/10/11/21/23 through activation of SLOW ANION CHANNEL‐ASSOCIATED 1 (SLAC1) and SLAC1 HO-
MOLOG 3 (SLAH3) to promote efflux of Cl−, which is also regulated by GHR1. CPK21 activates the K+ outward
rectifying channel GOAK, while CPK13 inactivates KAT1 and KAT2, two K+ influx channels. CIPK23, CPK8‐CAT3 and
CPK11‐Di19‐PR1/2/5 modules also regulate stomatal closure. The ABA activated SnRK2.6/OST1 is a key regulator of
Ca2+‐independent stomatal closure. OST1 activates SLAC1, KUP6, and QUAC1 to promote efflux of Cl−, K+, and
malate2−, and inhibits KAT1 to reduce influx of K+. OST1 can also phosphorylate and inhibit AKS1 to reduce
expression of KAT1. Together, ABA induces stomatal closure by regulating guard cell ion fluxes. January 2020 | Volume 62 | Issue 1 | 25–54

34 Chen et al.

drought tolerance probably by affecting the stomatal guard cells. For example, ABI1 can dephosphorylate
movement (Liu et al. 2013). Besides CPKs, CBL‐interacting and inactivate CPK6 and OST1 in guard cells (Geiger
protein kinase 23 (CIPK23) has also been implicated et al. 2011; Brandt et al. 2012). It has been argued that
through genetic analyses of ABA‐induced stomatal clo- ABA may function upstream of Ca2+ signaling because
sure (Cheong et al. 2007). In addition to the modulation ABA accumulates more slowly than Ca2+ under osmotic
of anion channel efflux, other ion channels can be regu- stress. Recent studies have also suggested that salicylic
lated in a Ca2+ dependent manner. GOAK, a K+ outward acid (SA) may induce stomatal closure independent of
rectifying channel, is phosphorylated and activated by OST1 but dependent on CPK3/6 (Prodhan et al. 2018).
CPK21 (Hosy et al. 2003; van Kleeff et al. 2018). Moreover, There is a possibility that osmotic stresses may also
CPK13 also inactivates KAT1 and KAT2, two K+ influx induce Ca2+ elevation and regulate stomatal movement
channels, and affects stomatal behavior through specific through Ca2+ sensors directly.
phosphorylation events (Ronzier et al. 2014). The activity
of the H+‐ATPase of guard cells of fava bean was shown CO2, pathogens, and ABA signaling
to be inhibited by Ca2+ in isolated microsomal mem- The involvement of several environmental factors
branes (Kinoshita et al. 1995). together with ABA on stomatal closure has been
studied as well. An increase in CO2 concentration is
Ca2+‐independent pathway able to reduce the number and size of stomata
The ABA activated SnRK2.6/Open Stomata1 (OST1) is a (Woodward 1987; Gray et al. 2000). Stomatal
key regulator of stomatal closure (Li et al. 2000). movement is also triggered by high concentrations
Abscisic acid activates the malate transporter Rapid‐ of CO2 and this is impaired in ost1 mutants but not in
type (R‐type) anion channel QUAC1 (also called ABA biosynthesis mutants such as nced3/nced5 and
ALMT12), which is independent of Ca2+ and is con- aba2‐1 and in the ABA signaling mutant pyl112458.
trolled by OST1 in guard cells (Meyer et al. 2010; Imes These results suggest that the role of CO2 in sto-
et al. 2013). OST1 up‐regulates the activity of SLAC1 matal closure is independent of ABA but dependent
and KUP6, a KUP/HAK/KT family potassium efflux on OST1 (Xue et al. 2011; Hsu et al. 2018). However,
transporter, and inhibits KAT1 through phosphor- other study has shown that the effects of CO2 on
ylation, which also affects stomatal movement (Kwak stomatal closure are dependent on ABA signaling,
et al. 2001; Geiger et al. 2009; Sato et al. 2009; and therefore, the relationship between CO2 and
Osakabe et al. 2013). Significantly, OST1 can also ABA needs further clarification (Chater et al. 2015).
phosphorylate and negatively regulate the bHLH Recently, Dittrich et al. (2019) has shown that the
transcription factor, ABA‐responsive kinase substrates ABA receptor PYLs integrate several environmental
(AKS1), which subsequently binds to the promoter of factors such as CO2, darkness and relative air hu-
KAT1 directly, leading to reduced expression of KAT1 midity under long‐term changes of environment.
(Takahashi et al. 2013). In Arabidopsis guard cells, Plants also regulate stomatal behavior to counter
NRGA1, a putative mitochondrial pyruvate carrier, can the ability of some pathogens to control stomatal
negatively regulate the inhibition of inward K+ cur- functions (stomatal immunity). Two receptors that
rents through ABA (Li et al. 2014). A plasma mem- recognize Pep1 peptide of damage/danger‐associated
brane receptor kinase, GHR1, controls ABA‐ and molecular patterns (DAMPs), PEPR1/2, have been
H2O2‐regulated stomatal closure by controlling SLAC1 recognized to function in guard cells to control sto-
activity, and contributes to systemic stomatal re- matal pore size through SLAC1/SLAH3, independently
sponses (Hua et al. 2012; Devireddy et al. 2018). of OST1 (Zheng et al. 2018). However, a flagellin
Both Ca2+‐dependent and Ca2+‐independent path- peptide from P. syringae (flg22), a member of the
ways mediate the decline of turgor of the guard cells pathogen‐associated molecular pattern (PAMP), in-
through membrane depolarization during water defi- duces stomatal closure by stimulating SLAC1/SLAH3 in
cits, leading to reductions in stomatal aperture. It is an OST1‐dependent manner in guard cells (Guzel
thought that OST1 and CPKs converge at the level of Deger et al. 2015). Su et al. (2017) also revealed that
PP2Cs so that Ca2+ and CPKs have an effect on sto- the MKK4/5‐MPK3/6‐organic acid metabolism cascade
matal movement downstream of ABA receptors in inter‐dependently functions with ABA to mediate

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Multiple functions of abscisic acid in plants 35

stomatal immunity. Also, the phytotoxin produced by LEC1 and LEC1‐LIKE (L1L), compose a transcription
P. syringae, coronatine (COR), is able to block ABA‐ control network called LAFL (Figure 4) (Kwong et al.
induced stomatal closure but does not block the 2003; Jia et al. 2014). Hormone signaling, some met-
MPK3/6‐mediated pathway (Melotto et al. 2006). abolic pathways and other transcriptional control
networks are targeted by LAFL and mediate the em-
bryogenesis process but the LAFL components have
ABSCISIC ACID IN SEED DEVELOPMENT distinct temporal patterns of development (Jia et al.
2013). The core LAFL network functions upstream of
In planta, when male and female gametes combine to several genes that modulate seed development in-
form a fertilized egg, the zygote will further develop cluding zinc finger factor PEI1, APETALA2 (AP2), BABY
through embryogenesis and endosperm proliferation. BOOM (BBM), FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC), and two
After that, subsequent division of embryo cells is ar- genes encoding seed storage proteins (SSP) including
rested at the mature embryo stage and storage 2S albumin storage protein 1 (At2S1) and CRUCIFERIN
products accumulate. In the final stages of seed de- C (CRC) (Jia et al. 2014). BBM has also been reported
velopment dehydration occurs and the embryo enters to regulate expression of most members of the LAFL
a desiccation‐tolerant and dormant state. Upon re‐ network during somatic embryogenesis (Horstman
hydration, the embryo radicle enlarges by cell elon- et al. 2017). Further, the LAFL network can be regu-
gation to break through the seed coat (germination) lated by the sister subgroup of AFL type B3 tran-
and the embryo enters the next generation (Mansfield scription factors such as VIVIPAROUS1/ABI3‐LIKE1/2/3
and Briarty 1996; Raz et al. 2001). Abscisic acid is in- (VAL1/2/3), which repress the LAFL network during
volved in many phases of embryo development during germination but do not affect seed maturation (Figure
alternation of generations (sporophyte to game- 4) (Jia et al. 2013, 2014; Zhou et al. 2013).
tophyte to sporophyte). Here we will introduce the
roles of ABA in storage product accumulation, desic- Last phase of seed maturation
cation tolerance, dormancy, germination and post‐ After the suspension of cell division during embryo-
germination growth arrest. genesis, plant seeds begin to accumulate storage
components and begin to desiccate. This final stage
Central regulation in embryo development results in a metabolically quiescent or dormant state,
The continuous growth of the embryo is arrested enabling seeds to survive severe stress environments.
during the transition from the embryogenesis phase to Abscisic acid also functions in this final developmental
the early maturation phase, which is primarily regulated stage and affects several important traits of the dor-
through control of cell division (Raz et al. 2001). Em- mant seed.
bryo growth arrest in mature seeds is controlled by
FUSCA3 (FUS3), Leafy cotyledon 1 (LEC1) and LEC2, Reserve product accumulation
which is evidenced by the fact that fus3, lec1, and lec2 Seeds mature by metabolically producing and then
mutants all fail to fully suspend embryo growth and accumulating several reserve components needed for
exhibit premature germination. Mutants impaired in germination and initial seedling growth and develop-
ABA signaling, such as ospyl septuple, snrk2.2/3/6 triple ment. The initiation of reserve accumulation is medi-
and abi3/vp1 double mutant also show premature ger- ated by several processes such as gene expression,
mination in Arabidopsis, rice and maize (Robichaud posttranslational modulation, strengthening the ac-
et al. 1979; Finkelstein and Somerville 1990; Nakashima tivity of enzymes and ATP production (Bewley et al.
et al. 2009; Miao et al. 2018). However, ABA biosyn- 2013a).
thesis and signaling mutants aba1 and abi3 display Before storage product accumulation, there is
normal embryo growth, indicating that FUS3, LEC1, and often a period of de‐greening that is important for
LEC2 control embryo growth arrest independent of seed maturation and some commercial traits such as
ABA signaling (Raz et al. 2001). storability and seed oil quality (Delmas et al. 2013).
During seed maturation, the ABI3/FUS3/LEC2 (AFL) SnRK2s that are activated by ABA and the down-
subfamily of B3 transcription factors, together with stream transcription factor ABI3 are often required for January 2020 | Volume 62 | Issue 1 | 25–54


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Chen et al.

Figure 4. Regulations in seed development through abscisic acid (ABA)

Time ordered developmental processes consist of embryogenesis, storage product accumulation, desiccation tolerance, dormancy, germination, and post‐
germination growth arrest, which rely deeply on transcriptional regulations. Embryogenesis is controlled by the FUS3‐LEC1‐LEC2 network independent of ABI3.
Both the LAFL network and ABA signaling are involved in storage product accumulation. Among the storage products, LEAs, together with HSPs, are pivotal
for desiccation tolerance. The antagonism between ABA and gibberellins (GA) largely contributes to the dormancy and germination. After germinating, stress
induces post‐germination growth arrest.
Multiple functions of abscisic acid in plants 37

this de‐greening process, which can be observed by maturation‐specific genes even during the germina-
the presence of a greenish‐brown seed coat in snrk2.2/ tion process, including the major seed reserve pro-
3/6 and abi3‐6 mutant seeds (Nakashima et al. 2009; teins ALBUMINs, CRUCIFERINs, and OLEOSINs (Sall et al.
Delmas et al. 2013). ABI3 interacts with the SnRK2 2019). Altogether, the classic PYLs‐SnRK2s‐ABFs signal
activated transcription factor ABI5, and these com- cascade plays an essential role in the assimilation and
ponents may function together in transcriptional deposition of storage nutrients in plant seeds.
regulation of ABA‐responsive genes (Nakamura et al. In the LAFL network, LEC1 is a key modulator in
2001). Indeed, two stay‐green genes, SGR1 and SGR2, fatty acid (oil) biosynthesis through the global ele-
are targets of ABI3 and function redundantly in reg- vation of the expression of several related genes. For
ulating the de‐greening of seeds (Delmas et al. 2013). example, Arabidopsis 2S storage protein 3 (At2S3), a
Abscisic acid functions in the storage of lipids, representative seed storage protein gene, is de-
proteins and carbohydrates in seeds. Consistent with pendent on FUS3 and partially dependent on both
the role of ABA in promoting accumulation of seed ABI3 and the AP2/EREBP type transcription factor
storage products, seedlings impaired in ABA signaling WRINKLED1 (WRI1) (Kagaya et al. 2005b; Mu et al.
such as pyl duodecuple and snrk2.2/3/6 triple mutants 2008). FUS3 modulates the expressions of storage
often exhibit reduced accumulation of seed products, protein genes in an indirect but still ABA‐dependent
whereas overexpression of SnRK2.6 increases overall manner, by requiring the ABA‐induced synthesis of
seed products (Zheng et al. 2010; Gonzalez‐Guzman several intermediate regulatory factor(s) (Kagaya
et al. 2012; Zhao et al. 2018). Inactivation of SnRK2.6, et al. 2005a). A LEC2‐GR inducible line, in which LEC2
which mediates ABA signaling, but not ABA‐ was fused with the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) pro-
nonresponsive SnRK2.4, results in a 7%–25% reduction moter that is activated by the gulcocorticoid dex-
in oil content of seeds (Zheng et al. 2010). According amethasone (DEX), accumulates seed‐specific mRNA
to microarray data, the expression of some genes and storage oil in leaves. This suggests that LEC2
encoding seed reserve products such as the 12S harbors a synergistic activity with ABI3, FUS3, and
globulin storage protein is impaired in the snrk2.2/3/6 LEC1 to affect reserve product accumulation (Santos
triple mutant, confirming that ABA can promote Mendoza et al. 2005). The AP2/EREBP domain protein,
seed storage accumulation through transcriptional WRI1 also functions in multiple processes involved in
regulation (Nakashima et al. 2009). Indeed, two ABF the accumulation of oil and sugars in seeds. The
transcription factors ABI5 and bZIP67, together with wrinkled‐like seed mutant wri1, which disables the
ABI3, and the AP2/ERF transcription factor ABI4, conversion of sucrose and glucose into triacylglycerols
control expression of genes related to numerous (TAGs), has an 80% reduction of seed oil content and
events involved in seed storage processes that are an elevation of soluble sugars (Focks and Benning
downstream of ABA (Nambara et al. 1992; Parcy et al. 1998; Cernac and Benning 2004; Mu et al. 2008; To
1994; Soderman et al. 2000; Mendes et al. 2013; et al. 2012). WRI1 is regulated by LEC1, LEC2 and
Zinsmeister et al. 2016). The transcription factor GmDREBL at the transcriptional level. WRI1 is also
bZIP67 together with two other LEC1 inducible tran- regulated by 14‐3‐3, KIN10 and perhaps by OST1 at the
scription factors, L1L and NUCLEAR FACTOR‐YC2 (NF‐ protein level (Baud et al. 2007; Mu et al. 2008; Baud
YC2), activate FATTY ACID DESATURASE 3 (FAD3) to et al. 2009; Sirichandra et al. 2010; Ma et al. 2016;
affect omega‐3 fatty acid accumulation in seeds Zhang et al. 2016; Zhai et al. 2017; Kong and Ma 2018).
(Mendes et al. 2013). ZmbZIP22 has also been re- To date, we still have an incomplete understanding of
ported to regulate seed storage events. For example, the roles of ABA in regulating seed storage‐related
ZmbZIP22 is required for the transcription of a 27‐kD proteins and genes. The role of ABA in controlling the
γ‐zein gene (Li et al. 2018; Dong et al. 2019). Abscisic activity of transporters for nutrients such as sugars
acid induces highly the expression of the DELAY OF and nitrogen in seed storage processes is very likely
GERMINATION 1 (DOG1)‐LIKE 4 (DOGL4), which encodes but remains obscure (Baud et al. 2005; Chen et al.
a major inducer of reserve accumulation during seed 2015). For instance, the mutant suc5 was found to
maturation (Figure 4) (Sall et al. 2019). Ectopic ex- have diminished levels of seed oil (Baud et al. 2005).
pression of DOGL4 enables the expression of seed Altogether, members of LAFL network together with January 2020 | Volume 62 | Issue 1 | 25–54

38 Chen et al.

other factors have crucial roles in the orchestration of dormancy has led to the identification of several
the accumulation of storage products during regulators of the hormone metabolism and action
the maturation of seeds. However, we need further signaling network that controls seed maturation and
research on the effects of ABA on several nutrient‐ dormancy. Several regulators including HISTONE
specific transporters and the importance of these MONOUBIQUTINATION1 (HUB1), REDUCED DOR-
transporters in both seed storage and maturation. MANCY 2 (RDO2), and DOG1 are involved in seed
dormancy directly (Liu et al. 2007, 2011; Nakabayashi
Desiccation tolerance et al. 2012). In rice, SEED DORMANCY 4 (OsSDR4) is
In the early periods of tissue differentiation and cell ex- considered to be a regulator that is involved in seed
pansion, the water content of seeds is gradually in- dormancy with an unknown function. In Arabidopsis,
creased followed by a significant decrease during the SDR4‐LIKE (AtSDR4L) regulates dormancy release and
accumulation of storage components and overall matu- germination through both GA synthesis and activities
ration (Bewley et al. 2013b). Simultaneously, with the (Sugimoto et al. 2010; Cao et al. 2019).
final stages of maturation, seeds acquire desiccation Many mutations that affect ABA biosynthesis,
tolerance and dormancy. The attainment of this toler- sensing and signaling such as aba1, aba2/3, nced6/9,
ance is associated with the accumulation of a series of snrk2.2/3/6, and pyl112458379101112, all show reduced
protectants such as antioxidants, sugars, and late em- seed dormancy and early germination (Koornneef et al.
bryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins (Koornneef et al. 1982; Leon‐Kloosterziel et al. 1996; Lefebvre et al. 2006;
2002; Finch‐Savage and Leubner‐Metzger 2006). Inter- Nakashima et al. 2009; Zhao et al. 2018). Recently, two
actions between LEAs and sugars contribute to the raf‐like MAPKKKs, Raf10/11, were shown to phosphor-
formation of a glassy state that suspends metabolic ac- ylate SnRK2s and ABFs and affect seed dormancy (Lee
tivities and protect seed tissues and cells from many et al. 2015; Nguyen et al. 2019). DOG1 also modulates
survival threatening events such as membrane damage seed dormancy as the mutant dog1 is completely
(Buitink and Leprince 2008). Core elements of ABA sig- nondormant. However, dog1 has nearly WT sensitivity
naling, like the SnRK2s, PYR/PYL/RCARs and ABFs, have to external ABA, indicating that the nondormant phe-
been found to control the regulation of gene expression notype of dog1 does not result from impairment of ABA
important for protection from seed desiccation such as signaling (Bentsink et al. 2006). Based on genetic
LEAs and HSPs that are modulated by the LAFL network analysis, DOG1 and ABA are both required for normal
(Wehmeyer and Vierling 2000; Nakashima et al. 2009; seed dormancy (Alonso‐Blanco et al. 2003; Bentsink
Maia et al. 2014; Zhao et al. 2018). Besides, as an im- et al. 2006; Nakabayashi et al. 2012). Other research has
portant component in light signaling, HY5 is also able to revealed that DOG1 is an α‐helical heme‐binding protein
induce the expressions of LEAs probably through binding that functions in the inhibition of AHG1/AHG3 down-
with the promoter of ABI5 directly (Chen et al. 2008). stream of heme (Nee et al. 2017; Nishimura et al. 2018).
DOG1 was demonstrated to increase the expressions of Although DOG1 interacts with another PP2C protein
LEA and HSP, via ABI5/ABI3, and may accelerate the ac- REDUCED DORMANCY5 (RDO5), RDO5 seems to func-
cumulation of N‐rich compounds, which promote the tion in seed dormancy independent of both ABA and
dormancy and storability of seeds (Dekkers et al. 2016). DOG1 (Xiang et al. 2014).
GA is essential for seed germination, which is evi-
Dormancy and germination denced by the defects in seed germination of several
After dehydration, metabolism ceases dramatically mutants with disrupted GA synthesis such as ga1, ga2,
and the seed begins to enter into a quiescent state, and ga3 (Debeaujon and Koornneef 2000; Ogawa et al.
which in most species, continues into various degrees 2003). DELLA proteins, RGA‐LIKE 2 (RGL2) and RGL3, are
and types of dormancy. Abscisic acid is a key regulator central repressors of seed germination, indicating the
in this process and it is noteworthy that only the important role of GA signaling in seed germination (Lee
embryo but not any maternal tissues produces ABA. In et al. 2010). The GA‐insensitive mutant, sleepy1 (sly1),
this sense, dormancy is a trait of the embryo and its exhibits attenuated seed germination due to enhanced
associated tissues (Karssen et al. 1983; Frey et al. accumulation of RGL2 (Ariizumi and Steber 2007). There
2004). Genetic screening of mutants deficient in seed are several other factors involved in GA signaling that

January 2020 | Volume 62 | Issue 1 | 25–54

Multiple functions of abscisic acid in plants 39

function in seed germination, such as F‐box proteins seedling survival. For example, germinated seeds may
SNEEZY (SNE) and SPINDLY (SPY) (Silverstone et al. be subjected to an increasingly stressful osmotic envi-
2007; Ariizumi et al. 2011). ronment. Seedling growth will cease under such con-
The opposing roles of ABA and GA in seed dor- ditions and re‐enter the quiescent state. This will protect
mancy and germination result in a balanced control the seedling until its surroundings become more favor-
mechanism. As a negative regulator in GA signaling, able for further growth and development that is needed
the loss‐of‐function mutant rgl2 has a reduced ABA to establish a photoautotrophic system (Hwang et al.
concentration after imbibition, leading to the release 2018). Exogenous ABA can induce PGG arrest. Abscisic
from dormancy and acceleration of germination acid‐deficient and ABA‐insensitive mutants are not able
(Piskurewicz et al. 2008; Lee et al. 2010). NF‐YC, to- to normally convert to PGG arrest, suggesting that ABA
gether with RGL2, promotes ABI5 expression to en- plays an essential role in the establishment of this im-
hance ABA‐mediated repression of seed germination portant stress adaptive response (Barrero et al. 2005).
(Liu et al. 2016). The COP9 Signalosome 1 (CSN1), There may also be multiple other participants in this
which is recognized as a modulator of ubiquitin E3 process. For example, JMJ30, a histone demethylase, is
ligase, facilitates the degradation of RGL2 and CSN5A, able to block the inhibition mediated by the H3 lysine 27
and may inhibit ABI5 possibly through a physical in- trimethylation epigenetic mark (H3K27me3) at the pro-
teraction, therefore promoting seed germination (Jin moter of SnRK2.8 and hence release the suppression of
et al. 2018). Expression of both RGL2 and ABI5 are also ABI3 to promote PGG arrest (Wu et al. 2019). Recently, it
activated by exogenous ABA (Piskurewicz et al. 2008). was reported that RAF22 in Arabidopsis acts as a neg-
Taken together, the balancing roles of GA and ABA on ative regulator of PGG arrest that is independent of the
germination are mainly achieved through effects on canonical ABI5‐mediated ABA cascade (Hwang
RGL2. Other signaling components of hormone me- et al. 2018).
tabolism and synthesis also contribute to this balance. The multiple roles of ABA in several stages of seed
During cold stratification, expression of CYP707As development continue to be revealed. Besides the
that participate in ABA catabolism, and AtGA3ox1 that processes mentioned above, ABA also functions in
is involved in GA synthesis is elevated, leading to a seed testa pigmentation, capsule dehiscence and
high GA/ABA ratio, which promotes seed germination radicle emergence and in early aspects of seed ma-
(Okamoto et al. 2006; Su et al. 2016; Chen et al. 2019). turation (Finkelstein and Lynch 2000; Frey et al. 2004).
The same expression control pattern was found with Seeds are the guarantors of the survival of future
the atper1 mutant that has a dysfunctional seed‐ generations. Their successful entry into and emer-
specific peroxiredoxin (Chen et al. 2019). In imbibed gence from dormancy is critical to species survival in a
seeds, DELLA protein is degraded by the elevated GA constantly changing environment that can abruptly
to attenuate transcriptional activities of the DELLA‐ become hostile to several life processes. Therefore,
ABI3‐ABI5 module, which accelerates germination. further understanding of seed biology will guide us to
When exposed to high temperature, increased tran- better understand aspects of plant life cycles im-
scriptional activity of the DELLA‐ABI3‐ABI5 complex portant to agriculture.
inhibits germination (Lim et al. 2013). This balance
between ABA and GA controls also involves inter-
actions with other hormones like ethylene (ET), BR, THE ROLE OF ABA IN PLANTS DURING
strigolactone (SL) and auxin, as well as with ROS and
NO, and with the temperature and light environ-
mental cues (Chen et al. 2009, 2019; Xiang et al. 2014; As we have already outlined, the biological regulations
Dekkers and Bentsink 2015; Shu et al. 2016). that involve ABA are ubiquitous and impactful during
multiple developmental stages of plants, and many of
Post‐germination growth arrest them are implemented through ABF‐mediated tran-
Abscisic acid also functions in the process of post‐ scriptional processes. There are nine members in the
germination growth (PGG) arrest. PGG arrest protects ABF family including ABF1, ABF2/ABA–RESPONSIVE
embryos from stressful surroundings that may threaten ELEMENT BINDING PROTEIN1 (AREB1), ABF3, ABF4/ January 2020 | Volume 62 | Issue 1 | 25–54

40 Chen et al.

AREB2, AREB3, ABI5, bZIP15, bZIP67, and EEL, all be- mediates several developmental processes that affect
longing to the bZIP subfamily. These factors function the successful entry into dormancy as well as main-
redundantly in transcriptional regulation mediated by tenance of and emergence from the dormant stage
ABA (Fujita et al. 2005). ABI3 and ABI4 are two other (Schopfer et al. 1979; Perkins et al. 2019). After germi-
important transcription factors that regulate ABA re- nation, high‐concentrations of ABA attenuate the
sponses. Here we discuss distinct biological roles of growth of the primary root, and in contrast, low‐levels
ABA during different developmental phases. of ABA maintain the growth through restricting eth-
ylene production controlled by expression of ACS2/5,
Abscisic acid in seeds and seedlings under water stress (Figure 5) (Spollen et al. 2000; Xu
Abscisic acid has important functions during several et al. 2010; Li et al. 2011). Exogenous ABA can also
stages of the alternation of generations through promote the elongation of the seedling primary root in
gamete generation, subsequent fertilization and em- the pyl112458 and pyl duodecuple mutants (Gonzalez‐
bryo development. Alternation of generations (sexual Guzman et al. 2012; Zhao et al. 2018). Genes in the clade
reproduction) conveys two major adaptive mechanisms. A PP2C family are intensively induced by ABA in the root
First, gamete formation by meiosis is the basis of most and this may lead to decreased inhibition of primary
genetic variation through which natural selection root growth (Wang et al. 2019). In addition to root
works. Second, the meiotic process occurs by the pas- growth, ABA inhibits the emergence of vegetative
sage into and out of a period of dormancy. During the leaves under non‐stress conditions (Yoshida et al. 2019).
dormant period, plant embryos can survive extreme Quite interestingly, ABA promotes the quiescence
environmental changes. As we have described, ABA and repression of differentiation of stem cell in the

Figure 5. Abscisic acid (ABA) functions in different stages during plant growth
ABA regulates multiple developmental stages of plants. ABA promotes root stem cell maintenance through ABFs
together with WOX5, and maintains primary root growth by restricting the ethylene production through ACS2/5.
ABA limits water loss through promoting wax synthesis and stomatal closure. ABA may promote bud dormancy
by coordinating leaf senescence, starch degradation and source to sink carbon translocation through tran-
scriptional reprogramming. ABA also protects plants from drought stress by promoting the accumulation of LEAs
and prolines. Together, ABA regulates plant growth, development, and stress responses.

January 2020 | Volume 62 | Issue 1 | 25–54

Multiple functions of abscisic acid in plants 41

primary root meristem, which is dependent on (Figure 5) (Zhu et al. 2011; Gao et al. 2016; Zhang
WUSCHEL RELATED HOMEOBOX5 (WOX5), a target of et al. 2019).
auxin signaling that is essential for quiescence center Under appropriate environmental conditions, the
(QC) function (Han et al. 2010; Zhang et al. 2010; Wu adult plant will begin the transition of flowering, which
et al. 2018). Moreover, yeast‐one‐hybrid results have restarts the alternation of generations at the point of
revealed that both WOX5 and NAC DOMAIN PRO- meiosis and pollination (gamete fusion). Abscisic acid is
TEIN13 TFs may bind directly to the ABRE promoter involved in several developmental processes associated
element, which may also function in DNA damage with flowering and transition of generations. ABA
responses and stem cell identity (Wu et al. 2018). functions in the coordination of fruit growth and rip-
Controlling stem cell development may be a critical ening (Rogler and Hackett 1975; Rusconi et al. 2013; Liao
strategy to adapt to stress environments through re‐ et al. 2018) and ABA also promotes flower organ ab-
development of tissues and organs with more ap- scission (Zhao et al. 2018). However, as described above,
propriate phenotypes. the major function of ABA in reproduction involves its
role in embryo dormancy which is the ultimate response
that allows survival in extreme environments.
Abscisic acid in adult plants
Abscisic acid has several effects on adult plants. Under Abscisic acid in senescent plants
conditions of limited water, ABA transcriptionally An important aspect of the transition to flowering and
regulates many genes. Abscisic acid induces several the successful production of dormant structures (seeds)
LEA class genes including AIL1, RD29B, RAB18, EM1, and crucially involves the senescence process. Senescence is
EM6 which are the classic ABA‐responsive marker the last step of development and can be induced by
genes thought to protect plants from dehydration multiple factors. Abscisic acid plays critical roles in ac-
damage (Wang et al. 2018d). Mutants defective in celerating leaf senescence through transcriptional
multiple ABFs display wilty phenotypes under limiting regulation (Gao et al. 2016; Zhao et al. 2016). The
water conditions. However, many details of ABFs expressions of ORESARA1 (ORE1) and SENESCENCE‐
regulation of water stress response remain unclear ASSOCIATED GENE12 (SAG12), two marker genes induced
(Yoshida et al. 2010, 2015). Abscisic acid also activates during senescence, are transcriptionally activated by
the expression of genes controlling wax synthesis ABA signaling involving both ABFs and RAV1 (for ABA‐
helping to block water loss from leaves (Cui et al. insensitive/VP1) transcription factors (Figure 5) (Gao
2016; Zhao et al. 2016, 2017). The expression of wax‐ et al. 2016; Zhao et al. 2016). ABFs, such as ABI5 and EEL,
synthesis‐related genes, KCS2, CER1, LTP3, and WSD1, also participate in dark‐induced senescence (Sakuraba
are strongly decreased in snrk2.2/3/6 and abi1‐1 mu- et al. 2014). Abscisic acid systematically controls energy
tants but are increased in pRD29A‐PYL9 transgenic flow from source tissues (senescent leaves) to sink tis-
plants (Zhao et al. 2016). Abscisic acid effects on sues (dormant seeds and floral meristem) (Zhao et al.
stomatal movement require OST1 phosphorylation of 2016, 2017). The floral meristems, under appropriate
AKS1. Abscisic acid accelerates the degradation of conditions, develop into dormant embryos. Senescence,
starch to sugars during osmotic stress through in both processes, redistributes resources to dormant
transcriptionally controlling the expressions of structures.
β‐AMYLASE1 (BAM1) and α‐AMYLASE3 (AMY3) through
several ABFs. The amy3/bam1 mutant displays dys-
functional translocation of carbon sources from leaves PERSPECTIVES
to roots under osmotic stress, suggesting that ABA
may function to promote the export of sugars from Abscisic acid has many roles in regulating plant growth,
source leaf tissues to sink tissues in the root development and response to various environmental
(Thalmann et al. 2016). Through transcriptional mod- stresses. These functions have been extensively studied,
ulation of ABFs, ABA controls chlorophyll degradation, which has been focused on the major metabolism and
starch biosynthesis and uptake of toxic cadmium (Cd) signaling pathways, with particular emphasis on seed
through an interaction between ABI5 and MYB49 dormancy and stomatal movement. Due to technology January 2020 | Volume 62 | Issue 1 | 25–54

42 Chen et al.

limitations on ABA visualization, the regulation of ABA 2010, 2014; Gonzalez‐Guzman et al. 2012; Umezawa et al.
metabolism is still poorly understood. Further efforts 2013; Wang et al. 2013; Miao et al. 2018; Zhao et al. 2018;
should be directed toward how environmental changes Shinozawa et al. 2019). Future efforts should also be
modulate the dynamics of ABA metabolism, and on how directed to understand further the regulation mecha-
ABA controls other stress responses beyond germination nism of these other downstream responses. Plant
and stomatal function. growth is severely impaired both in ABA biosynthesis
Our understanding of how plants modulate ABA ac- and signaling mutants, even under well‐watered con-
cumulation in response to environmental stresses would ditions, indicating a growth promotion role of basal
be greatly facilitated by the identification of stress sen- level ABA signaling (Zhao et al. 2018). We also need
sors. Although several putative sensors of salt, cold, and more information about how ABA regulates carbon
osmotic stresses have been identified, the mechanisms allocation. Carbon re‐allocation is an important aspect
that link environmental sensing to ABA accumulation of leaf senescence, bud and seed dormancy, and is
remains largely unknown (Yuan et al. 2014; Ma et al. 2015; closely related to the harvest index of crops (Savage
Jiang et al. 2019). Therefore, understanding the regulation et al. 2016). How ABA functions in stem cell main-
of ABA dynamics requires more knowledge of the up- tenance and differentiation is a major underappreciated
stream stress sensing and signaling events. Innovative aspect of stress adaptation (Han et al. 2010; Zhang et al.
technologies for ABA visualization will be a major tool 2010; Wu et al. 2018). As sessile organisms, plants
that can greatly help to understand how stress is per- cannot “flight” as animals do during stresses, and must
ceived and leads to induction of Ca2+ signaling and ABA “fight” against stresses. Stem cells may be the “secret
accumulation. Ca2+ signaling may function together with weapon” of plants to overcome their inability to
ROS in regulating systemic signals that control ABA ac- “flight” by re‐development of tissues and organs. Fi-
cumulation in distal leaves, and ROS signals can inhibit nally, much effort is needed to address the signaling
the PP2Cs (Sridharamurthy et al. 2014; Devireddy et al. dilemma affecting the so‐called carbon/water trade‐offs
2018). Several aspects of the spatiotemporal regulation of that plants face during stress. Taken together, it is ur-
ABA accumulation and signaling need further study, in- gent to decipher the role of ABA in diverse physiological
cluding: (i) long‐distance transmission of stress signals to processes of plants and provide a theoretical basis ad-
induce ABA; (ii) ABA dynamics at the cellular, tissue or dressing critical problems regarding crop production,
organ levels. The recently developed markers and re- quality, and resistance.
porters can facilitate these analyses (Duan et al. 2013;
Jones et al. 2014; Waadt et al. 2014; Wu et al. 2018).
Beside the Ca2+ and ROS signals, the small peptide CLE25
may also participate in the long‐distance delivery of stress
signals to promote ABA biosynthesis in leaves (Ren
This work was supported by the Shanghai Center for
et al. 2019).
Plant Stress Biology from the Chinese Academy of Sci-
The diverse functions of ABA in regulating physio-
ences, the Strategic Priority Research Program of the
logical processes are mediated largely through the
Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB27040107), the Na-
multiple downstream substrates of SnRK2s. During the
tional Natural Science Foundation of China (31970293),
past 20 years, major research efforts have been focused
and the Shanghai Pujiang Program (18PJ1410900).
on the regulation of seed germination and stomatal
movement using the well‐established molecular‐genetic
and electrophysiological tools. However, many bio- REFERENCES
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January 2020 | Volume 62 | Issue 1 | 25–54

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