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MEMORY VERSE: 1 John 5:13


Many people who get converted to Christianity usually have doubts as afar as their salvation is
concerned. Many feel saved now and unsaved the next moment and this manifest in their continuing to
answer altar calls and harbor a sense of guilt. There is nothing a man receives from God by faith, that
the devil will not contest. He will usually seek to cast doubt on the work God has wrought in a heart.
There is therefore an obvious need to assure (put beyond all doubt) a convert of his salvation.

To do this we must resort to the Word of God and our prayer is that as you know what God said you will
become assured that you are saved to the point that no efforts of the devil will make you doubt again.


1.1.0 Incomplete Repentance.

1 1.1 What is repentance? (Acts 26:18, 20; 1 Thess. 1:9; Isa. 55:7-8; Lk. 15:11-32). Have you repented?
What did you repent from? Particularly, what is repentance from dead works (Heb. 6:1).

Many people associate repentance primarily with emotions - shedding tears, remorse anguish, etc.
Others associate repentance with carrying out special religious rites and ordinances. It is therefore
important for us to very clearly understand the Scriptural meaning of the word. Repentance is a change
of heart and involves a turning; a turning away from darkness and Satan to light and JESUS.
Dead works (these include religious rituals and other activities, like giving. preaching, etc. done by
unconverted men) is part of darkness.

1.1.2 When repentance is complete and genuine there will always be fruits of repentance. Examine the
following Scriptures and points out some fruits of repentance. (Lk. 3:7-14; Matt. 3:7, 8; Acts 19:18-
19; Lk. 19:8-9; Lev. 6:1-6).

Genuine repentance always preceeds Scriptural faith. (Mk. 1:15; Acts 2:37-38: 20:2-21). Many a time
when a persons repentance is not complete with fruits, that person's faith seem to be shaky. So you
need to ensure that you have repented completely from your sins, put your faith in Christ and
confessed Him with your mouth. If you have done this from the heart you have received Jesus and you
are saved.


Several times, the devil uses ignorance to deceive and confuse many concerning their salvation. Many
want a sign or feeling or something dramatic. Salvation is a free gift and a work of the Holy Spirit. There
are three things that assure a man about his salvation namely: the witness or testimony of the word of
God, the Witness of the Holy Spirit and the evidence of a new life.
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1.2.1 The witness of the Word of God.

a. You are required to simply believe what the Word of God says about your salvation. (Eph 2:8-9;
Jn. 3:5, 8, 16; 5:14; Titus 3:5). How did you receive your own salvation? What did you do?

b. Meditate on Jn. 6:37. What do you discover? Have you come to Jesus in simple repentance
and faith?

Salvation is a free gift and a work of the Holy Spirit. You do not need to understand how it happens,
only to believe. If you have come to Jesus in accordance with His Word in simple repentance and faith,
His promise is never .to send you away. Nothing dramatic may have happened on the day you put your
faith in Jesus to save you but as long as you did so from your heart, you are saved.

c. Meditate on 1 Jn. 5:11-13 (Look it up from different versions). What do you discover? Are you
quite sure that you are saved? Do you sometimes feel unsaved? Why did the Holy Spirit put down
this passage for you?

It is clear from the above study that Salvation proceeds from God and not from man. It is therefore
based on the Word of God and not on human feelings. The human being by nature lives on the plane of
feelings but the New Creation (Believer) lives by faith, which originates from the word. You must
therefore cast aside every doubt; believe what the Word of God says about the steps you have taken, it
is then that the new creation experience can become a reality in your life and the devil cannot toss you
around anymore

1.2.2 The witness of the Holy Spirit - Rom. 8:9, 14-16; Eph. 1:13-14

When you are saved, you are justified and reconciled with God. There is no more condemnation. You
now have peace with God (Rom. 5:1; 6:1). There will be an inner Witness. The Holy Spirit Himself
agreeing with your spirit that you are a child of God.

1.2.3 The Evidence of a new life - 2 Cor. 5:17; Col. 3:4


The New life you now have received from Christ will begin to show forth itself in a new behaviour. The
things you used to do, you do them no more. There is a change of life and everybody can see (behold)
and testify.

May God grant you grace to continue in this new life until Christ cornea. Amen.
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Having been born again, you have been translated from the Kingdom of Satan, which is the Kingdom of
darkness into the Kingdom of GOD is. the Kingdom of His Son JESUS CHRIST which is the Kingdom
of light. Every Kingdom has a government and rules. SimilarIy, in God's Kingdom there are principles,
rules and instructions that have been set out by God Himself to guide, regulate, direct, teach and
instruct you unto the path He has ordained for your life to follow in order to ultimately become
conformed to the image of the Lord Jesus Christ which is the ultimate purpose to which you were called
into the Kingdom of light.

Therefore, you need to enter into a life time search for God‘s Word in order that your life may please
Him and that you will become more and more grounded in your faith, no longer tossed up and down, to
and fro, by the Devil from whom you have been set free.


The Word of God is not an opinion of man neither is it a compilation of men's philosophies and fables.
The WORD is the mind of God spoken to and through men by the Holy Spirit. (2Pet.1:20-21). Therefore,
it is sure and irrevocable and we can invest our lives in searching and basing our lives on it.


a) 1Pet. 2:2; Deut.8:3; Acts 20:32; 2Tim.3:15-17


b) Ps. 119:9 &11; John 17:17


c) Ps. 119:105, 130; John 8:32; James 1:25


The Word creates and sustains the Christian life. The Word makes you to grow in CHRIST, the Word
sanctifies and keeps you from sin. The Word brings guidance, direction, understanding and liberty to
your life.

2.3.0 HOW DO YOU DISCOVER GOD'S WORD? (Jer 15:16, 2 Cor. 3:6)

a) Ezra 7:10(a), 1Pet.2:1; James 1:21; Prov. 4:23-26


b) 2 Cor.3:16-18; Eph.1:15-21; Col. 1:9-11. What is the role of prayer in discovering the Word?
Ps. 119:18-19
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c) John 5:39; Prov. 2:4-5; Acts 17:10-11, 2 Tim. 2:15


Discuss the use of aids like Daily Guide, pen and paper etc, in discovering the WORD.

d) Josh.1:8a; Col. 3:16, Deut. 6:6-9: Ps. 1:2;119:15; Prov. 4:20-22.


Explain what it means to meditate. What is the link between study and meditation? How does the
exercise of memorizing Scriptures assist in the retention of God's Word? What are the limitations and
dangers of memorizing Scripture?

e) Josh.1:8b; Ps.119:100; Jn. 7:17, Jn 14:21; 15:10-11; James 1:22-24; 1 Sam.15:22-23


From this brief study, we have discovered that the Word is the revealed mind of God. He has
ordained it as the most comprehensive equipment for re-setting the direction of our lives and making us
perfect i.e. conformed to the image of Christ. It therefore means that we must take in the Word daily
even as we need to eat daily for our physical existence and continuity. In order to do this, we must
purge our hearts of every filthiness and anything that can grieve the Holy Spirit. We must also desire
the Word above anything else i.e. be hungry to know the truth (Job 23:12). We must also turn to the
Holy Spirit in prayer for insight and illumination.
Thereafter, we must study the scriptures i.e. read, search in a systematic, harmonious and
continuous manner. As we study we must also prayerfully meditate on the Word until insight, revelation,
understanding of God's principles and ways become clear to you. Thereafter you must go on to put into
practice what you have received. If there is any rebuke over any sin, habit or practice and error you
must confess and forsake it. if there is any example to follow you must commit yourself to emulating it.
If there is any command, you must make haste to obey it, etc. it is in this manner that you will stand,
grow and enter into God's programme and vision for your life. Amen.


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Having become born-again, you are now a new creature. Like a newborn baby, you need to begin to
learn how to walk as a Christian. All you have at this stage is a divine seed (1 Pet. 1:23, 1 Jn.3:9) which
must be watered and nurtured to full growth so that you may discover and fulfill the purpose of your
conversion. The only way you can enter into this experience is by entering into fellowship with the Lord
through His Holy Spirit. You need to know how to talk to and with Him and how to hear Him talk to and
with you.

A personal time alone with God is therefore essential to the realization of the Christian objective, which
is to grow up into Him in all things; thus becoming mature and attaining the stature and fullness of
Christ. (Eph. 4:13-15).

In this study, we want to prayerfully learn how to have an effective Quiet Time with God.



3.0.1 Discuss the following passages: Ps. 5:2-3; 55:17; Dan. 6:10; Mk. 1:35; Prov. 8:17

3.0.2 What is the goal of Quiet Time? Gen. 5:22—24; Gen. 6:9; Gen. 17:1; Rom. 8:29; 2 Cor. 3:18; 1
Pet.2:2-3; Eph. 4:11-14


During Quiet Time you learn to develop a sweet, growing and lasting intimacy with the Lord. Discuss
how the following can help you to achieve that.

3.1.1 Praise and Worship: Ps. 100:4; 107:21-22; Col. 1:12; Eph. 5:19-20; 1Thess. 5:16 & 18.


3.1.2 Prayer: Ps 5:2-3; Col. 1:9-11; Lk. 18:1; Phil 2:4; 4:6-7; 1 Thess. 5:17; 1 Tim.2:1-4; Gal. 6:2


3.1.3 Study and meditate on the Word.

a) See Isa. 50:4; Josh. 1:8, Deut. 8:3; Col. 3:16; Jn. 15:3; 17:17.

b. Discuss practically the use of aids like "Daily Bread‖, ‖Daily Guide‖, ‖Every Day with Jesus", etc.

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Discuss the following passages: Ps. 55:17; Dan. 6:10; Matt. 14:23-25: Mk 1:35

3.2.1 Why is it necessary to have a fixed time?


3.2.2 Why is it necessary to have a ―quiet place?‖


3.2.3 Discuss what to do if securing a quiet place seems impossible.


In the light of Prov. 6:4-1 1 discuss the advantage of rising early and how to conquer ―sleep".



Quiet time is a time set-apart to meet alone with God, to thank, praise, adore and worship Him. It is a
time to commune with Him as you seek to hear Him in His Word, etc, and to talk to Him about your
needs and that of others. It is at the place of quiet time that God usually transforms a man and moulds

While it is good and necessary to have set times and a set place, it should never degenerate into a cold,
ritualistic, mechanical and formal exercise. The ultimate target is to help you develop a life-long,
fulfilling intimate relationship with God.

You need to ask God to grant you grace and help you to be diligent in this matter.


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Prayer is one of the cardinal pillars of Christian living. it is a means of maintaining and fostering our new
found relationship with God (Lk. 1 1:2), putting our request before Him (Lk.11:3) and our weapon for
spiritual warfare (Eph. 6:10-13,18) and a source of strength for the new life (Matt. 26:41). To remain a
Christian you MUST pray. To refuse to pray is to fall back into your former manner of life. in this study
we shall discover how prayer aids our lives in the Christian Faith. You will discover that it is the Lord
Himself that has invited us to pray (Matt. 26:38, Lk.11:9-13, Jn. 16:24). Faithful is He that calleth, and
He intends to answer every prayer of faith. Through prayer, God has given us, as it were, an open
cheque with which to deal with all situations that may arise in our lives. (Jn. 14:13, Jam. 4:2, Phil. 4:6)

4.1.0 What is prayer? Ps. 5:1-3, Lam. 2:19, Acts 4:29, Phil. 4:6


4.1.1 How do we pray? Lk.1 1:2-4, Acts 4:24-30


4.1.2 What are we to pray for? Jam. 5:13-16, Jn. 14:13, 1 Jn. 5:14, Phil. 4:6


Prayer is the art of communicating with God. Prayer is telling it all to God, pouring out our heart to Him.
The basis of prayer is the relationship we now have with God – OUR FATHER. If this relationship does
not exist or is broken, then there can be NO prayer.

4.2.0 From the following passages, pick out the work of prayer in victorious Christian living,

4.2.1 Jude 20
4.2.2 Matt. 26:38, 40, 41; Matt.13:24-25

4.2.3 Micah 4:8, 10, Lk.3:2; 2 Chron. 7:13.14


4.2.4 Lk. 3:21-23; 9:29, Exo. 24:9 18, Acts 4:31


4.2.5 Exo. 33:7-11, Acts 2:42; 3:1


The place of prayer is the place of victory. Prayer edifies (builds up) the believer. A man of God said
―you can preach and yet live in sin, but you cannot pray and still live in sin‖. To pray is to be spiritually
alert, and an assurance not to fall into sin. Prayer is the path to anointing and glory.

3.0 What is effective prayer? (Matt. 26:45:46; Jam. 5:16b; Lk.18:1-8)

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4.3.1 What does it mean to pray fervently? (Matt. 26:37, 1 Sam. 1:6-7, 15-16)

We must aim at result oriented prayer. When our prayers are not answered, it should become a
concern (2 Cor.12:7-9). Our prayer must be fervent to produce desired results. It is not our worries that
make prayers effectual and fervent, but the boiling (burden) of the heart.

4.4.0 From the following Scripture, what are the hindrances to prayers?

4.4.1 Jam. 4:1-3, 1Jn. 5:14


4.4.2 Ps. 66:18; Isa. 59:1-2; Jn. 9:31; Ps. 24:1-5; 1 Jn. 3:22; Jn. 15:7

4.4.3 Mk. 11:25-26, Matt. 5:23-24, 6:12, 18:32-35


4.4.4 Jam. 1:5-7


4.4.5 Lk. 1829-14


4.4.6 Matt. 18:19-20,12:25


4.4.7 Dan. 10:11-13, 2 Cor. 10:3—4


4.4.8 Rom. 9:26


4.4.9 1 Pet. 3:7



Prayer moves the hand that moves the world. The reason you do not have is because you do not ask.
Ask and you shall receive, for every one that asketh receiveth (Lk 11:9-13). Besides, how far you
will go with God depends on your prayer. A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian. You must live
a fulfilled life on earth and make heaven, so pray. May God help you.


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Text: 1 John 1:3-7


Right from the beginning man was created to fellowship. We know from Genesis that God used to
come to the garden in the cool of the day (Gen. 3:8) to commune with man. Apart from God, man also
companied with each other. 80, man is a creature of fellowship. Man was not made 'a—loner‖. Even
after the fall, men still herded together, drawn by different things like blood relationship, social status,
professions, political associations, unionism, clubs, etc.

When the church started after the day of Pentecost, Acts 2:42 shows us that there were four major
activities on which the Church stood. These are: ..apostles’ doctrine (teaching the Word) and
fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in players. Without any of these you do not have a proper
local assembly yet and right there in the midst of them is fellowship. Coming immediately after doctrine,
which teaches us how things ought to be done, is fellowship, which is like a platform for every other
activity of the assembly. Without fellowship for example there cannot be breaking of bread or
congregational prayers. So, fellowship is a very vital aspect of life in the kingdom. We need to know
how our Lord wants us to fellowship, with whom and other matters about fellowship. As we go into this,
we need to seek the help of the Holy Spirit for insight and understanding and also willingness to do His
pleasure so that we do not err even in this vital area of kingdom life.


What is our common understanding of fellowship?


5.1.1 What is God‘s desire concerning fellowship Gen. 2:18; 3:8a


5.1 .2 What does fellowship involve?

a. Assembling of ourselves together. Heb. 10:25; Matt. 18:20


b. Sharing in the Word and edifying one another. Col. 3:16; Eph. 5:19

c. Giving: Jn. 3:16; Acts 2:44-45; 4:32-35, 1 Tim. 6:18: Heb. 10:24; 13:1, 16
Why does the Bible call giving ―to communicate‖? 1 Jn. 3:17; 4:9; 13:35

d. Being your Brothers‘ keeper Gen. 4:9; Gal. 6:1-2


e. Others. Rom. 12:15; 1 Cor. 12:26; 1 Thea. 5:11; Phil. 213-4; Eph. 5:21, Rom. 12:10; 13:8
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Fellowship could be said to be the expression of companionship, comradeship, communion etc

between fellows that have something in common. They are fellows journeying together in a ship-

Fellowship involves sharing and partaking together. Fellows in fellowship care for each other and share
their lives together, and their joys and sorrow; God's desire and command to His children is that they
must not forsake the assembling of themselves together. The devil on the other hand desires
isolationism rather than gathering together because he cannot operate freely and effectively when one
is effectively in fellowship The devil destroys brethren easily if he can get them to isolate themselves
from the fellowship of brethren.


5.2.1 Who are those involved in Christian Fellowship? (1 Jn. 1:3: Matt. 18:20; 1 Cor. 1:9; 2 Cor. 13:14;
Jn.14:26; Phil. 2:1)
Christian Fellowship is with the Godhead and with the Brethren. Without fellowship with the Godhead,
there cannot be fellowship with the brethren. Comment.

5.2.2 How do we fellowship with the Godhead?

a. By being an offering to God Rom. 12:1, Lev. 1: 1- 6, 2 Cor. 5: 15
b. Right Living: 1 Jn.1:5-6; 2:6; 3:19-21; Jn 8:31-32;14:23; Gal. 5:16;1 Pet. 3:11, 1 Thes. 5:19.22;
Eph. 4:30
c. Bible Study and prayer: Rev. 3:20; Ps. 1:2; Jn. 15:7; 14:23, 1 Thes. 5:17; Exo. 34:2
d. Praise and thanks giving: Eph. 5:19~20; Ps. 105:1-5; Ps. 100,
e. Holy Communion 1 Cor. 10:16-17; 11:23-26

5.2.3 What do you understand by:

a. The concept of brethren? Rom. 8:29; Heb. 2:11; Eph. 3:14-15; Jn. 20:17; Matt 12:46-50

b. The implication of being brethren: Gen. 13:8-10; Acts 7:26: 1 Cor. 8:1-7; Heb 13:1

c. What is life among brethren?

 Not of fault finding and accusation Matt. 7:1-5; Rom. 14:3-4. 13; Gal. 5:15, 26
 Love and peace. Rom. 12:14, 18-21; Heb. 12:14-15; Matt. 26:50
 Forgiveness and tolerance. Col. 3:13; Matt 18:21-35: 5:21-24: Eph. 4:31-32
 Responsibility one to another. Rom. 15:1-3, 7; 1 Tim. 5:4-16
 No class structure or racial discrimination. Jam. 2:1- 4: Deut. 1:17; 1 Tim. 5.21
 Submission to and respect for one another. Eph. 5:21-22; Phil 2:3; Rom. 12:10.
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5.3.1 What are the prerequisites for genuine Christian fellowship?

a. A new birth (life). 1 Jn 1:1-3a
b. Waiting in the light. 1 Jn 1:7; Eph. 4:25, 29; Matt. 5:14-16
c. Singleness of heart – purpose Acts 2:46; Col. 3:1-3
d. Singleness of mind – thinking alike. Rom. 12:16; 15:5-6; Phil. 2:2
e. Openness. Gen. 2:25; 1 Sam. 20:5-13

5.3.2 What can break or hinder fellowship? (1 John 1:5&6; Phil. 2:2-4)

Basically sin (walking in darkness) will break fellowship with the Godhead and therefore with the
brethren. Since fellowship involves caring, loving, sharing, etc. selfishness, stinginess, smile. gossips,
lack of openness, divisions, etc, will hinder and break fellowship.


5.4.1 What are the benefits of correct fellowship? (1.Jn. 1:4, 7; Matt. 6:12-15; Acts 2:46-47; 4:32-35;
Heb. 10:24; Prov. 27:17; Ps. 133:1-3)
When there is correct, sound fellowship, the brethren find mutual love, forgiveness, joy,
encouragement, etc. They share their lives and carry each other‘s burdens. They herd together under
the canopy of Heaven and move forward together and the enemy cannot get them to oppress.


5.5.1 What are the things that cannot fellowship together? (2 Cor. 6:14:1 7; Eph. 5:7-11; 1 Cor. 5:11,
13; etc.)
5.5.2 What are the effects of wrong fellowship? (1 Cor. 15:33; Prov. 13:20; Matt. 26:69-74)

5.5.3 Study Gen. 19:1-14 and 2 Pet. 2:7 and 8. What do you discover are the effects of wrong
fellowship on the believer? Also study the case of Jehoshaphat joining himself with Ahab in 1 Kg. 22;
2 Chron. 18:1; 19:1-3
The Lord forbids us to fellowship with certain people because it is inconvenient and will not work and
then, it will have disastrous consequences. We must take heed and ensure that we avoid fellowship
with ' darkness, etc, if we are to have fellowship with our Father.
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Beloved, before you turned to Christ, you have been in all kinds of fellowship/companionship (share
your experience here as you recount the fellowships you have been in before your conversion). Your
former partners are not likely to easily give you up. Satan will try to use them to get you back to his side.
If you must grow and move on with the Lord Jesus then you must break your former fellowships and
enter into Christian fellowship. You cannot afford to procrastinate on this matter. One of the evidences
of the genuineness of your repentance is this break with all past fellowships. Fellowship is so crucial
and a command of our Lord that cannot afford to be out of it.

May the Lord bless you and help you even as you obey Him in this crucial mutter.


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It you have repented from your sins and put your faith in Christ then you are born-again and have been
freely justified by God's grace. You are just, righteous through faith in Christ and a partaker of His
Divine nature. You are now required to walk in newness of life (a new walk) and live in a new way. Both
in the old and new testaments, the Scriptures make it plain that, the just shall live by faith. (Heb. 2:4;
Heb. 10:38). Once a man has been justified, Heaven expects him to live by faith. Any other form of
existence is contraindicated. Again, 2 Cor. 5:7 makes it categorical that, we walk by faith, not by sight.
Notice how the Amplified Bible puts that Scripture: For we walk by faith (that is, we regulate our lives
and conduct ourselves by our conviction or belief respecting man’s relationship to God and
divine things with trust and holy fervour, thus we walk) not by sight or appearance. A disciple of
Christ does not live and regulate his life by physrcal appearance but by heart conviction and belief in
God and what He said. If he does not live like this he cannot please God because, without faith it is
impossible to please him.

You are saved and justified by faith. Thereafter you can only live and grow by faith. From beginning to
end, the journey of the disciple is purely by faith if we are to please God. lf this is so and there are no
options, then we need to sit down and learn about this faith. We need to pray along for the illumination
of the Holy Spirit, as this matter may look technical.


6.1.1 What do you think is faith?

6.1.2 Read Heb. 11:1 from different versions. Point out the components of true Scriptural faith from
this verse.

6.1.3 What is hope? Is there a difference between hope and faith? What is their relationship?
Faith according to the Scriptures is putting our full confidence in the things we hope for and being
certain, convicted, assured of things we cannot see, including God Himself. Faith gives reality and proof
of things unseen, treating them as if they were already objects of sight. Faith believes that God exists
and that what He says is real, so we can relate with Him as a reality. It is what God told you that you
put your confidence in and it becomes an evidence of the things that are not yet seen. Once you can
handle them physically then there is no need for faith. From the above it is quite clear that if you must
have faith, you must seek God and His Word.


ls faith positive thinking? Is it mere mental accent or passive acquiescence? Discuss.



6.3.1 From the following Scriptures, who is the object of genuine Scriptural faith? Mk. 11:22; Heb.
6:1b; 11:6; Gal. 3:6; Acts 27:25; Ps. 37:3, 5; 125:1.
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6.3.2 From the following passages what are some wrong objects In which we normally tend to place
our faith? Prov. 29:25; Deut 8:13-14; 95- 62110; Jer. 9:23; 1 Thess. 1:9; 1 Jn. 5:21; Jer 17:5, 7

The scriptural faith is always towards God and in God. Faith put in any other thing is not genuine
scriptural faith and the consequences can be dire.


6.4.1 What does Heb. 11:6 teach about approaching God?


6.4.2 From the following scriptures, how does faith come? lsa. 53:1; Rom. 10:17; Jn. 5:24; Jn. 19:35.
Discuss also 1 Cor. 12:9; 2 Cor. 4:13

6.4.3 Analyse and ponder on Rom. 4:1 7-21 . How did the faith of Abraham and Sarah me? Was it
always there? What do you discover?

6.4.4 What does Lk. 1 7:5 and 6 show? Discuss.


There cannot be Scriptural faith when a man does not believe that there is God. After a man has
believed this and seeks Him, faith comes by hearing His Word. When you believe the Word of God and
you are tried and you persevere until you see the results then your faith develops and grows. Faith can
increase and needs to be persistent.


6.5.1 Where does faith start? (Rom. 10:8-10)


6.5.2 How is faith in the heart expressed? Rom. 10:8-10; Mk. 11:20-24; Heb. 11:8-10, 17-19, 23, 24-
26, 32-38.

6.5.3 What is the relationship between faith and works? Jam. 2:14-26.

Faith is in the heart but must be expressed in works. As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith
without works is dead also.


6.6.1 Can you suggest some hindrances to faith? Sea Jn. 12:42; Jam. 1: 6-8; Prov: 23:7a; 1 Cor.
15:33; Mk 4:24; Lk 12:5.
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Faith can be hindered. If we must have faith that works then fear must go Also we must that be
unstable in our characters and We need to be careful of what we read, and hear and also the company
we keep.


6.7.1 Faith enables us to relate with God. Heb. 11:1-3, 6.

6.7.2 Faith is the means of our salvation and justification. Jn. 1:12; Rom 5:15 Phil. 3:9; Eph. 2:8 & 9

6.7.3 Faith is our weapon of defence (armour) and enables us to secure victory against the devil in
battle. 1 Sam. 17:37; 2 Ch. 20:12; Heb. 11:33; Eph. 6:16.

6.7.4 Faith enables us to get resources and divine blessing from God. Mt. 8:13; 9:29-30; 17:30; Jam.
1:5-6; Mk.9:23

6.7.5 Faith sustains us in trials and afflictions. Dan. 3:17; Heb. 11; 32-39; 12:1-3.

6.7.6 Faith enables us to develop Christian character Jam. 1: 2-4.


6.7.7 List other benefits of faith.


From the foregoing study, it is clear that faith in God is the foundation and basis of any meaningful,
enduring and rewarding relationship with God. Faith first of all believes in the existence of God and
consequently that His Word is the principle for living. Jesus reaffirmed the truth that, Man shall not live
by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Faith is the principle for
daily living by which victory is obtained over the flesh, the world and Satan and commendation is found
in the sight of God. if the elders obtained a good report only through it, then our report will remain bad
before Him except we walk by faith.

Since faith is a walk, it needs to be learnt, practiced and improved with time. You must immediately
jettison (throw away, remove) your trust in anything else, especially man, and begin to learn to trust
God and live by His word. When you begin this walk, the Lord, as any responsible parent, will help you,
and your feet will get firmer on the grounds of faith until it becomes your principle for living.

May the Lord help and encourage you as-you step out and take steps of faith.
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Baptism is from the Greek word baptize, meaning to fully immerse and bring up again (fully wet). It is
essential to note the meaning of the word baptism - fully wet. Hence all the Baptisms are very crucial in
arming a convert in his new Christian race/fight.
There are different kinds of Baptisms, namely: Baptism of John (Matt. 21:25) i.e. Baptism of repentance
(Lk 3:3, 7-18), Christian Baptism also known as Water Baptism, Baptism of suffering and Holy Ghost
May God enrich and build you up as you study at His feet. Amen.


7.1.1 Differentiate between Baptism into Christ and Water Baptism


a. Read Rom. 6:3 from different Bible versions. What is Baptism into Christ? Rev. 3:20; Gal. 3:27

b. How did this Baptism into Christ occur? 1 Cor. 1:30; Eph 2:8; Mk- 1:14,15? Jn 3:1&7 Acts16:31;
2:38; 3:19

What was the result of this joining with Christ Jn. 3:15-16, 36; 10:28; 17:2, 3:3, 6; 2 Pet. 1:2-3; 2
Cor. 5:17

c. What happened to your old life (old man, sinful nature) when you received a new life? Jn. 3:14;
Gal. 2:20; Col. 2:11 (Amp, GNB); Rom. 6:3 LB; Rom 6:6-7

d. From 1 Cor. 12:13, Gal. 3:28-29, What is the implication of your baptism into Christ?

We are joined with Christ when we put our faith in Him to save us from sin and we receive Him into our
life - into all our beliefs, interests and behaviour. We give up (surrender) our old Sinful self to Him and in
exchange receive His own life. He then becomes our life. So, we now have a new life — Christ own life
(Col. 3:4) — called eternal life and are become brand new creatures. This is what it means to be born
anew (again).
At new birth, our old self, the old man a.k.a. the old sinful nature (the sin loving nature. the power of sin)
is crucified with him as our joining with Christ also means our joining (sharing) in his death. Our new life
now is Christ and our real business now is to walk in newness of life. It is because our old man is dead
that we bury him in the waters of baptism, as we shall see in Rom. 6:4; Col. 2:12.

7 1.2 a. What is water baptism? Matt. 28:19; Acts 2:41; 8:12, 26—38; 10:47-48

b. What is the significance of Water Baptism? Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38; 1 Pet. 3:18-21

c. What is the spiritual implication of Water Baptism? Rom 6:4; Col. 2:12; Gal. 2:19-20
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Water Baptism is a commandment by the Lord Jesus Christ. Matt. 28: 19. it is so cardinal in the
Christian faith, for it signifies the burial of your old self and your resurrection With Christ i newness of
life It is your open confession and appeal to God. It is your public denunciation of the world, a parting
point with the world and a physical demonstration of what you believe. Beloved, Water Baptism is not a
ritual. It is a reality. Do it with this consciousness and you will see the power of God in manifestation.


a. What is baptism into the Holy Spirit and who baptizes with Holy Ghost? Matt. 3:11; Mk.1:8; Acts
1:8; 2:14, 8, 14-17; 19:1-7

b. What qualifies a man for this baptism?. Acts 2:38-39; Lk. 24:49; Gal. 3:2

c. What is the purpose of Holy Ghost Baptism? Acts 2: 32-38; 1:8; 10:44-46; Rom. 8:26; Jude 20;
1 Cor.12:7; Acts 2:14.

d. How can someone be baptized into Holy Spirit? Matt. 5:6; Gal. 3:2; Lk. 1119-13; Acts 10:44;

e. What are some evidences of baptism in the Holy Ghost as can be seen from the Scriptures so
far read?

Like the word baptism, it is the overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit on the life of a believer. It
is different from Holy Spirit indwelling which automatically takes place in a believer at the time of
conversion (Eph. 1:13-14; 2 Cor. 1:21-22; 5:5). Holy Ghost Baptism is the coming upon you of the Holy
Spirit for the purpose of effective service unto the Lord. Jesus is the Baptiser with the Holy Spirit and
not any minister. He is the promise of God for everyone who believes in Him. It can be yours today if
you ask.


a. What is Baptism of suffering? Matt. 20:20-23; Lk. 12:49-50; Ps. 34:19


b. Is this baptism for every Christian? Phil. 1:29, 2 TIm.3:12; Jn. 15:18-20; 16:33; 1 Pet. 2:21 -25,
Matt.10:24-25; Acts 14:22

c. In what ways can a Christian suffer? Discuss the following:

- For carrying the cross Gal. 5:11; 6:12
- For righteousness sake Matt. 5:10-12; 1 Pet. 2:19-20; 3:17; 2 Tim. 3:12
- For daily needs 1 Cor. 4:11-13; Acts 3:1-6; 1 Sam. 21:1-4
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- For preaching the gospel. Matt.10:16-23; 2 Cor. 11:23-28

- The enemies attack Job 1:6-12; Rev. 2:9-10; 12:12
d. What are the benefits of suffering? Jam. 1:2-4; 1 Pet. 4:1b-2; 2 Tim. 2:12; Rom. 8:17-18; Heb.
5:8; Ps: 66:10-12

e. What attitude should we maintain towards suffering? Phil 3:10-1 1; Heb.12:2-3; 1 Pet. 4:1a,19;
Matt. 5:10-12; 1 Pet. 2:19; Jam 1:2, Acts 5:41

Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: The only
correct way of responding to any kind of suffering we undergo is to do what Jesus Himself did i.e. to
respond the same way Jesus responded. And there is nothing we are passing through or will ever pass
through that the Master did not pass through. Those who endure to the and shall be saved, and shall
wear a crown of life.


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We have come to another principle of the doctrine of Christ. Again we want to emphasize that these are
the basic general truth that form the foundation of the teachings of Christ. You will do well to pay close
attention because they form the foundation of our Christian faith. If you do not grasp and internalize
them well, and if the foundation therefore be faulty, the entire building and by implication, your entire
Christian faith will be shaky. We pray that God will grant you understanding as you study on in Jesus
Name. Amen.
8.1.0 What is "laying on of hands"?
8.1.1 What is the understanding when one says he will lay hands on you?
8.1.2 What does laying on of hands signify? Lev. 1:4; 8:18; 16:20-22; Exo. 29:10; Isa. 53:4,6
Laying on of hands is simply to put hands on somebody. There is the strictly non-religious usage and
the spiritual usage of it. The idiomatic expression of it brings out the matter of discipline, submission,
coming under the authority of another (submission in discipleship) as in Ezek. 1:3; 3:14. As a doctrine
of Christ, laying on of hands is very spiritual and must be done with that consciousness. Laying on of
hands signifies two basic truth in scriptures, namely, impartation and identification. As seen in the
above scriptures, it signifies imparting (give, bestow, lay, transfer) sins on the sin offering, which was to
be killed to make atonement. This was fulfilled in Christ as God laid on Him the iniquity of us all, and He
bore and carried it to the cross, Christ also identified with us in our sinful nature by becoming man
himself (Heb. 2:16-17).


8.2.1 Why is laying on of hands required for impartation?


8.2.2 Discuss from the following scriptures the things that can be imparted or conducted through
laying on of hands.
a. Blessing Gen. 48:14-16, Mk. 10:13-16
b. Healing Mk. 5:25-34, Matt. 8:3,15; Mk. 6:5; 16:18; 35$: 28:8
c. Baptism of the Holy Spirit Acts 8:14-17; 9:17; 19:6
Contact by laying on of hands is required for the purpose of conduction. Laying on of hands is a means
of conducting power (healing virtue), blessing and spirit.

8.2.3 What is the use of laying on of hands with respect to spiritual gifts? 1 Tim. 4:14; 2 Tim. 1:6;
Deut 34:9
Laying on of hands on a man whom God has called into ministry can activate dormant gifts and bring
them forth. No human being can simply by laying on hands impart any specific , spiritual gifts. it is first
to confirm what is already there as in the case of Joshua and Timothy (Num. 27:18).
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There is an ordained procedure of bringing and appointing men into ministry – God‘s work. This is what
we shall study here.

8.3.1 What is the Biblical meaning of ordination? Bead Mk. 3:14; Acts 6:3; 1 Tim. 4:14 from different
Bible versions. Who ordains God‘s ministers? Jer. 1:5; Gal. 1:15—16; Mk. 3:14
8.3.2 What is the implication of ordination as seen in Acts 13:2-3; Acts 14:26?
8.3.3 What is the significance of laying on of hands in appointing or ordaining men over God‘s work?
Num. 8:9—14; Acts 6:6; Num. 27:15-23
8.3.4 In the light of 1 Tim. 5:21-25; Tit. 1:5-9; Acts 6:3 why did Paul instruct Timothy not to lay hands
suddenly on any one (not to be in a hurry to give people appointment)?
8.3.5 Is it right to lay hands on men whom you do not know, or calling ministers who do not know you
to lay hands on you? How should it be done? Acts 1321-3; 6:1-6; Tit. 1:5, 2 Tim. 1:6
Ordination means choosing, appointing, designating, calling someone of a local assembly to a specific
work. It is God who calls and ordains His servants — His gifted m en. But every called and gifted servant of
God should have the recommendation, fellowship and prayers of his home church or assembly of believers
in going forth into the work of God to which the Holy Spirit has called him. It is done by the laying on of
hands of the Elders of that local assembly or an older minister who must have discipled the person or at
least known him so Well. It is a very strict matter. But there is no such thing as human ordination (appointed
and invested with ministerial functions by a human body or religious authorities to become a full- fledged,
authorized ministers to perform services of duly recognized ministers like Baptism and Holy Communion.
When hands are laid on a man who is called and ordained by God to be His .minister, it implies that the
elders or older ministers are identifying with and giving their consent and support or backing and are
partakers and share fellowship with him and his ministry - doctrine. This is why the Bible warns that hands
should not be laid suddenly on any one - someone you have not discipled or related with long enough to
know him. The person ordained most be known to meet the qualification of God's servants.
When a man is ordained by laying on of hands, it means he is marked out from others, Separated,
withdrawn from every other use and set apart for a specific work or purpose. It means to consecrate, offer or
devote to God. He becomes God‘s property.


8.4.1 From 1 Tim. 5:22 and in view of the fact that laying on of hands is a means of conduction,
mention the dangers of carelessly laying on of hands?
8.4.2 What care or caution must we exercise?
Laying on of hands is a means of conduction. Even our traditions recognize this: that is why they
practice it, Indeed, many things can pass through this medium — spirits, powers, blessing etc. People
have been known to become demonised, sick and contaminated through careless laying on of hands.
You are also a partaker with the misbehavior of some men when you lay hands on them to send them
into ministry. There is therefore great need to exercise great care and caution. God‘s warning for us is
lay hands suddenly on no man. God bless you as you give yourself wholly to the doctrine: of Christ.
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The Word of God is very clear on the fact that all of the dead will be raised. At death, the body which is
made of earth goes back to 'dust, but the soul and spirit returns to its Maker (see Eccl. 8:8; Matt. 10:28;
Lk. 16:19-31; Phil. 1:23: 2 Cor. 5:8 as proofs of immortality of the soul). At resurrection, the bodies of
the dead are raised back to life.
The hope of resurrection is very important and central to Christianity. But if there be no resurrection
of the dead, than is Christ not risen: And if Christ be not risen, than is our preaching vain, and
your faith is also vain. (1 Cor. 15: 13-14). But thanks be to God, Christ rose from the dead, and He
shall bring to life those who sleep in Him. But all the dead shall not be raised at once Apostle Paul said
For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all he made alive. But every man in his own order:
Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming. Than cometh the end, The
word translated ‗order‘ here is used to describe a ―rank‖ of soldiers marching past, one behind the other.
Christ first, then they that are Christ‘s at His coming (true believers at the time of Christ‘s return), then
the end the end of Christ earthly rule of 1000 years at the close of the which He will deliver the
Kingdom to God the Father. So, as we study the resurrection of the dead, we pray that God will prepare
our hearts to meet Him whether dead or alive. May God rekindle your hope as you study. Amen.


9.1.0 The total personality of man is composed from two distinct and separate sources. What are
these? Gen. 2:7; Eccl. 12:7.
9.1.2 What gives life to the body? Gen. 2:7; Job 33:4; Lev. 17:14.
9.1.3 What is death? Phil. 1:21-24; Ecol. 8:8; Isa. 53:12; Matt. 27:50; Acts 7:60.
Death is not the termination or end or loss of life, but the release or separation or departure of the
soul, the invisible, immaterial part of man from its earthen vessel - the body. When this happen, the
blood ceases to circulate as the heart stops to operate; and breathe ceases, the body becomes lifeless
- dead.

9.1.4 What is the condition of the departed spirit in this period of death? lsa. 14:9-10; Ezek. 32:17-32;
Lk. 16:19-31.

9.1.5 Where is the place of the departed spirit of the dead:

a. Before the ascension of Christ.
b. After the ascension of Christ? Eph. 4:8-10; Acts 7:55-56, 59-60; Phil. 1:23: 2 Cor. 5:8.
9.1.6 What is resurrection (of the body)?
9.1.7 What is the exception to the universal appointment of death and resurrection? 1 Cor. 15:51-53;
1 Thess. 4:17.
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9.1.8 From the following Scriptures, what implication will resurrection bring upon men? Rev. 10:4-6;
Acts 17:30-31: Heb. 9:27.
There is persistence of personality after death. There is recognition of one person by the other,
there is communication between (dead) persons - departed souls. There is complete and permanent
separation between the departed spirits of the righteous and those of the wicked. Before the ascension
of Christ, all departed spirit went to "Sheol" (Hebrew) or "Hades‖ (Greek) in the nether world - the world
of the dead.
The righteous dead went to an area/compartment of sheol called paradise (literally meaning garden)
or Abraham‘s bosom (as named after him for those that have the faith and obedience of Abraham, the
father of all them that believe). It was their place of rest and comfort. The wicked dead were separated
to a place of torment. Their place have remained same after the ascension of Christ; but for the
righteous dead, Christ has made full atonement for sin and the way into heaven is opened for the spirits
of the righteous dead to ascend immediately and directly into heaven, into the very presence of God
At resurrection, the body shall receive life again as the soul returns to repossess it. The spirit and
body are then reunited and the complete personality of man is reconstituted. Death,
resurrection/rapture brings man into Eternity - when time is out of mind. Eternity is God's mode of being,
an aspect of God‘s own nature; the realm in which God Himself dwells. After resurrection, then comes
judgement. Only the saints living and caught up (snatched away) at the time of rapture will not resurrect.


Some people, like the Sadducees, don't believe there is resurrection. The following are proofs of

9.2.1 Christ taught it Jn. 5:28-29

9.2.2 Christ rose from the dead as the Firstfruits. 1 Thess. 4:14; 1 Cor. 15:20-23.
9.2.3 The seed die and is quickened 1 Cor. 15:35-38.
9.2.4 The proof of temporary resurrections in old and new Testaments 1 Kg. 17:21; 2 Kg. 4:34; 13:20-
21; Matt. 9:23-25; Lk. 7:14; Jn 11.
If the seed that is sown first die and then germinate, then resurrection is both possible and true.
Moreover, both in the old and New Testaments we see temporary resurrections. (temporary because
they died again, they didn‘t resurrect permanently into eternity). Our Lord amused us that we shall all
resurrect, who die in Him (Jn. 14:1-3); and that He rose from the dead means that those who died in
Him, shall be raised up at the resurrection of the Just

9.3.0 PHASES/ORDER OF RESURRECTION. (Jn 5:28-29; Dan. 12:1-3)

There are basically two types of resurrections in the Bible: the resurrection of the Just, the dead in
Christ, called the resurrection of life. It is so called because all those who partake in it, the second
death - eternal separation from God in hell fire - has no power over them. These are categorized as the
FIRST RESURRECTION (Rev. 20:4-6). Then the resurrection of the unsaved called the resurrection of
damnation. All who take part in this last and final resurrection are damned. Rev. 20:11-15

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9.4.0 THE FlRST RESURRECTION. Rev. 20:5-6.

From the following Scripture, discuss the resurrection of the Just:

9.4.1 Christ the firstfruits (1 Cor. 15:20: Matt. 28:1-10; Matt. 27:51-54; Eph. 4:8-10)

Note: Firstfruits means the beginning of a thing; as used here means Christ was the first to resurrect
from the dead to Eternal immortality.

9.4.2 They that are Christ’s

a. The dead in Christ - them which sleep in Jesus - at rapture (1 Thess. 4:15-18; 1 Cor. 15:23, 51-
These shall resurrect unto believers‘ iudgement at the judgement seat of Christ. Their works shall be
judged and each shall receive his reward.

b. The tribulation saints (Rev. 6:9-11; 7:9-17; 20:4-6)

c. The two witnesses (Rev. 11:3-12)
9.4.3 What is the qualification for the first resurrection? (1 These. 4:14, 16; Rom. 2:12-16; 1 Cor.
15:23). When can a man be said to sleep or die in Christ .Eph. 5:27; 1 Jn. 1:7; Matt. 24:44;
25:1-10; Rev. 22:12-15; 21:27.
The first resurrection covers the period of time from Christ's resurrection to the tribulation saints and the
two witnesses, before the millennium and includes all the redeemed. The qualification to be raised shall
be holiness and righteousness. At your death whether by accident, in your sleep or on hospital bed, will
the candle of your faith be on? Will you be ready or will He meet you with malice, strife, envy, evil
thoughts etc. and you will be found wanting? (Dan. 5:25-28)


9.5.1 What is the present state of the human body? (Phil 3:20-21; Rom. 8:18-23)
9.5.2 At resurrection, with what body do they come? (1 Cor. 15. 42-44; Phil 3:21; 1 Jn 3: 1-3).
9.5.3 Paul used the analogy of the corn to answer the question, with what body do they come? What
do you understand by this analogy? 1 Cor. 15:35:38.
Instead of the human body being deathless, immortal and powerful as the ruler of all creation, as
originally made by God, it is VlLE - depraved, sinful, sickly, mortal, subject to old age and decay and
can be destroyed and subject to the lowest humiliation. lts committal to the earth (burial) is the highest
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point of this humiliation and dishonour. God said it is dust and must return to dust. This is what sin
At resurrection, the saints shall receive Spiritual bodies, fashioned like unto Christ‗s body - glorious,
immortal, powerful and tang/Ible, with a higher substance than the natural bodies: Bodies that will never
grow old, that are not limited by space and time.
Every man at resurrection will have his own body- God will give every man his own body. Paul
illustrated this with a seed sown. The nature of the original seed sown determines the nature of the
plant that grows out of it. A seed of guinea corn can only produce a stock of guinea corn and not a stalk
of maize. The basic material of the original seed is still contained in the plant that grows up out of the
seed. Men will be men and women will remain women. Everybody will maintain his appearance. Such
bodies will be like Christ only in the sense of immortality. (Compare this with the resurrected body of
Jesus in Lk. 24:36-43).


9.6.1 The wicked dead ( Jn. 5:28-29; Dan. 12:2; Rev. 20:11-15).
9.6.2 Who are those wicked dead (Rev. 21:8, 27, Num. 32:23: Gal. 5:19-21).
This is the resurrection of all the wicked dead from Adam to the end at the millennium. It will include
the wicked who die during millennium. They will be raised with immortal bodies to be tormented in hell
for ever. Although resurrected from their graves in their bodies they are still spiritually dead in
trespasses and sins, alienated and cut-off from the very presence and fellowship of God, brought
before him for the final sentence of condemnation upon them.
Beloved, you have seen it, you have heard it. The choice is yours. Your lot is in your hands Make
your decision. Keep yourself in the love of God. Walk as it becometh saints. May our lot be in the
resurrection of life. Amen.

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And it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement. (Heb. 9:27)
The word Judgement as used in different scriptures, depending on the context, could mean regulations,
order, sentence, verdict, damnation, punishment etc. Eternal judgement is one of the
foundational/elementary principles of the doctrine of Christ. As we proceed with the study, it is our
earnest prayer that you will heed to God‘s warning to avoid the destruction that is coming upon the


10.1.1 What is judgement? Gal. 6:7-9

b. What is eternity? Isa. 57:15; 2 Pet. 3:8
c. What is eternal judgement? Heb. 9:27

10.1.2 What is time? Gen. 1:14-19; Ps. 104:19

b. How does man cross from time to eternity?
c. What is judgement in time? Ezek. 18:1-4; Exo. 20:5; Prov. 26:27; Num. 15:30-31; Heb. 10:26-31.
Give examples of this judgement. Gen. 429-13; 38:6-10; 2 Sam. 12:9-10.

10.1.3 Has grace taken away judgement? Titus 2:11:12; 2 Pet. 3:9; Ps. 9:16; 34:21; Deut. 7:9-10.

Judgement in the context of this study means the decision/verdict of God and punishment/reward
from God for wrong/right doing. Eternity is ‖without end", time out of mind; while time consists of
seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years. Judgement is reaping in time or in eternity
what you have sown.
In time, the sour grapes eaten by a father ban affect the son, but in eternity, every soul shall answer
for himself. Death/resurrection/rapture brings a man into eternity. Eternity is God's mode of being, an
aspect of God's nature; the realm in which God Himself dwells.
The Scriptures prove that a man can receive judgement for what he does here and now; even his
seed can be affected. Grace has not removed God‘s judgement neither in time nor eternity.

10.1.4 What is the nature and basis of God‘s judgment? Discuss the following:

a. God‘s judgements are righteous, 2 Tim. 4:8; Ps. 9:8; Acts 17:31; 2 These. 1:5
b. God is swift to bless and slow to chide. Ps. 103:8-10; Gen. 15:16; 2 Pet. 3:9.
c. It is righteousness with God to judge - to reward good deeds and to punish wickedness. 2 Thess.
1:6; Rev. 6:10; Lk. 18:6-8.
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d. From Eccl. 12:14; Rom. 2:12-16; what are the basis of God's judgement?
God is just and right (Deut. 32:4). The Judge of all earth must do right (Gen. 18:25). It is
righteousness with God to judge. Judgement is part of righteousness; so, God must judge. His
judgements are righteous and are based on righteousness. He gives to everybody according to what he
has done, not according to what he did not do. God does not judge with prejudice or partiality, for there
is no respect of persons with God. (Deut. 10:17; Lev. 19:15).
The basis of God‘s judgement is deed and not knowledge, light and not laws man never possessed.
All these apply to the types of judgement we shall study below.


10.2.1 Judgement of Believers' sin (Jn. 3:14-16; 12:31-33)

a. From the following Scriptures, what was the purpose of Christ dying on the cross? 2 Cor. 5:21;
1 Pet. 2:24; 3:18; Rom. 5:8.

b. From Matt. 27:27—50, describe Christ‘s suffering and death. Did He deserve to die? Why was
He forsaken by God?

c. What was the result of Christ‘s condemnation and death on the cross? Heb. 9:25-28; Gal. 3:13;
Rom. 5:1, 9-11.

The sins of believers have been judged in the person of Jesus Christ Iifted up - crucified on the
cross. God laid on Him the iniquity of us all, and there He was condemned. He took our punishment for
sin: the punishment of death. The result was death for Christ and justification for the believers, who can
never again be put in jeopardy if they do not fall back into sin.
Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:
(Rom. 5:1). We shall not come into condemnation, but have passed from death to life (Jn. 5:24). The
judgement of believers works by Christ shall only be for reward but not for Condemnation.


10.3.1 Judgement of Believers' work at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

a. What is the basis of this judgement? 1 Cor. 3:11—15; Rom. 14:10; 2 Cor. 5:9-11; 1 Cor. 4:5a.


b. When and where shall the judgement take place? 1 Thess. 4:16-17; Lk. 34:14; Matt. 16:27.

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c. What shall be the result of the judgement? 2 Tim 4. 7-8; Rev. 22:12 1 Cor. 4: 5b; 3: 14- 15
The judgement of believers works will take place at the Judgement Seat of Christ, in heaven after the
Rapture, before the second coming of Christ. The basis of this judgement shall be according to what we
have done in the body; what quality of work done and life lived and what sort of materials were used.
The fire shall reveal what sort it is, and every man shall receive his reward. If you built with strife,
competition, divisions, envy, earthly wisdom and fleshly methods, your works shall suffer loss but you
yourself shall be saved yet so as by fire.

10.3.2 Judgement of the wicked dead at the White Throne judgement. (Rev. 20:11 -15)

a. Who are those to appear in this judgement? Matt. 13:30, 38-42; 25:16-30; 7:21-23, Rev. 14:9-11.
b. What shall be the basis of judgement? Rom. 2:12-16; Rev. 20:12; Num. 32:23; Eccl. 12:14; Ps.
9:17; Lk. 12:1-3; Rev. 21:3.
c. When and where shall the judgement take place? Rev. 20:7-11.
d. What shall be the fate of the wicked? Can you describe their torment from the following
passages? Rev. 20:10, 15; Matt. 13:42.
All the wicked dead who were not judged at the judgement of the nations a thousand years before,
from Adam to the end of the millennium shall be judged at the Great White Throne of God, and cast into
hell fire. All who appear at the this judgement shall be damned. Their names were not written in the
book of life. Having known this ahead of time, you must not fall into God‘s condemnation. Keep yourself
pure, undefiled and without Spot or wrinkle.

10.3.3 What do you know about (a) Judgement of the nation lsrael - Ezek. 20:33-34; (b) Judgement of
the living Nations - Matt. 25:31-46 and (c) Judgement of fallen angels 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6-7.
The judgement of Israel as a nation shall be for their many sins, rejecting and crucifying Christ. It
will take place In Palestine at the time of the great tribulation referred to as the time of Jacob‘s trouble,
during the last 3½ years of the 70th week of Daniel. At that time, the Antichrist will enter Palestine and
take over the temple as his capital building to be worshipped there as God (2 These. 2:1-12; Matt. 24:1
At the second advent of Christ referred to as, that day. God will break the yoke of the Antichrist off
the neck of Israel, … and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced and they shall mourn
for him, … In that day Israel shall be saved – in that day there shall be a fountain opened to the
house of David … for sin and uncleanness. (Zech.12:10; 13:1; Rom. 11:26).
The judgement of the nations will take place after the tribulation but before the millennium at the
second coming of Christ, at the Armageddon in the present day Palestine. The basis of the judgement
shall be for the persecution of Israel during the tribulation. As a result, the wicked nations shall perish in
the battle and go to hell fire with Antichrist (the beast) and the false prophets as the first fruit of the
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second resurrection (Rev. 19:19-21). And then Christ‘s dominion (the millennium reign) shall
commence, where the righteous shall reign with Him for a thousand years. The fallen angels who
sinned by joining in the rebellion of Satan, who fought in Heaven against angel Michael, shall be judged
by God after Christ‘s one thousand years of rule on earth. They shall be cast into everlasting
punishment, where they shall be tormented day and night.

10.4.0 PREPARE TO MEET YOUR GOD - Amos 4:12b.

10.4.1 Our preparation to meet God. Heb. 2:1-4; 2 Pet. 3:10-14; 1 Jn. 3:1-3; 4:16-18; Matt. 24:44;
25:1-13; Ps. 101:2-7


God expects of us to walk in the light as He is in the light if we are going to escape judgement in time
and eternity (1 Jn. 1:5-7). Read 1 Jn. 3:19-21; 1 Tim. 3:9 to discover how we are going to be able to
judge ourselves, 1 Jn. 1:9-11; 1 Tim. 1:18-19; 1 Cor. 11:31 the benefits of believers self judgement and
1 Tim. 1:19-20; 4:2; 1 Cor. 11:32; 5:4-5 what dangers we do stand if we neglect to judge ourselves. Our
conscience is our monitor. If we neglect it, it shall become seared and we shall make a shipwreck of the
faith and fall into condemnation. If we keep a critical eye on ourselves, we shall be able to confess our
sins and live holy lives before God and man, and escape God's judgement and chastisement.


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We rejoice With You for the gift of eternal life which is by grace through Christ. We implore you to
value this new life and consequently the new relationship you now have with God. We would like to
remind you that the Word of God is true, that when we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive
us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. The Bible again says, they that call upon the name of the
Lord shall be saved. When you repented and confessed your sins that day, the Lord heard you, forgave
you and saved you. Only cling to him from your heart, and refuse again to go back to your former
manner of life. Now that you have received Christ, you must know that:

1. You are a new creature. 2 Cor. 5:17; Rom 8:1; 1 Jn. 2:6.
2. You now have a new relationship in Christ. 2 Cor. 6:14-17; 1 Pet. 229-12
3. You need to nourish yourself daily on the Word of God. 1 Pet. 2:1-2; Ps.119:9-11,105; Act 20:32.
4. You need to pray daily and at all times. Matt. 26:41; Lk. 18:1; 1 Thess. 5:17; 1 Pet. 5:7; Eph. 6:18,
Phil. 4:6.
5. You need to meet regularly with the people of God. Heb. 10:25; Act 2:42.
6. You need to trust in God and walk by faith. Eph 2:8-9; Rom. 1:17; Heb. 11:6
7. The devil will not leave you alone, so learn to resist him. it. 6:10-18; 1 Pet. 5:8-9.
8. Tell others about your new faith. Eph. 6:15

Do a careful study of the above scriptural verses. Memorise and commit them to your heart
Remember that having believed on Jesus you have eternal life. (1 Jn. 5:11-13). This is God's own very
life, His very likeness. Therefore your manner of life should conform wholly to Him. What cannot be
associated with God should not be associated with you. What God cannot do, you should not do also.
(Eph. 4:1; Rom. 8:29). You must be different from unbelievers who know not God.


ln Hebrews 7:25, the Bible says "Therefore He is also able to save to the Uttermost (completely,
perfectly finally and for all times and eternity ) those who come to God through Him... " lt is a wonder
in heaven when a child of God, filled With the Holy Spirit, commits sin. God wondered aloud in
Jeremiah 2:21 "Yet I had planted you o house of Israel a choice vine, wholly of pure seed. How
then have you turned into degenerate shoots of wild vine alien to Me?" (Amplified) It is a strange
thing to God for a believer to be living in Sin. God has not called us unto unrighteousness but unto
righteousness. Paul beseeched us to live worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called. But
fornication, and all uncleanness or covetousness, lot it not be once named among you, as
becometh saints. Without holiness, it is impossible to see God. He that saith he abideth in Him
ought himself also, so to walk, even as He walked. (Eph. 4:1; 5:3; Heb. 12:14; 1 Jn. 2:6, 9.

Brother, sin kills and its path is the path of destruction. You must overcome sin. God is faithful and will
not let you be tempted beyond your ability of resistance or power to endure, but with every tempatation,
He will provide a way out to escape to a landing place (1 Cor. 10:13). To have victory over sin, you
need to know (and accept) the following, in addition:

1. It is possible to be holy. Rom. 6:14, 8:37.

2. Christ destroyed the power of sin on the cross. 1 Cor. 15:55-57; Rom.6:6, 10.
3. We also are dead with Him. By our union with Him through faith by baptism, we also share in
his death and are freed from the power of sin. Rom. 6:1-4, 7.
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4. Reckon yourself to be dead indeed to sin. Rom. 6:11.

5. Yield yourself and your members (eyes, ears, tongue, legs. hands etc.) unto God. Rom 6:12-13.
6. You must resolve with all your mind and will to be holy. Phil. 1:20, Dan. 1:8. Ps. 27:4.
7. You must read the Bible and pray every day. Act. 20:32; Ps. 119:9-11, 105; Matt. 26:41; 1 Pat 5:7.

Please do a careful study of the above scripture verses. Memorise and commit them to heart.

Remain a victor until Christ comes.

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