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The Challenges of

Teacher Today
Noor Syamieha Nurul Aina Hakima
Binti Mat Jani Binti Ishak Helmi

Group 5

Nurul Farhana Binti Nur Affa Najihah

Abdul Jabar Binti Iswandi
The personality of an educator
have the knowledge and responsibilities as
an educator

Student's attitude and

acceptance of knowledge
have a high level of discipline in the process of
studying knowledge
Speed at how
technology develop Students were raised
Due to changes in social in a digital age
norms, standards,
globalization, and
technology breakthroughs
Demand of 21st Educators must modify
their pedagogical

Preparing students for the

Century approaches

challenges of information
By adopting cutting-edge
pedagogical strategies,
Technology can improve teachers build dynamic
educational opportunities learning environments
but also can damage one’s
capacity for critical
thought and problem
Information is Constant desire
Educators find it difficult
now instantly for stimulation
to keep students focused accessible
in their lessons when they Frequently multitask by
are drawn to their digital alternating between
gadgets schoolwork and social
media surfing
Short Attention Spans
Digital distractions are
widespread in students' and Digital Distraction
study spaces outside of
the educational setting

Time management
Promote a culture of self- and meditation
awareness and mindfulness
The Latest Techniques and Methods in The
Introduced Education System

Teachers are forced to use Pupils will also feel stressed

Teaching include teaching The technique or when they cannot understand a
the latest approaches, plans, lesson objectives, approach taught by the
techniques and methods in topic, especially before the
learning places, teaching teacher is not effective is exam day. The pressure faced
the introduced education methods and techniques as that students will have
system. The 'chalk and talk' by students leads them to
well as processes involving difficulty understanding become increasingly passive in
method is no longer a suitable two-way interaction between what the teacher is
method. class, shy to ask the teacher
students and teachers. saying. and consider the subject to be a
challenging subject.

The use of authentic

materials as teaching aids can
solve the needs of teaching The system in
aids in teaching and learning learning and teaching
in the classroom. All is no longer
pedagogical knowledge stereotyped but
acquired will be able to be proactive.
implemented well.
Handling Discipline Problems
Among Students

Indiscipline makes Everyone’s life

students lose focus on The students also are
revolves around
educational goals which violent with their
discipline. From
are achieved through classmates. For instance,
childhood to
hard-work, time they bully other students
management, respect for adulthood it plays a
without realizing the
others and self crucial role in every
consequences afterwards.
determination. phase of human life.

Some groups of students The students did not have

ignore teachers instructions the intention to study.
and are rude with the teacher.
They go to school because
Disrespecting teachers is
of their parent's
highly unacceptable as the
values of respect and expectations, thus they
obedience are imbibed in the do not concentrate on
education of the students. their studies.
Teachers are dealing with
certain ethnic groups, who
have less interaction between
ethnic groups due to The fact that the school is
geographic factors and their very far away, most of them
respective ethnic cultures find it difficult to accept if
Teachers who work in the they are sent outside the
interior, especially in area due to limited facilities
Sabah and Sarawak have
a big task that needs to Teachers do not want to be sent
be done.
Teachers work in to the deep school because it is a
transportation problem. Most

rural areas
rural schools in Sabah and
Sarawak do not have ground
Some rural areas do transportation facilities
not have clinic
facilities Cannot be denied that
teachers in the interior
Teacher's quarters are also face difficulties in food
becoming an issue at the moment supply
because it is said that teacher's
quarters in rural areas are very
old and do not have facilities
such as water supply and
electricity supply.
Ensure the vision to be achieved through the
National Education Philosophy
to produce people who are balanced and harmonious from the physical,
emotional, spiritual and intellectual aspects (JERI) in order to become Malaysians
who are knowledgeable, virtuous, responsible, skilled and capable in achieving
Vision 2020.

Teacher is like a candle, burning himself to enlighten others is very

do not consider the lack of infrastructure or the discomfort of living in
the interior as an obstacle to their work.

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