Substantive procedures-Expenditure cycle

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Expenditure Cycle

Assertion Purchases Payable

Occurrence/ Existence  Inspect the supporting  The auditor should:

documentation (purchase  Record the number of the
order, supplier delivery note, last GRN for the year (cut-
GRN and invoice) to confirm: off number)
 That the (external) documents  Select from the purchase
are made out to the entity and journal, material purchases
are from an approved supplier entered during the last two
 All documents are correctly weeks of the year and trace
cross-referenced to each to the relevant GRN and
other. supplier delivery note (via
 Each document is signed by the invoice) Inspect these
the designated authority e.g. documents to confirm that
chief buyer, receiving clerk the GRN number is lower
 The goods purchased are of a than the cut-off number
type used by the company and that the documents are
inspect the cash payments dated prior to the year-end
records/bank statements to date.
confirm that the goods were  Circulate external
appropriately paid for. confirmations to a sample
of both local and foreign

Accuracy/Valuation and  Confirm the mathematical  agree the total of the

allocation. accuracy of the invoice by accrual and creditors
recalculating all extensions control accounts in the
(quantity x price), casts and general ledger to the trial
discounts balance reperform casts of
 Agree the quantity of items the creditors control
charged on the invoice, account, and the creditors
against the quantity on the list
goods received note  Identify any debit balances
 Confirm prices and trade on the creditors list,
discounts used on the invoice establish the reason with
by inspection of the order or the purchases manager and
purchase contract consider whether the
 Recalculate VAT, and by balances should be
inspection of the invoice, transferred to debtors
confirm that discounts are Select a sample of creditors
taken into account prior to the (which includes the
calculation of VAT company’s major suppliers)
 By inspection, confirm that the from the creditors list and
VAT number and details of the obtain the year-end
supplier as well as the creditors reconciliations
supplier’s VAT number are performed by the creditors
clearly presented on the clerks
supplier tax invoice.  Reperform the casts of the
 Agree balances on the
reconciliation to the
creditors statement and
creditors listing
 Test the logic of the
 by inspection of the
supporting documentation
and by inquiry and
confirmation, confirm the
validity of reconciling items
 If applicable, select a
sample of foreign creditors
from the creditors list and
by scrutiny of the
supporting documentation
(invoice), determine the
amount owed to the
creditor in the foreign
denominated currency
 Obtain from a financial
institution or suitable
publication, the applicable
currency exchange rate at
the financial year end (spot
rate) and
 Using the spot rate,
compute the amount owed
to the creditor at the
financial year-end in local
 Compare this amount to
the amount recorded for
the creditor on the
creditors list and, if
necessary, request
adjustment. The foreign
creditor will have been
raised initially at the rate
ruling at transaction date
i.e. the date on which the
risks and rewards of
ownership passed, and may
require adjustment for any
change to the exchange
 Obtain a list of accruals
from the client
 Cast the list
 Agree the total on the list to
the account in the general
ledger, the trial balance and
the statement of financial
 Agree amounts recorded on
the accrued list to invoices,
statements, etc., and
reperform any calculations,
e.g. leave pay accrual.

Cut-off/Obligations  Inspect the dates on the  Inspecting the supporting

supplier delivery note, goods documentation,
received note and invoice to statements, invoices, etc. to
confirm that the goods were confirm that they are:
received during the  Made out in the name of
accounting period under the company
audit.  In respect of purchase of
 NB obtain a sample of goods (or services) which
purchases made through the are used by the company.
year and then request for the
documents noted above.

Classification  Inspect the purchase order to  By enquiry of management

determine the expense or and reference to the audit
asset account to which the documentation on
purchase should be allocated purchases and scrutiny of
and posted and trace the the trade payables
posting from the purchase account, confirm that :
journal to the designated  Only amounts payable to
expense or asset account in trade creditors with in
the general ledger Establish twelve months have been
the description of the goods included in the account
purchased (by inspection of  That the balance on the
the purchase documentation) account does not include
to confirm that the amounts which should not
classification of the purchase be included, e.g. short term
is appropriate e.g. the borrowings, provisions,
purchase of a non-current bank overdraft.
asset has not been written-off
as an expense
 Inspect the purchase journal
(and invoice) to confirm that
VAT has been correctly
allocated and posted
 Inspect the supplier’s account
in the creditors’ ledger to
confirm that the purchase was
correctly posted from the
purchase journal.
Completeness  To test the completeness of  Compare the list of
purchases, the auditor will test creditors at the current
from a document recording year-end to the previous
the receipt of the item year-end, to identify:
purchased to the recording of  creditors on the previous
the purchase in the records. list who do not appear on
The auditor may choose a the current list, and
random sample of GRNs from  creditors balances which
the sequence of GRNs and are significantly smaller at
trace them through to the the current year-end
corresponding invoices.  and by enquiry and
inspection, determine and
evaluate the reason Inspect
the creditor’s
correspondence file for
correspondence relating to
unsettled disputes with
suppliers, and by discussion
with management,
determine whether any
adjustments to creditors
are required, e.g. the audit
client may be disputing the
actual delivery or condition
of the goods delivered and
may not have raised the
 If available, inspect the list
of GRNs which were
unmatched to invoices at
year-end. (This list should
have been obtained by the
auditor at year-end when
document cut-off numbers
were taken).
 Confirm by inspection, that
a journal entry raising the
corresponding creditors at
year end, has been passed,
and that the amounts
raised are correctly
computed by :
 Obtaining the price of the
goods received (from the
order or pricelist or
corresponding invoice if it
has arrived)
 Recomputing the amount

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