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Kunjal Art Classes

Contact No. 9004277455, 8369175524

 Good handwriting is a mark of success and personality
 In handwriting improvement classes I help the students to make their
handwriting legible and beautiful
 For that I give them guidance regarding letters formation, pleasing
spacing, proper posture, hand position and stationery guidance
 Handwriting improvement course not only improves the handwriting of
student but also brings a lot of changes in their behaviour. However, this
course should not be confused with graphology.
 This course is specially designed to improve the English and Hindi
handwriting of normal child from exam point of view. This course helps
the students to make good handwriting presentable and score good
marks in exam.
1. Writing table or a desk and a chair / table
2. Book (Preferably single line book)
3. Pencil or pen
1) Position of hand while writing is very important. The book or paper
should be kept at a 45° angle or in a comfortable slant position.
2) We should give proper rest to our arm while writing. The angle of the
arm from our body while writing t should be 90°.
3) We should always sit in a straight position while writing (NOT STIFFLY).
4) Always use non-active hand to support the book or book or paper.
5) We should write with our arm. Keep your arm moving while writing.
6) Hold the pen or pencil in tripod grip and apply equal pressure from
thumb and finger.
Kind of pencil
1. Always use triangular grip pencil with extra dark lead, as it reduces
pressure on paper.
2. I would suggest that Faber Castel pencil is ideal pencil for writing.
(Doms neon collection)
3. Also avoid pen pencil and pencil poppers for writing

Compiled by Kunjal Gala
Kunjal Art Classes
Contact No. 9004277455, 8369175524
Kind of pen
1. Ideal pen for writing is ink pen. As it is not water proof so I suggest
using a smooth ball pen. (go for gel pen if only school prefers gel pen)
2. The grip of the ball pen should not be too thin or too thick.
3. Even the tip of the pen should not be too thick, i.e. ideal ballpoint size
is 0.5 mm or 0.7 mm
4. The ink of the ball pen or Gel pen should not be too dark
5. The ball pen or Gel pen should not be too heavy in weight (metallic
body pen should be avoided)
6. Also avoid the erasable ball pens because they are very rough or need
more effort or pressure to write they don't write as smoothly as
compared to the normal ball pens or gel pens

1) Size:
There is no perfect size mentioned for an alphabet. But we should
write in such a way that it should be possible to differentiate small
letters like (a, r, o, u) etc. from capital and big letters like (h, l, t, d).
Even alphabets like small (g, y) etc. should not go beyond more than
half line of the subsequent line.
In Hindi , Marathi and Gujarati letters should not be more than ½ of
the line
2) Slants:
In cursive writing it should be slightly slant towards the right. i.e. left
to right upwards slant. However, in print writing, Hindi, Marathi,
Maths and Gujarati letters should be straight. If not possible, then it
should be slightly slant towards the right.
3) Shapes:
All the languages are comprised of three basic shapes standing lines
and 2 curves. 50% of the handwriting clarity comes if the standing
line is straight (or if slant lines are used, they should be parallel.)
4) Letter formation:
It means the way in which an alphabet should be written. Wrong way
of letter formation reduces the speed of writing. Always learn AND

Compiled by Kunjal Gala
Kunjal Art Classes
Contact No. 9004277455, 8369175524
5) Formations:
It means the height and width of the letters. The letters should not be
too long or too short or too broad or too thin. If there is a proper
combination of height and width than our hand writing becomes
6) Spacing:
There is no exact measurement for spacing. Spacing not only means
leaving enough space between two words but also leaving enough
space between two letters that they do not overlap on each other.
Spacing plays an important role to make our handwriting clean and
legible (readable). We should leave enough space between two
words so that we can distinguish them.
7) Surface:
Always keep your book on a solid flat surface. Uneven or a soft
surface may not give good writing. Preferably you should write using
a writing table or a desk as surface

FLOW of handwriting improvement course

Day 1
 First day of the course is very important. On the first day itself you will
have to take the handwriting sample of the student both in English and
Hindi on a full scape page
 After taking the sample guide the students about the correct way of
holding the pen or pencil.
 Position in which the book should be kept, the position of the arm and
also tell them to keep the other hand on the book while writing ALWAYS
 Each and every instruction should be given to them again and again.
 For students writing with pencil – NO USE OF ERASER
 For students writing with pen – DO NOT ATTACH THE CAP OF THE PEN
 Give the basic handwriting strokes for practice. After the student
completes the first page count the number of pages on which the
impression of his handwriting has gone

Compiled by Kunjal Gala
Kunjal Art Classes
Contact No. 9004277455, 8369175524
 If the impression goes till the 3rd 4th or even more pages then tell the
student to be very light with his hands while writing. Tell him not to
apply so much pressure while writing. Give him the reasons for that
 After completing all the strokes, for homework give them the strokes. If
the student is above 4th standard tell him to complete the homework of
the strokes with the time limit (that is he should mention starting time
and ending time) (ST_____ET_____)
Day 2 onwards
 On the second day begin with the small alphabets either in print or in
cursive. Teach them the alphabets as shown to you.
 From the second day onwards the speed and the level of learning
handwriting improvement of all the students of different grades will
 On the second day instead of giving the instructions, now you should ask
them the questions how. Gradually give them the reasons for the same.
 After completing the small alphabets start with small spellings that is
three letter and four-letter words as shown to you. After that start with
the bigger spellings as shown.
 Then make them practice the following sentence the quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog
 This sentence can also be given as a paragraph
 After this teach them capitals
 Now give them sentences of myself as follows
 After this you can start with copywriting.
 While the student is doing copywriting find out his mistakes regarding
formation, size and connections of the alphabets
 If there is problem in the formation of the alphabet give SERIES of
 If there is problem in the size of the alphabets then make them
understand the concept of size of the alphabets again
 If there is problem in the connection of the alphabets then show the
correct way of connecting the alphabets and make them write such
improperly connected spellings 5 times

Compiled by Kunjal Gala
Kunjal Art Classes
Contact No. 9004277455, 8369175524
 If there is fault in the pattern of the writing make them write the
affirmations 5 times according to their mistakes
 After improvement in English handwriting start with maths
 Size of the maths number should not be more than half of the line
 Practice in numbers should be as follows
 Explain them the formation of each and every number properly for
students of 6th standard and above also explain the presentation of the
 After maths start with Hindi
 Inform the students that size of the Hindi alphabet should not be more
than half of the line
 Start with SWAR and after that barahkhadi as follows
 Points to be taken care of while writing Hindi
 In Hindi the student is supposed to write the alphabets first to form a
word and then draw the sleeping line
 50% of the clarity in Hindi handwriting will automatically come if the
size is maintained, that is half of the line and if the alphabets are written
 Show them that formation of the alphabets should be prominently from
left to right
 Formation of alphabets in Hindi is broken not continuous
1. When you are writing in continuity the letters of the subsequent lines
should not intersect with letters of the above line.
2. Always start from the margins.
3. Leave enough spaces between the letters and words. At the end of the
line write only if the word fits the spaces. Don’t try to fit the word at the
end of the line forcefully.
4. Numbering or symbols for new points should always be done in the
5. To reduce cancellation frame sentence in your brain before writing.
Most importantly be good at spellings and improve your grammar.

Compiled by Kunjal Gala
Kunjal Art Classes
Contact No. 9004277455, 8369175524
6. In maths, all the = and therefore sign in a big sum should come in a
straight line i.e. exactly one below the other. When you add, subtract or
multiply vertically Th H T O etc. should be exactly below their
respective places. This not only improves presentation but also lessens
the chances of mistakes.
REASONS responsible for slow writing :
1. Most important reason – You are writing with your wrist and fingers.
REMEDY: You should write using your arm. Also, your fingers and wrist
will not ache when you have to write for a long hours. As the muscles of
fingers and wrist are very delicate as compared to the muscles of the
2. Holding the pen tightly and applying too much pressure on the paper.
REMEDY: Lessen your grip Apply equal pressure from thumb and
finger. Tripod grip is the ideal grip for holding the pen or pencil. (USE
pressure brings impressions on other page and also makes the
presentation weak. Use dark pencil or smooth ball pen or gel pen.
3. Wrong writing position. Not holding the pen in the correct way.
REMEDY: Sit in proper position as mentioned earlier. Hold the pen in
the right grip and one inch back the tip.
4. Wrong letter formation: REMEDY: Learn the correct way of forming and
connecting the letter.
5. When you are using a ball pen with a thin grip.
6. When your size of alphabets is very small.
7. Print writing takes more time.
 What causes pain?
1. When you hold the pen too tightly and applying too much pressure on
paper causes pain in the palm
2. When you are writing using your wrist and fingers, causes pain in the
3. Cap is on the pen while writing
4. Leaning while writing, causes pain in the shoulders
5. Arm is not on the desk while writing, causes pain in the wrist
6. Holding the pen closer to the ball point causes pain in fingers
 Why prefer cursive over print?

Compiled by Kunjal Gala
Kunjal Art Classes
Contact No. 9004277455, 8369175524
1. It is improves speed
2. Helps to remember spelling. This also improves reading and such
students score good in spelling test.
3. It looks good from presentation points of view. It looks more unique,
personal and thoughtful.
4. Students retain more information and generate more ideas.
 FOLLOW-UP from the Student point of view
1. Do exercises two times in a day.
2. For children of senior kg grade 1 grade 2 write 5 lines in English 5 lines
in Hindi everyday
3. For children of grade 3, 4, 5 and 6 write 10 lines in English 10 lines in
Hindi everyday
4. For children of grade 7, 8, 9, 10 write one-page English OR one page in
Hindi everyday also see the time they take to write one page
Exercises (Should be done with both the hands)
1. Squeeze the dough in the palm using all the fingers and thumb. (cold
dough the better) (or yellow smiley ball) (Weak Muscle Tone)
2. Make 10 small balls from the dough using first two fingers and
3. Take your thumb across the palm.
4. Join your hands and more the first finger of both hands up and down.
5. Rubber hand exercise
6. Keep your hand straight make fist and open, try to bend your fingers
backwards as much as possible. (Pain relieving exercise)
7. Move your wrist up and down without pressure and then down.
8. Touch both the hands from behind one from up and one from down.
9. Write the alphabets in the air keeping the hands straight
10. Folds the hands from above and touch shoulders.
11. Move your shoulders up, down, backwards, circular, motion.

Improving the handwriting of differently abled child

1. Improving the handwriting of differently abled child or children with

special needs, needs more than 15 sessions
2. It is a bit difficult for a special child to write in cursive handwriting.

Compiled by Kunjal Gala
Kunjal Art Classes
Contact No. 9004277455, 8369175524
However, it is not impossible but I recommend to teach print writing to
children with special needs.
3. Such children need to be given instruction many times.
4. They should be made well aware that they are supposed to start from
margin. They should be explained what is margin, the concepts of
spacing and gaps between the words.
5. Capital letters should be made very clear to them.
6. Children with weak muscles tone should be recommended hand
exercise compulsory. They should be preferably recommended grip
pens. For children using pencil SILICON GRIPPERS can be
7. Each and every instruction should be given to them specifically again
and again.
8. After two or three sessions instead of giving the instructions, now you
should ask them the questions how.
9. Appreciate each and every level of improvement excitedly.
10. This gives them encouragement to try in better way and put more

Positive affirmations can also be used to improve the faults in

handwriting patterns. Following are the affirmations
1. I will always start writing from the margin
2. I will always end my words and alphabets with a curve
3. I will always leave proper space between two words
4. I will always hold my pen or pencil properly
5. I will always speak and write
6. I will always write in neat and good handwriting.
7. I will always write with sharp pencil
8. I will always write with interest
9. I will always concentrate while writing


1. Too much pressure while writing.

2. Leaving spaces from the left margin before starting a sentence.

Compiled by Kunjal Gala
Kunjal Art Classes
Contact No. 9004277455, 8369175524

3. Writing the alphabets very closely within a word.

4. Leaving very less space between two words.

5. Leaving more space between two words.

6. Size of the alphabets is very big.

7. Uneven spaces between two words.

8. Size of the alphabets very small.

9. Leaving less space between two words towards the right margin.

10.Applying very less pressure while writing.

11.Alphabets like j, g, y are not going below the line.

*Why to keep the book slant while writing?

1. You can see what you are writing.
2. Arm is more flexible when the book is slant

*What will happen if you hold the pen or pencil too closer to the lead or
1. Handwriting will be very small.
2. Reduces the speed of writing.
3. After writing some time fingers will start paining.

*Why you should not press so much while writing.

1.The speed will be very slow.
2. Hand will start paining after writing for few minutes.

Compiled by Kunjal Gala
Kunjal Art Classes
Contact No. 9004277455, 8369175524
* Why you should not lean while writing.
1. The speed will be very slow as the body weight falls on the hand.
* Where should you always write and why?
You should always write using a desk or a writing table. This ensures
consistency in writing.
* When to sharpen your pencil after.
Sharpen your pencil after completing a full page, till then keep rotating your
* Why to use tripod grip while writing.
Tripod grip ensures that the curves are formed properly are also help to
increase the speed of writing.

Compiled by Kunjal Gala

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