Assessment 5_Group 8_BC-T221WSB-5

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Student name: Nguyễn Tiến Anh (L) Student ID number: B1111922260

Student name: Trần Tường Vy Student ID number: 21000611
Student name: Cao Nguyễn Quế Trân Student ID number: B1112013603
Student name: Nguyễn Ngọc Thanh Thùy Student ID number: B1112013699


Unit name: Business Communication Unit number: BC-T221WSB-5

Tutorial/Lecture: Assessment 5 Class day and time: Thursday, 12:00
Lecturer or Tutor name: Mr. Patrick Scott

Title: Final Group Report

Length: Due date: 9/9/2021 Date submitted: 9/9/2021
Home campus (where you are enrolled): Online Course

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Student’s signature: Tien Anh

Student’s signature: Tuong Vy
Student’s signature: Que Tran
Student’s signature: Thanh Thuy

Note: An examiner or lecturer / tutor has the right to not mark this assignment if the above declaration has not been
ARO 00398 09/15


Prepared for
Mr. Patrick Scott

Prepared by
Group 8

September 9, 2021


This project must be an ideal opportunity for our group 8 to put knowledge of the Business
Communication course into practice. Precisely, this project requires us to collaborate with a non-
governmental organization, small community business, or service organization in order to support and
satisfy their needs. After a period of investigation, we had contacted a number of businesses and
NGOs. Finally, the Sao Bac Dau Organization was our ultimate decision. Sao Bac Dau is a
longstanding organization, which was founded on 29th July 2007 in 30/4 Park with its initial mission of
stimulating the spirits of “patriotism - bravery - chivalry - dignity” in adolescents. This organization
has been successful in building trust, creating impact and expanding itself to all districts of Ho Chi
Minh City. The organization takes the outdoor-activities model as the foremost direction to plan and
establish extracurricular classes, annual camps, soft skill sessions that help students learn to live in
harmony, deal with conflicts, have confidence and firm belief in themselves. Undoubtedly, in
globalizing society, it is important to equip the young generation with social knowledge, survival
skills, especially exposure to a dynamic environment from a young age that helps children to be more
confident and proactive to connect with society later on. “Community connections for children:
friends, neighbours and local organisations” (2020) demonstrates that participating in social clubs,
religious organizations or volunteer groups can provide children opportunities to develop their skills,
talents and pursue interests as well as give back to the community in the future. Therefore, Sao Bac
Dau Organization is a perfect destination for youngsters to develop themselves, which is one of the
most important elements convincing us to cooperate in this final project.


When starting working with the Sao Bac Dau Organization, we interviewed and realized that the
organization should be better known for its useful activities for the community, especially for children.
Therefore, we made a decision in supporting them to promote their trademark. Particularly, after
inquiry, we discovered that Facebook was the most productive and appropriate social network
platform for marketing to the organization. This is because our deliverable is doing marketing so we
need to target two audiences: Sao Bac Dau Organization and the young generation. We are responsible
for providing background information and photographs about the organization's activities such as
seminars, picnics or soft skills courses so that each individual can visualize and better comprehend the
organization, thereby persuading them to spend time participating in valuable lessons. This is also the
foundation for the Sao Bac Dau Organization in terms of establishing trust and prestige in the eyes of
parents and children. On top of that, to build trust with representatives of Sao Bac Dau, we have given
them our detailed plans and promotional articles for them to censor before releasing it to the public.
Regarding some parents, there is general worry about their children’s safety when participating in
these outdoor activities. However, they can completely join to follow and support their kids.
Additionally, the children are also divided into groups having activities that are appropriate with their
age (see Appendix A – Picture 1). Thus, in this contemporary society, preschool students are the future
of the country. As a result, the Sao Bac Dau Organization was founded in order to create opportunities
for teenagers to develop their fullest potential. Hence, spreading the value of Sao Bac Dau
Organization is a necessary thing that we should do.

1. Searching: It takes a remarkable deal of attempt to discover a non-governmental company
willing to cooperate.
2. Contact: Sending lots of mail for a variety of organizations and companies, but because of the
covid-19 situation, they rejected our proposal. After 4 days, we received the agreement of Sao
Bac Dau Organization to collaborate with our teamwork.
3. Analyzing: Researching the organization carefully and clearly analyzing how to target
4. Survey: Creating a questionnaire and doing a survey to collect the information about which
marketing strategies would be the most effective in customers’ view.
5. Preparation: Coming up with ideas/content, gathering pictures and videos, writing
advertisements based on the survey.
6. Advertising: Posting and sharing those advertisements on social media (Facebook, Groups,
7. Report: Achieving the results (the number of people who interact with the fanpage increased
significantly) and writing a report.
 Detailed schedule and work assignment:

1. Searching

On August 17, we began to search for an appropriate non-governmental organization, small

community or service company to collaborate with. Even though we have searched and sent invitation
letters to numerous locations, most have refused to cooperate because their enterprises are closed and
do not conduct any work during the tough pandemic. After 4 arduous days, our invitation was finally
agreed by the Sao Bac Dau organization to support us via their Fanpage (Facebook) and officially start
the project together (see Appendix B).

2. Contact

When our team obtained Sao Bac Dau's permission on the fanpage, they gave us a contact number to
call and exchange ideas about the project we were working on. After discussing it, we sent an official
email to confirm the agreement immediately. We began doing interviews with the group after that (see
Appendix B). Following a lengthy discussion, our group agreed to assist the organization with
advertising in order to help them raise awareness about audience as well as some of the organization's
volunteer / extracurricular participants. (see Appendix B)

3. Survey

In order for the promotion to reach the audience most efficiently, our members have offered numerous
proposals that led to internal arguments. In details, one of them suggested sharing advertising articles
via Instagram and YouTube while others recommended running it on Facebook personally and groups.
Therefore, we decided to conduct an investigation to make the idea reach a broader public titled
ORGANIZATION (SAO BAC DAU) and discover how effectively and popular the marketing
approach between ages.

The research was conducted on 29th August 2021. There were a total of 10 questions and finally had
70 responses. The data was collected and presented in the form of bar charts and pie charts.(see
Appendix C).

We would like to point out the question number 2 and 6, which determines our advertising method:

The first given pie chart illustrates information about the ages of these research participants while the
next chart shows the most successful strategy of social media attracting the respondents.
It can be clearly seen from the chart that the proportion of marketing on Facebook accounted for the
largest percent, which also shows that almost people in all age groups were interested in posts on
Facebook with 75.7%, followed by the advertisement on Youtube (12.9%).
Based on the outcomes, we decided online media as the main method of promotion through which
Facebook is our top priority to marketing for Sao Bac Dau organization.

4. Prepare advertisement
The second purpose of this survey is to put ourselves in target audiences’ shoes in order to better
understand what they expect from participating in these non-governmental organizations. Thereby, the
articles have been built carefully based on the collected statistics to approach the audience effectively.

The pie chart above shows the percentage of elements that contribute to build an attractive post for the
audience when marketing. Strikingly, most audiences mainly focused on the qualified content of the
post rather than high-interaction and running advertisement. At the same time, the construction of
beautiful images was also an important component to attract the public, with the statistic up to 14.3%.

Besides, this given bar chart indicates which achievement that the respondents intended to gain after
participating in these organizations. Overall, there were more than a half of those people wanting to
achieve experiences (making new friends, practical knowledge, more creativity, etc) and life skills
(camping skill, soft skill, etc), with 85.7% and 68.6%, respectively.
As a result, we have decided to invest time building quality content and clearly presenting audiences
the values and useful lessons, which leads to persuading them to participate in the Sao Bac Dau
organisation's activities. Furthermore, we provide photos of the organization's actual activities so that
the audience can visualize and believe in our teamwork and the organization. (lấy ý session 6)

5. Advertising
The marketing post was sent to the representatives to wait for censorship and edit the content in the
most accurate way after being completed with selected content and images. Simultaneously, the
timeline and planning were also conducted. In detail, all members in our team took turns posting on
their personal pages in the golden hour frame for 3 consecutive days. Besides, we also chose related
groups that are suitable for the nature of the organization to post advertisements namely iVolunteer
VietNam, Early education - develop skills for children, Extracurricular activities for the youth of
VietNam, etc. All the marketing articles have been posted in 16 groups on Facebook totally.
Undoubtedly, it was censored by Sao Bac Dau organizers before releasing in public. As a result, the
articles have approached more individuals.





6. Writing report
While gathering the association's communication information, the readiness and improvement of the
report is additionally done. We partition the work and alternate to compose every fundamental part for
the report, then, at that point the individuals will check the entire article together cautiously to stay
away from superfluous mistakes.
Finally, completing the duties and gathering data on the organization's fanpage, we wrapped up the
project by sending an email to the organization and its members, thanking them for their aid and
support in ensuring that we completed the project in the best possible way and on time (see Appendix


Throughout approximately 2 weeks working on this project and about 3 days releasing advertisements,
the recognition of Sao Bac Dau Organization has increased significantly. It is elucidated by the
statistics of more people who began interacting with the post of Sao Bac Dau page.

The two pictures show that interaction of the page has increased remarkably. Previously, the number
of people liking the page was exactly 1.848 people. Throughout 3 days running advertising articles,
the figure for people who were interested in the page substantially increased to 2.003 people. Besides,
in terms of the given line graph, these are detailed analyses of the number of people interacting with
the page through the months from the beginning of the year 2021 until during the project. Obviously
from the chart, there was a tremendous decline from nearly 1.500 to 200 reaches in the number of
human interaction with the page between the beginning of August and the 9th of August. In addition,
there was no considerable fluctuation from 10th to the end of August, these figures maintained the low
points, which was under 100 reaches. However, after running the marketing campaign, the figure for
audience interaction bounced back about 1.3K reaches. Strikingly, on the last day we advertised, the
figure for human interaction peaked at about 2.200 reaches. All of those results demonstrate that
people have begun to pay more attention to participating in community organizations and outdoor
Furthermore, numerous parents contacted us and the organisation's page to ask about the participation
of their children in organizational activities. Many of our friends also expressed their willingness to
work with the organization in order to learn more skills. It also shows the desire of parents to find a
good environment for their children to play and facilitate their comprehensive development, which
helps them to replace time wasted on technological devices. This can be a positive sign and creates
potential for further development of community organizations, especially Sao Bac Dau in the near


Throughout the process of this project, we have encountered several challenges and most of them
derive from the current complicated epidemic situation.
Firstly, all enterprises and organizations had to close because of the Covid-19 epidemic. We sent
numerous invites to cooperate but it was hard to persuade them and most of those invitations were
refused. Therefore, Our team has had to change many companies and find out how to communicate
with them. Fortunately, the Sao Bac Dau Organization has been the sole entity that has accepted the
assistance of our team.
Secondly, representatives from the Sao Bac Dau Organization are participating in anti-epidemic
campaigns in the city, therefore they are unable to assist our team as quickly as they would want. This
case is perfectly exemplified by our review procedure. To speed up our ad review process and finish
the project on time, we had to email and private message her several times.
Finally, the temporary suspension of activities/programs has had some impact on the results of the
project. Because of the distance and no new activities, the promotion of the organization had to use old
interactive posts/images, which were difficult to persuade the audience totally and resulted in a quick
increase in the number of interactions. Fortunately, we received strong support from our friends and
After completing this project, despite facing many difficulties, our team successfully overcame it and
we had a great experience working with the Sao Bac Dau Organization as well. During the process, we
have applied various skills vital to business communication (You-Attitude, PAIBOC, Psychological
Description, etc) in practice through writing the email and the advertisement. At the same time, due to
this long term project, we have learned how to set up a clear plan and thoroughly assign tasks.
Furthemore, setting time management plays an essential role in making a successful report by using
roadmaps. Besides, we also learned problem solving skills through convincing the representatives who
helped us to change the Facebook system into English for having suitable statistics and information in
this report.

Community connections for children: friends, neighbours and local organisations. (2020). Retrieved September 9, 2021, from



Picture 1

Picture 2.1

Picture 2.2

Picture 2.3






1. What is your gender?

 Male
 Female

2. What is your age?

 15-17
 18-20
 21-23
 24 and over

3. What is your current job?

 Student
 Full time jobs
 Part time jobs

4. Do you think that NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) should have communication

 Yes
 No

5. Why do you think NGOs should use social media to promote themselves?
 Raise fund (short-term effect)
 Attract volunteers
 Call for investment from business (long-term effect)
 Approach community
 Build brand name

6. In your opinion, which is the most effective social media method that is appealing to people?
 Facebook
 Instagram
 Website
 Youtube

7. With the above forms of communication, the organizers should mainly focus on:
 Beautiful images
 Qualified content
 High-Interaction
 Running advertisement

8. What elements of media should the NGOs have to attract you to join in?
 High popularity of fanpage (reaches at least 1000 likes)
 An average frequency of 2 posts per week
 Various forms of online post including video, mini game, short article, ...

9. What do you expect to achieve when participating in these community projects?

 Experience (make new friends, practical knowledge, become more creative...)
 Life Skills (soft skills, survival skills, camping skills,...)

 Certificate

10. Beside online promotion, which traditional methods seem appealing to you in terms of marketing
for NGOs? (interest increases from 1 to 5)

1 2 3 4 5



Poster/ Billboards


 Link of questionnaire:
 Link Facebook of Sao Bac Dau Organization:
 Link Website of Sao Bac Dau Organization:


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