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Title: GitHub's Role in Cybercrime: A New Threat Landscape

Cybercriminals are increasingly exploiting GitHub, a widely-used platform for code and file sharing, to
host and distribute malicious files and execute phishing scams, according to experts. This shift in tactics
involves a method called "living-off-trusted-sites" (LOTS), where threat actors leverage GitHub's file and
code sharing capabilities to deploy their payloads within legitimate network traffic. This not only poses a
challenge for cybersecurity but also introduces a new trend among Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs).

**Reading Passage:**

GitHub, initially established as a standard tool for collaborative coding, has inadvertently become a
haven for cybercriminals. This criminal infrastructure is now an integral part of their operations, with
threat actors adopting the LOTS approach. Recorded Future, in a recent report, sheds light on the
emergence of "living-off-trusted-sites," emphasizing its growing popularity among APTs.

The primary avenue for abuse on GitHub revolves around payload delivery. Cybercriminals employ
tactics such as dead drop resolving (DDR) and command-and-control (C2) within the site. DDR entails
utilizing legitimate services to store information related to malicious domains, redirecting unsuspecting
users to other infrastructure controlled by threat actors. Moreover, GitHub serves as a camouflage for C2
networks, enabling cybercriminals to blend their traffic with legitimate sources, making it challenging to
trace or observe.

The report from Recorded Future highlights the severity of this issue, stating that the LOTS approach is
anticipated to become more prevalent, with less-sophisticated groups expected to follow suit. As the
frequency of these attacks is projected to increase, the report underscores the emergence of legitimate
internet services (LIS) as a new third-party risk vector for customers. Mitigation strategies are foreseen to
require advanced detection methods, comprehensive visibility, and diverse detection angles.

Interestingly, the report acknowledges the absence of a current solution to resolve GitHub abuse by
threat actors. However, it suggests a potential shift in responsibility towards LIS, which may possess
greater visibility over users and activities on their platforms. This shift is seen as a strategic move to
combat GitHub abuse effectively.

1. What is the main tactic employed by cybercriminals on GitHub, as mentioned in the passage?

- A) Code sharing

- B) Dead drop resolving (DDR)

- C) Industry standards

- D) Collaborative coding

2. According to Recorded Future's report, what term is used to describe the tactic of deploying payloads
within legitimate network traffic on GitHub?

- A) Living-off-trusted-sites (LOTS)

- B) Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)

- C) Command-and-control (C2)

- D) Industry standard tool

3. How do cybercriminals use GitHub to hide their command-and-control (C2) networks?

- A) By encrypting traffic

- B) Blending in with legitimate traffic

- C) Utilizing dead drop resolving (DDR)

- D) Creating malicious domains

4. According to the passage, why is the responsibility for detecting GitHub abuse expected to shift
towards legitimate internet services (LIS)?

- A) LIS have advanced detection methods

- B) LIS control GitHub's infrastructure

- C) LIS have greater visibility over user activities

- D) LIS collaborate with threat actors

**Title: ADAM - The AI-Enabled Robot Bartender**

**Reading Passage:**

ADAM, an AI-enabled humanoid robot, is revolutionizing the way we experience service in the restaurant
and beverage industry. With the ability to not only make coffee but also tell stories and dance, ADAM
showcases its diverse skill set. The president of Richtech Robotics, Matt Casella, highlights the advanced
features embedded in ADAM, making it a versatile addition to any establishment.

ADAM's capabilities extend beyond mere coffee-making. Equipped with AI, ADAM can recognize
individuals approaching, identify their movements, and initiate engagement. The embedded AI allows
ADAM to efficiently recognize and handle tools in its environment, including mixers and cups. Casella
emphasizes ADAM's proficiency in quickly and accurately preparing a wide variety of drinks from a menu
that boasts over hundreds of options.

Notably, ADAM's performance has been enhanced with new AI capabilities showcased at this year's CES.
In addition to being a coffee maker, ADAM can now function as a robot bartender or boba tea maker. The
integration of advanced AI ensures seamless collaboration between ADAM and human counterparts,
opening up possibilities for dynamic teamwork in various hospitality settings.

“I think there's enough room in our restaurant and beverage landscapes that there’s going to be
solutions like ADAM that are going to be clear winners,” states Casella. The focus for Richtech Robotics is
not only on selling ADAM but also on establishing partnerships with entities interested in deploying
ADAM on a larger scale.


1. **Question:** According to the passage, what activities can ADAM perform while making coffee?

- A) Tell stories

- B) Dance

- C) Recognize tools

- D) A, B, and C
2. **Question:** How many drinks can ADAM make, as mentioned in the passage?

- A) Ten

- B) Hundred

- C) Three hundred

- D) Five hundred

3. **Question:** The passage mentions that ADAM showcased new, improved AI capabilities at CES,
enabling it to become what?

- A) Restaurant server

- B) Robot bartender

- C) Bubble tea maker

- D) A, B, and C

4. **Question:** According to the passage, what does Matt Casella emphasize as the future focus for
Richtech Robotics?

- A) Continuously improving ADAM's AI

- B) Expanding ADAM's sales

- C) Collaborating with those willing to deploy ADAM at scale

- D) A, B, and C

**Title: Dragonslayer - A Dark Fantasy Horror Film**

**Reading Passage:**

Directed by Matthew Robbins, Dragonslayer is a captivating dark fantasy horror film that unfolds in a
magical medieval kingdom under the looming threat of Vermithrax, a formidable 400-year-old dragon.
The kingdom, in a desperate bid for peace, employs a disturbing method—King Casiodorus sanctions the
sacrifice of virgin girls through a lottery. However, the twist comes to light when a sorcerer's apprentice
discovers the rigged nature of the lottery, with names of the princess and other wealthy aristocrats
conveniently excluded. In response, he takes on the formidable task of slaying the dragon to bring an
end to this dark practice.

Dragonslayer, under the direction of Matthew Robbins, emerged on the silver screens at the dawn of
modern fantasy films, significantly elevating the standards for creature effects and world-building in the
genre. The narrative revolves around Vermithrax Pejorative, a dragon whose very name instills fear and
prompts both the naive and powerful to flee for their lives. Created using a combination of stop-motion
and computer-controlled puppetry, the dragon is brought to life with small models for dynamic scenes
like running and flying. The film's impressive creature effects have garnered praise from renowned
directors such as George R.R. Martin and Guillermo Del Toro.

Yet, beyond the technical achievements, at the heart of Robbins' film lies the compelling clash between
man and dragon, a spectacle that is nothing short of breathtaking. The sorcerer's apprentice's
courageous quest to challenge the rigged system and confront the fearsome Vermithrax adds depth to
the narrative, making Dragonslayer a standout piece in the fantasy film genre.


1. **Question:** What does King Casiodorus allow in the kingdom to maintain peace, according to the

- A) Tax collection

- B) Virgin girls' sacrifice through a lottery

- C) Construction of a fortress

- D) Trade agreements with neighboring kingdoms

2. **Question:** How is Vermithrax Pejorative portrayed in the film Dragonslayer?

- A) As a friendly ally to the kingdom

- B) As a mystical wizard

- C) As a formidable 400-year-old dragon

- D) As a wise sorcerer
3. **Question:** What cinematic techniques were used to bring Vermithrax to life in Dragonslayer?

- A) CGI and motion capture

- B) Stop-motion and computer-controlled puppetry

- C) Traditional hand-drawn animation

- D) Virtual reality technology

4. **Question:** According to the passage, what has Dragonslayer contributed to the fantasy film

- A) Elevated standards for creature effects and world-building

- B) Introduction of romantic subplots

- C) Focus on political intrigue

- D) Exploration of futuristic settings

**Title: Betavolt's Revolutionary Nuclear Battery: A Breakthrough in Long-lasting Power Supply**

**Reading Passage:**

A Chinese startup, Betavolt, has unveiled a groundbreaking battery claiming to generate electricity for an
impressive 50 years without the need for charging or maintenance. Headquartered in Beijing, Betavolt
asserts that its nuclear battery marks the world's first successful miniaturization of atomic energy, fitting
63 nuclear isotopes into a module smaller than a coin.

The company reveals that the next-generation battery has already entered the pilot testing stage and
aims for mass production, targeting commercial applications such as phones and drones.

According to a press release from Betavolt, the atomic energy batteries are designed to meet the
demands of long-lasting power supply in diverse scenarios, including aerospace, AI equipment, medical
devices, microprocessors, advanced sensors, small drones, and micro-robots. The firm sees this energy
innovation as a strategic move for China to gain a leading edge in the new wave of the AI technological
The battery operates by converting the energy released from decaying isotopes into electricity, a concept
explored in the 20th century. While the Soviet Union and the United States initially developed this
technology for use in spacecraft, underwater systems, and remote scientific stations, the batteries were
costly and bulky.

Under China's 14th Five-Year Plan, aimed at strengthening the country's economy between 2021 and
2025, Betavolt took up the challenge to miniaturize and commercialize nuclear batteries. Similar efforts
are underway in research institutions in the US and Europe.

Betavolt's first nuclear battery delivers 100 microwatts of power and a voltage of 3V, measuring a
compact 15x15x5 cubic millimeters. The company plans to produce a battery with 1 watt of power by
2025. The small size allows for their use in series to generate more power, envisioning mobile phones
that never need charging and drones capable of continuous flight.

The layered design of Betavolt's nuclear battery ensures safety, claiming it will not catch fire or explode
in response to sudden force. Additionally, the company asserts that the battery can operate in
temperatures ranging from -60°C to 120°C. Betavolt emphasizes the safety of its atomic energy battery,
highlighting its absence of external radiation and suitability for medical devices such as pacemakers,
artificial hearts, and cochlear implants.

Moreover, Betavolt positions its atomic energy batteries as environmentally friendly. After the decay
period, the 63 isotopes transform into a stable, non-radioactive isotope of copper, posing no threat or
pollution to the environment.


1. **Question:** What claim does Betavolt make regarding the lifespan of its new battery?

- A) 30 years without charging

- B) 50 years without charging or maintenance

- C) 75 years with minimal maintenance

- D) Lifetime warranty on charging

2. **Question:** According to Betavolt, what sets their nuclear battery apart in terms of

- A) It contains 50 nuclear isotopes.

- B) It is the first to use AI technology.

- C) It fits 63 nuclear isotopes into a module smaller than a coin.

- D) It is larger than traditional nuclear batteries.

3. **Question:** What is Betavolt's vision for the commercial applications of its nuclear battery?

- A) Only for medical devices

- B) Solely for aerospace applications

- C) Phones and drones

- D) Limited to micro-robots

4. **Question:** What does Betavolt emphasize about the safety of its atomic energy battery?

- A) It may catch fire easily.

- B) It may explode in response to sudden force.

- C) It is suitable for use in medical devices.

- D) It has external radiation that is harmful to humans.

**Title: The Healing Power of Ping Pong: A Doctor's Innovative Approach to Neurological Diseases**

**Reading Passage:**

In Fort Collins, Colorado, Dr. Antonio Barbera, a former obstetrician-gynecologist living with multiple
sclerosis (MS), has pioneered an unconventional prescription for patients with serious neurological
diseases — ping pong. Dr. Barbera is the founder and CEO of Table Tennis Connections, launching the
NeuroPong program in 2021.
The NeuroPong program, hosted at the Council Tree Covenant Church gym in Fort Collins, gathers
participants every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday to engage in ping pong sessions. Dr. Barbera, who now
focuses on data-driven therapeutic approaches, collects data during each session to assess the
effectiveness of this unique treatment. Performance evaluations over time are sent to scientists across
the nation for further analysis.

Inspired by his own journey with MS, where he experienced a temporary loss of right leg motion and
sensation, Dr. Barbera made a remarkable recovery through a combination of medicine and table tennis.
The experience led him to establish the NeuroPong program in 2021.

The program has since attracted individuals diagnosed with various neurodegenerative diseases,
including dementia and Parkinson's disease. Dr. Barbera emphasizes the potential benefits of simple
interventions like table tennis, stating, "If the intervention of the paddle and a simple ball will improve
the quality of our life, why not?"

Members of NeuroPong have reported improvements in various symptoms associated with

neurodegenerative diseases. Gil Wette, a NeuroPong member, highlighted the broader impact on non-
motor issues like anxiety and depression, in addition to physical symptoms.

Medical experts, including Dr. Ronald Petersen of the Mayo Clinic Alzheimer's Disease Research Center,
acknowledge the potential benefits of healthy lifestyle changes, including exercise, in slowing the
progression of neurodegenerative diseases. Dr. Petersen notes that engaging in social activities and
interacting with others can contribute significantly to well-being.

Since its inception three years ago, the NeuroPong program initiated by Dr. Barbera has expanded
beyond Colorado, reaching gyms in New Mexico, Utah, and New York. Partnerships with universities in
Florida, Texas, and Illinois have been established, and collaboration with scientists at the University of
Colorado School of Medicine is ongoing. Dr. Barbera envisions the proliferation of gyms offering such
programs, creating spaces where neurologists can refer patients and contribute valuable data
showcasing the positive impact of these initiatives on individuals with neurological diseases.

1. **Question:** What is the name of the program launched by Dr. Antonio Barbera for patients with
neurological diseases?

- A) NeuroConnections

- B) NeuroPilot

- C) NeuroPong

- D) Ping Neuro

2. **Question:** When does the NeuroPong program gather participants for ping pong sessions?

- A) Monday, Wednesday, Friday

- B) Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday

- C) Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

- D) Monday, Thursday, Saturday

3. **Question:** What motivated Dr. Antonio Barbera to start the NeuroPong program in 2021?

- A) His interest in table tennis tournaments

- B) His MS diagnosis and recovery experience

- C) A recommendation from other doctors

- D) A desire to explore new hobbies

4. **Question:** What is mentioned as a potential benefit of healthy lifestyle changes, including

exercise, for neurodegenerative diseases?

- A) Slowing down time progression

- B) Complete cure of diseases

- C) Increased social isolation

- D) Limited impact on non-motor symptoms

5. **Question:** How has the NeuroPong program expanded since its inception three years ago?

- A) Only within Colorado

- B) To several cities in Colorado

- C) To gyms in New Mexico, Utah, and New York

- D) To international locations

6. **Question:** What is Dr. Barbera's vision for the future of the NeuroPong program?

- A) Focus on personal table tennis tournaments

- B) Collaboration with international scientists

- C) Establishment of gyms worldwide for neurological patients

- D) Exclusively targeting patients with Parkinson's disease

**Title: Arctic Storms Bring Frigid Conditions and Emergency Measures Across the U.S.**

**Reading Passage:**

The United States finds itself in the grip of a relentless wave of Arctic storms, plunging various regions
into severe cold, blinding snow, and treacherous conditions. From New York to Louisiana, governors have
declared states of emergency in anticipation of life-threatening temperatures and hazardous weather

Campaigns for the upcoming presidential vote in Iowa have been significantly impacted, with leading
figures like Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, and former President Donald Trump reshuffling their schedules
due to blizzard warnings and extreme weather forecasts.

Sporting events are not immune to the harsh conditions either. An NFL playoff game in Kansas City faces
near-record cold temperatures, prompting preparations like allowing fans to bring blankets and setting
up first-aid stations at the stadium. Similarly, fans in Buffalo brace for a significant snowfall and fierce
winds during a scheduled game.

The National Weather Service has issued grave warnings, predicting heavy snow, strong winds, blizzards,
and dangerously cold temperatures across the Midwest, Great Lakes, Rockies, and Plains. Meanwhile,
the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions grapple with concerns of river and coastal flooding due to heavy
The severe weather conditions have led to emergency responses in several areas. In Paterson, New
Jersey, residents faced evacuation as the Passaic River overflowed, exacerbating flooding concerns
alongside other states like Maine and New Hampshire.

The widespread impact of the Arctic storms has extended to regions less accustomed to such severe
winter conditions. For instance, Portland, Oregon, declared a weather emergency and opened shelters
for the homeless, distributing essential items like jackets and gloves. In California and Idaho, high
avalanche danger warnings were issued following fatal incidents.

Chicago anticipates several inches of snow accompanied by strong winds and plummeting temperatures.
The severe conditions have already claimed a life, with a man found dead due to exposure in suburban
Chicago. Additionally, concerns arise for migrants sent to Chicago from the U.S.-Mexico border,
prompting Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker to urge Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to halt the transports during the
perilous weather.

The South experiences its share of winter challenges, with governors of Arkansas and Louisiana declaring
states of emergency due to stormy and frigid conditions, forecasting subfreezing temperatures in cities
like New Orleans.

As the Arctic storms continue to sweep across the nation, authorities and residents alike remain vigilant,
implementing emergency measures and urging preparedness for the relentless winter conditions ahead.


1. **Question:** What impact have Arctic storms had on campaign schedules in Iowa for the upcoming
presidential vote?

- A) No significant impact

- B) Rescheduled events

- C) Increased outdoor activities

- D) Canceled the vote

2. **Question:** What preparations are being made for an NFL playoff game in Kansas City amid near-
record cold temperatures?
- A) Allowing fans to bring blankets

- B) Canceling the game

- C) Moving the game to a warmer location

- D) Providing heated seats for fans

3. **Question:** What is the primary concern in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions due to the
Arctic storms?

- A) Blizzards

- B) Severe cold

- C) Flooding

- D) High winds

4. **Question:** Why did officials in Portland, Oregon, declare a weather emergency?

- A) Excessive heat

- B) Threat of tornadoes

- C) Heavy snow and ice

- D) Wildfires

5. **Question:** What prompted the evacuation of residents in Paterson, New Jersey?

- A) Earthquake

- B) Avalanche

- C) River overflow

- D) Tornado

6. **Question:** What measures were taken in Chicago regarding migrants from the U.S.-Mexico border
during the severe weather?

- A) Providing heated shelters

- B) Urging preparedness

- C) Continuing transports
- D) Opening warming buses

7. **Question:** What weather-related concerns did governors of Arkansas and Louisiana declare states
of emergency for?

- A) Heatwaves

- B) Stormy and frigid conditions

- C) Tornadoes

- D) Hurricane threats

**Reading Passage:**

The Taiwanese presidential election, unfolding against the backdrop of heightened geopolitical tension,
has transcended regional boundaries, capturing global attention. The imminent departure of President
Tsai Ing-wen, facing term limits after eight years in power, sets the stage for a new leader to navigate
complex domestic and international challenges. As three candidates vie for the presidency, including the
ruling party's candidate Vice President Lai Ching-te, the implications of this election extend far beyond
Taiwan's shores.

With over 19 million eligible voters participating in this high-stakes electoral process, the absence of exit
polls adds an additional layer of uncertainty. The challenges awaiting the new president are not merely
routine but encompass unprecedented geopolitical strain and multifaceted complexities.

**The Candidates and Their Approaches:**

Vice President Lai Ching-te, representing the ruling Democratic Progressive Party, faces two opposition
challengers advocating for distinct approaches to China. Hou Yu-ih, a former top cop and incumbent
mayor of New Taipei City, leads the Nationalist Party's presidential ticket with a more conciliatory stance
towards Beijing. Ko Wen-je, a former doctor and mayor of Taipei, emerges as a serious third-party
contender with the Taiwan People's Party, introducing a new level of unpredictability to the electoral
The rarity of a strong third-party challenger introduces an element of uncertainty, further heightened by
Taiwan's prohibition on the publication or discussion of polling data in the ten days leading up to the
vote. This restriction adds to the complexity of predicting the election outcome, making it challenging to
gauge the impact of the candidates' campaigns on voter sentiment.

**Global Ramifications and U.S.-China Relations:**

In Washington, the Biden administration closely monitors the electoral outcome, recognizing its
potential to influence U.S.-China relations. Concerns linger over whether Beijing's response to the
election results could unravel the recent stabilization of bilateral ties. U.S. officials anticipate increased
pressure from China on Taiwan, especially if Vice President Lai wins the presidency.

China's perspective on the Taiwanese election is marked by a view of Lai and his running mate, Hsiao Bi-
khim, as proponents of Taiwan independence. The Chinese government has explicitly stated its
opposition to any form of secessionist designs for Taiwan, pledging to take necessary measures to crush
such attempts.

**China's Pressure Tactics:**

In the lead-up to the election, China has employed various pressure tactics. The Commerce Ministry
considered expanding plans to suspend tariff reductions on Taiwanese imports, covering items such as
farm products, seafood, and auto parts. Additionally, China initiated a tax probe into Apple supplier
Foxconn, whose Taiwanese founder briefly entered the presidential race. These actions are perceived by
Taiwan's ruling party as attempts to interfere in the electoral process.

**Young Voters and Diverse Concerns:**

Young voters in Taiwan, driven by concerns over income inequality and soaring housing prices, have
shown interest in Ko Wen-je, the third-party candidate. This demographic, traditionally aligned with the
ruling party, is now exploring alternative political options. The economic strain imposed by Taiwan's
booming semiconductor industry has intensified concerns about the country's energy capacity, with
potential blackouts looming as a critical issue on voters' minds.


As Taiwan awaits the election results, the global community watches intently, recognizing the potential
ramifications for regional stability and U.S.-China relations. The complexities introduced by the diverse
approaches of the candidates, coupled with China's assertive stance, create a dynamic electoral
landscape with implications far beyond Taiwan's borders. The new president will inherit not only the
routine challenges of governance but also the intricate task of navigating Taiwan's evolving relationship
with Beijing in an increasingly uncertain geopolitical environment. The outcome of this election will
reverberate across the international stage, shaping the future trajectory of Taiwan's geopolitical

**Questions and Answers:**

1. **问题:** What distinguishes the challenges faced by the new president of Taiwan in this election?

- A) Routine domestic issues and economic stability

- B) Unprecedented geopolitical strain and complex challenges

- C) Environmental concerns and technological advancements

- D) Social reforms and international collaborations

2. **问题:** Who is the ruling party's candidate in the Taiwanese presidential election?

- A) Hou Yu-ih

- B) Ko Wen-je

- C) Tsai Ing-wen

- D) Lai Ching-te

3. **问题:** Why is the absence of exit polls mentioned as contributing to the uncertainty of the
election outcome?

- A) Exit polls are the primary source of election predictions.

- B) Exit polls are unreliable and misleading.

- C) Exit polls provide real-time election results.

- D) Exit polls help in forecasting third-party success.

4. **问题:** What potential impact on U.S.-China ties is the Biden administration concerned about
regarding Taiwan's election?
- A) Positive reinforcement of diplomatic relations

- B) Deterioration of recent improvements

- C) Economic cooperation benefits

- D) Environmental policies alignment

5. **问题:** How does China view Vice President Lai Ching-te and his running mate Hsiao Bi-khim?

- A) Advocates for closer ties with Beijing

- B) Proponents of Taiwan independence

- C) Opponents of the ruling party

- D) Ambassadors promoting economic cooperation

6. **问题:** What actions has China taken to increase pressure on Taiwan before the election?

- A) Initiating diplomatic dialogues

- B) Expanding tariff reductions on imports

- C) Fostering economic cooperation

- D) Facilitating international collaborations

7. **问题:** Why are young voters in Taiwan attracted to third-party candidate Ko Wen-je?

- A) Concerns over income inequality and housing prices

- B) Alignment with Beijing's policies

- C) Commitment to environmental sustainability

- D) Advocacy for international isolationism

**Reading Passage:**

In a recent United Nations Security Council session, Martin Griffiths, the U.N. undersecretary for
humanitarian affairs, expressed deep concern and alarm over Israeli ministers' statements about plans to
encourage the mass transfer of Palestinian civilians from the Gaza Strip to third countries. Griffiths
highlighted the urgent need for a ceasefire and emphasized the potential humanitarian catastrophe
unfolding in Gaza.

According to Griffiths, the ongoing Israeli offensive, launched after an October 7 attack by Gaza's ruling
Hamas Islamists, has resulted in a dire situation. Quoting Gaza's Hamas-run health ministry, he reported
that over 23,000 Palestinians have been killed, and more than 58,000 have been injured since the
offensive began. The Israeli operation, aimed at destroying Hamas, has led to the displacement of 85% of
Gaza's 2.3 million Palestinians, who are forced to flee repeatedly as bombs and missiles rain down.

Griffiths characterized the situation in Gaza as "horrific" and "relentless," with no safe place for the
population. He specifically raised concerns about recent statements by Israeli ministers regarding plans
for the mass transfer of civilians from Gaza to third countries, describing it as "voluntary relocation."
These statements, according to Griffiths, raise worries about possible forced transfer or deportation,
violating international law.

The United States, Israel's closest ally, echoed these concerns during the Security Council meeting. U.S.
Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield and her British counterpart, Barbara Woodward, criticized the
Israeli officials' statements, considering them "irresponsible, inflammatory, and only make it harder to
secure a lasting peace."

Ilze Brands Kehris, U.N. assistant secretary-general for human rights, expressed serious concerns about
the high civilian casualty toll, massive destruction of civilian infrastructure, and displacement of civilians.
She warned of the potential commission of war crimes and highlighted the real risk of further grave
violations or even atrocity crimes.

In response, Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan criticized the Security Council for not condemning Hamas for
the October 7 attack and accused the United Nations of being "weaponized" against Israel. Erdan
rejected accusations brought by South Africa in the U.N. International Criminal Court, describing them as
false and "grossly distorted." Despite the international concerns and allegations, Israeli officials, including
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, denied plans for forcibly moving the Palestinian population from

1. According to Martin Griffiths, what is the current situation in the Gaza Strip, and what are the major
concerns regarding the civilian population?

- A) The situation is stable, and civilians have found safe places.

- B) The situation is dire, with civilians facing displacement and constant danger.

- C) The offensive has led to economic prosperity in the Gaza Strip.

- D) Civilian casualties are minimal due to effective evacuation plans.

2. What specific plans raised alarm during the Security Council meeting, and why are they considered a
potential violation of international law?

- A) Plans for infrastructure development to improve living conditions.

- B) Plans for voluntary relocation of civilians to neighboring countries.

- C) Plans for economic cooperation between Gaza and third countries.

- D) Plans for joint efforts with international organizations for humanitarian aid.

3. How did the United States and its British counterpart respond to the statements made by Israeli
officials, and what concerns did they raise?

- A) They supported the plans for mass transfer and emphasized the need for security.

- B) They criticized the inflammatory statements and expressed concerns about their impact on peace.

- C) They endorsed the Israeli offensive and encouraged stronger military actions.

- D) They called for immediate intervention by the United Nations in favor of Israel.

4. According to Ilze Brands Kehris, what serious concerns were raised regarding the Israeli offensive in
Gaza, and what potential consequences were mentioned?

- A) Concerns about economic challenges and potential disruptions to trade.

- B) Concerns about the misuse of humanitarian aid and its impact on the region.

- C) Concerns about the potential commission of war crimes and the risk of further grave violations.

- D) Concerns about political instability and the rise of extremist groups.

5. How did Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan criticize the Security Council during the meeting, and what
accusations did he reject?

- A) He praised the council for its impartial stance and rejected accusations of war crimes.

- B) He criticized the council for not condemning Hamas and rejected accusations of state-led genocide.

- C) He commended the council for its support of Israeli policies and rejected accusations of territorial

- D) He questioned the council's effectiveness and rejected accusations of economic coercion.


Bradley Beal scored a season-high 37 points, Devin Booker added 31, and the visiting Phoenix Suns used
a fast start to earn a 127-109 victory Thursday over the Los Angeles Lakers.

Kevin Durant scored 18 points, and Jusuf Nurkic added nine points and 12 rebounds as the Suns defeated
the Lakers for the first time in four tries this season. The teams will play one more time, on Feb. 25 at

Beal went 8-of-10 from 3-point range, 14-of-21 overall, and scored 26 points in the second half as the
Suns won for the sixth time in their last nine games.

D'Angelo Russell scored 19 points and Max Christie added 14 for the Lakers, who lost for the fifth time in
their last seven games. They entered Friday having won consecutive games for the first time in a month.
Anthony Davis and LeBron James were held to 13 and 10 points, respectively, as the Lakers fell to 2-3
during a stretch when they play 10 of 11 games at home.

The Suns meant business early, scoring the first six points of the game and taking a 24-14 lead just over
six minutes into the contest. Phoenix led 36-25 after one quarter and was up 66-52 at halftime as Booker
entered the break 9-of-16 from the floor with 23 points.

The Suns led by as many as 17 in the first half and took their first 20-point lead at 80-60 with 7:30
remaining in the third quarter on three free throws from Booker.
Phoenix used a 14-1 run in the third quarter to take an 88-61 lead and were never threatened from
there. The Suns were up 31 with two minutes left in the third and entered the final period with a 105-78

The Suns allowed the Lakers to shoot 50 percent from the floor, one game after the Clippers shot 62.4
percent against Phoenix in a 138-111 defeat on Monday.



1. Who was the highest scorer in the game between the Phoenix Suns and the Los Angeles Lakers?

A. Devin Booker

B. Bradley Beal

C. Kevin Durant

D. D'Angelo Russell

2. How many points did the Phoenix Suns score in their victory over the Los Angeles Lakers?

A. 109

B. 111

C. 127

D. 138

3. Which player scored 26 points in the second half of the game?

A. Devin Booker

B. Bradley Beal

C. Kevin Durant

D. D'Angelo Russell

4. How many times had the Suns defeated the Lakers this season before this game?
A. 0

B. 1

C. 2

D. 3

5. During a particular stretch, how many home games did the Lakers play out of 11?

A. 10

B. 9

C. 8

D. 7

6. What was the score at halftime?

A. 36-25

B. 52-66

C. 66-52

D. 80-60

7. What was significant about the Suns' performance in the third quarter?

A. They scored the first six points of the game.

B. They went on a 14-1 run.

C. They led by as many as 31 points.

D. Both B and C.

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