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FULL NAME ..........................................

SIGNATURE ..........................................

DATE ..........................................


Consistent with the mission of the Authority these Electrical Safety

Rules are intended to promote and ensure a safe , reliable and secure
electrical supply environment for the benefit of the Authority, its
stakeholders, employees and other members of the public.

The wide distribution of these rules and intensive training and

induction of all concerned Authority management and staff on the
provision hereof, should greatly contribute to the realisation of our
strategic goals and objectives.





1.0 Electricity Act
2.0 Live Line Safety Rules (Supplement)
3.0 Definitions
4.0 Admission to Generating, Switching Stations or Substations
5.0 Dangerous Occurrence and Accidents
6.0 Duties of Employees and Others
7.0 Issues of Rules
8.0 Variation of Rules
9.0 Switching
10.0 Earthing
11.0 Loading instructions to Generating Stations
12.0 Telephone and Radio Massages
13.0 Failure of Supply
14.0 General Safety Rules
15.0 Access to High voltage Enclosures
16.0 Earthing
17.0 Permits-to-Work and Sanctions-for-Test
18.0 Limitations of Access
19.0 Work in Substations and Switching Stations Containing
Exposed Live Conductors
20.0 Work on remotely or Automatically Controlled Plant of
21.0 Work on High voltage Plant or Equipment other than Metal-
Clad Switchgear Spouts and Overhead Lines
22.0 Work on Metal-Clad Switchgear, Busbar, Feeder and
Transformer Spouts
23.0 Work on High voltage Windings of Generators and directly
connected Unit Transformers
24.0 Work on High voltage Cables and Overhead Lines
25.0 Testing of High voltage Plant and Equipment
26.0 Work on High voltage Plant or Equipment operated by or
containing compressed air
27.0 Work on High voltage Plant or Equipment and Ancillary Plant
or Equipment containing Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) gas
28.0 Work in Oil Tanks
29.0 Fire Protection Equipment
30.0 Treatment of Electric Shock
i. Treatment of Electric Shock
ii. Permit-to-Work
iii. Sanction-for-Test
iv. Limitation-of-Access
v. Visitor’s Live Enclosure Permit
vi. Minimum Heights of Overhead Lines at Road and
Railway Crossing Points






Significant power system developments which have occurred since the

publication of the first Edition of the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority
Electrical Safety Rules, 1988 and the invaluable operational experience
gained from the application of the 1988, Rules have necessitated a thorough
revision of these Rules and, thus, the compilation of this updated Second
Edition of the Electrical Safety Rules which supersedes the First Edition,

These rules are designed and intended for the protection of the Authority’s
staff and other persons against loss of life or limb and injury or damage to
person or property, the prevention of loss, damage or destruction of
Authority property and to ensure a safe and secure environment for the
efficient control, operation and maintenance of the Authority’s plant or
equipment. To this end these rules shall be strictly followed and observed
and no person shall be permitted or required to control, operate, maintain
any of the Authority’s Generation, Transmission or Distribution plant or
equipment unless he/she satisfies the duly authorised official as to his/her
adequate knowledge and understanding of these Rules and System Operation
procedures insofar as they relate or apply to the particular job which he/she
intends to do.

Employees who may be in doubt as to the interpretation or application of

these Rules should refer the same to his/her immediate supervisor or
appropriate local senior official for advice and guidance. In this regard a, in
addition to ensuring that employees observe and abide by these Rules , all
supervisors and local senior officials are required to ensure that their
subordinates understand and appreciate the significance of these Rules by,
among other things, regularly carrying out practical appraisals and
assessments of the situation within their areas of jurisdiction.

These Rules may at any time, be reviewed and revised by the Chief
Executive or his authorised representative, in which event all employees
issued with the Rules or engaged in the control, operation and maintenance
of the Authority’s plant or equipment shall be advised in writing of such

Chief Executive


Each revision to the Electrical Safety Rules will be numbered and this table
is provided so that you can record the revisions as they are received and
fixed in your copy of the Rules. This will enable you to keep your copy up to

Revision Rule Page Received

No. No. No. Date







1.0 Electricity Act – The Authority is required to comply with the provisions of the
Electricity Act, 1985, and with any Regulation made thereunder, all agents and
employees of the Authority are required to conduct their work in accordance with
the Act and Regulations. A copy of the Act and Regulations shall be kept available
for reference in all relevant premises occupied by the Authority.

2.0 Live Line Safety Rules (Supplement) – These Rules are issued as a supplement to
the Electrical Safety Rules and must read and understood as such. Employees
performing Live Line work or required to issue Live Line Permit-to-Work must
be fully aware of and conversant with both the Electrical Safety Rules and the Live
Line Safety Rules (Supplement).

3.0 Definitions:

3.1 Approved – Sanctioned by the Chief Executive or his Authorised Representative.

3.2 Authorised Representative – The Chief Executive’s appointee.

3.3 Categories of Authorised Persons:

3.3.1 Competent Person – Person over 18 years of age who has sufficient technical
knowledge and experience to safely carry out specific tasks/functions.

3.3.2 Junior Authorised Person – a Competent Person appointed in writing by the
Authority to carry out specific work on the Authority’s Power System in
accordance with his/her Certificate of Authorisation . a Junior Authorised Person
shall not issue or cancel Permit-to-Work or Live Line Permit-to-Work or
Sanction-for-Test or Limitation-of-Access documents.

This category include those involved in Direct Wire Board (DWB) and Supervisory
Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) operations such as may be found in Power
Stations, Substations and Control centres and those under instruction from a SAP.

3.3.3 Senior Authorised Person – A Competent Person appointed in writing by the

Authority to carry out work and all forms of switching on the Authority’s Power
System in accordance with his/her Certificate of Authorisation.

His /her functions include those of a Junior Authorised Person.

A Senior Authorised Person is permitted to issue and cancel Permit-to-Work,

Live Line Permit-to-Work, Sanction-for-Test and Limitation-of-Access

3.4 Certificate of Authorisation – A certificate given to Competent Person by the

Chief Executive or his Authorised Representative confirming that he/she has
proved himself/herself capable of carrying out the duties he/she is expected to
perform and defining the limits of his/her authorisation.

3.5 Contractor’s Representative – A Competent Person, other than a person

employed by the Authority, who may be required to work on the Authority’s plant
and equipment.

3.6 Controller – a Senior Authorised Person appointed in writing by the Authority to

control power in one or more of the specific fields of Generation, Transmission,
Subtransmission and Distribution and whose duties are to maintain maximum safety
at all times to personnel and plant and equipment on the Authority’s Power System.
The Controller shall approve all operations on the Authority’s plant and Equipment
and shall consent to all issues and cancellations of Permit-to-Work, Live Line
Permit-to-Work and Sanction-for-Test documents.

3.7 Danger – a risk of loss of life, bodily injury, or damage to health from shock, burn
or other cause arising from the generation, transmission and distribution or use of
electrical energy.

3.8 Dead – at, or at about, zero potential with respect to earth and disconnected from
any live system.

3.9 Earthing:

3.9.1 Additional Earth – any earth connection which is applied after the issue of a
Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test.

3.9.2 Circuit Main Earth – Any earth connection which is applied on the instruction of a
Controller before the issue of a Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test.

3.9.3 Earthed – effectively connected to the general mass of earth in such a way as to
ensure at all times an immediate discharge of electrical energy without danger.

3.10 Live – electrically charged.

3.11 Live enclosure – any area within generating station, switching station or substation
in which live conductors operating at medium voltage or above exist.

3.12 Live Line Equipment – any approved appliance for use when working on live plant
or equipment.

3.13 Notices:

3.13.1 Caution Notice – a portable notice in approved form attached to plant or

equipment and/or its control devices, conveying a warning against interference with
the plant or equipment and/or its control devices.

3.13.2 Danger Notice - a portable notice in approved form attached to plant or equipment
when live, calling attention to danger of approach to, or interference with , the plant
or equipment.

3.14 Power System – all plant and equipment on the Generation, Transmission and
Distribution networks under the jurisdiction of the Authority.

3.15 Safety Documents:

3.15.1 Limitation-of-Access – a form of declaration signed and given by a Senior

Authorised Person to a Competent Person in charge of work in any generating
station, switching station or substation (where a Permit-to-Work, Live Line
Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test is not applicable) defining the limits of the
area within which the work is to be performed.

3.15.2 Live Line Permit-to-Work – a form of declaration signed and given by a Senior
Authorised Person to a Live Line linesman in charge of a Live Line work to be
carried out on the Authority’s plant and equipment for the purpose of making
known to that person exactly what points of the supply have had placed on them
Live Line Caution Notice; what remote control devices have had Live Line Caution
Notice placed on them, what auto-reclosing devices, including remote control, have
been switched off or disabled; and what equipment he is permitted to work on.

3.15.3 Permit-to-Work - a form of declaration signed and given by a Senior Authorised

Person to a Competent Person in charge of work to be carried out on the
Authority’s High voltage plant and equipment for the purpose of making known to
that person exactly what plant and equipment is dead, isolated from all points of
supply and feedback, earthed, and on which it is safe to work.

3.15.4 Sanction-for-Test - a form of declaration signed and given by a Senior Authorised

Person to a Senior Authorised Person in charge of testing of the Authority’s High
voltage plant and equipment for the purpose of making known to such person
exactly what plant and equipment is to be tested and the condition under which
testing is to be carried out.

3.15.5 Visitor’s Live Enclosure Permit – a form signed by visitors acknowledging their
understanding the danger of entering a live enclosure and to indemnify the
Authority against injury whilst they are in or about the live enclosure. The form
shall be signed by a local Senior Official or Senior Authorised Person.

3.16 Switching:

3.16.1 Routine Switching – the operation of tap changers, switchgear including isolators,
and other methods of making or breaking circuit.

3.16.2 Emergency Switching – opening of circuit breakers, isolators, links, hot line taps or
other devices in order to avoid immediate danger to life or damage to plant or

3.17 Working Party – persons working under the immediate supervision of a
Competent Person.

3.18 Worker’s Declaration – a form signed by members of a working party

acknowledging their understanding of the nature of work to be undertaken, and the
area in which it is safe to work.

3.19 Voltage:

3.19.1 High voltage – any voltage in the excess of 650 volts.

3.19.2 Medium Voltage – any voltage exceeding 250 volts upto and including 650 volts.

3.19.3 Low Voltage – any voltage upto and including 250 volts.

4.0 Admission to Generating Stations, Switching Stations or Substation

No person shall enter any generating station, switching station or substation wholly
occupied by the Authority without the permission of a local senior official.

5.0 Dangerous occurrences and Accidents

All dangerous occurrences and accidents on the Authority’s power system shall be
reported immediately to the Controller who shall immediately pass on the relevant
information to his/her/her immediate supervisor.

In addition, accidents must be reported in terms of the Electricity Act Chapter 13:05
and/or the Factories and Works Act Chapter 283.

6.0 Duties of Employees and Others

6.1 These Rules are designed to protect the Authority’s employees and others against
danger in the course of their duties and to ensure the efficient and safe control,
operation and maintenance of the Authority’s Generation, Transmission and
Distribution systems.

6.2 These Rules must be familiar to all employees who may be concerned with the
Authority’s plant and equipment, and must be strictly observed.

6.3 Employees of Contractors and others having occasion to operate or work on the
Authority’s plant and equipment are also required to be familiar with the relevant
Rules applicable to the work involved, and to observe them.

7.0 Issue of Rules

7.1 A copy of these Rules shall be supplied to all Competent Persons concerned with
the control, operation and maintenance of the Authority’s plant and equipment and
each recipient shall sign a receipt for his/her copy. This copy shall be kept in good

7.2 The Local Senior Official of each generating station, major substation and Control
Centre shall make available a copy of these Rules at all times for reference.

8.0 Variation of Rules

In exceptional circumstances these Rules may be varied to the extent which may be
authorised in writing by the Chief Executive or his Authorised Representative.


9.0 Switching

9.1 Operation of Circuit Breakers and Isolators:

(a) No switching or associated operations shall be carried out without the

instruction of the Controller except in cases of immediate danger to persons or
plant or equipment.

(b) When the Controller requires switching to be carried out, he/she shall
communicate directly with the Junior or Senior Authorised Person who is to
carry out the switching. In the absence or failure of direct communication
facilities the message may be relayed by a competent third party.

(c) Before any switching or associated operation is carried on the Authority’s

Power System, which may affect other systems, the Controller shall
communicate with the appropriate official(s) of the system(s) concerned and
the routine switching shall be agreed between them. The High voltage
switching shall be recorded at all centres concerned.

(d) Switching operation to the Controller’s instruction shall be carried out without
undue delay. All switching operations, whether to the Controller’s instructions,
or when there is immediate danger to life, plant or equipment shall be reported
to the Controller as soon as possible. The circumstances of any occurrence
necessitating any emergency switching shall be reported at the same time.

(e) Should any plant show signs of fault operation, the circumstances shall be
reported to the Controller and the plant or equipment shall be examined before
further operation.

(f) Any person receiving instruction regarding work on, or the operation of plant
and equipment, he/she shall report any objection to the carrying out of the
instructions to the Controller who shall then have the matter investigated and,
if necessary, referred to higher authority.

(g) Where the Controller is not in direct communication with a Senior Authorised
Person, the Controller shall hand-over control of a section of the network
under his/her authority to the Senior Authorised Person to perform a specific
task or operation. The control is to handed back to the Controller as soon as
practicable. The control hand-over must be recorded on approved form.

9.2 Recording of Switching:

A record of High voltage switching and operation as well as relay operation shall be
entered in the appropriate station or substation log or other approved form. The
Controller shall record in his/her/her log or other approved form the time and
particulars of high voltage switching and relay operations carried out to his/her/her

The Junior and/or Senior Authorised Person(s) shall also update relevant mimic and
single line diagrams.

9.3 Switching for Test Purposes:

When a section of plant or equipment has been isolated from the main supply
system for testing, the Controller shall authorise on a Sanction-for-Test a general
operation for the operation of all forms of switches including circuit breakers,
isolators, earth switches and others as well as earth connections within, and for the
application of testing supplies, to the isolated section. The SAP in charge of the
testing shall then become wholly responsible for complying with these safety rules
within the isolated section.

No switch of isolator connecting the isolated section to the main supply system,
with the exception of those for the agreed supplies, shall be operated without the
direct sanction of the Controller.

All switches, isolators and/or earth connections within the isolated section shall be
restored to their original position prior to cancellation of Sanction-for-Test but any
switches, isolators, or Circuit Main Earths, not so restored shall be noted on the
Sanction-for-Test document.

9.4 Switching Precautions:

Making live or dead by signal or prearranged understanding after an interval of time

is forbidden.

10.0 Earthing

10.1 Circuit Main Earths:

No earthing switch shall be operated nor Circuit Main Earth connections attached,
removed, or moved except on the instruction of the Controller, and then only by a
Senior Authorised Person or a Competent Person acting under his/her immediate
supervision. Operations carried out to each instruction shall be reported to the
Controller as soon as possible after completion, and the location of each connection
to earth shall be recorded on the Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test document.

10.2 Recording of Earthing:

The Controller shall record in his/her log or other approved form the time of
application and the location of all Circuit Main Earth connections and the time of
their removal.

11.0 Loading Instructions to Generating Stations

11.1 Load Allocation:

(a) The allocation of load to the Authority's generating stations and generating
stations interconnected with the Authority's transmission lines and substations
in accordance with the Electricity Act, 1985, is the responsibility of the
Controller, and will be varied by him from time to time as required by the
system conditions and by the terms of any agreement entered into between the
Authority and the owners of the said interconnected stations.

(b) The output of other privately or publicly owned generating stations whose
operations the Authority has entered into agreement will also be supervised by
the Controller to the extent required by the relevant Agreements.

(c) Any person receiving instructions from the Controller regarding station
loading, voltage adjustment, frequency control and associated matters shall

carry out the instructions without undue delay and shall report back the
completion of the operations to the Controller.

(d) When any person receives instruction regarding load allocation, he/she shall
report any objection to the carrying out of the instructions to the Controller
who shall then have the matter investigated and if necessary, referred to higher

11.2 Recording of Load instruction:

The Controller shall record in his/her log book or other approved form the time and
nature of all loading associated instructions issued by him/her, and may add such
explanatory notes as he/she deems to be necessary or useful.

Any person receiving load allocation instructions shall record in his/her log book or
other approved form the time and nature of all loading associated instructions.

12.0 Telephone and Radio Messages

Every telephone or radio message relating to operation of the High voltage system
shall be written down by its sender and receiver, without alteration or abbreviation
(other than those approved), together with a record of the time of receipt, and shall
be read back by the receiver to the sender exactly as written to ensure that it has
been accurately received and understood.

13.0 Failure of Supply

A failure of supply, from whatever cause, to or from any part of the Authority's
power system shall be immediately reported to the Controller.

During failures of supply all plant and equipment on the circuit(s) affected shall be
treated as being live.


14.0 General Safety Rules

14.1 Work on High voltage Plant and Equipment

No person shall carry out work (including maintenance, repairs, cleaning and
testing) on any part of high voltage plant and equipment unless this part of the plant
or equipment is:

(a) Dead;

(b) Isolated and all necessary steps have been taken to lock off from live plant or

(c) Efficiently connected to earth at all points of disconnection of supply to the

plant or equipment, or between such points and the point(s) of work;

(d) Screened where necessary to prevent danger and Caution and Danger Notices

(e) Released for work by the issue of a Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test to

a person who is fully conversant with the nature and extent of the work to be
It is the duty of the person issuing the Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test to
satisfy himself/herself that the foregoing provisions are complied with.

14.2 Interference with Plant and Equipment:

No person shall touch or interfere with high voltage insulation which covers or
supports any plant or equipment unless the plant or equipment is dead, isolated and
earthed. This rule shall also apply for the purpose of testing, inspection, or other.

14.3 Fixing of Notices and, Barriers and Screens:

(a) Work shall not be carried out on a Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test on

any plant or equipment which has been made dead and earthed until Caution
Notices have been attached to all points where such plant or equipment can be
made live. Danger Notices shall also be attached to or placed adjacent to live
plant or equipment and at the limits of the zones marked by screens/barriers in
which work may be carried out. Caution Notices, Danger Notices, barriers and
screens shall be fixed and moved only by or under the supervision of a Senior
Authorised Person.

(b) Where necessary, Danger Notices, barriers and screens shall be attached to or
placed adjacent to live plant and equipment and at the limits of area in which
work is to be carried out, before the issue of a Limitation-of-Access.

14.4 Lock-out Boxes/Bars:

Whenever boxes/bars fitted with locks are provided, they will be suitably located
for the reception of keys which secure switches, barriers, spout shutters, lockout
equipment and other similar devices provided for the protection of men working
under a Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test.

One lock………………………

14.5 Work on High Structures and Overhead Lines:

All persons while at work on poles and high structures shall make proper use of
their safety belts and other safety equipment, wear safety clothing and shall be in
visual range of the a second person.

Before any pole is climbed it shall be sounded or tested. No pole badly impaired by
decay or damage shall be climbed until it has been supported by approved means,
and then only climbed by one person.

14.6 Work on Plant and Equipment which can be made Live from more than one

(a) The Authority's Controller shall communicate and agree with the official of
other system(s) concerned before any switching or earthing is carried out or a
Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test is issued for work on plant or
equipment which can be made live from more than one system.

(b) The conditions of rule 14.1 shall apply.

(c) The switching, earthing, deposit of lock-out keys in lock-out boxes/bars and
details of any Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test issued shall be recorded
at all centres concerned.

(d) Where appropriate, copies of the Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test shall

be provided to the official(s) of the other system(s).

15.0 Access to High voltage Enclosures

15.1 Enclosures containing High voltage Plant or Equipment, Towers and Gantries:

Where provided all devices installed for prevention of access to live plant or
equipment shall be kept locked. Keys to such devices shall be kept in key cabinets
where provided, or otherwise under the direct control of the relevant Controller or
Local senior Official. No person, unless authorised, may have access to a live
enclosure except that that person and those under his/her supervision be in
possession of a Permit-to-Work, Sanction-for-Test. Limitation-of-Access or
Visitor’s Live Enclosure Permit.

15.2 Underground Chambers and Cable Galleries:

Smoking and exposed flames are strictly prohibited in all underground chambers
and cable galleries except where it is specifically permitted in writing. Entry to any
such chambers and galleries is prohibited unless adequate precautions have been
taken (e.g. use of natural or forced ventilation) and the consent of a Senior
Authorised Person obtained. Where dangerous fumes are liable to be present these
precautions shall include testing for gas by means of an approved detector.

Where one or more persons are required to remain in an underground chamber in

which dangerous fumes are liable to be present, an extra person shall be kept on
duty outside the chamber and such person shall keep in touch with the person(s)
inside the chamber. If necessary, however, such person may enter the chamber from
time to time, although he/she shall not remain inside for longer than necessary.

15.3 Access for Visitors:

Visitors are not permitted inside any live enclosure, unless they are accompanied,
without intermission, by a Local Senior Official or Senior Authorised Person of the
Authority. Visitors will be required to read and sign the Visitor’s Live Enclosure
Permit thereby indemnifying the Authority against any injury which may result.

16.0 Earthing

16.1 Plant or Equipment for Earthing:

When high voltage plant or equipment is to be earthed, it shall be done:-

(a) By use of earthing switches or special equipment where provided, or,

(b) Where not provided by other approved means.

When a circuit breaker is used to make the earth connection, then the tripping
features shall be rendered inoperative, and if practicable the mechanism shall be
locked in the closed position.

Earthing devices shall be of approved type and or adequate current carrying

capacity. Earthing devices shall be examined for defects periodically and always
prior to use by a Senior Authorised Person.

16.2 Procedure for the use of Earthing Devices:

(a) Earthing devices shall be connected to the earth system before being secured to
the phases. The earthing connection shall only be secured to the phases by
means of a link stick or other approved equipment and care must be taken to
ensure that good contact is made.

(b) All phases shall be earthed, even if work is to be carried out on one phase only.

(c) Earthing devices shall not be applied in any busbar chamber or compartment in
which there is danger of accidental contact of the devices with any live high
voltage equipment.

(d) When removing earthing devices they shall be disconnected from the phases
first and the earth system last.

16.3 Earthing Metal clad Switchgear:

Only approved appliances shall be used for the purpose of earthing metal-clad
switchgear. The insertion of the hand or any tool into contact spouts for this purpose
is forbidden.

17.0 Permit-to-Work and Sanction-for-Test

17.1 Arrangements for Direct Issue:

(a) Permits-to-Work, Sanctions-for-Test and Live Line Permits-to-Work shall be

issued with the consent of the Controller, who shall retain in his/her custody a
record of each Permit-to-Work, Sanction-for-Test and Live Line Permit-to-
Work issued.

(b) Work shall not be carried out on the high voltage plant or equipment until
Permit-to-Work, Sanction-for-Test or Live Line Permit-to-Work has been
signed and the copy handed by a Senior Authorised Person to the person in
charge of the work. The in charge of the work shall then read its contents to the
Senior Authorised Person issuing the Permit-to-Work, Sanction-for-Test
or Live Line Permit-to-Work, sign the copy and its original and retain the
copy in his/her possession until he/she has signed the clearance and return it to
the Senior Authorised Person.

(c) If the plant or equipment is interconnected with a high voltage metered

consumer, or, at Interconnection Substations or Power Stations and requires
isolation or earthing, a Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test shall only be
issued after the Senior Authorised Person has obtained the signature of the
official responsible for the plant or equipment or the earthing on Section 2 of
the Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test documents.

(d) The person in charge of work to whom a Permit-to-Work is issued shall be a

Competent Person and the work shall be carried out under his/her immediate
supervision. In the case of an overhead line with all conductors dead,
immediate supervision shall be deemed to include the area between additional

In certain cases a Contractor's Representative will the person in charge of the

work, and in such cases the issue of a Permit-to-Work to the Contractor's
Representative shall appoint him/her a Competent Person for the work covered
by the Permit-to-Work.

(e) No person in receipt of a Permit-to-Work, Sanction-for-Test or Live Line

Permit-to-Work may leave the work area while work is in progress.

(f) A Permit-to-Work shall be issued to the Competent Person in charge of each

independent working party.

(g) Only one Sanction-for-Test may be issued on high voltage plant or

equipment at any one time and under no circumstances may a Permit-to-

Work be in force on any high voltage plant or equipment within the points of
isolation specified on a Sanction-for-Test.

17.2 Arrangements for Indirect Issue:

(a) In the case of work on plant or equipment, where, owing to special

circumstances or to the distances involved the arrangements for direct issue of
a Permit-to-Work or Live Line Permit-to-Work would result in undue
delay, the Permit-to-Work or Live Line Permit-to-Work may be issued by a
Senior Authorised Person with the consent of the Controller, in accordance
with these Rules, and its contents communicated by him/her to the Competent
Person in charge of the work by radio or telephone.

(b) The Competent Person shall enter the details of the Permit-to-Work or Live
Line Permit-to-Work in a Permit-to-Work book or other approved
document and shall read the contents to the Senior Authorised Person for

Rule 17.1 (a), (c), (d), (e) and (f) shall apply.

17.3 Worker's Declaration:

All members of the working party engaged on work for which a Permit-to-Work or
Live Line Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test has been issued shall first be shown
the plant and equipment on which it is safe to work by the Permit-to-Work holder,
and then sig a Worker's Declaration form. Names may be added to or deleted from a
Worker's Declaration form without the reference to the Controller.

17.4 Precautions during Progress of Work:

(a) The plant or equipment isolated and earthed for work under the terms of a
Permit-to-Work must remain so until the Permit-to-Work has been cleared
and cancelled.

(b) Should work for which a Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test has been

issued be such that the plant or equipment may be put into commission before
its completion, then each time the work is suspended the Permit-to-Work or
Sanction-for-Test shall be cancelled.

(c) The Senior Authorised Person in receipt of a Sanction-for-Test shall be

responsible for coordinating all operations on the plant or equipment isolated
and earthed for testing and for ensuring safety during the test in accordance
with Rule 9.3.

17.5 Procedure for Clearance and Cancellation after Direct Issue:

(a) On completion of work (or stoppage by a Senior Authorised Person) for

which a Permit-to-Work has been issued:

(i). All member of the working party engaged on the work for which a
Permit-to-Work, Live Line Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test has
been issued shall first sign off the Worker's Declaration form.

(ii). The Competent Person in charge of work shall sign the clearance on all
copies if practicable on his/her return to the Senior Authorised Person
who shall then obtain the consent of the Controller and cancel the Permit-

(b) When applicable, responsible official of the high voltage metered consumer,
or, the Interconnection Substation or Power Station shall sign Section 6 of the
Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test.

(c) On completion of work (or stoppage by a Senior Authorised Person) for

which a Sanction-for-Test has been issued, the Senior Authorised Person
shall sign the clearance with the exceptions noted and shall then obtain the
consent of the con to cancel the Sanction-for-Test document.

17.6 Procedure for Clearance and cancellation after Indirect Issue:

On completion of work (or stoppage by a Senior Authorised Person) for which a

Permit-to-Work has been issued, the Competent Person in charge of the work shall
ensure that additional earths and loose gear are clear and shall then sign the
clearance on his/her Permit-to-Work or other approved document. He/she shall then
communicate with the Senior Authorised Person holding the Permit-to-Work and
read section 4 to him/her. The sap shall inform the Controller of the cancellation of
the Permit-to-Work.

17.7 Loss of Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test Documents:

In the vent of loss of Permit-to-Work or Live Line Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-

Test held by a person in charge of work the loss shall be reported immediately to
the controller who will arrange for its cancellation and replacement.

17.8 Loss of Special Keys issued against Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test:

All work covered by a Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test shall cease immediately

on the loss of any key(s) used to lock off plant or equipment that could be used to
make live the work area covered by the Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test. The
loss of the keys shall immediately be reported to the Controller who shall
immediately cancel such Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test.

The Controller shall make necessary arrangements for replacement of the lock(s)
and key(s) and shall then issue a new Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test before
work can resume.

17.9 Disposal of Cancelled Permits-to-Work or Sanctions-for-Test:

Cancelled Permits-to-Work or Live Line Permits-to-Work or Sanctions-for-Test or

other approved documents, and copies thereof, shall be retained at the centres
concerned for period of one year from the date of cancellation.

18.0 Limitation-of-Access

18.1 Arrangements for Issue:

(a) The Limitation-of-Access will be issued by a Senior Authorised Person

without reference to the Controller. The Controller will be notified as soon as
possible after issue and will record the issue in his/her log or approved form.

(b) A Limitation-of-Access will be issued to a Competent Person who is in charge

of work in any high voltage premises, the work being such as will not require
the issue of a Permit-to-Work. The Limitation-of-Access will be signed by a
Senior Authorised Person and the copy handed to the Competent Person in
charge of the work. The Competent Person in charge of the work will the read
the contents to the Senior Authorised Person issuing the Limitation-of-Access,
sign a the copy and its original and retain the copy in his/her possession until

he/she has signed the clearance on all copies if practicable on his/her return to
the Senior Authorised Person.

(c) The work shall be carried out under the immediate supervision of the
Competent Person issued with the Limitation-of-Access. The issue of a
Limitation-of-Access to the Competent Person shall appoint him/her a
Competent Person for the work covered by the Limitation-of-Access.

(d) No person in receipt of a Limitation-of-Access may leave the site of work

while work is in progress.

(e) A Limitation-of-Access shall be issued to a Competent Person in charge of

each independent working party.

(f) A Limitation-of-Access shall be issued by Senior Authorised Person to

Competent Person in charge of work on medium or low voltage plant and
equipment, dead or alive. Whenever practicable, however, the plant or
equipment shall be made dead and isolated. When work is to be carried out on
live medium or low voltage plant or equipment the relevant “Code of Practice”
shall be followed and the Limitation-of-Access shall be stamped “LIVE”

18.2 Worker's Declaration:

All members of a working party engaged on work for which a Limitation-of-Access

has been issued shall first sign a Worker's Declaration form. Names may be added
or deleted from a Worker's Declaration form without reference to the Senior
Authorised Person.

18.3 Procedure for Clearance and Cancellation:

On completion of work (or stoppage by a Senior Authorised Person) for which a

Limitation-of-Access has been issued the Competent Person in charge of work shall
sign the clearance. He/she shall immediately return the copy the Senior Authorised
Person who shall cancel the Limitation-of-Access the Controller will be informed of
the cancellation and will record the cancellation in his/her log or approved form.

18.4 Loss of Limitation-of-Access Document:

In the event of loss of a Limitation-of-Access document held by a Competent

Person in charge of work, the loss will be reported to the Senior Authorised Person
who will arrange for its cancellation and replacement. The action taken will be
reported to the Controller.

18.5 Disposal of Cancelled Limitation-of-Access Documents:

Cancelled Limitation-of-Access and copies thereof shall be retained at the centres

concerned for a period of one year from the date of cancellation.

19.0 Work in Substations and Switching Stations Containing Exposed Live


19.1 Safety Clearance to Live Conductors:

(a) When work is to be carried out in a Substation in which there are exposed high
voltage conductors, then, unless the whole plant or equipment is dead, the
section which is to be made dead for work to be carried out shall be defined as
far as possible by the use of barriers, notice boards or roping arranged so that
the minimum clearance from the nearest exposed live conductor to ground

level or to any platform or access way which may be required to be used shall


Up to and including 33 kV 2.75 m

66 kV 3.00 m

88 kV 3.20 m

110 kV and 132 kV 3.50 m

220 kV 4.50 m

330 kV and 400 kV 5.50 m

The clearance of any intermediate rated voltage shall be that applicable to the next
higher rated voltage.

(b) If the work is such that these clearances are not sufficient to avoid danger,
other approved means shall be taken to provide the requisite degree of safety.

19.2 Use of Ladders and Long Objects:

(a) Ladders shall be of approved type and of no greater length than required for
the work involved.

(b) Ladders and other long objects shall not be used without the approval of a
Senior Authorised Person. The movement and erection of such ladders and
objects shall be carried out only under the direct supervision of the Competent
Person in charge of the work and when moved at ground level they shall be
carried only in the horizontal position as near ground as practicable.

(c) All portable ladders within substations or switching stations when not in use
shall be securely locked to a suitable anchorage.

19.3 Movement of Cranes and other Plant or Equipment in a Substation:

The Senior Authorised Person shall be directly responsible for the positioning,
erection and any subsequent movements of cranes or other plant or equipment
within the substation. The cranes or other plant or equipment shall be connected to
the substation earthing system as soon as practicable.

20.0 Work on Remotely or Automatically Controlled Plant or Equipment

20.1 Before work is carried out on remotely or automatically controlled plant or

equipment such as circuit breakers, isolators, tap changing gear, or air compressors,
the automatic or remote control features shall first be rendered inoperative.

20.2 Before work is commenced on Protection, Communication, Computer based

systems and any other Control and Indication circuits, the consent of the Controller
must be obtained and precautions taken to prevent accidental operations.

21.0 Work on High Voltage Plant or Equipment other than Metal-Clad Switchgear
Spouts and Overhead Lines

Before any person is allowed to carry out any work, such as repairs or modifications
or cleaning, on any high voltage plant or equipment other than metal-clad

switchgear spouts and overhead lines, the following operations shall be carried out
in strict sequence:-

(a) The plant or equipment shall be isolated from all points of supply, including
voltage and auxiliary transformers and common neutral earthing equipment
from which the plant or equipment may become live.

(b) Circuit breakers, isolators, spout shutters, control handles an safety devices
shall be locked in position by the keys provided for the purpose which shall be
placed in appropriate lock-out box/bar if provided, except for those required
under Rule 9.3.

Caution Notices shall be attached at all points where the plant or equipment
can be made live.

The Senior Authorised Person shall operate the lock reserved for his/her use
and each recipient of a Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test shall use the
additional lock and retain the key in his/her possession until he/she clears the
Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test and returns with it the key to a Senior
Authorised Person.

(c) Danger Notices shall be attached to all live plant or equipment adjacent to the
work area.

(d) The carrying out of the above-mentioned operations shall be reported to the
Controller and further instructions received for carrying out the following:-

(i). The plant or equipment shall be checked to ensure that it is not live, where
practicable by means of an approved voltage indicator; the indicator itself
being tested before and after verification.

(ii). It shall then be earthed at all points of isolation from the supply, including
points of isolation from the common neutral earthing equipment where
applicable, or between such points and the points of work.

(e) If the work is such that operations (a) to (d) have been carried out at more than
one station the Senior Authorised Person at each station shall lock the keys
involved in lock-out box/bar, with a non-interchangeable key and retain the
key in his/her possession until he/she receives instruction from the Controller
to restore the plant or equipment to service.

(f) A Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test shall then be issued.

(g) The plant or equipment shall be earthed by means of additional earths at the
points of work unless the plant or equipment has been bodily removed from its
normal live position. The application of additional earths is not required where
these coincide with a circuit main earth, except when this circuit main earth is
an earth switch.

(h) Circuit Main Earths may be removed under the terms of a Sanction-for-Test
after which they shall be immediately replaced or noted under “exceptions”
when clearing the Sanction-for-Test.

22.0 Work on Metal-Clad Switchgear, Busbar, Feeder and Transformer Spouts

When work is carried out on spouts, the following operations shall be carried out in
strict sequence:-

(a) The section of the busbars or circuit on which work is to be carried out shall
be made dead and shall be isolated from all points of supply.

(b) The isolating devices and shutters of live spouts shall be locked.

(c) The carrying out of the above-mentioned operations shall be reported to the
Controller and further instructions received for carrying out the following:-

(i). Where applicable the busbar or circuit shall be checked by means of an

approved voltage indicator to verify that they are dead, the indicator
itself being tested before and after the verification.

(ii). Busbars – these shall be earthed with approved earthing equipment to

the feeder spouts.

For the purpose of earthing metal-clad switchgear approved appliances only

shall be used. The insertion of the hand or any tools into spouts for this
purpose is forbidden.

(d) The operation set out in Rule 21.0 (b), (c), (f) and (h) shall also be carried out.

23.0 Work on High Voltage Windings of Generators and directly connected Unit

Work on high voltage windings of generators and directly connected unit

transformers shall be carried out as far as practicable in accordance with the
requirements of Rule 21.0 and the following additional precautions shall be taken;-

(a) The generator shall be at rest or on barring.

(b) Where motor driven exciters are provided, the switch controlling the
motor shall be opened and locked.

(c) The field circuit switch shall be opened and locked.

(d) The valves or gates controlling the prime mover shall be locked in closed

(e) Caution Notices shall be attached at the points referred to in (b), (c) and

24.0 Work on High Voltage Cables and Overhead Lines

24.1 High Voltage Cables:

The provisions of Rule 21.0 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f)and (h) shall apply to work on
high voltage cables and in addition the following precautions shall be taken:-

(a) When any high voltage cable is to be cut or joint opened, a Senior Authorised
Person shall satisfy himself/herself that the cable has been made dead,
identified and spiked to prove dead with an approved device before the issue of
a Permit-to-Work.

(b) No person after receiving a Permit-to-Work or Sanction-for-Test shall work

on, or in any way interfere with, any high voltage cable, conduit, trough or
trench containing a high voltage cable until personally instructed at the point of
work by a Senior Authorised Person.

24.2 Overhead lines:

24.2.1 Towers with all conductors Dead:

The provisions of Rule 21.0 shall apply to work on overhead lines with all
conductors dead and in addition the following precautions shall be taken:-

(a) At each station involved the Senior Authorised Person shall check the identity
of the circuit at the point of isolation and report to the Controller. He/she shall
also lock the lockout box/bar if provided at the station with a non-
interchangeable key, and retain the key in his/her possession until he/she
receives instructions from the Controller to restore the plant or equipment to
service. The Permit-to-Work shall then be issued.

(b) Each person who may have to climb a tower shall be provided with a wristlet
marked with the circuit designation of the line on which work is to be carried
out and shall wear it in such a manner that it will be, at all times, readily visible
to the wearer.

The person who will be in charge at each tower shall be provided with a green
flag and shall place the green flag in such a suitable position before allowing
any person to ascend the tower.

(c) Where practicable, the circuit shall be checked at the point of work by an
approved voltage indicator to verify that it is dead, the indicator itself tested
before and after verification. The conductors shall then be earthed with
additional earths by the Competent Person at both sides of the point of work,
and in case shall the additional earths be more than six spans apart.

24.2.2 Towers Carrying Live Conductors:

Work above the ant-climbing devices on towers carrying live conductors shall be
permitted only under the following conditions:-

(a) The work shall be carried out under the terms of a Limitation-of-Access.

(b) Before anyone is allowed to start work, the Competent Person in charge at each
tower shall define the area to be worked in by removable barriers, notice
boards, roping or pennants arranged to prevent any person working on the
tower within specified distances specified in Rule 19.1 (a). While defining the
working area the Competent Person in charge shall be under observation by
another person at ground level.

(c) No person shall work in such a manner that his/her arms or any tool extend
beyond the limit defined in sub paragraph (b).

(d) Upon completion or cessation of the work the Competent Person in charge
shall inform all members of the working party that it is no longer safe to work
on the tower and shall then remove the barriers, notice boards, roping or
pennant defining the working area. While removing the barriers etc., the
Competent Person shall be under observation by another person at ground

24.2.3 Double Circuit Overhead Lines with one Circuit Live:

When work similar to that covered by Rule 24.2.1 has to be carried out on double
circuit overhead lines with one of the circuits live the provisions of Rule 24.2.2 shall
apply, and the following precautions shall be taken:-

After placing in position a green flag, on the dead side of the tower, and before any
other person is allowed access to the tower, the Competent Person in charge at the

point of work shall climb the tower on the dead side, and shall efficiently connect to
earth each individual conductor on that side. He/she shall the affix red pennants on
the crossarms supporting the live conductors at the junction of these crossarms with
the tower body. The conductors shall remain earthed throughout the progress of
work and the earths shall and pennants shall be removed only after all members of
the working party have descended the tower on completion of the work. While
affixing or removing the earths and the red pennants, the Competent Person in
charge shall be under observation by another person at ground level.

24.2.4 Poles Carrying Live Conductors:

Work on poles supporting live conductors shall not be carried out until the
provisions of Rule 14.5 are satisfied. No person shall work in on any pole which
supports both LV and HV conductors for the purpose of working on the LV
conductors unless:-

(i). The safety clearances specified in Rule 19.1 (a) are satisfied and he/she is in
receipt of a Limitation-of-Access; or

(ii). All conductors supported by the pole are covered by a permit to work.

In cases where several HV circuits are supported by the same pole, all circuits
concerned shall be covered by a Permit-to-Work before work commences on the

24.3 Adverse Weather Conditions:

In the event of approach of a lightning storm all work on overhead lines shall cease
immediately, and the Controller shall be informed.

25.0 Testing of High Voltage Plant or Equipment

(a) (i) Pressure tests, or any A.C. testing at pressures above 15 volts, shall be
carried out under the terms of a Sanction-for-Test. A.C. testing at pressures
below 15 volts shall be carried out under the terms of a Sanction-for-Test or
under the terms of a Permit-to-Work already in force. In the latter case prior
agreement shall be reached between the Controller, the Senior Authorised
Person carrying out the testing and the holder of the Permit-to-Work and
details will be logged at the Control centre and site of work. The Senior
Authorised Person shall ascertain from the Controller that no other Permit-to-
Work has been issued on the plant or equipment other than the Permit-to-Work
under which the testing is to be carried out.

(ii) D.C. test equipment shall be used under the supervision of a Senior
Authorised Person under the terms of a Sanction-for-Test.

(b) All cables shall be discharged before and after the application of test voltage.

(c) Test leads shall be of an adequate size and be easily visible.

26.0 Work on High Voltage Plant or Equipment operated by or containing

compressed air

26.1 Work other than Maintenance Testing or Operational Testing and


Work other than maintenance testing or operational testing and adjustments on high
voltage plant or equipment operated by, or containing compressed air, shall be
carried out only under the following conditions:-

(a) High voltage plant or equipment, after having been isolated, shall be earthed by
a Senior Authorised Person or a Competent Person acting under his immediate

(b) (i) The valves containing the supply of air to the plant or equipment shall
be closed and the air released from the associated receivers and pipe work
which shall be left open to the atmosphere.

(ii) The valves shall be locked in position and the keys retained by the
Senior Authorised Person. If this is not practicable, other approved
methods shall be used.

(iii) A Permit-to-Work shall be issued to the Competent Person in charge

of the work.

26.2 Maintenance Testing:

Maintenance testing on high voltage plant or equipment operated by or containing

compressed air shall only be carried out under the terms of a Sanction-for-Test.

26.3 Operational Testing and Adjustments:

Operational testing on high voltage plant or equipment operated by or containing

compressed air shall be carried out under the direct supervision of a Senior
Authorised Person under the provisions of Rule 14.1.

27.0 Work on High Voltage Plant or Equipment and Ancillary plant or equipment
Containing Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) gas

(a) For any plant or equipment containing sulphur hexafluoride gas the relevant
operating instructions must be available at the point of the work stating the
method of dealing with the gas and associated compounds. The plant or
equipment shall bear the label stating that it contains sulphur hexafluoride.

(b) The requirements of Rule 26.0 shall apply. In addition the following special
precautions shall be taken when any work involves access to any part of the
plant or equipment which is , or has been in contact with the gas or associated

(i). The plant or equipment shall be isolated from all sources of supply of
gas, purged in accordance with the relevant operating instructions and
the associated receivers and pipe work left open to the atmosphere.

(ii). Where possible valves shall be locked by special safety locks.

(iii). Caution Notices shall be attached to the valves.

(iv). A Permit-to-Work shall be issued to the Competent Person in charge

of the workor Limitation-of-Access when the plant or equipment has
been bodily removed from the circuit.

(c) Approved protective clothing, respirators, eye shields and safe handling
equipment shall be provided and used where danger may arise from gas or
associated compounds in accordance with the relevant operating instructions.

28.0 Work in Oil Tanks

(a) No person shall enter a vessel which has been emptied of oil or any other
inflammable substance until a Senior Authorised Person is satisfied that all
dangerous vapours have been expelled.

(b) Smoking and exposed flames are prohibited in the vicinity of open vessels
containing or which have contained oil or any other flammable substance until
precautions specified in (c) have been taken.

(c) Work on such vessels particularly the application of heat is forbidden until all
practical steps have been taken to prevent fire or explosion either by removal
of the inflammable substance and any other fumes or by rendering them non-
explosive and non-flammable.

29.0 Fire Protection Equipment

29.1 Automatic Control:

(a) Before work or inspections are carried out in any enclosure protected by
automatic fire extinguishing equipment the automatic control shall be rendered
inoperative and the equipment left on hand control and a Caution Notice to that
effect shall be attached.

(b) The automatic control shall be restored immediately after the person engaged
on the work or inspection has withdrawn from the protected enclosures.

(c) The rendering inoperative of the automatic control and the placing of Caution
Notices shall be noted on any Permit-to-Work or Limitation-of-Access issued
for the work in the protected enclosure.

29.2 General:

(a) Contact with some chemicals used in fire protection equipment may be
dangerous, and in such cases notice to that effect shall be displayed adjacent to
the plant or equipment.

(b) Portable fire fighting equipment shall not be used on electrical plant or
equipment unless such plant or equipment has been disconnected from the

(c) Portable CO2 dry chemicals and other approved electrical fire extinguishers
may be used in the vicinity of live electrical plant or equipment provided that
in the handling of the extinguishers the safety clearances specified in Rule 19.1
are maintained. After the discharge of portable CO2 or other approved
electrical fire extinguishers in a confined space, the operator shall leave the
space until the precautions set out in (d) have been taken.

(d) After any fire, or after the discharge of CO2 or other approved electrical fire
extinguishers in an enclosed space, the space shall be thoroughly ventilated
before entry or suitable breathing equipment shall be won if entry is necessary
before the gases have been cleared.

(e) Treatment of electric Shock

(f) All persons who may be concerned with the operations of, and work on, the
Authority’s plant and equipment shall make themselves conversant with the
treatment of electric shock.


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