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Date Description Where Changed

12/8/06 The Alternate Item section has been updated with a “Alternate Items” chapter, in the “Maintenance”
Maintenance screen section. Another section has been section (page 137). The data import/export
added to explain how the Maintenance fields can be used information is explained in the “Alternate Item
in Data Import/Export. Data Import/Export” section (page 147)

11/08/08 A new Delete Range option has been added. “Delete Range” on page 54.
Item Change
Direct Substitutable Items
Item Reference
Go Together Items
Alternate Items
This manual contains reference information about software products from Activant Solutions Inc. The
software described in this manual and the manual itself are furnished under the terms and conditions of a
license agreement. The software consists of software options that are separately licensed. It is against the
law to copy the software on any medium, or to enable any software options, except as specifically permitted
under the license agreement. In addition, no part of this manual may be copied or transmitted in any form or
by any means without the prior written permission of Activant Solutions Inc.

From time to time, Activant makes changes to its software products. Therefore, information in this manual
is subject to change, and the illustrations and screens that appear in the manual may differ somewhat from
the version of the software provided to you.

Created by:
Yardley Technical Communication

2006, Activant Solutions Inc. All rights reserved. Activant and the Activant logo are registered
trademarks and Activant Prophet 21 is a trademark of Activant Solutions Inc. All other company or product
names are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

Activant Solutions Inc.

7683 Southfront Road
Livermore, CA 94551

Version 18.0
Publication Date: 11.17.2008

 The eyeglass symbol () indicates a field on which you can browse.
 The star () indicates the system default for a field.
 To allow for the widest possible parameters when printing a report or performing a function,
accept the defaults for all of the parameter fields. To accept the defaults, either escape through
all the fields, or press [Enter] without specifying any values. Generally, samples in the
documentation are shown using the default values.
 Start and End parameters define the limits to a range of information you will print on a
report. If information does not appear on a report, it may be because the information was
excluded from the Start, End range.
 For a detailed explanation on how maintenance screens function, refer to the Tour Guide
 Use the find tool in Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or higher to find a specific feature within the
New Features document.

Table of Contents

1 ITEM INFORMATION ________________________________________________ 9

Introduction _________________________________________________________ 9

Main Menu__________________________________________________________ 9

Item Maintenance ___________________________________________________ 11

Item Maintenance: Screen 1 _________________________________________ 12
Item Maintenance: Screen 2 _________________________________________ 20
Optional Fields ____________________________________________________ 25

Alternate Unit Maintenance ____________________________________________ 28

Location Maintenance ________________________________________________ 30

Examples: Replenishment Method ____________________________________ 38

Location Price/Cost Maintenance _______________________________________ 41

Easy Edit Purchase Information ________________________________________ 46

Item Code Sequence _______________________________________________ 47
Product Group – Sort Code Sequence __________________________________ 50

View______________________________________________________________ 50

View______________________________________________________________ 52
Item Code Sequence _______________________________________________ 53
Product Group – Sort Code Sequence __________________________________ 54

Delete Range ______________________________________________________ 54

Multiply ___________________________________________________________ 55
Multiply Examples: _________________________________________________ 58

Edit Size __________________________________________________________ 59

Edit Size Example: _________________________________________________ 61

Fast Edit __________________________________________________________ 62

Fast Edit Controls__________________________________________________ 63
Marking Fields to Edit _______________________________________________ 67
Sample: Common Item Data Edit Screen______________________________ 67
Sample: Purchasing Information Screen ______________________________ 68
Sample: Multiple Units Data Screen __________________________________ 68

Sample: Location Item Data Edit Screen ______________________________ 69
Sample: Location Price/Cost Data Screen _____________________________ 69
Specify the Values – Variable_________________________________________ 70
Specify the Values – Fixed ___________________________________________ 70
Examples ________________________________________________________ 70
Variable ________________________________________________________ 70
Fixed __________________________________________________________ 71

Register ___________________________________________________________ 71
Entry ____________________________________________________________ 72
Alteration ________________________________________________________ 72
Deletion _________________________________________________________ 73
Cost Change _____________________________________________________ 74
Brief Cost Change _________________________________________________ 75

Renumber Vendor Sort _______________________________________________ 75

Copy Items to Catalog ________________________________________________ 77

Set _____________________________________________________________ 77
Select ___________________________________________________________ 79
Omit Items from the Copy __________________________________________ 80
Load Items for the Copy ___________________________________________ 81
Perform__________________________________________________________ 82
Proposed List _____________________________________________________ 83
Sample: Proposed Item Copy List ___________________________________ 84
Reset ___________________________________________________________ 84

Update____________________________________________________________ 85
Set _____________________________________________________________ 86
Select ___________________________________________________________ 87
Omit Items from the Update ________________________________________ 88
Load Items for the Update __________________________________________ 89
Perform__________________________________________________________ 90
Proposed List _____________________________________________________ 91
Sample: Proposed Item Update List __________________________________ 92
Reset ___________________________________________________________ 92

Temporary Items ____________________________________________________ 93

Convert__________________________________________________________ 93
Delete ___________________________________________________________ 94
List _____________________________________________________________ 95
Temporary Stock Item List: Sample __________________________________ 96

Standard Cost Matrices _______________________________________________ 96

Enter____________________________________________________________ 97
List _____________________________________________________________ 98
Sample: Multiplier Matrix List _______________________________________ 98
Perform__________________________________________________________ 98

2 ITEM CHANGE __________________________________________________ 100

Main Menu________________________________________________________ 101

Enter ____________________________________________________________ 102

Edit _____________________________________________________________ 103

Fast Enter ________________________________________________________ 103

Perform __________________________________________________________ 104

Proposed List _____________________________________________________ 105

Sample: Code Change List _________________________________________ 106

3 DIRECT SUBSTITUTABLE ITEMS ___________________________________ 107

Enter ____________________________________________________________ 108

Edit Assignments___________________________________________________ 109

Edit References____________________________________________________ 110

Delete ___________________________________________________________ 110

Lists _____________________________________________________________ 111

Master _________________________________________________________ 111
Assignments_____________________________________________________ 112

4 ITEM REFERENCE _______________________________________________ 114

Enter [Single]______________________________________________________ 116

Examples: Item References ________________________________________ 117

Enter Range ______________________________________________________ 118

Change __________________________________________________________ 120

Copy ____________________________________________________________ 120

Delete ___________________________________________________________ 121

Delete [Single] ___________________________________________________ 121
Delete [Range] ___________________________________________________ 122
Discrepancies____________________________________________________ 122
Sample: Discrepancy Deletion List ___________________________________ 123

Reference List _____________________________________________________ 123

Sample: Item Reference List ________________________________________ 124

5 GO TOGETHER ITEMS ____________________________________________ 126

Main Menu________________________________________________________ 126

Enter ____________________________________________________________ 127

Edit _____________________________________________________________ 128

Copy ____________________________________________________________ 129

Delete ___________________________________________________________ 130

List______________________________________________________________ 131
Sample: Go Together Items Listing ___________________________________ 131

Automatic Go Together Screen ________________________________________ 131

Quote Entry, Quote Order, Front Counter, Order _________________________ 132
Enter an Item___________________________________________________ 132

6 ALTERNATE ITEMS ______________________________________________ 134

Background Information _____________________________________________ 134

Alternate Items for Stock and Catalog _________________________________ 135
Accessing the Alternate Item Menu ___________________________________ 135

Main Menu________________________________________________________ 136

Stock Alternate Item Options__________________________________________ 136

Maintenance_____________________________________________________ 137
Enter___________________________________________________________ 138
Edit ____________________________________________________________ 139
Delete __________________________________________________________ 140
Item View _______________________________________________________ 141
View ___________________________________________________________ 145
List ____________________________________________________________ 146
Sample: Alternate Item Code List___________________________________ 147
Alternate Item Data Import/Export ____________________________________ 147

7 HOW DO I? _____________________________________________________ 149

How do I clear the Proposed List in Item Change?_____________________ 149
How do I find out what items have been edited? ______________________ 149
How do I enter a cost change code? _______________________________ 149
How can I change an item code? __________________________________ 150
How can I change the sales & purchase unit sizes and update accordingly?_ 150
How can I set up alternate units? __________________________________ 150
How can I copy an item to the Catalog file? __________________________ 151
How do I update an item to the Catalog file? _________________________ 152
How can I place a note on an item? ________________________________ 152

How can I delete an item notepad? ________________________________ 153
How do I change the vendor of an item? ____________________________ 153
How do I implement a broken box premium? _________________________ 153
How do I make an item tax-exempt? _______________________________ 154
How do I change an item code? ___________________________________ 155

8 APPENDIX ______________________________________________________ 157

Code Constructor __________________________________________________ 157

Main Menu________________________________________________________ 158

Attribute Table Options ______________________________________________ 158

Enter___________________________________________________________ 159
Edit ____________________________________________________________ 160
Delete an Attribute Table ___________________________________________ 161
View ___________________________________________________________ 162
Tables List ______________________________________________________ 162

Item Type Table Options _____________________________________________ 163

Enter___________________________________________________________ 164
Edit ____________________________________________________________ 165
Delete __________________________________________________________ 166
View ___________________________________________________________ 166
Tables List ______________________________________________________ 167

Initializing the UPC Field _____________________________________________ 168

The Item module is an item database typically used to hold sales and purchasing information for all the
inventory items that you sell. You assign each item an item code, enter descriptive information for it, assign it
to a product group, and note the vendor who supplies it to you. You can also enter prices and costs for each
item, including the cost price, three column prices, and a list price.

The stored information can be readily accessed and edited, and can be copied (when necessary) to the catalog
item database with ease. In addition, the system provides the capability to create temporary stock items to
handle overshipments of non-stock items, and the ability to maintain FIFO (First In, First Out) layers.

As with all Acclaim modules, Item is equipped with browses to facilitate the recall of information (e.g., item
codes, vendor codes, etc.). Look for the  symbol in this book to learn where browses can be used. If
necessary, refer to the Browse manual for more details on how to use browses.

When you enter the Item module, the system displays the following menu:


Item . . . allows you to enter, edit, and delete stock item information.
Maintenance For more information on this option, see page 11.

Alternate unit . . . used to enter additional units in which an item can be bought or sold.
Maintenance For more information on this option, see page 28.

Location . . . used to maintain location-dependent information about items.

Maintenance For more information on this option, see page 30.

Loc Price/Cost . . . used to maintain location-dependent price and cost information about items.
For more information on this option, see page 41.

Easy Edit . . . used to quickly edit one or more item records.

Purchase Info
For more information, see page 46.

View . . . used to view item records.

For more information, see page 50.

Delete Range . . . used to delete a range of inactive items by Item Code, Sales Class, Purchase Class, Sales
Discount Group, Date of Last Sale, and/or Date of Last Purchase.
For more information, see page 54.

Multiply . . . allows you to multiply the value of a price or cost field by a factor and insert the resulting
cost into one or more price or cost fields.
For more information, see page 54.

Edit Size . . . allows you to change price and cost fields when a unit size is changed.
For more information, see page 59.

Fast Edit . . . allows you to quickly edit one or more field of information for some or all items.
When Fast Edit is selected, a sub-menu displays options for you to edit fields in sales, purchase, or
multiple units information.
For more information, see page 62.

Registers . . . allows you to print entry, alteration, deletion, and cost change registers.
For more information, see page 71.


Renumber . . . allows you to adjust the vendor sort codes assigned to a vendor or range of vendors.
Vendor Sort For more information, see page 75.

Copy Items to . . . allows you to copy items from the stock item file to the catalog item file.
Catalog When Copy is selected, a sub-menu displays options for you to set up specs, select items to be
copied, perform the proposed changes, print a list of proposed stock items to be copied, and reset
the copy.
For more information, see page 77.

Update . . . allows you to update the items in the catalog database with the information in the stock
item database.
When Update is selected, a sub-menu displays options for you to set up specs, select items to be
updated, perform the proposed changes, print a list of proposed items to update, and reset the
For more information, see page 85.

Temporary . . . displays options to convert, delete, and list temporary stock items.
For more information, see page 93.

Standard Cost . . . a feature used for manipulating Trade Service prices and costs.
For more information, see page 96.

FIFO . . . a feature used to set up First In First Out inventory costing.

This feature is explained in detail in a manual titled First In First Out Inventory Costing. See this
manual for more information.

When you select the Item Maintenance option from the Item Information menu, the Item Maintenance screen
displays. There are five modes available: navigation, view, edit, add, and delete. When you first enter the
maintenance screen, you are in navigation mode. Because the navigation, view, edit, add, and delete screens
are identical, only the navigation mode screens are shown in this manual. Refer to the Tour Guide manual for
a detailed explanation of each mode.



When you select the Item Maintenance option from the Item Information menu, a screen similar to the
following appears:

Item . . . user-defined code that identifies a product that you sell.

 The item code is the primary identifier for the product.
When creating item codes, it is very important to be consistent. It is recommended that new item
codes are constructed by combining a three-character manufacturer’s code followed by a space
and the manufacturer’s part number.
Item is 26 characters long and can contain letters and numbers.

General Information
Desc 1 . . . holds a description of the item.
Desc 1 may be used to further identify the item on shipping papers, invoices, purchase orders, and
front counter forms. Any information to be used as a guideline for sales or purchasing personnel
should be entered in this field. For example, the item code B&D89021 is assigned the description
“Shoulder Eye Bolt ¼.”
Note that you can enter a second line of descriptive information in the Desc 2 field. Of these two
fields, Desc 1 is the only one offered for display or printing in certain instances. Therefore, the
more significant information should be entered in Desc 1.
Desc 1 is 27 characters long and can contain letters and numbers.


Desc 2 . . . holds additional description of the item.

Desc 2, like Desc 1, can be printed on shipping papers, invoices, purchase orders, and front
counter forms. However, because options for printing and viewing Desc 2 are more limited than
those for Desc 1, the more significant information should be entered in Desc 1.
Desc 2 is 20 characters long and can contain letters and numbers.

Desc 3 . . . contains a third description line for the item.

Desc 4 . . . holds a fourth description line for the item.

Sub Ref . . . a word or code used to link together substitute items.

 The Sub ref is a user-defined word or code that is assigned to items that are substitutable for one
The substitute capability allows you to replace an item on an order with another. To do this, the
substitute reference must be further defined in the Item Reference module. See the Item Reference
chapter beginning on page 114 of this book for more information.
For example:
In your item file, you have 60-watt lamps from several vendors. Their item codes are:
ABC 364A
JTW 152

These items are all substitutable for one another. All three would be assigned the same
substitute reference of your choice, such as “60-watt lamp.” Once the references are in the
system, the Search feature in Order Entry and Pricing and Availability can be used. When
prompted for the reference word entering “60-watt lamp” displays a list of the three
substitutable items.
Sub ref is 16 characters long and can contain letters and numbers.

Vendor . . . the primary supplier of the item.

 Each vendor you maintain has its own six-character code to identify it. The code is created in
Vendor Maintenance.
Both the vendor code and the vendor number are recognized.
Vendor is six characters and holds numbers or letters.

Item# . . . identification number assigned by the manufacturer.

Many vendors assign each product they manufacture a unique five-digit number, called the item
If a vendor does not assign item numbers to their products, press [Enter] to accept the system
default. The default numbers will begin with ZZ001. Each time a new default number is created,
the system adds one digit or letter to the last number used (e.g., Z0002, Z0003 . . . Z0009, Z000A .
. . Z000Z).
See the tip titled Vendor#-Item# for information on Prophet 21’s Vendor#-Item#.


Tip: Vendor#-Item#
The Item Number can be combined with the Vendor Number to create an 11-digit EDP
(Electronic Data Processing) number. In the Prophet 21 system, this EDP number is called the

The Vendor#-Item# is entered in the format NNNNNN-NNNN. The first six characters are the
vendor number and the second five numbers are the item number.

The Vendor#-Item# can be used for sorting on many reports. Sorting on the item# begins with
the left-most character. For example, items with the numbers 1, 2, 11, 15, 123, 11177, and
12345 would be sorted to the following order: 1, 11, 11177, 123, 12345, 15, and 2.

Prod Group . . . classifies similar items together.

Product groups can be used to track the sales activity of similar products in the same category.
You can track what and how much to keep in stock, profit by product group, etc. They are
established by assigning numbers to groups of like items.

Product groups are defined in Data Entry. (Select Auxiliary Tables/ Item-Catalog/Product
Group/Maintenance.) In the Maintenance screen, press [Insert] or [Ctrl][A] to add a new product
group. For more information on product groups, refer to the Browse manual.

The numbers are constant regardless of the vendor. For instance, the product group identifying
sockets from Hubbell and those from Leviton would be the same.

Product group totals are summarized on the Daily Invoice Register.


Prod Sort . . . user-defined sorting sequence within product group for reporting purposes.
Many reports in the system allow printing by product group. Items within a product group print
on reports in item code sequence. If you want to specify a different sort order, you would use the
Prod Sort field.
For example, you have these two items in your database: AKG 1/2" and AKG 1/4". On a report
sorted by product group, the items would print in this sequence:
AKG 1/2"
AKG 1/4"
If you’d prefer to see these items by size, you can assign each a sort code in the correct numerical
AKG 1/4" (the smaller part) – sort code 100
AKG 1/2" (the larger part) – sort code 200
On a report sorted by product group sort code, these items print in size order:
AKG 1/4"
AKG 1/2"
Sort codes cannot be duplicated within a product group, but they can be repeated for different
product groups. When working with sort codes, it is a good idea to start with 100 and increase the
value in intervals of 50 or 100.
This field should only be used on an “as needed” basis. If you have no use for sort codes, press
[Enter] to use the system default.


Vendor Sort . . . user-defined sorting sequence within vendor for reporting purposes.
Many reports in the system allow printing by vendor. Items within a vendor print on reports in
item number sequence. If you want to specify a different sort order, you would use the Vendor
Sort field.
For example, you have these two items in your database: 1002 and 1008. On a report sorted by
vendor, the items would print in this sequence:
If you’d prefer to see these items by size, you can assign each a sort code in the correct numerical
1008 (the smaller part) – sort code 100
1002 (the larger part) – sort code 200
On a report sorted by vendor sort code, these items print in size order:
Sort codes cannot be duplicated within a vendor, but they can be repeated for different vendors.
When working with sort codes, it is a good idea to start with 100 and increase the value in
intervals of 50 or 100.
This field should only be used on an “as needed” basis. If you have no use for vendor sort codes,
you can do one of two things:
1. Press [Enter] to use the default. The default numbers start at 9000000000000 and are
increased by 10 each time a default number is assigned.
2. Set the Item Vendor Sort Code option (found in the Inventory Company Options) to N. The
words “Not Enabled” appear to the right of the Vendor Sort Code field.

SP-Type . . . identifies an item’s programming type.

 SP-Type is used to identify items that require special programming.
 0 – regular item, no special programming required.
20 – gas item, for users with the Welding package.
30 – hose item, for users building hose assemblies with the Assemblies optional package.
31 – adapter or fitting, for users building hose assemblies with the Assemblies optional
50 – ceramic tile item.


Short Code . . . an abbreviated code that can be used in place of the item code.
Short Codes are accepted at all item prompts throughout the system. If you enter a Short Code at
an item prompt instead of an item code, the system automatically substitutes the appropriate item
A single short code can be assigned to multiple items. Therefore, you can assign a generic short
code to all items of the same type. Then, when you enter the generic short code at an Item prompt,
the system displays a list of item codes with that short code and you can choose the appropriate
You determine the convention your company uses to assign short codes. Here are a couple of
suggestions for using the short code:
 If the item code consists of the vendor#-item#, use the Short Code to hold only the Item#
portion of the code

 If the item code contains spaces or dashes, use the Short Code to hold the same code, but
without the spaces or dashes

Note: Items appear on the Short Code Listing in Mfg Code sequence.
Short Code is 20 characters long and can hold letters and numbers.

Tip: Using Short Codes

The following is an example of how a company can use short codes.

Alter Electrical uses an item’s UPC code for its Item ID. Because the UPC code is very long
to type in, Alter uses only the Item# portion of the UPC code as the item’s Short Code:

Item ID: Short Code:

100WRT-387-A 387-A
200WRT-423-AB 423-AB
250WRT-221-AG 221-AG
300WRT-389-YT 389-YT
325WRT-332-HG 332-HG

Alter Electrical users can enter an item’s Short Code instead of its Item ID at any Item ID
prompt in the system.

MFG Code . . . manufacturer or user-assigned identification code.


UPC . . . Universal Product Code.

The UPC field is a mandatory field. When you initialize you Acclaim 12 system, the UPC
fields automatically populate with the Vendor#-Item#. If the Vendor#-Item# is not unique, due
to an item or vendor change, a dash and six digit sequence number (e.g., -000001) is added to
make the field unique.
For more information on initializing the UPC field, refer to the Appendix.
To change the information in the UPC field:
1. Press [Ctrl] [E] to edit the screen.
2. Press [Tab] 12 times to access the UPC field.
3. Enter the new UPC.
When you enter a new item record, the UPC field populates with a question mark (?) to indicate
that this field must be filled in.
You can use the UPC as an alternate way to browse for an item on most item screens.

Unit Weight . . . the weight in pounds.

Because weight information is usually obtained from the vendor, the Unit Weight is entered in
terms of the Purchase Unit.
There are three places in the system where the Unit Weight is used:
1. As a basis for breaks in a sales pricing schedule
2. As a basis for breaks in a purchase pricing schedule
3. On purchasing requirements reports; where the total weight of items for purchase is given
If weight is of no concern, leave this field blank.
Unit Weight is seven characters and holds numbers only.

Subgroup . . . used to group items together during fast edits and purchases.

Vendor Subgrp . . . used to subdivide vendor purchasing.

Use Vendor Subgrp if a vendor requires items from different divisions or product lines to be on
separate purchase orders. Only items in the same vendor subgroup can be on a purchase order
Vendor Subgrp is two characters and holds numbers only.

Cost Pool . . . used to group items together for the LIFO method of inventory value.
The Cost Pool can also be used to group items together for inventory value reports.
Cost Pool is two characters and holds numbers only.


Direct Sub Ref . . . links commodity items together.

 The direct substitute reference word allows you to recall a list of related commodity items when
entering customer orders, checking stock pricing and availability, and entering purchase orders.
Direct substitute references are set up in the Direct Sub module. See page 107 for more
Direct Sub Ref is 16 characters and holds letters and numbers.

Cash Discount . . . percent discount to apply to orders, depending on the setting of the Line Item Cash
Discount Company Option.
This field displays only if the Line Item Cash Discount option in the Company module is set to
Max or Min. If this is the case, when this item is entered on an order, the discount percentage
entered here is compared with the order discount percentage. The system will apply the higher
of the two if Line Item Cash Discount is set to Max, and the lower of the two if it is set to Min.
If Line Item Cash Discount is set to No, the system does not permit cash discounts on individual
line-items and the Cash Discount field is not displayed.

Exemption # . . . indicates exemption from sales tax.

 The Exemption # field only appears if the Sales Tax Exemption Company Option is enabled.
See the Sales Tax Information manual for more information.
Exemption # is a four character field that holds numbers only.

Catalog List # . . . used in conjunction with Item Lookup.

The Catalog List # field displays only if enabled in the Inventory Control Company Options.



When you enter Item Maintenance screen 2, the item code reappears at the top to confirm the record. This
screen allows you to enter prices and costs.

Unit Name . . . abbreviated primary sales unit.
The Unit Name should identify the size of the primary sales unit. For example, EA could be used for
each, DZ for dozen, C for case, etc.
Unit Name is two characters and holds letters and numbers.

Unit Size . . . corresponds to the selling price specified in the Cost-Price, Col1, Col2, and Col3 pricing
This field should specify the smallest selling unit based on price. For example, if the Unit Name is
DZ, and you only wish to sell the item by the dozen, this field should be set to 1 and priced
accordingly. If you wish to sell the item by the dozen, but have the selling price based on the eaches,
this field should be set to 12.
Unit Size is 11 characters and holds numbers only.

Cost Price . . . one of four user-defined pricing fields expressed in terms of the sales unit.
The Cost Price is for the quantity indicated in the Unit Size field.
See the tip on page 21 for more information.


Col1 Price . . . one of four user-defined pricing fields expressed in terms of the sales unit.
The Col 1 Price is for the quantity indicated in the Unit Size field.
See the tip on page 21 for more information.

Col2 Price . . . one of four user-defined pricing fields expressed in terms of the sales unit.
The Col 2 Price is for the quantity indicated in the Unit Size field.
See the tip on page 21 for more information.

Col3 Price . . . one of four user-defined pricing fields expressed in terms of the sales unit.
The Col 3 Price is for the quantity indicated in the Unit Size field.
See the tip that follows for more information.

Tip: Cost Price, Column 1, Column 2, Column 3

Cost Price, Col1, Col2, and Col3 are the four pricing fields in the Sales Information section of
Item Maintenance. These fields are expressed in terms of the sales unit, meaning that the
prices are for the quantity indicated in the Unit Size. For example, if Unit Size is 12, the prices
specified are for 12, or one dozen.

These fields can be used in a variety of ways. To understand how these fields may be used,
you must first understand the basics of sales pricing. Sales pricing, pricing your customer
orders, can be as simple or complex as you need it to be. Here are two example scenarios:

Example 1:
You sell all merchandise according to your “book price.” Some customers pay straight book
price, while others receive a discount against the book price. You need to choose a field in
Item Maintenance where the book price should be stored. If you store the book price in Col1,
each customer record should be set up so that prices are calculated using a multiplier against
Col1. Some (those that pay the straight book price) will have a multiplier of 1.00. Others will
have a discount multiplier. Cost Price, Col2, and Col3 are unused in this situation.

Example 2:
You sell merchandise at three preset discounts off the List Price: 15%, 20%, and 25%. For
informational purposes, you want all three displayed in Item Maintenance. You could assign
Col1 to hold 15% off List Price, Col2 to hold 20% off List Price, and Col3 to hold 25% off
List Price. Customers will be assigned to use the appropriate column price through the use of
sales pricing schedules.

Sales Disc . . . provides a means of organizing items that are discounted in the same fashion.
Items in the same discount group should be assigned the same number in the Sales Disc Group field.
 This field is only used if you use sales pricing schedules, and it should not be confused with the
Purchase Discount Group field (also found in Item Maintenance) that is used for purchase pricing.


Tip: Setting Up Sales Discount Groups

Items within the same discount groups are items whose order quantities can be combined to
achieve a better price. For example:

Your company sells tools, various hardware items such as nails and screws, and painting
supplies. You give discounts to your customers when they purchase large quantities within
any of these “groups” of items. You create discount group 15 for tools, discount group 25 for
hardware, and discount group 35 for painting supplies. In Item Maintenance, you assign all
tool items to sales discount group 15, all hardware items to sales discount group 25, and all
painting supplies to sales discount group 35.

This example demonstrates one way you could set up discount groups for the items you sell.

Broken Box . . . extra amount to be charged for buying less than the sales unit size.
This is a calculated markup for broken box sales, which is when the quantity ordered is less than the
sales unit size. An amount from .01 to .99 can be added. The extra charge is calculated as follows:
For sales quantities:
 less than 1 unit, but equal to or greater than ½ unit, the system adds the amount entered in the
Broken Box Premium field
 less than ½ unit, but equal to or greater than 1/8 unit, the system adds 2 x the amount entered in
the Broken Box Premium field
 less than 1/8 unit, the system adds 3 x the amount entered in the Broken Box Premium field
A Broken Box Premium is only charged if the customer’s Price option is set to Schedule, and Broken
Box Premium field in Customer Maintenance is set to Yes.
For an example, see page 23.
Broken Box Premium is two characters and holds numbers only.


Tip: Using Broken Box Premium

The following is an example of how Broken Box Premium can be used.

Assume the following is true:

Sales Unit Size = 24

Unit Price = 48
Each Price = $2.00
Broken Box Premium = $0.25

If the quantity ordered is 20, which is less than 1 unit (24) but equal or greater than ½ unit
(12), the system adds 1 x Broken Box Premium to the each price:

Each Price = 2.00 + 0.25 = $2.25

If the quantity ordered is 10, which is less than ½ unit (12) but equal or greater than 1/8 unit
(3), the system adds 2 x Broken Box Premium to the each price:

Each Price = 2.00 + 0.50 = $2.50

If the quantity ordered is 2, which is less than 1/8 unit (3), the system adds 3 x Broken Box
Premium to the each price:

Each Price = 2.00 + 0.75 = $2.75

Unit Name . . . abbreviated primary purchase unit.
The Unit Name should identify the size of the primary purchase unit. For example, EA could be used
for each, DZ for dozen, C for case, etc.
Unit Name is 2 characters and holds letters and numbers.

Unit Size . . . numeric equivalent of the unit name.

For example, if an item is sold in dozens, then the Unit Size should be 12. Costs are in terms of the
Unit Size.
Unit Size is 11 characters and holds numbers only.

Package . . . quantity or multiple in which the item must be purchased, if different from the Unit Size.
Size This field is helpful for those items that are priced in one unit but bought in another. Items are
usually bought in multiples of the Package Size. For example, if screws are priced by the 100, but
packaged in boxes of 25, then 25 would be entered in this field.
Package Size should be set to 0 (zero) if the Package Size should be the same as the Unit Size.
Package Size is 6 characters and holds numbers only.


List Price . . . manufacturer’s list price or your purchase cost, in terms of the Purchase Unit Size.
This field is most often used to hold the manufacturer’s list price, and can be used to price customer
orders. For example, a customer may receive List Price x .85 as the selling price.
The List Price also serves as the default cost on a purchase order if no purchase pricing schedule
List Price is 11 characters, including the decimal point, and holds numbers only.

Standard . . . your cost of the item, in terms of the Purchase Unit Size.
This field is often used to hold the item’s replacement cost, or the cost to you to replace the item
today. It may be factored to include incoming freight, cost to carry, etc.
The Standard Cost can be used at order entry time to determine profit.
Standard Cost is 11 characters, including the decimal point, and holds numbers only.

Year End . . . an item cost saved at the end of each year using Item Update.
The Year End Cost shown here is the figure saved from last year. It can be the Standard Cost, the
Last Cost, or the Moving Average Cost.

Base Cost . . . if using LIFO, the cost of an item at the beginning of the base year of inventory valuation, in
terms of the Purchase Unit Size.
If you are not using LIFO, you may use this field for any other purpose you have. For example, if
you would like to enter your new cost before an update takes effect, you can enter it here and then
transfer it to the Standard Cost field later.
Base Cost is 11 characters, including the decimal point, and holds numbers only.

Last Cost . . . user-maintained cost.

The system updates the Last Cost when material is received and at material receipts reconciliation. It
holds the cost of the most recently received material.
Last Cost is 11 characters, including the decimal point, and holds numbers only.

Moving Avg . . . the average cost of an item, updated when material is received and when it is reconciled.
Cost The calculation used to determine an item’s Moving Average Cost (MAC) is as follows:
(QOH * MAC)  (QR * CR)
QOH is the item’s Quantity On Hand. QR is the Quantity Received and CR is the Cost of the
Received items.
For example, you have 100 of an item on hand at $10 each and receive 10 more at $11 each. The
system uses the equation to figure out the Moving Average Cost. The Moving Average Cost of the
item is $10.09.


Purchase . . . provides a means of organizing items that are discount in the same fashion.
Disc Group Items in the same discount group should be assigned the same number in this field. This field is only
 used if you use purchase pricing schedules, and should not be confused with the Sales Discount
Group field (also found in Item Maintenance) which is used for sales pricing.
A discount group can be assigned a number from 1 to 9999. There can only be one purchase pricing
schedule for each discount group per vendor.

Price Ticket . . . indicates whether item tickets are printed for the item in the Barcode.
 Price Ticket is only available if the Barcode package is enabled.
 Y – print price tickets
N – do not print price tickets
For more information, see the Barcoding manual.

Header Ticket . . . indicates whether header tickets are printed for the item in the Barcode module.
 Header Ticket is only available if the Barcode package is enabled.
 Y – print one header ticket
N – print no header tickets
UT – print a header ticket for each sales unit
For more information, see the Barcoding manual.

Pr Srvc Code . . . designates an alternate user-defined pricing service to update an item.

This field is only available if the Pricing Service package is enabled.

Tax Class . . . determines the percentage used to calculate state/provincial sales tax.
This field is only available if the Canadian Tax package is enabled. Tax Class defaults to 0
(zero). See the Sales Tax manual for more information.

Track Lot# . . . determines whether lot numbers are tracked for this item.
This field is only available if the Lot Numbers package is enabled.
Y – lot numbers are tracked for this item.
 N – lot numbers are not tracked for this item.

Track Serial . . . determines whether serial numbers are tracked for this item.
This field is only available if the Serial Numbers package is enabled.
Y – serial numbers are tracked for this item.
 N – serial numbers are not tracked for this item.


D-Length . . . the overall length of a fitting or adapter, less the length that the hose is inserted.
The D-Length field only appears if the Assemblies optional package is enabled and the SP Type
is 31.
For example, a customer orders 100 feet of rubber tubing with a copper fitting at one end. The
overall length of the fitting is 2.5 inches, and the hose is inserted at a depth of .60 inches. To
calculate the D Length:
2.5 - .60 = 1.9 inches
The addition of the copper fitting will add 1.9 inches to the overall length of the tubing. To
calculate the cut length of the rubber tubing:
100 - 1.9 = 98.1 inches

Item Category . . . used to link items by category.

This field is only available if the Item/Catalog Lookup option is enabled in Company.

Volume (CUBE) . . . used to hold the cubic volume of the item.

This field is only available if the Plumbing package is enabled.

Prevent DS . . . allows the prevention of direct shipments of this item.

This field is only available if the Plumbing package is enabled.

Loc/Comp Wide
Sales Class . . . used to group items based on popularity or sales frequency.
The Sales Class field can be used as a delimiter on various item reports. It is generally used to
demonstrate an item’s popularity. For example, Sales Class 20 might be assigned to fast
movers, while Sales Class 40 is assigned to items that are practically obsolete.
Sales Class is two characters and holds numbers only.

Last Sale . . . the date this item was last sold.

The Last Sale date is updated at order entry or invoicing time (depending upon the setting of the
Sales option under Item Usage Accumulation/Inventory Control Company Options). This
information is shown on the Inactive Items Report, the Aged Inventory Value Report, and the
Aging Analysis Report.

Avg Lead Time . . . the average of the last two lead times for this item.
Lead time is the number of days that pass between the time you order material and receive it.
More specifically, lead time is the period that elapses between the time you generate a PO and
the time the items on the PO are received (the first receipt is used if a partial shipment is
received). This helps you determine when to buy and how often to buy. Lead time is used in
the order point calculation of items using the Upto or EOQ methods.
Avg Lead Time is four characters and holds numbers only.


Purchase Class . . . used to classify items by annual cost.

The Purchase Class field groups items together by high cost, mid cost, and low cost. The
Purchase Class is used in upto order quantity calculation. The following purchase classes are
predefined in the system:
0-89 -- active items
90-99 – obsolete items
0-59 – variable control method items
60-69 – permanent fixed control method items
70-89 – temporary fixed control method items
Purchase Class is two characters and holds numbers only.

Safety Stock . . . additional “days” supply of material to protect against demand fluctuations, lead time
fluctuations, and failure to review the product line.
The number of days of Safety Stock is a contributory factor in the order point calculations of
items that use variable control methods of inventory management (Up To and EOQ).
There are also Safety Stock fields in Item Location Maintenance and in Vendor Maintenance.
When searching for the value of Safety Stock, the system first looks in the Item Location
Maintenance record; if it is 0 (zero), the system looks in the Item Information Maintenance
record. If the value there is 0, the system looks in the Vendor Maintenance record of the vendor
assigned to the item.
Typically, users enter a value in the Vendor Maintenance record for one of two reasons:
 if all items in the vendor line have the same number of days of safety stock, the safety stock
value does not have to be entered into every item record
 to be used as a default value for any item in the vendor line that doesn’t have a specific safety
stock, helpful since the value entered can be an average safety stock for the entire vendor
Note: A higher Safety Stock value is needed if demand, lead time, and review cycle fluctuate.
If these factors are consistent, use a lower value. Safety Stock is a buffer and is, ideally, zero
turn inventory.


Tip: Using Safety Stock

The order point for Up To and EOQ items is determined using the following calculation:

Order Point = AMU / 30 (Lead Time + Review Cycle + Safety Stock Days)

Assume the following is true for a plastic elbow joint in inventory:

Average Monthly Usage = 16
Review Cycle = 7
Lead Time = 21
The following chart demonstrates how the Safety Stock Days changes the Order Point:
If Safety Stock is: The Order Point is:
5 18
10 20
20 26


The Alternate Unit Maintenance option is used to enter additional units in which an item is purchased or sold.
The screen shows the standard units (those specified in Item Maintenance), and allows the entry of three
alternate units. You can also specify which alternate unit (if any) should print on forms such as quotations,
invoices, shipping papers, etc.

When you select the Alternate Unit Maintenance option from the Item Information menu, the system displays a
screen similar to the following:


Item . . . the item code for which you want to enter, edit, or delete alternate unit information.

Standard Units
Sales Unit . . . the primary unit in which the item is sold.

Purc Unit . . . the primary unit in which the item is purchased.

SKU . . . the stock keeping unit.

Alternate Units and Size

Alt Unit 1, . . . hold up to three different units in which the item can be bought or sold.
Alt Unit 2, For example, if the item can also be bought or sold in boxes, dozens, and cases, you might enter
Alt Unit 3 the following:

Alternate Units: Size:

Alt Unit 1 BX 5
Alt Unit 2 DZ 12
Alt Unit 3 CS 100
Unit Display
Quotes . . . determines which unit is used on quotations.
 No – the alternate units, if any were entered, are not used on quotations. The system prints
quantities in terms of the sales unit.
1 – the system prints quantities in terms of the unit specified in the Alt Unit 1 field (e.g.,
BX, DZ, or CS).
2 – the system prints quantities in terms of the unit specified in the Alt Unit 2 field.
3 – the system prints quantities in terms of the unit specified in the Alt Unit 3 field.

Order Acks . . . determines which unit is used on order acknowledgements.

 No – the alternate units, if any were entered, are not used on acknowledgements. The
system prints quantities in terms of the sales unit.
1 – the system prints quantities in terms of the unit specified in the Alt Unit 1 field (e.g.,
BX, DZ, or CS).
2 – the system prints quantities in terms of the unit specified in the Alt Unit 2 field.
3 – the system prints quantities in terms of the unit specified in the Alt Unit 3 field.


Shippers . . . determines which unit is used on shipping papers.

 No – the alternate units, if any were entered, are not used on shipping papers. The system
prints quantities in terms of the sales unit.
1 – the system prints quantities in terms of the unit specified in the Alt Unit 1 field (e.g.,
BX, DZ, or CS).
2 – the system prints quantities in terms of the unit specified in the Alt Unit 2 field.
3 – the system prints quantities in terms of the unit specified in the Alt Unit 3 field.

Invoices . . . determines which unit is used on invoices.

 No – the alternate units, if any were entered, are not used on invoices. The system prints
quantities in terms of the sales unit.
1 – the system prints quantities in terms of the unit specified in the Alt Unit 1 field (e.g.,
BX, DZ, or CS).
2 – the system prints quantities in terms of the unit specified in the Alt Unit 2 field.
3 – the system prints quantities in terms of the unit specified in the Alt Unit 3 field.

POs . . . determines which unit is used on purchase orders.

 No – the alternate units, if any were entered, are not used on purchase orders. The system
prints quantities in terms of the purchase unit.
1 – the system prints quantities in terms of the unit specified in the Alt Unit 1 field (e.g.,
BX, DZ, or CS).
2 – the system prints quantities in terms of the unit specified in the Alt Unit 2 field.
3 – the system prints quantities in terms of the unit specified in the Alt Unit 3 field.

Transfers . . . determines which unit is used on transfers.

 No – the alternate units, if any were entered, are not used on transfers. The system prints
quantities in terms of the purchase unit.
1 – the system prints quantities in terms of the unit specified in the Alt Unit 1 field (e.g.,
BX, DZ, or CS).
2 – the system prints quantities in terms of the unit specified in the Alt Unit 2 field.
3 – the system prints quantities in terms of the unit specified in the Alt Unit 3 field.

Item Location Maintenance is used to maintain location-dependent information about items. Use Item
Location Maintenance, for example, to maintain different Safety Stock values for Location 1 and Location 2.


When you select Location Maintenance from the Item Information window, a screen similar to the following

Item . . . user-defined code that identifies a product that you sell.

 Item is 26 characters long and can contain letters and numbers.

Location . . . identifies a location in your company.

Location Specific
Stock Flag . . . determines whether the item is stocked at this location.
 Y – this item is stocked at this location.
N – this item is not stocked at this location.

Bin Number . . . a code that identifies a box, shelf, palate, or area where items of one kind are stored
Bin numbers can be used to sort reports and packing lists in warehouse bin location sequence.
Assign bin numbers in a fashion that will simplify the picking process. For example, for the ¼-
inch screws stored on aisle 14, shelf 3, box 21, you might assign the Bin Number 014321.
If fewer than six characters are entered in the Bin Number field, the system will automatically
add necessary leading zeroes. For example, if “1” is entered, the system will change the number
to “000001.”
Bin Number is six characters and can contain letters and numbers.


Price/Cost Loc . . . the location from which prices and costs are obtained for this location.
The system provides the ability to use prices and costs that have been set up for this item in
another location. Price and cost information for locations are set up in Location Price/Cost
Maintenance, described on page 41 of this book.
If the current location is responsible for its own prices and costs for the item, enter the current
location number in the Price/Cost Loc field. If the location is a sales only location, you cannot
edit the item in Location Maintenance; price and cost information for this location will be pulled
from the Price/Cost location specified in that location's Location Maintenance record in the
Company module.
If the current location is a stocking and sales location and Price/Cost Loc is set to 0, prices and
costs are obtained from the Location Price/Cost record referenced in Company. If that too is 0,
company-wide prices and costs will be used.
If the prices and costs for this item in this location should be obtained from another location, enter
the number of that location in the Price/Cost Loc field.
Price/Cost Loc is four characters and holds numbers only.

Replen Loc . . . the source location where a purchase or transfer is performed to restock this item in this
The Replen Loc field is only used if the Company Inventory Control Option “Check
Replenishment Method” is set to Y.
If the current location is responsible for purchasing its own stock for this item, enter the current
location number in the Replen Loc field.
If stock for the item in this location is purchased by another location and then transferred, enter the
number of the purchasing location in the Replen Loc field.
Replen Loc is four characters and holds numbers only.

Transfer Size . . . the standard package size in which stock for this item is transferred to this location.
If the Transfer Size is 0 (zero), the system uses the Purchase Size.
For example, if the Transfer Size is 100, then stock for this item should be transferred to this
location in multiples of 100.

Avg Monthly . . . a sales forecast figure that is based on prior history, and used to determine what will be
Usg sold in the future.
The “AMU” is updated in the Item Update module and is used in calculating replenishment
requirements, surplus stock quantities, and other inventory management values. An average is
used because it is not accurate to depend on one individual period for usage figures
An item’s Average Monthly Usage is maintained separately for each location, because item usage
can be vastly different from location to location.
Avg Monthly Usg is 11 characters and holds numbers only.


Protected Qty . . . the minimum stock quantity that should be maintained for an item.
The Protected Qty is often used if you have promised to keep a quantity on the shelf for a specific
The quantity is “protected” because a message will display in Order Entry if the Protected Qty is
Important: The system will allow stock to drop below the Protected Qty amount.

Method . . . the item’s assigned purchasing method, which dictates when more needs to be ordered to
replenish stock and exactly how much to order.
EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) – an inventory replenishment method where the factors
that are used to calculate the order point and order quantity are continually updated by
inventory and purchasing conditions. EOQ determines the most economical quantity to buy
by balancing ordering costs against inventory costs. If you elect to use the EOQ method,
you must designate a Carrying Cost Rate and a Cost to Order in the Item Usage/Purchase
parameters in the Company record. EOQ is a good fit for high-cost, fast-moving items.
 UPTO – an inventory replenishment method where you determine how much you want to
buy based on an item’s classification, and the system automatically orders a quantity to
return stock to that level. Upto is also a good fit for high-cost, fast-moving items. Carrying
costs are reduced by turning high-costing inventory faster and reducing inventory value.
OPOQ – an inventory replenishment method where the order point and order quantity are
specified for each item. The order point and order quantity remain fixed regardless of
changing inventory or purchasing conditions. When net stock is at or below the order point,
the order quantity is ordered.

Net Stock = Free + Due In - Backorders

MNMX – an inventory replenishment method where the minimum stock quantity and
maximum stock quantity are specified for each item. These remain fixed regardless of
changing inventory or purchasing conditions. When the minimum stock quantity is
reached, more stock is ordered so that the maximum stock quantity is reached. The Order
Quantity is a ceiling; the maximum you want on your shelf. The system will suggest you
order the quantity required to reach the “ceiling.”
See the examples on page 38 of this book for more information.

Order Point . . . the stock level at which stock should be replenished if the Method is OPOQ or MNMX.
If the Method is OPOQ or MNMX, the system uses the value entered here as the order point. If
the Method is EOQ or UPTO, the system calculates the order point using inventory management
figures. The value entered in the Order Point field acts as an override to this calculated value if
the calculated value is less than the value entered.
Note: The formulas used to calculate the order point for EOQ or UPTO items are shown in the
Replenishment Method examples, later in this section.
Order Point is 11 characters and holds numbers only.


Order Qty . . . the quantity to be ordered, when the stock level reaches the Order Point if the Method is
If the Method is OPOQ, the system uses the value entered here as the order quantity. If the
Method is MNMX, the system uses the value entered here as the “ceiling.”
Note: The formulas used to calculate the order quantity for EOQ or UPTO items are shown in the
Replenishment Method examples, later in this section.
Order Qty is 8 characters and holds numbers only.

Mnths Season . . . the number of months in a year that the item experiences greater than average usage.
Mnths Season defaults to 0, meaning that the item is not seasonal (i.e., its Average Monthly
Usage is typical regardless of the season). The Mnths Season value must be between 0 and 6.
The Mnths Season field holds the actual length of the season in months. If an item experiences the
most demand within June, July, and August, you would specify 3 as the Mnths Season.
For seasonal items, the system looks at the item history from the previous year to determine the
Average Monthly Usage (AMU). For example, if 3 is the Mnths Season, the system would
average the monthly usage from 12 months ago, 11 months ago, and 10 months ago to determine
the item’s AMU. In other words, the system looks back a year and then looks ahead the number
of months in the season to forecast this year’s demand based on last year’s.
An item’s Mnths Season is maintained separately for each location, because item usage can be
vastly different from location to location.
Mnths Season is a one-character field that holds a value from 0 to 6.


Tip: Using Months Season

The following example demonstrates how you can use the Months Season field to forecast the
quantity of items that should be kept on hand:

Schneider Tools, a distributor of snow shovels, has a location in Alaska. Snow shovels are a
popular item all year in Alaska, so Months Season is set to 0 (the default) for the Alaska
Schneider also has a location in Maryland, where it generally snows from December to March.
Months Season is set to 4 for the Maryland location. The AMU for the last year looks like

Month: Usage:
January 23
February 30
March 12
April 6
May 0
June 0
July 0
August 0
September 5
October 7
November 8
December 47
It is July and the system is forecasting what should be kept on hand based on the Months
Season setting, it will average the usage from last July, August, September, and October. The
forecast for the number of shovels that should be kept on hand is 3.

If it is November and the system performs the same calculation, it will average the usage from
last November, December, January, and February. The forecast for the number of shovels that
should be kept on hand is 29.

Usage Lock . . . sets a manual lock on monthly usage for a given number of months.
When monthly usage is “locked,” monthly usage calculations do not update the Average Monthly
Usage figure for this item. This is especially useful for new or promotional items that may have
abnormal usage numbers. For such items, it may be convenient to set up an estimated usage figure
manually and then to enable the Usage Lock for a specific number of months, preventing the
system from updating the manually entered number.
Usage Lock can be a number of months from 0 to 12. The Usage Lock number counts down to 0
months automatically, when Item Update is run. When 0 months is reached, the system-calculated
Average Monthly Usage figure is again used.
Usage Lock is two characters and holds numbers 0 to 12 only.


Last PO Date . . . the last time the item appeared on a scheduled or regular purchase order.
The Last PO Date field is automatically updated, but can be manually set. You must enter a valid
date in the format MM/DD/YY.

Sales Class . . . used to group items based on popularity or sales frequency.
The Sales Class field can be used as a delimiter on various item reports. It is generally used to
demonstrate an item’s popularity. For example, Sales Class 20 might be assigned to fast
movers, while Sales Class 40 is assigned to items that are practically obsolete.
Sales Class is two characters and holds numbers only.

Last Sale . . . the date this item was last sold.

The Last Sale date is updated at order entry or invoicing time (depending upon the setting of the
Sales option under Item Usage Accumulation/Inventory Control Company Options). This
information is shown on the Inactive Items Report, the Aged Inventory Value Report, and the
Aging Analysis Report.

Avg Lead Time . . . the average of the last two lead times for this item.
Lead time is the number of days that pass between the time you order material and receive it.
More specifically, lead time is the period that elapses between the time you generate a PO and
the time the items on the PO are received (the first receipt is used if a partial shipment is
received). This helps you determine when to buy and how often to buy. Lead time is used in
the order point calculation of items using the Upto or EOQ methods.
Avg Lead Time is four characters and holds numbers only.

Purchase Class . . . used to classify items by annual cost.

The Purchase Class field groups items together by high cost, mid cost, and low cost. The
Purchase Class is used in upto order quantity calculation. The following purchase classes are
predefined in the system:
0-89 -- active items
90-99 – obsolete items
0-59 – variable control method items
60-69 – permanent fixed control method items
70-89 – temporary fixed control method items
Purchase Class is two characters and holds numbers only.


Safety Stock . . . additional “days” supply of material to protect against demand fluctuations, lead time
fluctuations, and failure to review the product line.
The number of days of Safety Stock is a contributory factor in the order point calculations of
items that use variable control methods of inventory management (Up To and EOQ).
There are also Safety Stock fields in Item Location Maintenance and in Vendor Maintenance.
When searching for the value of Safety Stock, the system first looks in the Item Location
Maintenance record; if it is 0 (zero), the system looks in the Item Information Maintenance
record. If the value there is 0, the system looks in the Vendor Maintenance record of the vendor
assigned to the item.
Typically, users enter a value in the Vendor Maintenance record for one of two reasons:
 if all items in the vendor line have the same number of days of safety stock, the safety stock
value does not have to be entered into every item record
 to be used as a default value for any item in the vendor line that doesn’t have a specific safety
stock, helpful since the value entered can be an average safety stock for the entire vendor
Note: A higher Safety Stock value is needed if demand, lead time, and review cycle fluctuate.
If these factors are consistent, use a lower value. Safety Stock is a buffer and is, ideally, zero
turn inventory.

Stock Status
Qty Free . . . the quantity of an item that is available for sale, or the quantity in stock.
Location and company-wide quantities are shown.

Qty Allocated . . . the quantity of an item that is set aside for a customer order, internal transfer, or vendor
Location and company-wide quantities are shown.

Qty On PO . . . the quantity of an item on one or more purchase orders.

Location and company-wide quantities are shown.

Qty . . . the quantity of an item on backorder.

Location and company-wide quantities are shown.

Qty Transit . . . the quantity of an item that is “on the way” to a particular location.
Location and company-wide quantities are shown.


PTD # Sales . . . the number of times during the period that the item appeared on a sales order.
It is important to note that the PTD # Sales does not track the number of items sold during the
period, but instead increases each time the item appears on a sales order. For example, if a
customer orders 11 cases of garden trowels, the PTD # Sales is increased by one (not 11).
An Inventory Control Company Option determines whether the PTD # Sales is updated at order
entry time or invoice time. See the Sales option found under the Item Usage Accumulation
The PTD information is moved into YTD information and reset to zero when the job Item-Update
is run and item usage is updated.

YTD # Sales . . . the number of times during the year that the item appeared on a sales order.
It is important to note that the YTD # Sales does not track the number of items sold during the
year, but instead increases each time the item appears on a sales order. For example, if a
customer orders 11 cases of garden trowels, the YTD # Sales is increased by one (not 11).
The PTD information (described previously) is moved into YTD information and reset to zero
when the job Item-Update is run and item usage is updated. The YTD information is reset when
Item-Update is run and the year-end data is reset.

YTD Qty Inv . . . the quantity of this item that has been invoiced year-to-date.
Location and company-wide quantities are shown.


Example 1: OPOQ
As described earlier in this section, Order Point/ Order Quantity is an inventory replenishment method where
the order point and order quantity are specified for each item. These remain fixed regardless of changing
inventory or purchasing conditions. When net stock reaches the order point, the order quantity is ordered.
Consider the following example:
Net Stock = 60
OP = 45
OQ = 50
A customer orders 70 brass fixtures from your stock. You have only 60 available. The new net stock status is
-10, which is below your order point.

60 - 70 = -10

The system starts the replenishment calculation using 1 X the order quantity, which is 50. If 50 fixtures were
purchased, net stock would be 40, still less than the order point of 45.

-10 + 50 = 40

The system performs the calculation again, this time using 2 X the order quantity, which is 100. If 100 fixtures
were purchased, net stock would be 90.


-10 + 100 = 90

Therefore, the system will recommend purchasing 100 fixtures to replenish stock.

Example 2: Min/Max
Min/Max is an inventory replenishment method where the minimum stock quantity and maximum stock
quantity are specified for each item. These remain fixed regardless of changing inventory or purchasing
conditions. When the minimum stock quantity is reached, more stock is ordered so that the maximum stock
quantity is reached. That is, the system will suggest ordering items (Maximum - Net Stock). Consider the
following example:
Net Stock = 40
Minimum = 30
Maximum = 85
A customer orders 15 copper elbow joints from your stock. You have 40 available and are able to fill the
order. The new net stock is 25.

40 - 15 = 25

The system will suggest that you purchase 60 more fixtures to replenish stock.

85 - 25 = 60

Example 3: Upto
Upto is an inventory replenishment method where the factors that are used to calculate the order point and
order quantity are continually updated by inventory and purchasing conditions.

The order point for Upto items is determined using the following calculation:

Order Point = (AMU / 30) (Lead Time + Review Cycle +Safety Stock Days)

Note: This is the same calculation used to find the order point for items using the EOQ replenishment method,
which will be described next.

The order quantity for Upto items is determined using the following calculation:

Order Quantity = (AMU * Month’s Supply) - Net Stock

Consider the following example:

A grinding wheel in your inventory uses the Up To method of replenishment. The following is true:
Net Stock = 0
Average Monthly Usage = 16
Review Cycle = 7
Lead Time = 21
Safety Stock Days = 5
Month’s Supply = 3
The order point for the grinding wheel is:


Order Point = (16/30) (21 + 7 + 5) = 18

Since net stock is less than the order point, the system will suggest replenishment:

Order Quantity = 16 (3 - 0) = 48

Let’s examine another example:

A grinding wheel in your inventory uses the Upto method of replenishment. The following is true:
Net Stock = 50
Average Monthly Usage = 30
Review Cycle = 20
Lead Time = 10
Safety Stock Days = 10
In this case, the order point is:

Order Point = (30/30) (20 + 10 + 10) = 40

However, since Net Stock (50) is already greater than the Order Point (50), the system will not suggest

Example 4: EOQ
Economic Order Quantity is an inventory replenishment method where the factors that are used to calculate the
order point and order quantity are continually updated by inventory and purchasing conditions.

The order point for EOQ items is determined using the following calculation:

Order Point = (AMU / 30) (Lead Time + Review Cycle +Safety Stock Days)

Note: This is the same calculation used to find the order point for items using the Upto replenishment method,
described previously.

The order quantity for EOQ items is determined using the following calculation:

24 * Cost to Order * AMU

Order Quantity 
Carrying Cost Rate * Unit Cost

Consider this example:

A grinding wheel in your inventory uses the EOQ method of replenishment. The following is true:
Average Monthly Usage = 16
Review Cycle = 7
Lead Time = 21
Safety Stock Days = 5
Cost to Order = 2.00
Cost to Carry = .30
Unit Cost = 10.00


In this case, the order point for the grinding wheel is:

Order Point = 16/30 (21 + 7 + 5) = 18

and the order quantity is:

24 * 2.00 * 16
Order Quantity 
.30 * 10.00

= 16


Location Price/Cost Maintenance is used to maintain location-dependent prices and costs for inventory items.
Use Location Price/Cost Maintenance, for example, to maintain different prices for locations in different areas
of the country.

When you select Location Price/Cost Maintenance from the Item Information window, a screen similar to the
following displays:

Item Code . . . the item code for which you want to enter, edit, or delete location prices and costs.

Location . . . identifies a location in your company.


Unit Name . . . abbreviated primary sales unit.
The Unit Name should identify the size of the primary sales unit. For example, EA could be used
for each, DZ for dozen, C for case, etc.
Unit Name is 2 characters and holds letters and numbers.

Unit Size . . . numeric equivalent of the unit name.

For example, if an item is sold in dozens, then the Unit Size should be 12.
Unit Size is six characters and holds numbers only.


Using Unit Name and Unit Size

The following examples demonstrate the proper way to use Unit Name and Unit Size.

Example 1: You sell widgets to your customers in eaches, but purchase the item in a case of
100. The List Price field in Item Maintenance is $500. You do not use list price to price for
your customers.

In the Prices section of the Item Maintenance screen, set Unit Name to EA and Unit Size to 1.
In the Costs section of the Item Maintenance screen, set Unit Name to CS, Unit Size to 100,
and Package Size to 0.

When you place a purchase order and enter a quantity of 1, the system orders 100 eaches of the
widgets. The price for these 100 widgets is whatever appears in the list price. In this case, the
list price is $500. You do not need to complete the Package Size field because the list price
represents 100 widgets, or the Unit Size. This is how you purchase it from your vendor.

Example 2: You sell widgets to your customers in boxes of 100, but you buy widgets from
your vendor in boxes of 5.

You use the list price to price your customers. In this case, the list price must represent 100
widgets, because that is how you sell the widgets to the customer. In this example, the list
price is $500.

When a customer orders one box of widgets, the price is the list price ($500) applied against a
multiplier. The list price in this example represents the price of 100 widgets because 100 is
your Unit Size. Remember that list price is the price of the unit size.

In the Prices section of Item Maintenance set Unit Name to BX. Set Unit Size to 100.

In the Costs section of Item Maintenance, you need to use the Package Size field. Keep in
mind that you buy widgets from your vendor in boxes of 5, and 5 widgets do not cost the list
price ($500). This price represents the Unit Size, which is 100.

In this case, in the Costs section of Item Maintenance set Unit Name to CS, Unit Size to 100,
and Package Size to 5.

When you enter a purchase order, and enter a quantity of 1, the system orders 5 widgets, at a
cost of $5 each. The price of one widget equals the list price divided by the unit size. In this
case, $500 (list price)/ 100 (unit size). The total cost of the purchase order is $25 (1 box of 5
widgets X $5 per widget).

Keep in mind that costs are in terms of the unit size, but the quantity you purchase in terms of
is the package size. If the package size is the same as the unit size, than it can be set to 0 that
would cause the package size to default to the unit size.


Cost Price . . . one of four user-defined pricing fields expressed in terms of the sales unit.
The Cost Price is for the quantity indicated in the Unit Size field.
See the tip on page 21 for more information.

Col1 Price . . . one of four user-defined pricing fields expressed in terms of the sales unit.
The Col 1 Price is for the quantity indicated in the Unit Size field.
See the tip on page 21 for more information.

Col2 Price . . . one of four user-defined pricing fields expressed in terms of the sales unit.
The Col 2 Price is for the quantity indicated in the Unit Size field.
See the tip on page 21 for more information.

Col3 Price . . . one of four user-defined pricing fields expressed in terms of the sales unit.
The Col 3 Price is for the quantity indicated in the Unit Size field.
See the tip on page 21 for more information.

Sales Disc . . . provides a means of organizing items that are discounted in the same fashion.
Items in the same discount group should be assigned the same number in the Sales Disc Group
 field. This field is only used if you use sales pricing schedules, and it should not be confused with
the Purchase Discount Group field (also found in Item Maintenance) which is used for purchase
See the tip on page 22 for more information.

Broken Box . . . extra amount to be charged for buying less than the sales unit size.
This is a calculated markup for broken box sales, which is when the quantity ordered is less than
the sales unit size. An amount from .01 to .99 can be added. The extra charge is calculated as
For sales quantities:
 less than 1 unit, but equal to or greater than ½ unit, the system adds the amount entered in the
Broken Box Premium field
 less than ½ unit, but equal to or greater than 1/8 unit, the system adds 2 x the amount entered
in the Broken Box Premium field
 less than 1/8 unit, the system adds 3 x the amount entered in the Broken Box Premium field
A Broken Box Premium is only charged if the customer’s Price option is set to Schedule, and
Broken Box Premium field in Customer Maintenance is set to Yes.
For an example, see page 23.
Broken Box Premium is two characters and holds numbers only.


Unit Name . . . abbreviated primary purchase unit.
The Unit Name should identify the size of the primary purchase unit. For example, EA could be used
for each, DZ for dozen, C for case, etc.
Unit Name is 2 characters and holds letters and numbers.

Unit Size . . . numeric equivalent of the unit name.

For example, if an item is sold in dozens, then the Unit Size should be 12. All costs are in terms of
the Unit Size.
Unit Size is 11 characters and holds numbers only.

Package . . . quantity or multiple in which the item must be purchased, if different from the Unit Size.
This field is helpful for those items that are priced in one unit but bought in another. Items are
usually bought in multiples of the Package Size. For example, if screws are priced by the 100, but
packaged in boxes of 25, then 25 would be entered in this field.
Package Size should be set to 0 (zero) if the Package Size should be the same as the Unit Size. In
other words, you only use this field if the value is different from the purchase unit size.
Package Size is 6 characters and holds numbers only.

List Price . . . manufacturer’s list price or your purchase cost, in terms of the Purchase Unit Size.
This field is most often used to hold the manufacturer’s list price, and can be used to price customer
orders. For example, a customer may receive List Price x .85 as the selling price.
The List Price also serves as the default cost on a purchase order if no purchase pricing schedule
List Price is 11 characters, including the decimal point, and holds numbers only.

Standard . . . your cost of the item, in terms of the Purchase Unit Size.
Cost This field is often used to hold the item’s replacement cost, or the cost to you to replace the item
today. It may be factored to include incoming freight, cost to carry, etc.
The Standard Cost can be used at order entry time to determine profit.
Standard Cost is 11 characters, including the decimal point, and holds numbers only.

Year End . . . an item cost saved at the end of each year using Item Update.
The Year End Cost shown here is the figure saved from last year through the job Item Update. It can
be the Standard Cost, the Last Cost, or the Moving Average Cost.


Base Cost . . . if using LIFO, the cost of an item at the beginning of the base year of inventory valuation, in
terms of the Purchase Unit Size.
If you are not using LIFO, you may use this field for any other purpose you have. For example, if
you’d like to enter your new cost before an update takes effect, you can enter it here and then transfer
it to the Standard Cost field later.
Base Cost is 11 characters, including the decimal point, and holds numbers only.

Last Cost . . . updated by material receiving and at material receipts reconciliation.

Last Cost is 11 characters, including the decimal point, and holds numbers only.

Purchase . . . provides a means of organizing items that are discount in the same fashion.
Disc Group
Items in the same discount group should be assigned the same number in this field. This field is only
 used if you use purchase pricing schedules, and should not be confused with the Sales Discount
Group field (also found in Catalog Item Maintenance) which is used for sales pricing.

Note: Security values can now be set on the fields of the Item Location Price/Cost Maintenance screen to
restrict permission in adding and editing price and cost values. For more information on the Item
Location Pricing option and how to set security on other Acclaim Screen options, refer to the
“Security” chapter of the System Administration manual.


The Easy Edit Purchase Information option allows you to quickly edit purchase information for inventory
items. This option is useful if you need to make a change to many or all items with regards to purchasing
information. For example, if you plan to change the protected quantities of a group of items, Easy Edit allows
you to perform this function much more quickly than if you opened each item record through Item

Items can be edited in one of two sequences: by item code or by product group (in sort code sequence).

When you select the Easy Edit Purchase Information option from the Item Information menu, the system
prompts for a main location:

Main Location . . . the location for which you want to edit item purchase information.


Once the location number has been entered, the system displays the following menu:

Item Code . . . items are displayed for editing by item code.

Sequence See page 47 for more information.

Product Group . . . items are displayed for editing by product group sort code.
– Sort Code See page 50 for more information.


When you select the Item Code Sequence option, the system prompts for the first item. Once a valid item code
is entered, your system will show a screen similar to the following:

Note that all the data displayed in these fields is taken directly from the item record. Any changes you make
here will permanently change the item record. See the section o f this book called Item Maintenance
(beginning on page 11) for more information on any of the following fields.

Item Code . . . the item code for which you want to edit purchasing information.

Prod Group . . . classifies similar items together.


Desc 1 . . . holds a description of the item.

Desc 2 . . . holds additional description of the item.

Purch Class . . . used to group items based on annual cost.

Av Lead Time . . . the average of the last two lead times for this item.

Safety Stock . . . additional “days” supply of material to protect against demand fluctuations, lead time
fluctuations, and failure to review the product line.

Location Information
Location . . . identifies the location in your company where the item is stocked.
Any edits you make will apply for this location only.

Replenishment . . . identifies the source location where a purchase or transfer is performed to restock this
Loc item.

Purch Class . . . used to group items based on annual cost.

Av Lead Time . . . the average of the last two lead times for this item.

Safety Stock . . . additional “days” supply of material to protect against demand fluctuations, lead time
fluctuations, and failure to review the product line.

Protected Qty . . . the minimum stock quantity that should be maintained for the item.

Purch Method . . . the item’s assigned purchasing method, which dictates when more needs to be ordered to
replenish stock and exactly how much to order.
For more information on purchasing methods and replenishment, see the examples on page 38.

Order Point . . . the stock level at which stock should be replenished if the purchasing method is OPOQ
or MNMX.

Order Qty . . . the quantity to be ordered, when the stock level reaches the Order Point if the
purchasing method is OPOQ, or the maximum shelf quantity desired if the method is


Stock Flag . . . determines whether the item is stocked at this location.

Xfer Size . . . the standard package size in which stock for this item is transferred to this location.

Months Season . . . the number of months in a year that the item experiences greater than average usage.
For a tip on using Months Season, see page 35.

Last Purch . . . the date this item was last purchased.

Use Lock . . . sets a manual lock on monthly usage for a given number of months.

PTD Usage . . . usage of this item for the current period.

Av Monthly . . . a sales forecast figure that is based on prior history, and used to determine what will be
Usage sold in the future.

YTD Qty . . . quantity of this item that has been invoiced this year.
PTD # Sales . . . number of times this item has appeared on a sales order this period.

YTD # Sales . . . number of times this item has appeared on a sales order this year.

Once you have finished editing the item, press [N] to display the next item. Or, to display the same item for
the next location, press [L]. To quit, press [Enter] at Field.



When you select the Product Group – Sort Code Sequence option, the system prompts for a product group.
Once a valid product group is entered, your system will show a screen similar to the following:

The fields shown on this screen are similar to those described in the Item Code Sequence section, beginning on
page 47 of this book. See this section for more information.

The Acclaim View screen is used to examine item records and does not allow you to edit them.

Select the second View option from the Item menu. When the Item View screen appears, the system prompts
for an Item Code. You can browse to find the code if you do not know it.

Item Code . . . the code assigned to the item you wish to view.


Once a valid item is entered, your system will show a screen similar to the following:

The Item View screen displays general item information, prices, and stock status for the location and company.

Look Ahead . . . allows you to see what quantity of items will be on purchase orders a certain number of
Days days in the future.
This field is only visible when the chosen item is on a scheduled purchase order.
There is an option within the Acclaim Screens option to turn Acclaim Item View off. To access this option,
choose Options from the Company module, then select Acclaim Screens from the Options menu:


The Screen Enable Browse appears. Use key resolution (enter a few letters that begin the Item View phrase) or
[PgDn] until you reach the Item View line:

Press [Enter] twice to access the Screen Enable Maintenance screen. Press [Ctrl] [E] to edit the settings on
this screen. At the Menu field press [F3] to browse the available options. The system will display a screen
similar to the following:

If you select None, the system will not enable any item view screens. If you select XL, the system will allow
you to view an item through the View option on the Item Information menu. If you select Acclaim, the system
will allow you to view an item through the Item View option on the Item Information menu. If you select
both, the system will allow you to view by both View and Item View. Once you select an option, press [F2] to

View Item Information is used to examine item records, and does not allow you to edit them.

When you select the View option from the Item Information menu, the system prompts for a main location:

Main Location . . . the location for which you want to view item information.


Once the location number has been entered, the system displays the following menu:

Item Code . . . items are displayed by item code.

Sequence See page 53 for more information.

Product Group . . . items are displayed by product group sort code.

– Sort Code See page 54 for more information.


When you select the Item Code Sequence option, the system prompts for an item code. Once a valid item is
entered, your system will show a screen similar to the following:

All of the information found on this View screen is taken directly from the item record. For more information
on the fields shown here, see the section of this book called Item Maintenance, beginning on page 11.



When you select the Product Group – Sort Code Sequence option, the system prompts for a product group.
Once a valid product group is entered, your system will show a screen similar to the following:

All of the information found on this View screen is taken directly from the item record. For more information
on the fields shown here, see the section of this book called Item Maintenance, beginning on page 11.

When you select the delete range option, a parameter screen allows you to select a range of inactive items to
be deleted by Item Code, Sales Class, Purchase Class, Sales Discount Group, Purchase Discount Group, Date
of Last Sale and/or Date of Last Purchase. Only inactive items can be deleted. An item is deemed inactive if
there are no open transactions for the item.


5 END 99
7 END 99
9 END 9999
10 START 0
11 END 9999

12 DATE OF LAST SALE 01/01/08 (MM/DD/YY)



The “Report Only” option only displays the report when the value of this parameter is “Y” and no deletion will
occur. If this parameter is “N”, then items in the range will print on the report and be deleted.

The report displays the item, deletion status, and a reason why the item in range cannot be deleted. If the
deleted column says yes next to the item, then the item is considered inactive and deletion can occur.



-------------------------- ------- --------------------------------
10-234545 YES
11 YES

The Multiply option is used to multiply the value of a price or cost field by a factor and to insert the resulting
price or cost into one or more price or cost fields. See page 57 for details of what you can do with this option.
Here is a summary of examples:

1. Multiply List Price by .85 and place the result in the Col1 field. At the same time, multiply List Price
by 1.00 and place the result in the Cost Price field.
2. Move the current Standard Cost to the Base Cost field.
3. Increase Col1 by 10 percent.

Q-Mode must be enabled to use the Multiply option.


When you select the Multiply option from the Item Information menu, a screen similar to the following

Seq . . . determines the range of the Multiply option.

To affect all the items in the database, press [Esc]. To affect only a portion of the items, select one
of the following sequence options:
VN – items are scanned by vendor number and item number. The Start and End fields are
entered in vendor#-item# format.
 IT – items are scanned by item code. The Start and End fields are entered in Item Code
PR – items are scanned by product group and product group sort code. The Start and End
fields are entered in the format Product Group - Product Group Sort Code format.
VS – items are scanned by vendor number and vendor sort code. The Start and End fields
are entered in the format Vendor#-Vendor Sort Code.

Note: VS only appears if the Item Vendor Sort Code Xref option, found in the Company
module, is set to Y.

Seq . . . determines the actual range of the items that are affected.
The use of these fields is determined by the setting of the Seq field. See the explanation of
Sequence for more information.

Purchase . . . limits the range of the multiply to items within a range of Purchase Discount Groups.
Discount Group
Sales Discount . . . range of sales discount group values.
Group Only items assigned to the range of selected sales discount group values are selected for the


Start/End Multiply function.

Basis for New Cost/Price

Dest Loc . . . price/cost location receiving the updated prices and costs.

Srce Loc . . . price/cost location that is the source of the prices and costs to be multiplied.

Srce-Fld . . . price or cost to be multiplied.

The price or cost to be multiplied by a factor, which is specified in the cost and price fields shown
at the bottom of the screen. Srce Fld can be set to one of the fields listed. When Src-Fld is set to:
12 – the Standard Cost will be the source field
13 – the Year End Cost will be the source field
14 – the Base Cost will be the source field
15 – the Last Cost will be the source field
16 – the Moving Average Cost will be the source field
17 – the Cost Price will be the source field
18 – the Col1 Price will be the source field
19 – the Col2 Price will be the source field
20 – the Col3 Price will be the source field
 21 – the List Price will be the source field
See the examples on page 57.

Round to Cents . . . determines how the result is rounded.

Y – the result is rounded to the nearest cent.
 N – the result is rounded to the nearest hundredth of a cent.

Cost/Price Mults (“0” to Ignore)

Std-Cst . . . value entered here will be multiplied against the Srce Fld and used as the item’s new
Standard Cost.
This field defaults to 0 (zero). When set to 0, the multiply will not affect this cost or price.

Yr-End . . . value entered here will be multiplied against the Srce Fld and used as the item’s new
Year End Cost.
This field defaults to 0 (zero). When set to 0, the multiply will not affect this cost or price.

Base-Cst . . . value entered here will be multiplied against the Srce Fld and used as the item’s new
Base Cost.
This field defaults to 0 (zero). When set to 0, the multiply will not affect this cost or price.


Last-Cst . . . value entered here will be multiplied against the Srce Fld and used as the item’s new Last
This field defaults to 0 (zero). When set to 0, the multiply will not affect this cost or price.

Mv-Avrg . . . value entered here will be multiplied against the Srce Fld and used as the item’s new
Moving Average Cost.
This field defaults to 0 (zero). When set to 0, the multiply will not affect this cost or price.

Cost-Pr . . . value entered here will be multiplied against the Srce Fld and used as the item’s new
Cost Price.
This field defaults to 0 (zero). When set to 0, the multiply will not affect this cost or price.

Col1 Pr . . . value entered here will be multiplied against the Srce Fld and used as the item’s new
Col1 Price.
This field defaults to 0 (zero). When set to 0, the multiply will not affect this cost or price.

Col2 Pr . . . value entered here will be multiplied against the Srce Fld and used as the item’s newCol2
This field defaults to 0 (zero). When set to 0, the multiply will not affect this cost or price.

Col3 Pr . . . value entered here will be multiplied against the Srce Fld and used as the item’s newCol2
This field defaults to 0 (zero). When set to 0, the multiply will not affect this cost or price.

List Pr . . . value entered here will be multiplied against the Srce Fld and used as the item’s new List
This field defaults to 0 (zero). When set to 0, the multiply will not affect this cost or price.

Example 1: You want to multiply the List Price by .85 and use the result as the Column 1 Price. At the same
time, you want to multiply List Price by 1.00 and use it as the Cost Price.

The fields should be set up as follows:

Srce Fld 19 (List Price)

Cost/Price Multipliers:
Standard Cost 0 Cost Price 1.00
Yr End 0 Col1 Price 0.85
Base Cost 0 Col2 Price 0
Last Cost 0 Col3 Price 0
Mvg Avg 0 List Price 0


Example 2: You want to use the current Standard Cost as the Base Cost.

The fields should be set up as follows:

Srce Fld 10 (Standard Cost)

Cost/Price Multipliers:
Standard Cost 0 Cost Price 0
Yr End 0 Col1 Price 0
Base Cost 1.00 Col2 Price 0
Last Cost 0 Col3 Price 0
Mvg Avg 0 List Price 0

Example 3: You want to increase the Column 1 Price by 10 percent.

The fields should be set up as follows:

Srce Fld 16 (Column 1)

Cost/Price Multipliers:
Standard Cost 0 Cost Price 0
Yr End 0 Col1 Price 1.10
Base Cost 0 Col2 Price 0
Last Cost 0 Col3 Price 0
Mvg Avg 0 List Price 0

The Edit Size option is used to change price and cost fields when a unit size is changed. It can be used for
changes to the sales unit size, the purchase unit size, or both.

When you select the Edit Size option from the Item Information menu, a screen similar to the following


Seq . . . determines the range of the Edit Size option.

To affect all the items in the item database, press [Esc]. To affect only a portion of the items,
select one of the following sequence options:
VN – items are scanned by vendor number and item number. The Start and End fields are
entered in vendor#-item# format.
 IT – items are scanned by item code. The Start and End fields are entered in Item Code
PR – items are scanned by product group and product group sort code. The Start and End
fields are entered in the format Product Group - Product Group Sort Code format.
VS – items are scanned by vendor number and vendor sort code. The Start and End fields
are entered in the format Vendor#-Vendor Sort Code.

Note: VS only appears if the Item Vendor Sort Code Xref option, found in the Company
module, is set to Y.

Seq Start/End . . . determines the actual range of the items that are affected.
The use of these fields is determined by the setting of the Seq field. See the explanation of Seq
for more information.

Once you have set the parameters of the size edit, press [Enter] at Field to continue. The system displays a
screen similar to the following for each item included in the range:

Sales Info
Unit Name: Old . . . shows the original sales Unit Name of the item.

Unit Name: . . . type the new Unit Name that should be used for the item.
Press [Enter] to keep the old unit name.


Unit Size: Old . . . shows the original sales Unit Size of the item.

Unit Size: New . . . type the new Unit Size that should be used for the item.
Press [Enter] to keep the old unit size.

Purchase Info
Unit Name: Old . . . shows the original purchase Unit Name of the item.

Unit Name: . . . type the new Unit Name that should be used for the item.
Press [Enter] to keep the old unit name.

Unit Size: Old . . . shows the original purchase Unit Size of the item.

Unit Size: New . . . type the new Unit Size that should be used for the item.
Press [Enter] to keep the old unit size.

Once you have completed the information for an item, press [Enter] to move on to the next one.

To quit before you edit all of the items in the selected range, press [Q]. If you quit, all the changes you
made during the session (except to the current item) are saved. The system displays this prompt:

To restart the edit, enter an item code here. To quit, press [Enter].


Example 1: You currently sell and purchase item JMP-281 in eaches, but you want to change the buying and
selling unit to cases of 25. The current item record is set up as follows:
Sales Info: Purchase Info:
Unit Name EA Unit Name EA
Unit Size 1 Unit Size 1
Cost Price 15.00 Package Size 0
Col1 14.00 List 15.00
Col2 13.50 Standard Cost 10.00
Col3 13.00 Base Cost 10.00
Last Cost 10.00

All prices and costs are for one each.

Using the Edit Size feature, you can change the unit sizes to 25 and have the prices and costs changed to reflect
the price/cost for a case. The Edit Size screen should be set up as follows:


Sales Info

Unit Name:
Old: EA
New: CS

Unit Size
Old: 1
New: 25

Purchase Info

Unit Name
Old: EA
New: CS

Unit Size
Old: 1
New: 25
The item record will be changed to:
Sales Info: Purchase Info:
Unit Name CS Unit Name CS
Unit Size 25 Unit Size 25
Cost Price 375.00 Package Size 0
Col1 350.00 List 375.00
Col2 337.50 Standard Cost 250.00
Col3 325.00 Base Cost 250.00
Last Cost 250.00

All prices and costs are for one case of 25.

Fast Edit allows you to quickly edit item information. This is option is useful if you need to make a standard
change to many or all items with regards to a specific field. For example, if you plan to change the
descriptions of all your items, Fast Edit allows you to perform this function with only a few keystrokes.

When you select the Fast Edit option from the Item Information menu, the following menu displays:

Sales . . . used to edit sales information for items.

See page 63 for more information.

Purchase . . . used to edit purchase information for items.


See page 68 for more information.

Location Item . . . used to edit item data by location.

See page 69 or more information.

Location . . . used to edit item price and cost data by location.

See page 69 for more information.

Multiple Units . . . used to edit multiple units information for items, if Multiple Units is enabled on your
See page 68 for more information.


Choosing one of the previous options allows you to fast edit as many item records as you want. When the
Sales, Purchase, or Multiple Units option is selected, complete the parameters displayed on the following
screen to specify the range of items:


Seq . . . determines the order in which the items are displayed for the fast edit.
 VN – items are scanned by vendor number and item number. The Start and End fields are
entered in Vendor#-Item# format.
IT – items are scanned by item code. The Start and End fields are entered in Item Code
PR – items are scanned by product group and product group sort code. The Start and End
fields are entered in the format Product Group - Product Group Sort Code format.
VS – items are scanned by vendor number and vendor sort code. The Start and End fields
are entered in the format Vendor#-Vendor Sort Code.

Note: VS only appears if the Item Vendor Sort Code Xref option, found in the Company
module, is set to Y.

Seq . . . determines the actual range of the items that are affected.
Start/End The use of these fields is determined by the setting of the Seq field. See the explanation of Seq
for more information.

Purchase-Size . . . determines whether each entered number is multiplied by the Purchase Unit Size before
being set as a field value.
Y – each entered number is multiplied by the Purchase Unit Size before being set as a field
value. For example, if List Price is edited for an item that has a Purchase Unit Size of 12,
the price entered will be multiplied by 12. Therefore, if 5.00 is entered, the List Price will
be 60.00.
 N – each entered number is multiplied by 1.

Factor . . . value used as a multiplier or divisor, depending upon the setting of the Type field.

Type . . . defines a mathematical function to be applied to the Factor.

Mult – the value in the Factor field is used as a multiplier. Each entered number is
multiplied by the factor.
Div – the value in the Factor field is used as a divisor. Each entered number is divided by
the factor.
 No – no factor is applied to the entered number.


Tip: Using Type

Assume the following:

Type is set to Mult

Factor is set to .85

If the Col1 price is being edited for each item, the value you enter will be multiplied by .85.
The result will be used to update the Col1 price. For example, if 10 is entered, 8.50 will be the
new Col1 price.

Value . . . specifies whether the values to be entered are variable or fixed.

 VAR – steps through each item specified in the parameters one at a time, allowing you to
make individual changes.
FIX – change applies to all items in the set parameters. The first item in the range will
appear and the old value for the selected field is displayed. Each item in the specified range
is automatically updated with the new value. Q-Mode must be enabled for a fixed fast edit.

Sales Disc . . . limits the items displayed during the fast edit to a particular range of sales discount
Groups groups.

Purch Disc . . . limits the items displayed during the fast edit to a particular range of purchase discount
Groups groups.

Item Sub . . . limits the items displayed during the fast edit to a particular range of item sub groups.
Manufacturer . . . limits the items displayed during the fast edit to a particular range of manufacturer
Class classes.


When the Location Item option is selected, the following parameters are displayed:

The fields in this screen are similar to the Fast Edit Controls shown for the Sales, Purchase, and Multiple Units
options. Refer to the previous pages for more information.

When the Location Price/Cost option is selected, the system displays the following Fast Edit Control screen:

The fields in this screen are similar to the Fast Edit Controls shown for the Sales, Purchase, and Multiple Units
options, with one addition:

Stock Only . . . determines whether the items displayed for editing include non stock items.
 N – All items are displayed for fast edit.
Y – Only stock items are displayed for fast edit.



After you have set the parameters, the system prompts you to mark the fields that you wish to fast edit. To
mark a field, type the line number of that field at the Field prompt and press [Enter]. The system marks the
field to show that it is selected for fast edit. You may mark as many fields as you like.

The following screens are examples of fields marked for fast edit.


The previous screen prompts you to specify the fields you would like to edit in item sales information. To
mark a field, type the line number of that field at the Field prompt. For example, if you want to fast edit the
cost price, type [15][Enter]. As seen on the previous screen, the system marks the Cost-Price field with a
15 to show that the field is selected for fast edit.



The previous screen displays Base Cost marked for fast edit. Notice the number 10 used to mark the field.


The previous screen displays Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) marked for fast edit. Notice the number 4 is used to
mark the field.



The previous screen displays Usage Lock marked for fast edit. Notice the number 18 used to mark the field.


The previous screen displays Purchase Disc Group marked for fast edit. Notice the number 14 is used to
mark the field.



After you have marked the fields for fast edit, you will need to specify the new values for those fields. When
you specify variable values, you type specific, individual information for each customer specified within the
parameters you set. The system displays a screen similar to the following:

Old . . . shows the current setting of the selected field.

New . . . prompts you to enter the new setting for the selected field.
Pressing [Enter] at the New prompt without entering a new value will accept the old setting as a
default. The system will skip ahead to the next item in the parameters.
Type Q to quit the fast edit at any time.


When you specify fixed values, the system sets all specified fields to one constant value. This option does not
allow you to edit individual item information. Although only the first item in the set parameters appears, all
items within the parameters will be updated with the new value. In the sample screen shown here, the Vendor
is being edited for all items within the parameters:

Old . . . shows the current setting of the selected field.

New . . . prompts you to enter the new setting for the selected field.
Pressing [Enter] at the New prompt without entering a new value will accept the old setting as a
default. Once you enter a new value, you will be prompted to proceed. Type Q to quit the fast
edit at any time.


If you decide to enter short codes for each of your items, a variable fast edit is a quick and easy way of doing
this. Rather than using the Item Maintenance screen, you could use fast edit because it allows you to quickly


recall the same field for every item. The system would display only the Short Code field for each item, which
would save you time and keystrokes.

One reason to use fixed fast edit is for making a standard change to a range of items. For example, if you
would like to enter the same discount group for all items from a particular vendor, a fixed fast edit is an easy
way of doing this. You would first limit the range of items to a specific vendor in the parameters of the fast
edit. A standard discount group could then be set for all items from the vendor identified in the parameters.

Important! If you try to perform a fixed fast edit on the Moving Average Cost field of the Item Location
Price/Cost record, the system aborts the fast edit if the value you enter for the first item matches the current
moving average cost of that item. This is a security measure. Fixed fast edits of moving average costs are
dangerous since the system continually updates this cost at material receipt.

Each time an item is entered, altered, deleted, and each time an item’s cost is changed (when the cost is your
cost basis), the system records this information on one or more registers. In addition to showing the pertinent
information about the item, the registers show the User ID of the person who made the addition, change, or
deletion, and the time it occurred.

When you select the Register option from the Item Maintenance menu, the system displays the following

Entry . . . prints a register showing all items entered since the register was last cleared.
See page 72 for more information.

Alteration . . . prints a register showing all items altered since the register was last cleared.
See page 72 for more information.

Deletion . . . prints a register showing all items deleted since the register was last cleared.
See page 73 for more information.

Cost Change . . . prints a detailed cost change register.

See page 74 for more information.


Brief Cost . . . prints a brief cost change register.

Change See page for 75 more information.

The Item Entry Register shows all items that have been entered into the system since the last time the register
was cleared. In addition to pertinent information taken from each new item record, the Item Entry Register
shows the User ID of the person who added the item to the database and the date and time the addition was

When you select the Entry option from the list, the system prints the register to the selected printer or to the
terminal. The following is a sample Item Entry Register:

All the fields on the Item Entry Register are described in the Item Maintenance section of this manual
(beginning on page 11), with these exceptions:

User ID . . . a unique ID that identifies a user on the Prophet 21 Acclaim system.

The User ID uniquely identifies the user who entered this item into the item database.

Date . . . the date the new item was entered into the system.

Time . . . the time of day the new item was entered into the system.

When printing is complete, and if Q-Mode is enabled, the system displays a precautionary message inviting
you to clear the Item Entry Register. To clear the register, type [C][L] at the prompt. To quit without clearing,
press [Enter].

The Item Alteration Register shows all item records that have been altered since the last time the register was
cleared. In addition to pertinent information taken from each altered item record, the Item Alteration Register
shows the User ID of the person who edited the item record and the date and time the change was performed.


When you select the Alteration option from the list, the system prints the register to the selected printer or to
the terminal. The following is a sample Item Alteration Register:

All the fields on the Item Alteration Register are described in the Item Maintenance section of this manual
(beginning on page 11), with these exceptions:

User ID . . . a unique ID that identifies a user on the Prophet 21 Acclaim system.

The User ID uniquely identifies the user who edited this item.

Date . . . the date the item was edited.

Time . . . the time of day the item was edited.

When printing is complete, and if Q-Mode is enabled, the system displays a precautionary message inviting
you to clear the Item Alteration Register. To clear the register, type [C][L] at the prompt. To quit without
clearing, press [Enter].

The Item Deletion Register shows all item records that have been deleted since the last time the register was
cleared. The register shows the item code and description of each item, as well as the User ID of the person
who deleted the item record and the date and time the deletion was performed. The Item Deletion Register
shows all deletions in order of occurrence.

When you select the Delete option from the list, the system prints the register to the selected printer or to the
terminal. The following is a sample Item Deletion Register:

All the fields on the Item Deletion Register are described in the Item Maintenance section of this manual
(beginning on page 11), with these exceptions:

User ID . . . a unique ID that identifies a user on the Prophet 21 Acclaim system.

The User ID uniquely identifies the user who edited this item.

Date . . . the date the item was deleted.


Time . . . the time of day the item was deleted.

When printing is complete, and if Q-Mode is enabled, the system displays a precautionary message inviting
you to clear the Item Deletion Register. To clear the register, type [C][L] at the prompt. To quit without
clearing, press [Enter].

The Cost Change Register shows the changes in the value of your inventory due to any changes to the cost
basis of items. Any editing that produces item cost changes are recorded on this register. If there are
successive changes to the same item, all changes are shown on the register.

The following is a sample Cost Change Register:

The register shows each Cost Change Code defined in your system, followed by the items with cost changes
attributed to the code. The following are fields on the report that may require additional explanation:

Old Cost . . . the item’s original cost.

New Cost . . . the item’s new cost.

Old Sz . . . the item’s original unit size.

New Sz . . . the item’s new unit size.

Tot Qty . . . the quantity of items affected by the cost change.

Tot Chg . . . the change in the inventory value due to the cost change.

% Chg . . . the “cost change percentage.”

The cost change percentage is calculated is as follows:


(New Cost/New Size) - (Old Cost/Old Size)

Change % 
(Old Cost/Old Size)

ID . . . user ID of the person making the cost change.

Time . . . time the cost change occurred.

When printing is complete, and if Q-Mode is enabled, the system displays a precautionary message inviting
you to clear the Cost Change Register. To clear the register, type [C][L] at the prompt. To quit without
clearing, press [Enter].


The Brief Cost Change Register shows a summary of the changes in the value of your inventory due to any
changes to item costs.

The following is a sample of the Brief Cost Change Register:

The register shows a summary of the changes to inventory value for each location in your company. Grand
totals are also shown.

When printing is complete, and if Q-Mode is enabled, the system displays a precautionary message inviting
you to clear the Cost Change Register. To clear the register, type [C][L] at the prompt. To quit without
clearing, press [Enter].


The Renumber Vendor Sort option is used to re-assign the numbers assigned as Vendor Sort Codes to a
particular range of vendors. The original sequence of the sort codes is maintained, but new numbers are
assigned based upon the parameters entered.

Q-Mode must be enabled to use this option, and the Stock Item Vendor-Sort Code Xref option (found in the
Company record), must be enabled.


When you select this option from the menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following:

Start Vendor # . . . the first Vendor # in the range for which sort codes should be renumbered.
Vendor sort codes will be renumbered for each vendor within the range.

End Vendor # . . . the last Vendor # in the range for which sort codes should be renumbered.
Vendor sort codes will be renumbered for each vendor within the range.

Start Vendor . . . the starting number of the new Vendor Sort Codes.
Sort Code
The original sequence of the sort codes is maintained, but renumbering begins with the Start
Vendor Sort Code. Successive codes are created by adding the number in the Increment field.

Increment . . . the value added to each Vendor Sort Code to obtain the next Vendor Sort Code.
For example: the Start Vendor Sort Code is 200, and the Increment field is set to 10. Sort codes
are assigned as follows:

Once the parameters are complete, press [Enter] to continue. The system displays the following message as the
sort codes are renumbered:



The Copy option is used to copy items from the stock item file to the catalog item file. Copying items is a
four-step process:
1. Set up the item copy specs.
2. Select the items to be copied.
3. Print a list of proposed stock items to be copied.
4. Perform the copy.
There is also a reset option, to “wipe the slate clean” so you can begin again.

When you select the Copy option, the system displays the following menu:

Set . . . used to set up the copy specifications.

For more information, see page 77.

Select . . . used to select a range of items to examine and to choose individual items from the range
to be copied.
For more information, see page 79.

Perform . . . used to copy the items as proposed.

For more information, see page 80.

Proposed List . . . used to print a list of items proposed for copy.

For more information, see page 80.

Reset . . . used to reset the copy option.

For more information, see page 83.

The first step when copying items is to set up the specifications. In this step, you choose:
1. Which fields will be copied.
2. How items will be selected(described on page 79).


When you select Set from the Copy menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following:

This screen shows all the fields from Item Maintenance, and allows you to specify which fields should be
copied to the catalog item file. If you accept the default setting for each field (Y), they will all be copied to the
new record. To select individual fields that should not be copied, set those fields to N.

The Misc section of this screen contains two additional parameters for the copy, which are described below:

Item Notes . . . determines whether notes that exist for the stock items are copied to the resulting catalog
 Y – All notes for the selected stock items are copied to the resulting catalog item. The
display areas for the stock item notes are used for the catalog item notes.
N – Notes are not copied.

Copy Type . . . determines how you will select the items to be copied.
 Omit – allows you to select (using the Select option on page 79) only the items you do not
want to copy. Use this option when you want to copy the majority of the items in a selected
range, because you can easily specify the items you do not want.
Load – allows you to select (using the Select option on page 79) only the items you want to
copy. Use this option when you want to copy very few of the items in a selected range,
because you can easily specify the items you want.


Tip: Using Copy Type

The following scenarios describe a few ways in which this option can be used:

You have decided to no longer carry the Jones vendor line but would like to keep the
information in the catalog file for special orders.

Scenario 1: If you want to copy most of these items to your catalog item file, you would set
Copy Type to Omit. You would then select the items that should be omitted from the copy.

Scenario 2: If you wanted to copy all items in product group 40, you would set Copy Type
for Omit. You would then set the copy range to only product group 40, and select nothing.
(Remember, when Copy Type is set to Omit, you only choose items not to copy.)

Scenario 3: If you want to copy small number of these items to your catalog item file, you
would set the Copy Type to Load. You would then select the items to be copied.

The second step when copying items is to select items to copy. This step has two parts:
1. Select the overall range of items you want to examine.
2. Pick individual items to copy or to omit (depending on the setting of Copy Type in the Set screen).
Note: If you select to copy an item from the Item record that has the same number as an item in the
Catalog record, the system automatically assigns a new item number to the item you are copying
in Catalog. The first time the system assigns a new number, it will be 00010, and the subsequent
numbers will increase by 10 (e.g. 00020, 00030, 00040, etc.)

When you choose Select from the Copy menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following. It is used
to select the overall range of items you want to examine:


Seq . . . determines the order in which the items are displayed for examination.
 IT – items are scanned by item code. The Start and End fields are entered in Item Code
VN – items are scanned by vendor number and item number. The Start and End fields are
entered in Vendor#-Item# format.
PR – items are scanned by product group and product group sort code. The Start and End
fields are entered in the format Product Group - Product Group Sort Code format.
VS – items are scanned by vendor number and vendor sort code. The Start and End fields
are entered in the format Vendor#-Vendor Sort Code.

Note: VS only appears if the Stock Item Vendor Sort Code Xref option, found in the
Company module, is set to Y.

Seq Start/End . . . determines the actual range of the stock items that are affected.
The use of these fields is determined by the setting of the Seq field. See the explanation of Seq
for more information.

Press [Enter] at Field to display the list of items you selected. Depending on the setting of the Copy Type
field in the Set screen, you will be selecting items from the list to omit from the copy, or to load (i.e., to copy).


If Copy Type was set to Omit in the Set screen, the system displays the following screen after you accept
the Record Selection screen:

Item . . . user-defined code that identifies a product that you sell, as determined in Item
 Maintenance.


Desc 1 . . . displays description one from Item Maintenance.

Vendor . . . the primary supplier of the item, as set in Item Maintenance.

Ctlg . . . indicates whether the item is a catalog item.

An asterisk (*) in the Ctlg column indicates that the item is a catalog item. It is important to
remember that catalog items already exist in the Catalog database and should be omitted from the
Duplicate records will be created if you copy items that do not have a unique vendor#-item#,
product group/product group sort code, or vendor/vendor sort code combination.

Omit . . . indicates whether the item should be omitted from the copy.
An asterisk (*) in the Omit column indicates that the item will be omitted from the copy.
You control the setting of Omit:
[S] – places an asterisk in the Omit column for the current item.
[E] – erases an asterisk in the Omit column for the current item.
[Esc] or [Space Bar] – to move to the next item without changing the setting of the Omit
You are prompted to step through the items one at a time. The system displays an arrow symbol () to
indicate the current item. Use the keystrokes [S] (select for omission) and [E] (erase from omission list) to
control the setting of the Omit column.

Press [P] to page down to see more items. Press [Q] to quit the selection process.


If Copy Type was set to Load in the Set screen, the system displays the following screen after you accept the
Record Selection screen:


Item . . . user-defined code that identifies a product that you sell, as determined in Item
 Maintenance.

Desc 1 . . . displays description one from Item Maintenance.

Vendor . . . the primary supplier of the item, as set in Item Maintenance.

Ctlg . . . indicates whether the item is a catalog item.

An asterisk (*) in the Ctlg column indicates that the item is a catalog item. It is important to
remember that catalog items already exist in the Catalog database and should be omitted from the
Duplicate records will be created if you copy items that do not have a unique vendor#-item#,
product group/product group sort code, or vendor/vendor sort code combination.

Load . . . indicates whether the item should be loaded for copying.

An asterisk (*) in the Load column indicates that the item will be loaded for copying.
You control the setting of Load by pressing one of the following keys:
[S] – places an asterisk in the Load column for the current item.
[E] – erases an asterisk in the Load column for the current item.
[Esc] or [Space Bar] – to move to the next item without changing the setting of the Omit

You are prompted to step through the items one at a time. The system displays an arrow symbol () to
indicate the current item. Use the keystrokes [S] (select for omission) and [E] (erase from omission list) to
control the setting of the Load column.

Press [P] to page down to see more items. Press [Q] to quit the selection process.

The Perform option is used to copy the items as set up in the Set and Select options. It is recommended that
you print a list of proposed changes before actually performing them (see page 83).

When you select Perform from the Copy menu, a screen similar to the following displays:


Seq . . . determines the order in which the items are copied.

 IT – items are sequenced by item code. The Start and End fields are entered in Item Code
VN – items are sequenced by vendor number and item number. The Start and End fields
are entered in Vendor#-Item# format.
PR – items are sequenced by product group and product group sort code. The Start and End
fields are entered in the format Product Group - Product Group Sort Code format.
VS – items are sequenced by vendor number and vendor sort code. The Start and End fields
are entered in the format Vendor#-Vendor Sort Code.

Note: VS only appears if the Stock Item Vendor Sort Code Xref option, found in the
Company module, is set to Y.

Seq Start/End . . . determines the actual range of the stock items that should be shown on the report.
The use of these fields is determined by the setting of the Seq field. See the explanation of Seq
for more information.

Include . . . determines whether alternate units information is copied.

Alternate Units Y – information regarding alternate units is copied.
 N – information regarding alternate units is not copied.

Press [Enter] at Field to begin the stock item copy. The system displays the following message:

Press [N] to cancel the copy. Press [Y] to proceed. The system displays a message to indicate the copy is in
progress, and another when the copy is complete.

This list shows you the items you have selected to be coped to the Catalog file. It is highly recommended that
you print and examine this report before performing the copy (Perform).


When you select Proposed List from the Copy menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following:

Seq . . . determines the order in which the items are printed on the report.
 IT – items are sequenced by item code. The Start and End fields are entered in Item Code
VN – items are sequenced by vendor number and item number. The Start and End fields
are entered in Vendor#-Item# format.
PR – items are sequenced by product group and product group sort code. The Start and End
fields are entered in the format Product Group - Product Group Sort Code format.
VS – items are sequenced by vendor number and vendor sort code. The Start and End fields
are entered in the format Vendor#-Vendor Sort Code.

Note: VS only appears if the Stock Item Vendor Sort Code Xref option, found in the
Company module, is set to Y.

Seq . . . determines the actual range of the stock items that should be shown on the report.
Start/End The use of these fields is determined by the setting of the Seq field. See the explanation of Seq
for more information.


The fields on this report are described in the “Item Maintenance” section of this book, beginning on page 12.
Refer to this section for a description of these fields.

If there are any items on the Proposed Item Copy List that should not be copied, you must return to the Select
screen to remove items from the list.

The Reset option is used to erase the specifications set up in the Set and Select options, and to clear the
Proposed Item Copy List. You might want to do this if you view the Proposed Item Copy List and find you


made errors in the set up of the copy and feel it would be easier to start over than to edit the work you have
already done.

When you select the Reset option from the Copy menu, the system displays the following:

Proceed with . . . determines whether the item copy specifications are cleared.
Reset? Y – the information is cleared. The system displays the message “Reset complete” when
the process is finished.
N – cancels the reset.

The Update feature is used to update the items in the catalog item database with the information in the stock
item database. The items you update with stock item data must already exist as catalog items.

The Update feature is similar to the Copy feature (described on page 77), except that Copy is used the first time
you wish to move a stock item to the catalog item file, and the Update option is used anytime thereafter to
move any changed information to the item field.

Updating items is a four-step process:

1. Set up the stock item update specs.
2. Select the items to be updated.
3. Print a list of proposed stock items to be updated.
4. Perform the update.
There is also a reset option, to “wipe the slate clean” so you can begin again.

When you select the Update option from the Item Information menu, the system displays the following menu:

Set . . . used to set up the update specifications.

For more information, see page 86.

Select . . . used to select a range of items to examine and to choose individual items from the range
to be updated.
For more information, see page 87.


Perform . . . used to update the items as proposed.

For more information, see page 90.

Proposed List . . . used to print a list of items proposed for update.

For more information, see page 91.

Reset . . . used to reset the update option.

For more information, see page 92.

The first step when updating items is to set up the specifications. In this step, you choose:
1. Which fields will be updated.
2. How items will be selected in the Select screen (described on page 87).
When you select Set from the Update menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following:

This screen shows all the fields from Item Maintenance, and allows you to specify which fields should be
updated in the catalog item file. To select individual fields that should not be copied, set those fields to N.


Tip: Why some Fields Cannot be Edited

Several fields in this screen (Item Code, Vendor, Item Number, Product Group, and Sort Code)
cannot be updated. Changes made to these fields in item records would result in mismatched
cross-reference files. Therefore, these fields are set to N in the Item Update Specification
screen, and cannot be edited.

The Misc section of this screen contains an additional parameter for the copy, which is described below:

Update Type . . . determines how you will select the items to be updated.
Omit – allows you to select only the items you do not want to update. Use this option when
you want to update the majority of the items in a selected range, because you can easily
specify the items you do not want.
 Load – allows you to select only the items you want to update. Use this option when you
want to update very few of the items in a selected range, because you can easily specify the
items you want.

The second step when updating items is to select items to update. This step has two parts:
1. Select the overall range of items you want to examine.
2. Pick individual items to update or to omit (depending on the setting of Update Type in the Set screen).
When you select Select from the Update menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following. It is
used to select the overall range of items you want to examine:

Seq . . . determines the order in which the items are updated.

 IT – items are sequenced by item code. The Start and End fields are entered in Item Code
VN – items are sequenced by vendor number and item number. The Start and End fields
are entered in Vendor#-Item# format.
PR – items are sequenced by product group and product group sort code. The Start and End
fields are entered in the format Product Group - Product Group Sort Code format.
VS – items are sequenced by vendor number and vendor sort code. The Start and End fields
are entered in the format Vendor#-Vendor Sort Code.

Note: VS only appears if the Stock Item Vendor Sort Code Xref option, found in the
Company module, is set to Y.


Seq . . . determines the actual range of the stock items that should be used for the update.
The use of these fields is determined by the setting of the Seq field. See the explanation of Seq
for more information.


If Update Type was set to Omit in the Set screen, the system displays the following screen after you accept
the Record Selection screen:

Item . . . user-defined code that identifies a product that you sell, as determined in Item
 Maintenance.

Desc 1 . . . displays description one from Item Maintenance.

Vendor . . . the primary supplier of the item, as set in Item Maintenance.

Ctlg . . . indicates whether the item is a catalog item.

An asterisk (*) in the Ctlg column indicates that the item is a catalog item. It is important to
remember that only the items that already exist in the catalog item database (i.e., have an asterisk
in the Ctlg column) will be updated.

Omit . . . indicates whether the item should be omitted from the update.
An asterisk (*) in the Omit column indicates that the item will be omitted from the update.
You control the setting of Omit:
[S] – places an asterisk in the Omit column for the current item.


[E] – erases an asterisk in the Omit column for the current item.
[Esc] or [Space Bar] – to move to the next item without changing the setting of the Omit

You are prompted to step through the items one at a time. The system displays an arrow symbol () to
indicate the current item. Use the keystrokes [S] (select for omission) and [E] (erase from omission list) to
control the setting of the Omit column.

Press [P] to page down to see more items. Press [Q] to quit the selection process.


If Update Type was set to Load in the Set screen, the system displays the following screen after you accept the
Record Selection screen:

Item . . . user-defined code that identifies a product that you sell, as determined in Item
 Maintenance.

Desc 1 . . . displays description one from Item Maintenance.

Vendor . . . the primary supplier of the item, as set in Item Maintenance.

Ctlg . . . indicates whether the item is a catalog item.

An asterisk (*) in the Ctlg column indicates that the item is a catalog item. It is important to
remember that only catalog items already exist in the Catalog database will be updated.

Load . . . indicates whether the item should be loaded for copying.


An asterisk (*) in the Load column indicates that the item will be loaded for updating.
You control the setting of Load by pressing one of the following keys:
[S] – places an asterisk in the Load column for the current item.
[E] – erases an asterisk in the Load column for the current item.
[Esc] or [Space Bar] – to move to the next item without changing the setting of the Omit

You are prompted to step through the items one at a time. The system displays an arrow symbol () to
indicate the current item. Use the keystrokes [S] (select for omission) and [E] (erase from omission list) to
control the setting of the Load column.

Press [P] to page down to see more items. Press [Q] to quit the selection process.

The Perform option is used to update the items as set up in the Set and Select options. It is recommended that
you print a list of proposed changes before actually performing them (see page 91).

When you select Perform from the Update menu, a screen similar to the following displays:

Seq . . . determines the order in which the items are updated.

 IT – items are sequenced by item code. The Start and End fields are entered in Item Code
VN – items are sequenced by vendor number and item number. The Start and End fields
are entered in Vendor#-Item# format.
PR – items are sequenced by product group and product group sort code. The Start and End
fields are entered in the format Product Group - Product Group Sort Code format.
VS – items are sequenced by vendor number and vendor sort code. The Start and End fields
are entered in the format Vendor#-Vendor Sort Code.

Note: VS only appears if the Stock Item Vendor Sort Code Xref option, found in the
Company module, is set to Y.

Seq . . . determines the actual range of the items that should be updated
Start/End The use of these fields is determined by the setting of the Seq field. See the explanation of Seq
for more information.


Include . . . determines whether any changes to the alternate units are updated.
Alternate Units Y – information regarding alternate units is updated.
 N – information regarding alternate units is not updated.

Update Items . . . determines how the system examines the stock and catalog item databases to search for
with Diff. Item matches to update.
See the tip on the following page for a more detailed explanation of this field.

Press [Enter] at Field to begin the item update. The system displays the following message:

Press [N] to cancel the update. Press [Y] to proceed. The system displays a message to indicate the update is
in progress, and another when the copy is complete.

This list shows you the catalog items you have selected to be updated. It is highly recommended that you print
and examine this report before performing the update (Perform).

When you select Proposed List from the Update menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following:

Seq . . . determines the order in which the items are printed on the report.
 IT – items are sequenced by item code. The Start and End fields are entered in Item Code
VN – items are sequenced by vendor number and item number. The Start and End fields
are entered in Vendor#-Item# format.
PR – items are sequenced by product group and product group sort code. The Start and End


fields are entered in the format Product Group - Product Group Sort Code format.
VS – items are sequenced by vendor number and vendor sort code. The Start and End fields
are entered in the format Vendor#-Vendor Sort Code.

Note: VS only appears if the Stock Item Vendor Sort Code Xref option, found in the
Company module, is set to Y.

Seq . . . determines the actual range of the stock items that should be shown on the report.
Start/End The use of these fields is determined by the setting of the Seq field. See the explanation of Seq
for more information.


The fields on this report are described in the Item Maintenance section of this book, beginning on page 12.
Refer to this section for a description of these fields.

If there are any items on the Proposed Item Update List that should not be updated, you must return to the
Select screen to remove items from the list.

The Reset option is used to erase the specifications set up in the Set and Select options, and to clear the
Proposed Item Update List. You might want to do this if you review the Proposed Item Update List and find
you made errors in the set up of the update and feel it would be easier to start over than to edit the work you
have already done.

When you select the Reset option from the Update menu, the system displays the following:

Proceed with . . . determines whether the item update specifications are cleared.
Reset? Y – the information is cleared. The system displays the message “Reset complete” when
the process is finished.
N – cancels the reset.


An item that is temporarily added to the stock item database is called a “temporary” stock item. Typically,
temporary stock items consist of non stock items that were over-ordered or cancelled, exist in stock until they
are sold, and will not be stocked in the future.

When you select the Temporary Item option from the Item Information menu, the system displays the
following menu:

Convert . . . converts temporary stock items to permanent stock items.

For more information, see page 93.

Delete . . . deletes temporary stock items from the database.

For more information, see page 94.

List . . . prints a list of temporary stock items.

For more information, see page 95.

The Convert option is used to convert items that are designated as temporary stock items, to regular stock

When you select the Convert option from the Temporary Items menu, the system displays the a screen similar
to the following:

Seq . . . determines the sequence of the temporary stock items for selection.
 VN – items are sequenced by vendor number and item number. The Start and End fields
are entered in Vendor#-Item# format.
IT – items are sequenced by stock item code. The Start and End fields are entered in Item
Code format.
PR – items are sequenced by Product Group. The Start and End fields are entered in
Product Group-Product Group Sort Code format.


VS – items are sequenced by vendor number and vendor sort code. The Start and End fields
are entered in the format Vendor#-Vendor Sort Code.

Seq . . . determines the range of temporary items that will be converted to stock items.
The use of these fields is determined by the setting of the Seq field. See the explanation of Seq
for more information.

Once the parameters have been entered, press [Enter] at Field. The system displays the message shown,
followed by a report of the number of temporary stock items that were converted:

Press any key to return to the menu.

The Delete option is used to delete temporary stock items from the stock item file.

When you select the Delete option from the Temporary Items menu, the system displays a screen similar to the

Seq . . . determines the sequence of the temporary stock items for selection.
 VN – items are sequenced by vendor number and item number. The Start and End fields
are entered in Vendor#-Item# format.
IT – items are sequenced by stock item code. The Start and End fields are entered in Item
Code format.
PR – items are sequenced by Product Group. The Start and End fields are entered in
Product Group-Product Group Sort Code format.
VS – items are sequenced by vendor number and vendor sort code. The Start and End fields
are entered in the format Vendor#-Vendor Sort Code.

Seq Start/End . . . determines the actual range of the temporary items that should be deleted.
The use of these fields is determined by the setting of the Seq field. See the explanation of Seq
for more information.


Date of Last . . . limits the deletion to those temporary items with last sale or purchase dates prior to this
Activity date.

Once the parameters have been entered, press [Enter] at Field. The system displays the message shown,
followed by a report of the number of temporary stock items that were deleted:

Press any key to return to the main menu.

The List option is used to print a list of items that are designated as temporary stock items.

When you select the List option from the Temporary Items menu, the system displays the a screen similar to
the following:

Seq . . . determines the sequence of the temporary stock items that will print on the list.
 VN – items are sequenced by vendor number and item number. The Start and End fields
are entered in Vendor#-Item# format.
IT – items are sequenced by stock item code. The Start and End fields are entered in Item
Code format.
PR – items are sequenced by Product Group. The Start and End fields are entered in
Product Group-Product Group Sort Code format.
VS – items are sequenced by vendor number and vendor sort code. The Start and End fields
are entered in the format Vendor#-Vendor Sort Code.

Seq . . . determines the actual range of the temporary items that should be printed on the list.
Start/End The use of these fields is determined by the setting of the Seq field. See the explanation of Seq
for more information.


Creation Date . . . limits the list to those temporary items with a creation dates within the specified range.





Item Code . . . user-defined code that identifies a product that you sell.
The item code is the primary identifier for the product.
Item is 26 characters long and can contain letters and numbers.

Description . . . holds a description of the item.

Creation . . . the module in which this temporary stock item was created.
Module Temporary stock items can be created when entering an order, generating customer returns, or
receiving overshipments. The Creation Module column indicates where a temporary stock item
was created.

Creation Date . . . the date the temporary stock item was created.


The Standard Cost Matrices option is most commonly used by those who obtain price and cost information
from Trade Service. The standard cost multiplier matrix holds the multipliers you apply against Trade
Service’s book cost to obtain your cost. The result is entered into the Standard Cost field.

There are two steps involved in performing a standard cost update:

1. Use the Enter option to set up the standard cost matrices
2. Use the Perform option to update standard cost for the items you selected.
You can also print a list of multiplier matrices for review.


When you select the Standard Cost Matrices option from the Item Information menu, the system displays the
following menu:

Enter . . . enter, edit, or delete a standard cost matrix.

For more information, see page 97.

List . . . .print a list of proposed changes.

For more information, see page 97.

Perform . . . perform changes to standard cost matrices.

For more information, see page 98.

This option is used to enter, edit, or delete a standard cost multiplier matrix. When you select
Enter/Edit/Delete from the Standard Cost Matrices menu, a screen similar to the following displays:

Vendor . . . the primary supplier of the item.

This corresponds to the Vendor field in Item Maintenance. The vendor code or the vendor
number can be entered.

Discount Group . . . the purchase discount group from Item Maintenance.

Source . . . original price or cost to be multiplied with the value in the Multiplier field.
If you are using this option to work with Trade Service data, the Source field should be set to the
field that holds the Book Cost.
 COL1 – the Column 1 price is multiplied by the value in the Multiplier field. The result is
used as the Standard Cost.
COL2 – the Column 2 price is multiplied by the value in the Multiplier field. The result is
used as the Standard Cost.
COL3 – the Column 3 price is multiplied by the value in the Multiplier field. The result is
used as the Standard Cost.
COSTPR – the Cost Price is multiplied by the value in the Multiplier field. The result is


used as the Standard Cost.

LIST – the List price is multiplied by the value in the Multiplier field. The result is used as
the Standard Cost.

Multiplier . . . amount to be multiplied by the Source.

The List option is used to print a list of multiplier matrices. You should review this list before you perform the
update to make sure everything is set up properly.

When you select List from the Standard Cost Matrices menu, the system displays a screen similar to the

Vendor . . . range of vendors to be included on the report.


Discount Group . . . range of purchase discount groups to be included on the report.



The Multiplier Matrix List shows the data entered through the Enter option described on page 97 of this book.

This option is used to perform an update of the Standard Cost field for those items that have matrices set up.


When you select the Perform option from the Standard Cost Matrices menu, a screen similar to the following

Seq . . . determines the order in which the items are updated.

 VN – items are sequenced by vendor number and item number. The Start and End fields
are entered in Vendor#-Item# format.
VS – items are sequenced by vendor number and vendor sort code. The Start and End fields
are entered in the format Vendor#-Vendor Sort Code.

Seq . . . determines the actual range of the items that should updated.
Start/End The use of these fields is determined by the setting of the Seq field. See the explanation of Seq for
more information.

Discount Group . . . range of purchase discount groups that should be updated.


Dest Loc . . . the location to which the update applies.

The Item Change module is used to change item codes. Any changes you make update all areas of the system
with the new item code.

Note: Open customer orders and purchase orders will continue to display the old code.

As shown in the following flowchart, there are several steps you must perform before the item codes are
actually changed:

Propose a change
(Enter or Fast Enter)

Edit proposed changes

Print a list of
proposed changes

Perform the
actual changes


As shown in the chart, the first step in the process is to propose the change to an item code. To change one or
two codes, it is best to use the Enter option. To change an entire range of codes at the same time, use the Fast
Enter option.

Proposed item code changes do not actually take place until you tell the system that you are ready to make the
change. If necessary, proposed item code changes can be edited up until the time when you actually perform
the item code changes. Use the Edit option to modify the proposed change or to delete it altogether.

At any time, you can print a list of all item code changes that have been proposed. Use the Print option to do
this. It is important that you print the Code Change List before you actually perform item code changes, to
avoid accepting incorrect changes. If you find a proposed change that is incorrect, use the edit option to
modify or delete it.

The final step in the process is to perform the changes, using the Perform option. During this step, the system
updates the appropriate item files. Open transactions will continue to display the old item code, but new
transactions display the new code.

The Item Change module is accessed through several menus, starting with the Data Entry option on the
Prophet 21 Acclaim main menu. After selecting Data Entry, choose Data Setup and Change, followed by
Change. Once you reach the Change menu, select Item to change item codes. The following screen shows
the order of menu selections needed to get to the Item Change module:

The Item Change module can also be accessed from the jump to box. Press [Space Bar] and type ITEM-
CHANGE to access the Item Change module.

When you select Item from the Change menu, the system displays the following menu:


Enter . . . allows you to propose item code changes, one at a time.

For more information, see page 102.

Edit . . . allows you to edit any proposed item code changes.

For more information, see page 102.

Fast Enter . . . allows you to enter multiple item code changes at the same time.
For more information, see page 103.

Perform . . . processes any proposed item code changes.

For more information, see page 104.

Print . . . prints a list of proposed item code changes.

For more information, see page 105.

The Enter option is used to propose changes to item codes.

When you select Enter from the Item menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following:

Old Code . . . current item code from Item Maintenance.

Desc 1 and . . . current description information from Item Maintenance.

Desc 2 Desc 1 and Desc 2 display when the Old Code is entered. They cannot be edited.

New Code . . . proposed item code to replace the current item code.
Enter the item code that should be used instead of the code shown in the Old Code field. The New
Code cannot be an existing item code or a proposed New Code entered for another item.

When prompted for the Old Item Code, you can browse your list of item codes and choose one from the list. If
necessary, refer to the Browse manual for an explanation of browses.


The Item Code entered cannot be one that is currently in the Item Change Register. The Old Item Code field
may not be changed once it has been entered.

Upon entry of a valid Item Code, the system displays the item descriptions for verification.

The system prompts you for a new Item Code. The New Item Code cannot be an existing Item Code or a new
code in the Code Change List not yet updated.

The Item Code cannot begin with characters reserved in the system for other purposes:

[Space] ! " # & % ' ( ) * + ; - . / : , = . ? @

The Edit option is used to modify proposed changes to item codes. When you select this option from the Item
menu, the system prompts you to enter the old item code. After entering this code, a screen similar to the
following appears:

To edit the New Code, type 2 [Enter]. The system will clear the original New Code and allow you to enter
another code.

The message “DE” to Delete Code Change appears on the screen. To delete the proposed code change, type
DE at Field. The system displays an appropriate message to verify the deletion. After pressing any key, the
system prompts you to enter another old item code. Press [Enter] or [F4] at the Old Code prompt to return to
the Item menu.

The Fast Enter option allows you to propose multiple item code changes at one time. You specify the
sequence in which the items should be presented for editing, and the range of items, vendors, or product groups
that should be examined. This option can be useful if you plan to change your item code format.

When you select Fast Enter from the Item menu, a screen similar to the following displays:


Seq . . . determines the sequence in which items are presented for editing.
VE – items are sequenced by Vendor#-Item#. The Start and End fields are entered in
Vendor#-Item# format.
 IT – items are sequenced by item code. The Start and End fields are entered in Item Code
PR – items are sequenced by Product Group. The Start and End fields are entered in
Product Group-Product Group Sort Code format.

Seq . . . hold the range of items to be examined.

The use of the Start and End fields is determined by the setting of the Seq field. See the
description of Seq for more information.

Once the fast enter parameters are specified, press [Enter] at Field. The system displays each item in the range,
one at a time, on screens similar to the following:

The fields on the Item Code Change fast enter screen are identical to those shown in the Enter screen,
described on page 102 of this book.

Enter the New Code for each item. To quit, press [Q]. If you quit, all the changes you made during the session
(except to the current item) are saved.

The Perform option is used to make all proposed changes to item codes. Before using the Perform option, it is
recommended that you print and review the Code Change List. See page 105 for more information.

Caution: To ensure data integrity, you should stop the system when these changes are performed.


When you select the Perform option from the Item menu, the system displays the following message:

You choose whether the system automatically creates an alternate item reference when you perform an item
code change. The system can create the old item code as an alternate item reference for the new item code.

For example, an item in your system has the item code 100. You change this item code to 100
ALLOY WRENCH. By answering the Add Old Code to Alt-Item Database prompt, you decide if
the system uses the old code, “100” in this example, to create an alternate item reference.

An alternate item reference may already exist for the item code you are changing. In this case, the system
simply attaches this existing alternate item reference to the new item code. The old item code is added to the
alternate item reference list.

Note: Alternate item references are built the same way for both catalog items and regular stock items.
As with catalog item codes, you decide whether the system creates an alternate item reference in
the alternate item database when you perform an item code change. The system creates the old
item code as an alternate item reference for the new item code.

Enter Y at the Add Old Code to Alt-Item Database prompt to add the old code as an alternate item reference
for the new item code, and to update the item codes. Enter N if the old code is not to be added as an alternate
item reference.

Once changed, the system will use the new item codes in place of the old ones on all new transactions. All
users should logoff and log back onto the system. If they do not, they may not be able to view the new item
codes in Acclaim browses.

The Proposed List option is used to print a Code Change List. The Code Change List shows all of the
proposed changes to item codes, and whether the change has actually been performed. It is recommended that
you print the Code Change List before using the Proposed List option.

There are no parameters for this report. When you select the Proposed List option from the Item menu, the
system prompts you for a printer option and then prints the report in full.

An entry is made on the Code Change List for every item for which a code change is proposed. Entries remain
on the Code Change List until it is cleared. Q-Mode must be enabled to clear the Code Change List after it has
been printed.



The fields on this report are identical to those described on page 102. There is one additional field, Update
Status, which is described below.

Update Status . . . indicates whether the code change has been performed.
RAW – the Old Code is still being used. The New Code will be used once the Perform
option is run.
UPDATED – the Perform option has been run for this item. The New Code is being used.

You may buy the same item from several vendors, each of which has its own part number and price for the
item. These items are known as commodity items. Pens, pencils, drill bits, hammers, light switches, and wire
are all examples of commodity items.

Commodity items are stocked under one item code. You enter a stock item code for each commodity item.
The item code you use can be a generic code, or it can be the code for your most popular vendor. Then you
enter a separate catalog item for each vendor from whom you might purchase the item. These catalog items
are called directly substitutable items.

You link the commodity item code to the catalog item codes through use of direct substitute references. In the
Direct Sub module, you match your commodity items to reference words of your choosing. These reference
words can then be used to help retrieve the actual item codes, in case you have forgotten them, during
purchasing. The reference words can also be used in Pricing & Availability.

Note: Direct Sub is a standard feature, but must be installed by running the job INSTALL.

The Direct Sub module is accessible from the Item Information main menu, or you can type DIRECT-SUB in
the Jump To box to access the Direct Substitution main menu:

Enter . . . used to associate a commodity item code with one or more item codes.
See page 108 for more information.

Edit . . . used to change the items associated with a commodity item code.
See page 109 for more information.


Edit References . . . used to change a direct substitute reference.

See page 110 for more information.

Delete . . . used to delete a direct substitute association.

See page 110 for more information.

Lists . . . displays the Lists menu.

See page 111 for more information.

The Enter option is used to associate item codes with a direct substitute reference word. When you select the
Enter option from the Direct Substitution menu, a screen similar to the following displays:

Direct . . . a substitute reference code with which one or more items will be associated.
For example, the substitute reference “Pencils” could be used for all pencils you sell.
Direct Substitute Reference is 16 characters long and holds letters and numbers.

Once the Direct Substitute Reference has been entered, the system prompts for the item codes to be associated
with this reference word:

Field 1 holds the “primary stock item” associated with the direct substitute reference. The primary stock item
cannot be used by any other Direct Substitute Reference.


Fields 2 through 15 are used to hold catalog items. The catalog items cannot be used by any other Direct
Substitute Reference.

Once you have finished entering items, press [Enter]. To insert an item in the list, press [I] and then the
number of the field before which you want to insert. For instance, to insert an item before field 12, press
[I][1][2]. Enter the item code and press [Enter].

To delete an item from the list, press [D] and then the number of the field you wish to delete.

The Edit Assignments option is used to edit the item codes associated with a direct substitute reference word.
When you select the Edit Assignments option from the Direct Substitution menu, a screen similar to the
following displays:

Direct . . . a substitute reference code with which one or more items will be associated.
For example, the substitute reference “Pencils” could be used for all pencils you sell.
Direct Substitute Reference is 16 characters long and holds letters and numbers.

Once the Direct Substitute Reference has been entered, the system displays the item codes associated with this
reference word:

Edit the item fields using the “IXX” and “DXX” options. To insert an item in the list, press [I] and then the
number of the field before which you want to insert. For instance, to insert an item before field 12, press
[I][1][2]. Enter the item code and press [Enter].


To delete an item from the list, press [D] and then the number of the field you wish to delete.

The Edit References option is used to edit a direct substitute reference word. When you select the Edit
References option from the Direct Substitution menu, a screen similar to the following displays:

Old Refr . . . the original substitute reference code that you want to edit.

New Refr . . . the new reference code that should be used as a replacement for the old code.

The Delete option is used to delete the association between an existing direct substitute reference and items.
When you select the Delete option from the Direct Substitution menu, a screen similar to the following

To delete the association, press [Y]. To cancel the deletion, press [N].


The Direct Substitute Reference module contains two list options. When you select the Lists option from the
Direct Substitute Reference main menu, the following displays:

Master . . . prints the Master Direct Substitute Reference List.

For more information, see page 111.

Assignments . . . prints the Item Assignments List.

For more information, see page 112.

The Master Direct Substitute Reference List shows each Direct Substitute Reference word and, optionally,
each item assigned to that reference.

When you select Master from the Lists menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following:

Direct Sub Ref . . . the range of Direct Substitute References that should be included on the report.

Include Items? . . . determines whether the items associated with the Direct Substitute Reference are shown
on the report.
 Y – the items associated with the Direct Substitute References are included on the report.
N – the items associated with the Direct Substitute References are not included on the


The following is a sample of the Master Direct Substitute Reference List:




025316SSH 1/4" 316 SS HOSE 1125 999999 MISSING FT 1

*025UFBX-316 1/4" 316 HOSE SERIES UFBX 1190 26350 MISSING FT 1
*025BW616-0 1/4" 316 HOSE SERIES 600 1190 17750 7 FT 1

Each Direct Substitute in the specified range is shown. If the Include Items? parameter was set to Y, each
item associated with the references is shown. The information shown for each item is taken from the item
record. For more information on these fields, see the Item Maintenance section of this book starting on page

The Item Assignment List shows each item assigned to a Direct Substitute Reference word. When you select
Assignments from the Lists menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following:

Direct Sub Ref . . . range of Direct Substitute References that should be included on the report.

Vendors . . . range of vendors to be included on the report.

Product Group . . . range of product groups to be included on the report
Include . . . determines whether Description 2 is shown on the report.
Description 2?


The following is a sample of the Item Assignment List:


025316SSH 025316SSH 1/4" 316 SS HOSE 1125 999999 58 FT 1 1.5900

025316SSH *025UFBX-316 1/4" 316 HOSE SERIES UFBX 1190 26350 MISSING FT 1 1.5900

025316SSH *025BW616-0 1/4" 316 HOSE SERIES 600 1190 17750 7 FT 1 2.7500

025BB 025BB 1/4" BRONZE BRAID 1140 999999 6 FT 1 1.1000

025BB *025BB-A 1/4" BRONZE BRAID 1190 17750 7 FT 1 1.0500

025BB *025CPBB 1/4" BRONZE BRAID FOR CPB 1190 26350 MISSING FT 1 1.7920

025BH 025BH 1/4" BRONZE HOSE 1130 999999 8 FT 1 2.2500

025BH *025S0 1/4" BRONZE HOSE 1190 17750 7 FT 1 2.2000

025BH *025SPB200 1/4" BRONZE HOSE STD PITCH 1190 26350 MISSING FT 1 2.3936

025BH *025CPB300 1/4" BRZ. HOSE CLOSE PITCH 1190 26350 MISSING FT 1 2.9040

Each item associated with a Direct Substitute is shown. The information shown for each item is taken from the
item record. For more information on these fields, see the Item Maintenance section of this book starting on
page 11.

The Item Reference module is used to enter reference words that are simple to remember for your stock items,
providing you with a convenient and effective way of recalling them. The following are examples of how you
can use item references:

1. The reference word “WRC” might be used for item codes WRC 3, WRC ½, and WRC ASSEMBLY.
“WRC” is a good choice because the characters are common to each of the item codes it references.

2. The reference word “BOLTS” might be used if there are item codes that are related but do not have
similar item codes. If WRC 1, ADC 100, and B&D 123 are all item codes for bolts, the reference word
“BOLTS” would serve to relate them to each other, and is an intuitive mnemonic which can be used to
retrieve the item codes if you have forgotten them.

In the Item Reference module, you match stock item codes (one or more) to reference words of your choosing.
When a reference is entered at an item prompt, the system displays the list of stock items that are assigned to
that reference word, and you can select from the list. Also, entering the reference word in the Sub Ref field in
the item record gives you the ability to use the S disposition during order entry to substitute items that have the
same reference word with one another.

Tip: Item Reference vs. Catalog Reference

The Catalog Reference and Item Reference fields are two separate files. The same reference
words can be used in each file. However, when searching for items you will be searching in
either the catalog or the item databases; the system does not combine the databases when

The following are things to consider when creating item references:

 Be consistent when setting up references.

 Item references cannot be assigned to items that are not in the stock item database.
 One reference word can be assigned many different part numbers, and one part number can be
assigned many different reference words.
 Item references can be assigned so that related stock items are displayed together. If stock is not
available for one item, you can quickly suggest a substitute.


 Stock items contained in kits can be referenced together. For instance, all the parts in a tool kit
could be assigned to a reference. This would allow you to tell the customer the composition of a
particular kit.
 Items are displayed in the sequence you choose. If you choose to assign sequence numbers to
the items, be sure to assign them in increments of 10 or 20, leaving room for future additions.

 If your customers often ask for a part by the generic name, try setting up that name as a
reference word for all parts that apply.

The Item Reference module is accessed through several menus, starting with the Data Entry option on the
Prophet 21 Acclaim main menu. After selecting Data Entry, choose Item/Catalog Accessories. Once you
reach the Item/Catalog Accessories menu, select Reference. Select Item. The following screen shows the
order of menu selections needed to get to the Item Reference module:

Select the Item option from the Reference menu and the following menu displays:

You can also access the Item Reference module by typing ITEM-REF in the jump to box.

Enter [Single] . . . allows you to enter item references one at a time.

For more information, see page 116.

Enter Range . . . allows you to enter multiple item references at a time.

For more information, see page 118.

Change . . . allows you to change a previously entered item reference.

For more information, see page 120.


Copy . . . allows you to copy a previously entered item reference.

For more information, see page 120.

Delete . . . displays a menu of item reference deletion options.

For more information, see page 121.

Reference List . . . allows you to print a list of item references.

For more information, see page 123.

The Enter (Single) option is used to enter item references one at a time. You enter the reference word and the
stock item associated with it.

When you select the Enter[Single] option from the Item Reference menu, the system displays a screen similar
to the following. In the sample screen shown, the reference word is “BIT” and the stock item associated with it
is “BLA SA15A.”

Refr . . . the reference word to assign to an item.

Assign a reference word that will be helpful to you when searching for the stock item you will
enter in the Item field. For instance, if the item is a drill, you might enter “DRILL” as the
Refr is 16 characters and can hold letters or numbers.

Seq # . . . assigned number that determines the order the items display when the reference is
assigned to more than one item.
The Seq# can be any number between 0 and 9999. The number you assign determines the
placement of this item in the list of items for the reference word entered in the Refr field. For
example, assume the following items all have the same reference word “DRILL” and are assigned
the sequence numbers shown:

Stock Item: Sequence Number:

Black & Decker Drill 1/4 40
Johnansen Jobber Drill 1/4 10


Durell Wood Drill ¼ 30

Hubber Metal Drill ¼ 20
In this case, when the reference word DRILL is entered at an Item prompt, the system will display
the list of drills in sequence number order:
Johansen Jobber Drill 1/4
Hubber Metal Drill 1/4
Durell Wood Drill 1/4
Black and Decker Drill 1/4

Item . . . item being referenced.

 Once the item is entered, the system displays the item’s Description 1 and Description 2 from Item

Once all of the data is entered, press [Enter] at Field. The system displays a message confirming the entry of
the reference.


Example 1: You sell several drill types: Jobbers, Bright Finish, Black, and Demming. These drills come in
different sizes. You could set up the word “DRILLS” as a reference word and associate each of the drills to
the new reference. Entering the reference word DRILLS at order entry time displays a list of all the drills in

Example 2: Assume you sell the drill types listed in Example 1. Suppose your customers usually ask for a
specific type and size when they order drills. References could be set up in a much more specific way than in
Example 1; by using codes to indicate product, type, and size. The list below shows how you could assign
reference codes:
Type Size Reference
Jobber ¼ inch DJ1/4
Bright Finish ¼ inch
Black ¼ inch DBL1/4
Demming ¼ inch DD1/4
Using consistent reference codes for all drills would make it simple to find the drill customers want to order.

Example 3: Suppose you sell a product called “feeler gauge” and it is ordered as “thickness gauge.” You
could enter the following references for this item:
Gauge Feeler
Gauge Thickness
Feeler Gauge
Thickness Gauge
This example demonstrates multiple references for the same item, giving you the ability to search for an item
using the common name a customer gives.

This method requires that the Item Reference file is configured to hold more records than the Item data file,
because each item will have more than one reference.


Example 4: Suppose you have several vendors for feeler gauge, but you want to view the available products
by size. You could assign sequence numbers to the items so that they are sorted by size. Gauges of the same
size, regardless of vendor, would appear together on the item list.

Watson Feeler Gauge .005

Blueton Feeler Gauge .005
Ramington Feeler Gauge .005
Blueton Feeler Gauge .010
Ramington Feeler Gauge .010

Example 5: For special or promotional items, you could set of a reference “SPECIALS.” All the items that
are on sale would be entered under this reference for the length of the promotion. This must be kept current in
order to be effective.

The Enter Range option is used to enter a single reference for a range of stock items at the same time. Refer
to the section beginning on page 116 for tips on assigning references.

When you select the Enter Range option from the Item Reference menu, the system displays a screen similar
to the following. In the sample screen shown, the reference word is “BIT.”

Refr . . . the reference word to assign to an item.

Assign a reference word that will be helpful to you when searching for the item you will enter in
the Item field. For instance, if the item is a drill, you might enter “DRILL” as the reference.
Refr is 16 characters and can hold letters or numbers.


Seq # . . . assigned number that determines the order the items display when the reference is
assigned to more than one item.
The Seq# can be any number between 0 and 9999. The number you assign determines the
placement of this item in the list of items for the reference word entered in the Refr field. For
example, assume the following items all have the same reference word “DRILL” and are assigned
the sequence numbers shown:

Catalog Item: Sequence Number:

Black & Decker Drill 1/4 40
Johansen Jobber Drill 1/4 10
Durell Wood Drill 1/4 30
Hubber Metal Drill 1/4 20

In this case, when the reference word DRILL is entered at an Item prompt, the system will display
the list of drills in sequence number order:
Johansen Jobber Drill 1/4
Hubber Metal Drill 1/4
Durell Wood Drill 1/4
Black and Decker Drill 1/4

Seq . . . determines the range of items to which the reference applies.

To affect all the items, press [Esc]. To affect only a portion of the items, select one of the
following sequence options:
VN – items are scanned by vendor number and item number. The Start and End fields are
entered in vendor#-item# format.
 IT – items are scanned by item code. The Start and End fields are entered in Item Code
PR – items are scanned by product group and product group sort code. The Start and End
fields are entered in the format Product Group - Product Group Sort Code format.
VS – items are scanned by vendor number and vendor sort code. The Start and End fields
are entered in the format Vendor#-Vendor Sort Code.

Note: VS only appears if the Stock Item Vendor Sort Code Xref option, found in the
Company module, is set to Y.

Seq . . . determines the actual range of the items that are associated.
The use of these fields are determined by the setting of the Seq field. See the explanation of Seq
for more information.

Product . . . determines the range of product groups that are associated.



Incr . . . the amount to be added to the sequence number specified in the Seq# field, for every item
associated with this reference.
Incr can be set to any number between 0 and 100. For example, set Seq# to 0 and Incr to 10 to
assign sequence numbers to items in this order: 0, 10, 20, 30, etc.

Once all the data has been entered, press [Enter] at Field. The system displays a status message as the
messages are loaded and another message when the load is complete.

The Change option is used to edit an item reference.

When you select the Change option from the Item Reference menu, the system displays a screen similar to the

Old Refr . . . the original reference word.

New Refr . . . the reference word that should be used as a replacement for the old reference word.

The Copy option is used to copy the item reference from one reference to another.

When you select the Copy option from the Item Reference menu, the system displays a screen similar to the

Old Refr . . . the reference word from which the reference information will be copied.

New Refr . . . the reference word to which the reference information will be copied.


When you select the Delete option from the Item Reference menu, the system displays a menu showing several
deletion options:

Single . . . used to delete a single reference/item code combination.

For more information, see page 121.

Range . . . used to delete a range of reference/ item code combinations.

For more information, see page 122.

Delete . . . used to delete discrepancies between references and item codes.

For more information, see page 122.

The Single option is used to delete the association between a reference and one item at a time.

When you select the Single option from the Delete menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following:

Refr . . . the reference word assigned to an item.

Seq # . . . assigned number that determines the order the items display when the reference is
assigned to more than one item.

Item . . . stock item being referenced.


Once the data is entered, press [Enter] at Field. The system displays a prompt to proceed with deletion. Press
[Y] to proceed and [N] to cancel.

The Range option is used to delete a range of reference/item combinations at a time.

When you select the Range option from the Delete menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following:

Refr . . . the reference word assigned to an item.

Seq #s . . . range of sequence numbers to delete.


Item . . . range of items for which to delete this reference.


Once the data is entered, press [Enter] at Field. The system displays a prompt to proceed with deletion. Press
[Y] to proceed and [N] to cancel.

The Discrepancies option is used to delete reference inconsistencies. Discrepancies are created when item
codes are changed or deleted and the Item Reference database is not updated.

When you use the Discrepancies option, the system searches for references that are not associated with a valid
item code and deletes them. A list of all deleted references is printed once the process is completed.


When you select the Discrepancies option from the Delete menu, the system displays a screen similar to the

References . . . range of reference words assigned to examine for deletion.


Seq #s . . . range of sequence numbers to delete.


Item . . . range of items for which to delete this reference.


Once the data is entered, press [Enter] at Field. The system displays a prompt to proceed with deletion. Press
[Y] to proceed and [N] to cancel.





The fields on the Discrepancy Deletion List are the same as those described on page 121 of this book.

The Reference List shows the references entered in the system and (optionally) the item codes associated with


When you select the Reference List option from the Item Reference menu, the system displays a screen similar
to the following:

References . . . the range of item reference words to be shown on the report.

References are listed on the report in alphabetical order, so if the Start field is set to DRILL and
the End field is set to JIGSAW, then only those references that fall in between these references
alphabetically will be included on the report.

Seq#s . . . the range of sequence numbers to be shown on the report.


Item Codes . . . the range of item codes to be shown on the report.

References . . . determines whether the report shows the items assigned to each reference code, or the
Only reference codes only.
 N – the items associated with each reference are shown.
Y – only the references are shown.



The information shown on the Item Reference List is described earlier in this chapter, beginning on page 123.
Refer to this section for details.

The Go Together module is used to associate items that are commonly ordered and used together. For
example, a can of paint might have “go-together” items such as paint brushes, rollers, and drop cloths.

The Go Together module allows you to associate any number of items so that if one is ordered, quoted,
checked through Pricing and Availability, or recorded in the Scratch Pad, the system notifies the user that there
are go-together items in the system and displays a list of them. This list is an aid to the order taker or sales rep,
because it helps them to suggestive-sell other items to customers.

The Go Together module is accessed through several menus, starting with the Data Entry option on the
Prophet 21 Acclaim main menu. After selecting Item/Catalog Accessories, choose Go Together. The
following screen shows the order of menu selections needed to get to the Go Together module:

When you select Go Together, the following menu displays:


You can also access this menu by typing “GO-TOGETHER” in the jump to box.

Enter . . . allows you to enter one or more go-together items for a source item.
For more information, see page 127.

Edit . . . allows you to modify the list of go-together items for a source item.
For more information, see page 128.

Copy . . . allows you to copy the list of go-together items assigned to one source item, to another
source item.
For more information, see page 129.

Delete . . . allows you to delete all the go-together items assigned to a source item.
For more information, see page 130.

List . . . prints a list of source items and their associated go-together items.
For more information, see page 131.

The Enter option is used to assign one or more go-together items to a source item. Please note that both stock
and catalog items can serve as go-together items, and many different source items can share the same go-
together item.

When you select Enter from the Go Together Item menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following:

Source Item . . . the item for which to enter a list of associated (go-together) items.

Desc . . . the description of the selected Source Item Code, taken from Item Maintenance.

Once the Source Item Code has been entered, the system allows you to enter an unlimited number of go-
together items. The sample screen shown here shows three go-together items entered for the source item code:


Item . . . a go-together item for the specified source item.

 The item code entered here will be listed as a go-together item for the source item, whenever the
source item is placed on an order or quotation, checked in Pricing and Availability, or recorded on
the Scratch Pad.
Go-together items are listed in the sequence in which they are entered here.

Desc . . . the description of the selected go-together item, taken from Item Maintenance.

If you use all 15 of these prompts and need more, press [Enter] at Field to enter more go-together items on a
new page.

To replace a go-together item code in the list, enter the number of the field you wish to replace. For example,
to replace the go-together item code you entered in field 4, type “4” at Field. The system places the cursor in
field 4 and allows you to type over the go-together item code currently listed there. Press [Enter] to return to

To delete a go-together item code from the list, press [D] and the number of the field you wish to delete. For
example, to delete the go-together item code in field 6, type “D6” at Field. The system automatically deletes
the go-together item code listed in field 6 and resequences the remaining codes.

To insert a go-together item code into the list, press [I] and the number of the field before which you want to
make an insertion. For example, to insert a go-together item code in field 8, type “I8” at Field. The system
places the cursor in field 8 and allows you to enter a new go-together item code into the list. All remaining
codes are resequenced.

The Edit option is used to edit the go-together items assigned to a source item.

When you select Edit from the Go Together Item menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following:


Source Item . . . the item for which to edit a list of associated (go-together) items.

Desc . . . the description of the selected Source Item Code, taken from Item Maintenance.

Once the Source Item Code has been entered, the system displays the go-together items that have been entered
for it. The sample screen shown here shows that three go-together items were entered for the source item code:

The fields on this screen and the methods used to edit them are described on page 127 of this book.

The Copy option is used to copy the go-together items assigned to one source item to another source item.
This can save time if you sell multiple items that share the same go-together items.

When you select Copy from the Go Together Item menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following:


Source Item . . . the item from which to copy go-together items.

The system copies the go-together items entered for the Source Item to the Destination Item.

Destination . . . the item to which the go-together items will be copied.


Once the source and destination item are specified, press [Enter] at Field. Once the copy process is complete,
the system displays a confirmation message.

The Delete option is used to delete the go-together items assigned to a source item.

When you select Delete from the Go Together Item menu, the system displays a screen similar to the

Source Item . . . the item for which to delete a list of associated (go-together) items.

Desc . . . the description of the selected Source Item Code, taken from Item Maintenance.

Once the Source Item Code has been entered, the system displays the description of the item and its list of go-
together items. The message “Proceed With Deletion” appears at the bottom of the screen. Press [Y] to delete
the go-together items, or [N] to cancel.


The List option allows you to print a list of go-together items for a selected range of source items.

When you select the List option from the Go Together Items menu, the system displays a screen similar to the

Start/End . . . the range of items that should appear on the Go Together Items List.


Source Item . . . the item with which the go-together items are associated.

Desc . . . the description of the Source Item, as taken from Item Maintenance.

Go Together . . . go-together items for the specified source item.


Desc . . . the description of a go-together item, as taken from Item Maintenance.


The Auto-Display Go-Together Screen order processing company option controls whether order and quote
entry automatically display the Go Together screen after the acceptance of an item defined as a source item for
a go-together list. When the company option is enabled, the system displays the Go Together screen, helping
you make fewer keystrokes and mistakes.



The Quote Entry, Quote Order, Order, and Front Counter modules have been modified to automatically display
the Go-Together screen at line-item entry if the company option is enabled. The screen automatically appears
after an item is entered that has go-together items assigned to it.

A go-together item is first entered at quote or order line-item entry:


After the item is entered, the Go Together Items Order Entry screen automatically appears for you to choose
the go-together items assigned to the first, source item.

For more information on the Auto-Display Go-Together Screen order processing company option, refer to
the Company Set Up manual.

The Alternate Item module allows the assignment of an unlimited number of names (or alternate item codes) to
stock and catalog items. You can assign competitors’ part numbers, Federal Stocking Numbers (FSN),
customized part numbers, obsolete or outdated part numbers, specific codes for generic items, etc.

Alternate item codes are most useful when checking pricing and availability, recording items on the scratch
pad, entering orders and quotations, and entering purchase orders. Other advantages of using the Alternate
Item module include:
 Allows customers to place orders using their own part numbers
 Helps new employees who don’t know your actual part numbers
 Helps sales reps, order takers, and front counter employees who use slang or abbreviated names for
your parts
 Allows you to use an unlimited number of names for the same part number.


Tip: Alternate Items vs. Customized Items

Activant Solutions Inc. also sells an optional package called Customized Items. The
Customized Items package offers the following advantages that Alternate Items does not:
 Allows “direct entry” of the customized item code at the Item prompt when checking
pricing and availability, entering quotations and orders.

Note: When using the Alternate Items module, the alternate item code entered at the Item
prompt is immediately replaced with its associated stock or catalog item code.
 Forms show the customized item code and your stock part number
 Provides “contract pricing” features
 Allows you to customize usage reports
 Provides the capability to product itemized billing statements


The Alternate Items module can be used to create alternate item codes for both stock and catalog items. The
options for both types are identical. To make this manual easier to use, only the Stock Alternate Item Options
are explained in detail. Any differences (if they exist) between the options for the stock items and those for
catalog items will be noted and explained.


To access the Alternate Item menu, select Data Entry from the Acclaim main menu. Then, select the
Item/Catalog Accessories option from the Data Entry menu, and Alternate from the Item/Catalog
Accessories menu:

Another way to access the Alternate Item menu is to type ALT-ITEM in the Jump To box.


The following is the Alternate Item main menu:

Stock . . . accesses options to enter, edit, delete, view, and list stock alternate items.
For more information, see page 136.

Catalog . . . accesses options to enter, edit, delete, view, and list catalog alternate items.
As you read this manual, keep in mind that the two options on the menu shown above function
identically, but are explained once. For more information, see page 136.


When you select the Stock option from the Alternate Item menu, the system displays the following menu:

Maintenance . . . used to add, modify, or delete alternate item codes.

See page 137 for more information.

Enter . . . used to enter an alternate item code.

See page 137 for more information.

Edit . . . used to edit an existing alternate item code.

See page 139 for more information.

Delete . . . used to delete an alternate item code.

See page 140 for more information.


View . . . used to view alternate item codes.

See page 141 for more information.

List . . . used to print a list of alternate item codes.

See page 146 for more information.

When the Maintenance option is chosen, the Alternate Item Code Maintenance (or the Alternate Catalog Code
Maintenance) screen is displayed. A screen similar to the following appears after an item and alternate codes
are entered:

Item . . . the stock or catalog item for which you wish to assign alternate item codes
(alternate names).

Alternate Codes . . . another name or code that you wish to assign to this item.
Alternate item codes cannot be the same code as an existing stock or catalog item,
nor can it exist as an alternate item code for another item.

The Alternate Codes section of the screen is a vertical-scrolling list. Each line holds one alternate item code
for the item.

If validation errors occur, the system displays a message stating the error. Here is a list of possible error
messages using code ABC as an alternate item code example:

 ‘ABC’ already appears in the list


 ‘ABC’ is a stock item

 ‘ABC’ is a catalog item
 ‘ABC’ is used by stock item ‘DEF’
 ‘ABC’ is used by catalog item ‘GHI’
 'ABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABC' cannot be more than 26 characters

The Enter option is used to enter alternate item codes for an item. When you select Enter from the Stock
menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following:

Item . . . the item code of the item for which you want to enter alternate item codes.

Desc . . . the description of the selected item, taken from Item Maintenance.
The item’s description displays once the item code is entered.

Once the item code has been entered, the system prompts you for an unlimited number of alternate item codes
for this item. The following sample screen shows how the screen would look if you entered three alternate
item codes for the selected item:

The prompts for the alternate item codes are numbered from 1 to 15. An alternate item code cannot be the
same code as an existing stock or catalog item, nor can it exist as an alternate item code for another item. If
you attempt to enter an “illegal” alternate item code, the system displays an appropriate error message (i.e.,
“Stock item!” or “Catalog item!”).


If you use all 15 of these prompts and need more, press [Esc] when the cursor is in field 15 to enter more
alternate items on a new page. To move backwards through the pages, press [-].

To replace an alternate item code in the list, enter the number of the field you wish to replace. For example, to
replace the alternate item code you entered in field 4, type “4” at Field. The system places the cursor in field 4
and allows you to type over the alternate item code currently listed there. Press [Enter] to return to Field.

To delete an alternate item code from the list, press [D] and the number of the field you wish to delete. For
example, to delete the alternate item code in field 6, type “D6” at Field. The system automatically deletes the
alternate item code listed in field 6 and resequences the remaining codes.

To insert an alternate item code into the list, press [I] and the number of the field before which you want to
make an insertion. For example, to insert an alternate item code in field 8, type “I8” at Field. The system
places the cursor in field 8 and allows you to enter a new alternate item code into the list. All remaining codes
are resequenced.

The Edit option is used to change alternate item codes for an item. When you select Edit from the Stock menu,
the system displays a screen similar to the following:

Item . . . the item code of the item for which you want to edit alternate item codes.

Desc . . . the description of the selected item, taken from Item Maintenance.
The item’s description displays once the item code is entered.


Once the item code has been entered, the system displays a list of alternate item codes that were previously
entered for this item:

Use the options at the bottom of the screen to edit the alternate items. For more information on these options,
see page 139.

The Delete option is used to delete all the alternate item codes for an item (please note that you can use the
Edit options to delete individual alternate items). When you select Delete from the Stock menu, the system
displays a screen similar to the following:

Item . . . the item code of the item for which you want to delete alternate item codes.

Desc . . . the description of the selected item, taken from Item Maintenance.
The item’s description displays once the item code is entered.


Once the item code has been entered, the system displays a list of alternate item codes that were previously
entered for this item:

Press [Y] to delete the alternate item codes. Press [N] to cancel and return to the menu.

Item View is used to examine item records and does not allow you to edit them.

When you select the Item option from the Data Entry menu, the following menu appears:


When the Item View screen appears, the system prompts for an Item Code. You can perform a browse on this
field if you wish.

Item Code . . . code assigned to the item you wish to view.

In addition to Item Code, the system allows you to browse for an item code by Product Group # or by
Vendor#/Sort Code:

For more information on the browse options, please refer to the Browse Manual.


Once a valid item is entered, a screen similar to the following appears:

The Item View screen displays general item information, prices, and stock status for the location and company.
The Look Ahead Days field is only visible when the chosen item is on a scheduled purchase order. The Look
Ahead Days field allows you to see what quantity of items will be on purchase orders a certain number of days
in the future. If the chosen item is not on a purchase order, this field is hidden.

There is an option within the Acclaim Screens options to turn Acclaim Item View off. To access this option,
choose Options for the Company module, and then select Acclaim Screens from the Options menu:


The Screen Enable Browse appears. Use key resolution (enter a few letters that begin the Item View phrase) or
[PgDn] until you reach the Item View line:

Press [Enter] to edit these settings. If Acclaim Item View is off, the system will still allow you to view an item
through the View option on the Item Information menu. For more information on Acclaim Screens, refer to
the System Administration Manual.

All of the information found on the Item View screen is taken directly from the item record.


The View option is used to view the alternate item codes that have been entered for an item. To access this
option, select View from the Stock menu:

When View is selected, a screen similar to the following appears:

Item . . . the item code of the item for which you want to view alternate item codes.

Desc . . . the description of the selected item, taken from Item Maintenance.
The item’s description displays once the item code is entered.


Once the item code has been entered, the system displays a list of alternate item codes that were previously
entered for this item:

Press [Esc] when the cursor is in field 15 to view more alternate items on a new page. To move backwards
through the pages, press [-].

The Alternate Item Code List shows the alternate item codes that exist in the system for a range of items. For
each item included in the range, the list shows the item description and all alternate item codes that have been
entered for that item.

When you select List from the menu, a screen similar to the following is displayed:

Sequence . . . determines the order in which items appear on the report.

 IT – items appear on the report in item code sequence.
ALT – items appear on the report in alternate item code sequence.

Sequence . . . determines the range of items that are included on the report.



Item . . . the item code.

 For more information, see Item Maintenance beginning on page 11.

Desc . . . the description of the item.

Alternate . . . all Alternate Item Codes entered for the item.



The Acclaim Alternate Item Maintenance screen has been enabled for import/export. It will work just like
existing enabled screens – with one exception. The list of alternate codes is in a scrolling list so there is no
limit on the number of codes you can enter. This is the first screen allowing this for Import/Export. Example:
The exported data will have a “\n” between codes. So, if you have these codes for a HAMMER:


Then this would be the exported data for those codes:


If you are editing a file for import, and want to add “CLUB”, you’d edit the line to this:


Note: Use the two characters, ‘\’ (backslash) and ‘n’ (lowercase n) as the separator between each code.

Because there is no limit to the number of alternate item codes, not all Import/Export schemes can be used. So,
“Delimited” and “XML” are available, but “Fixed” and “dBaseIII” are not. Those two values will not appear
in the dropdown list of schemes.

To view the Data Import/Export screens, select Import/Export Templates off the PowrDrill screen of the
Screen Enable Browse previously pictured:


Note: You can also press [F7] for the Toolbox and then Import/Export from an Item Code field to
access the import/export templates.

The Data Import/Export screen appears:

For more information on these fields on the Data Import/Export screen, refer to the “Data Import/Export”
chapter of the System Utilities manual.

How do I clear the Proposed List in Item Change?

What if I receive the message: “Note: Updated entries cannot be cleared until Item-Ledger history is built"
when trying to clear the Proposed List in the Item Change module?

With the system stopped, build Item Ledger. Immediately, with Q-Mode activated, print and clear the
Proposed Item Code Changes listing in the Item Change module.

How do I find out what items have been edited?

1. From the Item module, select Registers.

2. From the Registers menu, select Alteration.

3. On the Printer Options menu, choose a printer and press [Enter].

The Alter Register shows all of the items that have been edited since that register was last cleared.

How do I enter a cost change code?

1. Type AUX-TABLE in the jump to box.

2. From the Auxiliary Table menu, select Item/Catalog.

3. Select Cost Change Codes.

4. Select Maintenance.

5. Press [Insert] to add a cost change code.

6. Assign a unique number to the new code. The system will not allow you to assign duplicate numbers
to the cost change code.

7. Press [Enter] to move to the Desc field and input the cost change code description.

For more information, refer to the Inventory Movement manual.


How can I change an item code?

1. Type ITEM-CHANGE in the jump to box.

2. From the Item menu, select Enter.

3. Enter the code of the item you want to change in the Old Code field.

4. The description of this code appears. In the New Code field, enter the new code.

5. Press [Enter] until you return to the Item menu.

6. From the Item menu, select Proposed List.

7. Print the Proposed Code Change List. Review the list and make sure the codes are correct.

8. From the Item menu, select the Perform option to perform the item code changes.

As soon as you select the Perform option to perform the item code changes, all areas of the system record the
item code change, with the exception of transactions already in the system, such as orders, purchase orders,
transfers, etc. These transactions will hold the old code.

However, to view all transactions for an item whose code you have changed, perform a scan on any transaction
(e.g. an item scan in the Expedite Order module). You must enter the new code to view all orders with the old
item code and the new item code.

How can I change the sales & purchase unit sizes and update accordingly?

How can I change the sales and purchase unit size and update the prices /costs accordingly?

1. From the Item Information menu, select Edit Size.

2. Select the range of items for which you want to change their unit names and sizes. Press [Enter].

3. In the Sales and Purchase Info sections for each item, enter the new unit names and sizes. Press

After you change the unit sizes, the system will automatically change the prices and costs accordingly.

For example, an item was set to a unit of EA (each) at $100 for the COL1 price. If you change the unit size to
a package of 10, the system will change the COL1 price to $1,000.

If you change the unit size of an item to a package of 10, you can still order the item as a unit of eaches during
order entry.

How can I set up alternate units?

First, enable the Multiple Units option in the Company module.

1. From the Company Information menu, select Options.


2. From the Options menu, select System.

3. Select the Multiple Units option. Enter [Y] to enable this feature.

4. From the command terminal with the system stopped, run the job INSTALL to create the necessary

Then, set up your alternate units.

1. From the Item Information menu, select Alternate Unit Maintenance.

2. Enter the item for which you want to set up alternate units.

3. Complete the SKU field in the Standard Units section.

4. Complete the fields in the Alternate Units and the Unit Display tables. Press [F2].

How can I copy an item to the Catalog file?

1. From the Item Information menu, select Copy.

2. From the Copy menu, select Set.

3. Set the item specifications by entering [Y] in each field you want to copy.

If you want to select the items that you want to copy to the Catalog file, select Load in the Copy Type
field. If you want to select the items that you don’t want to copy to the Catalog file, select Omit in the
Copy Type field.

Note: If you select to copy an item from the Item record that has the same number as an item in the
Catalog record, the system automatically assigns a new item number to the item you are copying
in Catalog. The first time the system assigns a new number, it will be 00010, and the subsequent
numbers will increase by 10 (e.g. 00020, 00030, 00040, etc.)

4. From the Copy menu, choose Select.

5. In Record Selection, choose the range of items from which you want to select the item(s) to copy to the
catalog file. Press [Enter].

6. If you selected Load for the copy type, select the specific items you want to copy. If you selected Omit
for the copy type, select the specific items you do not want to copy.

7. From the Copy menu, select Proposed List.

8. On the Printer Options screen, choose a printer and press [Enter].

9. Review the proposed list and make changes if necessary.

10. From the Copy menu, select Perform.

11. On the Printer Options screen, choose a printer and press [Enter].


12. On the Record Selection screen, set the parameters to match the ones you set when you selected the

How do I update an item to the Catalog file?

1. From the Item Information menu, select Update.

2. From the Update menu, select Set.

3. Set the item specifications by entering [Y] in each field you want to update.

If you want to select the items that you want to update to the catalog file, select Load in the Update
Type field. If you want to select the items that you don’t want to update to the catalog file, select Omit
in the Update Type field.

4. From the Update menu, choose Select.

5. In Record Selection, choose the range of items from which you want to select the item(s) to update to
the catalog file. Press [Enter].

6. If you selected Load for the update type, select the specific items you want to update. If you selected
Omit for the update type, select the specific items you do not want to update.

7. From the Update menu, select Proposed List.

8. On the Printer Options screen, choose a printer and press [Enter].

9. Review the proposed list and make changes if necessary.

10. From the Update menu, select Perform.

11. On the Printer Options screen, choose a printer and press [Enter].

12. On the Record Selection screen, set the parameters to match the ones you set when you selected the

How can I place a note on an item?

1. From the Notepad menu, select Item.

2. From the Item menu, select Notepad Maintenance.

3. On the Item Browse screen, select the item to which you want to attach a note.

4. On the Notepad Browse screen, press [Insert].

5. On the Notepad Header screen, enter the note topic in the Topic field.

6. Press [Ctrl][N] to access the Notepad Text section and enter the text of the note.

7. Press [Ctrl][N] to access the Notepad Area section. Press [Enter] to select where you want the note to
be displayed (e.g. vendor returns; transfer papers, etc.). Press [F2] to accept the changes.


[Enter] works as a toggle switch here. Press [Enter] to select and deselect a display area.

How can I delete an item notepad?

1. From the Notepad menu, select Item.

2. From the Item menu, select Notepad Maintenance.

3. At the Item Browse screen, select the item that contains the note you want to delete. Items that have an
asterisk (*) next to them have a note attached to them.

4. Press [Enter].

5. On the Notepad Maintenance screen, press [Delete].

6. A warning box appears asking you if you want to delete the note. Select Yes to delete the note.

How do I change the vendor of an item?

Choose the Item Maintenance option in the Item module and enter the item code you wish to change. You can
browse to find the item code if you do not already know it. Press [Ctrl][E] to edit and arrow down to the
Vendor field. Enter the new vendor code and press [F2] to accept the change.

There are two reasons why a new vendor may not be accepted on the Item Maintenance screen:

1. The new vendor along with the existing Item # does not create a unique Vendor#/Item#. This means that
there is already another item for the new vendor line that has the same Item #. The Item # needs to be
changed to something unique within the new vendor line.

2. The new vendor along with the existing Vendor Sort Code does not create a unique Vendor#/Vendor Sort
Code. This means that there is already another item for the vendor line that has the same Vendor Sort
Code. The Vendor Sort Code needs to be changed to something unique within this vendor line.

How do I implement a broken box premium?

In the customer maintenance Broken Box Premium field you can indicate whether or not this customer is
charged for ordering less than the package quantity indicated on the item maintenance Unit Size field. In order
for a premium to be charged, the premium amount must be entered in the Broken Box Premium field in item

A Broken Box Premium is charged only if the customer's pricing is based on a schedule.


* If the customer orders less than one full unit, but more than ½, add 1 X Broken Box Premium to each
individual item price.

* If the customer orders less than ½ of a unit, but more than 1/8, add 2 X Broken Box Premium to each
individual price.


* If the customer orders less than 1/8 of a unit, add 3 X Broken Box Premium to each individual price.


Item: AFD152
Sales Unit Size: 24
Selling Price: $48.00
Individual Price: $2.00
Broken Box Premium: $.10

Order: 24
Price: $48.00

Order: 18
Individual Price: $2.00 + .10 = $2.10
Total: 18 X 2.10 = $37.80

Order: 10
Individual Price: $2.00 + (2) .10 = $2.20
Total: 10 X 2.20 = $22.00

Order: 2
Individual Price: $2.00 + (3) .10 = $2.30
Total: 2 X 2.30 = $4.60

How do I make an item tax-exempt?

1. In the Company Order Processing Options, set the Sales Tax Exemption option to Y.

2. From the Command Terminal, with the system stopped, run the job INSTALL to create the necessary

3. From the Item Information menu, select Item Maintenance.

4. In Item Maintenance, access the item record of the item that you want to make tax exempt.

5. In the Exemption # field, enter the tax exemption number for this item.

Note: You can also browse on this field and select the tax exemption number from the Sales Tax
Exemption Browse.

6. From the Customer Information menu, choose Customer Maintenance.

7. In Customer Maintenance, access the customer record for the customer that will buy tax-exempt items.

8. In the Ship Options section of Customer Maintenance, set the State Tax field to SOME. In the State
Tax Schd field, verify that the appropriate tax schedule number is entered.

9. From the Sales-Tax Information menu, select Exemption Matrices.

10. From the Exemption Matrices menu, select Matrix Maintenance.

11. In the Branch field, enter the branch where the item will be exempt.


12. In the Sched# field, enter the tax schedule number that you entered in the customer record in the State
Tax Schd field.

13. In the Exemp# field, enter the tax exemption number that you entered in the item record in the
Exemption # field.

During order entry, when an order is entered for a customer who is taxed some of the time and they purchase
an item for which an exemption matrix is set up, the State Tax field defaults to N. This makes the item the
customer purchased tax-exempt.

How do I change an item code?

1. At the jump to box, type ITEM-CHANGE to access the Item Change module.

2. From the Item (for Item Change) menu, select Enter.

3. At the Old Code prompt on the Item Code Change screen, enter the current item code that you want to
change. You can also browse on this field to access a list of current item codes.

4. After you enter the current code and press [Enter], the system displays the item’s description.

5. Verify that the item in the Old Code field is the item for which you want to change its code.

6. In the New Code field, enter the code to which you want to change the old code, and press [Enter].

7. At the Field prompt, press [Enter].

8. Enter the next item code you want to change. If you do not want to change any more item codes, press
[Enter] again to return to the Item menu.

9. To verify the item code changes you have proposed, select Proposed List to print the proposed list of item
code changes.

10. On the last page of the Code Change List, the system prompts you to clear, or delete, updated entries.
These are code changes that have already been updated. To clear these entries from the list, enter CL.

11. If you want to edit any proposed code changes, select Edit from the Item menu.

A. On the Item Code Change menu, enter the item code you want to edit in the Old Code field.

B. If you want to change the new code, enter [2] at the Field prompt and enter the code you want in the New
Code field.

C. If you want to delete the code change, enter DE at the Field prompt. The system displays a message,
indicating that the new code is deleted.

12. To update the code changes, select Perform from the Item menu. The system displays a message
indicating that this option will process all proposed item changes. During this process, all ports must be


13. At the “Add New Code to Alt-Item Database” type Y or N. If you select Y, the old item code is saved as
an alternate code for the new item code. If you select N, the old item code is not retained as an alternate
item code.

14. Press [Enter].

15. The system will ask if you are sure. Press [Y] to perform the update. Press [N] to cancel the update.

16. After the system performs the update, the system displays the message, “Update Completed.”

15. Press [Enter].

The new item codes are now available for use.

Item and catalog item codes are often comprised of smaller attribute codes. These attribute codes are used to
represent characteristics such as size, color, weight, material, etc. The Code Constructor module allows you to
set up and maintain “attribute tables” containing the allowable values for different attributes.

For instance, a hose assembly item is usually specified by size or more attribute codes. These codes describe
various things about the hose assembly: the hose type, the fitting configuration of the hose ends, fitting
connection sizes, hose size, fitting material, overall length, etc. Using Code Constructor, attribute tables such
as “Hose Type,” “Fitting Configuration,” and “Fitting Size” could be created. Each attribute would be
assigned a table of valid values.

The order in which attribute codes appear when constructing item and catalog item codes usually varies with
different types of items. The Code Constructor module allows you to set up and maintain “item type tables”
specifying the exact sequence of attribute tables that should be used when constructing item and catalog item
codes. To continue the above example, the sequence for a hose assembly item might be:

<Hose Type> <space> <Fitting Configuration> <space> <Fitting Size>

An item type table would be created specifying the Hose Type, Fitting Configuration, and Fitting Size attribute
tables. When codes are constructed for Hose Assembly type items, the Hose Type, Fitting Configuration, and
Fitting Size tables would successively appear. The constructed code would always contain valid attribute
codes in the specified order.

The Code Constructor module could be used to create the codes for any group of items with common
characteristics, such as fasteners or grinding wheels.

A Code Constructor Mode is available during entry of item and catalog item codes. Code Constructor Mode
allows you to specify the type of item being entered. The system then presents, in sequence, the attribute
tables and attribute codes. You can then pick successive attributes until the entire code has been constructed.


Access the Code Constructor menu by selecting the Item/Catalog Accessories option from the Data Entry
menu. Then, select Code Constructor from the Item/Catalog Accessories menu:

When you select Code Constructor, the following menu displays:

You can also access Code Constructor by typing CODE-CONSTRUCTOR in the Jump To box.


Attribute tables contain the allowable values for each item type. When you select the Attribute option from
the Item Code Constructor menu, the following menu displays:

Enter . . . used to enter the allowable values for each attribute.

For more information, see page 159.


Edit . . . used to edit the allowable values for each attribute.

For more information, see page 160.

Delete . . . used to delete allowable values for each attribute.

For more information, see page 161.

View . . . used to view the allowable values for each attribute.

For more information, see page 162.

Tables List . . . used to list the allowable values for each attribute.
For more information, see page 162.

The Enter option is used to define attribute codes and the allowable values for each code. When you select the
Enter option from the Attribute menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following:

Attribute . . . represents a portion of a type of item code.

An attribute code describes a particular aspect of a certain type of item. For example, if the item
type is a hose assembly, its attributes might include the fitting connection size and the hose type.
“Fitting Size” and “Hose Type” could be defined as Attributes.
Attribute is 15 characters and holds letters and numbers.


Desc . . . holds the description of the Attribute code.

Desc is 30 characters and holds letters and numbers.

Length . . . determines the length of the values for this attribute.

No value can exceed the length specified here. Spaces are added to values shorter than this length
to meet the required length when codes are constructed.
Enter 0 (zero) to allow values of variable length up to 15 characters. If 0 is entered, the system
will not add spaces to meet the required length.
Length is a 2 character field and holds numbers only.

Value 1 – Value . . . the valid values for this attribute.

15, Desc
For example, if the Attribute is “Hose Type,” valid values might be:
The length of each Value field is determined by the setting of the Length field.
A description of each value can be entered in the associated Desc field.

Once you have finished entering values for an attribute, press [Enter]. To insert a value in the list, press [I] and
then the number of the field before which you want to insert. For instance, to insert a value before field 12,
press [I][1][2]. Enter the value and press [Enter].

To delete a value from the list, press [D] and then the number of the field you wish to delete.

The Edit option is used to alter attribute codes and the allowable values for each code. When you select the
Edit option from the Attribute menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following:


The fields on this screen are identical to those shown in the Enter screen. See page 159 for more information.


The Delete option is used to delete item attribute codes and the allowable values for each code. When you
select the Delete option from the Attribute menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following:

A warning message displays to alert you that deleting an attribute table will alter any associated item type
tables. To continue, press [Y] when prompted to Proceed With Deletion. To quit, press [N].


The View option is used to examine attribute codes and the allowable values for each code. This screen does
not allow you to make changes to the attribute codes, or to delete them. When you select the View option from
the Attribute menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following:

The fields on this screen are identical to those shown on the Enter screen. See page 159 for more information.

The Tables List option is used to print a list of attribute codes and the allowable values for each code. When
you select the Tables List option from the Attribute menu, the system displays a screen similar to the

Start/End . . . the range of attribute codes to be included on the report.

Attribute Table . . . determines whether the list shows the allowable values for each attribute code.
Names Only  N – all data is shown for each attribute code.
Y – the list shows only attribute table names.



Item type tables specify the exact sequence of attribute tables that should be used when constructing item and
catalog item codes of particular types. When you select Item Type Table Options from the Item Code
Constructor Options menu, the following menu displays:

Enter . . . used to define item types and to enter the attributes that constitute them.
For more information, see page 159.

Edit . . . used to alter item types and the attributes that constitute them.
For more information, see page 160.

Delete . . . used to delete item types.

For more information, see page 161.

View . . . used to examine item types and the attributes that constitute them.
For more information, see page 162.

Tables List . . . prints a list of all defined item type tables.

For more information, see page 162.


The Enter option is used to define item types and the attribute codes of which they are comprised. When you
select the Enter option from the Item Type Table Options menu, the system displays a screen similar to the

Item Type . . . represents a type of item.

The Item Type code identifies a group of items with common characteristics. Examples of item
types might be “Hose Items,” “Fasteners,” or “Band Saw Blades.”
Item Type is 15 characters and holds letters and numbers.

Desc . . . holds the description of the Item Type code.

Desc is 30 characters and holds letters and numbers.

Attr 1 – Attr 15 . . . the attribute codes that comprise the Item Type.
For example, if the Item is “Hose Item,” attributes might be Fitting Size and Hose Type
An Item Type Table that contains only one attribute is treated as a constant attribute. During code
construction, constant attributes are automatically entered into the constructed code.
Attr is 15 characters and holds letters and numbers.

Sep . . . determines the separator, if any, to be used between attributes.

Any character can be used as a separator. Enter an [S] to use a space as a separator. Leave the
Sep field blank if no separator should be used.
Sep is 3 characters and holds letters, numbers, and symbols.

Length . . . the length of each attribute.


Once you have finished entering attributes for an item type, press [Enter]. To insert an attribute in the list,
press [I] and then the number of the field before which you want to insert. For instance, to insert an attribute
before field 12, press [I][1][2]. Enter the attribute and press [Enter].

To delete an attribute from the list, press [D] and then the number of the field you wish to delete.

The Edit option is used to alter item types and the attributes that comprise each one. When you select the Edit
option from the Item Type Table Options menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following:

The fields on this screen are identical to those shown in the Item Type Table Entry screen. See page 164 for
more information.


The Delete option is used to delete item types. When you select the Delete option from the Item Type Table
Options menu, a screen similar to the following appears:

To delete the item type table, press [Y] when prompted to Proceed With Deletion. To quit, press [N].

The View option is used to examine item types and the attributes that comprise each one. This screen does not
allow you to make changes to the item types, or to delete them. When you select the View option from the
Item Type menu, the system displays a screen similar to the following:


The fields on this screen are identical to those shown in the Enter screen. See page 164 for more information.

The Tables List option is used to print a list of item types and the attributes that comprise each one. When you
select the Tables List option from the Item Type menu, a screen similar to the following is displayed:

Start/End . . . the range of attribute codes to be included on the report.

Item Type Table . . . determines whether the list shows the attributes for each item type.
Names Only  N – all data is shown for each item type.
Y – the list shows only item type table names.



During the Acclaim 12 installation process, the system populated each item’s new UPC field with the item’s
vendor # - item # value. If you want instead to have other item values being used for the item’s UPC value,
use this hidden option to accomplish this task. When the hidden option is run, you choose a range of vendors
and product groups for whom to build the UPC value. You then select the specific fields and characters from
which to build the UPC field.

The hidden option is U$ and is to be run in both the Item and Catalog Item modules. For more information on
running a hidden option, refer to the System Administration manual.

When the hidden option is run and a printer option is selected, a screen similar to the following appears:

Vendor # . . . range of vendor numbers for whom to build UPC information.


Product Group . . . range of product groups for which to build UPC information.

First Source
Field . . . field from which the first part of the UPC value is built.
CODE – The item code is used to build the value.
 VEND# - The vendor number is used.
ITEM# - The item number is used.


DESC1 – Description 1 of the item is used.

DESC2 – Description 2 of the item is used.
SHORT – The short code of the item is used.
MFG – The manufacturer’s code of the item is used.
PGSORT – The product group sort code of the item is used.
VNSORT – The vendor number sort code of the item is used. For this value to be used,
the Vendor Number Sort Code Options must be enabled. These options are found in the
Inventory Control Options in the Company module.
SUBREF – The subreference of the item is used.
NONE – No value is used.

Start Character . . . indicates the start position within the field being used to build the UPC value.
n – represents any number that you enter for the actual start position within the field. For
example, entering 1 indicates to the system to start building with the value that starts at the
first position.
c – represents a letter, or character, where the actual start position within the field is the
position following this character. For example, you could enter a dash (-) in this field to
create UPC values starting at the first character after the dash that is already within the UPC

Length . . . defines the length of the field being built into the first part of the UPC value.
The length of the total UPC field cannot exceed twenty numbers or characters. You can
break this length up in any way you want between the first and second source fields.

Second Source
Field . . . field from which the first part of the UPC value is built.
CODE – The item code is used to build the value.
VEND# - The vendor number is used.
 ITEM# - The item number is used.
DESC1 – Description 1 of the item is used.
DESC2 – Description 2 of the item is used.
SHORT – The short code of the item is used.
MFG – The manufacturer’s code of the item is used.
PGSORT – The product group sort code of the item is used.
VNSORT – The vendor number sort code of the item is used. For this value to be used,
the Vendor Number Sort Code Options must be enabled. These options are found in the
Inventory Control Options in the Company module.
SUBREF – The subreference of the item is used.
NONE – No value is used.

Start Character . . . indicates the start position within the second field being used to build the UPC


n – represents any number that you enter for the actual start position within the field. For
example, entering 3 indicates to the system to start building with the value that starts at the
third position.
c – represents a letter, or character, where the actual start position within the field is the
position following this character.

Length . . . defines the length of the field being built into the second part of the UPC value.
The length of the total UPC field cannot exceed twenty numbers or characters. You can
break this length up in any way you want between the first and second source fields.

Append # to . . . determines whether a sequential numeric value is used when duplicate UPC values
UPC for Dups are found.
 Y – A sequential number is used for the UPC value.
N – “Duplicate” is placed as the UPC value.
For example, one item has the UPC value of ABC123. Many items later, another UPC value
of ABC123 is found. When you answer Y, the system will place the number of “1” in this
item’s UPC field. If another occurrence appears later, then “2” is placed in the UPC field.

To further explain, another item has a UPC value of GLK987. Many items later, another
UPC value of GLK987 is found. The system has already used “1” and “2” for the UPC
value ABC123, so for the second occurrence of GLK987, the system places a “3” in the
UPC field.

A report is printed upon completion of the parameter screen. If any duplicates are found and
sequential numbers were used to prevent duplicates, the listing displays all items that had the
duplicate UPC value.

Overwrite Non- . . . determines if a non-duplicate UPC value is to be overwritten.

Dup UPC Y – Non-duplicate and duplicate values are overwritten.
 N – Duplicate values only are overwritten.
UPC fields cannot hold duplicate information. When the system tries to enter an exact
value already used in another item, such as the same vendor number and same short
code as the UPC value of another item, then the word “DUPLICATE” instead is used
for the UPC value. The Overwrite Non-Dup UPC field is used to change all the
DUPLICATE values found in the UPC field. Answering Yes to this field changes ALL
UPC values, where answering No changes just the UPC fields that display
DUPLICATE as their value.

Blank Spaces . . . determines what should be done when a blank space is encountered during the
 REMOVE – Blank spaces are removed; characters and numbers fill in the area.
ZERO – Blank spaces are replaced with zeroes.
BLANK – Blank spaces are left where they are found as the build continues.


When the parameters are complete, press [Enter] at the Field prompt to start building UPC values. Once
completed, the process displays a message similar to the following:

The number of records processed and the last vendor processed are displayed.

For more information on running a hidden option, refer to the System Administration manual.


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