The 9th Grade of English Test

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To: Basketball Club Member

There will be no basketball practice this week

because Mr Dinar is still attending a seminar in Cirebon.

Yeni Mulyani Agustin

1. What is the message about?

Cancellation of Basketball practice or an activity.

2. What will the basketball Club members probably do after reading the message?

- They will probably practice by themselves
- Perhaps, they will do other important activies

3. Complete the following functional text with the suitable words provided in the box.

Dear Mawar,
I must (a) ... you on winning the first (b) ... in the English debate competition (c) ... by The
British Council and The British Embassy at City hall yesterday. I am so (d) ... of you as you
are the youngest (e) ... but your English skills are well above average. All the guests at the
city hall at that time were amazed by your (f) ... .
You were not only good (g) ... spoken English with good pronunciation and no grammar
mistakes (h) ...had self confidence, knowledge, open mindedness and critical thought.


[participant, held, prize, at, congratulate, proud, performance, but also]

a. Congratulate
b. prize
c. held
d. proud
e. participant
f. performance
g. at
h. But also

To Fatimah,
My dear friend, I am so happy because we both passed the exams with flying colours.
Thanks for helping me by being my study mate.
Congratulations to both of us and let us celebrate with a dinner this weekend!

4. a) Why is Nisa so happy?

b) What do the following words refer to?

a. - because Fatimah and her passed the exams with flying colours.
- because she and Fatimah passed the exams with flying colours
- because she passed the exams with flying colours.
b. - “Me” refers to Nisa
- “We“ refers to Nisa and fatimah

5. Rearrange the following sentences into good orders so as to become a good and coherent
procedural text.


1. Close the outer lid tightly until it ”clicks”

2. Then, press the “cook” or “power” button and wait for about 15 minutes.
When the rice is cooked, the indicator lamp will turn green
3. Before putting the inner pan into the body of the rice cooker, wipe dry the outside
of the inner pan. Place the inner pan into the body. Turn it slightly to the right and
left until it fits and sits properly.
4. Wash the rice twice in a bowl.
5. Pour water to the inner pan. Adjust the amount depending on your preference by
following the markings inside the inner pan. It shows the amount of water required.
6. Then, put the cleaned rice into the inner pan.


6. The Sun is .............. than the Moon

Answer : Bigger

Read Text For Question No. 7-10!

Elephants: The Amazing Animals

Elephants are the largest land animals on earth. They have the largest brains of any mammals.
Elephants talk to each other. Researchers have discovered more than 50 different types of
calls that they use to communicate with each other. Their trunks are strong enough to pick up
trees but sensitive enough to pick up flowers. They use them as tools to sweep paths, to
scratch themselves, and to swat flies. They are good swimmers and use their trunks like
snorkels. They live together in family groups. They help each other when in trouble. They
join together to care for and rescue their young.

7. What is the main idea of the paragraph 1?

Answer: Elephants are the largest animals

8. what is the part of Elephant which is used to pick up the trees and flowers?

Answer : Their Trunks / The Trunks

9. “ … to care for and rescue their …”. The closest synonym of the word “ rescue” is …

.Answer : save
10. “ Researchers have discovered more than….”The underlined word has the same meaning

Answer : found
11. there are two seasons in our country, dry and wet season. When do the farmers cultivate
the land?
Answer : wet season
12. Today our farmers plough their field with………
Answer : Tractors
13. To make the soil and the plant fertilize, the farmers spread …….
Answer : The Fertilizer
14. In the dry season, the farmers cannot plant the paddies because it is draught, what is the
Anthonym of draught?
Answer : Flood, Much water
15. How to you response to the following news
“I become the winner of the telling story competition”.
Answer : Congratulation
16. what for do we regular sport?
Answer : To be healthy
17. what should we drink if we are ill ?
Answer : the Medicine
18. what is the name of traditional cloth from Batak?
Answer : Ulos
19. Soni, if you don’t need the lamp, please ….. it !
Answer : Turn off
20. what is the name of musical bamboo instrumental from Sundanese culture?
Answer : Angklung

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