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University Library Projects for the Formation of

China's Digital Library and Information Space

Yan Peng Nataliia Kunanets Iryna Davydova
Department of Information, Library Information Systems and Networks Department of Information, Library
and Archives Department and Archives
Kharkiv State Academy of Culture Lviv Polytechnic National University Kharkiv State Academy of Culture
Kharkiv, Ukraine Lviv, Ukraine Kharkiv, Ukraine

Nataliia Veretennikova
2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies (CSIT) | 978-1-6654-4257-2/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/CSIT52700.2021.9648715

Information Systems and Networks Department

Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine

Abstract – The peculiarities of project actions on formation the Internet. The situation in the libraries of higher
of digital library and information space of the People's education institutions in the conditions of reforming the
Republic of China are analyzed. The leading role of the state in scientific and educational spheres, globalization of
generation, development, financing, and realization of projects information and communication technologies is analyzed by
of technical and technological, organizational development of O. Voskoboynikova-Guzeva, I. Lobuzin [1], I. Davydova
university libraries is defined. The directions of increasing the [2], O. Marina [3]. The authors unanimously state that
efficiency of library project management are outlined. An digitalization changes the main activities of university
emphasis is placed on the system of project management libraries, forms innovative areas of information service and
standards, the innovative nature of national and corporate
contributes to changes in the paradigm of library
projects aimed at creating a digital environment, systemic
nature and sequence of program and project construction of
management in higher education institution. The main
the library and information sphere of China. mechanism of innovative changes in the library is the
initiative of librarians, project and personnel management.
Keywords – libraries of higher education institutions, project Research topics of Chinese experts range from the
actions, innovative development, project management, theoretical issues of creating a digital environment to the
digitalization of documentary information institutions, standards,
practical use of digitization methods [4]. Nowadays, one of
information resources, databases, digital information space,
the leading issues in the library science is the application of
digital library resources, library collections, People's Republic of
design technologies in the activities of libraries as a
powerful tool for managing their innovative development
I. INTRODUCTION [5]. The results of the analysis of the projects of the Chinese
Academic Digital Library, as well as the main directions of
The accelerated pace of development of the digital the CADL project are highlighted by Xiangxing Shen,
society around the world is actively influencing the state of Zhong Zheng, Shuguang Han, Chong Shen [6] and there is
the library and information sphere in both Ukraine and analyzed project management in China, identified those
China. Today, the rapid development of China's document aspects that need further analysis and solution. These works
and information sector, the leading segment of which is are important for Ukrainian documentary and information
libraries, demonstrates a strong pace of adaptation to the institutions, as well as the Chinese experience of using
digital environment. One of the main tools of this design technologies to form a modern educational space.
development is the formation of its own national project
management system of documentary and information The purpose of the paper is to highlight the features of
institutions. This system is based on the national the project activities of university libraries in the direction
achievements of the People's Republic of China and is of forming a digital library and information space in China.
aimed at forming the national information environment of
the state and determining ways to integrate it into the world II. PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN LIBRARY INSTITUTIONS IN
information space. The indisputable effectiveness of China's CHINA
achievements in the field of project management highlights The use of project technologies is an important area of
the need to study the peculiarities of the use of project innovative development of libraries of higher education
management in libraries. institutions, which involves the deployment of practices for
A. Analysis of recent research and publications the development and promotion of projects aimed at actively
reforming the technical, technological, organizational and
The problem of the development of university libraries is management processes in the library. Project management in
the object of attention in a number of scientific the development of China's library institutions plays a
developments, but the study of project activities as an special role in the information society. The development and
effective tool for the formation of digital library and implementation of projects for the creation of new libraries,
information space has only recently begun to receive more digital library collections, the acquisition of innovative
attention. The stated problem is only partially reflected in forms of information services by library institutions in
some scientific studies, papers and information sources on China takes place in a very short time. The use of the project
978-1-6654-4257-2/21/$31.00 ©2021

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approach has allowed to make a rapid breakthrough from Academic Library project. The main goal of the CADAL
the established conservative library system, which project is to develop Chinese digital library systems based
functioned exclusively within the documentary on open standards and a flexible, consumer-friendly
communication, to the creation of the library as an information service system. The continuation of the
information and educational center, built on the principles of integrated CADAL project was the creation of the Chinese
open digital information space. Thus, project management academic library and information system CALIS. The
technologies are the basis for broad transformations in purpose of CALIS is to create a corporate network of
various areas of library and information activities in the documentary resources of libraries of higher education
system of electronic communications. system and the formation of their digital space, the
deployment of information services for both higher and
The process of formation of the digital library basic education and promote global academic
environment in the People's Republic of China began in the communication [7].
mid-1990s. The first period, which was quite short from
1995 to 1996, can be defined as the initial stage of the The CALIS project was implemented under the
digitization process in library and information activities. supervision of the Chinese Ministry of Education as part of
During this time, a number of studies and pilot projects were the national Project 211. The University of Beijing, the
conducted, the results of which showed that China is lagging library of which is one of the most powerful document and
behind the world's leading countries, including the United information centers in China [8], was assigned responsible
States, in the direction of preparation and development of for CALIS by the Ministry of Education. In November
digital libraries. The statement of this fact contributed to the 1998, the National Development Planning Commission
development of active work on technical and technological approved the feasibility study for the project and began the
support of the libraries of higher education institutions. first phase of its implementation, which was successfully
completed by July 2001. The participating libraries were
On the second stage, which took place chronologically offered six types of services, including the purchase of
from 1996 till 2000, an active work was carried out in the literature, the exchange of printed materials, the creation of
direction of technical and technological support of the a network of information exchange services, reference
process of computerization of libraries, creation of consultations, information support for training and research.
automated library information systems and their
implementation in library activities. The third stage in the National strategies for the development of the
formation of China's library and information space began in information sphere provide the implementation of strategic
2001. At this stage, the Chinese library community realized projects and, accordingly, the development of project
that the strategic direction of development of the field of management. One of the most powerful programs, which
document and information activities is the creation of digital systematically outlines the strategy for the development of
libraries and began to pay much attention to research and China's document and information sphere in the information
development in this area. The professional library society and the knowledge society, is the National Digital
community identified the conceptual and operational Library project (NDLP), which was launched in 2005. The
aspects, as well as the fundamental technologies for the project was implemented on the basis of the National
creation, operation and further development of digital Library of China (NLC), which is the leading fund of
libraries. printed Chinese information resources. As of 2008, the book
collection of the National Library of China was 26,980,000
The implementation of the practical aspect of this editions, serving governmental, educational, scientific,
activity was started in 2000 with the formation of a number research institutions, and the general public [9].
of projects to create digital libraries, which were
implemented at the national level. At this time the work The project of creating National Digital Library is based
began on the establishment of the National Digital Library on certain social and economic preconditions that affect its
of China, the National Science and Technology Library, the preparation and implementation and require careful
Chinese Academic Library and Information System consideration of planned and unplanned, favorable and
(CALIS), the Chinese and American Digital Academic unfavorable political, social, technological, regulatory,
Library (CADAL), the China Academic Social Sciences and cultural and other factors. Among the external prerequisites
Humanities Library (CASHL) and a number of other for starting a project of the National Digital Library are the
projects. The fourth stage in the formation of China's library following ones: world processes of informatization of the
and information space, which continues to this day, involves sphere of document and information activity; deployment of
the organization and management of knowledge. It is to be network document and information systems at the national
analyzed the projects of Chinese university libraries at each and world levels; creation of a dynamic branched digital
of these stages. space, formation of innovative approaches to the role and
place of documentary information institutions, strengthening
their role in terms of forms and technologies of providing
information products and services in the network
These factors, as well as the contradictions between the
rapid growth of information needs of users, especially in the
network environment, and the ability of document and
information institutions to meet them; active technical and
technological changes affecting the consumer preferences of
Fig. 1. Stages of the digital environment formation information users served as external prerequisites for the
active application of project actions in China's documentary
It can be argued that the initial stage in the development information institutions. In this context, project management
of China's digital library and information space is related to is the most important tool for implementing the state
the implementation of the Chinese and American Digital


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strategy of preserving national interests, historical and (CADLIS), the Chinese and American Digital Academic
cultural features, based on a deep philosophical identity and Library (CADAL) and the China Academic Social Sciences
order. and Humanities Library (CASHL). The successful
implementation of this project resulted in the operation of
In China, there is a clear systemic link between project the world's largest non-profit digital library with more than
management and public administration design. Thus, the 2.5 million books in Chinese and English, which provides a
project management technologies used in the creation of the universal personalized information service, digital
National Digital Library are based on close cooperation integration of scientific sources in technical, agricultural,
between the state as the owner's representative by the medical, humanities, social sciences, arts and other
Ministry of Education of China (responsible for the project disciplines.
works) and the National Library of China, Beijing
University Research Library, other project stakeholders. The CADL megaproject is aimed at the formation of
including information users (the project is aimed at meeting media resources in medicine, humanities, social sciences,
their information needs), the project management team arts and other fields, including fine, theatrical arts,
(including staff of leading libraries and consultants), construction, architecture, and folk crafts. This project is a
suppliers, contractors, etc. The state, guided by national multi-purpose integrated program that forms a specific goal
interests, acts as the main initiator and executor of complex tree and combines multi-projects that are complexes of
integrated projects, paying special attention to the system of mono-projects implemented by a single institution or its
their management. unit. Monoprojects are usually aimed at achieving a specific
goal of digitization of book collections, and are
It is important to note that the effectiveness of project implemented within individual institutions or their units,
activities to create a digital library and information space in and require the creation of information and management
China is largely due to effective management, clear infrastructure. Such coordination units are the most
regulation of all stages of project implementation, strong powerful university libraries, which implement 75
public funding, and a control system implemented by a monoprojects on their own information base [5]. They are
number of institutions as the Ministry of Education, the the library of the universities of Tsinghua, Wuhan, Tianjin,
National Development and Reform Commission. Ministry Beijing. Such mono-projects have a specific purpose, a clear
of Finance. Their efforts, combined with the professionalism framework and efficiency criteria (results).
of the library community, are aimed at creating an academic
digital library in China based on the use of modern The emergence of the Chinese Academic Digital Library
information technologies, powerful multidisciplinary, was the result of the merger of the Chinese Academic
multilingual digital resources formed by a system of full- Library and Information System (CALIS project) and the
text databases of both imported and own generation ones, a Chinese and American Digital Academic Library (CADAL
system of service infrastructure of higher education. project) in 2002. In turn, the Chinese Academic Library and
Information System (CALIS), a nationwide consortium for
University library projects are based on the the allocation of resources to academic libraries, was
generalization of best design practices, which are now established under Project 211. CALIS aims to integrate
formalized in the form of standards. These activities are scientific library resources and academic library services
regulated by competent international and national project and aims to create digital libraries for the system of higher
management associations. education, promoting the development of a system of
The creation of the national standard C-PMBOK (China) scientific communication between specialists. This system is
has a particular attention, which is used to standardize an example of the most successful networks of its kind and
project and program management processes. The use of the can serve as a model for future consortia of document and
potential of this standard to create and develop China's information institutions.
digital information environment is undeniable. The national The state-funded CADAL project, overseen by Zhejiang
standard is based on the peculiarities of the social and University, is an important component of China's national
cultural space of the country, and contributes to the innovation systems and information infrastructure. The
management of the quality of information services at all general goal of the governmental CADAL project is to
stages of the life cycle of libraries. create scientific electronic libraries based on the use of
The application of the project excellence model is modern digital space, with a powerful multidisciplinary and
important in the implementation of university library multilingual multimedia resource. Thus, this unique Chinese
projects in China. This model is IPMA Project Excellence digital resource is a clear confirmation of the change in the
Model and is a powerful benchmarking tool that helps functions of academic libraries from information storage
identify examples of project management excellence; institutions to modern powerful centers of production and
strengths of the institution and potential areas for distribution of digital information resources. Its large-scale
improvement of weaknesses. implementation and strong social impact contributed to the
launch of the next CADAL Project Phase II. Responsibility
The formation of China's digital library and information for technical and technological support of the project from
space is based on the development and implementation of the very beginning of its implementation was assigned to
multi-purpose integrated programs and megaprojects. The Tsinghua University, which was involved in the creation
last ones can combine several multi-projects and mono- and formation of the CERNET project that was the first
projects in terms of the scale of the tasks to be solved. They national computer network in the field of education and
need strong funding from various sources and guidance research in China.
from a specific center. Thus, the project of the Chinese
Academic Digital Library (CADL), developed in recent The project to create a Chinese and American academic
decades, is associated with projects to create the Chinese digital library CADAL, according to the National
Academic Library Information System (CALIS), the Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of
Chinese Academic Digital Library and Information System Education, is an important part of the system of the state


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Project 211. Project 211 was implemented under the between information and knowledge, effective organization
supervision of the Ministry of Education in China of knowledge and providing users with personalized
identifying more than 100 most important (key) universities services. One such project was implemented at Tsinghua
and creating conditions for training highly qualified University on the CNKI resource allocation platform. Using
specialists in accordance with international requirements, this platform allows libraries to integrate knowledge by
staffing requirements, technical standards for national integrating databases using a heterogeneous unified search
development projects in economic and social spheres. The engine, which allows you to search for citations, data, text
implementation of the project began in the mid-1990s and fragments on a particular topic. The CNKI platform enables
currently involves about 112 universities in China, which libraries to obtain information from existing databases and
fully meet the existing training requirements. Furthermore, on this basis to create their own databases of professional
it should be noted that this interconnection of projects is an knowledge. It affirms the strong activity of Chinese
important feature of the project activities of documentary university libraries in the direction of forming a digital
information agencies in China. Its application enables the library and information space.
rapid development and sustainable operation of libraries of
the country's leading universities in the digital space. From CONCLUSION
the point of view of project typology it is necessary to note Thus, it can be argued that the projects of university
their innovative character directed on development of the libraries in China are moving towards the formation of an
digital communication environment, first of all libraries as innovative project-oriented model of targeted management,
modern innovative centers of generation and use of which aims to achieve sustainable development of digital
databases of own generation, and borrowed ones. library and information space. Project management
Corporate collaboration between libraries is important technologies are based on the methodological principles of
for the formation of China's digital library and information world experience, but have their differences. The last ones
space. This activity is carried out by the supervision of the are related to the historical and social and cultural features of
People's Republic of China in the framework of a number of China, its fundamental significance and the high level of its
projects aimed at creating a Chinese library information philosophical content. The system of public administration in
system capable of meeting the requirements of information China plays a leading role in the development of the
users in the necessary sources for education and science. document and information environment, its qualitative,
The creation of the Chinese Academic Library and quantitative and meaningful content, based on the technology
Information System CALIS is indicative in this sense, which of innovation and project management.
integrates digital libraries of higher education institutions. REFERENCES
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