Lubmarine_Um serviço rápido de análise de óleo

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Diagomar Plus

user guide
A rapid lubricating oil analysis service
for monitoring the performance and condition
of marine engines and auxiliary machinery

Diagomar Plus 1

Why do you need an Used Oil Analysis Programme ? 2

How to draw a representative sample ? 3

How to complete the label and send the sample ? 4

Diagomar Plus Report, Results at a glance 5

Result Interpretation 7

The Lubricant condition 8

The Equipment condition 9
The Contamination 10

The Internet Reporting System (IRS) 11

Index 12
Diagomar Plus is a high quality marine lubricants analysis
service backed by Lubmarine’s worldwide network of
technical experts.

This advanced, easy-to-use system is an essential cost-saving service,

which enables you to minimize equipment failure and maintenance,
as well as maximize oil life.

Diagomar Plus offers:

High Speed: Fast, convenient analysis of lubricant samples with results within
2 working days.

High Efficiency: Automatic transfer and storage of analysis reports into a full
historical database available on-line.

High Reliability: The latest technologies and state-of-the-art

measurement equipment.

User Friendly-Operation: Easy to read reports and intuitive website system.

Four strategically located laboratories worldwide: Rotterdam, Singapore,

Shanghai and Columbus (USA).

The added value of a dedicated trained technical expert checking and

commenting on each analysis report.

Diagomar Plus was developed by Lubmarine in co-operation with Intertek Testing

Service (ITS) Caleb Brett, which is recognized as a world leader in the inspection
and testing of lubricants, fuels, petroleum products and chemicals.

The lubricant in service is subject to stress and may eventually become unsuitable to meet its
lubrication role. The main deficiencies can be:

• Consumption of additives under stress

• Contamination (by fuel, cooling water, fresh or sea-water)
• Degradation of physical characteristics (viscosity, base number…)

Parts of the engine or the equipment may have metal to metal contact, abrasion, corrosion etc.,
which leads to wear.

In that respect, the used oil analysis program is essential to:

Increase the lubricating oil life (extend drain oil intervals)

Provide timely corrected actions when required

Optimize the equipment maintenance

Extend the equipment components’ life

NB: It is highly recommended to follow either equipment maker’s recommended sampling

intervals or the classification societies’ guidelines when available.

For the purposes of routine analyses, when manufacturers do not give any recommendations,
the figures in the table below can be taken as an indication.


Main Engine 3/6 months
Diesel Generator 4/8 months
Hydraulic System 12 months
Turbo-Charger 6 months
Heat Transfer System 12 months
Gears 12 months
Compressor (Air & Refrigeration) 12 months
Stern Tube 3/6 months

An analysis can give detailed information provided that the sample is representative of
the oil in service.

In order to get the most accurate results, it is better to take the sample:

• With the sample bottle provided with the sampling kit.

• As close to the normal operating temperature as possible.

• From the main supply line of the equipment, preferably downstream.

• Always from the same sampling point.

• After flushing a quantity of oil from the sampling point (from 0.5 to 1 liter)
before drawing the sample.

• Directly into the sample bottle.

If it is not possible, the sample should be drawn into a clean container
(which should never be rinsed with a solvent).

The sample bottle must be filled

to only 90% of its capacity and
should be carefully sealed.

and send the sample ?
In order to guarantee that the sample will be analyzed as quickly as possible,
it is important to completely and correctly fill out the label provided.
Omissions or mistakes in the label information may delay the results of the analysis.

The main points which are essential to identify the sample are:

• The name of the vessel

• The unit ID (LM – LubMarine Number)
• The full name of the lubricant
• The equipment type (engine, gearbox, turbine…)
• The date of sampling
• The oil hours in service

Sticker to keep
for on-board
Sticker to
records, in order
be affixed on
to track the
the sample
sample in the

the laboratory
according to
the location of
the vessel

The label should be sent with the sample. It is highly recommended

to send the samples by express mail, in order to be able to track
the samples and to speed up the process of transmission
to the laboratory.

diagomar plus report,
result at a glance.
Lubmarine’s final reports include the results of the last four analyses in one easy-to-follow table,
with symptoms and comments separated from the figures for extra clarity.

The simple format enables you to view at a glance how the main characteristics have evolved
over the reported time scale.

In addition, in order to get an immediate indication of the out of limit values,

the data concerned are highlighted in:

- Blue and Italic when Caution - Example: 228

- Red and Bold when Urgent - Example : 272

Description of the

& Comments

4 Graphs:
BN or Water
Wear Elements

Analysis &
Data out of limits

For each alarm level, a Lubmarine Technical Expert makes a detailed diagnosis and gives
comments on the recommended remedial actions.
The number and the type of test will depend on the nature of the oil application.

Analysis scheme according to the oil type


Viscosity 40°C* ISO 3104 modified P P P P
Viscosity 100°C ISO 3104 modified P P P P
Viscosity Index (VI) Calculated P P P P
Insolubles FTIR P
Oxidation FTIR P
Flash Point ASTM D93 P P
Water Content Karl-Fisher in house P P P P
BN ASTM D 2896 modified P
AN ASTM D 664 modified P P
PQ PQ Analex P P P P
Elemental Analysis ASTM D 5185 P P P P
*Please refer to the Index for the meanings.

The engine oil analysis refers to lubricants used in engines, whatever the type of engine.

The auxiliary oil analysis corresponds to lubricants used in all auxiliary equipment like gears,
air compressors, refrigerating compressors, turbines and hydraulic systems.

The thermal oil analysis is especially carried out to check if there is no cracking of the oil due
to the high temperature in service.

The stern tube oil analysis is performed for the insurance or classification society inspection
according to Lloyds as well as Bureau Veritas limits.

result interpretation

The interpretation of the Diagomar Plus reports can be divided

in several parts:

• The lubricant condition

• The equipment condition

• The contamination

Each part gives essential information regarding the optimization of the oil changing intervals,
as well as minimizing the equipment failure and maintenance.

Used oil analysis is comparable to a medical analysis with a blood test. Like blood, lubricating
oil contains a great deal of information about the system in which it circulates
(linked to component wear) and the lube oil itself (condition and contamination).

the lubricant condition

The most important function of the lubricant is to reduce the friction between components,
in order to minimize heat and wear. It is also used to transmit heat (as a coolant) or energy
(like hydraulic fluid).

Maintaining the lubricant’s physical properties enables oil change intervals to be extended as
well as the life of equipment on board.

Engine lubricant condition

Parameter Description of the Parameter Possible origin of the
Parameter Deviation
• Soot contamination
• Poor/improper combustion
• HFO contamination
High Viscosity
Viscosity measures the ability • Oxidation & thermal degradation
of the lubricant to flow • Improper grade or mixture
• Stuffing-Box leakage (drain oil ingress)
• Fuel dilution
Low Viscosity
• Improper grade or mixture

BN measures the lube oil ability to

• Overextended oil change intervals
Base Number neutralize strong acids produced
• Improper grade or mixture
during the combustion process

• Soot contamination
• Poor/improper combustion
In service, the oil is contaminated
Insolubles • Blow-by
by a number of insoluble products
• Oxidation & thermal degradation
• Purifier efficiency

auxiliary lubricant condition

Parameter Description of the Parameter Possible origin of the
Parameter Deviation
• Oxidation & thermal degradation
High Viscosity
Viscosity measures the ability of • Improper grade or mixture
the lubricant to flow • Partial additive shearing
Low Viscosity
• Improper grade or mixture
AN measures the acids built up in • Overextended oil change interval
Acid Number
the lubricant • Oxidation & thermal degradation

the equipment condition

The spectrometric analysis provides data on the content of metals coming from the wear
of the equipment components (size less than 5 µm in average).

This is the reason why it is essential to have in mind the type of metallurgy of
the components.

Wear metals may come from:

• metal to metal contact

• abrasive corrosion

Parameter Engine Auxiliary Equipment

• Gears (gearing)
• Cylinder liners
• Cylinders/ piston rings (compressor)
Iron • Piston rings
• Pump housing/ rod (hydraulic)
• Camshaft, crankshaft
• Bearings (turbine)
• Bearings • Bearings (hydraulic)
• Piston rings • Piston rings (compressor)
Molybdenum • Piston rings • Piston rings (compressor)
• Clutches (gearing)
Copper • Bearings • Piston pumps (hydraulic)
• Bearings
Lead • Bearings • Bearings
Silver • Bearings (EMD engines)
• Piston/ bearings
• Piston
Tin (compressor)
• Bearings
• Bearings
• Piston • Clutches (gearing)
Aluminum • Bearings • Piston/ bearings compressor)
• Fuel catalyst contamination • Pump housing (hydraulic)

The Particle Quantifier (PQ) index is carried out to detect the important processes of wear
(detection of all iron particles, whose size is greater than 10µm).

The important point is the trend of the PQ index. It is representative of the rate that
wear is occurring in the equipment.

The contamination

The contamination may come from:

• Fuel (engine)
• Cooling system (engine)
• Dust, dirt…
• Water (either fresh or salt)

Parameter Engine Auxiliary Equipment

• HFO contamination
(associated with Vanadium)
• HFO contamination
(associated with Nickel)
• Fuel catalyst contamination
• Abrasive dirt/ dust
Silicon • Abrasive dirt/ dust
• Seal
• Seal
Boron • Cooling system contamination

• Cooling system contamination

• Seawater contamination
Sodium • Seawater contamination (associated with magnesium)
(associated with magnesium)

• Seawater contamination • Seawater contamination

(associated with sodium) (associated with sodium)

It is important to bear in mind that silicon, boron and magnesium may also be part of
the formula of the lubricant.

Your Lubmarine dedicated Technical Expert will always be available to answer your
questions, even for specific and non-routine analysis, when necessary.

- 10 -
The internet
reporting system (IRS)
IRS is the user-friendly tool with enhanced features for the management of used oil
analysis reports:

• Diagomar Plus reports are systematically checked and commented

upon by Lubmarine’s team of Technical Experts,

• Once checked, new reports are immediately available online and

can be easily consulted, downloaded and printed,

• A personal secure access to all your analysis reports,

• All Diagomar Plus reports are stored on the IRS online database.
Different search criteria (by equipment, by sampling point, by status…)
allow you to consult archived reports which have been carried out for
your vessels since 1999.

- 11 -
Viscosity is the measure of the ability of the lubricant in isolation to assess lubricant condition. However,
to flow. Diagomar Plus provides an automatic it provides very useful information when used in
viscometer indicating viscosity at 40°C and 100°C. conjunction with other determining factors such as
It enables one to calculate the Viscosity Index (VI). the level of oxidation or contamination by fuel.
The viscosity of the lubricant cannot be used

viscosity index (VI)

Viscosity Index highlights how the lubricant’s attainable beyond the value of 100 today.
viscosity changes with the variation of The Viscosity Index indicates the shearing
temperature. VI improver additives and higher resistance of lubricants containing VI improver
quality base oils are used to increase the VI additives.

In service, the engine lubricant is contaminated Monitoring the insoluble level provides very
by a number of insoluble products (coming from good indication of the operating conditions
incomplete combustion of fuel, oxidation of the of the engine, as well as the efficiency of the
lube oil etc.). purifiers or even the filters.

The oxidation is measured by Infrared Spectroscopy. This test is especially required by Class NK
Indeed, oxidation products coming from degrada- (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai) classification society for
tion of the oil under thermal conditions, have an the lubricant used in stern tube applications.
absorption around 1710cm-1.

The flash point is the temperature at which Below this value (FAILED), there is a high
the application of a flame will ignite the risk of serious incidents in service, including
vapors produced by an oil sample heated under crankcase explosions for engine due to
standard conditions (180°C). It is reported as PASS fuel dilution. The flash point may be also
or FAILED. influenced by lube oil degradation.

Water, even in small quantity, is always unwelcome When water is present up to 0.5%, a chloride
in a lubricant because it may produce corrosion. A test is carried out to determine whether it is fresh
check of water content will indicate any defect in water or seawater. The presence of sodium and
the engine, or,if one is fitted, in the purifier or auxi- magnesium in the spectrometric analysis results is
liary equipment. also an indication of seawater presence.

- 12 -
During the combustion process, the sulfur additives in the lubricant, the quantity and type
contained in the fuel produces sulfuric acids, which of which are measured by the BN (Base Number).
may damage the engine. These acids must be It is important to closely monitor the BN in
neutralized to avoid extensive corrosive wear of service in order to ensure that the lubricant still has
the cylinder liner or piston rings. sufficient alkalinity reserve to perform correctly.
This important function is performed by specific

The Acid Number (AN) measures the acid build
up in the lubricant and allows monitoring of the
oxidation of the product in service.

The Particle Quantifier (PQ) is a ferrography Any significant change in this index indicates
screening tool. It enables detection of all the an increase in the process of wear.
magnetic wear particles, whose size is higher
than 10µm.

elemental analysis
The elemental analysis is carried out by Inductive Lubricants can be also contaminated in service
Coupled Plasma (ICP) and measure particles up to by fuel. Monitoring the presence of vanadium and
5 µm. nickel provides important information about such
Monitoring changes in metal elements (iron,
chromium, molybdenum, copper, lead, silver, Other elements such as sodium, magnesium
tin and aluminum) provides vital information on or boron may confirm seawater or coolant
what component may be wearing inside the contamination and silicon may indicate presence of
machinery. Regular monitoring will allow detection dust, implying abrasive wear.
of any sudden increase of wear.

The information contained in this catalogue is indicative only and not legally binding for TOTAL
Lubrifiants S.A., or any of the Total Group companies. The listed services are subject to availability and/or
change. TOTAL Lubrifiants S.A. reserves the right to modify the information in case of any changes, including
withdrawal, with regard to any of its products or services or any elements thereof.

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LM UGD - 12/2010 - Photos: courtesy of TOTAL, Shutterstock and X - Conception:

Total Lubrifiants
562, avenue du parc de l’île
92029 Nanterre Cedex - France
Tel: +33 1 41 35 48 02
Fax: +33 1 41 35 36 97

Global Technology, Local Service

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