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TPP0010.1177/20451253231198466Therapeutic Advances in PsychopharmacologyM van Elk and EI Fried

Therapeutic Advances in
Psychopharmacology Review

History repeating: guidelines to address

Ther Adv Psychopharmacol

2023, Vol. 14: 1–20

common problems in psychedelic science DOI: 10.1177/

© The Author(s), 2023.

Article reuse guidelines:
Michiel van Elk* and Eiko I. Fried*

Abstract: Research in the last decade has expressed considerable optimism about the clinical
potential of psychedelics for the treatment of mental disorders. This optimism is reflected in an
increase in research papers, investments by pharmaceutical companies, patents, media coverage,
as well as political and legislative changes. However, psychedelic science is facing serious
challenges that threaten the validity of core findings and raise doubt regarding clinical efficacy and
safety. In this paper, we introduce the 10 most pressing challenges, grouped into easy, moderate,
and hard problems. We show how these problems threaten internal validity (treatment effects
are due to factors unrelated to the treatment), external validity (lack of generalizability), construct
validity (unclear working mechanism), or statistical conclusion validity (conclusions do not follow
from the data and methods). These problems tend to co-occur in psychedelic studies, limiting
conclusions that can be drawn about the safety and efficacy of psychedelic therapy. We provide
a roadmap for tackling these challenges and share a checklist that researchers, journalists,
funders, policymakers, and other stakeholders can use to assess the quality of psychedelic
science. Addressing today’s problems is necessary to find out whether the optimism regarding the
therapeutic potential of psychedelics has been warranted and to avoid history repeating itself.

Keywords: open science, psychedelics, psychotherapy, questionable research practices,


Received: 2 May 2023; revised manuscript accepted: 11 August 2023.

Introduction being used in patients with treatment-resistant Correspondence to:

Michiel van Elk
Psychedelics are mind-altering substances and depression or suicidal ideation.5,6 Cognitive Psychology Unit,
include serotonergic hallucinogens [e.g. psilocy- Institute of Psychology,
Leiden University, PO Box
bin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), and Research also appears to show that psychedelics 9555, Leiden 2300 RB, The
Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)],entactogens [e.g.3,4- have beneficial effects in healthy volunteers. Netherlands
methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA)], Participants in experimental research have rated
and dissociatives (e.g. ketamine). In the last dec- psychedelic trips among their most meaningful Eiko I. Fried
ade, we have witnessed increased enthusiasm life-events ever,7,8 and psychedelic experiences in Clinical Psychology Unit,
Institute of Psychology,
regarding the clinical application of psychedelics. turn appear to cause other positive outcomes Leiden University, Leiden,
Preliminary results from clinical trials using psy- such as a healthier lifestyle,9 increased mind­ The Netherlands
*These authors
chedelic therapy appear to show potential for the fulness,10 enhanced creativity and problem- contributed equally to this
treatment of a wide variety of mental disorders, solving,11 pro-environmental behavior,12 and work.
including major depressive disorder (MDD),1 feelings of connectedness.13
end-of-life-anxiety,2 and addiction.3 Results from
phase II and phase III studies indicate that Taken together, the apparent benefits of psyche-
MDMA-assisted psychotherapy may be effica- delics have led to significant changes in the men-
cious in the treatment of post-traumatic stress- tal health landscape. In the United States, more
disorder (PTSD).4 And ketamine is increasingly than 500 specialized ‘ketamine-clinics’ have

Correction (December 2023): This article has been updated with minor editing corrections in the ‘Introduction’ section and heading of first column in
Table 1. Also, reference ‘Marschall et al. 2022’ has been added in the article, for further details please see <>. 1

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( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission
provided the original work is attributed as specified on the Sage and Open Access pages (
Therapeutic Advances in
Psychopharmacology Volume 14

emerged14 that offer ketamine infusions to validity is threatened by the multiple comparisons
patients.15 MDMA-assisted psychotherapy is problem, conflicts of interest (COIs), outcome
awaiting approval by the FDA as medicine for the switching, and other questionable research prac-
treatment of PTSD,4 and the nonmedical use of tices. Of note, these validity threats are well-
psilocybin has already been legalized in Oregon16; understood,21 and it is therefore surprising that
other states are to follow suit.17 Centers in psychedelic science appears to ignore many of the
Portugal, the Netherlands, and South America lessons learned from decades of research. Much
organize legal psilocybin or ayahuasca retreats for of the recent work is history repeating itself.
the treatment of MDD18 and Australia officially
recognized psychedelics as medicines in early Previous reviews on psychedelic therapy have
2023.19 Pharmaceutical companies have made focused on the lack of sufficient safety data,23 the
considerable investments into clinical research lack of open science practices,24 the breaking
and filed patents on the production of psyche- blind problem,25 and the role of expectations and
delics (e.g. for synthesizing a polymorph of psilo- placebo effects.26 In this paper, we take a broader
cybin) as well as the therapeutic processes, for perspective. First, we highlight the 10 most perti-
example, the training of therapists; cf. Smith and nent challenges and discuss how these problems
Appelbaum.20 This has resulted in a flurry of dif- threaten valid inferences. We conclude that
ferent clinical applications, which can be broadly because these validity threats often co-occur in
grouped as ‘psychedelic therapy’, of which psy- psychedelic studies, it is premature to draw firm
chedelic-assisted psychotherapy is the specific conclusions about the safety and efficacy of psy-
application of psychedelics embedded within a chedelic therapy. Second, because solutions for
psychotherapeutic context. some of these problems are more readily available
than for others, we classify the problems as easy,
moderate, or hard, depending on the methods
Threats to validity in psychedelic research and resources required to solve them. Third, we
However, we see many reasons to be seriously suggest how the problems can be mitigated, and
concerned about this optimism. In this paper, consider solutions in terms of both scientific
we highlight 10 key challenges that psychedelic methods (e.g. more rigorous measures, statistics,
science is currently faced with. These challenges and reporting) and resources (e.g. more funding,
threaten four types of validity21,22 and cast seri- more therapists, more time, more participants).
ous doubt on the inferences that have been Finally, we summarize concrete recommenda-
drawn in research carried out within the last dec- tions for researchers and clinicians to move for-
ade. Threats to internal validity are best thought ward (see Table 1) and provide a resource list for
of as rival explanations, and raise doubts about reviewers, journalists, funders, and policymakers
whether a particular psychedelic intervention, to facilitate the accurate assessment of the quality
rather than other factors, explains the results of and rigor of psychedelic studies (see Table 2).
a study. External validity refers to the generaliz-
ability of the research findings from the studied
sample to the population of interest. Construct The easy problems
validity concerns the question how constructs in Problems that are relatively easy to address within
a study are operationalized, and what the exact psychedelic science include (1) invalid statistical
working mechanisms are. Finally, statistical con- inferences and questionable research practices,
clusion validity concerns the extent to which the (2) COIs, and (3) safety and adverse events.
conclusions, based on the data and statistical
analyses, are warranted.
Invalid statistical inferences and questionable
In psychedelic studies, internal validity is com- research practices
monly threatened by the lack of control groups, A conclusion is valid if the inferences follow from
the breaking blind problem, and placebo effects. the evidence presented. There are two tiers of chal-
The main sources of threats to external validity lenges here. First, authors in the psychedelic litera-
are low-powered studies and a strong selection ture have regularly drawn conclusions that are
bias in the inclusion of participants. Threats to either misleading or clearly contrast with the data.
construct validity include measurement problems Four examples follow to showcase that this prob-
as well as the lack of long-term treatment effects lem is common practice. Abbar et al.27 found in a
and mechanisms of action. Statistical conclusion randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing

M van Elk and EI Fried

Table 1. Easy, moderate, and hard problems in psychedelic science – and how to address them.

Problems Solutions

Easy problems

Invalid statistical inferences Involve independent statistical experts in peer-review process

More transparency through open science practices, including:

Publish (anonymous) reviews alongside scientific papers

Disclose all measures and statistical analyses

Transparent preregistration of all studies

Publish null results

 Investigate robustness of results (e.g. via multiverse analyses or

many-analyst approaches)
Share de-identified data

Conflicts of interest Transparent reporting of all COIs in publicly accessible ways (i.e.
not paywalled)
Systematic instead of narrative reviews

Safety and adverse events Report adverse events transparently and systematically
Independent arbiters assess whether adverse events are related to
the treatment
Include safety/adverse events as primary or secondary outcomes

Moderate problems

Lack of control groups Fund and carry out studies with control groups; team science/
multi-center collaborations can mitigate costs

Sample sizes Fund and carry out properly powered studies; team science/multi-
center collaborations can mitigate costs

Selection bias Transparently disclose inclusion and exclusion criteria and full
recruitment procedure
Assess and report patient background characteristics that may
influence treatment efficacy
Use more representative samples

Study duration Include long-term outcomes (⩾12 months)

Use larger samples to mitigate attrition

Hard problems

Breaking blind problem Assess and report blinding efficacy

Include an active control condition

Recruit participants without prior psychedelic experiences

Control for the breaking blind problem statistically

(Continued) 3
Therapeutic Advances in
Psychopharmacology Volume 14

Table 1. (Continued)

Problems Solutions

Placebo effects Include a third study arm without any intervention to test against
the placebo effect
Measure expectations of patients and therapists
Convey more realistic expectations (stop the hype)

Mechanisms of action Carry out independent and high-powered replication studies

Assess and report therapeutic alliance, efficacy of
psychoplastogens, and efficacy of other techniques that induce an
altered state

COIs, conflicts of interest.

Table 2. Checklist for assessing the quality and scientific rigor of psychedelic studies for mental health problems.

Criterion Description

1. Valid Inferences Is there sufficient transparency around data collection and statistical analyses, and are the
conclusions supported by the evidence? Is there evidence that the treatment and not other factors
(e.g. breaking the blind) explain the difference between the intervention and control group?
Have independent reviewers with the relevant statistical expertise been assigned to review the
manuscript? Are the reviews publicly available?

2. Conflicts of interest Are potential COIs reported transparently in the paper? What is the nature of these COIs, and, in
the presence of severe COIs, are there sufficient safeguards in place so that the findings can be
considered trustworthy (e.g. preregistration of primary outcomes and statistical analyses)? Are all
included measures fully disclosed and reported?

3. Safety and adverse Is it easy to find all relevant information regarding adverse events in the study? Is there an
events independent arbiter to decide whether an adverse event is related to the treatment? Is the
psychotherapy component of the study standardized and fully described? Were trained therapist
used to carry out treatments?

4. Control group Is a control group included to address common validity threats such as placebo effects, expectancy
effects, and regression to the mean? If no control group is included, are interpretations sufficiently

5. Sample size Is a power or sensitivity analysis provided, and does it include a justification of the minimum effect
size of interest? Is the study sufficiently powered to detect a difference between intervention and
control group (rather than powered against no effect at all)?

6. Selection bias Does the studied sample differ from the population of interest? Is a statement about constraints
on generalizability included? Is demographic (e.g. gender, age, socioeconomic background) and
clinical (e.g. severity, comorbidities) information provided?

7. Study duration Do scientists follow the patients for a sufficient time frame to justify the conclusion that successful
treatment took place, that is, that people have returned to a normal level of symptom load,
wellbeing, and functioning?

8. Breaking blind problem Have efforts been made to minimize the risk of unblinding (e.g. by using active placebos)? Was
masking efficacy (i.e. if blinding succeeded) assessed and reported?

9. Placebo effects Does the study design account for placebo effects, for example, by comparing the intervention
arm against a control group? Does the study include measures to assess patient and therapist’s
expectations about treatment outcomes both at the beginning and during the treatment?
10. Mechanisms of action Are inferences regarding potential mechanisms of action supported by evidence? Are the data and
materials available in a repository for replication and secondary analyses?

COIs, conflicts of interest.

M van Elk and EI Fried

ketamine against placebo that there was no persis- dramatically increases the chances of false positive
tent benefit of ketamine over placebo at the exit findings when not dealt with appropriately. For
timepoint of the trial in week 6, but concluded in instance, a recent paper on the efficacy of psyche-
the abstract that ‘ketamine [. . .] has persistent delic therapy concluded that several secondary
benefits for acute care in suicidal patients’. Ionescu outcomes clearly favored psilocybin over escitalo-
et al.28 found in an open-label ketamine study that pram, but the lack of correction for multiple test-
only 2 of 14 patients show sustained improvement ing raises doubts about the validity of these
at 3-month follow-up (which may well be due to findings.1 In our own research on psilocybin
the placebo effect or other factors), but the title of microdosing, we included six different tasks, with
the paper reads ‘Rapid and Sustained Reductions multiple subcomponents and measures per task,37
in Current Suicidal Ideation’ (our highlight). totaling the number of dependent measures to
Palhano-Fontes et al.29 concluded in their aya- more than 20. We found effects of psilocybin
huasca study (n = 14 treatment, n = 15 placebo) microdosing on two outcomes. But because we
that ‘blindness was adequately preserved’, when all had all outcomes preregistered transparently, and
participants in the treatment group said they these two findings did not survive correcting for
believed they had received ayahuasca, but less than multiple testing, they likely reflected chance
half of participants in the placebo group said so. findings.
And Daws et al.30 compared two treatment arms,
including one using psilocybin-assisted psycho- There are further problems, such as selectively
therapy, against each other, concluding that one removing outliers that result in significant find-
treatment outperformed the other despite the lack ings, interpreting nonsignificant p-values in small
of a statistically significant interaction term samples as ‘trends toward significance’ (but not
between the treatments. Journals, reviewers, interpreting barely significant p-values as trends
funders, and scientific institutions need to hold toward nonsignificance), and using one-sided
authors accountable for such inferences. tests over two-sided tests to obtain desired
results,30 discussed in Love.38 All these problems
The second tier of challenges is when questionable jointly threaten both internal validity and statisti-
research practices – that usually go hand in hand cal conclusion validity, as it remains unclear
with a lack of transparency – raise doubts about the whether the conclusions are supported by the
validity of conclusions.31–33 One common practice data and if other explanations might be more
concerns flexibility regarding the analysis of pri- plausible for the effects observed. These concerns
mary outcome measures, which is common in psy- go hand in hand with evidence for substantial
chedelic science. A recent phase II trial34 publication bias in the clinical trial literature for
administering psilocybin for treatment-resistant both pharmacological39 and psychotherapeutic
depression funded by a pharmaceutical company interventions.40 This means that significant find-
registered their primary outcome on clinicaltrials. ings in trials are much more likely to be published
gov for the time frame ‘up to 12 weeks’, which in scientific journals, whereas nonsignificant find-
allows for degrees of freedom in obtaining statisti- ings are often not published, inflating meta-ana-
cally significant results and severely threatens valid lytic effect sizes and threatening statistical
inferences. Another study, using ketamine to treat conclusion validity.
depression35 switched a secondary to a primary
outcome a year after data collection started, and We see two main ways forward. First, journals
the publication contains no results at the time need to evaluate research papers more rigorously.
point of 2 weeks that can be found in the clinicaltri- This includes vetting by statistical and clinical trial registration ( Yet experts without conflicts of interest. For the Daws
another psilocybin trial for depression30 analyzed a et al.30 paper referenced above, we applaud one of
different outcome than registered on clinicaltrials. the reviewers for openly acknowledging that they
gov.36 In all these cases, doubts remain whether did not catch a statistical problem, which may have
equally positive results had occurred if stricter pro- impacted their review of the paper, and thereby the
cedures would have been in place. main conclusions of the paper.38 To foster trans-
parency and accountability, reviews should be
Another concern is related to multiple testing. published alongside papers, giving the research
Psychedelic studies often contain a flurry of differ- community insights as to the rigor of the review
ent outcomes, including physiological, neural, process. Journals must also compare the manu-
cognitive, and self-report measures. This script with the clinical trial protocol and statistical 5
Therapeutic Advances in
Psychopharmacology Volume 14

analysis plan. Papers in which conclusions stand in 19 declared COIs, including patents for treating
contrast to the presented evidence should not be depression with ketamine. We are not convinced
considered for publication. Second, researcher that the research community always takes best
degrees of freedom and lack of transparency that COI practices sufficiently seriously. For example,
foster questionable research practices can be while the organizers for the psychedelic science
reduced by adherence to best practices. These 2023 conference (with over 300 speakers) origi-
include publishing null-findings, for instance in nally followed recommended disclosure proto-
the format of a null results in brief section41; report- cols,50 by asking speakers to declare COIs in a
ing on all measures and tasks, preferably in the dedicated presentation slide, slides were removed
main paper rather than somewhere in Supplemental by the organizers before the talks and moved to
Materials; and preregistering research studies the conference mobile app.
(including outcome measures and statistical analy-
ses) to distinguish between exploratory and con- Moving forward, policy decisions should rely on
firmatory findings.42 The registered reports systematic rather than narrative reviews, given
publication format offers a useful tool to increase that narrative reviews allow for more degrees of
transparency, by providing authors with peer- freedom to obtain desired results.51 Industry-
review feedback prior to conducting a study and (if independent experts should be involved in all
accepted) a guaranteed publication even in case of stages of the clinical trial process, including study
null results.43 Of note, there are already well-estab- design, data collection, analysis, writing, and peer
lished best practices that have shown to increase review. Furthermore, we encourage all journals to
transparency in the reporting of clinical trials,44 publish COIs in a publicly accessible way, rather
such as the Consolidated Standards of Reporting than putting them behind paywalls. COIs should
Trials (CONSORT) reporting guidelines specify- be clearly communicated in presentations at sci-
ing 25 criteria.45 Unfortunately, guidelines are not entific conferences as well, instead of being
always taken as seriously as they should – for exam- skimmed over or hidden in online apps.
ple, an audit of the clinical trial literature in clinical Transparency and open science tools provide sci-
psychology indicated that (pre-)registrations were entific solutions and help safeguard against COI.
often incomplete and lacked sufficient informa- These tools include: preregistration; blinding of
tion to be reproducible.46 Overall, we deem solu- group membership when conducting analyses;
tions to these problems readily available; they multiverse analyses, a method for assessing the
primarily require implementing more rigorous robustness and boundary conditions of a specific
scientific and statistical methods and transparent effect52; and many-analyst approaches see for
evaluating and reporting. instance.53 These solutions are all readily availa-
ble and implementing them will increase statisti-
cal conclusion validity of psychedelic science.
COIs with sponsored studies Making more public funding available for con-
Early research on psychedelics was often initiated ducting independent research is another prereq-
by academic centers and supported by philan- uisite to safeguard research against COIs.
thropic organizations, for example, the
Multidisciplinary Association For Psychedelic
Studies (MAPS); cf. Mitchell et al.4 More Safety and adverse events
recently, pharmaceutical companies have become Sufficient information on potential risks, dangers,
involved,47 leading to financial COIs for some and adverse events is missing to draw conclusions
funders and authors. COIs by themselves are not that psychedelics are safe to use in the context of
a red flag, but conclusions from papers with COIs mental health treatments. For example, although
should be interpreted with extra care, given that esketamine (in the form of a nasal spray) was
they tend to go together with problematic prac- approved by the FDA for treatment-resistant
tices. For instance, an analysis of 397 clinical tri- depression in 2019, there is evidence that the
als in psychiatry has shown that studies reporting approval process overlooked red flags,14 and a
a COI were five times more likely to report posi- meta-analysis from 2021 concluded that there
tive results.48 COIs are also pronounced in the was insufficient data regarding the long-term
psychedelic literature: a recent opinion paper on safety of ketamine.54 A recent analysis found a
ketamine for treatment-resistant depression fea- systematic underreporting of serious adverse
tured a COI section nearly five times as long as events studies on the safety and efficacy of esketa-
the paper’s introduction section49: of 25 authors, mine in depression55: 41.5% of serious adverse

M van Elk and EI Fried

advents that were found on were term, such experiences can also cause ontological
not reported in published articles, and nearly all shocks, resulting in a dramatic shift in one’s reli-
of them (88 out of 94) occurred in esketamine gious and spiritual worldviews.62 In a recent arti-
treatment arms, not placebo arms. cle, a patient who had participated in a psilocybin
study described their state of confusion, anxiety,
We see similar issues for other drugs now. Adverse and distress,60 resulting in a long and desperate
events for therapy with MDMA and classical ser- search including the use of spiritual practices,
otonergic hallucinogens are not systematically meditation techniques, and theology. This illus-
assessed and reported.56 A straightforward defini- trates the dramatic effects that psychedelic ther-
tion of an adverse event in psychedelic research is apy may have on some patients, and the need for
missing, and standardized measurements and careful spiritual, existential, religious, and theo-
transparent reporting of adverse events are lack- logical support,63 long after psychedelic
ing. Most studies rely only on spontaneous report- sessions.64
ing by patients or therapists, which in turn require
a careful process of interpretation to assess Unfortunately, such support is typically not
whether the adverse event can be attributed to the included in the current clinical trials which – often
psychedelic therapy specifically. funded through pharmacological companies –
strive for cost- and time-effective interventions.
And adverse events do occur.57 A recent clinical This is perhaps best summarized in the words of
trial using psychedelic therapy34 reported a patient receiving MDMA-assisted psychother-
increased suicidal ideation and intentional self- apy: ‘(. . .) they tore open my chest, and they repaired
injury in the 10 and 25 mg psilocybin group, the little damage in the heart there but then everyone
whereas the control group who received 1 mg of just walked away from the table and my chest was still
psilocybin remained unaffected. In the same wide open’.
study, suicidal behaviors were observed in three
patients, but authors concluded in a media report Another obvious risk of psychedelic therapy con-
that ‘these cases were probably random events cerns safety in the therapy room. Some propo-
and unrelated to the dose of psilocybin, which nents of psychedelic therapy have argued that
would have been fully cleared from the patients’ clients regress during trips and require close phys-
bodies’.58 This is not the most careful interpreta- ical content,65 and many protocols include ‘nur-
tion of the data, and we note that the opposite turing touch’ as an important component during
rationale is applied to successful treatments: peo- therapy. The MAPS study protocol, for example,
ple get better despite the drug being fully cleared writes that ‘mindful use of touch can be an impor-
from the patients’ bodies. Sometimes, conclu- tant catalyst to healing’.66 But already since dec-
sions are radically opposed to presented evidence. ades there is ‘a lack of consensus about the use of
In a placebo-controlled study using ayahuasca as touch and the complex ethical and clinical issues
an intervention for depression, 4 of 15 partici- surrounding its use’,67 a crucially important topic,
pants in the experimental group (i.e. ~27%) had especially in psychedelic therapy given the highly
to be hospitalized for 1 week ‘due to presenting a suggestible and vulnerable state clients are in.
more delicate condition’.29 Nonetheless, authors Overall, manuals provide little guidance, leaving
concluded that the ‘study brings new evidence what is acceptable to the interpretation of the
supporting the safety and therapeutic value of therapist.57 A patient who took part in the phase
psychedelics’ (our highlight). II trial for MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for the
treatment of PTSD (MAPS) reported several
Psychedelic experiences can have short- and long- inappropriate encounters, including sexual abuse
term adverse consequences. Short-term risks by the therapist,68 casting doubt whether a safe
include the destabilizing effects that psychedelics and supportive therapeutic environment can cur-
can have through the experiences they can trig- rently be guaranteed.57
ger, which can be difficult to handle both for the
person and their therapist59 – experiences that can Overall, problems related to safety and adverse
result to everything from increased acute agita- events are considerable, and without systematic
tion to prolonged emotional dysregulation.60 and transparent reporting, it remains unclear for
Many people also report adverse after-effects which patients psychedelic therapy provides a
including recurrent hallucinations, increased anx- safe alternative and for whom it imposes a poten-
iety, and physiological discomfort.61 In the long tial risk. More systematic and large-scale studies 7
Therapeutic Advances in
Psychopharmacology Volume 14

about the prevalence and persistence of adverse know if the recovery was due to the intervention.
effects are needed before psychedelics can be To put the 60% into context, an analysis of 19
considered safe and efficacious treatments for studies showed that the expected 12-month
mental health problems. Without such data, we recovery rate of people with MDD who do not
have history repeating all over again, for example, receive any treatment is around 53%.73
with respect to the adverse effects of mindfulness-
based interventions,69 opioids,70 or ketamine.56 Demonstrating that mental disorder severity or
Given the profound consequences that psyche- diagnostic prevalence decline during treatments
delics can have, researchers, funders, and regula- without comparing recovery rates to placebo does
tors should consider including safety and adverse not establish evidence that treatments are effica-
events as core outcome measures in clinical stud- cious.25 This inference threat that is well-estab-
ies, rather than reporting them (if at all) in lished for pharmacological and psychotherapeutic
Supplemental Materials. Furthermore, instead of treatments of mental disorders is even more pro-
having the researchers decide whether an adverse nounced in psychedelic research, especially for
event is related to a drug or not, such decisions the many naturalistic field studies conducted at
should be made by independent arbiters. Finally, psychedelic retreats.74,75 In these studies, strong
the psychotherapy and its components (e.g. expectations, peer pressure, and the effect of a
acceptance and commitment approach; use of charismatic leader may further increase the pla-
‘nurturing touch’) applied within psychedelic cebo effect see also Plesa and Petranker.76
therapy need to be standardized (see also section
‘Mechanism remains unclear’) and rigorously One related challenge that highlights the impor-
evaluated using the same stringent criteria for tance of a control group is regression to the mean,
assessing safety and efficacy.57 which ‘decision-makers should always consider
[. . .] to be a viable explanation for the observed
These solutions are also relatively easy to imple- change in an outcome in a pre-post study’.77
ment and primarily require more rigorous scien- Regression to the mean is a decrease in scores
tific reporting. over time due to selecting people based on
extreme values (such as the threshold on depres-
sion severity) when entering studies. This prob-
The moderate problems lem is common in clinical trials and psychedelic
Whereas the easy problems should be relatively studies are no exception, where a particular score
simple to address, the moderate problems – (1) on mental health problems is often required for
the lack of (good) control groups, (2) sample enrolment.
sizes, (3) selection bias, and (4) lack of long-term
follow measurements – require more effort. Taken together, these problems imply that an
Solving the problem of sample size primarily improvement of patients in psychedelic open-
requires more financial resources; for the other label studies cannot be causally attributed to the
problems, scientific solutions will have to play a treatment itself. Including a control condition is a
role as well. first, crucial step to increase internal validity.
Several studies have implemented control groups,
including active placebos, for example, diphenhy-
Lack of control groups dramine for the treatment of alcohol abuse disor-
Many clinical studies on the potential utility of der3; low-dose psychedelics,2 or treatment as
psychedelics are open label, that is, without a usual, for example, selective serotonin reuptake-
control group. This is a typical design to start inhibitors (SSRIs) for the treatment of major
investigations into potential new treatments, but depression; cf. Carhart-Harris et al.1 This design
strongly limits what can be learned about the enables comparing two treatments over time
potential efficacy of interventions.71 For instance, (reflecting differences of treatments), rather than
a recent open-label study followed 27 patients just the improvement of one group (confounded
with MDD after two doses of psilocybin with sup- by, for example, placebo response and regression
portive psychotherapy.72 A year later, around to the mean), although threats to internal validity
60% of the participants were no longer depressed. still need to be managed, for example, the amount
The authors concluded that there were ‘substan- of contact a person has with a therapist should be
tial antidepressant effects of psilocybin-assisted the same in both treatment arms; cf. Kazdin.21
therapy’. But without a control group, we don’t The question about what constitutes a good

M van Elk and EI Fried

control condition in psychedelic therapy is also most widely cited papers do not contain more
directly related to the hard problem of ‘breaking than 10 participants, and a particular dataset by
blind’, discussed in section ‘The breaking blind Carhart-Harris et al.82 has been re-analyzed in
problem’. Adding a control group will increase numerous ways across 10 papers83; to the authors’
costs and time, which can be mitigated via team credit: they were one of the few groups that actu-
science, slow science, and multi-center studies, ally openly shared their data thereby allowing
that is, different teams pooling resources to design other researchers to conduct secondary analyses.
and carry out more rigorous and better controlled Threats to external validity are exacerbated by the
studies. This solution can reduce many threats to large degrees of freedom in the analysis of neuro-
internal validity and will make findings of psyche- imaging data and the lack of a standardized analy-
delic studies more robust. sis pipeline,84 likely leading to many false positive
results in the literature on neural mechanisms
underlying psychedelics.
Sample size
We would not finance or conduct a poll about Small sample sizes primarily threaten external
who will win the next US presidency in 20 or 50 validity and statistical conclusion validity, as it
participants because such samples are not suffi- remains uncertain whether findings generalize to
ciently informative regarding the general popula- the broader population. Although the problem of
tion we want to learn about. The same applies to underpowered studies has been recognized for a
clinical trials: researchers do not conclude that long time, there are still strong incentives for con-
Alice and Bob responded well to ketamine, but ducting studies focused on discovery and expla-
that ‘Ketamine is a safe and efficacious treat- nation rather than study designs that critically
ments for MDD’,78 requiring randomly drawn evaluate the intended effects of a given therapy.71
samples that sufficiently large to represent the This can be mitigated somewhat if findings from
target population of interest (in the case of the small studies are reported on properly and if open
study of Bahji et al., people diagnosed with science practices are implemented to prevent
depression). That is currently not the case, and obtaining false positive results in underpowered
problems of small samples (a threat to external samples.
validity) are further exacerbated by highly selec-
tive groups of patients (a threat for internal and Addressing these threats requires larger samples,
construct validity). which in turn will cost more resources. Larger
samples will also help addressing the important
The most recent meta-analysis of the seven avail- question of what treatments work for whom. It
able RCTs for psychedelic therapy for MDD and could well be that psychedelic therapy selectively
anxiety-related disorders showed that there was a works for specific patient groups, such as patients
significant reduction in symptoms up to 5 weeks primarily coping with depression triggered
following the intervention.79 However, the num- through a life-threatening illness,85 and current
ber of participants per treatment arm was small, samples are not sufficiently large to find such
with more recent studies having somewhat higher effects: in a recently pooled moderation analysis
power than early studies.80 As underpowered of 17 ketamine studies including more than 800
studies typically result in imprecise and inflated patients; however,86 no consistent moderators
effect sizes,81 especially when questionable were identified. This, in turn, highlights the need
research practices and publication bias come into for more team science, multi-center and multi-lab
play, it is plausible that the initial efficacy of psy- studies to conduct few high-powered, preregis-
chedelic therapy was overestimated. When larger tered studies, rather than many underpowered
preregistered studies will be conducted, it is likely open-label studies that can fall prey to publication
that the resulting effect sizes will be lower than bias and other issues.
previously reported.

This is also relevant for understanding working Selection bias

mechanisms regarding the acute action of psych- Participants learn about clinical trials from media
edelics, given that studies about neuroscientific reports, trial advertisement, and clinician referral
theories are based on about a dozen neuroimag- (Muthukumaraswamy et al.25). This, along with
ing datasets with very small samples (see also sec- prior experiences, introduces different types of
tion ‘Mechanism remains unclear’). Some of the selection biases. For example, inclusion criteria of 9
Therapeutic Advances in
Psychopharmacology Volume 14

a recent study were right-handedness, mild-to- people and ethnic minorities; theories about the
moderate depressive symptoms without psychotic potential psychoplastogenic effects of psyche-
features, abstinence from medication, drugs and delics showcase a medical-mechanistic framing
alcohol (including tapering-off antidepressant that can clash with traditional beliefs around
medication, a challenge for many patients), good psychedelics as plant medicines and a way to
physical health, and no suicide risk.87 Consequently, communicate with the divine.95
only very selective groups of patients are eligible
for participating in these studies. The recent phase Despite common claims in the literature that psy-
III study initiated by the MAPS included only 26% chedelic drugs work, for example, ‘for MDD’78 or
of 345 treatment-seeing participants,4 and the ‘for PTSD’,4 the combination of small samples
rules by which they were picked across all the par- and selection bias does not allow for such conclu-
ticipating sites are not fully transparent. sions. Addressing selection biases requires better
science: researchers need to measure and report
What consequence can selection have? Compared more. In addition to clinical information such as
to the general population of treatment-seeking diagnoses, severity, and comorbidities, other
individuals, participants in small psychedelic potential factors should be assessed and reported,
studies may be easier to treat, a common phe- including motivation and prior experience with
nomenon for psychotherapeutic and pharmaco- psychedelics. Researchers also need to be more
logical treatments as well. For example, when transparent about inclusion and exclusion criteria
applying exclusion criteria of 161 antidepressant and should disclose the full study protocol, screen-
efficacy trials to 1271 in patients diagnosed with ing instruments, and the number of participants
depression, between 76% and 99% of partici- included and excluded. The problem of selection
pants would have been removed, largely due to bias is also related to availability of resources; with
factors resulting in more severe psychopathology, more funding and personnel, it would be possible
for example, suicidal ideation, comorbidities.88,89 to recruit larger and more representative samples,
This is important because cases with more severe including more difficult-to-reach populations.
or complicated psychopathology have worse
treatment outcomes.90 Participants enrolled in
psychedelic studies are potentially also more Lack of long-term follow-up
motivated than the average treatment-seeking Proponents of psychedelic therapy argue that one
population, given that they often actively reach of the most important breakthroughs would be to
out to investigators such as in the MAPS study. provide efficacious treatments to people with
Furthermore, participants who have prior positive severe and chronic mental health problems for
experiences with psychedelics are more likely to whom gold-standard treatments have not been
participate in psychedelic trials. Prior experiences successful.96,97 This explains why many studies
with psychedelics increase the likelihood of break- have been conducted in treatment-resistant popu-
ing blind cf. Aday et al.26 and Carbonaro et al.,91 lations.79 However, follow-up times in these stud-
which may in turn amplify observed treatment ies cannot support claims of successful treatments.
efficacy and reduce adverse events. For example, a 2016 paper using ayahuasca as
treatment for treatment-resistant depression74 fol-
These and other selection biases lead to an over- lowed 29 participants for a total of 7 days, con-
estimation of the psychedelic treatment effect, cluding that their research supports ‘the safety and
producing a substantial threat to internal and therapeutic value of psychedelics’. Participants
external validity. A related threat is the focus of had suffered from depression on average for
psychedelic studies on White, Educated, 11 years, and a 7-day follow-up period is entirely
Industrialized, Rich, Democratic (WEIRD) sam- insufficient to determine treatment efficacy. In the
ples.92–94 As a result, it remains unclear to what most recent meta-analysis on the effects of psy-
extent obtained findings generalize to the popula- chedelic therapy for depression and anxiety,79 only
tion at large. It could well be that psychedelics three studies reported treatment outcomes up to
can help depressed patients to better deal with 5–8 weeks following the intervention.
existential and meaning-related issues, but only if
the basic needs for social security and safety are Studies using ketamine face similar challenges
fulfilled. Furthermore, the clinical-medical and have often measured outcomes 4 h, 24 h, and
approach to psychedelics may not fit well with the a few days after infusion.98,99 It is therefore not
worldview and practices among some indigenous surprising that a recent meta-analysis concluded

M van Elk and EI Fried

that ‘long-term safety and efficacy [. . .] are yet to This is because the psychoactive effects of an active
be investigated’.100 We note that this reflects the dose of most psychedelic substances become obvi-
state of the scientific literature after the FDA ous to both the participant and the experimenter or
approved this drug for treating depression. clinician in about 30–60 min after intake. The
breaking blind problem is therefore the rule rather
In summary, most studies in the psychedelic lit- than the exception in psychedelic trials.25 For
erature have at best demonstrated short-lived instance, in a recently published placebo-controlled
symptom relief, rather than successful treatment, study, 15 of 19 participants correctly guessed they
contrary to claims popular in this literature. Given had received a placebo, whereas 12 of 15 partici-
that over half of all cases of untreated depression pants correctly guessed they receive an active dose
remit spontaneously within 1 year73 – depression after a medium- to high-dose psilocybin session;102
is an episodic disease – it cannot be concluded unfortunately they did not report the clinicians’
without longer-term follow-ups that psychedelic guesses about treatment allocation. A recent sys-
therapy offers promising treatments for mental tematic review indicated that although most studies
disorders. Australia now recognizes psychedelics on psychedelic therapy were nominally blinded,
as medicines, despite warnings from researchers participant blinding was only assessed in 8 out of
in the field, including those involved in the largest 81 studies.103
trials: ‘These treatments are not well established
at all for a sufficient level of broad-scale imple- This threatens internal validity and the conclu-
mentation [. . .]. We’ve got no data on long-term sions that can be drawn based on clinical studies
outcomes at all, so that worries me a lot’.19 for several reasons. First, it is a threat to valid
measurement on the side of the clinical inter-
This challenge primarily threatens construct and viewer because raters who know about group
internal validity, as it remains unclear whether psy- membership may no longer be unbiased when
chedelic therapy directly targets mental health determining whether patients improved, for exam-
symptoms or whether there are rival explanations, ple, in their PTSD symptoms. This bias may be
for example, a positive afterglow following psyche- exacerbated when interviewers have personal pos-
delic experiences.101 Therefore, studies need to itive experiences with psychedelics.104 Second,
implement more long-term follow-up measure- breaking the blind adds a confound regarding
ments, preferably up to 1 year following the inter- attention and care: given that psychedelic psycho-
vention, and larger samples are required to mitigate therapy is conceptualized as synergistic process
(selective) attrition. Such studies would be more that is catalyzed by the psychedelic substance,
expensive to conduct, but they are required to con- researchers and clinicians may implicitly provide
clude with any confidence that psychedelic treat- more attention and put in more effort when they
ments add to the landscape of available treatments come to realize that the patient received an active
and are worth the associated risks. dose compared to a placebo.26 Third, it is a threat
to valid measurement on the side of the patient, as
it boosts expectancy and therefore placebo effects.
The hard problems
The hard problems in psychedelic science include Despite these threats, the breaking blind prob-
(1) the breaking blind problem, (2) placebo lem is largely ignored in the literature, as evi-
effects, and (3) the lack of a clearly specified denced by the fact that researchers rarely report
mechanism. Solving these problems will require on masking efficacy, that is, the extent to which
both rigorous scientific work and innovation, as blinding was preserved for systematic reviews,
well as more financial resources. see Muthukumaraswamy et al.25 and Nayak
et al.103 For example, the very recently pub-
lished, first placebo-controlled, double-blind
The breaking blind problem RCT for psilocybin-assisted therapy in MDD87
RCTs are considered the gold standard in clinical went through considerable efforts to mask treat-
psychology and psychiatry. They are usually ment allocation, but did not assess or report
double blind, meaning that neither participants whether blinding was successful. However,
nor researchers are aware of group membership. given that the authors’ analyses reveal massive
Unfortunately, blinding of participants and differences between groups in their subjective
researchers is, depending on the particular psy- experiences (including oceanic boundlessness,
chedelic substance, either difficult or impossible. anxious ego dissolution, auditory alterations, 11
Therapeutic Advances in
Psychopharmacology Volume 14

impaired cognition and control, and disembodi- A radical but ethically challenging idea was pro-
ment), the study is clearly not double blind, and posed by Nautiyal and Yaden108: in order to com-
should not have been published as such. Even in pletely rule out the breaking-blind problem,
the most recent phase III MDMA study for patients could be anesthetized prior to the admin-
PTSD4 blinding was not formally assessed, and istration of psilocybin or placebo. In line with this
the authors only report ‘anecdotal’ data, show- suggestion, a recently registered study protocol
ing that participants guessed group membership intends to combine psilocybin with the benzodi-
correctly with over 90% accuracy. azepine midazolam to induce amnesia for the psy-
chedelic experience.109 Similarly, in a recent study
Overall, we strongly recommend to formally assess using a triple-masked randomized placebo-con-
masking efficacy in modern clinical trials, given trolled design, MDD patients received a ketamine
that the breaking blind problem is a severe threat infusion or a placebo while being anesthetized,
to valid inferences, and it only takes very little thereby effectively avoiding participants from
effort to assess and report. The problem cannot be breaking blind.110 However, both the ketamine
easily solved and other treatments in which experi- and the placebo group showed an antidepressant
ences form an integral part of the therapy (e.g. effect, which might be related to a general pla-
exposure therapy or music therapy) face similar cebo response in both groups and/or the antide-
challenges.105 Different solutions have been pro- pressant effects of being anesthetized .
posed to reduce the risk of breaking blind, includ-
ing the use of active placebos that induce At the minimum, all clinical trials should always
physiological, for example, such as methylpheni- assess and disclose the rate of breaking blind:
date; see for instance Griffiths et al.8 or psychologi- transparency is a first crucial step to get an idea of
cal effects, for example, comparing MDMA with how severe the problem is. Another easy-to-
psilocybin; cf. Muthukumaraswamy et al.25 implement solution is to use blinded analysis of
Recruiting psychedelic- naïve participants for clini- the primary outcome measures,111 or to keep
cal trials may reduce the risk of breaking blind raters blind to the full design of the study includ-
somewhat for low-dose trials, as people without ing which compound is being tested for further
prior experience will find it more difficult to cor- recommendations, see Even et al.112 We see some
rectly guess their condition assignment.26,91 Using progress in this area, given that new statistical
different dosing conditions of the same substance tools are under development aiming to ‘control
(e.g. comparing 10, 20, and 30 mg of psilocybin) for’ participants who broke the blind during the
appears an effective way to avoid the breaking study, and a new scale has been developed to for-
blind problem.25,106 This design rests on the mally assess whether participants broke blind.113
assumption that a low dose is not or less therapeu-
tically effective, and it allows directly assessing the
dose–response relationship. Selective or partial Placebo effects
disclosure of information prior to the study could Prior expectations about the efficacy of treatments
be another way to reduce the risk of breaking blind, have strong effects on participant experience and
although it faces ethical challenges.26 For instance, outcome reporting.26 In the realm of psychedelic
providing instructions that the study consists of drugs, both the set (i.e. the person’s expectations,
multiple arms (instead of two) with different dos- bodily, and mental state) and the setting (i.e. the
ing regimens reduces chances of breaking blind. physical context and environmental factors)
Patients could also be informed about all possible strongly contribute to the psychedelic experience,
side effects of all potential study drugs included in amplifying the placebo response.114,115 This effect
the clinical trial (i.e. rather than the side effects of may be further enhanced because psychedelics
each specific substance they are about to receive), increase suggestibility116 and thus potentially
to further minimize confidence about treatment function as a super placebo.114 A recent meta-
allocation.107 Alternatively, using a balanced pla- analysis indicated that efficacy of cannabis-based
cebo-informed design, drug information, and treatments for pain does not exceed placebo
actual drug administration could be independently effects, and that media-reporting about the effi-
manipulated to allow a direct comparison of the cacy of cannabis is often inaccurate and overly
effect of expectations about condition assignment positive, leading to exaggerated expectations by
and the actual psychedelic substance.25 patients.117 Similarly, given the current hype

M van Elk and EI Fried

around psychedelics, the so-called Pollan-effect Mechanism remains unclear

reflects the exaggerated expectations that have Several different working mechanisms have been
been caused by selective media-reporting about proposed to account for the effects of psyche-
the beneficial effects of psychedelics.26 We see sev- delics, including increases in neuroplasticity, neu-
eral challenges posed by this hype. ral entropy, or psychological flexibility.121
Although some have argued that the subjective
First, when participants in the placebo group experiences are the primary mechanism of
know about the group membership (e.g. because action,122 others have suggested the neurochemi-
they do not experience the psychedelic experi- cal effects instead explains efficacy, such as poten-
ences they expect), this can lead to demotiva- tial neuroplastic effects of psychedelics, that is,
tion, nocebo effects, and dropout.118 In the face the so-called neuroplastogen model.123 A third
of disappointment, an intervention group may model posits that psychedelics loosen maladap-
outperform a placebo group not because the tive prior beliefs and increase sensitivity to bot-
treatment works better than placebo, but tom-up prediction error signaling.124 On this
because the control group works worse than pla- account, the hallmark of most psychopathological
cebo. Second, broken expectations can lead to disorders is thought to be rigidity in thinking,
false statements that are under-researched. emotions and behavior, and psychedelics suppos-
Interviews with participants of the MAPS study edly counter this rigidity, reflected in increased
have indicated that even though some patients brain entropy following psychedelic therapy.30
felt worse following the treatment, they ended
up reporting improvements. Participants felt But psychedelic therapy also consists of a psycho-
immense pressure to report positive outcomes therapy component. This component is under-
because investigators and media outlets had researched, with only 3 out of 21 studies having
touted MDMA-assisted psychotherapy as highly evaluated the effect of providing psychological
efficacious treatments. Some participants said support compared to a minimally supportive con-
they were worried that honestly reporting their dition.103 A related practical challenge for evaluat-
experiences might jeopardize approval of treat- ing the efficacy of treatments is the wide variety of
ments that they understood to be potentially different therapeutic approaches used inter-
lifesaving for many others.119 changeably in psychedelic therapy, often in the
same study. This includes emotion-focused, psy-
Placebo effects threaten internal validity of chodynamic, transpersonal, existential, or nondi-
treatments, as it remains unclear whether symp- rective therapies,125 but the MAPS protocol also
tom improvement relies on the placebo effect or lists internal family systems, voice dialog, psycho-
can truly be attributed to the effects of the psy- synthesis, Hakomi, sensorimotor therapy, and
chedelic therapy. Including a third study arm holotropic breathwork.66 This in turn relates to
(next to an active placebo), consisting of an the lack of standardized training and requirements
additional control condition that receives no for therapists: there are currently no formal mini-
treatment at all, allows a formal quantification mum requirements for professional psychiatrists
of the size of the placebo effect and a control for or psychologists to apply psychedelic therapy.
treatment nonspecific factors.120 All studies
should assess patients’ and therapists’ expecta- All proposed mechanisms and therapies have in
tions prior to and during trials, which provides common that there is a high degree of uncertainty
information necessary to control for expectation and a lack of strong empirical evidence.121,126 A
and placebo effects.26 Another solution is to parallel may be drawn with research on antide-
induce more realistic expectations for clinicians pressants: the serotonin hypothesis remains one
and patients by providing explicit information of the most widely accepted mechanisms underly-
about the current uncertainty regarding the effi- ing the efficacy of SSRIs, but a recent systematic
cacy of psychedelic therapy in the informed review indicated that there is little empirical sup-
consent of studies. More generally, we hope to port for this hypothesis as core working mecha-
see more nuanced conclusions in scientific stud- nisms for SSRIs.127 Much more rigorous and
ies, university press releases, and media reports; fundamental research is necessary to establish the
the current hype directly contributes to validity causal pathways through which psychedelics exert
threats for psychedelic science and does a strong their potential effects to avoid the situation that
disservice to treatment-seeking populations. the SSRI literature finds itself in, where proposed 13
Therapeutic Advances in
Psychopharmacology Volume 14

working mechanisms may have been held up in to draw any firm conclusions regarding the effi-
part by false positive findings, an over simplistic cacy and safety of psychedelic therapy.
narrative convenient for some stakeholders, and
potential conflicts of interests. These problems are not unique to psychedelic
science and tend to affect treatments in clinical
Together, the lack of a clearly specified mecha- psychology and psychiatry as a whole. But the
nism poses a threat to construct validity. challenges have been recognized for a long time
Independent and high-powered replication stud- see for example Sterling et al.,129 and numerous
ies are needed to test central predictions from solutions are readily available, which as of yet
promising neurobiological models specifying the have not been implemented by the psychedelic
causal-mechanistic pathways of psychedelics,121 research community. Psychedelic science is his-
and work on the interaction between psychedelic tory repeating, and little concerted action has
use and psychotherapeutic interventions is cru- been taken to reduce bias in reporting and pub-
cial to move the field forward. In line with the lishing of results.
observed importance of therapeutic alliance for
predicting clinical improvements,128 including
an assessment of the relationship between the Conclusion: A roadmap for psychedelic
client and the therapist will provide insight in the science
psychotherapeutic component as a crucial medi- To improve the rigor and credibility of psyche-
ating factor in psychedelic-assisted psychother- delic clinical science, we need to set up studies
apy. The development of new classes of aiming to address as many validity threats as
psychedelics, so-called psychoplastogens,126 possible. In Table 2, we provide a brief checklist
which induce neurobiological plasticity without that can be used by researchers, funders, review-
the accompanying psychedelic effects, will allow ers, and policymakers to vet the quality of psy-
assessing the importance of the different phar- chedelic studies see also Schiavone et al.130 Such
macological and neural pathways that might criteria can help determining the value of previ-
contribute to therapeutic efficacy. And clinical ously conducted work but can also shape the
research using other methods, such as medita- future. Researchers, funders, and policymakers
tion, sensory deprivation, or breathwork exer- can use this list to assess if planned studies are
cises, will shed light on the therapeutic fit to meet the needs of psychedelic science
importance of subjective experiences in the ther- moving forward. Note that these criteria need to
apeutic process.108,122 be interpreted in the context of the study, of
course; meeting all criteria does not necessarily
make a study rigorous, and many studies not
Connecting the dots ticking all boxes will be valuable, too. NIH
Validity threats are problematic when they occur recently developed guidelines for funding psy-
in isolation, but valid inferences become expo- chedelic research, concluding that studies that
nentially more difficult when validity threats lack ‘basic quality controls and methodological
interact with each other. In most psychedelic tri- rigor’ should be considered as ‘low priority’.131
als, the lack of appropriate controls, the break- In our reading, this renders nearly all work in
ing-blind problem, as well as expectancy and this field as ‘low priority’.
placebo effects typically tend to co-occur.26
These problems become even more challenging Psychedelic science can move forward by includ-
in small and selective samples relying on short- ing appropriate control conditions, more partici-
term follow-ups, and on top of that, conflicts of pants, more diverse samples, long-term follow-up
interest come into play, which interact with the measurements, and by being a lot more transpar-
lack of proper scientific practices such as trans- ent about measures and methods. The hard prob-
parent preregistration of all measures and analy- lems require more rigorous scientific work, but
ses, and publishing all findings irrespective of even here, transparency is a necessary first step:
whether they are positive or not. These chal- the number of people breaking blind, expecta-
lenges, together with the lack of safety data, such tions about the treatment, adverse events, and
as reliable and transparent reporting of adverse other information we discussed should be col-
events, lead to the conclusion that it is too early lected and reported.

M van Elk and EI Fried

Given the current state of research, strong cau- EF did not receive funding for this research. Our
tion is warranted regarding the hype around study did not require an ethical board approval
psychedelics as treatments: there is not enough because it did not contain animal or human
robust evidence to draw any firm conclusions trials.
about the safety and efficacy of psychedelic ther-
apy. Our hope is that new studies may find cred- Competing interests
ible evidence that psychedelic therapy can be a The authors declared no potential conflicts of
useful tool for the treatment of specific groups of interest with respect to the research, authorship,
patients. Until that time, we urge caution repeat- and/or publication of this article. This project was
ing the history of so many hyped treatments in supported by a VIDI grant from the Netherlands
clinical psychology and psychiatry in the last Organization for Scientific Research (NWO;
century. For psychedelic research in particular, grant id# VI.Vidi.191.107).
we are not the first to raise concerns and can
only echo the warning expressed more than half Availability of data and materials
a century ago: Not applicable.

To be hopeful and optimistic about psychedelic ORCID iD

drugs and their potential is one thing; to be messianic Michiel van Elk
is another. Both the present and the future of 7631-3551
psychedelic research already have been grievously
injured by a messianism that is as unwarranted as it
has proved undesirable.132
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