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45 E



Class : VIII ] (Max. Marks : 20) [ Time : 45 Mnts.

Name of the Student : ................................................................. Roll No. : ............

I. Choose the correct answer the following questions. 5x1=5

dü¬s’q düe÷<ÛëHêìï m+|æø£ #˚dTü ≈£îì Áu≤¬ø≥¢˝À sêj·T+&ç.
1. A State like __________ is the home of more than 60 different
tribal groups ? [ ]
 ______
A) Mizoram B) Odisha
 
C) Nagaland D) Tripura
 
. Which Article states about abolition of untouchability ? [ ]
 
A) Article 15 B) Article 19
   
  
C) Article 17 D) Article 21
   
  
3. Which of the following is the most important public transport ? [ ]
 
A) Aeroplane B) Train C) Bus D) Car
 
   
4. Widow remarriage act was passed in the year _________ [ ]
 ______
A) 1856 B) 1834 C) 1867 D) 1872
5. Who was the leader of Dalit Movement ? [ ]
A) Mahatma Gandhi B) Jyothirao Phule
  
C) Shri Narayana Guru D) Dr.B.R.Ambedkar
  

[ Turn Over
II. Fill in the blanks with suitable answers. 5x1=5
dü¬s’q »yêãT\‘√ U≤∞\qT |üP]+#·+&ç.
6. “Basic needs” mean _____________
 _____________
7. “Pandit, look in your heart for Knowledge ……………. Who is free
from delusion”. Who wrote this poem. ______________.
 ___________
8. India’s Tea industry was located in ______________ state.
9. Ramakrishna mission was established by _______________________.
    _____________.
10. __________ has began a campaign against the practice of 'SATI'.
 __________.
III. Answer the following questions. 3x2=6
ÁøÏ+~ Á|üXï¯ \≈£î düe÷<ÛëHê\qT Áyêj·T+&ç.
11. What do you understand the word “Marginalization” write in your own
words?           
12. What does the article 15 of the constitution say about ?
  
13. Are the public facilities shared equally by all the people in your area ?
Elaborate ?
 
IV. Answer the following question. 1x4=4
ÁøÏ+~ yê{Ï˝À @<Ó’Hê ˇø£ Á|üXï¯ ≈£î düe÷<Ûëq+ sêj·T+&ç.
14. A) What are the different reasons people had for not sending girls to school?
  
  
B) How did Jyotirao Phule justify their criticism of caste inequality in
       

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