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Hôm nay IELTS I-Ready xin chia sẻ tới các em cuốn tài liệu “Bộ từ vựng bản xứ cho
IELTS Speaking”. Tài liệu như một cuốn sổ tay về Collocations để chúng ta luyện
tập và áp dụng linh hoạt cho bài nói của mình thêm tự nhiên, hấp dẫn qua đó cũng dễ
ghi điểm với giám khảo hơn khi đi thi.

Hy vọng bộ tài liệu về Collocations sẽ giúp các em thể hiện tốt hơn ở phần thi nói.

Chúc các em sớm đạt Aim!


Tea & Coffee
Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?
When was the last time you had a cup of coffee / tea?
Do you usually buy your coffee in a coffee shop?
Do you want to make your own cup of coffee at home?

Word Meaning Example

I like to brew a cup of tea
Brew a cup of tea Pha Trà every morning before
starting work.

After a long day, there's

nothing better than
Steep a Cup of Tea Ngâm trà
steeping a cup of
chamomile tea to relax

When I'm running late, I

Mua một cốc cà phê nhanh usually grab a quick
Grab a Quick Coffee
chóng coffee from the café near
my office.

I like to savor a sip of

herbal tea in the evening
Savor a Sip of Herbal Tea Thưởng thức trà thảo mộc
while watching my
favorite TV show.

On my way to work, I
often order a latte to go
Order a Latte to Go Đặt một ly Latte mang đi
from the coffee shop
around the corner.

During the hot summer

Thư giãn với một cốc cà days, I love to chill with
Chill with an Iced Coffee
phê đá an iced coffee on the

For a healthy boost, I like

Blend a Homemade Tự làm một ly sinh tố trà to blend a homemade
Smoothie with Green Tea xanh smoothie with green tea as
the base.
As a treat, I occasionally
indulge in a decadent
Indulge in a Decadent Thưởng thức một ly
mocha with whipped
Mocha Mocha
cream and chocolate

To soothe my stomach, I
Sip on Peppermint Nhâm nhi một ngụm trà often sip on a peppermint
Infusion bạc hà infusion after a heavy
I prefer to awake with a
Awake with a Morning Bắt đầu một buổi sáng với strong morning espresso to
Espresso espresso kick off my day with

What kind of films do you like?
Did you often watch films when you were a child?
Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?
Have you ever gone to the cinema alone?

Word Meaning Example

Let's get together over the
weekend and discuss the
Discussing the Latest Film Thảo luận về các bộ phim
latest film releases; I heard
Releases mới nhất
there are some great ones
out now.
I often watched animated
Childhood Movie Thói quen xem phim thời films during my
Watching Habits thơ ấu childhood; they were my

My friends and I have a

tradition of going to the
Regular Cinema Outings Đi xem phim với bạn bè
cinema every Friday night
with Friends thường xuyên
to catch the latest

Organizing a movie night

Organizing a Movie Night Tổ chức một đêm xem
with friends is a great way
with Friends phim cùng với bạn
to relax and have fun.
Going to the cinema is not
just about watching a
Immersive Cinematic Trải nghiệm điện ảnh bao
movie; it's a complete
Experience trùm
immersive cinematic

I had a solo movie

experience last week, and
Trải nghiệm xem phim
Solo Movie Experience it was surprisingly
một mình
relaxing to have the whole
cinema to myself.
Attending the premiere
Attending the Premiere Tham gia đêm công chiếu night of a highly
Night phim anticipated film is always

Experiencing a Cinematic Trải nghiệm một kiệt tác The new film by the

Masterpiece điện ảnh acclaimed director is
expected to be a cinematic
masterpiece; I can't wait to
see it.
The new superhero movie
Anticipating a Blockbuster Dự đoán một bộ phim is predicted to be a
Hit bom tấn blockbuster hit; everyone
is talking about it.

Tham dự một chương

On weekends, I prefer
Catching the Matinee trình Matinee (thường
catching a matinee show
Show được diễn ra vào ban
to save on ticket prices.

Do you go running a lot?
Where do you usually go running?
Did you go running when you were a child?
What do you prefer, running alone or running with fri

Word Meaning Example

I try to maintain a regular
Thói quen chạy bộ đều
Regular Running Routine running routine to stay fit
and healthy.

I schedule frequent
Các buổi chạy thường jogging sessions in the
Frequent Jogging Sessions
xuyên nearby park to enjoy
nature while exercising

In my childhood, I had
Childhood Running Cuộc phiêu lưu chạy bộ many running adventures
Adventures thời thơ ấu with friends in the

There's something
therapeutic about a solo
Solo Run Chạy bộ một mình
run; it allows me to clear
my mind

Group running activities

Các hoạt động chạy bộ with friends make the
Group Running Activities
nhóm experience more enjoyable
and social

A morning run is the best

way for me to kickstart my
Morning Run Chạy bộ buổi sáng
day with energy and

I love going for a scenic

trail run on the weekends,
Scenic Trail Run Chạy bộ kết hợp leo núi
surrounded by nature's
Exploring urban running
Các tuyến chạy bộ trong routes adds a dynamic
Urban Running Routes
thành phố element to my fitness

Including an intense
Chạy ngắt quãng cường độ interval run in your
Intense Interval Run
cao workout can boost
cardiovascular fitness
After a strenuous workout,
Chạy thư giãn hạ nhiệt sau a relaxing cool-down run
Relaxing Cool-Down Run
buổi luyện tập gắng sức helps in easing the

Have you ever sent handmade gifts to others?
Have you ever received a great gift?
How do you often choose a gift?
Do you think you are good at choosing gifts?

Word Meaning Example

She gave me a thoughtful
gift for my birthday,
Món quà được chuẩn bị
Thoughtful Gift something I had
chu đáo
mentioned wanting
months ago
The surprise gift from my
Surprise Gift Món quà bất ngờ friends made my day even
more special.

I love creating handmade

Handmade Presents Món quà tự làm presents for my family
during the holiday season.

For our anniversary, he

got me a personalized gift
Personalized Gift Quà tặng cá nhân
with our initials engraved
on it.

The photo album she

made for me is the most
Meaningful Gift Món quà ý nghĩa
meaningful gift I've ever

The old watch, passed

down through generations,
Sentimental Gift Món quà tình cảm
is a sentimental gift from
my grandfather.

In our family, we have a

Gift Giving Tradition Truyền thống tặng quà gift-giving tradition during
the New Year celebration.
Creative gift wrapping can
Creative Gift Wrapping Sách tạo cách gói quà make even a simple
present look extraordinary.

Exchanging gifts during

Exchanging Gifts Trao đổi quà
the holidays has been a

family tradition for many
Instead of traditional gifts,
they decided to make a
Charitable Gift Qùa từ thiện
charitable gift in each
other's names.

Helping others
Do you usually help people around you? How?
Did your parents teach you how to help others?
What have you done to help the elderly?
Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?

Word Meaning Example

The community came
together, extending a
Extending a Helping Hand Mở rộng sự giúp đỡ
helping hand to rebuild
after the natural disaster.

Nurturing kindness in
everyday actions creates a
Nurturing Kindness Nuôi dưỡng lòng tốt
ripple effect, inspiring
others to do the same.

Volunteering with
organizations dedicated to
Facilitating Change Hỗ trợ thay đổi social causes is one way of
facilitating positive
change in society.

Each person has a role in

contributing to a better
Contributing to a Better Đóng góp xây dựng xã hội
society by actively
Society tốt đẹp hơn
participating in
philanthropic efforts.
Engaging in activities that
promote social welfare is
Khuyến khích phúc lợi xã
Promoting Social Welfare essential for building a
strong and supportive
Fostering community
growth involves actively
Fostering Community Thúc đẩy sự phát triển participating in initiatives
Growth cộng đồng that benefit the overall
well-being of the

Mentoring programs play

Trao quyền cho người
Empowering Others a crucial role in
empowering others,

especially the younger
The organization is
dedicated to assisting the
Assisting the Needy Hỗ trợ người cần giúp đỡ needy by providing
essential resources and

Giving a helping heart

means not just providing
Giving a Helping Heart Trao một trái tim giúp đỡ material support but also
showing empathy and
Sometimes, people need
someone to listen; I
Lending a Helping Ear Lắng nghe lời tâm sự believe in lending a
helping ear when friends
want to talk.

Do you like eating fish?
Have you ever gone fishing before?
Have you ever been to a place where there are a lot of fish around you?
Did you enjoy seeing fish when you were young?

Word Meaning Example

We found a quiet fishing
retreat by the lake, away
Quiet Fishing Retreat Khu nghỉ dưỡng câu cá
from the hustle and bustle
of the city.

The angling adventure in

the remote lake turned out
Angling Adventure Chuyến phiêu lưu câu cá
to be a memorable

The key to successful

fishing is patience when
Casting a Line Ném mồi
casting a line into the

After hours of waiting, I

Reeling in a Catch Cá cắt câu finally succeeded in
reeling in a big catch

Fly fishing is a skillful

Fly Fishing Câu cá bằng mồi nhẹ technique that requires
precision and finesse.

Before heading out, make

sure to pack your tackle
Tackle Box Hộp đựng đồ câu cá
box with all the necessary

Choosing the right bait

and lure is crucial for
Bait and Lure Mồi và móc câu
attracting different types
of fish.
Deep-sea fishing offers the
Deep-Sea Fishing Câu cá ở biển sâu thrill of catching large and
diverse marine species.

Freshwater fishing is
Freshwater Fishing Câu cá nước ngọt
popular in lakes and

rivers, offering a diverse
range of fish species.
Fishing is not just about
Fisherman's Luck Vận may của ngư dân skill; sometimes, it's about
the fisherman's luck too.

Do you like Geography?
Do you think Geography is useful?
Did you learn Geography when you were at school?
Do you want to be a Geography teacher?

Word Meaning Example

Physical geography
explores the natural
Physical Geography Địa lý vật lý features of the Earth, such
as landforms and climate
Human geography focuses
on the study of human
Human Geography Địa lý nhân văn societies, cultures, and
their interactions with the

I have a geography class

Geography Class Lớp Địa lý this afternoon to discuss
global population trends.

Mountains, rivers, and

deserts are examples of
Geographical Features Đặc điểm địa lý
geographical features that
shape the landscape.
Global geography
considers the
Global Geography Địa lý toàn cầu interconnectedness of
regions and nations on a
worldwide scale.

GPS devices use

geographical coordinates
Geographical Coordinates Tọa độ địa lý
to pinpoint locations with
high precision.

The geographical diversity

of a country can be
Geographical Diversity Đạ dạng về địa lý observed in its various
landscapes, climates, and

Topographic Map Bản đồ địa hình Hikers use topographic

maps to navigate through
different elevations and
GIS technology allows us
Geographic Information to analyze and visualize
Hệ thống thông tin địa lý
System (GIS) spatial data for various
geographical applications.

Geopolitical issues often

involve the study of
Geopolitical Issues Các vấn đề địa chính trị political relationships
between different
countries and regions.

Do you like to stay in a place with a lot of noise?
Do you think your city is too noisy?
How do you feel about people making noise around you?
What is the noisiest place you have been to?

Word Meaning Example

The background noise in
the bustling city made it
Background Noise Tiếng ồn nền
challenging to concentrate
on my work.

The loud conversation in

the restaurant made it
Loud Conversation Cuộc trò chuyện ồn ào
difficult for us to enjoy
our meal in peace.

I always carry earplugs to

Earplugs to Block Noise Tai nghe chống tiếng ồn block noise when traveling
on a noisy plane.

Annoying sounds, like the

Annoying Sounds Âm thanh gây phiền phức constant beeping of car
alarms, filled the street.

Noise reduction
headphones are helpful for
Noise Reduction Giảm tiếng ồn
maintaining focus in a
noisy office environment.

Finding a quiet escape

from noise is essential for
Quiet Escape from Noise Tránh nơi ồn ào
maintaining mental well-

Dealing with noisy

neighbors can be
Noisy Neighbors Hàng xóm ồn ào
challenging, especially in
shared living spaces.
Some people find comfort
in using white noise
White Noise Tiếng ồn trắng
machines to drown out
other distracting sounds.

Noise Pollution Ô nhiễm tiếng ồn Noise pollution from

traffic can have negative
effects on both physical
and mental well-being.
The disturbing noise from
construction work next
Disturbing Noise Tiếng ồn gây phiền
door disrupted our
afternoon nap.

Are you interested in robots?
Do you like robots to work at your home?
Do you want to take a car in which a robot is the driver?
Have you ever watched a film about robots?

Word Meaning Example

Advances in robotics
technology have led to the
Robotics Technology Công nghệ Robot development of more
sophisticated and efficient
A robotic exoskeleton can
enhance human strength
and mobility, providing
Robotic Exoskeleton Khung xương ngoài Robot
support for individuals
with mobility

As robots become more

integrated into society,
discussions about robot
Robot Ethics Đạo đức người máy
ethics and responsible AI
use are gaining

Military robots are used

for tasks such as
surveillance, bomb
Military Robots Robot quân sự
disposal, and
reconnaissance in
dangerous environments.

The robotics competition

challenged students to
Robotics Competition Cuộc thi Robotics
design and build robots to
complete specific tasks.

Social robots are designed

to interact with humans,
Social Robots Robot xã hội assisting in areas like
healthcare, education, and
customer service.

Introducing robotics in
education helps students
Robotics in Education Robot trong giáo dục learn about programming
and problem-solving in a
hands-on way.

An autonomous robot can

navigate and perform tasks
Autonomous Robot Robot tự động without direct human
control, using sensors and
A humanoid robot is
designed to resemble and
Humanoid Robot Người máy giống người perform tasks like a
human, often used in
research and assistance.

Robotic surgery allows for

precise and minimally
Robotic Surgery Phẫu thuật người máy invasive procedures,
enhancing surgical

Public Transportation
Do you often use public transport?
What kind of public transportation do you usually take?
Did you take public transportation when you were a kid?
Will there be more people taking public transportation in the future?

Word Meaning Example

The city has invested in
Hệ thống giao thông công improving its public
Public Transit System
cộng transit system to reduce
traffic congestion.

Mass transit, such as buses

and trains, is a key
Mass Transit Vận tải công cộng
component of sustainable
urban mobility.

The commuter rail is a

popular choice for daily
Commuter Rail Vé tàu hỏ theo tháng commuters traveling
between the city and

The shuttle service

between the airport and
downtown makes it
Shuttle Service Dịch vụ đưa đón
convenient for travelers to
access public transport

development focuses on
Transit-Oriented Phát triển theo định hướng
creating urban spaces that
Development chuyển tiếp
encourage the use of
public transportation.
Intermodal transportation
involves the coordinated
Intermodal Transportation Giao thông đa phương tiện use of multiple modes,
such as buses and trains,
for a single journey.

Public transport etiquette

Phép Lịch Sự Trong Giao
Public Transport Etiquette includes giving up seats to
Thông Công Cộng
those in need and keeping

noise levels low.
An integrated transport
system allows passengers
Integrated Transport Hệ Thống Giao Thông
to seamlessly switch
System Tích Hợp
between different modes
of public transport
Cities should strive to
provide accessible
Accessible Transportation Giao Thông Tiện Lợi transportation for people
with disabilities, ensuring
The central station serves
as a transportation hub
Transportation Hub Trung Tâm Giao Thông
where various modes of
public transport converge.

Musical instruments
Did you ever learn a musical instrument as a child?
Do you play any kinds of musical instruments?
If you could learn a musical instrument, what would it be?

Word Meaning Example

She can play the piano

beautifully and often
Play the piano Chơi piano
entertains guests with her
After learning a few
chords, he started
Strum the guitar Gãy đàn guitar
strumming the guitar at
small gatherings.
The musician took a deep
breath and blew the
Blow the trumpet Thổi kèn trumpet
trumpet with incredible
The guitarist expertly
plucked the strings,
Pluck the strings Nhấc dây đàn
creating a mesmerizing
The drummer passionately
Beat the drums Đánh trống beat the drums, setting the
rhythm for the entire band.
The talented violinist
fiddled with the violin,
Fiddle with the violin Chơi đàn violin
producing enchanting
classical tunes.

With nimble fingers, she

Hit the keys hit the keys of the piano,
Nhấn phím
(piano/keyboard) producing a delightful

The cellist gracefully

Bow the cello Gạt cello bowed the cello, eliciting
rich and resonant tones.

Before the performance,
he meticulously tuned the
Tune the guitar Lên dây đàn guitar
guitar to ensure perfect
During the jazz session, he
loved to jam on the
Jam on the saxophone Jazz trên saxophone
saxophone, improvising
with other musicians.

Have you ever done any voluntary work?
Would you like to work as a volunteer?
Would you volunteer to help people outside your community?
What types of voluntary work would be unpleasant for you?

Word Meaning Example

Many students engage in
Tham gia công tác thiện
Engage in volunteer work volunteer work to give
back to their communities.

She decided to volunteer

for the environmental
Volunteer for a cause Tình nguyện có mục đích
cause and participate in
tree-planting activities.

He serves as a volunteer at
Serve as a volunteer Làm tình nguyện viên the local animal shelter
every weekend.

If you want to make a

difference, consider
Join a volunteer Tham gia một tổ chức tình
joining a volunteer
organization nguyện
organization dedicated to

The high school students

were required to
Participate in community Tham gia phục vụ cộng
participate in community
service đồng
service as part of their
graduation requirements.

She contributes her time

Contribute time as a Đóng góp thời gian làm as a volunteer at the soup
volunteer tình nguyện viên kitchen, helping those in

The professionals offered

Offer one's services Cung cấp dịch vụ một their services voluntarily
voluntarily cách tự nguyện to provide free legal
advice to the community.

The company encourages
its employees to engage in
Engage in charitable Tham gia các hoạt động từ
charitable activities,
activities thiện
supporting various local

Despite her busy schedule,

Devote time to Dành thời gian cho hoạt she devoted time to
volunteering động tình nguyện volunteering at the local

Many people choose to

Volunteer at a nonprofit Tình nguyện viên tại một volunteer at nonprofit
organization tổ chức phi lợi nhuận organizations to make a
positive impact on society.

Do you like vacations? Why?
Who do you like to spend your vacations with, friends or family?
Where do you usually go on vacations?
When was your last vacation?

Word Meaning Example

We plan to go on a
Go on a vacation Đi nghỉ mát vacation to the beach next

After a busy year, she

Take a vacation Nghỉ mát decided to take a vacation
to recharge.

It's always exciting to plan

Plan a vacation Lên kế hoạch cho kỳ nghỉ a vacation and explore
new destinations.

We enjoyed our vacation

in the mountains,
Enjoy a vacation Tận hưởng kỳ nghỉ
surrounded by
breathtaking scenery.

They decided to book a

vacation package that
Book a vacation Đặt kỳ nghỉ
included flights and
We usually spend our
Dành kỳ nghỉ cho việc gì vacations exploring
Spend a vacation
đó different cultures and

It can be challenging to
Choose a vacation Chọn địa điểm cho kỳ choose a vacation
destination nghỉ destination with so many
options available.

Taking a family vacation

Take a family vacation Du lịch gia đình allows us to create lasting
memories together.

Plan a tropical vacation Lên kế hoạch cho một kỳ For our next vacation,

nghỉ nhiệt đới we're planning to escape
to a tropical paradise.
Many families embark on
Embark on a summer a summer vacation to
Bắt đầu một kỳ nghỉ hè
vacation make the most of the
warm weather.

How do you keep yourself healthy?
What are your favourite sports?
Are there health classes in your school?
Is it easy for people to exercise in your country?

Word Meaning Example

Regular exercise is essential
Regular exercise Tập luyện đều đặn.
for maintaining good health.
Embracing a healthy
Healthy lifestyle Lối sống lành mạnh. lifestyle involves making
positive choices daily.
A balanced diet contributes
Balanced diet Chế độ dinh dưỡng cân đối. to overall well-being and
Physical well-being is
Physical well-being Sức khỏe về mặt thể chất. closely linked to proper
nutrition and exercise.
Mental health is as
important as physical well-
Mental health Sức khỏe tâm thần.
being in achieving overall
Establishing a fitness
Fitness routine Chuỗi hoạt động tập luyện. routine is crucial for long-
term health benefits.
Nutritional habits play a key
Nutritional habits Thói quen dinh dưỡng. role in supporting your
body's needs.
Holistic health emphasizes
Holistic health Sức khỏe toàn diện. the interconnectedness of
mind, body, and spirit.
Wellness practices
Những phương pháp chăm encompass various activities
Wellness practices
sóc sức khỏe. that promote a sense of
Cultivating an active
Active lifestyle Lối sống tích cực. lifestyle enhances both
physical and mental health.

Ice cream
Do you like ice cream? Do you eat ice cream a lot?
Did you eat ice cream as a child?
Are there shops selling ice cream near where you live?
Would you like to make your own ice cream?

Word Meaning Example

I'd like a scoop of ice cream
Scoop of ice cream Muỗng kem
on my pie, please.
Vanilla ice cream is a
Vanilla ice cream Kem vani classic flavor loved by
Chocolate ice cream is my
Chocolate ice cream Kem sô cô la go-to indulgence after a
long day.
Be careful, or the sun will
Melted ice cream Kem tan chảy turn that cone into melted
ice cream.
The kids giggled as they
Ice cream cone Bánh kem cuộn licked their ice cream cones
at the park.
Let's visit the new gelato
Gelato shop Cửa hàng gelato shop downtown for some
unique flavors.
In the summer, a frozen
Frozen treat Món lạnh ngon treat is the perfect way to
cool down.
The dessert with ice cream
Dessert with ice cream Món tráng miệng có kem featured a warm brownie
topped with a scoop.
Soft serve ice cream is so
Soft serve ice cream Kem mềm creamy and delightful on a
hot day.
Our favorite hangout spot is
Ice cream parlour Quán kem the local ice cream parlour
with its vintage charm.

Can you remain focused for a long time?
How do you stay focused?
Did you stay focused in class when you were a child?
Is it easy for you to stay focused in a noisy environment?

Word Meaning Example

Despite the distractions, she
Maintain focus Duy trì tập trung managed to maintain focus
on her work project.
During the meditation
Deep concentration Tập trung sâu session, he achieved a state
of deep concentration.
The detective examined the
Laser-like attention Sự chú ý như tia laser crime scene with laser-like
attention to detail.
Determined to meet the
deadline, he resolved to stay
Stay on task Giữ nguyên nhiệm vụ
on task without any
The student sat quietly in
Tập trung một cách chăm the library, trying to
Concentrate intently
chỉ concentrate intently on the
With a single-minded focus,
she pursued her goal of
Single-minded focus Tập trung một tâm
becoming a professional
The soldier maintained
unwavering attention during
Unwavering attention Sự chú ý không lảy lừng
the long hours of
As the musician played, the
audience was in complete
Complete absorption Hấp thụ hoàn toàn
absorption of the beautiful
The team worked together
with undivided
Undivided concentration Tập trung không chia rẽ
concentration to solve the
complex problem.
Focus one's mind Tập trung tâm trí Before the important exam,

she needed to focus her
mind on reviewing the

Fixing things
Can you fix things?
Did anybody teach you how to fix things when you were a child?
Do you think it is necessary for people to learn to fix things?
What do you do when a thing is broken and cannot be fixed?

Word Meaning Example

When the car broke down,
Attempt to fix Cố gắng sửa chữa he decided to attempt to fix
it by checking the engine.
After unsuccessful attempts,
Tìm sự giúp đỡ chuyên he realized it was time to
Seek professional help
nghiệp seek professional help for
the complex electrical issue.
Inspired by a home
improvement show, she
DIY repair Tự sửa chữa (làm mình) embarked on a DIY repair
project to refurbish an old
piece of furniture.
Taking a course to learn
repair skills, he became
Learn repair skills Học kỹ năng sửa chữa
proficient at fixing
household appliances.
To fix a problem with the
Fix a problem Khắc phục một vấn đề leaky faucet, she replaced
the worn-out washer.
The mechanic preferred
hands-on fixing rather than
Hands-on fixing Sửa chữa thực tế
relying solely on diagnostic
The community center
hosted a repair workshop to
Repair workshop Hội thảo sửa chữa
teach residents basic skills
for maintaining their homes.
Unfortunately, the old
computer was broken
Broken beyond repair Hỏng không thể sửa chữa
beyond repair, and it was
time to invest in a new one.
IT specialists were called in
Troubleshoot issues Xử lý vấn đề to troubleshoot issues with
the company's network.

As a quick fix solution, they
Giải pháp sửa chữa nhanh applied duct tape to
Quick fix solutions
chóng temporarily mend the torn

How important are friends to you?
Do you often go out with your friends?
Where do you often meet each other?
What do you usually do with your friends?

Word Meaning Example

Growing up in the same
neighborhood, they
Mối liên kết xã hội mạnh
Strong social bonds developed strong social
bonds that lasted into
Throughout college, they
formed a close-knit circle of
Close-knit circle Vòng tròn thân thiết
friends who supported each
other through thick and thin.
Having known each other
since kindergarten, they
Lifelong friendships Bạn bè suốt đời
shared lifelong friendships
that stood the test of time.
After many years of
marriage, their relationship
Cherished companionship Sự đồng hành quý giá evolved into a cherished
companionship built on
mutual understanding.
Their shared interests in
hiking and photography led
Shared interests Sở thích chung
to many memorable
adventures together.
During challenging times,
they relied on their
Supportive friendships Bạn bè hỗ trợ
supportive friendships for
encouragement and comfort.
Spending quality time
together over the weekend,
Thời gian chất lượng bên
Quality time together they enjoyed a picnic in the
park and reminisced about
old times.
The international pen-pals
formed meaningful
Meaningful connections Mối quan hệ ý nghĩa
connections despite the
miles that separated them.

The school implemented
Nuôi dưỡng mối quan hệ programs to foster
Foster friendships
bạn bè friendships among students
from diverse backgrounds.
Despite their busy
schedules, they made an
Giao tiếp xã hội thường
Socialize regularly effort to socialize regularly
by attending monthly
gatherings and events.

Favourite day
Which day is your favourite day of the week?
Which day is your least favourite day?
How do you usually spend your time on the weekends?

Word Meaning Example

After a busy workweek, she
looked forward to some
Weekend relaxation Nghỉ ngơi vào cuối tuần
weekend relaxation at the
Family and friends gathered
for a delightful Sunday
Sunday brunch Bữa trưa Chủ Nhật
brunch filled with laughter
and good food.
The office was always
buzzing with activity during
Những ngày làm việc bận
Hectic weekdays hectic weekdays, with
everyone focused on their
Waking up to a pile of
emails on Monday morning
Monday blues Buồn chán ngày thứ Hai
often led to a case of the
Monday blues.
By Wednesday, many
people experience a
Midweek slump Giữa tuần uể oải
midweek slump as the
weekend still feels far away.
Colleagues decided to have
Cuối tuần đi chơi vào tối thứ a Friday night out to
Friday night out
Sáu celebrate the successful
completion of a project.
Embracing the concept of a
lazy Saturday, she spent the
Lazy Saturday Thứ Bảy thoải mái
day reading a good book
and lounging around.
Despite the hustle and
bustle, she managed to
Lịch trình hàng ngày trong
Weekday routine maintain a consistent
weekday routine to stay
Engaging in a Saturday
Saturday morning routine Lịch trình sáng thứ Bảy
morning routine, he went

for a jog and enjoyed a
leisurely breakfast.
To Sunday evening unwind,
Nghỉ ngơi vào buổi tối Chủ they watched a movie and
Sunday evening unwind
Nhật relaxed before the start of a
new week.

Day off
When was the last time you had a few days off?
What do you usually do when you have days off?
Do you usually spend your days off with your parents or your friends?
What would you like to do if you had a day off tomorrow?

Word Meaning Example

Feeling overwhelmed, she
Take a break Nghỉ ngơi một chút decided to take a break and
go for a walk outside.
With a book in hand, he
Thưởng thức thời gian rảnh chose to enjoy leisure time
Enjoy leisure time
rỗi by the fireplace on a rainy
They planned a long
weekend getaway to the
Long weekend getaway Kỳ nghỉ cuối tuần dài
mountains for some hiking
and fresh air.
After a hectic workweek,
Thư giãn và nạp năng lượng she needed to relax and
Relax and recharge
lại recharge by spending a day
at the spa.
The calming music and
Giải tỏa căng thẳng và mệt aroma of lavender helped
Unwind and destress
mỏi her unwind and destress
after a demanding day.
They decided to plan a day
Lập kế hoạch cho chuyến đi trip to explore a nearby
Plan a day trip
ngày town and try new
Embracing the concept of
Thời gian rảnh rỗi chất quality downtime, they
Quality downtime
lượng spent the evening playing
board games at home.
Looking for a quick
weekend escape, they
Weekend escape Trốn thoát cuối tuần booked a cozy cabin near
the lake for some
Sundays were dedicated to
Family time Thời gian bên gia đình family time, where everyone
gathered for a home-cooked

Seeking a bit of adventure,
he embarked on a solo
Solo adventure Phiêu lưu một mình
adventure to discover
hidden gems in the city.

Do you usually carry a bag?
Do you change your bags often?
What kind of bags would you use when travelling?
Did you use a backpack when you were a child?

Word Meaning Example

She carried a stylish
Stylish handbag Ba lô thời trang handbag that perfectly
complemented her outfit.
As a student, he opted for a
Practical backpack Cặp xách tiện ích practical backpack to carry
his books and laptop.
For a day of shopping, she
Compact shoulder bag Túi vai nhỏ gọn chose a compact shoulder
bag that was easy to carry.
The beach essentials fit
Spacious tote bag Túi xách rộng lớn comfortably in her spacious
tote bag for a day by the sea.
Attending the party, she
Trendy clutch Cặp xách đựng điện thoại held onto a trendy clutch
that added a pop of color.
The family chose a durable
Durable travel bag Balo du lịch bền bỉ travel bag for their
adventurous road trip.
The businessman preferred
a functional messenger bag
Functional messenger bag Túi đeo chéo đa năng
to organize his work
With a sleek laptop bag in
Sleek laptop bag Túi đựng laptop mảnh mai hand, she headed to the
coffee shop to work.
He sported a fashionable
Fashionable sling bag Túi đeo chéo thời trang sling bag that matched his
urban street style.
For a weekend getaway,
Casual duffel bag Cặp du lịch thoải mái they packed their casual
duffel bag with essentials.

Wild animals
Are there wild animals in your country?
Have you ever been to a zoo or a safari park?
What is the animal you would like to see in the wild?
Are there TV programs about wild animals in your country?

Word Meaning Example

Wildlife conservation
Wildlife conservation Bảo tồn động vật hoang dã efforts have significantly
improved in recent years.
The destruction of animal
Môi trường sống của động
Animal habitat habitat poses a severe threat
to biodiversity.
Establishing a nature
Nature reserve Khu bảo tồn thiên nhiên reserve helps protect native
flora and fauna.
Conservation programs aim
Loài động vật có nguy cơ
Endangered species to save endangered species
tuyệt chủng
from extinction.
The design of a zoo
enclosure must prioritize the
Zoo enclosure Khu chứa động vật ở sở thú
well-being of captive
Embarking on a safari
Chuyến phiêu lưu thú vị ở
Safari adventure adventure allows for a
unique wildlife experience.
Ecological balance is crucial
Ecological balance Cân bằng sinh thái for the health of our planet's
The predator-prey
Mối quan hệ giữa kẻ săn và relationship plays a
Predator-prey relationship
con mồi fundamental role in nature's
The Amazon Rainforest is a
Vùng đa dạng sinh học nổi
Biodiversity hotspot renowned biodiversity
Animal tracking technology
aids researchers in
Animal tracking Theo dõi động vật
monitoring and studying

Do you prefer rainy days or sunny days?
What do you do on rainy days?
What do you usually do when it starts to rain and you are outside?
Have you ever had to change your plans because of the rain?

Word Meaning Example

Walking home was a
Heavy rain Mưa lớn challenge due to the heavy
rain soaking everything.
The locals are accustomed
Rainy weather Thời tiết mưa to the unpredictable rainy
weather in this region.
Farmers prepare their fields
Rainy season Mùa mưa during the monsoon, the
region's rainy season.
We enjoyed a peaceful
afternoon picnic in the
Gentle rain Mưa nhẹ
garden, accompanied by a
soothing gentle rain.
The city faced significant
Torrential rain Mưa lụt flooding after a night of
torrential rain.
People hurried to shops to
Seek shelter from the rain Tìm nơi trú ẩn khỏi mưa seek shelter from the rain as
the downpour began.
Without an umbrella, I was
unexpectedly caught in the
Caught in the rain Bị ướt vì mưa
rain on my way to the
Board games and movie
Rainy day activities Hoạt động trong ngày mưa marathons are classic rainy
day activities for the family.
The meteorologist provided
Rainy forecast Dự báo mưa a detailed rainy forecast for
the upcoming week.
Camping plans were
Rainy weekend Cuối tuần có mưa reconsidered due to the
rainy weekend ahead.

Would you like to become a teacher?
Do you think you could be a good teacher?
Did you have a favourite teacher when you were a child?
How did this teacher help you in your study?

Word Meaning Example

After volunteering at a local
Consider becoming a Cân nhắc trở thành giáo school, she began to
teacher viên seriously consider becoming
a teacher.
The workshop focused on
promoting effective
Effective teaching Dạy học hiệu quả
teaching strategies for
diverse learners.
With over 20 years in the
profession, Mr. Johnson is
Experienced teacher Giáo viên có kinh nghiệm
an experienced teacher with
a wealth of knowledge.
Mrs. Rodriguez, the history
teacher, is known for being
Inspiring teacher Giáo viên truyền cảm hứng
an inspiring teacher who
sparks students' curiosity.
Ms. Thompson, a dedicated
teacher, spent evenings
Dedicated teacher Giáo viên tận tụy
tutoring students to ensure
their success.
The school promotes a
culture of collaboration and
Supportive teacher Giáo viên hỗ trợ support, fostering a
supportive teacher
A strong teacher-student
Mối quan hệ giữa giáo viên relationship contributes to a
Teacher-student relationship
và học sinh positive learning
The science teacher
employed engaging teaching
Phương pháp dạy học hấp
Engaging teaching methods methods, making complex
concepts understandable and
Respected educator Người giáo viên được tôn As a highly knowledgeable

trọng and approachable
individual, Dr. Kim is a
respected educator in the
academic community.
Graduation day was filled
with inspirational teaching
Inspirational teaching Những khoảnh khắc dạy học
moments as students
moments đầy cảm hứng
reflected on their
educational journey.

What foreign languages have you studied? Why?
How do you often learn a new language?
How long does it often take you to learn a new language?
Is learning a new language difficult for you?

Word Meaning Example

Observing children
effortlessly pick up their
Language acquisition
Quá trình học ngôn ngữ native language showcases
the natural language
acquisition process.
Online platforms and
regular practice are
Effective language learning Chiến lược học ngôn ngữ
considered effective
strategies hiệu quả
language learning strategies
for many learners.
Living in a foreign country
provides an invaluable
Language immersion Trải nghiệm đắm chìm trong
language immersion
experience ngôn ngữ
experience for enhancing
language skills.
After years of dedicated
study, she succeeded in
Mastering a foreign
Thạo ngôn ngữ nước ngoài mastering a foreign
language and became fluent
in it.
His constant practice and
interactions resulted in
Fluency in a second Thành thạo một ngôn ngữ
achieving fluency in a
language thứ hai
second language within a
relatively short time.
Language proficiency
development requires
Language proficiency Phát triển sự thành thạo về
consistent effort and
development ngôn ngữ
exposure to diverse
language contexts.
Overcoming language
barriers, she engaged in
Overcoming language
Vượt qua rào cản ngôn ngữ conversations with locals
during her travels,
enhancing her

communication skills.
Bilingual education
programs aim to create a
Bilingual education Chương trình giáo dục song
multilingual environment
programs ngữ
within educational
Participating in a year-long
Cultural exchange for Trao đổi văn hóa để học exchange program provided
language learning ngôn ngữ a rich cultural exchange for
language learning.
Despite facing language
learning difficulties, he
Language learning Khó khăn trong việc học
persisted and eventually
difficulties ngôn ngữ
became proficient in
multiple languages.

Riding a bike
Did you have a bike when you were young?
Did you ride a bike often when you were little?
Did you ride a bike to school?
Do you ride a bike when you go out now?

Word Meaning Example

Riding my first two-
wheeler through the
Ký ức về chiếc xe đạp từ
Childhood bike memories neighborhood brought
thời thơ ấu
back fond childhood bike
During summer, my
Những chuyến đi xe đạp family and I enjoyed
Frequent bike rides
thường xuyên frequent bike rides along
the scenic river path.

I vividly recall the joy of

learning to ride a bike
Learning to ride a bike Học cách lái xe đạp
without training wheels
for the first time.

My parents always
emphasized the
importance of bike safety,
Bike safety An toàn khi đạp xe
making sure we wore
helmets and understood
traffic rules.

Exploring hidden trails

Những phiêu lưu trên chiếc and parks led to
Bike-riding adventures
xe đạp unforgettable bike-riding
adventures with friends.
As a teenager, biking to
school became a daily
Biking to school Đạp xe đến trường
ritual, providing a sense of
The local skate park was
Kỹ thuật BMX trên chiếc xe where we showcased our
BMX bike tricks
đạp BMX bike tricks and
learned new stunts.

Mountain bike trails Đường mòn đạp xe núi Venturing into the

mountains, we discovered
challenging mountain bike
trails that offered
breathtaking views.
On lazy weekends, my
friends and I would
Những chuyến đi xe đạp
Casual bike rides embark on casual bike
thoải mái
rides, exploring our town's
quaint corners.

Living in a city with a

vibrant urban cycling
Văn hóa đạp xe trong thành culture, commuting by
Urban cycling culture
phố bike became a lifestyle
choice rather than a

Dream and ambition
What was your childhood dream?
Are you the kind of person who sticks to dreams?
What is your dream job?
Do you think you are an ambitious person?

Word Meaning Example

She decided to pursue a
Pursue a dream Theo đuổi ước mơ dream of becoming a
successful artist.
Throughout his life, he
tirelessly worked to chase a
Chase a dream Đuổi theo ước mơ
dream of making a positive
impact on the world.
After years of hard work,
she finally managed to
Fulfill a dream Thực hiện ước mơ
fulfill a dream of opening
her own bakery.
It took him a while to
realize a dream of traveling
Realize a dream Nhận ra ước mơ
around the world, but he
eventually did it.
It's important to follow your
Follow your dream Theo đuổi ước mơ của bạn dream even when faced with
With dedication and
perseverance, they were
Achieve a dream Đạt được ước mơ
able to achieve a dream that
seemed impossible at first.
Living in a vibrant city was
Sống cuộc sống như trong the perfect way for her to
Live the dream
ước mơ live the dream she had since
she was a child.
Despite uncertainties, she
continued to dare to dream
Dare to dream Dám mơ ước
and reach for new
His motto was always to
Dream big Mơ ước lớn dream big and aim for
ambitious goals.
Daydream about Mơ mộng về During moments of

relaxation, she would often
daydream about a peaceful
life in the countryside.

PART 2 & 3

1. Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work
You should say:
What the rule is about
What happens when people break the rule
Why you think it is an important rule
And explain how you feel about the rule

Part 3:
What rules should children follow at home in your country?
On what occasions can children be forgiven if they don’t follow some rules?
What rules should people follow when using public transport?
Do you think Vietnamese follow traffic rules?
Is it important to have traffic rules?

Word Meaning Example

The school enforces strict

adherence to the dress
Strict adherence Sự tuân thủ chặt chẽ
code to maintain a
professional atmosphere.

Regular and routine

maintenance of school
Routine Maintenance Bảo dưỡng định kỳ facilities ensures a
conducive learning

Students face disciplinary

action for plagiarism,
Disciplinary Action Hành động kỷ luật
promoting academic
Respecting cultural norms
is essential for fostering
Cultural Norms Phong tục văn hóa
harmony within a diverse
school community.
Skipping classes may lead
to severe consequences,
Severe Consequences Hậu quả nghiêm trọng
such as suspension or

Following classroom rules

Organized Environment Môi trường có tổ chức contributes to an
organized environment

conducive to learning.

Teaching personal
responsibility prepares
Personal Responsibility Trách nhiệm cá nhân
students for the challenges
of adulthood.

Punctuality contributes to
efficient learning by
Efficient Learning Học tập hiệu quả
ensuring that lessons start
on time.

Upholding cultural
traditions is an integral
Cultural Traditions Truyền thống văn hóa
part of a child's upbringing
in many households.

Developing good study

Thành công nghề nghiệp
habits is linked to long-
Professional Success term academic
achievement and
professional success.

2. Describe a period of time that changed your life
You should say:
When it was
Who you were with
What happened during that period of time
And explain why it changed your life

Part 3:
Why do some people change their jobs often?
Which do young people in your country prefer, changing their jobs frequently or
staying in a job for a long time?
What skills do employees need to learn in the future?
Do you think companies should be willing to change?

Word Meaning Example

Continuous learning and

skill development are
Career Growth Sự Phát triển Nghề nghiệp crucial for career growth
in today's competitive job

Maintaining a healthy
Cân bằng Giữa Công việc work-life balance is
Work-Life Balance
và Cuộc sống essential for overall well-
being and job satisfaction.

A positive and inclusive

professional environment
Môi trường Chuyên
Professional Environment fosters creativity and
collaboration among team
Addressing global issues
requires collective effort
Global Issues Vấn Đề Toàn Cầu
and cooperation on an
international scale.
Job satisfaction is often
linked to the alignment of
Job Satisfaction Hài lòng với Công việc personal values with the
company's mission and
Career Stability Ổn định Nghề nghiệp While some value career

stability, others thrive in
dynamic environments
that challenge and push
their professional

Digital literacy is
becoming increasingly
important as technology
Digital Literacy Hiểu biết Kỹ thuật Số
continues to play a
significant role in various

Solving complex problems

often requires the
Interdisciplinary Teams Đội ngũ Liên ngành expertise of
interdisciplinary teams
with diverse skill sets.

Staying updated on
emerging technologies is
Emerging Technologies Công nghệ Nổi bật crucial for professionals in
fields driven by rapid

Văn hóa Làm việc Linh Companies with a flexible

hoạt work culture attract and
retain top talent by
Flexible Work Culture
acknowledging the
importance of work-life

3. Describe a photo that makes you feel happy
You should say:
When and where you took the photo
What the photo is like
How often you look at the photo
And explain why it makes you feel happy

Part 3:
Do you think people take more photos now than in the past?
Do you think equipment is important for photography?
Do you think being a professional photographer is a good job?
What are the qualities of a professional photographer?
Has the way people take photos changed?

Word Meaning Example

Photography is about more

Ghi lại những khoảnh than just taking pictures;
Capturing Moments
khắc it's about capturing
moments that tell a story.

The vibrant backdrop of

the city skyline at night
Vibrant Backdrop Bối cảnh sống động provided the perfect
setting for stunning urban

The photo of the mountain

lake captured the serene
Serene Beauty Vẻ đẹp yên bình
beauty of nature, creating
a sense of tranquility.
The prevalence of
smartphones has
Prevalence of Sự phổ biến của điện thoại democratized
Smartphones thông minh photography, allowing
everyone to become a
potential photographer.
photographers excel in
Visual Storytelling Kể chuyện bằng hình ảnh visual storytelling, using
images to convey
narratives and emotions.

The competitive nature of
the photography field
Competitive Nature of the Tính cạnh tranh của ngành
requires constant
Field nghề
innovation and a unique
artistic vision to stand out.

The culture of instant

sharing on social media
has transformed the way
Instant Sharing Chia sẻ ngay lập tức
people document and
share their lives through

Spontaneous photography
captures authentic
Spontaneous Photography Nhiếp ảnh tự nhiên moments, reflecting the
genuine essence of a scene
or event.

A professional
photographer's attention to
Attention to Detail Chú ý đến từng chi tiết detail is evident in the
meticulous composition
and framing of each shot.

The practice of
documenting daily life
Ghi chép cuộc sống hàng through photography has
Documenting Daily Life
ngày become a widespread and
cherished activity for

4. Describe a place in your country that you are interested in
You should say:
Where it is
How you knew it
What people do there
And explain why you are interested in it

Part 3:
Do Vietnamese people like travelling?
Do people have different personalities in different regions of your country?
What is the difference in the attitude of young people and older people towards trying
new things?
Why do some people not want to try new things?
Is a great tourist destination also a good place to live?

Word Meaning Example

With increasing
disposable income, more
Disposable Income Thu nhập có thể sử dụng people can afford to
explore new travel

The development of
Transportation infrastructure has made
Cơ sở hạ tầng giao thông
Infrastructure travel within the country
more convenient and

It's essential to be aware

of cultural nuances when
Cultural Nuances Sắc thái văn hóa traveling to ensure
respectful and enjoyable
Stepping outside one's
Tâm lý thoải mái trong comfort zone can lead to
Comfort Zone Mentality
vùng an toàn personal growth and new,
enriching experiences.

Some individuals find

Ưu tiên cho lịch trình hàng
Preference for Routine comfort in a routine and
are hesitant to deviate

from familiar patterns.
Overcoming the fear of
the unknown is often the
Fear of the Unknown Sợ điều chưa biết key to unlocking new
opportunities and
An open-minded attitude
is beneficial for embracing
diverse cultures and
Open-Minded Attitude Thái độ cởi mở
adapting to different
environments while

People tend to seek

Những trải nghiệm quen familiar experiences when
Familiar Experiences
thuộc they want a sense of
security and predictability.

A city with well-

developed amenities and
Amenities and
Tiện ích và cơ sở hạ tầng infrastructure is likely to
attract both tourists and
potential residents.

Choosing a suitable
location for long-term
residence involves
considering factors
Long-Term Residence Chỗ cư trú lâu dài
beyond the appeal of a
tourist destination, such as
job opportunities and
community services.

5. Describe someone you know who is good at cooking
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew him/her
What he/she likes to cook
And explain why you think he/she is good at cooking

Part 3:
Do people in your country like cooking their meals at home?
What do people need to prepare when they want to cook?
What are the differences in the way people cook their food today and in the past?
Do you think food is an important part of festivals in Vietnam?

Word Meaning Example

Sarah's passion for

culinary arts is evident in
Culinary Arts Nghệ thuật ẩm thực
the exquisite dishes she

Successful chefs often

Experimenting with enjoy experimenting with
Thử nghiệm hương vị
Flavors flavors to create unique
and memorable dishes.

Sarah's talent shines when

she prepares intricate
Intricate Desserts Đồ tráng miệng phức tạp desserts that are not only
delicious but also visually

A good cook pays careful

attention to detail,
Attention to Detail Chú ý đến chi tiết ensuring each component
of the dish is perfectly

Baking requires precision

in measurements to
Precision in Sự chính xác trong phép
achieve the right balance
Measurements đo
of ingredients for a
successful outcome.

Sarah's natural instinct for

Natural Instinct Bản năng tự nhiên
flavor combinations

allows her to create dishes
that are harmonious and
Presentation is key in the
culinary world; visually
Visually Appealing Dishes Món ăn hấp dẫn thị giác appealing dishes can
enhance the overall dining

Today, people have access

to a wider variety of
Tiếp cận đến nhiều loại ingredients, allowing for
Access to a Wider Variety
nguyên liệu hơn more diverse and
international cooking

Globalization and
Globalization and advancements have
Toàn cầu hóa và những
Technological transformed the culinary
tiến bộ về công nghệ
Advancements landscape, influencing the
way people cook and
access recipes.

In the past, cooking was

often based on localized
Localized and Traditional Phương pháp địa phương
and traditional methods,
Methods và truyền thống
with recipes passed down
through generations.

6. Describe someone you don’t know but would like to know more about
You should say:
Who this person is
How you first knew about him/her
What interesting things he/she has done
And explain why you want to know more about him/her

Part 3:
Is it difficult to make friends today?
Are there any differences in the way people treat their friends and the way they treat
Do people feel lonely in crowded cities?
Do you think technology has changed the way people connect with one another?

Word Meaning Example

I stumbled upon Alex

Harper's novel in the
Stumbled Upon Tình cờ phát hiện bookstore, and it
immediately caught my

Alex Harper creates a rich

tapestry of stories,
Bức tranh phong phú của
Rich Tapestry of Stories drawing inspiration from
những câu chuyện
his diverse life

What sets Alex Harper

apart as an author is how
Weaves Personal Kết hợp những trải
he skillfully weaves his
Experiences nghiệm cá nhân
personal experiences into
the fabric of his fiction.

Alex Harper's novels

delve into the complexities
of the human condition,
Human Condition Điều kiện nhân loại
exploring universal
themes that resonate with

After reading his novel, I

am keen to know more
Keen to Know More Hứng thú để biết thêm
about Alex Harper's life,
inspirations, and the

creative process behind his
Busy lifestyles often
hinder opportunities for
people to engage in
Busy Lifestyles Lối sống bận rộn
meaningful face-to-face
interactions and make new

Social anxiety can be a

barrier to making friends,
as individuals may feel
Social Anxiety Lo lắng xã hội
apprehensive about
initiating conversations or
joining social events.

The prevalence of online

interactions has changed
the dynamics of social
Prevalence of Online Sự phổ biến của giao tiếp
connections, with digital
Interactions trực tuyến
platforms becoming a
primary means of

True friends are those who

are open, trusting, and
Open, Trusting, and Mở cửa, tin tưởng và hỗ
supportive, creating a
Supportive trợ
sense of comfort and
In crowded cities,
individuals may feel
Isolated Due to the Fast- Cô lập do tính chất nhanh isolated due to the fast-
Paced Nature nhẹn của cuộc sống paced nature of urban life,
where everyone is
constantly on the move.

7. Describe a foreigner who speaks your language well
You should say:
Who this person is
Where he/she is from
How he/she learns your language
And explain why he/she can speak your language well

Part 3:
What foreign languages do Vietnamese children learn?
Why are so many people learning English?
How can parents help their children learn English?
Do you think the way people learn English today is the same as in the past?
What are the benefits of the Internet in learning a language?

Word Meaning Example

Maria's native language is

Native Language Ngôn ngữ bản địa Spanish, but she speaks
Vietnamese fluently.

Maria attended formal

Vietnamese classes to
Formal Classes Lớp học chính thức
learn the language's
grammar and structure.
Maria dedicated time to
self-study, practicing
Self-Study Tự học Vietnamese pronunciation
and vocabulary on her

Living in Vietnam
provided Maria with
immersive experiences,
Immersive Experiences Trải nghiệm sâu sắc
allowing her to practice
Vietnamese in real-life
Maria's high level of
proficiency in Vietnamese
High Level of Proficiency Mức độ thành thạo cao enables her to
communicate effectively
in various contexts.
Global Language Ngôn ngữ toàn cầu English is considered a

global language,
facilitating communication
between people from
different linguistic

Proficiency in English
opens up educational
Educational Opportunities Cơ hội giáo dục opportunities for
individuals seeking to
study abroad.
To enhance language
exposure, parents can
encourage their children to
Language Exposure Tiếp xúc với ngôn ngữ
read English books and
watch English-language

Interactive learning
platforms provide
Interactive Learning Nền tảng học tập tương
engaging exercises and
Platforms tác
real-time feedback to
language learners.

The Internet allows for

real-time communication
Real-Time Giao tiếp trong thời gian with native speakers,
Communication thực enhancing language
learners' conversational

8. Describe an impressive work of art (such as a painting) you saw
You should say:
When you saw this painting
What the painting is about
Who the painter is
And explain why you think it is impressive

Part 3:
What are the differences between a painting and a drawing?
Why do some people keep a painting for a long time?
Do you think all children should have art lessons in primary and secondary school
What are the benefits of having art lessons as an adult?

Word Meaning Example

Liberty Leading the

People" is a powerful
Powerful Representation Biểu tượng mạnh mẽ representation of the
revolutionary spirit in

Liberty in the painting is

portrayed as an allegorical
Allegorical Figure Hình tượng truyện ngụ figure, symbolizing the
ideals of freedom and

Delacroix's use of
dynamic composition
Dynamic Composition Thành phần động creates a sense of
movement and energy
within the painting.
The emotional intensity
captured in the faces of the
Emotional Intensity Cường độ cảm xúc characters evokes a strong
emotional response from

The painting had a lasting

impact on me, influencing
Lasting Impact Tác động lâu dài
my perception of art and
historical events.

Application of Pigments Ứng dụng của màu sắc The application of

pigments in the painting
allowed for the creation of
vibrant and expressive
Many individuals cherish
Cherished as Valuable Trân trọng như những tài paintings as valuable
Possessions sản quý giá possessions, often passed
down through generations.

Art lessons contribute to

holistic education by
Holistic Education Giáo dục toàn diện nurturing creativity and
offering a well-rounded
learning experience.
Engaging in art as an adult
provides stress relief and a
Stress Relief Giảm căng thẳng
therapeutic outlet for self-

Art lessons support

continued personal and
creative development,
Creative Development Phát triển sáng tạo
allowing individuals to
explore and refine their
artistic skills.

9. Describe a park or a garden in your city
You should say:
When you often go there
Where it is
Who you often go there with
And explain how you feel about it

Part 3:
Do young people like to go to the park?
What do old people like to do in the park?
What are the benefits of going to the park for young people and old people?
Why do some people like planting flowers at home?

Word Meaning Example

Central Park serves as a

green oasis in the midst of
Green Oasis Ốc đảo xanh
the bustling city, offering
a serene escape.

The park seamlessly

blends with the urban
landscape, providing a
Urban Landscape Cảnh quang đô thị
harmonious balance
between nature and city

I appreciate Central Park

for the tranquility it offers,
Sự yên tĩnh mà nó mang
Tranquility It Offers providing a peaceful
refuge from the urban
The park is adorned with
lush greenery, creating a
Lush Greenery Cây xanh tươi tốt
visually appealing and
calming environment.
Navigating the winding
paths of the park adds an
Winding Paths Con đường mòn quanh co
element of exploration and
discovery to my visits.

The beautiful flower beds

Beautiful Flower Beds Khu vườn hoa tuyệt đẹp
in the park showcase a

vibrant display of colors,
enhancing the overall
I often take a leisurely
stroll in the park, enjoying
Leisurely Stroll Dạo quanh the serenity and observing
the natural beauty around

The park provides a

refreshing escape,
Lối thoát sảng khoái, mát
Refreshing Escape allowing visitors to
recharge and rejuvenate
amidst nature
Central Park offers a
welcome respite from the
Hustle and Bustle Sự hối hả và náo nhiệt
hustle and bustle of city

Every visit to the park lifts

my spirits, providing a
Lifts My Spirits Nâng cao tinh thần
much-needed break from
daily stressors.

10. Describe a party that you enjoyed
You should say:
When you went to the party
Where the party was held
What kind of party it was
And explain why you enjoyed this party

Part 3:
Why do people like going to parties?
Why do some people not like going to parties?
Do you think music and dancing are a must at a party?
What are the problems that may come up at a party?

Word Meaning Example

I thoroughly enjoyed the

beachside barbecue party;
Thoroughly Enjoyed Thưởng thức hết mình
it was a perfect blend of
fun and relaxation.

The friend's birthday

celebration was a
Memorable Party Bữa tiệc đáng nhớ
memorable party filled
with laughter and joy.

The party took place on a

warm Saturday evening,
Warm Saturday Evening Buổi tối thứ Bảy ấm áp
adding to the pleasant

The beach served as a

scenic backdrop for the
Scenic Backdrop Phông nền tự nhiên
party, creating a
picturesque setting.

The lively ambiance of the

party was contagious, and
Lively Ambiance Bầu không khí sôi động
everyone was in high
What made the party
enjoyable was the great
Great Company Công ty tuyệt vời
company of friends and
family who attended.

The poolside barbecue
party had a relaxed
Relaxed Atmosphere Bầu không khí thoải mái atmosphere, allowing
everyone to unwind and
have a good time.

The joyous celebration of

my friend's birthday added
Joyous Celebration Kỷ niệm vui vẻ
an extra layer of happiness
to the party.

Music and laughter

contributed to the vibrant
Vibrant Atmosphere Bầu không khí sôi động
atmosphere of the party,
creating a festive mood.
The party created lasting
memories, and we
Lasting Memories Ký ức lâu dài
reminisced about it for
weeks afterward.

11. Describe an activity that made you feel tired
You should say:
When it happened
Where it took place
What the activity was
And explain why it made you feel tired

Part 3:
Do you think learning makes students more tired today than it did in the past?
When do people usually feel tired?
Why is it difficult for some people to achieve work-life balance?
What are the problems of work-life imbalance?

Word Meaning Example

The hiking trip was an

exhausting activity that
Exhausting Activity Hoạt động mệt mỏi
tested our physical

We chose to hike on a
scorching Saturday
Scorching Saturday
Chiều thứ Bảy nóng nực afternoon, underestimating
the toll the heat would
take on us.

The hike took place in a

mountainous region,
Mountainous Region Vùng miền núi
offering stunning views
but challenging trails.

The challenging trail

required us to navigate
Challenging Trail Đường đi khó khăn
through steep inclines and
rocky terrain.

By the end of the hike, I

was physically drained,
Physically Drained Kiệt sức về mặt thể chất
and my energy levels were
at an all-time low.

The intense heat during

Intense Heat Nhiệt độ cao the hike made the physical
exertion even more taxing.

The constant need for
Constant Need for Nhu cầu liên tục về sức endurance on the
Endurance bền challenging trail pushed us
to our limits.
The increased workload in
modern education systems
Khối lượng công việc tăng
Increased Workload can contribute to students
feeling more tired than in
the past.

Demanding work
schedules often make it
Demanding Work Đòi hỏi về lịch trình làm
difficult for individuals to
Schedules việc
achieve a healthy work-
life balance.

Prolonged work-life
imbalance can lead to a
Decline in Overall Well- Suy giảm sức khỏe tổng
decline in overall well-
Being thể
being, affecting both
physical and mental health

12. Describe a science subject that you are interested in
You should say:
Which subject it is
When and where you came to know this subject
How you get information about this subject
And explain why you are interested in this subject

Part 3:
Why do some children not like taking science subjects at school?
Is it important for students to take science subjects at school?
Should people continue to study science after graduating from school?
Do you think scientists should explain their research process to the public?
How can people get to know about scientific news?

Word Meaning Example

Astrophysics is an
intellectually stimulating
Intellectually Stimulating Kích thích trí tuệ field that challenges my
understanding of the

The awe-inspiring nature

of astrophysics captivates
Awe-Inspiring Nature Thiên nhiên đầy cảm hứng
enthusiasts and
researchers alike.

Astrophysics delves into

cosmic mysteries,
Cosmic Mysteries Bí ẩn vũ trụ
unraveling the secrets of
the universe.
Understanding the space-
Không gian-thời gian liên time continuum is a
Space-Time Continuum
tục fundamental concept in
The study of black hole
phenomena is a
Black Hole Phenomena Hiện tượng lỗ đen
fascinating aspect of

Studying science subjects

Natural World Hiểu biết về thế giới tự
contributes to an
Understanding nhiên
understanding of the

natural world and its
Some children may find
science subjects more
Hands-On Experiences Kinh nghiệm thực hành engaging with hands-on
experiences and practical

Science subjects foster

critical thinking skills by
Critical Thinking Skills Kỹ năng tư duy phê phán encouraging students to
analyze and evaluate
Continuous learning in
science encourages a
Curious Mindset Tư duy tò mò curious mindset and a
desire to explore the

Staying informed about

advancements in science is
Những tiến bộ trong khoa crucial for individuals
Advancements in Science
học interested in the latest
breakthroughs and

13. Describe a beautiful city that you have visited
You should say:
What it is
When you visited it
Who you visited it with
And explain how you feel about it

Part 3:
What are the differences between modern towns and modern cities?
What are the difficulties that people might face when living in modern cities?
Why do some people like to visit historical sites?
How can people preserve historical buildings?

Word Meaning Example

Exploring Kyoto during

cherry blossom season
Enchanting Experience Trải nghiệm mê hoặc was an enchanting
experience that left a
lasting impression.

The cherry blossoms

painted the city in vibrant
Vibrant Hues Sắc màu rực rỡ
hues, creating a
breathtaking landscape.

Kyoto is renowned for its

Renowned for Nổi tiếng traditional architecture and
cultural richness.

The city's meticulously

manicured gardens
Meticulously Manicured
Vườn được cắt tỉa tỉ mỉ showcased the Japanese
art of landscaping.

Kyoto's streets offer a

Sự pha trộn của sức hút perfect blend of historical
Blend of Historical Charm
lịch sử charm and modern

The cultural richness

embedded in Kyoto's
Cultural Richness Sự giàu có về văn hóa
temples and traditions is a
testament to its historical

Kyoto proved to be an
unforgettable destination,
Unforgettable Destination Điểm đến khó quên
capturing the essence of
Japanese beauty.

Every corner of Kyoto

Những góc xứng đáng với seemed postcard-worthy,
Postcard-Worthy Corners
bưu thiếp reflecting its picturesque

My visit to Kyoto instilled

a deep appreciation for the
Deep Appreciation Đánh giá cao sâu sắc
city's heritage and cultural

The unique allure of

Kyoto lies in its ability to
Unique Allure Sức quyến rũ độc đáo
seamlessly blend tradition
with modernity.

14. Describe a successful businessperson that you know (e.g running a family
You should say:
Who this person is
How you know him/her
What he/she does
And explain why you think he/she is successful

Part 3:
What factors lead to success?
What do people need to sacrifice for success?
Is it easy for people to succeed in the national test in your country?
Is it easy for a business to be successful without affecting the environment?

Word Meaning Example

ABC Company achieved

remarkable business
Business success Sự thành công kinh doanh success through
innovative strategies and
robust market positioning.

Smith & Sons, a thriving

family business, has been
Family business Doanh nghiệp gia đình passed down through
generations, ensuring a
legacy of excellence.

Staying attuned to current

market trends allows
Market trends Xu hướng thị trường companies to adapt and
meet evolving customer
preferences effectively.

XYZ Boutique is
renowned for its
Personalized customer Dịch vụ khách hàng cá nhân personalized customer
service hóa service, tailoring
experiences to individual

Company A has gained a

loyal customer base by
High-quality products Sản phẩm chất lượng cao
consistently delivering
high-quality products that

exceed industry standards.
The company's strategic
planning played a pivotal
role in navigating
Strategic planning Kế hoạch chiến lược challenges and seizing
opportunities in the
dynamic business

Despite economic
fluctuations, Firm B has
maintained financial
Financial stability Ổn định tài chính
stability, providing a
secure foundation for
long-term growth.

Company C's commitment

to sustainable sourcing
practices aligns with the
Sustainable sourcing Nguồn cung ổn định growing consumer
demand for
responsible products.

Implementing eco-friendly
practices not only benefits
Thực hành thân thiện với the environment but also
Eco-friendly practices
môi trường enhances a company's
reputation and attracts
eco-conscious consumers.

The educational institution

celebrated national test
Thành công trong kỳ thi success, reflecting its
National test success
quốc gia commitment to academic
excellence and student

15. Describe a sportsperson from your country who did well in a sports event
You should say:
Who this person is
Which sport he/she plays
Which sports event he/she did well in
And explain how you and other people feel about him/her

Part 3:
Should students have physical education and do sports at home?
Which sport is most popular in your country?
What are the qualities of an athlete?
Is talent important in sports?
Is it easy to identify children’s talents?

Word Meaning Example

Team sports enhance
Team sports Thể thao đồng đội camaraderie and
cooperation among players.
Physical fitness is crucial
Physical fitness Sức khỏe thể chất for overall health and well-
Athletic performance is
Athletic performance Hiệu suất thể thao influenced by both training
and mental preparation.
Competitive spirit drives
Competitive spirit Tinh thần cạnh tranh athletes to push their limits
and excel.
Sports education provides a
foundation for
Sports education Giáo dục thể thao
understanding game
A well-structured training
regimen is essential for
Training regimen Chế độ tập luyện
optimal athletic
Maintaining a healthy
Healthy lifestyle Lối sống lành mạnh lifestyle supports athletes in
reaching peak performance.
Skill development requires
Skill development Phát triển kỹ năng consistent practice and

Sportsmanship fosters
Sportsmanship Tinh thần fair play respect and fair play on and
off the field.
An effective exercise
Exercise routine Lịch trình tập luyện routine contributes to
sustained physical fitness.

16. Describe a time you gave good advice to someone
You should say:
Who the person you gave advice to is
When you gave the advice
Why you gave the advice
And explain why you think the advice was good

Part 3:
Should people prepare before giving advice?
Is it good to ask advice from strangers online?
What are the personalities of people whose job is to give advice to others?
What are the problems if you ask too many people for advice?

Word Meaning Example

Before making a decision,
it's wise to seek advice from
Seek advice Tìm kiếm lời khuyên
those with experience in
similar situations.
New employees often
appreciate mentors who can
Offer guidance Cung cấp hướng dẫn
offer guidance as they
navigate their roles.
During difficult times,
individuals may receive
Receive counsel Nhận lời tư vấn
counsel from friends or
family to help them cope.
When planning a trip,
friends may give
Give recommendations Đưa ra đề xuất recommendations on the
best places to visit and
activities to try.
Businesses facing complex
challenges may seek expert
Expert advice Lời khuyên chuyên gia
advice from consultants to
find strategic solutions.
Brainstorming sessions
benefit from valuable input,
Valuable input Đầu vào có giá trị
as diverse ideas contribute
to creative problem-solving.
In legal matters, it's crucial
Sound counsel Lời tư vấn chín chắn
to seek sound counsel to

ensure proper guidance
through the complexities of
the system.
Managers often provide
practical suggestions to
Practical suggestions Gợi ý thực tế
improve workflow
efficiency within a team.
Professionals considering a
Tìm kiếm sự hướng dẫn career change might seek
Seek professional guidance
chuyên nghiệp professional guidance to
navigate the job market.
When learning a new skill,
individuals often receive
Receive helpful tips Nhận mẹo hữu ích helpful tips from
experienced practitioners to
accelerate their progress.

17. Describe a time you received bad service at a shop or a restaurant
You should say:
Where it happened
When it happened
What happened
And explain how you felt about it

Part 3:
How do most people respond to bad services?
Do you think services are better now than in the past?
How can business owners guarantee the quality of their services?
Is it important for businesses to listen to customers’ feedback?

Word Meaning Example

The survey measured
customer satisfaction,
Customer satisfaction Hài lòng khách hàng revealing high levels of
contentment among the
The hotel is known for its
exceptional quality of
Quality of service Chất lượng dịch vụ
service, ensuring guests
have a memorable stay.
The company is committed
to continuous service
Service improvement Cải thiện dịch vụ improvement, regularly
implementing updates based
on customer needs.
Customer feedback
highlighted areas for
Customer feedback Phản hồi từ khách hàng enhancement, prompting the
company to make necessary
Winning awards for service
excellence, the restaurant
Service excellence Xuất sắc trong dịch vụ
consistently exceeds
customer expectations.
The airline is praised for its
timely service, ensuring
Timely service Dịch vụ đúng hẹn
flights depart and arrive
according to schedule.

The courier company
focuses on efficient service
Efficient service delivery Giao hàng dịch vụ hiệu quả delivery, guaranteeing
prompt and reliable
The boutique offers
personalized service,
Personalized service Dịch vụ cá nhân hóa tailoring each experience to
the individual preferences of
its customers.
The law firm is known for
its professional service,
Professional service Dịch vụ chuyên nghiệp
providing expert legal
advice to clients.
The tech support team
received accolades for
Outstanding customer Dịch vụ khách hàng xuất
outstanding customer
service sắc
service, resolving issues
promptly and courteously.

18. Describe a piece of information that you think is not correct
You should say:
What information is
Where you heard/read this information
When you heard/read it
And explain why you think it is incorrect.

Part 3:
Updating …

Word Meaning Example

The article contained
inaccurate information
Inaccurate information Thông tin không chính xác about the historical events,
creating confusion among
Researchers discovered
false data in the experiment
False data Dữ liệu sai lệch results, leading to a
reevaluation of their
The advertisement used
misleading details to
Misleading details Chi tiết gây hiểu lầm exaggerate the benefits of
the product, misleading
The report presented
incorrect facts about the
Incorrect facts Sự thật không chính xác company's financial status,
causing a stir in the stock
The politician's speech was
filled with dubious statistics
Dubious statistics Thống kê đáng ngờ that raised doubts about the
credibility of the presented
The online article cited
Nguồn thông tin không đáng unreliable sources,
Unreliable sources
tin cậy undermining the credibility
of the entire piece.
The company faced
Erroneous claims Những khẳng định sai lầm
criticism for making

erroneous claims about the
effectiveness of their new
health product.
The scam website provided
deceptive information,
Deceptive information Thông tin gây hiểu lầm
tricking users into revealing
personal information.
The research paper had
flawed analysis, leading to
Flawed analysis Phân tích thiếu sót
invalid conclusions and
The conspiracy theory was
Những khẳng định không built on baseless assertions,
Baseless assertions
căn cứ lacking evidence to support
its claims.

19. Describe a successful person who you once studied or worked with
You should say:
Who this person is
When you studied/worked with him/her
What you did together
What this person did to become successful
And explain how you felt about studying or working with him/her

Part 3:
Is money the only measure of success in your country?
How do you define whether one is a successful person?
What is the standard of success in your country?
Does success always lead to happiness?

Word Meaning Example

Starting his own business
brought him material
Material success Thành công về vật chất success, allowing him to
enjoy a comfortable
For many, personal
fulfillment comes from
Sự đạt được hài lòng cá
Personal fulfillment pursuing passions and
engaging in meaningful
Despite facing challenges,
she managed to achieve
Achieve success Đạt được thành công success in her field through
hard work and
His career accomplishments
include leading major
Career accomplishments Thành tựu trong sự nghiệp projects that significantly
impacted the company's
With numerous educational
achievements, including a
Educational achievements Thành tích học vụ
master's degree, she stands
out in her field.
His dedication to
Professional success Thành công chuyên nghiệp
professional success led him

to climb the corporate
ladder and become a
respected executive.
Throughout her career, she
prioritized personal growth,
Personal growth Sự phát triển cá nhân constantly seeking
opportunities for learning
and development.
By fostering positive impact
in the community, the
Positive impact Ảnh hưởng tích cực
nonprofit organization
improved the lives of many.
Juggling work and personal
commitments, she maintains
Balanced personal life Cuộc sống cá nhân cân bằng a balanced personal life,
ensuring well-being in both
Driven by a strong work
ethic, she continues to
Pursue success Theo đuổi thành công pursue success in her
endeavors, always striving
for improvement.

20. Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing
You should say:
When it happened
What the nice thing was
Why you waited for a long time
And explain how you felt about the experience

Part 3:
On what occasions do people have to wait for a long time?
Why are some people willing to wait for a long time for something?
Why are some people impatient?
Why do most children have difficulties waiting for a long time?
Do you think technology has made people become more impatient?

Word Meaning Example

The amusement park had a
long wait for the popular
Long wait Chờ đợi lâu
roller coaster, with people
standing in line for hours.
During peak hours,
commuters face crowded
Peak hours Giờ cao điểm
trains and buses as they
travel to and from work.
The store released a limited-
edition product, and
Limited-edition product Sản phẩm giới hạn enthusiasts camped
overnight to be among the
first to purchase it.
Attending a live concert by
their favorite band was a
Highly anticipated highly anticipated
Trải nghiệm được mong đợi
experience experience for the fans who
had been waiting for
High stress levels at work
often result from tight
High stress levels Mức độ căng thẳng cao
deadlines and heavy
A fast-paced lifestyle in the
Fast-paced lifestyle Lối sống nhanh chóng city leaves little time for
relaxation or leisure

The lack of tolerance for
delays became evident when
Lack of tolerance Thiếu sự dung túng the flight was delayed,
causing frustration among
Children have a developing
sense of time, making it
Phát triển ý thức về thời
Developing sense of time challenging for them to wait
patiently for extended
In the age of smartphones,
people have grown
Immediate gratification Thụ động ngay lập tức accustomed to immediate
gratification through quick
access to various services.
The internet provides instant
access to information,
Instant access to Truy cập thông tin ngay tức
allowing users to find
information thì
answers to their questions
within seconds.

21. Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful
You should say:
Where you can see it
What it shows
Why you think it is useful
And explain how you feel about it

Part 3:
What products are often advertised online?
What do people usually buy from online advertisements?
Do you think people often buy products on advertisements?
Why do buying new things make people happy?

Word Meaning Example

Online advertising for the
latest skincare line
Online advertising Quảng cáo trực tuyến
showcased the benefits of
natural ingredients.
Beauty products like
premium skincare serums
and luxurious makeup are
Beauty products Sản phẩm làm đẹp
commonly advertised
online, attracting beauty
Household goods such as
smart home devices and
Household goods Hàng tiêu dùng eco-friendly cleaning
supplies are often promoted
through online platforms.
Making informed
purchasing decisions is
Purchasing decisions Quyết định mua sắm crucial, especially when
buying high-value items like
electronics or furniture.
Influential ads featuring
celebrity endorsements can
Influential ads Quảng cáo ảnh hưởng significantly impact
consumer preferences and
buying choices.
Studying consumer behavior
Consumer behavior Hành vi người tiêu dùng helps businesses tailor their
online advertising strategies

to match the preferences of
their target audience.
Impulse buying is common
during online sales events
Impulse buying Mua sắm bất chấp when limited-time offers
prompt quick purchasing
Retail therapy, often
facilitated by online
Làm đẹp bằng cách mua shopping, provides a sense
Retail therapy
sắm of comfort and satisfaction
through acquiring new
A successful online
advertising campaign can
Cuộc mua sắm không kiểm trigger a shopping spree,
Shopping spree
soát leading consumers to
explore various products
and brands.
Ultimately, consumer
satisfaction depends on the
quality of the purchased
Hài lòng của người tiêu
Consumer satisfaction items and the overall
shopping experience
provided by the online

22. Describe a time you had a problem using the computer
You should say:
When it happened
Where it happened
What the problem was
And explain how you solved the problem at last

Part 3:
What do people use computers for?
Should students be allowed to use computers at school?
Why do people often have problems when using new products?
What should companies do to help their customers use their products?

Word Meaning Example

Computer usage in the
office involves tasks such as
Computer usage Sử dụng máy tính data analysis, document
creation, and
Accessing information on
the internet is made easy
Accessing information Truy cập thông tin through search engines,
allowing users to find a vast
array of data.
Developing digital skills is
essential in today's job
Digital skills Kỹ năng số market, ranging from basic
computer literacy to
advanced programming.
User guides that accompany
software applications
provide step-by-step
User guides Hướng dẫn sử dụng
instructions for users to
navigate and utilize the
features effectively.
Tutorials on graphic design
software teach users how to
Tutorials Hướng dẫn chi tiết create visually appealing
designs using various tools
and techniques.
Responsive customer Hỗ trợ khách hàng nhanh Responsive customer
support chóng support ensures that users

receive prompt assistance
when encountering issues
with a product or service.
Product functionality is a
key consideration for
Product functionality Chức năng sản phẩm consumers when choosing
software or devices to meet
their specific needs.
Technical difficulties may
arise during software
Technical difficulties Vấn đề kỹ thuật updates, leading to
unexpected errors that
require troubleshooting.
Efficient troubleshooting
involves identifying and
resolving technical issues
Efficient troubleshooting Sửa lỗi hiệu quả
promptly to minimize
disruptions in product
Seamless integration
between different devices
and software applications
Seamless integration Tích hợp mượt mà
enhances user experience,
allowing for smooth
transitions and interactions.

23. Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud
You should say:
What the task was
How you completed it
Why the task was difficult
Why you were proud of the completion of the task

Part 3:
What are the things that make people feel proud of themselves?
Do people often feel proud of themselves when they complete a difficult task?
How can children make their parents proud?
What are the differences between things that make older and young people proud?

Word Meaning Example

Graduating with honors
Feel proud Tự hào made her feel proud of her
academic achievements.
Achieving personal goals,
such as running a marathon,
Achieving personal goals Đạt được mục tiêu cá nhân
brought a profound sense of
Overcoming the challenges
of starting a small business
Overcoming challenges Vượt qua thách thức
showcased his resilience
and determination.
Volunteering at the local
shelter allowed her to make
Making a positive impact Tạo ra ảnh hưởng tích cực
a positive impact on the
lives of those in need.
Successfully completing a
Hoàn thành một cách thành complex coding project
Successfully complete
công demonstrated his skills and
dedication to his team.
Accomplishing something
Accomplish something Đạt được một thành tựu significant, like publishing a
significant quan trọng novel, marked a milestone
in her writing career.
Achieving academic success
Achieve academic success Đạt được thành công học vụ through diligent studying
and hard work opened doors

to new opportunities.
responsibility by
Chứng minh sự chịu trách
Demonstrate responsibility consistently meeting work
deadlines earned him the
trust of his colleagues.
His contributions to
Contributions to community projects, such as
Đóng góp cho cộng đồng
communities organizing charity events,
had a lasting positive effect.
Establishing independence
by moving to a new city for
Establishing independence Tự lập
a job was a major step in her
personal growth.

24. Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions
You should say:
Who this person is
What this person does
How you knew him/her
And explain how you think his/her ideas or opinions are interesting

Part 3:
When do you think children start to have their own opinions?
Are children’s opinions influenced by their parents?
How do inventors or philosophers come up with new ideas?
What kind of people have lots of great ideas in your country?

Word Meaning Example

Early childhood education
programs aim to develop
Phát triển khả năng nhận
Develop cognitive abilities cognitive abilities through
engaging activities and
interactive learning.
As toddlers, children may
not express themselves
Express themselves verbally Bày tỏ ý kiến bằng lời nói verbally as effectively as
older kids, relying more on
nonverbal cues.
A supportive family
environment that
encourages open
Family environment Môi trường gia đình
communication fosters
healthy emotional
development in children.
Positive socialization
experiences, such as group
Socialization experiences Trải nghiệm xã hội play and teamwork, help
children build essential
interpersonal skills.
Inventors often come up
with new ideas by
combining existing
Come up with new ideas Nảy ra ý tưởng mới
technologies in innovative
ways to solve specific
Critical thinking Tư duy phê phán Critical thinking skills are

honed through activities that
require analysis, evaluation,
and problem-solving.
Scientists and philosophers
deepen their understanding
by observing the world
Observing the world Quan sát thế giới
around them and drawing
connections between
Addressing existing
challenges in sustainable
Addressing existing Đối mặt với thách thức hiện
practices has led to
challenges tại
innovative solutions in
renewable energy.
Creative individuals, such as
artists and writers, draw
Creative individuals Những người sáng tạo inspiration from various
sources to produce unique
and imaginative work.
Innovative ideas in
technology often arise when
Innovative ideas Ý tưởng đổi mới entrepreneurs identify gaps
in the market and propose
novel solutions.

25. Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else
You should say:
What the activity was
Who you were with
When and where it happened
Why you went for it
And explain how you felt about it

Part 3:
What kinds of activities do young people like to do?
Why can exciting activities relieve people’s stress?
What skills do people need to take part in adventurous activities?
Do you think old people would like to have changes in their life?

Word Meaning Example

Socializing with friends
becomes more enjoyable
Socializing with friends Giao tiếp với bạn bè when you gather for a cozy
dinner or chat over a cup of
Playing sports like soccer or
basketball not only
Playing sports Chơi thể thao improves physical health
but also fosters camaraderie
among teammates.
Attending concerts featuring
favorite bands or artists
Attending concerts Tham gia các buổi hòa nhạc provides a thrilling
experience for music
Exploring new hobbies,
such as painting or
Exploring new hobbies Khám phá sở thích mới gardening, can be a
fulfilling way to spend
leisure time.
Exciting activities like zip-
lining or bungee jumping
Exciting activities Hoạt động thú vị
add an adventurous touch to
weekends or vacations.
To relieve stress, many
Relieve stress Giảm căng thẳng
people turn to practices like

meditation, deep breathing,
or yoga.
Completing a challenging
project at work can bring a
Sense of accomplishment Cảm giác thành công
strong sense of
Before embarking on a
hiking trip, thorough risk
assessment, including
Risk assessment Đánh giá rủi ro
checking weather
conditions, is crucial for
Problem-solving skills come
into play when
Problem-solving Giải quyết vấn đề troubleshooting issues with
electronic devices or
tackling complex projects.
Trying new hobbies, such as
learning a musical
Trying new hobbies Thử những sở thích mới instrument or cooking a new
cuisine, adds variety and
excitement to daily life.

26. Describe a place you went to that was crowded
You should say:
Where it is
Who you were with
What people were doing there
And explain why there were a lot of people

Part 3:
Where do young people in your country like to go?
Are people happy living in crowded apartments?
What are the advantages of living on a high floor?
What are the disadvantages of living on a lower floor?
Which scenic spots will have queues of people?
Why do some people spend a long time queuing in a restaurant?

Word Meaning Example

Hanoi's Old Quarter is
known for its crowded
Crowded nightlife spots Điểm đêm đông đúc
nightlife spots, filled with
lively bars and clubs.
Many young professionals
in Ho Chi Minh City prefer
Sống trong chung cư cao
High-rise apartment living high-rise apartment living
for the convenience and
modern amenities.
From the 20th floor of the
Tầm nhìn tuyệt vời từ tầng skyscraper, residents enjoy
Stunning high-floor views
cao stunning high-floor views of
the city skyline.
The ground-floor
convenience store in the
Lower-floor convenience Tiện ích tầng thấp apartment complex makes
lower-floor living more
The queues at popular
Hàng chục người xếp hàng tourist spots like Ha Long
Popular tourist queues
ở điểm du lịch nổi tiếng Bay can be quite extensive
during peak travel seasons.
Locals and tourists alike
Xếp hàng nơi nhà hàng nổi
Renowned restaurant queues patiently wait in renowned
restaurant queues for a taste

of Hoi An's famous cao lầu.
District 1 in Ho Chi Minh
City is filled with vibrant
Điểm hẹn sôi động của
Vibrant youth hangouts youth hangouts, including
thanh niên
trendy cafes and music
Residents on the lower
floors sometimes experience
Sự riêng tư hạn chế ở tầng
Limited lower-floor privacy limited privacy due to foot
traffic and proximity to
common areas.
Scenic spot overcrowding is
a common issue during
Scenic spot overcrowding Quá đông ở điểm du lịch festivals, drawing crowds to
iconic landmarks like the
Perfume Pagoda.
Understanding queue
etiquette in crowded places,
Queue etiquette in crowded Phép lịch sự khi xếp hàng ở
such as bustling markets, is
places những nơi đông người
essential for a smooth

27. Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future
You should say
What it is
Where you will do it
Whether it is easy or difficult
And explain why you would like to try it

Part 3:
What kinds of water sports are popular nowadays?
Why do some people like to live near water?
Is it necessary to teach swimming at school?

Word Meaning Example

In Phuket, tourists can enjoy
thrilling water sports like jet
Thrilling water sports Môn thể thao nước hứng thú
skiing and parasailing along
the vibrant coastline.
The demand for waterfront
living in Miami has led to
Waterfront living Sống gần bờ nước the development of
luxurious condos with direct
access to the beach.
Residents of the serene
lakeside residences in
Switzerland wake up to
Serene lakeside residences Nhà ở yên bình bên hồ
breathtaking views of the
Alps reflected in the calm
Coastal living preferences
are evident in the popularity
of beachfront homes in
Coastal living preferences Sở thích sống ở ven biển
cities like Sydney, where
residents savor oceanfront
The Maldives offers
abundant aquatic recreation
Aquatic recreation opportunities, from
Cơ hội giải trí dưới nước
opportunities snorkeling in coral reefs to
exploring the underwater
Olympic swimming training
Olympic swimming training Đào tạo bơi lội Olympic
facilities in Rio de Janeiro

attract aspiring athletes from
around the globe.
Lifesaving swimming skills
are crucial for residents of
Lifesaving swimming skills Kỹ năng bơi cứu sinh Florida, given the state's
numerous lakes and
swimming pools.
Picturesque seaside
communities such as
Santorini in Greece
Picturesque seaside captivate visitors with their
Cộng đồng biển tuyệt vời
communities white-washed buildings
against the deep blue
backdrop of the Aegean
Water safety education
programs are implemented
Giáo dục an toàn khi tiếp
Water safety education in coastal towns to ensure
xúc với nước
residents are well-prepared
for potential risks.
Boating and sailing
enthusiasts gather annually
Boating and sailing Người hâm mộ thuyền và du for the regatta in Newport,
enthusiasts thuyền Rhode Island, showcasing
their passion for maritime

28. Describe a decision you made that was difficult or important
You should say:
What it is
When you took this decision
What the result of the decision was
And explain why the decision was difficult / important.

Part 3:
Do you think children sometimes have to make important decisions?
What important decisions do teenagers need to make after graduation?
Who can children turn to for help when making a decision?
Do you think advertisements can influence our decisions when shopping?
Do you think the influence of advertising is good?
Should advertisements aimed at children be banned?

Word Meaning Example

Graduating high school
Những khoảnh khắc quan presents critical decision-
Critical decision-making
trọng trong việc ra quyết making moments, such as
định choosing between college
and vocational training.
After completing university,
Sarah faced post-graduation
Post-graduation career Quyết định nghề nghiệp sau career decisions,
decisions khi tốt nghiệp contemplating whether to
pursue further studies or
enter the workforce.
When uncertain about
college choices, students
Sự hướng dẫn đáng tin cậy often seek trusted adult
Trusted adult guidance
từ người lớn guidance from parents,
teachers, or career
Influential shopping
advertisements persuaded
Quảng cáo ảnh hưởng mạnh
Influential shopping customers to try a new
mẽ trong quyết định mua
advertisements skincare product,
emphasizing its
transformative benefits.
Ethical advertising
Ethical advertising Xem xét vấn đề quảng cáo
considerations led the
considerations đạo đức
company to disclose all

ingredients, ensuring
transparency in their
marketing practices.
The positive advertising
influence of a sustainability
campaign encouraged
Positive advertising Tác động tích cực của quảng
consumers to choose eco-
influence cáo
friendly products,
contributing to
environmental conservation.
Understanding consumer
decision psychology is
Consumer decision Tâm lý quyết định của crucial for businesses
psychology người tiêu dùng aiming to tailor their
marketing strategies to
customer preferences.
Banning children-targeted
ads protects young minds
Banning children-targeted Cấm quảng cáo dành cho trẻ
from potential exploitation
ads em
and ensures age-appropriate
content exposure.
Responsible marketing
practices involve promoting
Responsible marketing Thực hành tiếp thị có trách products honestly and
practices nhiệm avoiding deceptive tactics
that may mislead
The decision-making impact
on young minds is evident
Decision-making impact on Tác động của quyết định đối as children are influenced
young minds với tâm trí trẻ by media portrayals,
shaping their perceptions
and preferences.

29. Describe an expensive gift that you want like to give someone when you save a
lot of money
You should say:
What it is
How much it will cost you
When you would like to give that gift
And explain why you want to give the person that expensive gift

Part 3:
What do young people like to save money for?
Is it easy for people to save money to buy something expensive?
Should children have pocket money? Why?
Who should teach children how to use money, schools or their parents?
Why can’t some people save money?

Word Meaning Example

Mark diligently sets aside a
portion of his income for
Tiết kiệm cho tương lai đầu
Future investment savings future investment savings,

aiming to build a robust
financial portfolio.
Sarah, determined to
purchase a new laptop,
Lập kế hoạch ngân sách cho practices expensive item
Expensive item budgeting
vật phẩm đắt tiền budgeting by allocating a
specific amount each month
until she reaches her goal.
Children often receive
pocket money allowances
Pocket money allowances Tiền tiêu vặt hàng ngày from their parents, teaching
them the basics of budgeting
and saving.
Financial responsibility
education in schools
Financial responsibility Giáo dục trách nhiệm tài involves teaching students
education chính about managing money
wisely, preparing them for
future financial decisions.
Jake's parents provide
practical money lessons,
Practical money lessons Bài học thực tế về tiền bạc
allowing him to experience
firsthand the importance of

budgeting and making
informed spending choices.
Maria developed budgeting
discipline by consistently
Kỷ luật lập kế hoạch ngân
Budgeting discipline tracking her expenses and
prioritizing savings over
impulse purchases.
High schools aim to
enhance students' financial
literacy skills through
Financial literacy skills Kỹ năng hiểu biết tài chính dedicated courses covering
topics like investing,
budgeting, and credit
The savings accumulation
challenges faced by young
Savings accumulation Thách thức tích lũy tiết professionals include
challenges kiệm balancing student loan
repayments and saving for a
down payment on a home.
Unexpected expense
setbacks, like a medical
Unexpected expense
Rắc rối chi phí bất ngờ emergency or car repair, can
hinder the smooth
accumulation of savings.
Families experiencing low-
income financial struggles
Low-income financial Khó khăn tài chính với thu often find it difficult to
struggles nhập thấp allocate funds for savings
amid essential living

30. Describe a sports program you like to watch
You should say:
What it is
Who you like to watch this program with
How often you watch this program
And explain why you like to watch this program.

Part 3:
Which sports do Vietnamese people like to do?
Which one do people prefer, playing sports or watching sports programs?
What are the benefits of playing sports?
Do you think children today do enough sports?
How can children be encouraged to play sports from a young age?

Word Meaning Example

Football, also known as
soccer, is one of the most
Các môn thể thao phổ biến
Popular Vietnamese sports popular Vietnamese sports,
tại Việt Nam
drawing enthusiastic fans
Some individuals have a
spectatorship preference,
Sự ưa chuộng xem đấu thể choosing to watch intense
Spectatorship preference
thao matches like the V.League
rather than actively
participating in sports.
Engaging in sports offers
notable physical health
benefits, including
Physical health benefits Lợi ích về sức khỏe cơ bản
improved cardiovascular
fitness and enhanced
muscular strength.
Many people find stress
reduction through sports
Stress reduction through Giảm căng thẳng thông qua like yoga or tai chi,
sports thể thao providing a healthy outlet
for managing daily
Team sports such as
Teamwork development in Phát triển kỹ năng làm việc volleyball and basketball
sports nhóm trong thể thao contribute significantly to
teamwork development,

fostering collaboration and
communication skills.
Sedentary lifestyle concerns
arise as modern
Lo ngại về lối sống ít vận
Sedentary lifestyle concerns technologies lead to
increased screen time and
decreased physical activity.
Parents and schools play
crucial roles in active
Active participation Khuyến khích sự tham gia
encouragement, motivating
encouragement tích cực
children to join sports teams
or pursue individual
Positive role modeling in
sports, whether by coaches,
Positive role modeling in Vai trò mô phỏng tích cực athletes, or family members,
sports trong thể thao influences individuals to
adopt healthy habits and
A supportive sports
environment, where athletes
Supportive sports receive encouragement and
Môi trường thể thao hỗ trợ
environment constructive feedback,
contributes to their overall
Youth sports engagement,
whether in school or
Sự tham gia của thanh thiếu community programs, helps
Youth sports engagement
niên trong thể thao instill a lifelong
appreciation for physical
activity and its benefits.

31. Describe a traditional celebration in your country that you enjoy
You should say:
What it is
When it is often celebrated
How it is celebrated
And explain why you enjoy this celebration

Part 3:
Is it important for children to learn about traditional festivals of their own country?
Why is music often an essential part of traditional festivals?
Why do people celebrate traditional festivals?
Do you think traditional festivals will disappear in the future?
Is it important for a country to preserve its traditional festivals?
How can the government and each individual preserve the traditional festivals of their

Word Meaning Example

Attending traditional
ceremonies during festivals
Cultural appreciation Sự trân trọng văn hóa qua allows for cultural
through festivals các lễ hội appreciation as individuals
learn about customs and
The festive atmosphere in
the New Year celebration is
Festive atmosphere Tăng cường bầu không khí
enhanced with lively music,
enhancement with music lễ hội bằng âm nhạc
creating a joyous
environment for everyone.
During national holidays,
historical events are
Historical events Tưởng nhớ sự kiện lịch sử commemorated in festivals
commemoration in festivals trong các lễ hội through parades,
reenactments, and
educational exhibitions.
Religious beliefs are
expressed in festivals like
Religious beliefs expression Thể hiện niềm tin tôn giáo Diwali, where communities
in festivals trong các lễ hội come together to celebrate
the triumph of light over
Agricultural milestones Kỷ niệm các mốc quan Harvest festivals, such as

celebration trọng trong lĩnh vực nông Thanksgiving, are examples
nghiệp of agricultural milestones
celebrations, expressing
gratitude for the bounty of
the land.
Festivals contribute to the
continuity of cultural
Continuity and community Sự liên tục và cộng đồng
practices, strengthening the
in festivals trong các lễ hội
sense of community and
shared traditions.
Traditional dances, rituals,
and art forms during
Deep cultural significance Ý nghĩa văn hóa sâu sắc của festivals hold deep cultural
of festivals các lễ hội significance, representing
the heritage and values of a
International festivals often
showcase a variety of
Maintenance of cultural Bảo tồn sự đa dạng văn hóa cultural performances,
diversity through festivals qua các lễ hội contributing to the
maintenance of cultural
diversity on a global scale.
In events like Independence
Day celebrations, festivals
National identity Củng cố bản sắc dân tộc qua play a role in strengthening
strengthening via festivals các lễ hội national identity by
fostering unity and
Festivals like Rio Carnival
attract tourists worldwide,
Cultural tourism attraction Thu hút du lịch văn hóa serving as cultural tourism
through festivals thông qua các lễ hội attractions that showcase the
vibrancy and uniqueness of
a country's traditions.

32. Describe an ideal house or apartment
You should say:
What it is like
How big it would be
Where it would be located
And explain why you would like to live there

Part 3:
What is the difference between living in an apartment and living in a house?
What do people in Vietnam prefer to live in, in an apartment or in a house?
Why do some people move to cities from the countryside to live?
What difficulties do people have living in the city?
What are the problems with crowded cities?

Word Meaning Example

Many city apartments have
Limited outdoor space in Diện tích ngoại thất hạn chế limited outdoor space, often
apartments trong căn hộ limited to small balconies or
shared common areas.
Houses typically offer
personal outdoor areas, such
Personal outdoor areas in Khu vực ngoại thất cá nhân as backyard gardens or front
houses tại các nhà riêng lawns, allowing residents
more space for outdoor
Centralized amenities in
modern apartments may
Centralized amenities in Tiện ích tập trung trong các include gyms, swimming
apartments căn hộ pools, and communal
spaces, enhancing residents'
quality of life.
Homeowners generally have
Greater autonomy in greater autonomy in
Quyền tự chủ lớn hơn trong
property maintenance for property maintenance, being
việc bảo dưỡng nhà ở
houses responsible for their own
repairs and landscaping.
Vietnam's increasing
urbanization is evident in
Increasing urbanization in Sự đô thị hóa gia tăng tại
the growing number of
Vietnam Việt Nam
high-rise buildings and
urban development projects.

Convenient apartment living
often includes proximity to
Cuộc sống thuận tiện trong
Convenient apartment living public transportation,
căn hộ
shopping centers, and other
essential services.
Affordable apartment
options cater to a diverse
Affordable apartment Các lựa chọn căn hộ giá
range of residents, offering
options phải chăng
various sizes and amenities
to suit different budgets.
Many individuals move to
cities seeking better job
Seeking better job Tìm kiếm cơ hội việc làm opportunities, hoping to
opportunities in cities tốt hơn ở thành phố enhance their career
prospects and financial
Access to education is a
common motivator in urban
Tiếp cận giáo dục trong di
Access to education in migration, with cities
cư từ nông thôn vào thành
urban migration offering a broader range of
schools and higher
education institutions.
The fast-paced urban
lifestyle often stresses
Fast-paced urban lifestyle Những căng thẳng của lối residents, as they juggle
stresses sống đô thị nhanh chóng work, commute, and
personal responsibilities in
bustling city environments.

33. Describe a job you think is interesting
You should say:
What it is
How you knew it
What skills it requires
And explain why you think it is interesting

Part 3:
What are the most popular jobs for young people in Vietnam?
What is the difference between high-income and low-income jobs in your country?
Which jobs pay low wages but require a high level of skills?
When is the right time for young people to start making serious plans for their future
Do you think it is important for secondary schools to offer career advice to students?
What are the factors that affect how young people choose a job?

Word Meaning Example

In Vietnam, software
development and digital
Popular career choices for Lựa chọn nghề nghiệp phổ marketing are popular
young people biến cho thanh niên career choices for young
people seeking dynamic and
growing fields.
Surgeons and IT specialists
often find high-income job
High-income job Cơ hội việc làm có thu nhập
opportunities due to the
opportunities cao
specialized nature and
demand for their skills.
Despite requiring advanced
skills, some artistic
Các nghề thu nhập thấp
Low-income occupations in occupations, such as
trong nhiều lĩnh vực khác
various industries freelance writers or aspiring
musicians, may fall into
low-income categories.
Skilled roles with low
wages may include certain
Skilled roles with low Những vai trò chuyên technical positions where
wages nghiệp với mức lương thấp demand is not proportionate
to the level of expertise
Early career planning for Lập kế hoạch sớm cho sự Early career planning for

young individuals nghiệp của thanh niên young individuals involves
exploring potential fields of
interest, such as internships
or vocational programs.
Making informed decisions
about future careers is vital;
Informed decisions about Quyết định thông tin về sự for example, individuals
future careers nghiệp tương lai may choose environmental
science after learning about
climate change impacts.
Exploring interests and
setting goals early on can
Exploring interests and Khám phá sở thích và đặt ra guide young individuals
setting goals những mục tiêu toward fulfilling careers that
align with their passions and
Aligning educational goals
with career paths is
Educational goals alignment Định hình mục tiêu học với essential; for instance,
with career paths sự nghiệp pursuing engineering studies
may lead to careers in
renewable energy.
Comprehensive career
advice for students includes
Comprehensive career Tư vấn sự nghiệp toàn diện guidance on academic paths,
advice for students cho sinh viên internships, and soft skills
development for a holistic
approach to career planning.
Secondary schools
providing career
development opportunities,
Career development
Cơ hội phát triển sự nghiệp such as job fairs and
opportunities in secondary
tại trường trung học mentorship programs,
contribute to students'
understanding of various

34. Describe a person who likes to help other people
You should say:
Who he/she is
How often he/she helps others
How he/she helps others
And explain how you feel about this person.

Part 3:
How can children help their parents at home?
Should children be taught to help others from a young age?
What makes children help each other at school?
Should students do community service?
Do you think community service should be required for all students?
Why are some people willing to help others even though they have never met before?

Word Meaning Example

Children can learn
responsibility by completing
Simple chores at home Công việc nhẹ nhàng tại nhà simple chores at home, such
as making their beds or
cleaning up after meals.
Schools play a role in
instilling values of empathy
Values of empathy and Giá trị của sự đồng cảm và and kindness, fostering a
kindness lòng tốt positive environment where
students support one
Social responsibility
instillation begins at home,
Social responsibility where parents teach children
Cài đặt trách nhiệm xã hội
instillation the importance of caring for
others and making a positive
impact in their community.
Teachers have a positive
influence on students,
Positive influence fostering Ảnh hưởng tích cực khuyến fostering cooperation
cooperation khích sự hợp tác through collaborative
projects and group
Civic duty instillation
Civic duty instillation Cài đặt nghĩa vụ công dân involves engaging students
in activities like community

clean-ups, reinforcing the
importance of contributing
to the well-being of their
city or town.
Connection to the broader
community can be achieved
through initiatives like
Connection to the broader Kết nối với cộng đồng rộng
school partnerships with
community lớn
local organizations, creating
a sense of belonging beyond
the classroom.
Schools play a crucial role
in encouraging community
Encouraging community Khuyến khích hoạt động từ
service by organizing events
service thiện cộng đồng
like food drives or volunteer
The debated requirement for
students to participate in
community service revolves
around discussions on the
Debated requirement for Vấn đề tranh cãi về yêu cầu
benefits, potential
students đối với sinh viên
drawbacks, and the balance
between academic demands
and extracurricular
Recognizing individual
preferences and
circumstances is essential
Individual preferences and Sự ưu tiên và tình hình cụ
when designing community
circumstances thể của cá nhân
service programs to
accommodate diverse
student needs.
Contributing to the greater
good can be seen in students
participating in initiatives
Contributing to the greater Đóng góp vào hòa bình lớn
like environmental projects,
good lao
demonstrating the positive
impact of collective efforts
on a larger scale.

35. Describe an adventure you would like to take in the future
You should say:
What the adventure is
Where you would go
Who you would be with
And explain why you would like to take the adventure

Part 3:
Who often likes to read adventure books?
Do people prefer adventure novels or adventure movies?
Why do people like to read adventure books rather than take an actual adventure?
Why do some people not want to take adventures?
What kind of personality should people have in order to experience a lot of
What are the benefits of taking adventures?

Word Meaning Example

Adventure enthusiasts often
seek thrilling activities like
Adventure enthusiasts Người hâm mộ phiêu lưu rock climbing, hiking, or
exploring unknown
Immersive storytelling in
adventure novels, such as
Jules Verne's "Twenty
Immersive storytelling in Việc kể chuyện hấp dẫn
Thousand Leagues Under
adventure novels trong tiểu thuyết phiêu lưu
the Sea," captivates readers
with vivid descriptions and
suspenseful plots.
Risks associated with real-
life adventures can include
extreme sports like
Risks associated with real- Rủi ro liên quan đến cuộc
skydiving, where
life adventures phiêu lưu thực tế
participants accept the
challenge of overcoming
potential dangers.
Some individuals may avoid
adventurous activities like
Avoiding adventures due to Tránh xa các cuộc phiêu lưu
bungee jumping due to fear
fear do nỗi sợ hãi
of heights or a general
aversion to taking risks.

Personality traits of
adventurous individuals
may include a strong sense
Personality traits of Đặc điểm tính cách của
of curiosity, a love for
adventurous individuals những người phiêu lưu
spontaneity, and an
eagerness to explore the
Openness to new
experiences encourages
Openness to new Sẵn lòng trải nghiệm những people to try activities like
experiences điều mới mẻ scuba diving or zip-lining,
expanding their horizons
and breaking routine.
Willingness to embrace
uncertainty is evident in
Willingness to embrace Sẵn lòng đối mặt với sự those who embark on
uncertainty không chắc chắn backpacking trips,
embracing the unpredictable
nature of travel.
Personal growth through
adventures can be seen in
individuals who challenge
Personal growth through Sự phát triển cá nhân thông
themselves with activities
adventures qua những cuộc phiêu lưu
like solo backpacking,
fostering independence and
Enhanced problem-solving
skills from adventures are
Nâng cao khả năng giải
Enhanced problem-solving evident in scenarios like
quyết vấn đề từ những cuộc
skills from adventures wilderness survival
phiêu lưu
situations, where quick
thinking is essential.
The creation of lasting
memories on adventures,
Tạo ra những kỷ niệm lâu such as camping under the
Creation of lasting
dài trong những cuộc phiêu stars or navigating
memories on adventures
lưu challenging trails,
contributes to a rich tapestry
of life experiences.

36. Describe a car journey that you remember well
You should say:
Where you went
What you did on the journey
Who you had the journey with
And explain how you felt about the journey

Part 3:
What do Vietnamese people prefer to use while commuting, private cars or public
What are the benefits of using public transport?
How can people be encouraged to take public transport?
What qualities does a good driver need to have?
Should the minimum legal age for driving be raised?

Word Meaning Example

Many urban professionals
rely on private cars for
Private cars for commuting Ô tô cá nhân để đi lại
commuting, appreciating the
door-to-door convenience.
The convenience and
flexibility in commuting
Sự thuận tiện và linh hoạt choices provided by
Convenience and flexibility
trong lựa chọn phương tiện ridesharing services like
in commuting choices
giao thông Uber and Lyft have
transformed transportation
The perceived comfort of
private car travel is evident
in features like air
Perceived comfort of private Sự thoải mái được cảm nhận
conditioning, personalized
car travel khi đi ô tô cá nhân
music choices, and the
ability to control the
The benefits of using public
transport include reduced air
Lợi ích của việc sử dụng
Benefits of using public pollution, lower carbon
phương tiện giao thông công
transport emissions, and decreased
dependence on individual
Cost savings through public Tiết kiệm chi phí thông qua Cost savings through public
transport việc sử dụng phương tiện transport become apparent

công cộng when comparing expenses
like fuel, parking fees, and
maintenance costs
associated with private car
Reduced traffic congestion
with public transport can
Reduced traffic congestion Giảm ùn tắc giao thông với
lead to quicker and more
with public transport phương tiện công cộng
efficient commutes for
everyone on the road.
sustainability of public
Environmental Bền vững về môi trường của transport is demonstrated
sustainability of public phương tiện giao thông công through initiatives like
transport cộng electric buses and efforts to
promote cleaner, greener
modes of transit.
Increased social interaction
on public transport occurs
Tăng cường tương tác xã
Increased social interaction naturally as passengers
hội khi sử dụng phương tiện
on public transport share communal spaces,
công cộng
fostering a sense of
community during travel.
Encouraging public
transport usage involves
Khuyến khích việc sử dụng initiatives such as providing
Encouraging public
phương tiện giao thông công reliable schedules,
transport usage
cộng affordable fares, and
dedicated lanes for buses or
Good driver qualities and
skills encompass traits like
Good driver qualities and Đặc điểm và kỹ năng tốt của patience, defensive driving
skills tài xế techniques, and adherence
to traffic regulations for a
safe and smooth journey.

37. Describe a book that you have read more than once
You should say:
What the book is
What it is about
How many times you have read it
And explain why you read it many times

Part 3:
What kinds of books do children like to read? Why?
What can children learn from reading books?
How can parents encourage their children to read books?
Which one do people prefer to read, ebooks or printed books?
Do you think printed books will disappear in the future?

Word Meaning Example

"Where the Wild Things
Are" by Maurice Sendak is
Imaginative and colorful Sách truyện sáng tạo và đầy
an imaginative and colorful
storybooks màu sắc
storybook that sparks
children's creativity.
The engaging characters in
Dr. Seuss's books, such as
Engaging characters in Những nhân vật hấp dẫn
the mischievous Cat in the
children's books trong sách trẻ em
Hat, capture children's
The vibrant illustrations in
Eric Carle's "The Very
Vibrant illustrations Hungry Caterpillar" are
Tranh minh họa tươi sáng
capturing children's known for capturing
thu hút sự chú ý của trẻ nhỏ
attention children's attention with
their vivid colors and
charming depictions.
Essential language skills,
like grammar and syntax,
are learned from reading
Essential language skills Kỹ năng ngôn ngữ quan
books like "Brown Bear,
learned from reading books trọng học từ việc đọc sách
Brown Bear, What Do You
See?" by Bill Martin Jr. and
Eric Carle.
Vocabulary expansion Vocabulary expansion
Mở rộng vốn từ vựng qua
through diverse reading occurs as children explore
các tài liệu đa dạng
materials diverse reading materials,

such as the rich and
descriptive language in
Roald Dahl's "Matilda."
Cultural awareness is gained
from diverse storylines, like
Nhận thức văn hóa được in "Mango, Abuela, and
Cultural awareness gained
hình thành từ những cốt Me" by Meg Medina, which
from diverse storylines
truyện đa dạng explores cultural
connections and language
Empathy development is
nurtured through character-
driven narratives, as seen in
Empathy development Phát triển lòng thương và "Charlotte's Web" by E.B.
through character-driven hiểu biết qua những câu White, where readers
narratives chuyện xoay quanh nhân vật empathize with the
friendship between
Charlotte the spider and
Wilbur the pig.
The love for storytelling is
fostered by reading
Love for storytelling Sự yêu thích truyện kể được
experiences, and classics
fostered by reading nuôi dưỡng thông qua
like "The Tale of Peter
experiences những trải nghiệm đọc sách
Rabbit" by Beatrix Potter
contribute to this affection.
Creating a reading-friendly
environment at home
involves cozy reading
Reading-friendly Môi trường thuận lợi cho
corners, like having a
environment at home việc đọc sách tại nhà
dedicated space with
comfortable seating and
good lighting.
Access to a variety of age-
appropriate books, such as
picture books for younger
Access to a variety of age- Tiếp cận một loạt sách phù
children and chapter books
appropriate books hợp với độ tuổi của trẻ
for older ones, ensures a
diverse and enriching
reading experience.

38. Describe a speech experience that you had
You should say:
Who you gave the speech to
What the speech was about
Why you gave the speech
And explain how you felt about the speech

Part 3:
Is public speaking skill important?
How can people improve their public speaking skills?
What benefits does the Internet bring to communication?
Do you think face-to-face communication will be replaced by online communication in
the future?
What qualities does a good communicator need to have?

Word Meaning Example

Effective communication
skills are essential in fields
Effective communication like business, where
Kỹ năng giao tiếp hiệu quả
skills conveying ideas clearly can
lead to successful
Leadership development
through public speaking is
Phát triển lãnh đạo thông exemplified by figures like
Leadership development
qua nghệ thuật diễn thuyết Martin Luther King Jr.,
through public speaking
công khai whose powerful speeches
played a key role in the civil
rights movement.
Professional success
through public speaking
Thành công nghề nghiệp
Professional success proficiency is evident in
thông qua sự thành thạo
through public speaking individuals like Elon Musk,
trong nghệ thuật diễn thuyết
proficiency whose compelling
công khai
presentations contribute to
the success of his ventures.
Practice for improving
public speaking skills may
Practice for improving Luyện tập để cải thiện kỹ involve rehearsing a speech
public speaking skills năng diễn thuyết công khai multiple times or
participating in mock

Public speaking clubs like
Toastmasters provide a
Public speaking clubs like Câu lạc bộ diễn thuyết công supportive environment for
Toastmasters khai như Toastmasters individuals to enhance their
communication and
leadership abilities.
Constructive feedback for
public speaking
Constructive feedback for Phản hồi tích cực để cải
improvement is valuable,
public speaking thiện kỹ năng diễn thuyết
such as receiving advice on
improvement công khai
vocal modulation or body
language during a speech.
Studying successful
speakers for inspiration
Nghiên cứu những diễn giả could include analyzing
Studying successful
thành công để tìm nguồn TED Talks, like those by Sir
speakers for inspiration
cảm hứng Ken Robinson, known for
their impactful content and
Instant global connectivity
through the Internet enables
Instant global connectivity Kết nối toàn cầu ngay lập virtual meetings and real-
through the Internet tức thông qua Internet time communication,
facilitating collaboration
across continents.
Diverse modes of
expression on social media
range from written posts to
Diverse modes of Đa dạng các hình thức biểu
visual content, allowing
expression on social media đạt trên mạng xã hội
individuals to share
thoughts and experiences in
various formats.
Genuine connections
fostered through face-to-
face communication are
Genuine connections Mối quan hệ chân thành
exemplified by strong
fostered through face-to- được phát triển thông qua
relationships built through
face communication giao tiếp trực tiếp
in-person interactions, like
those formed in a close-knit

39. Describe a game you played in your childhood
You should say:
What the game was
When you played it
Who you played it with
And explain how you felt about playing the game

Part 3:
What games do young children in your country like to play?
What is the difference between the kind of games children play now and what they
played in the past?
Which is better for children, individual games or team-based games?
What are the benefits of games to children?
Should parents limit the time their children play games?

Word Meaning Example

The colorful display in the
Catch someone's eye Bắt gặp sự chú ý của ai đó store window caught my
eye as I walked by.
Education plays a crucial
Play a crucial role Đóng vai trò quan trọng role in shaping a person's
I think he missed the point
of the story; it wasn't
Miss the point Lạc đề
about the ending but the
I have to work late to
Meet a deadline Đáp ứng thời hạn meet the deadline for the
A good joke can break the
Phá vỡ bầu không khí ice and make people feel
Break the ice
lạnh lùng more comfortable in a
new setting.
The teacher decided to
turn a blind eye to the
Turn a blind eye Quay lưng làm ngơ
student's minor mistake
this time.
It took a while, but
eventually, she was able
Grasp the concept Nắm bắt khái niệm
to grasp the concept of
advanced mathematics.

Feeling adventurous, they
Sự xê dịch địa chất tạo ra decided to throw caution
Throw caution to the wind
gió to the wind and take a
spontaneous road trip.
After a strong start, the
Take the lead Dẫn đầu team continued to take the
lead throughout the game.
Despite repeated
warnings, his advice
Fall on deaf ears Bỏ ngoài tai seemed to fall on deaf
ears, and they proceeded
with their plan.

41. Describe a film you watched recently that you felt disappointed about
You should say:
What the film was
When you watched it
Why you decided to watch it
And explain why you felt disappointed about it

Part 3:
What are the most popular types of films in your country?
Why are films about historical figures or events popular?
What are the factors that affect how people choose a film to watch?
Do you think films need to have famous actors or actresses to become successful?
Is music an essential part in successful films?

Word Meaning Example

She hit the jackpot when
she found the rare antique
Hit the jackpot Trúng số độc đắc
at a garage sale for a low
It was difficult for him to
break the news to his
Break the news Tiết lộ
parents about his decision
to move abroad.
Bear in mind that the
deadline for the project is
Bear in mind Nhớ kỹ, ghi nhớ
approaching; we need to
work efficiently.
She decided to take a back
Ngồi sau, để người khác seat in the meeting and let
Take a back seat
đi trước others express their
opinions first.
The teacher decided to
turn a blind eye to the
Turn a blind eye Quay mặt làm ngơ
student's minor mistake
this time.
After hours of negotiation,
they finally managed to
Strike a deal Đạt được thỏa thuận
strike a deal that benefited
both parties.
The colorful artwork in
the gallery caught
Catch someone's attention Thu hút sự chú ý của ai đó
everyone's attention as
they entered.

The company invested in
cutting-edge technology
Cutting-edge technology Công nghệ tiên tiến
to stay ahead of its
Many companies are
Tham gia theo đà, theo jumping on the
Jump on the bandwagon
bước bandwagon and adopting
sustainable practices.
She's feeling a bit under
Không khỏe, cảm thấy the weather, so she
Under the weather
không tốt decided to stay home
instead of going out.

42. Describe a new shop that recently opened in your city/town
You should say:
Where the shop is located
What it sells
What kinds of people usually go there to shop
And explain how successful you think it will be in the future

Part 3:
What kinds of shops are popular in your city?
Do you think location is a key factor that attracts customers?
Which ones are more popular with young people today, online shops or traditional
Do you think online shopping will replace traditional shopping in the future?
Is there any problem with online shopping?

Word Meaning Example

After months of
Liều lĩnh, bắt đầu một
preparation, he decided to
Take the plunge việc quan trọng mặc cho
take the plunge and start
rủi ro
his own business.
Feeling overwhelmed, she
Bỏ cuộc, từ bỏ một công decided to throw in the
Throw in the towel
việc khó khăn towel and take a break
from her demanding job.
Facing a challenging
Chịu đựng khó khăn, đối
situation, he had to bite
Bite the bullet mặt với một tình huống
the bullet and confront the
khó khăn
issue head-on.
The company invested in
cutting-edge technology
Cutting-edge technology Công nghệ tiên tiến
to stay ahead of its
With a solid plan in place,
Bắt đầu mạnh mẽ, nhanh the new team was ready to
Hit the ground running
chóng và có hiệu suất cao hit the ground running on
their first day.
She regretted not
investing in the stock
Miss the boat Lỡ cơ hội market earlier, feeling like
she had missed the boat
on potential profits.
The colorful display in the
Catch someone's eye Thu hút sự chú ý của ai đó
store window caught my

eye as I walked by.
A good joke can break the
Phá vỡ bầu không khí
ice and make people feel
Break the ice lạnh lùng, làm thoải mái
more comfortable in a
môi trường
new setting
Many companies are
Tham gia theo đà, làm jumping on the
Jump on the bandwagon
theo xu hướng bandwagon and adopting
sustainable practices.
The teacher decided to
Quay lưng làm ngơ, turn a blind eye to the
Turn a blind eye
không chú ý đến điều gì student's minor mistake
this time.

43. Describe an invention that is useful in your daily life
You should say:
What the invention is
How you use this invention
Whether it is difficult to use
And explain how you feel about this invention

Part 3:
What are the qualities of a scientist?
Are there any inventions that have changed the world profoundly?
Do all inventions bring benefits to our world?
Do you think people who have not been educated in school can invent things?
Who should support and sponsor inventors, governments or private companies?

Word Meaning Example

Kinh doanh After gaining experience,
Run a business she decided to run a
business of her own.
It's time to make a
decision about where to
Make a decision Đưa ra quyết định
go for our summer
After analyzing the data,
the scientist was able to
Draw a conclusion Rút ra kết luận
draw a conclusion about
the experiment.
Starting a new project can
be challenging, but it's
Face a challenge Đối mặt với thách thức
essential for personal
The tall building cast a
Cast a shadow Đối mặt với thách thức shadow over the small
park in the afternoon.
It's important to strike a
balance between work and
Strike a balance Đạt được sự cân bằng
personal life for overall
If you make an effort to
Make an effort Nỗ lực practice regularly, you'll
improve your skills.

The colorful artwork in
the gallery caught
Catch someone's attention Thu hút sự chú ý của ai đó
everyone's attention as
they entered.
A good joke can break the
Phá vỡ bầu không khí ice and make people feel
Break the ice
lạnh lùng more comfortable in a
new setting.
After a strong start, the
Take the lead Dẫn đầu team continued to take the
lead throughout the game.

44. Describe a popular person in your country
You should say:
Who this person is
What he/she is like
Why you think this person is popular
And explain how this person influences the public

Part 3:
What kinds of people are more popular at school?
What are the benefits of being popular at school?
Why are some people less famous than others?
Is it important to become popular at a workplace?
How do people maintain a good relationship with their co-workers and their bosses?

Word Meaning Example

She always takes the
initiative to propose new
Take the initiative Chủ động
ideas during team
The marketing campaign
started to gain momentum
Gain momentum Tăng đà
after the promotional
In order to succeed, you
must be prepared to face
Face the challenges Đối mặt với thách thức
the challenges that come
your way.
The nonprofit
organization worked hard
Raise awareness Nâng cao nhận thức
to raise awareness about
environmental issues.
Networking events
provide opportunities to
Forge a connection Xây dựng mối quan hệ forge connections with
professionals in your
It's important to feel
comfortable voicing your
Voice an opinion Bày tỏ ý kiến
opinion in team
The controversial topic
Spark a debate Kích thích cuộc tranh luận sparked a lively debate
among the participants.

The new product launch
Create a buzz Tạo nên sự chú ý aimed to create a buzz in
the market

Regular team-building
Build a rapport Xây dựng mối quan hệ activities help build a
rapport among colleagues.
I have to work late to
Meet a deadline Đáp ứng thời hạn meet the deadline for the

45. Describe an enjoyable experience in your childhood
You should say:
What it is
Who you were with
What you did
And explain why you felt happy

Part 3:
Why do you think some people have better memory than others?
What kinds of things do people often remember nowadays?
What are the things people should not forget?
Why do some people remember more of their childhood than others?
What can people do to improve their memory?

Word Meaning Example

After a long day of work,
she decided to hit the hay
Hit the hay Đi ngủ
early for a good night's
The innovative design of
the new smartphone
Break the mold Phá vỡ khuôn mẫu
aimed to break the mold
in the competitive market.
Before making a decision,
it's essential to hold your
Hold your horses Bình tĩnh, đừng nóng vội horses and carefully
consider the
In a stable work
environment, it's not
Rock the boat Gây rối advisable to rock the boat
with unnecessary
To avoid traffic, it's better
Steer clear Tránh xa to steer clear of the main
road during rush hours.
During tough times, true
friends are those who
Weather the storm Vượt qua thử thách
stand by you and help you
weather the storm.
As the project manager,
Điều khiển, đưa ra quyết
Call the shots she had the authority to
call the shots and make

key decisions
To meet the deadline, he
had to burn the midnight
Burn the midnight oil Thức khuya làm việc
oil and work late into the
A heartfelt apology helped
Break the spell Phá vỡ lời nguyền break the spell of tension
between the two friends.
Successfully navigating
Điều hướng qua những the waters of a new job
Navigate the waters
khó khăn requires adaptability and a
willingness to learn.

46. Describe a person who just moved into your community and brought a
positive influence
You should say:
Who he/she is
What the new place is like
Why he/she moved to a new place
And explain why his or her move has a positive impact

Part 3:
Why do some young people keep moving?
What is the difference between living alone and living with roommates?
What are the benefits of living alone to young people?
What are the skills that people need to start living independently?

Word Meaning Example

The research project
aimed to break new
Break new ground Mở ra điều mới
ground in the field of
sustainable energy.
During economic
downturns, small
Bear the brunt Chịu gánh nặng chính businesses often bear the
brunt of financial
Learning healthy coping
mechanisms is essential to
Cope with stress Đối mặt với căng thẳng
cope with stress in
everyday life.
Successful individuals are
often those who can
Embrace change Chấp nhận sự thay đổi
embrace change and adapt
to new circumstances.
It's unhealthy to harbor a
grudge; forgiveness is
Harbor a grudge Nuôi giữ mối thù
essential for emotional
Balancing work, family,
and personal
commitments requires the
Juggle responsibilities Điều chỉnh trách nhiệm
ability to juggle
Nurture relationships Nuôi dưỡng mối quan hệ To maintain strong

friendships, it's crucial to
actively nurture
relationships and stay
Entrepreneurs must
navigate the challenges of
Điều hướng qua những
Navigate the challenges the business world to
thách thức
achieve long-term
She was determined to
Overcome obstacles Vượt qua chướng ngại overcome obstacles and
achieve her career goals.
In a busy life, it's
important to strike a
Strike a balance Đạt được sự cân bằng
balance between work,
family, and personal time.

47. Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information
You should say:
When you got it
How you got it
How you found it was incorrect
And how you felt about it

Part 3
What kinds of professions are related to giving information to others?
What’s the difference between giving information by phone and by email?
How can people check whether a piece of information is correct or not?
Do people trust the information online?

Word Meaning Example

The controversial article
aimed to elicit a response
Elicit a response Kích thích phản ứng
from the readers, sparking
a meaningful discussion.
Team-building activities
are designed to foster
Tạo điều kiện cho sự hợp
Foster collaboration collaboration and
strengthen relationships
among colleagues.
The charity event aimed
to garner support for the
Garner support Thu hút sự ủng hộ local community, and it
successfully raised funds
for various projects.
To learn a new language
effectively, one must
Immerse oneself Đắm chìm vào immerse oneself in the
culture and practice
speaking regularly.
The new economic
policies had the potential
Jolt the economy Gây sốc cho nền kinh tế
to jolt the economy and
stimulate growth.
Developing a keen
awareness of market
Keen awareness Nhận thức sâu rộng trends is essential for
successful investment
Expert endorsements lend
Lend credence Tăng uy tín
credence to the

effectiveness of the new
medical treatment.
Diversifying investments
is a common strategy to
Mitigate risks Giảm thiểu rủi ro
mitigate risks in a volatile
Regular communication
and shared experiences
Nurture a relationship Nuôi dưỡng mối quan hệ
help nurture a relationship
over time.
After launching the new
product, the company
Obtain feedback Nhận phản hồi sought to obtain feedback
from customers to
improve future iterations.

48. Describe an occasion when you spent time with a young child
You should say:
Who this child was
When you spent time with this child
What you did together
And how you felt about it

Part 3:
How do children in your country spend their free time?
Is it necessary for children to play with their friends in their free time?
Why do some parents not want to spend time with their children?
Do you think children should be free to choose what they do in their free time?
What kind of activities can children and parents do together?

Word Meaning Example

It's important to cherish
the moment and create
Cherish the moment Trân trọng khoảnh khắc
lasting memories with
loved ones.
Engaging in shared
activities helps forge a
Forge a connection Xây dựng mối liên kết strong connection
between parents and
Reading fairy tales aloud
Kindle the imagination Kích thích trí tưởng tượng can kindle the imagination
of young children.
Family vacations often
Treasure trove of
Kho báu kí ức become a treasure trove of
memories for children.
Baking cookies together
was a delightful
Delightful experience Trải nghiệm dễ thương
experience for the parent
and child
Celebrating special
occasions helps create
Create lasting memories Tạo ra những kí ức lâu dài
lasting memories for the
entire family.
In the busy routine, it's
essential to embrace the
Embrace the moment Ôm trọn khoảnh khắc
moment and enjoy time

Family traditions foster a
Foster a sense of Phát triển cảm giác thuộc sense of belonging and
belonging về unity among family
Engaging in open
contributes to a
Harmonious relationship Mối quan hệ hòa thuận
harmonious relationship
between parents and
Exploring nature together
can be an enriching
Enriching experience Trải nghiệm vô giá
experience for both
parents and children.

49. Describe a piece of clothing you wear most often
You should say:
What it is
How often you wear it
What it is like
And explain why you enjoy wearing it

Part 3:
What kinds of clothes do young people in Vietnam like to wear?
When will people in Vietnam wear formal clothing?
What is the difference between the way the elderly and the young dress in Vietnam?
When do people in your country wear traditional clothes?
What can you tell about a person based on their clothing?

Word Meaning Example

She always dresses to
impress at important
Dress to impress Ăn mặc để gây ấn tượng
business meetings to make
a positive impact.
For his sister's wedding,
he invested in a tailor-
Tailor-made suit Bộ com lê được may đo
made suit to ensure a
perfect fit.
Her fashion-forward style
Phong cách thời trang tiên often includes the latest
Fashion-forward style
tiến trends and designer
The dress code for the
event was described as
Phong cách thoải mái và
Casual chic casual chic, allowing for a
thời trang
stylish yet relaxed
Athleisure wear has
Trang phục thể thao phối become popular, allowing
Athleisure wear hợp với thời trang hàng people to seamlessly
ngày transition from the gym to
everyday activities.
She has a passion for
high-end fashion, often
High-end fashion Thời trang cao cấp seen wearing luxury
brands and designer
Wardrobe staple Đồ cơ bản trong tủ quần A well-fitted white shirt is

áo a wardrobe staple that can
be dressed up or down for
various occasions.
Her wardrobe features a
bold color palette, with
Bold color palette Bảng màu táo bạo
vibrant hues that express
her lively personality.
A classic ensemble, such
as a black dress and
Classic ensemble Bộ trang phục cổ điển
pearls, is timeless and
suitable for formal events.
Many people are
increasingly adopting eco-
friendly fashion, choosing
Thời trang thân thiện với
Eco-friendly fashion sustainable and
môi trường
conscious clothing

50. Describe an occasion when you got lost
You should say:
Where you were
What happened
How you felt
And explain how you found your way

Part 3:
What should people do when they get lost?
Why do some people have a better sense of direction than others?
Is map reading still a necessary skill today?
What do people in Vietnam use to find a way when they are in a strange place?
Should tourists learn about the place they are about to visit before their trip?

Word Meaning Example

Using the map app on my
Điều hướng trên đường phone, I could easily
Navigate the streets
phố navigate the streets of the
unfamiliar city.
When lost, it's essential to
seek guidance from locals
Seek guidance Tìm kiếm sự hướng dẫn
or authorities to find the
way back.
Even in a maze-like
market, it's crucial to stay
Stay on track Giữ đúng hướng
on track and maintain a
sense of direction.
In the crowded city center,
I quickly lost my bearings
Lose one's bearings Mất phương hướng
and struggled to find a
recognizable landmark.
To get back to my starting
point, I had to carefully
Retrace one's steps Đi lại theo dấu chân
retrace my steps through
the winding streets.
Individuals with strong
cognitive mapping skills
Cognitive mapping skills Kỹ năng đồ họa tư duy can easily visualize and
navigate complex
A person's sense of
Environmental factors Yếu tố môi trường direction can be
influenced by

environmental factors
such as topography and
Smartphones equipped
with digital navigation
Digital navigation tools Công cụ định vị số tools have revolutionized
the way we navigate
unfamiliar places.
As I realized I was lost, a
sense of panic set in, but I
Panic set in Sự hoảng loạn bắt đầu
quickly focused on
finding a solution.
Tourists should learn
about local customs to
make the most of their
Make the most of Tận dụng hết mức
travel experience and
avoid cultural

51. Describe a place away from home that you want to visit in the future
You should say:
Where you would like to go
When you would like to go
Who you want to go with
And explain why you want to visit the place

Part 3:
Where do people in your country usually travel on holidays?
Why do some people think it is enjoyable to stay at home on holidays?
Do teenagers usually travel with friends or alone?
What are the differences between students who have taken a gap year and those who
do not?

Word Meaning Example

Visiting Santorini, I hope
to immerse myself in the
Đắm chìm trong chính
Immerse oneself local culture and savor the
beauty of the
The idea of exploring
ancient ruins and pristine
Thu hút sự tưởng tượng
Capture one's imagination beaches in Santorini
của ai đó
captured my imagination
for years.
Traveling with loved ones
helps create lasting
Create lasting memories Tạo ra những kí ức lâu dài
memories that can be
cherished for a lifetime.
Staying at home during
holidays allows
Nạp năng lượng và thư
Recharge and relax individuals to recharge
and relax without the
demands of daily life.
I want to share the
experience of witnessing a
Share the experience Chia sẻ trải nghiệm
Santorini sunset with my
closest friends.
The desire to explore new
places and cultures
Khám phá những địa điểm
Explore new places motivates many people to
travel during their

Taking a holiday provides
a refreshing break from
Break from routine Sự giải thoát thói quen
routine and the monotony
of everyday life.
Traveling with friends
adds a sense of adventure
Sense of adventure Tinh thần phiêu lưu
as you navigate unfamiliar
territories together.
Taking a gap year can
broaden one's perspective
Mở rộng góc nhìn của ai
Broaden one's perspective by exposing them to
different cultures and
ways of life.
Staying at home during
holidays avoids the stress
Stress of travel Áp lực của việc du lịch of travel, making it a more
enjoyable and low-key

Các khóa học IELTS Online Cá nhân hóa tại IELTS I-Ready:

 Khóa học IELTS Mất gốc 4 kỹ năng – Pre IELTS:

 Khóa học IELTS Nền tảng 4 kỹ năng – IELTS Foundation:

 Khóa học IELTS Bứt tốc 4 kỹ năng Cá nhân hóa 1-1 – IELTS Intensive:

 Khóa học IELTS Speaking bứt tốc Cá nhân hóa 1-1 – Speaking Acceleration:

 Khóa học IELTS Writing bứt tốc Cá nhân hóa 1-1 – Writing Acceleration


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