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In this year I lived out the true meanings of my name. Candace-Shining. Laura-
Victorious. Ogenna😊 This is one name that gets me emotional because I could easily
have been named Ogechi or Ogechukwu. But it keeps me in the constant consciousness,
reminds me by every single person that says my name, that God is not only God, but
My Father. Hence, The Father’s time. And lastly, my surname? Well, it’s an abridged
version of a longer word, which loosely translates to, “Not everything you do will
sit well with everyone” And boy, is that true.

Whew! This was the year! I’m grateful for a lot of things. For growth. For my
business, the brand- Stitches by Cee(A hoooge story for another day.) For family.
For health. For protection. For provision. For relationships that stayed. For
weaknesses that became strength. For friendships that began and the ones that died🕯
For the battles I lost and the few I won.

This year was an epic rollercoaster. I grew. I learnt. I loved. I did things I
never thought I could. I found myself in places I only once dreamed.
The fire came and I burnt
The storm came and I drowned
I bent every way but I didn’t break
My world crashed and again, rebuilt. I was wounded. I was made whole. Over and over
again I lost control, made mistakes, went astray. Everything I was afraid of
happening, happened.

And yet at the center of this chaos that was my life, was God. Holding the fort and
keeping me in the centre of gravity. Because on my own I should have fallen long
ago. But like gold, all the heat shaped me. Like diamonds, the pressure made me.
Like fine wine, the sour processes sweetened me, beautified me.

And here I am, laughing and loving and living my best life, with all the world
before me to conquer, because His grace found me worthy. How young I am yet how far
God has taken, and still is taking me.
Ebenezer, my Helper.
This little girl is grateful.
Cheers to happy endings and new beginnings.

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