42. the fact is, as a matter of fact

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— suit and i will open ir he door. pu Don't prs $b. the fact is, 8 a matter of fact ees | te afar fre a @ mater fc si round hy arf i ol far fom here, aa mater of faci just round the corm ag Topo ot fr ro Bt Think can hear footsteps upstairs, pace onc uNPOx, mewn eg, Las about twenty paces behind the hil, 44. to convince, to persuade to convince os1as9e anepexonamu, dosecmu do ceidonocmir: «5 We could not convince him of that he was mistohen to persuade omsasae enepexonamu, catumu, yuoeumn eg; We persuaded him to see the doctor roma 45. handsome, beautiful hhandsome omavac expacueui(npo vonoixa)y: eg. ahandsome fellow (man, boy) ° ee sovminas ompaa mo, We esa ang 6. eat woman (gr lay These lovers ar ery Boy 46, stout thick 2 stout person omar amosema pane dunn 8. Mark was a short, stout man, ee 2 thick magne (oo) canoe cmoscmu aeypuas ens e.g. Cut the slices thick, se rd le 4. sens, fesing, sense ont mows aempa Hs ses of mont awn frlng ona exnnpemnai nae now, dems eden xonenme He halen wpeson fel that emelohe one 48, the number, a number the number oss wonanoue eens, nsensy 4 Theme pope tenn Pr Pee ces cing 4 Rumber enaseeempac, pad nena (cha ee meh saelems;ctnodtee dy ‘srr fon A mb of page wore ising the bok There werea large eed) mba fel here 49, slike 1 ona ema m0; py mos a ©: As his rovldge nerd he ren moe and mores ne uj, lke osasacenol6uu,cknent, pou, nanos cag Shots thea bg hal. 50. fast, quick fant onmne emrnden fst ran Shlck costa eomapun, aes nue cg We ould eer be ut 51. to apologize, to excuse to apologize omasac «euSauamucs, npocumu npobarenusy: 'MNO20, EMpuiinsmmn voz0-NeOyDs, enacmNse 0duniy 50 1g: The boy apologized to his teacher for being rude, to excuse osauie eeuban amu; npowamuy eg. Excuse me for being late Excuse my interrupting you 52 private, personal brivate osnaae «npueamnu, ocobuemuit (ue depacaanuit i we cycnixennisn eg. private property (business, factories, schools); a private letter (lesson, roo Personal ostasae eocodems cy: 8 personal opinion aide may) 53. to succeed, tomanage {0 mucceed oxac emposimam, dcacamu seme yoasams 4: Nik Petrenlo gained a lotofepene ae Aereahessrrcteine egies erin ofa fomanage osavaceedasemuca, cypaaramucn tpupdeancen 4: How dd you manage to get this boat? ns NmORPUmNe™ 54, to refuse, to give up, to deny Hreeeae omavnewaidsoesamuce eid wococ,eiduoeaamucn och spoSun eg Hewarrftcda ee Gael ee He refused the money. SCARCE UP osmaoe welduoeramncn od dyn, enpodu; runymu,eidemynumucn sid sosoce abo 8; [like the idea and won't give it up He gave up playing the piano, {0 deny oananac woanepenyeamy, sdwosanmucs: 4g Thave ever denied that there is a howsng protien 5, to offer, to suggest te offer oxrasse enpononyeamus: £8; to offer smb. smth (a cup often mone) {offered him am interesting book to read. He offered me Mis help. to suggest ossavae «npononyeam, namnsamu: eg, He suggested a vist tothe theatre (= going othe thecre). We suggested that he (should) come round 55. to discuss, to argue to discuss oamavae «duerpmyeam o6:0sopwsamuy: 8 The plan has been discussed for two hours to argue omavac uenepewamucny: We argued about the plas for our holidays. 5. announcement, notice announcement oniasac cosonowennay 68 There's an amouncement in today's paper stating that a famous Engh singer i coming to Urraine ona three-day visit. notice osiaae «aconowennn 3 aemow noeidosrennn 4u nonepedscennsn npo moces 8, Be careful! The notice says, "Wet paint!” 58. incident, accident incident oauavac ceumadon, npucodes: 6g. Let me tll you about an incident that happened yesterday. accident osnauae «eunadox, asapin»: Road accidents are more frequentin ry weather. to practise to train to practise osiawue wanpasnamucr, npakmuryeanuce, mpenyeamucs dna nadymna nasuvor si 32 He is practising the plan 10% ae aon oo te dis mposac Ginuar unpue nnnr1®, OBIE «comyeamacs ety, eanipvanr oxaem nu npeonu se eg Mylend is being rained as a mechan 60. to share, to divide tose anova (no)lzunnen, ened une6700 Dory mind sharing the deskwith Pere for a ile to vide oonaeeotaumu,prdianm na acme fg Theriver dvds the citi two parts 6, to decare, toa» ounce to advertise todecare onastecoseznyoarn,npoconnyeama c.g, Joi Red detrei co! that ites his ty fih fr redo twannounce osisaecxnzeznm noidowzam, donovan: 4g Th nal ress ofthe champanship wl be aroun ater. toadvertie conse spesnanrean 4g, Tenew washing machine widely ocbrtsed (2, varius, different ‘arioas oneto yphnesaimna e.g There or varios iferen kinds oft in ow garden Aitforet ease ear, neesoxeu, pat eh Ths fut oks ike on pple, bt ith gute diferent ast. 63, to pick out, to choose to elect, to pik out conve eeutupam dSupaman .g Tea pick out the unto tis so to choose oman rena, somin eg, Bry young man hs theright to choose o profession toedetonanaeeeubupem (pan na nace: 4. Who was elected the secretary ofthe commision? 64, strength, armed forces strength eotaae scans (iruena dyson), inion» cg He was oman of ret sent armed forces ooitae eco, spon ca: eg, W. Chari one the rmed forces 1895. 65. tobe afraid to frighten {0 eataid onan eSonmuca: 4g Thesllor wre not afraid og oo en spite ofthe storm. toftightenomavae czar 4g When he sa the toy ero, thei boy was figened an burs ot ering 6, to check, to mark 0 comes tocheck oma enpeepu pum, eupumas: Hove you checked these facts? tomark(o corre conaacaeonavamu, 4 Have you marked (corrected) our papers? 7 toachieve to reach toacheve omaia eocazama, yin euronysames: 8, They chewed alot sa ren ofthe experments. to each oma eocacama,npujeamay 6. They reached the ray tation forthe an began 68, suit suite a suit onseseeexocmown 6.8 Whats you fevourit col for business su? suite onixae ena, konnaer (et eg suapasaxmu: to handle omasac «noeooumuen (wacmiwe 3 nexneunu npedmemaxuyy: teach He had een mth! O€a%0C eninyecnin, npexeduma ype sinyoanueny fs lahel ton Sarbanes wenn tan remem, en fw Ae ny eg: Mary 9Pes of cancer can now be cured ‘71. experienced, skilled experienced onnaae «oceidvenuin «n experienced speaker, ravelen, chairman Piece suite for our living room. eg estat were mena 7. tosuround tocucier to surround oma somouysema fempnamun 2g Oldcales are ofen surrounded ee ta care for oon cere ioanenae 73, corner, angle, bend Sirner Ont emo pl eye: line on te comers eck ja as weve arena angle cates caym comeparnan 5 A mange contin tre anges a bend aaa tun nase 6. Be carl when you drag this og. Thar eels of sharp bn 1 anniversary, bitnday anniversary omasae elena, poxoanan: ¢. low dou now abo cu wes se ray? birthday conan ede apo How clewr of you to romanber ny Bothy ZR toattend, to vii, to alt foro gofcmeto to attend cataecidtdeam (nao) eg. I'd like t0 attend a service (liturgy) at St Paul's Cathedral. to visit oanatiae weideidysamun: ¢g lonmor ist he Lowre toa fe ome ete: gi ud for youn theca Tbe there a6 to gcom to onan exdu, es | 68 I'd love to go/come to your party, 46, art, skill, technique, craft art ometae eaucmeumeon; “ . Sill coxa cenpumacms, natemepnions, enpasnicmay 8 Ldon think ever master the arts of public speaking technique omasae «mexnixa, mexniani npuiiasuy: ° Some divers never master the techniques of reversing into parking space, raft canasae eaiicmepniems, pemecaor: 8 Everyone should be taught a craft 7. tocook, to bake, to roast ‘0 00k omasac uxproeqpumer: 3

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