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2 Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800


Personal Statement of Research

Title Food safety practices of food handlers at home engaged in online food business in Marikina, Antipolo and Quezon City

Food and Nutrition Security

Harmonized National Research Food safety

and Development Agenda
a. Identification and characterization of food/feed contaminants

b. Epidemiology of food- and feed-borne contaminants

(Please arrange alphabetically
from Surname, First name MI)
I. Article review

Research Articles/ Reference materials Author(s) presentation Referencing (APA 6th edition)
with citation (s)
Wang C, Tee M, Roy AE, Fardin MA, Srichokchatchawan W,
The COVID-19 pandemic et al. (2021) The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on physical
affects not only the and mental health of Asians: A study of seven middle-
economy of the country income countries in Asia. PLOS ONE 16(2): e0246824.
but also the mental health
well-being of the people.
Wang, et. al (2021) found
out that in middle income
countries, risks of adverse
effects to mental health
well-being include age,
education background,
marital status, and
Abstract Food safety is a Rustia A, Tan MA, Guiriba DN, Bondoc IR, Magtibay FP, et
fundamental public health al. (2021) Defining Risk in Food Safety in the Philippines.
concern that is dependent
Food safety is a fundamental public health concern that is dependent on various
factors such as changing global food production patterns, public expectations, and on various factors such as
international trade policies. 1,2 As a member of the World Trade Organization, the changing global food
Philippines has agreed to follow the Uruguay Round of Trade Organization, the production patterns,
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement and Technical Barriers to trade that permits public expectations, and
countries to take legitimate measures to protect life and health of their consumers in international trade
relation to food safety matters while prohibiting them from using those measures in a policies. Rustia, et. al
way that unjustifiably restrict food trade. 3, 4, 5 The Philippines is also a member of (2021) found out that
the Codex Alimentarius Commission that aims to ensure consumer protection and to they ensure the high level
facilitate international trade. 6 With these objectives, Codex focuses on the of health protection when
development of food standards based on risk analysis and independent scientific It comes consuming the
advice provide by expert bodies organized by the Food Agriculture Organization and food.
the World Health Organization. 7 Risk analysis is a systematic and disciplined
methodology that provides policymakers with the science-based information and
evidence needed for effective and transparent decision making, leading to
improvements in food safety and public health. 8 In the Philippines, Republic Act No.
10611 or the Food safety Act of 2013, serves as the framework for implementing the
farm to fork food safety regulatory system which ensures a high level of consumer

health protection, fair trade practices and global competitiveness of Philippine foods
by controlling hazards in the food chain, adaptation of precautionary measures based
on scientific risk analysis, and adoption of international standards.9
Food safety in the food Gizaw, Z. (2019) Public health risks related to food safety
market is one of the key issues in the food market: a systematic literature review.
Abstract areas of focus in public
health, because it affects
Food safety in the food market is one of the key areas of focus in public health, people of every age, race,
because it affects people of every age, race, gender, and income level around the gender, and income level
world. The local and international food marketing continues to have significant around the world. Gizaw,
impacts on food safety and health of the public. Food supply chains now cross (2019) Found out that the
multiple national borders which increase the internationalization of health risks. This food supply chains now
systematic review of literature was, therefore, conducted to identify common public span multiple national
health risks related to food safety issues in the food market. borders, further
internationalizing health
risk. Local and
international food
marketing have impact in
public food safety and
Abstract Life long training and Vaz-Fernandes, P., Caeiro, S. (2019) Life long training and
education in food safety is education in food safety is a crucial issue in particular for
Life long training and education in food safety is a crucial issue in particular for crucial issue in particular professionals working in the field.
professionals working in the field. At the same time there is a need to evaluate the for professionals working
effectiveness of that training in particular when is given in e-learning. The purpose of in the field. At the same
this explorative work is to evaluate the Food Safety and Quality e-learning course time there is a need to
within a Master program offered in the National Distance Learning University in evaluate the effectiveness
Portugal. Following a case study methodology a mixed methods approached was of that training in
used, based on an online questionnaire survey to students that enrolled the course, particular when is given in
followed by a Focus Group Discussion to better discuss the weak points addressed by e-learning. Fernandes et.
the students in the questionnaire. The questionnaire aimed to assess students al (2019) found out that
perceptions about the course organization, recourses, assignments, acquired the researchers in
competences, change attitudes and behaviour and link with the professional activity Portugal’s National
Students who enrolled the course during 2016/17 and 2017/18 were surveyed in the Distance Learning
fourth semester of the curricular year, in the period of development of the master University evaluated the
thesis dissertation. In addition a quantitative analysis was conducted in the temporal Food Safety and Quality e-
distributions of messages published on the Moodle platform (learning analytics) to learnig course. Overall,
evaluate students’ interactions and engagement during the course. students are pleased with
the course; however,
This study has shown that overall, students are very satisfied with the course, improvements and their
however they suggested improvements that are needed considering the pedagogical availability to learn as full-
model used and their availability to learn as students with full time jobs, most related time students.
with the food science. This explorative research aimed to contribute to the
improvement of food safety and quality training based also on recent tools and
recommendations within e-learning in science education.
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Global context

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ABSTRACT Food catering service Joel Aika, Robin M. Turnerc, Martyn D. Kirkd, Anita E.
establishments are often Heywooda, Anthony T. Newalla Food Control 117 (2020)
Food catering service establishments are often implicated in foodborne disease implicated in foodborne 107324 Evaluating food safety management systems in
outbreaks. We evaluated the effects of implementing Food Safety Management disease outbreaks. We Singapore: A controlled interrupted time-series analysis of
Systems (FSMS) in food catering service establishments in Singapore on two outcome evaluated the effects of foodborne disease outbreak reports. Contents lists
measures: foodborne disease outbreaks and food hygiene violations. Using a implementing Food Safety available at Science Direct Food Control journal
controlled interrupted time-series study design, we estimated the change in the Management
average level of these outcome measures following implementation, and compared Systems(FSMS) in food
the pre- and post-intervention trends. There were 42 foodborne disease outbreaks catering service
and 521 food hygiene violations associated with catering service establishments from establishments in
2012 to 2018. Eighteen months after FSMS implementation, we observed a 78.4% Singapore on two
decrease (IRR: 0.216,95% CI: 0.050 to 0.940, p=0.041) in the average level of outcome measures: food
foodborne outbreaks in food catering service establishments. There was no borne disease outbreaks
significant effect on reported hygiene violations. Our study suggests that the and food hygiene
FSMS implementation was successful in reducing foodborne outbreaks. violations.(Joel Aika,
2020) found out that
having a Food Safety
Management in a Catering
service lessened or
decrease the cases of
foodborne outbreaks in
Asian (ASEAN) context

Abstract Food safety is a growing Tin Aung Soe Htway, and Kraiwuth Kallawicha, Malaysian
public health concern Journal of Public Health Medicine (2020) FACTORS
Food safety is a growing public health concern worldwide. Street foods are an integral worldwide. it is essential ASSOCIATED WITH FOOD SAFETY KNOWLEDGE AND
part of many cultures and offer at affordable prices. However, it is associated with that street food vendors PRACTICE AMONG STREET FOOD VENDORS IN TAUNGGYI
food safety issues, especially in developing countries. Therefore, it is essential that understand and TOWNSHIP, MYANMAR: A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY
street food vendors understand and implement food safety practices to prevent implement food safety
outbreaks of foodborne illnesses. This cross-sectional study investigated the food practices to prevent
safety knowledge and practices as well as their associated factors among street food outbreaks of foodborne 822
illnesses. (Tin Aung Soe
vendors in Taunggyi Township, Myanmar. Validated structured questionnaires were Htway, 2020) Having
used to interview 158 street food vendors, and a set of observational checklists was a knowledge in Food
used to inspect the sanitary conditions of vending sites and vendors’ food hygiene safety Practices helps a lot
practices. The association between food safety knowledge and practices was assessed of vendors to prevent
using a chi-squared test. Our results revealed that most vendors had a high level of foodborne illness so they
food safety knowledge and that 58.9% scored equal to or lower than the median can secure the health and
value in food safety practices, whereas 41.1% scored higher than the median value safety of their consumers
(median=15). Sex and education level were significantly associated with participants’ or costumer's.
food safety knowledge (p < 0.001). Similarly, education, race and monthly income
were significantly associated with their food safety practices (p < 0.001), whereas
food safety training attendance had no association. Additionally, participants with
better knowledge scores were more likely to have better practice scores. Food safety
training given to vendors should be more detailed and comply with standard
guidelines, especially with regard to street food safety practices.

Abstract It is estimated that each Jimmi Sihombing, Retna Siwi Padmawati & Susi Ari Kristina
year, 1.8 million people (2018) SHORT COMMUNICATION Knowledge, attitude,
It is estimated that each year, 1.8 million people worldwide die as a result of worldwide die as a result and practices regarding food safety among food
diarrhoeal diseases attributed to contaminated food. This cross-sectional study was of diarrhoeal diseases employees in Ambon City, Indonesia
conducted to determine the knowledge, attitude and practices regarding food safety attributed to
and hygiene among food employees in Ambon Capital City, Maluku Province, contaminated food. This
Indonesia. Methods: A validated questionnaire was self-administered and completed cross-sectional study was
by 135 food employees in small food companies in Jan-March, 2017. The knowledge conducted to determine
section consisted of 19 yes-no questions. For knowledge, the score was considered the knowledge, attitude
acceptable if total score was >10. Fourteen 4-point Likert-scale questions were and practices regarding
constructed for the attitude section, whereby a score of 3.0 and above for each food safety and hygiene
question was considered positive. The practice section consisted of 13 4-point Likert among food employees in
scale items, and a score of ≥3 was considered good practice. The WHO Five Keys to Ambon Capital City,
Safer Food Manual was used as reference. Results: The respondents had an Maluku Province,
acceptable level of knowledge about food safety and personal hygiene (mean Indonesia. (Jim
score=13.08±2.55), a positive attitude (mean score=3.38±0.55) and good practices Sihombing, 2018)
toward food hygiene measures (mean score=3.98±0.55). A significant correlation was found out that the
respondents have enough
observed between education level, training experience, knowledge, attitude and knowledge in food safety
practices, indicating that having good knowledge and attitude toward food safety and personal hygiene.
could have positive influence on food handling prjy: It is recommended that regular Having a Food Safety
food safety training and adequate guidelines should be provided to improve food Training in the food
safety practices of food service employees in Ambon City. service employee can
have a positive influence
in food handling.

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Philippine set-
up and setting

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of the study

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II. Background of the Study


Food safety is a fundamental public health concern that is dependent on various factors such as changing global food production patterns, public expectations, and international trade policies.
Rustia, et. al (2021) found out that they ensure the high level of health protection when It comes consuming the food. Food safety in the food market is one of the key areas of focus in public
health, because it affects people of every age, race, gender, and income level around the world. Gizaw, (2019) Found out that the food supply chains now span multiple national borders, further
internationalizing health risk. Local and international food marketing have impact in public food safety and health. Life long training and education in food safety is crucial issue in particular for
professionals working in the field. At the same time there is a need to evaluate the effectiveness of that training in particular when is given in e-learning. Fernandes, et. al (2019) found out that
the researchers in Portugal’s National Distance Learning University evaluated the Food Safety and Quality e-learning course. Overall, students are pleased with the course; however,
improvements and their availability to learn as full-time students.
B.Global context

C. Asian (ASEAN) context

Food catering service establishments are often implicated in foodborne disease outbreaks. We evaluated the effects of implementing Food Safety Management Systems(FSMS) in food catering
service establishments in Singapore on two outcome measures: food borne disease outbreaks and food hygiene violations.(Joel Aika, 2020) found out that having a Food Safety
Management in a Catering service lessened or decrease the cases of foodborne outbreaks in Singapore. Food safety is a growing public health concern worldwide. it is essential that street food
vendors understand and implement food safety practices to prevent outbreaks of foodborne illnesses. (Tin Aung Soe Htway, 2020) Having a knowledge in Food Safety Practices helps a lot
of vendors to prevent foodborne illnesss so they can secure the health and safety of their consumers or costumer's. It is estimated that each year, 1.8 million people worldwide die as a result of
diarrhoeal diseases attributed to contaminated food. This cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the knowledge, attitude and practices regarding food safety and hygiene among
food employees in Ambon Capital City, Maluku Province, Indonesia. (Jim Sihombing , 2018) found out that the respondents have enough knowledge in food safety and personal hygiene.
Having a Food Safety Training in the food service employee can have a positive influence in food handling.

D. Philippine set-up and setting of the study


a. My study

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