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1 Warm up
You are going to find out more about some holiday destinations: Hanoi, Sarajevo, Kos, Maasai Mara
National Reserve in Kenya and Laos.

First, look at the questions about the first two destinations: Hanoi and Sarajevo. What could be the
correct answer?

1. What do you think Hanoi translates to in English?

a. in a lake b. between rivers c. on the sea

2. Sarajevo, was the first city in Europe to have what?

a. a subway b. a train station c. a tram system

What else do you know about those two destinations?

the oldest temple in Hanoi, Vietnam Latin Bridge in Sarajevo

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Now, look at the images of the traditional food that is found in Hanoi and the architecture that can
be found in Sarajevo. Match the words to the pictures.

(A) Food of Hanoi

beef noodle soup (pho) grilled pork (com tam)

rambutan dessert (chom chom) savoury yellow pancakes (banh xeo)
spring rolls (goi cuon) sticky rice ice cream (kem xoi)

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

(B) Architecture of Sarajevo

dome (Gazi Husrev-beg mosque) entrance (Gazi Husrev-beg mosque)

Islamic design (the City Hall) mosque (Ali Pasha mosque)
old town bridge

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Have a quick chat with your partner about the pictures

• Would you like to travel to Hanoi?

• Which Vietnamese food would you like to try first?
• Would you like to go to Sarajevo?
• Where would you go first, the mosque or the bridge?

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2 Pre-listening vocabulary

Match the words to the definitions.

1. hard-earned (adj.) a. do slowly and without rushing

2. range (n) b. signaled

3. leisurely (adj.) c. people who love and focus on one thing e.g. computers, history,
4. gorgeous (adj.) d. something that you get through hard work

5. nerds (n) e. a variety of things of one type e.g. a range of bikes, a range of
6. stroll (v) f. walk in a relaxed way

7. marked (v) g. really beautiful

3 Listening for gist

Listen to the descriptions of Hanoi and Sarajevo and try to put the events in the correct order. Before
you listen, can you guess which event happens in which city?

visit a religious building

walk slowly around the streets

eat food from the street

walk slowly across a bridge

look at the beautiful architecture

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4 Listening comprehension

Now, listen to the recording again and try to answer the following questions.

1. Hanoi is a popular place for what kind of people?

2. What can you do after you eat in Hanoi?

3. How old is the story of Sarajevo?

4. What historic event happened on the bridge in Sarajevo?

Now in pairs, discuss the following questions.

1. Is street food popular in your country?

2. Are you a fan of old architecture like the style in Hanoi?
3. Have you ever visited a religious building before?
4. Sarajevo is a historic city, what is the most historic city in your country and why?

5 Pre-reading: vocabulary

Part A: Before reading about two more wonderful cities, try and match the following vocabulary to
the definitions.

1. coastline (n) a. a thing that you see or can see

2. crystal clear (adj.) b. completely see-through, transparent

3. remote (adj.) c. far away from other places or people

4. drift away (phr. v) d. the land beside a sea or ocean

5. sight (n) e. a trip to see wild animals, usually in eastern or southern Africa

6. treasure (v) f. a person who lives in a specific place

7. resident (n) g. disappear slowly

8. safari (n) h. have or keep something that you love and that is extremely
important to you

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Part B: Now fill in the gaps using the words from Part A, the form of the word might be slightly
different than the word form used above.

1. Just before my grandfather passed away, he gave me his favourite watch. I it, and
wear it every day.

2. Kevin always wanted to live in a cottage in the Irish countryside.

3. Whenever Joan felt stressed, she would go for a walk along the and breathe in
the fresh sea air.

4. The memories I have from primary school have almost completely , I can hardly
remember anything.

5. The thought of seeing real wild lions on makes my heart beat a little faster.

6. The of Hackney were so angry when the local government decided to cancel all
the buses because of the snow.

7. When we got to the top of the mountain the water in the streams was so we
decided it would be nice to drink.

8. After being lost at sea for two months, the of land made the crew of the ship start
to scream with joy.

6 Reading for gist

You are going to read about Kos in Greece and the Maasai Mara in Kenya.

Before you read which place do you think would be good for animal lovers and which would be good
for water sports lovers? Give reasons.

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Now, read about the two places to see if you were correct.

Kos, Greece
Kos is the third largest island in Greece, and it presents mile after mile of beautiful coastline for those of
us who prefer our activities a little more on the wet side. To get a feel for the island why not start with
a leisurely boat tour, you can even add some snorkeling to experience what lies below those crystal-
clear waters. If, on the other hand, you would like to see the island more quickly then why not jump
aboard a speedy jet ski and discover some of the remote beaches that you can find hidden away. For
something more on the physical side, go to Paradise Beach. At this sandy, heaven-like beach you can
get your heart beating with some water skiing, hop along on the wonderful, Greek waves and let all
your worries drift away.

Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya

To go on a safari is a dream for many, and perhaps one of the best places on the planet to enjoy the
safari experience is in Kenya. Seeing wild animals in their natural environment is a sight to treasure,
and the range of animals you can see in the Maasai Mara is amazing. Lions, leopards, cheetahs, zebras
and elephants are all residents here, meaning that safari-goers can get up close and personal with the
animals of their dreams. If you choose the right time of year, you may also be lucky enough to see
the "great migration", as the animals travel to and from the Serengeti in Tanzania. One added bonus in
relation to the Maasai Mara is location, it is possible to get there by air and is only a 40 min flight from
the capital Nairobi.

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7 Reading comprehension

Read the following statements and decide if they are True (T), False (F) or Not Given (NG). Give reasons
when possible.

1. There is just a small amount of coastline on Kos.

2. Snorkeling is a great way to discover the remote beaches on the island.

3. Paradise beach is good for exciting water sports.

4. Banana boats are great for people traveling with friends.

5. Safaris in Kenya are often delayed due to the rainy season.

6. Kenya is one of the greatest places in the world to go on a safari.

7. You cannot get close to the animals that you see in the Maasai Mara.

8. A flight from the Kenyan capital to the Maasai Mara takes less than an hour.

8 Talking point

Look at the questions about today’s lesson and discuss them with your partner.

1. Which of the four places would you most like to travel to and why?
2. Do you think you are a food lover, a history lover, a water sports lover or an animal lover?
3. Where is the best place to see wild animals in your country? Have you ever been there?
4. Do you think most tourists are interested in the history of the place they visit?
5. What places would be in your "Top 5" alternative destinations?

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9 Synonyms with extra speaking (Optional)

Look at location number 5, form collocations and then read through the text to check if you were
correct. Then match the phrases to their meaning.

1. royal a. level

2. beautiful b. capital

3. ground c. cruise

4. magical d. skyline

a. majestic and connected to the king or queen of a country

b. the outline of buildings, trees, and hills that you see across the sky

c. the solid place of the earth

d. an amazing boat trip

Luang Prabang, Laos

The city that used to be the royal capital offers something for everyone, and in 1995 it was proudly
named the first *UNESCO World Heritage Site in Laos. So, why not start your visit with a bit of a hike,
Mount Phou Si is located in the center of the old town and while it is not the biggest mountain in the
world, there are still 300 steps that you must climb to get to the top. Once there, you can take in
Luang Prabang’s beautiful skyline. If you feel safer at ground level, then why not check out the nature
that surrounds Luang Prabang. A magical cruise on the Mekong River comes highly recommended.
Whatever way you choose, you will be able to see the beauty of the surrounding wilderness and check
out the daily routines of a number of locals who live and work near the river.

Glossary *UNESCO: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Talk about these questions with your partner.

1. Would you like to visit Luang Prabang? Why/ why not?

2. Do you know anything about Laos or any other countries in south-east Asia?
3. Have you heard of any other places in the world that are UNESCO World Heritage Sites? What
does it mean if a place is named by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site?

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