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Data protection

& privacy news roundup

Digital Services Act: Council and
EP’s provisional agreement
The DSA follows the principle that what is illegal offline must
also be illegal online. It aims to protect the digital space
against the spread of illegal content, and to ensure the
protection of users’ fundamental rights
The DSA will apply to all online intermediaries providing
services in the EU
The obligations introduced are proportionate to the nature
of the services concerned and tailored to the number of
The provisional agreement reached today is subject to
approval by the Council and the European Parliament.
Google is rolling out new cookie
popups with "reject all" option in
Users will now be able to “deny all” to opt out of web tracking
entirely with the click of one button. Google previously only
offered users to “accept” or “customize” and users would have
to opt out of tracking three separate times on a different
webpage. The new feature would be rolled out on YouTube to
EDPS published its 2021 annual
In 2021, the EDPS increased the use of its corrective powers.
Amongst the enforcement actions taken by the EDPS this
year, particular significance is attributed to the Decision to
order Europol to delete datasets with no established links to
criminal activity, which the EDPS sees in the context of
respecting the rule of law and upholding a mature checks and
balances system.
Dutch DPA has published its
activity report for 2021
In 2021, the DPA advised the Cabinet 95 times on legislation
involving the processing of personal data. In 18 cases, it
advised the Cabinet to significantly modify a bill. Or else not
to submit it to the House of Representatives
The DPA has the impression that the government often
sees proposed legislation as a licence for the government
to collect, store or distribute citizens' personal data in
almost unlimited quantities.

Health data leak: 1.5M € penalty

Due to violations of Art. 28, 29 and 32 of the GDPR, the
French data protection supervisory authority imposed a fine
of 1.5 million € following a data leak involving health data of
nearly 500,000 data subjects
The CNIL criticizes in particular insufficient order
processing contracts and a missing deletion concept.
Belgian DPA on temperature
checks at airports in Brussels
During the Covid-19 pandemic, thermal cameras were used to
check whether the passengers at Brussels airport had a body
temperature of 38° and some were to a questionnaire
concerning possible symptoms of the coronavirus and other
health data
The DPA imposed administrative fines of respectively
200.000 € and 20.000 € on Brussels Airport and Ambuce
Rescue team.
CJEU webstreaming from 26
April 2022
In order to facilitate the public’s access to its judicial activity,
the Court of Justice of the European Union will offer a
streaming service with effect from 26 April
The delivery of judgments of the Court of Justice and the
reading of Advocate Generals’ opinions will be broadcast
live on its website.
Public interest disclosures by
federal institutions under the
Privacy Act
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada today
published a guidance on disclosures under paragraph 8(2)
(m), which allows institutions to disclose personal
information in the public interest or in the interest of the
individual to whom the information relates
The Privacy Act allows federal institutions to disclose
personal information in the public interest or in the interest
of the individual to whom the information relates. This
includes cases where health, safety or security may be at
risk, as well as other situations related to the individual or
public interest.
EU-India Connectivity
The EU and Indian public and private sector reaffirmed their
will to strenghten the EU-India connectivity partnership.
EU institutions and Member States together as “Team
Europe”, implementing the EU’s Global Gateway strategy,
work jointly with India on regulation and support for
private investments in physical infrastructure across all
sectors: digital, transport, energy, and people-to-people.


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