Eng Short Notes

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whom Pe Gre PRE ape tey a 2D eu) oo as inthe Br vat )s ei SM) ae 2-4) Di-tan sitive ® Poos}o ait 2 (Beret ig ve ves 2) “ote ct J avel, “Caen C teachivy J Eid iC Cordevect) a (veaueste cl J ie z .. ae sub Jobs 4) RES C te + Verb 4) bare torn pa Zant ® “ew a ~ Sntinitive “. Gs, a8 Prepo. até] >} 2258 Slee p verb dla # e-tien By me we [ > «8 Gs tsleed ss wpr. 00 85) oy. yey trom Wis ) uncle. pels 6 lege | Relative poomeun “Sher human be iry | Anime / wegs > = emphsis. tiem “er Se) FH Ge viet a) ue eo 8ety / Hherb crt ese oe) > AN /none | Bothy / Eversthiyg / Axrything Jrod he same / tne few tne titdtie / “he only / The + superlative Segece ete =rE > emphead SGT ag WFD x P she is the Same lately “Couhd) stole your — walled im sthe = bu. Caner?) se ctey . stole the Little amon whieh > 3 =) aw al aed he had save d for his doug tier mars riage « Pe ee aa Nauman Scie] aT thin 5 . ee ea By 0m <4reet og St anadt Svarer H 48077 / hat a 2 man and the dey which eS et voac! wear Ch by a heck, ft want Bey whieh JPR har 3 Com past ents. a a Z which thot vanace ef leathery o Movi oe ph wale Srbeq, OP Heay nla Ob3 ») > Ady. clowe, (tahoe iS/are — eweaitig —aemtsiole 3 m ae (Se+) J ee : a at ulko | boy iy fo ongi cedent f) ] sh A i ee eo [b2) 1 Rajuet PEM Stay. FY no Ts mae wenvainy menayl : is Gone) of ine Buen ee verte ; aa i bartsm gn a 3 Ug ow. sted Ouray hes /nsce aakeg (are “oS rene than, wv 8000 uns, Rave ~ Catdinet: obs e areca eee) 4) tier (sima-d a RAE] D prereusy fs om) one of +he meals ws) Gy) Tas) Pe Pe oby neck Save digaid at x ce Gee stempeverluxe U only stress Beer PF, Hed ~ ~P¥-abs- : thot} ‘Bria 2) i _ peut cen ST Amon six breaks each sertence ) - CD ist Mas - ob): is tthe best ee : Poly. pre oby- fF a Paw of his teachin7. r 5307) Pee / G pe ehent =? Jonund OD Acty [D- Pro, | Rels pre “, Cots MJ | ie cS Canes Sener xtawne J #4) el » Believed + viriey C main vous ) helper ‘rel {9 Be Gv) ob Wa ing cadgecdive J may 3) Hay ve A + Maing Cgenunoly ure! @D a does eypeps~ Dd wwwx 4 vate (P+ Pansic tiple) + Nien Aly. obo, : _—- SS wWx 4 Vittoy Cgewme) + plow * OW) ob. Cnet coer) i Catcoum obge of) | ° Viney > mewn =) Gresund 2 Visi > add > pesiieeea » Ny 3 AAds DP fast Pad} 4) rorya, 2 Noun Ingimidyve , (ae) Medd They Lited the Sleeping child, ts) Ow) : (Misi iy ob). i “pe and > oe likes teaching Faplish, Cs Zs cw C obs) Gy lg da | gewne Wi oby, ~ Cia Reciprocal Mreneyt verb or action 2 5 fete ae inn us A nroms{ler ven = | HY Each otney — 2 via \ BD one amother:— 2 4 Saar © fav | (ate sgt ive Poomoun J hho / when J which fushatt whose, Goxetion> (2 JeTmide Pronoun J ' ——— > Ut Leyla verbs | with these (Prono: vb Everybody (uae) D some body vo C5 (Sinevs) 8) Ever ome J 6 nhv) 4) Some me > Ferny 6) Somedhiny 4) nebo dy We) Anybody %) No one. DR Pmyone 3) as iy) ~ 12) Anythen| 5 Eo sy" P. De AY prt »obs Everyone in hase Claas whfe was) called ey the Principal, ‘ Pa Pr Oba. Gory) anfiaitive eee ae 4 C neu e ve] ay paxecdive. versa} what i a reply wer BY why? vep 5 Caave (eer Sou — > |} Some 2 thos? un ten“te BIE P(A lot + of-ptoam Lots Prenty tol + Avan — jy 207. , 30% ~ IY ‘ tow) ome third : Teounrktb C sing > wo fifths ens Fe" me oe cof she peo ww Jase, = POPE (eG ne See hy AMY on tisthda luton] we ae mm poy prod ~ cat some of dhe aioe ye vygte usecl to make -tea, Greys) yavell ee 088 Iefet) | Sel Pall tee Ls (iv ‘sey Jaa oe : \ mb Subj: ARE Sry oe & Cyrdrluce vee) >) Dy J w. a4 3 Hime | dare / monn ( yeav / Season, > There 0s a cot uncer the table, Jisuky. HV" Real prs Pr-oby, Suh) - L ies Piel AA eat > s/o “ar usteess Ca) sicty © bye 7 st wa i yl , p SR sve55 . ee ; Oe > (T+ was q) who sent thase gts thr ged > Sire BSI CW Ay” hy PE Prey. > E a eve (vs [ES D I+ — > @imgular) 2) there —y € Peeavcliyy +o rcol Suby. ) bey) ———__- WU Pa ST woids om wg J. cae jue cos we Bel . ween, with, besides, roludry, €X clucli ‘ : : MY, buck, tke, umlilee , teyetee, as.well Qs, end mod width | along with , I addltionge , crethey than AC om Namie by 1 molec teey, nothin RO es ete ~ FA > Gesoncts Pre posrh as eee Ae «| phaare J * but Peepers © Pras / 8 Nes) they. have invited alt ob then, bot ay) bust shét ee to “thew pasty . py Pr ‘0by, Cobia Pet F (- gerund >a EE ad. aT aia“) cue > she does not mine yh / tty Coming G) Hv Raw : AD and lake im the Clas. Adv pv Ar obj var olj-caxe 7 : fig Pea paedkipel oar A aren ogc iy gesenel, 3.03 aft aiel) eens ' Pe Ped Crshve cy w 5 vias Simile-— gst adj] acp t +a [ee nike nicely Lowe oe Dot B snr HT g ge 48 on / a DD. Radhikq is as nice / migely as Rosy. Sy CH abe 5 ad action afl etl a) adg: BAND ; Radhika behaves .as mice ) ni Similés Ss; Cw e action bebe Cady» aii) ry 3, Reg Cs.n.7) Fay knows Them becker Hien LI | sa? @ meanivf Rererar | Gai ee @) May —> Cs\n, tT) wersipen F, ® WP fey GleA) 29 1 ETOTE Al \ ag OS™ 7) a sinew 2 ae c pn Grantor - Ng m g 1 A 4 e CMay Sy of) ste one) use Mle sci ve Pronoun oftey these wives — Je Merb ty R. Poo. Seana p ~ SB, kgs SD wm BIT _ “) absen+ , Present, , etclaprt adjust, dequrde 7 ex aa apply, huvk 1 PMO SHrEte Suban jit west : t I%1 Kecencile 1 ipleroclug avai) 1. amuy ; 7 engoy y Geet isfy, Wen 1 Prd e, ete, YAT Tremsidive i £ Clas 19] PAveb FA FA 4 Teens-hve Coby.) 5 ~ s 1 5 D FT verb. My ge elo y An-brans-tive oe bye) Alo» R-Pas ) concen paddy 1 STOP, urn , qa lrfy bathe , move , reat hide et, la verb > Jespe4 cut on) =< ban 3 4 eteie) _ 8) fet ee ae jae star —X¥aT \ecep | wemutny took » Seem ¢ appears ao Recah mea e Steel 4377) fF Pees + 2™Mell 1 taste t Sound ‘ete, Sele eee C sent HF Gvaf 4 see fs vedo <0) » v a ry y weef\ om ver hy ak] Gv) gruff] Bor Send. r-rel CF) ne is ang ty ail ve se [re us) cyaickly towosels me, ox i Move Ay mHeo] 2 (orses of Prono J aur Boy) semh yg su wea “A Sr aA ae. oe Normally: Sen) We Pronoun’ or otder 5 23) 2 tronoun posal Fe ch > 12 3 Bey¥y a RR 3 we Aoraey) — - aa $ met rad) cf? Stay eity chen PR ag 2) out TH nes) aeeee FX He\ever a Foench Lagyuate wart SO osey 4 (Pty Atouo) i a he 2 WOH eody The Pench Cpa ad ainy ) Ccommem plural Atown ) ~y Maverh !— qal{y—3 Vv preposition : a L325 congucshion | Dea / eae or whole ser | i ge eh Hy 2) pile 2 ao ea ST Litlega/ pbtttle / The litte cst a Cy whole eA ery “42]] 5 ean BT A me uel] aT | 7 a) CB du 2 — tel onFax ) 3) Pa DE ots.) Bil 4 CR SH SD -oa Ow ON or Pad) gh era a ea Pain ean f) able 5 ‘ fend [The Pee Ccoaune comet (oy } “CH Cece) | eC QuateHve Adyective 7 ws) shes order of qualitertive adjecHve+ ees: oa P Opinion , 3% hape, Colour: : ne gs ee ag > Noth Dy \ antenna my , human emotion G Oe et. @ © 7) “They boysht a black, PM german , Cslour) pation 7 Weeden chair, Mostelvi : , £ Emphatic acdyective J \ —_— ——. ay DANY (same Loud (PAs fart « ~ sre) D she pscine vey gind that Snartkhed Gy cGew abl Yors.rll BE? Yonscsy my wallet in tne bu. pray. GE oe roby , Resecngie Ves Dcveaive) omni lO w \ [ach Lect, Lainey stone SEO C Apostitiase J 5 bgerve [awe Hein > ze x ol] a) biviny heimy Oo Cems ge 2 (= =... Boma cor ar “The Cary be re R MC SEM ee naman ety — > Whose So —7 7 YT tes sarong * Mon 5 dginton ue So wnersny DON <4 vg wes Livi = Ao W Bewa oho) ea D> They boy a ea, i ee, way Nhe Ron mrgs, Baeg highs yh “waa > “They bought A cay dhe ine of which eur Cans ane “was, very hifhs Son we Adverb ~to qualify these > at ie sper a8) Aajec Hue egal ae : f" Pate) ~5 ® vniversal, Impossible, Eternolf . 7) Endive, chief’) ‘Fdeal, supreane, Perfecd: Excellertt, Rectanqulas , chreulan, Emp Aut, Untaue , Dead | tree, aut Far X Rr dmpossibie, “Al” 7 jmpassible X wn of) aK arebep ' ody J ¢ arr pong Fate ) 4 1 aR savest Kae ae 1 Gare 408 -yayy ale! by ingo™__Aalley, ry so SSS (cone) 4 classy atell of Compa { 2 fast 109 class] connie or ? ‘Paay Fs he the taller boy in hi's class is Sara ee eM ( Kaa et aid eon D Maas 75 alles Man an the bays tot” SS closs uth . 5 el ARUN ME + oles * NON poth "| tol class ater <1 on tr ata ) D> Agady Js tatler chan all _athee boys nn — aes hay his clats< operas saa toth teth , j poner oni? , erdben.~ all boys’) , voany body Aci A) el ' & else oianac_ csasnan) 0) GROUP <1 LIAL ef; 2) = _— | b am ‘ ie e7 b+o0 ij fe than &) Use cif) enecty oe, —— y “pee D | supetiod, anterior, Senior, dunior, Prios , Prrteiot, Poste viet » Poeterable. A cud 8) seniot 2 ay eee = i ae AEN Feh and Halley > Mahan hS ron err ae « mm valley eet hesh. Gorges renters more Hal T S.A vetay ~ AT +01 pan ur audl LL Camas rs tall ley and move Mmell- dent tram maketh. rmtete swab} ab) a) quality Nowe ~ mr. & let ew welt 2) a ron a 4 A Person eer ) > Aggy 1s, GeO shan brave so Nore wise he won! Ayre with dase hooltyar 4 coo wT Intent aay ! . xv (Much) ae (fav) om) ae Har sear Af >see) HM aacteniity eis Ao eee : by Tay /muen. or wie i » Nt (fhe 9 wes} ear: D The price of hs cas 7s camparadve, \ i er | Giege) iF comperg | a yore J oF sim oN zquey one) ie) od co {as aE ax a very, Tl, Emouyn ete+) al As, 591 a 2 2 Q Wich or ST ot ent Positive cteywee ay sends check DY Ks amt a ote) CEL ] says? Fo, . sb t Ne, EB y Rohan ts SO omart /smagtet thet _— Pod C2) he can solve any aqueshore Schott BAD wa of) BRA) ca > Pet <4 Go thafiniae) \ es/ew (Adve) er > He ts wie enoyrh +o buy this cer “Sec) ¢ Pey> (Ade aai(aav-) ao sot use CoQy wit a \ezrors V aa 7) \ TTwhee » “Thece y 2times, times , half Cr teseac TS ) -€9 > STE oO Lue simily as © 5 LatexC-Hime) / Latter C fosiction ) 4 DPA ap oer “x & 6 -3awae 4 Fucthew v/s Father D Farter , (era Furciner & we lin Addition +6 Something’ 2 sense h On orcay 4] fi : 3 “Farther 1— or use. aistenee a) weer woe x soe) 3 8 Basie 2Y fone [former = 27) 4 upon J || eee es sPireemn = Sy rtost popular . Y 3 Stirsh — (2% suey HD fo) ( For va toy way J A= art ; (etsiance) DFar ioe ea CI sende , Indreyad( 2) Sents y- yy M lon ways- E+)" sen. P wer ee eeeceetaes Pans 5 wool v/s ble lL in ee pat BIME © oct eI oui well San polar i Nes) Fncve LER Ee my — wel Reel Gee ‘ina ain | as, natiehabne Lo. > Bal vA JIL ——— Ce ya Bad (Ady :— AT LM) Cady/ Adv) Se) weil =f) gx oe —————— 5S a (ee We rays Set] pal Pai actin oy — 4 eel Hie” , : > Calin ae ae yi Toler concemned + ploun — Sta Puech ed ) Noun c ae ag omcerned te oy Seek Relate cl i oe edt me vee Responsible + man ‘= CPE Daiare_awhte | a : ve 1x teh re sponsble = © arid} + ‘wae ' pod > as volved tease > siftep case (area aT ay cL) ax or aby welt Cac case +involved > 4 : i pposite + Men 3 STeT Persan Copinien 2) > Nem + apposite Bgat\ ato me Bt ar ‘Kasy Pensor). salad Adve paras a tamouy I Que Ars quid Keg! Ady. (0+ net — Oo bers 2p a #1 cr Famous VY Be) oro | » Sclomeon was Gay | clas>23 verb \ 4 4 ' by j e a we briny hoppaty Wed AP hE ee ee me Web y Cut, slit, Spread, Read, SUE Guid Telecart, tone cast | Yana 1 Shut, shel r Rie, CarF, Brottdeas} | OVEN cayy- = Daaee aes [Some cont u iy verb] oie Cet een ) Bowe t Beaw ( Wtel ony IMbere & We Bred Colt crest oer) Baa > BY iY cl 3 fai (Brean) Hen y Tell Cota) feilect D> teed fel qe dN Comal) fined Find Caen /zaister) found Y found (Ate eater) founded Bown ae Gosne Bidclen bre! hatten felled ae Med oun a tC Hovy (erearail_) Maas ue Hany (upay sare) Hayged a. hay dl eal’ 4 Lie CUteany hay Lain) tte Cygeiorr) — Lie Lied aoe ( Sar) Raisecl ar Rise (3de11) Rose Riser Stake CHET ST). shack, Stricker) Stoke a fee) Stroked Tp blind (eee) wounel - weg > Wound: (che ug eT) wounded ay ste verbs euss ae TNs IN eo CO: Ghink, Bele f Maer rive sv. quo, WaSsess, book, Seer ; "See Appear n (ensist, pitiains compw'se |) 2 (feet s sells Tote) sound) frmew Seay Regemble 1 tke, Love, wont, Aree, Hate fog "Ce rathin TUES Remember, Depend, Exist, -—~ a 2 Dom bse Cas! aber Shere, vewhsi- tale , choose, Elects, select , Pnoit, Appoint , Nam, | call, con, Thiak, ac mis nee 7 { eae Conner. chil aA Aa ee NS > “They named melx — 80) Soha: i) t cy phe: oby- ob y:‘omp; ww) Son 2) TT —3 schan wap MA wClemin26 — Cenodel) ‘ ej ‘ | se Abily 4 salormel wewuert, Negative pesibly — a) a May '— Pole —-weawerhy — ParHWe ond Ng cS Pessibiity. & Be / usect-F® measles verb Ady (aol ies) Cre) Creve ymeuni id) bey 7 a 5 cd sda ent v> bat torn ( lanids 7 A, ee Ww ata. 27 REC MTD 2 gare sha Bilge Crs ¥ re outed ‘ net fms 3) Pott Mut ae b ay Pr. Hhvjh adit Pesipility OF ~uu . Oujh to:— Mowat Advice. 2 sheald!— Geneva Aavice. DS nur 2 Cbtppeteny. avery hiphir posi Bl? Civensty) Ae AP og Ra ee De ww (need /aee) + (YD > teed (awe + (ESA), , S |_ntorte Bax BLATT ray F _y yok 2, sik wad opposite _ imayine exett ec model + Wave + v,_) tom 9 ca ef Past ) Sag wickshaw driver teturnecl roy Sh EMOTE i rou gape keh walle+ al-hogsh “he could v keep it. eo F 1 marine N C gws-28 J (dou and Nuraberr ’] | [Mese nouns ave ded as Singular nom 155 tame > Seap, shampoo, sand , Fron, Papew, skene Hair, Brcle, food i Gbalis a iy + Gav baye , Fitin, J Sete ; ahs Jee we llery ' Curt tery 2 Crockery, state ry , Luggaye , furniture, Baggage, Money, Evidence, Equipment, J S ae 1 ow tien 148 doit Paice, ery Mahe 4 Inbovmalion , uaa an kenovo | edre 1 Weak, Business, Reseach, Abuse , Percemrate + Alpho beak ot Ce oO but o Pyrak PST ES ha ulatpnaba te xX aw ae sue Physics, Nathemates, Boonen les, Politics, mites Posts, Atheletics , C @~ Dominoes oR}- ng) Rickets , Hiabedtes y Measles) Mumps, Rabies , shigy/es, tos gent) co i WS pSUMMONS Bingy— Toraingsy Ne a eh oa is (Pletal nouns] tare Paar e- SY) FH BA www d) Ihe ous) mi ) 3 Scissors , toys, Phiews, Prnces, ar Bellouss tamer gor” “Frousess, Parts, Pyjamas y shoots, Lays Spe Ss « P' cles «Glasses, opteals, Bry Sculass , Scales, vs, xe 4 Gallows, a pr! USS Aether Shackles, ayer Cap: Ady > pluval aportd i= Congoertutation s | Regavels, Compl ments, “Marks, Verlugb/es ; Belen 6 Gea, Rarely Maver bles , Earkibles faint aja waste Ashes , Embers , Reviainy , Runs, 6 Pooteeslhys, Cloves Gerts ki onal F aa, Povears , Dues, Sweers , Als : sau rake or? Riches opr a 2 7 so par — sea plnal & x — catHe\ vermin Police , Gren akHe\ ov 7, ‘0 Ey ob rad gta \atinpy Se) oot A) eT 22) afd) oar Powart childxn, People, Rul eager aay fon Bale ee hy, Cle Thy, (tno BSA ‘ Ste aesane) Yao Melo os 3 ae) oo have oo SO eT eerste Deev, she €P, Fish, specie t Nes, 2 Aiverolt+ . pe vocation, of 4 ’ IS e ma =a Headqua ster, (Heyes), telhere ab n ie outs, (Reans}, ede» © smtemesentany Criased J) > Haze A outcome fresutt Saee ; _> Bacome /rr source —> Cru 2 Mean yrveticces pia [eam powad focen_} 6 aa ath fheraen an? Tae Ae Bmp aloun Ge cc ne ai (Seve salen, Sue © ado Siggu lar plural Brother im law ——3 Booths in lau) Commanier inichie — > commanders _ CRP anes 2 ir clouphters mand pe x Generel weer eA omens oo shel aeacseaa! Tr shelves (F component, 12] oy afl hooker on : Lookers 4 tnident 9 arF Pea} atoh cia) Lu Pass ex by —3 Passers by ; aa Bofal / rowthtul —3 ars paps AY Nan doc tet oy _aMen tick rs “Ply Leloman feather Llomen teachers Arrrorney general a? prtorneys general attorney gener s ly Shy - a phenomeng Phenereeniet| “tar * eer) Criteria Cater : = menead Medium, ey Media Ia /Mediumn me a Sted ium, => Staclig f SHesstiam s, Bacterium BS) Bac-terict eae cach Syllabus, x3 Syllabi Radius ~y Raunt? ' ity Ser Ra pee : Fangs, = fungi cath amp I CAlses Osis ~~ Cases i. Strelum, _, shrety ae (SWeeaz? of] wi) Tidus foci /Focwels— oa" A anys > Alum) caer stat oP) Wale gies Al | Gag > Alumnae ¢ eal J te Rees (eh eae: Basic, D> BASES yl ; Thesis Shesed (pha; } GHA Pracrdeol) US cae elays— 3! Advert b, 6 _SiasT Ee paw ES Live 30) Feet 30rd TF Ady ner ®) nev. fk ny ot fp Lt Hey PY Link}. a kins ee Be. forms, become , det; drow « feet 1 Smelly date, Sound, keep, cromainy, poove, look, Seer appeaw. —— : eee Ag > zndoot/ ou +doo¥ Pav > -—ndoors J/outdocrS. - = = eee ol a ae pov wine) - l These worcl have Same a a ve fig = Asv Bevh speliny Some (Relarer Borsy J D Fad , 2 hare! | late , straiph, daily ; weekly, mon th)y yearly .. — ST every day = fay of Frequency Jet e dey = ~ verrydery Ady. te Oo cay C todition of Ralvesb Petvesd Jef » mannet GE garre'8) pw ofl a) Basie] Bloat p> Veob (rmtraruHye) = neve dare] AiO oby- 5 [ Jee. Tndian ote bref ey? Wns u iat the enemies, (ogg D| Ness Ctronseive) ar = Oby- BATA ama sob?) vw Ze eS 5 He anweved (honestly ‘all the gevesdons, . atduef ts a Aramitive verb}— 8 ctv > Uke caer (382-6 by Se Noun clause Gey ic) > she — & } 0b3) explaine cl [clea ly J ae she nec) Reis ae te Se { wontecl +e Say aboert me, © inf Pa Pye! me \ - * PosicHort ol pcivesb of ve quency : — i PI adefinise advesb of cfrequincy C often 7 seldomy always, rarely, “never ) a oo (a Buecl] oo. os wear) a Sear cf “eae 2) RTT AEE | Te AT pT VTC | Haile “DS fix yciedinasieon Ale] D definite adverb ol frequenc C daily, weekly, monthly, gecrly ~~) akon Mari Ss aied aeey ai (clause! ane) did 3) AY both position Regulasly, Pecraently, 6 ccastomally .— sewence d Advice manney 1 Place, ty Ss Sanna Pp AQ a Nei pave TT aty~ WaT bey ame ai cece rle aor + a_Auvery €) sil Uke cae age i a ' BelSeliem M evatreLaye, our y | 2D Seldom ov never — (-ve, a D litte yin (tve, Aer aay D Lette i amytntay = (+¥e, 1) a deetle OR epetoiay, (-ve, ar asic, ane(] aver 1 — » BefSee i ersus: «5 Pegotion | ~ (ee oft sel wi PertecH tenses , DAYo Cravy , ———— Past simple tense, axa SE) ard of Hl » azaELAS oe Aw ' v Br aes. except Inv.) ered) eTa— @f) 4 aes Ee 3 aay” sents 99 ” D> Ps. Pex, Tense Di ve DATE Looby > ara- kate 3 oh Viale & Lately :— adv( Ter Tree) S recently ofletle or ncce p> & PY ea i Teo _! (Ove stage & ger?) S27 BH) require ) ena Gra 4 7a) qual ify 1G) addy, e (intensity oretaer ) far rai add Sraualify, Neti (pag/Aav)? used whin positive deyree, : > anally present poretelpal hy ) D> xX verb A quality ath very ; cleyree Much) 3~ (Aas /mev) used compari VE ‘t — Dr foot parteipet Co? > Kualify vec je reset CS ot ov — » Paral Inversion te [ Meet Sulog Co ARS ay >| complete inve ay. oo i aes Hy, MeV. subs. ( ST Advieh plage > mR Dd] invesion aq adv Fowdl PC + Aa of Preaweney i— > (om) 2 or pe ae ayerieg [Cont ? Hime) / Adv: of manne | BAA Savewsion clan ( Paaw ) FEO only destevcay , only them aay the day belot sesterday , only after a memth, onl alter a etyeay , only hhs way, only by workipy have, Otc ad : #® Sent o) ssynaner_ OPS oy no ctHme, Under ne ' Chreumstance 1 IM no way, GN TNO aACCount, ON no condition. Q-A- ra T-afh inve~ onda] 5 Sen. Deyn Cmavwalsplacesy ; — (crm) om-ne hilly In -the valley, . Round ~+he comnen, under the fable; “Outsicie the gate.; Alory she nother J Southern Prone, Ten miles beyend tne gchooll 1 Under the ree : omthe hed, pleswes Mowhere .e@ lee, Away Weve y There, Oyt, upt doers, Crtel ooys ‘ott | eam > awe ots > Pro ncum ( temas) 2) | = a a > wT sent Swart ( S0+ Rew. of manner J] = & Taw NTT Pony) leas a a : 3 Sat HD rey gia A Bt] cing tn) Sy eF Brat FAP - 2AF fw sent Rav F oops, ‘9 + Beh X, Joi) _> Postive gemt _ ‘ em oF cub 3 Sp by ciate: as Mey sent —> ce ne /nov + they -+ subs af tl use (wre ) Ea : a of Saclicr oei)e Cl Tw Jae - oe - ah - . D kunad cid not erttend the seminar, neither did ay en mor wale] (etiel AMenc Aven 1g) , # Wt) [ees Articles. Noon Grntoeratab 1e ea ceed Ay ary x cutBua) Parsi cular: &) Th ae SARS ea Bo 16) ATE we i Alete Proper Mee aatagats conmmen Al aa > evanv— brett he ete oncctise : beat Amd Me fs very 4 ay [sar weet} sor his father tsa GiHesy m teen Sir a bitlet « Sr Preres ns By Sa a nition Sen rpeaies @ ante < Perna sete | : o Clws- 35 « Epa Ped 2.) Wee Wie! y 4 Nuied instrument 5 [Parts of beasy] « ——o Ce plays dar 07, egrayhical location, physical positon, Celestial baties deoup of keeles seers Moumtain sanye s 4 74 . 4 1 Oceans, sivers, Jus, ‘ 1 forests, PolHcal Parties, ' MewsParens > hotels , trains, ships , trephies,' Mayazines , lnisdemé al everch , holy booky tewmous bui bling 3 desimatHon , dynashes, fami es im plural; Comtres Feople ( Linen Preceded by am A. ComeremitHes cote , ein Pluvel ‘ Ky.) direction : Group of islands: wesctindies USSR, Bahamas Alewzeland Courttes, usa Brrcat Beihai Republic of hima. 1 Phil ppbiey 1 Oki Une, - In'sh Khydom , Y i HIT COMM moun —y 3 a we Abshack al. 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