0090536 XXXX SRT4

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Product: 5505872 Manufacturer: International Färg AB

Holmedalen Aspereds Industriomrade

Customer Material Description: INTERZINC 22 GREEN GREY PART A QHA285/15L/R9 City: Gunnilse Country: Sweden

Batch Details: Commercial Details:

Batch Number: 2332328017
Color Code: NA
Manufacturing Date: 16.06.2023
Expiration Date: 22.06.2024

Storage Condition: In the original unopened containers, protected from sunlight. Temp. Conditions:

Temp. >= 15,


Characteristics Method Lower Limit Results Unit
Upper Limit

Specific Gravity (Weight Per Gallon Cup) SMT-025A 1,020 - 1,120 1,096 g/cm3
Solid Content (1h @ 105º) SMT-029D 41,0 - 45,0 41,9 %

Certified By: QC Department Issue Date: 1-Aug-2023

AkzoNobel certifies that the product mentioned above has been manufactured in accordance with the specification. The Quality Control results are copied from the relevant AkzoNobel quality
management system. This certificate has been processed electronically and is therefore not signed.

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