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Satuan Pendidikan : SMP N 2 PAGELARAN

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VII
Materi Pokok : Text Descriptive
Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 40 menit (2 Pertemuan)

A. Standar Kompetensi
5.1 Menangkap makna dalam teks deskriptif lisan dan tulisan, pendek dan
B. Kompetensi Dasar
Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, ( termasuk gagasan utama,
informasi rinci, dan unsur kebahasaan) teks deskriptif tentang orang, binatang,
dan benda.
C. Indikator
a. Mengidentifikasi ide utama
b. menemukan spesifik informasi yang ada dalam teks deskriptif
c. menemukan refrence yang ada dalam teks deskriptif
d. mengidentifikasi supporting detail dalam teks deskriptif
e. mampu menemukan kosakata seperti sinonim, antonim, dan makna kata
dalam teks deskriptif
D. tujuan pembelajaran
a. siswa mampu untuk Mengidentifikasi ide utama
b. siswa mampu menemukan spesifik informasi yang ada dalam teks
c. siswa mampu menemukan refrence yang ada dalam teks deskriptif
d. siswa mampu mengidentifikasi supporting detail dalam teks deskriptif
e. mampu menemukan kosakata seperti sinonim, antonim, dan makna kata
dalam teks deskriptif
E. Materi ajar
Teks input
a. Teks deskriptif berjudul ”elephant”


Satuan Pendidikan : SMP N 2 PAGELARAN

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VII

Materi Pokok : Text Descriptive

Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 40 menit (2 Pertemuan)

F. Standar Kompetensi
5.1 Menangkap makna dalam teks deskriptif lisan dan tulisan, pendek dan

G. Kompetensi Dasar
Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, ( termasuk gagasan utama,
informasi rinci, dan unsur kebahasaan) teks deskriptif tentang orang, binatang,
dan benda.

H. Indikator
f. Membuat mind map sesuai teks
g. Menyebutkan informasi yang detail dalam sebuah teks
h. Menjawab pertanyaan berkaitan dengan teks
I. tujuan pembelajaran
a. siswa mampu Membuat mind map sesuai teks
b. siswa mampu Menyebutkan informasi yang detail dalam sebuah teks
c. siswa mampu Menjawab pertanyaan berkaitan dengan teks
J. Materi ajar
Teks input


Read the text carefully and them choose the correct answer for each question by
crossing (X) the option A,B,C, or D and write down your answer in the answer sheet.

The following text is for the question number 1-3

The Indonesian Archipelago

Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia that consists of more than


islands. The islands lie along the equator and extend more than 5,000
kilometers. Many of

the islands cover only a few square kilometers. But about a half of New
Guinea and three

quarters of Borneo also belong to Indonesia. Both islands are the second-
and-third largest

islands in the world, after Greenland.

Many geographers divide the more than 13,600 islands of Indonesia

into three groups: (1) the Greater Sunda Islands, (2) the lesser Sunda
Islands, and (3) the Mollucas.

Indonesia also includes Irian Jaya, which is part of New Guinea.The

Greater Sunda includes Borneo, Sulawesi, Java and Sumatera. The Lesser
Sunda Islands extend from Bali eastward to the Timor. The Mollucas lie
between Sulawesi and New Guinea. The western part of New Guinea is
called Irian Jaya, an Indonesian territory. Compared to the other regions,
Irian Jaya is the most thinly populated.
1. Paragraph two talks about ...

A. the three divisions of Indonesia’s islands

B. the greater Sunda islands,

C. the Indonesian geographers

D. the position of Indonesia.

2. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE

according to the text?

A. Most of Indonesian population live in Irian Jaya.

B. Indonesia has more than 13,000 islands,

C. Borneo is the third biggest island in the world,

D. The Mollucas is between Sulawesi and New


3. Which of the followings belongs to the first largest

island in the world?

A. Borneo.

B. Irian Jaya.

C. New Guinea,

D. Greenland.

The following text is for the question number 4-7

Bali is situated between the island of Java to the west and the island
of Lombok to the east. This island is widely regarded by visitors as
the ultimate island. Bali is 145 km (90 mi) long and 80 km (50 mi)
wide. When people come to Bali’s capital city, Denpasar. It is well
worth to visit Bali National Museum. Most of the exhibits now have
labels in English explaining their history, origin and significance.
Visiting Pasar Badung is also recommended. It is known as the town’s
largest market, housed in a three-storey building. Visitors can buy
unique handicrafts in reasonable prices.

Bali is also known for its beaches. Bali’s most popular beaches are
Kuta, Legian, and Jimbaran Beach. Kuta and Legian Beaches are
paradise for surfers and famous for their funky nightlife zone.
Jimbaran Beach, on the other hand, is quiet and tranquil. Many visitors
are atways excited to see sunset in these stunning beaches.

4. Where is Bali located?

A. Between West Java and Lombok.

B. Between the island of Java and Lombok.

C. Between Denpasar and Bati National Museum.

D. Between Bali National Museum and Pasar Badung.

5. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. The stunning beaches in Bali

B. Balinese’s museums

C. Places to visit in Denpasar

D. Pasar Badung

6. “Jimbaran Beach, on the other hand, is quiet and tranquil.” (Last paraqraph)
The synonym of the underlined word is.......

A. full of people

B. ful of activity

C. busy And crowded

D. calm and peaceful

7. “It is well worth to visit Bali National Museum” (paragraph 2)

The underlined word is refer to. . . .

A. Jimbaran Beach

B. Denpasar

C. Bali National Museum

D. Pasar Badung

The following text is for the question number 8-12


My Grandmother is very gently, loving, and caring person. She

never raises her voice at anyone. She has lived with me for as long as
I can remember. She takes care of me when Mom and Dad go to
work. she usually pulls up into a bun. She has dark brown eyes that
twinkle whenever she sees me. I hardly ever see them wet. childhood
and expresses them very well she also tell story about my Grandfather
who has passed away.

My dear Grandmother always says good things about him. She

once told me that he was the nicest person she had ever met. My
Grandmother is very neat and tidy person. She has ver she usually
pulls up into a bun. She has dark brown eyes that twinkle whenever
she sees me. I hardly ever see them wet.
Grandmother likes to tell stories. She usually tell me brief stories of
her childhood and expresses them very well she also tell story about
my Grandfather who has passed away. My dear Grandmother always
says good things about him. She once told me that he was the nicest
person she had ever met. I really love my Grandmot.

8. What does the writer’s impression of his grandmother?

A. She never raises her voice.

B. He really loves his grandmother.

C. A gentle, loving, and caring.

D. He doesn’t recognize his grandmother.

9. “. . . she usually pulls up into a bun

Which picture shows the picture of a bun ?

A. C.

B. D.

10.“. . . never raises her voice

The underlined phrase means that. . . .

A. The witer prohibits Grandmother to speak loudly

B. Nobody in the house speaks loudly

C. Grandmother does not get angry easily

D. Grandmother loves singing

11. The folllowing statements are true about Grandmother, EXCEPT. . . .

A. She lives with the writer’s family

B. She is a nice and cheerful person

C. She takes care of the writer

D. She has dark brown face


“. . . he was the nicest person. . .” (paragraph 3)

The underlined word refers to. . . .

A. Grandmother

B. Grandfather

C. The writer

D. Childhood

The following text is for the question number 13-15

Rafflesia Arnoldi is the biggest flower in the world. The name Rafflesia is
derived from the British. Governor general, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, a man who
gave high attention to the study of Botany and built the Botanical Garden in Bogor.
The Rafflesia plant begins to flower in its tenth year. It blooms three or four
times. Before it begins to flower, the leaves and the stem become dry and look dead,
but the main root in ground is still alive. When it blooms, it has an unpleasant smell,
which attract insects. But when they touch the bottom part, they die Rafflesia Arnoldi
consists of two parts, the stick parts, the stick parts which grows in the middle and the
petals around and below. It is usual because of its large size. It has a flower almost a
meter in diameter and 1.40 meters in height.

13. What is the text about?

A. The British Governor General

B. Rafflesia Arnoldi

C. The Botanical Garden

D. The biggest flower

14. What are the parts of the flower?

A. Leaves and petals C. Flower and leaves

B. Stick and flower D. Stick and petals

15. Rafflesia Arnoldi is the biggest flower in the world. The word biggest has similar

meaning with….

A. Largest

B. Smallest

C. Widest

D. Most beautiful

The following text is for the question number 16-18


Papua is the largest province of Indonesia. It lies south of the equator and it is

known as a naturalist’s paradise. Papua is predominatly mountains. The Maoke

Mountains run from west to east and contain the province’s highest peak, Puncak
Jaya (5,030 m/16,503 ft), which is also the highest peak in Indonesia. The beauty of
Puncak Jaya has amazed lots of climbers. Once in a while it shows them all of its
beauty, only to covered in the veil of mist a minute later.

Papua also is known for its amazing forest fauna. Animal life in the province
includes many species of marsupials such as tree-kangaroos, wallabies, possums, and
cuscuses. There are more than 200 species of frogs and as many as 100,000 species of
insects, including many beetles and spiders. Papua is especially noted for its flying
fauna. Birdwing butterflies are found in many areas, and more than 600 species of
birds have been identified, including the bursh turkey, the bowerbird, the cassowary
and the spectacular birds of paradise. Indeed, Papua is a province of outstanding,
natural interest and beauty.

16. " Papua also is known for its amazing forest fauna”

(paragraph 3)

The underlined word refers to....

A. Papua

B. Puncak Jaya

C. Animal

D. Forest fauna

17. What is the highest peak of Papua?

A. The Maoke Mountains

B. Puncak Jaya
C. Puncak

D. Papua

18. How many kinds of marsuoials are mentioned in the text?

A. Two

B. Four

C. Six

D. Eight

The following text is for the question number 19-21


Bandung is one of the largest cities in Indonesia and the capital of west Java
Province. It is situated in the uplands of western Java at an elevation of the 715 m
(2,350 ft) in a science region. The city is a major industrial centre which produce
textiles. Cihampleas Street is one of the popular clothing store locations.

This cool tempereture city is also the centre of science and education. There are
nearly 50 higher educational institutions in Bandung. Some of the best universities
are Bandung Institute of Technology, University of Padjadjaran, and Parahyangan
Catholic University. In the north of Bandung, Bosscha Observatory is the only
observatory in Indonesia. The observatory was included as a part of the departement
of astronomy in Bandung Institute of Technology.

Bandung is noted for its Angklung bamboo orchestra and its tradition of classical
Sundanese theatre, dance, and gamelan mucis. Bandung, which has long been
regraded as the Paris of Jva vecause of its vibrant cultural life, now struggles with
growing traffic, pollution, and other urban problems.

19. The following statements are true, EXCEPT....

A. Bandung is part of West Java Province.

B. University of Padjadjaran is the best university in Indonesi.

C. Bosscha Observatory can only be found in Bandung.

D. Bandung faces urban problems.

20. “.....of its vibrant cultural life,....” (last paragraph)

The underlined word has similar meaning to......

A. Lively

B. Happily

C. Ugly

D. Oddly

21. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To describe the Bandung.

B. To optimize the beauty of Bandung.

C. To persuade people to visit Bandung.

D. To prohibit people to come to Bandung

The following text is for the question number 22-23

My name is Jonathan. I live in Cape Town, South Africa. Let me tell you about

my daily activities. I always go to school early in the morning, but I hardly ever go
home early. It is because I always go to school and back home on foot. My school is
about seven kilometers from my house. Bus is too expensive for me.
After school, most of my friends practice African dancing, but I cannot join
them because I have to help my parents. I must get the water from the well and
babysit my sisters. I have two sisters. Sometimes, I do the homework in the evening,
but at other times I'm too tired to do it.

22. The’following statements are true, EXCEPT.......

A. Jonathan has two sisters.

B. Jonathan lives in South Africa.

C. Jonathan always studies in the evening.

D. Jonathan's school is far from his ’ house.

23. What does Jonathan do after school?

A. He practices dancing with his friends.

B. He plays with his friends.

C. He does his homework.

D. He helps his parents

The following text is for the question number 24-25

Bunaken National Marine Park

The Bunaken National Marine Park is located at the north of the island of
Sulawesi, Indonesia. This marine park is made up of the mainland along the coast of
Manado and five islands: the Bunaken, Manado Tua, Sitaden, Mantehage and Nain.
Bunaken is about 45-60 minutes by boat from Manado. It is the most amazing
diving place in the wortd. The waters of Bunaken National Marine Park are extremely
deep (1,560 meters in Manado Bay). However, people can dive safely at Bunaken.
The tempenture is about 27o-29o Celsius. Divers can find corals, fish, sponges, clams
and other sea species in the water. Bunaken has about 60 kinds of corals and a
thousand of fish species. Bunaken Marine Park is such a treasure trove of

24. Where is Bunaken National Marine Park


A. At the north of the Sulawesi island.

B. Between Mantehage and Nain.

C. Around the world.

D. In Manado Tua.

25. "Bunaken Marine Park is such a treasure

trove of biodiversity" (Last paragraph)

What is ”he meaning of a treasure trove"?

A. A gr“up of people who”live in the same area

B. A group of valuable or interesting things

C. An unattractive piece of land

D. An empty land



1. A 11. D 21. A

2. A 12. B 22. C

3. D 13. B 23. D

4. B 14. D 24. A

5. C 15. B 25. B

6. D 16. A

7. B 17. B

8. C 18. B

9. A 19. B

10. B 20. A


Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answer for each question by
crossing (X) the option A,B,C, or D after that write down your answer in the answer
sheet. The following text is for the question number 1-3


Bandung is one of the largest cities in Indonesia and the capital of west Java
Province. It is situated in the uplands of western Java at an elevation of the 715 m
(2,350 ft) in a science region.

The city is a major industrial centre which produce textiles. Cihampleas Street is
one of the popular clothing store locations. This cool tempereture city is also the
centre of science and education. There are nearly 50 higher educational institutions in
Bandung. Some of the best universities are Bandung Institute of Technology,
University of Padjadjaran, and Parahyangan Catholic University. In the north of
Bandung, Bosscha Observatory is the only observatory in Indonesia. The observatory
was included as a part of the departement of astronomy in Bandung Institute of
Technology. Bandung is noted for its Angklung bamboo orchestra and its tradition of
classical Sundanese theatre, dance, and gamelan mucis. Bandung, which has long
been regraded as the Paris of Jva vecause of its vibrant cultural life, now struggles
with growing traffic, pollution, and other urban problems.

1. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To describe the Bandung.

B. To optimize the beauty of Bandung.

C. To persuade people to visit Bandung.

D. To prohibit people to come to Bandung

2. The following statements are true, EXCEPT....

A. Bandung is part of West Java Province.


Students’ Score During Cycle I (Pre-test and Post-test I)

and Cycle II (Post Test II)

score post test

NO Nama score pre test score post test I II
1 AS 28 60 80
2 AP 52 60 88
3 AL 48 68 92
4 BC 80 72 80
5 BAA 76 76 84
6 DR 56 60 84
7 DI 60 74 88
8 DBR 80 58 88
9 DF 72 56 72
10 DP 80 64 88
11 GVS 76 76 80
12 GI 44 58 80
13 HNP 80 68 92
14 IDH 60 68 96
15 JR 52 52 72
16 JAA 24 88 88
17 KA 44 68 92
18 NWA 68 72y 88
19 PIS 52 52 76
20 RK 44 80 80
21 RMA 76 36 72
22 SAN 44 64 88
23 VS 56 72 88
24 YDK 68 74 96
25 WP 48 56 88
26 SAB 40 88 88
27 IF 56 64 84

The Students Score during Pre-test

no name score Passing grade > 72

1 AS 28 Unsuccessful
2 AP 52 Unsuccessful
3 AL 48 Unsuccessful
4 BC 80 Successful
5 BAA 76 Successful
6 DR 56 Unsuccessful
7 DI 60 Unsuccessful
8 DBR 80 Successful
9 DF 72 Unsuccessful
10 DP 80 Successful
11 GVS 76 Successful
12 GI 44 Unsuccessful
13 HNP 80 Successful
14 IDH 60 Unsuccessful
15 JD 52 Unsuccessful
16 JAA 24 Unsuccessful
17 KA 44 Unsuccessful
18 NWA 68 Unsuccessful
19 PIS 52 Unsuccessful
20 RK 44 Unsuccessful
21 RMA 76 Successful
22 SAN 44 Unsuccessful
23 VS 56 Unsuccessful
24 YDK 68 Unsuccessful
25 WP 48 Unsuccessful
26 SAB 40 Unsuccessful
27 IF 56 Unsuccessful

The Students Score during Post-test (Cycle I)

NO Nama score post test I Keterangan passing grade >72

1 AS 60 Average unsuccessful
2 AP 60 Average unsuccessful
3 AL 68 Average unsuccessful
4 BC 72 Good succesful
5 BAA 76 Good succesful
6 DR 60 Average unsuccessful
7 DI 74 Good succesful
8 DBR 58 Average unsuccessful
9 DF 56 Average unsuccessful
10 DP 64 Average unsuccessful
11 GVS 76 Good succesful
12 GI 58 Average unsuccessful
13 HNP 68 Average unsuccessful
14 IDH 68 Average unsuccessful
15 JD 52 Average unsuccessful
16 JAA 88 Good succesful
17 KA 68 Average unsuccessful
18 NWA 72 Good succesful
19 PIS 52 Average unsuccessful
20 RK 80 Good succesful
21 RMA 36 Average unsuccessful
22 SAN 64 Average unsuccessful
23 VS 72 Good succesful
24 YDK 74 Good succesful
25 WP 56 Average unsuccessful
26 SAB 88 Good succesful
27 IF 64 Average unsuccessful

The Students’ Score During Post test II (cycle II)

NO Nama score post test II keterangan passing grade>72

3 AL 92 excellent SUCCESSFUL
10 DP 88 good SUCCESSFUL
12 GI 80 good SUCCESSFUL
13 HNP 92 excellent SUCCESSFUL
14 IDH 96 excellent SUCCESSFUL
17 KA 92 excellent SUCCESSFUL
20 RK 80 good SUCCESSFUL
23 VS 88 good SUCCESSFUL
24 YDK 96 excellent SUCCESSFUL
25 WP 88 good SUCCESSFUL
27 IF 84 good SUCCESSFUL



Wednesday,25 January 2023


Di Ruang Tata Usaha

Penyerahaan surat izin penelitian

R : Researcher

KTU :Kepala Tata Usaha

ET :English teacher

Peneliti datang ke SMP N 2 Pagelaran sekitar pukul 09.00 wib untuk

meminta izin kepada KS dan KTU serta menyerahkan surat izin penelitian,

sesampainya di sekolah R melapor dulu dahulu ke KTU tentang maksud dan

tujuannya datang ke sekolah, berhubung pada hari itu bu KS sedang berada

di luar karena ada keperluan, jadi semua urusan berpindah ke KTU. Setelah

berbincang-bincang cukup lama dengan bapak KTU, akhirnya R diizinkan

untuk melaksanakan penelitian di sekolah tersebu. Setelah itu, bapak KTU

menyuruh R untuk langsung menjumpai ET yaitu Madame Sri Wahyuni.

Setelah itu R langsung menuju kantor guru untuk menemui madame Sri

Wahyuni, R juga meminta masukan dari Madame Sri Wahyuni terkait proses

yang akan dijalankannya nanti. R menyampaikan bahwa akan melaksanakan

penelitian dikelas 8. Mademe Sri Wahyuni juga menjelaskan kondisi siswa

dengan kemampuan belajar yang berbeda-beda, ada yang lemah ada juga
yang cepat menangkap pelajaran. Kemudian setelah berdiskusi cukup lama,

peneliti meminta ijin kepada Madame Sri Wahyuni untuk pamit pulang, dan

R kembali ke kantor KTU untuk pamit pulang sembari mengucapkan

terimakasih karena sudah mengizinkannya

melakukan penelitian.

Thursday, 25th January 2023
Observation in class 8th grade and interview teacher
R : Researcher
SS : Students
S : Student

R arrived in the school at 12.05 o’clock. R was invited by ET to come in her room. R
sat beside T. Then, R and T talked about English teaching and learning today. the
lesson started at 12.20. The duration of English lesson was two hours. Then, the bell
rang. ET asked R to go to the class. R followed ET into the class to do the class
observation. Arriving in the class ET asked SS to sit down but the situation of class so
noisy. After the class condition had been controlled, ET started the lesson by greeting
and checking the attendance. ET started to introduce R to S. ET said to S that R
would teach for some meetings. The class was noisy again. R waited for calm
condition and R started to introduce herself. Then, T asked S to find another chair for
R and then R sat behind the class to do observation. The lesson topic was
commparative degree. T wrote and was explaining the material, some SS in the
behind was noisy. Then T gave examples and T made examples. The material was
taken from SS’ worksheet. The class condition was noisy again because SS were not
interested in the materials. S open worksheet at page 28 the T asked SS to answers
question in front of the class but nobody wrote his or her answer because SS had
difficult in identifying the language features and generic structure of descriptive text,
and the students cannot comprehend the text. T pointed one of S to write answer
question in the whiteboard

Then, T corrected S answer. SS in the behind were noisy, they chatted

with their friends so they did not pay attention in the teaching and learning English in
the classroom. T asked them to pay attention to the lesson because there was no
focused skill in the teaching and learning process on reading comprehension. Then T
asked the others S to show their answer. Suddenly the bell rang; it made the situation
became noisy. T waited until the condition was conducive. E reminded SS to learn
material given. After T had closed the lesson, T and R went to office.
After R and T arrive in the office, R interview ET with some question
that prepare by R.

R : Terkait nilai miss, nilai KKM, apakah sudah banyak tercapai

( Regarding the score, the KKM have was achieved?)

T: kalau kelas 8 itu 72, ada beberapa siswa yang belum karena ada latar belakang
anak, banyak permasalahannya ada yg udah kerja, ada yg ekonominya rendah.
(if the 8th grade is 72, there are some student haven’t because of their background
family problem, many problem are some of them, there was working, some have
low economy)

R : apa hal saat mengajar yang paling sulit?. (What is the most difficult thing about

T : di speaking, dia tau tapi tidak bisa mengucapkan. Makanya kemaren saya
katakana kalo full English banyak yang ga tau, makanya kita ini harus tau
sasaran kita mau kemana. (in speaking, they knows but can't pronounce it. That's
why yesterday I said that many people don't know about full English, so we have
to know what we plann)

R: dalam pembelajaran reading ya miss ada ga teknik yang digunakan selain baca
aja? (When learning to read, miss, are there any techniques used other than just

T: nge drill ya mba, kalo saya pertama saya bacakan kemudia siswa menyimak,
kemudian dia mencari kata kata yg belum kenal.( drilling, first I read, then the
students listen,then they look for words they don't know yet)

R : kalau penggunaa seperti mind mapping apakah sudah pernah dalam

pembelajaran miss? (If you use it like mind mapping, have you ever used it in

T : belum, soalnya anak disini kosakata sangant minim, padahal satu hari saya
minimal 5, tidak usah di hafalkan dibaca, berharap lama lama bisa paham.( not
yet, because the children here have very minimal vocabulary, even though I have
at least 5 a day, you don't need to memorize reading, I hope it will take a long
time to understand)
R : kalau memahami makna kalimat bagaimana miss? ( How understand the meaning
of the sentence, Miss?)

T : masih susah,jadi kita usahakan betul anak disini itu, apalagi grammar, wong
memahami kosakata disekeliling aja saya ga perlu jauh jauh, liat aja yg dikelas
ini, ini apa ini apa aja susah, jadi kita harus menjelaskan sedikit demi sedikit baru
kita translate , kalo saya yg ngajar seperti itu. (it's still difficult, so tried really
hard for the children here, especially grammar, people who understand the
vocabulary, just look at what's in this class, what's this or what's difficult, so we
have to explain little by little then we'll translate, if I teach like that .


Saturday, 4th February 2023
Doing Pre-test in 8th grade
R datang ke sekolahan kembali pada jam 10 wib, R langung dipanggil T ke

ruangannya untuk membahas aktifitas hari ini. R menjelaskan kepada T tentang

kegiatan hari ini adalah pre test berfungi untuk mengetahui kemampuan reading

comprehension melakukan treatment. Beberapa menit kemudian bel berbunyi tepat

pukul 10.20. R dan T menuju ke kelas. T memberi salam kepada siswa dan absen. T

memberi tahu SS bahwa hari ini R akan mengadakan pre test.Kemudian T

menyerahkan aktifitas berikutnya kepada R sebelum meninggalkan kelas. Setelah itu

R membagikansebuah teks bacaan yang dilengkapi dengan exercise. Kemudian, R

menyuruh siswa untuk membaca teks itu terlebih dahulu baru mengerjakan soalnya.

SS langsung mengerjakan soal pre test. R memberikan waktu 1 jam untuk

mengerjakan soal tersebut dan akan berakhir pada pukul 11.10. Tepat pukul 11.10 R

menyuruh SS untuk mengumpulkan soal dan lembar jawab mereka namun masih

banyak SS yang

belum selesai mengerjakan sehingga R memberi perpanjangan waktu selama 15

menit. Pukul 11.25 R menyuruh SS untuk mengumpulkan soal dan lembar jawab

kedepan. Setelah itu R meminta siswa untuk pertemuan berikutnya untuk membawa

handphone, namun sebelumnya T sudah berkordinasi dengan pihak sekolah untuk

mengizinkan membawa handphone. Jam 12 R mohon pamit kepada T untuk pulang.


MONDAY, 9th October 2023

Doing First Meeting cycle I

R and T arrived the class at 12.20. She started the lesson by greeting

“Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. SS answered her greeting

Wa’alaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.” After greeting SS, T called the

students’ name one by one to check the students’ attendance. Before giving the

text, T give some question about the material they will learn today that descriptive

text, T said “do you know about this picture? What do you know about it?”. Ss

answer its elephant, and silent to answer the second question. Then T delivering the

purposes, generic structure, and give some example text descriptive. T prepare by the

previous, and researcher to be share with Ss about the descriptive text with the title

“Elephant”. T tell with SS to download mi-Mind application, and then T explain

how to used and made mind mapping in the application. T gave exercise to decide to

the text. After that T and R closing the class with say farewell, “Thanks for your

attention, see you”.


TUESDAY, 10th October 2023

Doing Second Meeting cycle I ( Post Test 1)

R and T arrived the class at 12.25. She started the lesson by greeting

“Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. S answered her greeting

Wa’alaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.” After greeting SS, T called the

students’ name one by one to check the students’ attendance. T asked again about the

material that had been studied, then asked about the assignment for making a digital

mind map that was given, T gave the students a group and discussed it, several

students mentioned detailed information from the assignment given. After that R

conducted the post-test 1 without guided by the teacher R prepare 25 bundles of

question to given 8th grade, the post-test 1 consisted of 25 items of multiple choice

questions. R asked to ss that they were conducted the post test surely. Because, their

score would be summated to their teacher. Before ss do their post-test, R reminder ss

about the material they have done in last meeting. At 2 pm the class was end, and R

close class with say “Alhamdullihah” and “Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi


Tuesday, 17th October 2023

Doing Second Meeting cycle II

R and T arrived the class at 12.20. She started the lesson by greeting

“Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. S answered her greeting

Wa’alaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.” After greeting SS, T called the

students’ name one by one to check the students’ attendance, T stood in front of the

class and explained that today would learn about descriptive texts, T asked the

S“what do you know about this picture?”. Ss answer “ its picture of borrobudur”.

The teacher asked again ” there are any go there?” some student answer “ no”. then

the teacher asked “where is the location of Borrobudur temple? . and students said

“java” then the teacher asked “where part of java” some student answer “central

java, magelang.” Then T make mind mapping in white board then some student

wrote one word can describe Borrobudur Temple. Then, T conveyed the learning

objectives of the day. After delivering the learning objectives, T distributed learning

materials to each students. After that, the students was asked to read the text. T gives

a few minutes to read. When the S finished reading, T again reminds about the

purpose, generic structure and language feature of descriptive text. Then,r T divided
the students into pairs. T explaining again how to use digital mind mapping

technique, so that the students remembered how to do discuss by using digital mind

mapping technique. S be seen more relax and conducive to learning with pairs. In

doing this task, the students was allowed to open the dictionary. When T goes around

the classroom and corrects, T found that the students can do this task well because

SS are able to use dictionaries correctly. After That, T make a conclusion about

material for that day and closed the meeting that day with a greeting and hamdallah.

Monday, 23th October 2023

Doing Second Meeting cycle II

R and T arrived the class at 12.25. She started the lesson by greeting

“Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. S answered her greeting

Wa’alaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.” After greeting SS, T called the

students’ name one by one to check the students’ attendance . T asked again about the

material that had been studied, then asked about the assignment for making a digital

mind map that was given, T gave the students to group and discuss it, several students

mentioned detailed information from the assignment given. After that, R was

conducted post-test 2 to reviewed all of the material that was learnt by S in the

previous meeting. The aim was to know their understanding and achievement of the

indicators. Then, R distributed the task and asked to S to answer that task. When S

answer that task R walked around to help SS when they faced the difficulties. S

answer more easily than before, in the post-test 1 SS felt bored and confuse about the

task, but in the post-test 2 S look enjoyed when they answer the task. In the last

meeting, R ended the teaching learning process and closed the class.

Interview with the Teacher Before Implementing

R : Terkait nilai miss, nilai KKM, apakah sudah banyak tercapai

( Regarding the score, the KKM have was achieved?)

T : kalau kelas 8 itu 72, ada beberapa siswa yang belum karena ada latar belakang
anak, banyak permasalahahnnya ada yg udah kerja, ada yg ekonominya rendah.
(if the 8th grade is 72, there are some student haven’t because of their background
family problem, many problem are some of them, there was working, some have
low economy)

R : apa hal saat mengajar yang paling sulit?. (What is the most difficult thing about

T :di speaking, dia tau tapi tidak bisa mengucapkan. Makanya kemaren saya
katakana kalo full English banyak yang ga tau, makanya kita ini harus tau
sasaran kita mau kemana. (in speaking, they knows but can't pronounce it. That's
why yesterday I said that many people don't know about full English, so we have
to know what we plann)

R :dalam pembelajaran reading ya miss ada ga teknik yang digunakan selain baca
aja? (When learning to read, miss, are there any techniques used other than just

T :nge drill ya mba, kalo saya pertama saya bacakan kemudia siswa menyimak,
kemudian dia mencari kata kata yg belum kenal.( drilling, first I read, then the
students listen,then they look for words they don't know yet)

R :kalau penggunaa seperti mind mapping apakah sudah pernah dalam pembelajaran
miss? (If you use it like mind mapping, have you ever used it in learning?)

T :belum, soalnya anak disini kosakata sangant minim, padahal satu hari saya
minimal 5, tidak usah di hafalkan dibaca, berharap lama lama bisa paham.( not
yet, because the children here have very minimal vocabulary, even though I have
at least 5 a day, you don't need to memorize reading, I hope it will take a long
time to understand)

R : kalau memahami makna kalimat bagaimana miss? ( How understand the meaning
of the sentence, Miss?)

T :masih susah,jadi kita usahakan betul anak disini itu, apalagi grammar, wong
memahami kosakata disekeliling aja saya ga perlu jauh jauh, liat aja yg dikelas
ini, ini apa ini apa aja susah, jadi kita harus menjelaskan sedikit demi sedikit baru
kita translate , kalo saya yg ngajar seperti itu. (it's still difficult, so tried really
hard for the children here, especially grammar, people who understand the
vocabulary, just look at what's in this class, what's this or what's difficult, so we
have to explain little by little then we'll translate, if I teach like that.


Interview with The Teacher After Implementing Cycle I

R :Menurut Madame Bagaimana Perkembangan siswa setelah Cycle I (What

Madame think about student’s development after cycle I)

T: cycle I sudah agak tampak, tapi belum secara keseluruhan karena memang

pendalaman materinya juga masih belum, masih secara mendasar, tapi anak anak

sudah mulai memahami generic structure dari descriptive text. (Cycle I has been

somewhat visible, but not yet in its entirety because the material has not yet been

deepened, it is still basic, but the children have begun to understand the generic

structure of descriptive text)

R: Menurut Madame apa yang kurang dari penelituian yang berjalan di cycle I

(According to Madame, what was lacking in the research carried out in cycle I?)

T : cycle I, mungkin karena menggunakan hp pake aplikasi mimind, jadi waktunya

tidak terukur, artinya waktunya harusnya ada batasan sekian, artinya karna harus

member tahu langkah langkah ini, waktunya harus lebih di manage lagi. (cycle I,

maybe because you are using a cellphone using the mimind application, so the time is

not measurable, meaning the time should have a certain limit, meaning because

members have to know these steps, the time has to be managed more.)

R : Saran Madame untuk lebih lanjut agar dapat memperbaiki proses KBM cycle

selanjutnya (Madame's suggestions for further improvement in order to improve the

KBM process for the next cycle)

T: satu perbaikan Rencana Pembelajarannya tadi, jadi dibuat kondusif lagi, lebih enak

lagi, dan karna anak-anak sudah mengerti, manage waktu kita agar goals tercapai

dalam member teks descriptive. (one improvement to the Learning Plan, so that it is

made more conducive, even better, and because the children already understand,

manage our time so that goals are achieved in the descriptive text section)


Interview with the teacher after Implementing Cycle II

R : Bagaimana pendapat madame tentang penelitian yang sudah dilakukan apa masih
ada kekurangannya? (What do you think about the research that has been carried
out and whether there are any shortcomings?)

T : Ya, pasti ada karena kita 2 siklus, di siklus 1 di refleksi di siklus ke 2 diperbaiki
dan memang ya banyak kesulitan apa karena lebih menekankan student center
ya, that why itu yang menjadi pusat kita belajar, dan antusias belajar hal baru lagi
(Yes, there definitely is because we are in 2 cycles, in the 1st cycle we reflect in
the 2nd cycle and it is corrected and indeed there are a lot of difficulties because
there is more emphasis on the student center, that's why it is the center for us to
learn, and we are enthusiastic about learning new things again.)

R : Apakah Materi yang diajarkan sudah sesuai madame? (Is the material being
taught appropriate, madame?)

T : sudah, kalo di descriptive text sudah sesuai. (Yes, the descriptive text is

R : Menurut miss, apa penggunaan Mind Mapping dengan digital dapat membantu
meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam reading comprehension? (According to
you, Miss, can using digital Mind Mapping help improve students' reading
comprehension abilities?)

T: itu sangat meningkatkan, memang diawal sangat kesulitan, karena anak harus di
ajarin dulu, harus kita ladeni satu, kalo sudah berjalan sangat bagus karena lebih
kreatif, lebih bisa meng explore ide dan gagasan sangat berkembang disitu
menggunakan mimind(it really improves, indeed at the beginning it is very
difficult, because the child has to be taught first, we have to do one thing, if it has
been done it is very good because it is more creative, more able to explore ideas
and ideas really develop there using mimind)

R: apa saran lebih lanjut untuk penggunaan digital mind mapping ? (What are your
next suggestions for using digital mind mapping? What are your next suggestions
for using digital mind mapping?)

T: saran saya lebih simple lagi, di download lebih enak lagi harusnya anak juga
kuotanya bisa akses ke sekolah, tapi karena kebijakan penggunaan hp tidak
boleh dibawa, tapi kita kan sudah komunikasi dengan sekolah, dengan adanya
mimind ini kita discus, trus ke anak bisa tersampaikan mengidentifakasi oh ini
bagian ini, anak critical thinking nya dapat betul. (My suggestion is even
simpler, downloading it is even better, children should also be able to access the
quota to go to school, but because of the policy on using cellphones you are not
allowed to bring them, but we have already communicated with the school, with
this idea we will discuss it, then we can convey the identification to the children.
oh this is this part, the critical thinking child got it right)


Interview with The Student After Implementing Cycle I

Interview Transcript I

R : Peneliti

S : Siswa/i

R : Tadi kan kita sudah belajar memakai Mind Mapping tuh, Menurutmu lebih sulit

tidak belajarnya? (We already learned how to use Mind Mapping, do you think it's

more difficult not to learn?)

S: mejadi lebih mudah si (it becomes easier)

R :menurutmu apakah lebih menyenangkan belajarnya (: Do you think it's more fun

to learn?)

S :menyenangkan, karena mudah dan lebih mengerti juga (fun, because it's easy and

understands better too)

R : adakah kesulitan yang ditemui (Have you encountered any difficulties?)

S :kalau kesulitan mungkin karena pengaturan menggunakan bahasa inggris (If you

have difficulty, it might be because the settings are in English)


R : Peneliti

S : Siswa/i

R : tadikan sudah belajar menggunakan mind mapping di descriptive text, menurutmu

susah atau tidak? (Have you learned to use mind mapping in descriptive text, do you

think it's difficult or not?)

S :Engga si lebih mudah (No, it's easier)

R : Seru Tidak? (Exciting or not?)

S : seru si (it's fun)

R :menurutmu ada kesulitan yang ditemui tidak? (Do you think there are any

difficulties encountered?)

S :Pengaturan aplikasinya masih bahasa inggris (The application settings are still in


R : Dari segi pemahaman, kamu lebih paham atau kesulitan (In terms of

understanding, do you understand better or have difficulty)

S : Lebih enak kak, gimana ya

R :lebih terorganisir ? (It's better, bro, how about that?)

S :Iya kak (Yes sis)


R : Peneliti

SS : Siswa/i

R : Tadikan kita sudah belajar descriptive text ya menggunakan mind mapping,

menggunkan aplikasi miMind kan, menurutmu lebih susah tidak ? (We already

learned descriptive text using mind mapping, using the miMind application, right? Do

you think it's more difficult?)

S :Lebih mudah si kak menurutku (It's easier, sis, in my opinion)

R :lebih menyenangkan, atau lebih enak kaya biasanya tanpa aplikasi ? (more fun, or

better than usual without the application)

S :Lebih menyenangkan kali ini. (It's more fun this time)

R :Dari segi pembelajaran ada tidak kesulitan itu. (From a learning perspective, there

are no difficulties)

S :Mungkin si ada beberapa kayak pengaturan lebih ribet (Maybe there are some

settings that are more complicated)

R :Dari segi memahami teks, jadi lebih mudah atau sulit (In terms of understanding

the text, is it easier or more difficult?)

S :Aku jadi lebih mudah, karena lebih rinci dan lebih singkat ( It's easier for me,

because it's more detailed and shorter)


R : Peneliti

SS : Siswa/i

R : Tadikan kita sudah belajar descriptive text ya menggunakan mind mapping,

menggunkan aplikasi miMind kan, menurutmu ada kesulitan dari pembelajaran

tersebut (We have already learned descriptive text using mind mapping, using the

miMind application, right? Do you think there are any difficulties in this learning?)

S :Ada si, kesulitannya cumin belum terlalu bisa bahasa inggris, jadi pakai aplikasi itu

agak sulit (Yes, the only difficulty is that I don't really speak English, so using the

application is a bit difficult)

R :menurut kamu lebih mudah pakai teknik tersebut atau kaya biasanya (Do you think

it's easier to use this technique or is it like usual)

S : lebih mudah kaya tadi si lebih gampang dang a ribet (It's easier like that, it's easier

and more complicated)

R : Memahami teksnya apakah lebih mudah? (Understanding the text is easier?)

S :lebih mudah juga tidak susah untuk dipelajari, lebih paham untuk mengisinya (it's

easier and not difficult to learn, it's easier to understand how to fill it in)


The Teacher explain about mind mapping technique

The researcher share the text to students

Students’ creating mind mapping

Students’ do post test

The researcher response students’ question

Students’ activity


Student’s Worksheet Cycle I

Student Worksheet Cycle II

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