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Time - 3 hours
Full Marks - 60

Answer all parts as per instructions

Parls of ench quest1on should be answered contmuousJy.
Marks allotted to each question is ,nd,cated
on the nght hand marg,n
The symbols used have the,r usual meamngs

1 Answer II! questiOnS by choosing the correct ansvlEJf' from
~~ttemativaa (1x8

(a) Now nwd) ~ cll"8 are 1h81e in thas number

. .N_ _ ,
l \
@ secant rnethod (h The n-dMded d1tfo~ Q! cl..J>Wynorn ot t nth de-
gr<>e 1s -
Fa-s: met lad (iv) None of these
~ constant (1!1-- zero
_ ;ett,od 5 also termed as a method of
n1) variable
. \
(N) None of lhese


2 Answer any e1ght of the folloWlng li¼ x 6

(a) Wnte nherent error in a numencat problem

(bl Wnte the f0nnUla forSecant method 1' ,r. :'.'\

~ ~~~, .. -9t~~.\),f'f\1,,,.- , ~"'-''..."-\'
.assumptions are there n Jacobi·s method ? (c) What is the condition for ~nvergence of G~~ti9'i)
method for sotvang a system of simultaneous algebrate
5 4
equation "°'\ .....,. ~~ "

(d) What Is e1gen value pro~m ?

µ = E1 -+ E-.
p I I
11 Froni the glWn -

st\OW that A2 -3A + l = 0

A• [: : 1
f = Ez -E"' (r.i) Nooe of these

&paoed ' I
es ormuta sf f(x> s lnterpplat~ at pqually
~ Distinguish between-direct and iteratWe~d..,._
ing sunuttaneous equatiCln
alt,tt.c.A- '"°::.a.
sents _ tl()des by a PD.Je.~ofdegree 4 then I repre- "'~~ "'°' 11M
.n•cua- ~Cll"t "
(g) Wrtte the error In Lagrange s ~
(11) Simpson s !fd rule (h) State~Nleto--- J~ ,_.
(rv) None of these I .,-,•~~- ~1)
I OI G u Seic, l

•10( n 1r llCZO 'l lornutn.e:r~I 1ru

I- J ,.Jd )I.. by tr ,>e:zOl!b ru1"'

Answer all quest1011s
~ Oort\' Reg Fa ms!hod for find ng appcoxmate root 16

~ OR

F ., pos ,r.. e fOOt of x• - x :: i O usmg Newloo-Raphlon


La ange a tefl)C>la!IOn to find interpotahng polynomial

palynOfnutl lh d gwen bel:,w Find y(-2 (8

F nd f(O 5 and f(3.5) ~ Newton divided ~a~

i' 1:i:-1:~ 4

1 J __..'-'
tom of equ t,ont, u::,1119 Oau Ehm111 11 ,,
4X f- X + X 4
); + 4x 2x3 4
4X -6


nv rse of the marnx using Gau Jordan method

1 2 ,
A 2 3 -1

2 -1 3

le f dx using Simpson s ; d rule Compare lhe

0 1 + :r
v. lh exact solution


U g lhe o1low1ng data, f111d f' (0 I)

OQ 01 02 03 04
10000 08975
9900 0 • 6 0

:'\ \
~ ....
~~ ,..,
N Pnnt Pa 6 Scm-lV-UG-Math-CC-IX

Time - 3 hours
Full Marks - 80

Answer all parts as per mstrucllons

Parts of each question should be answered contmuous/y,
Marks allotted to each question is ;ndrcated
on the r1ghl hand margin
The symbols used have therr usual meamngs.


1 Answer all questions by choosing the correct answer from

the given alternatives (1 ,c 12

(a}/4'ny _ _ _ subset tn a metric space ,s bounded

7 ---- (ri·i\. finite
@ infinite ?"

(iii) finite and infinite (JV) none of these

(b) Let (X d) is a me.ttiQ • ~ 1'bfn

r ~ ♦ rso,-n
(iii) X 18 n o ~

'1 If (X (t) '-• l;&Ma 1l X

(i) u :i~~-- ~ Li
r I
X 1$ 0 ,ctoced set 11 - I 31

• IS closed

C > A ,s.opcr!
y I~ !!Very comr~"'te rnetnc apace c.arnp:,i:t ?
(Wnte yes or no,...,.

X -A1sopen
,v) None of these
.J!V The Cartesian product of connected topotogical space
space !!>
lC-> E\-et)' d osed suospace of a
(~ connected (ti) separable
ii' Compaot space {Ir] Nullset
(111) disconnect_~
(Iv) none of tnese
Open set (rv) None of 1hese
(k~ A :subset a1 a topologIcal space 15 ciosed fff -
'Th!! function f (0 1]-+ R defined by l(x)::; IS
Gr 11 conta ns none of its limit polo\$
y both comrnuous and uriifonnly continuous
<jJ,, 1t contains all of its lfmrt points
t uniformly conltnuous but not continuous ltll) I\ contains some of its limit pocrna
cont,nuous but nor umfonnly (1v) None of these

g.1 ,roe drscrete metnc space {X. d) d(x y) = 1 f - (I) ~ compact &ub&et of (X d) Is -
I X ~ (ii) x>y ✓(,) only closed (ii) onlybouoded

(w) x= Y
<,>- closed and boUnded <M none of._
~ r is a continuous mapping of a compact,metnc sp~
X into I metric~ Y, then -

jl f II nor c.'Otltinuous

f# llQJffllnuous

f IS a ltep function
I "' '
-t' Test for un,form c:onllti!JJtlnee
.,.,,: \'i sttdSS •
101 JA-'

$ R C(llll,--
e I t,ount1ed n1,,.,1nc space
amp cit t0Ut1 Y
ti G e an a.<
n 1>3ll is nergnooumooa of each or
SIJOW 11131 evarl ope
t¥ \h) Sho·.v tlurt th:e serlea L (l - -x)x" 1$ l'l'l! umfoo-nly

ti SnOW tr/ e,.ampt~ that (A B)

A convargenton[O 11 n °
{I) Show ever)' discrete metnc space ,s totally dlt.a,.
.... atnc write a r,owhere dense set
'I ll\lld~tre.e ,.,.. nnected
' f 0 ..,...,., f [O tJ - R defined by f(X) = x-
i Sll(r~ 1hat me u ........ • • U) Let (X l1} be a mettic Spao! and A 8 be sublets o1 X.
suniform ~ GQlJtir1uous Then prove that (An B)0 =-Aon f!J


l Ans'A'ef any eight cf the (oQowing questions I {3 X 8 Answerall questions

tJ Prove that a convergent sequence ,n a metric space 1s a 4 Show 1hat the function defined by (7
~ Caudly sequence

b) Is t = (0 "1 homeomorphlc to I x I ? Eg,fam d(x -; = [ r



1c HowdoeicontloOousf~ beha.te on ccmpacl met-

~ r.:apace x = {x }.
y = {YJ /1 is a meericon I.,

( , GIiie., e ~ of asequence Qf real numbers which IS
~ ~ent but not uniformly ,continuous ~ Prove that C{a. b] tne•afalounttnuoul ftitC~--.....,..
on (fl bi II a eo1:ipliili 1lilric spaoa In Iha
., Ptove 1h11"' arty memc
• each J)0mt space there 1111 countable rlc.

asome IS netes$arily a homeo 10f:Phmm but

ht con..... as not true

8. Prove:lhat a tl'1fflonn:. ofu,ntinuous~ ia ~

11t IV lJ M tit

Thno 3hou,
Ful/Mruk 80

11 part m /I , tlw,
l P r
on lu:mt,1 lJ u,, w ,. ri 111(1,11 <m 1y
h q, , f
on 1/m ha, m 'Jt 7m
11/J I \ th 11 " , , ,, m '• "'"'


A sw r all questions by choosing the corr an w r rrom

he given options and flll 111 lhe blank n r q 11r d (1 x 12

a) Th characten he of rmg R ts

( 3 (11) ,
(m} 1 (1~0

(b) Sel ct nng from the followmgs

u>" (R + .) (11) (Z .)
(Ill) (R• -+ .) (1v) (a· + )

(c) Which of the followang 1s a prime ideal of 2 ?

(1) Z
n a

z !Of w,nct, f • G 1s 1rredur.1blo (k) E Yery dtv11uon r""'
r . , . Ill a field If It

(1) h$008\ive
z ti) 2
{~ comm
(\it) cloMd Ulabve
(\vl dla\TWYe
1\1) 3
(I) Every ideal.Cf an EOdiclaan~ ..
• T h e ~ P -· r + 1 15 rectucibfe o\ler - - -
,.. a
(~ 2
cfJ Thi.- or even 1n19g«5 1s not a r1ng
It awy ..... ctomatntsafield.
a:~ldealaaf . . .,_~..-.,,,,.l!-·

--~~•lillailillft'IM to
__ ...;..;.

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