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Metabase, MachineMetrics, and DataParc discuss the benefits of real-time analytics in

dashboards, allowing for immediate identification of issues and faster response times by displaying real-

time data from various sources. Hector6298 and MachineMetrics mention anomaly detection

algorithms that can be incorporated into dashboards to identify unusual patterns or deviations from

normal behavior, indicating potential faults or failures. Interal and Hector6298 highlight the use of

dashboards for predictive maintenance, analyzing historical data and real-time sensor readings to predict

potential failures and enable proactive maintenance interventions. SlideTeam and Fleetio emphasize the

importance of customization, tailoring dashboards to the specific needs of different users to ensure that

relevant information is presented clearly and actionably. Lastly, Fleetio and MachineMetrics stress that

dashboards should provide actionable insights and recommendations to guide maintenance decisions and

optimize operations.

These highlighted resources emphasize the importance of dashboards in visualizing and

interpreting data for railway maintenance. They can provide real-time insights into the health and

performance of rolling stock and infrastructure, enabling proactive maintenance and informed decision-

making. The resources also highlight the importance of user interface design and customization to ensure

that dashboards are intuitive and meet the specific needs of different users.

Okoh et al. (2017) introduce a methodology for designing a maintenance informatics dashboard

to visualize maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) events on a timeline. The authors emphasize the

importance of information modeling in effectively organizing and presenting the vast amount of data

generated throughout an asset's lifecycle. They propose a hybrid visualization technique that combines

aggregate visualization and 2D graphical plotting to summarize complex events on a timeline. The

methodology also incorporates a color-coding scheme to represent different event categories and levels,

enhancing the dashboard's usability and decision-making capabilities. The authors demonstrate the
applicability of their approach through a case study on aircraft engine maintenance, showcasing how the

dashboard can provide valuable insights into the root causes of events and support better maintenance


This research can be applied to the development of a real-time dashboard for railway

maintenance. The proposed methodology can be adapted to visualize ATOMS trip data, with events such

as delays, disruptions, and maintenance activities plotted on a timeline. The color-coding scheme can be

used to represent different types of events, and the drill-down functionality can allow users to access

detailed information about specific events. The dashboard can also incorporate real-time data feeds from

ATOMS, enabling proactive monitoring and timely decision-making for railway maintenance.

Condition-Based And Predictive Maintenance

McKinsey (2017) emphasizes that the shift from traditional time-based or usage-based

maintenance to condition-based and predictive maintenance in the railway industry is driven by the

increasing availability of sensor technology and data analytics. This shift promises significant cost

savings and improved efficiency in maintenance operations. The authors highlight the importance of data

ownership and sharing in this new ecosystem, as well as the need for collaboration between rail operators

and rolling stock OEMs. They also stress the importance of a holistic approach to digitization,

encompassing the entire maintenance value chain, not just individual components.

Kienzler et al. (2020) discuss the potential of advanced analytics in optimizing maintenance

spending for European rail infrastructure operators. They propose a data-driven approach that involves

mapping the probability of failure and the criticality of each asset to identify areas of over- and

underinvestment in maintenance. The authors also emphasize the importance of data governance, data

collection and management processes, and building analytical skills within the workforce. This approach
can be applied to the development of a real-time dashboard for railway maintenance, where ATOMS data

can be used to assess the condition of rolling stock and infrastructure assets. The dashboard can then

provide recommendations for optimal maintenance scheduling and resource allocation, leading to cost

savings and improved network reliability.

Conceicao (2023) highlights the potential of big data and real-time monitoring in enhancing rail

operations. Remote Condition Monitoring (RCM) emerges as a key technology, enabling the collection

and analysis of data from train sensors and systems. This data-driven approach allows for proactive

maintenance, reducing disruptions and improving punctuality. Additionally, real-time monitoring of train

crew behavior can enhance safety and compliance. The author emphasizes that data analysis can optimize

maintenance schedules, extend component lifespans, and ultimately improve the passenger experience by

ensuring a safe, punctual, and reliable service.

Stoddart (2018) discusses the transformative potential of predictive maintenance in the rail

industry. By collecting and analyzing data from equipment during operation, maintenance issues can be

identified in real time, allowing for proactive repairs and minimizing service disruptions. The author

emphasizes the importance of a well-planned approach to data collection and analysis, highlighting the

need to involve experts from various domains to ensure the right data is collected and the right insights

are derived. The article also discusses the cost-benefit analysis of investing in predictive maintenance,

emphasizing the potential for significant financial rewards through improved reliability, reduced

maintenance costs, and extended fleet lifespan. Both articles underscore the importance of data in

modernizing railway maintenance and enhancing operational efficiency.

Van Dinter et al. (2022) conducted a systematic literature review on predictive maintenance using

Digital Twins. The study emphasizes that predictive maintenance is a key technique for creating a more

sustainable, safe, and profitable industry. The authors identify the lack of failure data as a key challenge in

creating predictive maintenance systems, as machines are often repaired before failure. Digital Twins are

presented as a solution to this challenge, providing a real-time representation of the physical machine and
generating data, such as asset degradation, which predictive maintenance algorithms can use. The study

identifies several aspects of predictive maintenance using Digital Twins, including objectives, application

domains, Digital Twin platforms, model representation types, approaches, abstraction levels, design

patterns, communication protocols, twinning parameters, and challenges and solution directions.

Zhu et al. (2019) presented a comprehensive literature review on predictive maintenance (PdM),

emphasizing system architectures, optimization objectives, and optimization methods. The authors

highlight the limitations of traditional maintenance approaches, such as reactive maintenance (RM) and

preventive maintenance (PM), and advocate for PdM as a more effective strategy. The survey covers

various PdM system architectures, including PdM 4.0, Open System Architecture for Condition Based

Monitoring (OSA-CBM), and cloud-enhanced PdM systems. The authors also discuss different

optimization objectives, such as cost minimization, availability/reliability maximization, and multi-

objective optimization. The study concludes by highlighting future research directions in the application

of deep learning (DL) techniques in PdM.

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