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Unit 1 - Quiz 1.


A. Read the text below. Then, pick one of the three pictures to answer questions (1) to (5).

Homework Pals
My name is Marc Molino. My family
moves a lot. I change schools often. I
like school and get good grades. I see
that school is not easy for some
At my new school, I see a sign. It
says, “Homework Pals Wanted. Help
other students with homework.”
After school I go to the library. I say
to the librarian, “I want to help.”
She takes me to a table. A young
boy tries to read a book. I smile and
say, “Hi, I am Marc. Can I read with
you?” His smile means “yes.” I have a
homework pal.

1. What happens at the beginning?

2. What happens in the middle at his school?

3. Who does Marc talk to?

4. What happens at the end?

5. Who is the narrator of the story?

B. Read the text above again. Choose the best answer. [..../2,5]
1. Which of these is true about the narrator of “Homework Pals”?

A. The narrator is a character in the story.

B. The narrator is not part of the story.
C. The narrator is unknown.

2.The narrator in “Homework Pals” tells about…

A. the other student’s life.
B. the librarian’s life.
C. his own life.

3 . Which words does the narrator use to show that the story is about the narrator?

A. “I” and “me”

B. “he” and “him”
C. “you” and “your”

4. Marc helps the boy to…

A. write a book.
B. read a book.
C. color a book.

5.Marc thinks that…

A. school is difficult for all students.

B. school is easy for all students.

C. school is not easy for some students.

C. Use ONE element from each box and make complete sentences. [....../2,5]

was clean the street.

✔ Volunteers
can make of working together.
Our help
✔ offer dirty.
The kids
picked up the trash.
The street
helped ✔ to help.
We have
learned the an impact.
benefit clean.

Ex: Volunteers offer to help.


D. Read this text and then choose the best answer for the questions. [. . ./2,5]

A Beautiful Park

Mr. Rubin works at the park. He makes it beautiful

for everyone to enjoy.
One morning, Mr. Rubin gets a telephone call. It is
his daughter Lily. She lives in another state. “Papa, the
baby is here. When will you come to meet him?”
Mr. Rubin is so happy. He is now a grandfather! He
tells Lily, “I will come in two days.”
Mr. Rubin has many friends at the park. His friends
say, “We will take care of the park for you.”
Mr. Rubin returns one week later. He is surprised. The
park looks so beautiful. He knows his friends worked hard.

1. The text is about…

A. a city building.
B. a dirty street.
C. a park.

2.Mr. Rubin is happy because...

A. the park is very beautiful.

B. he is now a grandfather.
C. he has many friends at the park.

3 . What happens first to Mr. Rubin?

A. He talks with his friends.

B. He gets a telephone call.
C. He visits his new grandchild.

4. What happens last?

A. Mr. Rubin is surprised.

B. Mr. Rubin makes the park beautiful.
C. Mr. Rubin talks to his daughter.

5.Why is Mr. Rubin surprised at the end of the story?

A. Because his friends told Mr. Rubin not to worry.

B. Because his daughter invited him to visit her.
C. Because his friends worked hard to take care of the park.

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