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Logipe Fintech Private Limited

Incubex Thrive, Ground Floor, IMG Tower, 80 Feet Road,

4th Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru 560034


The primary objective of introducing the Leave policy is to ensure LogiPe employees are provided with a
reasonable and regular amount of rest and recreation away from work and for personal emergencies.
This document represents the leave policy applicable to LogiPe employees. LogiPe believes that leave is
an instrument of work-life balance & the policy has been designed to encourage team members to take
time off from work.

Scope and Applicability

Applicable to only permanent/ regular employees of LogiPe.

This program document may be modified, revised, discontinued or amended at any time, in whole or in
part, for any reason and without prior notice, consent or approval within the sole discretion of LogiPe.
This program document contains proprietary and confidential information. It is solely for use by and
distribution to the individuals who are subject to this policy. The information provided in this publication is
for information purposes only and does not constitute a contract of employment.

General Guidelines

● Employees are entitled to a maximum of 15 days of leave in a fiscal year (Apr-Mar)

● This can be availed after the completion of the probation period which is two months

● Employees having sufficient leave balance can apply for their leaves in Mail after having discussed
with their reporting managers a week prior and taking necessary approvals in Mail.

● All leaves to be applied on Form only.

● Leave gets calculated on a pro-rata basis for employees joining LogiPe during the year.

● Leaves due to sickness beyond 3 or more days will have to produce a medical certificate to the HR

● Earned Leave will be credited to employees effective DOJ (Date of Joining) of an employee

● Earned Leave (If not utilized),can be carried forward to the next fiscal year

● Taking leaves without informing the HR/Reportingmanager will be considered as LOP

Logipe Fintech Private Limited
Incubex Thrive, Ground Floor, IMG Tower, 80 Feet Road,
4th Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru 560034

Maternity Leave (ML)

Women employees will be eligible for Maternity benefits in accordance with the Maternity Act 1961.
Employees who have worked for 80 days with LogiPe in the preceding 12 months are entitled to
Maternity leaves of up to 26 calendar weeks with pay.

Maternity Leave can be availed 6 weeks before the delivery date. The employee must provide her
Manager and HR with a note requesting such leave and completing the formalities through the form for
intimating the Company of the intended commencement date of ML and expected return date, along with
the Medical Certificate.

Paternity Leave (PL)

Male employees are eligible to avail of 5 days of Paternity leave by taking prior approval from the
manager and the same has to be applied and approved on Mail.

Loss of Pay

An employee who has exhausted his/ her accrued leave or has no balance leave may in exceptional or
unavoidable circumstances, be permitted to be absent from work solely at the discretion of Management.
The following will qualify as Leave on Loss of Pay:

• Leave is availed over permissible limits.

• Leave is availed without prior approval and reasonable justification for the same.

Leave on Loss of Pay can be requested when a team member wants to avail leave over the permissible /
accumulated leave.

Types of Absence

Authorized Absence

An employee’s absence from work with prior approval of the Manager is known as “Authorized
absence”. Prior Authorization of absence from work helps smooth running of the operations of
the department since it allows the Supervisor to plan the required manpower and also schedule
work accordingly. Therefore, under normal circumstances, employees are expected to obtain
prior approval of their absence a week in advance.

Unauthorized Absence

An employee’s absence from work without prior approval of leave or without any
communication to the respective Manager, would amount to Unauthorized Absence from work.
Employees will not be eligible to receive any salary for the period of Unauthorized Absence.
Apart from not being paid for the period of Unauthorized Absence, the employee will also
make him/herself liable for disciplinary action as deemed fit by LogiPe.
Logipe Fintech Private Limited
Incubex Thrive, Ground Floor, IMG Tower, 80 Feet Road,
4th Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru 560034
Procedure for Availing Leave

Leave, be it of any nature, will have to be availed with the prior approval of the supervisor. However, in
extreme situations, where prior approval cannot be obtained, the team member must inform their
supervisor of their absence by telephone/ email/ message within one day. You will be required to apply
for these leaves as soon as you return to work and the timeline will be 3 working days.

Absence from work without prior approval and/or reasonable justification for the same may lead to loss of
pay and/or disciplinary action at the discretion of the management.

Administrative Guidelines

• This policy may be revised or revoked by the policy owner at any time, with no advance notice.

• This policy is a statement of Logipe intent only and does not create contractual rights. LogiPe
reserves the right to make exceptions to this policy at its discretion.

• As per our standard protocols we shall be sharing medical documents with external medical
practitioners (or concerning the third party) for further consultation & advice.

• The company reserves the right to ask for supporting medical documents for any of the following
leave types (extended Sick leave, Illness arising out of pregnancy, Miscarriage.)

• Not marking time off on the system within the prescribed timelines is a policy violation as it leads to
incorrect leave balance & related payroll implications. Failure to act per the policy guidelines and
protocols may lead to disciplinary actions as appropriate, hence we expect you to adhere to the said

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