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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Directions: Read the following questions/statements carefully and choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. It is a folk song which was found in Singapore.
A. Burung Kakatua C. Loi Grathong
B. Chan Mali Chan D. Rasa Sayang
2. This is a Myanmar’s traditional folk musical ensemble that is mainly made of different gongs and
A. Gamelan C. Mahori
B. Hsaing Waing D. Pinpeat
3. Nena sings Rasa Sayang, a folksong of Malaysia. The speed/tempo of this song is in fast motion.
If you relate this in human emotion, what feeling did Nena shows?
A. anger C. happy
B. fear D. sad
4. Refer to figure below. Which tone is equivalent to “Shang” in Chinese five tonal scale?
A. do C. re
B. la D. sol
5. Mo Li Hua which means Jasmine Flower is an example of Chinese folksong. When you heard this
kind of song, what aspect of personality it manifested?
A. emotional C. physical
B. mental D. spiritual
6. It is a traditional Japanese folk song depicting spring, the season of cherry blossom
A. Arirang C. Mo Li Hua
B. Loi Krathong D. Sakura
7. It is a type of folksong found in Israel.
a. Hora C. Sakura
b. Mo Li Hua D. Zum Gali Gali
8. In the music of India, whether it is religious or cultural, music has its own foundation of ______.
a. Dynamics C. rhythm
b. Form D. timbre
9. Which of the following is not a characteristic of vocal music of Israel?
A. It is sung in guttural manner.
B. It is sung in throaty enunciation.
C. Singers have a distinctive vocal style.
D. It is used as melismatic singing with nasal style.
10. Which of the following are the musical characteristics of Japanese theater?
A. The continuous pattern is used in speeches.
B. The pattern is mainly by using the pentatonic scale.
C. It implies a very sensitive capacity for riding the rhythms of the Shamisen.
D. all of the above
11. Aside from applying makeup, what else will you do to distinguish your role in the Peking Opera
A. use mascot C. put paint in your face

B. wear mask D. all of these

12. If you are one of the performers in Kabuki, how will you perform it?
A. act, acrobatic and speech
B. mime, martial art, and chanting
C. martial art, singing, and chanting
D. combine singing, dancing, and act
13. The following are the musical characteristics of Chinese theater EXCEPT
A. It controls the timing of movement.
B. The key feature is the vocal technique used in singing.
C. Spoken passages are governed by strict rhythms and tempos.
D. It is composed of eight musicians sitting on stools in the far corner of the stage.


14. What Philippine artwork/s have similar characteristics with the artworks of other Southeast
Asian countries?
A. sculpture C. fabric/ fabric design
B. Arts and crafts D. all of these
15. Paul’s teacher assigned him to make a kite. It must fly up high and stay on air in 10 minutes. To
be able to maintain the position of the kite, what is the element/principle of art you should
A. balance C. movement
B. color D. texture
16. The following are the similarities of Wayang Kulit of Indonesia and Nang Shadow Puppet of
Thailand EXCEPT __________.
A. have a movable part
B. perform in a cotton screen and oil lamp
C. a shadow puppet with gamelan ensemble
D. characters made from intricately cut out and articulated shapes of leather
17. In performing arts, China and Japan used face paint, while Korea used_______
A. mask C. silk
B. paper D. wood

18. In performing arts, China and Japan used face paint, while Korea used_______
A. mask C. silk
B. paper D. wood
19. You are lost in the island. There are no people out there but only you. All around you are some
pieces of plastic, nylon and a piece of bamboo sticks. With these available materials, what thing can
you create that will help discover your destination?
A. basket C. origami
B. jar D. kite
20. It is called “India’s Festival of Lights”
A. Diyas C. Rangoli
B. Diwali D. Shiva
21. Mhendi is a form of body art which originated from ancient India. It is a temporary form of
skin decoration that was created from the powdered dry leaves of a Henna plant and usually
done for special occasions like weddings. You want to apply this into your skin, but there is
no available Henna in your house, what alternative material can you use?
a. crayons C. water-based paint
b. watercolor D. both B and C
22. Which of the following tasks do men of Kazakhstan were engaged in?
a. processing of wood, metal, leather
b. making and processing of felt or wool
c. various types of weaving and embroidery
d. All of the above
23. You are attending in Chinese Spring Festival. Which of the following props you have seen in
the performance does not belong to the group?
A. dragon ` C. fans
B. lantern D. Wayang Kulit
24. How does Peking Opera perform?
A. Actors/actresses fighting in all manner.
B. Spoken passages are governed by strict. rhythms and tempos
C. The action must be exceptionally beautiful in every movement that makes.
D. All of these
25. It is a form of traditional Japanese drama with highly stylized songs, mimes, and dance.
A. Kabuki C. Peking Opera
B. Nang Shadow Puppet D. Wayang Kulit

26. It is a team sport wherein the skills execute are dribbling, passing, rebounding, running and
A. baseball C. softball
B. basketball D. volleyball
27. Which of the following is not the equipment needed in playing basketball?
A. ball C. bat
B. basket D. net

What should you do to enhance your agility skill?
A.zumba dance C. push up everyday
B.playing badminton D. carrying a pail of water
Which of the following physical activities is suited to decrease the risk of cardiovascular
disease and stroke?
A. ballet C. cycling
B. bowling D. yoga
30. While playing, the referee starts whistling because you move without dribbling the ball. What
basketball rule did you violate?
A. charging C. goal tending
B. travelling D. double dribble
31. When you shoot the ball in the ring, a failed shoot occurs and it was bounces to the rim. To
follow through, what basic skill you need to execute in order to successfully shoot the ball
into the ring?
A. battling C. rebounding
B. dribbling D. throwing
32. In basketball, while playing inside the court, how many players are there in one team?
A. 5 C. 10
B. 8 D. 12
33. It is a word game in which two or four players score points by forming words from individual
lettered tiles on a game board marked with a 15 by 15 grid.
a. chess C. mahjong
b. domino D. scrabble
34. Jacob’s queen piece is already captured. The only remaining pieces he has in the game are
the bishop, king, rook and pawn. If you are Jacob, what piece will you move into the
opponent’s throne to serve/promote as queen?
a. bishop C. pawn
b. knight D. rook
35. What do you call this board game where the objective is to checkmate the opponent?
a. chess C. mahjong
b. domino D. scrabble
36. An entrance to this dance is starting with R foot, walking to the center of the room. Both
arms are down at the sides palms down fingers together and pointed outward. Which of the
following folk dance refer to?
A. Binislakan C. Sakuting
B. Pangalay D. Sua-ku-sua
37. What is your goal after you discover that your BMI is classified as underweight?
A. Get enough sleep C. Avoid drinking an alcoholic beverage
B. Eat green leafy vegetables D. All of these
38. Your teacher assigns you to execute gallop. What step pattern will you use?
A. slide, close C. step and hop
B. step and cut D. step, close, step

39. Which of the following factors usually the first educator of the sexually identity of children?
A. culture C. media
B. family D. peers
40. What term defines a man or a woman based on biological characteristics?
A. androgyny C. sex
B. gender D. sexuality

41. Juan belongs to the group of millennials who are easy go lucky type. All he wanted is to
attend a party and interact with other people. What dimension of personality did he
A. emotional C. physical
B. ethical D. social
42. Which of the following solution can hamper the effect of rapid growth population?
A. poverty C. family planning
B. immigration D. poor contraceptive use
43. Which of the following food is not recommend for lactating mothers?
A. cereals C. processed foods
B. red meat D. green leafy and vegetables
44. This is a period of agreement entered between two people in love for them to be able to know
each other and their families well enough to be sure that they are ready and suited for life-
long companionship__.
A. courtship C. engagement
B. dating D. marriage
45. What is a sacred ceremony which two people involves in a lifelong commitment?
A. courtship C. engagement
B. dating D. marriage
46. What is the first stage of infection?
A. Convalescence C. Incubation
B. Illness D. Prodromal

47. Which of the following situations describe Convalescence stage?

A. Alfred tells us he has a sore throat.
B. Anna declares she’s not feeling well.
C. Jen suddenly starts sneezing several times while talking.
D. Tim waits for his discharge from the hospital after battling against Covid-19.

48. Why do people smoke?

A. curiosity C. influence of friends
B. family problem D. all of these

49. What would happen if pregnant woman drinks alcohol?

A. It can cause dangers such as miscarriage.
B. The woman drinking the level of alcohol while pregnant can quickly passes to the baby.
C. It can harm to the development of the baby during pregnancy both mentally and physically.
D. All of the above
50. This is a colorless bitter-tasting substance that is produced by fermentation of fruits, grains
or other sources of sugar.
A. alcohol C. juice
B. drugs D. tobacco

Prepared by:

Grade 8- MAPEH Teachers



Address: Don Simeon St., San Vicente, Gapan City

Telephone No.: (044) 486-7910

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