Branch Documents_Pakistan

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“Sports for Health, Sports for Nation NSC Regd. No.

National Sports Council


Central Office
Khusibun, Nayabazar, Kathmandu

Mr. Shahbaz Ali Khan Date: 26th May 2024

Lahore, Pakistan

Dear Mr. Khan

Nepal Ekayan Karate Association (NEKA) would like to thank you very much for your inter-
est to open an Ekayan Karate Branch and PRAKE (training center) to have the Ekayan Karate
recognized and promoted in Pakistan.

Please find enclosed a branch application form together with appendix 1 & 2. Do read it all
carefully, and if you have any additional queries, I shall be happy to answer them to satisfy
your interest.

Please return the form filled in together with 2 passport photos. The Branch fee for all SAARC
Countries is US $ 200.00 in equivalence with appendix 1.

Please transfer the fee to the following account.


Sorakhutte Branch
Sorakhutte, Kathmandu-16


Account Number : 00901000000173900142
Account Name : Nepal Ekayan Karate Association

Please confirm that you e-mail me of the transfer or that in any other way is clearly indicated
that the fee is from you and that it is with regards to your branch application.

Thank you very much.

Looking forward to hear from your.

Yours sincerely,

Mahaguru Shree Krishna Dangol
Founder / President
Psfog Karate
Nepal Ekayan Karate Association
Discipline is an integral part of human life. Its complementary solar art is the creation of rigorous discipline,
sadhana and penance. It is futile to imagine reaching the top of this field by neglecting the cornerstones of
martial arts such as discipline and perseverance. Along with the creation of martial arts, basic principles such
as discipline, sadhana and penance were accepted. Every person involved in this field is expected to be honest,
diligent and success seeker. After a long time of tireless hard work and practice in the field of martial arts,
Karate guru Shri Krishna Dangol, after imbibing these beliefs, established the unit of Ekayan Karate with the
excellent idea of ​​establishing Karate as a sport played for self-defense in the long term and to provide help and
encouragement to the athletes engaged in this sport to move forward in life with self-respect.

This organization was registered and established as Nepal Ekayan Karate Club on 30th of November 2010 in
Kathmandu District Sports Development Committee and was duly registered and established in the name of
Nepal Ekayan Karate Association at the National Sports Council, Nepal, on 28th of January 2016. Established with
the aim of developing and promoting the sport of karate, this association has succeeded in creating a distinct
identity in the field of martial arts by including unitary karate genre created in Nepali soil.

Since the establishment of this association, it has been active in the field of martial arts. This Nepal Ekayan
Karate Association, which was established with the aim of contributing to the development of the society and
the nation, and has been conducting programs and competitions to develop the talents of athletes involved in
the field of sports.

Introduction to Ekayan Karate

Ekayan karate was born in Nepali soil with the original slogan of "healthy manpower for nation building and sports
for healthy manpower". Ekayan literally means "one way" to succeed. To implement this meaning, the main goal
of Ekayan Karate is to unite the entire society or nation through sports and show mutual love, harmony, fraternity
and respect, and help in the development of society and nation. Every sector of society, class, caste, religion,
gender, sect, language, etc. is included in the principle of development, discipline and mobility of sports and by
breaking mutual discrimination, discord, hatred, and strife, through sports. Ekayan karate is the common ground
that feasts the name of the whole society, nation and the world, the name of sports, athletes and the nation.

By following the basic rules and structural methods and factual knowledge of the karate game, Ekayan karate
developed in its own original Nepali style, keeping in mind the Nepali climate, and the discipline, ability and
needs of Nepali athletes It is a unique form of martial art created on Nepali soil. This game paves the way for
physical, mental, intellectual development and discipline and mobility of the players.

Goal of Nepal Ekayan Karate Association

To establish the identity of Nepal and Nepali through sports by expanding the karate game developed as a Nepali
original martial art in different countries of the world and helping to develop the concept of Nepal's martial art
sports through out the world.

Purpose of Nepal Ekayan Karate Association

1) To support the development of the concept of sports in Nepal and to make a special contribution to develop
martial arts in Nepal by observation and study for athletes of the country.
2) To provide a common platform for martial arts players from different countries including Nepal to showcase
their talents.
3) Helping youth and children to develop their talents at the global level and making them feel respected.
4) To strengthen the relationship between players, sports lovers and sports-related fields and supporting
organizations of sports.
5) Formulate future plans in coordination with training centers of other countries of the world.
6) To awaken the sense of self-confidence and discipline in youth and children and to help in the development
of personality and leadership skills.
7) To encourage youth and children to participate in extracurricular activities to the maximum extent possible.
Psfog Karate
Appendix 1 - Current Rates
For SAARC Countries

Branch Fee
- One time registration Fee ........................................................................... US $ 200.00
- Renewal Fee ............................................................................................. US $ 100.00
(Renewable every 3 years)

Rank Certificates ............................................................................................ US $ 5/certificate

Annual Fee ..................................... Annual Fee is NOT applicable for SAARC Countries

Grade (Dan) Fees

Black Belt 1st Degree (1st Dan) ...................................................................... US $ 80.00

Black Belt 2nd Degree (2nd Dan) ................................................................... US $ 90.00

Black Belt 3rd Degree (3rd Dan) .................................................................... US $ 110.00

Black Belt 4th Degree (4th Dan) .................................................................... US $ 130.00

Black Belt 5th Degree (5th Dan) .................................................................... US $ 160.00

Psfog Karate
Appendix 2 - Rules and Regulations for Grading

Section 1
Rank certificates are to be ordered from the NEKA Headquarter currently residing in Nepal.

Nepal Ekayan Karate Association

Khusibun, Nayabazaar, Ward No. 16.
Phone : +977 9851017151

All Degree application forms are to be sent to the NEKA Headquarter (see address above)
along with 2 passport photos and fees including postage. Please note that these applications are
to be sent by the NEKA certified Branch Chief and not the applicants themselves.

Section 2
NEKA certified Branch Chief may grade their members testing for Rank grades up until two
grades lower than his/her own grade.

Only Branch Chief with NEKA Certified EKAYAN Degree are allowed to grade members test-
ing for Rank/Degrees, and then up until two degrees lower than his/her own degree.

Section 3
Grading for degrees higher than Black Belt 3rd Degree (3rd Dan) can only take place at the
NEKA Headquarters in Nepal. (see address above)

Section 4
Students testing for high Rank/Degrees must be active i.e. participate in international and na-
tional events to promote and strengthen EKAYAN Karate as a whole.

All applicants will be judged on their eligibility and enthusiasm as a leader within and repre-
sentatives of NEKA. Applicants below 35 years of age are furthermore required to participate
in tournaments.

Section 5
Applicants applying for NEKA Branch in their respective zone are required to submit their
achievements certificates of others styles for EKAYAN Ranking procedure, thus to be certified
as EKAYAN Branch Chief and will then hold the NEKA certified EKAYAN Degree.
Nepal Ekayan Karate Association (NEKA)
Shahbaz Ali Khan (Pakistan)


1. This Branch Contract has been duly signed in between the Nepal Ekayan Karate Association Headquarters,
located in Nepal, hereinafter named as NEKA and Shahbaz Ali Khan of Pakistan hereinafter named as Pakistan
PRAKE. The NEKA shall provide support, information and advice to its member branch in Pakistan. It shall be
the governing body for Ekayan Karate. The purpose of Pakistan PRAKE shall be the advancement of skills and
the spirit of true EKAYAN Karate in Pakistan.

2. The Pakistan PRAKE/Branch shall establish and enforce rules/regulations and guidelines approved by NEKA,
for the preservation and enhancement of EKAYAN Karate in Pakistan. The branch will subject to and must
enforce all rules and directives issued by NEKA. NEKA rules and directives take precedence over those of the
individual branch.

3. When need be your branch may elect National or Regional Leader. He/she will be elected by:

a. The Branch Chief of the country/region in question on a meeting held for this purpose. NEKA
will approve the election before the National or Regional Leader can enter office.


b. NEKA will assign a person to be National or Regional Leader. NEKA's decision will be based on
the person's effort and experience and Branch Chief in the country or region in question must
approve of the election.

4. NEKA will approve one person to operate EKAYAN Karate Branch. If this person has any other Branches
practicing EKAYAN Karate he/she must register all of them separately.

5. NEKA regards each Branch as having the same rights. All Branch Chiefs have the right to have direct contact
to NEKA, but due to administrative restraints NEKA urges that direct communication be limited to urgent and
high priority matters when possible.

6. Each Branch Chief must submit the following information to NEKA.

a. A resume of his Karate career

b. A registration fee for each Branch that the applicant operates (see appendix 1 for the current
fee). Fee will be adjusted according to inflation and other costs.

7. Branch Chief must register the membership of their students, not later than one month after the first
testing of their students, by ending an application form, photo and the annual membership fee to NEKA
(see appendix 1 for the current fee). Fees will be adjusted according to inflation and other costs. Every year,
February 1st at the latest, the Branch Chief must pay the current annual membership fee for all of their

8. A Branch Chief with Grading Status must comply with all the rules and regulations for Grading laid down by
NEKA (see appendix 1 for the current rates and appendix 2 for current rules and regulations).

9. A Branch Chief with Grading Status must register all promotions they have awarded, by sending the relevant
information and fee within weeks of the Grading.

10. A Branch Chief with Grading Status must only issue original NEKA certificates for all Rank and Dan grades
that they award, Rank certificates will be sent out blank (no name, number etc.). The Branch Chief will fill out
the certificate and hand them out to their students. Dan grade certificates and Black belts are issued solely
by NEKA and will be sent to each Branch after having received test results from the Branch Chief.
11. The fees to NEKA will be used for the development of EKAYAN Karate and the support of the National and
International Branch offices as well as their members. All fees are non-refundable.

12. It is expected that NEKA may disclose to the Licensee, certain information that may be considered proprietary
and confidential. All proprietary information owned by NEKA and disclosed to the Licensee, shall remain the
sole property of NEKA and its confidentiality must be maintained and protected by the Licensee.

13. All materials and documents provided by NEKA are protected by copyright. All copies of any materials must
bear a copyright notice. The copyright of any translation made by NEKA and/or the Licensee of the materials
and/or documents provided by NEKA belongs to Shree Krishna Dangol. The Licensee must promptly report to
NEKA any apparent proprietary and/or copyright infringement that comes to the attention of the Licensee.

14. This agreement is to give the Licensee a license to operate one EKAYAN Karate Branch in the city of Pakistan
in the country of South Asia.

The agreement will remain in effect for a period of Three Years from the date of signed, or until NEKA issues
a written notice of termination, whichever comes first. Every Three Years NEKA will review the operation of
the Licensee and if NEKA find any evidence of dishonorable conduct the Licensee will be given written notice
of such. If after period of three months from the date of notice, these improprieties have been corrected
NEKA has the option of terminating this agreement. If the Licensee does not receive written notice of the
termination of their License, then the License is automatically extended for another Three-Year period.

Please fill out the following information

Name of Branch : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Address of Branch : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Address of Branch Chief : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


I have read and approved the contents of this contract. This agreement is executed on the following date
………………………………………………………. and hereby signed by :

………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………..
NEKA Founder/President Branch Chief
Mahaguru Shree Krishna Dangol Shahbaz Ali Khan
(Printed Name of Branch Chief)

After both parties gave signed the contract, the Branch will receive the following :

a. The EKAYAN Karate Flag and Logo

b. Branch Certificate and Letter of Appointment of Branch Chief

c. EKAYAN Training Guidelines

d. Training Program

Please note, the member cards have to be paid for separately.

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